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The key takeaways are about increasing prayer power through harmonic prayer and setting intentions.

The book is about a technique called harmonic prayer that is intended to instantly increase one's prayer power.

The five steps of the Harmonic Prayer process are: 1) Harmonize with God, 2) Activate your faith, 3) Focus on what you want, 4) Give thanks, and 5) Follow divine guidance.

Harmonic Prayer

How to Instantly Increase

Your Prayer Power

Alan Tutt

Author of:
Choose To Believe: A Practical Guide to Living Your Dreams
Prosperity From the Inside Out
Treasure Map to Online Riches

Creator of:
EmBRACES Belief Entrainment System

PowerKeys Publishing
1805 Walker Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Harmonic Prayer
How to Instantly Increase Your Prayer Power

Copyright © 2012 by Alan Tutt / PowerKeys Publishing

First Edition

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a review.

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Cover design by Alan Tutt produced using CorelDraw.
Cover Photo by Alan Tutt.

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PowerKeys Publishing
1805 Walker Ave NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

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Harmonic Prayer
How to Instantly Increase
Your Prayer Power

Alan Tutt
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Setting the Foundation...............................................1

What Makes Me an Expert on Prayer?.................................3
What Is Prayer?...................................................................10
What (or Who) Is God?......................................................11
Why Does God Answer Prayers?........................................12
What Is Successful Prayer?.................................................13
What Can You Expect?.......................................................13
How to Get Maximum Results Quickly..............................15
Chapter 2: The Harmonic Prayer Process................................17
Step 1: Harmonize With God..............................................17
Step 2: Activate Your Faith.................................................18
Step 3: Focus on What You Want.......................................19
Step 4: Give Thanks............................................................20
Step 5: Follow Divine Guidance.........................................21
Getting Direct Answers from God......................................22
How Often Should You Pray?.............................................22
Chapter 3: How to Instantly Increase Your Prayer Power......23
Spiritual NLP......................................................................23
Resource Anchors for Faith and Focus...............................24
How I Use Resource Anchors.............................................26
Associative Linking............................................................27
Submodality Modification..................................................27
Instant Focus.......................................................................29
BrainWave Entrainment (BWE).........................................30
Success Momentum............................................................32
Light Exercise & Fresh Air.................................................33
Rest & Recreation...............................................................33
Chapter 4: Short Meditations for Greater Prayer Power........35
BWE-Assisted Meditation..................................................36
Passive Meditation..............................................................37
Active Meditation...............................................................39
Guided Meditation..............................................................40
Guided Meditation Examples..............................................41
Chapter 5: How to Grow Faith to the Nth Degree....................51
Where Faith Comes From...................................................51
Getting Faith from Others...................................................53
A Technique We Used in School........................................54
Adding Faith to Your Affirmations.....................................57
A New View on Faith.........................................................59
A More Refined Approach..................................................61
Growing Faith on Autopilot................................................63
Chapter 6: How to Eliminate Doubt..........................................65
Your Belief Scale................................................................65
Using Your Belief Scale......................................................67
Group 1: Money Beliefs......................................................68
Group 2: Relationship Beliefs.............................................69
Group 3: Health Beliefs......................................................69
Group 4: Self-Image Beliefs...............................................70
Group 5: World-Level Beliefs.............................................71
Group 6: Universal Beliefs..................................................73
Pinpointing SPECIFIC Beliefs behind SPECIFIC Issues...75
Chapter 7: How to Live in Perfect Harmony with God...........79
Unconditional Love for All ................................................79
Guilt-free Living.................................................................81
Austerities ..........................................................................82
Practice the Presence..........................................................83
Chapter 8: How to Get Maximum Results from Prayer..........85
What to Avoid in Prayer......................................................85
Bargaining in Prayer...........................................................86
Wisdom & Understanding..................................................87
Strength & Skill..................................................................88
Help & Protection...............................................................89
The Reason Why.................................................................91
Global Enlightenment & Healing.......................................92
Open-ended Results............................................................93
One Prayer for Everything..................................................94
Chapter 9: Prayer Support.........................................................95
The Harmonic Prayer Support System...............................96
Also Available From PowerKeys Publishing...........................101
Choose To Believe ............................................................101
EmBRACES Belief Entrainment System..........................102
Awaken the Avatar Within................................................103
Prosperity From the Inside Out.........................................103
Treasure Map to Online Riches........................................103
PowerKeys Pointers Mailing List......................................103
Quantity Discounts...........................................................104
Chapter 1:
Setting the Foundation

E verybody prays. Not everyone gets the results they should.

This book explains why you may not be getting the results
you should from your prayers, and what you can do to get
miraculous results every time you pray.
What’s missing in your life? Love, health, wealth,
protection, peace, respect, a feeling of being useful to the world?
Whatever you want and need in your life can be yours when you
learn how to use Harmonic Prayer—with faith, focus, and a
feeling of harmony with God.
Not only will you see better results instantly, but with
continued practice, you’ll reach new levels of joy and satisfaction
as you grow spiritually.
Throughout history, mystics and spiritual leaders have told us
that God answers prayers, and that the key factor is our faith.

“According to your faith is it done to you.”

— Matthew 9:29

“And he did not do many miracles there

because of their lack of faith.”
— Matthew 13:58

“I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this

mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and
does not doubt in his heart but believes that what
he says will happen, it will be done for him.”
— Mark 11:23
2 Harmonic Prayer

“Everything is possible for him who believes.”

— Mark 9:23

“I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me

will do what I have been doing. He will do even
greater things than these, because I am going to
the Father.” — John 14:12

In the quotes above from the Christian Bible, we are told that
not only is our faith responsible for the results we get from prayer,
but that Christ Himself could not perform miracles where there
was a lack of faith.
These quotes also indicate that there are literally no limits to
what we may do with prayer. Not only can we do everything that
Christ Himself did, but even more as well!

Although I have included a number of quotes from

the Christian Bible, you do not need to be a
Christian to get positive results from prayer.
Harmonic Prayer works just as well if you follow
other religions, or no particular religion at all.

Some modern spiritual leaders have suggested that only

certain things may be asked for in prayer. They suggest that it’s
wrong to ask for money, for example. As the quotes above
indicate, this is not true. You may ask for anything.
However, as we will cover in more detail later, you may get
more satisfactory results asking for some things rather than others.
As a quick example—rather than asking for one specific person to
fall in love with you, you may be much happier asking for “true
love.” The person you select on your own may not be the best
partner for you, and may actually make your life a living hell!
Setting the Foundation 3

Because faith is such an important factor in prayer, some

prayers tend to produce the exact opposite of what you want. This
usually happens when you are not fully aware of the inner
motivations behind a desire. As you will learn later in this book,
WHY you pray for something is much more important that
WHAT you pray for.
As an example, praying for a million dollars may seem to be
a good way to produce abundant wealth and a comfortable life.
However, the desire to stockpile large amounts of money usually
comes from a fear mentality (greed), indicating a lack of faith in
what many New Thought people call “everlasting supply.”
For this reason, it’s usually smarter to pray for the essence of
what you want, because God knows a lot more than any of us. In
Chapter 8, we’ll cover the types of requests that tend to produce
the results you really want in your life.

What Makes Me an Expert on Prayer?

Although I am not ordained into any organized religion, I
have lived my whole life with prayer, and have dedicated myself
to learning the true nature of prayer and what makes it work.
It all began at an early age. I remember going to Sunday
school as a boy and hearing stories about how Christ and the
prophets performed miracles, such as changing water into wine,
parting the Red Sea, healing the sick, and even raising the dead.
Those stories stuck with me, and continued to pique my interest.
Sometime during my high school years, I prayed that God
would teach me the truth behind miracles, promising to teach
others what I learned. At that time of my life, everything looked
great. I was a straight-A student, had earned a full-tuition
scholarship to DeVry University for Electrical Engineering, and
was headed for a career in a highly profitable field in which I had
great interest and enthusiasm.
For a variety of reasons, I found myself failing at DeVry. I
was trying to work full time while going to school full time, and
4 Harmonic Prayer

couldn’t manage my time effectively. I started sleeping late,

missing classes, and my scholastic career was quickly coming to
an end.
Eventually, I dropped out.
For someone who had always done well in school, this was a
monumental failure. The rest of my life came crashing down like
a house of cards. Eventually, I hit bottom. No home, no car, no
money, no job, no friends, and no one I could ask for help. As I
left town (on foot), I found a penny on the ground, which was the
ONLY money I had at that time.
I was truly starting over with nothing.

The Discovery That Changed Everything

In high school, my interest in miracles led me to delve into
ESP and similar topics. As my life tumbled downhill, I started
grasping at anything that promised to teach me how to tap into the
power of miracles.
I read the Bible, and other than a series of generic suggestions
to “have faith,” there wasn’t anything there which explained
HOW to do that.
I turned to books on other religions, ESP, astrology,
mysticism, magick, and even witchcraft, looking for some clue
that would help me turn my life around and get it back on course
with the vision of success I felt I deserved. In the course of a
single year, I had read (at least a part of) several hundred books.
Nothing seemed to help, until one morning, after wandering
the streets all night, I walked into a bookstore to get out of the
cold, and found The Miracle of Mind Dynamics by Joseph
Murphy, who instantly became my favorite author!
As I stood there reading the words on the page, I felt an
incredible sensation rise up within me. I learned to pretend that
my prayer was already answered, and to feel its reality within the
moment. (This was a suggestion I never found in the Bible.)
Instantly, I felt my whole body relax, and bursting forth was this
unbelievable feeling of joy and satisfaction as I imagined that I
Setting the Foundation 5

would be given enough money to rent a place and get back on my

feet again.
That was about 10:30 in the morning. About 4:30 that
afternoon, I received the results of my prayer when I found $70 on
the sidewalk! With this sudden windfall, I was able to rent a
cheap room for a week (very cheap, and very run down) and get a
little food to keep going.
The very next day, I went back to the bookstore and bought
three of Joseph Murphy’s books, The Miracle of Mind Dynamics
(the one I read in the store), The Power of Your Subconscious
Mind, and Your Infinite Power to be Rich.
Today I own 14 of his books, with multiple copies of some of
them. I like to buy multiple copies so I can give them away when
I feel someone needs what the book offers.

Experiments in Prayer
Most of the time, I would experiment with simple things that
didn’t involve other people, like changing the weather. There was
one summer in particular when I was living with someone who
had a small garden and didn’t want to water it every day. At one
point, she commented that it would be nice if it rained a little each
day. A few minutes of thoughtful action did the trick. Every day
for the next three months, a small amount of rain would fall from
the skies.
During the same time period, a tornado was reported to be
heading in our direction. When I saw my girlfriend running
around to collect her animals, I told her to calm down and that I
would pray about it. I sat down, focused my mind on dispersing
the tornado, and within a matter of minutes, the news station
reported that the tornado had dissipated.
Because I lacked faith in prosperity back then, my prayers for
money rarely worked. There were a few successes, though. One
such success occurred when I worked at a die-cutting shop, a
place that does finishing work for printers. As a day-laborer hired
merely to do odd jobs, I had absolutely no control over the amount
6 Harmonic Prayer

of work that came into the shop, yet I was able to consistently get
the specific number of hours I wanted each week. Each week, I
picked a different number, such as 40, 45, 42, 46.5, or 49. At the
end of each week, my timesheet was consistently within a half-
hour of what I specified to myself at the beginning of that week.
I’ll never forget the time I was talking to one of the press
operators about this and mentioned how I had decided I would get
48 hours that week. His reaction was, “We don’t even have
enough work to keep us busy for 40 hours. There’s no way we’ll
get 8 hours of overtime!” I smiled and simply said, “We have no
idea what other jobs are coming into the shop. We can only see
what’s here now. There will be more jobs coming in the next few
The other press operator (we had only two presses operating
on second shift) thought the idea was intriguing and was open to
the possibility. Within a couple of days, a large job came into the
shop, which required foil stamping and needed to be out the same
week. End result: the first press operator only got 40 hours that
week, yet the second operator and I got 48 hours, proving once
again that my prayer process worked.
The next week, the second press operator and I were talking
about this and he suggested we go for maximum overtime. I
thought it would be an interesting experiment and prayed by
setting my intention accordingly. (Without a doubt, the
SIMPLEST form of prayer possible.) By this time, my faith was
so strong, I KNEW something special was going to happen.
Maximum overtime turned out to be 60 to 70 hour weeks for
months on end! That special rush job was done so well we ended
up getting far more work from it than we bargained for! My
paychecks were FAT to say the least! I was smiling regularly for
the first time in years.
Notice here that I was not running a business. Nor was I a
salesperson in this company. I was simply a day-laborer brought
in to fill a low-level position. I also wasn’t asking God to make
things happen for me. I simply “decided” what I wanted, and felt
assured—had faith—that I would get it. I didn’t spend any time
Setting the Foundation 7

during the week thinking about whether I would get what I wanted
or not, nor did I question the process. Once I set it in motion, I let
it go and only checked at the end to verify that my timesheet
matched what I had specified.
From the many experiments I performed, I had solid proof
that I could get the results I wanted from prayer. Exactly how this
worked was still a matter of debate, and I continued to test many
different techniques and combinations of techniques for years
Despite many suggestions that faith was the only requirement
for prayer, my experiments led me to conclude that there were
three keys to unlock the power of miracles. I knew that faith was
one of those factors, but I also found that mental focus was a
factor, as well as something I now call “harmonic resonance with
All of these factors will be discussed in depth in this book.

Relationship Success
One of the most enjoyable results of prayer is the wonderful
relationship I have with my wife, Linda. When I decided it was
time to pray for the “perfect” relationship, I started by looking at
the beliefs I had about relationships, and considered how I could
increase my faith in this area.
I would say that the most important new beliefs were: 1) as
long as I use prayer to create what I want, my life will always get
better, and 2) every relationship is like a walk in the woods—
sometimes you run into brier patches, but if you continue, you get
to see glorious splendors. Both beliefs are based on faith—faith
that there will be good times ahead.
Once I knew what new beliefs would support my prayers, I
began working with self-hypnosis. (I would use a different
process now.) I spent a few sessions a week programming the
new beliefs into my mind so my reaction patterns would support
the goal I set. Then, I started performing a form of prayer I call
creative daydreaming.
8 Harmonic Prayer

In those sessions, I would enter a light to medium level

meditative state. While in that state, I would affirm “I am now
creating the future I want, and the images I play in my mind will
manifest into my life. My inner mind knows the best way for this
to happen, and it brings this about in the best way possible.”
(Again, I would do it differently today.)
For the next period of time (probably about 10 – 20 minutes),
I would daydream about the relationship I wanted. I saw myself
meeting someone who attracted me, and I saw her being attracted
to me as well. I saw us spending lots of time together, and while
seeing these things, I felt the emotions I knew I would feel when
the events actually happened. I felt the most intense feeling of
love I could imagine feeling. I felt the emotion of happiness, the
emotion of desire, and all the other emotions that fill a good
relationship. And yes, I daydreamed about wonderful sex.
After each session, I would feel very much at peace. There
may have been a slight feeling of emptiness since the relationship
was not there at the time, but I felt as if it would come soon
enough. In essence, I felt as if I had spent some quality time with
the woman of my dreams, and although she was gone, she would
return later.
I continued to work with these prayer sessions nearly every
day for several weeks. Then I had to focus on other tasks, so I let
it go. (This was during a period of rebuilding my life after some
failed experiments.) In a few months, I met Linda, who is now
my wife. As soon as I met her, I knew she was the one. Virtually
everything I visualized, including many elements I had never
experienced in a relationship, are now a part of our life together.

Business Success
As you may recall, my life took a major downturn after I left
high school, to the point where I became homeless. Living in
such desperate circumstances proved to be a major handicap, as I
quickly lost any faith in my ability to succeed. (Probably why we
have the saying, “The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.”)
Setting the Foundation 9

Although I had experienced limited success in financial

matters, such as in the die-cutting shop example, true prosperity
continued to elude me for many years. (If I had only known then
what I know now....)
Over time, I discovered several techniques to build my faith
(discussed later in this book), and the more I used them, the more
my results improved.
Along the way, I also learned photography. Eventually, I
started working for Lifetouch doing school pictures, Olan Mills
doing portraits, and a local company doing weddings. I also
started pursuing freelance work in my free time.
All while praying that I would be successful.
A breakthrough came after I created my own “not-so-
subliminal” tape to help reprogram my inner beliefs about money
and success in general. I simply recorded myself repeating dozens
of positive statements about what I thought were important beliefs
to have. When I played the tape in the background while doing
other things, it became subliminal since I wasn’t focused on
listening to the recording.
Within a few months, I was making good money as a
photographer, and having a great time doing it. In fact, there were
some jobs where I walked away with the equivalent of $1,000 for
each hour I was there!
An even bigger breakthrough came when I prayed again for
increased prosperity. In those prayers, I imagined owning a
business which paid me a large, regular income and didn’t require
my personal involvement on a day-to-day basis. As I exercised, I
pretended that my company was being handled by employees, and
when the phone rang, I pretended it was a big order coming in.
At the time, I had no idea what kind of business it would be,
but I knew it could happen simply because I was praying for it.
In the following months, I started noticing many suggestions
to start a business on the Internet. I had no idea how to create a
website, and frankly, I didn’t want to learn, so I resisted the idea.
However, the more the idea was suggested to me, the more I
realized that God was trying to tell me something.
10 Harmonic Prayer

What got me off my butt and online was an idea I heard while
listening to the audio version of One Minute Millionaire by Robert
G. Allen and Mark Victor Hansen. I heard that there were website
services to help you create an instant Internet storefront using a
point-and-click interface.
The idea intrigued me, especially since the authors claimed it
would generate a passive income with no day-to-day personal
involvement. Although the resources they listed were no longer
available, and the process wasn’t as easy as they said, I did find a
way to set up a website using a point-and-click interface. And
thus, my first website ( was born. (It’s
changed a lot since then.)
One thing led to the next, and within a month, I was making
money online. The more I learned, the more money I made. The
nature of the Internet allows quick, cheap testing of advertising,
impossible in any other form of business. And although I made
many mistakes and spent a ton of money on my education (buying
ebooks, software, and marketing courses), the business was “in the
black” (had earned more than I had spent) in less than 6 months.
Almost impossible with any off-line business!
Over the years, my prayers have continued to produce
tangible results. My relationship with Linda keeps getting better
and better. My business grows more profitable, and has brought
in as much as $5,000 in a single day.
Now, I get to spend my days the way I want, and life is good.

What Is Prayer?
Some people think of prayer as a process of kneeling down
beside their bed at night to talk to God. Others think of prayer as
a sacred ritual using candles, incense, and a mantra chanted over
and over again for long periods of time. Still others think of
prayer as a scientific process of tapping into and directing
Universal Powers using specially charged implements, such as
talismans and amulets, in a process some call magick.
Setting the Foundation 11

For the purpose of this book, I’m going to define prayer as a

process of asking for Divine Assistance to fulfill specified desires.
This is a very open definition which encompasses many different
methods of prayer.
Any method of prayer may be used as long as it fulfills
certain requirements, which we’ll cover in detail in the next

What (or Who) Is God?

Many people see God as some type of “super human,” with
desires, plans, and personality, and while this may be okay, I think
it limits God in countless ways.
Many others have found God to respond so predictably that
we could consider God to be a natural force of the Universe, much
like gravity, electricity, or nuclear energy. Again, while this may
be okay, I think it also limits God in many ways.
And depending on what cultures you’ve experienced, you
may be familiar with different names often used for God, such as
Yahweh, Allah, Elohim, Adi Purush, Bhagwaan, Brahma, Ishvar,
Maheshvar, Vishnu, Krishna, Rama, Waheguru, Ek Onkar,
Satnam, Nirankar, Akal Purakh, or any of countless others.
Personally, I think it’s impossible for any human to really
define God, simply because we cannot possibly understand
everything that God is. However, for the purpose of this book,
I’m going to define God as the Divine Essence of the Universe,
the Eternal Source from which all things flow.
In the end, God is what God is. (“I AM THAT I AM”) As
human beings, we do not have the capacity to fully understand
God, and so it’s best to allow God to reveal God’s nature to us as
God chooses. (I apologize for the awkward language. God is
neither strictly male nor strictly female, neither a ‘he’ nor a ‘she’,
and the English language does not yet have a dual-gender
pronoun, meaning “both male and female.”)
12 Harmonic Prayer

Why Does God Answer Prayers?

In order to get positive results from prayer, it’s important to
enter prayer with a solid expectation that your prayer will be
answered. So let’s take a moment and discuss the possible
reasons why God would answer prayer.
If you choose to see God as a “super human” type of being,
then you might see the prayer process as one where God hears
your request, delegates the task of manifesting it to an angel or
other heavenly being, who in turn goes to work to fulfill your
From this viewpoint, you could say that God acts as a loving
parent, doing whatever is required to help you live a happy and
successful life, just as any loving parent would do. At times, this
may mean that God will deny a request, because fulfilling it would
somehow hurt you. It also means that when you ask for love, you
will get love, even if it comes from a different source than you
originally expected.
If you approach life with a more scientific view—choosing to
see God as a natural force of the Universe—you might prefer to
see prayer as a process where a vibration is established in a
universal field, which produces the final manifestation in a more-
or-less mechanical fashion. This is the typical explanation for
New Age ideas, such as the Law of Attraction.
With this view of God, the reason for God answering a prayer
becomes similar to the reason for hydrogen and oxygen to
combine and form water—it just happens. This means that in
order to get the results you want from prayer, you must pay
attention to the variables in a “prayer formula” and make sure that
all requirements are met, such as faith, focus, and a feeling of
harmony with God, as described in this book.
Because we, as humans, cannot know the true nature of God,
we also cannot know exactly how prayer works. Luckily, both of
the viewpoints described above will produce positive results from
prayer, because, for whatever reason, God DOES answer prayers
Setting the Foundation 13

when those prayers are offered with faith, focus, and a feeling of
Divine Harmony.

What Is Successful Prayer?

If we are to approach prayer in a practical way, we must have
a practical way to measure success. In the case of prayer, where
our intention is to produce a specific result, determining success is
easy. Did we get the result we asked for?
Of course, we may want to consider other factors as well.
How quickly must the prayer be answered, for instance, before we
attribute the result to our prayer? Must the manifestation of our
objective break the laws of physics before it can be considered a
direct result of prayer? Does an angel have to appear before you?
Personally, I take a very pragmatic view. If you pray for
something and get it within a reasonable time, your prayer was
answered. For example, if you pray for a new car, and later
discover that you can afford the payments with your current
income, your prayer was answered. The fact that you already had
the available funds simply means your prayer was answered
before you even prayed about it.
On the other hand, if you’ve been praying for romantic
adventures, and nothing has happened for several months, it’s time
to consider if your prayer process is working as it should.

What Can You Expect?

Most of the time, prayers are answered through what may be
considered a normal course of events. Rarely will there be any
bolts of lightning, or choirs of angels singing.
Let’s say you pray for a new relationship. The next day, you
get frustrated at a co-worker, and go for a drive. An hour later,
you stop to get something to drink. Before you get back into your
car, you notice a ball game, and decide to sit and watch. While
14 Harmonic Prayer

there, you “just happen” to meet someone, and as you talk, you
find yourself wanting to get to know this person better. One thing
leads to another, and a new relationship is formed. Whether you
realized it or not, God guided you every step of the way so you
could meet this person.
Divine Guidance can usually be described as a string of
events and intuitive feelings leading you to do things you
wouldn’t ordinarily do. When God guides you, God will do
whatever is necessary to get you there.
If you are open to intuition (which is just as common in men
as it is in women), God will use this channel to communicate with
you. However, if you block your intuition—either consciously or
unconsciously—then God will create physical events which will
“push your buttons” or give you “a kick in the backside” to get
you moving in the right direction.
You may also receive Divine Guidance through your dreams.
Here, it’s important to realize that any “symbolism” used in your
dreams will be relatively easy for you to interpret, because the
message was intended specifically for you. If you wake up with
any strong dream after praying, spend a little time to figure out
what it may mean to you, and how it may apply to your prayers.
Any time you pay attention to your dreams, you’ll start to
remember more of them. This can be an excellent way to get in
touch with your deeper self, as you become more familiar with the
imagery and themes that appear in your dreams. You may find it
helpful to keep a notepad near your bed so you can jot down notes
to help you remember your dreams later. It’s amazing how
quickly a vivid dream will fade into oblivion if it’s not written
If you cannot find any meaning in a dream, don’t worry about
it. Not every dream has meaning, and some dreams are simply
our inner minds working things out. When God sends you a
message, God will make it SO CLEAR that you cannot possibly
miss it.
Divine Guidance isn’t the only way that prayers are
answered. Sometimes God changes the way other people behave.
Setting the Foundation 15

If you pray to find harmony in a relationship with a co-worker, for

example, you may go into work to find your co-worker in an
unusually pleasant mood. And this may be the spark that nudges
things into a more positive direction, eventually blossoming into a
wonderfully harmonious working relationship.
There really are no set rules about how God answers prayers,
and anything—literally, anything—can happen. And yes, that
includes true miracles coming out of nowhere to answer your
prayers. You just need to know how to do Harmonic Prayer.

How to Get Maximum Results Quickly

This book is organized to help you get results as quickly as
possible—even BEFORE you’re done reading it.
In the next chapter, you’ll learn about the Harmonic Prayer
process, which will improve your results right away. Just by
following the Harmonic Prayer process, you can double or triple
your prayer power. In Chapter 3, you’ll learn more ways you can
instantly increase the power of your prayers.
Each successive chapter gives you additional techniques
which further increase the power of your prayers, but which also
take more time. For example, Chapter 4 talks about meditation,
which requires at least 20 minutes, and Chapters 5 & 6 talk about
a process for discovering and changing limiting beliefs, which can
sometimes take an hour or more.
Only after all of the “quick fixes” have been covered do we
get into longer-term strategies to increase your prayer power to the
Nth degree.
As you go through this book, practice the various techniques
described. Reading about them will do nothing for you. It’s only
when you work with them that they will increase your prayer
Chapter 2:
The Harmonic Prayer Process

I n this chapter, I’ll describe the essence of the Harmonic Prayer

process. This process is based on the primary factors I’ve
found to be responsible for effective prayer, which are faith, focus,
and a feeling of harmony with God.
In the following chapters, we’ll discuss how you can improve
each of these factors to make your prayers even more powerful.
The steps outlined below do not need to be complicated, and
each step may be completed in just a few seconds. If you want to
spend more time on one or more of these steps, that’s okay too.

For quick reference, the steps involved are:

1. Harmonize with God

2. Activate your faith
3. Focus on what you want
4. Give thanks
5. Follow Divine Guidance

Step 1: Harmonize With God

This is the starting point for effective prayer. Unless you are
in harmony with God, your prayer will go nowhere, and nothing
will happen. To be in harmony with God is one of the best
feelings you can ever experience. It’s better than drugs or sex,
and can be a very healthy addiction.
One of the quickest and easiest ways to bring yourself into
harmony with God is to love. Love life, love yourself, love
everyone, love nature, love the Universe, and above all, love God.
This is one of the main reasons Christ taught love as a way of
life. The more you love, the more you are in harmony with God,
18 Harmonic Prayer

and the more powerful your prayers will be. The more you
engage in hate, envy, greed, and pride, the weaker your prayers
If anything is happening in your life that makes it difficult to
feel love, the best advice I can give you is to ignore it (as best you
can) for the few minutes it takes to pray for a solution.
Focus on anything and everything you CAN feel love for, and
spend as much time as necessary (or as much time as you have
available) to bring yourself into harmony with God. A little is
good, a lot is better. In Chapter 4, I’ll give you a few short
meditations that will help with this.
Personally, when I pray, the first thing I do is to imagine God
as a HUGE entity standing in front of me, and I imagine myself
giving God a great big hug. As I do this, I also make a conscious
effort to open myself spiritually to accept God into my being.
This results in an incredible rush of joy and satisfaction that
makes every part of my body tingle, both inside and out. That’s
when I know that I am in harmony with God.
The more you practice opening yourself up to God and
allowing God to fill your being, the easier it will be, and the better
results you’ll get.

Step 2: Activate Your Faith

Faith is the power which makes prayer work. As Christ often
said, “according to your faith is it done to you.” The stronger your
faith, the better your prayers will work. With absolute faith (faith
without any doubt whatsoever—a “knowingness”), true miracles
are possible.
In the next several chapters, we’ll go into much more detail
on how to increase your faith during prayer. For now, realize that
the easiest way to activate your faith is to think of something you
know to be an absolute fact, such as the reality of your own hand,
or the fact that you need God’s help.
The Harmonic Prayer Process 19

By thinking about something you KNOW to be true, a feeling

of trust, confidence, and faith wells up within you, and you can
bring this feeling into the rest of your prayer process. Once you
feel faith welling up, you can also imagine “turning up the
volume” on your faith, and by doing so, you can increase your
faith even more. Again, we’ll go into more detail on this in the
following chapters.
Ideally, you want to have absolute faith in the Harmonic
Prayer process itself, and in the results that God will ultimately
create for you. You’ll know when you’ve reached this point
because you’ll experience something I call “Divine
Detachment”—a feeling that the problem is already solved, and
the solution will manifest no matter what you do.
When you’re first starting out, this may not be easy, since
you have no real experience with getting results from prayer.
However, by eliciting a feeling of faith about other things, you can
essentially “borrow” this faith and “transfer” it to the Harmonic
Prayer process.
As you begin to notice better and better results from your
prayers, you will naturally gain faith in the Harmonic Prayer
process itself, and before long, you’ll KNOW that your prayers
will produce results—even miraculous results if necessary.

Step 3: Focus on What You Want

This is the step where you make your request known to God.
You can do this with words, with mental images, or with actions.
The form is not as important as the intention behind it.
It’s important that you communicate your intention clearly.
To do this well, you need to focus your mind on what you want,
and avoid all other thoughts during the Harmonic Prayer process.
You don’t need to include every detail about how your prayer
should manifest. You want to leave it open for God to give you
the best possible result, unhampered by limited human thinking.
20 Harmonic Prayer

Rather, you want to be very clear about what you want to

happen. If you want a mountain to throw itself into the sea, you
want to be clear about WHICH mountain is thrown into WHICH
sea, and that no-one gets hurt in the process.
If you want a new romantic relationship, you want to be clear
about what type of person you want, the types of activities the two
of you will enjoy doing together, and any other details you want to
be part of the new relationship.
If you’re looking for a new job, you want to be very clear
about the type of job you want. If the only thing you really care
about is that you enjoy the work, whatever it is, then you want to
be clear about the FEELINGS the new job will give you.
When you pray, you’ll find the process will work better if
you can imagine your request as you speak the words describing
it. This combination of imagination and spoken words seems to
help focus your mind to an incredible degree, and will make your
prayers even more powerful.

Step 4: Give Thanks

Giving thanks is a great way to end the Harmonic Prayer
process. Not only does it ease your transition to other things, it
also brings you into greater harmony with God. And ending your
Harmonic Prayer this way makes it even more powerful.
There are many folks who feel that spending time in gratitude
is the best thing you can do to improve your life. The logic here is
that the more you are in harmony with God, the more God will
guide the events of your life to a state of perfection and grace.
The same can be said about love. The more you love, the
more you are in harmony with God, and the more your life will
reflect love back to you.
Love and gratitude are two very powerful forces. Forces that
produce astounding and miraculous results.
The Harmonic Prayer Process 21

Step 5: Follow Divine Guidance

After you’ve prayed, your task is to follow Divine Guidance.
In most cases, your prayer will be answered with a set of
instructions—given one at a time—that will lead you to the
outcome you asked for.
And while God is certainly more than capable of guiding you
without your help, you’ll find it a lot easier—and more enjoyable
—if you actively participate in the process.
A great way to listen for God’s guidance is with meditation.
After you’ve finished praying, stay right where you are, and quiet
your mind. Don’t strain for the answer. Just keep your mind
open, and pay attention to the thoughts that come into your mind.
Not all of the thoughts which come into your mind will be
from God. Some may be from your own subconscious mind,
especially when you’re new to the process.
The best thing I can tell you is that there will be a slight
difference between thoughts which come from God and thoughts
which do not. It’s not that you’ll hear angels singing, thunder
cracking, or see a shaft of light beaming down from the skies. The
difference will usually be small, like a feeling in your gut, or a
tiny vibration which resonates at a different frequency.
With practice and experience, you’ll learn to distinguish
which thoughts are worth paying attention to, and which ones
should be ignored. The more you trust the process (ie.— have
faith), the sooner you’ll notice the difference.
If you don’t get anything definite right away, don’t worry.
Trust that God will answer your prayer in Divine Order—meaning
that it will happen at the soonest possible opportunity, when the
conditions are right.
As you go about your life, you may notice events that “push”
or “pull” you in one way or another. This is another form of
Divine Guidance, and being open to new directions will help God
answer your prayers.
22 Harmonic Prayer

Getting Direct Answers from God

Another way to get Divine Guidance is to “cast lots” for the
answer. This process was used in Biblical times when important
decisions had to be made. (See Acts 1:24 – 26 for an example.)
Essentially, you pray for an answer to a question, then set up
a “random” event to indicate God’s answer. This could be
flipping a coin, drawing straws, throwing dice, drawing cards,
opening a book with eyes closed and placing a finger on a page, or
anything else that can indicate Divine Guidance.
Keep in mind that the purpose is to receive an answer from
God, so you want to be as much in harmony with God as you can
during the process. Otherwise, you’re just gambling.
The Bible has often been used for this. Here, you pray for the
answer you need, then close your eyes, open the Bible to a
“random” page, place a finger on a page, and finally look to see
what is written under your finger. What you find there will
indicate an answer to your question.
Other books can also be used. For example, if you have a
problem in relationships, using a book on relationships can make
it easier for God to give you a direct answer. You could also use
the same process to select an appropriate book from several
possible choices.

How Often Should You Pray?

Feel free to use the Harmonic Prayer process for anything and
everything. Nothing is too small or too large to ask for God’s
help. And the more you pray, the better you get at it.
As a general rule, it’s okay to pray whenever you feel the
need, even if that means praying several times every hour.
Just realize that your prayers will be answered in God’s time.
If you find yourself wondering if the process is working, you may
want to pray for greater faith.
The Harmonic Prayer Process 23

This has been a sampler of Alan Tutt’s newest book,

Harmonic Prayer.
If you liked what you found here, you’ll LOVE the rest of the
book. At only $9.99, it’s well within the budget of anyone who
wants to improve the results they get from prayer.
You can get the full book directly from the author at:

The Harmonic Prayer Support System

For those who wish to get faster results with Harmonic
Prayer, I have created a set of audio recordings to make using the
system easier.
Everything described here is a part of the Essential Harmonic
Prayer Support Package. There is also a Deluxe Package
available for those who wish to further maximize their results.
If you’re interested in these audio programs, you’ll find them

Faith CDs (4)

To help you increase your faith, I have included in the
Essential support package four CDs from my EmBRACES Belief
Entrainment System. These CDs were designed to be played in
the background while you do other things (such as working,
driving, or other activities requiring focus), and reinforce the
beliefs required for strong faith in magic and miracles—exactly
what most folks want from their prayers.
What's really great about these CDs is that they contain so
much variety, you will never get “desensitized” to the material.
This means that you will continue to get positive results no matter
how long you listen to them.
For a complete description of the technologies contained in
these EmBRACES recordings, go to:
24 Harmonic Prayer

Feeling CD
To help you increase your feeling of being in harmonic
resonance with God, I have created a set of four guided
meditations. All of these meditations include a BWE (BrainWave
Entrainment) component, which helps put you into the ideal mind
state for meditation.
Harmonic Meditation for Divine Faith – This 20-minute
meditation helps to increase your faith as well as the feeling of
harmony with God. It guides you through a proven process to
identify the feeling of faith, and then to amplify it to the point
where you KNOW that you can perform miracles.
Harmonic Meditation for Divine Love – One of the most
powerful factors for achieving harmonic resonance with God, this
20-minute meditation guides you through a process which
connects you with the most powerful love in the Universe.
Harmonic Meditation for Divine Power – This 20-minute
meditation uses a Kabbalah form called the “Tree of Life”, said to
be the most powerful way to bring yourself into harmonic
resonance with God. This meditation does not stop with the
middle pillar of balance as most do, and also includes the pillar of
severity and pillar of mercy as well. By the time you’re done with
this meditation, you'll FEEL God's Power vibrating throughout
your entire body!
Harmonic Meditation for Divine Wisdom – The final 20-
minute meditation on this CD, this meditation completes the
process of bringing you into PERFECT harmonic resonance with
God, as it combines Divine Love and Divine Power to activate
dormant areas of your brain and mind, creating new connections
between the neurons, and increasing your intelligence, your
memory, and your creativity, as you grow more in tune with the
Divine Mind of God.

Feel free to listen to these meditations individually,

or all at once. Either way releases incredible prayer power!
The Harmonic Prayer Process 25

Focus CD
To help you increase your ability to focus, and thereby
clearly communicate what you want in prayer, I have created a
series of three meditations.
Passive Meditation – This 20-minute meditation guides you
into a traditional passive meditation, where you eliminate all
distracting thoughts from your mind. This process is helped by a
BWE (BrainWave Entrainment) track, which automatically takes
you into a low alpha state of mind.
Active Meditation – This 20-minute meditation goes in the
opposite direction, and guides you through a process where you
eventually pay attention to EVERYTHING in the environment
around you. Your limits will be pushed and stretched, as you
grow to become more than you were. This meditation has
produced extraordinary results for those who have used it.
BWE Brain Tune-up – This 30-minute BWE session
contains no words, yet removes any resistance within your brain,
allowing you to think faster, more clearly, and using less energy.
As a result, you find yourself sleeping less, getting more done, and
achieving better results. Incredible!

Prayer Session CD
This CD—intended to help you focus your mind during
prayer—automatically makes your prayers more powerful. These
sessions may also be used for self-guided meditations. They help
focus your mind using BWE (BrainWave Entrainment), a natural
technology proven to help you reach deeper levels than you could
on your own. There are four 20-minute tracks on this CD.
Alpha Track – This track uses a basic alpha BWE protocol
with music, giving you a gentle background with which to pray.
Perfect for those new to BWE.
Alpha+Theta Track – This track goes deeper, and helps you
focus even more, to the point of disconnecting from the world
around you. The background contains natural forest sounds.
26 Harmonic Prayer

Alpha+Theta+Gamma Track – Similar to the above track,

this one adds a gamma component, to prevent you from “zoning
out” to the point of losing your intention. Especially useful for
those who tend to fall asleep during meditation. The background
here is a natural beach environment.
Theta+Gamma Track – For those who want to explore the
limits of BWE-enhanced prayer and meditation. This session
takes you deeper, while keeping you focused. Includes other-
worldly music to help you further disconnect from current reality.

BWE Session CD
In addition to all of the above, the Essential Harmonic
Prayer Package includes this resource CD, with four different
BWE sessions to help you get positive results in all areas of life.
None of these session include any words, and the effects are
purely from the technology of BrainWave Entrainment. Also,
headphones are NOT required for any of these sessions, making
them easier to use any time you want.
Creativity Booster – This 20-minute BWE session will
break you out of any box of limited thinking you may be stuck in.
Using a series of random BWE frequencies, your brain will be
slowed down, sped up, and taken for a ride so you can see your
problem from many points of view all at the same time. Creative
solutions tend to pop out just like toast from a toaster!
IQ Booster – This 20-minute BWE session activates dormant
area of your brain using a highly specialized BWE protocol in the
upper-beta range. Scientific studies have shown that many people
gain an average of 30 IQ points from listening to this protocol
once a day for a week.
Healing BWE Session – This 20-minute BWE session uses
two distinct BWE tracks to activate the natural healing process in
your body. For best results, listen to this session three times or
more in succession for maximum effect.
Anxiety Relief – This 20-minute BWE session is especially
useful for those who find it difficult to relax. Starting at a high-
The Harmonic Prayer Process 27

beta, this session slowly brings you down into a more relaxed
alpha state before bringing you back to a low-beta at the end. As a
result, you'll be calm, confident, and alert.

Again, all of these recordings are part of a special support

system I’ve created for you to get maximum results from the
Harmonic Prayer process as quickly as possible. This system may
be found at:

Thank you.
Also Available From
PowerKeys Publishing

Choose To Believe
The core foundation of Alan Tutt’s work, Choose To Believe
provides a scientific and practical understanding of the power of
faith. In this book, you’ll learn:

• What science has to say about the Power of Faith

• How beliefs become “real world” experience
• How to find and measure your true beliefs
• How to change what you believe and enjoy life more
• How to covertly help others change what they believe

Essential Package
• Choose To Believe ebook
• 28 Days to Effortless Success ebook
• 2008 Choose To Believe workshop audio recordings
• 2011 Choose To Believe workshop audio recordings

Deluxe Package
Includes the complete Essential Package above, plus:

• Complete Self-Esteem module from EmBRACES Belief

Entrainment System (36 recordings)
• Law of Attraction Insider teleseminar series
(23 recordings plus transcripts)
• 5 additional teleseminars featuring Alan Tutt.

All of the above are fully described at
30 Harmonic Prayer

EmBRACES* Belief Entrainment System

For those who want maximum results with minimum effort.
The EmBRACES Belief Entrainment System includes 360
recordings of background audio (120 full CDs worth) which
combine BWE, NLP, NSS, and 492 belief statements to condition
your mind for true success. Covers all areas, from self-esteem and
self-sufficiency, to confidence, motivation, productivity, self-
mastery, peace of mind, relationships, and prosperity.
One of the main problems with most mind-conditioning
materials is that they repeat a handful of statements over and over
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With the EmBRACES Belief Entrainment System, multiple
voices are used, with a wide variety of music and tones to create a
highly textured audio experience which remains non-distracting,
yet keeps your inner mind engaged and listening. This maximizes
the results you get.
Further enhancing your self-development, the belief
statements are not subliminal, but are presented in a low-key
manner which presents minimal distraction. This “not-so-
subliminal” (NSS) approach has been proven to work time and
time again.
Each recording in the EmBRACES Essential Package
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state for learning new material.
Both of the above packages are fully described at

* – EmBRACES stands for:

Empowering Belief Reinforcement and Alignment for
Confidence, Excellence, and Success.
Also Available From PowerKeys Publishing 31

Awaken the Avatar Within

Similar to Harmonic Prayer, Awaken the Avatar Within (due
to come out in 2012) presents its material without the religious
For more information on this book and associated packages,
go to

Prosperity From the Inside Out

Taking the core ideas from Choose To Believe and addressing
the issue of prosperity directly, Prosperity From the Inside Out
starts by addressing the specific beliefs required for abundant
prosperity, and then expands by covering a variety of practical tips
and tricks for attracting money from every direction.

Treasure Map to Online Riches

The Internet has been responsible for more “overnight
millionaires” than anything else in history. In this 157-page
report, Alan Tutt explains the key principles involved in building
an online business that is practically guaranteed to be a success.
Covering everything from basic concepts, to step-by-step
instructions for setting up a profitable website, to high-end
marketing principles previously available only in $2,000 courses,
Treasure Map to Online Riches is literally a gold mine of high-
value information.

Both of the above books, plus associated packages, may be

found at

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