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Endoscopic Approach To The Tensor Fold - Acta Otolaryngol. 2009 Marchioni1

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Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 2009; 129: 946!



Endoscopic approach to tensor fold in patients with

attic cholesteatoma


Acta Otolaryngol Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 10/24/14

Department of Otolaryngology, University Hospital of Modena, Modena, Italy

Conclusion. The endoscopic approach to attic cholesteatoma allows clear observation of the tensor fold area and
consequently, excision of the tensor fold, modifying the epitympanic diaphragm. This permits good removal of
cholesteatoma and direct ventilation of the upper unit, preventing the development of a retraction pocket or attic
cholesteatoma recurrence, with good functional results. Objectives. An isthmus block associated with a complete tensor fold
is a necessary condition for creation and development of an attic cholesteatoma. During surgical treatment of attic
cholesteatoma, tensor fold removal is required to restore ventilation of the attic region. Use of a microscope does not allow
exposure of the tensor fold area and so removal of the tensor fold can be very difficult. In contrast, the endoscope permits
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better visualization of the tensor fold area, and this aids understanding of the anatomy of the tensor fold and its removal,
restoring attic ventilation. Patients and methods. In all, 21 patients with limited attic cholesteatoma underwent an endoscopic
approach with complete removal of the disease. Patients with a wide external ear canal were operated through an exclusively
endoscopic transcanal approach; patients with a narrow external ear canal or who were affected by external canal exostosis
were operated through a traditional retroauricular incision and meatoplasty followed by the endoscopic transcanal
approach. Results. In 18/21 patients, the endoscope permitted the discovery of different anatomical morphologies of the
tensor fold. Sixteen patients presented a complete tensor fold (one with an anomalous transversal orientation), one patient
presented an incomplete tensor fold and one patient presented a bony ridge in the cochleariform region. In all 16 cases of
complete tensor tympani fold, the fold was removed and anterior epitympanic ventilation was restored. The ridge bone over
the cochleariform process was also removed with a microdrill.

Keywords: Endoscope, attic cholesteatoma, tensor fold, tympanic isthmus

Introduction a complete tensor fold, which interferes with the

ventilation route between the mesotympanum and
Although it is 20 years since the introduction of the
the attic, as an important condition for the creation
operative endoscope to ear surgery in exploration of
and development of an attic cholesteatoma and the
old mastoid cavities, there is currently a very limited
importance of tensor fold removal during surgical
role for the endoscope in the day-to-day surgical
treatment of attic cholesteatoma to restore ventila-
management of ear disease worldwide. Traditional
tion of the attic region [2,3].
approaches to the attic through a microscopic
The use of a microscope does not permit observa-
postauricular tympanomastoidectomy provide lim-
tion of the tensor fold area and so the surgeon is not
ited exposure of the attic, especially anteriorly. able to remove it. Two different microscopic ap-
Tarabichi [1] proposed an exclusive endoscopic
proaches to the tensor fold have been described.
approach to treat limited attic cholesteatoma; in his Using microdissection anatomical studies on frozen
view, the transcanal endoscopic approach offers temporal bones of patients not affected by choles-
good access to the anterior epitympanic area, allow- teatoma, Palva et al. [4] proposed an endaural
ing complete removal of limited attic disease. Palva atticotomy extending to the supratubal recess to
et al. have stressed an isthmus block associated with access the tensor fold, while Morimitsu et al. [5]

Correspondence: Francesco Mattioli, Policlinico di Modena, Via del Pozzo 71, Modena 41100, Italy. E-mail:

(Received 11 August 2008; accepted 10 September 2008)

ISSN 0001-6489 print/ISSN 1651-2251 online # 2009 Informa UK Ltd. (Informa Healthcare, Taylor & Francis As)
DOI: 10.1080/00016480802468187
Endoscopic approach to tensor fold 947

proposed an ‘anterior tympanotomy’ with a trans- by working from the images on the monitor and were
mastoid approach to ensure complete removal of the recorded with a DVD recorder.
anterior attic bony plate.
In this study, we propose an exclusively endo-
Surgical technique
scopic approach to the tensor fold area. The tensor
fold was removed during endoscopic surgery by an Exclusive endoscopic approach. A posterior tympa-
angled instrument; this operation ensures anterior nomeatal flap was created with the superior limb at
epitympanic to protympanic communication, restor- the 1 o’clock position and the inferior limb at the 6
ing ventilation of the upper unit. To our knowledge, o’clock position. The tympanomeatal flap was ele-
this is the first study focused on understanding the vated and transposed inferiorly; we entered into the
complex anatomy of the tensor fold area in patients middle ear under the annulus uncovering the
affected by attic cholesteatoma. epitympanic region. Transcanal atticotomy was per-
formed with a microdrill system (Skeeter drill) and
with endoscopic monitoring (Figure 1). Drilling was
performed until the cholesteatoma sac was comple-
Acta Otolaryngol Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 10/24/14

Patients and methods

tely visible with the 3 mm 30!458 endoscope. The
Patients surgical field was irrigated frequently during all
From January 2006 to March 2007, we studied 87 surgical maneuvers. The cholesteatoma sac was
patients affected by middle ear acquired cholestea- carefully removed from the attic region by an
toma. Patients were selected on the basis of inclusion appropriately angled instrument.
and exclusion criteria. Only subjects affected by When the cholesteatoma developed under the
limited attic cholesteatoma with or without a mini- ossicular chain affecting the medial face of the
mal posterior involvement of the antrum and a posterior epitympanic recess, the body of the incus
minimal inferior involvement of the second tract of and the head of the malleus were removed (Figure
2). When the cholesteatoma developed posteriorly
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the facial nerve were included. Subjects affected by

middle ear cholesteatoma extending to the mastoid, into the antrum, a wide posterior atticotomy was
mesotympanic or protympanic area were excluded. performed to permit us to remove the disease.
Patients affected by chronic otitis, simple pocket After cholesteatoma removal, we checked the
retraction of the membrane, temporal bone choles- tensor fold area with the endoscope and removed
the tensor fold, restoring an anterior epitympanic
teatoma, iatrogenic cholesteatoma, congenital cho-
ventilation. Endoscopic examination of the tensor
lesteatoma, and cholesterol granulomas were also
fold area is possible using an endoscope of 3 mm
excluded, as were patients already undergoing mid-
diameter and with a 458 scope inserted in the
dle ear surgery. Out of 87 patients, 21 were finally
protympanic region; this position allows good ex-
included in the study.
ploration of the inferior edge of the tensor fold
All of the subjects were studied on the basis of
(Figure 3).
preoperative and postoperative office-based endo-
The tensor fold was removed with an angled
scopic ear examination, audiometric testing, and
instrument and with endoscopic monitoring (Figure
high-resolution CT of temporal bone. They all 4). In some cases, anterior atticotomy exposed the
underwent endoscopic middle ear surgery per- superior face of the tensor fold seen by the endo-
formed by two experienced surgeons from the clinic scope inserted into the anterior epitympanic region
(L.P. and D.M.), both with a similar surgical and rotated inferiorly (Figure 5). This surgical
endoscopic approach. The surgical approach was approach is very important to modify the epitympa-
defined on the basis of clinical preoperative endo- nic diaphragm and to create direct ventilation of the
scopic ear examination as follows. Patients with a anterior epitympanum from the protympanum (Fig-
wide external ear canal were operated through an ure 6). The tympanic membrane defect and attic
exclusively endoscopic transcanal approach; patients bone defect were reconstructed with a composite
with a narrow external ear canal or affected by tragal graft.
external canal exostosis were operated through a When the body of the incus and the head of the
traditional retroauricular incision and meatoplasty, malleus were removed, an ossicular chain recon-
followed by an endoscopic transcanal approach. struction was performed with autologous incus.
The instrumentation consisted of 3 mm, wide Transcanal endoscopic approach with ‘traditional’
angle (20 cm length) 08, 308, and 458 sinuscopes meatoplasty. In patients with a narrow external
(Karl Storz). The video equipment consisted of a auditory canal, we performed a ‘classic’ retroauri-
three-chip video camera (Karl Storz) and 20ƒ high cular excision. A mucoperiosteal flap was elevated
definition monitor; all procedures were performed anteriorly and Henle’s spine was identified. Simple
948 D. Marchioni et al.
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Figure 1. Right ear. (A) Attic cholesteatoma; (B) a posterior tympanomeatal flap creation; (C) transcanal atticotomy performed with a
microdrill; (D) cholesteatoma removal by an appropriately angled instrument. CH, cholesteatoma; Ma, malleus; VII, facial nerve; AES,
anterior epitympanic space; lam, anterior malleolar ligament; PS, protympanic space.
Endoscopic approach to tensor fold 949
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Figure 2. Right ear. (A) Cholesteatoma involving the medial part of the ossicular chain. (B) Endoscopic view after incus removal. CH,
cholesteatoma; PES, posterior epitympanic space; Ma, malleus; TT, tensor tendon; Cp, cochleariform process; In, incus; St, stapes; PP,
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pyramidal process; Ts, stapedial tendon; Hm, head of the malleus.

Figure 3. Right ear. (A) Endoscopic view of the inferior ridge of tensor fold. (B) Magnification of partial removal of tensor fold. Aes,
anterior epitympanic space; Ma, malleus; TF, tensor fold; In, incus; St, stapes; Pp, pyramidal process; ET, eustachian tube; Ttc, tensor
tympani canal; ct, corda tympani.
950 D. Marchioni et al.
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Figure 4. Right ear. (A!C) Tensor fold removal by angled instrument. AES, anterior epitympanic space; Ma, malleus; TT, tensor tendon;
TF, tensor fold; In, incus; St, stapes; Pp, pyramidal process; ET, eustachian tube; ttc, tensor tympani canal; Ct, corda tympani; Map, short
malleus process; Lam, anterior malleolar ligament; PS, protympanic space.

meatoplasty was carried out with the microscopic Primary ossicular reconstruction, using autolo-
approach. We used a microdrill to remove any gous incus, was performed in 14/21 (66.7%) pa-
external canal exostosis or to enlarge the external tients; 8/14 patients presented an ossicular chain
canal. After this microscopic procedure, we contin- erosion and in 6/14 the cholesteatoma sac was
ued the surgery with the transcanal endoscopic developed in the medial portion of the ossicular
approach using the same steps as in the exclusive chain and we had to remove the incus and the head
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endoscopic approach. of the malleus.

In 7/21 (33.3%) patients, where the cholestea-
toma had involved only the anterior epitympanum, it
Results was possible to eradicate the disease without dis-
Our consecutive case series consisted of 21 patients articulation of the ossicular chain.
with limited acquired attic cholesteatoma operated When the endoscopic approach was possible, the
by an endoscopic (exclusive and transcanal with use of a 458 endoscope allowed us to identify the
traditional meatoplasty) approach over a 1-year tensor fold area. The use of an angled optical
period; there were 17 males and 4 females, with a instrument, introduced in the protympanic region,
median age of 38.4 years. Audiological testing permitted good exposure of the inferior face of the
showed an air!bone gap of 25 dB or more (average tensor fold without ossicular chain disarticulation.
Moreover, an atticotomy extended anteriorly al-
of the air!bone gap at 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz) in 19
lowed better visualization of the superior face of
the tensor fold and consequently aided dissection.
A preoperative HR-CT scan of temporal bone and
Identification of the tensor fold area was not
an office-based endoscopic ear examination were
possible in 3/21 patients who underwent a traditional
performed in all patients. The preoperative study
microscopic meatoplasty for extreme bleeding dur-
permitted us to decide the type of surgical approach.
ing surgery.
Thus, 19/21 patients underwent an exclusively In 18/21 patients, endoscopy allowed us to dis-
transcanal endoscopic approach; in 5 of these, it cover different anatomic morphologies of the tensor
was necessary to change to a traditional microscopic fold. Fifteen patients presented a complete tensor
approach (3 patients presented excessive bleeding fold (the folds were attached anteriorly to the
that prevented the endoscopic approach and in 2 superior limit of the eustachian tube, and posteriorly
patients we intraoperatively discovered a posterior to the tensor tendon and the cochleariform process
involvement of the mastoid region that prevented dividing the anterior epitympanum from the pro-
complete removal by a transcanal endoscopic ap- tympanum). One patient presented an incomplete
proach). tensor fold (the fold presented a minor communica-
Two of the 21 patients underwent a traditional tion area between the protympanum and the epi-
microscopic meatoplasty followed by a transcanal tympanum region); in this case, the cholesteatoma
endoscopic approach. No facial nerve or tegmen developed in the protympanum from the anterior
tympani dehiscence was identified during surgery. epitympanic region through this little perforation in
Endoscopic approach to tensor fold 951
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Figure 5. (A, B) Anterior atticotomy exposing the superior face of the tensor fold. (C) Tensor fold removal. AES, anterior epitympanic
space; Ma, malleus; TF, tensor fold; lam, anterior malleolar ligament; PS, protympanic space; HM, head of the malleus.

the tensor fold. One patient presented a bony ridge plete tensor fold with an anomalous transversal
in the cochleariform region causing an isthmus block orientation (the fold was attached laterally to the
attached anteriorly to a small tensor fold (also in this medial portion of the malleus, inferiorly to the
case, the epitympanic region was separated from the tensor tendon and the cochleariform process, and
protympanum). Another patient presented a com- superiorly to the attic region dividing the anterior
952 D. Marchioni et al.
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Figure 6. (A, B) Aeration of the anterior epitympanic area via the large tympanic isthmus between the medial part of the posterior incudal
ligament and the tensor tendon; (A) anterior view; (B) posterior view. (C, D) Tympanic isthmus block and dysventilation of the upper unit;
tensor fold removal restoring ventilation of the upper unit. AES, anterior epitympanic space; Ma, malleus; TF, tensor fold; Lam, anterior
malleolar ligament; Hm, head of the malleus; PES, posterior epitympanic space; Cp, cochleariform process; TT, tensor tendon; St, stapes;
ET, eustachian tube; In, incus; Hy, tympanic isthmus; white arrow, protympanic to anterior epitympanic pattern of ventilation.

epitympanum into two areas: the anterior and the epitympanic region. In all cases, the scutum was
posterior portion). reconstructed using a tragal graft.
All 21 patients presented a cholesteatoma mass All patients were discharged 1 day after surgery
causing an isthmus block. In all 16 cases of complete without any complications. Mean follow-up was 23
tensor tympani fold with an isthmus block causing months. No patients required revision for recurrent
an exclusion of the anterior epitympanum we or clinically evident disease. HR-CT performed 1
removed it, thus restoring an anterior epitympanic year post-primary surgery was negative for recur-
ventilation. In the patient with an isthmus block rence in all cases. A moderate epitympanic retraction
caused by a ridge bone over the cochleariform area was evident in one patient but no further
process, we removed it with a microdrill. In the intervention was required.
patient with an incomplete tensor fold, we enlarged Audiological testing at the last follow-up visit
the minor communication from the protympanic to for the individual patients showed closure of the
Endoscopic approach to tensor fold 953

air!bone gap to within 25 dB (average of the air! with a microscope. In fact, the use of a microscope
bone gap at 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz) in 18 patients. during canal wall up techniques did not permit the
In this series, there was no morbidity or complica- visualization of the tensor fold, because the working
tion secondary to the use of the endoscope in the angle was through the ear canal and the tensor fold
middle ear. remained hidden behind the neck of the malleus. For
this reason, Morimitsu et al. [5] proposed an
‘anterior tympanotomy’. These authors removed
bone from the lateral attic to the zygoma. In this
In 1946, Chatellier and Lemoine [6] formulated the way, the working axis frontally became parallel to the
concept of ‘the epitympanic diaphragm’. The axis of the ear canal. After this bone removal, it was
authors described different ligament and membra- possible to drill in front of the malleus head and
nous folds, which together with the malleus and remove the tensor fold.
incus, form the floor of a large epitympanic compart- Palva et al. [4] suggested tensor fold excision to
ment. This space represents the upper unit and is create a large new attic aeration pathway during
aerated from the protympanic space through the cholesteatoma surgery by an endaural atticotomy
Acta Otolaryngol Downloaded from by University of Sydney on 10/24/14

tympanic isthmus. During recent years, the anatomy extending to the supratubal recess. When the
of the epitympanic diaphragm was studied by Palva ossicular chain was intact, the authors suggested
and co-workers [7!9]. The author described the cutting the neck of the malleus to allow lateral lifting
‘epitympanic diaphragm’, which consists of three of the manubrium. This approach exposed the
malleal ligamental folds (the anterior, lateral, and tensor tendon and allowed excision of the tensor
posterior), the posterior incudal ligamental fold, and fold.
two purely membranous folds (the tensor fold and We propose an endoscopic approach to the tensor
the lateral incudomalleal fold) together with the fold. The exclusive endoscopic approach allows a
malleus and incus. All epitympanic compartments wide exposure of the anterior epitympanic compart-
receive their aeration via the large tympanic isthmus ment and, in some cases, the complete eradication of
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between the medial part of the posterior incudal an anterior epitympanic cholesteatoma without dis-
ligament and the tensor tendon (Figure 6). jointing the ossicular chain, an extremely difficult
The aeration pathway from the eustachian tube maneuver using only a microscope. The exclusive
leads directly to the mesotympanic and hypotympa- endoscopic approach also allows the surgeon to
nic spaces, whereas the epitympanum is away from better highlight the tensor tympani fold, its angle-
the direct air stream and is only aerated through the shot and structure (complete or partially complete)
tympanic isthmus, not including any possible aux- and at the same time to cut it off, restoring an
iliary pathways. adequate antero-posterior protympanic-epitympanic
Palva et al. [3] studied children affected by an ventilation.
isthmus block and who had undergone a tympanost- Using the endoscope in the protympanum cavity
omy tube placement; the author observed the permitted us to observe the inferior face of the tensor
persistence of inflammatory materials and choles- fold, without disarticulation of the ossicular chain.
terol granuloma in the superior attic despite the When the visualization of the tensor fold was poor, it
tympanostomy tube. This condition may be the basis was possible to cut the tensor tendon near the
of attic cholesteatoma developing from a pocket malleus, creating a better view of the fold with a
retraction. Children with incomplete or absence of delicate maneuver causing malleus lateralization. The
tensor fold presented good ventilation of the anterior tensor fold was removed with an angled instrument
attic. These data confirmed the importance of tensor during endoscopic surgery; this operation permitted
fold removal during the surgical treatment of middle anterior epitympanic to protympanic communica-
ear attic cholesteatoma for restoring ventilation of tion, restoring ventilation of the upper unit. More-
the attic region. Also, in surgery of the epitympanic over, the endoscope allowed us to understand the
retraction pocket, the surgeon’s aim ! when the complex anatomy of the epitympanic diaphragm and
eustachian tube is functioning ! should be to create a to describe the endoscopic anatomy of the tensor fold.
new ‘epitympanic diaphragm’ with one common air In all patients, the tensor fold separated the
space from the protympanum to the anterior epi- anterior epitympanum from the protympanum space.
tympanic recess to prevent development of an attic The posterior-inferior border of this structure was
cholesteatoma. attached to the tensor tympani tendon, between the
In traditional microscopic middle ear surgery, cochleariform process and the handle of the malleus.
some authors [4,5] have proposed different surgical The orientation of the tensor fold was horizontal and
approaches to visualize the tensor fold; otherwise, it anteriorly attached over the eustachian tube, but in
is very difficult to observe this particular structure one case we found a complete tensor fold with a
954 D. Marchioni et al.

transverse orientation dividing the epitympanum into phragm. This approach permits a good removal of
two portions. Also in this case, the posterior epitym- cholesteatoma and direct ventilation of the upper
panum was separated from the protympanic region. unit, preventing the development of a retraction
Only in one patient was there a bony ridge over the pocket or attic cholesteatoma recurrence, and with
cochleariform process causing an isthmus block good functional results.
anteriorly continuing in a tensor fold.
However, an exclusively endoscopic approach Declaration of interest: The authors report no
presents several drawbacks. It is a one-handed conflicts of interest. The authors alone are respon-
surgery with loss of depth of perception and bino- sible for the content and writing of the paper.
cular vision. It involves working in a confined space,
with the risk of damage to the ossicular chain due to
inadvertent contacts, although in our experience
there was no morbidity or complication secondary References
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