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Electricians Testers MIT 300 Series Insulation and Continuity Testers

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Electricians Testers • Tough rubber armoured case

MIT 300 series • 250V 500V and 1000V

Insulation and continuity testers • Extremely easy to use
• Self contained protective Cover
• Live circuit warning
• Weatherproof to IP54
• Intelligent Safety System for protection.

Description Hands free use:– the instruments are carefully

designed to hang comfortably around the neck for
If you need simple, no fuss electrical testers that hands-free, or for bench use. Continuity and buzzer
are tough, reliable and easy to use, the new testing starts automatically on connection
Megger Electrician's test range provide the to the circuit. Insulation tests being started by
answers. Available in separate instruments, the pressing the test button on the instrument or on the
series consists of the: switch probe.
- MIT300 range - Insulation and continuity Backlighting:- the MIT 320 has not only a backlit
- LT300 range - Loop testing display, but also backlit ranges. These ensure not
- RCDT300 range - RCD testing only the display can be read in the dark but also the
range being selected.
Between them they meet all the requirements of
modern electrical testing.
Safety features:- The MIT series all have an
extensive range of safety features to protect the user
MIT300 series features: and the instrument from damage through incorrect
Digital or Analogue Test Lead connection -
The MIT300, MIT310 and MIT320 all feature the • Safety Interlock – prevents unsafe
established Megger Digital/Analogue LCD display. connection of test leads
Large 20mm high characters provide very clear • Intelligent Safety System - Even if the MIT
readout, combined with an analogue arc for the is connected to a live circuit whilst on
‘feeling’ of an analogue instrument, with a true continuity setting the tester will remain safe
analogue response. and not be damaged.
Alternatively, the MIT310A has a moving coil • Live voltage warning – alerts the operator
display for those that prefer a real moving needle. when a circuit voltage over 25V exists when
Black decals on a white background give high insulation testing.
contrast, even in poor light conditions. • Safety lockout - Prevents the test from
Tough: - Made from rubber armoured and operating when the circuit voltage is > 50V.
reinforced polypropylene, the MIT insulation • Continuity check – prevents a continuity
testers are designed to take the typical abuse test or buzzer test on a live circuit.
instruments can receive in the course of a days
work. A self contained display cover locks away All the MIT instruments meet or exceed the UK and
underneath the instrument during use. The cover International Wiring Regulations, including requirements of
simply folds out and snaps down to protect the BS7671 and VDE 0413 parts 1 and 4, HD 384, IEC 364,
display when not in use. NFC15-100, NEN3140, ES59009 and EN 61557.
Simple to use:-No buried functions means the In addition the range meets the requirements of BSEN
instruments are intuitive to use and remember. 61010-1 for safe connection to a 440V Installation
Category III supply (600 V Phase to Earth).
Colour coded ranges help in test range selection,
with more features on the top range instruments to
reduce testing times and help with fault location. Applications:
A user guide in the instrument lid provides all the
basic information required for simple operation. The MIT300 series has applications in all aspects of
domestic, commercial and industrial electrical
Electricians Testers
contracting, building maintenance, testing, discharged to ensure the cable is safe to handle
inspection and servicing. without risk of injury.
Combining both Insulation testing and continuity
testing, each instrument caters for all aspects of Further applications can be found in panel building,
fixed wiring installations. testing of motors, generators, switchgear and power
Designed for testing un-powered installations, the tools, street lighting and low volume manufacturing
MIT300 test voltage ranges of 250V, 500V are environments etc.
suitable for extra low voltage applications All the MIT300 range meet the relevant
especially SELV installations and Low voltage requirements of EN61557, BS 7671, HD 384, IEC
installations to 500V respectively. Where required, 364 and VDE 0413, and are supplied with a full 3
the 1000V option is available on all other years warranty.
instruments for higher voltage installations.
Any capacitive circuits can be safely tested as
after insulation testing the cable is automatically
Other MIT300 series benefits



Insulation testing
250V ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
500V ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
1000V ¿ ¿ ¿
Test range 999M
Insulation limit alarm ¿
(0.01MΩ to 1GΩ)
Continuity testing
Continuity to 100Ω ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
Continuity buzzer ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
Lead null to 9ohms ¿ ¿ ¿ <2Ω
Adjustable buzzer 1 to ¿
Audible buzzer disable ¿
Voltage measurement
Volts AC/DC 600 600 600V
Backlit display ¿
10Ω to 1MΩ range ¿
Voltage warning ¿
Default voltmeter ¿ ¿ ¿
Backlit display ¿
Backlight selector ¿
Locking test button ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
30 minute power-down ¿ ¿ ¿
Switched test probe
IP54 weatherproof ¿ ¿

Calibration certificate ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
3 years warranty ¿ ¿
Electricians Testers
Measuring Range 0 - 600 V a.c. (50/60 Hz)
Insulation ranges or d.c.
Nominal Test Voltage 1000V, 500 V, 250 V
(d.c.) Accuracy (at 20° C)
Measuring Range MIT300, 310, 320
All instruments 10kΩ - 999 MΩ on all
<450 V d.c. or a.c. (50/60 Hz): ± 1%, ± 2 digits
>450 V d.c. or a.c. (50/60 Hz): ± 2%, ± 2 digits
Short Circuit Current 1 mA nominal
Test Current on Load 1 mA at min. pass
values of insulation (as
specified in BS 7671,
HD 384 and IEC 364) +/- 2.5% of scale length for 50/60Hz
Accuracy (at 20° C)
Temperature coefficient <0,1% per °C on all
MIT300, 310, 320, 330 ±3%, ±2 digits
MIT310A <2.5% of scale length
(or 30% of reading 200kohm to
10Megohms) Default voltmeter all modes except off
Terminal characteristics M310, 320 >25 V a.c. or d.c. is
applied display will
operate as a voltmeter.
1000V M300 Beeps and flash ‘V’ on
the display
Test inhibit If more than 50 volts is detected,
600V testing will be inhibited.

400V AutoPower Down

Auto power down operates after 30 minutes if left in
200V standby mode.
0 10kΩ 100kΩ 1MΩ 10MΩ 100MΩ
100MΩ 100MΩ 100MΩ
Continuity ranges
Measuring Range: 0,01Ω - 99,9 Ω
Temperature and humidity
(0 -50 Ω on analogue Operating Range -5°C to +55°C
scale) Operating Humidity 93% R.H. at +40°C max.
Open Circuit Voltage: 5V±1V Storage Range -25°C to +70°C
Short Circuit Current: 205 mA, ± 5 mA Environmental Protection IP54
Accuracy (at 20° C)
MIT300, 310, 320 ±3% ±2 digits
MIT310A +/- 2.5% of scale length Fuses
(or 30% of reading 0.2 ohm to 200 ohms) Terminals 500 mA (F) 600 V, 32 x 6 mm
Ceramic HBC 10 kA minimum.
Zero Offset Adjust: Display shows if fuse is ruptured.
MIT300, 310,320 0–9Ω
MIT310A 0-2Ω Safety
Meets the requirements of EN61010-1 Cat III 600V
Continuity Buzzer phase to earth.
MIT300, 310 Operates at < 5 Ω.
MIT320 Adjustable 1Ω to 20Ω Automatic discharge
MIT310A Operates at < 2Ω. After an insulation test the item under test will be
Response time <50ms discharged automatically. Any voltage present will
be indicated on the display so that the discharge
Resistance range MIT 320 only can be monitored.

(can be used for diode testing) Power supply

Measuring Range: 10Ω - 1MΩ Battery 8 x 1,5 V cells IEC LR6 type(AA
Open Circuit Voltage: 5V alkaline).
Short Circuit Current: 200 µA, Rechargeable NiCd or NiMH cells may be used.
Accuracy (at 20° C): ±5% ±2 digits up to Battery condition is constantly shown on the display
100kΩ as a four-section bar-graph.
Electricians Testers
Battery Life E.m.c
5000 consecutive tests (5 seconds per test) on any In accordance with IEC61326 including amendment
test using 2Ah batteries. No.1
All units 980gms
All units 190 x 140 x 75 mm
Item Description Order Code Included Accessories Order Code
MIT300 250V,500V insulation tester MIT300-EN Test lead set and crocodile clips
MIT310 250V,500V, 1000V insulation tester MIT310-EN Test lead set and crocodile clips
MIT310A 250V,500V,1000V analogue insulation MIT310A-EN Test lead set and crocodile clips
MIT320 250V,500V, 1000V insulation tester MIT320-EN Test lead set and crocodile clips
SP? switched Probe

Optional Order Code


Fused lead set 2 wire fused probe and clip set

SP3 Switch probe
SPL1000 Illuminated switch probe

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