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Seismic Performance of Circular Elevated Water Tank: Rupachandra J. Aware, Dr. Vageesha S. Mathada

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611

Seismic Performance of Circular Elevated Water

Rupachandra J. Aware1, Dr. Vageesha S. Mathada2
Guide, Shri Vitthal Education & Research Institute College of Engineering, Pandharpur

Abstract: Liquid storage tanks are used in industries for storing chemicals, petroleum products, and for storing water in public water
distribution systems. Behaviour of Cylindrical liquid storage tanks under earthquake loads has been studied as per Draft code Part II of
IS 1893:2002. A FEM based computer software (STAAD -PRO) used for seismic analysis of tanks which gives the earthquake induced
forces on tank systems. Draft code Part II of IS 1893:2002 which will contain provisions for all types of liquid storage tanks. Under
earthquake loads, a complicated pattern of stresses is generated in the tanks. Poorly designed tanks have leaked, buckled or even
collapsed during earthquakes. Common modes of failure are wall buckling, sloshing damage to roof, inlet/outlet pipe breaks and
implosion due to rapid loss of contents. Elevated water tanks should be competent of keeping the expected performance during and after
earthquake. It has large mass concentrated at the top of slender supporting structure hence extremely vulnerable against horizontal
forces due to earthquake. Staging is formed by a group of columns and horizontal braces provided at intermediate levels to reduce the
effective length of the column. In this research, a circular cylindrical elevated water tank is analysed by using finite modelling
techniques. This paper presents the study of seismic performance of the elevated water tanks for various heights and various seismic
zones of India. The effect of height of water tank, earthquake zones on Nodal displacement have been presented in this paper with the
help of analysis of 20 models for same parameters. Analysis is carried out by using finite element software STAAD-PRO.

Keywords: Elevated Circular Cylindrical Tank, Damages, Frame type staging, Nodal Displacement, Finite Element Software (STAAD-

1. Introduction 1984 is rather low owing to the absence of suitable

performance factor that must be in the range of 3.0-4.5.
Elevated tank structures are normally used to store water for Jaiswal and Jain [9,10] proposed major modifications in
domestic activities and also fire fighting purposes. Their respect of seismic design of liquid storage tanks, recognizing
safety performance is a critical concern during strong the limitations in the provisions of IS: 1893-1984 and
earthquakes. The failure of these structures may cause serious provided commentary & examples on the modified
hazards for citizens due to the shortage of water or difficulty provisions. Vamsidhar [13] analyzed sixteen different types
in putting out fires during earthquakes. Some elevated tanks of tanks using IS: 1893-1984 and the proposed specification
have shown insufficient seismic resistance in past IS: 1893-2002 (part-2) draft code. It has been observed that
earthquakes which had prevented the fire fighting process there is an increase of 15% to 25% in hydrodynamic forces
and other emergency response efforts (Barton and Parker, over hydrostatic forces and 50% increase of base shear in
1987). There have been several studies in which the dynamic zone- IV as compared to the current specifications. Hirde et.
behaviour of liquid storage tanks have been analyzed, al [3] studied the seismic performance of elevated water
however most of them have focused on ground level tanks of various heights & capacities under varying zones &
cylindrical tanks, and very few of them have concentrated soil types of India. It was concluded that earthquake forces
upon behaviour of elevated tanks. They are heavy structures decrease with increase in staging height for the reason that
which a greater portion of their weight is concentrated at an with increasing staging height the structure becomes more
elevation much about the base. Critical parts of the system flexible. Gaikwad [1] reviewed the behaviour of elevated
are columns and braces through which the loads are water tank by performing static and dynamic analysis, to
transmitted to the foundation. Due to the high sensitivity of compare the analysis results of elevated water tank, in order
elevated water tanks to earthquake characteristics such as to study the effect of hydrodynamic forces on elevated water
frequency contents, peak ground acceleration and effective tank. Gaikwad[2] studied the behaviour of elevated water
duration of the earthquake records, it seems necessary to tank with framed staging when subjected to lateral
ponder the earthquake loading as a non-stationary random earthquake load using IITK-GSDMA Guidelines. Ekbote
pattern. [12] conducted a study to know the behaviour of supporting
system. Different supporting systems such as radial bracing
2. Literature Review and cross bracing have been used and compared. The reasons
for failure of elevated tanks were reviewed and realized that
Significant research was carried out on a seismic design of improper behavior of supporting system and improper
liquid storage tanks and a few published works on seismic geometrical selection of staging patterns are the main causes.
response characteristics of reinforced concrete (RC) water
tanks are reviewed in this section. Jain and Sajjad [11] 3. Modes of Failures
reviewed the I.S. code provisions for seismic design of
elevated water tanks, based on seismic codes of other The damage modes of the tanks are as follows
countries and reports of several investigations and made a 1) Buckling in the side walls
valid observation that the seismic design force in IS 1893- 2) Failure of the tank roofs and their junctions
3) Sliding and lifting
Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Paper ID: NOV152347 1798
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
4) Local fracture on the bases of the tanks and uneven Oki earthquake. In all three of these earthquakes, the floating
settlement roofs were damaged and fires broke out.
5) Failure of anchor bolts
6) Cracking of annular parts of the base plate

1) Buckling in the side walls

The buckling modes of the side walls of tanks include shear
buckling and bending buckling. The bending buckling
includes diamond buckling and elephant foot bulges. These
buckling modes are associated with geometry parameters of
the tanks such as height to radius ratio and radius to thickness
ratio. Shear buckling occurs for small ratios of height to
radius and bending buckling predominantly occurs for large
ratios. Shear buckling is caused by shear force and brings
about many large diagonal wrinkles in the centre of a tank Figure 3.2: (a) Damage to the roof or the Upper shell of the
side wall. Diamond buckling is one of the bending buckling tank (b) Sliding and lifting of base plates
modes caused by the bending moment and it is generated on
the base of a tank. When the buckling occurs, the cross 3) Sliding and lifting
section at the buckling region bends inward and has many The sliding of tanks and lifting of base plates were observed
wrinkles. Because the deformation is drastic, the structural in the 1964 Alaska earthquake. Sliding and lifting of base
strength (proof force) of the tanks decreases suddenly. plate is shown in fig. 3.2 (b)
Diamond buckling became widely know after it occurred in
many wine storage tanks in the 1980Greenville-Mt. Diablo 4) Local fracture on the bases of tanks, uneven settlement
earthquake. The elephant foot bulge is another bending and failure of anchor bolts
buckling mode. This buckling mode was widely seen in the Local fracture on the bases of tanks, uneven settlement and
1964 Alaska mega earthquake, the 1971 San Fernando failure of anchor bolts occurred in the 1995 Hyogoken -
earthquake and the 1994 Northridge earthquake and can Nanbu earthquake. Failure of anchor bolt shown in fig. 3.3
cause spill incidents of liquid in the tanks through crack (a).
penetration. In the elephant foot bulge, the buckling cross
section expands outward in a ring and the structural strength 5) Cracking of annular parts of base plates
(proof force) decreases relatively gently through a gradual In the 1978 Miyagiken-Oki earthquake, cracking of annular
increase of the expansion. The occurrence condition of parts of base plates occurred in petroleum tanks and stored
diamond buckling and the elephant foot bulge depends on the petroleum leaked out. Cracking of annular parts of base
circumferential stress due to the internal pressure in the tanks, plates of tank is shown in fig. 3.3(b).
that is, hoop stress. The former occurs when the hoop stress
is smaller and the latter occurs when the hoop stress is larger.
In the 1995 Hyogoken - Nanbu earthquake, many
observations of diamond buckling and elephant foot bulges
were made in cylindrical liquid storage tanks.

Figure 3.3: (a) failure of anchor bolts (b) cracking of annular

parts of base plates

4. Spring Mass Model for Elevated Tank:-

When a tank containing liquid with a free surface is subjected
Figure 3.1: (a) Elephant Foot Buckling (b) Diamond Shape to horizontal earthquake ground motion, tank wall and liquid
Buckling are subjected to horizontal acceleration. The liquid in the
lower region of tank behaves like a mass that is rigidly
2) Failure of the tank roofs and their junctions connected to tank wall. This mass is termed as impulsive
The failure of tank roofs and their junctions is mainly caused liquid mass which accelerates along with the wall and
by sloshing. This occurred in the 1964 earthquakes in Niigata induces impulsive hydrodynamic pressure on tank wall and
and Alaska. More recently, the roofs and junctions of some similarly on base. Liquid mass in the upper region of tank
petroleum tanks failed in the Kocaeli earthquake in Turkey undergoes sloshing motion. This mass is termed as
and in the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan, both in 1999. In convective liquid mass and it exerts convective
Japan, a few petroleum tanks also failed in the 2003 Tokachi- hydrodynamic pressure on tank wall and base.
Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Paper ID: NOV152347 1799
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
Thus, total liquid mass gets divided into two parts, i.e., noted that due to different damping of impulsive and
impulsive mass and convective mass. convective components, this 2-DOF system will have non-
proportional damping.
In spring mass model of tank-liquid system, these two liquid
masses are to be suitably represented. For elevated tanks [5], the two degree of freedom system of
Figure c can be treated as two uncoupled single degree of
A qualitative description of impulsive and convective freedom systems (Figure d), one representing the impulsive
hydrodynamic pressure distribution on tank wall and base is plus structural mass behaving as an inverted pendulum with
given in Figure 3.1 lateral stiffness equal to that of the staging, Ks and the other
representing the convective mass with a spring of stiffness,
Kc. For tank shapes other than circular and rectangular (like
intze, truncated conical shape), the value of h / D shall
correspond to that of an equivalent circular tank of same
volume and diameter equal to diameter of tank at top level of
liquid; and mi , mc , hi, hi*, hc , hc* and Kc of equivalent
circular tank shall be used.

Figure 4.1: A qualitative description of impulsive and

convective hydrodynamic pressure distribution on tank wall
and base

4.1 Description of Model

Most elevated tanks are never completely filled with liquid.

Hence a two-mass idealization of the tank is more
appropriate as compared to a one mass idealization, which
was used in IS 1893: 1984. Two mass model for elevated
tank was proposed by Housner (1963b) and is being
commonly used in most of the international codes.
Structural mass ms, includes mass of container and one-third
mass of staging. Mass of container comprises of mass of roof
slab, container wall, gallery, floor slab, and floor beams. Figure 4.2: Two Mass Idealization of Elevated Tank

Staging acts like a lateral spring and one-third mass of For elevated tanks with moment resisting type frame
staging is considered based on classical result on effect of staging, the lateral stiffness can be evaluated by computer
spring mass on natural frequency of single degree of freedom analysis or by simple procedures or by established structural
system. analysis method.

The response of the two-degree of freedom system can be For elevated tanks with shaft type staging, in addition to the
obtained by elementary structural dynamics. However, for effect of flexural deformation, the effect of shear deformation
most elevated tanks it is observed that the two periods are may be included while calculating the lateral stiffness of
well separated. Hence, the system may be considered as two staging.
uncoupled single degree of freedom systems. This method
will be satisfactory for design purpose, if the ratio of the Lateral stiffness of the staging is the horizontal force required
period of the two uncoupled systems exceeds 2.514. If to be applied at the centre of gravity of the tank to cause a
impulsive and convective time periods are not well separated, corresponding unit horizontal displacement. The flexibility of
then coupled 2-DOF system will have to be solved using bracing beam shall be considered in calculating the lateral
elementary structural dynamics. In this context it shall be
Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Paper ID: NOV152347 1800
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
stiffness, Ks of elevated moment resisting frame type tank supported on frame staging considering different height and
staging. zone and plotting the graphs as max. nodal displacement Vs
height and max. nodal displacement Vs zone.
4.2 The important factors that affect the magnitude of
earthquake forces are- 5.1 Capability of Staad- Pro software

(a) Seismic zone factor, Z STAAD.Pro.v8i is the most popular structural engineering
India has been divided into four seismic zones as per IS 1893 software product for 3D model generation, analysis and
(Part 1): 2002 for the Maximum Considered Earthquake multi-material design. It has an intuitive, user-friendly GUI,
(MCE) and service life of the structure in a zone. Different visualization tools, powerful analysis and design facilities
zone have different zone factor. Figure 3.3 shows seismic and seamless integration to several other modelling and
zone map of India. India is divided into four seismic zones. design software products. For static or dynamic analysis of
There are three types of soil considered by IS 1893 (Part 1): bridges, containment structures, embedded structures (tunnels
2002 i.e. soft medium and hard soil. and culverts), pipe racks, steel, concrete, aluminium or timber
buildings, transmission towers, stadiums or any other simple
or complex structure, STAAD.Pro has been the choice of
design professionals around the world for their specific
analysis needs.

5.2 Modelling of Water tank

For this study, water tanks with five different heights such as
5m, 10m, 15m, 20m and 25m are considered, and each water
tank is placed in Zone 2, 3, 4, and 5. The effect of heights of
tank and earthquake zones on nodal displacement is observed
with the help of analysis of 20 models having same

Here the seismic coefficient method is performed for the

water tank by using the software package STAAD.Pro.
Special care needs to be taken while modelling water tank in
STAAD.Pro in defining properties and orientation of various
Figure 4.3: Earthquake Zones of India elements. It is also necessary to choose the proper element
type and specify ply orientation. Here line elements are used
(b) Importance factor, I for modelling the ring beam, bracing, column and area
Importance factor depends upon the functional use of the elements (Plate) are used for top dome, bottom slab, and
structures, characterized by hazardous consequences of its cylindrical wall.
failure, post-earthquake functional needs, historical value, or
economic importance. Elevated water tanks are used for Steps followed for modelling the staging and tank
storing potable water and intended for emergency services container STAAD-PRO:
such as fire fighting services and are of post earthquake 1) Modelling geometry: Here water tank geometry is model
importance. So importance factor is 1.5 for elevated water by using grid system.
tank. 2) Define element type: Here frame type element is used for
top ring beam, bottom ring beam, bracing, column and
(c) Response reduction factor, R area element (plate) is used for top dome, bottom slab,
Response reduction factor depends on the perceived seismic and cylindrical wall.
damage performance of the structure, characterized by ductile 3) Define Material properties: Here we provide the
or brittle deformations. R values of tanks are less than properties of the beam and plate such as elastic modulus,
building since tanks are generally less ductile and have low Poisson’s ratio, mass density, compressive strength etc
redundancy as compared to building. For frame confirming to 4) Define Section properties: Prismatic rectangle sections
ductile detailing i.e. special moment resisting frame (SMRF), define the width and depth for top ring beam, bottom ring
R value is 5. beam, bracing, and prismatic circle define the diameter
for column. Area sections define thickness for plate
(d) Structural response factor, (Sa/g) element.
It is a factor denoting acceleration response spectrum of the 5) Seismic Definition: In seismic definition select type of
structure subjected to earthquake ground vibrations, and code, define zone, response reduction factor, importance
depends on natural period of vibration and damping of the factor, type of soil, type of structure, damping ratio, and
structure. foundation depth etc.
6) Apply loads and boundary condition: Define menu
5. Objective of the Study provides option for specifying the boundary conditions
and loads.
7) Base Shear results: The solution is obtained using the
The main objective of this study is to examine the nodal
display option in main menu.
displacement of Elevated circular cylindrical water tank
Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Paper ID: NOV152347 1801
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
5.3 Problem Description out for different heights and different earthquake zones. The
main objective of this paper was to study the effect on nodal
Model 1 displacement on reinforced concrete elevated water tank in
An elevated, circular cylindrical shape water container is seismic zones II, III, IV and V for different heights of the
supported on RC staging of 8 columns with horizontal elevated water tank.
bracings of 225 x 300 mm at four levels i.e. height of panel is
equal to 3m. Staging conforms to ductile detailing as per IS 6.1. Max. Nodal Displacement obtained from Staad-Pro
13920. Grade of concrete and steel are M25 and Fe415, Analysis
respectively. Tank is located on hard soil in seismic zone II.
Density of concrete is 25kN/m². The FEM structural software Max nodal displacement of 20 models shown in table 6.1.
STAAD - PRO is used to model the elevated circular Nodal displacement is maximum at roof of any tank. The
cylindrical water tank as shown in Fig. Columns and beams position of node where maximum displacement in5m height
in the frame type support system are modelled as frame of tank is shown in fig 6.1 (a) and the position of node where
elements. Top domes, container walls and bottom slab of maximum displacement in 10m height of tank is shown in
container are modelled with thin plate elements. Other fig. 6.1 (b)
dimensions of the elevated tanks are illustrated in Table 5.1.
Table 6.1: Maximum Nodal Displacement
5.1: Parameters of Elevated Water Tank Sr. No. Tank Height Zone Nodal Displacement (mm)
1 5m II 39.916
S.N Parameters Values III 63.866
(1) (2) (3) IV 95.800
1 Diameter of tank 10 m V 143.699
2 Height of Cylindrical Wall 5m 2 10m II 60.286
3 Thickness of Cylindrical Wall 150 mm III 96.457
4 Height of staging 12 m IV 144.686
5 Height of Panel 3m V 217.029
6 Number of columns 8 3 15m II 76.793
7 size of column 450 mm dia. III 122.869
8 size of top ring beam 150x300 mm IV 184.304
9 size of bottom ring beam 450x800 mm V 276.456
10 size of bracing 225x300 mm 4 20m II 89.657
11 thickness of bottom slab 225 mm III 143.452
12 thickness of dome 75 mm IV 215.178
13 density of concrete 25 kN/sq.m V 322.767
14 Zone IV(0.24) 5 25m II 100.598
15 Response reduction factor 5 (SMRF) III 160.956
16 Importance factor 1.5 for water tank IV 241.435
Type of soil hard soil V 362.152

Figure 5.1: a) Typical cylindrical b) 3D View of cylindrical

water tank water tank

6. Results obtained from STAAD PRO analysis

Figure 6.1: Position of node (a) Max. nodal displacement
In this paper an attempt is made to study the seismic occurred at node no. 14 in 5m tank (b) Max. nodal
performance of the elevated water tanks. For all the above displacement occurred at node no. 20 in 10m tank
mentioned 20 water tanks, analysis has been carried out by
using STAAD-PRO software. Earthquake analysis is carried
Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Paper ID: NOV152347 1802
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2014): 5.611
2) As height of water tank increases max. nodal
400 displacement increases.
3) Water tank height 5m zone II gives minimum nodal
350 displacement.
300 4) Above all the models of analysis, maximum nodal
displacement is minimum for WT5MZ2 and maximum
250 Zone II for WT25MZ5
200 Zone III 5) Present study will be useful to Civil Engineers to
Zone IV understand the behaviour of elevated water tank for
150 various heights and also to get the feel of effect of
Zone V earthquake zones of India on earthquake forces and nodal
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Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Paper ID: NOV152347 1803
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

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