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Scaffolding-Medical Cert.

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Due to requirement of high skill associated with scaffolding works, it is the intent of the Indian Oil
Corporation Ltd. to provide maximum protection to all its employees and Contractor's workers by following
set norms and practices.


These requirements are to apply to all employees and Contractors alongwith their workmen who are
associated with scaffolding works. All scaffolds erected on the job site at Refinery premises shall be in
accordance with guidelines & standards given elsewhere in this document.


? No scaffold shall be erected, moved, dismantled, or altered except under the supervision of competent
persons (that is qualified and authorised certifying engineer) and by competent workmen possessing
adequate experience of such work under valid permit. All materials for any scaffold shall be inspected
by competent person on each occasion before using.
? Only cup-lock type scaffolding material shall be used. In case it is not feasible to use cup-lock type
scaffolding material, clearance shall be obtained from Engineer in charge to use other type of steel
scaffolding materials.
? Use of Bamboo scaffolding, wooden planks & manila/ coir rope is strictly prohibited in Refinery.
? For any overhead job at height of 2.0 meters and above, scaffolding with railing and toe board is to be erected at
working platforms. For any overhead job at height 2.0 meters and above, it will be mandatory to use Double hook
type Safety belt with fall arrester and Safety nets in construction and maintenance activities. However, during
erecting scaffolding only safety belt as above shall be used.
? Scaffolds and their components must be capable of supporting without failure at least 4 times the
maximum intended load.
? Steel scaffolding should be erected and used in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations,
proper seating and locking of all connections, using the corrective devices.
? During setting up and dismantling of scaffolds, warning signs, safety cordons and other safety measures
shall be provided to ensure safety.
? The footing or anchorage for scaffolds shall be sound, rigid, and capable of carrying the maximum
intended load without settling or displacement. Unstable objects such as barrels, boxes, loose bricks or
concrete blocks, shall not be used to support scaffolds or planks. Base plates with shank of size
minimum 5 cm long for scaffolding shall be provided. The base plate shall be of Mild Steel of minimum
5 mm thickness and of at least 15 cm X 15 cm size.
? Overhead protection must be provided for men on a scaffold exposed to overhead hazards. Slippery
conditions on scaffolds shall be eliminated immediately after they occur.
? Drawings and specifications of all tube and coupler scaffolds must be designed by a qualified engineer
competent in this field considering the criticality of structure. Scaffolding above 40 Mtrs height, if to be
erected, must be designed by professional.
? Heavy duty tube and coupler scaffold shall have all posts, runners, and bracing of only steel material as
per IS 1161-1963 (Specifications for steel tubes for structural purposes) and shall also satisfy IS 2750-
1963 (Specifications for steel scaffolding). No dissimilar /non-standard pipes or sections shall be used in
scaffold work. In general steel tubes to be used, shall be minimum of size 40 mm NB heavy class of
minimum 4.00-mm thickness or 4.37 Kg Per Running Metre weight.
? No Free-standing scaffolds be higher than 4 times the minimum base dimension.
? Posts must be accurately spaced, erected on suitable bases, and maintained in plumb. The posts shall not
be spaced more than 2.0 Mtrs. The poles, legs, or uprights of scaffolds must be plumb, and securely and
rigidly braced to prevent swaying and displacement.

? It is absolutely essential that the scaffold is erected plumb, to ensure maximum structural capability of
the system. When the first tier of scaffold is erected, check for plumb-ness and continue doing so as the
scaffold is built. Settlement or slight variations in the fit of the components may require additional
adjustments as tiers are added to the scaffold tower. The scaffold frame should be checked for plumb-
ness after each tier is added to the scaffold. In addition to the scaffold being in plumb, each working
deck must be at level.
? Runners / Ledgers shall be erected along the length of the scaffold, located on both inside and the
outside posts at even heights. Runners / Ledgers shall be interlocked to the inside and the outside posts
at even heights. Runners / Ledgers shall be interlocked to form continuous lengths and coupled to each
post. The bottom Runners / Ledgers must be located as close to the base as possible (300 mm). Runners
/ Ledgers shall not be spaced more than 2.0 Mtrs on centers.

? Cross bracing must be installed across the width of the scaffold at least every third set of posts
horizontally and every fourth runner vertically. Such bracing must extend diagonally from the inner and
outer runners upward to the next outer and inner runners.

? The entire scaffold shall be tied to and securely braced against the building/structure at intervals not to
exceed 10 Mtrs horizontally and 8.50 Mtrs vertically
? Scaffold provided at a area having pedestrian traffic, minimum 2.5 Mtrs head clearance must be
? All tools / loose materials used at scaffold platforms must be kept in boxes.


? Every working platform more than 2.0 m high from which a person is likely to fall shall be of steel
plates/planks/jalis and shall be:
a) closely boarded, planked, or plated;
b) at least 700 mm wide if the platform is used as a footing only and not for the deposit /keeping of any
c) at least 900 mm wide if the platform is used for the deposit of material;
d) at least 1100mm wide if the platform is used for the support of any higher platform;
e) at least 1300mm wide if the platform is one upon which stone is dressed or roughly shaped; and
f) at least 1500mm wide if the platform is used for the support of any higher platform and is one upon
which stone is dressed or roughly shaped.
g) Two metal plates/planks shall not have more than 25 mm gap between them.

? The distance between two consecutive transoms or other supports on which a platform rests shall be
fixed with due regard to the anticipated load and the nature of platform flooring. As a general rule such
transoms shall not be placed more than 1.0 Mtr apart.

? Every side of a working platform or working place, being a side thereof from which a person is likely to
fall, a height of more than 2 m shall be provided one or more suitable guard-rail of adequate strength, to
a height of at least 900 mm (but maximum 1200mm) above the platform or place and above any raised
standing place on the platform, and with toe-boards of minimum 150mm height and so placed as to
prevent so far as possible the fall of persons, materials and tools from such platform or place.

? Guard rails / toe boards need not be provided where platform is to be used for temporary works and
where other arrangements are in place.


? Every scaffold manufacturer provides coupling devices to join scaffold frames together in the vertical
plane. These devices are sometimes omitted, with the belief that the bearing weight of the scaffold and
its load will keep the frame above firmly resting on the frame below. This will probably hold true until
the scaffold moves or sways. Then the joint may pull apart causing a scaffold collapse. Therefore,
coupling devices must always be used and installed properly on every leg of the scaffold at every joint
as assembly proceeds.

? Access/Escape ladders must be provided on atleast two sides of the scaffolds. Ladder shall be of rigid
construction having sufficient strength for the intended loads and made of metal and all ladders shall be
maintained well for safe working condition. The ladder shall be given an inclination not steeper than 1 in
4 (1 horizontal and 4 vertical). Ladders shall not be used for climbing carrying materials in hands.

? Ladders shall not be spliced. Where splicing is unavoidable, it shall be done only under the supervision
of competent person. No ladder shall be over 9.0 Mtr. in length. Landing platform shall be provided
suitably. The width between the side rails in rung ladder shall not be less than 30 Cm. for 3.0 Mtr. length
ladder. Uniform step spacing of not more than 30 Cm. shall be kept.


? Inspection of scaffold should be carried out to ascertain that:

(a)The scaffold is of suitable type;
(b)Material used in its construction are sound and of sufficient strength;
(c)The scaffold is of sound construction and stable;
(d)That the required safeguards are in position.
? Scaffolds should be inspected and certified:
a) Before being taken into use and display board 'safe to use' shall be put. Scaffold fit for use shall be
provided with GREEN tags whereas scaffolds under erection/ not fit for use shall be provided with
RED tags
b) After any alteration, Interruption in use
? Ascertain health of the persons working on scaffolding job.
? In case scaffold is not certified by competent person, Red tag shall be displayed.

? The enclosed Performa of Checklist & Scaffold Register for keeping inspection record as per checklist
or guidelines followed in scaffold jobs are annexed.

Yes No Action (if any)

TYPE OF SCAFFOLDING: Independent / Movable /Attached to building or Structure
1 Is the scaffold being erected under the direction of a competent person?
Is the footing sound and rigid - not set on soft ground, (ground that could
melt), or resting on blocks?
Has the erection site been evaluated for hazards such as earth fills, ditches,
3 debris, underground electric wires, unguarded openings, or conditions
created by other trades?
4 Are wheels / castors locked and can not be unlocked accidentally?
Has the scaffold been tested to hold four times its maximum intended
6 Are guardrails and toe boards in place on all open sides?
Is the platform complete front to back and side to side (fully planked or
decked, with no gaps greater than 25 mm)?
8 Are the metal plates free of cracks, splits, or damage?
9 Is the scaffold level?
Have all compounds been inspected for defects such as broken welds,
corroded members, and missing locks, bent or dented pipes?
Are all braces, bearer, and clamps secured, all sections pinned or
appropriately secured?
12 Is there any ladder provided and properly clamped to scaffolding structure?
13 Is the front of the scaffold within 14 inches of the work?
14 Does the scaffold meet electrical safety clearance distances?
15 Is the scaffold under 40 mtrs in height?
Is the "X" bracing installed on the ends of the scaffold and every third set
of post horizontally and every fourth vertical runner?
Are severe weather provisions in place i.e. during high winds, rain or bad
Have all planks been properly secured to the scaffold structure to prevent
them blowing off in the event of high winds?
Has additional pipe been provided below the guardrail to avoid falling of
objects from working platform?
When employees are working on suspended scaffolds, are lifelines firmly
anchored to an overhead structure and not to the scaffold?
If the scaffold is over 2.0 mtrs high, is personal fall protection available,
or are guardrails in place?
22 Are guardrails provided between 0.90 Mtrs and 1.20 mtrs high?
23 Are toe-boards in place and at least 150 mm high?
24 Does the scaffold have a height to width ratio of at least 4:1 or less?
25 Are the people working on scaffold medically fit?
26 Has the Safety briefing made to all people working on / for scaffolding
Competent Person: ___________________(Inspected by)
Signature: ______________________ Date:____________________
Name of the work: Location:
Name of Agency :

Work Order No. & date

Reasons for Scaffold:

Height: Length: No of Platforms:
Duty: Limitations:


Date: Name of Engineer Signature: Comments:



Form for Medical Check Up for the Workman engaged by the Contractor
(Working at Heights)

Certified that I ___________________ have examined Shri

____________________Age _________ who has signed below in my
presence. The details of his examination as required are given in the enclosed
medical examination report. I certify that all clinical and pathological tests were
done in my hospital/dispensary under my instructions and I find him fit. General
and physical examinations of Shri ________________ do not reveal any
abnormality. He does not suffer from any acute / chronic skin disease or any
contagious or infectious disease. He is medically fit to work at height more than
2.5 meters since he is free from Vertigo, Epilepsy or Fits, general giddiness and
height related disease. His B.P., Pulse, Eye sight etc. are normal.
In my opinion Shri ____________________ is physically and mentally fit for job
in _____________

Signature of the workmen
Date: ___________________

Signature and Rubber stamp of medical practitioner with name

Note: This certificate is to be given on the letter head of the registered medical
practitioner who is possessing allopathic qualification as recognized by the
Indian medical council. Below the signature, the rubber stamp of the medical
practitioner should be affixed. Te letter head normally should contain the

1) Name of the Medical practitioner.

2) Qualifications.

3) Registration Number

4) Designation

4) Address.

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General Guidelines for Health Assessment of workmen for Working at Heights

The following guideline for health standard for working

on HEIGHTS may be considered in relation to fitness of
1. The worker’s health condition may reduce the capacity
to perform work e.g. impaired exercise tolerance in
cardiac or respiratory diseases because of
hypertension or ischaemic heart disease or any other
2. The worker's health may be adversely affected by
work e.g. musculoskeletal problems, occupational
3. The health problem may carry an excess risk to the
worker in the context of his work e.g. if liable to
epileptic fits and working on heights or operating
dangerous machinery.
4. The health condition should not pose a risk to
workmates or the community.
5. The candidate should not have history of psychiatric
6. The candidate should not have history of epilepsy /
fits, and should not have history of taking anti-
convulsive drugs.
7. The candidate should not be on anti-diabetic drugs.(
Risk of Hypoglycemia)
8. History of giddiness at height
9. Ear ailments / deafness
10. Deficiency in Musculo-skeletal coordination
11. Any other significant systemic diseases

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