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Sa Sep17

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HH Prince Karim Aga Khan

September 2017

Reg. ss-973
Whither War? New Wine in New Bottles Birth of a New Axis Border Trouble

Revolving Door
The office of the Prime Minister in Pakistan seems to have
a revolving door that prime ministers use to vacate their
office before their term is up. Why does this happen?
No prime minister has
completed his term in


28 Whither War?
A new U.S. policy to
end the war.

New Wine in
New Bottles
Sri Lanka

30 Back to Square One

Inviting the Tamils back.
Trump is for loans,
not aid.

The Maldives

Rabbit Hole of
Democratically elected
president tries iron hand.

Limping Judiciary
Legal tussle in a country where
democracy is supposed to be


Editor’s Mail 8
On Record 9
Briefs 10
Mujhe Kiyun Nikala? 12
Term Stinted 14
The Judiciary’s Role 16
Legacy of Failure 18
Birth of a New Axis 20

New Wine in New Bottles 22
All In The Family 24

International Limping Judiciary 26

Canadian Politics Afghanistan
The other side of Trudeau. Whither War? 28
Sri Lanka
Back to Square One 30

The Maldives
Rabbit Hole of Dictatorship 32
Pakistan at 70 – A Personal Perspective 34
Wronged Women
Bangladeshi women HH Prince Karim Aga Khan 37
need more security. INTERNATIONAL
The Reluctant Prime Minister 42
Forgotten People 44
Infrastructure FEATURES

Bridge of Gender Equality
Determination What’s in a Name! 48
The Padma Bridge is fast
nearing completion. Infrastructure
Bridge of Determination 50
Social Evil
Killing Fields 52

Wronged Women 54
Human Trafficking
Modern Slavery 56

Neighbour New Frontier 58

The Forgotten Violence
People Another Murder 60
The Uighur Muslims
in China are having SOUTHASIA 15 Years Ago 62
a hard time.



Pakistan Needs a Foreign Policy Reset

resident Donald Trump’s charge sheet against Pakistan and his praise for
SEPTEMBER 2017 Vol.21 Issue 9 India in America’s so-called new South Asia strategy has sent shock waves
across Pakistan and among its friends. Giving a clear warning to Pakistan,
PRESIDENT & EDITOR IN CHIEF Trump said, “We have been paying Pakistan billions and billions of dollars, at
Syed Jawaid Iqbal the same time they are housing the very terrorists that we are fighting. That will
have to change and that will change immediately.” The more alarming fact is
MANAGING EDITOR his enhancement of the role of India in Afghanistan's political and economic
Zeba Jawaid
growth. What would be the impact of this on Pakistan’s fight against terrorism?
EDITOR The situation is pretty precarious and would give further impetus to the joint
Javed Ansari CIA-RAW activities which would further aggravate things for Pakistan.
Trump’s stance is a clear deviation from the policy followed by Bush and
Faizan Usmani – Khawaja Amer
Obama and even earlier US presidents. Despite repeated frustration, they chose
Syeda Areeba Rasheed to use money and diplomacy to help Pakistan in its effort to root out terrorist
sanctuaries from the country and earlier in resisting the spread of communism.
In recent years, Pakistan received massive aid but repeated advice to ‘do more’.
S. G. Jilanee In fact, a lot has been done and the successes of Operation Raddul Fasad bear
testimony to the fact. As such, at a time when Pakistan has almost achieved the
CONTRIBUTORS target of eliminating terrorists from its territory, Trump’s words have definitely
Dr. Moonis Ahmar – Syed Zeeshan Ahmed – S. M. Hali come as a big shock. Trump administration’s preference for the stick rather
Muhammad Ali Ehsan – Shakeel Farooqui than the carrot at this point is really frustrating. But then it shows Pakistan’s
Muhammad Omar Iftikhar – Farhia Jabbar – S.G. Jilanee inability to compete with India on the diplomatic front. Modi’s meeting with
Dr. Raza Khan – Zehra Khawaja – Taha Kehar Trump and his much publicized ‘Jadu ki Jhappi’ did work. While Modi was
Dr. Syed Ali Madni – K. A. Naqshbandi busy lobbying in the US, Nawaz Sharif was busy defending the Panama case.
S. Mubashir Noor – Iqbal F. Quadir Moreover, the unceremonious ouster of Tariq Fatmi, a career diplomat, left the
foreign office without a real boss. In fact, the foreign office till recently was
GRAPHICS & LAYOUT functioning without a foreign minister which very obviously affected Pakistan’s
Kamran Ghulam Nabi
diplomatic moves and lobbying in the US. Had Pakistan taken some time out
Haroon Rasheed
Riaz Masih from its internal political bickering and attended to its foreign relations and had
taken actionable initiatives against terrorism, it could have avoided Trump’s
charge sheet.
Syed Ovais Akhtar It is quite surprising that while the US President unfairly criticized Pakistan,
in response the Pakistan government chief (namely, Prime Minister Shahid
Hira Sarwar
Khakkan Abbasi) did not utter anything and it was the army chief, General
Qamar Javed Bajwa who responded to America and made it clear that Pakistan
Muhammad Aamir
did not want any material or financial assistance from the US, but trust and
respect and acknowledgement of the sacrifices the country had made. The army
chief added that such efforts were not to appease anyone but in line with the
Aqam-ud-Din Khan
country’s national interest and policy. It needs to be noted that the Pakistan
economy has, over the past 16 years, suffered a loss amounting to over one
20-C, Lane 12, off Khayaban-e-Ittehad, Phase II
billion dollars and has lost more than 70,000 military and civilian lives. The
Extension, DHA, Karachi - 75500, Pakistan COAS also informed the US ambassador who came calling on him, of Pakistan’s
Phones: 92-21- 35313821-24 reservations over giving India an enhanced role in Afghanistan. It was good to
Fax: 92-21-35313832 see Pakistan’s close friend China responding very strongly to Trump’s allegations
Website: that Pakistan was not doing enough to shut down safe havens of terror groups in
Email: its territory. China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying categorically
said, “Pakistan lies on the front line of the anti-terrorism struggle and has made
MIDDLE EAST ‘great sacrifices’ in battling insurgents who pose a threat to the region and the
REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE world.” The response from Russia and Iran was equally encouraging.
Pirana Advertising JLT This is a wake-up call for Pakistan and the time has come to tell the US
PO Box 486207, 1704, Level 17, HDS Tower, and the world very clearly and loudly about the achievements of Operation
Jumeirah Lake Towers Cluster F, Dubai, UAE
Raddul Fasad and, before that, Operation Zarb e Azb. A refusal on the part of
Phone: +97-14- 4508309
Fax: +97-14-3688487
the U.S. to listen to Pakistan’s side of the story can be termed as a diplomatic
Email: failure and poor lobbying by the country’s foreign office. So far, despite its
stand and constant actions against terrorism, Islamabad has failed to counter
allegations against it with any encouraging results. The reasons may range from
SouthAsia is published every month incompetent diplomacy in Washington and other world capitals to its failure to
by Syed Jawaid Iqbal for and on behalf of successfully woo world media. Now that Khawaja Asif has taken over as a full-
JAWZ Communications (Pvt.) Ltd. fledged foreign minister, his ministry must pull-up its socks and start projecting
and printed by Union Graphics, Karachi.
Pakistan as the pivotal country in the region and the war in Afghanistan
rather than being unceremoniously pushed to the side and its many sacrifices
Views expressed by the contributors are appearing as of no consequence.
not necessarily shared by the editors.

Published since 1977 as Thirdworld, the magazine

was re-launched in 1997 as SouthAsia.

Syed Jawaid Iqbal


Pointless rules and regulations are

applied. Someone needs
really needs it.

Culture to be accountable for the Farzana Siddiqui,

ongoing lota culture. Islamabad, Pakistan.

Mohib Akhtar, “No Loo, No I

Karachi, Pakistan.
A New Escape The women in India are
It seems like the former refusing to marry in a family
prime minister Nawaz that doesn’t have a toilet.
Sharif could not hold It’s a movement nicknamed
the defeat he sustained “No Loo, No I Do”. Many
when the Supreme women have come forward
Court announced his telling stories about how
disqualification from they have to wake up at 4 Modi and Amit Shah mean
holding public office in a.m. in the dark to go to by the slogan. Does it mean
a landmark decision. the fields trying to squat in the end of the Congress in
The so-called lion on a sari while holding a cup terms of being a political
his journey home made of water and also looking entity? If this is the case,
a last-ditch attempt out for rapists. Open then I must say that they
to undo a devastating defecation is the biggest have been quite successful
Supreme Court decision challenge India is facing in as the Congress has been
that could land him and terms of sanitation. More reduced to just 44 Lok Sabha
his family in jail. During than 53% of people in seats and their government
the rally, from inside a India are defecating openly is only in a handful of states.
purpose built shipping because of which more More clarity on the meaning
container, he was noted than 200,000 children die and purpose of the slogan
This is with reference to saying that the people of from diseases caused by could only be possible if
last month’s cover story on Pakistan have rejected his faecal contamination. This both Modi and Amit Shah
Lota Culture. Although the disqualification. It seems is an emergency not only clear the air.
word Lota in Urdu means like Nawaz Sharif was only of public health and safety
a spherical water vessel making efforts to please but also of human dignity. Priya Lalwani,
having the tendency to himself as the people of Access to toilets can’t hurt, Mumbai, India.
roll over in unpredictable Pakistan know what kind unlike the chronic, acute
directions when kept on of unrest the country went shame, embarrassment and
uneven ground, but it can fear that Indian women and Binding Ties
be synonymously used girls must deal with at least The Bangladesh
with Pakistani politics once a day, every day. government has initiated
as it has been playing a a new project to improve
very important role since Aakash Oberoi, the infrastructure of three
the very start. The word New Delhi, India. land ports namely Shaola
is dangerously used for in Sylhet district, Bhomra
people who frequently Modi’s in Satkhira district and
switch loyalties from one Ramgarh in Khagrachari
party to another for the Congress- in order to raise trade with
sake of benefits. Recently India. It is indeed a very
as well as after the Panama mukt-Bharat positive idea for both the
Papers case surfaced, some It is clear that Narendra countries as the security
changes were observed in Modi’s call for Congress- system in Benapole will also
the parties. Some people mukt-Bharat, which he be modernised. The new
joined hands with PTI made back in 2004 when approach will also increase
leader Imran Khan, as he’s he was the prime ministerial the import and export
the one who may be next candidate, was not just a activities of Sutarakandi
in power, while some other through when Nawaz melodramatic tool but a port in Karimgani district
relocated themselves to was in power. I just wish serious statement. But we of Assam state. After the
other parties. The shuffling someone would be there failed to understand as to Padma Bridge, the most
can continue to be a part to console Nawaz Sharif what to get from it and costly bridge in the world,
of Pakistan’s politics if no as this is the time when he secondly what Narendra the flow of cargo at Bhomra




“Pakistan is a “The entire

peace loving nation is proud
and respon- of the sacrifices
sible country. We rendered by
desire tranquil security personnel
and harmonious in ridding the
coexistence with motherland from
all countries of the world, particu- the menace of
larly our neighbours.” terrorism.”
Pervez Musharraf, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi,
former President of Pakistan Prime Minister of Pakistan

“The diversity “We won’t

of India, of our civi- tolerate any sort
lization, is actually of terrorism and
a thing of beauty, militancy and
which is something won’t allow our
Where is My Name? we are extremely land to be used
proud of.” for carrying out
There are some terms that Afghan men use to Narendra Modi, terrorist acts against any country.”
relate to their women which are considered as a grave Prime Minister of India Sheikh Hasina Wajid,
dishonour worthy of violence. The few nicknames Prime Minister of Bangladesh
are: Mother of My Children, My Household, My “While protecting
Weak One or sometimes, in the far corners, My Goat the country’s main “Do not ever
or My Chicken. Focusing on this, a social media religion Buddhism, threaten an
campaign has been running in recent weeks to put we also protect Afghan with vio-
an end to the custom. The campaign is initiated by the rights and lence. We will rise
young women coming up with a hash tag in local freedom of Hindu, as one and we will
languages that translates as #WhereIsMyName. The Muslim, and Cath- face every threat
main aim of this campaign is to challenge women olic people in practicing their reli- the way we have
to reclaim their most basic identity and to break the gion and create consensus among taken on thousands of previous
deep rooted taboo that prevents men from taking them to build up this country.” armies and conquerors.”
their women and female relatives’ names in public. Maithripala Sirisena, Ashraf Ghani,
The campaign is indeed a very good step in changing President of Sri Lanka President of Afghanistan
the gibberish pattern of society.
“What is about “Electricity is like
Maham Khan, to happen to oil for us and is
Kandahar, Afghanistan. Faafu Atoll is the most abun-
something that dant resource; my
would feature the target for Bhutan
Maldives on the is a 70 percent
world chart more reduction in fossil
boldly than anything else.” fuel imports by
Abdullah Yameen, 2020.”
President of the Maldives Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay,
Prime Minister of Bhutan
“I want to assure
“You can’t run
both China and
a government
India that we
from one single
will not let our
person. What
territory be used
instead matters is
against either
that leadership be
about gathering
Sher Bahadur Deuba,
around extraordi-
Prime Minister of Nepal
nary individuals and getting the best
out of them.”
“See, the poor Justin Trudeau,
dream all their Prime Minister of Canada
port will also boost further increase in communication lives of getting
and traffic movement. The value of the Ramgarh land enough to eat and “The refugee crisis
port will also rise affecting trade with India’s Tripura state. looking like the shows we can’t be
Both Bangladesh and India are making their full efforts to rich. And what do isolated from the
continue binding ties for mutual benefit. the rich dream of? world’s geopolitical
Losing weight and troubles.”
Lalit Das, looking like the poor.” Emmanuel
Sharjah, UAE. Aravind Adiga, Macron,
Indo-Australian writer. President of France




Microcosm on Display

n exhibit called ‘Microcosm was on Display’ was put
at the Gandhara Art and Space Museum in Karachi
from July 20 to August 12. The festival explored the
young artists and their choice of artistic media which were
daring and socially awakening yet personally driven in their
conceptual concerns. The show’s curator, Adeel uz Zafar,
carefully selected 13 artists for their diverse socio-economic
backgrounds and unique media, providing a thrilling visual
experience. As each artist contextualises their personal they end up representing society itself, turning each work into
experience within broader themes of our societal construct, a microcosm of our collective experience.


Gwadar Welcomes
he Bank of China plans to open the biggest bank in Gwadar along with
other national and international banks. As the Gwadar deep sea port is
becoming operational, several of China’s commercial banks are interested
in opening their branches there and the Bank of China is one of them. Chairman
Dostain Khan Jamaldini of the Gwadar Port Authority said that the work on
Gwadar Free Zone has started and both China and Pakistan are working shifts to
get the work done as soon as possible. He also revealed that the Summit Bank
and the Sindh Bank will soon be merging in September, forming the second
biggest bank in Pakistan.


Rail App

ow one can book rail tickets through a new mobile application to be
offered by the Indian Railways. The integrated mobile app will cater to
various needs of passengers from booking a porter to booking a retiring
room, booking train tickets and ordering food. It is being developed by the
CRIS, the software arm of the Indian Railways at an estimated cost of Rs 7 crore.
Mobile app users need to search and download each application separately and
create a single window interface for these services. The project was announced
in the Railway Budget for 2016-17.


New Corridors

o decongest traffic on Delhi roads, the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI)
has decided to construct a Regional Rapid Transit System corridor on NH 1 from Delhi
to Panipat, and NH 8 from Delhi to Rewari via Gurugram and further towards Alwar.
The length of the corridor via Sonipat is 111km and its estimated construction cost would
be Rs. 16,500 crores. The estimated cost of the 180 kilometer long Delhi to Alwar corridor
via Gurugram and Rewari is Rs. 37,000 crores. The construction period of the projects is 36
months and a major portion of the road has already been completed.



IT Infrastructure

major software company Wipro recently announced
that it had won a five-year-deal to manage the IT
infrastructure of Grameenphone Ltd, Bangladesh’s
leading telecom operator. Telenor group, the world’s
leading mobile operator holds the majority equity stake in partnership to deliver the business results as per plan,”
Grameenphone and being a client of Wipro, the contract said Grameenphone Chief Executive Michael Foley.
with Grameenphone will only strengthen the relationship. Grameenphone Ltd operates a digital mobile telecom
“We selected Wipro to manage our services after evaluating network based on the GSM standard in 900MHz, 1800MHz
its offerings and domain expertise. We have trust in the and 2100MHz frequency bands.


Industrial Park

ri Lanka will set up a 150-acre industrial park in Millaniya, Kalutara at
a cost of 3.5 billion rupees with a company from Thailand. The park to
be built on a rubber estate belonging to the Horana Plantations would be
completed by the end of 2018. An exit at Palpola on the Southern Highway
between Bandaragama and Kalutara has also been proposed to provide easier
access to the zone. Chai Vinichbutr, vice president of Rojana Industrial Park said
that the investment climate in Sri Lanka was good and this was the reason they
decided to set up the industrial park.


Leisure Development

he official ceremony to mark the construction of world-class leisure
development will enhance Maldives’ international reputation as
the world’s top tourist destinations. The overall development, when
fully completed, will extend across nine islands and meet the leisure-
destination desires of the world’s large and rapidly-growing medium to
upscale the leisure segment. The project township will have 1,300 rooms
with 5,000 job opportunities, reigniting and stimulating the country’s
tourism economy. The Township and Phase One are to be completed in
late 2018 and the second phase will go on for the next five years.


Liver Transplant

ribhuvan University Teaching Hospital in Nepal is launching a liver transplant
service by February next year. The hospital has already received Rs 110 million
for the development of necessary infrastructure and is ready with surgeons
and other human resources but special anesthetists for critical care, radiologists
and highly skillful surgeons for liver transplantation are still needed. The Japanese
government has pledged to provide medical equipment to the hospital. Human
Organ Transplantation-2073 had paved the way for liver transplantation in the
country and a new law allows receiving of organs when people died.



Why was I sacked, is a question that Pakistan’s former prime minister Nawaz Sharif
cannot stop asking. While he went on legal grounds, the advice he received was
faulty and played a major role in his unmaking. Pakistan’s first prime minister,
Liaquat Ali Khan, was assassinated. But after him prime ministers have been regularly
shunted out for their ineptness.
By Khawaja Amer

hy have none of the elected requirements and expectations, he
prime ministers in Pakistan would just sign on the dotted line on
failed to complete their each file sent to him by the PSO.
respective tenures? The answer is very The only exception was however,
simple; they never ruled the country Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, though his
and it was the bureaucracy that right-hand man J.A. Rahim was
actually ran the day to day affairs a bureaucrat. A close study of
of the government. In fact, they the unceremonious exit of the
are still the masterminds behind elected prime ministers reveals
all the important decisions that there has always been
taken by the government. a public servant and not the
The inability of the elected public behind their removal.
heads of government to For instance, who was
take independent decisions behind the unceremonious
based on the consensus of exit of Nawaz Sharif?
the elected assembly and Obviously his Secretary
complete dependence on Fawad Hassan Fawad, a career
the bureaucrats left them civil servant who continued
with no option but to remain to serve despite reservations
in power as long as they (the from ministers and
bureaucrats) wanted them to parliamentarians, including
see them in power. Every prime his son-in-law Capt. Safdar.
minister, soon after assuming Ignoring the advice of Fawad,
power, looked for a bureaucrat had he accepted the TOR
of his choice for appointment submitted by the opposition,
as his secretary or Principal the Panama case would have
Staff Officer (PSO) and been settled in Parliament
after briefing him instead of going to the
about his court. According to


a report published in Dawn, a case Ayub Khan became convinced that in private industries were nationalized,
against Fawad’s alleged corruption is order to make Pakistan a sound, solid private schools were taken over by the
pending before the Islamabad High and cohesive nation, a new political government, and generic names were
Court (IHC.) It alleges that Fawad and system would have to be brought in. given to medicines so far sold under
his brother secured a commercial plot The system would have to be home- brand names.
in Rawalpindi’s Saddar area as part grown plant and not imported. It A summit of Muslim heads of state
of an exchange with Gul Zareen – would have to suit the genius of the and government were organized in
on the basis of certain promises and people. As such, he decided to take Lahore, liquor was banned, night clubs
without any cash payment of the total over the reins of the government. He were closed and a number of decisions
amount. The two are alleged to have said that the object of military rule were taken which gained support for
exchanged a residential plot on Haider was to return the country to sanity. Bhutto from the rightwing Islamic
Road, Rawalpindi for this commercial He blamed the politicians who were organizations. Bhutto was sitting easy
plot, opposite the General Post Office playing in the hands of bureaucrats in 1976 as petrodollars began to pour
(GPO). Apart from the construction of for the mess. While enforcing military in and he had quietened the opposition
a commercial plaza, the petition also rule, he said, “Ever since the death of from the left as well as the right. Feeling
leveled several other allegations; the Quaid-i-Azam and Liaquat Ali Khan, confident, he announced elections
gift of a large plot in Okara, shares in politicians started a free for all type of almost a year before they were due
the New City Project in Taxila and the fighting in which no holds were barred. to secure an absolute majority in the
Lahore Motorway City project, etc. His There has been no limit to the depth National Assembly so that he could
involvement in the famous JS and Sprint of their baseness, chicanery, deceit rule with ease and aplomb. He sought
Energy scandal regarding CNG stations and degradation. In this mad rush for intelligence report which said that it
may also be probed, the petition says. power and acquisition, the country would be difficult to get 75 per cent
Nawaz Sharif was so dependent on and the people could go to the dogs as of PPP candidates elected. He decided
him that despite all the allegations and far as they were concerned.” to take the district commissioners in
complaints from the parliamentarians Once the politicians were confidence and they rigged elections.
he could not afford to remove him. temporarily removed from the scene In this some bureaucrats and even PPP
Another person who may have been and the armed forces firmly entrenched politicians crossed all limits.
responsible for the unceremonious exit in the saddle of power, Pakistan The PNA cried foul, boycotted the
of Nawaz Sharif (now famous for his returned to sanity. But then, as we provincial election and decided to start
question – Mujhe Kiyun Nikala?) – was now know, absolute power corrupts a protest movement. Bhutto called in
his own daughter, Maryam Safdar. She absolutely and nothing is sweeter and the army and imposed long curfews
did not have any political experience addictive than power and as someone but even this failed to stem the protests.
but she continued to give advice to her said, “The unlucky soul this demon Soon after Gen. Ziaul Haq, the army
dad who took it – meekly. possesses, if he is not sacrificed on chief, took over and imposed martial
Let’s study the role of the bureaucracy its altar, will sacrifice others to get it.” law. Bhutto was arrested and tried
in Pakistan in more detail. After the Ayub Khan not only abrogated the 1956 under charges of having given orders
creation of Pakistan, the imminent Constitution but up came with a new for a political murder. Again, it was the
and eminent problems faced by the one to get himself elected as president bureaucracy that was behind the rigged
emerging nation, it has been stated by directly through basic democrats --- elections, which led to Bhutto’s hanging,
many scholars, forced its leadership to his own brand of democracy. He was with the military being in the forefront.
look towards the bureaucracy for the very much under the influence of Altaf There is no denying the fact that those
consolidation of the state institutions. Gauhar, a career bureaucrat. He played who were considered to be very close
This, of course, reinforced their a very significant role in the making of to Bhutto and were instrumental in
already dominant position. The civil Ayub Khan, the politician and there is a the formation of the PPP included two
servants had a pronounced penchant general belief that his book ‘Friends not retired bureaucrats - J.A. Rahim and Aziz
for keeping the elected representatives Masters’ had also been written by him. Ahmad.
under their thumb. The civil servants Deriving confidence from the support As long as prime ministers continue
of those days, mostly trained at British of this civil servant, he challenged the to depend on the bureaucracy, they will
institutions, could not provide an will of the people and contested against never be able to complete their terms.
intelligent blueprint for the professed Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah, the Founder’s The only way out is that the political
and often proclaimed egalitarianism sister. Though he won the presidential parties start grooming leaders and not
of an Islamic state. The bulk of the elections with the support of the district mere workers. This country needs a
leadership left the daily routine of commissioners, he failed to control the statesman who can represent the people
running the country to the civil servants people’s uprising and finally passed on with proper decorum, respect and
and spent their time and power in self- the baton to Gen. Yahya Khan. Since knowledge of what's happening in the
projection and making money, ignoring Yahya was not interested in power world. Henry Kissinger rightly said, “The
public interest. Naturally, they failed to politics and was happy with wine and statesman's duty is to bridge the gap
deliver and, as a result, were ousted. women, he conducted the fairest (so between his nation's experience and his
The armed forces, the most far) general elections in the country. vision.”
organised and respected institution of Without going into further detail Pakistan needs leaders who are
the country, was silently observing the and sticking to the subject, let’s begin more educated, more experienced and
activities of the civilian governments with the most powerful prime minister more qualified than the bureaucrats so
of course with full support and help of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, a that they can guide them and give them
from the civil servants, then considered charismatic leader who knew the art the right orders. Mediocre leaders will
to be the only educated, intelligent, of winning the people’s heart. He was always be easily overpowered by the
refined and ‘master of all’ class, but probably the only prime minister known intelligent civil servants.
when the frequent change of prime for dictating to the bureaucrats instead
ministers started adversely affecting of taking dictation from them. His reign The writer is a veteran journalist
the country’s progress, Army chief Gen. can be termed as an era of social change; and a member of the staff.



Term Stinted
No prime minister in Pakistan’s history has ever completed his 5-year term. They are
scuttled from power for one reason or other. The last elected PM was shown the
door because the Supreme Court gave a judgement against him – and he is still under
investigation for financial misdemeanours.
By Shakeel Farooqui

o understand the reason why none ambitious presidents or removed by But they had an even stronger gun, their
of Pakistan’s prime ministers have adventurous generals or asked to step- belief,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip
so far been able to complete their down by the honourable apex court. Erdogan said while addressing the first
5-year term, there is a need to study the The elected parliament in Pakistan has anniversary of the failed coup attempt
conditions and forces which resulted in seldom been able to impose its authority, on July 15. In fact ‘Belief’ foiled the
the unceremonious exit of these heads of allowing the external forces to govern the military coup attempt in Turkey. This
the government. Frankly speaking, most state of affairs using the august body as a historic event proves that people and
of them were not only dishonest but mere rubber stamp. In short, democracy people alone can play a major role in
unfortunately failed to run the country in Pakistan remained a jigsaw puzzle defending any onslaught on democracy.
sincerely and effectively, which created for the ordinary citizens of the country. But for that they must have a firm belief
space for nonpolitical forces to enter the The generals always cashed in on the in democracy. Unfortunately, the people
political scene. They themselves were situation and managed to overpower the of Pakistan no more trust the champions
responsible for the fate they met. They weak parliament, the meek leader of the of democracy though they do believe in
joined politics not to serve the people house and hoodwink the deceitful leader democracy. So the so-called champions
but to make money. For them it was a of the opposition. of democracy are to be blamed for the
business so what happened to the country The question is why the Pakistani unexpected end of the elected leader of
soon after the death of the Father of the people never tried to foil such attempts the House.
nation was pretty interesting. Twice the and readily accepted the defeat of the How is space being provided for
country’s constitution prepared by the government of the people at the hands non-democratic forces to rule the
democratically elected governments of the non-democratic forces. For a country? Gen. Parvez Musharraf in a
was repealed (1958 and 1969) and three convincing answer there is a need to recent interview to BBC Urdu said,
times it was suspended (1977, 1999 revisit what happened almost a year ago “Dictators set the country right, whereas
and 2007). No prime minister was able in Turkey. Millions of Turkish citizens set civilian governments brought it to ruins,
to complete his or her term. Liaquat Ali aside their political, cultural and ethnic military rule always brought progress
Khan was assassinated in 1951. After differences to form a united front against to Pakistan.” The statement though it
that, prime minister of the country kept the plotters, who tried to suspend their sounds a bit sweeping, definitely has
walking in and out rather frequently. country’s constitution, shot at innocent some truth in it. History will bear out that
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was removed through civilians and bombed the parliament. perhaps the most corrupt and worse era
a military coup in 1977 by General Together, the people of Turkey refused in the country was during the rule of two
Ziaul Haq. After his long rule which to allow an armed group to rob them popular political parties. During the rule
ended with his death in an air crash in of democracy, liberty and their way of of these parties the civil service structure
1988, beginning with Benazir Bhutto, life. “Did our citizens have guns in their was destroyed, nepotism was promoted
prime ministers were either sacked by hands? They only had flags in their hands. and state servants, including the police


and bureaucracy, were turned into private
servants. The situation deteriorated by the
loot and plunder of the political leaders.
Stories of Swiss Bank accounts, Surrey
Mansion, Mayfair flats, kickbacks, fixed
percentage in prestigious projects of the
country, Hajj scam, Ephedrine case, to
name a few, are still fresh in the memory
of all those people of Pakistan who read
newspaper or watch TV.
Probably that is why, unlike Turkey,
people in Pakistan rejoice after the
fall of a democratic government. The
incoming military rulers always received Pakistan’s prime ministers
a red carpet reception from the public.
It’s undoubtedly an irony of fate that 1. Liaquat Ali Khan (August 15, 1947 to October 16, 1951)
people of Pakistan have never come 2. Khawaja Nazimuddin (Oct 17, 1951 to April 17, 1953)
out on streets to defend the leaders 3. Muhammad Ali Bogra (April 17, 1953 to August 12, 1955)
they elected themselves. Naturally, 4. Chaudhry Muhammad Ali (Aug 12, 1955 to Sept 12, 1956)
because with each and every passing 5. Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy (Sept 12, 1956 to Oct 17, 1957)
moment a new narrative of corruption 6. Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar (October 17, 1957 to Dec 16, 1957)
against politicians surfaces, exposing 7. Feroz Khan Noon (Dec 16, 1957 to Oct 7, 1958)
the dubious character of the leaders they 8. Nurul Amin (Dec 7, 1971 to Dec 20, 1971)
voted to power. What is more surprising 9. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (Aug 14, 1973 to Jul 5, 1977)
is the fact that despite being booted 10. Muhammad Khan Junejo (March 24, 1985 to May 29, 1988)
out, they manage to get elected again. 11. Benazir Bhutto (Dec 2, 1988 to Aug 6, 1990)
The reason seems to be the immaturity 12. Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi (Aug 6, 1990 to Nov 6, 1990)
of the voters, who believe that changing 13. Nawaz Sharif (Nov 6, 1990 to April 18, 1993)
a mere face may result in emergence of 14. Balakh Sher Mazari (April 18, 1993 to May 26, 1993)
a leadership that would be sincere and 15. Nawaz Sharif (May 26, 1993 to July 18, 1993)
honest enough to solve all their socio- 16. Moeenuddin Ahmad Qureshi (July 18, 1993 to Oct 19, 1993)
economic problems. Public memory is 17. Benazir Bhutto (Oct 19, 1993 to Nov 5, 1996)
short-lived and this is what encourages 18. Malik Meraj Khalid (Nov 5, 1996 to Feb 17, 1997)
politicians to exploit the masses time 19. Nawaz Sharif (Feb 17, 1997 to Oct 12, 1999)
and again. Moreover, talk shows on TV 20. Zafarullah Khan Jamali (Nov 21, 2002 to June 26, 2004)
channels, which can safely be termed as 21. Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain (June 30, 2004 to Aug 20, 2004)
a media circus, keeps the common man 22. Shaukat Aziz (Aug 20, 2004 to Nov 16, 2007)
hooked with one sensation or the other 23. Muhammad Mian Soomro (Nov 16, 2007 to March 28, 2008)
so that he loses track of the shocking 24. Yousaf Raza Gillani (March 28, 2008 to June 19, 2012)
stories of corruption and nepotism 25. Raja Pervaiz Ashraf (June 22, 2012 to March 25, 2013)
committed in the past by the political 26. Mir Hazar Khan Khoso (March 25, 2013 to June 5, 2013)
leaders. They forget the corruption cases 27. Nawaz Sharif (June 5, 2013 to July 28, 2017)
and get involved in gossip like the Imran-
Gulalai spat or the Ayesha Ahad-Hamza
Shahbaz scandal. The irresponsible role the fact that unforgivable acts of treachery It is time to understand that political
of media in a way is also responsible for and a complete loss of integrity in fact led stupidity like dharnas and abusive
political instability in the country. our prime ministers to fall into the abyss behaviour of party leaders will give
Here it would be pertinent to state of their own quagmire of corruption. It undemocratic forces room to rule.
that a political leader’s qualities are was this lack of honesty and patience in “With our dismal record in democratic
generally supported by skill, experience, the leaders that helped military coup- tradition, we as a nation now are on a
intelligence and integrity. But then makers to send elected governments crucial trial of our history to determine
the foremost is of course honesty, packing. Unfortunately, with Quaid- how we restore Pakistan’s raison d’etre
trustworthiness and reliability, enough e-Azam’s untimely demise, Pakistan and cope with the challenges of our
capability to make decisions and accept was orphaned in its very infancy and times, including our global image as
responsibility for his actions and words. was left without any sense of direction the hotbed of ’religious extremism
Ask the voter if he is aware of any leader and in a state of political bankruptcy. and obscurantism,’“ argued Shamshad
who possesses any of these qualities. The The leaders with their weaknesses, Ahmad, former foreign secretary in a
answer will definitely be a firm NO. So corruption and lack of vision, pushed the recent article. The time has come to do
why on earth do they vote to power the country towards chaos. Barring Quaid-i- away with feudalism, tribal leadership
same corrupt and dishonest leader again Azam and Liaquat Ali Khan, the rest of and dynastic politics. Ordinary people
and again? They may say they have no the leadership was still immature and must be given a chance to participate in
choice as they have to select between unskilled in politics. As such the socio- political activities. Only their inclusion
two parties. They reject the party which political situation rapidly deteriorated, in mainstream politics would make
betrayed them after getting elected and resulting in frequent changes in the democracy stronger and save the country
vote for the other party in the hope civilian government. Naturally, the army from corrupt, dishonest and mediocre
that they must have learned from their being the most organised and powerful leadership.
mistakes. But then, old habits die hard. entity overpowered the civilians despite
The people are helpless because of very the fact that they were elected by the The writer is a free-lance
limited choices. The reason boils down to people. journalist.



Role Pakistan’s judiciary has come a long way from pampering
dictators to taking sagacious decisions.
By S.G. Jilanee

t is not the executive branch of Governor General Malik Ghulam amendments in the constitution
the Pakistan government that Mohammed asked the prime minister, revoking Malik Ghulam Muhammad’s
emits an overpowering stench of Khwaja Nazimuddin to step aside and, power as governor general under
incompetence, corruption and other upon his refusal to comply, dismissed which he had previously dismissed
associated vices. Its judicial branch is him in exercise of his special powers. Khawaja Nazimuddin’s government,
also not far behind. Its contribution in Nazimuddin knocked the door of the he also dismissed the constituent
stifling democracy and encouraging Supreme Court but the Chief Justice, assembly on the ground that it did not
the exercise of arbitrary powers by Mohammad Munir, instead of ruling represent the people of Pakistan.
rulers is second to none. on the legality of the dismissal, forced An appeal against his order
The sordid history started very new elections. was filed in the Sindh High Court
early - within 10 years of the country’s Later, the same year, when the by the President of the Constituent
independence, when, in 1954, constituent assembly made some Assembly, Maulvi Tamizzuddin Khan.


The Sind High Court ruled in favour imposed martial law and took over the been found guilty of contempt for
of the petitioner. But in the appeal reins of government. He also ruled for refusing to comply with a Supreme
against the ruling, which was heard almost a decade until he died in an air Court order to reopen dormant fraud
in the Chief Court of Pakistan (later crash. Finally, in 1999, Gen. Pervez investigations against President Asif
designated as the Supreme Court), Musharraf, the army chief, toppled Ali Zardari.
Justice Muhammad Munir set aside the elected prime minister Nawaz After being found guilty and
the verdict of the Sindh High Court Sharif and took over power as chief convicted, Gilani served a token jail
and ruled in favour of the Governor executive. term in the courtroom which lasted
General. The Supreme Court of Pakistan barely 30 seconds. But a conviction
In passing the judgment, the Court justified all military coups, under the is a conviction. The duration of
relied on the doctrine of necessity. same law of necessity. Petitions filed detention is immaterial. Therefore
This doctrine is based on the writings to challenge the coups were set aside the Chief Justice clarified that being a
of the jurist Henry de Bracton (1210- and dictatorship legitimized. convict, Gilani had been disqualified
68) and William Blackstone (1773-68) However, it is not in regard to the as a member of parliament.
Some commentators were outraged
that the head of government should
be deposed by anything other than
After being found guilty and convicted, parliament. They likened the order to
Gilani served a token jail term in the a "judicial dictatorship."
The superior judiciary has been
courtroom which lasted barely 30 active in other fields as well. For
seconds. But a conviction is a conviction. example, it has arbitrarily banned Altaf
Hussain’s appearance and relaying
of his statements in the media, both
electronic and print. No valid reason
was advanced. No charges were
an English Jurist. Both jurists lay down judiciary’s support to dictators only, brought against Altaf Hussain or an
that an act to restore order could come that its decisions have been critiqued. opportunity given to him to defend
under the purview of the ‘Doctrine of They have drawn widespread flak on his position. Yet, he was deprived of
Necessity, while another jurist, Sir Ivor other issues as well; most prominent the right of free speech which is a
Jennings stated that the well-being of among them was the trial of Pakistan’s fundamental of democracy.
the people was the supreme law. erstwhile prime minister, Z. A. Bhutto These inroads into other fields have
That was the first blow to the and the death sentence awarded to been termed by jurists as “judicial
sapling of democracy in Pakistan, him. activism.”
struck by the very people who were Many analysts find the whole trial In the latest instance, the Supreme
supposed to be the watchdogs of reeking with bias. Some have called Court has not only disqualified
the constitution. In their lordships’ it “judicial murder.” Bhutto was from Nawaz Sharif as Prime Minister, but
judgment, Ghulam Mohammad’s Sindh. His alleged victim, Ahmad also deprived him of the membership
dismissal of the prime minister and Raza Khan Kasuri was from Punjab. of the Shura under Article 62 of the
the constituent assembly were acts So the trial became almost a vendetta Constitution, which requires that a
that ensured the “well-being of the of a Punjabi against a non-Punjabi. person must be “sagacious, righteous,
people,” in order for them to apply the This ethnic divide was manifest non-profligate, honest and ameen,”
doctrine. However, no “restoration of throughout the trial. In the first to qualify for the office. Cited against
order” was involved in these cases. instance, when Bhutto began his him were the dubious deals relating
Since then this doctrine came to testimony on 25 January 1978, Chief to fabulous properties owned outside
be applied every time an adventurer Justice of the Lahore High Court, the country, as exposed in the Panama
seized power. In 1956, for instance, Maulvi Mushtaq closed the courtroom Papers.
a fracas broke out between political to all observers. Thereupon, Bhutto The verdict is a landmark as it has
factions in the East Pakistan assembly refused to argue further. He also exposed Nawaz Sharif’s dishonest
that resulted in the deputy speaker demanded a retrial, accusing the Chief practices. It is popular because, for
Shahed Ali Patwary being injured. Justice of bias, after Mushtaq allegedly the first time, a head of government
Patwary later died. But his death was insulted Bhutto's home province. But in Pakistan has been proven guilty
a coincidence and not a premeditated the court refused his plea. of amassing wealth by questionable
murder. In any case, the law of the In the final judgment by the means.
land was competent to take care of the Supreme Court awarding him the Yet, the rigid application of Article
situation. And yet, the confrontation death sentence, the judges were 62 has raised question among jurists,
was used as a pretext by President sharply divided on ethnic lines. The because no proof is demanded from
Iskander Mirza to declare martial law four Punjabi judges including Chief any candidate about his or her being
on 7 October 1958. Justice, Anwarul Huq, convicted “sagacious, righteous, non-profligate,
Gen. Ayub Khan pushed Iskander Bhutto, while the three non-Punjabi honest and ameen,” before swearing
Mirza out and ruled for 10 years. After judges - Dorab Patel, Abdul Haleem them in as members of the Shura.
the fall of Dhaka there was a brief and Ghulam Safdar Shah, in their Nonetheless, the judiciary has
interregnum from 1973 to June 1977, dissenting judgments, acquitted him. demonstrated its power.
during which an elected government In recent times, Supreme Court
was in power, under Zulfikar Ali Chief Justice, Iftikhar Chaudhry The writer is a senior political
Bhutto as prime minister. On 5 July disqualified Prime Minister, Yousuf analyst and former editor of
1977, Gen. Ziaul Huq deposed Bhutto, Raza Gilani, from office when he had Southasia.



The sacking or exit of prime ministers in Pakistan suggests

Legacy of Failure that actual power lies somewhere else in a seemingly

democratic set-up.
By Faizan Usmani

The 111-Brigade soldiers enter the PTV HQ in Islamabad on October 12, 1999.

hown the door for the third time, in legal interpretations too, nothing can be
Nawaz Sharif has failed again to more dangerous than the rule of law itself.
complete his 5-year term in office. The recent sacking of the prime minister
Though on the first two occasions, he can be taken as a coincidence, but such
was ousted through indirect and direct an eventuality takes place regularly in the
involvement of the military, the end of national political scenario and it affects
his third term has been sealed by a five- only those who are chosen through an
member bench of the Supreme Court that electoral process. Much to one’s chagrin,
had earlier issued a split 3-2 judgement the predestined disqualification or the
and had ordered formation of a Joint scheduled ousting of the PM is not a matter
Investigative Committee (JIT) to further of fate, but the trend suggests a bitter but
probe the case and submit the report inevitable phenomenon, indicating the
within a period of three months. presence of a rather supreme authority
Apparently, the former PM was called ‘the establishment’ that clandestinely
disqualified by the judiciary over operates in the grey area beyond legal and
concealment of assets and being illegal boundaries and it keeps orchestrating
untruthful, but his removal has again political order to serve its objectives unknown
raised the perennial question as to why an to anyone but a few.
elected prime minister in Pakistan fails to Since being deposed, Nawaz Sharif has
complete his term. This time, are there any been asking the question, “Mujhe Kiyun
invisible hands behind the judicial ousting Nikala?” (Why was I ousted?), but he is not
of Nawaz Sharif, who had apparently that innocent or clueless as he appears to be.
performed considerably better than on Instead, he should have raised the question,
previous occasions. “Mujhe Kisne Nikala?” (Who ousted me?) to
The believers of conspiracy theories identify the elements that work behind the
argue that removal of an elected prime scenes.
minister in Pakistan is bound to happen The word ‘establishment’ is one of
no matter how well he is able to perform the most popular terms used in Pakistan.
for the long-term welfare of the country. However, what constitutes the establishment
However, this time he was not dethroned is not a straightforward matter and is open
in a military coup d'état, but it were his to various interpretations. As per general
own faults that paved the way for his early perception, the establishment consists of
departure. the civil and military bureaucracy, but
If this justification stands true, one those in the know define it as an oligarchy
wonders how a non-elected military comprising civil bureaucrats, serving and
dictator is able to prolong his stay in power retired generals, former diplomats and
and why the judiciary does not move ambassadors, politicians in office and some
against the unconstitutional government in the opposition, as well as a few of the
set-up that gets legal endorsement coupled highly influential businessmen.
with a further extension merely on the However, Javed Hashmi, a senior
basis of the doctrine of necessity. If the politician, says America is also the part of the
necessity remains the mother of inventions Pakistani establishment and has a decisive


mandate to push through its objectives
and programmes, enjoying an almost
veto power when it comes to appoint
key government representatives and
officials. If his observation stands true,
one cannot rule out China as well.
Though Pakistan’s closest ally says
it does not believe in interfering in
others’ internal policies and matters,
growing Chinese influence on Pakistan’s
economics is a tipping point that heralds
the addition of a new member in the
elite establishment club.
Whatever defines the establishment,
it tends to be quite a euphemistic term
referring those who know how to play Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif meets COAS Gen. Pervez Musharraf
with the fate of the nation in the name of somewhere in the Northern Areas.
political engineering. Despite bringing
in added chaos in an already anarchic
state structure, the perpetually-blessed
breed is not accountable to the people
of the country. They are always able to
establish their writ in the state through
adventurous and violent means, but
their modus operandi can never be
challenged in the civil courts and those
who try to hold them responsible for
their actions bite the dust in the end.
From derailing a democratic setup to
destabilising national politics for vested
interests, the establishment is always
able to thrive and, if taken collectively,
they operate being a state within the Gen. Pervez Musharraf addresses the nation on Oct 13, 1999 as Chief Executive.
state with all the powers to rule over the
majority for keeps.
Pakistan’s national history is tainted are on the same page regarding politician Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed
by a number of military coups that keep development and prosperity of the shared the biggest lesson he has learned
surfacing at regular intervals. Since country.” after devoting a major chunk of his life
1947, the country has spent a period of He is perhaps wrong because to politics. He said, one cannot deny the
three decades under military rule from the government and the evergreen strong role of the military establishment
1958 onwards, excluding some failed establishment can never be on the same in national politics and obeying its terms.
coup attempts as well. However, other page. They carry a different book in This tends to be an inevitable reality that
than enjoying exclusive governance their hands. If the elected government today’s politicians and legislators need.
authority for almost half of the country’s has to consult National Constitution, the Being a highly-specialised military
history, the army is perceived to be other side has its own ‘Book of Rules’ in to becoming an all-purpose institution
the most active agent in making things which the doctrine of necessity, as well involved in different civilian jobs,
happen on the political and electoral as the urge to flaunt its muscle power the army alone cannot be blamed
fronts. With regard to the role of every now and then prevails over the for the shortcomings of the elected
the army in toppling elected prime constitutional obligations and ethical representatives, who, time and again,
ministers, this institution overshadows considerations. have been miserably failed to perform
the civil authority. It can call its 111th The government is elected through in spite of a heavy public mandate or
Infantry Brigade to action whenever it an electoral process, but for a period of despite having substantial experience in
feels there would be a greater public 5 years if it is lucky enough to complete office.
interest in coming back into the saddle its term and has so far not happened. Like it or not, the 111 phenomenon
and taking charge of the government. In contrast, those invisible hands that seems to be more prevalent and decisive
As per the Constitution, the army openly play their cards as the movers than over 180 registered political parties
operates under the civilian government and shakers of the country are there to representing more than 200 million
and must always seek policy guidance stay for good and their ability to enforce people of the country. This is the answer
from the government about national and implement their decisions is as true to Nawaz Sharif’s question ‘Mujhe Kyun
security matters. As things do not always as the world is round. Nikala?’ and it will continue to happen
happen by the book, the army reigns During his first term as PM, Nawaz till the day that the man who enters
supreme and its ability to overthrow a Sharif was reportedly slapped by a the prime minister’s office after being
democratically elected government is military officer to place his resignation elected for five years will not do justice
well-proven. on the table. The sacking of an elected to his job and all the people of Pakistan
"The elected government is the public representative in such a way instead of just benefiting his own clan
actual establishment," says Prime shows this is where the actual power lies or, at the most, his province.
Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi. He in a seemingly democratic process.
says there is no confrontation among In his interview to a leading Urdu The writer is a member of the
state institutions and “all the institutions daily some years before, veteran staff.



Birth of a
New Axis
When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Israel, a new atmosphere of
cooperation emerged between the two countries, leading to the creation of a new axis
that, with the backing of the U.S., will create a new dimension in world politics.
By S.G. Jilanee

or three days this year, from the respect historic, as Modi became the “marks a path breaking journey of
4th to the 6th of July, India’s prime first Indian prime minister to visit Israel engagement.” And he proved it with
minister, Narendra Modi visited in the 70 years since his country became India’s drastic policy shift with regard to
Israel. Except that it lacked the pomp independent. the Palestine Authority. With one stroke,
of a state visit, the event was in every Modi himself claimed that his visit Modi upended the policy followed


by India for 70 years, by avoiding a for a market for its arms. And India is in other areas where India can benefit
customary visit to Ramallah, seat of the now its biggest buyer. New Delhi, the from Israeli expertise and technological
Palestine Authority. world’s second-largest developing- advancement but this advancement
There was an overflow of welcoming world arms buyer, is currently sourcing isn’t possible in a situation of restrained
sentiments. Netanyahu received Modi $1 billion worth of weapons systems recognition.
at the Ben Gurion Airport, warmly from Israel on an average, which is a That is principally why India is eager
embraced him and said in Hindi: “Aapka major leap from the 1990s. to engage in a very public courtship of
swagat hai mere dost.” Later, he took his Israel became India’s third- Israel, even to Israel’s pleasant surprise,
guest around on a sightseeing tour. highest arms supplier at the turn of which sees in Modi’s visit a tacit approval
Modi acknowledged the welcome the millennium and by 2016-2017, of its hardened approach towards the
he received from the Israeli president, according to one report, it rose to Palestinian conflict.
Reuven Rivlin, saying in a tweet; “The the top spot, outstripping the US and However, though both nations
President of Israel welcomed me so Russia. Business Standard reported in are laying a lot of emphasis in areas
warmly, he broke protocol. This is a mark April that Israel Aerospace Industries of mutual interest such as water
of respect for the people of India.” (IAI) has bagged contracts from India conservation, there are challenges and
Benjamin Netanyahu called Modi’s worth “almost $2 billion (Rs 13,000 politically tricky factors for Modi to
visit ground-breaking and said that crore)” for missile defence systems that consider.
he sees ‘history in making’ in their includes medium range surface-to-air For instance, experts such as Ashok
talks. India and Israel signed seven missiles (MR-SAM) and long range (LR- Gulati and Gayathri Mohan from Indian
Council for Research on International
Economic Relations, writing in the
Indian Express, have noted that India’s
With one stroke, Modi upended the rapid descent towards water scarcity
can be arrested by coordinating with
Israel who has a meagre per capita
policy followed by India for 70 years, by availability of less than 200 cum yet
“exports high-value agri-produce to
avoiding a customary visit to Ramallah, Europe and many other parts of the
world” and is known for “innovations
seat of the Palestine Authority. in water management, drip irrigation,
recycling of urban wastewater for use in
agriculture or desalinization of seawater
for drinking.”
agreements in key areas like space, water SAM) anti-ship missile defence systems As the authors note, India has about
management, energy and agriculture. (better known as Barak 8). Israel is ready nine million hectares under micro-
A memorandum of understanding was to give armed drones which New Delhi irrigation but this number needs to go up
signed to set up a $40 million worth really wanted and Washington did not substantially. Though it seems a dream
India-Israel Industrial Research and give. fit, but Indian realities are different. Lack
Development (R&D) and Technical Modi’s visit, therefore, is also an of political will in initiating land reforms
Innovation Fund. acknowledgement of the fact that Israel or putting a price tag to a precious,
Two agreements were signed in the has been more willing to transfer latest diminishing commodity such as potable
sector to increase cooperation on water technological development in the world water, has made things difficult.
conservation and state water utility reform of weapons systems to India than either As Institute of Peace and Conflict
in India. Both countries also agreed for Russia or the US. The Economic Times Studies Senior Fellow Abhijit Iyer-Mitra
India-Israel Development Cooperation, had reported in April this year that India writes in Business Standard, India
a three year work programme in the is slated to get its first armed drones — lacks the resources to meet energy-
agriculture sector. They also launched a the Heron TP — that may aid in cross- guzzling desalination plants or a proper
five-year technology fund. border strikes. Tel Aviv is even ready to technique to deal with their high-salt
Modi addressed the Indian shift production lines to India to match discharge. Indian irrigable land holdings
community in Israel at the Tel Aviv Modi’s Make in India initiative. are fragmented and may not be suitable
Convention Centre. During the meeting However, it appears that both for Israeli drip irrigation systems. Even
he promised direct flights connecting countries are trying to frame their if these problems met with a solution,
the two countries. He also announced burgeoning relationship away from India hardly has the structural capability
that an Indian Cultural Centre would defence into non-security areas such to tackle the increase in crop produce.
be set up in Israel and invited Israeli as water conservation, irrigation Modi’s Israel visit was, no doubt, a
companies to come and participate techniques, higher education, science landmark event, not only with regard to
in the ‘Make in India’ initiative of the and technology, transfer of expertise the benefits accruing to India from the
government. in areas of IT, machinery and transport several agreements, but also from the
The two leaders made a joint equipment, among others. The attempt new strategic partnership between India
statement on varied fields like terrorism, to publicly share the breadth and depth and Israel.
technology and defence. On the of Indo-Israeli ties is noticeable from Because, it is America's staunchest
developments pertaining to the Israeli- both ends. ally and one who has huge bipartisan
Palestinian Peace Process, the leaders It wasn’t until BJP’s comprehensive influence in Capitol Hill, a close synergy
reaffirmed their support for an early mandate in 2014, though, that a with Israel, completes the picture of a
negotiated solution based on mutual government at the centre found political US-Israel-India axis alignment.
recognition and security arrangements. confidence in taking the ties out of the
At the back of the new found closet. The NDA government obviously The writer is a senior political analyst
camaraderie, however, is Israel’s need feels that the time is ripe to strengthen ties and former editor of Southasia.



New Wine in
New Bottles
See it ever which way you can but it seems the US administration under Donald
Trump is hell-bent on converting military aid into loans and, in the process,
losing some of its traditional allies.
By S. M. Hali

n order to prop their country’s ailing reported the proposal, said the foreign The Pentagon's specific defence
economy, the Trump administration's military grants could affect Pakistan, request is for $574.5bn, an increase of
budget proposal aims at converting Tunisia, Lebanon, Ukraine, Colombia, 4.6pc compared to fiscal year 2017.
some of the United States' foreign the Philippines and Vietnam. There The $11.5bn decrease includes a re-
military grants to loans, affecting appears to be a method in the madness shaping of the way some countries
several countries, including Pakistan. since the cuts to programs under the receive military aid from the United
The exercise is part of a larger effort State Department are in part meant States. Foreign Military Financing (FMF)
to slash spending on diplomacy, aid to fund an increase in the US’s own gives countries loans or grants to buy
and programmes abroad by more than military spending. White House budget US military equipment.
29 percent. The United States would documents showed total defence As per norms, the US State
spend 29.1 percent less on the State spending for the 2018 fiscal year at $603 Department decides which countries
Department and other international billion, about 3 per cent higher than are given the financing while the
programs in the 2018 fiscal year President Barack Obama's proposed Pentagon executes the decisions. Under
compared to 2017, a decrease of $11.5 2018 fiscal year defence budget. The the Trump proposal, many current
billion. That decrease includes a re- $603bn includes funding for nuclear grants would instead be converted to
shaping of the way some countries weapons programs at the Department loans. The rationale being provided
receive military aid from the United of Energy and other national defence is that a smaller number worth of
States. programs as well as the Department of loan guarantees enable the affected
The Wall Street Journal, which first Defence. countries to actually purchase more


defence equipment. allied non-NATO ally of the US and to stop the attacks by Taliban was
The exception to the proposed started receiving military aid as well incompetent and corrupt; the assaults
reduction is that military aid to Israel as the Coalition Support Fund (CSF). If continue to-date. Both the US and
and Egypt, two close US allies in the the NATO forces failed to achieve their Afghan governments blame Pakistan
Middle East and the biggest recipients objectives, they have only themselves for providing safe havens to the Taliban
of US military assistance, will remain to blame. leadership, which is not true. Using this
unchanged. In 2003, US and NATO interest in pretext, the US has been threatening a
US military assistance to partners Afghanistan dwindled because Iraq cut in funding to Pakistan. Now it has
and allies reached $13.5bn in 2015, or became the new theatre of war, which the perfect excuse to reduce Pakistan’s
28pc of all US foreign aid spending that provided a much needed respite to military aid in the garb of turning them
year, according to the Congressional the Taliban to re-equip and launch into loans.
Research Service. Most grants through attacks on the NATO forces. This time One essential impact that is coming
the FMF programme go to Israel, Egypt, no external forces were supporting the to the fore due to the switch from
Jordan, Pakistan and Iraq. Taliban. grants to loans for military aid is that
It is not a done deal yet since the Come 2007, the US realized that it countries will not be able to afford US
US Congress ultimately controls the was losing the war in Afghanistan so it military equipment, forcing them to
government purse strings and may started looking for excuses. Pakistan was go elsewhere for supplies. The direct
reject some or many of the Trump made the fall guy and made to bear the beneficiaries will be China and Russia.
administration's proposals. Republicans brunt of the reasons for US failures in Countries that the US is sidelining will
and Democrats in Congress have Afghanistan. Threats of reducing military have other options to resort to for their
criticized the size of the cuts to the aid and suspension of the CSF started military needs. The US is thus depriving
State Department and US Agency for reverberating in the US Congress and itself of the option to build capacity
International Development. Senate. That is the time drone attacks with its partners through the grants and
Let us look at the effect of the on targets within Pakistan commenced. have interoperability with its allies.
reduction on Pakistan, which has been Various studies show that very few Pakistan is not the only country
in the crosshairs of US lawmakers for actual terrorists were eliminated in the that will be affected; the conversion
over a decade. Ever since the war on drone attacks but owing to collateral from grants to loans will be a challenge
terror in Afghanistan started going damage, the survivors of the drone especially for smaller military aid
awry, the US State Department as well attacks were wooed by the Taliban to recipient countries like Macedonia and
as the Pentagon started making Pakistan join the terror groups. Tunisia.
a scapegoat for their own failures. Relations between Pakistan and the Unlike parliamentary democracies
Despite massive aerial strikes, excessive US came to their lowest ebb in 2011. such as India and the UK, where the
ground operations and the deployment Raymond Davis, a US security agency finance minister delivers the budget
of over 130,000 military personnel Blackwater operative killed three speech on the floor of the parliament,
in the Afghan theatre of war, US-led Pakistanis in broad daylight in Lahore in the US the White House sends
international forces in Afghanistan failed and was arrested. The US demanded copies of the president's budget
to create even a dent in the Taliban his return, falsely claiming diplomatic proposals. The decision is not final
war-making capacity. The US should immunity for the undercover secret yet and the Trump administration has
have learnt lessons from the botched agent. The standoff lasted for nearly two left it for the State Department to take
invasion of Afghanistan by USSR in the months. On May 1, 2011, US Navy SEALs a final call. This is one of the options
that the administration had explored
in its internal deliberations, but the
If the NATO forces failed to request itself does not make that
determination. The White House has
clarified, indicating that it might revert
achieve their objectives, they have to the original financial grant to Pakistan
to sell military hardware. Whether
only themselves to blame. the funding is through grants or as a
subsidy for a guaranteed loan, the State
Department can choose any option to
1990s. Guerrilla tactics of the Afghan eliminated Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin ensure American foreign assistance
Mujahedeen aided and abetted by the Laden from a house in Abbottabad, best supports its national interests, the
CIA brought the mighty Soviet forces apparently without informing Pakistan, White House said.
to their knees and they had to retreat souring relations further. The straw that US military may need the additional
in ignominy. In the aftermath of the broke the camel’s back was an attack funding that may be available because
Afghan debacle, the USSR crumbled on a Pakistani military check-post at of the budgetary cuts to foreign aid.
into pieces as it failed to sustain the Salala near the Pak-Afghan border Trigger happy Donald Trump is hell
economic crunch that resulted because on November 25, 2011 in which 25 bent on attacking North Korea. China
of the overextended Soviet military Pakistani military personnel lost their has signaled that it may remain neutral.
operations in Afghanistan. lives. Pakistan stopped the Ground Lines The US may well be drawn into another
At that time, the US and a number of of Communication across its territory quagmire like Vietnam in the 70s of
allies including Pakistan were supporting and logistic supply to NATO forces in the last century and Afghanistan since
the Afghan guerrilla fighters. Afghanistan suffered terribly. 2001.
The invasion of Afghanistan, which Relations were restored in 2012
came about as a repercussion to the but the deep fissures continued. In The writer is a practising journalist.
9/11 terror attacks, had the forces of 2015, the bulk of NATO and US forces He contributes to the print media,
NATO countries led by USA calling in Afghanistan were drawn down. The conducts a TV show and produces
the shots. Pakistan became the most Afghan National Army that was created documentaries.



All In
The Family
Pakistan has the choice of coming out of the ruling family syndrome and moving towards
a truly democratic setup or continuing to stay in the ‘family’ groove and keep suffering.
By Dr. Moonis Ahmar

ike many Third World countries, has happened in Pakistan where two directed the National Accountability
Pakistan is also a victim of the families have ruled this country over the Bureau (NAB) to send references on
‘family fiefdom culture’ where last three decades with the exception the charges of corruption and nepotism
the reins of power are controlled by of President Musharraf who remained against Nawaz Sharif, his sons Hasan
those who belong to the same family. in power from October 12, 1999 till and Hussain Nawaz, daughter Maryam
If a country is under monarchy, family August 18, 2008. Safdar, son-in-law Captain (R) Safdar
rule is not a matter of surprise but if In its historic and landmark judgment and Federal Finance Minister Ishaq Dar.
in a democratic setup a family tries on July 28, 2017, the Supreme Court of Since all of them belong to the Sharif
to monopolize power by all means, Pakistan in the light of a report of a Joint family, it is for the first time in the history
then one can expect serious negative Investigation Team (JIT) disqualified the of Pakistan that the highest court of the
implications. This is exactly what sitting Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and country has taken such an action against


several members of the ruling family. and appointed Ishaq Dar, another close able to get support from people as the
Will Pakistan break the tradition of relative as the Finance Minister. But, it voters have no other option. However,
being ruled by a “family fiefdom”? Are was in the third term of Nawaz Sharif as there are three political parties that do
there indicators to prove that democracy Prime Minister that his family members not have a family or dynastic basis i.e.
in Pakistan will be strengthened when monopolized various power positions Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI), Jamaat-
people vote on the basis of merit like his brother again took over as i-Islami (JI) and Mutehada Qaumi
instead of being carried away by those Punjab’s Chief Minister and his samdhi Movement (MQM). The leadership of
who belong to powerful families or (son’s father-in-law) as Federal Finance these three political parties is above
clans? How Pakistan, and for that Minister. Abid Sher Ali is also related family connections.
matter, other South Asian countries like to the Nawaz family and he became Shahbaz Sharif will remain as the
Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka can the minister of state for Power. Hamza Chief Minister of Punjab, therefore one
get rid of “family fiefdoms” and move Sharif, the chief minister of Punjab’s son thing is certain: power would remain in
to a democratic culture which puts is a member of the national assembly the fold of the Sharif family till the holding
emphasis on electing candidates on and so is Capt.(R) Safdar, Nawaz Sharif’s of next general elections in 2018. The
the basis of their calibre and integrity son-in-law. Sharif’s daughter Maryam substitute prime minister Khaqqan Abbasi
instead of their affiliation with various Safdar, though not a member of the says he is only a stand-in and Nawaz
families? These are the questions which parliament, holds a powerful position Sharif is the real prime minister. When
are raised while examining the culture as in-charge of the media cell in the Maryam Nawaz says that they belong to
of family patronage, power and fiefdom prime minister’s office. She was staying the ruling family, it means, the addiction
in Pakistan in the light of Sharif’s with her father when he was prime of power has permeated deep inside the
disqualification and impending cases minister. Furthermore, unlike Nawaz Sharif family and Nawaz Sharif’s ouster
against various members of the Sharif Sharif’s second term, in his third term from power by the Supreme Court or
family. the influence of his family deepened his party’s predictable loss of power in
There are two opinions about the because of the inclusion of several of 2018 elections would not be acceptable
phenomenon of family rule in any them in his cabinet or holding other to them. Unfortunately, the Sharif family
country. First, family rule is a negation positions of power. does not seem to have read history
of democracy because of “conflict of Pakistan is still a feudal and tribal because it possesses a very naïve idea
interest” and the culture of favouritism, society where patronage, favouritism, about how history matters in terms of the
nepotism and corruption which is nepotism and corruption help various rise and fall of people from power and
created by those who belong to the families maintain their hold over grace. Ironically, despite being thrown
same family and monopolize power. power. And it is not only the case of out of power three times (1993, 1999 and
Critics arguing against family rule hold the Sharif family which can be blamed 2017), the Sharif family has not learned
the view that family rule experienced by of monopolizing power and restricting lessons from history and still expresses
Pakistan since 1988 deepened the level it to Central Punjab. It is also true in its confidence or rather over-confidence
of corruption and nepotism. Second, case of several hundred families who that no one can detach them from power.
family rule can be beneficial for a are controlling the reins of power With such a mindset, there can only be
country if ethics and professionalism through inter-marriages and other social pity for them because history is replete
are not compromised. For instance, the bonds. Such families have bureaucratic, with examples about how powerful
United Arab Emirates is ruled by a family military, feudal, tribal, business, political ruling families and dynasties were wiped
and is not a democratic country but the and even clergy links, regardless of their out and even their trace cannot be found
level of development and modernization ethnic and sectarian identities. All the today.
there is far better than countries under four provinces of Pakistan, including The wishful thinking that even after
democratic rule because the ruling Azad Kashmir, Gilgit and Baltistan, are the disqualification of Nawaz Sharif,
family has a clear vision of development connected through such families whose it will be all in the family, is a serious
and is not involved in corruption number has swelled to several hundred. error on the part of those who subscribe
or corrupt practices. Furthermore, The only link which threatens their hold to such a notion. The expression of
Singapore, which transformed from a and monopoly over power is when there seeking popularity or sympathy by
Third to a First World country under the is inter and intra-elite conflicts as is addressing public rallies and meetings as
leadership of Prime Minister Lee Kuan happening these days because of serious Nawaz Sharif’s trip first from Islamabad
Yu, also experienced family rule because schisms which exist between PML(N), to Rawalpindi and then from there to
when Kuan Yu stepped down in 2004, PTI and PPP. The three major political Lahore, showed, was a foolish journey.
his son, Lee Hsien Loong took over. parties are rivals but their leaders are It was undertaken by a person who had
The culture prevailing in most of the connected with each other through been disqualified by the highest court
Third World or developing countries blood or family ties. For instance, the of the country and created a wrong
is such that nepotism and corruption Governor of Sindh, Mohammad Zubair precedence. It reflected poor judgment
get an impetus when family rule is has affiliations with the PML (N) and was on the part of those who still live in the
established and that too through so- close to Nawaz Sharif when he was in past and are unable to reconcile with
called democratic elections. When power whereas his brother Asad Umer, the truth. If this continues, the country
Benazir Bbutto became Prime Minister is a member of the National Assembly will plunge into a serious political crisis
for the first time in December 1988, she and a key PTI leader. which may be exploited by those who,
appointed her mother Nusrat Bhutto as There is no quick fix solution to since the inception of this country till
senior minister and her spouse Asif Ali eradicate family rule in Pakistan because the present, have taken advantage of the
Zardari was holding a cabinet post in of two main reasons. First, the majority of ineptness and imprudence of those in
her second tenure. Zardari was accused the people of Pakistan lack the courage power under the so-called democratic
of massive corruption and nepotism to challenge exploitation, corruption setup.
while Benazir was in power. When and nepotism because of a low level
Nawaz Sharif became prime minister of literacy, meagre proper political The writer is a Meritorious Professor of
in his second term, his brother Shahbaz awareness and the culture of patronage. International Relations at the University
Sharif became Chief Minister of Punjab Second, ruling families in Pakistan are of Karachi.



The Awami League in Bangladesh is fighting hard to have a significant judicial decision
reversed. Prime Minister Hasina Wajed is in quest of absolute power and, in that pursuit,
she would take anyone to the cleaners who dares to undermine her power.
By Zehra Khawaja

ormer U.S. Supreme Court Justice was damaged and destroyed by Prime 16th amendment of the constitution as
Sandra Day O’Connor recently Minister Sheikh Hasina and the apex null and void, the Bangladesh Supreme
said, “Judicial independence does court proved that judicial independence Court has clipped the parliament's
not happen all by itself. It is hard to does not happen all by itself; it is power to fire top judges, in a bold
create, and it is easier than most people hard to create --- an exemplary effort ruling strengthening the independence
to imagine to damage or destroy.” by the judiciary to win back its lost of the country's judiciary. Can you beat
The judiciary of Bangladesh is a fresh independence. it! The apex court restored a military
example where judicial independence In a historic move declaring the rule-era provision which allows only


a Supreme Judicial Council, headed to the president the government and the a review petition against the verdict.
by the chief justice, to terminate party's stance on the verdict." In short “But, AL leaders are putting pressure
judges found violating the judicial the ruling party is fighting tooth and and making unguarded remarks against
code of conduct. The military rulers of nail to reverse the significant decision. the chief justice to change the verdict
Bangladesh therefore also deserve some It seems that in quest of absolute by force," he said. The foundation of
commendation for granting absolute power, Prime Minister Hasina is ready any democracy, whether Western or
independence to the judiciary despite to even punish the man who dared to Asian, is of course the rule of law and
being the usurpers of democracy. The undermine her power. that means an independent judiciary
decision has been highly hailed by Commenting on the post-decision is an absolute must which provides an
the lawyers ‘as a crucial safeguard for activities of the members of the ruling environment where judges can make
the freedom of the Muslim-majority party, Chief Justice Surendra Kumar decisions independent of the political
nation's secular judiciary.’ The leading Sinha warned that the consequence winds that are blowing. But the rulers
Bangladesh daily, The Daily Star in would be very serious if the law in pursuit of attaining absolute power
its editorial writes, “We welcome the ministry officials try to dominate the never want an independent judiciary
Supreme Court's verdict that finally Supreme Court. “A little learning is a for they know that only a free court can
reinstates the fundamental scheme dangerous thing,” the chief justice said stop them from political maneuvering
of our Constitution that separates out of frustration. “Those in the law for personal gains.
powers between various organs of the ministry rank from assistant judges to As explained by Schlafly Phyllis an
American constitutional lawyer and con-
servative activist, Judicial Supremacy is
the liberal, elitist view that courts are
In a historic move declaring the 16th "supreme" over the other two branches
of government and the Constitution
amendment of the constitution as null and that courts have the authority to
tell the president and Parliament what
and void, the Bangladesh Supreme Court they may or may not do. However, the
has clipped the parliament’s power to fire powers given to the judiciary differ
from country to country. For instance,
top judges. America has a system of judicial review
and judicial supremacy, meaning
federal courts may strike down laws
they believe are unconstitutional, and
state. It will, therefore, be prudent for senior district judge. If they feel that the executive and legislative branches
the legislators to see the merit of this the Supreme Court will act under their must follow the courts’ judgments.
verdict, instead of a setback, which decision, they will commit a serious Though the extent of the supremacy
should help end any tussle between the mistake,” he remarked. He is known of judiciary has always been debated,
judiciary and the executive. Certainly, for a number of high-profile judgments there are no two opinions about the
the verdict upholds the dignity of the including those on the killing of former independence of judiciary. The best
judiciary and the fundamental values of President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and comment on justice probably came
the Constitution.” the 5th and 13th amendments to the from Prime Minister Winston Churchill
The verdict is being termed as a Constitution of Bangladesh. In a South during the Second World War. When
major blow to Prime Minister Sheikh Asian country like Bangladesh, will he he was briefed on the casualties and
Hasina who brought the constitutional be able to survive trying to pick a fight economic collapse, he asked, “Are the
change allowing parliament -- with a prime minister who enjoys an courts functioning?” When told that
controlled by her ruling Awami League absolute majority in the assembly and the judges were dispensing justice as
party -- to remove top judges in is safely poised to win the forthcoming normal, Churchill replied, “Thank God.
September 2014. With this decision, in general elections and that too with an If the courts are working, nothing can
a way, the prime minister will have no overwhelming majority, successfully go wrong.”
dominance over the judiciary, hence top cornering her arch rival Khaleda Zia Now there is a conflict between the
judges will no more be ‘subservient’ to and very smoothly heading towards head of the judiciary and head of the
the government as they would no more one-party rule. She is all set to go for a government in the land of Kazi Nazrul
be under constant threat of removal review petition challenging the historic Islam whose activism for political and
by the ruling junta. Law Minister verdict. social justice earned him the title of
Anisul Huq, however, said his ministry On the other hand, terming it as ‘Rebel Poet.’ Whether the followers
would not go for any step against Chief people’s victory, BNP has welcomed of the rebel poet can muster enough
Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha over the the Supreme Court verdict and in an courage to stand against Hasina’s move
annulment of the 16th amendment to instant reaction over the verdict, the to undermine the judiciary or not is
the Constitution. “Rather, the verdict BNP senior joint secretary general not so easy to predict, keeping in view
will be faced legally,” the minister Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said, ‘The Supreme the ruling party’s hectic move to undo
confirmed while addressing a public Court declared the 16th amendment the decision by hook or by crook.
meeting. Food Minister Qamrul Islam illegal, we think the court’s decision is However, the political observers say
even demanded removal of Chief a victory of people. The government’s the next general elections expected to
Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha while plot to grab the judiciary has failed be held sometime in January 2019 in
confirming that the government would through the apex court’s decision.’ Bangladesh may not be a cakewalk for
file a review petition. Road Transport He also alleged that the ruling Awami Hasina even if she manages to reverse
and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader, League is trying to change the Supreme the decision in a review petition.
also general secretary of the Awami Court's verdict on the 16th amendment
League, told journalists, "We conveyed by force. There's a legal process to file The writer is a free-lance journalist.



The war in Afghanistan has continued for years but there seems to be no end in
sight. While the Afghan Taliban have made a resurgence, the U.S. Administration has
developed a new Afghan policy to counter the development. This is a double-edged
sword and the ordinary Afghan continues to suffer in the tussle.
By Muhammad Ali Ehsan

he big question that has been to terrorists. The attainment of this President Obama’s Administration
asked by strategists for over goal has so far eluded the Americans went all out to execute a deep surge
a decade and a half is: what and their many military and strategy in Afghanistan thus raising the
would make a stable Afghanistan? political strategists tried their luck cost of the Afghan war by spending
Post-9/11, the stability of the world unsuccessfully. The latest addition $100 billion a year on maintaining
has been associated with the stability to that list would now be the Trump a troop surge of over 100,000. Two
of Afghanistan – billions of dollars Administration which unfolded its of America’s best generals – General
have been spent in a stalemated war new Afghan policy. It is different from Stanley McChrystal and General David
being conducted there to convert it the one proffered by President Clinton, Petraeus executed the best possible
into a stable and peaceful state that Bush or Obama because now Pakistan military doctrine in an irregular
may eventually become inhospitable is out of the equation and India is in. warfare implementing COIN (counter


insurgency operations) and through it obliterating the Taliban leadership Americans as supporting a government
focused on ‘winning hearts and minds’ through drone strikes, the Taliban that was corrupt and not people-
in a political and military strategy that preferred to wait out the Americans friendly. Afghanistan didn’t need just
had the clear and unambiguous aim rather than concede to their offers of the military action, it needed huge
of ‘clearing, holding and building’ dialogue that they considered non- Afghan governmental strides in social,
Afghanistan. But the efforts proved serious. political and economic reform – that
insufficient to turn the tide. Seen in At the height of the troops surge never came.
hindsight, the United States employed and with the military presence that the Showcasing a well financed and
counter-terrorism as its core strategy in Americans maintained in Afghanistan, well resourced ‘winning political and
Afghanistan – executing air strikes and pushing out the terrorists should not military plan’ why did America fail
conducting special operations raids have been their most sought after goal in Afghanistan? A large part of the
which didn’t have a lasting impact. – ‘getting rid of the bad guys and the American excuse for this failure is put
The counter-insurgency strategy was post-war peace will take care of itself’ on Pakistan’s shoulders. The US terms
only introduced and implemented in was an American assumption that the Afghan insurgency as made in
2010. Even the US troops’ presence never materialized. Pakistan. In the ‘slow motion version’
in the Taliban stronghold districts like Utilizing the space and time to of the U.S. defeat that the world has
Helmand and Kandahar was negligible build a corruption-free and legitimate witnessed, Pakistan also has had its
and these districts were secured Afghan government could have been share of losses. Contrary to the fact
with military presence only after the the other important goal. Ignoring the that the world looks at violence being
beginning of the counter-insurgency making and creation of a political end exported from Pakistan to Afghanistan
operations in 2010. state of Afghanistan was a mistake. – violence in its worst forms has
One of the big mistakes made in Improving civil services, the Afghan continuously entered Pakistan from
Afghanistan have been the American justice system, doing everything to the Afghan border. The movement and
assumption that only military actions allow the rule of law to take root by organization that the world recognized
will contribute to an overall strategic improving the political system and as that of the Taliban has over the
win. Military actions as is historically making the executive accountable years evolved and now converted
proven only create suitable conditions were very much achievable targets. from being a unilateral, independent
and an environment for a political The former Afghan President Hamid monolithic actor to a ‘difficult to
solution. Was initiating ‘political Karzai was considered by many as keep united’ and fragmented alliance
activism’ more important than nothing more than a mayor of Kabul of many factions. Today very few
conducting military operations in yet the Americans did little to change Taliban reside on the Pakistan side of
Afghanistan? It seems that American this equation and do anything to the border since the military action
political and military strategy in extend his authority. against them has pushed them to the
Afghanistan has been marred by its Max Boot who is a senior fellow Afghan side.
lack of ability to define a priority - was for National Security studies at the In any ground war, less than one
it good governance or was it defeating Council of Foreign Relations made a third of the troops can be sent to a
the Taliban? Or was it both with the very sound observation when writing battle at any given time – others are
result that in the end America ended up a piece for Foreign Affairs Magazine usually recovering from an already
achieving neither. If it were assumed (Nov/Dec 2014) – ‘More Small Wars fought battle or preparing to move
that good governance will follow the – counterinsurgency is here to stay.’ into a new one. The long logistic tail
Taliban’s defeat than neither have the He stated that the ‘State Department and the supply line that the Americans
Taliban’s been defeated nor has the and other government agencies had to maintain and sustain was a big
governance in Afghanistan improved. could never provide enough skilled reason for the rising cost of the Afghan
Today as the Trump Administration’s personnel in Afghanistan in such war both in blood and treasure.
new policy in Afghanistan is eagerly areas as governance and economic To summarize, the American
awaited, one thing seems certain – development to complement the military intervention in Afghanistan
Afghanistan may slide back into a full military’s efforts; soldiers wound up amounts to fighting to sustain
scale civil war if Washington stops filling many of the jobs.’ themselves rather than to achieve
providing serious and sustainable In hindsight, when one looks their mission and the world may
help. at the amount of money that the witness a similar military disaster if
Since the time they have been Americans poured into Afghanistan, it the Trump administration does not
ousted from the government the is not only the Americans who failed learn lessons from a hard fought
Taliban have been fighting a violent but actually the Afghans themselves as Afghan war in which it hip-hopped,
war with the aim of getting back if well. A lack of national reconciliation executing one strategy after another.
not all than some share of power in and lack of effective government The new Afghan policy needs to have
Afghanistan. Had the early American only added to the choices that many a well-defined political component
intention been to seek a deal with the tribes in Afghanistan made to side that should extend across the legal
Taliban rather than try to attack with with the non-governmental actors status to the Taliban as a political
drones and bomb their leadership such as the Taliban rather than siding party thus providing them space for
into defeat, the political and strategic with an unpopular, non-delivering political participation and Pakistan
environment in the Afghan war today and dysfunctional government. If should be a key player. Otherwise,
may have been entirely different. the Americans wanted to project there would never be an end to the
Fighting a guerilla war, the Taliban themselves as the protectors of Afghan war in Afghanistan and the contest
always had time on their side. society, the people of Afghanistan in stamina will continue between the
Witnessing the lack of American never accepted that and when the opposing forces.
willingness to withdraw their forces Afghan government like the one of
from Afghanistan and the continuity President Karzai was as corrupt as The author is a PhD in International
of the American military goal of it was, the Afghans only looked at Relations.



Sri Lankan government officials standing with USAID representatives.

Back to
Square One
If the US cuts development assistance to Sri Lanka, the insurgency situation in the Tamil
inhabited areas could return to from where it all started in the early eighties.
By Dr. Raza Khan

he recently proposed plans by the around 30 percent, and to combine the and of late on good governance and
United States of America to cut two institutions. USAID provided US$ economic development. All these areas
down aid to developing countries, 22 million in assistance to Sri Lanka in are critically important for the civil war-
if implemented, would severely affect 2015, and has provided over US$ 600 affected the Indian Ocean nation.
the foreign supported development million in assistance to the country The cut in assistance to developing
initiatives in Sri Lanka and long term since 2001. This assistance has been a countries including Sri Lanka is part of
political stability in the country. lifeline for the cash-strapped nation to US President Donald Trump’s policy
The US State Department improve quality of social services and of “America first.” During his election
documents published by the Foreign governance in the country. campaign President Trump repeatedly
Policy publication showed that Sri It is very important to note that vowed to use all American financial
Lanka would lose the entire US$ 38 the USAID assistance in Sri Lanka resources on the development of
million in funding under the USAID has been focusing not only on social America and its inhabitants instead
Economic Support Fund. This cut services delivery and governance of spending them on far off countries
is a part of US President, Donald but also on more specific areas like and regions, bringing no benefits to
Trump‘s plan to reduce the US State tsunami relief, rehabilitation and America. A critical aspect of the plan
Department and USAID budgets by reconstruction, prevention of conflict is to merge the USAID with the US


State Department in an effort to cut slashing the budget of organizations millions of dollars, whatever process of
spending. The merging would obviously like the Bureau for Food Security development that has moved forward
not have any negative impact on the by 68 percent. This would reduce in the country could in all probability
Washington-supported uplift initiatives development aid geared towards reverse. This would again increase the
in developing countries particularly preventing food shortages in countries risk of conflict in the future. In other
conflict-affected states like Sri Lanka. like Sri Lanka which is also facing the words, the genesis of the civil war in Sri
The US aid cut is coming at a vicissitudes of rapid climatic changes. Lanka was in the discrimination, which
time when the country is facing a The cut in US assistance would greatly the Sri Lankan state, since its birth in
growing role of the military in civilian affect the efforts to control the situation 1948, had been perpetrating on the
and governance matters. It may be and prevent the threats of tsunamis. In Tamil ethnic dwelled areas in economic
mentioned that the military continues
to encroach upon civilian space in Sri
Lanka with the main concentration
of the forces personnel and projects
in the civil war-affected areas in the
country’s north and east. Militarization
of Sri Lankan society and state goes on
unabated despite the end of the deadly
Sri Lankan Civil War (1983-2009).
Against this backdrop foreign aid and
economic assistance to Sri Lanka is of
extreme importance because unlike
many other developing countries, Sri
Lanka has been lacerated by the long
civil war. The LTTE was a separatist
group struggling for a new state for the
minority Tamil population. However,
the separatist insurgency waged by the
LTTE was ultimately crushed by the Sri
Lankan forces after more than 25 years
of violence and atrocities by the state
forces and terrorism by the militant An American relief package for Sri Lanka.
group claiming hundreds of thousands
of lives apart from colossal economic fact, Sri Lanka is one of the countries development and provision of their
losses. which would be most severely affected political and social rights. It was large-
Despite the end of the insurgency by the phenomenon of climate change. scale underdevelopment of the Tamil
the sense of deprivation and Because of melting glaciers and the areas versus the Sinhalese dwelled areas
estrangement is very much ingrained consequent rise in sea level, the island that resulted in a deep-rooted feeling of
in the Tamil population of Sri Lanka. of Sri Lanka is most at risk. deprivation and disempowerment. The
The Tamil community, which is largely Sri Lanka is unfortunate in the sense cut in US economic assistance and the
concentrated in the country’s north and that it not only would be deprived consequent stalling of the development
east, would be affected the most due to of the development assistance from process would increase the sense of
the proposed US aid cut. Washington but even economic deprivation among the Tamil population
In the post-civil war the Sri Lanka support fund. This is despite of the which would be sowing the seeds of
the military was given or appropriated fact that Trump’s policy regarding the future ethnic and separatist conflicts.
for itself a huge and definite role in Third World countries is to increase the In Sri Lanka the best way the
the reconstruction and development economic support fund while curtailing government could improve the quality
process. The development process in the development assistance. This strategy of governance and prevent conflicts
Tamil dominated north and east, which might have helped Sri Lanka to improve from resurfacing is to build the capacity
had been the theatre of the insurgency its economic growth and generate funds of local civilian administration and
has not only been marshalled by the indigenously to support development to ensure increasing participation of
military but also implemented by it. instead of relying on foreign assistance. local communities and individuals in
The US aid to Sri Lanka has had some Nevertheless, a more sound and the governance and administration. In
strings attached by asking the recipient rational strategy on part of Trump this way a sustainable governance and
country to use it in the Tamil-inhabited could have been to provide economic administrative structure could be put in
areas so that their ruptured lives could support and developmental assistance place.
be assuaged and their rights could be simultaneously to states like Sri Lanka As the future of a peaceful and
restored. After the aid and economic to attain desirable results. developing Sri Lanka depends on the
support cut from the US, the military The analysis of the decades of equitable opportunities in all spheres
in Sri Lanka would have a pretext to terrorism by the LTTE in Sri Lanka, for all the citizens of the state, the cut in
either altogether stop the process of particularly in the Tamil inhabited US development and economic support
development in the Tamil areas or regions, reveal that it was the outcome funding to Colombo would greatly
spend the developmental funds in of lack of development of the undercut the capacity of the state to
such a manner that Tamils get minimal people and their participation in the create equitable opportunities.
benefits from it. governance and uplift process besides
An important aspect of the proposed denial of their economic rights. Now, The writer is a political, economy and
US administration plan to cut down with the curtailment of developmental security analyst holding a doctoral
assistance to developing countries is aid and economic assistance worth degree in International Relations.



Rabbit Hole of
The Maldives is again deteriorating into a dictatorship as winds of change blow across
the islands, bringing with them an increase in the personal power of the rulers and
getting rid of any democratic norms that may have taken root.
By S. Mubashir Noor

President Abdulla Yameen Former President Mohamed Nasheed

he ill wind of dictatorship again confidence motion, were summarily 2013 Freedom of Assembly Act passed
sweeps through the Maldives. stripped of their seats. by current President Abdulla Yameen
After a brief, four-year tryst with The Maldives’ Supreme Court, restricts them to areas sanctioned by
democracy between 2008 and 2012 notoriously partisan toward the status the home ministry. The ministry in
that promised to restore power to the quo, ruled that the lawmakers fell foul turn declared all areas surrounding
people, the country is again hurtling of a new “anti-defection” directive government buildings as no-go unless
towards a state of affairs deeply after the four crossed the aisle to bring the police granted approval.
reminiscent of the three decades of down Maseeh. Anticipating a large This crackdown on opposition
tyranny that preceded it. In late July, protestor turnout following the court activities is the result of Yameen’s fears
the police warned the opposition ruling, the Maldives Broadcasting the impeachment of his ally the speaker
parties to stay clear of the capital city Commission immediately issued a will trigger a domino effect that could
Male as any “unlawful gatherings” blanket ban on media coverage of eventually reach his doorstep. Indeed,
would spur officers to disperse them the “unlawful gatherings,” threatening parliamentary business has ground
by force. The warning came after four rebel media houses with hefty fines. to a halt since opposition lawmakers
lawmakers, part of an opposition plan Though the constitution guarantees submitted the no-confidence motion
to vote out the Speaker of Parliament citizens the right to assemble without against Maseeh with 45 signatures
Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed via a no- seeking permission from the state, the in early July. Backed by some 10


PPM loyalists who changed camps, the fever of change first gripped the turned contentious and was rife with
this motion made clear that some in Maldives, citizens hoped for the best electoral conspiracies. From the rubble
Yameen’s administration did not dispute but were prepared for the worst. in 2013 rose new President Abdulla
the systemic corruption charges leveled The island nation’s ragtag opposition Yameen, half-brother of Gayoom - a
against the government and wanted forces then rallied around charismatic politician also inclined to oppression
to rid parliament of the bad apples. ex-journalist and political prisoner as a tool of statecraft. Many opposition
Specifically, opposition lawmakers Mohamed Nasheed and his fledgling figures were either thrown in jail on
mobilized to impeach Maseeh after he Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP). false charges or forced to flee abroad
refused to summon officials charged Instead of petering out in fear of to retain their freedom. A procession
with corruption. retribution, however, public presence of allies quickly received and then lost
On July 24, the day parliament was at anti-Gayoom rallies snowballed and his favour in distinct Trumpian fashion.
primed to vote on the no-confidence the world realized it was witnessing Nasheed himself faced languishing
motion, the police needlessly tear- the Titanic-meets-iceberg moment of in prison for 13 years on contrived
gassed and pepper sprayed opposition Asia’s oldest dictatorship. Gayoom by terrorism charges before concerted
lawmakers under the pretext of 2008 had run out of political tricks and international pressure forced Yameen
maintaining public order and ruefully called elections. to let him travel to the UK on medical
consequently kiboshed the session. Nasheed and his MDP easily won grounds.
Later, Eva Abdullah, a prominent the national vote after promising to Most alarmingly, a few years
opposition leader, told Reuters “After usher in an era of governance by the into Yameen’s tenure, a rash of new
Yameen (lost his) parliament majority, people, for the people, a country free laws targeting the opposition and
he is trying to use both military and of corruption, nepotism and tyranny. press have surfaced. Among them,
police to suppress the opposition.” These proved to be pie-in-the-sky anti-terror legislation has been used
For ordinary Maldivians, the Yameen promises. A political system built on to silence critics or to simply make
government’s heavy-handed approach kickbacks and cronyism over many them disappear from the public stage.
to silencing opposition voices is decades was not simply going to Similarly, the draconian Defamation
depressingly familiar. For three decades roll over and let the upstart Nasheed and Freedom of Speech Act severely
prior to 2012, they lived through
the repressive, soft authoritarianism
of Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who, This crackdown on opposition activities is the
though a civilian, displayed alarming
shades of dictatorship.
Former president Gayoom ruled the
result of Yameen’s fears the impeachment
Maldives for 30 years using a toxic mix
of Islamic nationalism, isolationism
of his ally the speaker will trigger a domino
and psychological repression. A
money savvy despot, Gayoom turned effect that could eventually reach his doorstep.
the Maldives’ pristine beaches into a
world-class paradise for western tourists
whose hard currency kept the country’s wreck its gravy train. And once the penalizes dissent with jail time and
economy afloat and thus dissuaded the MDP leader began auditing shady weighty fines. Yameen’s eagerness to
lowest strata of society from mounting deals in earnest, the very institutions consolidate power has not even spared
mass protests. The social contradictions that were the cornerstone democracy relatives.
only grew sharper though. Tourists were began hankering for a Gayoom-style Also in July, police booked Faris
discouraged from mingling with the dictatorship and plotted Nasheed’s Maumoon, the president’s nephew,
locals and whereas westerners could downfall. This included his deputy, on bogus bribery charges after he
skinny-dip in the crystal clear waters then Vice President Mohamed Waheed repeatedly criticized his uncle for
while enjoying piña coladas, alcohol Hassan. playing tyrant and jumped ship to join
was strictly banned for Maldivians. Things came to a head in 2012 opposition parties in their campaign
The PPM government banned all when a frustrated Nasheed had the against parliamentary speaker Maseeh.
religions except Islam and adultery chief justice of Maldives’ criminal Moreover, the Maldives looks set to tear
was punishable by 100 lashes and courts, Abdulla Mohamed, sent to jail up a six-decade old moratorium on the
exile. Moreover, Gayoom put into for abusing his position. This gave the death penalty that would put it “on the
practice one of the oldest plays in the country’s tainted judiciary the perfect wrong side of history,” says South Asia
Machiavellian manual of governance: excuse to push Nasheed out of power. director at Amnesty International, Biraj
pitting the forces of race and religion A fake opposition funded by public Patnaik.
against one another. Since his political monies was immediately cobbled Though the UN has over the years
opponents generally adhered to liberal together, helmed by the ambitious applied rhetorical pressure on Yameen
and progressive values, Gayoom Waheed who presented himself as a to change tack, its reluctance to
covertly backed radical Islamists sanguine peacemaker between the impose financial sanctions has simply
to counter them. He dismissed the warring factions — MDP and Gayoom emboldened the president to continue
emergence of homegrown extremism, loyalists — to the international expanding his personal powers in the
the imminent byproduct of this strategy, community. Loath to inspire bloodshed, guise of national interest. Where does
as a necessary risk to staying in power. Nasheed backed off and agreed to fresh the Maldives go from here? History
Not surprisingly then, the Maldives, polls despite knowing that corrupt suggests further down the rabbit hole
per capita, has sent more jihadist election commission officers on the of dictatorship.
fighters to Syria since 2014 than any payroll of the regime loyalists would
other country in the world. rig them. The writer is an Islamabad-based
Consequently, in 2005, when Sure enough, the run-up to the polls freelance journalist



Pakistan at 70
A Personal Perspective
By Iqbal F. Quadir

his 14th of August, Pakistan can survive without a virtuous and What are the nation’s problems?
celebrated the 70th Anniversary strong justice base. Today most ills in “Mushkilein mujh par itni parin
of its Independence. Yet the joy of Pakistan exist amongst the majority of ke asaan ho gaen.” (I faced so many
independence this year has been rather the population because of the absence of difficulties that everything began to look
sombre and tempered by the first ever adl. The prevalent general lack of respect easy). Currently exists a plethora of un-
application by the judiciary in Pakistan for the law was a proof of the edict indexed laws, court rulings, ordinances
of a law based on Islamic moral values. “Kharboozeh ko dekh ker kharbooza (some for periods much longer than
The fact that the person found guilty was rang pakarta hei,” the top being most allowed), SROs and a multitude of other
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the elected visible since its aberrations get more orders by anyone having any authority,
head of government. This has set a new easily copied; a human weakness. Now designed mostly to suite certain sections
precedent for adl (justice) and become that the judiciary has taken the first bold of society or individuals, being unknown
cause celebre’, hope and optimism for step in the most required direction, it to all and even less understood by the
two hundred million Pakistanis who for needs to be followed up vigorously large confused and uneducated public.
decades had been seeking equality of and strengthened by allowing courts As a result, just because there has
justice for all. their own investigations in cases where been no rule of law since 1953 when
This act of the Supreme Court was a the honourable judges feel available Ghulam Muhammad and civil servants
much wanted step in the right direction evidence is short of facts, as was clear in overthrew the elected government with
and a unique gift of God as no society some recent cases. support of Chief Justice Muneer Ahmed


and Commander-in-Chief of the Army, was formed after an extended effort
General Ayub Khan, all egged on by the by Nawab Khawaja Salimullah of
arch feudal Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani. Dhaka with other Muslim leaders.
It was literally a free-for-all depending This delay allowed a free-run socially,
upon power, pelf or connections. No economically and politically to the
wonder, outsiders considered Pakistan Indian National Congress created by an
to be in a state of anarchy. Englishman but completely dominated
After rule of law, the second important by Hindus. Moreover, the Muslim
building block for a country, nation or League became dormant after the death
society is education. Its importance and of Nawab Salimullah in 1916 and was
its dearth amongst the Muslims was revived only in the early nineteen thirties
pointed out by Quaid e Azam to me under the leadership of Muhammad Ali
in 1946 at Simla (now Shimla) when Jinnah for the first elections to provincial
with my younger sister boldly walked Khawaja Nazimuddin assemblies in 1937. Therein Muslims
through the Cecil Hotel to his suite had been granted separate seats. I was
and despite his Secretary Khurshid only seven at that time but remember
Ahmed’s objections, to our great my father saying, “In future we will
elation Jinnah postponed the Working speak only Urdu or English at home and
Committee Meeting scheduled in the neither Kashmiri nor Punjabi. Urdu was
next five minutes for half an hour and the language of the Muslims (of India).”
took us to tea in the hotel lobby. There, The 1937 provincial elections proved
amongst other things, he emphasized to be a watershed of Hindu-Muslim and
the importance of education, saying British India’s unity. Addressing a public
Pakistan would be formed but that no meeting of a lakh of people (including
country could make progress or develop myself) in New Delhi in 1941, Jinnah
without educated people. He pointed narrated reasons for the newly passed
out the dearth of educated Muslims resolution in 1940 at Lahore demanding
in British India and strongly urged the Pakistan. Amongst others he highlighted
younger Muslim generation to acquire General Ayub Khan that the Congress reneged on a pre-
good education. But after independence election agreement to form a coalition
and early death of Quaid, followed by of independence unfortunately is government in the United Provinces
Ghulam Mohammad’s coup, education general chaos, lack of respect for the after elections, creating doubts about
lost its priority and Pakistan gradually Constitution or Islamic values in every the Indian Congress’ sincerity towards
slid behind even those countries whose field of administrative and political Muslims after independence and,
students initially used to come for studies activity. Incidentally, politics was the secondly, after winning elections
here. The annual financial commitments art and science of public administration in almost all provinces, the Hindu
for education in those years and after and not what we presently observe in dominated Congress Party abolished
was enough proof of that neglect. Pakistan, India or, for that matter, even in zamindari (large landholdings) in the
The third important building block advanced countries. And, according to United Provinces only where Muslim
was good administration. It was ironic an ex-Inspector General of Forests who landholdings dominated but not in other
that at the time of independence when together with an ICS stalwart went to provinces where Hindus and Sikhs had
riots broke out in the whole of Punjab congratulate Khawaja Nazimuddin on larger landholdings. These two actions
and in Delhi and millions of refugees becoming Prime Minister, Khwaja sahib of the Indian National Congress forced
poured into Pakistan from India, while remarked that politicians had negligible the Muslims to consider safeguards
a similar number migrated from all over administrative experience and therefore for themselves by demanding two
Pakistan together with nearly all local success of democracy would very much Muslim majority areas of their own in
government administrators and business depend on quality of the advice the civil a confederation, each having the right
community (Hindus and Sikhs). With servants gave to their ministers. But, to opt out after ten years. But Congress
India withholding transfer of Pakistani as stated earlier, civil servants led by policies forced the division of India at
share of finances and stores, despite Ghulam Muhammad pressumed they independence in 1947.
the troubled conditions, absence of knew better and took over the reins Another important issue, which
administrative staff and lack of resources, themselves with the results that followed together with the language dispute,
there was peace and amity amongst the and engulf the nation today. led to the breakup of Pakistan in 1971.
people with everyone contributing to How all this came about? Earlier, it had been the Muslim League
the best of his/her ability in building a The legacy of Pakistan dated back high command’s decision under Quaid
new nation. to the downfall of the Muslim Empire in e Azam to abolish zamindari. Being
How different was this from the India when English replaced Persian as a provincial subject, chief minister
present general, administrative and the official language and the new rulers Khawaja Nazimuddin immediately
law and order situation, after over sixty preferred non-Muslims for official and went ahead in East Pakistan while other
years of foreign financial, economic private jobs. Initial Muslim resistance provinces delayed it till the Quaid died
and military assistance plus loans to learn English did not help either. A and then announced their inability. As
and charges for services rendered bad decision was to avoid participation early as in 1955, the US diplomatic
by Pakistan. The foreign debt burden in politics till about three decades after mission wrote home expressing doubts
now must be around a staggering $60 Municipal Committees were introduced as to whether unity of the two wings
billion and another $45 billion on the by the English rulers. All this contributed could last for long, one feudal and the
way for CPEC, the anticipated vehicle to the increasing Muslim backwardness other led by the middle class? In 1968,
of future economic development. All in a new society. It was not till December an East Pakistani elder who was well
Pakistan has to show after 70 years 1906 that the All India Muslim League familiar with national politics, remarked



that two powerful federal secretaries Martial Law with himself as President and
would break up Pakistan to save West Army Chief General Ayub Khan as Chief
Pakistan’s feudal order. The power of the Martial Law Administrator.
feudal group had been so strong that However, Ayub Khan soon realized
even Zulfikar Ali Bhutto as Prime Minister the total dependence of his civilian
failed to enforce his Land Reforms which masters on the army and decided to take
amounted to abolishing zamindari. over as President and Chief Martial Law
Incidentally, like Quaid e Azam, he Administrator. Thereafter the reins of the
(Bhutto) too wanted friendship towards all country and of the Establishment passed
as a bulwark of Pakistan’s foreign policy. If into the GHQ’s lap. There were three
only our zamindars had learnt how agro- other important outfalls of Pakistan’s
based Taiwan and South Korea converted defence pacts (Baghdad Pact, CENTO
themselves into industrial giants! and SEATO) on the country. First, foreign
As can be inferred from the genesis policy became simple -“Keep the USA
of the current state of affairs, it all started Happy.” Second, to satisfy the American
with Ghulam Mohammad’s coup in 1953. people a façade of democracy had to be
He threw the Quaid’s vision of “Friendship maintained in the form of a parliamentary
towards all and enmity towards none” government, the peoples’ representatives
into the trash bin and signed the Baghdad who were mostly feudal were more easily
Pact (later CENTO) with the USA and manageable. Afterwards, consequent to
other countries against the Soviet Union. US economic aid, as business tycoons and
Pakistan already had defence pacts with industrialists emerged, those interested got
the USA and Britain but these were for herded into politics too. Third, after the
acquiring weapons for its defence and 1954 survey of the situation in Pakistan,
for training of its men in those countries the USA feared the country was ready for
and not against any third country. The communism and to avert that possibility
USA already had a defence arrangement it was decided to allot residential plots
with India for its military aircraft to transit to defence service officers as a means of
India through two bases and another two motivation to defend the nation’s interests
for use by US aircraft spying over China. against communism.
The USA also operated some electronic This political situation has persisted
warfare units from bases along India’s ever since except for the short period
frontier with China. Yet, despite Ghulam when ZA Bhutto was the prime minister.
Muhammad’s overtures to the USA After the Quaid, he was the only true
for military and economic assistance leader of the country and of the people but
almost since independence, Washington for his wadera culture and haste to bring
responded only in 1953 after the Soviet changes in domestic and international
Union turned hostile and became a threat politics leading to differences with the
to U.S. interests worldwide. The USA Establishment as well as the superpower,
needed similar facilities in Pakistan against the consequence was his fall. To make
the Soviet Union as it had in India against the domestic system people friendly and
China after the1949 Communist takeover. to achieve parliamentary supremacy,
After joining the Baghdad Pact, a patience was required so that a greater
quick American survey of the situation in understanding, trust and unity amongst
Pakistan brought out that though an elected various building blocks could be
Parliament existed till 1953, there were achieved. Only this could also stop the
only two well organized institutions, the game of chess which some outsiders
Civil Service and the Armed Forces where were playing in Pakistan with their direct
the Army was dominant. It was therefore contacts with each building block in
decided that all military assistance from the the country. Also, since justice needed
USA would be handled directly between to be done, education was the prime
the Pentagon and GHQ while for civil aid objective if Pakistan was to develop and
a body called ECNEC, composed of civil make progress as a country of substance.
servants, would be created. With these Its leaders of all hue and colours also
agreements in force, in 1954 all powers needed to realize that phenomena,
practically passed into the hands of civil such as that of Imran Khan was like the
servants with the Army in the background. Bhutto phenomenon under Ayub Khan
However, by October 1958 the Parliament and a people’s cry for association with
(more about it later) led by Speaker Maulvi the running of the country and their
Tamizuddin Khan, despite all efforts of local affairs. It was similar to what East
the Establishment, managed to complete Pakistanis had felt that led to 1971. Finally
the famous 1956 Constitution that, after what the country needed most was more
legal vetting, came up for authentication positive action towards Adl and economic
by President Iskander Mirza. Fearing development than words by the political
ceding the Establishment’s power to the leaders.
Parliament simultaneously as the law
and order and economic situation in the The writer is a retired Vice Admiral and
country began to deteriorate, he ordered former ambassador.



His Highness
Prince Karim Aga Khan

A Prince in Love with

Peace and Progress
By Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani
Member, National Assembly of Pakistan

he Ismaili community across the Shah, who became Aga Khan II, played a the extent to which the Western world
world is celebrating the Diamond pivotal role in maintaining close relations trusted the Aga Khan. The refugees from
Jubilee of their beloved spiritual with other communities. Uganda later played a pivotal role in
leader Prince Karim Aga Khan IV with Sir Sultan Muhammed Shah, who bringing prosperity to Canada’s pluralist
zeal and enthusiasm. In 1957, a 20-year succeeded Aqa Ali Shah as Aga Khan society.
III, was one of the In another incident, Prince Karim
most active and Aga Khan decided to raise the standard
dynamic leaders of living through education during his
of the Pakistan first visit to Gilgit-Baltistan. Today, the
Movement and a literacy rate of Gilgit-Baltistan is the
close aide of the highest across Pakistan. He also founded
Quaid-e-Azam. He the Aga Khan Development Network
was also one of the (AKDN), which operates in more than 35
founders and the countries across the globe. The AKDN
first president of the agencies are active in the spheres of
All-India Muslim education, health, rural development,
League (AIML). institution-building and economic
He was a strong development.
supporter of Sir The Aga Khan looks after various
Syed Ahmad Khan’s welfare initiatives, such as the Aga
vision that the Khan Foundation, the Aga Khan Health
HH Prince Karim Aga Khan with Muslims of India Services, the Aga Khan Planning
former prime minister Nawaz Sharif. should first focus and Building Services, the Aga Khan
on strengthening Economic Services and the Aga Khan
old Prince Karim Aga Khan succeeded their economic conditions through Agency for Microfinance. Through the
his late grandfather as the leader of the education before entering politics. In Aga Khan Trust for Culture, he is taking
Ismaili community, which is spread this regard, he also offered the Aga Khan steps to preserve Islamic heritage sites,
across the world and has some 15 Foreign Scholarship for talented Muslim particularly the historical buildings
million followers globally. students at Aligarh University. belonging to the Fatimid Dynasty in
The Ismailis reject all forms of After the creation of Pakistan, Aga Egypt, the tomb of Mughal Emperor
violence and extremism and are globally Khan III, on the request of the then prime Humayun and the ancient city of Agra
known as the most peace-loving minister Feroz Khan Noon, purchased in India.
people. They have been rendering great Gwadar from Oman and gifted it to The international community has
services, promoting quality education, Pakistan. Gwadar is now considered to also announced various awards for
advocating tolerance and empowering be a game-changer for the region due to Prince Karim Aga Khan in recognition of
the community. CPEC.
At this crucial juncture when such In 1957, at the age of 20, Aga Khan
evils as terrorism and extremism are IV Prince Shah Karim Al Husseini
being promoted globally to serve the succeeded his grandfather as the 49th
evil interests of a few, I believe the Imam of the Ismaili community. He
prime focus of Prince Karim Aga Khan’s also inherited his grandparent’s positive
60-year struggle has been to promote agenda that was based on tolerance and
quality education, advocate tolerance serving mankind. As a British citizen
and empower the community. who was born in Switzerland, raised in
The Aga Khan – whose roots can Kenya, educated at Harvard and lived in
be traced to the Egyptian and Persian a French chateau, the life of Aga Khan
empires – has enjoyed cordial relations IV is a shimmering example of pluralism
with the elite classes of various countries. and global harmony.
Even in British India, the Viceroy of India In the 1970s, when racial
had formally recognised the title ‘Aga discrimination was on the rise in the
Khan’ for Prince Karim’s predecessors in African continent, Ugandan nationalist
1887. leader Idi Amin began expelling people
Aga Khan I, whose real name was of Asian descent from the country.
Hasan Ali Shah, was also awarded the The then prime minister of Canada,
status of ‘Prince’ by the British government in response to the Aga Khan’s request,
and he was the only religious community accepted as many as 7,000 Ugandan
leader in British India who was granted Asians as refugees on humanitarian The Prince shaking hands with Justin
a gun salute. After his demise, Aqa Ali grounds. The specific incident reflects
Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.



The Myth of
the Aga Khan’s Affluence
“I do not seek to do things, in fact I have stayed away from things which did not
seem to me to be good sense, where it was affluence for the sake of affluence.”
– Imam Shah Karim al-Hussaini Aga Khan IV
Queen Elizabeth greets His Highness.

s for the Western media’s relentless charge that the Aga Khan lives a ‘lavish’
or ‘affluent life’, the Ismaili Imam has answered and dismissed the
veracity of these claims on multiple occasions.
"I am not affected by suggestions in print that I live a luxurious Western
life, while most Ismailis live in underdeveloped Eastern countries (he went
on). These are just smears by cheap magazines. Serious publications are
aware of the work we do and of our achievements in many countries. Such
smear stories never appear in Asian publications."
At the personal level, the Aga Khan does not live affluently at all. During
his final year at Harvard, when the Imam completed the last 1.5 years of
In conversation with Indian PM, study in just 2 semesters, the Aga Khan owned no car and took public
transit despite having access to the funds of the Imamat. Even his Harvard
Narendra Modi.
roommate Stevenson noticed how the Imam owned very little in personal
While many people charge the Imam with “extravagance” for owning
property in Sardinia and developing its tourism industry, they would be
surprised to learn the actual reason why the Ismaili Imam even spends
some of his time there. The Aga Khan was overburdened with work and
frustrated with the Western media’s misunderstanding of his role as Imam
so he sought to find a place where he could find some calm and privacy.
The demands of the Imam’s mission and extensive work have also taken
a toll on his family life. The Imam even makes his decisions on whom
and when to get married based on the well being of the Ismaili Muslim
community. The Aga Khan even gives the Ismaili community greater priority
A meeting with Afghan President, in his life than his own wife and children. The Aga Khan’s biographer Willi
Ashraf Ghani. Frischauer records the Imam saying the following when he married his first
wife Begum Salima in 1969:
his lifelong services to poverty alleviation "I would not marry a woman who I did not believe
and literacy growth. Around 50 countries could help me. I hope to reorganise my life so as to
have conferred national awards on have a little more time to be with my wife — and
him while leading universities across my children — though not at the expense of the
the world have also awarded honorary community."
degrees to him. Since he became the Imam of the Ismaili
The reason behind the respect that Muslims in 1957, the Aga Khan has received
the Aga Khans have earned is their religious dues from his followers called zakat
ability to serve mankind by making or dasond. These religious dues are given to the
the best use of their wealth which they Imam by his murids as a key practice of Shia
inherited from their ancestors. Despite Islam and the Imam manages and spends the
their leading role in the creation and religious dues on the community and institutional
development of Pakistan, we could not development that benefits all people. However,
give them the credit they deserve. We the religious dues given by the Ismaili Muslims
also owe a lot to the Ismaili community are never sufficient to cover these needs and
that has been pursuing the sole agenda the Aga Khan has consistently drawn upon his
to promote literacy and alleviate poverty own personal funds to support the institutional
from the region. needs of the Ismaili Muslims and other
On the occasion of the Diamond communities.
Jubilee celebrations of Aga Khan as the From 1960 to the present day,
49th Imam, the Government of Pakistan there are a number of documented
should highlight his greater services and examples of the Imam
make the new generation aware about spending his own money
the Aga Khan’s valuable contributions to to sustain the institutions
the country. On this historic occasion, of the Ismaili Muslim
we must request him to serve as a Community and the Aga
bridge between the Muslim world and Khan Development
the West. The Aga Khan is truly a role Network.
model for all of us.



The Reluctant
Prime Minister
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been getting largely a positive press
since 2015, when he assumed office. But there is another side to him that needs to be
examined by those sympathetic to his humanitariasm.
By Taha Kehar

n May 7, 2017, 39-year old
Emmanuel Macron became
France’s youngest president
since the “little tyrant” Napoleon
Bonaparte. His victory in the recent
presidential vote marks a significant
turning point for European politics
that were steadily edging towards
ultranationalistic hubris. While right
wing parties across Europe from
Britain to Germany to the Eastern bloc
are steadily gaining strength on anti-
immigration and anti-globalization
planks, the traditionally pessimistic
French chose to stay the centrist,
reformist course by voting Macron into
power. In the process, they rejected
the economic and social isolationism
championed by his main rival, the
National Front’s firebrand leader
Marine Le Pen. Sanity prevailed, for
now at least.
But appearances, as most
Shakespearean tragedies will reveal,
can be deceptive. The hype surrounding
Trudeau’s persona has carefully
disguised a slew of policy failures
that have dented his government’s
credibility in the global realm.
The effects have become all the more
palpable with time. The latest rankings
released by the World Economic
Forum indicate that Canada’s score has
dropped by one spot. To add insult to
injury, the forum has carried a note of
caution for the country suggesting that
‘Trudeau fatigue’ has seeped into the
sociopolitical fabric. As per the forum’s
analysis, Canada’s international polling
data and its domestic approval ratings
have collectively contributed to the
slump in the country's score.
It is difficult to discredit the
findings of such reports as they are
based on cold logic that has yet to be


understood: in his mission to refute criticism on Israel. He viewed such role as an honest mediator, the Trudeau
Stephen Harper’s policies and push censure as a form of anti-Semitism. administration has deepened Canada’s
the liberal agenda, Trudeau has done On the other hand, Trudeau’s strategy military role in Iraq.
little to improve Canada’s image as a is far more sophisticated as it creates For many years, Iran remained
multilateral player. the illusion of progress on the surface a pariah state for the Harper-led
The trouble, as many would expect, while cradling a separate agenda that is Canadian government. It was included
begins at home. M-130 -- which is the entrenched in the system. For instance, in the list of countries that were billed
final nail in the coffin for Islamophobia his administration has restored $25 as state sponsors of terror. A diverse
in Canada -- may have been passed million worth of funds to establish a menu of sanctions was imposed on the
under Trudeau’s watch with full UN relief agency for the Palestinian country.
support from his administration. government, which had been scrapped As Trudeau seized the reins, the
But there is a far more lethal force in Harper’s tenure. pressure on Iran was gradually lifted.
that threatens to weaken Muslims in The liberals have also stepped back But not all sanctions were done away
the country: the Anti-Terrorism Act. on a string of humanitarian causes that with and the selective approach to
During Harper’s tenure, the liberals they had fervently advocated during their removal led many to believe that
-- who were in opposition at the their years in opposition. When the there was a hidden agenda behind the
time -- were vociferous critics of the Tories were in power, the opposition new government’s change in strategy.
legislation. Now, nearly two years after tirelessly spoke about the three Commentators are of the view that
forming the government, the Liberals Canadians who had been tortured the sanctions were lifted to serve the
appear reluctant to do away with this in Syria. However, when the tables sectional interests of Canada’s business
exploitative legal tool. Under the act, were turned and the liberals found community. Since it was driven by
people can be detained for seven days themselves at the helm, this refrain was mercantile considerations, the removal
and the police can arrest people on the forgotten. of sanctions was little more than a
basis of a mere suspicion or fear that Canada, like the US, has also found token step. At this stage, changes
they will carry out terrorist activities. itself at the heart of the surging conflict appear to be inevitable. After all,
The secrecy in law-enforcement has in the Middle East. However, instead of Canada has an embassy in Iran. Then
led the state to selectively apply the playing the role of an honest mediator, why hasn't the Trudeau administration
law and discriminate against Muslims. the Trudeau administration has either broken away from the skepticism of the
In addition to the blanket oppression involved itself to an excessive degree past and struck Iran’s name off the list
against Muslims that appears to have or found itself in cahoots with the of states that sponsor terror? It is this
been inherited from the policies aggressors. very question that has irked many and
adopted by the Harper administration, Israel is part of the reason for the driven people away from supporting
Trudeau’s government has made Trudeau government’s blinkered view his policy framework.
copious attempts to undermine of the Middle Eastern crisis. Canada’s Canada’s involvement in Yemen
requests made by Palestinians who are foreign minister has maintained that remains yet another inconvenient truth
based in Canada. These veiled attempts Israel is the centerpiece of his country’s that has added to the growing spell of
to sideline Palestinians stem from an role in the Middle East. Israel’s security, Trudeau fatigue. His administration’s
unreasonably strong bent towards by extension, remains the cornerstone complicity in the Saudi-led insurgency
Israel. of Canada’s policy in the region. This in Yemen cannot be overruled. Like
For two years, Palestinian Canadians stance appears somewhat redundant Harper, Trudeau has not shied away
have asked their prime minister to issue as excessive US backing and Israel’s from selling armoured vehicles to the
a public statement on Nakba Day. military and arms arsenal are already Saudis even though they are flagrantly
The day commemorates the loss of working overtime to ensure the misused and often target civilians.
Palestinian territory when the state of Zionist state's security. Following in At this stage, the Trudeau
Israel was created. An official statement the footsteps of his predecessor and administration’s irresponsible approach
issued by the PM on Nakba Day would deploying the military in Israel will in the Middle East has been clouded by
serve as a watershed in Canada’s only show that Canada is far from the generosity towards Syrian refugees.
foreign policy. It would define the being a mediating force in the troubled However, 25,000 refugees is not too
country’s stance on the dispossession region. To the contrary, it will prove vast a figure for the government to
of Palestinians and Israeli atrocities in that Canada is actively involved in boast about. Other countries with
the war-ravaged state. stoking further tensions. fewer resources have done more to
However, Trudeau has remained The mayhem in Libya and Canada’s put an end to the humanitarian crisis
largely unwilling to issue such role in preserving the spirit of violence and the sheer extent of their efforts will
statements. As a result, he appears and insurgency also casts a shadow put the Trudeau government’s efforts to
reluctant to deviate from Harper’s one- on the latter’s role as an arbitrator. shame.
sided policy on the Israel-Palestine Analysts believe that it was the Trudeau has emerged as the anti-
imbroglio. The anti-Palestinian Conservatives that plunged Libya into Trump and humane depictions of him
biases do not end there. Canada also disarray and despondency. Trudeau’s in the media and they have managed to
maintained a shocking silence when support for further military action in cobble together the image of a sensitive
the UN Security Council voted 14-0 to Libya will only add fuel to an already and popular leader, his foreign policy
condemn the Israeli settlements along smouldering fire. initiatives and ambivalence towards a
Palestinian territory. Iraq is another warzone that has series of issues is likely to weaken his
Commentators have argued that attracted Canada’s attention. While role in global politics. These areas need
Trudeau’s approach to the issue is it was previous regimes which began to be carefully reviewed if Trudeau
devoid of the rigour and myopia that bombing the country, it is Trudeau’s wants his popularity to remain intact
Harper had fostered over the plight policies that have consolidated for the next elections.
of the Palestinians. When he was Canada’s interference in what is now
in power, Harper had discouraged an ISIS stronghold. Flouting its avowed The writer is a journalist and author.



The Forgotten
China’s over-cautious approach towards the Xinjiang-based
Uighur Muslims is all but reprehensible.
By Faizan Usmani

ordering such Muslim countries Xinjiang is a Muslim-majority province populations. A Turkic ethnic group,
as Pakistan, Kazakhstan, in Western China and is home to over Uighur Muslims live mostly in the
Tajikistan and Afghanistan, a 10 million-strong ethnic Uighur Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region


Chinese soldiers in Urumqi.

and are officially recognized as an region finally came under China’s rule cultural and religious identity owing to
ethnic Muslim minority out of a total in 1878. This was in the 1940s, when a total ban on practicing Islam, while
of 55 minorities currently living in the the Uighurs managed to create the Uighur-language schools, seminaries
People’s Republic of China (PRC), a East Turkestan Republic, a separate and customs were officially outlawed.
constitutionally socialist state. state created with the help of the Those who raised their voice
More than eighty per cent of former Soviet Union. However, it was against state-orchestrated persecution
Uighurs live in the Tarim Basin that quite a short-lived independence, as and repression of Uighurs were
lies south-west of Xinjiang, while the in October 1949, Xinjiang became a all but exterminated and from the
remaining Uighur population in China part of Communist China. 1950s to the 70s in particular, ethnic
resides in Taoyuan County located in “As close cultural and ethnic tensions in Xinjiang were at their
the south-central Hunan province. cousins of the Uighurs, the Turks peak, thanks to the mass migration
Other than China, Uighurs are found lent a hand in the administrative and of millions of Han Chinese into the
in Turkey and in such Central Asian cultural shaping of the republic. But predominantly Muslim province of
countries as Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan it didn’t last as five years later, the the country. Revolving around the
and Kazakhstan. They are also found in USSR’s loyalties switched to Chairman Han immigration, the government’s
small numbers in other such countries Mao and the Russians helped the strategy helped dilute the Uighur
as Canada, Australia, Afghanistan, Communist People’s Liberation Army population in the province.
Belgium, Germany, Norway, Russia, recapture the nascent state,” according “Beijing continues to encourage
Saudi Arabia, Sweden, the Netherlands to Lindsey Kennedy and Nathan Paul. Han movement into the region; the
and the United States. Under the chairmanship of Mao typically strict rules limiting internal
However, the Xinjiang region has Tse-tung, from 1949 to 1959, his migration in China are relaxed for this
had a turbulent history as the political harsh agricultural policies escalated specific ethnic group and destination.
and geographical control of the region to the point of famine in Xinjiang and Han Chinese now make up 58% of
was repeatedly shifted between the severely affected the rural Uighur the Xinjiang population, up from just
Qing dynasty, the last Chinese dynasty, communities, who had to migrate to 6% in 1949,” say Lindsey Kennedy
and rival Chinese warlords, despite the USSR in that era to avoid further and Nathan Paul.
numerous rebellions by the Uighurs, disaster hovering over them in the The fall of the Soviet Union in the
say Lindsey Kennedy and Nathan Paul, form of ethnic cleansing. 1990s brought Uighurs a ray of hope
U.S. based demographic researchers. The most tumultuous period for and they started reorganising their
Having had occasional China-based Uighurs brought them efforts to achieve an independent
independence and short-lived a series of added calamities as well, state under the name of Uighurstan
sovereignty in different periods, the as they were left with no distinctive or East Turkestan. For Uighurs,



The systematic political repression, pervasive human

rights violations and state persecution of the Uighurs
has become a norm in today’s China.

according to political experts, the “declaring them illegal for containing The MoU says both parties
call of independence from Chinese extremist content”, says Radio Free will collaborate in the fields of
rule was based on logic as “their Asia, a US-funded outlet. development, justice, solidarity and
closest cousins” just across the border The government has released a security and “will not interfere in the
— Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kazakhs and the list of banned baby names, including internal matters of each country.” In
Kyrgyz — were able to form their own Imam, Saddam, Arafat, Islam, Quran, plain words, the MoU made the Jamaat-
independent states with the dissolution Mecca, Medina, Hajj and Jihad. e-Islami back off from its earlier stance
of the Soviet Union. Otherwise, children with those that openly supported the ongoing East
Contrary to ground realities, names will not be issued a national Turkmenistan movement in the border
Uighurs were confronted with an identity card, “a crucial document Xinjiang region.
innocent desire to break away from that grants access to education, health Adding a black chapter to the
China and this resulted in mass riots, care and social services,” reports The history of Jamaat-e-Islami, this
protests and violent attacks across the Guardian. happens to be the only occasion when
Xinjiang region, which ultimately led In addition to that, all Muslim Pakistan’s main Islamic political party
Beijing to re-launch a brutal crackdown children under 16 are being forced and a staunch supporter of Islamic
on the Uighurs in the 1990s. This still to change their names if found ‘over- separatist movements all over the
continues today with all its severity religious’ or against the true spirit of world, moved away from its principled
and intensity. Most importantly, the ruling party. Retired officials are stance and officially disregarded the
Xinjiang lies at the centre of the Belt no more allowed to attend religious century-long independence struggle
and Road initiative (BRI) of China, a ceremonies and in June, the Xinjiang of Uighur Muslims only for the sake of
$900 billion development project that government officials expelled a Pakistan-China friendship. As rightly
aims to link Asia with Europe for trade Communist party member for said by an American diplomat, “The
and other exchanges by constructing attending religious activities at a local fact that you support one side one day
a large-scale infrastructure. Pakistan mosque. Watching state television, and the other side the next day is what
and China’s joint CPEC project is a listening to state radio and attending real diplomacy is all about.”
part of this. However, the way Uighurs government rallies and conventions to The same goes for Pakistan, China’s
are being dealt with, one wonders the pledge allegiance to the Communist closest ally and neighbour. Though the
rationale behind Beijing’s policies that Party is mandatory. country leaves no stone unturned in
seem to stoke the flames of rebellion. “Fundamentally, these rallies raising its voice against atrocities on
The systematic political repression, are just a show of force, and part of Muslim minorities living in any part
pervasive human rights violations the audience is the Han Chinese of the world, Pakistan maintains a
and state persecution of the Uighurs population in Xinjiang, to show the diplomatic silence over severe human
has become a norm in today’s power of the state. But in terms of the rights violations being committed by
China. Religious freedom is being Uighur population, it’s difficult to see China against the Uighurs The spirit
confined and numerous restrictions how these kinds of mass rallies will of Pakistan-China friendship, which is
are enforced on the practice of Islam. win the hearts and minds over average said to be higher than the Himalayas
Muslim women of any age are not Uighurs, and will likely do quite and deeper than the oceans, cannot
allowed to fully cover their bodies the opposite,” says Michael Clarke, be sacrificed at the altar of principled
or wear burqa (veil) in public places, a political science professor at the diplomacy.
Muslim men cannot have abnormal Australian National University. Left alone in the lurch amidst
beards and children cannot be given Comprising Qazi Hussain Ahmad, 50 Muslim-majority countries, the
such names that might “exaggerate Liaqat Baloch, Prof. Mohammad Uighurs of China happen to be the
religious fervour.” Ibrahim, Sirajul Haq, Syed Munawar worlds’ most forgotten people today.
In the third week of August 2014, Hasan and others, a seven-member On the one hand, China’s overcautious
the local authorities in the region's delegation of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) approach toward its own citizens is all
capital Urumqi seized 259 jilbabs Pakistan was officially invited to visit but reprehensible and on the other, the
(loose-fit coat or garment), 1,265 China by the ruling Communist Party fully state-controlled media in China
headscarves and clothes printed with of China (CPC) in February 2009. On does not convey the true picture with
star and crescent symbols. In August a weeklong visit, the JI’s leadership regard to the current state of Uighur
2014, the government officials also met with key government officials and Muslims. In simple words, when
“rescued” some 82 children from Communist leaders. At the end of the Muslim persecution does not become
studying the Holy Qur’an, according rather unusual visit, a memorandum news in mainstream media, it must be
to Dawn. Local authorities have also of understanding (MoU) was signed taking place in China.
started confiscating copies of the between the Communist Party and
Qur’an published before August 2012, Jamaat-e-Islami. The writer is a member of the staff.



What’s in
a Name!
Village women in India are coming together to break long traditions of silence
and talk about issues they had never even thought about before.
By Syeda Areeba Rasheed

n a small village called Walhe in in the community. The club in Walhe they could easily talk on such an issue
Pune district, Maharashtra, nine is run by Rohini Pawar who for the without hesitation. The custom of a
women have become a part of a past seven years has exposed practices woman not taking her husband’s name
unique club that is becoming the talk of child marriages and people facing is dutifully imposed on them and no
of the town. The club is one of the HIV/AIDS. According to her, “The club one has ever questioned it as they
56 run across 13 states in India and created a safe space for women and would be then considered wicked,
is a part of the #KhelBadal campaign turned them into agents of change.” cunning and women with no morals.
which is run by Video Volunteer. They The first video that Rohini decided The tradition is so deeply followed that
men and women across India to report to screen in the discussion club was no thought is given as to why the ritual
on everyday issues that concern them. for women who do not take their should be followed.
The volunteers shoot short videos husband’s name. She chose this topic Before initiating the cause, Rohini
which are then screened and discussed as she wanted to tell the women that first practised it at her own residence

A group of Indian women.


where she herself had not taken her
husband’s name. She even shared a
video of the moment when she called
out her husband’s name in front of her
mother-in-law. Her husband Prakash
and mother-in-law both were in a
state of shock but he then told Rohini
to call him by his name from then on.
The whole scenario gave confidence
to Rohini and that is how she started
with her first discussion club. Soon
after the discussion ended, she told all
the members to take their husband’s
name in a variety of emotions from
sad, happy, angry, love and so on.
She also made the women realise that
when they were not allowed to take
their husband’s name for the sake of
respect and their long life then why do
the husbands take their names. There
should be equal treatment for both
men and women as they also respect
their wives and want them to live
Rohini said that during the activity
a woman kept laughing as she was
feeling too shy to take her husband’s
name and another woman kept cursing
her husband and his family out of
frustration. The look on their faces was
so ecstatic that it was hard for Rohini to
forget it. Others too tried to take their
husband’s name but only at home. A
woman’s husband even called Rohini Indian women must stand up for their rights.
and threatened her as to what she was
putting in their minds, another called of women. Last year a Kangaroo Court They had laughed, danced and had
out her husband’s name at dinner time sentenced Malati Mahatoto from sung together. They had even shared
when the whole family was present the Indian State of Odisha after she those thoughts that were never given
and when her mother-in-law stared at addressed her in-laws by name. She vent before.
her she said that it was a mistake while was banished with her children to a While in many cases many of the
some others said that Rohini had told home at the far corner of the village. women were not allowed to take their
them to do so. For the past eighteen months, she had husband’s name, some were allowed
Women are trying to stop other been ostracised by other villagers. as well but only in private. That is
practices like wearing vermilion on From a very young age women still a step forward. The custom which
their foreheads. They always question are told that their husbands are equal is less common in cities is deeply
themselves as to why only they had to god and that they are not allowed patriarchal and the main aim of this
to show that they are married. Rohini to take their names in order to show club was not passively accepting of
once told her husband that if he would respect to him. The ban sometimes this patriarchy. The women who were
be willing to wear vermilion then she extends to other members of the family very much aware are just waiting
would wear it too. Her husband just inviting serious danger to the entire for an opportunity to push back in a
laughed and since then she no longer family. The husband who is mostly thoughtful and considered manner
wears it. from a higher cast supports his wife which perhaps would have a greater
In many parts of India, women and so is considered to be the owner. impact.
would go to any heights to avoid The tradition which has become more Rohini wanted to let other women
taking the name of her husband or of of a taboo is still being practiced. The feel the same as her. She wanted
any other older men in the family. In belief that naming the husband could women to stand up for themselves
many areas women affirm that they bring bad luck and shorten the life of and raise a voice for their rights. It is
are bound and socially pressured to the husband is just beyond idiocy. not necessary that only men should
respect their husbands in the form Through this discussion club, have all the relaxation and the women
of not taking his name. They fear the women feel safer that they could share should only get suffering. There should
consequences of not following the their opinions and ideas. The club be equal treatment for both of them.
traditions and this is the main reason members usually pack their lunches On taking the name of her husband,
that has kept the tradition alive. and water bottles and go to the fields she said that sometimes it does feel
Many men also reciprocate the as they do not want anyone to hear great to say some things out loud, no
tradition by not calling their wives by them. In the past few months, many matter how small they may seem.
their names but the consequences are of the women had celebrated their
not that more unfair than in the case birthdays for the first time in their lives. The writer is a member of the staff.



Bridge of
The Padma Bridge in Bangladesh is fast nearing completion under clouds of alleged
corruption and refusal by the World Bank to fund it.
By Dr. Syed Ali Madni

o build or not to build the Padma
Bridge following the refusal
of the World Bank to finance
the project at the eleventh hour was
a major question which baffled the
Bangladesh Government as it lent
a fatal punch to a much-needed
project. But one must admit that Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina has nerves of
steel as instead of getting dejected she
decided, to the great dismay of World
Bank, to complete the project with
local funding --- a decision considered
as absurd by many. The construction of
Padma Bridge through self-finance is
undoubtedly an example for other Third
World countries that failure can never
overtake nations if their determination
to succeed is strong enough. The
courage and determination shown by
Sheikh Hasina’s government in taking
up this project of immense importance
without World Bank funding has
proved to be an exceptional example
of self-belief and self-respect. The
future leaders of the country would
take a lot of pride as well as strength
from this demonstration in handling a
hopeless situation.
In fact, in 2012, the World Bank
brought Bangladesh to its knees when
it said, “The World Bank cannot,
should not, and will not turn a blind
eye to evidence of corruption." The
loan was originally approved in
February 2011, but allegations of
corruption in the tender process led


the Bank to freeze the loan by October. India could have made 19 bridges, and escalation of prices with time
The World Bank said it had provided each the size of their biggest one, were taken into account. According
evidence from two investigations into the Bhupen Hazarika Bridge. India’s to an analyst it would cost $5,000 per
the bridge case to Bangladesh's prime newly inaugurated Bhupen Hazarika square metre for the 6.15-kilometre
minister, minister of finance and anti- Bridge is about 1.15 km longer than bridge. It was $2,500 per square metre
corruption commission chairman in the 6.15 km Padma Bridge. In width, for the Bangabandhu Multipurpose
September 2011 and April 2012. "We Padma Bridge is 81.1 meters and Bridge over Jamuna River. The cost has
urged the authorities of Bangladesh to Bhupen Hazarika Bridge 12.1 meters. doubled in the last 18 years, which
investigate this matter fully and, where Padma Bridge’s construction costs have is not unusual, he said. He said the
justified, prosecute those responsible exceeded the global average of bridge project's cost is not too high compared
for corruption," the World Bank said. construction, creating a new record. to that of other bridges around the
"We only finance a project when we The total construction cost was US$ world. Plus, there was no need to
have adequate assurances that we 3 billion. India’s Bhupen Hazarika tame such a long river in case of other
can do so in a clean and transparent Bridge’s construction costs are US$ bridges. For instance, the longest
way," the Bank remarked. The $3bn 155 million. If the cost of this bridge bridge in the world, which stretches
Bridge, planned to go into service in is record high then the decision to for 38 km, was built over shallow
2014, designed to carry a highway and build the bridge without World Bank waters in China. “But we have to dig
railway line aimed at transforming the funding is even much higher. 120m deep, which equals a 40-storey
country's impoverished south thus ran Bangladesh’s most prestigious building. Nowhere in the world has
into snags. project Padma Bridge has been a bridge been built going that deep.”
Keeping in view such an involved in controversy and Choudhury remarked.
unexpected decision and that too conspiracy since its inception. The The cost has increased gradually,
from a leader of a poor country, the World Bank claimed that they found, mostly because of expansion in the
allegations of corruption leveled credible evidence supported by a scope of work and escalation in prices,
against the government seem to be of variety of sources which point to he said. The project, when approved in
less importance, though it definitely a high-level corruption conspiracy 2007, was supposed to cost Tk 10,162
requires an investigation. It is alleged among Bangladeshi government crore, but in 2011 it was revised
that with the amount being spent on officials, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc., a upwards to Tk 20,507 crore. Later, the
the construction of Padma Bridge, Montreal-based company executives, Executive Committee of the National
and private individuals in connection Economic Council, chaired by Prime
with the Padma Multipurpose Bridge Minister Sheikh Hasina, raised the cost
Project. As such, the World Bank for the project again, to Tk 28,793.38
refused to sanction the proposed loan crore. Another reason for the hike in
for constructing the bridge. However, the cost is the stronger dollar. A project
the corruption allegations were which had to go through a number of
subsequently found to be false and problems, including that of funding,
without merit and the Canadian Court such escalation in the price of a mega
dismissed the case. Following the project like Padma Bridge is not so
decision of the Bangladesh Government uncommon. Even in a country as big
to go ahead with the plan, on June 17, and as democratic as India, cases
2014 important progress was made of corruption have been unearthed.
when a construction firm, China Major But once the project of public utility
Bridge Engineering Company Ltd.,was is completed and the citizens start
selected to construct the long-aspired deriving benefits the general public will
bridge and China proposed building not be bothered about corruption.
the bridge on the build-own-transfer According to the latest plan,
(BOT) basis by investing $2 billion or the bridge will be completed by
70 percent of the project cost. Three December 2018. Road Transport and
companies - China Major Bridge Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader
Engineering Company, Daelim-L&T told the Dhaka Tribune: “Around
JV and Samsung C&T Corporation 44 per cent of the construction
- purchased the tender papers. But work had been completed till June.
only the Chinese company submitted Hopefully the bridge will be useable
their financial proposal on April 24, for transport by the end of next year.”
2014. The state-owned company An engineer of the Bridges Division
has constructed structures like the said,“The Government would like to
famous 36 km Hangzhou Bay Bridge, complete the work within schedule
the longest sea-crossing bridge in the and we are working seriously as well,
world. but the condition of the river bed is
Comparing the Bhupen Hazarika unpredictable. So it will be a great
Bridge with Padma Bridge, Jamilur challenge, but we are trying.”
Reza Choudhury, chairman of the The bottom-line of the Padma Bridge
government's panel of experts on story is; “The difference between the
Padma Bridge said that the approved impossible and the possible lies in a
cost for the Padma Bridge project man's (or woman’s) determination.”
was not too high if issues such as
expenditure in similar projects around The writer follows political and social
the world, appreciation of the dollar developments in South Asia.



Poppy cultivation is on the rise again in Afghanistan and is further adding to the
numerous problems the country already faces.
By Syed Zeeshan Ahmed

fghanistan has had a long history and political fabric for decades. From which had been 183,000 hectares has
of poppy growing, and it seems the Soviet era to the time of the warlords increased by 10 percent, according to a
the crop could be the source and Afghan War, the influx of the U.S. United Nations survey. This, has given
of good yields again. The country has and NATO forces and the resurgence of rise to the illicit production of opium
been the world’s largest producer of the Taliban, poppy cultivation has been and heroin throughout the region. Javed
opium, which is derived from poppy. important in the country and continues Qaem, the Afghan deputy counter-
Harvesting poppy has been an to be a problem. narcotics minister has said that the
important aspect of Afghanistan’s social The total area of poppy cultivation authorities have been really concerned

A poppy field


trafficking. He added that security is
an important reason, but there are
Afghanistan produces an estimated 90% indeed various other factors which
are fueling drug production and trade
of all the world’s heroin and is the top in Afghanistan. He said the corruption
at local government levels is also
opium producer. responsible for encouraging poppy
The effect of this rise has been
adding to the insurgency, violence and
about these recent developments and areas under government influence. The other such issues. Furthermore, there
expect that the narcotics production government has said that mostly the has been an increase in the private
would further increase this year, conflict-hit areas are the ones where and public investments in Afghanistan.
including in areas and provinces there has been an increase in drug These developments come laden with
where previously there had been zero production and trafficking. Around the international concern that the
opium production. Out of country's 34 50% of the poppy crop is produced Taliban, who have been fighting Afghan
provinces, 13 were reported poppy- in the Helmand province which is in government troops in the country’s rural
free last year, and this number has the southern part of the country and areas, are supporting the poppy trade
come down to single digits this year, borders Pakistan. by engaging in trafficking and skimming
according to Afghan officials. General Baz Mohammad Ahmadi, hundreds of millions of dollars in profits
As per Afghan authorities, poppy, the Afghan deputy minister for to boost their militancy. For a country
which has traditionally been grown counter-narcotics has said that opium like Afghanistan, which is already
in the southern provinces, has now cultivation, production and trafficking ranked among the five most corrupt
found fertile land in several northern has been taking place in remote areas states in the world by Transparency
and northeastern provinces, including that are under the control of not just the International, this is nothing but bad
Jawzjan and Balkh. Moreover, a large- Taliban but other militants and terrorist news.
scale increase can also be expected in outfits as well. The Afghan counter- A reason for the poppy harvest
places such as Badghis and Ghor in the narcotics police is said to have seized is a lack of proper alternatives to the
northwestern part of the country. These almost 650 tonnes of contraband farmers. Since they don’t have other
places were earlier known for small drugs last year. The drugs which were alternatives which could help their
opium crops. According to a local confiscated included raw opium, heroin lifestyles, it becomes difficult and
resident, poppy is cultivated in almost and hashish. Around 2,683 smugglers virtually impossible to give up poppy
half of the province. This includes and traffickers, including 67 women, cultivation. But this is not a problem
were arrested last year, according to that has emerged of late.
Ahmadi. There has been criticism about the
Afghanistan produces an estimated efforts of the Afghan government. Their
90% of all the world’s heroin and is the measures are falling short of what is
top opium producer. It is not difficult to required. One reason is the necessity
understand that the recent rise in the of the poppy crop. Farmers don’t have
harvest will create even more hostility in alternatives to grow so they must resort
the country and add to the turmoil. In a to poppy. The government has failed
senate hearing earlier this year, the U.S. miserably in that aspect and has failed
Director of National Intelligence Dan to provide short-term or long-term
Coats said that Afghanistan is likely to solutions, and that naturally has led to
see more armed violence this year. He the current situation. Moreover, critics
said that the intelligence community have also accused the government for
assesses that the political, as well as its lack of will, especially in counter-
the security situation in Afghanistan narcotics. There is a system in place, a
will almost certainly keep deteriorating framework that makes poppy harvesting
through the year 2018, even with the and production of illicit heroin
increase in the support by the U.S. possible. The authorities have failed to
The comments by the director do understand this.
cause further alarm because of the With recent political shifts in the
involvement of the U.S. in Afghanistan. region, Afghanistan currently finds itself
The U.S. has thus far spent more than in a tricky situation. Confirmed reports
$8.5 billion in Afghanistan on counter- about the rise of poppy cultivation and
narcotics. According to the Special the consequent increase in violence
Investigator General for Afghanistan and insurgency in the country, point
Reconstruction (SIGAR), this can be to a lot that needs to be taken care of.
further divided into a huge amount of There is persistent criticism regarding
$1.5 million a day - and it has not given the way the authorities are countering
the desired results, it seems. the situation and it will not subside for
Haroon Rashid Sherzad, former a while. Afghanistan must also realize
Afghan acting minister of counter- that there is international pressure and
narcotics said that there’s a “satanic there is a rough road ahead.
triangle of smugglers, terrorists and
corrupt government officials” which The writer explores subjects of topical
is involved in drug production and importance.



With unreported rape cases, many buried in police and court files, Bangladesh must
ensure a safe and a secure society for its female population.
By Muhammad Omar Iftikhar

he horror of rape etches itself
as a nightmare in the victim’s
mind. However, the law
and order system in Bangladesh
has failed repeatedly in providing
any relief to those who have gone
through this ordeal. According to the
Women's Council of Bangladesh or
Mahila Parishad, the country’s law
enforcement apparatus recorded 1,050
rape cases in 2016 alone. Although
the numbers may vary and seldom are
official numbers released, over one
thousand rape cases in 365 days is
appalling. This echoes the inefficiency
of the police department and the
influence of the culprits in exercising
their power, will, and hegemony
over the victims’ families in keeping
them silent. Moreover, according to
the Women’s Council of Bangladesh,
44 women were murdered after rape
while 166 cases of gang rape were
also reported in 2016. A recent gang
rape case occurred in March 2017 in
the area of Banani, Dhaka where two
girls were gang-raped by two culprits
while the third kept videotaping the
Women in Bangladesh are
becoming more and more vulnerable
to incidents of rape and violence,
which only indicates the dwindling
state of its police and state institutions
responsible for bringing culprits
to justice and making an effort to Bangladesh, a large number of rape principles of Islam having such a rate
curtail such heinous acts. Until July cases do not end up in court. However, of crime against women puts to shame
2017, over 130 rape cases had been even if the cases reach the court, the the law and order apparatus of the
registered in Bangladesh, which shows decision does not come at all. country, which has had two females as
to what extent this social menace has Reports claim that rape is the Prime Ministers: Khaleda Zia (1991 -
seeped its way into society. There are second most reported violence 1996, 2001 - 2006) and Sheikh Hasina
many reasons behind this atrocity. against women in Bangladesh, the (1996 - 2001 and 2009 till date).
According to Ummehani Binte Ariff, country having a 61.5% literacy rate A number of factors lead to the
Barrister, Advocate, Supreme Court of (UNESCO). A country founded on the rise in rape cases and such cases do


and dedicated services providing
victims with continuous mental and
In Bangladesh, a large number of rape emotional support.
cases do not end up in court. However, even The mentality prevailing in
Bangladesh akin to other South Asian
if the cases reach the court, the decision countries is the same. The rape victims
attempt to hide under a veil after an
does not come at all. assault but if she decides to rise up
and face the challenges to bring her
assailant to justice, her immediate
not end in conviction. Naznin Atia Apart from these factors, a family, friends and society discourages
and Sharmin Tanjina in their research backlog of cases is another impending her for fear of possible retaliation from
study reveal that lack of adequate fact reducing the efficiency of the the culprit. Even if the victim does
evidence is a basic factor leading to courts in solving all criminal cases raise her voice, the possibility of her
rape cases not being properly filed including those of rape. Where the being killed or kidnapped is high.
in court. Moreover, the prosecution’s low rate of conviction encourages the With a corrupt system harbouring
weak presentation also affects the perpetrators, the rise in rape cases is a the criminals, the police officers too
credibility of the cases in reaching threat to humanity. It puts an immense seldom take corrective action and
a conclusion. An insufficient police mental and emotional stress over every leave the victims hanging by a thread
investigation is another major cause woman who does have to leave home in the hope of receiving any justice.
of rape cases not reaching their to complete personal chores or go to This only aggravates the pain of the
definitive conclusion. Corrupt officers office. Living under such a perpetual victim’s immediate family, especially
wanting to work in return for money stress only hinders growth and puts the parents and siblings. In May 2017,
person under undue tension, leading a 55-year-old father jumped in front
to diseases. of a moving train with his 8-year-
The judicial system of Bangladesh old daughter when he could not get
must be overhauled to provide a steady justice for the girl who fled from the
flow to the victims and their families clutches of a man trying to rape her.
starting from the initial investigation to Her father presented the case to the
conclusion. The system must consider Union Parishad (UP) authorities in the
a number of variables to enhance the Gazipur district but his efforts went in
delivery of justice. First, the pending vain. In the same month, a 60-year-
cases at the witness’ end must reach old man raped a 22-year-old speech
the court with the police officers impaired victim in Madaripur. The
diligently working to ensure the victims third rape case in the same month
receive speedy justice. Second, many surfaced when a 14-year-old boy in
cases are dismissed because of a poor Bagerhat sexually assaulted a three-
charge sheet. If the police can help the year-old girl. How will Bangladesh
victims and does not remain biased, curb this social menace when such
then an appropriate charge sheet can animal instincts are engraved in the
be developed to benefit the victim to minds of boys and men of all ages? It
assist them in court. will take a lot of cleansing on all fronts
According to Human Rights and - society, police, and government,
Legal Aid Services (HRLS) working before the evil of harassing females is
under Building Resources Across uprooted from the Bangladesh society.
Communities (BRAC), the HRLS It is a disgusting fact that rape has
facilitated over 1400 rape cases out become a common occurrence in
of which 695 cases were discarded. Bangladesh. The non-governmental
However, the court reached a verdict organizations (NGOs) working in
in 89 cases. This meagre number Bangladesh must take notice of this
indicates the level of integrity and rise, prepare a report and present
intelligence with which the entire it to the government asking for the
justice system works in Bangladesh. revival of the police apparatus. If the
In addition to these appalling facts, criminal is able to fulfill his demonic
reports claim that nearly 73.77 percent desires and is still not in jail then the
of the perpetrators have been bailed police system needs to be seriously
out of jail, increasing their chances of restricted from the grassroots to the top
committing the same heinous crime hierarchy. Similarly, the government
for the second time and more. must establish centres in various
– in the form of bribes or kickbacks – Where the need of the hour is to districts and regions of Bangladesh
hamper the investigation and increase strengthen the judiciary in Bangladesh where rape victims and their families
the gap between justice received and along with hiring competent police can file reports under the supervision
justice denied. However, when the officers who know how to investigate of a dedicated government officer who
criminals and the culprits either have a criminal offence without affecting works in coordination with the police
associations with influential people, their decision because of an outside in investigating the crime and bringing
the police have no option but to aid force, the government must also the offenders to justice.
them which obstructs the investigation provide support services, including
process. rehabilitation centres for rape victims The writer is a free-lance columnist.



Houseworkers, especially maids, from such countries as Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India
and the Philippines are being maltreated and forced into slavery by their employers,
mostly Arabs, in Middle Eastern countries. The practice needs to be dealt with forthwith
and besides the affected governments, international organizations must look into the
problem on a war footing.
By K. A. Naqshbandi

lavery, now called human Incidentally, housemaids suffer the a research report by Siddharth Kara,
trafficking is an acute form most at the hands of their employers. a US slavery economist that showed
of labour exploitation where Driven by a global demand for cheap, slave traders today make a return on
women, men and children are often unskilled, exploitable labour, human their investment 25 to 30 times higher
lured by false promises of decent jobs trafficking is now the second largest than their counterparts from more than
and better lives and then compelled criminal industry worldwide, after drug two centuries ago.
to work against their will by force. trafficking. The Guardian has revealed With slavery’s global profits


estimated at $150 billion a year, it is image of the country compelling the foreign ministry officials and the
now a criminal industry at par with Lankan Foreign Ministry to take some Association of Licenced Foreign
arms and drug trafficking. According drastic action to stop the menace. Employment Agencies (ALFEA) have
to an ILO report, nearly 21 million A long time back, the Sri Lanka also emphasized the need for serious
people are victims of forced labour embassy in Riyadh rescued a Lankan scrutiny of demand for maids and
across the world, trapped in jobs house maid who had been kept in transparent processing of recruiting
which they were lured or deceived slavery by her employer for 17 years. Lankan women as housemaids for
into and which they cannot leave. She was paid no salary and was foreign countries, particularly in
Despite being forbidden in almost prevented from communicating with Middle Eastern countries where
every nation, slavery remains a her relatives back home. Local Saudi malpractices have been spotted. The
business --- a thriving business. papers reported that this was one requirement of properly streamlining
Though it is now an open fact that of the many cases of the notorious job opportunities, through channels
maids are being secretly transported ‘housemaid market’ in Saudi Arabia. which abide by local labour laws so
from countries like India, Pakistan, The case was discovered after the that dubious and fake employment
Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia daughter of the maid who lived in Sri agents can no more play with
and Sri Lanka to the Middle East and the Lanka informed the Foreign Ministry the lives of Lankan women. The
Arab world, the revelation that Lankan that her family had not been in Government, while taking action
maids are being secretly ‘auctioned’ contact with her mother for 17 years. to curb malpractices in the foreign
into modern slavery has compelled Sunil Wijesinghe, labour welfare employment sector is working out a
human right activists to study afresh the officer at the Sri Lankan embassy new action plan to ensure that foreign
dreadful business in the context of the raised the matter with the concerned employment agencies in turn ensure
civilized world we are living in. Along Saudi authorities to release the maid a healthy income for the innocent job
with the large number of skilled and and pay her the outstanding salary of seekers while maintaining their dignity
unskilled workers getting jobs in Arab SR54,000. and safety when they are abroad.
countries, a fairly large number of Sri Regretting the plight of Lankan According to Human Rights Watch
Lankan maids also manage to obtain maids who are maltreated, the foreign estimates, tens of millions of women
jobs through dubious employment ministry official pointed out that and girls are employed as household
agents and remit home an estimated the situation had snowballed into a “domestic workers,” and it is estimated
US$ 7,241.5 million --- the single major crisis to the extent that Lankan that millions of poor women from
largest foreign exchange earnings missions, in those countries, are faced countries such as Bangladesh, the
of the country. Despite the fact that with the problem of accommodating Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, and
some maids back home revealed their runaway maids who have somehow Nepal, work as “household maids”
horrifying stories, Sri Lankan maids in managed to escape from the clutches in the countries of the GCC. Men and
a bid to make a fortune want to reach of their original sponsor for returning boys are hired too for menial tasks
the land of opportunities by hook or home. Since the owner retains the and exploited inhumanely.
crook. A major chunk of Sri Lanka’s passport, the embassy has to make Kevin Hyland, Britain’s Independent
foreign remittance comes through arrangements for their departure Anti-Slavery Commissioner says, “The
these maids despite the fact no action accordingly. A significant number sad and simple truth is that the anti-
is being taken against the human of Lankan maids have even returned slavery movement has so far failed.
traffickers. to Sri Lanka injured and in a state of Modern slavery continues to boom as
However, the revelation made by shock due to ill treatment by those an industry, and criminals continue to
Secretary to the Sri Lankan Ministry of who had employed them. The ‘secret view it as a low risk and high reward
Foreign Employment, W.J. Vithanage, bidding’ for Lankan maids, which has crime. Multilateral efforts against
recently to ‘Ceylon Today’ jolted been disclosed by a senior foreign slavery are siloed and fragmented,
his ministry and shocked the entire ministry official created quite a stir with little effort made for strategic
country. Talking to the newspaper, he in the Sri Lankan public who are coordination. And nations that are
said, “A well-organized mafia network demanding a proper investigation major sources and destinations of
is exploiting Lankan women who seek so that appropriate action may be trafficking schemes and victims are
jobs abroad and the manner in which taken to curb this ugly new trend and more often than not unwilling to share
the auctions of Lankan maids is carried to protect innocent Lankan maids data and coordination of activity.
out, highlights that slavery still exists as well as to break the backbone of Globally, nearly 21 million people
in Arab countries where women, from the mafia engaged in clandestine are victims of human trafficking,
underprivileged backgrounds, are put slavery. Foreign Ministry sources according to the UN’s International
through torment.” The description have revealed that the bulk of the Labour Organization. An estimated
given by him exposed the new trend in malpractices involving Lankan maids 4.5 million of them are forced into
the job market in Arab countries which have been reported from Kuwait and sex work.”
is by all means simply horrible for they Saudi Arabia and to a lesser extent, Whatever Sri Lanka is doing to
are playing with the lives of innocent other West Asian countries. stop the secret bidding of maids, there
maids. Lankan missions in those With the evidence available so is also a need for a concerted effort
countries are receiving complaints far, the Sri Lankan government is all from the UN to curb this menace.
from the maids of maltreatment by set to take prompt action against the It will need a consistent, planned
the employer on a daily basis. Several human traffickers and develop proper and coordinated final push to such
tragic stories have come out in some coordination with the countries practices. Yet, notwithstanding
newspapers on the pathetic state of that employ Lankan maids, in large the challenges, it is time for doing
innocent Lankan maids who find numbers, to ensure that maids something on a war footing to do
employment abroad, particularly in exported to these countries are away with this nuisance.
the Middle East and Saudi Arabia. Such treated according to the prescribed
stories have certainly tarnished the human rights rules. The Sri Lankan The writer is a free-lance journalist.



The e-commerce sector in Nepal is rapidly developing and
evolving towards market success.
By Muhammad Omar Iftikhar

epal, a landlocked country, is to put another feather in its cap by domain. Nepal Television began
pursuing its digital dreams with boosting its e-commerce industry – a broadcasting in 1984 and after nearly
passion and persistence. It has feat that may take the country to new 33 years, Nepal is setting foot in the
Mount Everest but it is now struggling heights in the world’s e-commerce digital space with aims of expanding


its e-commerce business. and diplomatic ties with other South show that criminals might pounce
According to reports, Nepal’s Asian countries and even beyond. over an opportunity to conduct
promising e-commerce business may Although Nepal already has immoral acts once the e-commerce
receive a lift in the right direction banks that offer online banking portals in Nepal are flourishing.
through its banking sector. Already through which users can transfer According to www.
in the beta phase, an online trading funds and check their balance, the, by July 2016,
system has been introduced by Nabil introduction of the e-commerce there were 4,962,323 internet users
Bank. Later, the Himalayan Bank platforms will boost Nepal’s digital with a penetration of 17.2%. In 2010,
launched its own online trading presence. It will definitely take time however, this figure was 2,131,260
portal. Although both these portals for Nepal to come at par with leading with a penetration of 7.9%. It is
are in their initial phases with quality e-commerce businesses of the world; perhaps because of market research
tests being conducted for effective nevertheless, it is a first step and must and studying online market dynamics
of Nepal’s citizens that the Nabil Bank
and the Himalayan Bank decided to
launch their respective e-portals. It
can be expected that with the rise
Nepal’s promising e-commerce of the e-commerce industry, more
people may buy internet services to
business may receive a lift in the right conduct online trading or purchase
of goods and services online, which
direction through its banking sector. will eventually also boost the telecom
industry in the country.
The birth of e-commerce portals in
Nepal will also upgrade its standard
of living. New companies – physical
operations, the two banks are taking be appreciated. and online – emerging to compete
Nepal into the future of online Once the Nabil Bank and the in the race for digital businesses will
banking. Moreover, adding credibility Himalayan Bank officially begin provide employment opportunities
to their purpose are companies such their online services, debit and while adding value to Nepal’s
as Mastercard and Visa, which have credit cardholders can shop online economy. Since there was previously
guaranteed customers to make their via websites and e-commerce sites. no such e-commerce project initiated
transactions in a safe and secure It is imperative that these websites in Nepal, it shows that no company
environment. These banks have made integrate their payment gateways to or financial institution was willing
efforts in taking Nepal into the future these two banks. Time will tell how to take the risk of venturing into
as these services will be the first of many online businesses will integrate unknown territory. Moreover, such
their kind. their payment modules with these investors in Nepal who are reluctant
Account holders will use these banks as it will herald a new era of to invest in new ventures because
digital services for purchasing revenue generation and business of fear of failure can start their own
of goods from online stores and strategy. In 1995, Nabil Bank, then e-commerce businesses and control
e-commerce portals. The banks will Nepal Arab Bank, first introduced their assets accordingly.
also provide users the opportunity credit cards in Nepal. This goes to However, the e-commerce sector
to engage in online trading using show that after nearly two decades, in Nepal must realize that much
their electronic cards. The only there is much proliferation in debit effort, dedication and resolve along
restriction, as of now, is that Union and credits users in Nepal. According with loyalty, honesty and morality
Pay International, American Express, to the Nepal Rastra Bank (Central are needed to begin a business and
Mastercard or Visa should operate Bank of Nepal), by mid-August 2014, then take it towards success. The
these electronic cards. Perhaps the the total credit cards in circulation in e-commerce sector in Nepal is in its
banks want to limit any unforeseen Nepal were 57,898 while by the same introductory stage, as per the product
incidents or errors, which is why time, the debit cards issued stood at life cycle. The next stage will be the
they are allowing only those global a staggering 3.69 million. According growth stage when new businesses
payment and technology companies to the Central Bank of Nepal, banks will enter. Will a single company
that already enjoy brand credibility and financial institutions have issued create a monopoly in this business
across the world. Perhaps in future, nearly 5.1 million debit cards in the sector is yet to be seen. Since the
Nepal may allow other companies to country while 64,140 credit cards are e-commerce setup will also deliver
introduce their electronic cards. in circulation as per latest figures. orders at the doorstep of buyers, a
With the advent of this online With the e-commerce initiative system of logistics and transport will
initiative, Nepal’s residents can expected to have a bright future, the be needed to meet this objective.
carry out trading in the digital government along with concerned This again will not only provide jobs
environment, purchase goods and authorities should implement strict to the needy but will also develop the
services from e-commerce portals measures to prevent online users logistics and transport sector in Nepal
or open their own portals. If such becoming victims of cyber crimes. as goods to be sold on the websites
online initiatives go according to According to the Metropolitan Crime must be delivered to a warehouse
plan, the Nepalese can emerge as Division in Teku, Kathmandu, around where inventory is managed and
regional online entrepreneurs and 560 cases of cyber crime have been stored.
enhance their standards of living and registered in the first six months of
bolstering Nepal’s regional, trade fiscal year 2016-17, which goes to The writer is a free-lance columnist.



Yameen Rashid

Is the Maldives a free Muslim nation or is it hemmed in by the authoritarianism of religion
which is negatively affecting its future course?
By Farhia Jabbar

he Maldives has always been A rising threat of targeting bloggers spoke out against the government of
considered as an attraction for is becoming a serious concern in the the Maldives and radical Islamism
tourists because of its beautiful Maldives. Several bloggers have been was brutally stabbed to death in his
beaches and scenic serenity. But the targeted for voicing their opinions about apartment building in Malé. Because of
calm waters of the country do not the politicians of the country. Recently the country’s strategic location on one
reveal the reality of the undercurrent in blogger and social media personality, of the world’s most critical oil routes, the
the real world. Yameen Rasheed, 29, who regularly Maldives’ tilt towards fundamentalism


is bound to have global consequences.
Approximately 1 million tourists
visit the Maldives on an annual basis.
These tourists are mainly from Western
Europe, including France, Britain,
Germany and Italy who are attracted
by the calm and tropical paradise. But
the real Maldives is different. There are
clear demarcations of the local islands
from the resorts not just in terms of
their geographical dissimilarity, but
also because of the variance in culture
and financial differences. The country
is 100% Islamic and has established
norms like ban of alcohol (outside the
resort islands) and limited liberty of
Fundamentalism had existed for a
long time in the country and it steadily
made its way up as the locals needed
a vent to express themselves. With the
social media growing in all directions,
bloggers like Yameen found their voice. After the murder.
He identified himself as a ‘disobedient
writer’ online, and had often criticized
radical Islam in his posts and made
fun of politicians while blogging. Out of a population of 400,000,
The country has been experiencing
fanaticism but such brutalities are clear approximately 200 young Maldivians have
signs of danger. Out of a population
of 400,000, approximately 200 young gone to the Middle East to fight for ISIS.
Maldivians have gone to the Middle East
to fight for ISIS. This is one of the reasons
why the foreign office has warned of a
‘heightened threat’ to Brits who visit the The killing of the blogger is not bloggers who are found guilty of
Maldives for a holiday. the first episode of such a gruesome slander.
Such a divide between the tourist- killing. It has happened before and is Harbouring such fanaticism and
centered areas and the local areas in a rising concern. This is not some ad not taking any action has given these
terms of religious beliefs, economic hoc hate crime that can be dealt with sects the strength to spread their wings
prosperity and education has not been independently of the political and and infest society. Killing an individual
given due attention. The government religious scenario. The killing was in line because he voiced his opinions is an
has not played its due role in curbing the with the political tension that increased alarming situation and it’s a point where
situation and lessening the difference. in the country after the unsuccessful the government should take a stand.
Yameen had been receiving death attempt of the opposition to prosecute However, it is apparent that because
threats for a long time on social media the parliamentary speaker. A partnership of its vested interests, the government
because of his blog. Even though he of opposition parties which was led is letting this trend grow and not
kept a public record of these threats and by Nasheed was trying to undermine curbing the extremism. In fact, despite
comments, no legal action was taken by President Yameen before the elections complaining to the police, no action
the government. The wave of radicalism to be held next year. Such an act also was taken when Yameen and others
had existed for long and for a liberal spells out the rise of fanaticism and how like him were threatened. Yameen had
Muslim country, the Maldives had its such hate crimes are taking over a once been terrified and had approached
youth being radicalized because of low peaceful country. This growing unstable the police several times but to no
educational levels, gang crimes and environment and dangerous mindset in avail. Then questions arise: is Yameen
increasing social problems in society. the Maldives, all in the name of religion Rasheed’s murder really to be blamed
Yameen Rasheed was from the new has not only contorted Islam but is also on the fanatics or is the police equally
generation of young and progressing an alarming situation where freedom of involved? Why did not the police take
Maldivians who constantly stand speech doesn’t exist. action and protect him? Is the state truly
against the constraints of authority and This is only the beginning of an liberal or is it webbed in by extremist
support a liberal, secular and complete ongoing struggle as all the opposition views and has engulfed the freedom
democracy. They are liberated in their leaders are either in exile or imprisoned of words in its truest sense? Of course
mindsets and thought processes and following a crackdown on rebellion such negligence by the government will
are not afraid to spell out the state’s under the President’s leadership. Such a cost the country its freedom of thought,
abuses of power even though they political state of the country has raised voice, action, economic downfall and
live in the shadow of an authoritarian fears over its stability and marred its rear a new breed of mindset which will
government. They do not have absolute image as a tourist paradise. Yameen’s affect not only the locals but the entire
beliefs but they do not compromise government has restricted freedom of region.
where their advocacy of human rights speech and assembly, imposing heavy
is concerned. fines on journalists and social media The writer is a member of the staff.


Southasia 15 Years Ago

Southasia, 2002


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