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Engineering Systems Handbook

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Systems Engineering Handbook

June 1995
Foreword ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ ix
Foreword to the September 1992 Draft ................................ ................................ .. x
Preface ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... xi
Acknowledgements ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... xii
Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 1
Purpose ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 1
Scope and Depth ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 1
Fundamentals of System Engineering................................ ................................ ........... 3
Systems, Supersystems, and Subsystems ................................ ............................ 3
Definition of Systems Engineering ................................ ................................ .......... 4
Objective of Systems Engineering ................................ ................................ .......... 4
Disciplines Related to Systems Engineering ................................ .......................... 6
The Doctrine of Successive Rinfinement ................................ ................................ 7
The Project Cycle for Major NASA Systems................................ ................................ . 13
Pre-Phase A - Advanced Studies ................................ ................................ ........... 13
Phase A - Preliminary Analysis ................................ ................................ ............... 14
Phase B - Definition ................................ ................................ ................................ . 17
Phase C - Design ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 18
Phase D - Development ................................ ................................ .......................... 19
Phase E - Operations ................................ ................................ .............................. 19
Role of Systems Engineering in the Project Life Cycle ................................ .......... 20
The “Vee” Chart ................................ ................................ ........................... 20
The NASA Program/Project Life Cycle Process Flow................................. 22
Funding: The Budget Cycle ................................ ................................ .................... 25
Management Issues in Systems Engineering................................ ............................... 27
Harmony of Goals, Work Products, and Organizations ................................ ......... 27
Managing the Systems Engineering Process: The Systems Engineering
Management Plan ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 28
Role of the SEMP ................................ ................................ ........................ 28
Contents of the SEMP ................................ ................................ ................. 28
Development of the SEMP ................................ ................................ .......... 29
Managing the Systems Engineering Process: Summary .......................... 30
The Work Breakdown Structure ................................ ................................ .............. 30
Role of the WBS ................................ ................................ .......................... 31
Techniques for Developing the WBS ................................ .......................... 31
Common Errors in Developing a WBS ................................ ....................... 32
Scheduling ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 33
Role of Scheduling ................................ ................................ ....................... 33
Network Schedule Data and Graphical Formats ................................ ........ 33
Establishing a Network Schedule ................................ ................................ 34
Reporting Techniques ................................ ................................ ................. 35
Resource Leveling ................................ ................................ ....................... 35
Budgeting and Resource Planning ................................ ................................ ..................... 35
Risk Management ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 37
Types of Risks ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 39
Risk Identification and Characterization Techniques ................................ ............. 40
Risk Analysis Techniques ................................ ................................ ...................... 41
Risk Mitigation and Tracking Techniques ................................ .............................. 42
Risk Management: Summary ................................ ................................ ............... 44
Configuration Management ................................ ................................ ................................ 44
Baseline Evolution ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 45
Techniques of Configuration Management ................................ ............................ 45
Data Management ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 48
Reviews, Audits, and Control Gates ................................ ................................ ................... 48
Purpose and Definitions ................................ ................................ ......................... 48
General Principles for Reviews ................................ ................................ .............. 49
Major Control Gates ................................ ................................ ............................... 50
Interim Review ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 55
Status Reporting and Assessment ................................ ................................ ..................... 58
Cost and Schedule Control Measures ................................ ................................ ... 59
Technical Performance Measures ................................ ................................ ......... 61
Systems Engineering Process Metrics ................................ ................................ .. 64
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues................................ ................................ ..................... 67
The Trade Study Process ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 67
Controlling the Trade Study Process ................................ ................................ ..... 70
Using Models ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 71
Selecting the Selection Rule ................................ ................................ .................. 73
Trade Study Process: Summary ................................ ................................ ........... 77
Cost Definition and Modeling ................................ ................................ .............................. 77
Life-Cycle Cost and Other Cost Measures ................................ ............................ 77
Controlling Life-Cycle Costs ................................ ................................ ................... 79
Cost Estimating ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 80
Effectiveness Definition and Modeling ................................ ................................ ............... 83
Strategies for Measuring System Effectiveness ................................ .................... 83
NASA System Effectiveness Measures ................................ ................................ . 84
Availability and Logistics Supportability Modeling ................................ ................. 85
Probabilistic Treatment of Cost and Effectiveness ................................ ............................ 87
Sources of Uncertainty in Models ................................ ................................ .......... 88
Modeling Techniques for Handling Uncertainty ................................ ..................... 88
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process ........................ 91
Role of the Engineering Specialties ................................ ................................ ................... 91
Reliability ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 91
Role of the Reliability ................................ ................................ ............................. 92
Designing Reliable Space-Based Systems ................................ ........................... 94
Reliability Analysis Tools and Techniques ................................ ............................. 94
Quality Assurance ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 95
Role of the Quality Assurance Engineer ................................ ................................ 95
Quality Assurance Tools and Techniques ................................ .............................. 96
Maintainability ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 96
Role of the Maintainability Engineer ................................ ................................ ...... 96
The System Maintenance Concept and Maintenance Plan ................................ ... 97
Designing Maintainable Space-Based Systems ................................ .................... 97
Maintainability Analysis Tools and Techniques ................................ ...................... 98
Integrated Logistics Support ................................ ................................ ............................... 99
ILS Elements ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 99
Planning for ILS ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 99
ILS Tools and Techniques: The Logistics Support Analysis ................................ . 100
Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support ................................ ..................... 103
Verification ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 103
Verification Process Overview ................................ ................................ ............... 104
Verification Program Planning ................................ ................................ ............... 106
Qualification Verification ................................ ................................ ......................... 109
Acceptance Verification ................................ ................................ .......................... 119
Preparation for Deployment Verification ................................ ................................ 110
Operational and Disposal Verification ................................ ................................ .... 110
Producibility ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 111
Role of the Production Engineer ................................ ................................ ............ 111
Producibility Tools and Techniques ................................ ................................ ....... 111
Social Acceptability ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 112
Environmental Impact ................................ ................................ ............................ 112
Nuclear Safety Launch Approval ................................ ................................ ........... 114
Planetary Protection ................................ ................................ ............................... 115
Appendix A - Acronyms ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 117
Appendix B - Systems Engineering Templates and Examples ................................ ................ 119
Appendix B.1 - A Sample SEMP Outline ................................ ................................ ............ 119
Appendix B.2 - A “Tailored” WBS for an Airborne Telescope ................................ ............ 120
Appendix B.3 - Characterization, Mission Success, and SRM&QA Cost Guidelines for
Class A-D Payloads ................................ ................................ ................... 123
Appendix B.4 - A Sample Risk Management Plan Outline ................................ ................ 124
Appendix B.5 - An Example of a Critical Items List ................................ ............................ 125
Appendix B.6 - A Sample Configuration Management Plan Outline ................................ .. 126
Appendix B.7 - Techniques of Functional Analysis ................................ ............................ 127
B.7.1 Functional ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 127
B.7.2 N2 Diagrams ................................ ................................ ................................ 127
B.7.3 Time Line Analysis ................................ ................................ ...................... 129
Appendix B.8 - The Effect of Changes in ORU MTBF on Space Station Freedom
Operations ................................ ................................ ................................ . 132
Appendix B.9 - An Example of a Verification Requirements Matrix ................................ ... 135
Appendix B.10 - A Sample Master Verification Plan Outline ................................ ............. 137
Appendix C - Use of the Metric System................................ ................................ ...................... 139
C.1 NASA Policy ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 139
C.2 Definition of Units ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 139
C.2.1 SI Prefixes ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 139
C.2.2 Base SI Units ................................ ................................ ............................. 139
C.2.3 Supplementary SI Units ................................ ................................ .............. 140
C.2.4 Derived SI Units with Special Names ................................ ........................ 140
C.2.5 Units in Use with SI ................................ ................................ .................... 141
C.3 Conversion Factors ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 142
Bibliography ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 145
Index ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 151
List of Figures
Figure 1 - The Enveloping Surface of Non-dominated Designs ................................ ..................... 5
Figure 2 - Estimates of Outcomes to be Obtained form Several Design Concepts Including
Uncertainty ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 5
Figure 3 - The Doctrine of Successive Refinement ................................ ................................ ........ 7
Figure 4 - A Quantitative Objective Function, Dependent on Life-Cycle Cost and All Aspects
of Effectiveness ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 10
Figure 5 - The NASA Program/Project Cycle ................................ ................................ ................. 15
Figure 6 - Overruns are Very Likely if Phases A and B are Underfunded ................................ ...... 17
Figure 7 - Overview of the Technical Aspect of the NASA Project Cycle ................................ ...... 21
Figure 8 - The NASA Program/Project Life Cycle Process Flow ................................ ................... 23
Figure 9 - Typical NASA Budget Cycle ................................ ................................ ........................... 25
Figure 10 - The Relationship Between a System, a Product Breakdown Structure, and a
Work Breakdown Structure ................................ ................................ ......................... 31
Figure 11 - Examples of WBS Development Errors ................................ ................................ ....... 32
Figure 12 - Activity-on-Arrow and Precedence Diagrams for Network Schedules ........................ 34
Figure 13 - An Example of a Gantt Chart ................................ ................................ ....................... 36
Figure 14 - An Example of an Unleveled Resource Profile ................................ ............................ 37
Figure 15 - Risk Management Structure Diagram ................................ ................................ .......... 38
Figure 16 - Characterizing Risks by Likelihood and Severity ................................ ......................... 39
Figure 17 - Evolution of the Technical Baseline ................................ ................................ .............. 45
Figure 18 - Configuration Management Structure Diagram ................................ ........................... 46
Figure 19 - Contract Change Control Process ................................ ................................ ................ 47
Figure 20 - Planning and Status Reporting Feedback Loop ................................ ........................... 59
Figure 21 - Cost and Schedule Variances ................................ ................................ ...................... 60
Figure 22 - Three TPM Assessment Methods ................................ ................................ ................ 62
Figure 23 - The Trade Study Process ................................ ................................ ............................. 67
Figure 24 - Results of Design Concepts with Different Risk Patterns ................................ ............ 74
Figure 25 - Life-Cycle Cost Components ................................ ................................ ........................ 78
Figure 26 - System Effectiveness Components (Generic) ................................ ............................. 84
Figure 27 - Roles of Availability and Logistics Supportability Models ................................ ............ 87
Figure 28 - A Monte Carlo Simulation with Three Uncertain Inputs ................................ ............... 89
Figure 29 - Basic Reliability Block Diagrams ................................ ................................ .................. 94
Figure 30 - A Simple Fault Tree ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 95
Figure 31a - Logistics Support Analysis Process Flow (Phases A and B) ................................ ..... 101
Figure 31b - Logistics Support Analysis Process Flow (Phases C/D and E) ................................ . 101
Figure 32a - Verification Process Flow (Phases A/B and C) ................................ .......................... 104
Figure 32b - Verification Process Flow (Phase D) ................................ ................................ ......... 104
Figure B-1 - Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) Product Breakdown
Structure ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 120
Figure B-2 - SOFIA Project WBS (Level 3) ................................ ................................ .................... 121
Figure B-3 - SOFIA Observatory System WBS (Level 4) ................................ ............................... 121
Figure B-4 - SOFIA Airborne Facility WBS (Level 5) ................................ ................................ ...... 122
Figure B-5 - SOFIA Telescope Element WBS (Level 6) ................................ ................................ . 122
Figure B-6 - Development of Functional Flow Block Diagrams ................................ ..................... 128
Figure B-7 - N2 Chart Definition ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 129
Figure B-8 - N2 Chart Key Features ................................ ................................ ................................ 130
Figure B-9 - Flight Mission Time Lines ................................ ................................ ........................... 131
Figure B-10 - Sample Maintenance Time Line Sheet ................................ ................................ ..... 131
Figure B-11 - Effect of MTBF on Operations Cost ................................ ................................ .......... 132
Figure B-12 - Effect of MTBF on Crew Time ................................ ................................ .................. 132
List of Figures

Figure B-13 - Effect of MTBF on Upmass ................................ ................................ ...................... 133

Figure B-14 - Effect of MTBF on Number of Crew (Available Crew Time Maintained) ................. 133
Figure B-15 - Effect of MTBF on Number of STS Flights (Available Upmass Maintained) ........... 133
Figure B-16 - Effect of MTBF on Five-year Operations Cost (Maintaining vs. Not Maintaining
Available Upmass and Crew Time) ................................ ................................ ..................... 134
List of Sidebars
Selected Systems Engineering Reading ................................ ................................ ......................... 1
A Hierarchical System Terminology ................................ ................................ ................................ 3
The Technical Sophistication Required to do Systems Engineering Depends on the Project ....... 3
Systems Engineering per EIA/IS-632 ................................ ................................ ............................. 4
Cost, Effectiveness, Cost-Effectiveness ................................ ................................ ......................... 4
The System Engineer’s Dilemma ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 6
As an Example of the Process of Successive Refinement, Consider the Choice of Altitude
for a Space Station such as Alpha ................................ ................................ ...................... 8
Simple Interfaces are Preferred ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 10
Pre-Phase A - Advanced Studies ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 14
Phase A - Preliminary Analysis ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 14
Phase B - Definition ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 17
A Credible, Feasible Design ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 18
Phase C - Design ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 19
Phase D - Development ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 19
Phase E - Operations ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 20
Integrated Product Development Teams ................................ ................................ ........................ 25
SEMP Lessons Learned form DoD Experience ................................ ................................ .............. 30
Critical Path and Float Calculation ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 34
Desirable Features in Gantt Charts ................................ ................................ ................................ 36
Assessing the Effect of Schedule Slippage ................................ ................................ .................... 37
Risk ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 38
Probabilistic Risk Assessment Pitfalls ................................ ................................ ............................ 42
An Example of a Decision Tree for Robotic Precursor Mission to Mars ................................ ........ 43
Configuration Control Board Conduct ................................ ................................ ............................. 46
Project Termination ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 49
Computing the Estimate at Completion ................................ ................................ .......................... 60
Examples of High-Level TPMs for Planetary Spacecraft and Launch Vehicles ............................. 61
An Example of the Risk Management Method for Tracking Spacecraft Mass ............................... 63
Systems Analysis ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 67
Functional Analysis Techniques ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 68
An Example of a trade Tree for a Mars Rover ................................ ................................ ................ 70
Trade Study Reports ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 71
The Analytic Hierarchy Process ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 75
Multi-Attribute Utility Theory ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 76
Calculating Present Discounted Value ................................ ................................ ............................ 79
Statistical Cost Estimating Relationships: Example and Pitfalls ................................ ................... 81
Learning Curve Theory ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 82
An Example of a Cost Spreader Function: The Beta Curve ................................ .......................... 82
Practical Pitfalls in Using Effectiveness Measures in Trade Studies ................................ ............. 83
Measures of Availability ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 86
Logistics Supportability Models: Two Examples ................................ ................................ ........... 87
The Cost S-Curve ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 88
Reliability Relationships ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 92
Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) Reliability ................................ ................................ ...................... 92
The Bathtub Curve ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 93
List of Sidebars
Maintenance Levels for Space Station Alpha ................................ ................................ ................. 97
Maintainability Lessons Learned form HST Repair (STS-61) ................................ ......................... 98
MIL-STD 1388-1A/2B ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 102
Can NASA Benefit form CALS? ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 103
Analyses and Models ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 106
Verification Reports ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 107
Test Readiness Reviews ................................ ................................ ................................ ................. 109
Software IV & V ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... 110
What is NEPA? ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... 112
Prefixes for SI Units ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 139
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Foreword take systems engineering courses are the primary

audience for this work. Working professionals who
In an attempt to demonstrate the potential require a guidebook to NASA systems engineering
dangers of relying on purely ''cookbook" logical represent a secondary audience.
thinking, the mathematician/philosopher Carl
Hempel posed a paradox. If we want to prove the It was discovered during the review of the
hypothesis “AII ravens are black," we can look for draft document that interest in this work goes far
many ravens and determine if they all meet our beyond NASA. Requests for translating this work
criteria. Hempel suggested changing the hy - have come from international sources, and we
pothesis to its logical contrapositive (a rewording have been told that the draft hand book is being
with identical meaning) would be easier. The new used in university courses on the subject. All of
hypothesis becomes: "All nonblack things are this may help explain why copies of the original
nonravens." This transformation, supported by the draft handbook have been in short supply.
laws of logical thinking, makes it much easier to
test, but unfortunately is ridicu lous. Hempel's raven The main purposes of the NASA Systems
paradox points out the importance of common Engineering Handbook are to provide: 1) useful
sense and proper background exploration, even to information to system engineers and project
subjects as intricate as systems engineering. managers, 2) a generic descrip tion of NASA
systems engineering which can be supported by
In 1989, when the initial work on the NASA center-specific documents, 3) a common language
Systems Engineering Handbook was started, there and perspective of the systems engineering
were many who were concerned about the process, and 4) a reference work which is
dangers of a document that purported to teach a consistent with NMI 7120.4/NHB 7120.5. The
generic NASA approach to systems engineering. handbook approaches systems engineering from a
Like Hempel's raven, there were concerns over the systems perspective, starting at mission needs and
potential of producing a "cookbook" which of fered conceptual studies through operations and
the illusion of logic while ignoring experience and disposal.
common sense. From the tremendous response to
the initial (September 1992) draft of the h andbook While it would be impossible to thank all of
(in terms of both requests for copies and praise for the people directly involved, it is essential to note
the product), it seems early concerns were largely the efforts of Dr. Robert Shishko of the Jet
unfounded and that there is a strong need for this Propulsion Laboratory. Bob was largely
handbook. responsible for ensuring the completion of this
effort. His technical expertise and nonstop
The document you are holding represents determination were critical factors to ensure the
what was deemed best in the original draft and success of this project.
updates information necessary in light of
recommendations and changes within NASA. This Mihaly Csikzenthmihali defined an optimal
handbook represents some of the best think ing experience as one where there is "a sense of
from across NASA. Many experts influenced its exhilaration, a deep sense of enjoyment that is
outcome, and consideration was given to each long cherished and becomes a landmark in
idea and criticism. It truly represents a NASA-wide memory of what life should be like." I am not quite
product and one which furnishes a good overview sure if the experience which produced this hand -
of NASA systems engineering. book can be described exactly this way, yet the
sentiment seems reasonably close.
The handbook is intended to be an
educational guide written from a NASA —Dr. Edward J. Hoffman
perspective. Individuals who Program Manager, NASA Headquarters
Spring 1995
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Foreword to the September 1992 Draft have, but agreed that this approach would be quite
When NASA began to sponsor agency -wide
classes in systems engineering, it was to a The next step and the most difficult in this
doubting audience. Top management was quick to arduous process was to find someone to head this
express concern. As a former Deputy yet-to-be-formed working group. Fortunately for
Administrator stated "How can you teach an NASA, Donna [Pivirotto] Shirley of the Jet
agency-wide systems engineering class when we Propulsion Laboratory stepped up to the
cannot even agree on how to define it?" Good challenge. Today, through her efforts, those of the
question, and one I must admit caused us working group, and the skilled and dedicated
considerable concern at that time. The same doubt authors, we have a unique and possibly a historic
continued up until the publication of this handbook. document.

The initial systems engineering education During the development of the manual we
conference was held in January 1989 at the decided to put in much more than may be
Johnson Space Center. A number of appropriate for a Level 0 document with the idea
representatives from other Centers at tended this that we could always refine the document later. It
meeting and it was decided then that we needed was more important to capture the knowledge
to form a working group to support the when we could in order to better position our selves
development of appropriate and tailored systems for later dissemination. If there is any criticism, it
engineering courses. At this meeting the may be the level of detail contained in the manual,
representatives from Marshal1 Space Flight Center but this detail is necessary for young engineers.
(MSFC) expressed a strong desire to docu ment The present document does appear to serve as a
their own historic systems engineering process good instructional guide, although it does go well
before any more of the key players left the Center. beyond its original intent.
Other Centers also expressed a desire, if not as
urgent as MSFC, to document their processes. As such, this present document is to be
considered a next-to-final draft. Your comments,
It was thought that the best way to reflect the corrections and suggestions are welcomed, valued
totality of the NASA systems engineering process and appreciated. Please send your remarks
and to aid in developing the needed training was directly to Robert Shishko, NASA Systems
to prepare a top level (Level 0) document that Engineering Working Group. NASA/Jet Propulsion
would contain a broad definition of systems Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
engineering, a broad process outline, and typi cal 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA
tools and procedures. In general, we wanted a top 91109-8099.
level overview of NASA systems engineering. To
this document would be appended each Center's —Francis T. Hoban
unique systems engineering manual. The group Program Manager, NASA Headquarters
was well aware of the diver sity each Center may
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

of these three domains. The material on the NASA
This handbook was written to bring the project life cycle is drawn from the work of the
fundamental concepts and techniques of systems NASA-wide Systems Engineering Working Group
engineering to NASA personnel in a way that recognizes (SEWG), which met periodically in 1991 and 1992, and
the nature of NASA systems and the NASA its successor, the Systems Engineering Process
environment. The authors readily acknowledge that this Improvement Task (SEPIT) team, which met in 1993
goal will not be easily realized. One reason is that not and 1994. This handbook's project life cycle is identical
everyone agrees on what systems engineering is, nor on to that promulgated in the SEPIT report, NASA Systems
how to do it. There are legitimate differences of opinion Engineering Process for Programs and Projects,
on basic definitions, content, and techniques. Systems JSC-49040. The SEPIT project life cycle is intentionally
engineering itself is a broad subject, with many different consistent with that in NMI 7120.4/NHB 7120.5
aspects. This initial handbook does not (and cannot) (Management of Major System Programs and Projects),
cover all of them. but provides more detail on its systems engineering
The content and style of this handbook show a
teaching orientation. This handbook was meant to This handbook consists of five core chapters: (1)
accompany formal NASA training courses on systems systems engineering's intellectual process, (2) the NASA
engineering, not to be a stand-alone, comprehensive project life cycle, (3) management issues in systems
view of NASA systems engineering. Systems engineering, (4) systems analysis and modeling issues,
engineering, in the authors' opinions, cannot be learned and (5) engineering specialty integration. These core
simply by starting at a well-defined beginning and chapters are supplemented by appendices, which can
proceeding seamlessly from one topic to another. be expanded to accommodate any number of templates
Rather, it is a field that draws from many engineering and examples to illustrate topics in the core chapters.
disciplines and other intellectual domains. The The handbook makes extensive use of sidebars to
boundaries are not always clear, and there are many define, refine, illustrate, and extend concepts in the core
interesting intellectual offshoots. Consequently, this chapters without diverting the reader from the main
handbook was designed to be a top-level overview of argument. There are no footnotes; sidebars are used
systems engineering as a discipline; brevity of instead. The structure of the handbook also allows for
exposition and the provision of pointers to other books additional sections and chapters to be added at a later
and documents for details were considered important date.
Finally, the handbook should be considered only
The material for this handbook was drawn from a starting point. Both NASA as a systems engineering
many different sources, including field center systems organization, and systems engineering as a discipline,
engineering handbooks, NASA management instructions are undergoing rapid evolution. Over the next five
(NMls) and NASA handbooks (NHBs), field center years, many changes will no doubt occur, and some are
briefings on systems engineering processes, non-NASA already in progress. NASA, for instance, is moving
systems engineering textbooks and guides, and three toward implementation of the standards in the
independent systems engineering courses taught to International Standards Organization (ISO) 9000 family,
NASA audiences. The handbook uses this material to which will affect many aspects of systems engineering.
provide only top-level information and suggestions for In systems engineering as a discipline, efforts are
good systems engineering practices; it is not intended in underway to merge existing systems engineering
any way to be a directive. standards into a common American National Standard
on the Engineering of Systems, and then ultimately into
By design, the handbook covers some topics that an international standard. These factors should be kept
are also taught in Project Management/Program Control in mind when using this handbook.
(PM/PC) courses, reflecting the unavoidable
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Acknowledgements Mr. Dave Austin, NASA Headquarters/Code DSS

Mr. Phillip R. Barela, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
This work was conducted under the overall direc- Mr. J.W. Bott, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
tion of Mr. Frank Hoban, and then Dr. Ed Hoffman, Dr. Steven L. Cornford, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA Headquarters/Code FT, under the NASA Pro- Ms. Sandra Dawson, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
gram/Project Management Initiative (PPMI). Dr. Shahid Dr. James W. Doane, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Habib, NASA Headquarters/Code QW, provided Mr. William Edminston, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
additional financial support to the NASA-wide Systems Mr. Charles C. Gonzales, NASA/Jet Propulsion
Engineering Working Group and Systems Engineering Laboratory
Process Improvement Task team. Many individuals, Dr. Jairus Hihn, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
both in and out of NASA, contributed material, reviewed Dr. Ed Jorgenson, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
various drafts, or otherwise provided valuable input to Mr. Richard V. Morris, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
this handbook. Unfortunately, the lists below cannot Mr. Tom Weber, Rockwell International/Space Systems
include everyone who shared their ideas and
experience. Reviewers:
Mr. Robert C. Baumann, NASA/Goddard Space Flight
Principal Contributors: Center
Dr. Robert Shishko, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mr. Chris Carl, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mr. Robert G. Chamberlain, P.E., NASA/Jet Propulsion Dr. David S.C. Chu, Assistant Secretary of Defense/Pro-
Laboratory gram Analysis and Evaluation
Mr. M.J. Cork, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Other Contributors: Mr. James R. French, JRF Engineering Services
Mr. Robert Aster, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mr. John L. Gasery, Jr., NASA/Stennis Space Center
Ms. Beth Bain, Lockheed Missiles and Space Company Mr. Frederick D. Gregory, NASA Headquarters/Code Q
Mr. Guy Beutelschies, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mr. Don Hedgepeth, NASA/Langley Research Center
Dr. Vincent Bilardo, NASA/Ames Research Center Mr. Jim Hines, Rockwell International/Space Systems
Ms. Renee I. Cox, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Mr. Keith L. Hudkins, NASA Headquarters/Code MZ
Dr. Kevin Forsberg, Center for Systems Management Dr. Jerry Lake, Defense Systems Management College
Dr. Walter E. Hammond, Sverdrup Techology, Inc. Mr. T.J. Lee, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center
Mr. Patrick McDuffee, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Mr. Jim Lloyd, NASA Headquarters/Code QS
Center Mr. Woody Lovelace, NASA/Langley Research Center
Mr. Harold Mooz, Center for Systems Management Dr. Brian Mar, Department of Civil Engineering, Univer -
Ms. Mary Beth Murrill, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory sity of Washington
Dr. Les Pieniazek Lockheed Engineering and ScienceS Dr. Ralph F. Miles, Jr., Center for Safety and System
Co. Mr. Lou Polaski, Center for Systems Management Management, University of Southern California
Mr. Neil Rainwater, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Dr. Richard A. Montgomery, Montgomery and
Mr. Tom Rowell, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Associates
Ms. Donna Shirley, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Mr. Bernard G. Morais, Synergistic Applications, Inc.
Mr. Mark Sluka, Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Mr. Ron Moyer, NASA Headquarters/Code QW
Co. Mr. Ron Wade, Center for Systems Management Mr. Rudy Naranjo, NASA Headquarters/Code MZ
Mr. Raymond L. Nieder, NASA/Johnson Space Center
SEPIT team members (not already mentioned): Mr. James E. Pearson, United Technologies Research
Mr. Randy Fleming, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. Center
Dr. Frank Fogle, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Mr. Leo Perez, NASA Headquarters/Code QP
Mr. Tony Fragomeni, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Mr. David Pine, NASA Headquarters/Code B
Center Dr. Shahid Habib, NASA Headquarters/Code Mr. Glen D. Ritter, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center
Mr. Henning Krome, NASA/Marshall Space Flight
Mr. Ray Lugo, NASA/Kennedy Space Center
Mr. William C. Morgan, NASA/Johnson Space Center
Dr. Mike Ryschkewitsch, NASA/Goddard Space Flight
Mr. Gerry Sadler, NASA/Lewis Research Center
Mr. Dick Smart, Sverdrup Technology, Inc.
Dr. James Wade, NASA/Johnson Space Center
Mr. Milam Walters, NASA/Langley Research Center
Mr. Don Woodruff, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center

Other sources:
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Dr. Arnold Ruskin, NASA/Jet Propulsion

Laboratory and University of California at Editorial and graphics support:
Los Angeles Mr. Stephen Brewster, NASA/Jet Propulsion
Mr. John G. Shirlaw, Massachusetts Institute of Laboratory
Technology Mr. Randy Cassingham, NASA/Jet Propulsion
Mr. Richard E. Snyder, NASAlLangley Research Laboratory
Center Mr. John Matlock, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mr. Don Sova, NASA Headquarters/Code AE
Mr. Marvin A. Stibich, USAF/Aeronautical Systems —Dr. Robert Shishko
Center Task Manager, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mr. Lanny Taliaferro, NASAtMarshall Space Flight
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

1 Introduction The subject matter of systems engineering is very

broad. The coverage in this handbook is limited to
1.1 Purpose general concepts and generic descriptions of processes,
This handbook is intended to provide information tools, and techniques. It provides information on good
on systems engineering that will be useful to NASA sys- systems engineering practices, and pitfalls to avoid.
tem engineers, especially new ones. Its primary There are many textbooks that can be consulted for
objective is to provide a generic description of systems in-depth tutorials.
engineering as it should be applied throughout NASA.
Field centers' handbooks are encouraged to provide This handbook describes systems engineering as
center-specific details of implementation. it should be applied to the development of major NASA
systems. Systems engineering deals both with the
For NASA system engineers to choose to keep a system being developed (the product system) and the
copy of this handbook at their elbows, it must provide system that does the developing (the producing system).
answers that cannot be easily found elsewhere. Conse- Consequently, the handbook's scope properly includes
quently, it provides NASA-relevant perspectives and systems engineering functions regardless of whether
NASA-particular data. NASA management instructions they are performed by an in-house systems engineering
(NMIs) are referenced when applicable. organization, a program/project office, or a system
This handbook's secondary objective is to serve
as a useful companion to all of the various courses in While many of the producing system's design fea-
systems engineering that are being offered under tures may be implied by the nature of the tools and tech-
NASA's auspices. niques of systems engineering, it does not follow that
institutional procedures for their application must be
1.2 Scope and Depth uniform from one NASA field center to another.

Selected Systems Engineering Reading

See the Bibliography for full reference data and further reading suggestions.
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering and Analysis(2nd ed.), B.S. Blanchard and W.J. Fabrycky
Systems Engineering, Andrew P. Sage
An Introduction to SystemsEngineering, J.E. Armstrong and Andrew P. Sage

Management Issues in Systems Engineering

Systems Engineering, EIA/IS-632
IEEE Trial-Use Standard for application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process,IEEE Std 1220-1994
Systems Engineering Management Guide,Defense Systems Management College
System Engineering Management,B.S. Blanchard
Systems Engineering Methods,Harold Chestnut
Systems Concepts, Ralph Miles, Jr. (editor)
Successful Systems Engineering for Engineers and Managers,Norman B. Reilly

Systems Analysis and Modeling

Systems Engineering Tools,Harold Chestnut
Systems Analysis for Engineers and Managers, Neufville and J.H. Stafford
Cost Considerations in Systems Analysis,Gene H. Fisher

Space Systems Design and Operations

Space Vehicle Design,Michael D. Griffin and James R. French
Space Mission Analysis and Design(2nd ed.), Wiley J. Larson and James R. Wertz (editors)
Design of Geosynchronous Spacecraft, Brij N. Agrawal
Spacecraft Systems Engineering,Peter W. Fortescue and John P.W. Stark (editors)
Cost-Effective Space Mission Operations,Daryl Boden and Wiley J. Larson (editors)
Reducing Space Mission Cost,Wiley J. Larson and James R. Wertz (editors)
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

2 Fundamentals of Systems Engineering in the first paragraph above. In this handbook, system"
is generally used in its generic form.
2.1 Systems, Supersystems, and Subsystems The NASA management instruction for the
A system is a set of interrelated components acquisition of “major" systems (NMI 7120.4) defines a
which interact with one another in an organized fashion program as “a related series of undertakings that
toward a common purpose. The components of a continue over a period of time (normally years), which
system may be quite diverse, consisting of persons, are designed to pursue, or are in support of, a focused
organizations, procedures, software, equipment, end 'or scientific or technical goal, and which are characterized
facilities. The purpose of a system may be as humble as by: design, development, and operations of systems."
distributing electrical power within a spacecraft or as Programs are managed by NASA Headquarters, and
grand as exploring the surface of Mars. may encompass several projects.
In the NASA context, a project encompasses the
A Hierarchical System Terminology design, development, and operation of one or more sys-
tems, and is generally managed by a NASA field center.
The following hierarchical sequence of terms for suc - Headquarters' management concerns include
cessively finer resolution was adopted by the NASA - not only the engineering of the systems, but all of the
wide Systems Engineering Working Group (SEWG) and other activities required to achieve the desired end.
its successor, the Systems Engineering Process Im- These other activities include explaining the value of
provement Task (SEPIT) team: programs and projects to Congress and enlisting
international cooperation. The term mission is often
System used for a program pro-
Element The Technical Sophistication Required to do
Systems Engineering Depends on the Project
• The system's goals may be simple and easy to
identify and measure—or they may be technically
complicated, requiring a great deal of insight about
Particular projects may need a different sequence
the environment or technology within or with which
of layers— an instrument may not need as many layers,
the system must operate.
while a broad initiative may need to distinguish more
layers. Projects should establish their own terminology.
The word system is also used within NASA generically, • The system may have a single goal—or multiple
as defined in the text. In this handbook, "system" is goals. There are techniques available for
generally used in its generic form. determining the relative values of multiple goals —
but sometimes goals are truly incommensurate and
Every system exists in the context of a broader
supersystem, i.e., a collection of related systems. It is in • The system may have users representing factions
that context that the system must be judged. Thus, with conflicting objectives. When there are
managers in the supersystem set system policies, conflicting objectives, negotiated compromises will
establish system objectives, determine system be required.
constraints, and define what costs are relevant. They
often have oversight authority over system design and • Alternative system design concepts may be
operations decisions. abundant—or they may require creative genius to
Most NASA systems are sufficiently complex that
their components are subsystems, which must function • A "back-of-the-envelope" computation may be
in a coordinated way for the system to accomplish its satisfactory for prediction of how well the alternative
goals. From the point of view of systems engineering, design concepts would do in achievement of the
each subsystem is a system in its own right—that is, goals—or credibility may depend upon construction
policies, requirements, objectives, and which costs are and testing of hardware or software models.
relevant are established at the next level up in the
hierarchy. Spacecraft systems often have such • The desired ends usually include an optimization
subsystems as propulsion, attitude control, objective, such as "minimize life-cycle cost" or
telecommunications, and power. In a large project, the "maximize the value of returned data", so selection
subsystems are likely to be called "systems". The word of the best design may not be an easy task.
system is also used within NASA generically, as defined
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

ject's purpose; its connotations of fervor make it particu-

larly suitable for such political activities, where the emo- 2.3 Objective of Systems Engineering
tional content of the term is a desirable factor. In
everyday conversation, the terms "project," "mission," The objective of systems engineering is to see to
and "system" are often used interchangeably; while it that the system is designed, built, and operated so that
imprecise, this rarely causes difficulty. it accomplishes its purpose in the most cost-effective
way possible, considering performance, cost, schedule,
2.2 Definition of Systems Engineering and risk.

Systems engineering is a robust approach to the A cost-effective system must provide a particular
design, creation, and operation of systems. In simple kind of balance between effectiveness and cost: the
terms, the approach consists of identification and system must provide the most effectiveness for the
quantification of system goals, creation of alternative resources expended or, equivalently, it must be the least
system design concepts, performance of design trades, expensive for the effectiveness it provides. This
selection and imple- condition is a weak one because there are usually many
designs that meet the condition. Think of each possible
Systems Engineering per ElA/IS-632 design as a point in the

Systems engineering is "an interdisciplinary approach Cost

encompassing the entire technical effort to evolve and
verify an integrated and life-cycle balanced set of sys- The cost of a system is the foregone value of the re-
tem people, product, and process solutions that satisfy sources needed to design, build, and operate it. Be-
customer needs. Systems engineering encompasses cause resources come in many forms— work per-
(a) the technical efforts related to the development, formed by NASA personnel and contractors,
manufacturing, verification, deployment, operations, materials, energy, and the use of facilities and
support) disposal of, and user training for, system prod- equipment such as wind tunnels, factories, offices,
ucts and processes; (b) the definition and management and computers—it is of en convenient to express
of the system configuration; (c) the translation of the these values in common terms by using monetary
system definition into work breakdown structures; and units (such as dollars).
(d) development of information for management deci-
sion making." Effectiveness

The effectiveness of a system is a quantitative

measure of the degree to which the system's purpose
mentation of the best design, verification that the design is achieved. Effectiveness measures are usually very
is properly built and integrated, and post-implementation dependent upon system performance. For example,
assessment of how well the system meets (or met) the launch vehicle effectiveness depends on the
goals. The approach is usually applied repeatedly and probability of successfully injecting a payload onto a
recursively, with several increases in the resolution of usable trajectory. The associated system performance
the system baselines (which contain requirements, attributes include the mass that can be put into a
design details, verification procedures and standards, specified nominal orbit, the trade between injected
cost and performance estimates, and so on). mass and launch velocity, and launch availability.

Systems engineering is performed in concert with Cost-Effectiveness

system management. A major part of the system engi-
neer's role is to provide information that the system The cost-effectiveness of a system combines both the
manager can use to make the right decisions. This cost and the effectiveness of the system in the context
includes identification of alternative design concepts and of its objectives. While it may be necessary to
characterization of those concepts in ways that will help measure either or both of those in terms of several
the system managers first discover their preferences, numbers, it is sometimes possible to combine the
then be able to apply them astutely. An important aspect components into a meaningful, single-valued objective
of this role is the creation of system models that function for use in design optimization. Even without
facilitate assessment of the alternatives in various knowing how to trade effectiveness for cost, designs
dimensions such as cost, performance, and risk. that have lower cost and higher effectiveness are
always preferred.
Application of this approach includes performance
of some delegated management duties, such as
maintaining control of the developing configuration and
overseeing the integration of subsystems.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

tradeoff space between effectiveness and cost. A graph

plotting the maximum achievable effectiveness of
designs available with current technology as a function
of cost would in general yield a curved line such as the
one shown in Figure 1. (In the figure, all the dimensions
of effectiveness are represented by the ordinate and all
the dimensions of cost by the abscissa.) In other words,
the curved line represents the envelope of the currently
available technology in terms of cost -effectiveness.
Points above the line cannot be achieved with
currently available technology e that is, they do not
represent feasible designs. (Some of those points may
be feasible in the future when further technological
advances have been made.) Points inside the envelope
are feasible, but are dominated by designs whose
combined cost and effectiveness lie on the envelope.
Designs represented by points on the envelope are Figure 2--Estimates of Outcomes to be Obtained from
called cost-effective (or efficient or non-dominated) Several Design Concepts Including Uncertainty.
Design trade studies, an important part of the The process of finding the most cost-effective
systems engineering process, often attempt to find design is further complicated by uncertainty, which is
designs that provide a better combination of the various shown in Figure 2 as a modification of Figure 1. Exactly
dimensions of cost and effectiveness. When the starting what outcomes will be realized by a particular system
point for a design trade study is inside the envelope, design cannot be known in advance with certainty, so
there are alternatives that reduce costs without the projected cost and effectiveness of a design are
decreasing any aspect of effectiveness. or increase better described by a probability distribution than by a
some aspect of effectiveness with point. This distribution can be thought of as a cloud
which is thickest at the most likely value and thinner
farther away from the most likely point, as is shown for
design concept A in the figure. Distributions resulting
from designs which have little uncertainty are dense and
highly compact, as is shown for concept B. Distributions
associated with risky designs may have significant
probabilities of producing highly undesirable outcomes,
as is suggested by the presence of an additional low
effectiveness/high cost cloud for concept C. (Of course,
the envelope of such clouds cannot be a sharp line such
as is shown in the figures, but must itself be rather
fuzzy. The line can now be thought of as representing
the envelope at some fixed confidence level -- that is, a
probability of x of achieving that effectiveness.)
Both effectiveness and cost may require several
Figure 1 -- The Enveloping Surface of Non-dominated descriptors. Even the Echo balloons obtained scientific
Designs. data on the electromagnetic environment and
atmospheric drag, in addition to their primary mission as
out decreasing others and without increasing costs. communications satellites. Furthermore, Echo was the
Then, the system manager's or system engineer's first satellite visible to the naked eye, an unquantified --
decision is easy. Other than in the sizing of subsystems, but not unrecognized —aspect of its effectiveness.
such "win-win" design trades are uncommon, but by no Costs, the expenditure of limited resources, may be
means rare. When the alternatives in a design trade measured in the several dimensions of funding,
study, however, require trading cost for effectiveness, or personnel, use of facilities, and so on. Schedule may
even one dimension of effectiveness for another at the appear as an attribute of effectiveness or cost, or as a
same cost, the decisions become harder. constraint. Sputnik, for example, drew much
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

of its effectiveness from the fact that it was a "first"; a truly incommensurate; managers must make their
mission to Mars that misses its launch window has to decisions in spite of this multiplicity.
wait about two years for another opportunity—a clear
schedule constraint. Risk results from uncertainties in 2.4 Disciplines Related to Systems Engineering
realized effectiveness, costs, timeliness, and budgets.
Sometimes, the systems that provide the The definition of systems engineering given in
highest ratio of effectiveness to cost are the most Section 2.2 could apply to the design task facing a
desirable. How bridge designer, a radio engineer, or even a committee
chair. The systems engineering process can be a part of
The System Engineer's Dilemma all of these. It cannot be the whole of the job—the
bridge designer must know the properties of concrete
At each cost-effective solution: and steel, the radio engineer must apply Maxwell's
equations, and a committee chair must understand the
• To reduce cost at constant risk, performance personalities of the members of the committee. In fact,
must be reduced. the optimization of systems requires collaboration with
• To reduce risk at constant cost, performance experts in a variety of disciplines, some of which are
must be reduced. compared to systems engineering in the remainder of
• To reduce cost at constant performance, higher this section.
risks must be accepted. The role of systems engineering differs from
• To reduce risk at constant performance, higher that of system management in that engineering is an
costs must be accepted. analytical, advisory and planning function, while
management is the decision-making function. Very
In this context, time in the schedule is often a often, the distinction is irrelevant, as the same
critical resource, so that schedule behaves like a kind individuals may perform both roles. When no factors
of cost. enter the decision-making process other than those that
are covered by the analyses, system management may
delegate some of the management responsibility to the
systems engineering function.
Systems engineering differs from what might be
ever, this ratio is likely to be meaningless or—worse—
called design engineering in that systems engineering
misleading. To be useful and meaningful, that ratio must
deals with the relationships of the thing being designed
be uniquely determined and independent of the system
to its supersystem (environment) and subsystems,
cost. Further, there must be but a single measure of
rather than with the internal details of how it is to
effectiveness and a single measure of cost. If the
accomplish its objectives. The systems viewpoint is
numerical values of those metrics are obscured by
broad, rather than deep: it encompasses the system
probability distributions, the ratios become uncertain as
functionally from end to end and temporally from
well; then any usefulness the simple, single ratio of two
numbers might have had disappears. conception to disposal.
In some contexts, it is appropriate to seek the System engineers must also rely on
most effectiveness possible within a fixed budget; in contributions from the specialty engineering disciplines,
other contexts, it is more appropriate to seek the least in addition to the traditional design disciplines, for
cost possible with specified effectiveness. In these functional expertise and specialized analytic methods.
cases, there is the question of what level of These specialty engineering areas typically include
effectiveness to specify or of what level of costs to fix. reliability, maintainability, logistics, test, production,
In practice, these may be mandated in the form of transportation, human factors, quality assurance, and
performance or cost requirements; it then becomes safety engineering. Specialty engineers contribute
appropriate to ask whether a slight relaxation of throughout the systems engineering process; part of the
requirements could produce a significantly cheaper sys- system engineer's job is to see that these functions are
tem or whether a few more resources could produce a coherently integrated into the project at the right times
significantly more effective system. and that they address the relevant issues. One of the
Usually, the system manager must choose objectives for Chapter 6 is to develop an understanding
among designs that differ in terms of numerous of how these specialty engineers contribute to the
attributes. A variety of methods have been developed objective of systems engineering.
that can be used to help managers uncover their In both systems analysis and systems
preferences between attributes and to quantify their engineering, the amounts and kinds of resources to be
subjective assessments of relative value. When this can made available for the creation of the system are
be done, trades between attributes can be assessed assumed to be among the
quantitatively. Often, however, the attributes seem to be
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

decisions to be made. Systems engineering embedded in a supersystem on which it has an impact,

concentrates on the creation of hardware and software that it may contain subsystems, and that the system's
architectures and on the development and management objectives must be understood preferably explicitly
of the interfaces between subsystems, while relying on identified.
systems analysis to construct the mathematical models
and analyze the data to evaluate alternative designs and 2.5 The Doctrine of Successive Refinement
to perform the actual design trade studies. Systems
analysis often requires the use of tools from operations The realization of a system over its life cycle
research, economics, or other decision sciences, and results from a succession of decisions among
systems analysis curricula generally include extensive alternative courses of action. If the alternatives are
study of such topics as probability, statistics, decision precisely enough defined and thoroughly enough
theory, queueing theory, game theory, linear and understood to be well differentiated in the
non-linear programming, and so on. In practice, many cost-effectiveness space, then the system manager can
system engineers' academic background is richer in the make choices among them with confidence.
engineering disciplines than in the decision sciences. As The systems engineering process can be
a consequence, the system engineer is often a thought of as the pursuit of definition and understanding
consumer of systems analysis products, rather than a of design alternatives to support those decisions,
producer of them. One of the major objectives for coupled with the overseeing of their implementation. To
Chapter 5 is to develop an understanding and obtain assessments that are crisp enough to facilitate
appreciation of the state of that art. good decisions, it is often necessary to delve more
Operations research and operations engineering deeply into the space of possible designs than has yet
confine their attention to systems whose components been done, as is illustrated in Figure 3.
are assumed to be more or less immutable. That is, it is It should be realized, however, that this spiral
assumed that the resources with which the system represents neither the project life cycle, which
operates cannot be changed, but that the way in which encompasses the
they are used is amenable to optimization. Operations
research techniques often provide powerful tools for the
optimization of system designs.
Within NASA, terms such as mission analysis
and engineering are often used to describe all study and
design efforts that relate to determination of what the
project's mission should be and how it should be carried
out. Sometimes the scope is limited to the study of
future projects. Sometimes the charters of organizations
with such names include monitoring the capabilities of
systems, ensuring that important considerations have
not been overlooked, and overseeing trades between
major systems— thereby encompassing operations
research, systems analysis, and systems engineering
Total quality management (TQM) is the
application of systems engineering to the work
environment. That is, part of the total quality
management paradigm is the realization that an
operating organization is a particular kind of system and
should be engineered as one. A variety of specialized
tools have been developed for this application area;
many of them can be recognized as established
systems engineering tools, but with different names. The
injunction to focus on the satisfaction of customer
needs, for example, is even expressed in similar terms.
The use of statistical process control is akin to the use
of technical performance and earned value
measurements. Another method, qualify function
deployment (QFD), is a technique of requirements
analysis often used in systems engineering.
The systems approach is common to all of
these related fields. Essential to the systems approach
is the recognition that a system exists, that it is
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

system from inception through disposal, nor the product pabilities definition spiral moving in the opposite
development process by which the system design is direction. The concepts can never be created from
developed and implemented, which occurs in Phases C whole cloth. Rather, they result from the synthesis of
and D (see Chapter 3) of the project life cycle. Rather, potential capabilities offered by the continually changing
as the intellectual process of systems engineering, it is state of technology. This process of design concept
inevitably reflected in both of them. development by the integration of lower-level elements
Figure 3 is really a double helix—each create is a part of the systems engineering process. In fact,
concepts step at the level of design engineering initiates there is always a danger that the top-down process
a ca- cannot keep up with the bottom-up process.
There is often an early need to resolve the
As an Example of the Process of Successive issues (such as the system architecture) enough so that
Refinement, Consider the Choice of Altitude for a the system can be modeled with sufficient realism to do
Space Station such as Alpha reliable trade studies.
When resources are expended toward the
• The first issue is selection of the general location. implementation of one of several design options, the
Alternatives include Earth orbit, one of the resources required to complete the implementation of
Earth-Moon Lagrange points, or a solar orbit. At the that design decrease (of course), while there is usually
current state of technology, cost and risk little or no change in the resources that would be
considerations made selection of Earth orbit an easy required by unselected alternatives. Selected
choice for Alpha. alternatives thereby become even more attractive than
those that were not selected.
• Having chosen Earth orbit, it is necessary to select
Consequently, it is reasonable to expect the
an orbit region. Alternatives include low Earth orbit
system to be defined with increasingly better resolution
(LEO), high Earth orbit and geosynchronous orbit;
as time passes. This tendency is formalized at some
orbital inclination and eccentricity must also be
point (in Phase B) by defining a baseline system
chosen. One of many criteria considered in
choosing LEO for Alpha was the design complexity definition. Usually, the goals, objectives, and constraints
are baselined as the requirements portion of the
associated with passage through the Van Allen
radiation belts. baseline. The entire baseline is then subjected to
configuration control in an attempt to ensure that
• System design choices proceed to the selection of
successive changes are indeed improvements.
an altitude maintenance strategy—rules that
As the system is realized, its particulars become
implicitly determine when, where, and why to re-
clearer—but also harder to change. As stated above, the
boost, such as "maintain altitude such that there are
purpose of systems engineering is to make sure that the
always at least TBD days to reentry," "collision
development process happens in a way that leads to the
avoidance maneuvers shall always increase the
most cost-effective final system. The basic idea is that
altitude," "reboost only after resupply flights that
before those decisions that are hard to undo are made,
have brought fuel," "rotate the crew every TBD
the alternatives should be carefully assessed.
The systems engineering process is applied
• A next step is to write altitude specifications. These again and again as the system is developed. As the
choices might consist of replacing the TBDs (values system is realized, the issues addressed evolve and the
to be determined) in the altitude strategy with particulars of the activity change.
explicit numbers. Most of the major system decisions (goals,
• Monthly operations plans are eventually part of the architecture, acceptable life-cycle cost, etc.) are made
complete system design. These would include during the early phases of the project, so the turns of the
scheduled reboost burns based on predictions of the spiral (that is, the successive refinements) do not
accumulated effect of drag and the details of correspond precisely to the phases of the system life
on-board microgravity experiments. cycle. Much of the system architecture can be ''seen"
• Actual firing decisions are based on determinations even at the outset, so the turns of the spiral do not
of the orbit which results from the momentum correspond exactly to development of the architectural
actually added by previous firings, the atmospheric hierarchy, either. Rather, they correspond to the
density variations actually encountered, and so on. successively greater resolution by which the system is
Note that decisions at every step require that Each of the steps in the systems engineering
the capabilities offered by available technology be process is discussed below.
considered—often at levels of design that are more
detailed than seems necessary at first.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

Recognize Need/Opportunity. This step is shown in create, so they lose their objectivity; the system
Figure 3 only once, as it is not really part of the spiral engineer often must stay an "outsider" so that there is
but its first cause. It could be argued that recognition of more objectivity.
the need or opportunity for a new system is an On the first turn of the spiral in Figure 3, the sub-
entrepreneurial activ ity, rather than an engineering one. ject is often general approaches or strategies,
The end result of this step is the discovery and sometimes architectural concepts. On the next, it is
delineation of the system's goals, which generally likely to be functional design, then detailed design, and
express the desires and requirements of the eventual so on.
users of the system. In the NASA context, the system's The reason for avoiding a premature focus on a
goals should also represent the long term interests of single design is to permit discovery of the truly best
the taxpaying public. design. Part of the system engineer's job is to ensure
that the design concepts to be compared take into
Identify and Quantify Goals. Before it is possible to account all interface requirements. "Did you include the
compare the cost-effectiveness of alternative system cabling?" is a characteristic question. When possible,
design concepts, the mission to be performed by the each design concept should be described in terms of
system must be delineated. The goals that are controllable design parameters so that each represents
developed should cover all relevant aspects of as wide a class of designs as is reasonable. In doing so,
effectiveness, cost, schedule, and risk, and should be the system engineer should keep in mind that the
traceable to the goals of the supersystem. To make it potentials for change may include organizational
easier to choose among alternatives, the goals should structure, schedules, procedures, and any of the other
be stated in quantifiable, verifiable terms, insofar as that things that make up a system. When possible,
is possible and meaningful to do. constraints should also be described by parameters.
It is also desirable to assess the constraints that Owen Morris, former Manager of the Apollo
may apply. Some constraints are imposed by the state Spacecraft Program and Manager of Space Shuttle
of technology at the time of creating or modifying Systems and Engineering, has pointed out that it is often
system design concepts. Others may appear to be useful to define design reference missions which stress
inviolate, but can be changed by higher levels of all of the system's capabilities to a significant extent and
management. The assumptions and other relevant which al1 designs will have to be able to accomplish.
information that underlie constraints should always be The purpose of such missions is to keep the design
recorded so that it is possible to estimate the benefits space open. Consequently, it can be very dangerous to
that could be obtained from their relaxation. write them into the system specifications, as they can
At each turn of the spiral, higher-level goals are have just the opposite effect.
analyzed. The analysis should identify the subordinate
enabling goals in a way that makes them traceable to Do Trade Studies. Trade studies begin with an assess-
the next higher level. As the systems engineering ment of how well each of the design alternatives meets
process continues, these are documented as functional the system goals (effectiveness, cost, schedule, and
requirements (what must be done to achieve the risk, both quantified and otherwise). The ability to
next-higher-level goals) and as performance perform these studies is enhanced by the development
requirements (quantitative descriptions of how well the of system models that relate the design parameters to
functional requirements must be done). A clear those assessments— but it does not depend upon them.
operations concept often helps to focus the require- Controlled modification and development of
ments analysis so that both functional and performance design concepts, together with such system models,
requirements are ultimately related to the original need often permits the use of formal optimization techniques
or opportunity. In later turns of the spiral, further to find regions of the design space that warrant further
elaborations may become documented as detailed investigation— those that are closer to the optimum
functional and performance specifications. surface indicated in Figure 1.
Whether system models are used or not, the
Create Alternative Design Concepts. Once it is under- design concepts are developed, modified, reassessed,
stood what the system is to accomplish, it is possible to and compared against competing alternatives in a
devise a variety of ways that those goals can be met. closed-loop process that seeks the best choices for
Sometimes, that comes about as a consequence of further development. System and subsystem sizes are
considering alternative functional allocations and often determined during the trade studies. The end
integrating available subsystem design options. Ideally, result is the determination of
as wide a range of plausible alternatives as is consistent
with the design organization's charter should be defined,
keeping in mind the current stage in the process of
successive refinement. When the bottom-up process is
operating, a problem for the system engineer is that the
designers tend to become fond of the designs they
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

bounds on the relative cost-effectivenesses of the the cloud of probability near the x axis with a high cost
design alternatives, measured in terms of the quantified and essentially no effectiveness. Schedule factors may
system goals. (Only bounds, rather than final values, are affect the effectiveness values, the cost values, and the
possible because determination of the final details of the risk distributions.
design is intentionally deferred. The bounds, in turn, The mission success criteria for systems differ
may be derived from the probability density functions.) significantly. In some cases, effectiveness goals may be
Increasing detail associated with the continually much more important than all others. Other projects
improving resolution reduces the spread between upper may demand low costs, have an immutable schedule, or
and lower bounds as the process proceeds. require minimization of some kinds of risks. Rarely (if
ever) is it possible to produce a combined quantitative
Select Concept. Selection among the alternative measure that relates all of the important factors, even if
design concepts is a task for the system manager, who it is expressed as a vector with several components.
must take into account the subjective factors that the Even when that can be done, it is essential that the
system engineer was unable to quantify, in addition to underlying factors and relationships be thoroughly
the estimates of how well the alternatives meet the revealed to and understood by the system manager.
quantified goals (and any effectiveness, cost, schedule, The system manager must weigh the importance of the
risk, or other constraints). unquantifiable factors along with the quantitative data
When it is possible, it is usually well worth the provided by the system engineer.
trouble to develop a mathematical expression, called an Technical reviews of the data and analyses are
objective function, that expresses the values of an important part of the decision support packages
combinations of possible outcomes as a single measure prepared for the system manager. The decisions that
of cost-effectiveness, as is illustrated in Figure 4, even if are made are generally entered into the configuration
both cost and effectiveness must be described by more management system as changes to (or elaborations of)
than one measure. When achievement of the goals can the system baseline. The supporting trade studies are
be quantitatively expressed by such an objective archived for future use. An essential feature of the
function, designs can be compared in terms of their systems engineering process is that trade studies are
value. Risks associated with design concepts can cause performed before decisions are made. They can then be
these evaluations to be somewhat nebulous (because baselined with much more confidence.
they are uncertain and are best described by probability At this point in the systems engineering process,
distributions). In this illustration, the risks are relatively there is a logical branch point. For those issues for
high for design concept A. There is little risk in either which the process of successive refinement has
effectiveness or cost for concept B. while the risk of an proceeded far
expensive failure is high for concept C, as is shown by
Simple Interfaces are Preferred

According to Morris, NASA's former Acting

Administrator George Low, in a 1971 paper titled
"What Made Apollo a Success," noted that only 100
wires were needed to link the Apollo spacecraft to the
Saturn launch vehicle. He emphasized the point that a
single person could fully understand the interface and
cope with all the effects of a change on either side of
the interface.

enough, the next step is to implement the decisions at

that level of resolution (that is, unwind the recursive
process). For those issues that are still insufficiently
resolved, the next step is to refine the development
Figure 4—A Quantitative Objective Function, De" Increase the Resolution of the Design. One of the
pendent on Life-Cycle Cost and All Aspects of Effec- first issues to be addressed is how the system should be
tiveness. subdivided into subsystems. (Once that has been done,
the focus changes and the subsystems become systems
-- from the point of view of a system engineer. The
partitioning process stops when the subsystems are
simple enough to be managed holistically.) As noted by
Morris, "the divi-
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering

be managed holistically.) As noted by Morris, "the system architecture, this "unwinding" of the
division of program activities to minimize the process is called system integration. Conceptual
number and complexity of interfaces has a strong system integration takes place in all phases of the
influence on the overal1 program cost and the project life cycle. That is, when a design approach
ability of the program to meet schedules." has been selected, the approach is verified by
Charles Leising and Arnold Ruskin have "unwinding the process" to test whether the
(separately) pointed out that partitioning is more art concept at each physical level meets the
than science, but that there are guidelines expectations and requirements. Physical integra-
available: To make interfaces clean and simple, tion is accomplished during Phase D. At the finer
similar functions, designs and tech nologies should levels of resolution, pieces must be tested,
be grouped. Each portion of work should be assembled and/or integrated, and tested again.
verifiable. Pieces should map conveniently onto The system engineer's role in cludes the
the organizational structure. Some of the functions performance of the delegated management du ties,
that are needed throughout the design (such as such as configuration control and overseeing the
electrical power) or throughout the organization integration, verification, and validation process.
(such as purchasing) can be centralized. The purpose of verification of subsystem
Standardization—of such things as parts lists or integration is to ensure that the subsystems
reporting formats—is often desirable. The conform to what was designed and interface with
accounting system should follow (not lead) the each other as expected in all re spects that are
system architecture. In terms of breadth, important: mechanical connections, effects on
partitioning should be done essentially all at once. center of mass and products of inertia,
As with system design choices, alternative parti - electromagnetic interference, connector
tioning plans should be considered and compared impedance and voltage, power con sumption, data
before implementation. flow, and so on. Validation consists of ensuring
If a requirements-driven design paradigm is that the interfaced subsystems achieve their
used for tile development of the system intended results. While validation is even more
architecture, it must be applied with care, for the important than verification, it is usually much more
use of "shells" creates a ten dency for the difficult to accomplish.
requirements to be treated as inviolable con straints
rather than as agents of the objectives. A goal, ob - Perform the Mission. Eventually, the system is
jective or desire should never be made a called upon to meet the need or seize the
requirement until its costs. are understood and the opportunity for which it was designed and built.
buyer is willing to pay for it. The capability to The system engineer continues to perform a
compute the effects of lower -level decisions on the variety of supporting functions, depending on the
quantified goals should be maintained throughout nature and duration of the mission. On a large
the partitioning process. That is, there should be a project such as Space Sta tion Alpha, some of
goals flowdown embedded in the requirements these continuing functions include the validation of
allocation process. system effectiveness at the operational site,
The process continues with creation of a overseeing the maintenance of configuration and
variety of alternative design concepts at the next logistics documentation, overseeing sustaining
level of resolution, construction of models that engineering activities, compiling development and
permit prediction of how well those alternatives will operations "lessons reamed" documents, and, with
satisfy the quantified goals, and so on. It is the help of the specialty engineering disciplines,
imperative that plans for subsequent integration be identifying product improvement opportunities. On
laid throughout the partitioning. Integration plans smaller systems, such as a Spacelab payload, only
include verification and validation activities as a the last two may be needed.
matter of course.

Implement the Selected Design Decisions.

When the process of successive refinement has
proceeded far enough, the next step is to reverse
the partitioning process. When applied to the
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
The Project Life Cycle for Major NASA Systems

3 The Project Life Cycle for Major NASA Alternatives to the project phases described
Systems above can easily be found in industry and elsewhere in
government. In general, the engineering development
One of the fundamental concepts used within life cycle is dependent on the technical nature of what's
NASA for the management of major systems is the pro- being developed, and the project life cycle may need to
gram/project life cycle, which consists of a be tailored accordingly. Barry W. Boehm described how
categorization of everything that should be done to several contemporary software development processes
accomplish a project into distinct phases, separated by work; in some of these processes, the development and
control gates. Phase boundaries are defined so that they construction activities proceed in parallel, so that
provide more-or-less natural points for go/no-go attempting to separate the associated phases on a time
decisions. Decisions to proceed may be qualified by line is undesirable. Boehm describes a spiral, which
liens that must be removed within a reasonable time. A reflects the doctrine of successive refinement depicted
project that fails to pass a control gate and has enough in Figure 3, but Boehm's spiral describes the software
resources may be allowed to “go back to the drawing product development process in particular. His
board"—or it may be terminated. discussion applies as well to the development of
All systems start with the recognition of a need or hardware products as it does to software. Other exam-
the discovery of an opportunity and proceed through ples of alternative processes are the rapid prototyping
various stages of development to a final disposition. and rapid development approaches. Selection of a
While the most dramatic impacts of the analysis and product development process paradigm must be a
optimization activities associated with systems case-dependent decision, based on the system
engineering are obtained in the early stages, decisions engineer's judgment and experience.
that affect millions of dollars of value or cost continue to Sometimes, it is appropriate to perform some
be amenable to the systems approach even as the end long-lead-time activities ahead of the time they would
of the system lifetime approaches. nominally be done. Long-lead-time activities might
Decomposing the project life cycle into phases or- consist of technology developments, prototype
ganizes the entire process into more manageable construction and testing, or even fabrication of difficult
pieces. The project life cycle should provide managers components. Doing things out of their usual sequence
with incremental visibility into the progress being made increases risk in that those activities could wind up
at points in time that fit with the management and having been either unnecessary or improperly specified.
budgetary environments. NASA documents governing On the other hand, overall risk can sometimes be
the acquisition of major systems (NMI 7120.4 and NHB reduced by removal of such activities from the critical
7120.5) define the phases of the project life cycle as: path.
Figure 5 (foldout, next page) details the resulting
• Pre-Phase A—Advanced Studies ("find a suitable management and major systems engineering products
project") and control gates that characterize the phases in NMI
• Phase A—Preliminary Analysis ("make sure the 7120.4 and NHB 7120.5. Sections 3.1 to 3.6 contain
project is worthwhile") narrative descriptions of the purposes, major activities,
• Phase B—Definition ("define the project and es- products, and control gates of the NASA project life
tablish a preliminary design") cycle phases. Section 3.7 provides a more concentrated
• Phase C—Design ("complete the system design") discussion of the role of systems engineering in the
Phase D — Development ("build, integrate, and process. Section 3.8 describes the NASA budget cycle
verify the system, and prepare for operations") within which program/project managers and system
engineers must operate.
• Phase E—Operations ("operate the system and
dispose of it properly").
3.1 Pre-Phase A—Advanced Studies
Phase A efforts are conducted by NASA field cen-
ters; such efforts may rely, however, on pre-Phase A in- The purpose of this activity, which is usually per-
house and contracted advanced studies. The majority of formed more or less continually by "Advanced Projects"
Phase B efforts are normally accomplished by industry groups, is to uncover, invent, create, concoct and/or
under NASA contract, but NASA field centers typically devise
conduct parallel in-house studies in order to validate the
contracted effort and remain an informed buyer. NASA
usually chooses to contract with industry for Phases C
and D, and often does so for Phase E. Phase C is
nominally combined with Phase D, but when large
production quantities are planned, these are treated
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
The Project Life Cycle for Major NASA Systems

Pre-Phase A—Advanced Studies requirements and operations concepts. Conceptual

designs are often offered to demonstrate feasibility and
Purpose: To produce a broad spectrum of ideas and support programmatic estimates. The emphasis is on
alternatives for missions from which new pro- establishing feasibility and desirability rather than
grams/projects can be selected. optimality. Analyses and designs are accordingly limited
Major Activities and their Products: in both depth and number of options.
Identify missions consistent with charter
Identify and involve users 3.2 Phase A—Preliminary Analysis
Perform preliminary evaluations of possible missions
Prepare program/project proposals,which include: The purpose of this phase is to further examine
• Mission justification and objectives the feasibility and desirability of a suggested new major
• Possible operations concepts system before seeking significant funding. According to
NHB 7120.5, the major products of this phase are a
• Possible system architectures
formal Mission Needs Statement (MNS) and one or
• Cost, schedule, and risk estimates.
more credible, feasible designs and operations
Develop master plans for existing program areas
concepts. John Hodge describes this phase as "a
Information Baselined:
structured version of the previous phase."
Control Gates:
Phase A—Preliminary Analysis
Mission Concept Review
Informal proposal reviews
Purpose: To determine the feasibility and desirability
of a suggested new major system and its
compatibility with NASA's strategic plans.
a broad spectrum of ideas and alternatives for missions
Major Activities and their Products:
from which new projects (programs) can be selected.
Prepare Mission Needs Statement
Typically, this activity consists of loosely structured ex-
Develop top-level requirements
aminations of new ideas, usually without central control
Develop corresponding evaluation criteria/metrics
and mostly oriented toward small studies. Its major
product is a stream of suggested projects, based on the Identify alternative operations and logistics concepts
identification of needs and the discovery of opportunities Identify project constraints and system boundaries
that are potentially consistent with NASA's mission. Consider alternative design concepts,including:
capabilities, priorities, and resources. feasibility and risk studies, cost and schedule
In the NASA environment, demands for new estimates, and advanced technology
systems derive from several sources. A major one is the requirements
opportunity to solve terrestrial problems that may be ad- Demonstrate that credible, feasible design(s) exist
dressed by putting instruments and other devices into Acquire systems engineering tools and models
space. Two examples are weather prediction and Initiate environmental impact studies
communications by satellite. General improvements in Prepare Project Definition Planfor Phase B
technology for use in space will continue to open new Information Baselined:
possibilities. Such opportunities are rapidly perceived as (nothing)
needs once the magnitude of their value is understood. Control Gates:
Technological progress makes possible Mission Definition Review
missions that were previously impossible. Manned trips Preliminary Non-Advocate Review
to the moon and the taking of high resolution pictures of Preliminary Program/Project Approval Review
planets and other objects in the universe illustrate past
responses to this kind of opportunity. New opportunities
will continue to become available as our technological
capabilities grow. In Phase A, a larger team, often associated with
Scientific progress also generates needs for an ad hoc program or project office, readdresses the
NASA systems. As our understanding of the universe mission concept to ensure that the project justification
around us continues to grow, we are able to ask new and practicality are sufficient to warrant a place in
and more precise questions. The ability to answer these NASA's budget. The team's effort focuses on analyzing
questions often depends upon the changing state of mission requirements and establishing a mission
technology. architecture. Activities
Advanced studies may extend for several years,
and may be a sequence of papers that are only loosely
connected. These studies typically focus on establishing
mission goals and formulating top-level system
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
The Project Life Cycle for Major NASA Systems

become formal, and the emphasis shifts toward Phase B -- Definition

establishing optimality rather than feasibility. The effort
addresses more depth and considers many alternatives. Purpose: To define the project in enough detail to
Goals and objectives are solidified, and the project establish an initial baseline capable of meeting
develops more definition in the system requirements, mission needs.
top-level system architecture, and operations concept. Major Activities and their Products:
Conceptual designs are developed and exhibit more Prepare a Systems Engineering Management Plan
engineering detail than in advanced studies. Technical Prepare a Risk Management Plan
risks are identified in more detail and technology Initiate configuration management
development needs become focused. Prepare engineering specialty program plans
The Mission Needs Statement is not shown in Develop system-level cost-effectiveness model
the sidebar as being baselined, as it is not under Restate mission needs as functional requirements
configuration control by the project. It may be under Identify science payloads
configuration control at the program level, as may the Establish the initial system requirements and
program requirements documents and the Preliminary verification requirementsmatrix
Program Plan. Perform and archive trade studies
Select a baseline design solution and a concept of
Define internal and external interface requirements
(Repeat the process of successive refinement to get
"design-to" specifications and drawings,
verifications plans, and interface documents to
lower levels as appropriate)
Define the work breakdown structure
Define verification approach end policies
Identify integrated logistics support requirements
Establish technical resource estimatesand firm life-cy-
cle cost estimates
Develop statement(s) of work
Initiate advanced technology developments
Revise and publish a Project Plan
Reaffirm the Mission Needs Statement
Prepare a Program Commitment Agreement
Information Baselined:
System requirements and verification requirements
3.3 Phase B -- Definition
System architecture and work breakdown structure
The purpose of this phase is to establish an
Concept of operations
initial project baseline, which (according to NHB 7120.5)
“Design-to” specifications at all levels
includes "a formal flowdown of the project-level
Project plans, including schedule, resources,
performance requirements to a complete set of system
acquisition strategies, and risk management
and subsystem design specifications for both flight and
Control Gates:
ground elements" and "corresponding preliminary
Non-Advocate Review
designs." The technical requirements should be
Program/Project Approval Review
sufficiently detailed to establish firm schedule and cost
System Requirements Review(s)
estimates for the project.
System Definition Review
Actually, "the" Phase B baseline consists of a
System-level Preliminary Design Review
collection of evolving baselines covering technical and
Lower-level Preliminary Design Reviews
business aspects of the project: system (and subsystem)
Safety review(s)
requirements and specifications, designs, verification
and operations plans, and so on in the technical portion
of the baseline, and schedules, cost projections, and
management plans in the business portion.
Establishment of baselines implies the implementation
of configuration management procedures. (See Section
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
The Project Life Cycle for Major NASA Systems

A Credible, Feasible Design may be developed and used to derive data for further
design work, and project risks are reduced by successful
A feasible system design is one that can be imple- technology developments and demonstrations. Phase B
mented as designed and can then accomplish the sys- culminates in a series of preliminary design reviews
tem's goals within the constraints imposed by the (PDRs), containing the system-level PDR and PDRs for
fiscal and operating environment. To be credible, a lower-level end items as appropriate. The PDRs reflect
design must not depend on the occurrence of the successive refinement of requirements into designs.
unforeseen breakthroughs in the state of the art. Design issues uncovered in the PDRs should be
While a credible design may assume likely resolved so that final design can begin with
improvements in the state of the art, it is nonetheless unambiguous "design-to" specifications. From this point
riskier than one that does not. on, almost all changes to the baseline are expected to
represent successive refinements, not fundamental
changes. Prior to baselining, the system architecture,
Early in Phase B, the effort focuses on preliminary design, and operations concept must have
allocating functions to particular items of hardware, been validated by enough technical analysis and design
software, personnel, etc. System functional and work to establish a credible, feasible design at a lower
performance requirements along with architectures and level of detail than was sufficient for Phase A.
designs become firm as system trades and subsystem
trades iterate back and forth in the effort to seek out 3.4 Phase C—Design
more cost-effective designs. (Trade studies should
precede—rather than follow—system design decisions. The purpose of this phase is to establish a
Chamberlain, Fox, and Duquette describe a complete design (“build-to" baseline) that is ready to
decentralized process for ensuring that such trades lead fabricate (or code), integrate, and verify. Trade studies
efficiently to an optimum system design.) Major continue. Engineering test units more closely resembling
products to this point include an accepted "functional" actual hardware are built and tested so as to establish
baseline and preliminary "design-to" baseline for the confidence that the design will function in the expected
system and its major end items. The effort also environments. Engineering specialty analysis results are
produces various engineering and management plans to integrated into the design, and the manufacturing
prepare for managing the project's downstream process and controls are defined and validated.
processes, such as verification and operations, and for Configuration management continues to track and
implementing engineering specialty programs. control design changes as detailed interfaces are
Along the way to these products, projects are defined. At each step in the successive refinement of
subjected to a Non-Advocate Review, or NAR. This the final design, corresponding integration and
activity seeks to assess the state of project definition in verification activities are planned in greater detail.
terms of its clarity of objectives and the thoroughness of During this phase, technical parameters, schedules, and
technical and management plans, technical budgets are closely tracked to ensure that undesirable
documentation, alternatives explored, and trade studies trends (such as an unexpected growth in spacecraft
performed. The NAR also seeks to evaluate the cost mass or increase in its cost) are recognized early
and schedule estimates, and the contingency reserve in enough to take corrective action. (See Section 4.9.)
these estimates. The timing of this review is often driven
by the Federal budget cycle, which requires at least 16 Phase C culminates in a series of critical design
months between NASA's budget preparation for reviews (CDRs) containing the system-level CDR and
submission to the President's Office of Management CDRs corresponding to the different levels of the
and Budget, and the Congressional funding for a new system hierarchy. The CDR is held prior to the start of
project start. (See Section 3.8.) There is thus a natural fabrication/production of end items for hardware and
tension between the desire to have maturity in the prior to the start of coding of deliverable software
project at the time of the NAR and the desire to progress products. Typically, the sequence of CDRs reflects the
efficiently to final design and development. integration process that will occur in the next phase—
Later in Phase B, the effort shifts to establishing that is, from lower-level CDRs to the system-level CDR.
a functionally complete design solution (i.e., a Projects, however, should tailor the sequencing of the
"design-to" baseline) that meets mission goals and reviews to meet their individual needs. The final product
objectives. Trade studies continue. Interfaces among of this phase is a "build-to" baseline in sufficient detail
the major end items are defined. Engineering test items that actual production can proceed.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
The Project Life Cycle for Major NASA Systems

Phase C—Design Phase D—Development

Purpose: To build the subsystems (including the op-
Purpose: To complete the detailed design of the sys- erations system) and integrate them to create
tem (and its associated subsystems, including the system, meanwhile developing confidence that it
its operations systems). will be able to meet the system requirements, then to
Major Activities and their Products: deploy the system and ensure that it is ready for
Add remaining lower-level design specificationsto the operations.
system architecture Major Activities and their Products:
Refine requirements documents Fabricate (or code) the parts (i.e., the lowest-level
Refine verification plans items in the system architecture)
Prepare interface documents Integrate those items according to the integration plan
(Repeat the process of successive refinement to get and perform verifications, yielding verified
"build-to" specifications and drawings, components and subsystems
verification plans, and interface documents at (Repeat the process of successive integration to get a
all levels) verified system)
Augment baselined documents to reflect the growing Develop verification procedures at all levels
maturity of the system: system architecture, Perform system qualification verification(s)
verification requirements matrix, work Perform system acceptance verification(s)
breakdown structure, project plans Monitor project progress against project plans
Monitor project progress against project plans Archive documentation for verifications performed
Develop the system integration planand the system Audit "as-built" configurations
operation plan Document Lessons Learned
Perform and archive trade studies Prepare operator's manuals
Complete manufacturing plan Prepare maintenance manuals
Develop the end-to-end information system design Train initial system operators and maintainers
Refine Integrated Logistics Support Plan Finalize and implement Integrated Logistics Support
Identify opportunities for pre-planned product Plan
improvement Integrate with launch vehicle(s) and launch, perform
Confirm science payload selection orbit insertion, etc., to achieve a deployed
Information Baselined: system
All remaining lower -level requirements and designs, Perform operational verification(s)
including traceability to higher levels Information Baselined:
"Build-to" specifications at all levels "As-built" and "as-deployed" configuration data
Control Gates: Integrated Logistics Support Plan
Subsystem (and lower level) Critical Design Reviews Command sequences for end-to-end command and
System-level Critical Design Review telemetry validation and ground data processing
Operator's manuals
Maintenance manuals
3.5 Phase D—Development Control Gates:
Test Readiness Reviews (at all levels)
The purpose of this phase is to build and verify System Acceptance Review
the system designed in the previous phase, deploy it, System functional and physical configuration audits
and prepare for operations. Activities include fabrication Flight Readiness Review(s)
of hardware and coding of software, integration, and Operational Readiness Review
verification of the system. Other activities include the Safety reviews
initial training of operating personnel and
implementation of the Integrated Logistics Support Plan.
For flight projects, the focus of activities then shifts to 3.6 Phase E—Operations
pre-launch integration and launch. For large flight
projects, there may be an extended period of orbit The purpose of this phase is to meet the initially
insertion, assembly, and initial shake-down operations. identified need or to grasp the initially identified opportu-
The major product is a system that has been shown to nity. The products of the phase are the results of the
be capable of accomplishing the purpose for which it mission. This phase encompasses evolution of the
was created. system only insofar as that evolution does not involve
major changes to the system architecture; changes of
that scope
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
The Project Life Cycle for Major NASA Systems

Phase E—Operations NASA program/project life cycle process flow developed

by the NASA-wide Systems Engineering Process
Purpose: To actually meet the initially identified Improvement Task team, in 1993/94.
need or to grasp the opportunity, then to
dispose of the system in a responsible manner. 3.7.1 The "Vee" Chart
Major Activities andtheir Products:
Train replacement operators and maintainers Forsberg and Mooz describe what they call "the
Conduct the mission(s) technical aspect of the project cycle" by a vee-shaped
Maintain and upgrade the system chart, starting with user needs on the upper left and
Dispose of the system and supporting processes ending with a user-validated system on the upper right.
Document Lessons Learned Figure 7 provides a summary level overview of those
Information Baselined: activities. On the left side of the vee, decomposition and
Mission outcomes, such as: definition activities resolve the system architecture,
• Engineering data on system, subsystem and ma- creating the details of the design. Integration and
terials performance verification flow up and to the right as successively
• Science data returned higher levels of subsystems are verified, culminating at
the system level. This summary chart follows the basic
• High resolution photos from orbit
outline of the vee chart developed by NASA as part of
• Accomplishment records ("firsts")
the Software Management and Assurance Program.
• Discovery of the Van Allen belts ("CIs'' in the figure refer to the hardware and software
• Discovery of volcanoes on lo. configuration items, which are controlled by the
Operations and maintenance logs configuration management system.)
Problem/failure reports
Control Gates: Decomposition and Definition. Although not shown in
Regular system operations readiness reviews Figure 7, each box in the vee represents a number of
System upgrade reviews parallel boxes suggesting that there may be many
Safety reviews subsystems that make up the system at that level of
Decommissioning Review decomposition. For the top left box, the various parallel
boxes represent the alternative design concepts that are
initially evaluated.
constitute new "needs," and the project life cycle starts As product development progresses, a series of
over. baselines is progressively established, each of which is
Phase E encompasses the problem of dealing put under formal configuration management at the time
with the system when it has completed its mission; the it is approved. Among the fundamental purposes of
time at which this occurs depends on many factors. For configuration management is to prevent requirements
a flight system with a short mission duration, such as a from "creeping."
Spacelab payload, disposal may require little more than The left side of the core of the vee is similar to
de-integration of the hardware and its return to its the so-called "waterfall" or "requirements-driven design"
owner. On large flight projects of long duration, disposal model of the product development process. The control
may proceed according to long-established plans, or gates define significant decision points in the process.
may begin as a result of unplanned events, such as Work should not progress beyond a decision point until
accidents. Alternatively, technological advances may the project manager is ready to publish and control the
make it uneconomic to continue operating the system documents containing the decisions that have been
either in its current configuration or an improved one. agreed upon at that point.
In addition to uncertainty as to when this part of However, there is no prohibition against doing
the phase begins, the activities associated with safely detailed work early in the process. In fact, detailed
decommissioning and disposing of a system may be hardware
long and complex. Consequently, the costs and risks
associated with different designs should be considered
during the project's earlier phases.

3.7 Role of Systems Engineering in the Project

Life Cycle

This section presents two "idealized"

descriptions of the systems engineering activities within
the project life cycle. The first is the Forsberg and Mooz
"vee" chart, which is taught at the NASA
program/project management course. me second is the
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
The Project Life Cycle for Major NASA Systems

and/or software models may be required at the very There can, and should, be sufficient iteration
earliest stages to clarify user needs or to establish downward to establish feasibility and to identify and
credibility for the claim of feasibility. Early application of quantify risks. Upward iteration with the requirements
involved technical and support disciplines is an essential statements (and with the intermediate products as well)
part of this process; this is in fact implementation of is permitted, but should be kept to a minimum unless
concurrent engineering. the user is still generating (or changing) requirements. In
software projects, upward confirmation of solutions with
At each level of the vee, systems engineering the users is often necessary because user requirements
activities include off-core processes: system design, cannot be adequately defined at the inception of the
advanced technology development, trade studies, risk project. Even for software projects, however, iteration
management, specialty engineering analysis and with user requirements should be stopped at the PDR,
modeling. This is shown on the chart as an orthagonal or cost and schedule are likely to get out of control.
process in Figure 7(b). These activities are performed at
each level and may be repeated many times within a Modification of user requirements after PDR
phase. While many kinds of studies and decisions are should be held for the next model or release of the
associated with the off-core activities, only decisions at product. If significant changes to user requirements are
the core level are put under configuration management made after PDR, the project should be stopped and
at the various control gates. Off-core activities, restarted with a new vee, reinitiating the entire process.
analyses, and models are used to substantiate the core The repeat of the process may be quicker because of
decisions and to ensure that the risks have been the lessons learned the first time through, but all of the
mitigated or determined to be acceptable. The off-core steps must be redone.
work is not formally controlled, but the analyses, data
and results should be archived to facilitate replication at Time and project maturity flow from left to right
the appropriate times and levels of detail to support on the vee. Once a control gate is passed, backward
introduction into the baseline. iteration is not possible. Iteration with the user
requirements, for example, is possible only vertically, as
is illustrated on the vee.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
The Project Life Cycle for Major NASA Systems

Integration and Verification. Ascending the right side goals and assumptions. This may neccessitate revisiting
of the vee is the process of integration and verification. or modifying the results of a previous stage. The end
At each level, there is a direct correspondence between items comprising the system often have different
activities on the left and right sides of the vee. This is development schedules and constraints. This is
deliberate. The method of verification must be especially evident in Phases C and D where some
determined as the requirements are developed and subsystems may be in final design while others are in
documented at each level. This minimizes the chances fabrication and integration.
that requirements are specified in a way that cannot be The products of the technical activities support
measured or verified. the systems engineering effort (e.g., requirements and
Even at the highest levels, as user requirements specifications, trade studies, specialty engineering
are translated into system requirements, the system analyses, verification results), and serve as inputs to the
verification approach, which will prove that the system various control gates. For a detailed systems
does what is required, must be determined. The engineering product database, database dictionary, and
technical demands of the verification process, maturity guidelines, see JSC-49040, NASA Systems
represented as an orthagonal process in Figure 7(c), Engineering Process for Programs and Projects.
can drive cost and schedule, and may in fact be a Several topics suggested by Figures 7 and 8
discriminator between alternative concepts. For merit special emphasis. These are concurrent
example, if engineering models are to be used for engineering, technology insertion, and the distinction
verification or validation, they must be specified and between verification and validation.
costed, their characteristics must be defined, and their
development time must be incorporated into the Concurrent Engineering. If the project passes early
schedule from the beginning. control gates prematurely, it is likely to result in a need
for significant iteration of requirements and designs late
Incremental Development. If the user requirements in the development process. One way this can happen
are too vague to permit final definition at PDR, one is by failing to involve the appropriate technical experts
approach is to develop the project in predetermined at early stages, thereby resulting in the acceptance of
incremental releases. The first release is focused on requirements that cannot be met and the selection of
meeting a minimum set of user requirements, with design concepts that cannot be built, tested, maintained,
subsequent releases providing added functionality and and/or operated.
performance. This is a common approach in software Concurrent engineering is the simultaneous
development. consideration of product and process downstream
The incremental development approach is easy requirements by multidisciplinary teams. Specialty
to describe in terms of the vee chart: all increments engineers from all disciplines (reliability, maintainability,
have a common heritage down to the first PDR. The human factors, safety, logistics, etc.) whose expertise
balance of the product development process has a will eventually be represented in the product have
series of displaced and overlapping vees, one for each important contributions throughout the system life cycle.
release. The system engineer is responsible for ensuring that
these personnel are part of the project team at each
3.7.2 The NASA Program/Project Life Cycle stage. In large projects, many integrated product
Process Flow development teams (PDTs) may be required. Each of
these, in turn, would be represented on a PDT for the
Another idealized description of the technical ac- next higher level in the project. In small projects,
tivities that occur during the NASA project life cycle is however, a small team is often sufficient as long as the
illustrated in Figure 8 (foldout, next page). In the figure, system engineer can augment it as needed with experts
the NASA project life cycle is partitioned into ten in the required technical and business disciplines.
process flow blocks, which are called stages in this The informational requirements of doing
handbook. The stages reflect the changing nature of the concurrent engineering are demanding. One way
work that needs to be performed as the system concurrent engineering experts believe it can be made
matures. These stages are related both temporally and less burdensome is by an automated environment. In
logically. Successive stages mark increasing system such an environment, systems engineering, design and
refinement and maturity, and require the products of analysis tools can easily ex
previous stages as inputs. A transition to a new stage
entails a major shift in the nature or extent of technical
activities. Control gates assess the wisdom of
progressing from one stage to another. (See Section
4.8.3 for success criteria for specific reviews.) From the
perspective of the system engineer, who must oversee
and monitor the technical progress on the system,
Figure 8 provides a more complete description of the
actual work needed through the NASA project life cycle.
In practice, the stages do not always occur
sequentially. Unfolding events may invalidate or modify
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
The Project Life Cycle for Major NASA Systems

Integrated Product Development Teams

The detailed evaluation of product and process

feasibility and the identification of significant
uncertainties (system risks) must be done by experts
from a variety of disciplines. An approach that has
been found effective is to establish teams for the
development of the product with representatives from
all of the disciplines and processes that will eventually
be involved. These integrated product development
teams often have multidisciplinary (technical and
business) members. Technical personnel are needed
to ensure that issues such as producibility, verifiability,
deployability, supportability, trainability, operability,
and disposability are all considered in the design. In
addition, business (e.g., procurement! representatives
are added to the team as the need arises. Continuity
of support from these specialty discipline
organizations throughout the system life-cycle is
highly desirable, though team composition and
leadership can be expected to change as the system
progresses from phase to phase.

change data, computing environments are

interoperable, and product data are readily accessible
and accurate. For more on the characteristics of
automated environments, see for example Carter and
Baker, Concurrent Engineering,1992.

Technology Insertion. Projects are sometimes initiated

with known technology shortfalls, or with areas for which 3.8 Funding: The Budget Cycle
new technology will result in substantial product
improvement. Technology development can be done in NASA operates with annual funding from
parallel with the project evolution and inserted as late as Congress. This funding results, however, from a
the PDR. A parallel approach that is not dependent on three-year rolling process of budget formulation, budget
the development of new technology must be carried enactment, and finally, budget execution. A highly
unless high risk is acceptable. The technology simplified representation of the typical budget cycle is
development activity should be managed by the project shown in Figure 9.
manager and system engineer as a critical activity. NASA starts developing its budget each January
with economic forecasts and general guidelines being
Verification vs. Validation. The distinction between provided by the Executive Branch's Office of
verification and validation is significant: verification Management and Budget (OMB). In early May, NASA
consists of proof of compliance with specifications, and conducts its Program Operating Plan (POP) and
may be determined by test, analysis, demonstration, Institutional Operating Plan (IOP) exercises in
inspection, etc. (see Section 6.6). Validation consists of preparation for submittal of a preliminary NASA budget
proof that the system accomplishes (or, more weakly, to the OMB. A final NASA budget is submitted to the
can accomplish) its purpose. It is usually much more OMB in September for incorporation into the President's
difficult (and much more important) to validate a system budget transmittal to Congress, which generally occurs
than to verify it. Strictly speaking, validation can be in January. This proposed budget is then subjected to
accomplished only at the system level, while verification Congressional review and approval, culminating in the
must be accomplished throughout the entire system passage of bills authorizing NASA to obligate funds in
architectural hierarchy. accordance with Congressional stipulations and
appropriating those funds. The Congressional
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
The Project Life Cycle for Major NASA Systems

process generally lasts through the summer. In recent these gates place planning requirements on the project
years, however, final bills have often been delayed past and can make significant replanning necessary, they are
the start of the fiscal year on October 1. In those years, not part of an orderly systems engineering process.
NASA has operated on continuing resolutions by Rather, they constitute one of the sources of uncertainty
Congress. that affect project risks and should be consided in
With annual funding, there is an implicit funding project planning.
control gate at the beginning of every fiscal year. While
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

4 Management Issues in Systems Engineering The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is also a
tree-like structure that contains the pieces of work
This chapter provides more specific information necessary to complete the project. Each task in the
on the systems engineering products and approaches WBS should be traceable to one or more of the system
used in the project life cycle just described. These requirements. Schedules, which are structured as
products and approaches are the system engineer's networks, describe the time-phased activities that result
contribution to project management, and are designed in the product system in the WBS. The cost account
to foster structured ways of managing a complex set of structure needs to be directly linked to the work in the
activities. WBS and the schedules by which that work is done.
(See Sections 4.3 through 4.5.)
4.1 Harmony of Goals, Work Products, and The project's organization structure describes
Organizations the clusters of personnel assigned to perform the work.
These organizational structures are usually trees.
When applied to a system, the doctrine of Sometimes they are represented as a matrix of two
successive refinement is a "divide-and-conquer" interlaced trees, one for line responsibilities, the other
strategy. Complex systems are successively divided into for project responsibilities. In any case, the
pieces that are less complex, until they are simple organizational structure should allow identification of
enough to be conquered. This decomposition results in responsibility for each WBS task.
several structures for describing the product system and Project documentation is the product of
the producing system ("the system that produces the particular WBS tasks. There are two fundamental
system"). These structures play important roles in categories of project documentation: baselines and
systems engineering and project management. Many of archives. Each category contains information about both
the remaining sections in this chapter are devoted to the product system and the producing system. The
describing some of these key structures. baseline, once established, contains information
Structures that describe the product system describing the current state of the product system and
include, but are not limited to, the requirements tree, producing system resulting from all decisions that have
system architecture, and certain symbolic information been made. It is usually organized as a collection of
such as system drawings, schematics, and databases. hierarchical tree structures, and should exhibit a
The structures that describe the producing system significant amount of cross-reference linking. The
include the project's work breakdown, schedules, cost archives contain all of the rest of the project's
accounts, and organization. These structures provide information that is worth remembering, even if only
different perspectives on their common raison d'etre: the temporarily. The archives should contain all
desired product system. Creating a fundamental assumptions, data, and supporting analyses that are
harmony among these structures is essential for relevant to past, present, and future decisions.
successful systems engineering and project man- Inevitably, the structure (and control) of the archives is
agement; this harmony needs to be established in some much looser than that of the baseline, though cross
cases by one-to-one correspondence between two struc- references should be maintained where feasible. (See
tures, and in other cases, by traceable links across Section 4.7.)
several structures. It is useful, at this point, to give some The structure of reviews (and their associated
illustrations of this key principle. control gates) reflect the time-phased activities
System requirements serve two purposes in the associated with the realization of the product system
systems engineering process: first, they represent a from its product breakdown. The status reporting and
hierarchical description of the buyer's desired product assessment structure provides information on the
system as understood by the product development team progress of those same activities. On the financial side,
(PDT). The interaction between the buyer and system the status reporting and assessment structure should be
engineer to develop these requirements is one way the directly linked to the WBS, schedules, and cost
"voice of the buyer" is heard. Determining the right accounts. On the technical side, it should be linked to
requirements— that is, only those that the informed the product breakdown and/or requirements tree. (See
buyer is willing to pay for—is an important part of the Sections 4.8 and 4.9.)
system engineer's job. Second, system requirements
also communicate to the design engineers what to
design and build (or code). As these requirements are
allocated, they become inexorably linked to the system
architecture and product breakdown, which consists of
the hierarchy of system, segments, elements,
subsystems, etc. (See the sidebar on system termi-
nology on page 3.)
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

4.2 Managing the Systems Engineering Process: estimate, since activities that incur cost, such as tech-
The Systems Engineering Management Plan nical risk reduction, need to be identified and described
beforehand. The contractor should have its SEMP
Systems engineering management is a developed during the proposal process (prior to costing
technical function and discipline that ensures that and pricing) because the SEMP describes the technical
systems engineering and all other technical functions content of the project, the potentially costly risk
are properly applied. management activities, and the verification and
Each project should be managed in accordance validation techniques to be used, all of which must be
with a project life cycle that is carefully tailored to the included in the preparation of project cost estimates.
project's risks. While the project manager concentrates The project SEMP is the senior technical
on managing the overall project life cycle, the management document for the project; all other
project-level or lead system engineer concentrates on technical control documents, such as the Interface
managing its technical aspect (see Figure 7 or 8). This Control Plan, Change Control Plan. Make-or-Buy
requires that the system engineer perform or cause to Control Plan, Design Review Plan, Technical Audit Plan,
be performed the necessary multiple layers of depend on the SEMP and must comply with it. The
decomposition, definition? integration, verification and SEMP should be comprehensive and describe how a
validation of the system, while orchestrating and fully integrated engineering effort will be managed and
incorporating the appropriate concurrent engineering. conducted.
Each one of these systems engineering functions re-
quires application of technical analysis skills and tech- 4.2.2 Contents of the SEMP
The techniques used in systems engineering Since the SEMP describes the project's technical
management include work breakdown structures, management approach, which is driven by the type of
network scheduling, risk management, requirements project, the phase in the project life cycle, and the
traceability and reviews, baselines, configuration technical development risks. it must be specifically
management, data management, specialty engineering written for each project to address these situations and
program planning, definition and readiness reviews, issues. While the specific content of the SEMP is
audits, design certification, and status reporting and tailored to the project, the recommended content is
assessment. listed below.
The Project Plan defines how the project will be
managed to achieve its goals and objectives within Part I—Technical Project Planning and Control. This
defined programmatic constraints. The Systems section should identify organizational responsibilities
Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) is the and authority for systems engineering management,
subordinate document that defines to all project including control of contracted engineering; levels of
participants how the project will be technically managed control established for performance and design
within the constraints established by the Project Plan. requirements, and the control method used; technical
The SEMP communicates to all participants how they progress assurance methods; plans and schedules for
must respond to pre-established management practices. design and technical program/project reviews; and
For instance, the SEMP should describe the means for control of documentation.
both internal and external (to the project) interface This section should describe:
control. The SEMP also communicates how the systems
engineering management techniques noted above • The role of the project office The role of the
should be applied. user
• The role of the Contracting Office Technical
4.2.1 Role of the SEMP Representative (COTR)
• The role of systems engineering The role of
The SEMP is the rule book that describes to all design engineering
participants how the project will be technically managed. • The role of specialty engineering
The responsible NASA field center should have a SEMP • Applicable standards
to describe how it will conduct its technical • Applicable procedures and training
management, and each contractor should have a SEMP • Baseline control process
to describe how it will manage in accordance with both
its contract and NASA's technical management
practices. Since the SEMP is project- and
contract-unique, it must be updated for each significant
programmatic change or it will become outmoded and
unused, and the project could slide into an uncontrolled
state. The NASA field center should have its SEMP
developed before attempting to prepare an initial cost
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

• Change control process This section should contain, as needed, the

• Interface control process project's approach to:
• Control of contracted (or subcontracted)
engineering • Concurrent engineering
• Data control process Make-or-buy control process • The activity phasing of specialty disciplines
• Parts, materials, and process control • The participation of specialty disciplines
• Quality control • The involvement of specialty disciplines
• Safety control • The role and responsibility of specialty disciplines
• Contamination control • The participation of specialty disciplines in system
• Electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic decomposition and definition
compatibility (EMI/EMC) • The role of specialty disciplines in verification and
• Technical performance measurement process validation
• Control gates • Reliability
• Internal technical reviews • Maintainability
• Integration control • Quality assurance
• Verification control • Integrated logistics
• Validation control. • Human engineering
• Safety
Part II—Systems Engineering Process. This section • Producibility
should contain a detailed description of the process to • Survivability/vulnerability
be used, including the specific tailoring of the process to • Environmental assessment
the requirements of the system and project; the • Launch approval.
procedures to be used in implementing the process;
in-house documentation; the trade study methodology; 4.2.3 Development of the SEMP
the types of mathematical and or simulation models to
be used for system cost-effectiveness evaluations; and The SEMP must be developed concurrently with
the generation of specifications. the Project Plan. In developing the SEMP, the technical
This section should describe the: approach to the project, and hence the technical aspect
of the project life cycle, are developed. This becomes
• System decomposition process the keel of the project that ultimately determines the
• System decomposition format project's length and cost. The development of the
• System definition process programmatic and technical management approaches
• System analysis and design process requires that the key project personnel develop an
• Requirements allocation process understanding of the work to be performed and the
• Trade study process relationships among the various parts of that work. (See
• System integration process Sections 4.3 and 4.4 on Work Breakdown Structures
• System verification process and network schedules, respectively.)
The SEMP's development requires contributions
• System qualification process
from knowledgeable programmatic and technical
• System acceptance process
experts from all areas of the project that can
• System validation process significantly influence the project's outcome. The
• Risk management process involvement of recognized experts is needed to
• Life-cycle cost management process establish a SEMP that is credible to the project manager
• Specification and drawing structure and to secure the full commitment of the project team.
• Configuration management process
• Data management process
• Use of mathematical models
• Use of simulations
• ools to be used.

Part III—Engineering Specialty Integration. This sec-

tion of the SEMP should describe the integration and
coordination of the efforts of the specialty engineering
disciplines into the systems engineering process during
each iteration of that process. Where there is potential
for overlap of specialty efforts, the SEMP should define
the relative responsibilities and authorities of each.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

4.2.4 Managing the Systems Engineering Process: ducts Test Readiness Reviews and ensures that only
Summary verified configuration items are integrated into the next
higher assembly for further verification. Verification is
The systems engineering organization, and continued to the system level, after which system
specifically the project-level system engineer, is validation is conducted to prove compliance with user
responsible for managing the project through the requirements.
technical aspect of the project life cycle. This Systems engineering also ensures that
responsibility includes management of the concurrent engineering is properly applied through the
decomposition and definition sequence, and project life cycle by involving the required specialty
management of the integration, verification, and engineering disciplines. The SEMP is the guiding
validation sequence. Attendant with this management is document for these activities.
the requirement to control the technical baselines of the
project. Typically, these baselines are the: “functional," 4.3 The Work Breakdown Structure
''design to,” "build-to'' (or "code-to"), "as-built" (or "as-
coded"), and ''as-deployed." Systems engineering must A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a
ensure an efficient and logical progression through hierarchical breakdown of the work necessary to
these baselines. complete a project. The WBS should be a
Systems engineering is responsible for system product-based, hierarchical division of deliverable items
decomposition and design until the "design-to" specifica- and associated services. As such, it should contain the
tions of all lower-level configuration items have been project's Product Breakdown Structure (PBS), with the
produced. Design engineering is then responsible for specified prime product(s) at the top, and the systems,
developing the ''build-to" and "code-to" documentation segments, subsystems, etc. at successive lower levels.
that complies with the approved "design-to" baseline. At the lowest level are products such as hardware items,
Systems engineering audits the design and coding software items, and information items (documents,
process and the design engineering solutions for databases, etc.) for which there is a cognizant engineer
compliance to all higher level baselines. In performing or manager. Branch points in the hierarchy should show
this responsibility, systems engineering must ensure and how the PBS elements are to be integrated. The WBS is
document requirements traceability. built from the PBS by adding, at each branch point of
Systems engineering is also responsible for the the PBS, any necessary service elements such as
overall management of the integration, verification, and management, systems engineering, integration and
validation process. In this role, systems engineering verification (I&V), and integrated logistics support (ILS).
con- If several WBS elements require similar equipment or
software, then a higher level WBS element might be
SEMP Lessons Learned fromDoD Experience defined to perform a block buy or a development activity
(e.g., "System Support Equipment"). Figure 10 shows
• A well-managed project requires a coordinated the relationship between a .system. a PBS, and a WBS.
Systems Engineering Management Plan that is A project WBS should be carried down to the
used through the project cycle. cost account level appropriate to the risks to be
• A SEMP is a living document that must be up- managed. The appropriate level of detail for a cost
dated as the project changes and kept consistent account is determined by management's desire to have
with the Project Plan. visibility into costs, balanced against the cost of
• A meaningful SEMP must be the product of ex- planning and reporting. Contractors may have a
perts from all areas of the project. Contract WBS (CWBS), which is appropriate to the
• Projects with little or insufficient systems engi- contractor's needs to control costs. A summary CWBS,
neering discipline generally have major problems. consisting of the upper levels of the full CWBS, is
usually included in the project WBS to report costs to
• Weak systems engineering, or systems engi-
the contracting organization.
neering placed too low in the organization, cannot
WBS elements should be identified by title and
perform the functions as required.
by a numbering system that performs the following
• The systems engineering effort must be skillfully
managed and well communicated to all project
• Identifies the level of the WBS element
• The systems engineering effort must be respon-
• Identifies the higher level element into which the
sive to both the customer and the contractor in-
WBS element will be integrated
• Shows the cost account number of the element.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

A WBS should also have a companion WBS orienting project members and other interested parties.
dictionary that contains each element's title, It fully describes the products and/or services expected
identification number, objective, description, and any from each WBS element.
dependencies (e.g., receivables) on other WBS This section provides some techniques for
elements. This dictionary provides a structured project developing a WBS, and points out some mistakes to
description that is valuable for avoid. Appendix B.2 provides an example of a WBS for
an airborne telescope that follows the principles of
product-based WBS development.

4.3.1 Role of the WBS

A product-based WBS is the organizing

structure for:

• Project and technical planning and scheduling

• Cost estimation and budget formulation. (In
particular, costs collected in a product-based
WBS can be compared to historical data. This is
identified as a primary objective by DoD
standards for WBSs.)
• Defining the scope of statements of work and
specifications for contract efforts
• Project status reporting, including schedule, cost,
workforce, technical performance, and
integrated cost/schedule data (such as Earned
Value and estimated cost at completion)
• Plans, such as the SEMP, and other
documentation products, such as specifications
and drawings.

It provides a logical outline and vocabulary that

describes the entire project, and integrates information
in a consistent way. If there is a schedule slip in one
element of a WBS, an observer can determine which
other WBS elements are most likely to be affected. Cost
impacts are more accurately estimated. If there is a
design change in one element of the WBS, an observer
can determine which other WBS elements will most
likely be affected, and these elements can be consulted
for potential adverse impacts.

4.3.2 Techniques for Developing the WBS

Developing a successful project WBS is likely to

require several iterations through the project life cycle
since it is not always obvious at the outset what the full
extent of the work may be. Prior to developing a
preliminary WBS, there should be some development of
the system architecture to the point where a preliminary
PBS can be created.
Figure 10 -- The Relationship Between a System, a The PBS and associated WBS can then be
Product Breakdown Structure, and a Work Breakdown developed level by level from the top down. In this
Structure. approach, a project-level system engineer finalizes the
PBS at the pro-
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

ject level, and provides a draft PBS for the next lower delivery. At any one point in time there will be both
level. The WBS is then derived by adding appropriate active and inactive elements in the WBS.
services such as management and systems engineering A WBS for an Operational Facility. A WBS for
to that lower level. This process is repeated recursively managing an operational facility such as a flight
until a WBS exists down to the desired cost account operations center is analogous to a WBS for developing
level. a system. The difference is that the products in the PBS
An alternative approach is to define all levels of are not necessarily completed once and then integrated,
a complete PBS in one design activity, and then but are produced on a routine basis. A PBS for an
develop the complete WBS. When this approach is operational facility might consist largely of information
taken, it is necessary to take great care to develop the products or service products provided to external
PBS so that all products are included, and all customers. However, the general concept of a
assembly/integration and verification branches are hierarchical breakdown of products and/or services
correct. The involvement of people who will be would still apply.
responsible for the lower level WBS elements is The rules that apply to a development WBS
recommended. also apply to a WBS for an operational facility. The
techniques for developing a WBS for an operational
A WBS for a Multiple Delivery Project. There are facility are the same, except that services such as
several terms for projects that provide multiple maintenance and user support are added to the PBS,
deliveries, such as: rapid development, rapid and services such as systems engineering, integration,
prototyping, and incremental delivery. Such projects and verification may not be needed.
should also have a product-based WBS, but there will
be one extra level in the WBS hierarchy, immediately 4.3.3 Common Errors in Developing aWBS
under the final prime product(s), which identifies each
There are three common errors found in WBSs:
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

• Error 1: The WBS describes functions, not prod- Keeping track of schedule progress is an
ucts. This makes the project manager the only essential part of controlling the project, because cost
one formally responsible for products. and technical problems often show up first as schedule
• Error 2: The WBS has branch points that are not problems. Because network schedules show how each
consistent with how the WBS elements will be activity affects other activities, they are essential for
integrated. For instance, in a flight operations predicting the consequences of schedule slips or
system with a distributed architecture, there is accelerations of an activity on the entire project.
typically software associated with hardware items Network scheduling systems also help managers
that will be integrated and verified at lower levels accurately assess the impact of both technical and
of a WBS. It would then be inappropriate to resource changes on the cost and schedule of a project.
separate hardware and software as if they were
separate systems to be integrated at the system 4.4.2 Network Schedule Data and Graphical
level. This would make it difficult to assign Formats
accountability for integration and to identify the
costs of integrating and testing components of a Network schedule data consist of:
• Error 3: The WBS is inconsistent with the PBS. • Activities
This makes it possible that the PBS will not be • Dependencies between activities (e.g., where an
fully implemented, and generally complicates the activity depends upon another activity for a
management process. receivable)
• Products or milestones that occur as a result of
Some examples of these errors are shown in one or more activities
Figure 11. Each one prevents the WBS from • Duration of each activity.
successfully performing its roles in project planning and
organizing. These errors are avoided by using the WBS A work flow diagram (WFD) is a graphical
development techniques described above. display of the first three data items above. A network
schedule contains all four data items. When creating a
4.4 Scheduling network schedule, graphical formats of these data are
very useful. Two general types of graphical formats,
Products described in the WBS are the result of shown in Figure 12, are used. One has
activities that take time to complete. An orderly and activities-on-arrows, with products and dependencies at
efficient systems engineering process requires that the beginning and end of the arrow. This is the typical
these activities take place in a way that respects the format of the Program Evaluation and Review
underlying time precedence relationships among them. Technique (PERT) chart. The second, called
This is accomplished by creating a network schedule, precedence diagrams, has boxes that represent
which explicitly take s into account the dependencies of activities; dependencies are then shown by arrows. Due
each activity on other activities and receivables from to its simpler visual format and reduced requirements on
outside sources. This section discusses the role of computer resources, the precedence diagram has
scheduling and the techniques for building a complete become more common in recent years.
network schedule. The precedence diagram format allows for
simple depiction of the following logical relationships:
4.4.1 Role of Scheduling
• Activity B begins when Activity A begins (Start-
Scheduling is an essential component of Start, or SS)
planning and managing the activities of a project. The • Activity B begins only after Activity A ends (Fin-
process of creating a network schedule can lead to a ish-Start, or FS)
much better understanding of what needs to be done, • Activity B ends when Activity A ends
how long it will take, and how each element of the (Finish-Finish, or FF).
project WBS might affect other elements. A complete
network schedule can be used to calculate how long it
will take to complete a project, which activities
determine that duration (i.e., critical path activities), and
how much spare time (i.e., float) exists for all the other
activities of the project. (See sidebar on critical path and
float calculation). An understanding of the project's
schedule is a prerequisite for accurate project
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

Each of these three activity relationships may be Critical Path and Float Calculation
modified by attaching a lag (+ or-) to the relationship, as
shown in Figure 12. The critical path is the sequence of activities that will
It is possible to summarize a number of take the longest to accomplish. Activities that are not
low-level activities in a precedence diagram with a on the critical path have a certain amount of time that
single activity. This is commonly referred to as they can be delayed until they, too are on a critical
hammocking. One takes the initial low-level activity, path. This time is called float. There are two types of
and attaches a summary activity to it using the first float, path float and free float. Path float is where a
relationship described above. The summary activity is sequence of activities collectively have float. If there
then attached to the final low-level activity using the is a delay in an activity in this sequence, then the path
third relationship described above. Unless one is float for all subsequent activities is reduced by that
hammocking, the most common relationship used in amount. Free float exists when a delay in an activity
precedence diagrams is the second one mentioned will have no effect on any other activity. For example,
above. The activity-on-arrow format can represent the if activity A can be finished in 2 days, and activity B
identical time-precedence logic as a precedence requires 5 days, and activity C requires completion of
diagram by creating artificial events and activities as both A and B. then A would have 3 days of free float.
needed. Float is valuable. Path float should be
conserved where possible, so that a reserve exists for
4.4.3 Establishing a Network Schedule future activities. Conservation is much less important
for free float.
Scheduling begins with project-level schedule To determine the critical path, there is first a
objectives for delivering the products described in the "forward pass" where the earliest start time of each
upper levels of the WBS. To develop network schedules activity is calculated. The time when the last activity
that are consistent with the project's objectives, the can be completed becomes the end point for that
following six steps are applied to each cost account at schedule. Then there is a "backward pass", where the
the lowest available level of the WBS. latest possible start point of each activity is calculated,
assuming that the last activity ends at the end point
Step 1: Identify activities and dependencies previously calculated. Float is the time difference
needed to complete each WBS element. Enough between the earliest start time and the latest start time
activities should be identified to show exact schedule of an activity. Whenever this is zero, that activity is on
dependencies between activities and other WBS a critical Path.
elements. It is not uncommon to have about 100
activities identified for the first year of a
WBS element that will require 10 work-years per year.
Typically, there is more schedule detail for the current
year, and much less detail for subsequent years. Each
year, schedules are updated with additional detail for the
current year. This first step is most easily accomplished

• Ensuring that the cost account WBS is extended

downward to describe all significant products!,
including documents, reports, hardware and
software items
• For each product, listing the steps required for
its generation and drawing the process as a
work flow diagram
• Indicating the dependencies among the
products, and any integration and verification
steps within the work package.

Step 2: Identify and negotiate external

dependencies. External dependencies are any
receivables from outside of the cost account, and any
deliverables that go outside of the cost account.
Informal negotiations should
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

occur to ensure that there is agreement with respect to Summary data about a schedule is usually
the content, format, and labeling of products that move described in Gantt charts. A good example of a Gantt
across cost account boundaries. This step is designed to chart is shown in Figure 13. (See sidebar on Gantt chart
ensure that lower level schedules can be integrated. features.) Another type of output format is a table that
Step 3: Estimate durations of all activities. As- shows the float and recent changes in float of key
sumptions behind these estimates (workforce, activities. For example, a project manager may wish to
availability of facilities, etc.) should be written down for know precisely how much schedule reserve has been
future reference. consumed by critical path activities, and whether
Step 4: Enter the schedule data for the WBS reserves are being consumed or are being preserved in
element into a suitable computer program to obtain a the latest reporting period. This table provides
network schedule and an estimate of the critical path for information on the rate of change of schedule re serve.
that element. (There are many commercially available
software packages for this function.) This step enables 4.4.5 Resource Leveling
the cognizant engineer, team leader, and/or system
engineer to review the schedule logic. It is not unusual Good scheduling systems provide capabilities to
at this point for some iteration of steps 1 to 4 to be show resource requirements over time, and to make
required in order to obtain a satisfactory schedule. Often adjustments so that the schedule is feasible with respect
too, reserve will be added to critical path activities, often to resource constraints over time. Resources may
in the form of a dummy activity, to ensure that schedule include workforce level, funding profiles, important
commitments can be met for this WBS element. facilities, etc. Figure 14 shows an example of an
Step 5: Integrate schedules of lower level WBS unleveled resource profile. The objective is to move the
elements, using suitable software, so that all start dates of tasks that have float to points where the
dependencies between WBS elements are correctly resource profile is feasible. If that is not sufficient, then
included in a project network. It is important to include the assumed task durations for resource-intensive
the impacts of holidays, weekends, etc. by this point. activities should be reexamined and, accordingly, the
The critical path for the project is discovered at this step resource levels changed.
in the process.
Step 6: Review the workforce level and funding 4.5 Budgeting and Resource Planning
profile over time, and make a final set of adjustments to
logic and durations so that workforce levels and funding Budgeting and resource planning involves the
levels are reasonable. Adjustments to the logic and the establishment of a reasonable project baseline budget,
durations of activities may be needed to converge to the and the capability to analyze changes to that baseline
schedule targets established at the project level. This resulting from technical and/or schedule changes. The
may include adding more activities to some WBS project's WBS, baseline schedule, and budget should be
element, deleting redundant activities, increasing the viewed by the system engineer as mutually dependent,
workforce for some activities that are on the critical reflecting the technical content, time, and cost of
path, or finding ways to do more activities in parallel, meeting the project's goals and objectives.
rather than in series. If necessary, the project level The budgeting process needs to take into
targets may need to be adjusted, or the scope of the account whether a fixed cost cap or cost profile exists.
project may need to be reviewed. Again, it is good When no such cap or profile exists, a baseline budget is
practice to have some schedule reserve, or float, as part developed from the WBS and network schedule. This
of a risk mitigation strategy. specifically involves combining the project's workforce
The product of these last steps is a feasible and other resource needs with the appropriate workforce
baseline schedule for each WBS element that is rates and other financial and programmatic factors to
consistent with the activities of all other WBS elements, obtain cost element estimates. These elements of cost
and the sum of all these schedules is consistent with include:
both the technical scope and the schedule goals for the
project. There should be enough float in this integrated
master schedule so that schedule and associated cost
risk are acceptable to the project and to the project's
customer. Even when this is done, time estimates for
many WBS elements will have been underestimated, or
work on some WBS elements will not start as early as
had been originally assumed due to late arrival of
receivables. Consequently, replanning is almost always
needed to meet the project's goals.

4.4.4 Reporting Techniques

NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

Desirable Features inGantt Charts

The Gantt chart shown in Figure 13 (below) illustrates the following desirable features:

• A heading that describes the WBS element, the responsible manager, the date of the baseline used, and the
date that status was reported.
• A milestone section in the main body (lines 1 and 2)
• An activity section in the main body. Activity data shown includes:
a. WBS elements (lines 3, 5, 8, 12, 16, and 20)
b. Activities (indented from WBS elements)
c. Current plan (shown as thick bars)
d. Baseline plan (same as current plan, or if different, represented by thin bars under the thick bars)
e. Status line at the appropriate date
f. Slack for each activity (dashed lines above the current plan bars)
g. Schedule slips from the baseline (dashed lines below the milestone on line 12)
• A note section, where the symbols in the main body can be explained.

This Gantt chart shows only 23 lines, which is a summary of the activities currently being worked for this WBS
element. It is appropriate to tailor the amount of detail reported to those items most pertinent at the time of status
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

Assessing the Effect of Schedule Slippage

Certain elements of cost, called fixed costs, are

mainly time related, while others, called variable
costs, are mainly product related. If a project's
schedule is slipped, then the fixed costs of completing
it increase. The variable costs remain the same in
total (excluding inflation adjustments), but are
deferred downstream, as in the figure below.

Figure 14 -- An Example of an Unleveled Resource

To quickly assess the effect of a simple
• Direct labor costs Overhead costs Other direct schedule slippage:
costs (travel, data processing, etc.) Subcontract
costs • Convert baseline budget plan from nominal
• Material costs (real-year) dollars to constant dollars
• General and administrative costs • Divide baseline budget plan into fixed and
• Cost of money (i.e., interest payments, if variable costs
applicable) • Enter schedule slip implementation
• Fee (if applicable) • Compute new variable costs including any
• Contingency. work-free disruption costs
• Repeat last two steps until an acceptable imple-
When there is a cost cap or a fixed cost profile, mentation is achieved
there are additional logic gates that must be satisfied • Compute new fixed costs
before the system engineer can complete the budgeting • Sum new fixed and variable costs
and planning process. A determination needs to be
• Convert from constant dollars to nominal
made whether the WBS and network schedule are
(real-year) dollars.
feasible with respect to mandated cost caps and/or cost
profiles. If not, the system engineer needs to
recommend the best approaches for either stretching
cluded to deal with unforeseen events. Some risk
out a project (usually at an increase in the total cost), or
management methods are discussed in Section 4.6.
descoping the project's goals and objectives,
requirements, design, and/or implementation approach.
(See sidebar on schedule slippage.) 4.6 Risk Management
Whether a cost cap or fixed cost profile exists, it
is important to control costs after they have been Risk management comprises purposeful thought
baselined. An important aspect of cost control is project to the sources, magnitude, and mitigation of risk, and
cost and schedule status reporting and assessment, actions directed toward its balanced reduction. As such,
methods for which are discussed in Section 4.9.1 of this risk management is an integral part of project
handbook. Another is cost and schedule risk planning, management, and contributes directly to the objectives
such as developing risk avoidance and work-around of systems engineering.
strategies. At the project level, budgeting and resource NASA policy objectives with regard to project
planning must also ensure that an adequate level of risks are expressed in NMI 8070.4A, Risk Management
contingency funds are in Policy. These are to:
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

Figure 15 -- Risk Management Structure Diagram. • A description of the methodologies, processes, and
tools to be used for risk identification and
• Provide a disciplined and documented approach characterization, risk analysis, and risk
to risk management throughout the project life mitigation and tracking
• Support management decision making by • A description of the role of risk management with
providing integrated risk assessments (i.e., respect to reliability analyses, formal reviews,
taking into account cost, schedule, performance, and status reporting and assessment
and safety concerns)
• Communicate to NASA management the • Documentation requirements for each risk
significance of assessed risk levels and the management product and action.
decisions made with respect to them.
The level of risk management activities should
There are a number of actions the system be consistent with the project's overall risk policy
engineer can take to effect these objectives. Principal established in conjunction with its NASA Headquarters
among them is planning and completing a program office. At present, formal guidelines for the
well-conceived risk management program. Such a classification of projects with respect to overall risk
program encompasses several related activities during policy do not exist; such guidelines exist only for NASA
the systems engineering process. The structure of these payloads. These are promulgated in NMI 8010.1A,
activities is shown in Figure 15. Classification of NASA Pay-loads, Attachment A, which
is reproduced as Appendix B.3.
With the addition of data tables containing the
The term risk has different meanings depending on results of the risk management activities, the risk
the context. Sometimes it simply indicates the degree management program plan grows into the project's Risk
of l variability in the outcome or result of a particular Management Plan (RMP). These data tables should
action. In the context of risk management during the contain the project's identified significant risks. For each
systems engineering process, the term denotes a such risk, these data tables should also contain the
combination of both the likelihood of various relevant characterization and analysis results, and
outcomes and their distinct consequences. The focus, descriptions of the related mitigation and tracking plans
moreover, is generally on undesired or unfavorable (including any descope options and/or required
outcomes such as the risk of a technical failure, or the technology developments). A sample RMP outline is
risk of exceeding a cost target. shown as Appendix B.4.

The technical portion of risk management

The first is planning the risk management begins with the process of identifying and characterizing
program, which should be documented in a risk the project's risks. The objective of this step is to
management program plan. That plan, which elaborates understand
on the SEMP, contains:

• The project's overall risk policy and objectives

• The programmatic aspects, of the risk
management activities (i.e., responsibilities,
resources, schedules and milestones, etc.)
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

what uncertainties the project faces, and which among

them should be given greater attention. This is
accomplished by categorizing (in a consistent manner)
uncertainties by their likelihood of occurrence (e.g.,
high, medium, or low), and separately, according to the
severity of their consequences. This categorization
forms the basis for ranking uncertainties by their relative
riskiness. Uncertainties with both high likelihood and
severely adverse consequences are ranked higher than
those without these characteristics, as Figure 16
suggests. The primary methods used in this process are
qualitative; hence in systems engineering literature, this
step is sometimes called qualitative risk assessment.
The output of this step is a list of significant risks (by
phase) to be given specific management attention. efforts and expenditures to reduce one type of risk may
In some projects, qualitative methods are increase another type. (Some have called this the
adequate for making risk management decisions; in systems engineering equivalent of the Heisenberg
others, these methods are not precise enough to Uncertainty Principle in quantum mechanics.) The ability
understand the magnitude of the problem, or to allocate (or necessity) to trade one type of risk for another
scarce risk reduction resources. Risk analysis is the means that the project manager and the system
process of quantifying both the likelihood of occurrence engineer need to understand the system-wide effects of
and consequences of potential future events (or "states various strategies in order to make a rational allocation
of nature" in some texts). The system engineer needs to of resources.
decide whether risk identification and characterization Several techniques have been developed for
are adequate, or whether the increased precision of risk each of these risk management activities. The principal
analysis is needed for some uncertainties. In making ones, which are shown in Table 1, are discussed in
that determination, the system engineer needs to Sections 4.6.2 through 4.6.4. The system engineer
balance the (usually) higher cost of risk analysis against needs to choose the techniques that best fit the unique
the value of the additional information. requirements of each project.
Risk mitigation is the formulation, selection, and A risk management program is needed
execution of strategies designed to economically reduce throughout the project life cycle. In keeping with the
risk. When a specific risk is believed to be intolerable, doctrine of successive refinement, its focus, however,
risk analysis and mitigation are often performed moves from the "big picture" in the early phases of the
iteratively, so that the effects of alternative mitigation project life cycle (Phases A and B) to more specific
strategies can be actively explored before one is issues during design and development (Phases C and
chosen. Tracking the effectivity of these strategies is D). During operations (Phase E), the focus changes
closely allied with risk mitigation. Risk mitigation is often again. A good risk management pro- gram is always
a challenge because forward-looking. In other words, a risk management
program should address the project's on-going risk
issues and future uncertainties. As such, it is a natural
part of concurrent engineering. The RMP should be
updated throughout the project life cycle.

4.6.1 Types of Risks

There are several ways to describe the various

types of risk a project manager/system engineer faces.
Traditionally, project managers and system engineers
have attempted to divide risks into three or four broad
categories — namely, cost, schedule, technical, and,
sometimes, safety (and/or hazard) risks. More recently,
others have entered the lexicon, including the categories
of organizational, management, acquisition,
supportability, political, and programmatic risks. These
newer categories reflect
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
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the expanded set of concerns of project managers and Expert Interviews. When properly conducted, expert in-
system engineers who must operate in the current terviews can be a major source of insight and
NASA environment. Some of these newer categories information on the project's risks in the expert's area of
also represent supersets of other categories. For knowledge One key to a successful interview is in
example, the Defense Systems Management College identifying an ex pert who is close enough to a risk issue
(DSMC) Systems Engineering Management Guide to understand it thoroughly, and at the same time, able
wraps "funding, schedule, contract relations, and (and willing) to step back and take an objective view of
political risks" into the broader category of programmatic the probabilities and consequences. A second key to
risks. While these terms are useful in informal success is advanced preparation on the part of the
discussions, there appears to be no formal taxonomy interviewer. This means having a list of risk issues to be
free of ambiguities. One reason, mentioned above, is covered in the interview, developing a working
that often one type of risk can be exchanged for knowledge of these issues as they apply to the project,
another. A second reason is that some of these and developing methods for capturing the information
categories move together, as for example, cost risk and acquired during the interview.
political risk (e.g., the risk of project cancellation). Initial interviews may yield only qualitative infor-
Another way some have categorized risk is by mation, which should be verified in follow-up rounds.
the degree of mathematical predictability in its Expert interviews are also used to solicit quantitative
underlying uncertainty. The distinction has been made data and information for those risk issues that
between an uncertainty that has a known probability qualitatively rank high. These interviews are often the
distribution, with known or estimated parameters, and major source of inputs to risk analysis models built using
one in which the underlying probability distribution is the techniques described in Section 4.6.3.
either not known, or its parameters cannot be objectively
quantified. Independent Assessment. This technique can take
An example of the first kind of uncertainty several forms. In one form, it can be a review of project
occurs in the unpredictability of the spares upmass documentation, such as Statements of Work, acquisition
requirement for alternative Space Station Alpha plans, verification plans, manufacturing plans, and the
designs. While the requirement is stochastic in any SEMP. In another form, it can be an evaluation of the
particular logistics cycle, the probability distribution can WBS for completeness and consistency with the
be estimated for each design from reliability theory and project's schedules. In a third form, an independent
empirical data. Examples of the second kind of assessment can be an independent cost (and/or
uncertainty occur in trying to predict whether a Shuttle schedule) estimate from an outside organization.
accident will make resupply of Alpha impossible for a
period of time greater than x months, or whether life on Risk Templates. This technique consists of examining
Mars exists. and then applying a series of previously developed risk
Modem subjectivist (also known as Bayesian) templates to a current project. Each template generally
probability theory holds that the probability of an event covers a particular risk issue, and then describes
is the degree of belief that a person has that it will occur, methods for avoiding or reducing that risk. The
given his/her state of information. As that information most-widely recognized series of templates appears in
improves (e.g., through the acquisition of data or DoD 4245.7-M, Transition from Development to
experience), the subjectivist's estimate of a probability Production ...Solving the Risk Equation. Many of the
should converge to that estimated as if the probability risks and risk responses described are based on lessons
distribution were known. In the examples of the previous reamed from DoD programs, but are general enough to
paragraph, the only difference is the probability be useful to NASA projects. As a general caution, risk
estimator's perceived state of information. templates cannot provide an exhaustive list of risk
Consequently, subjectivists find the distinction between issues for every project, but they are a useful input to
the two kinds of uncertainty of little or no practical risk identification.
significance. The implication of the subjectivist's view
for risk management is that, even with little or no data,
the system engineer's subjective probability estimates
form a valid basis for risk decision making.

4.6.2 Risk Identification and Characterization


A variety of techniques are available for risk

identification and characterization. The thoroughness
with which this step is accomplished is an important
determinant of the risk management program's success.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

Lessons Learned. A review of the lessons learned 4.6.3 Risk Analysis Techniques
files, data, and reports from previous similar projects
can produce insights and information for risk The tools and techniques of risk analysis rely
identification on a new project. For technical risk heavily on the concept and "laws" (actually, axioms and
identification, as an example, it makes sense to theorems) of probability. The system engineer needs to
examine previous projects of similar function, be familiar with these in order to appreciate the full
architecture, or technological approach. The lessons power and limitations of these techniques. The products
learned from the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) of risk analyses are generally quantitative probability
project might be useful to the Space Infrared Telescope and consequence estimates for various outcomes, more
Facility (SIRTF) project, even though the latter's degree detailed understanding of the dominant risks, and
of complexity is significantly greater. The key to ap- improved capability for allocating risk reduction
plying this technique is in recognizing what aspects are resources.
analogous in two projects, and what data are relevant to
the new project. Even if the documented lessons Decision Analysis. Decision analysis is one technique
learned from previous projects are not applicable at the to help the individual decision maker deal with a
system level, there may be valuable data applicable at complex set of uncertainties. Using the
the subsystem or component level. divide-and-conquer approach common to much of
systems engineering, a complex uncertainty is
FMECAs, FMEAs, Digraphs, and Fault Trees. Failure decomposed into simpler ones, which are then treated
Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), separately. The decomposition continues until it reaches
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA), digraphs, a level at which either hard information can be brought
and fault trees are specialized techniques for safety to bear, or intuition can function effectively. The
(and/or hazard) risk identification and characterization. decomposition can be graphically represented as a
These techniques focus on the hardware components decision tree. The branch points, called nodes, in a
that make up the system. According to MIL-STD-1629A, decision tree represent either decision points or chance
FMECA is "an ongoing procedure by which each events. Endpoints of the tree are the potential
potential failure in a system is analyzed to determine the outcomes. (See the sidebar on a decision tree example
results or effects thereof on the system, and to classify for Mars exploration.)
each potential failure mode according to its severity." In most applications of decision analysis, these
Failures are generally classified into four seventy outcomes are generally assigned dollar values. From
categories: the probabilities assigned at each chance node and the
dollar value of each outcome, the distribution of dollar
• Category I—Catastrophic failure (possible death values (i.e., consequences) can be derived for each set
or system loss) of decisions. Even large complex decision trees can be
• Category II—Critical failure (possible major in- represented in currently available decision analysis
jury or system damage) software. This software can also calculate a variety of
• Category III—Major failure (possible minor risk measures.
injury or mission effectiveness degradation) In brief, decision analysis is a technique that
• Category IV — Minor failure (requires system allows:
maintenance, but does not pose a hazard to
personnel or mission effectiveness). • A systematic enumeration of uncertainties and
encoding of their probabilities and outcomes
A complete FMECA also includes an estimate of • An explicit characterization of the decision
the probability of each potential failure. These prob- maker's attitude toward risk, expressed in terms
abilities are usually based, at first, on subjective of his, her risk aversion
judgment or experience factors from similar kinds of • A calculation of the value of "perfect
hardware components, but may be refined from information," thus setting a normative upper
reliability data as the system development progresses. bound on information-gathering expenditures
An FMEA is similar to an FMECA, but typically there is • Sensitivity testing on probability estimates and
less emphasis on the severity classification portion of outcome dollar values.
the analysis.
Digraph analysis is an aid in determining fault
tolerance, propagation, and reliability in large,
interconnected systems. Digraphs exhibit a network
structure and resemble a schematic diagram. The
digraph technique permits the integration of data from a
number of individual FMECAs/FMEAs, and can be
translated into fault trees, described in Section 6.2, if
quantitative probability estimates am needed.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA). A PRA seeks mathematics of these trees is similar to that for decision
to measure the risk inherent in a system's design and trees. The consequences of each accident sequence are
operation by quantifying both the likelihood of various generally measured both in terms of direct economic
possible accident sequences and their consequences. A losses and in public health effects. (See sidebar on PRA
typical PRA application is to determine the risk pitfalls.)
associated with a specific nuclear power plant. Within Doing a PRA is itself a major effort, requiring a
NASA, PRAs are used to demonstrate, for example, the number of specialized skills other than those provided
relative safety of launching spacecraft containing RTGs by reliability engineers and human factors engineers.
(Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators). PRAs also require large amounts of system design data
The search for accident sequences is facilitated at the component level, and operational procedures
by event trees, which depict initiating events and data. For additional information on PRAs, the system
combinations of system successes and failures, and engineer can reference the PRA Procedures Guide
fault trees, which depict ways in which the system (1983) by the American Nuclear Society and Institute of
failures represented in an event tree can occur. When Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
integrated, an event tree and its associated fault tree(s)
can be used to calculate the probability of each accident Probabilistic Network Schedules. Probabilistic
sequence. The structure and network schedules, such as PERT (Program Evaluation
and Review Technique), permit the duration of each
Probabilistic Risk Assessment Pitfalls activity to be treated as a random variable. By supplying
PERT with the minimum, maximum, and most likely
Risk is generally defined in a probabilistic risk assess- duration for each activity, a probability distribution can
ment (PRA) as the expected value of a consequence be computed for project completion time. This can then
function—that is: be used to determine, for example, the chances that a
project (or any set of tasks in the network) will be
R = Σ PS CS completed by a given date. In this probabilistic setting,
S however, a unique critical path may not exist. Some
where PS is the probability of outcome s, and CS is the practitioners have also cited difficulties in obtaining
consequence of outcome s. To attach probabilities to meaningful input data for probabilistic network
outcomes, event trees and fault trees are developed. schedules. A simpler alternative to a full probabilistic
These techniques have been used since 1953, but by network schedule is to perform a Monte Carlo simulation
the late 1970s, they were under attack by PRA of activity durations along the project's critical path.
practitioners. The reasons include the following: (See Section 5.4.2.)

• Fault trees are limiting because a complete set Probabilistic Cost and Effectiveness Models. These
of failures is not definable. models offer a probabilistic view of a project's cost and
• Common cause failures could not be captured effectiveness outcomes. (Recall Figure 2.) This
properly. An example of a common cause fail- approach explicitly recognizes that single point values
ure is one where all the valves in a system have for these variables do not adequately represent the risk
a defect so that their failures are not truly inde- conditions inherent in a project. These kinds of models
pendent. are discussed more completely in Section 5.4.
• PRA results are sometimes sensitive to simple
changes in event tree assumptions 4.6.4 Risk Mitigation and Tracking Techniques
• Stated criteria for accepting different kinds of
risks are often inconsistent, and therefore not Risk identification and characterization and risk
appropriate for allocating risk reduction re- analysis provide a list of significant project risks that re-
sources. quire further management attention and/or action.
• Many risk-related decisions are driven by per- Because risk mitigation actions are generally not
ceptions, not necessarily objective risk as costless, the system engineer, in making
defined by the above equation. Perceptions of recommendations to the project manager, must balance
consequences tend to grow faster than the con- the cost (in resources and time) of such actions against
sequences themselves—that is, several small their value to the project. Four responses to a specific
accidents are not perceived as strongly as one risk are usually available: (1) deliberately do nothing,
large one, even if fatalities are identical. and accept the risk, (2) share the risk
• There are difficulties in dealing with incommen-
surables, as for example, lives vs. dollars.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

with a co-participant, (3) take preventive action to avoid systems, designing in redundancy, and building a full
or reduce the risk, and (4) plan for contingent action. engineering model. Typical cost risk mitigation actions
The first response is to accept a specific risk include using off-the-shelf hardware and, according to
consciously. (This response can be accompanied by Figure 6, providing sufficient funding during Phases A
further risk information gathering and assessments.) and B. Major supportability risk mitigation actions
Second, a risk can sometimes be shared with a include providing sufficient initial spares to meet the
co-participant—that is, with a international partner or a system's availability goal and a robust resupply
contractor. In this situation, the goal is to reduce NASA's capability (when transportation is a significant factor).
risk independent of what happens to total risk, which For those risks that cannot be mitigated by a design or
may go up or down. There are many ways to share management approach, the system engineer should
risks, particularly cost risks, with contractors. These recommend the establishment of reasonable financial
include various incentive contracts and warranties. The and schedule contingencies, and technical margins.
third and fourth responses require that additional Whatever strategy is selected for a specific risk,
specific planning and actions be undertaken. it and its underlying rationale should be documented in a
Typical technical risk mitigation actions include risk mitigation plan, and its effectivity should be tracked
additional (and usually costly) testing of subsystems and
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

through the project life cycle, as required by NMI • Identify and characterize risks for each phase of
8070.4A. The techniques for choosing a (preferred) risk the project; high risks, those for which the
mitigation strategy are discussed in Chapter 5, which combined effects of likelihood and
deals with the larger role of trade studies and system consequences are significant, should be given
modeling in general. Some techniques for planning and specific management attention. Reviews
tracking are briefly mentioned here. conducted throughout in the project life cycle
should help to force out risk issues.
Watchlists and Milestones. A watchlist is a • Apply qualitative and quantitative techniques to
compilation of specific risks, their projected understand the dominant risks and to improve
consequences, and early indicators of the start of the the allocation of risk reduction resources; this
problem. The risks on the watchlist are those that were may include the development of project-specific
selected for management attention as a result of risk analysis models such as decision trees and
completed risk management activities. A typical PRAs.
watchlist also shows for each specific risk a triggering • Formulate and execute a strategy to handle
event or missed milestone (for example, a delay in the each risk, including establishment, where
delivery of long lead items), the related area of impact appropriate, of reasonable financial and
(production schedule), and the risk mitigation strategy, schedule contingencies and technical margins
to be used in response. The watchlist is periodically • Track the effectivity of each risk mitigation strat-
reevaluated and items are added, modified, or deleted egy.
as appropriate. Should the triggering event occur, the
projected consequences should be updated and the risk Good risk management requires a team effort -
mitigation strategy revised as needed. that is, system engineers and managers at all levels of
the project need to be involved. However, risk
Contingency Planning, Descope Planning, and management responsibilities must be assigned to
Parallel Development. These techniques are generally specific individuals. Successful risk management
used in conjunction with a watchlist. The focus is on practices often evolve into in stitutional policy.
developing credible hedges and work-arounds, which
are activated upon a triggering event. To be credible, 4.7 Configuration Management
hedges often require that additional resources be
expended, which provide a return only if the triggering Configuration management is the discipline of
event occurs. In this sense, these techniques and identifying and formalizing the functional and physical
resources act as a form of project insurance. (The term characteristics of a configuration item at discrete points
contingency here should not be confused with the use in the product evolution for the purpose of maintaining
within NASA of the same term for project-held the integrity of the product system and controlling
reserves.) changes to the baseline. The baseline for a project
contains all of the technical requirements and related
Critical Items/Issues Lists. A Critical Items/Issues List cost and schedule requirements that are sufficiently
(CIL) is similar to a watchlist, and has been extensively mature to be accepted and placed under change control
used on the Shuttle program to track items with by the NASA project manager. The project baseline
significant system safety consequences. An example is consists of two parts: the technical baseline and the
shown as Appendix B.5. business baseline. The system engineer is responsible
for managing the technical baseline and ensuring that it
C/SCS and TPM Tracking. Two very important risk is consistent with the costs and schedules in the
tracking techniques—cost and schedule control systems business baseline. Typically, the project control office
(C/SCS) and Technical Performance Measure (TPM) manages the business baseline.
tracking—are discussed in Sections 4.9.1 and 4.9.2, Configuration management requires the formal
respectively. agreement of both the buyer and the seller to proceed
according to the up-to-date, documented project
4.6.5 Risk Management: Summary requirements (as they exist at that phase in the project
life cycle), and to
Uncertainty is a fact of life in systems
engineering. To deal with it effectively, the risk manager
needs a disciplined approach. In a project setting, a
good-practice approach includes efforts to:

• Plan, document, and complete a risk

management program
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

change the baseline requirements only by a formal • "Design-to" baseline at Preliminary Design
configuration control process. The buyer might be a Review (PDR)
NASA pro gram office or an external funding agency. • "Build-to" (or "code-to") baseline at the Critical
For example, the buyer for the GOES project is NOAA, Design Review (CDR)
and the seller is the NASA GOES project office. • "As-built" (or ''as-coded,,) baseline at the
management must be enforced at all levels; in the next System Acceptance Review (SAR)
level for this same example, the NASA GOES project • "As-deployed" baseline at Operational
office is the buyer and the seller is the contractor, the Readiness Review (ORR).
Loral GOES project office. Configuration management
is established through program/project requirements The evolution of the five baselines is illustrated
documentation and, where applicable, through the in Figure 17. As discussed in Section 3.7.1, only
contract Statement of Work. decisions made along the core of the "vee" in Figure 7
are put under configuration control and included in the
Configuration management is essential to approved baseline. Systems analysis, risk management,
conduct an orderly development process, to enable the and development test activities (off the core of the vee)
modification of an existing design, and to provide for must begin early and continue throughout the
later replication of an existing design. Configuration decomposition process of the project life cycle to prove
management often provides the information needed to that the core-level decisions are sound. These early
track the technical progress of the project since it detailed studies and tests must be documented and
manages the project's configuration documentation. retained in the project archives, but they are not part of
(See Section 4.9.2 on Technical Performance the technical baseline.
Measures.) The project's approach to configuration
management and the methods to be used should be 4.7.2 Techniques of Configuration Management
documented in the project's Configuration Management
Plan. A sample outline for this plan is illustrated in The techniques of configuration management
Appendix B.6. The plan should be tailored to each include configuration (or baseline) identification,
project's specific needs and resources, and kept current configura-
for the entire project life cycle.

4.7.1 Baseline Evolution

The project-level system engineer is responsible

for ensuring the completeness and technical integrity of
the technical baseline. The technical baseline includes:

• Functional and performance requirements (or

specifications) for hardware, software,
information items, and processes
• Interface requirements
• Specialty engineering requirements
• Verification requirements
• Data packages, documentation, and drawing
• Applicable engineering standards.

The project baseline evolves in discrete steps

through the project life cycle. An initial baseline may be
established when the top-level user requirements
expressed in the Mission Needs Statement are placed
under configuration control. At each interphase control
gate, increased technical detail is added to the maturing
baseline. For a typical project, there are five sequential
technical baselines:

• Functional baseline at System Requirements

Review (SRR)
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

tion control, configuration verification, and configuration • What is the design impact?
accounting (see Figure 18). • What is the effectiveness or performance
Configuration Identification. Configuration • What is the schedule impact?
identification of a baseline is accomplished by creating • What is the program/project life -cycle cost
and formally releasing documentation that describes the impact?
baseline to be used, and how changes to that baseline • What is the impact of not making the change?
will be accounted for, controlled, and released. Such • What is the risk of making the change?
documentation includes requirements (product, process, • What is the impact on operations?
and material), specifications, drawings, and code
• What is the impact to support equipment and
listings. Configuration documentation is not formally
considered part of the technical baseline until approved
• What is the impact on spares requirements?
by control gate action of the buyer.
An important part of configuration identification • What is the effectivity of the change?
is the physical identification of individual configuration • What documentation is affected by the change?
items using part numbers, serial numbers, lot numbers, • Is the buyer supportive of the change?
version numbers, document control numbers, etc.
Configuration Control Board Conduct
Configuration Control. Configuration control is the
process of controlling changes to any approved baseline Objective: To review evaluations, and then approve
by formal action of a configuration control board (CCB). or disapprove proposed changes to the
This area of configuration management is usually the project's technical or business baselines.
most visible to the system engineer. In large Participants: Project manager (chair), project-level
programs/projects, configuration control is accomplished system engineer, managers of each affected
by a hierarchy of configuration control boards, reflecting organization, configuration manager
multiple levels of control. Each configuration control (secretary), presenters.
board has its own areas of control and responsibilities, Format: Presenter covers recommended change
which are specified in the Configuration Management and discusses related system impact. The
Plan. presentation is reviewed by the system
Typically, a configuration control board meets to engineer for completeness prior to
consider change requests to the business or technical presentation.
baseline of the program/project. The program/project Decision: The CCB members discuss the Change
manager is usually the board chair, who is the sole Request (CR) and formulate a decision.
decision maker. The configuration manager acts as the Project manager agrees or overrides. The
board secretary, who skillfully guides the process and secretary prepares a CCB directive, which
records the official events of the process. In a records and directs the CR's disposition.
configuration control board forum, a number of issues
should be addressed:

• What is the proposed change?

• What is the reason for the change?
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
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A review of this information should lead to a Class 1 changes affect the approved baseline
well-informed decision. When this information is not and hence the product version identification. Class 2
available to the configuration control board, unfounded changes are editorial changes or internal changes not
decisions are made, often with negative consequences "visible" to the external interfaces. Class 2 changes are
to the program or project. dispositioned by the contractor's CCB and do not require
Once a baseline is placed under configuration the NASA project manager's approval.
control, any change requires the approval of the Overly formalized systems can become so
configuration control board. The project manager chairs burdensome that members of the project team may try
the configuration control board, while the system to circumvent the process. It is essential that the
engineer or configuration manager is responsible for formality of the change process be appropriately tailored
reviewing all material for completeness before it is to the needs of each project. However, there must
presented to the board, and for ensuring that all affected always be effective configuration control on every
organizations are represented in the configuration project.
control board forum. For software projects, it is routine to use version
The system engineer should also ensure that control for both pre-release and post-release deliverable
the active approved baseline is communicated in a systems. It is equally important to maintain version con-
timely manner to all those relying on it. This for hardware-only systems.
communication keeps project teams apprised as to the Approved changes on a development project
distinction between what is frozen under formal change that has only one deliverable obviously are only
control and what can still be decided without applicable to that one deliverable item. However, for
configuration control board approval. projects that have multiple deliverables of "identical"
Configuration control is essential at both the design, changes may become effective on the second or
contractor and NASA field center levels. Changes subsequent production articles. In such a situation, the
determined to be Class I to the contractor must be configuration control board must decide the effectivity of
referred to the NASA project manager for resolution. the change, and the configuration control system must
This process is described in Figure 19. The use of a maintain version control and identification of the
preliminary Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) to "as-built" configuration for each article. Incremental
forewarn of an impending change provides the project implementation of changes is common in projects that
manager with sufficient preliminary information to have a deliberate policy of introducing product or
determine whether the contractor should spend NASA process improvements. As an example, the original
contract funds on a formal ECP. This technique is 1972 plan held that each of the Space Shuttle or
designed to save significant contract dollars.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
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biters would be identical. In reality, each of the orbiters must be shareable. Whether it is in electronic or paper
is different, driven primarily by the desire to achieve the form, the data must be readily available, in the most
original payload requirement of 65,000 pounds. Proper recently approved version, to all members of the project
version control documentation has been essential to the team.
sparing, fielding, and maintenance of the operational Second, symbolic information must be durable.
fleet. This means that it must be recalled accurately every
time and represent the most current version of the
Configuration Verification. Configuration verification baseline. The baseline information cannot change or
is the process of verifying that resulting products (e.g., degrade with repeated access of the database or paper
hardware and software items) conform to the intentions files, and cannot degrade with time. This is a non-trivial
of the designers and to the standards established by statement, since poor data management practices (e.g.,
preceding approved baselines, and that baseline allowing someone to borrow the only copy of a
documentation is current and accurate. Configuration document or drawing) can allow controlled information
verification is accomplished by two types of control gate to become lost. Also, the material must be retained for
activity: audits and technical reviews. (See Section 4.8.4 the life of the program/project (and possibly beyond),
for additional information on two important examples: and a complete set of documentation for each baseline
the Physical Configuration Audit and the Design change must be retained.
Certification Review.) Each of these serves to review Third, the symbolic information must be
and challenge the data presented for conformance to traceable upward and downward. A database must be
the previously approved baseline. developed and maintained to show the parentage of any
requirement. The database must also be able to display
Configuration Accounting. Configuration accounting all children derived from a given requirement. Finally,
(sometimes called configuration status accounting) is traceability must be provided to reports that document
the task of maintaining, correlating, releasing, reporting, trade study results and other decisions that played a key
and storing configuration data. Essentially a data role in the flowdown of requirements. The data
management function, configuration accounting ensures management function therefore encompasses managing
that official baseline data is retained, available, and and archiving supporting analyses and trade study data,
distribution-controlled for project use. It also performs and keeping them convenient for configuration
the important function of tracking the status of each management and general project use.
change from inception through implementation. A
project's change status system should be capable of 4.8 Reviews, Audits, and Control Gates
identifying each change by its unique change
identification number (e.g., ECRs, CRs, RlDs, waivers, The intent and policy for reviews, audits, and
deviations, modification kits) and report its current control gates should be developed during Phase A and
status. defined in the Program/Project Plan. The specific
implementation of these activities should be consistent
The Role of the Configuration Manager. The with the types of reviews and audits described in this
configuration manager is responsible for the application section, and with the NASA Program/Project Life Cycle
of these techniques. In doing so, the configuration chart (see Figure 5) and the NASA Program/Project Life
manager performs the following functions: Cycle Process Flow chart (see Figure 8). However, the
timing of reviews, audits, and control gates should be
• Conceives and manages the configuration tailored to each specific project.
management system, and documents it in the
Configuration Management Plan 4.8.1 Purpose and Definitions
• Acts as secretary of the configuration control
board (controls the change approval process) The purpose of a review is to furnish the forum
• Controls changes to baseline documentation and process to provide NASA management and their
Controls release of baseline documentation contractors assurance that the most satisfactory
• Initiates configuration verification audits. approach, plan or

4.7.3 Data Management

For any project, proper data management is

essential for successful configuration management.
Before a project team can produce a tangible product, it
must produce descriptions of the system using words,
drawings, schematics, and numbers (i.e., symbolic
information). There are several vital characteristics the
symbolic information must have. First the information
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

design has been selected, that a configuration item has reviews are also held prior to participation in a formal
been produced to meet the specified requirements, or control gate review.
that a configuration item is ready. Reviews (technical or Internal reviews provide an excellent means for
management) are scheduled to communicate an controlling the technical progress of the project. They
approach, demonstrate an ability to meet requirements, also should be used to ensure that all interested parties
or establish status. Reviews help to develop a better are involved in the design and development early on
understanding among task or project participants, open and throughout the process. Thus, representatives from
communication channels, alert participants and areas such as manufacturing and quality assurance
management to problems, and open avenues for should attend the internal reviews as active participants.
solutions. They can then, for example, ensure that the design is
The purpose of an audit is to provide NASA producible and that quality is managed through the
management and its contractors a thorough examination project life cycle.
of adherence to program/project policies, plans, In addition, some organizations utilize a Red
requirements, and specifications. Audits are the Team. This is an internal, independent, peer-level
systematic examination of tangible evidence to review conducted to identify any deficiencies in requests
determine adequacy, validity, and effectiveness of the for proposals, proposal responses, documentation, or
activity or documentation under review. An audit may presentation material prior to its release. The project or
examine documentation of policies and procedures, as task manager is responsible for establishing the Red
well as verify adherence to them. Team membership and for deciding which of their
The purpose of a control gate is to provide a recommendations are to be implemented.
scheduled event (either a review or an audit) that NASA
management will use to make program or project Review Presentation Material. Presentations using
go/no-go decisions. A control gate is a management existing documentation such as specifications, drawings,
event in the pro- analyses, and reports may be adequate. Copies of any
prepared materials (such as viewgraphs) should be
Project Termination provided to the review board and meeting attendees.
Background information and review presentation
It should be noted that project termination, while material of use to board members should be distributed
usually disappointing to project personnel, may be a to the members early enough to enable them to
proper reaction to changes in external conditions or to examine it prior to the review. For major reviews, this
an improved understanding of the system's projected time may be as long as 30 calendar days.
Review Conduct. All reviews should consist of oral
presentations of the applicable project requirements and
ject life cycle that is of sufficient importance to be identi- the approaches, plans, or designs that satisfy those
fied, defined, and included in the project schedule. It re- requirements. These presentations normally are given
quires formal examination to evaluate project status and by the cognizant design engineer or his/her immediate
to obtain approval to proceed to the next management supervisor.
event according to the Program/Project Plan. It is highly recommended that in addition to the
review board, the review audience include project
4.8.2 General Principles for Reviews personnel (NASA and contractor) not directly associated
with the design being reviewed. This is required to utilize
Review Boards. The convening authority, which super- their cross-discipline expertise to identify any design
vises the manager of the activity being reviewed, shortfalls or recommend design improvements. The
normally appoints the review board chair. Unless there review audience should also include non-project
are compelling technical reasons to the contrary, the specialists in the area under review, and specialists in
chair should not be directly associated with the project production/fabrication, testing, quality assurance,
or task under review. The convening authority also reliability, and safety. Some reviews may also require
names the review board members. The majority of the the presence of both the contractor's and NASA's
members should not be directly associated with the contracting officers.
program or project under review. Prior to and during the review, board members
and review attendees may submit requests for action or
Internal Reviews. During the course of a project or engineering change requests (ECRs) that document a
task, it is necessary to conduct internal reviews that concern,
present technical approaches, trade studies, analyses,
and problem areas to a peer group for evaluation and
comment. The timing, participants, and content of these
reviews is normally defined by the project manager or
the manager of the performing organization. Internal
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

deficiency, or recommended improvement in the • Confirm that the mission concepts demonstrate
presented approach, plan, or design. Following the technical and programmatic feasibility of
review, these are screened by the review board to meeting the mission objectives
consolidate them, and to ensure that the chair and • Confirm that the customer's mission need is
cognizant manager(s) understand the intent of the clear and achievable
requests. It is the responsibility of the review board to • Ensure that prioritized evaluation criteria are
ensure that adequate closure responses for each of the provided for subsequent mission analysis.
action requests are obtained.
Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol-
Post Review Report. The review board chair has the lowing items compose a checklist to aid in determining
responsibility to develop, where necessary, a consensus readiness of MCR product preparation:
of the findings of the board, including an assessment of
the risks associated with problem areas, and develop • Are the mission objectives clearly defined and
recommendations for action. The chair submits, on a stated? Are they unambiguous and internally
timely basis, a written report, including consistent?
recommendations for action, to the convening authority • Will satisfaction of the preliminary set of
with copies to the cognizant managers. requirements provide a system which will meet
mission objectives?
Standing Review Boards. Standing review boards are • Is the mission feasible? Has there been a
selected for projects or tasks that have a high level of solution identified which is technically feasible?
activity, visibility, and/or resource requirements. Is the rough cost estimate within an acceptable
Selection of board members by the convening authority cost range?
is generally made from senior field center technical and • Have the concept evaluation criteria to be used
management staff. Supporting members or advisors in candidate system evaluation been identified
may be added to the board as required by and prioritized?
circumstances. If the review board is to function over
• Has the need for the mission been clearly identi-
the life of a project, it is advisable to select extra board
members and rotate active assignments to cover needs.
• Are the cost and schedule estimates credible?
• Was a technology search done to identify
4.8.3 Major Control Gates
existing assets or products that could satisfy the
mission or parts of the mission?
This section describes the purpose, timing,
objectives, success criteria, and results of the major
Results of Review —A successful MCR
control gates in the NASA project life cycle. This
information is intended to provide guidance to project supports the determination that the proposed mission
managers and system engineers, and to illustrate the meets the customer need, and has sufficient quality and
progressive maturation of review activities and systems merit to support a field center management decision to
engineering products. The checklists provided below aid propose further study to the cognizant NASA Program
in the preparation of specific review entry and exit Associate Administrator (PAA) as a candidate Phase A
criteria, but do not take their place. To minimize extra effort.
work, review material should be keyed to project
documentation. Mission Definition Review.
Purpose—The Mission Definition Review
Mission Concept Review. (MDR) examines the functional and performance
Purpose—The Mission Concept Review (MCR) requirements defined for the system and the preliminary
affirms the mission need, and examines the proposed program/project plan, and assures that the requirements
mission's objectives and the concept for meeting those and the selected architecture/design will satisfy the
objectives. It is an internal review that usually occurs at mission.
the cognizant NASA field center. Timing—Near the completion of the mission
Timing—Near the completion of a mission definition stage.
feasibility study. Objectives—The objectives of the review are
Objectives—The objectives of the review are to:

• Demonstrate that mission objectives are

complete and understandable
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

• Establish that the allocation of the functional • Demonstrate that the architecture/design is
system requirements is optimal for mission acceptable. that requirements allocation is
satisfaction with respect to requirements trades complete, and that a system that fulfills the
and evaluation criteria that were internally mission objectives can be built within the
established at MCR constraints posed
• Validate that system requirements meet mission • Ensure that a verification concept and
objectives preliminary verification program are defined
• Identify technology risks and the plans to • Establish end item acceptance criteria
mitigate those risks • Ensure that adequate detailed information exists
• Present refined cost, schedule, and personnel to support initiation of further development or
resource estimates. acquisition efforts.

Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol- Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol-
lowing items compose a checklist to aid in determining lowing items compose a checklist to aid in determining
readiness of MDR product preparation: readiness of SDR project preparation:

• Do the defined system requirements meet the • Will the top-level system design selected meet
mission objectives expressed at the start of the the system requirements, satisfy the mission
program/project? objectives, and address operational needs?
• Are the system-level requirements complete, • Can the top-level system design selected be
consistent, and verifiable? Have preliminary built within cost constraints and in a timely
allocations been made to lower levels? manner? Are the cost and schedule estimates
• Have the requirements trades converged on an valid in view of the system requirements and
optimal set of system requirements? Do the selected architecture?
trades address program/project cost and • Have all the system-level requirements been
schedule constraints as wel1 as mission allocated to one or more lower levels?
technical needs? Do the trades cover a broad • Have the major design issues for the elements
spectrum of options? Have the trades identified and subsystems been identified? Have major
for this set of activities been completed? Have risk areas been identified with mitigation plans?
the remaining trades been identified to select • Have plans to control the development and
the final system design? design process been completed?
• Are the upper levels of the system PBS • Is a development verification/test plan in place
completely defined? to provide data for making informed design
• Are the decisions made as a result of the trades decisions? Is the minimum end item product
consistent with the evaluation criteria performance documented in the acceptance
established at the MCR? criteria?
• Has an optimal final design converged to a few • Is there sufficient information to support
alternatives? proposal efforts? Is there a complete validated
• Have technology risks been identified and have set of requirements with sufficient system
mitigation plans been developed? definition to support the cost and schedule
Results of Review —A successful MDR
supports the decision to further develop the system Results of Review —As a result of successful
architecture/design and any technology needed to completion of the SDR, the system and its operation are
accomplish the mission. The results reinforce the well enough understood to warrant design and
mission's merit and provide a basis for the system acquisition of the end items. Approved specifications for
acquisition strategy. the system, its segments, and preliminary specifications
for the design of appropriate functional elements may be
System Definition Review. released. A configuration management plan is
Purpose—The System Definition Review established to control
(SDR) examines the proposed system
architecture/design and the flowdown to all functional
elements of the system.
Timing—Near the completion of the system
definition stage. It represents the culmination of efforts
in system requirements analysis and allocation.
Objectives—The objectives of the SDR are to:
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

design and requirement changes. Plans to control and • Do the specialty engineering program plans and
integrate the expanded technical process are in place. design specifications provide sufficient
guidance, constraints, and system requirements
Preliminary Design Review. The Preliminary Design for the design engineers to execute the design?
Review (PDR) is not a single review but a number of • Is the reliability analysis based on a sound
reviews that includes the system PDR and PDRs methodology, and does it allow for realistic
conducted on specific Configuration Items ( CIs). logistics planning and life-cycle cost analysis?
• Are sufficient project reserves and schedule
Purpose—The PDR demonstrates that the slack available to proceed further?
preliminary design meets all system requirements with
acceptable risk. It shows that the correct design option Results of Review — As a result of successful
has been selected, interfaces identified, and verification completion of the PDR, the "design-to" baseline is ap-
methods have been satisfactorily described. It also proved. It also authorizes the project to proceed to final
establishes the basis for proceeding with detailed design. design.
Timing—After completing a full functional
implementation. Critical Design Review. The Critical Design Review
Objectives—The objectives of the PDR are to: (CDR) is not a single review but a number of reviews
that start with specific Cls and end with the system CDR.
• Ensure that all system requirements have been Purpose—The CDR discloses the complete sys-
allocated, the requirements are complete, and tem design in full detail, ascertains that technical
the flowdown is adequate to verify system problems and design anomalies have been resolved,
performance and ensures that the design maturity justifies the
• Show that the proposed design is expected to decision to initiate fabrication/manufacturing, integration,
meet the functional and performance and verification of mission hardware and software.
requirements at the Cl level Timing—Near the completion of the final design
• Show sufficient maturity in the proposed design stage.
approach to proceed to final design Objectives—The objectives of the CDR are to:
• Show that the design is verifiable and that the
risks have been identified, characterized, and • Ensure that the "build-to" baseline contains de-
mitigated where appropriate. tailed hardware and software specifications that
can meet functional and performance
Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol- requirements
lowing items compose a checklist to aid in determining • Ensure that the design has been satisfactorily
readiness of PDR product preparation: audited by production, verification, operations,
and other specialty engineering organizations
• Can the proposed preliminary design be • Ensure that the production processes and
expected to meet all the requirements within the controls are sufficient to proceed to the
planned cost and schedule? fabrication stage
• Have all external interfaces been identified? • Establish that planned Quality Assurance (QA)
• Have all the system and segment requirements activities will establish perceptive verification
been allocated down to the CI level? and screening processes for producing a quality
• Are all Cl "design-to" specifications complete product
and ready for formal approval and release? • Verify that the final design fulfills the
• Has an acceptable operations concept been specifications established at PDR.
• Does the proposed design satisfy requirements Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol-
critical to human safety and mission success? lowing items compose a checklist to aid in determining
• Do the human factors considerations of the pro- readiness of CDR product preparation:
posed design support the intended end users'
ability to operate the system and perform the
mission effectively?
• Have the production, verification, operations,
and other specialty engineering organizations
reviewed the design?
• Is the proposed design producible? Have long
lead items been considered?
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
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• Can the proposed final design be expected to operational environments as reflected in the test
meet all the requirements within the planned data, demonstrations, and analyses
cost and schedule? • Establish an understanding of the capabilities
• Is the design complete? Are drawings ready to and operational constraints of the ''as-built''
begin production? Is software product definition system, and that the documentation delivered
sufficiently mature to start coding? with the system is complete and current.
• Is the "build-to" baseline sufficiently traceable to
assure that no orphan requirements exist? Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol-
• Do the design qualification results from software lowing items compose a checklist to aid in determining
prototyping and engineering item testing, readiness of SAR product preparation:
simulation, and analysis support the conclusion
that the system will meet requirements? • Are tests and analyses complete? Do they
• Are all internal interfaces completely defined indicate that the system will function properly in
and compatible? Are external interfaces the expected operational environments?
current? • Does the system meet the criteria described in
• Are integrated safety analyses complete? Do the acceptance plans?
they show that identified hazards have been • Is the system ready to be delivered (flight items
controlled, or have those remaining risks which to the launch site and non-flight items to the
cannot be controlled been waived by the intended operational facility for installation)?
appropriate authority? • Is the system documentation complete and
• Are production plans in place and reasonable? accurate?
• Are there adequate quality checks in the • Is it clear what is being bought?
production process?
• Are the logistics support analyses adequate to Results of Review — As a result of successful
identify integrated logistics support resource completion of the SAR, the system is accepted by the
requirements? buyer, and authorization is given to ship the hardware to
• Are comprehensive system integration and the launch site or operational facility, and to install soft-
verifica tion plans complete? ware and hardware for operational use.

Results of Review — As a result of successful Flight Readiness Review.

completion of the CDR, the "build-to" baseline, produc- Purpose —The Flight Readiness Review (FRR)
tion, and verification plans are approved. Approved examines tests, demonstrations, analyses, and audits
drawings are released and authorized for fabrication. It that determine the system's readiness for a safe and
also authorizes coding of deliverable software successful launch and for subsequent flight operations.
(according to the "build-to" baseline and coding It also ensures that all flight and ground hardware,
standards presented in the review), and system software, personnel, and procedures are operationally
qualification testing and integration. All open issues ready.
should be resolved with closure actions and schedules. Timing—After the system has been configured
for launch.
System Acceptance Review. Objectives—The objectives of the FRR are to:
Purpose—The System Acceptance Review
(SAR) examines the system, its end items and • Receive certification that flight operations can
documentation, and test data and analyses that support safely proceed with acceptable risk
verification. It also ensures that the system has • Confirm that the system and support elements
sufficient technical maturity to authorize its shipment to are properly configured and ready for launch
and installation at the launch site or the intended • Establish that all interfaces are compatible and
operational facility. function as expected
Timing—Near the completion of the system
fabrication and integration stage.
Objectives—The objectives of the SAR are to:

• Establish that the system is ready to be

delivered and accepted under DD-250
• Ensure that the system meets acceptance
criteria that were established at SDR
• Establish that the system meets requirements
and will function properly in the expected
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

• Establish that the system state supports a • Are the system hardware, software, personnel,
launch ''go" decision based on go/no-go criteria. and procedures in place to support operation?
• Have all anomalies detected during prelaunch,
Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol- launch, and orbital flight been resolved, docu-
lowing items compose a checklist to aid in determining mented, and incorporated into existing
readiness of FRR product preparation: operational support data?
• Are the changes necessary to transition the
• Is the launch vehicle ready for launch? system from flight test to an operational
• Is the space vehicle hardware ready for safe configuration ready to be made?
launch and subsequent flight with a high • Are all waivers closed?
probability for achieving mission success? • Are the resources in place, or financially
• Are all flight and ground software elements planned and approved to support the system
ready to support launch and flight operations? during its operational lifetime?
• Are all interfaces checked out and found to be
functional? Results of Review — As a result of successful
• Have all open items and waivers been ORR completion, the system is ready to assume normal
examined and found to be acceptable? operations and any potential hazards due to launch or
• Are the launch and recovery environmental flight operations have been resolved through use of
factors within constraints? redundant design or changes in operational procedures.

Results of Review — As a result of successful Decommissioning Review.

FRR completion, technical and procedural maturity Purpose — The Decommissioning Review (DR)
exists for system launch and flight authorization. and in confirms that the reasons for decommissioning are valid
some cases initiation of system operations. and appropriate, and examines the current system
status and plans for disposal.
Operational Readiness Review. Timing—When major items within the system
Purpose — The Operational Readiness Review are no longer needed to complete the mission.
(ORR) examines the actual system characteristics and Objectives—The objectives of the DR are to:
the procedures used in its operation, and ensures that
all flight and ground hardware, software, personnel, • Establish that the state of the mission and or
procedures, and user documentation reflect the system requires decommissioning/disposal.
deployed state of the system accurately. Possibilities include no further mission need,
Timing—When the system and its operational broken degraded system elements, or phase out
and support equipment and personnel are ready to of existing system assets due to a pending
undertake the mission. upgrade
Objectives—The objectives of the ORR are to: • Demonstrate that the plans for
decommissioning, disposal, and any transition
• Establish that the system is ready to transition are correct, current and appropriate for current
into an operational mode through examination environmental constraints and system
of available ground and flight test results, configuration
analyses, and operational demonstrations • Establish that resources are in place to support
• Confirm that the system is operationally and disposal plans
logistically supported in a satisfactory manner • Ensure that archival plans have been completed
considering all modes of operation and support for essential mission and project data.
(normal, contingency, and unplanned)
• Establish that operational documentation is
complete and represents the system
configuration and its planned modes of
• Establish that the training function is in place
and has demonstrated capability to support all
aspects of system maintenance, preparation,
operation, and recovery.

Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol-

lowing items compose a checklist to aid in determining
readiness of ORR product preparation:
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol- Policy and Requirements Document, and are approved
lowing items compose a checklist to aid in determining by the program/project manager at the recommendation
readiness of DR product preparation: of the system safety manager. Their purpose,
objectives, and general schedule are contained in
• Are reasons for decommissioning/disposal well appropriate safety management plans. Safety reviews
documented? address possible hazards associated with system
• Is the disposal plan completed and compliant assembly, test, operation, and support. Special
with local, state, and federal environmental consideration is given to possible operational and
regulations? environmental hazards related to the use of nuclear and
• Does the disposal plan address the disposition other toxic materials. (See Section 6.8.) Early reviews
of existing hardware, software, facilities, and with field center safety personnel should be held to
processes? identify and understand any problems areas, and to
• Have disposal risks been addressed? specify the requirements to control them.
• Have data archival plans been defined?
• Are sufficient resources available to complete Software Reviews. Software reviews are scheduled by
the disposal plan? the program/project manager for the purpose of
• Is a personnel transition plan in place? ensuring that software specifications and associated
products are well understood by both program/project
and user personnel. Throughout the development cycle,
Results of Review —A successful DR
the pedigree, maturity, limitations, and schedules of
completion assures that the decommissioning and
delivered preproduction items, as well as the Computer
disposal of system items and processes are appropriate
Software Configuration Items (CSCI), are of critical
and effective.
importance to the project's engineering, operations, and
verification organizations.
4.8.4 Interim Reviews
Readiness Reviews. Readiness reviews are conducted
Interim reviews are driven by programmatic
prior to commencement of major events that commit
and/or NASA Headquarters milestones that are not
and expose critical program/project resources to risk.
necessarily supported by the major reviews. They are
These reviews define the risk environment and address
often multiple review processes that provide important
the capability to satisfactorily operate in that
information for major NASA reviews, programmatic
decisions, and commitments. Program/project tailoring
dictates the need for and scheduling of these reviews.
Mission Requirements Review.
Purpose — The Mission Requirements Review
Requirements Reviews. Prior to the PDR, the mission
(MRR) examines and substantiates top-level
and system requirements must be thoroughly analyzed,
requirements analysis products and assesses their
allocated, and validated to assure that the project can
readiness for external review.
effectively understand and satisfy the mission need.
Timing—Occurs (as required) following the
Specifically, these interim requirements reviews confirm
whether: maturation of the mission requirements in the mission
definition stage.
Objectives—The objectives of the review are
• The proposed project supports a specific NASA
program deficiency
• In-house or industry-initiated efforts should be
• Confirm that the mission concept satisfies the
employed in the program realization
customer's needs
• The proposed requirements meet objectives
• Confirm that the mission requirements support
• The requirements will lead to a reasonable
identification of external and long-lead support
requirements (e.g., DoD, international, facility
• The conceptual approach and architecture are resources)
credibly feasible and affordable.
• Determine the adequacy of the analysis
products to support development of the
These issues, as well as requirements
preliminary Phase B approval package.
ambiguities, are resolved or resolution actions are
assigned. Interim requirements reviews alleviate the risk
of excess design and analysis burdens too far into the
life cycle.

Safety Reviews. Safety reviews are conducted to

ensure compliance with NHB 1700.1B, NASA Safety
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

Criteria for Successful Completion—The fol- • Are cost estimates established and realistic?
lowing items compose a checklist to aid in determining • Has a system verification concept been
readiness of MRR product preparation: identified?
• Are appropriate plans being initiated to support
• Are the top-level mission requirements projected system development milestones?
sufficiently defined to describe objectives in • Have the technology development issues been
measurable parameters? Are assumptions and identified along with approaches to their
constraints defined and quantified? solution?
• Is the mission and operations concept adequate
to support preliminary program/project Results of Review —Successful completion of
documentation development, including the the SRR freezes program/project requirements and
Engineering Master Plan/Schedule, Phase B leads to a formal decision by the cognizant Program
Project Definition Plan, technology assessment, Associate Administrator (PAA) to proceed with proposal
initial Phase B/C/D resource requirements, and request preparations for project implementation.
acquisition strategy development? Are
evaluation criteria sufficiently defined? System Safety Review.
• Are measures of effectiveness established? Purpose—System Safety Review(s) (SSR) pro-
• Are development and life-cycle cost estimates vides early identification of safety hazards, and ensures
realistic? that measures to eliminate, reduce, or control the risk
• Have specific requirements been identified that associated with the hazard are identified and executed
are high risk/high cost drivers, and have options in a timely, cost-effective manner.
been described to relieve or mitigate them? Timing—Occurs (as needed) in multiple phases
of the project cycle.
Results of Review —Successful completion of Objectives—The objectives of the reviews are
the MRR provides confidence to submit information for to:
the Preliminary Non-Advocate Review and subsequent
submission of the Mission Needs Statement for • Identify those items considered as critical from a
approval. safety viewpoint
• Assess alternatives and recommendations to
System Requirements Review. mitigate or eliminate risks and hazards
Purpose — The System Requirements Review • Ensure that mitigation/elimination methods can
(SRR) demonstrates that the product development team be verified.
understands the mission (i.e., project-level) and
system-level requirements. Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol-
Timing—Occurs (as required) following the for- lowing items comprise a checklist to aid in determining
mation of the team. readiness of SSR product preparation:
Objectives—The objectives of the review are
to: • Have the risks been identified, characterized,
and quantified if needed?
• Confirm that the system-level requirements • Have design/procedural options been analyzed,
meet the mission objectives and quantified if needed to mitigate significant
• Confirm that the system-level specifications of • Have verification methods been identified for
the system are sufficient to meet the project candidate options?
Result of Review—A successful SSR results in
Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol- the identification of hazards and their causes in the pro-
lowing items compose a checklist to aid in determining posed design and operational modes, and specific
readiness of SRR project preparation: means of eliminating, reducing, or controlling the
hazards. The methods of safety verification will also be
• Are the allocations contained in the system identified prior to PDR. At CDR, a safety baseline is
specifications sufficient to meet mission developed.
• Are the evaluation criteria established and Software Specification Review.
realistic? Purpose — The Software Specification Review
• Are measures of effectiveness established and (SoSR) ensures that the software specification set is
realistic? sufficiently mature to support preliminary design efforts.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

Timing—Occurs shortly after the start of • Confirm that in-place test plans meet
preliminary design. verification requirements and specifications
Objectives—The review objectives are to: • Confirm that sufficient resources are allocated
to the test effort
• Verify that all software requirements from the • Examine detailed test procedures for
system specification have been allocated to completeness and safety during test operations
CSCls and documented in the appropriate • Determine that critical test personnel are test-
software specifications and safety-certified
• Verify that a complete set of functional, • Confirm that test support software is adequate,
performance, interface, and verification pertinent, and verified.
requirements for each CSCI has been
developed Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol-
• Ensure that the software requirement set is both lowing items comprise a checklist to aid in determining
complete and understandable. the readiness of TRR product preparation:

Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol- • Have the test cases been reviewed and
lowing items comprise a checklist to aid in determining analyzed for expected results? Are results
the readiness of SoSR product preparation: consistent with test plans and objectives?
• Have the test procedures been "dry run"? Do
• Are functional CSCI descriptions complete and they indicate satisfactory operation?
clear? • Have test personnel received training in test
• Are the software requirements traceable to the operations and safety procedures? Are they
system specification? certified?
• Are CSCI performance requirements complete • Are resources available to adequately support
and unambiguous? Are execution time and the planned tests as well as contingencies,
storage requirements realistic? including failed hardware replacement?
• Is control and data flow between CSCIs • Has the test support software been
defined? demonstrated to handle test configuration
• Are all software-to-software and assignments, and data acquisition, reduction,
software-to-hardware interfaces defined? control, and archiving?
• Are the mission requirements of the system and
associated operational and support Results of Review —A successful TRR signifies
environments defined? Are milestone schedules that test and safety engineers have certified that
and special delivery requirements negotiated preparations are complete, and that the project manager
and complete? has authorized formal test initiation.
• Are the CSCI specifications complete with
respect to design constraints, standards, quality Production Readiness Review.
assurance, testability, and delivery preparation? Purpose — The Production Readiness Review
(ProRR) ensures that production plans, facilities, and
Results of Review —Successful completion of personnel are in place and ready to begin production.
the SoSR results in release of the software Timing—After design certification and prior to
specifications based upon their development the start of production.
requirements and guidelines, and the start of preliminary Objectives—The objectives of the review are
design activities. to:

Test Readiness Review. • Ascertain that all significant production

Purpose—The Test Readiness Review (TRR) engineering problems encountered during
ensures that the test article hardware/software, test development are resolved
facility, ground support personnel, and test procedures • Ensure that the design documentation is
are ready for testing, and data acquisition, reduction, adequate to support manufacturing/fabrication
and control. • Ensure that production plans and preparations
Timing—Held prior to the start of a formal test. are adequate to begin manufacturing/fabrication
The TRR establishes a decision point to proceed with • Establish that adequate resources have been
planned verification (qualification and/or acceptance) allocated to support end item production.
testing of CIs, subsystems, and/or systems.
Objectives—The objectives of the review are
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

Criteria for Successful Completion —Thefol- Criteria for Successful Completion —The fol-
lowing items comprise a checklist to aid in determining lowing items comprise a checklist to aid in determining
the readiness of ProRR product preparation: the readiness of DCR product preparation:

• Is the design certified? Have incomplete design • Are the pedigrees of the test articles directly
elements been identified? traceable to the production units?
• Have risks been identified and characterized. • Is the verification plan used for this article
and mitigation efforts defined? current and approved?
• Has the bill of materials been reviewed and • Do the test procedures and environments used
critical parts been identified? comply with those specified in the plan?
• Have delivery schedules been verified? • Are there any changes in the test article
• Have altemative sources been identified? configuration or design resulting from the as-run
• Have adequate spares been planned and tests? Do they require design or specification
budgeted? changes, and/or retests?
• Are the facilities and tools sufficient for end item • Have design and specification documents been
production? Are special tools and test audited?
equipment specified in proper quantities? • Do the verification results satisfy functional and
• Are personnel qualified? performance requirements?
• Are drawings certified? • Do the verification, design, and specification
• Is production engineering and planning mature documentation correlate?
for cost-effective production?
• Are production processes and methods Results of Review —As a result of a successful
consistent with quality requirements? Are they DCR, the end item design is approved for production. All
compliant with occupational safety, open issues should be resolved with closure actions and
environmental, and energy conservation schedules.
Functional and Physical Configuration Audits. The
Results of Review —A successful ProRR Physical Configuration Audit (also known as a configura-
results in certification of production readiness by the tion inspection) verifies that the physical configuration of
project manager and involved specialty engineering the product corresponds to the "build-to" (or ''code-to")
organizations. All open issues should be resolved with documentation previously approved at the CDR. The
closure actions and schedules. Functional Configuration Audit verifies that the
acceptance test results are consistent with the test
Design Certification Review. requirements previously approved at the PDR and CDR.
Purpose — The Design Certification Review It ensures that the test results indicate performance
(DCR) ensures that the qualification verifications requirements were met, and test plans and procedures
demonstrated design compliance with functional and were executed correctly. It should also document
performance requirements. differences between the test unit and production unit,
Timing — Follows the system CDR, and after including any waivers.
qualification tests and all modifications needed to imple-
ment qualification-caused corrective actions have been 4.9 Status Reporting and Assessment
Objectives—The objectives of the review are An important part of systems engineering
to: planning is determining what is needed in time,
resources, and people to realize the system that meets
• Confirm that the verification results met the desired goals and objectives. Planning functions,
functional and performance requirements, and such as WBS preparation,
that test plans and procedures were executed
correctly in the specified environments
• Certify that traceability between test article and
production article is correct, including name,
identification number, and current listing of all
• Identify any incremental tests required or
conducted due to design or requirements
changes made since test initiation, and resolve
issues regarding their results.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

scheduling, and fiscal resource requirements planning, Regular, periodic (e.g., monthly) tracking of the
were discussed in Sections 4.3 through 4.5. Project core status reporting variables is recommended, through
management, however, does not end with planning; some status reporting variables should be tracked more
project managers need visibility into the progress of often when there is rapid change or cause for concern.
those plans in order to exercise proper management Key reviews, such as PDRs and CDRs, are points at
control. This is the purpose of the status reporting and which status reporting measures and their trends should
assessing processes. Status reporting is the process of be carefully scrutinized for early warning signs of
determining where the project stands in dimensions of potential problems. Should there be indications that
interest such as cost, schedule, and technical existing trends, if allowed to continue, will yield an
performance. Assessing is the analytical process that unfavorable outcome, replanning should begin as soon
converts the output of the reporting process into a more as practical.
useful form for the project manager -- namely, what are This section provides additional information on
the future implications of current trends? Lastly, the status reporting and assessment techniques for costs
manager must decide whether that future is acceptable, and schedules, technical performance, and systems
and what changes, if any, in current plans are needed. engineering process metrics.
Planning, status reporting, and assessing are systems
engineering and/or program control functions; decision 4.9.1 Cost and Schedule Control Measures
making is a management one.
These processes together form the feedback Status reporting and assessment on costs and
loop depicted in Figure 20. This loop takes place on a schedules provides the project manager and system
continual basis throughout the project life cycle. engineer visibility into how well the project is tracking
against its planned cost and schedule targets. From a
management point of view, achieving these targets is on
a par with meeting the technical performance
requirements of the system. It is useful to think of cost
and schedule status reporting and assessment as
measuring the performance of the "system that
produces the system."
NHB 9501.2B, Procedures for Contractor
Reporting of Correlated Cost and Performance Data,
provides specific requirements for cost and schedule
This loop is applicable at each level of the status reporting and assessment based on a project's
project hierarchy. Planning data, status reporting data, dollar value and period of performance Generally, the
and assessments flow up the hierarchy with appropriate NASA Form 533 series of reports is applicable to NASA
aggregation at each level; decisions cause actions to be cost-type (i.e., cost reimbursement and fixed-price
taken down the hierarchy. Managers at each level incentive) contracts. However, on larger contracts
determine (consistent with policies established at the (>$25M), which require Form 533P, NHB 9501.2B
next higher level of the project hierarchy) how often, and allows contractors to use their own reporting systems in
in what form, reporting data and assessments should be lieu of 533P reporting. The project manager/system
made. In establishing these status reporting and engineer may choose to evaluate the completeness and
assessment requirements, some principles of good quality of these reporting systems against criteria
practice are: established by the project manager/system engineer's
own field center, or against the DoD's Cost/Schedule
• Use an agreed-upon set of well-defined status Cost System Criteria (C/SCSC). The latter are widely
reporting variables accepted by industry and government, and a variety of
• Report these core variables in a consistent tools exist for their implementation.
format at all project levels
• Maintain historical data for both trend
identification and cross-project analyses
• Encourage a logical process of rolling up status
reporting variables, (e.g., use the WBS for
obligations/costs status reporting and PBS for
mass status reporting)
• Support assessments with quantitative risk
• Summarize the condition of the project by using
color-coded (red, yellow, and green) alert zones
for all core reporting variables.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

the incomplete linkage between cost data and schedule

data makes it very difficult (or impossible) to estimate
the current cost EAC of the project.

Control of Variances and the Role of the System

Engineer. When negative variances are large enough
to represent a significant erosion of reserves, then
management attention is needed to either correct the
variance, or to replan the project. It is important to
establish levels of variance at which action is to be
taken. These levels are generally lower when cost and
schedule baselines do not support Earned Value
The first action taken to control an excessive
negative variance is to have the cognizant manager or
system engineer investigate the problem, determine its
cause, and recommend a solution. There are a number
of possible reasons why variance problems occur:

• A receivable was late or was unsatisfactory for

some reason
• A task is technically very difficult and requires
more resources than originally planned
Assessment Methods. The traditional method of cost
• Unforeseeable (and unlikely to repeat) events
and schedule control is to compare baselined cost and
occurred, such as illness, fire, or other calamity.
schedule plans against their actual values. In program
control terminology, a difference between actual
performance and planned costs or schedule status is
called a variance. Computing the Estimate at Completion
Figure 21 illustrates two kinds of variances and
some related concepts. A properly constructed Work EAC can be estimated at any point in the
Breakdown Structure (WBS) divides the project work project. The appropriate formula depends upon the
into discrete tasks and products. Associated with each reasons associated for any variances that may exist.
task and product (at any level in the WBS) is a schedule If a variance exists due to a one-time event, such as
and a budgeted (i.e., planned) cost. The Budgeted Cost an accident, then EAC = BUDGET + ACWP -
of Work Scheduled (BCWSt) for any set of WBS BCWP where BUDGET is original planned cost at
elements is the budgeted cost of all work on tasks and completion. If a variance exists for systemic
products in those elements scheduled to be completed reasons, such as a general underestimate of
by time t. The Budgeted Cost of Work Performed schedule durations, or a steady redefinition of
(BCWPt) is a statistic representing actual performance. requirements, then the variance is assumed to
BCWPt, also called Earned Value (EVt), is the budgeted continue to grow over time, and the equation is:
cost for tasks and products that have actually been
If there is a growing number of liens, action
produced (completed or in progress) at time t in the
items, or significant problems that will increase the
schedule for those WBS elements. The difference,
difficulty of future work, the EAC might grow at a
BCWPt -BCWSt, is called the schedule variance at time
greater rate than estimated by the above equation.
Such factors could be addressed using risk
The Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWPt) is
management methods described in Section 4.6.
a third statistic representing the funds that have been
In a large project, a good EAC is the result of
expended up to time t on those WBS elements. The
a variance analysis that may use of a combination
difference between the budgeted and actual costs,
of these estimation methods on different parts of the
BCWPt ACWPt, is called the cost variance at time t.
WBS. A rote formula should not be used as a
Such variances may indicate that the cost Estimate at
substitute for understanding the underlying causes
Completion (EACt) of the project is different from the of variances.
budgeted cost. These types of variances enable a
program analyst to estimate the EAC at any point in the
project life cycle. (See sidebar on computing EAC.)
If the cost and schedule baselines and the
technical scope of the work are not fully integrated, then
cost and schedule variances can still be calculated, but
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

Although the identification of variances is system, segment, etc. (See sidebar on high-level
largely a program control function, there is an important TPMs.)
systems engineering role in their control. That role In selecting TPMs, the system engineer should
arises because the correct assessment of why a focus on those that can be objectively measured during
negative variance is occurring greatly increases the the project life cycle. This measurement can be done
chances of successful control actions. This assessment directly by testing, or indirectly by a combination of
often requires an understanding of the cost, schedule, testing and analysis. Analyses are often the only means
and technical situation that can only be provided by the available to determine some high-level TPMs such as
system engineer. system reliability, but the data used in such analyses
should be based on demonstrated values to the
4.9.2 Technical Performance Measures maximum practical extent. These analyses can be
performed using the same measurement methods or
Status reporting and assessment of the system's models used during trade studies. In TPM tracking,
technical performance measures (TPMs) complements however, instead of using estimated (or desired)
cost and schedule control. By tracking the system's performance or technical attributes, the models are
TPMs, the project manager gains visibility into whether
the delivered system will actually meet its performance Examples of High-Level TPMs for Planetary
specifications (requirements). Beyond that, tracking Spacecraft and Launch Vehicles
TPMs ties together a number of basic systems
engineering activities—that is, a TPM tracking program High-level technical performance measures ( TPMs)
forges a relationship among systems analysis, functional for planetary spacecraft include:
and performance requirements definition, and
verification and validation activities: • End-of-mission (EOM:) dry mass
• Injected mass (includes EOM dry mass,
• Systems analysis activities identify the key baseline mission plus reserve propellant,
performance or technical attributes that other consumables and upper stage adaptor
determine system effectiveness; trade studies mass)
performed in systems analysis help quantify the • Consumables at EOM
system's performance requirements. • Power demand (relative to supply)
• Functional and performance requirements • Onboard data processing memory demand
definition activities help identify verification and • Onboard data processing throughput time
validation requirements. Onboard data bus capacity
• Verification and validation activities result in • Total pointing error.
quantitative evaluation of TPMs.
• "Out-of-bounds" TPMs are signals to replan Mass and power demands by spacecraft
fiscal, schedule, and people resources; subsystems and science instruments may be tracked
sometimes new systems analysis activities need separately as well. For launch vehicles, high -level
to be initiated. TPMs include:
Tracking TPMs can begin as soon as a baseline • Total vehicle mass at launch
design has been established, which can occur early in • Payload mass (at nominal altitude or orbit)
Phase B. A TPM tracking program should begin not later
• Payload volume
than the start of Phase C. Data to support the full set of
• Injection accuracy
selected TPMs may, however, not be available until
later in the project life cycle. • Launch reliability
• In-flight reliability
Selecting TPMs. In general, TPMs can be generic • For reusable vehicles, percent of value recov -
(attributes that are meaningful to each Product ered For expendable vehicles, unit production
Breakdown Structure (PBS) element, like mass or cost at the nth unit. (See sidebar on Learning
reliability) or unique (attributes that are meaningful only Curve Theory.)
to specific PBS elements). The system engineer needs
to decide which generic and unique TPMs are worth
tracking at each level of the PBS. The system engineer
should track the measure of system effectiveness (when
the project maintains such a measure) and the principal
performance or technical attributes that determine it, as
top-level TPMs. At lower levels of the PBS, TPMs worth
tracking can be identified through the functional and
performance requirements levied on each individual
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

exercised using demonstrated values. As the project life Figure 22(a). In this example, a significant dem-
cycle proceeds through Phases C and D, the
measurement of TPMs should become increasingly
more accurate because of the availability of more
"actual" data about the system.
Lastly, the system engineer should select those
TPMs that must fall within well-defined (quantitative)
limits for reasons of system effectiveness or mission
feasibility. Usually these limits represent either a firm
upper or lower bound constraint. A typical example of
such a TPM for a spacecraft is its injected mass, which
must not exceed the capability of the selected launch
vehicle. Tracking injected mass as a high-level TPM is
meant to ensure that this does not happen.

Assessment Methods. The traditional method of

assessing a TPM is to establish a time-phased planned
profile for it, and then to compare the demonstrated
value against that profile. The planned profile represents
a nominal "trajectory" for that TPM taking into account a
number of factors. These factors include the
technological maturity of the system, the planned
schedule of tests and demonstrations, and any historical
experience with similar or related systems. As an
example, spacecraft dry mass tends to grow during
Phases C and D by as much as 25 to 30 percent. A
planned profile for spacecraft dry mass may try to
compensate for this growth with a lower initial value.
The final value in the planned profile usually either
intersects or is asymptotic to an allocated requirement
(or specification). The planned profile method is the
technical performance measurement counterpart to the
Earned Value method for cost and schedule control
described earlier.
A closely related method of assessing a TPM
relies on establishing a time-phased margin
requirement for it, and comparing the actual margin
against that requirement. The margin is generally
defined as the difference between a TPM's
demonstrated value and its allocated requirement. The
margin requirement may be expressed as a percentage
of the allocated requirement. The margin requirement
generally declines through Phases C and D, reaching or
approaching zero at their completion.
Depending on which method is chosen, the
system engineer's role is to propose reasonable planned
profiles or margin requirements for approval by the
cognizant manager. The value of either of these
methods is that they allow management by exception --
that is, only deviations from planned profiles or margins
below requirements signal potential future problems
requiring replanning. If this occurs, then new cost,
schedule, and/or technical changes should be proposed.
Technical changes may imply some new planned
profiles. This is illustrated for a hypothetical TPM in
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

onstrated variance (i.e., unanticipated growth) in the cation"). A new planned profile was then established to
TPM during design and development of the system track the TPM over the remaining time of the TPM
resulted in replanning at time t. The replanning took the tracking program.
form of an increase in the allowed final value of the The margin management method of assessing
TPM (the "allo- is illustrated for the same example in Figure 22(b). The
replanning at time t occurred when the TPM fell
An Example of the Risk Management Method significantly below the margin requirement. The new
for Tracking Spacecraft Mass higher allocation for the TPM resulted in a higher margin
requirement, but it also immediately placed the margin
During Phases C and D, a spacecraft's injected in excess of that requirement.
mass can be considered an uncertain quantity. Both of these methods recognize that the final
Estimates of each subsystem's and each value of the TPM being tracked is uncertain throughout
instrument's mass fare' however, made periodically most of Phases C and D. The margin management
by the design engineers. These estimates change method attempts to deal with this implicitly by
and become more accurate as actual parts and establishing a margin requirement that reduces the
components are built and integrated into chances of the final value exceeding its allocation to a
subsystems and instruments. Injected mass can low number, for example five percent or less. A third
also change during Phases C and D as the quantity method of reporting and assessing deals with this risk
of propellant is fine-tuned to meet the mission explicitly. The risk management method is illustrated for
design requirements. Thus at each point during the same example in Figure 22(c). The replanning at
development, the spacecraft's injected mass is time t occurred when the probability of the final TPM
better represented as a probability distribution rather value being less than the allocation fell precipitously into
than as a single point. the red alert zone. The new higher allocation for the
The mechanics of obtaining a probability TPM resulted in a substantial improvement in that
distribution for injected mass typically involve probability.
making estimates of three points -- the lower and The risk management method requires an
upper bounds and the most likely injected mass estimate of the probability distribution for the final TPM
value. These three values can be combined into value. (See sidebar on tracking spacecraft mass.) Early
parameters that completely define a probability in the TPM tracking program, when the demonstrated
distribution like the one shown in the figure below value is based on indirect means of estimation, this
distribution typically has a larger statistical variance than
later, when it is based on measured data, such as a test
result. When a TPM stays along its planned profile (or
equivalently, when its margin remains above the
corresponding margin requirement), the narrowing of the
statistical distribution should allow the TPM to remain in
the green alert zone (in Figure 22(c)) despite its growth.
The three methods represent different ways to assess
The launch vehicle's "guaranteed" payload TPMs and communicate that information to
capability, designated the "LV Specification," is management, but whichever is chosen, the pattern of
shown as a bold vertical line. The area under the success or failure should be the same for all three.
probability curve to the left of the bold vertical line
represents the probability that the spacecraft's Relationship of TPM Tracking Program to the SEMP .
injected mass will be less than or equal to the The SEMP is the usual document for describing the
launch vehicle's payload capability. If injected mass project's TPM tracking program. This description should
is a TPM being tracked using the risk management include a master list of those TPMs to be tracked, and
method, this probability could be plotted in a display the measurement and assessment methods to be
similar to Figure 22(c). employed. If analytical methods and models are used to
If this probability were nearly one, then the project measure certain high-level TPMs, then these need to be
manager might consider adding more objectives to the identified. The reporting frequency and timing of
mission in order to take advantage of the "large assessments should be specified as well. In determining
margin" that appears to exist. In the above figure, these, the system engineer must balance the project's
however, the probability is significantly less than one. needs for accurate, timely, and effective TPM tracking
Here, the project manager might consider descoping against the cost of the TPM
the project, for example by removing an instrument or
otherwise changing mission objectives. The project
manager could also solve the problem by requesting a
larger launch vehicle!
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

tracking program. The TPM tracking program plan, Examples and Assessment Methods. Table 2 lists
which elaborates on the SEMP, should specify each some systems engineering process metrics to be
TPM's allocation, time-phased planned profile or margin considered. This list is not intended to be exhaustive.
requirement, and alert zones, as appropriate to the Because some of these metrics allow for different
selected assessment method. interpretations, each NASA field center needs to define
them in a common-sense way that fits its own
4.9.3 Systems Engineering Process Metrics processes. For example, each field center needs to
determine what it meant by a completed versus an
Status reporting and assessment of systems approved requirement, or whether these terms are even
engineering process metrics provides additional visibility relevant. As part of this definition, it is important to
into the performance of the "system that produces the recognize that not all requirements, for example, need
system." As such, these metrics supplement the cost be lumped together. It may be more useful to track the
and schedule control measures discussed in Section same metric separately for each of several different
4.9.1. types of requirements.
Systems engineering process metrics try to Quality-related metrics should serve to indicate
quantify the effectiveness and productivity of the when a part of the systems engineering process is
systems engineering process and organization. Within a overloaded and/or breaking down. These metrics can be
single project, tracking these metrics allows the system defined and tracked in several different ways. For
engineer to better understand the health and progress of example, requirements volatility can be quantified as
that project. Across projects (and over time), the the number of
tracking of systems engineering process metrics allows
for better estimation of the cost and time of performing
systems engineering functions. It also allows the
systems engineering organization to demonstrate its
commitment to the TQM principle of continuous

Selecting Systems Engineering Process Metrics.

Generally, systems engineering process metrics fall into
three categories -- those that measure the progress of
the systems engineering effort, those that measure the
quality of that process, and those that measure its
productivity. Different levels of systems engineering
management are generally interested in different
metrics. For example, a project manager or lead system
engineer may focus on metrics dealing with systems
engineering staffing, project risk management progress,
and major trade study progress. A subsystem system
engineer may focus on subsystem requirements and
interface definition progress and verification procedures
progress. It is useful for each system engineer to focus
on just a few process metrics. Which metrics should be
tracked depends on the system engineer's role in the
total systems engineering effort. The systems
engineering process metrics worth tracking also change
as the project moves through its life cycle.
Collecting and maintaining data on the systems
engineering process is not without cost. Status reporting
and assessment of systems engineering process metrics
divert time and effort from the process itself. The
system engineer must balance the value of each
systems engineering process metric against its
collection cost. The value of these metrics arises from
the insights they provide into the process that cannot be
obtained from cost and schedule control measures
alone. Over time, these metrics can also be a source of
hard productivity data, which are invaluable in
demonstrating the potential returns from investment in
systems engineering tools and training.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Management Issues in Systems Engineering

newly identified requirements, or as the number of engineering hours cost the same, an appropriate
changes to already-approved requirements. As another weighing scheme should be developed to ensure
example, Engineering Change Request (ECR) comparability of hours across systems engineering
processing could be tracked by comparing cumulative personnel.
ECRs opened versus cumulative ECRs closed, or by Displaying schedule-related metrics can be
plotting the age profile of open ECRs, or by examining accomplished in a table or graph of planned quantities
the number of ECRs opened last month versus the total vs. actuals. With quality- and productivity-related
number open. The system engineer should apply his/her metrics, trends are generally more important than
own judgment in picking the status reporting and isolated snapshots. The most useful kind of assessment
assessment method. method allows comparisons of the trend on a current
Productivity-related metrics provide an project with that for a successfully completed project of
indication of systems engineering output per unit of the same type. The latter provides a benchmark against
input. Although more sophisticated measures of input which the system engineer can judge his/her own
exist, the most common is the number of systems efforts.
engineering hours dedicated to a particular function or
activity. Because not all systems
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

5 Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues Is accomplished primarily by performing trade studies of
plausible alternatives. The purpose of this chapter is to
The role of systems analysis and modeling is to describe the trade study process, the methods used in
produce rigorous and consistent evaluations so as to trade studies to quantify system effectiveness and cost,
foster better decisions in the systems engineering and the pitfalls to avoid.
process. By helping to progress the system design
toward an optimum, systems analysis and modeling 5.1 The Trade Study Process
contribute to the objective of systems engineering. This
The trade study process is a critical part of the
Systems Analysis systems engineering spiral described in Chapter 2. This
section discusses the steps of the process in greater
Gene Fisher defines systems analysis as "inquiry to detail. Trade studies help to define the emerging system
assist decision makers in choosing preferred future at each level of resolution. One key message of this
courses of action by (1) systematically examining and section is that to be effective, the process requires the
reexamining the relevant objectives, and alternative participation of many skills and a unity of effort to move
policies and strategies for achieving them; and (2) toward an optimum system design.
comparing quantitatively where possible the economic Figure 23 shows the trade study process in
costs, effectiveness, and risks of the simplest terms, beginning with the step of defining the
alternaternatives.” system's
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

goals and objectives, and identifying the constraints it they need to be developed. In the latter case, defining
must meet. In the early phases of the project life cycle, the measurement methods should trigger the necessary
the goals, objectives, and constraints are usually stated system modeling activities. Since the development of
in general operational terms. In later phases of the new models can take a considerable amount of time and
project life cycle, when the architecture and, perhaps, effort, early identification is needed to ensure they will
some aspects of the design have already been decided, be ready for formal use in trade studies.
the goals and objectives may be stated as performance Defining the selection rule is the step of explicitly
requirements that a segment or subsystem must meet. determining how the outcome variables will be used to
At each level of system resolution, the system make a (tentative) selection of the preferred alternative.
engineer needs to understand the full implications of the As an example, a selection rule may be to choose the
goals, objectives, and constraints in order to formulate alternative with the highest estimated system
an appropriate system solution. This step is effectiveness that
accomplished by performing a functional analysis.
Functional analysis is the systematic process of Functional Analysis Techniques
identifying, describing, and relating the functions a
system must perform in order to fulfil1 its goals and Functional analysis is the process of identifying, de-
objectives. In the early phases of the project life cycle, scribing, and relating the functions a system must per-
the functional analysis deals with the top-level functions form in order to fulfill its goals and objectives. Func-
that need to be performed by the system, where they tional analysis is logically structured as a top-down
need to be performed, how often, under what hierarchical decomposition of those functions, and
operational concept and environmental conditions, and serves several important roles in the systems
so on. The functional analysis needs only to proceed to engineering process:
a level of decomposition that enables the trade study to
define the system architecture. In later phases of the • To draw out all the requirements the system
project life cycle, the functional analysis proceeds to must meet
whatever level of decomposition is needed to fully • To help identify measures for system
define the system design and interfaces. (See sidebar effectiveness and its underlying performance
on functional analysis techniques.) or technical attributes at all levels
Closely related to defining the goals and • To weed out from further consideration in
objectives, and performing a functional analysis, is the trade studies those alternatives that cannot
step of defining the measures and measurement meet the system's goals and objectives
methods for system effectiveness (when this is • To provide insights to the system-level (and
practical), system performance or technical attributes, below) model builders, whose mathematical
and system cost. (These variables are collectively called models will be used in trade studies to
outcome variables, in keeping with the discussion in evaluate the alternatives.
Section 2.3. Some systems engineering books refer to
these variables as decision criteria, but this term should Several techniques are available to do
not be confused with selection rule, described below. functional analysis. The primary functional analysis
Sections 5.2 and 5.3 discuss the concepts of system technique is the Functional Flow Block Diagram
cost and system effectiveness, respectively, in greater (FFBD). These diagrams show the network of actions
detail.) This step begins the analytical portion of the that lead to the fulfillment of a function. Although the
trade study process, since it suggests the involvement FFBD network shows the logical sequence of “what"
of those familiar with quantitative methods. must happen, it does not ascribe a time duration to
For each measure, it is important to address the functions or between functions. To understand time-
question of how that quantitative measure will be com- critical requirements, a Time Line Analysis (TLA) is
puted—that is, which measurement method is to be used. A TLA can be applied to such diverse
used. One reason for doing this is that this step then operational functions as spacecraft command
explicitly identifies those variables that are important in sequencing and launch vehicle processing. A third
meeting the system's goals and objectives. 2
technique is the N diagram, which is a matrix display
Evaluating the likely outcomes of various of functional interactions, or data flows, at a particular
alternatives in terms of system effectiveness, the hierarchical level. Appendix B.7 provides further
underlying performance or technical attributes, and cost discussion and examples of each of these techniques.
before actual fabrication and/or programming usually
requires the use of a mathematical model or series of
models of the system. So a second reason for
specifying the measurement methods is that the
necessary models can be identified.
Sometimes these models are already available
from previous projects of a similar nature; other times,
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

costs less than x dollars (with some given probability), logistics, software, testing, operations, and costing have
meets safety requirements, and possibly meets other an important supporting role in trade studies. The data
political or schedule constraints. Defining the selection collection activity, however, should be orchestrated by
rule is essentially deciding how the selection is to be the system engineer. The results of this step should be a
made. This step is independent from the actual quantitative description of each alternative to
measurement of system effectiveness, system accompany the qualitative.
performance or technical attributes, and system cost. Test results on each alternative can be
Many different selection rules are possible. The especially useful. Early in the systems engineering
selection rule in a particular trade study may depend on process, performance and technical attributes are
the context in which the trade study is being generally uncertain and must be estimated. Data from
conducted—in particular, what level of system design breadboard and brassboard testbeds can provide
resolution is being addressed. At each level of the additional confidence that the range of values used as
system design, the selection rule generally should be model inputs is correct. Such confidence is also
chosen only after some guidance from the next higher enhanced by drawing on data collected on related pre-
level. The selection rule for trade studies at lower levels viously developed systems.
of the system design should be in consonance with the The next step in the trade study process is to
higher level selection rule. quantify the outcome variables by computing estimates
Defining plausible alternatives is the step of of system effectiveness, its underlying system
creating some alternatives that can potentially achieve performance or technical attributes, and system cost. If
the goals and objectives of the system. This step the needed data have been collected, and the
depends on understanding (to an appropriately detailed measurement methods (for example, models) are in
level) the system's functional requirements and place, then this step is, in theory, mechanical. In
operational concept. Running an alternative through an practice, considerable skill is often needed to get
operational time line or reference mission is a useful meaningful results.
way of determining whether it can plausibly fulfill these In an ideal world, all input values would be pre-
requirements. (Sometimes it is necessary to create cisely known, and models would perfectly predict
separate behavioral models to determine how the outcome variables. This not being the case, the system
system reacts when a certain stimulus or control is engineer should supplement point estimates of the
applied, or a certain environment is encountered. This outcome variables for each alternative with computed or
provides insights into whether it can plausibly fulfill estimated uncertainty ranges. For each uncertain key
time-critical and safety requirements.) Defining plausible input, a range of values should be estimated. Using this
alternatives also requires an understanding of the range of input values, the sensitivity of the outcome
technologies available, or potentially available, at the variables can be gauged, and their uncertainty ranges
time the system is needed. Each plausible alternative calculated. The system engineer may be able to obtain
should be documented qualitatively in a description meaningful probability distributions for the outcome
sheet. The format of the description sheet should, at a variables using Monte Carlo simulation (see Section
minimum, clarify the allocation of required system 5.4.2), but when this is not feasible, the system engineer
functions to that alternative's lower-level architectural or must be content with only ranges and sensitivities.
design components (e.g.. subsystems). This essentially completes the analytical portion
One way to represent the trade study of the trade study process. The next steps can be
alternatives under consideration is by a trade tree. described as the judgmental portion. Combining the
During Phase A trade studies, the trade tree should selection rule with the results of the analytical activity
contain a number of alternative high-level system should enable the system engineer to array the
architectures to avoid a premature focus on a single alternatives from most preferred to least, in essence
one. As the systems engineering process proceeds, making a tentative selection.
branches of the trade tree containing unattractive This tentative selection should not be accepted
alternatives will be "pruned," and greater detail in terms blindly. In most trade studies, there is a need to subject
of system design will be added to those branches that the results to a "reality check" by considering a number
merit further attention. The process of pruning unat- of questions. Have the goals, objectives, and constraints
tractive early alternatives is sometimes known as doing truly been met? Is the tentative selection heavily
"killer trades." (See sidebar on trade trees.) dependent on a particular set of input values to the
Given a set of plausible alternatives, the next measurement methods, or does it hold up under a range
step is to collect data on each to support the evaluation of reasonable input values? (In the latter case, the
of the measures by the selected measurement methods. tentative selection is
If models are to be used to calculate some of these
measures, then obtaining the model inputs provides
some impetus and direction to the data collection
activity. By providing data, engineers in such disciplines
as reliability, maintainability, producibility, integrated
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

said to be robust.) Are there sufficient data to back up If the reality check is not met, the trade study
the tentative selection? Are the measurement methods process returns to one or more earlier steps. This
sufficiently discriminating to be sure that the tentative iteration may result in a change in the goals, objectives,
selection is really better than other alternatives? Have and constraints, a new alternative, or a change in the
the subjective aspects of the problem been fully selection rule, based on the new information generated
addressed? during the trade study. The reality check may, at times,
If the answers support the tentative selection, lead instead to a decision to first improve the measures
then the system engineer can have greater confidence and measurement methods (e.g., models) used in
in a recommendation to proceed to a further resolution evaluating the alternatives, and then to repeat the
of the system design, or to the implementation of that analytical portion of the trade study process.
design. The estimates of system effectiveness, its
underlying performance or technical attributes, and 5.1.1 Controlling the Trade Study Process
system cost generated during the trade study process
serve as inputs to that further resolution. The analytical There are a number of mechanisms for
portion of the trade study process often provide the controlling the trade study process. The most important
means to quantify the performance or technical (and one is the Systems Engineering Management Plan
cost) attributes that the system's lower levels must (SEMP). The SEMP specifies the major trade studies
meet. These can be formalized as performance that are to be performed during each phase of the
requirements. project life cycle. It

An Example of a Trade Tree for a Mars Rover

The figure below shows part of a trade tree for a robotic Mars rover system, whose goal is to find a suitable manned
landing site. Each layer represents some aspect of the system that needs to be treated in a trade study to determine
the best alternative. Some alternatives have been eliminated a priori because of technical feasibility, launch vehicle
constraints, etc. The total number of alternatives is given by the number of end points of the tree. Even with just a
few layers, the number of alternatives can increase quickly. (This tree has already been pruned to eliminate
low-autonomy, large rovers.) As the systems engineering process proceeds, branches of the tree with unfavorable
trade study outcomes are discarded. The remaining branches are further developed by identifying more detailed
trade studies that need to be made. A whole family of (implicit) alternatives can be represented in a trade tree by a
continuous variable. In this example, rover speed or range might be so represented. By treating a variable this way,
mathematical optimization techniques can be applied. Note that a trade tree is, in essence, a decision tree without
chance nodes. (See the sidebar on decision trees.)
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
System Analysis and Modeling Issues

Trade Study Reports 5.1.2 Using Models

Trade study reports should be prepared for each trade Models play important and diverse roles in
study. At a minimum, each trade study report should systems engineering. A model can be defined in several
identify: ways, including:

• The system issue under analysis • An abstraction of reality designed to answer

• System goals and objectives (or specific questions about the real world
requirements, as appropriate to the level of • An imitation, analogue, or representation of a
resolution), and constraints real world process or structure; or
• The measures and measurement methods • A conceptual, mathematical, or physical tool to
(models) used assist a decision maker.
• All data sources used
• The alternatives chosen for analysis Together, these definitions are broad enough to
• The computational results, including encompass physical engineering models used in the
uncertainty ranges and sensitivity analyses verification of a system design, as well as schematic
performed models like a functional flow block diagram and
• The selection rule used mathematical (i.e., quantitative) models used in the
• The recommended alternative. trade study process. This section focuses on the last.
The main reason for using mathematical models
Trade study reports should be maintained in trade studies is to provide estimates of system
as part of the system archives so as to ensure effectiveness, performance or technical attributes, and
traceability of decisions made through the systems cost from a set of known or estimable quantities.
engineering process. Using a generally consistent Typically, a collection of separate models is needed to
format for these reports also makes it easier to review provide all of these outcome variables. The heart of any
and assimilate them into the formal change control mathematical model is a set of meaningful quantitative
process. relationships among its inputs and outputs. These
relationships can be as simple as adding up constituent
quantities to obtain a total, or as complex as a set of
should also spell out the general contents of trade study differential equations describing the trajectory of a
reports, which form part of the decision support spacecraft in a gravitational field. Ideally, the
packages (i.e., documentation submitted in conjunction relationships express causality, not just correlation.
with formal reviews and change requests).
Types of Models. There are a number of ways mathe-
A second mechanism for controlling the trade matical models can be usefully categorized. One way is
study process is the selection of the study team leaders according to its purpose in the trade study process—that
and members. Because doing trade studies is part art is, what system issue and what level of detail the model
and part science, the composition and experience of the addresses, and with which outcome variable or variables
teams is an important determinant of the study's ultimate the model primarily deals. Other commonly used ways
usefulness. A useful technique to avoid premature focus of categorizing mathematical models focus on specific
model attributes such as whether a model is:
on a specific technical designs is to include in the study
team individu als with differing technology backgrounds.
Another mechanism is limiting the number of • Static or dynamic
alternatives that are to be carried through the study. • Deterministic or probabilistic (also called
This number is usually determined by the time and stochastic)
resources available to do the study because the work • Descriptive or optimizing.
required in defining additional alternatives and obtaining
the necessary data on them can be considerable. These terms allow model builders and model
However, focusing on too few or too similar alternatives users to enter into a dialogue with each other about the
defeats the purpose of the trade study process. type of model used in a particular analysis or trade
A fourth mechanism for controlling the trade study. No hierarchy is implied in the above list; none of
study process can be exercised through the use (and the above dichotomous categorizations stands above
misuse) of models. Lastly, the choice of the selection the others.
rule exerts a considerable influence on the results of the
trade study process. These last two issues are discussed
in Sections 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, respectively.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

Another taxonomy can be based on the degree answers to the substantive questions on its own. Often
of analytic tractability. At one extreme on this scale, an too, the system engineer must make an engineering
"analytic" model allows a closed-form solution for a out- interpretation of model results and convey them to the
come variable of interest as a function of the model project manager or other decision maker in a way that
inputs. At the other extreme, quantification of a outcome captures the essence of the original question.
variable of interest is at best ordinal, while in the middle As mentioned earlier, large complex problems
are many forms of mathematical simulation models. often require multiple models to deal with different
Mathematical simulations are a particularly aspects of evaluating alternative system architectures
useful type of model in trade studies. These kinds of (and designs). It is not unusual to have separate models
models have been successfully used in dealing to deal with costs and effectiveness, or to have a
quantitatively with large complex systems problems in hierarchy of models—i.e., models to deal with lower
manufacturing, transportation, and logistics. Simulation level engineering issues that provide useful results to
models are used for these problems because it is not system-level mathematical models. This situation itself
possible to "solve" the system's equations analytically to can have built-in pitfalls.
obtain a closed-form solution, yet it is relatively easy to One such pitfall is that there is no guarantee
obtain the desired results (usually the system's behavior that all of the models work together the way the system
under different assumptions) using the sheer engineer intends or needs. One submodel's specialized
computational power of current computers. assumptions may not be consistent with the larger
Linear, nonlinear, integer and dynamic program - model it feeds. Optimization at the subsystem level may
ming models are another important class of models in not be consistent with system-level optimization.
trade studies because they can optimize an objective Another such pitfall occurs when a key effectiveness
function representing an important outcome variable (for variable is not represented in the cost models. For
example, system effectiveness) for a whole class of example, if spacecraft reliability is a key variable in the
implied alternatives. Their power is best applied in system effectiveness equation, and if that reliability
situations where the system's objective function and does not appear as a variable in the spacecraft cost
constraints are well understood, and these constraints model, then there is an important disconnect. This is
can be written as a set of equalities and inequalities. because the models allow the spacecraft designer to be-
lieve it is possible to boost the effectiveness with
Pitfalls in Using Models. Models always embody as- increased reliability without paying any apparent cost
sumptions about the real world they purport to represent, penalty. When the models fail to treat such important
and they always leave something out. Moreover, they interactions, the system engineer must ensure that
are usually capable of producing highly accurate results others do not reach false conclusions regarding costs
only when they are addressing rigorously quantifiable and effectiveness.
questions in which the "physics" is well understood as,
for example, a load dynamics analysis or a circuit Characteristics of a Good Model. In choosing a model
analysis. (or models) for a trade study, it is important to recognize
In dealing with system issues at the top level, those characteristics that a good model has. This list in-
however, this is seldom the case. There is often a cludes:
significant difference between the substantive system
cost-effectiveness issues and questions, and the • Relevance to the trade study being performed
questions that are mathematically tractable from a • Credibility in the eye of the decision maker
modeling perspective. For example, the program/project • Responsiveness
manager may ask: "What's the best space station we • Transparency
can build in the current budgetary environment?" The • User friendliness.
system engineer may try to deal with that question by
translating it into: "For a few plausible station designs, Both relevance and credibility are crucial to the
what does each provide its users, and how much does acceptance of a model for use in trade studies.
each cost?" When the system engineer then turns to a Relevance is determined by how well a model
model (or models) for answers, the results may only be addresses the substantive cost-effectiveness issues in
some approximate costs and some user resource the trade study. A model's credibility results from the
measures based on a few engineering relationships. The logical consistency of its mathematical relationships,
model has failed to adequately address even the system and a history of successful (i.e., cor-
engineer's more limited question, much less the
program/project manager's. Compounding this sense of
model incompleteness is the recognition that the
model's relationships are often chosen for their
mathematical convenience, rather than a demonstrated
empirical validity. Under this situation, the model may
produce insights, but it cannot provide definitive
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling

rect) predictions. A history of successful predictions of one is worth in terms of the other. An explicit
lends credibility to a model, but full validation—proof cost-effectiveness objective function is seldom available
that the model's prediction is in accord with reality—is to help guide the selection decision, as any system
very difficult to attain since observational evidence on engineer who has had to make a budget-induced system
those predictions is generally very scarce. While it is descope decision will attest.
certainly advantageous to use tried-and-true models that A second, and major, problem is that an
are often left as the legacy of previous projects, this is expression or measurement method for system
not always possible. Systems that address new effectiveness may not be possible to construct, even
problems often require that new models be developed though its underlying performance and technical
for their trade studies. In that case, full validation is out attributes are easily quantified. These underlying
of the question, and the system engineer must be attributes are often the same as the technical
content with models that have logical consistency and performance measures (TPMs) that are tracked during
some limited form of outside, independent cor- the product development process to gauge whether the
roboration. system design will meet its performance requirements.
Responsiveness of a model is a measure of its In this case, system effectiveness may, at best, have
power to distinguish among the different alternatives several irreducible dimensions.
being considered in a trade study. A responsive lunar What selection rule should be used has been
base cost model, for example, should be able to the subject of many books and articles in the decision
distinguish the costs associated with different system sciences —management science, operations research
architectures or designs, operations concepts, or and economics. A number of selection rules are
logistics strategies. applicable to NASA trade studies. Which one should be
Another desirable model characteristic is used in a particular trade study depends on a number of
transparency, which occurs when the model's factors:
mathematical relationships, algorithms, parameters,
supporting data, and inner workings are open to the • The level of resolution in the system design The
user. The benefit of this visibility is in the traceability of phase of the project life cycle
the model's results. Not everyone may agree with the • Whether the project maintains an overall system
results, but at least they know how they were derived. effectiveness model
Transparency also aids in the acceptance process. It is • How much less-quantifiable, subjective factors
easier for a model to be accepted when its contribute to the selection
documentation is complete and open for comment. • Whether uncertainty is paramount, or can effec-
Proprietary models often suffer from a lack of ac- tively be treated as a subordinate issue
ceptance because of a lack of transparency. • Whether the alternatives consist of a few
Upfront user friendliness is related to the ease qualitatively different architectures designs, or
with which the system engineer can learn to use the many similar ones that differ only in some
model and prepare the inputs to it. Backend user quantitative dimen sions.
friendliness is related to the effort needed to interpret
the model's results and to prepare trade study reports This handbook can only suggest some selection
for the tentative selection using the selection rule. rules for NASA trade studies, and some general
conditions under which each is applicable; definitive
5.1.3 Selecting the Selection Rule guidance on which to use in each and every case has
not been attempted.
The analytical portion of the trade study process Table 3 first divides selection rules according to
serves to produce specific information on system the importance of uncertainty in the trade study. This
effectiveness, its underlying performance or technical division is reflective of two different classes of decision
attributes, and cost (along with uncertainty ranges) for a problems —decisions to be made under conditions of
few alternative system architectures (and later, system certainty, and decisions to be made under conditions of
designs). These data need to be brought together so uncertainty. Uncertainty is an inherent part of systems
that one alternative may be selected. This step is engineering, but the distinction may be best explained
accomplished by applying the selection rule to the data by reference to Figure 2, which is repeated here as
so that the alternatives may be ranked in order of Figure 24. In the former class, the measures of system
preference. effectiveness, performance or tech -
The structure and complexity of real world deci-
sions in systems engineering often make this ranking a
difficult task. For one, securing higher effectiveness
almost always means incurring higher costs and/or
facing greater uncertainties. In order to choose among
alternatives with different levels of effectiveness and
costs, the system engineer must understand how much
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

or output, or the number of platforms or instruments,

may suffice. In other types of trade studies, this may not
be possible.

A related selection rule is to choose the

alternative that minimizes cost for a given level of
nical attributes, and system cost for the alternatives in
effectiveness. This rule presupposes that system
the trade study look like those for alternative B. In the
effectiveness and system cost can be unambiguously
latter class, they look like those for alternative C. When
measured, and the appropriate level of effectiveness is
they look like those for alternative A, conditions of
known. Again, practical application requires that each of
uncertainty should apply, but often are not treated that
the alternatives be put on an equal effectiveness basis.
This rule is dual to the one above in the following sense:
The table further divides each of the above
For a given level of cost, the same alternative would be
classes of decision problems into two further categories:
chosen by both rules; similarly, for a given level of
those that apply when cost and effectiveness measures
effectiveness, the same alternative would be chosen by
are scalar quantities, and thus suffice to guide the
both rules.
system engineer to the best alternative, and those that
When it is not practical to equalize the cost or
apply when cost and effectiveness cannot be
the effectiveness of competing alternatives, and cost
represented as scalar quantities.
caps or effectiveness floors do not rule out all
alternatives save one, then it is necessary to form,
Selection Rules When Uncertainty Is Subordinate,
either explicitly or implicitly, a cost-effectiveness
or Not Considered. Selecting the alternative that
objective function like the one shown in Figure 4
maximizes net benefits (benefits minus costs) is the rule (Section 2.5). The cost-effectiveness objective function
used in most cost-benefit analyses. Cost-benefit provides a single measure of worth for all combinations
analysis applies, however, only when the return on a of cost and effectiveness. When this selection rule is
project can be measured in the same units as the costs, applied, the alternative with the highest value of the
as, for example, in its classical application of evaluating cost-effectiveness objective function is chosen.
water resource projects. Another group of selection rules is needed when
Another selection rule is to choose the cost and/or effectiveness cannot be represented as
alternative that maximizes effectiveness for a given level scalar quantities. To choose the best alternative, a
of cost. This rule is applicable when system multi-objective selection rule is needed. A
effectiveness and system cost can be unambiguously multi-objective rule seeks to select the alternative that,
measured, and the appropriate level of cost is known. in some sense, represents the best balance among
Since the purpose of the selection rule is to compare competing objectives. To accomplish this, each
and rank the alternatives, practical application requires alternative is measured (by some quantitative
that each of the alternatives be placed on an equal cost
basis. For certain types of trade studies, this does not
present a problem. For example, changing system size
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

method) in terms of how well it achieves each objective. The Analytic Hierarchy Process
For example, the objectives might be national prestige,
upgrade or expansion potential, science data return, low AHP is a decision technique in which a figure of merit
cost, and potential for international partnerships. Each is determined for each of several alternatives through
alternative's "scores" against the objectives are then a series of pair-wise comparisons. AHP is normally
combined in a value function to yield an overall figure of done in six steps:
merit for the alternative. The way the scores are
combined should reflect the decision maker's preference (1) Describe in summary form the alternatives
structure. The alternative that maximizes the value under consideration.
function (i.e., with the highest figure of merit) is then (2) Develop a set of high-level evaluation
selected. In essence, this selection rule recasts a objectives; for example, science data return,
multi-objective decision problem into one involving a national prestige, technology advancement, etc.
single, measurable objective. (3) Decompose each hi-level evaluation objective
One way, but not the only way, of forming the into a hierarchy of evaluation attributes that
figure of merit for each alternative is to linearly combine clarify the meaning of the objective.
its scores computed for each of the objectives—that is, (4) Determine, generally by conducting structured
compute a weighted sum of the scores. interviews with selected individuals (“experts”)
MSFC-HDBK-1912, Systems Engineering (Volume 2) or by having them fill out structured
recommends this selection rule. The weights used in questionnaires, the relative importance of the
computing the figure of merit can be assigned a priori or evaluation objectives and attributes through
determined using Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT). pair-wise comparisons.
Another technique of forming a figure of merit is the (5) Have each evaluator make separate pair-wise
Analytic Hierarachy Process (AHP). Several comparisons of the alternatives with respect to
microcomputer-based commercial software packages each evaluation attribute. These subjective
are available to automate either MAUT or AHP. If the evaluations are the raw data inputs to a
wrong weights, objectives, or attributes are chosen in separately developed AHP program , which
either technique, the entire process may obscure the produces a single figure of merit for each
best alternative. Also, with either technique, the indi- alternative. This figure of merit is based on
vidual evaluators may tend to reflect the institutional relative weight determined by the evaluators
biases and preferences of their respective organizations. themselves.
The results, therefore, may depend on the mix of (6) Iterate the questionnaire and AHP evaluation
evaluators. (See sidebars on AHP and MAUT.) process until a consensus ranking of the
Another multi-objective selection rule is to alternative is achieved
choose the alternative with the highest figure of merit
from among those that meet specified individual With AHP, sometimes consensus is achieved
objectives. This selection rule is used extensively by quickly; other times, several feedback rounds are re-
Source Evaluation Boards (SEBs) in the NASA quired. The, feed back consists of reporting the com-
procurement process. Each proposal, from among those puted values (for each evaluator and for the group) for
meeting specific technical objectives (requirements), is each option, reasons for differences in evaluation, and
scored on such attributes as technical design, price, identified areas of contention and/or inconsistency.
systems engineering process quality, etc. In applying Individual evaluators may choose to change their
this rule, the attributes being scored by the SEB are subjective judgments on both attribute weights and
known to the bidders, but their weighing may not be. preferences. At this point, inconsistent and divergent
(See NHB 5103.6B.) preferences can be targeted for more detailed study.
In trade studies where no measure of system AHP assumes the existence of an underlying
effectiveness can be constructed, but performance or preference “Vector” (with magnitudes and directions)
technical attributes can be quantified, a possible that is revealed through the pair-wise comparisons.
selection rule is to choose the alternative that minimizes This is a powerful assumption, which may at best hold
cost for given levels of performance or technical only for the participating evaluators. The figure of
attributes. This rule presupposes that system cost can merit produced for each alternative is the result of the
be unambiguously measured, and is related to the all of group’s subjective judgments and is not necessarily a
the quantified performance or technical attributes that reproducible result. For information on AHP, see
are considered constraints. Practical application again Thomas L. Saaty, The Analytic Hierarchy Process,
requires that all of the alternatives be put on an equal 1980.
basis with respect to the performance or technical
attributes. This may not be practical for trade
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

Multi-Attribute Utility Theory

MAUT is a decision technique in which a figure of merit (or utility) is determined for each of several alternatives
through a series of preference-revealing comparisons of simple lotteries. An abbreviated MAUT decision mechanism
can be described in six steps:

(1) Choose a set of descriptive, but quantifiable, attributes designed to characterize each alternative.
(2) For each alternative under consideration, generate values for each attribute in the set; these may be point
estimates, or probability distributions, if the uncertainty in attribute values warrants explicit treatment.
(3) Develop an attribute utility function for each attribute in the set. Attribute utility functions range from 0 to 1; the
least desirable value, xi0, of an attribute (over its range of plausible values) is assigned a utility value of 0, and
the most desirable, xi*, is assigned a utility value of 1. That is, ui(xi0) = 0 and ui(xi*) = 1. The utility value of an
attribute value, xi, intermediate between the least desirable and most desirable is assessed by finding the value
xi such that the decision maker is indifferent between receiving xi for sure, or, a lottery that yields xi with
probability p i or xi* with probability 1 - pi. From the mathematics of MAUT, ui(xi) = pi ui(xi ) + (1 - pi) ui(xi*) = 1 - pi.
(4) Repeat the process of indifference revealing until there are enough discrete points to approximate a continuous
attribute utility function.
(5) Combine the individual attribute utility functions to form a multiattribute utility function. This is also done using
simple lotteries to reveal indifference between receiving a particular set of attribute values with certainty, or, a
lottery of attribute values. In its simplest form, the resultant multiattribute utility function is a weighted sum of the
individual attribute utility functions.
(6) Evaluate each alternative using the multiattribute utility function.

The most difficult problem with MAUT is getting the decision makers or evaluators to think in terms of lotteries. This can
often be overcome by an experienced interviewer. MAUT is based on a set of mathematical axioms about the way
individuals should behave when confronted by uncertainty. Logical consistency in ranking alternatives is assured so long
as evaluators adhere to the axioms; no guarantee can be made that this will always be the case. An extended discussion
of MAUT is given in Keeney and Raiffa, Decisions with Multiple Objectives: Preferences and Value Tradeoffs, 1976. A
textbook application of MAUT to a NASA problem can be found in Jeffrey H. Smith, et al., An Application of Multiaffribute
Decision Analysis to the Space Station Freedom Program, Case Study: Automation and Robotics Technol ogy Evaluation,

studies in which the alternatives cannot be described by when the lottery outcomes can be measured in dollars.
a set of continuous mathematical relationships. Although multi-attribute cases are more complex, the
principle remains the same.
Selection Rules When Uncertainty Predominates. The basis for the von Neumann-Morgenstem
When the measures of system effectiveness, selection rule is a set of mathematical axioms about
performance or technical attributes, and system cost for how individuals should behave when confronted by
the alternatives in the trade study look like those for uncertainty. Practical application of this rule requires an
alternative C in Figure 22, the selection of the best ability to enumerate each "state of nature" (hereafter,
alternative may need to be handled differently. This is simply called "state"), knowledge of the outcome
because of the general propensity of decision makers to associated with each enumerated state for each
show risk-averse behavior when dealing with large alternative, the probabilities for the various states, and a
variations in cost and/or effectiveness outcomes. In mathematical expression for the decision maker's utility
such cases, the expected value (i.e., the mean) of some function. This selection rule has also found use in the
stochastic outcome variable is not a satisfactory point evaluation of system procurement alternatives. See
measure of that variable. Section 4.6.3 for a discussion of some related topics,
To handle this class of decision problem, the including decision analysis, decision trees, and
system engineer may wish to invoke a von probabilistic risk assessment.
Neumann-Morgenstem selection rule. In this case, Another selection rule for this class of decision
alternatives are treated as "gambles" (or lotteries). The problem is called the minimax rule. To apply it, the sys-
probability of each outcome is also known or can be tem engineer computes a loss function for each
subjectively estimated, usually by creating a decision enumerated state for each alternative. This rule chooses
tree. The von Neumann-Morgenstem selection rule the alternative that minimizes the maximum loss.
applies a separately developed utility function to each Practical application re-
outcome, and chooses the alternative that maximizes
the expected utility. This selection rule is easy to apply
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

quires an ability to enumerate each state and define the measures produced for project life cycle reviews are
loss function. Because of its "worst case" feature, this important in determining whether the system goals and
rule has found some application in military systems. objectives are still deemed valid and achievable, and
whether constraints and boundaries are worth
5.1.4 Trade Study Process: Summary maintaining. These measures are also useful in
determining whether system goals and objectives have
System architecture and design decisions will be properly flowed down through to the various
made. The purpose of the trade study process is to subsystems.
ensure that they move the design toward an optimum. As system designs and operational concepts
The basic steps in that process are: mature, cost estimates should mature as well. At each
review, cost estimates need to be presented and
• Understand what the system's goals, objectives, compared to the funds likely to be available to complete
and constraints are, and what the system must the project. The cost estimates presented at early
do to meet them—that is, understand the reviews must be given special attention since they
functional requirements in the operating usually form the basis under which authority to proceed
environment. with the project is given. The system engineer must be
• Devise some alternative means to meet the able to provide realistic cost estimates to the project
functional requirements. In the early phases of manager. In the absence of such estimates, overruns
the project life cycle, this means focusing on are likely to occur, and the credibility of the entire
system architectures; in later phases, emphasis system development process, both internal and exter-
is given to system designs. nal, is threatened.
• Evaluate these alternatives in terms of the
outcome variables (system effectiveness, its 5.2.1 Life-Cycle Cost and Other Cost Measures
underlying performance or technical attributes,
and system cost). Mathematical models are A number of questions need to be addressed so
useful in this step not only for forcing that costs are properly treated in systems analysis and
recognition of the relationships among the engineering. These questions include:
outcome variables, but also for helping to
determine what the performance requirements • What costs should be counted?
must be quantitatively. • How should costs occurring at different times be
• Rank the alternatives according to an treated?
appropriate selection rule. • What about costs that cannot easily be
• Drop less-promising alternatives and proceed to measured in dollars?
next level of resolution, if needed.
What Costs Should be Counted. The most
This process cannot be done as an isolated comprehensive measure of the cost of an alternative is
activity. To make it work effectively, individuals with its life-cycle cost. According to NHB 7120.5, a system's
different skills—system engineers, design engineers, life-cycle cost is "the total of the direct, indirect,
specialty engineers, program analysts, decision recurring, nonrecurring, and other related costs incurred,
scientists, and project managers—must cooperate. The or estimated to be incurred in the design, development,
right quantitative methods and selection rule must be production, operation, maintenance, support, and
used. Trade study assumptions, models, and results retirement [of it] over its planned life span." A less
must be documented as part of the project archives. formal definition of a system's life-cycle cost is the total
cost of acquiring, owning, and disposing of it over its
5.2 Cost Definition and Modeling entire lifetime. System life-cycle cost should be
estimated and used in the evaluation of alternatives
This section deals with the role of costs in the during trade studies. The system engineer should
systems analysis and engineering process, how to include in the
measure it, how to control it, and how to obtain
estimates of it. The reason costs and their estimates are
of great importance in systems engineering goes back to
the principal objective of systems engineering: fulfilling
the system's goals in the most cost-effective manner.
The cost of each alternative should be one of the most
important outcome variables in trade studies performed
during the systems engineering process.
One role, then, for cost estimates is in helping to
choose rationally among alternatives. Another is as a
control mechanism during the project life cycle. Cost
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

life-cycle cost those resources, like civil service work- expended resources are known as sunk costs. For the
years, that may not require explicit project purpose of doing trade studies, the sunk costs of any
expenditures. A system's life-cycle cost, when properly alternative under consideration are irrelevant, no
computed, is the best measure of its cost to NASA. matter how large. The only costs relevant to current
Life-cycle cost has several components, as design trades are those that lie in the future. The logic
shown in Figure 25. Applying the informal definition is straightforward: the way resources were spent in the
above, life-cycle cost consists of (a) the costs of past cannot be changed. Only decisions regarding the
acquiring a usable system, (b) the costs of operating way future resources are spent can be made. Sunk
and supporting it over its useful life, and (c) the cost of costs may alter the cost of continuing with a particular
disposing of it at the end of its useful life. The system alternative relative to others, but when choosing
acquisition cost includes more than the DDT&E and among alternatives, only those costs that remain
procurement of the hardware and software; it also should be counted.
includes the other start-up costs resulting from the At the end of its useful life, a system may
need for initial training of personnel, initial spares, the have a positive residual or salvage value. This value
system's technical documentation, support equipment, exists if the system can be sold, bartered, or used by
facilities, and any launch services needed to place the another system. This value needs to be counted in
system at its intended operational site. life-cycle cost, and is generally treated as a negative
The costs of operating and supporting the cost.
system include, but are not limited to, operations
personnel and supporting activities, ongoing integrated Costs Occurring Over Time. The life-cycle cost
logistics support, and pre-planned product combines costs that typically occur over a period of
improvement. For a major system, these costs are several years. Costs incurred in different years cannot
often substantial on an annual basis, and when be treated the same because they, in fact, represent
accumulated over years of operations can constitute different resources to society. A dollar wisely invested
the majority of life -cycle cost. today will return somewhat more than a dollar next
At the start of the project life cycle, all of these year. Treating a dollar today the same as a dollar next
costs lie in the future. At any point in the project life year ignores this potential trade.
cycle, some costs will have been expended. These
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

Calculating Present Discounted Value should report the PDV of life-cycle cost for each
alternative as an outcome variable.
Calculating the PDV is a way of reducing a stream of
costs to a single number so that alternative streams Difficult-To-Measure Costs. In practice, some costs
can be compared unambiguously. Several formulas pose special problems. These special problems, which
for PDV are used, depending on whether time is to be are not unique to NASA systems, usually occur in two
treated as a discrete or a continuous variable, and areas: (a) when alternatives have differences in the
whether the project's time horizon is finite or not. The irreducible chances of loss of life and (b) when
following equation is useful for evaluating system externalities are present. Two examples of externalities
alternatives when costs have been estimated as that impose costs are pollution caused by some launch
yearly amounts, and the project's anticipated useful systems and the creation of orbital debris. Because it is
life is T years. For alternative i, difficult to place a dollar figure on these resource uses,
they are generally called incommensurable costs. The
T general treatment of these types of costs in trade
PDVi = Σ Cit (1 + r)-t studies is not to ignore them, but instead to keep track
t=0 of them along with dollar costs.

where r is the annual discount rate and Cit is the esti- 5.2.2 Controlling Life-Cycle Costs
mated cost of alternative i in year t.
Once the yearly costs have been estimated, the The project manager/system engineer must
choice of the discount rate is crucial to the evaluation ensure that the system life-cycle cost (established at the
since it ultimately affects how much or how little end of Phase A) is initially compatible with NASA's
runout costs contribute to the PDV. While calculating budget and strategic priorities and that it demonstratively
the PDV is generally accepted as the way to clear with remains so over the project life cycle. According to NHB
costs occurring over a period of years, there is much 7120.5, every NASA program/project must:
disagreement and confusion over the appropriate
discount rate to apply in systems engineering trade • Develop and maintain an effective capability to
studies. The Office of Management and Budget estimate, assess, monitor, and control its
(OMB) has mandated the use of a rate of seven life-cycle cost throughout the project life cycle
percent for NASA systems when constant dollars • Relate life-cycle cost estimates to a well-defined
(dollars adjusted to the price level as of some fixed technical baseline, detailed project schedule,
point in time) are used in the equation. When nominal and set of cost-estimating assumptions
dollars (sometimes called then-year, runout or • Identify the life-cycle costs of alternative levels
real-year dollars) are used, the OMB-mandated of system requirements and capability
annual rate should be increased by the inflation rate • Report time-phased acquisition cost and techni-
assumed for that year. Either approach yields cal parameters to NASA Headquarters.
essentially the same PDV. For details, see OMB
Circular A-94, Guidelines and Discount Rates for There are a number of actions the system
Benefit Cost Analysis of Federal Programs, October engineer can take to effect these objectives. Early
1992. decisions in the systems engineering process tend to
have the greatest effect on the resultant system
life-cycle cost. Typically, by the time the preferred
Discounting future costs is a way of making system architecture is selected, between 50 and 70
costs occurring in different years commensurable. When percent of the system's life-cycle cost has been "locked
applied to a stream of future costs, the discounting in." By the time a preliminary system design is selected,
procedure yields the present discounted value (PDV) of this figure may be as high as 90 percent. This presents
that stream. The effect of discounting is to reduce the a major dilemma to the system engineer, who must lead
contribution of costs incurred in the future relative to this selection process. Just at the time when decisions
costs incurred in the near term. Discounting should be are most critical, the state of information about the
performed whether or not there is inflation, though care alternatives is least certain. Uncertainty about costs is a
must be taken to ensure the right discount rate is used. fact of systems engineering.
(See sidebar on PDV.) This suggests that efforts to acquire better
In trade studies, different alternatives often information about the life-cycle cost of each alternative
have cost streams that differ with respect to time. One early in the project life-cycle (Phases A and B)
alternative with higher acquisition costs than another potentially have very high payoffs. The system engineer
may offer lower operations and support costs. Without needs to understand what the principal life-cycle cost
discounting, it would be difficult to know which stream drivers are. Some
truly represents the lower life-cycle cost. Trade studies
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

major questions to consider are: How much does each decline. The same station availability may be achieved
already on well-understood technology? Can the system with fewer on-orbit spares, thus saving precious internal
be manufactured using routine processes or are higher volume used for spares storage. For ORUs external to
precision processes required? What tests are needed to the station, the amount of extravehicular activity, with its
verify and validate each alternative system design, and associated logistics support, will also decline. With such
how costly are they? What reliability levels are needed complex interactions, it is difficult to know what the
by each alternative? What environmental and safety optimum point is. At a minimum, the system engineer
requirements must be satisfied? must have the capability to assess the life-cycle cost of
For a system whose operational life is expected each alternative. (See Appendix B.8 on the operations
to be long and to involve complex activities, the and operations cost effects of ORU MTBF and Section
life-cycle cost is likely to be far greater than the 6.5 on Integrated Logistics Support.)
acquisition costs alone. Consequently, it is particularly
important with such a system to bring in the specialty 5.2.3 Cost Estimating
engineering disciplines such as reliability,
maintainability, supportability, and operations The techniques used to estimate each life-cycle
engineering early in the systems engineering process, cost component usually change as the project life cycle
as they are essential to proper life-cycle cost estimation. proceeds. Methods and tools used to support budget
Another way of acquiring better information on estimates and life-cycle cost trades in Phase A may not
the cost of alternatives is for the project to have be sufficiently detailed to support those activities during
independent cost estimates prepared for comparison Phase C/D. Further, as the project life cycle proceeds,
purposes. the requirements and the system design mature as well,
Another mechanism for controlling life-cycle revealing greater detail in the Work Breakdown
cost is to establish a life-cycle cost management Structure (WBS). This should enable the application of
program as part of the project's management approach. cost estimating techniques at a greater resolution.
(Life-cycle cost management has traditionally been Three techniques are described below --
called design-to-life-cycle cost.) Such a program parametric cost models, analogy, and grass-roots.
establishes life-cycle cost as a design goal, perhaps with Typically, the choice of technique depends on the state
sub-goals for acquisition costs or operations and support of information available to the cost analyst at each point
costs. More specifically, the objectives of a life-cycle in the project life cycle. Table 4 shows this dependence.
cost management program are to:

• Identify a common set of ground rules and

assumptions for life-cycle cost estimation
• Ensure that best-practice methods, tools, and
models are used for life-cycle cost analysis
• Track the estimated life-cycle cost throughout
the project life cycle, and, most important
• Integrate life-cycle cost considerations into the
Parametric (or "top-down") cost models are
design and development process via trade
most useful when only a few key variables are known or
studies and formal change request
can be estimated. The most common example of a
parametric model is the statistical Cost Estimating
Relationship (CER). A single equation (or set of
Trade studies and formal change request
equations) is derived from a set of historical data
assessments provide the means to balance the
relating one or more of a system's characteristics to its
effectiveness and life-cycle cost of the system. The
cost using well-established statistical methods. A
complexity of integrating life-cycle cost considerations
number of statistical CERs have been developed to
into the design and development process should not be
estimate a spacecraft's hardware acquisition cost. These
underestimated, but neither should the benefits, which
typically use an estimate of its weight and other
can be measured in terms of greater cost-effectiveness.
characteristics, such as design complexity and inheri-
The existence of a rich set of potential life-cycle cost
trades makes this complexity even greater.
The Space Station Alpha Program provides
many examples of such potential trades. As one
example, consider the life-cycle cost effect of increasing
the mean time between failures (MTBF) of Alpha's
Orbital Replacement Units (ORUs). This is likely to
increase the acquisition cost, and may increase the
mass of the station. However, annual maintenance
hours and the weight of annual replacement spares will
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

Statistical Cost Estimating Relationships: Analogy is another way of estimating costs.

Example and Pitfalls When a new system or component has functional and
performance characteristics similar to an existing one
One model familiar to most cost analysts is the whose cost is known, the known cost can be adjusted to
historically based CER. In its usual form, this model reflect engineering judgments about differences.
is a linear expression with cost (the dependent Grass-roots (or "bottom-up") estimates are the
variable) as a function of one or more descriptive result of rolling up the costs estimated by each
characteristics. The coefficients of the linear organization performing work described in the WBS.
expression are estimated by fitting historical data Properly done, grass-roots estimates can be quite
from previously completed projects of a similar accurate, but each time a `'what if" question is raised, a
nature using statistical regression techniques. This new estimate needs to be made. Each change of
type of model is analytic and deterministic. An assumptions voids at least part of the old estimate.
example of this type of model for estimating the first Because the process of obtaining grassroots estimates
unit cost, C, of a space-qualified Earth-orbiting is typically time-consuming and labor-intensive, the
receiver/exciter is: number of such estimates that can be prepared during
trade studies is in reality severely limited.
In C = 3.822 + 1.110 In W + 0.436 In z Whatever technique is used, the direct cost of
each hardware and software element often needs to be
where W is the receiver/exciter's weight, and z is "wrapped" (multiplied by a factor greater than one) to
the number of receiver boxes; In is the natural cover the costs of integration and test, program
logarithm function. (Source: U.S. Air Force Systems management systems engineering, etc. These additional
Command-Space Division, Unmanned Space costs are
Vehicle Cost Model, Seventh Edition, August 1994.)
CERs are used extensively in advanced technology
systems, and have been challenged on both
theoretical and practical grounds. One challenge
can be mounted on the basis of the assumption of
an unchanging relationship between cost and the
independent variables. Others have questioned the
validity of CERs based on weight, a common
indevariable in many models, in light of advances in
electronic packaging and composite materials.
Objections to using statistical CERs also include
problems of input accuracy, low statistical
significance due to limited data points, ignoring the
statistical confidence bands, and, lastly, biases in
the underlying data.

tance, to obtain an estimate of cost. Similarly, software

CERs have been developed as well, relying on
judgments about source lines of code and other factors
to obtain development costs. (See sidebar on statistical
Another type of parametric model relies on
accepted relationships. One common example can be
found in the application of logistics relationships to the
estimation of repair costs and initial and recurring
spares costs. The validity of these cost estimates also
depends on the quality of the input parameters.
The principal advantages of parametric cost
models are that the results are reproducible, are more
easily documented than other methods, and often can
be produced with the least amount of time and effort.
This makes a properly constructed performance-based
parametric cost model useful in early trade studies.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

called system-level costs, and are often calculated as a life-cycle cost estimate. One such situation occurs
percentages of the direct costs. when the results of different models, whose estimates
Using Parametric Cost Models. A number of are expressed in different year constant dollars, must be
parametric cost models are available for costing NASA combined. In that case, an appropriate inflation factor
systems. Some of these are shown in Table 5. must be applied. Another such situation arises when a
Unfortunately, none alone is sufficient to estimate model produces a cost estimate for the first unit of a
life-cycle cost. Assembling an estimate of life-cycle cost hardware item, but the project requires multiple units. In
often requires that several different models (along with that case, a learning curve can be applied to the first
the other two techniques) be used together. To integrate unit cost to obtain the required multiple-unit estimate.
the costs being estimated by these different models, the (See sidebar on learning curve theory.)
system engineer should ensure that the inputs to and A third situation requiring additional calculation
assumptions of the models are consistent, that all occurs when a model provides a cost estimate of the
relevant life-cycle cost components are covered, and total
that the timing of costs is correct. An Example of a Cost Spreader Function:
The system engineer may sometimes find it The Beta Curve
necessary to make some adjustments to model results
to achieve One technique for spreading estimated acquisition
Learning Curve Theory costs over time is to apply the beta curve. This
fifth-degree polynomial, which was developed at JSC
The learning curve (also known as the progress or in the late 1960s, expresses the cumulative cost
experience curve) is the time-honored way of fraction as a function of the cumulative time fraction,
dealing with the empirical observation that the unit T:
of fabricating multiple units of complex systems like
aircraft and spacecraft tends to decline as the Cum Cost Fraction = 10T2(1 - T)2(A + BT)
number increases. In its usual form, the theory
states that as the total quantity produced doubles, + T4(5 - 4T) for 0 ≤T ≤1.
the cost per unit decreases by a constant
percentage. The cost per unit may be either the A and B are parameters (with 0 ≤A + B ≤1 ) that
average cost over the number produced, or the cost determine the shape of the beta curve. In particular,
of the last unit produced. In the first case, the curve these parameters control what fraction of the
is generally known as the cumulative average cumulative cost has been expended when 50
learning curve; in the second case, it is known as percent of the cumulative time has been reached.
the unit learning curve. Both formulations have The figure below shows three examples: with A = 1
essentially the same rate of learning. and B = 0 as in curve (1), 81 percent of the costs
Let C(1) be the unit cost of the first production have been expended at 50 percent of the
unit, and C(Q) be the unit cost of the Qth production cumulative time; with A = 0 and B = 1 as in curve
unit, then learning curve theory states there is a (2), 50 percent of the costs have been expended at
number, b, such that 50 percent of the cumulative time; in curve (3) with
A = B = 0, it's 19 percent.
C(Q) = C(1) Qb

The number b is specified by the rate of learning. A

90 percent learning rate means that the unit cost of
the second production unit is 90 percent of the first
production unit cost; the unit cost of the fourth is 90
percent of the unit cost of the second, and so on. In
general, the ratio of C(2Q) to C(Q) is the learning
rate, LR, expressed as a decimal; using the above
equation, b = In (LR)/ln 2, where In is the natural
Learning curve theory may not always be applicable
because, for example, the time rate of production has
no effect on the basic equation. For more detail on
learning curves, including empirical studies and tables Typically, JSC uses a 50 percent profile with A = 0
for various learning rates, see Harold Asher, Cost - and B = 1, or a 60 percent profile with A = 0.32 and
Quantity Relationships in the Airframe Industry, R-291, B = 0.68, based on data from previous projects.
The Rand Corporation, 1956.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling

acquisition effort, but doesn't take into account the multi- consideration. Which facets are critical can often be
year nature of that effort. The system engineer can use deduced from the accompanying functional analysis.
a set of "annual cost spreaders" based on the typical The functional analysis is also very useful in helping to
ramping-up and subsequent ramping-down of identify the underlying system performance or technical
acquisition costs for that type of project. (See sidebar on attributes that mathematically determine system
beta curves.) effectiveness. (Note that each of the above facets may
Although some general parametric cost models have several dimensions. If this is the case, then each
for space systems are already available, their proper dimension can be considered a function of the
use usually requires a considerable investment in underlying system performance or technical attributes.)
reaming time. For projects outside of the domains of Ideally, there is a strong connection between the system
these existing cost models, new cost models may be functional analysis, system effectiveness measure, and
needed to support trade studies. Efforts to develop the functional and performance requirements. The same
these need to begin early in the project life cycle to functional analysis that results in the functional re-
ensure their timely application during the systems quirements flowdown also yields the system
engineering process. Whether existing models or newly effectiveness and performance measures that are
created ones are used, the SEMP and its associated optimized (through trade studies) to produce the system
life-cycle cost management plan should identify which performance requirements.
(and how) models are to be used during each phase of An effectiveness measurement method or model
the project life cycle. should provide trustworthy relationships between these
underlying performance or technical attributes and the
5.3 Effectiveness Definition and Modeling measure of system effectiveness. Early in the project
life cycle, the effectiveness model may embody simple
The concept of system effectiveness is more parametric relationships among the high-level
elusive than that of cost. Yet, it is also one of the most performance and technical attributes and the measure
important factors to consider in trade studies. In of system effectiveness. In the later phases of the
selecting among alternatives, the system engineer must project life cycle, the effectiveness model may use more
take into account system effectiveness, even when it is complex relationships requiring more detailed, specific
difficult to define and measure reliably. data on operational scenarios and on each of the
A measure of system effectiveness describes alternatives. In other words, early effectiveness
the accomplishment of the system's goals and modeling during architecture trade studies may take a
objectives quantitatively. Each system (or family of functional view, while later modeling during design trade
systems with identical goals and objectives) has its own studies may shift to a product view. This is not unlike the
measure of system effectiveness. There is no universal progression of the cost modeling from simple
measure of effectiveness for NASA systems, and no parametrics to more detailed grass-roots estimates.
natural units with which to express effectiveness. The system engineer must tailor the effectiveness
Further, effectiveness is dependent on the context (i.e., measure and its measurement method to the resolution
project or supersystem) in which the system is being of
operated, and any measure of it must take this into
account. The system engineer can, however, exploit a Practical Pitfalls in Using Effectiveness Measures
tew basic, common features of system effectiveness in in Trade Studies
developing strategies for measuring it.
Obtaining trustworthy relationships among the system
5.3.1 Strategies for Measuring System performance or technical attributes and system effec-
Effectiveness tiveness is often difficult, Purported effectiveness mod -
els often only treat one or two of the facets described in
System effectiveness is almost always the text. Supporting models may not have been prop erly
multifaceted, and is typically the result of the combined integrated. Data are often incomplete or unreliable.
effects of: Under these conditions, reported system effectiveness
results for different alternatives in a trade study may
• System output quality show only the relative effectiveness of the alternatives
• Size or quantity of system output within the context of the trade study. The system engi-
• System coverage or comprehensiveness neer must recognize the practical pitfalls of using such
• System output timeliness results.
• System availability.

A measure of effectiveness and its measurement

method (i.e., model) should focus on the critical facet (or
facets) of effectiveness for the trade study issue under
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

the system design. As the system design and

operational concept mature, effectiveness estimates quire knowledge or estimates of lower-order
should mature as well. The system engineer must be performance or technical attributes. Figure 26 shows
able to provide realistic estimates of system how system effectiveness might look in an hierarchical
effectiveness and its underlying performance and tree structure. This figure corresponds, in some sense,
technical attributes not only for trade studies, but for to Figure 25 on life-cycle cost, though rolling up by
project management through the tracking of TPMs. simple addition obviously does not apply to system
This discussion so far has been predicated on effectiveness.
one accepted measure of system effectiveness. The job Lastly, it must be recognized that system
of computing system effectiveness is considerably effectiveness, like system cost, is uncertain. This fact is
easier when the system engineer has a single measure given a fuller treatment in Section 5.4.
and measurement method (model). But, as with costs, a
single measure may not be possible. When it does not 5.3.2 NASA System Effectiveness Measures
exist, the system engineer must fall back to computing
the critical high-level, but nevertheless still underlying, The facets of system effectiveness in Figure 26
system performance or technical attributes. In effect, are generic. Not all must apply to a particular system.
these high-level performance or technical attributes are The system engineer must determine which
elevated to the status of measures of (system) performance or technical attributes make up system
effectiveness (MoEs) for trade study purposes, even effectiveness, and how they should be combined, on a
though they do not represent a truly comprehensive system-by-system basis. Table 6 provides examples of
measure of system effectiveness. how each facet of system effectiveness could be
These high-level performance or technical interpreted for specific classes of NASA flight systems.
attributes might represent one of the facets described No attempt has been made to enumerate all possible
above, or they may be only components of one. They performance or technical attributes, or
are likely to re
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

to fill in each possible entry in the table; its purpose is of the methods and models has allowed the system-wide
illustrative only. effects of different support alternatives to be more easily
For many of the systems shown in the table, predicted. In turn, this means more opportunities to
system effectiveness is largely driven by continual (or improve system effectiveness (or to lower life-cycle
continuous) operations at some level of output over a cost) through the integration of logistics considerations
period of years. This is in contradistinction to an in the system design.
Apollo-type project, in which the effectiveness is largely Availability models relate system design and
determined by the successful completion of a single integrated logistics support technical attributes to the
flight within a clearly specified time horizon. The availability component of the system effectiveness
measures of effectiveness in these two cases are measure. This type of model predicts the resulting
correspondingly different. In the former case (with its system availability as a function of the system
lengthy operational phase and continual output), system component failure and repair rates and the logistics
effectiveness measures need to incorporate quantitative support resources and policies. (See sidebar on
measures of availability. The system engineer measures of availability.)
accomplishes that through the involvement of the Logistics supportability models relate system
specialty engineers and the application of specialized design and integrated logistics support technical
models described in the next section. attributes to one or more "resource requirements"
needed to operate the system in the accomplishment of
5.3.3 Availability and LogisticsSupportability its goals and objectives. This type of model focuses, for
Modeling example, on the system maintenance requirements,
number and location of spares, processing facility
One reason for emphasizing availability and requirements, and even optimal inspection policies. In
logistics supportability in this chapter is that future the past, logistics supportability models have typically
NASA systems are less likely to be of the been based on measures pertaining to that particular
"launch-and-logistically forget" type. To the extent that resource or function alone. For example, a system's
logistic support considerations are major determinants desired inventory of spares was detemmined on the
of system effectiveness during operations, it is essential basis of meeting measures of supply efficiency, such as
that logistics support be thoroughly analyzed in trade percent of demands met. This tended to lead to
studies during the earlier phases of the project life cycle. suboptimal resource requirements from the system's
A second reason is that availability and logistics point of view. More modem models of logistics
supportability have been rich domains for methodology supportability base re-
and model development. The increasing sophistication
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

Measures of Availability

Availability can be calculated as the ratio of operating time to total time, where the denominator, total time, can be
divided into operating time ("uptime") and "downtime." System availability depends on any factor that contributes to
downtime. Underpinning system availability, then, are the reliability and maintainability attributes of the system design,
but other logistics support factors can also play significant roles. If these attributes and support factors, and the operat-
ing environment of the system are unchanging, then several measures of steady-state availability can be readily calcu-
lated. (When steady-state conditions do not apply, availability can be calculated, but is made considerably more
complex by the dynamic nature of the underlying conditions.) The system engineer should be familiar with the
equations below describing three concepts of steady-state availability for systems that can be repaired.

• Inherent = MTTF / (MTTF + MTTR)

• Achieved = MTTMA / (MTTMA + MMT)
• Operational = MTTMA / (MTTMA + MMT + MLDT)

MTTF = Mean time to failure
MTTR = Mean time to repair (corrective)
MTTMA = Mean time to a maintenance action (corrective and preventive)
MMT = Mean (active) maintenance time (corrective and preventative)
MLDT = Mean logistics delay time (includes downtime due to administrative delays, and waiting for spares,
maintenance personnel, or supplies)
MDT = Mean downtime (includes downtime due to (active) maintenance and logistics delays)

Availability measures can be also calculated at a point in time, or as an average over a period of time. A further,
but manageable, complication in calculating availability takes into account degraded modes of operation for redundant
systems. For systems that cannot be repaired, availability and reliability are equal. (See sidebar on page 92.)

source requirements on the system availability effects. Figure 27 shows the role of availability and logistics
(See sidebar on logistics supportability models.) supportability models in the trade study process.
Some availability models can be used to
determine a logistics resource requirement by Essential to obtaining useful products from any
computing the quantity of that resource needed to availability and/or logistics supportability model is the
achieve a particular level of availability, holding other collection of high quality specialty engineering data for
logistics resources fixed. The line between availability each alternative system design. (Some of these data are
models and logistics supportability models can be also used in probabilistic risk assessments performed in
inexact. Some logistics supportability models may deal risk management activities.) The system engineer must
with a single resource; others may deal with several coordinate efforts to collect and maintain these data in a
resources simultaneously. They may take the form of a format suitable to the trade studies being performed.
simple spreadsheet or a large computer simulation. This task is made considerably easier by using digital
Greater capability from these types of models is gen- databases in relational table formats such as the one
erally achieved only at greater expense in time and currently under development for MIL-STD- 1388-2B.
effort. The system engineer must determine what Continuing availability and logistics
availability and logistics supportability models are supportability modeling and data collection through the
needed for each new system, taking into account the operations phase permits operations trend analysis and
unique operations and logistics concepts and assessment on the system (e.g., is system availability
environment of that system. Generally both types of declining or improving?) In general, this kind of analysis
models are needed in the trade study process to and assessment is extremely useful in identifying
transform specialty engineering data into forms more potential areas for product improvement such as greater
useful to the system engineer. Which availability and system reliability, lower cost logistics support, and better
logistics supportability models are used during each maintenance and spares poli-
phase of the protect life cycle should be identified in the
Another role for these models is to provide
quantitative requirements for incorporation into the
system's formal Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Plan.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

Logistics Supportability Models: Two Examples

Logistics supportability models utilize the reliability and maintainability attributes a particular system design, and
other logistics system variables, to quantify the demands (i.e., requirements) for scarce logistics resources during
operations. The models described here were both developed for Space Station Freedom. One is a stochastic
simulation in which each run is a "trial" drawn from a population of outcomes. Multiple runs must be made to
develop accurate estimates of means and variances for the variables of interest. The other is a deterministic
analytic model. Logistic supportability models may be of either type. These two models deal with the unique
logistics environment of Freedom.
SIMSYLS is a comprehensive stochastic simulation of on-orbit maintenance and logistics resupply of
Freedom. It provides estimates of the demand (means and variances) for maintenance resources such as EVA and
IVA, as well as for logistics upmass and downmass resources. In addition to the effects of actual and false ORU
failures, the effects of various other stochastic events such as launch vehicle and ground repair delays can be
quantified. SIMSYLS also produces several measures of operational availability. The model can be used in its
availability mode or in its resource requirements mode.
M-SPARE is an availability-based optimal spares model. It determines the mix of ORU spares at any spares
budget level that maximizes station availability, defined as the probability that no ORU had more demands during
a resupply cycle than it had spares to satisfy those demands. Unlike SIMSYLS, M-SPARE's availability measure
deals only with the effect of spares. M-SPARE starts with a target availability (or budget) and determines the
optimal inventory, a capability not possessed by SIMSYLS.
For more detail, see DeJulio, E., SIMSYLS User's Guide, Boeing Aerospace Operations, February 1990, and Kline,
Robert, et al., The M-SPARE Model, LMI, NS901R1, March 1990.

cies. (See Section 6.5 for more on Integrated Logistics projected cost and effectiveness is relevant to making
Support.) the right choices about that system. When these
uncertainties have the potential to drive a decision, the
5.4 Probabilistic Treatment of Cost and systems or program analyst must do more than just
Effectiveness acknowledge that they exist. Some useful techniques for
modeling the effects of uncertainty are described below
A probabilistic treatment of cost and in Section 5.4.2. These techniques can be applied to
effectiveness is needed when point estimates for these both cost models and effectiveness models, though the
outcome variables do not "tell the whole story"—that is, majority of examples given are for cost models.
when information about the variability in a system's
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

5.4.1 Sources of Uncertainty in Models -- the costs estimated by each performing organization
-- can then be thought of as variables having various
There are a number a sources of uncertainty in probability distributions.
the kinds of models used in systems analysis. Briefly,
these are: 5.4.2 Modeling Techniques for Handling
• Uncertainty about the correctness of the model's
structural equations, in particular whether the The effect of model uncertainties is to induce
functional form chosen by the modeler is the uncertainty in the model's output. Quantifying these
best representation of the relationship between uncertainties involves producing an overall probability
an equation's inputs and output distribution for the output variable, either in terms of its
• Uncertainty in model parameters, which are, in probability density function (or mass function for discrete
a very real sense, also chosen by the modeler; output variables) or its cumulative distribution function.
this uncertainty is evident for model coefficients (See sidebar on cost S-curves.) Some techniques for
derived from statistical regression, but even this are:
known physical constants are subject to some
uncertainty due to experimental or The Cost S-Curve
measurement error
• Uncertainty in the true value of model inputs The cost S-curve gives the probability of a project's
(e.g., estimated weight or thermal properties) cost not exceeding a given cost estimate. This
that describe a new system. probability is sometimes called the budget
confidence level. This curve aids in establishing the
As an example, consider a cost model amount of contingency and Allowance for Program
consisting of one or more statistical CERs. In the early Adjustment (APA) funds to set aside as a reserve
phases of the project life cycle (Phases A and B), this against risk.
kind of model is commonly used to provide a cost
estimate for a new NASA system. The project manager
needs to understand what confidence he/she can have
in that estimate.
One set of uncertainties concerns whether the
input variables (for example, weight) are the proper
explanatory variables for cost, and whether a linear or
log-linear form is more appropriate. Model
misspecification is by no means rare, even for strictly
engineering relationships.
Another set of model uncertainties that
contribute to the uncertainty in the cost estimate
concerns the model coefficients that have been
estimated from historical data. Even in a well-behaved
statistical regression equation, the estimated coefficients In the S-curve shown above, the project's cost
could have resulted from chance alone, and therefore commitment provides only a 40 percent level of
cost predictions made with the model have to be stated confidence; with reserves, the level is increased to
in probabilistic terms. (Fortunately, the upper and lower 50 percent. The steepness of the S-curve tells the
bounds on cost for any desired level of confidence can project manager how much the level of confidence
be easily calculated. Presenting this information along improves when a small amount of reserves are
with the cost estimate is strongly recommended.) added.
The above uncertainties are present even if the Note that an Estimate at Completion (EAC)
cost model inputs that describe a new system are S-curve could be used in conjunction with the risk
precisely known in Phase A. This is rarely true; more management approach described for TPMs (see
often, model inputs are subject to considerable Section 4.9.2), as another method of cost status
guesswork early in the project life cycle. The uncertainty reporting and assessment meet.
in a model input can be expressed by attributing a
probability distribution to it. This applies whether the
input is a physical measure such as weight, or a
subjective measure such as a "complexity factor." Model
input uncertainty can extend even to a grass-roots cost
model that might be used in Phases C and D. In that
case, the source of uncertainty is the failure to identify
and capture the "unknown-unknowns." The model inputs
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Systems Analysis and Modeling Issues

• Analytic solution variable. In a simple Monte Carlo analysis, a value for

• Decision analysis each uncertain input is drawn at random from its
• Monte Carlo simulation. probability distribution, which can be either discrete or
continuous. This set of random values, one for each
Analytic Solution. When the structure of a model and input, is used to compute the corresponding output
its uncertainties permit, a closed-form analytic solution value, as shown in Figure 28. The entire process is then
for the required probability density (or cumulative repeated k times. These k output values constitute a
distribution) function is sometimes feasible. Examples random sample from the probability distribution over the
can be found in simple reliability models (see Figure output variable induced by the input probability
29). distributions.
For an example of the usefulness of this
Decision Analysis. This technique, which was technique, recall Figures 2 (in Chapter 2) and 24 (this
discussed in Section 4.6, also can produce a cumulative chapter), which show the projected cost and
distribution function, though it is necessary to descretize effectiveness of three alternative design concepts as
any continuous input probability distributions. The more probability "clouds." These clouds may be reasonably
probability intervals that are used, the greater the interpreted as the result of three system-level Monte
accuracy of the results, but the larger the decision tree. Carlo simulations. The information displayed by the
Furthermore, each uncertain model input adds more clouds is far greater than that embodied in point
than linear computational complexity to that tree, estimates for each of the alternatives.
making this technique less efficient in many situations An advantage of the Monte Carlo technique is
than Monte Carlo simulation, described next. that standard statistical tests can be applied to estimate
the precision of the resulting probability distribution. This
Monte Carlo Simulation. This technique is often used permits a calculation of the number of runs (samples)
to calculate an approximate solution to a stochastic needed to obtain a given level of precision. If computing
model that is too complicated to be solved by analytic time or costs are a significant constraint, there are
methods alone. A Monte Carlo simulation is a way of several ways of reducing them through more deliberate
sampling input points from their respective domains in sampling strategies. See MSFC-HDBK-1912, Systems
order to estimate the probability distribution of the output Engineering (Volume 2), for a discussion of these
Commercial software to perform Monte Carlo
simulation is available. These include add-in packages
for some of the popular spreadsheets, as well as
packages that allow the systems or program analyst to
build an entire Monte Carlo model from scratch on a
personal computer. These packages generally perform
the needed computations in an efficient manner and
provide graphical displays of the results, which is very
helpful in communicating probabilistic information. For
large applications of Monte Carlo simulation, such as
those used in addressing logistics supportability, custom
software may be needed. (See the sidebar on logistics
supportability models.)
Monte Carlo simulation is a fairly easy
technique to apply. Also, what a particular combination
of uncertainties mean can often be communicated more
clearly to managers. A powerful example of this
technique applied to NASA flight readiness certification
is found in Moore, Ebbeler, and Creager, who combine
Monte Carlo simulation with traditional reliability and risk
analysis techniques.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into The Systems Engineering Process

6 Integrating Engineering Specialties Into reliability engineer's FMECA (or equivalent analysis)
the Systems Engineering Process results are passed at the right time to the maintainability
engineer, whose maintenance analysis is subsequently
This chapter discusses the basic concepts, tech- incorporated into the logistics support analysis (LSA).
niques, and products of some of the specialty LSA results, in turn, are passed to the project-level
engineering disciplines, and how they fit into the system engineer in time to be combined with other cost
systems engineering process. and effectiveness data for a major trade study.
Concurrently, the reliability engineer's FMECA results
6.1 Role of the Engineering Specialties are also passed to the risk manager to incorporate
critical items into the Critical Items List (CIL) when
Specialty engineers support the systems deemed necessary, and to alert the PDT to develop
engineering process by applying specific knowledge and appropriate design or operations mitigation strategies.
analytic methods from a variety of engineering specialty The quality assurance engineer's effort should be in-
disciplines to ensure that the resulting system is actually tegrated with the reliability engineer's so that, for
able to perform its mission in its operational example, component failure rate assumptions in the
environment. These specialty engineering disciplines latter's reliability model are achieved or bettered by the
typically include reliability, maintainability, integrated actual (flight) hardware. This kind of process harmony
logistics, test, fabrication/production, human factors, and timeliness is not easily realized in a project; it
quality assurance, and safety engineering. One view of nevertheless remains a goal of systems engineering.
the role of the engineering specialties, then, is mission
assurance. Part of the system engineer's job is to see 6.2 Reliability
that these mission assurance functions are coherently
integrated into the project at the right times and that Reliability can be defined as the probability that
they address the relevant issues. a device, product, or system will not fail for a given
Another idea used to explain the role of the period of time under specified operating conditions.
engineering specialties is the "Design-for-X" concept. Reliability is an inherent system design characteristic.
The X stands for any of the engineering "ilities" (e.g., As a principal contributing factor in operations and
reliability, testability, producibility, supportability) that the support costs and in system effectiveness (see Figure
project level system engineer needs to consider to meet 26), reliability plays a key role in determining the
the project's goals/objectives. While the relevant system's cost-effectiveness.
engineering specialties may vary on NASA projects by
virtue of their diverse nature, some are always needed. 6.2.1 Role of the Reliability Engineer
It is the system engineer's job to identify the particular
engineering specialities needed for his/her tailored Reliability engineering is a major specialty disci-
Product Development Team (PDT). The selected pline that contributes to the goal of a cost-effective
organizational approach to integrating the engineering system. This is primarily accomplished in the systems
specialities into the systems engineering process and engineering process through an active role in
the technical effort to be made should be summarized in implementing specific design features to ensure that the
the SEMP (Part III). Depending on the nature and scope system can perform in the predicted physical
of the project, the technical effort may also need more environments throughout the mission, and by making
detailed documentation in the form of individual independent predictions of system reliability for design
specialty engineering program plans. trades and for (test program, operations, and integrated
As part of the technical effort, specialty logistics support) planning.
engineers often perform tasks that are common across The reliability engineer performs several tasks,
disciplines. Foremost, they apply specialized analytical which are explained in more detail in NHB 5300.4(1A -1),
techniques to create information needed by the project
manager and system engineer. They also help define
and write system requirements in their areas of
expertise, and they review data packages, engineering
change requests (ECRs), test results, and
documentation for major project reviews. The project
manager and/or system engineer need to ensure that
the information and products so generated add value to
the project commensurate with their cost.
The specialty engineering technical effort should
also be well integrated both in time and content, not
separate organizations and disciplines operating in near
isolation (i.e., more like a basketball team, rather than a
golf foursome). This means, as an example, that the
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

Reliability Relationships

The system engineer should be familiar with the following reliability parameters and mathematical relationships for
continuously operated systems

Many reliability analyses assume that failures are random so that λ(t) = λ and the failure probability density
follows an exponential distribution. In that case, R(t) = exp (-λt), and the Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) = 1/λ.
Another popular assumption that has been shown to apply to many systems is a failure probability density that
follows a Weibull distribution; in that case, the hazard rate λ(t) satisfies a simple power law as a function of t. With
the proper choice of Weibull parameters, the constant hazard rate can be recovered as a special case. While these
(or similar) assumptions may be analytically convenient, a system's actual hazard rate may be less predictable.
(Also see bathtub curve sidebar!)

Reliability Program Requirements for Aeronautical and • Collecting reliability data under actual
Space System Contractors. In brief, these tasks include: operations conditions as a part of overall system
• Developing and executing a reliability program
plan The reliability engineer works with other
• Developing and refining reliability prediction specialty engineers (e.g., the quality assurance,
models, including associated environmental maintainability, verification, and producibility engineers)
(e.g., vibration, acoustic, thermal, and on system reliability issues. On small projects, the
EMI/EMC) models, and predictions of system reliability engineer may perform some or all of these
reliability. These models and predictions should other jobs as well.
reflect applicable experience from previous
projects. 6.2.2 Reliability Program Planning
• Establishing and allocating reliability goals and
environmental design requirements The reliability program for a project describes
• Supporting design trade studies covering such what activities will be undertaken in support of reliability
issues as the degree of redundancy and engineering. The reliability engineer develops a
reliability vs. maintainability reliability program considering its cost, schedule, and
• Supporting risk management by identifying risk implications. This planning should begin during
design attributes likely to result in reliability Phase A. The project manager/system engineer must
problems and recommending appropriate risk work with the reliability engineer to develop an
mitigations appropriate reliability program as
• Developing reliability data for timely use in the
project's maintainability and ILS programs Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) Reliability
• Developing environmental test requirements
and specifications for hardware qualification. Part of the reliability engineer's job is to develop an
The reliability engineer may provide technical understanding of the underlying physical and
analysis and justification for eliminating or human-induced causes of failures, rather than
relaxing qualification test requirements. These assuming that all failures are random. According to
activities are usually closely coordinated with Joseph Gavin, Director of the LEM Program at
the project's verification program. Grumman, "after about 10 years of testing of
• Performing analyses on qualification test data to individual [LEM] components and subsystems,
verify reliability predictions and validate the [NASA] found something like 14,000 anomalies,
system reliability prediction models, and to only 22 of which escaped definite understanding
understand and resolve anomalies
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

The Bathtub Curve

For many systems, the hazard rate function looks like the classic "bathtub curve" as in the graph below. Because of
burn-in failures and/or inadequate quality assurance practices,λ(t) is initially high, but gradually decreases during
the infant failure rate period. During the useful life period, λ(t) remains constant, reflecting randomly occurring
failures. Later, λ(t) begins to increase because of wearout failures. The exponential reliability formula applies only
during the useful life period.

many factors need to be considered in developing this on-orbit (Earth or other), and planetary
program. These factors include: environments. In addition, the reliability
engineer must address design and verification
• NASA payload classification. The reliability requirements for each such environment.
program's analytic content and its • Degree of design inheritance and
documentation of problems and failures are hardware/software reuse.
generally more extensive for a Class A payload
than for a Class D one. (See Appendix B.3 for The reliability engineer should document the
classification guidelines.) reliability program in a reliability program plan, which
• Mission environmental risks. Several mission should be summarized in the SEMP (Part III) and
environmental models may need to be updated as needed through the project life cycle; the
developed. For flight projects, these include summary may be sufficient for small projects.
ground (transportation and handling), launch,
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

6.2.3 Designing Reliable Space-Based Systems

Designing reliable space-based systems has

always been a goal for NASA, and many painful lessons
have been reamed along the way. The system engineer
should be aware of some basic design approaches for
achieving reliability. These basic approaches include
fault avoidance, fault tolerance, and functional

Fault Avoidance. Fault avoidance, a joint objective of

the reliability engineer and quality assurance engineer
(see Section 6.3), includes efforts to:

• Provide design margins, or use appropriate

aerating guidelines, if available
• Use high-quality parts where needed. (Failure
rates for Class S parts are typically one-fourth of
those procured to general military
• Consider materials and electronics packaging
• Conduct formal inspections of manufacturing
facilities, processes, and documentation
• Perform acceptance testing or inspections on all
parts when possible.
level effects and life-cycle cost of each approach. To
Fault Tolerance. Fault tolerance is a system design achieve this, trade study methods of Section 5.1 should
characteristic associated with the ability of a system to be used in combination with reliability analysis tools and
continue operating after a component failure has techniques.
occurred. It is implemented by having design
redundancy and a fault detection and response 6.2.4 Reliability Analysis Tools and Techniques
capability. Design redundancy can take several forms,
some of which are represented in Figure 29 along with Reliability Block Diagrams. Reliability block diagrams
their reliability relationships. are used to portray the manner in which the components
of a complex system function together. These diagrams
Functional Redundancy. Functional redundancy is a compactly describe how components are connected.
system design and operations characteristic that allows Basic reliability block diagrams are shown in Figure 29.
the system to respond to component failures in a way
sufficient to meet mission requirements. This usually Fault Trees and Fault Tree Analysis. A fault tree is a
involves operational work-arounds and the use of graphical representation of the combination of faults that
components in ways that were not originally intended. will result in the occurrence of some (undesired) top
As an example, a repair of the damaged Galileo event. It is usually constructed during a fault tree
high-gain antenna was impossible, but a work-around analysis, which is a qualitative technique to uncover
was accomplished by software fixes that further credible ways the top event can occur. In the
compressed the science data and images; these were construction of a fault tree, successive subordinate
then returned through the low-gain antenna, although at failure events are identified and logically linked to the
a severely reduced data rate. top event. The linked events form a tree structure
connected by symbols called gates, some basic
These three approaches have different costs examples of which appear in the fault tree shown in
associated with their implementation: Class S parts are Figure 30. Fault trees and fault tree analysis are often
typically more expensive, while redundancy adds mass, precursors to a full probabilistic risk assessment (PRA).
volume, costs, and complexity to the system. Different For more on this technique, see the U.S. Nuclear
approaches to reliability may therefore be appropriate Regulatory Commission Fault Tree Handbook.
for different projects. In order to choose the best
balance among approaches, the system engineer must
understand the system-
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

Reliability Models. Reliability models are used to

predict the reliability of alternative architectures/designs
from the estimated reliability of each component. For
simple systems, reliability can often be calculated by
applying the rules of probability to the various
components and "strings" identified in the reliability
block diagram. (See Figure 29.) For more complex
systems, the method of minimal cut sets, which relies on
the rules of Boolean algebra, is often used to evaluate a
system's fault tree. When individual component
reliability functions are themselves uncertain, Monte
Carlo simulation methods may be appropriate. These
methods are described in reliability engineering
textbooks, and software for calculating reliability is
widely available. For a compilation of models/software,
see D. Kececioglu, Reliability, Availability, and
Maintainability Software Handbook.

FMECAs and FMEAs. Failure Modes, Effects, and

Criticality Analysis (FMECA) and Failure Modes and
Effects Analysis (FMEA) are specialized techniques for
hardware failure and safety risk identification and
characterization. (Also see Section 4.6.2.)

Problem/Failure Reports (P/ FRs). The reliability

engineer uses the Problem/Failure Reporting System (or
6.3.1 Role of the Quality Assurance Engineer
an approved equivalent) to report reliability problems
and nonconformances encountered during qualification
and acceptance testing (Phase D) and operations The quality assurance engineer performs
(Phase E). several tasks, which are explained in more detail in NHB
5300.4(1B), Quality Program Provisions for Aeronautical
6.3 Quality Assurance and Space System Contractors. In brief, these tasks
Even with the best of available designs,
hardware fabrication (and software coding) and testing • Developing and executing a quality assurance
are subject to the vagaries of Nature and human beings. program plan
The system engineer needs to have some confidence • Ensuring the completeness of configuration
that the system actually produced and delivered is in management procedures and documentation,
accordance with its functional, performance, and design and monitoring the fate of ECRs/ECPs (see
requirements. Quality Assurance (QA) provides an Section 4.7)
independent assessment to the project manager/system • Participating in the evaluation and selection of
engineer of the items produced and processes used procurement sources
during the project life cycle. The quality assurance • Inspecting items and facilities during
engineer typically acts as the system engineer's eyes manufacturing/fabrication, and items delivered
and ears in this context. The project manager/system to NASA field centers
engineer must work with the quality assurance engineer • Ensuring the adequacy of personnel training and
to develop a quality assurance program (the extent, technical documentation to be used during
responsibility, and timing of QA activities) tailored to the manufacturing/fabrication
project it supports. As with the reliability program, this • Ensuring verification requirements are properly
largely depends on the NASA payload classification (see specified, especially with respect to test
Appendix B.3). environments, test configurations, and pass/fail
• Monitoring qualification and acceptance tests to
ensure compliance with verification
requirements and
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

test procedures, and to ensure that test data are diagnostic and maintenance procedures, test equipment
correct and complete effectiveness, and the physical environment under
• Monitoring the resolution and close-out of which maintenance is performed.
nonconformances and Problem/Failure Reports
(P/FRs) 6.4.1 Role of the Maintainability Engineer
• Verifying that the physical configuration of the
system conforms to the "build-to" (or "code-to") Maintainability engineering is another major
documentation approved at CDR specialty discipline that contributes to the goal of a
• Collecting and maintaining QA data for cost-effective system. This is primarily accomplished in
subsequent failure analyses. the systems engineering process through an active role
in implementing specific design features to facilitate
The quality assurance engineer also participates safe maintenance actions in the predicted physical
in major reviews (primarily SRR, PDR, CDR, and FRR) environments, and through a central role in developing
on issues of design, materials, workmanship, fabrication the integrated logistics support (ILS) system. (See
and verification processes, and other characteristics that Section 6.5 on ILS.)
could degrade product system quality. The maintainability engineer performs several
tasks, which are explained in more detail in NHB
6.3.2 Quality Assurance Tools and Techniques 5300.4(1E), Maintainability Program Requirements for
Space Systems. In brief, these tasks include:
PCA/FCA. The Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) veri-
fies that the physical configuration of the system corre- • Developing and executing a maintainability pro-
sponds to the approved "build-to" (or "code-to") docu- gram plan. This is usually done in conjunction
mentation. The Functional Configuration Audit (FCA) with the ILS program plan.
verifies that the acceptance verification (usually, test) • Developing and refining the system
results are consistent with the approved verification maintenance concept as a part of the ILS
requirements. (See Section 4.8.4.) concept
• Establishing and allocating maintainability
In-Process Inspections. The extent, timing, and requirements. These requirements should be
location of in-process inspections are documented in the consistent with the maintenance concept and
quality assurance program plan. These should be traceable to system-level availability objectives.
conducted in consonance with the • Performing an engineering design analysis to
manufacturing/fabrication and verification program identify maintainability design deficiencies
plans. (See Sections 6.6 and 6.7.) • Performing analyses to quantify the system's
maintenance resource requirements, and
QA Survey. A QA survey examines the operations, pro- documenting them in the Maintenance Plan
cedures, and documentation used in the project, and • Verifying that the system’s maintainability
evaluates them against established standards and requirements and maintenance-related aspects
benchmarks. Recommendations for corrective actions of the ILS requirements are met
are reported to the project manager. • Collecting maintenance data under actual
operations conditions as part of ILS system
Material Review Board. The Material Review Board validation.
(MRB), normally established by the project manager and
chaired by the project-level quality assurance engineer, Many of the analysis tasks above are
performs formal dispositions on nonconformances. accomplished as part of the Logistics Support Analysis
(LSA), described in Section 6.5.3. The maintainability
6.4 Maintainability engineer also participates in and contributes to major
project reviews on the above items as appropriate to the
Maintainability is a system design characteristic phase of the project.
associated with the ease and rapidity with which the
system can be retained in operational status, or safely
and economically restored to operational status
following a failure. Often used (though imperfect)
measures of maintainability include mean maintenance
downtime, maintenance effort (work hours) per
operating hour, and annual maintenance cost. However
measured, maintainability arises from many factors: the
system hardware and software design, the required skill
levels of maintenance personnel, adequacy of
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

6.4.2 The System Maintenance Concept and Plan (ILSP), documents the system maintenance
Maintenance Plan concept, its maintenance resource requirements, and
supporting maintainability analyses. The Maintenance
As the system operations concept and user Plan provides other inputs to the ILSP in the areas of
requirements evolve, so does the ILS concept. Central spares, maintenance facilities, test and support
to the latter is the system maintenance concept. It equipment, and, for each level of maintenance, it
serves as the basis for establishing the system's provides maintenance training programs, facilities,
maintainability design requirements and its logistics technical data, and aids. The supporting analyses
support resource requirements (through the LSA should establish the feasibility and credibility of the
process). In developing the system maintenance Maintenance Plan with aggregate estimates of
concept, it is useful to consider the mission profile, how corrective and preventive maintenance workloads, initial
the system will be used, its operational availability goals, and recurring spares provisioning requirements, and
anticipated useful life, and physical environ ments. system availability. Aggregate estimates should be the
Traditionally, a description of the system result of using best practice maintainability analysis
maintenance concept is hardware-oriented, though this tools and detailed maintainability data suitable for the
need not always be so. The system maintenance LSA. (See Section 6.5.3.)
concept is typically described in terms of the anticipated
levels of maintenance (see sidebar on maintenance 6.4.3 Designing Maintainable Space-Based
levels), general repair policies regarding corrective and Systems
preventive maintenance, assumptions about supply
system responsiveness, the availability of new or Designing NASA space-based systems for
existing facilities, and the maintenance environment. maintainability will be even more important in the future.
Initially, the system maintenance concept may be based For that reason, the system engineer should be aware of
on experience with similar systems, but it should not be basic design features that facilitate IVA and EVA
exempt from trade studies early in the project life cycle. maintenance. Some examples of good practice include:
These trade studies should focus on the cost
effectiveness of alternative maintenance concepts in the • Use coarse and fine installation alignment
context of overall system optimization. guides as necessary to assure ease of Orbital
Replacement Unit (ORU) installation and
Maintenance Levels for removal
Space Station Alpha • Have minimum sweep clearances between
interface tools and hardware structures; include
As with many complex systems, the maintenance con- adequate clearance envelopes for those
cept for Alpha calls for three maintenance levels: maintenance activities where access to an
organizational, intermediate, and depot (or vendor). opening is required
The system engineer should be familiar with these • Define reach envelopes, crew load/forces, and
terms and the basic characteristics associated with general work constraints for IVA and EVA
each level. As an example, consider Alpha: maintenance tasks
• Consider corrective and preventive
Level Work Performed Spares maintenance task frequencies in the location of
Organi- On-orbit crew performs ORU Few. ORUs
zational remove-and-replace, visual • Allow replacement of an ORU without removal
inspections, minor servicing of other ORUs
and calibration. • Choose a system thermal design that precludes
degradation or damage during ORU
Inter- KSC maintenance facility Extensive replacement or maintenance to any other ORU
mediate repairs ORUs, performs de- • Simplify ORU handling to reduce the likelihood
tailed inspections, servicing, of mishandling equipment or parts
calibrations, and some • Encourage commonality, standardization, and
modifications. interchangeability of tooling and hardware items
to ensure a minimum number of items
Depot/ Factory performs major More • Select ORU fasteners to minimize accessibility
Vendor overhauls, modifications, extensive, or time consistent with good design practice
and complex calibrations. fabricated as
needed. needed.

The Maintenance Plan, which appears as a major

technical section in the Integrated Logistics Support
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

• Design the ORU surface structure so that no they provide a basis for the LSA's maintenance task
safety hazard is created during the removal, inventory.
replacement, test, or checkout of any ORU
during IVA or EVA maintenance; include Maintenance Time Lines . Maintenance time line
cautions/warnings for mission or safety critical analysis (see Appendix B.7.3) is performed when
ORUs time-to-restore is considered a critical factor for mission
• Design software to facilitate modifications, effectiveness and/or safety. (Such cases might include
verifica tions, and expansions EVA and emergency repair procedures.) A maintenance
• Allow replacement of software segments on-line time line analysis may be a simple spreadsheet or, at
without disrupting mission or safety critical func- the other end, involve extensive computer simulation
tions and testing.
• Allow on- or off-line software modification, re-
placement, or verification without introducing FMECAs and FMEAs. Failure Modes, Effects, and Criti-
hazardous conditions. cality Analysis (FMECA) and Failure Modes and Effects
Analysis (FMEA) are specialized techniques for
6.4.4 Maintainability Analysis Tools and hardware failure and safety risk identification and
Techniques characterization. They are discussed in this handbook
under risk management (see Section 4.6.2) and
Maintenance Functional Flow Block Diagrams reliability engineering (see Section 6.2.4). For the
(FFBDs). Maintenance FFBDs are used in the same maintainability engineer, the FMECA/FMEA needs to be
way as system FFBDs, described in Appendix B.7.1. At augmented at the LRU/ORU level with failure prediction
the top level, maintenance FFBDs supplement and data (i.e., MTTF or MTBF), failure detection means, and
clarify the system maintenace concept; at lower levels, identification of corrective maintenance actions (for the
LSA task inventory).
Maintainability Lessons Learned
Maintainability Models . Maintainability models are
from HST Repair (STS-61)
used in assessing how well alternative designs meet
maintainability requirements, and in quantifying the
When asked (for this handbook! what maintainability
maintenance resource requirements. Modeling
lessons were learned from their mission, the STS~61
approaches may range from spreadsheets that
crew responded with the following:
aggregate component data, to complex Markov models
• The maintainability considerations designed and stochastic simulations. They often use reliability and
into the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) time-to-restore data at the LRU/ORU level obtained
worked. from experience with similar components in existing
• For spacecraft in LEO, don’t preclude a systems. Some typical uses to which these models are
servicing option; this means, for example, put include:
including a grapple fixture even t trough it has
a cost and mass impact. • Annual maintenance hours and/or maintenance
• When servicing is part of the maintenance downtime estimates
concept, make sure that it's applied • System MTTR and availability estimates (see
throughout the space craft. (The HST Solar sidebar on availability measures on page 86)
Array Electronics Box, for example, was not
• Trades between reliability and maintainability
designed to be replaced, but had to be
• Optimum LRU/ORU repair level analysis
• Pay attention to details like correctly sizing the
• Optimum (reliability-centered) preventive
hand holds, and using connectors and
maintenance analysis
fasteners designed for easy removal and
reattachment. • Spares requirements analysis
• Mass/volume estimates for (space-based)
Other related advice: spares Repair vs. discard analysis.

• Make sure ground-based mock-ups and draw- LSA and LSAR. The Logistics Support Analysis
ings exactly represent the "as-deployed" con- (LSA) is the formal technical mechanism for integrating
figuration. supportability considerations into the systems
engineering process. Many of the above tools and
• Verify tool-to-system interfaces, especially
techniques provide maintainability inputs to the LSA, or
when new tools are involved.
are used to develop LSA outputs. Results of the LSA are
captured in Logistics Support
• Make provision in the maintainability program
for high-fidelity maintenance training.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

Analysis Record (LSAR) data tables, which formally • Supply Support: actions required to provide all
document the baselined ILS system. (See Section the necessary material to ensure the system's
6.5.3.) supportability and usability objectives are met
• Test and Support Equipment: the equipment re-
Problem/Failure Reports (P/ FRs). The maintainability quired to facilitate development, production, and
engineer uses the Problem/Failure Reporting System (or operation of the system
an approved equivalent) to report maintainability • Transportation and Handling: the actions, re-
problems and nonconformances encountered during sources, and methods necessary to ensure the
qualification and acceptance testing (Phase D) and proper and safe movement, handling,
operations (Phase E). packaging, and storage of system items and
6.5 Integrated Logistics Support • Human Resources and Personnel Planning:
actions required to determine the best skills-mix,
The objective of Integrated Logistics Support considering current and future operator,
(ILS) activities within the systems engineering process is maintenance, engineering, and administrative
to ensure that the product system is supported during personnel costs
development (Phase D) and operations (Phase E) in a • System Facilities: real property assets required
cost-effective manner. This is primarily accomplished by to develop and operate a system.
early, concurrent consideration of supportability
characteristics, performing trade studies on alternative 6.5.2 Planning for ILS
system and ILS concepts, quantifying resource
requirements for each ILS element using best-practice ILS planning should begin early in the project
techniques, and acquiring the support items associated life cycle, and should be documented in an ILS program
with each ILS element. During operations, ILS activities plan. This plan describes what ILS activities are
support the system while seeking improvements in its planned, and how they will be conducted and integrated
cost-effectiveness by conducting analyses in response into the systems engineering process. For major
to actual operational conditions. These analyses projects, the ILS program plan may be a separate
continually reshape the ILS system and its resources document because the ILS system (ILSS) may itself be
requirements. Neglecting ILS or poor ILS decisions a major system. For smaller projects, the SEMP (Part
invariably have adverse effects on the life-cycle cost of III) is the logical place to document such information. An
the resultant system. important part of planning the ILS program concerns the
strategy to be used in performing the Logistics Support
6.5.1 ILS Elements Analysis (LSA) since it can involve a major commitment
of logistics engineering specialists. (See Section 6.5.3.)
According to NHB 7120.5, the scope of ILS in- Documenting results of ILS activities through
cludes the following nine elements: the project life cycle is generally done in the Integrated
Logistics Support Plan (ILSP). The ILSP is the senior
• Maintenance: the process of planning and ILS document used by the project. A preliminary ILSP
executing life-cycle repair/services concepts should be prepared by the completion of Phase B and
and requirements necessary to ensure sustained subsequently maintained. This plan documents the
operation of the system project's logistics support concept, responsibility for
• Design Interface: the interaction and relationship each ILS element by project phase, and LSA results,
of logistics with the systems engineering especially trade study results. For major systems, the
process to ensure that supportability influences ILSP should be a distinct and separate part of the
the definition and design of the system so as to system documentation. For smaller systems, the ILSP
reduce life-cycle cost may be integrated with other system documentation.
• Technical Data: the recorded scientific, The ILSP generally contains the following technical
engineering, technical, and cost information sections:
used to define, produce, test, evaluate, modify,
deliver, support, and operate the system • Maintenance Plan—Developed from the system
• Training: the processes, procedures, devices, maintenance concept and refined during the
and equipment required to train personnel to system design and LSA processes. (NMI
operate and support the system 5350.1A, Maintainability and Maintenance
Planning Policy, and
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

• NHB 5300.4(1E), Maintainability Program Re- • Develop an ILS program plan, and coordinate it
quirements for Space Systems, do not use the with the SEMP (Part III)
term ILS, but they nevertheless mandate almost • Perform the technical portion of the plan, i.e.,
all of the steps found in an LSA. See Section the Logistics Support Analysis, to select the best
6.4.2 for more details on the maintenance plan.) combined system and LS alternative, and to
• Personnel and Training Plan—Identifies both quantify the resulting logistics resource
operator and maintenance training, including requirements
descriptions of training programs, facilities, • Document the selected ILS system and
equipment, technical data, and special training summarize the logistics resource requirements
aids. According to NMI 5350.1A/NHB in the ILSP
5300.4(1E), the maintenance training element is • Provide supportability inputs to the system
part of the maintenance plan. requirements and/or specifications
• Supply Support Plan—Covers required • Verify and validate the selected ILS system.
quantities of spares (reparable and expendable)
and consumables (identified through the LSA), 6.5.3 ILS Tools and Techniques: The Logistics
and procedures for their procurement, Support Analysis
packaging, handling, storage, and
transportation. This plan should also cover such The Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) is the
issues as inventory management, breakout formal technical mechanism for integrating
screening, and demand data collection and supportability considerations into the systems
analysis. According to NMI 5350.1A/NHB engineering process. The LSA is performed iteratively
5300.4(1E), the spares provisioning element is over the project life cycle so that successive
part of the maintenance plan. refinements of the system design move toward the
• Test and Support Equipment Plan —Covers re- supportability objectives. To make this happen, the ILS
quired types, geographical location, and engineer identifies supportability and
quantities of test and support equipment supportability-related design factors that need to be
(identified through the LSA). According to NMI considered in trade studies during the systems
5350.1A/NHB 5300.4(1E), it is part of the engineering process. The project-level system engineer
maintenance plan. imports these considerations largely through their impact
• Technical Data Plan—Identifies procedures to on projected system effectiveness and life -cycle cost.
acquire and maintain all required technical data. The ILS engineer also acts as a system engineer (for
According to NMI 5350.1A/NHB 5300.4(1E), the ILSS) by identifying ILSS functional requirements,
technical data for training is part of the performing trade studies on the ILSS, documenting the
maintenance plan. Transportation and Handling logistics support resources that will be required, and
Plan —Covers all equipment, containers, and overseeing the verification and validation of the ILSS.
supplies (identified through the LSA), and The LSA process found in MIL-STD-1388-1A
procedures to support packaging, handling, can serve as a guideline, but its application in NASA
storage, and transportation of system should be tailored to the project. Figures 31a and 31b
components show the LSA process in more detail as it proceeds
• Facilities Plan—Identifies all real property assets through the NASA project life cycle. Each iteration uses
required to develop, test, maintain, and operate more detailed inputs and provides more refinement in
the system, and identifies those requirements the output so that by the time operations begin (Phase
that can be met by modifying existing facilities. E), the full complement of logistics support resources
It should also provide cost and schedule has been identified and the ILSS verified. The first step
projections for each new facility or modification. at each iteration is to understand the mission, the
• Disposal Plan—Covers equipment, supplies, system architecture/design, and the ILSS parameters.
and procedures for the safe and economic Specifically, the first step encompasses the following
disposal of all items (e.g., condemned spares), activities:
including ultimately the system itself.
• Receiving (from the project-level system
The cost of ILS (and hence the life-cycle cost of engineer) factors related to the intended use of
the system) is driven by the inherent reliability and the system such as the operations concept,
maintainability characteristics of the system design. The mission duration,
project level system engineer must ensure that these
considerations influence the design process through a
well-conceived ILS program. In brief, a good-practice
approach to achieving cost-effective ILS includes efforts
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

• number of units, orbit parameters, space • Documenting the ILS concept and initial
transportation options, allocated supportability "strawman" ILSS, or updating (in later phases)
characteristics, etc. the baseline ILSS.
• Documenting existing logistics resource
capabilities and/or assets that may be The ILS engineer uses the results of these
cost-effective to apply to or combine with the activities to establish supportability and
ILSS for the system being developed supportability-related design factors, which are passed
• Identifying technological opportunities that can back to the project-level system engineer. This means:
be exploited. (This includes both new
technologies in the system architecture/design • Identifying and estimating the magnitude of
that reduce logistics support resource supportability factors associated with the
requirements as well as new technologies various system and operations concepts being
within the ILSS that make it less expensive to considered. Such factors might include
meet any level of logistics support resource operations team size, system RAM (reliability,
requirements.) availability and maintain
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

ability) parameters, estimated annual IVA/EVA MIL-STD-1388-1A/2B

maintenance hours and upmass requirements,
etc. NHB 7120.5 suggests MIL-STD 1388 as a guideline
• Using the above to assist the project-level for doing an LSA. MIL-STD 1388-1A is divided into
system engineer in projecting system five sections:
effectiveness and life cycle cost, and • LSA Planning and Control (not shown in
establishing system availability and/or system Figures 31a and 31b)
supportability goals. (See NHB 7120.5, and this • Mission and Support System Definition
handbook, Section 5.3.3.) (shown as boxes A and B)
• Identifying and characterizing the system • Preparation and Evaluation of Alternatives
supportability risks. (See NHB 7120.5, and this (shown as boxes C, D, and E)
handbook, Section 4.6.) • Determination of Logistics Support Resource
• Documenting supportability-related design con- Requirements (shown as box F)
straints. • Supportability Assessment (shown as boxes
G and H.
The heart of the LSA lies in the next group of
activities, during which systems engineering and MIL-STD 1388-1A also provides useful tips
analysis are applied to the ILSS itself. The ILS engineer and encourages principles already established in this
must first identify the functional requirements for the handbook: functional analysis, successive refinement
ILSS. The functional analysis process establishes the of designs through trade studies, focus on system
basis for a task inventory associated with the product effectiveness and life-cycle cost, and appropriate
system and, with the task inventory, aids in the models and selection rules.
identification of system design deficiencies requiring
redesign. The task inventory generally includes MIL-STD 1388-2B contains the LSAR relational data
corrective and preventive maintenance tasks, and other table formats and data dictionaries for documenting ILS
operations and support tasks arising from the ILSS information and LSA results in machine-readable form.
functional requirements. A principal input to the in-
ventory of corrective and preventive maintenance tasks,
tics support resource requirements. This is
which is typically constructed by the maintainability engi-
accomplished by doing a task analysis for each task in
neer, is the FMECA/FMEA (or equivalent analysis). The
the task inventory. These requirements are formally
FMECA/FMEA itself is typically performed by the reli-
documented by amending the LSAR data tables.
ability engineer. The entire task inventory is
Together, ILSS trade studies, LSA models, and LSAR
documented in Logistics Support Analysis Record
data tables provide the project-level system engineer
(LSAR) data tables.
with important life-cycle cost data and measures of
The ILS engineer then creates plausible ILSS
(system) effectiveness (MoEs), which are successively
alternatives, and conducts trade studies in the manner
refined through Phases C and D as the product system
described earlier in Section 5.1. The trade studies focus
becomes better defined and better data become
on different issues depending on the phase of the
available. The relationship between inputs (from the
project. In Phases A and B, trade studies focus on
specialty engineering disciplines) to the LSA process
high-level issues such as whether a spacecraft in LEO
and its outputs can be seen in Figure 27 (see Section
should be serviceable or not, what mix of logistics
modules seems best to support an inhabited space
In performing the LSA, the ILS engineer also
station, or what's the optimum number of maintenance
determines and documents (in the LSAR data tables)
levels and locations. In Phases C and D, the focus
the logistics resource requirements for Phase D system
changes, for example to an individual end-item's op-
integration and verification, and deployment (e.g.,
timum repair level. In Phase E, when the system design
launch). For most spacecraft, this support includes
and its logistics support requirements are essentially
pre-launch transportation and handling, storage, and
understood, trade studies often revisit issues in the light
testing. For new access-to-space systems, support may
of operational data. These trade studies almost always
be needed during an extended period of developmental
rely on techniques and models especially created for the
launches, and for inhabited space stations, during an
purpose of doing a LSA. For a catalog of LSA
extended period of on-orbit assembly operations. The
techniques and models, the system engineer can
ILS engineer also contributes to risk management
consult the Logistics Support Analysis Techniques
activities by considering the adequacy of spares
Guide (1985), Army Materiel Command Pamphlet No.
provisioning, and of logistics plans and processes. For
700-4. example, spares provisioning must take into account the
By the end of Phase B, the results of the ILSS possibility that production lines will close during the anti-
functional analyses and trade studies should be
sufficiently refined and detailed to provide quantitative
data on the logis-
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

cipated useful life of the system. improved quality of ILS products and decisions. CALS
As part of verification and validation activity, the cost savings accrue primarily in three areas: concurrent
ILS engineer performs supportability verification engineering, configuration control, and ILS functions. In
planning and gathers supportability verification/test data a concurrent engineering environment, NASA's
during Phase D. These data are used to identify and multi-disciplinary PDTs (which may mirror and work with
correct deficiencies in the system design and ILSS, and those of a system contractor) can use CALS technology
to update the LSAR data tables. During Phase E, to speed the exchange of and access to data among
supportability testing and analyses are conducted under PDTs. Availability of data through CALS on parts and
actual operational conditions. These data provide a suppliers also permits improved parts selection and
useful legacy to product improvement efforts and future acquisition. (See Section 3.7.2 for more on concurrent
projects. engineering.)
Configuration control also benefits from CALS
6.5.4 Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle technology. Using CALS to submit, process, and track
Support ECRs/ECPs can reduce delays in approving or rejecting
them, along with the indirect costs that delays cause. Al-
LSA documentation and supporting LSAR data though concurrent engineering is expected to reduce the
tables contain large quantities of data. Making use of number of ECRs/ECPs during design and development
these data in a timely manner is currently difficult (Phases C and D), their timely disposition can produce
because changes occur often and rapidly during significant cost savings. (See Section 4.7.2 for more on
definition, design, and development (Phases B through configuration control.)
D). Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support Lastly, CALS technology potentially enables ILS
(CALS)—changed in 1993 from Computer-Aided functions such as supply support to be performed
Acquisition and Logistics Support—technology can simultaneously and with less manual effort than at
reduce this dilemma by improving the digital exchange present. For example, procurement of design-stable
of data across NASA field centers and between NASA components and spares can begin earlier (to allow
and its contractors. Initial CALS efforts within the earlier testing); at the same time, provisioning for other
logistics engineering community focused on developing components can be further deferred (until design
CALS digital data exchange standards; current stability is achieved), thus reducing the risk of costly
emphasis has shifted to database integration and mistakes. Faster vendor response time also means
product definition standards, such as STEP (Standard reduced spares inventories during operations.
for the Exchange of Product) Model Data.
CALS represents a shift from a paper- (and 6.6 Verification
labor-) intensive environment to a highly automated and
integrated one. Concommitant with that are expected Verification is the process of confirming that
benefits in reduced design and development time and deliverable ground and flight hardware and software are
costs, and in the improved quality in compliance with functional, performance, and design
requirements. The verification process, which includes
Can NASA Benefit from CALS? planning, requirements definition, and compliance
activities, begins early and continues throughout the
The DoD CALS program was initiated in 1985, since project life cycle. These activities are an integral part of
1988, it has been required on new DoD systems. Ac- the systems engineering process. At each stage of the
cording to Clark, potential DOD-wide savings from process, the system engineer's job is to understand and
CALS exceeds $160M (FY92$). However, GAO assess verification results, and to lead in the resolution
studies have been critical of DoD's CALS’ of any anomolies. This section describes a generic
implementation. These criticisms focused on CALS' NASA verification process that begins with a verification
limited ability to share information among users. program concept and continues through operational and
For NASA field centers to realize savings from disposal verification. Whatever process is chosen by the
CALS, new enabling investments in hardware, program/project should be documented in the SEMP.
software, and training may be required. While many of
NASA's larger contractors have already installed
CALS technology, the system engineer wishing to
employ CALS must recognize that both GALS and
non-CALS approaches may be needed to interact with
small business suppliers, and that proprietary
contractor data, even when digitized, needs to be
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

ops a verification program considering its cost, Verification activities begin in Phase A of a
schedule, and risk implications. No one program can be project. During this phase, inputs to the project's
applied to every project, and each verification activity integrated master schedule and cost estimates are
and product must be assessed as to its applicability to a made as the verification program concept takes shape.
specific project. The verification program requires These planning activities increase in Phase B with the
considerable coordination by the verification engineer, refinement of requirements, costs, and schedules. In
as both system design and test organizations are addition, the system's requirements are assessed to
typically involved to some degree throughout. determine preliminary methods of verification and to
ensure that the requirements can be
6.6.1 Verification Process Overview
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

verified. The outputs of Phase B are expanded in Phase determine what risks are acceptable in terms of
C as more detailed plans and procedures are prepared. the project's cost and schedule.
In Phase D, verification activities increase substantially; • Availability of verification facilities/sites and
these activities normally include qualification and transportation assets to move an article from
acceptance verification, followed by verification in one location to another (when needed). This
preparation for deployment and operational verification. requires coordination with the ILS engineer.
Figures 32a and 32b show this process through the • Acquisition strategy (i.e., in-house development
NASA project life cycle. (Safety reviews as applied to or system contract). Often a NASA field center
verification activities are not shown as separate can shape a contractor's verification process
activities in the figures.) through the project's Statement of Work (SoW).
• Degree of design inheritance and
The Verification Program Concept. A verification pro- hardware/software reuse.
gram should be tailored to the project it supports. The
project manager/system engineer must work with the Verification Methods and Techniques. The system
verification engineer to develop a verification program engineer needs to understand what methods and
concept. Many factors need to be considered in techniques the verification engineer uses to verify
developing this concept and the subsequent verification compliance with requirements. In brief, these methods
program. These factors include: and techniques are:

• Project type, especially for flight projects. • Test

Verification methods and timing depend on the • Analysis
type of flight article involved (e.g., an • Demonstration
experiment, payload, or launch vehicle). • Similarity
• NASA payload classification. The verification • Inspection
activities and documentation required for a • Simulation
specific flight article generally depend upon its
• Validation of records.
NASA payload classification. As expected, the
verification program for a Class A payload is
Verification by test is the actual operation of
considerably more comprehensive than that for
equipment during ambient conditions or when subjected
a Class D payload. (See Appendix B.3 for
to specified environments to evaluate performance. Two
classification guidelines.)
subcategories can be defined: functional testing and
• Project cost and schedule implications.
environmental testing. Functional testing is an individual
Verification activities can be significant drivers
test or series of electrical or mechanical performance
of a project's cost and schedule; these
tests conducted on flight or flight-configured hardware
implications should be considered early in the
and/or software at conditions equal to or less than
development of the verification program. Trade
design specifications. Its purpose is to establish that the
studies should be performed to support
system performs satisfactorily in accordance with design
decisions about verification methods and re-
and performance specifications. Functional testing
quirements, and the selection of facility types
generally is performed at ambient conditions. Functional
and locations. As an example, a trade study
testing is performed before and after each
might be made to decide between performing a
environmental test or major move in order to verify
test at a centralized facility or at several
system performance prior to the next test/operation.
decentralized locations.
Environmental testing is an individual test or series of
• Risk implications. Risk management must be tests conducted on flight or flight-configured hardware
considered in the development of the and/or software to assure it will perform satisfactorily in
verification program. Qualitative risk its flight environment. Environmental tests include
assessments and quantitative risk analyses vibration, acoustic, and thermal vacuum. Environmental
(e.g., a FMECA) often identify new concerns testing may be combined with functional testing if test
that can be mitigated by additional testing, thus objectives warrant.
increasing the extent of verification activities. Verification by analysis is a process used in lieu
Other risk assessments contribute to trade
of (or in addition to) testing to verify compliance to
studies that determine the preferred methods of
specifications/requirements. The selected techniques
verification to be used and when those methods
may include
should be performed. As an example, a trade
might be made between performing a modal
test versus determining modal characteristics by
a less costly, but less revealing, analysis. The
project manager/system engineer must
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

systems engineering analysis, statistics and qualitative • Operational (also known as on-orbit or in-flight)
analysis, computer and hardware simulations, and com- • Disposal (as needed).
puter modeling. Analysis may be used when it can be
determined that: (1) rigorous and accurate analysis is The development stage is the period during which
possible; (2) testing is not feasible or cost-effective; (3) a new project or system is formulated and implemented
similarity is not applicable; and/or (4) verification by up to the manufacturing of qualification or flight
inspection is not adequate. hardware. Verification activities during this stage (e.g.,
Verification by demonstration is the use of breadboard testing) provide confidence that the system
actual demonstration techniques in conjunction with can accomplish mission goals/objectives. When tests
requirements such as maintainability and human are conducted during this stage, they are usually
engineering features. Verification by similarity is the performed by the design organization, or by the design
process of assessing by review of prior acceptance data and test organizations together. Also, some
or hardware configuration and applications that the program/project requirements may be verified or
article is similar or identical in design and manufacturing partially verified through the activities of the PDR and
process to another article that has previously been CDR, both of which occur during this stage. Any
qualified to equivalent or more stringent specifications. development activity used to formally satisfy
Verification by inspection is the physical evaluation of program/project requirements should have quality
equipment and/or documentation to verify design assurance oversight.
features. Inspection is used to verify construction The qualification stage is the period during
features, workmanship, and physical dimensions and which the flight (protoflight approach) or flight-type
condition (such as cleanliness, surface finish, and hardware is verified to meet functional, performance.
locking hardware). Verification by simulation is the and design requirements. Verifications during this stage
process of verifying design features and performance are conducted on flight-configured hardware at
using hardware or software other than flight items. conditions more severe than acceptance conditions to
Verification by validation of records is the process of establish that the hardware wild perform satisfactorily in
using manufacturing records at end-item acceptance to the flight environments with sufficient margin. The
verify construction features and processes for flight acceptance stage is the period during which the
hardware. deliverable flight end-item is shown to meet functional,
performance, and design requirements under conditions
Verification Stages. Verification stages are defined specified for the mission. The acceptance stage ends
periods of verification activity when different verification with shipment of the flight hardware to the launch site.
goals are met. In this handbook, the following The preparation for deployment stage begins
verification stages are used for flight systems: with the arrival of the flight hardware and/or software at
the launch site and terminates at launch. Requirements
• Development verified during this stage are those that demand the
• Qualificatio n integrated vehicle and/or launch site facilities. The
• Acceptance operational verification stage begins at liftoff; during this
• Preparation for deployment (also known as pre stage, flight systems are verified to operate in space
launch) environment conditions, and requirements demanding
space environments are verified. The disposal stage is
Analyses and Models the period during which disposal requirements are
Analyses based on models are used extensively
throughout a program/project to verify and determine 6.6.2 Verification Program Planning
compliance to performance and design requirements.
Most verification requirements that cannot be verified Verification program planning is an interactive
by a test activity are verified through analyses and and lengthy process occurring during all phases of a
modeling. The analysis and modeling process begins project. but more heavily during Phase C. The
early in the project life cycle and continues through verification engineer develops a preliminary definition of
most of Phase D; these analyses and models are verification requirements and activities based on the
updated periodically as actual data that are used as program/project and mission requirements. An effort
inputs become available. Often, analyses and models should be made throughout a project's mission and
are validated or corroborated by the results of a test system definition to phrase requirements in absolute
activity. Any verification-related results should be terms in order to simplify their verification. As the
documented as part of the project's archives. system and interface requirements are es-
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

tablished and refined, the verification engineer assesses Verification Reports

them to determine the appropriate method of verification
or combination thereof. These requirements and the A verification report should be provided for each
method(s) of verification are then documented in the ap- analysis and at a minimum, for each major test
propriate requirements document. activity, such as functional testing, environmental
Using the methods of verification to be testing, and end-to-end compatibility testing occurs
performed for each verification stage, along with the over long periods of time or is separated by other
levels (e.g., part, subsystem, system) at which the activities, verification reports may be needed for each
verifications are to be performed, and any individual test activity, such as functional testing,
environmental controls (e.g., contamination) that must acoustic testing, vibration testing, and thermal
be maintained, the verification engineer outlines a vacuum/thermal balance testing. Verification reports
preliminary schedule of verification activities associated should be completed within a few weeks following a
with development, qualification, and acceptance of the test, and should provide evidence of compliance with
system. This preliminary schedule should be in ac- the verification requirements for which it was
cordance with project milestones, and should be conducted. The verification report should include as
updated as verification activities are refined. appropriate:
During planning, the verification engineer also
identifies the documentation necessary to support the • Verification objectives and degree to which
verification program. This documentation normally they were met
includes: (1) a Verification Requirements Matrix (VRM), • Description of verification activity
(2) a Master Verification Plan (MVP), (3) a Verification • Test configuration and differences from flight
Requirements and Specifications Document (VRSD), configuration
and (4) a Verification Requirements Compliance • Specific result of each test and each
Document (VRCD). Documentation for test procedures procedure including annotated tests
and reports may also be defined. Because the system • Specific result of each anal ysis
engineer should be familiar with these basic elements of • Test performance data tables, graphs,
a verification process, each of these is covered below. illustrations, and pictures
• Descriptions of deviations from nominal
Verification Requirements Matrix. The Verification
results, problems/failures, approved anomaly
Requirements Matrix (VRM) is that portion of a corrective actions, and re-test activity
requirements document (generally a System
• Summary of non-conformance/discrepancy
Requirements Document or Cl specification) that
reports including dispositions
defines how each functional, performance, and design
• Conclusion and recommendations relative to
requirement is to be verified, the stage in which
success of verification activity
verification is to occur, and (sometimes) the applicable
verification levels. The verification engineer develops • Status of support equipment as affected by
the VRM in coordination with the design, systems test
engineering, and test organizations. VRM contents are • Copy of as-run procedure
tailored to each project's requirements, and the level of • Authentication of test results and authorization
detail in VRMs may vary. The VRM is baselined as a of acceptability.
result of the PDR, and essentially establishes the basis
for the verification program. A sample VRM for a CI
specification is shown in Appendix B.9. vices a general schedule and sequence of events for
major verification activities. It also describes test
Master Verification Plan. The Master Verification Plan software, Ground Support Equipment (GSE), and
(MVP) is the document that describes the overall facilities necessary to support the verification activities.
verification program. The MVP provides the content and The verification engineer develops the plan through a
depth of detail necessary to provide full visibility of all thorough understanding of the verification program
verification activities. Each major activity is defined and concept, the requirements in the Program (i.e., Level I)
described in detail. The plan encompasses qualification, Requirements Document (PRD), System/Segment (i.e.,
acceptance, pre-launch, operational, and disposal Level II) Requirements Document (SRD), and/or the CI
verification activities for flight hardware and software. specification, and the methods identified in the VRM of
(Development stage verification activities are not those documents. Again, the development of the plan
normally documented in the plan, but may be requires that the verification engineer work closely with
documented elsewhere.) The plan pro the design, systems engineering, and test organizations.
A sample outline for this plan is illustrated in Appendix
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

Verification Requirements and Specifications Docu - information provides either the actual data, or a
ment. The Verification Requirements and Specifications reference to the location of the actual data that shows
Document (VRSD) defines the detailed requirements compliance with the requirement. (The document also
and specifications for the verification of a flight article, shows any non-compliances by referencing the related
including the ground system/segment. The VRSD Non-Compliance Report (NCR) or Problem/Failure
specifies requirements and specifications for activities Report (P/FR); following resolution of the anomaly, the
covering qualification through operational verification. document specifies appropriate re-verification
Requirements are also defined for flight software information.) The compliance information may reference
verification after the software has been installed in the a verification report, an automated test program, a
flight article. The VRSD should cover verifications by all verification procedure, an analysis report, or a test. The
methods; some programs/projects, however, use a inputting of compliance information into the compliance
document that defines only requirements to be satisfied document occurs over a lengthy period of time, and on
by test. large systems and payloads, the effort may be
The VRSD should include all requirements continuous. The information in the compliance
defined in Level I, II, and III requirements documents document must be up-to-date for the System
plus derived requirements. The VRSD defines the Acceptance Review(s) (SAR) and Flight Readiness
acceptance criteria and any constraints for each Review (FRR). The compliance document is not
requirement. The VRSD typical]y identifies the locations baselined because compliance information is input to
where requirements will be verified. On large the document throughout the entire project life cycle. It
programs/projects, a VRSD is normally developed for is, however, an extremely important part of the project's
each verification activity/location (e.g., thermal-vacuum archives.
testing), and is tailored to include requirements for that The heart of the Verification Requirements
verification activity only. The verification engineer Compliance Document is also a data table with links to
develops the VRSD from an understanding of the the corresponding requirements. The VRCD includes the
requirements, the verification program concept, and the following fields:
flight article. The VRSD is baselined prior to the start of
the verification activity. The heart of the VRSD is a data • A numerical designator assigned to each
table that includes the following fields: requirement
• A numerical designator that defines the
• A numerical designator assigned to each document where the requirement is defined
requirement • A statement of the specific requirement for
• A statement of the specific requirement to be which compliance is to be defined
verified • Verification method used to verify the
• The "pass/fail" criteria and tolerances for each requirement
requirement • Location of the data that show compliance with
• Any constraints that must be observed the requirement statement. This information
• Any remarks to aid in the understanding of the could be a test, report, procedure, analysis
requirement report, or other information that fully defines
• Location where the requirement will be verified. where the compliance data could be found.
Retest information is also shown.
The VRSD, along with flight article drawings and • Any non-conformances that occurred during the
schematics, is the basis for the development of verification activities
verification procedures, and is also used as one of the • Any statements of compliance information as to
bases for development of the Verification Requirements any non-compliance or acceptance by means
Compliance Document (VRCD). other than the method identified, such as a
Verification Requirements Compliance Document.
The Verification Requirements Compliance Document Verification Procedures. The verification procedures
(VRCD) provides the evidence of compliance to each are documents that provide step-by-step instructions for
Level I through Level n design, performance, safety, performing a given verification activity. The procedure is
and interface requirement, and to each VRSD tailored to the verification activity that is to be performed
requirement. The flowdown to VRSD requirements to satisfy a requirement, and could be a test,
completes the full requirements traceability. Compliance demonstration, or any other verification-related activity.
with all the requirements ensures that Level I The procedure is
requirements have been met.
The VRCD defines, for each requirement, the
method(s) of verification and corresponding compliance
information for each method employed. The compliance
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

written to satisfy requirements defined by the VRSD, Test Readiness Reviews

and is submitted prior to the Test Readiness Review
(TRR) or the start of the verification activity in which the A Test Readiness Review (TRR) is held prior to each
procedure is used. (See sidebar on TRRs.) major test to ensure the readiness of all ground, flight,
Procedures are also used to verify the and operational systems to support the performance
acceptance of facilities, electrical and mechanical of the test. A review of the detailed status of the
ground support equipment, and special test equipment. facilities, Ground Support Equipment (GSE), test
The information generally contained in a procedure is as design, software, procedures, and verification
follows, but it may vary according to the activity and test requirements is made. The test activities and
article: schedule are outlined and personnel responsibilities
are identified. Verification emphasis is directed
• Nomenclature and identification of the test toward ensuring that all verification requirements that
article or material have been identified for the test have been included in
• Identification of test configuration and any differ- the test design and procedures.
ences from flight configuration
• Identification of objectives and criteria
established for the test by the applicable completed procedure can serve as part of the
verification specifica tion verification report. The as-run and certified copy of the
• Characteristics and design criteria to be procedure is maintained as part of the project's
inspected or tested, including values, with archives.
tolerances, for acceptance or rejection
• Description, in sequence, of steps and 6.6.3 Qualification Verification
operations to be taken
• Identification of computer software required Qualification stage verification activities begin
• Identification of measuring, test, and recording after completion of development of the flight hardware
equipment to be used, specifying range, designs, and include analyses and testing to ensure that
accuracy, and type the flight or flight-type hardware (and software) will meet
• Certification that required computer test pro- functional and performance requirements in anticipated
grams/support equipment and software have environmental conditions. Qualification tests generally
been verified prior to use with flight hardware are designed to subject the hardware to worst case
• Any special instructions for operating data loads and environmental stresses. Some of the
recording equipment or other automated test verifications performed to ensure hardware compliance
equipment as applicable to worst case loads and environments are
• Layouts, schematics, or diagrams showing vibration/acoustic, pressure limits, leak rates, thermal
identification, location, and interconnection of vacuum, thermal cycling, electromagnetic interference
test equipment, test articles, and measuring and electromagnetic compatibility (EMI/EMC), high and
points low voltage limits, and life time/cycling. During this
stage, many performance requirements are verified,
• Identification of hazardous situations or
while analyses and models are updated as test data are
acquired. Safety requirements, defined by hazard
• Precautions and safety instructions to ensure
analysis reports, may also be satisfied by qualification
safety of personnel and prevent degradation of
test articles and measuring equipment
Qualification usually occurs at the component or
• Environmental and/or other conditions to be subsystem level, but could occur at the system level as
maintained with tolerances well. When a project decides against building dedicated
• Constraints on inspection or testing qualification hardware, and uses the flight hardware
• Special instructions for non-conformances and itself for qualification purposes, the process is termed
anomalous occurrences or results protoflight. Additional information on protoflight testing is
• Specifications for facility, equipment contained in MSFC-HDBK-670, General Environmental
maintenance, housekeeping, certification Test Guidelines (GETG) for Protoflight Instruments and
inspection, and safety and handling Experiments.
requirements before, during, and after the total
verification activity. 6.6.4 Acceptance Verification
The procedure may provide blank spaces for The acceptance stage verification activities
recording of results and narrative comments in order provide the assurance that the flight hardware and
that the software are in
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

compliance with all functional, performance, and design Software IV&V

requirements, and are ready for shipment to the launch
site. The acceptance stage begins with the acceptance Some project managers/system engineers may wish
of each individual component or piece part for assembly to add IV&V (Independent Verification and Validation)
into the flight article and continues through the SAR. to the software verification program. IV&V is a
Some verifications cannot be performed after a process whereby the products of the software
flight article, especially a large one, has been development life cycle are independently reviewed,
assembled and integrated (e.g., due to inaccessability). verified, and validated by an organization that is
When this occurs, these verifications are performed neither the developer nor the acquirer of the software.
during fabrication and integration, and are known as The IV&V agent should have no stake in the success
in-process tests. Acceptance testing, then, begins with or failure of the software; the agent’s only interest
in-process testing and continues through functional should be to make sure that the software is thoroughly
testing, environmental testing, and end-to-end tested against its requirements.
compatibility testing. Functional testing normally begins IV&V activities duplicate the project’s V&V
at the component level and continues at the systems activities step-by-step during the life cycle, with the
level, ending with all systems operating simultaneously. exception that the IV&V agent does no informal
All tests are performed in accordance with requirements testing. If IV&V is employed, formal acceptance
defined in the VRSD. When flight hardware is testing may be done only once, by the IV&V agent. In
unavailable, or its use is inappropriate for a specific test, this case, the developer formally demonstrates that
simulators may be used to verify interfaces. Anomalies the software is ready for acceptance testing.
occurring during a test are documented on the
appropriate reporting system (NCR or P/FR), and a
proposed resolution should be defined before testing tingency verifications and procedures are developed for
continues. Major anomalies, or those that are not easily any contingencies that can be foreseen to occur during
dispositioned, may require resolution by a collaborative pre-launch and countdown. These contingency
effort of the system engineer, and the design, test, and verifications and procedures are critical in that some
other organizations. Where appropriate, analyses and contingencies may require a return of the launch vehicle
models are validated and updated as test data are or flight article from the launch pad to a processing
acquired. facility.

6.6.5 Preparation for Deployment Verification 6.6.6 Operational and Disposal Verification

The pre-launch verification stage begins with Operational verification provides the assurance
the arrival of the flight article at the launch site and that the system functions properly in a (near-) zero
concludes at liftoff. During this stage, the flight article is gravity and vacuum environment. These verifications
processed and integrated with the launch vehicle. The are performed through system activation and operation,
launch vehicle could be the Shuttle, some other launch rather than through a verification activity. Systems that
vehicle, or the flight article could be part of the launch are assembled on-orbit must have each interface
vehicle. Verifications requirements for this stage are verified, and must function properly during end-to-end
defined in the VRSD. When the launch site is the testing. Mechanical interfaces that provide fluid and gas
Kennedy Space Center, the Operations and flow must be verified to ensure no leakage occurs, and
Maintenance Requirements and Specifications that pressures and flow rates are within specification.
Document (OMRSD) is used in lieu of the VRSD. Environmental systems must be verified. The
Verifications performed during this stage ensure requirements for all operational verification activities are
that no visible damage to the system has occurred defined in the VRSD.
during shipment and that the system continues to Disposal verification provides the assurance
function properly. If system elements are shipped that the safe deactivation and disposal of all system
separately and integrated at the launch site, testing of products and processes has occurred. The disposal
the system and system interfaces is generally required. stage begins in Phase E at the appropriate time (i.e.,
If the system is integrated into a carrier, the interface to either as scheduled, or earlier in the event of premature
the carrier must also be verified. Other verifications failure or accident), and concludes when all mission
include those that occur following integration into the data have been acquired and verifications necessary to
launch vehicle and those that occur at the launch pad; establish compliance with disposal requirements are
these are intended to ensure that the system is finished. Both operational and disposal verification
functioning and in its proper launch configuration. Con activities may also include validation assess-
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

meets—that is, assessments of the degree to which the

system accomplished the desired mission 6.7.2 Producibility Tools and Techniques
Manufacturing Functional Flow Block Diagrams
6.7 Producibility (FFBDs). Manufacturing FFBDs are used in the same
way system FFBDs. described in Appendix B.7.1, are
Producibility is a system characteristic used. At the top level, manufacturing FFBDs
associated with the ease and economy with which a supplement and clarify the system's manufacturing
completed design can be transformed (i.e., fabricated, sequence.
manufactured, or coded) into a hardware and/or
software realization. While major NASA systems tend to Risk Management Templates. The risk management
be produced in small quantities, a particular producibility templates of DoD 4245.7M, Transition from
feature can be critical to a system's cost-effectiveness, Development to Production ...Solving the Risk Equation,
as experience with the Shuttle's thermal tiles has shown. are a widely recognized series of risks, risk responses,
and lessons reamed from DoD experience. These
6.7.1 Role of the Production Engineer templates, which were designed to reduce risks in
production, can be tailored to individual NASA projects.
The production engineer supports the systems
engineering process (as a part of the multi-disciplinary Producibility Assessment Worksheets. These work-
PDT) through an active role in implementing specific sheets, which were also developed for DoD, use a judg-
design features to enhance producibility, and by ment-based scoring approach to help choose among
performing the production engineering analyses needed alternative production methods. See Producibility
by the project. These tasks and analyses include: Measurement for DoD Contracts.

• Performing the manufacturing/fabrication Producibility Models. Producibility models are used in

portion of the system risk management program addressing a variety of issues such as assessing the
(see Section 4.6). This is accomplished by feasibility of alternative manufacturing plans, and
conducting a rigorous production risk estimating production costs as a part of life-cycle cost
assessment and by planning effective risk management. Specific producibility models may include:
mitigation actions.
• Identifying system design features that enhance • Scheduling models for estimating production
producibility. Efforts usually focus on design output, and for integrating system
simplification, fabrication tolerances, and enhancements and/or spares production into the
avoidance of hazardous materials. manufacturing sequence
• Conducting producibility trade studies to • Manufacturing or assembly flow simulations,
determine the most cost-effective e.g., discrete event simulations of factory
fabrication/manufacturing process activities
• Assessing production feasibility within project • Production cost models that include learning
constraints. This may include assessing and production rate sensitivities. (See sidebar
contractor and principal subcontractor page 82.)
production experience and capability, new
fabrication technology, special tooling, and Statistical Process Control/Design of Experiments.
production personnel training requirements. These techniques, long applied in manufacturing to
Identifying long-lead items and critical materials identify the causes of unwanted variations in product
• Estimating production costs as a part of quality and reduce their effects, have had a rebirth
life-cycle cost management under TQM. A collection of currently popular techniques
• Developing production schedules of this new quality engineering is known as Taguchi
• Developing approaches and plans to validate methods. For first-hand information on Taguchi
fabrication/manufacturing processes. methods, see his book, Quality Engineering in
Production Systems, 1989. A handbook approach to to
The results of these tasks and production some of these techniques can be found in the
engineering analyses are documented in the
Manufacturing Plan with a level of detail appropriate to
the phase of the project. The production engineer also
participates in and contributes to major project reviews
(primarily PDR and CDR) on the above items, and to
special interim reviews such as the Production
Readiness Review (ProRR).
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

Navy's Producibility Measurement Guidelines: What is NEPA?

Methodologies for Product Integrity.
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
6.8 Social Acceptability 1969 declares a national environmental policy and
goals, and provides a method for accomplishing those
NASA systems must be acceptable to the goals. NEPA requires an Environmental Impact
society that funds them. The system engineer takes this Statement (EIS) for "major federal actions significantly
into account by integrating mandated social concerns affecting the quality of the human environment."
into the systems engineering process. For some Some environmental impact reference docu-
systems, these concerns can result in significant design ments include:
and cost penalties. Even when social concerns can be
met, the planning and analysis associated with doing so • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
can be time-consuming (even to the extent of affecting 1969, as amended (40 CFR 1500-1508)
the project's critical path), and use significant • Procedures for Implementing the National
specialized engineering resources. The system engineer Environmental Policy Act (14CFR 1216.3)
must include these costs in high-level trade studies of • Implementing the Requirements of the
alternative architectures/designs. National Environmental Policy Act, NHB
6.8.1 Environmental Impact • Executive Order 11514, Protection and En-
hancement of Environmental Quality, March 5,
NASA policy and federal law require all NASA 1970, as amended by Executive Order 11991,
actions that may impact the quality of the environment May 24, 1977
be executed in accordance with the policies and • Executive Order 12114, Environmental Effects
procedures of the National Environmental Policy Act Abroad of Major Federal Actions, January 4,
(NEPA). For any NASA project or other major NASA 1979.
effort, this requires that studies and analyses be
produced explaining how and why the project is planned,
and the nature and scope of its potential environmental
tional environmental policy and goals. First, the process
impact. These studies must be performed whether the
helps the system engineer shape the project by putting
project is conducted at NASA Headquarters, a field
potential environmental concerns in the forefront during
center, or a contractor facility, and must properly begin
Phase A. Secondly, the process provides the means for
at the earliest period of project planning (i.e., not later
reporting to the public the project's rationale and
than Phase A). Findings, in the form of an
implementation method. Finally, it allows public review
Environmental Assessment (EA) and, if warranted,
of and comment on the planned effort, and requires
through the more thorough analyses of an
NASA to consider and respond to those comments. The
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), must be
system engineer should be aware of the following NEPA
presented to the public for review and comment. (See
process elements.
sidebar on NEPA.)
At the outset, some NASA projects will be of
such a magnitude and nature that an EIS is clearly Environmental Assessment (EA). An EA is a concise
going to be required by NEPA, and some will clearly not public document that serves to provide sufficient
need an EIS. Most major NASA projects, however, fall evidence and analyses for determining whether to
in between, where the need for an EIS is a priori prepare either an EIS or a Finding of No Significant
unclear, in such cases an EA is prepared to determine Impact (FONSI). The analyses performed should
whether an EIS is indeed required. NASA's experience identify the environmental effects of all reasonable
alternative methods of achieving the project's
since 1970 has been that projects in which there is the
goals/objectives so that they may be compared. The
release—or potential release— of large or hazardous
alternative of taking no action (i.e., not doing the pro-
quantities of pollutants (rocket exhaust gases, exotic
ject) should also be studied. Although there is no
materials, or radioactive substances), require an EIS.
requirement that NASA select the alternative having the
For projects in this category, an EA is not performed,
least environmental impact, there must be sufficient
and the project's analyses should focus on and support
information available to make clear what those impacts
the preparation of an EIS.
would be, and to describe the reasoning behind NASA's
The NEPA process is meant to ensure that the
preferred selection. The environmental analyses are an
project is planned and executed in a way that meets the
integral part of the project's systems engineering
The EA is the responsibility of the NASA Head-
quarters Program Associate Administrator (PAA)
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

ble for the proposed project or action. The EA can be The section on environmental consequences is
carried out at Headquarters or at a NASA field center. the analytic heart of the EIS, and provides the basis for
Approval of the EA is made by the responsible PAA. the comparative evaluation of the alternatives. The
Most often, approval of the EA takes the form of a analytic results for each alternative should be displayed
memorandum to the Associate Administrator (AA) for in a way that highlights the choices offered the decision
Management Systems and Facilities (Code J) stating maker(s). An especially suitable form is a matrix
either that the project requires an EIS, or that it does showing the alternatives against the categories of
not. If an EIS is found to be necessary, a Notice of environmental impact (e.g., air pollution, water pollution,
Intent (NOI) to prepare an EIS is written; if an EIS is endangered species). The matrix is filled in with (an
found to be unnecessary, a Finding of No Significant estimate of) the magnitude of the environmental impact
Impact (FONSI) is written instead. for each alternative and category. The subsequent
discussion of alternatives is an extremely important part
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). A FONSI of the EIS, and should be given commensurate
should briefly present the reasons why the proposed attention.
project or action, as presented in the EA, has been NASA review of the draft EIS is managed by the
judged to have no significant effect on the human Code J AA. When submitted for NASA review, the draft
environment, and does not therefore require the EIS should be accompanied by a proposed list of
preparation of an EIS. The FONSI for projects and federal, state and local officials, and other interested
actions that are national in scope is published in the parties.
Federal Register, and is available for public review for a External review of the draft EIS is also managed
30-day period. During that time, any supporting by the Code J AA. A notice announcing the release and
information is made readily available on request. availability of the draft EIS is published in the Federal
Register, and copies are distributed with a request for
Notice of Intent (NOI). A Notice of Intent to file an EIS comments. Upon receipt of the draft, the Environmental
should include a brief description of the proposed Protection Agency (EPA) also places a notice in the
project or action, possible alternatives, the primary Federal Register, and the date of that publication is the
environmental issues uncovered by the EA, and NASA's date that all time limits related to the draft's release
proposed scoping procedure, including the time and begin. A minimum of 45 days must be allowed for
place of any scoping meetings. The NOI is prepared by comments. Comments from external reviewers received
the responsible Headquarters PAA and published in the by the Code J AA will be sent to the office responsible
Federal Register. It is also sent to interested parties. for preparing the EIS. Each comment should be
incorporated in the final EIS.
Scoping. The responsible Headquarters PAA must con- The draft form of the final EIS, modified as re-
duct an early and open process for determining the quired by the review process just described, should be
scope of issues to be addressed in the EIS, and for forwarded to the Code J AA for a final review before
identifying the significant environmental issues. Scoping printing and distribution. The final version should include
is also the responsibility of the Headquarters PAA satisfactory responses to all responsible comments.
responsible for the proposed project or action; however, While NASA need not yield to each and every opposing
the responsible Headquarters PAA often works closely comment, NASA's position should be rational, logical,
with the Code J AA. Initially, scoping must consider the and based on data and arguments stronger than those
full range of environmental parameters en route to cited by the commentors opposing the NASA views.
identifying those that are significant enough to be According to NHB 8800.11, Implementing the Pro-
addressed in the EIS. Examples of the environmental visions of the National Environmental Policy Act (Section
categories and questions that should be asked in the 309.b), "an important element in the EIS process is in-
scoping process are contained in NHB 8800.11, volvement of the public. Early involvement can go a
Implementing the Provisions of the National En - long way toward meeting complaints and objections
vironmental Policy Act, Section 307.d. regarding a proposed action, and experience has taught
that a fully informed and involved public is considerably
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EA and more supportive of a proposed action. When a proposed
scoping elements of the NEPA process provide the action is believed likely to generate significant public
responsible Headquarters PAA with an evaluation of concern, the public should be brought in for consultation
significant environmental effects and issues that must in the early planning stages. If an EIS is warranted, the
be covered in the EIS. Preparation of the EIS itself may public should
be carried out by NASA alone, or with the assistance or
cooperation of other government agencies and/or a
contractor. If a contractor is used, the contractor should
execute a disclosure statement prepared by NASA
Headquarters indicating that the contractor has no
interest in the outcome of the project.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

be involved both in scoping and in the EIS review. Early During Phase B, activities depend on the
involvement can help lead to selection of the best specifics of the project's EA/EIS plan. The responsible
alternative and to the least public o bjection." Headquarters PAA determines whether the preparation
and writing of the EA/EIS will be done at a NASA field
Record of Decision (ROD). When the EIS process has center, at NASA Headquarters, or by a contractor, and
been completed and public review periods have what assistance will be required from other field centers,
elapsed, NASA is free to make and implement the the launch facility, DOE, or other agencies and
decision(s) regarding the proposed project or action. At organizations. The launch approval engineer ensures
that time, a Record of Decision (ROD) is prepared by that the following specific requirements are met during
the Headquarters PAA responsible for the project or Phase B:
action. The ROD becomes the official public record of
the consideration of environmental factors in reaching • Update and refine the project, flight system,
the decision. The ROD is not published in the Federal launch vehicle, and radioactive source
Register, but must be kept in the official files of the descriptions
program/project in question and made available on • Update and refine the radioactive source design
request. trade study developed during Phase A
• Assist DOE where appropriate in conducting a
6.8.2 Nuclear Safety Launch Approval preliminary assessment of the mission's nuclear
risk and environmental hazards.
Presidential Directive/National Security Council
Memorandum-25 (PD/NSC-25) requires that flight The launch approval engineer is also
projects calling for the use of radioactive sources follow responsible for coordinating the activities, interfaces,
a lengthy analysis and review process in order to seek and record-keeping related to mission nuclear safety
approval for launch. The nuclear safety launch approval issues. The following tasks are managed by the launch
process is separate and distinct from the NEPA approval engineer:
compliance process. While there may be overlaps in the
data-gathering for both, the documentation required for • Develop the project EA/EIS and Safety Analy-
NEPA and nuclear safety launch approval fulfill sis/Launch Approval Plan
separate federal and NASA requirements. While NEPA • Maintain a database of documents related to
is to be done at the earliest stages of the project, launch EA/EIS and nuclear safety launch approval
approval officially begins with Phase C/D. tasks. This database will help form and maintain
Phase A/B activities are driven by the the audit trail record of how and why technical
requirements of the EA/EIS. At the earliest possible time decisions and choices are made in the mission
(not later than Phase A), the responsible Headquarters development and planning process. Attention to
PAA must undertake to develop the project EA/EIS and this activity early on saves time and expense
a Safety Analysis/Launch Approval Plan in coordination later in the launch approval process when the
with the nuclear power system integration engineer project may be called upon to explain why a
and/or the launch vehicle integration engineer. A particular method or alternative was given
primary purpose of the EA/EIS is to ensure a greater weight in the planning process.
comprehensive assessment of the rationale for choosing • Provide documentation and review support as
a radioactive source. In addition, the EA/EIS illuminates appropriate in the generation of mission data
the environmental effects of alternative mission designs, and trade studies required to support the EA/EIS
flight systems, and launch vehicles, as well as the and safety analyses
relative nuclear safety concerns of each alternative. • Establish a project point-of-contact to the launch
The launch approval engineer ensures that the vehicle integration engineer, DOE, and NASA
following specific requirements are met during Phase A: Headquarters regarding support to the EA/EIS
and nuclear safety launch approval processes.
• Conduct a radioactive source design trade study This includes responding to public and
that includes the definition, spacecraft design Congressional que-
impact evaluation, and cost trades of all
reasonable alternatives
• Identify the flight system requirements that are
specific to the radioactive source
• For nuclear power alternatives, identify flight
system power requirements and alternatives,
and define the operating and accident
environments to allow DOE (U.S. Department of
Energy) to assess the applicability of existing
nuclear power system design(s).
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
Integrating Engineering Specialties Into the Systems Engineering Process

• ries regarding radioactive source safety issues, planetary protection begins in Phase A, during which
and supporting proceedings resulting from any feasibility of the mission is established. Prior to the end
litigation that may occur. of Phase A, the project manager must send a letter to
• Provide technical analysis support as required the Planetary Protection Officer (PPO) within the Office
for the generation of accident and/or command of the AA for Space Science stating the mission type
destruct environment for the radioactive source and planetary targets, and requesting that the mission
safety analysis. The usual technique for the be assigned a planetary protection category. Table 7
technical analysis is a probabilistic risk shows the current planetary protection categories and a
assessment (PRA). See Section 4.6.3. summary of their associated requirements.
Prior to the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) at
6.8.3 Planetary Protection the end of Phase B. the project manager must submit to
the NASA PPO a Planetary Protection Plan detailing the
The U.S. is a signatory to the United Nation's actions that will be taken to meet the requirements. The
Treaty of Principles Governing the Activities of States in project's progress and completion of the requirements
the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the are reported in a Planetary Protection Pre-Launch
Moon and Other Celestial Bodies. Known as the "Outer Report submitted to the NASA PPO for approval. The
Space" treaty, it states in part (Article IX) that approval of this report at the Flight Readiness Review
exploration of the Moon and other celestial bodies shall (FRR) constitutes the final approval for the project and
be conducted "so as to avoid their harmful must be obtained for permission to launch. An update to
contamination and also adverse changes in the this report, the Planetary Protection Post-Launch
environment of the Earth resulting from the introduction Report, is prepared to report any deviations from the
of extraterrestrial matter." NASA policy (NMI 8020.7D) planned mission due to actual launch or early mission
specifies that the purpose of preserving solar system events. For sample return missions only, additional
conditions is for future biological and organic constituent reports and reviews are required: prior to launch toward
exploration. It also establishes the basic NASA policy for the Earth, prior to commitment to Earth reentry, and
the protection of the Earth and its biosphere from prior to the release of any extraterrestrial sample to the
planetary and other extraterrestrial sources of scientific community for investigation. Finally, at the
contamination. formally declared end-of-mission, a Planetary Protection
The general regulations to which NASA flight End-of-Mission Report is prepared. This document
projects must adhere are set forth in NHB 8020.12B, reviews the entire history of the mission in comparison
Planetary Protection Provisions for Robotic to the original Planetary Protection Plan, and documents
Extraterrestrial Missions. Different requirements apply to the degree of compliance with NASA's planetary
different missions, depending on which solar system protection requirements. This document is typically
object is targeted and the spacecraft or mission type reported on by the NASA PPO at a meeting of the
(flyby, orbiter, lander, sample-return, etc.). For some Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) to inform
bodies (such as the Sun, Moon, Mercury), there are no other spacefaring nations of NASA's degree of
outbound contamination requirements. Present compliance with international planetary protection
requirements for the outbound phase of missions to requirements.
Mars, however, are particularly rigorous. Planning for
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Appendix A—Acronyms

Acronyms are useful because they provide a FRR Flight Readiness Review
shorthand way to refer to an organization, a kind of GAO General Accounting Office
document, an activity or idea, etc. within a generally GOES Geosynchonous Orbiting Environmental
understood context. Their overuse, however, can Satellite
interfere with communications. The NASA Lexicon GSE Ground Support Equipment
contains the results of an attempt to provide a HQ NASA Headquarters
comprehensive list of all acronyms used in NASA HST Hubble Space Telescope
systems engineering. This appendix contains two lists: I&V Integration and Verification
the acronyms used in this handbook and the acronyms ILS Integrated Logistics Support
for some of the major NASA organizations. ILSP Integrated Logistics Support Plan
ILSS Integrated Logistics Support System
AA Associate Administrator (NASA) IOP Institutional Operating Plan
APA Allowance for Program Adjustment IRAS Infrared Astronomical Satellite
ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed IV&V Independent Verification and Validation
AGE Aerospace Ground Equipment IVA Intravehicular Activities
AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process LEM Lunar Excursion Module (Apollo)
BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed LEO Low Earth Orbit
BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled LMEPO Lunar/Mars Exploration Program Office
C/SCSC Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria LMI Logistics Management Institute
CALS Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle LOOS Launch and Orbital Operations Support
Support LRU Line Replaceable Unit
CCB Configuration (or Change) Control Board LSA Logistics Support Analysis
CDR Critical Design Review LSAR Logistics Support Analysis Record
CER Cost Estimating Relationship MDT Mean Downtime
CI Configuration Item MCR Mission Concept Review
CIL Critical Items List MDR Mission Definition Review
CoF Construction of Facilities MESSOC Model for Estimating Space Station
COSPAR Committee on Space Research Operations
COTR Contracting Office Technical Representative MICM Multi-variable Instrument Cost Model
CPM Critical Path Method MLDT Mean Logistics Delay Time
CR Change Request MMT Mean Maintenance Time
CSCI Computer Software Configuration Item MNS Mission Needs Statement
CSM Center for Systems Management MoE Measure of (system) Effectiveness
CWBS Contract Work Breakdown Structure MRB Material Review Board
DCR Design Certification Review MRR Mission Requirements Review
DDT&E Design, Development, Test and Evaluation MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
DoD (U.S.) Department of Defense MTTF Mean Time To Failure
DOE (U.S.) Department of Energy MTTMA Mean Time To a Maintenance Action
DR Decommissioning Review MTTR Mean Time To Repair/Restore
DSMC Defense Systems Management College NAR Non-Advocate Review
EA Environmental Assessment NCR Non-Compliance (or Non-Conformance)
EAC Estimate at Completion Report
ECP Engineering Change Proposal NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
ECR Engineering Change Request NHB NASA Handbook
EIS Environmental Impact Statement NMI NASA Management Instruction
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility NOAA (U.S.) National Oceanic and Atmospheric
EMI Electromagnetic interference Administration
EOM End of Mission NOI Notice of Intent
EPA (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency OMB Office of Management and Budget
EVA Extravehicular Activities
EVM Earned Value Measurement
FCA Functional Configuration Audit
FFBD Functional Flow Block Diagram
FH Flight Hardware
FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
FMECA Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality
FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

OMRSD Operations and Maintenance Requirements VMP Verification Master Plan

and Specifications Document (KSC) VRCD Verification Requirements Compliance
ORLA Optimum Repair Level Analysis Document
ORR Operational Readiness Review VRM Verification Requirements Matrix
ORU Orbital Replacement Unit VRSD Verification Requirements and Specifications
P/FR Problem Failure Report Document
PAA Program Associate Administrator (NASA) WBS Work Breakdown Structure
PAR Program/Project Approval Review WFD Work Flow Diagram
PBS Product Breakdown Structure
PCA Physical Configuration Audit NASA Organizations
PDR Preliminary Design Review
PDT Product Development Team ARC Ames Research Center, Moffett Field CA
PDV Present Discounted Value 94035
PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique COSMIC Computer Software Management &
POP Program Operating Plan Information Center, University of Georgia, 382
PPAR Preliminary Program/Project Approval Review E. Broad St., Athens GA 30602
PPO Planetary Protection Officer GISS Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GSFC),
PRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment 2880 Broadway, New York NY 10025
PRD Program Requirements Document GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt Rd.,
ProRR Production Readiness Review Greenbelt MD 20771
QA Quality Assurance HQ National Aeronautics and Space
QFD Quality Function Deployment Administration Headquarters, Washington DC
RAM Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability 20546
RAS Requirements Allocation Sheet JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove
RID Review Item Discrepancy Dr., Pasadena CA 91109
RMP Risk Management Plan JSC Lyndon B. Jhonson Space Center, Houston
ROD Record of Decision TX 77058
RTG Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator KSC John F. Kennedy Space Center, Kennedy
SAR System Acceptance Review Space Center FL 32899
SDR System Definition Review SCC Slidell Computer Complex, 1010 Gauss Blvd,
SEB Source Evaluation Board Slidell LA 70458
SEMP Systems Engineering Management Plan SSC John C. Stennis Space Center, Stennis Space
SEPIT Systems Engineering Process Improvement Center MS 39529
Task STIF Scientific & Technical Information Facility,
SEWG Systems Engineering Working Group (NASA) P.O. Box 8757, BWI Airport MD 21240
SI Le Systeme International d' Unites(the WFF Wallops Flight Facility (GSFC), Wallops
international [metric] system of units) Island VA 23337
SIRTF Space Infrared Telescope Facility WSTF White Sands Test Facility (JSC), P.O. Drawer
SOFIA Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared MM, Las Cruces NM 88004
SoSR Software Specification Review
SoW Statement of Work
SSR System Safety Review
SRD System/Segment Requirements Document
SRM&QA Safety, Reliability, Maintainability, and
Quality Assurance
SRR System Requirements Review
STEP Standard for the Exchange of Product (model
STS Space Transportation System
SSA Space Station Alpha
SSF Space Station Freedom
TBD To Be Determined; To Be Done
TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
TLA Time Line Analysis
TLS Time Line Sheet
TPM Technical Performance Measure(ment)
TQM Total Quality Management
TRR Test Readiness Review
V&V Verification and Validation
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Appendix B—Systems Engineering

Templates and Examples

Appendix B.1—A Sample SEMP Outline

2.4 Design Optimization/Effectiveness Compatibility
An outline recommended by the Defense 2.5 Synthesis
Systems Management College for the Systems 2.6 Technical Interface Compatibility
Engineering Management Plan is shown below. This 2.7 Logistic Support Analysis
outline is a sample only, and should be tailored for the 2.8 Producibility Analysis
nature of the project and its inherent risks. 2.9 Specification Tree/Specifications
2.10 Documentation
Systems Engineering Management Plan 2.11 Systems Engineering Tools

Title Page Part 3—Engineering Specialty/Integration Requirements

Introduction 3.1 Integration Design/Plans
3.1.1 Reliability
Part 1 - Technical Program Planning and Control 3.1.2 Maintainability
1.0 Responsibilities and Authority 3.1.3 Human Engineering
1.1 Standards, Procedures, and Training 3.1.4 Safety
1.2 Program Risk Analysis 3.1.5 Standardization
1.3 Work Breakdown Structures 3.1.6 Survivability/Vulnerability
1.4 Program Review 3.1.7 Electromagnetic
1.5 Technical Reviews Compatibility/Interference
1.6 Technical Performance Measurements 3.1.8 Electromagnetic Pulse Hardening
1.7 Change Control Procedures 3.1.9 Integrated Logistics Support
1.8 Engineering Program Integration 3.1.10 Computer Resources Lifecycle
1.9 Interface Control Management Plan
1.10 Milestones/Schedule 3.1.1 1 Producibility
1.11 Other Plans and Controls 3.1.12 Other Engineering Specialty
Part 2 - Systems Engineering Process 3.2 Integration System Test Plans
2.0 Mission and Requirements Analysis 3.3 Compatibility with Supporting Activities
2.1 Functional Analysis 3.3.1 System Cost-Effectiveness
2.2 Requirements Allocation 3.3.2 Value Engineering
2.3 Trade Studies 3.3.3 TQM/Quality Assurance
3.3.4 Materials and Processes
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Appendix B.2 -- A "Tailored" WBS for an the prime product deliverables from the PBS are WBS
Airborne Telescope elements. The WBS is completed at each level by
adding needed service (i.e., functional) elements such
Figure B- I shows a partial Product Breakdown as management, systems engineering, integration and
Structure (PBS) for the proposed Stratospheric test, etc. The integration and test WBS element at each
Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), a 747SP level refers to the activities of unifying prime product
aircraft outfitted with a 2.5 to 3.0 m telescope. The PBS deliverables at that level.
has been elaborated for the airborne facility's telescope Although the SOFIA project is used as an
element. The PBS level names have been made illustration in this appendix, the SOFIA WBS should be
consistent with the sidebar on page 3 of this handbook. tailored to fit actual conditions at the start of Phase C/D
Figures B-2 through B-5 show a corresponding as determined by the project manager. One example of
Work Breakdown Structures (WBSs) based on the a condition that could substantially change the WBS is
principles in Section 4.3 of this handbook. At each level, international participation in the project.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Appendix B.4—A Sample Risk Management Plan

3.0 Risk Management Methodologies, Processes, and
1.0 Introduction Tools
1.1 Purpose and Scope of the RMP 3.1 Risk Identification and Characterization
1.2 Applicable Documents and Definitions 3.2 Risk Analysis
1.3 Program/Project (or System) Description 3.3 Risk Mitigation and Tracking

2.0 Risk Management Approach 4.0 Significant Identified Risks*

2.1 Risk Management Philosophy/Overview 4.1 Technical Risks
2.2 Management Organization and 4.2 Programmatic Risks
Responsibilities 4.3 Supportability Risks
2.3 Schedule, Milestones, and Reviews 4.4 Cost Risks
2.4 Related Program Plans 4.5 Schedule Risks
2.5 Subcontractor Risk Management
2.6 Program/Project Risk Metrics * Each subsection contains risk descriptions, charac-
terizations, analysis results, mitigation actions, and
reporting metrics .
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Appendix B.6—A Sample Configuration

Management Plan Outline
5.0 Interface Management
1.0 Introduction 5. 1 Documentation
1.1 Description of the Cls 5.2 Interface Control
1.2 Program Phasing and Milestones
1.3 Special Features 6.0 Configuration Traceability
6.1 Nomenclature and Numbering
2.0 Organization 6.2 Hardware Identification
2.1 Structure and Tools 6.3 Software and Firmware Identification
2.2 Authority and Responsibility
2.3 Directives and Reference Documents 7.0 Configuration Status Accounting and
3.0 Configuration Identification 7.1 Data Bank Description
3.1 Baselines 7.2 Data Bank Content
3.2 Specifications 7.3 Reporting

4.0 Configuration Control 8.0 Configuration Management Audits

4.1 Baseline Release
4.2 Procedures 9.0 Subcontractor/Vendor Control
4.3 CI Audits
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

thus initiating the interface identification and control

process. Each block in the second level diagram can be
progressively developed into a series of functions, as
shown in the third level diagram on Figure B-6. These
diagrams are used both to develop requirements and to
identify profitable trade studies. For example, does the
Appendix B.7—Techniques of Functional spacecraft antenna acquire the tracking and data relay
Analysis satellite (TDRS) only when the payload data are to be
transmitted, or does it track TDRS continually to allow
Appendix B.7 is reproduced from the Defense for the reception of emergency commands or
Systems Management Guide,published January 1990 transmission of emergency data? The FFBD also
by the Defense Systems Management College, Ft. incorporates alternate and contingency operations,
Belvoir, VA. which improve the probability of mission success. The
flow diagram provides an understanding of total
operation of the system, serves as a basis for
• • •
development of operational and contingency proce-
dures, and pinpoints areas where changes in operational
System requirements are analyzed to identify
procedures could simplify the overall system operation.
those functions which must be performed to satisfy the
In certain cases, alternate FFBDs may be used to
objectives of each functional area. Each function is
represent various means of satisfying a particular
identified and described in terms of inputs, outputs, and
function until data are acquired, which permits selection
interface requirements from top down so that
among the alternatives.
subfunctions are recognized as part of larger functional
areas. Functions are arranged in a logical sequence so
B.7.2 N2 Diagrams
that any specified operational usage of the system can
be traced in an end-to-end path. Although there are
many tools available, functional identification is The N2 diagram has been used extensively to
accomplished primarily through the use of 1) functional develop data interfaces, primarily in the software areas.
flow block diagrams (FFBDs) to depict task sequences However, it can also be used to develop hardware inter-
and relationships, 2) N2 diagrams to develop data faces. The basic N2 chart is shown in Figure B-7. The
interfaces, and 3) time line analyses to depict the time system functions are placed on the diagonal; the
sequence of time-critical functions. remainder of the squares in the N x N matrix represent
the interface inputs and outputs. Where a blank
B.7.1 Functional Flow Block Diagrams appears, there is no interface between the respective
functions. Data flows in a clockwise direction between
functions (e.g., the symbol F1 F2 indicates data flowing
The purpose of the FFBD is to indicate the
from function F1, to function F2). The data being
sequential relationship of all functions that must be
transmitted can be defined in the appropriate squares.
accomplished by a system. FFBDs depict the time
Alternatively, the use of circles and numbers permits a
sequence of functional events. That is, each function
separate listing of the data interfaces as shown in Figure
(represented by a block) occurs following the preceding
B-8. The clockwise flow of data between functions that
function. Some functions may be performed in parallel,
have a feedback loop can be illustrated by a larger circle
or alternate paths may be taken. The duration of the
called a control loop. The identification of a critical
function and the time between functions is not shown,
function is also shown in Figure B-8, where function F4
and may vary from a fraction of a second to many
has a number of inputs and outputs to all other functions
weeks. The FFBDs are function oriented, not equipment
in the upper module. A simple flow of interface data
oriented. In other words, they identify "what" must
exists between the upper and lower modules at
happen and do not assume a particular answer to "how"
functions F7 and F8. The lower module has complex
a function will be performed.
interaction among its functions. The N2 chart can be
FFBDs are developed in a series of levels.
taken down into successively lower levels to the
FFBDs show the same tasks identified through
hardware and software component functional levels. In
functional decomposition and display them in their
addition to defining the data that must be supplied
logical, sequential relationship. For example, the entire
across the interface, the N2 chart can pinpoint areas
flight mission of a spacecraft can be defined in a top
where conflicts could arise.
level FFBD, as shown in Figure B-6. Each block in the
first level diagram can then be expanded to a series of
functions, as shown in the second level diagram for
"perform mission operations." Note that the diagram
shows both input (transfer to operational orbit) and
output (transfer to space transportation system orbit),
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

used to perform and record the analysis of time critical

functions and functional sequences. Additional tools
such as mathematical models and computer simulations
may be necessary. Time line analysis is performed on
those areas where time is critical to the mission
success, safety, utilization of resources, minimization of
down time, and/or increasing availability. Not all
functional sequences require time line analysis, only
those in which time is a critical factor. The following
areas are often categorized as time critical: 1) functions
affecting system reaction time, 2) mission turnaround
time, 3) time countdown activities, and 4) functions
requiring time line analysis to determine optimum
equipment and/or personnel utilization. An example of a
high level TLS for a space program is shown in Figure

For time critical function sequences, the time

requirements are specified with associated tolerances.
Time line analyses play an important role in the trade-off
process between man and machine. The decisions
between automatic and manual methods will be made
and will determine what times are allocated to what
subfunctions. In addition to defining
subsystem/component time requirements, time line
analysis can be used to develop trade studies in areas
other than time consideration (e.g., should the
spacecraft location be determined by the ground
network or by onboard computation using navigation
satellite inputs? Figure B-10 is an example of a
maintenance TLS which illustrates that availability of an
Time line analysis adds consideration of item (a distiller) is dependent upon the completion of
functional durations and is used to support the numerous maintenance tasks accomplished
development of design requirements for operation, test concurrently. Furthermore, it illustrates the traceability to
and maintenance functions. The time line sheet (TLS) is higher level requirements by referencing the appropriate
FFBD and requirement allocation sheet (RAS).
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Appendix B.8 -- The Effect of Changes in

ORU MTBF on Space StationFreedom

The reliability of Space Station Freedom's

(SSF) Orbital Replacement Units (ORUs) has a
profound effect on its operations costs. This reliability is
measured by the Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF).
One study of the effects, by Dr. William F. Fisher and
Charles Price, was SSF External Maintenance Task
Team Final Report (JSC, July 1990). Another, by Anne
Accola, et al., shows these effects parametrically.
Appendix B.8 excerpts this paper, Sensitivity Study of
SSF Operations Costs and Selected User Resources
(presented at the International Academy of Astronautics
Symposium on Space Systems Costs Methodologies
and Applications, May 1990).
• • •
There are many potential tradeoffs that can be
performed during the design stage of SSF. Many of
them have major implications for crew safety,
operations cost, and achievement of mission goals.
Operations costs and important non-cost operations
parameters are examined. One example of a specific
area of concern in design is the reliability of the ORUs
that comprise SSF. The implications of ORU reliability
on logistics upmass and downmass to and from SSF are
great, thus affecting the resources available for
utilization and for other operations activities. In addition,
the implications of reliability on crew time available for
mission accomplishment (i.e., experiments) vs. station
maintenance are important.
The MTBF effect on operations cost is shown in
Figure B-11. Repair and spares costs are influenced
greatly by varying MTBF. Repair costs are inversely
proportional to MTBF, as are replacement spares. The
initial spares costs are also influenced by variables other
than MTBF. The combined spares cost, consisting of
initial and replacement spares are not as greatly
affected as are repair costs. The five-year operations
cost is increased by only ten percent if all ORU MTBF
are halved. The total operations cost is reduced by three
percent if all ORU MTBF are doubled. It would almost
appear that MTBF is not as important as one would
think. However, MTBF also affects available crew time
and available upmass much more than operations cost
as shown in Figures B-12 and B-13.
Available crew time is a valuable commodity
because it is a limited resource. Doubling the number of
ORU replacements (by decreasing the MTBF) increases
the maintenance crew time by 50 percent, thus reducing
the amount of time available to perform useful
experiments or scientific work by 22 percent. By halving
the ORU replacements, the maintenance crew time
decreases by 20 percent and the available crew time
increases by eight percent. Extra ORUs taken to orbit reduces available upmass
Available upmass is another valuable resource that could be used to take up experimental payloads.
because a fixed number of Space Shuttle flights can Essentially, by doubling the number of ORU
transport only a fixed amount of payload to the SSF. replacements, the available upmass is
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

sources. Figure B-14 shows the number of crew

members needed each year to maintain the available
crew time. The figure shows that to maintain the
nominal available crew time after doubling the number
of ORU replacements, the Station would need two extra
crew members. It should be noted that no attempt was
made to assess the design capability or design cost
impacts to accommodate these extra crew members.
The savings of crew due to halving the number of ORU
replacements is small, effectively one less crew
member for half the year.
Figure B-15 shows the number of Space Shuttle
flights over five years needed to maintain the nominal
available upmass. The Space Shuttle flights were
rounded upward to obtain whole flights. Doubling the
number of ORU replacements would mean eight extra
Space Shuttle flights would be needed over five years.
Halving the ORU replacements would require two fewer
Space Shuttle flights over five years. No attempt was
made to assess the Space Shuttle capability to provide
driven to zero. Conversely, halving the number of ORU the extra flights or the design cost impacts to create the
replacements increases the available upmass by 30 ORUs with the different reliabilities.
percent. Figure B-16 shows the effect of assessing the
Although the effects of MTBF on resources is cost impact of the previous two figures and combining
interesting, it is a good idea to quantify the effectiveness them with the five-year operations cost. The influence of
of the scenarios based on total cost to maintain the MTBF is effectively doubled when the resources of
nominal re- available upmass and crew time are maintained at their
nominal values.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Appendix B.9 -- An Example of a Verification System Level III System Requirements Document,
Requirements Matrix originally published at the Marshall Space Flight Center.
Its purpose here is to illustrate the content and one
Appendix B.9 is a small portion of the Verification possible format for a VRM. The VRM coding key for this
Requirements Matrix (VRM) from the National Launch example is shown on the next page.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Appendix B.10—A Sample Master Verification

Plan Outline

1.0 Introduction 6.0 Systems Acceptance Verification

1.1 Scope 6.1 Tests*
1.2 Applicable Documents 6.2 Analyses
1.3 Document Maintenance and Control 6.3 Inspections
6.4 Demonstrations
2.0 Program/Project Description
2.1 Program/Project Overview an d 7.0 Launch Site Verification
Verification Master Schedule
2.2 Systems Descriptions 8.0 On-Orbit Verification
2.3 Subsystems Descriptions
9.0 Post-Mission/Disposal Verification
3.0 Integration and Verification (I&V)
Organization and Staffing 10.0 Verification Documentation
3.1 Program/Project Management
Offices 11.0 Verification Methodology
3.2 NASA Field Center I&V
Organizations 12.0 Support Equipment
3.3 International Partner I&V 12.1 Ground Support Equipment
Organizations 12.2 Flight Support Equipment
3.4 Prime Contractor I&V Organization 12.3 Transportation, Handling, and Other
3.5 Subcontractor I&V Organizations Logistics Support
12.4 TDRSS/NASCOM Support
4.0 Verification Team Operational
Relationships 13.0 Facilities
4.1 Verification Team Scheduling and
Review Meetings * This section contains subsections for each type of test,
4.2 Verification and Design Reviews e.g., EMI/EMC, mechanisms, thermal/vacuum. This fur-
4.3 Data Discrepancy Reporting and ther division by type applies also to analyses,
Resolution Procedures inspections, and demonstrations.

5.0 Systems Qualification Verification

5.1 Tests*
5.2 Analyses
5.3 Inspections
5.4 Demonstrations
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Prefixes for SI Units

Factor Prefix Sym. Pronunciation

Appendix C—Use of the Metric System 1024 yotta Y YOTT-a (a as in about)

1021 zetta Z ZETT-a (a as in about)
C.1 NASA Policy 1018 exa E EX-a (a as in about)
1015 peta P PET-a (as in petal)
It is NASA policy (see NM1 8010.2A and NHB 1012 tera T TERR-a (as in terrace)
7120.5) to: 109 giga G GIGa (g as in giggle, a as in
106 mega M MEG-a (as in megaphone)
• Adopt the International System of Units, known 103 kilo k KILL-oh**
by the international abbreviation SI and defined 102 hecto* h HECK-toe
by ANSI/IEEE Std 268-1992, as the preferred 10 deka* da DECK-a (as in decahedron)
system of weights and measurements for all 1
major system development programs. 10-1 deci* d DESS-ih (as in decimal)
• Use the metric system in procurements, grants 10-2 centi* c SENT-ih (as in centipede)
and business-related activities to the extent 10-3 milli m MILL-ih (as in military)
economically feasible. 10-6 micro µ MIKE-roe (as in microphone)
• Permit continued use of the inch-pound system 10-9 nano n NAN-oh (a as in ant)
of measurement for existing systems. 10-12 pico p PEEK-oh
• Permit hybrid metric and inch-pound systems 10-15 femto f FEM-toe
when full use of metric units is impractical or will 10-18 atto a AT-toe (a as in hat)
compromise safety or performance. 10-21 zepto z ZEP-toe (e as in step)
10-24 yocto y YOCK-toe
C.2 Definitions of Units
* The prefixes that do not represent 1000 raised to a
Parts of Appendix C are reprinted from IEEE power (that is hecto, deka, deci, and centi) should be
Std 268-1992, American National Standard for Metric avoided where practical.
Practice, Copyright  1992 by the Institute of Electrical ** The first syllable of every prefix is accented to
and Electronics Engineers, Inc. The IEEE disclaims any assure that the prefix will retain its identity. Kilometer
responsibility or liability resulting from the placement is not an exception.
and use in this publication. Information is reprinted with
the permission of the EKE.
the only exception; for historical reasons, the gram is
• • • used as the base for construction of names.)

Outside the United States, the comma is widely C.2.2 Base SI Units
used as a decimal marker. In some applications,
therefore, the common practice in the United States of ampere (A) The ampere is that constant current which,
using the comma to separate digits into groups of three if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of
(as in 23,478) may cause ambiguity. To avoid this infinite length, of negligible circular cross section, and
potential source of confusion, recommended placed one meter apart in vacuum, would produce
international practice calls for separating the digits into between these conductors a force equal to 2 x 10
groups of three, counting from the decimal point toward newton per meter of length.
the left and the right, and using a thin space to separate
the groups. In numbers of four digits on either side of candela (cd) The candela is the luminous intensity, in a
the decimal point the space is usually not necessary, given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic
except for uniformity in tables. radiation of frequency 540 x 10 Hz and that has a
radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per
C.2.1 SI Prefixes steradian.

The names of multiples and submultiples of SI kelvin (K) The kelvin, unit of thermodynamic tempera-
units may be formed by application of the prefixes and ture, is the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic tem-
symbols shown in the sidebar. (The unit of mass, the perature of the triple point of water.
kilogram, is
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

kilogram (kg) The kilogram is the unit of mass; it is difference of potential of one volt when it is charged by
equal to the mass of the international prototype of the a quantity of electricity equal to one coulomb.
kilogram. (The international prototype of the kilogram is
a particular cylinder of platinum-iridium alloy which is gray (Gy = J/kg) The gray is the absorbed dose when
preserved in a vault at Sevres, France, by the the energy per unit mass imparted to matter by ionizing
International Bureau of Weights and Measures.) radiation is one joule per kilogram. (The gray is also
used for the ionizing radiation quantities: specific energy
meter (m) The meter is the length of the path traveled imparted, kerma, and absorbed dose index.)
by light in a vacuum during a time interval of 1 299 792
458 of a second. henry (H = Wb/A) The henry is the inductance of a
closed circuit in which an electromotive force of one volt
mole (mol) The mole is the amount of substance of a is produced when the electric current in the circuit varies
system which contains as many elementary entities as uniformly at a rate of one ampere per second.
there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon-12. Note:
When the mole is used, the elementary entities must be hertz (Hz = 1/s) The hertz is the frequency of a periodic
specified and may be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, phenomenon of which the period is one second.
other particles, or specified groups of such particles.
joule (J = N.m) The joule is the work done when the
second (s) The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 point of application of a force of one newton is displaced
periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition a distance of one meter in the direction of the force.
between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of
the cesium-133 atom. lumen (lm = The lumen is the luminous flux emit-
ted in a solid angle of one steradian by a point source
C.2.3 Supplementary SI Units having a uniform intensity of one candela.

radian (rad) The radian is the plane angle between two lux (lx = lm/m2) The lux is the illuminance produced by
radii of a circle that cut off on the circumference an arc a luminous flux of one lumen uniformly distributed over
equal in length to the radius. a surface of one square meter.

steradian (sr) The steradian is the solid angle that, hav- newton (N = kg .m/s2) The newton is that force which,
ing its vertex in the center of a sphere, cuts off an area when applied to a body having a mass of one kilogram,
of the surface of the sphere equal to that of a square gives it an acceleration of one meter per second
with sides of length equal to the radius of the sphere. squared.

C.2.4 Derived SI Units with Special Names ohm (Ω Ω = V/A) The ohm is the electric resistance be-
tween two points of a conductor when a constant differ-
In addition to the units defined in this ence of potential of one volt, applied between these two
subsection, many quantities are measured in terms of points, produces in this conductor a current of one
derived units which do not have special names—such ampere, this conductor not being the source of any
as velocity in m/s, electric field strength in V/m, entropy electromotive force.
in J/K.
pascal (Pa = N/m 2) The pascal [which, in the preferred
becquerel (Bq = 1/s) The becquerel is the activity of a pronunciation, rhymes with rascal] is the pressure or
radionuclide decaying at the rate of one spontaneous stress of one newton per square meter.
nuclear transition per second.

degree Celsius (°C = K) The degree Celsius is equal to

the kelvin and is used in place of the kelvin for
expressing Celsius temperature defined by the equation
t= T- T0, where t is the Celsius temperature, T is the
thermodynamic temperature, and To = 273.15 K (by
coulomb (C = A s) Electric charge is the time integral of
electric current; its unit, the coulomb, is equal to one
ampere second.

farad (F = C/V) The farad is the capacitance of a

capacitor between the plates of which there appears a
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

siemens (S = A/V) The siemens is the electric conduc- degree (°) 1°= (π/ 180) red
tance of a conductor in which a current of one ampere is minute (') 1' = (1/60)° = (π/10 800) rad
produced by an electric potential difference of one volt. second (") 1 " = (1/60)' = (π/648 000) rad

sievert (Sv = J/kg) The sievert is the dose equivalent Area The SI unit of area is the square meter (m2). The
when the absorbed dose of ionizing radiation multiplied hectare (ha) is a special name for the square
by the dimensionless factors Q (quality factor) and N hectometer (hm2). Large land or water areas are
(product of any other multiplying factors) stipulated by generally expressed in hectares or in square kilometers
the International Commission on Radiological Protection (km2).
is one joule per kilogram.
Volume The SI unit of volume is the cubic meter. This
tesla (T = Wb/m 2) The tesla is the magnetic flux density unit, or one of the regularly formed multiples such as the
of one weber per square meter. In an alternative cubic centimeter, is preferred. The special name liter
approach to defining the magnetic field quantities the has been approved for the cubic decimeter, but use of
tesla may also be defined as the magnetic flux density this unit is restricted to volumetric capacity, dry
that produces on a one-meter length of wire carrying a measure, and measure of fluids (both liquids and
current of one ampere, oriented normal to the flux gases). No prefix other than milli- or micro- should be
density, a force of one newton, magnetic flux density used with liter.
being defined as an axial vector quantity such that the
force exerted on an element of current is equal to the Mass The SI unit of mass is the kilogram. This unit, or
vector product of this element and the magnetic flux one of the multiples formed by attaching an SI prefix to
density. gram (g), is preferred for all applications. The
megagram (Mg) is the appropriate unit for measuring
volt (V = W/A) The volt (unit of electric potential differ- large masses such as have been expressed in tons.
ence and electromotive force) is the difference of However, the name ton has been given to several large
electric potential between two points of a conductor mass units that are widely used in commerce and
carrying a constant current of one ampere, when the technology: the long ton of 2240 lb, the short ton of 2000
power dissipated between these points is equal to one lb, and the metric ton of 1000 kg (also called tonne
watt. outside the USA) which is almost 2205 lb. None of these
terms are SI. The term metric ton should be restricted to
watt (W = J/s) The watt is the power that represents a commercial usage, and no prefixes should be used with
rate of energy transfer of one joule per second. it. Use of the term tonne is deprecated.
weber (Wb = V.s) The weber is the magnetic flux that, Others The ANSI/IEEE standard lists the kilowatthour (1
linking a circuit of one turn, produces in it an electromo- kWh = 3.6 MJ) in the category of "Units in Use with SI
tive force of one volt as it is reduced to zero at a Temporarily". The SI unit of energy, the joule, together
uniform rate in one second. with its multiples, is preferred for all applications. The
kilowatthour is widely used, however, as a measure of
C.2.5 Units in Use with SI electric energy. This unit should not be introduced into
any new areas, and eventually, it should be replaced by
Time The SI unit of time is the second. This unit is pre- the megajoule. In that same "temporary" category, the
ferred and should be used if practical, particularly when -28 2
standard also defines the barn (1 lb = 10 m ) for cross
technical calculations are involved. In cases where time 5
section, the bar (1 bar = 10 Pa) for pressure, the curie
relates to life customs or calendar cycles, the minute, 10
(1 Ci = 3.7 x 10 Bq) for radionuclide activity, the
hour, day and other calendar units may be necessary. roentgen (1 R = 2.58 x 10-4 C/kg) for X- and gamma-ray
For example, vehicle speed will normally be expressed exposure, the rem for dose equivalent (1 rem = 0.01
in kilometers per hour. Sv), and the rad (1 rd = 0.01 Gy) for absorbed dose.
minute (min) 1 min = 60 s
hour (h) 1 h = 60 min = 3600 sec
day (d) 1 d = 24 h = 86 400 sec
week, month, etc.

Plane angle The SI unit for plane angle is the radian.

Use of the degree and its decimal submultiples is
permissible when the radian is not a convenient unit.
Use of the minute and second is discouraged except for
special fields such as astronomy and cartography.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

C.3 Conversion Factors

One of the many places a complete set of

conversion factors can be found is in ANSI/IEEE Std
268-1992. The abridged set given here is taken from
that reference. Symbols of SI units are given in bold
face type and in parentheses. Factors with an asterisk
(*) between the number and its power of ten are exact
by definition. To conform with the international practice,
this section uses spaces -- rather than commas -- in
number groups.
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

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NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Critical Item/Issue List (CIL) 39, 44, 91, 125

Critical path 13, 33, 34
Decision analysis 39, 41, 76
Decision sciences 7, 77
Advanced projects 13 Decision support package 10, 71
Alpha—see Space Station Alpha Decision trees 41, 70
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AMP) 75 Design engineer(ing) 6, 8, 28, 49, 77
Apollo 9, 10, 85 Design-for-X 91
Architecture—see system architecture Design reference mission—see reference mission
Audits 30, 48, 49, 58, 96 Design-to-cost—see design-to-life-cycle cost
Availability Design-to-life-cycle cost 80
measures of 62 Design trades—see trade studies
as a facet of effectiveness 83-85, 96 Digraphs 39, 41
models of 85-87, 95, 98 Discounting—see present discounted value
as part of the LSA 101
Earned value 7, 31, 60, 62
Baselines 4, 8, 14, 17, 18, 27, 36, 45 Effectiveness 4, 5, 9, 10
control and management of 10, 21, 28-30, 44-48, facets of 83-85, 91
126 in TPM 61
in C/SCS 60 in trade studies 67-70, 100, 102
in reviews 50-54 Engineering Change Request (ECR)—see change
Bathtub curve 92, 93 request
Bayesian probability 40 Engineering specialty disciplines 6, 91-115
Budget cycle, NASA 18, 25, 26 in concurrent engineering 22-25
Budgeting, for projects 31, 35, 37, 59 in SEMP 28, 29, 119
in trade studies 69, 77, 80, 85
Change Control Board (CCB) Environmental Assessment (EA) 112-114
composition of 46 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 112 -114
conduct of 46, 47 Estimate at Completion (EAC) 31, 60, 88
Change Request (CR) 46-49, 64, 65, 71, 80, 91, 95, 103 Event trees 42
Concurrent engineering 21, 22, 25, 28, 29, 39, 103
Configuration control 4, 8, 11, 20, 45-48, 126 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)—see Fail-
Configuration management 10, 17, 29, 44-48, 126 ure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis
Congress 3, 18, 25, 26, 114 Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis
Constraints 3, 5, 8-11, 18, 28, 35, 58, 67-70, 72, 77 (FMECA) 39,41,91,95,98, 102, 105
Contingency planning 39, 44 Fault avoidance 94
Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support (CALS) Fault tolerance 95
103 Fault tree 39, 42, 94
Control gates 13-22, 27, 45, 48, 49, 50-58, 79 Feasibility 14, 18, 21, 50, 62
Cost (see also life-cycle cost) 4, 5, 9, 10 Feasible design 5, 18
account structure 27, 30, 31, 33 Figure of merit 74, 75
caps 35, 37 Flight Readiness Review (FRR) 19, 53, 54, 96, 108, 115
estimating 80-83 Freedom—see Space Station Freedom
fixed vs variable 37 Functional Configuration Audit (FCA) 58, 96
in trade studies 67-69, 74, 77 Functional Flow Block Diagram (FFBD) 68, 98, 111,
operations 81, 132-134 127-129
overruns 17, 77 Functional redundancy 94
spreaders 82
Cost-effectiveness 4, 5, 9, 10, 29, 91, 96, 99, 111 Galileo 94
in trade studies 67-69, 72, 74, 77 Game theory 7
Cost Estimating Relationship (CER) 80, 81, 88 Gantt chart 35, 36
Cost/Schedule Control System (C/SCS) 59 Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) 81
Critical Design Review (CDR) 18, 19, 45, 52, 53, 56, 58,
59, 96, 106
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) 86, 92, 98

Mean Time to Repair (or Restore) (MTTR) 86, 98
Hazard rate 92, 83 Metric system
Heisenberg—see uncertainty principle conversion factors for 142-144
Hubble Space Telescope98 definition of units in 139 -141
Military standards 41, 86, 100, 102
IEEE 1, 42, 139, 141, 142 Mission analysis 7
Improvement Mission assurance 91
continuous 64 Mission Needs Statement (MNS) 14, 17, 45, 56
product or process 11, 20, 25, 47, 78, 86 Models, mathematical
Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) 110 characteristics of good 72, 73
Inflation, treatment of 78, 79, 82 of cost 42, 80-83
Institutional Operating Plan (IOP) 25 of effectiveness 42, 83-85
Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) 17, 29, 30, 53, 78, 85- Markov 98
87, 92, 99-103, 105, 119 pitfalls in using 72, 88
concept 96, 97 programming 7, 72
plan 19, 87, 97-99 relationship to SEMP 29, 83
Integration types of 71, 72
conceptual 11 use in systems engineering 6, 7, 21, 67-71, 87-89,
system 4, 11, 19, 22, 29, 30, 32, 33, 53 106, 129
Interface Monte Carlo simulation 39, 42, 69, 88, 89, 95
requirements 9-11, 17, 19, 45, 52, 53, 68, 119, Multi-attribute utility theory 75, 76
control of 28, 64, 119, 126 Network schedules 33-35, 42
Non-Advocate Review (NAR) 14, 17, 18, 56
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) ix, x, 81 NASA Handbook (NHB) ix, xi, 13, 14, 17, 55, 59, 75, 77,
Johnson Space Center (JSC) x, 43, 82 79,91,95,96,99, 100, 102, 112, 113, 115, 139
NASA Management Instruction (NMI) ix, xi, 1, 3, 13, 37,
Kennedy Space Center (KSC) 110 38, 44, 99, 10(), 115, 123, 139
Nuclear safety 114, 115
Learning curve 82
Lessons learned 11, 19, 30, 39, 41, 94, 98 Objective function 4, 10, 74
Lexicon, NASA 117 Objectives, of a mission, project, or system 3, 4, 8, 11,
Life-cycle cost (see also cost) 8, 10, 77-83 17, 28, 37, 38, 50, 51, 56, 67-71, 74-77, 83, 91
components of 77, 78 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 25, 79
controlling 79, 80, 83, 111 Operations concept 9, 14, 17. 22, 68-70, 73, 77, 86, 101
Linear programming 7, 72 Operations research 7
Logistics Support Analysis (LSA) 53, 91, 96-103, 119 Optimization 3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 67, 72, 80, 83, 119
Logistics Support Analysis Record (LSAR) 98-103 Optimum repair level analysis (ORLA) 98
Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) 92 Orbital Replacement Unit (ORU) 80, 87, 97, 98, 132-134
Outer Space Treaty 115
Maintainability 80, 92, 96 -99
concept 97 Parametric cost estimation 80-83
definition of 96 Partitioning—see interfaces
models 98 Payload 17, 20, 132
Maintenance classification 38, 93, 95, 105, 123
plan 97 nuclear—see nuclear safety
time lines 98, 129, 131 PERT 33, 39, 42
Make-or-buy 29 Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) 48, 58, 96
Margin 43, 44, 62-64 Precedence diagram 34
Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) x Preliminary Design Review (PDR) 17, 18, 21, 22, 25,
handbooks 75, 89, 109 45, 52,56,58,59,96, 106, 115
historical cost models 81
Material Review Board (MRB) 96
Mean Time Between Failures (M1BF) 80, 98, 132-134
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

Present Discounted Value (PDV) 79, 80 documentation 14, 18, 38

Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) 39, 42, 44, 76, 86, functional 9, 18, 50, 58, 61, 69, 77, 83, 95, 102,
94, 115 103
Probability distribution 5, 10, 38-43, 63, 88, 89, 92 interface 9, 17, 50, 57, 127
Problem/Failure Reports (P/FR) 64, 95, 96, 108, 110 margin 62 64
Producibility 111, 112 performance 6, 9, 18, 28, 50, 58, 59, 61, 68, 70,
models 111 73, 74, 77, 83, 95, 103
Producing system (as distinct from the product system) reviews 17, 45, 49, 50, 55-57
1, 27, 59, 64 role of 27
Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) 27, 30-33, 59, 61, software 55-57
120 specialty engineering 45, 92
Product development process 8, 13, 20-22 traceability 17, 28, 30, 48, 49, 57
Product development teams (PDT) 22, 25, 27, 56, 91 verification 22, 45, 57, 58, 61, 93, 95, 96, 103 -111
Product improvement 11, 78, 103 Reserves
Product system 1, 27, 99 project 18, 37, 43, 44, 60, 88
Program, level of hierarchy 3 schedule 18, 35, 43
Program/project control xi, 44, 59-61 Resource leveling 35
Program Operating Plan (POP) 25 Resource planning—see budgeting
Project Risk
level of hierarchy 3 analysis 38, 39, 41, 42, 89
management (see also system management) xi, aversion 41, 76
27, 37, 46, 55, 59, 79 identification and characterization 38, 39 -41, 102
plan 17-19, 28-30, 48, 49 management 29, 37-44, 91, 92, 105, 111
termination 49 mitigation 38, 39, 42-44, 92
Project life cycle templates 40, 111
NASA 13-20 types of 39, 40
technical aspect of 20-26
Protoflight 106 Safety reviews 17, 19, 52-56
Prototype 13 Scheduling 33-35, 59-61
S-curve, for costs 88
Quality Selection rules, in trade studies 6, 10, 67-69, 73-77
of systems engineering process 64, 65, 75 Simulations 29, 72, 87, 89, 95
as a facet of effectiveness 84, 85 SOFIA 120- 122
Quality Assurance (QA) 6, 29, 49, 52, 91, 94-96, 119 Software 3, 7, 13, 18-22, 45, 47, 48, 52-57, 69, 78, 93,
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) 7 96, 98, 103, 105-111, 126, 127
Queueing theory 7 cost estimating 81
in WBS 30, 32, 34
Red team 49 off-the-shelf systems engineering 35, 41, 75, 89,
Reference mission 9, 69 95
Reliability 6, 22, 80, 91 -95, 98, 100 Source Evaluation Board (SEB) 75
block diagrams 94 Space Shuttle 9, 40, 44, 47, 93, 110, 111, 125, 132, 133
definition of 91 Space Station Alpha 8, 11, 40, 80, 97
in effectiveness 72, 84-87, 132 Space Station Freedom 76, 87, 132-134
engineering 41, 91-93 Specialty disciplines — see engineering specialty disci -
models 89, 94, 95 plines
in SEMP 29, 93, 119 Specifications 9, 17-19, 22, 25, 29-31, 45, 46, 49, 51,
in TPM 61 52, 56-58, 61,62, 64, 92, 100, 105, 107-110, 119
Reporting—see status reporting and assessment Status reporting and assessment 31, 58-65, 88
Requirements 3, 6, 11, 14, 17, 22, 26, 28-30, 37, 45, 46, Successive refinement, doctrine of 7 -11, 17-19, 27
51-54,56, 58, 59, 64-68, 80, 92, 103 Supportability (see also Integrated Logistics Support)
allocation of 11, 29, 129 85-87, 91, 98-103
analysis 7, 9, 83, 127 risk 39, 43
as part of the baseline 4, 8, 17, 18, 44, 45 Symbolic information
desirable characteristics of 48
NASA Systems Engineering Handbook

in systems engineering 27 role and selection of 31, 39, 44, 61, 62

System Acceptance Review (SAR) 19, 45, 53, 108, 110 Test(ing) (see also verification) 3, 6, 11, 18, 22, 25, 33,
System architecture 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 18, 27, 31, 68, 69, 43, 45, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 58, 61-63, 69, 80, 81,
72, 73, 77, 79, 83, 89, 100 91, 92, 94-100, 102-111
System engineer Test Readiness Review (TRR) 19, 30, 57, ]04, 109
role of 6, 22, 28, 30, 44, 45, 61, 91, 103 Total Quality Management (TQM) 7, 64, 111, 119
dilemma of 6, 79, 83 Trade study
System management (see also project management) 4, in ILS 99-103
6 process 9, 17, 18, 67-71, 77, 100
Systems analysis, role of 6, 7, 61, 67 in producibility 111
Systems approach 7 progress as a metric 64, 65
Systems engineering in reliability and maintainability 98
objective of 4 -6 reports 10, 18, 71
metrics 64, 65 in verification 105
process xi, 5, 8-11, 20-25, 28-30, 33, 67-70, 77, Trade tree 69, 70
79, 91, 96, 99, 103, 112
Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) 17, 28- Uncertainty, in systems engineering 5, 6, 20, 37-44, 69,
31, 38, 40, 63, 64, 70, 83, 86, 91, 93, 99, 103 79, 87-89
Systems Engineering Process Improvement Task Uncertainty principle 39
(SEPIT) team xi, 3, 20
Systems Engineering Working Group (SEWG) x, xi, 3 Validation 11, 25, 28-30, 61, 96
Variances, cost and schedule 60, 61
Taguchi methods 111 Verification 4, 11, 17-19, 22, 29, 30, 45, 103-111
Tailoring concept 105
of configuration management 45, 47 methods 105, 106
by each field center 1 relationship to status reporting 61, 64, 65
of effectiveness measures 83 reports 107
of product development teams 22, 25, 91 requirements matrix 17, 19, 107, 135, 136
of project cycle 13, 28 stages 106
of project plans 45
of project reviews 18 Waivers 48, 53, 58, 108
of project hierarchy 3 Weibull distribution 92
of risk management 38, 39 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 4, 17, 19, 27, 59, 80,
of SEMP 29 81, 119
of systems engineering process metrics 64 development of 30 -33
of verification 104, 105 errors to avoid 32, 33
Technical Performance Measure(ment) (TPM) example of 120-122
assessment methods for 45, 60, 61, 88 and network schedules 34-36
relationship to effectiveness measures 84 Work flow diagram 34
relationship to SEMP 29, 63, 64, 119

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