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Table 2 ASD Specific Screening

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The document describes several screening tools used to identify autism spectrum disorder in children and adults. It provides information on the age range, administration time, description, and typical administrator for each tool.

The document describes screening tools including the ASDS, ABC, ASSQ, AQ, AQ-10, CHAT, CAST, CARS 2, GARS-2, KADI, M-CHAT, PDDST-II, Q-CHAT, STAT, SCQ, and SRS.

Each screening tool provides a score or cutoff that indicates the likelihood of an autism spectrum diagnosis. Scores are typically presented as standard scores, percentiles, or pass/fail results. Higher scores usually suggest greater impairment or likelihood of an autism diagnosis.

ASD Specific Screening Tools

Instrument Age Admin. Time Description

Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale (ASDS) The ASDS consists of 50 items that are rated for presence or
(Myles, Bock, & Simpson, 2001) absence of behaviors related to Asperger Syndrome

The ASDS is available in English or Spanish through • Results yield standard scores and percentiles for the five
Pro-Ed Inc. at subscales. Raw scores from the subscales are summed to
aspx?ID=1842&SearchWord=ASDS 5 – 18 10 – 15 create the Asperger Syndrome Quotient (ASQ), which is a
years min standard score.
Video describing the ASDS can be found at:

Administrator: Parent/Caregiver or Teacher

Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC) The ABC, a subtest of the ASIEP-3, is a questionnaire
(Krug, Arick, & Almond, 2008) containing 57 items answered in a yes/no format.

The ABC is available for purchase from 3 – 14 • Results indicate cutoff score ranges based on different
10 – 15 min
customer/productView.aspx?ID=4217&SearchWord=asiep years diagnoses.

Administrator: Parent/Caregiver or Teacher

Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) The ASSQ consists of 27 items that are rated on a 3-point
(Ehlers, Gillberg & Wing, 1999) scale. The items are designed to screen for AS and other high-
functioning disorders on the autism spectrum.
The full ASSQ article and screening tool is available at 7 – 16 5 – 10
years min • Results are reported in cut-off scores, with higher scores
Video describing the ASSQ can be found at: being more indicative of an ASD.

Administrator: Parent/Caregiver
Instrument Age Admin. Time Description

Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) Three AQ versions have been developed: children,
(Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin & Clubley, 2001) adolescents, adults. The 50-item AQ is structured around five
subdomains: social interaction, communication, attention
The AQ can be accessed at to detail, attention switching and imagination. Items are completed using a 4-point Likert scale.
4 – adult 5 – 10 min
Video describing the AQ can be found at: • Cut-off score of 76 indicates a positive screen for ASD.

Administrator: Child and Adolescent Version: Parent/Caregiver;

Adult Version: Self-Report

Autism Spectrum Quotient – 10 (AQ-10) This 10-item scale uses a 5-point Likert scale (always, usually,
(Allison, Auyeung, & Baron-Cohen, 2012) sometimes, rarely, never)

The AQ-10 can be accessed at 18 – 24 • A score of 3 or more indicates a positive screen for ASD. 5 min

Administrator: Child and Adolescent Version: Parent/Caregiver;

Adult Version: Self-Report

Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) The CHAT is designed to be completed by a physician with
(Baron-Cohen, Allen, & Gillberg, 1992) parents during a child’s 18-month check-up. Five key items
indicate autism risk: pretend play, protodeclarative pointing,
The CHAT is available online for free through the Autism following a point, pretending, and producing a point.
Research Centre at 18 – 24 5 – 10
months min • Results are reported as yes/no and indicate need for
additional surveillance or referral.

Administrator: Parent/Caregiver
Instrument Age Admin. Time Description

Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test (CAST) The CAST is a 37-item, parent rating scale of behavioral
(Scott, Baron-Cohen, Bolton, & Brayne, 2002) indicators of possible Asperger Syndrome. Items are scored as
The CAST is available online for free through the Autism 4 – 11
5 – 10 min
Research Centre at years • Results are reported based on an overall score. A CAST
cut-off score of 15 or greater indicates the need for further
Administrator: Parent/Caregiver evaluation.

Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition (CARS 2) CARS The CARS 2 consists of two 15-items rating scales. The
(Schopler, Van Bourgondien, Wellman, & Love, 2010) 2-ST Standard Version (CARS 2-ST) is used with children younger
0–6 than 6 years. The High-Functioning Version (CARS 2-HF) is
The CARS 2 is available from Pro-ed at years used for verbally fluent individuals 6 years and older with
customer/productView.aspx?ID=4754 15 min average or above intellectual ability.
Administrator: Practitioner (includes an unscored parent survey) 2-HF • Results are interpreted relative to the level of autism-related
6+ years behaviors.

Developmental Checklist-Early Screen (DBD-ES) The DBD-ES is a 17-item instrument, derived from the DPC-P,
(Gray & Tonge, 2005) for the screening of autism in children with developmental
delay ages 18-48 months.
The DBC-ES is available for purchase through
Western Psychological Services at 18 – 48 • Results are reported through unweighted scores. A score
10 min months higher than an 11 has found to be optimum for sensitivity for
info-package.pdf screening for autism.

Administrator: Parent/Caregiver
Instrument Age Admin. Time Description

Developmental Behavior Checklist-Autism Screening Algorithm The DBC-ASA is comprised of 29 items derived from the
(DBC-ASA) Developmental Checklist Parent/Primary caregiver report
(Brereton, Tonge, Mackinnon, & Einfeld, 2002) (DBC-P).

The DBC-ASA is available for purchase through Western 4 – 18 5 – 10 • Results are reported through un-weighted scores. A score
Psychological Services at years min higher than a17 has found to be optimum for sensitivity for
research/devpsych/download/dbc-info-package.pdf screening for autism.

Administrator: Parent/Caregiver

Early Screening for Autistic Traits (ESAT) The ESAT is 14-item measure. The items, which are answered
Dietz, Swinkels, van Daalen, can Engeland, & Buitellar, 2006; as yes or, address the three ASD symptom domains and
Swinkels et al., 2006). reactions to sensory stimuli.
14 – 15
10 – 15 min
The ESAT is available from Dietz et al. (2006). months
• Failing three or more items is a considered a positive screen
for ASD.
Administrator: Parent/Caregiver

Gilliam Asperger’s Disorder The GADS is a 32-item questionnaire with the following
Scale (GADS) subscales: social interaction, restricted patterns, cognitive
(Gilliam, 2003) patterns and pragmatic skills.

The GADS is available in English and Spanish from Pearson 3 – 22 10 – 15 • Results are interpreted from standard scores and percentiles.
online at years min

Administrator: Parent/Caregiver or Professional

Instrument Age Admin. Time Description

Gilliam Autism Rating Scale-2nd Edition (GARS-2) The GARS-2 consists of 42 items describing the characteristic
(Gilliam, 2006) behaviors of individuals with autism. The items are grouped
into three subscales: Stereotyped Behaviors, Communication,
The GARS-2 is available in English and Spanish from Pearson 3 – 22 and Social Interaction. 
at 15 – 29 min
Productdetail.htm?Pid=076-1602-321&Mode=summary • Results are reported as an Autism Index with higher scores
being indicative of more behaviors.
Administrator: Parent/Caregiver or Professional

Krug Asperger’s Disorder Index (KADI) (Krug & Arick, 2003) The KADI consists of 32 items and provides separate
elementary and secondary forms.
The KADI is available from Pro-ed at • Results are reported as percentile and standard scores.
Type=All&SearchWords=kadi&SearchWordModifier=All&Cat- 6 – 22 15 – 20
egoryID=0aspx?SearchType=All&SearchWords=kadi&Search- years min

Administrator: Parent/Caregiver or Professional

Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) The M-CHAT is a 23-item questionnaire composed of yes/
(Robbins, Fein, Barton, & Green, 2001) no items for parents and caregivers. The M-CHAT was based
on the CHAT; however, it does not include items that require
The MCHAT is available in a variety of languages at no cost observation/administration by a physician.
online at 16 – 30 5 – 10
months min • Results are reported as pass/fail and indicate need for
Video describing the M-CHAT can be found at: additional surveillance or referral.

Administrator: Parent/Caregiver
Instrument Age Admin. Time Description

Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening Test-Second The PDDST-II PCS, a 22-item questionnaire, has three versions
Edition (PDDST-II) (Siegel, 2004) (stages) for use in different settings: Stage 1: Primary Care;
Stage 2: Developmental Clinic; and Stage 3: Autism Clinic
The PDDST-II is available in English and Spanish from Pearson 12 – 48 10 – 20 Severity.
Assessment Products at months min
• Results: A positive screen for each form has a different cut off
Administrator: Parent/Caregiver score and meaning.

Quantitative Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (Q-CHAT) The Q-CHAT contains the 10 most discriminating items from
(Allison, Auyeung, & Baron-Cohen, 2012) the M-CHAT. Items are scored as yes/no.

The Q-CHAT can be found at 16 – 30 • The cut-point of 3 for the Q-CHAT and indicates the need for
5-10 min months additional assessment.

Administrator: Parent/Caregiver

Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers and Young Children The STAT consists of 12 interactive activities that are
(STAT) (Stone, Coonrod, & Ousley, 2000) administered to the child within the context of play activities

Information on the STAT can be found at • Results are reported based on an overall score with lower 24 – 36 20 scores indicating less or no impairment.
months min
Video describing the STAT can be found at:

Administrator: Professional (training required)

Instrument Age Admin. Time Description

Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ) The SCQ, which consists of 40 items in a yes/no format, has
(Rutter, Bailey, Lord & Berument, 2003) two forms: the Lifetime Form which focuses on developmental
history and behavior and the Current Form which focuses on
The SCQ can be purchased in English or Spanish through behavior during the most recent three months.
Western Psychological Corporation at portal.wpspublish. 4+ 5 – 10
com/portal/page?_pageid=53,70432&_dad=portal&_ years min • Results are reported using a total score and defined cutoff
schema=PORTAL points.

Administrator: Parent/Caregiver

Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) The SRS consists of a 65-item rating scale designed to measure
(Constantino & Gruver, 2005) the severity of autism spectrum symptoms as they occur in
natural social settings.
The SRS can be purchased through Western Psychological 4 – 18 15 – 20
Corporation online at years min • Results are reported as a quantitative score for autistic social
pageid=53,70492&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL impairment.

Administrator: Parent/Caregiver

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