L10 - Liver Cirrhosis
L10 - Liver Cirrhosis
L10 - Liver Cirrhosis
Pathology of Liver
Done by: Mojahed Otayf
Revised by: Nada dawood
Team leader:
Abdulrahman Al-Thaqib
• Define Cirrhosis.
• Recognize the major causes and the pathological mechanisms leading to cirrhosis.
Definition: the end-stage of chronic liver disease
- Fibrosis (staging):
Continued loss of hepatocytes results in fibrous septa formation which ultimately
leads to cirrhosis
Stage I: Begin at portal tracts
Stage II: Bridging between portal tracts only
Stage III: Bridging between portal tracts and central vein
Stage IV: Nodules formation
Macrovesicular steatosis.
The intracytoplasmic fat is seen Eosinophilic Mallory bodies
as clear vacuoles (classical are seen in hepatocytes
feature of alcoholism)