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29 Waves-Wave Characteristics

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Name: Period:

Waves-Wave Characteristics
1. What is the wavelength of a 256-hertz sound wave 6. The diagram below represents a periodic wave.
in air at STP?
1. 1.17 × 106 m
2. 1.29 m
3. 0.773 m
4. 8.53 × 10-7 m

2. The graph below represents the relationship be- Which point on the wave is in phase with point P?
tween wavelength and frequency of waves created 1. A
by two students shaking the ends of a loose spring. 2. B
3. C
4. D

7. A periodic wave having a frequency of 5.0 hertz and

a speed of 10 meters per second has a wavelength of
1. 0.50 m
2. 2.0 m
3. 5.0 m
4. 50 m

8. A ringing bell is located in a chamber. When the air

is removed from the chamber, why can the bell be
seen vibrating but not be heard?
1. Light waves can travel through a vacuum, but
Calculate the speed of the waves generated in the sound waves cannot.
spring. [Show all work, including the equation and 2. Sound waves have greater amplitude than light
substitution with units.] waves.
3. Light waves travel slower than sound waves.
4. Sound waves have higher frequencies than light
3. What is the period of a water wave if 4 complete
waves pass a fixed point in 10 seconds? 9. The diagram below represents a transverse wave.
1. 0.25 s
2. 0.40 s
3. 2.5 s
4. 4.0 s

4. If the frequency of a periodic wave is doubled, the

period of the wave will be
1. halved The wavelength of the wave is equal to the distance
2. doubled between points
3. quartered 1. A and G
4. quadrupled 2. B and F
3. C and E
5. A 512-hertz sound wave travels 100 meters to an ob- 4. D and F
server through air at STP. What is the wavelength
of this sound wave?

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Name: Period:

Waves-Wave Characteristics
10. The diagram below represents a periodic transverse wave traveling in a uniform medium.

On the diagram above, draw a wave having both a smaller amplitude and the same wavelength as the given wave.

Base your answers to questions 11 through 13 on the information and diagram below.

A longitudinal wave moves to the right through a uniform medium, as shown below. Points A, B, C, D, and E repre-
sent the positions of particles of the medium.

11. Which diagram best represents the motion of the particle at position C as the wave moves to the right?

12. The wavelength of this wave is equal to the distance between points
1. A and B
2. B and C
3. A and C
4. B and E

13. The energy of this wave is related to its

1. amplitude
2. period
3. speed
4. wavelength

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Name: Period:

Waves-Wave Characteristics
14. Which wave diagram has both wavelength (λ) and amplitude (A) labeled correctly?

15. The diagram below represents a transverse wave moving on a uniform rope with point A labeled as
shown. On the diagram, mark an X at the point on the wave that is 180° out of phase with point A.

Base your answers to questions 16 through 18 on the information and diagram below.

Three waves, A, B, and C, travel 12 meters in 2.0 seconds through the same medium as shown in the diagram below.

16. What is the amplitude of wave C?

17. What is the period of wave A?

18. What is the speed of wave B?

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Name: Period:

Waves-Wave Characteristics
Base your answers to questions 19 through 21 on the information below. [Show all work, including the
equation and substitution with units.]

A stationary submarine uses sonar to send a 1.18 × 103-hertz sound wave down through the
ocean water. The reflected sound wave from the flat ocean bottom 324 meters below the sub
is detected 0.425 seconds after it was sent from the submarine.

19. Calculate the speed of the sound wave in the ocean water.

20. Calculate the wavelength of the sound wave in the ocean water.

21. Determine the period of the sound wave in the ocean water.

22. A motor is used to produce 4.0 waves each second in The amplitude of the wave is
a string. What is the frequency of the waves? 1. 4.0 s
1. 0.25 Hz 2. 6.0 s
2. 15 Hz 3. 8 cm
3. 25 Hz 4. 4 cm
4. 4.0 Hz
26. A periodic wave is produced by a vibrating tuning
23. If the amplitude of a wave is increased, the frequency fork. The amplitude of the wave would be greater if
of the wave will the tuning fork were
1. decrease 1. struck more softly
2. increase 2. struck harder
3. remain the same 3. replaced by a lower frequency tuning fork
4. replaced by a higher frequency tuning fork
24. The time required for a wave to complete one full
cycle is called the wave’s 27. The diagram below represents a periodic wave.
1. frequency
2. period
3. velocity
4. wavelength

25. The graph below represents the displacement

of a particle in a medium over a period of time.
Which point on the wave is 90° out of phase with
point P?
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

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Name: Period:

Waves-Wave Characteristics
28. A periodic wave travels at speed v through medium A. The wave passes with all its energy into medium B. The
speed of the wave through medium B is v/2. On the diagram below, draw the wave as it travels through medium
B. Show at least one full wave.

29. The energy of a water wave is closely related to its 33. The energy of a sound wave is closely related to its
1. frequency 1. period
2. wavelength 2. amplitude
3. period 3. frequency
4. amplitude 4. wavelength

30. The diagram below represents a transverse wave. 34. The diagram below shows a periodic wave.

Which points are in phase with each other?

The distance between which two points identifies the 1. A and C
amplitude of the wave? 2. A and D
1. A and B 3. B and C
2. A and C 4. C and D
3. A and E
4. D and E 35. Which unit is equivalent to meters per second?
1. Hz∙s
31. If the amplitude of a wave traveling in a rope is 2. Hz∙m
doubled, the speed of the wave in the rope will 3. s/Hz
1. decrease 4. m/Hz
2. increase
3. remain the same 36. The sound wave produced by a trumpet has a fre-
quency of 440 hertz. What is the distance between
32. Increasing the amplitude of a sound wave produces a successive compressions in this sound wave as it
sound with travels through air at STP?
1. lower speed 1. 1.5 × 10-6 m
2. higher pitch 2. 0.75 m
3. shorter wavelength 3. 1.3 m
4. greater loudness 4. 6.8 × 105 m
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Name: Period:

Waves-Wave Characteristics
Base your answers to questions 37 and 38 on the information and diagram below.

A student standing on a dock observes a piece of wood floating on the water as shown below. As a water wave
passes, the wood moves up and down, rising to the top of a wave crest every 5.0 seconds.

37. Calculate the frequency of the passing water waves. [Show all work, including the equation and substitution
with units.]

38. Calculate the speed of the water waves. [Show all work, including the equation and substitution with units.]

39. The diagram below represents a periodic 41. A surfacing whale in an aquarium produces water
wave traveling through a uniform medium. wave crests every 0.40 seconds. If the water wave
travels at 4.5 meters per second, the wavelength of
the wave is
1. 1.8 m
2. 2.4 m
3. 3.0 m
If the frequency of the wave is 2.0 hertz, the speed of 4. 11 m
the wave is
1. 6.0 m/s 42. The diagram below represents a trans-
2. 2.0 m/s verse wave moving along a string.
3. 8.0 m/s
4. 4.0 m/s

40. Two waves having the same frequency and ampli-

tude are traveling in the same medium. Maximum
constructive interference occurs at points where the
phase difference between the two superimposed On the diagram above, draw a transverse wave that
waves is would produce complete destructive interference
1. 0° when superimposed with the original wave.
2. 90°
3. 180° 43. The product of a wave’s frequency and its period is
4. 270° 1. one
2. its velocity
3. its wavelength
4. Planck’s constant
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Name: Period:

Waves-Wave Characteristics
Base your answers to questions 44 and 45 on the 48. A tuning fork vibrates at a frequency of 512 hertz
information below. when struck with a rubber hammer. The sound
produced by the tuning fork will travel through the
A student plucks a guitar string and the air as a
vibrations produce a sound wave with a fre- 1. longitudinal wave with air molecules vibrating
quency of 650 hertz. parallel to the direction of travel
2. transverse wave with air molecules vibrating
44. The sound wave produced can best be parallel to the direction of travel
described as a 3. longitudinal wave with air molecules vibrating
1. transverse wave of constant amplitude perpendicular to the direction of travel
2. longitudinal wave of constant frequency 4. transverse wave with air molecules vibrating
3. mechanical wave of varying frequency perpendicular to the direction of travel
4. electromagnetic wave of varying wavelengths
49. What is characteristic of both sound waves and elec-
45. Calculate the wavelength of the sound wave in air tromagnetic waves?
at STP. [Show all work, including the equation and 1. They require a medium.
substitution with units.] 2. They transfer energy.
3. They are mechanical waves.
4. They are longitudinal waves.

50. What is the wavelength of a 2.50-kilohertz sound

Base your answers to questions 46 and 47 on the infor- wave traveling at 326 meters per second through air?
mation below. 1. 0.130 m
2. 1.30 m
A transverse wave with an amplitude of 0.20 meters and 3. 7.67 m
wavelength of 3.0 meters travels toward the right in a 4. 130 m
medium with a speed of 4.0 meters per second.
51. While sitting in a boat, a fisherman observes that
46. On the diagram below, place an X at each of two complete waves pass by his position every 4
two points that are in phase with each other. seconds. What is the period of these waves?
1. 0.5 s
2. 2 s
3. 8 s
4. 4 s

52. A sound wave traveling eastward through air causes

the air molecules to
1. vibrate east and west
2. vibrate north and south
3. move eastward, only
4. move northward, only

47. Calculate the period of the wave. [Show all work,

including the equation and substitution with units.]

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Name: Period:

Waves-Wave Characteristics
53. The diagram below represents a periodic wave. 58. The diagram below represents two waves, A and
B, traveling through the same uniform medium.

Which two points on the wave are out of phase?

1. A and C
2. B and F Which characteristic is the same for both waves?
3. C and E 1. amplitude
4. D and G 2. frequency
3. period
54. A distance of 1.0 × 10-2 meter separates successive 4. wavelength
crests of a periodic wave produced in a shallow tank
of water. If a crest passes a point in the tank every 59. A duck floating in a pool oscillates up and down 5.0
4.0 × 10-1 second, what is the speed of this wave? times during a 10.-second interval as a periodic wave
1. 2.5 × 10-4 m/s passes by. What is the frequency of the duck’s oscil-
2. 4.0 × 10-3 m/s lations?
3. 2.5 × 10-2 m/s 1. 0.10 Hz
4. 4.0 × 10-1 m/s 2. 0.50 Hz
3. 2.0 Hz
55. A nurse takes the pulse of a heart and 4. 50. Hz
determines the heart beats periodically
60 times in 60 seconds. The period of 60. A student produces a wave in a long spring by vi-
the heartbeat is brating its end. As the frequency of the vibration is
1. 1 Hz doubled, the wavelength in the spring is
2. 60 Hz 1. quartered
3. 1 s 2. halved
4. 60 s 3. unchanged
4. doubled
56. What is the period of a sound wave having a fre-
quency of 340 hertz? 61. The diagram below shows waves A and B in the
1. 3.40 × 102 s same medium.
2. 1.02 × 100 s
3. 9.73 × 10-1 s
4. 2.94 × 10-3 s

57. A beam of light has a wavelength of 4.5 × 10-7 meter

in a vacuum. The frequency of this light is
1. 1.5 × 10-15 Hz
2. 4.5 × 10-7 Hz Compared to wave A, wave B has
3. 1.4 × 102 Hz 1. twice the amplitude and twice the wavelength
4. 6.7 × 1014 Hz 2. twice the amplitude and half the wavelength
3. the same amplitude and half the wavelength
4. half the amplitude and the same wavelength

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Name: Period:

Waves-Wave Characteristics
62. Which two points on the wave shown in the
diagram below are in phase with each other?

1. A and B
2. A and E
3. B and C
4. B and D

63. A microwave oven emits a microwave with a wave-

length of 2.00 × 10-2 meter in air. Calculate the
frequency of the microwave. [Show all work, includ-
ing the equation and substitution with units.]

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