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LTD Sample Exam

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yoo! YO sysodep jeianyje epew-ueW “D JOAU ajqeBiAeu-UON “gr yeau oiqeBinen “VW -ydaoxe ajqesisi6eu jou ae Buimoy}o) ey) JO IY“? “Buueay uo Bulpuig a” ‘uonessi6o1 2) 10} uoyeoydde eyy ul peweu jou sem oy asneoeq ,V, uo Buipulq ON °O “Buueay Jo soyoU ey) U! PoWeU JOU SEM BY asneseg ,\¥, UO lady Gy a sayep ety Buljeeouod UI jueoridde oy) Jo pney remjoe oun ka uonedioned — panudep sem yng eseo ai, o} Aued e Sem UM .V, UO 6ulpuig ‘Vv J} JO BOYOU BU} JO uoneagnd ey) jo yue2ouul SEM OUM YW ae seseo uonensi6es ue ul suewBpnf sueeW SIy) ‘Wey U) e1e sBuIpecdoud uoNeNsiBe) PUET E om ‘en ayy JO aoe} aig uodn Ajos 0} 1451s aug t}gnd uy BUING Aq suoHoPsUEH O12!) 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UoHeNSIBaL puLy Jo) Ajdde AEW eUC *| 1 spa9q JO Jejsi6By ey) 0} pelueseid ase sejdoo jje you pue en Jo aJe0y910 eJea1\dnp seu ay} Jo Adoo | VEY) B10W o1e O10 UUM °C ‘eugie puegsny yp Aq poeuop 9q 0} 1YBn0s 81 Auedoud jeEnluoo oy yo g/z eM YOUN “O 09'st y ‘Suyesy jen Jo eontou ot 20 Souenss} uN wioy step —— uewn see you ing Shep — wep Jaipe9 you 9 Oc KeUS UOHEs!SI621 pue| fEUIBUO 40} uoNHod e yo Guueey req! Bul. te 4eeuibuz onspoes ey Aq peubis Ainp pue} 24) Jo uonduoseg jeojuyses Uue|d Yjojo Buloes ey) jo Adoo yuud onig ‘suoneiejoag xe, eid tnojo Burges, HO} ann B eney you seop oym eUD -g HeOY JenIUI Jo GoNoU ay) UI PaweU jou eUD y 3dooxo uopisoddo ue oy Aew BuyMo}o} ou “94 ‘queojidde Jo ssayppe jo eBueyo 0} enp juawpus jowy “Q 'SPUE| JO UOIsNjoxXe 0) anp juewipu auly “D Your cli lent seeks advice on the requirements & procedure for ordinary land registration. Ex plain the proper procedure; discuss the steps and the Fequirements along the way. (20 points) ea filed an application for registration of her title over two (2) parcels Parcel 1 esgn@ted in the survey plans accompanying the application as f with an area of 5,000 ‘Square Meters and Parcel 2 with an area of 1,500 Square Meters. The application was set for hearing. The application and notice of hearing, containing the approved technical descriptions of the 2 parcels of land applied for, were published in the Official Gazette. On the date of the initial hearing, the land registration court issued an order of general default no one having appeared nor filed an opposition to the application. In the course of the hearing of the evidence for Regina, a "mistake" in the survey plan was discovered and the court issued an order authorizing the amendment of the said plan and the corresponding technical descriptions. Accordingly said plans were amended, the amendments resulted in an increase of .05 Square Meters in Parcel 1 and the exclusion of 500 Square Meters from Parcel 2. The amended plans were duly approved by the Lands Management Bureau (LMB) but were not published. Thereafter judgment was rendered ‘confirming the title of Regina to both parcels of land on the basis of the amended plans. Later on the decrees of registration and the corresponding certificates of title were issued in the name of Regina. After six (6) months however, Ana appeared and moved for the reopening of the decree on grounds of fatal infirmity, the area covered by the parcels of land adjudicated to Regina being different from those stated in the application and notice as published in the Official Gazette. Decide with reasons, (20 points) May the owner of a building constructed on unregistered land belonging to another apply for the registration of such building under PD 1529? What should he do to protect his rights in case the owner of the land applied for registration thereof. Give your reasons (10 points) -o- bldas- Came? uoyednovo jo awn eur ty “OC ‘eouepine jo uonejuasasd oy) Jo awn aun IY D. ely s! api Jo uoAeNsiBa1 104 uoneoydde eyIJO a uonsinboe JO WW -euuy exp ye eqesodsip pue ajqeuete ApesuIe S1 poveysiBai 9q 0} yyBn0s Auedoud ou ‘6zgi Gd “pb UoNIeS J8PUN “SZ anoge au JO UCN “CO sBulpeeooid wal-urIsenD “OD s6ujpecoosd wel Ul a ‘sulpeeooid weuosied ul "¥ ‘aie sBulpeaooud uonensiBes pur] “>Z SuIeWOp jeNSeoue pue spue| |eNSeOUY —G SaHiLL usiueds Aq perenco spuey “9 spueq seu “a ‘spue7 \se104 y TWIHOWANINI SWLL Souls ‘SIL ZALLYN Uo pase ‘diyssoumo Jo SwIe}o JepuN seLioyie} sey pezIyn pue pessessod ‘paidnoco Aijenjoe eney oym (8,dI/S,001) saidoad snoueBipu, yunwiuwoo yesnyno snouebipul o} SuiBuojeq spue| eJeaud ase ynq uleWop 4} JO spue| Buy] Jo Wed pewesp you ale €% @uLjoog api, sueW0} °G euUpOg ueVehey oO Sung [eEuOWSeWW!-ewi) °~g SuLj0g puey jenseouy “y oan he suc rue atusieUM0 IS 84} 0) Buoj ee diysioumo oeAud UIyyIM AueAIO eq 0} GuLeadde imaiio Praureuoeed are JOYJO PUE LONEOYISSE|O JOAA}EYM JO spuey je ——— Nose jeINyeU eu lapun ‘zz — 06 ‘09 a 06 ‘Sh 09 ‘oe

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