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Kassia The Nun in Context

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Kassia the Nun in Context ‘The Religious Thought of a Ninth-Century Byzantine Monastic Kurt Sherry sgorgtas press 20m Cog Pras LLC, 954 Rie ond Pca, NJ, 6854,USA gongs con Cope © 2011 by Gong Pes A sgh reserved under Interstion) and Pan Ameen Copyight Convento. No pr of thi paeon ay be pode ed # reeval sem ot tied ia ay orm o by any mane, eons ‘mechanical, phowcopying econing teting ot herewith te ie ten perminoa of Gog Pre LC a = ISBN s7e:.6m43.5604 brary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Fasela the tun in context ; the religious thought of a ninth-century Byzantine aonastic / insiudes bibliographical xefesences (p. os 1bx995.27854 2012, 2oriors724 Printed the United Sie of America, E73 (2 276 248 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS “Table of Contents Miweaton, Preface. Acinowlgment ‘Abbreiasons - Tnerosseton "A Blograpica Sketch Kansns Thelogeal Coniexe Authonly Chit ennn a ANote abou: Soucy. 4, Kania the Canine ‘Rasa the Fein Karate eonopile “The Evohition ofthe Konociaet Debate ‘Women Jeon Teonophle Themes in Kasi’ Work 4 Kenia the Moma [Male nd Fee Moras in Bynum. 68 Kass Pilosophy of Mosaic. 75 5. Kasia the Peston = ‘Kus and Faeodship 93 ‘Rass Reston co Benuy sod Weal 96 ati Ey eee 8 Ken's Reeesons on Specch and Silence “106 Concisions on Knta's Penoraliy 18 Appendix Kass’ Poems oa Monastic. a (On Moots. <—cTs ‘Wharie Mooarc ~ 15 4 asst Te NUN Context Appendix 2: Byeanine Chronicles for Recoosvting Kast’ ie ee 119 Symon the Logaticse, Chappe 1086) 120 ‘Geoege the Monk, Crain 254 (11%), Te eo the Grammaan, Chroma (108/18). 1m John Zen, Clon (2 0) 126 Mele Ghar, hone (136), rh “The Pasa of Constanninope = 2 Epa te Monk, Chrono ac) 130 =o) Bikkogephy. 7 ILLUSTRATIONS "igure 1: St Kaan the Henne Hy Morano he ‘Damion ofthe Thectkoy, Panes Athens, Gece Apres snd Co. TcooogapiePbliting Howe. ‘ PREFACE, 1 id not set out undertake a comprehensive sty of Kass the [Non and bee woas. Iwas simply looking for «topic hat would conclate my own maze interest with those of mp grade a ‘or, Kits Urerback oI decd o look int female monastic sp the Byzantine fay Sal Work i the ae, the name Kea (erly aesocitd wich adjectives uch ar “bee” of “exute”) 1eptappessng I confess that my knowledge of es was lied eo ‘he mastrpiee the Hy of Kaun seemed une that she theo ecive no oes eetion fam scholars Gn a sage Boe, ‘2 spalylesethan tering one at that. What folly ia ‘tempt to consider Kasi and bes works inte comet and Wit fey tothe inocu siicance fo toe Tavely doughe adapting ny graduate wok fora book would be a simple mater nthe proces, found da ad oe ‘move sgaifeae sedans and T dseovered that I needed wo wee ‘v0 new chapters "Kass the Monae” and "Katia the Peron” Soch work hus had it sewaed,ehough, Though the whee po ess, have goten to know Se. Kasi in away tat I would peer have thought posse and I even ike er (though I'm po eae the fesing mt she profound, wit and downaigh fesey.May this wohume inode her t you. Kua Sheasy [ead Corser, Wich, Kansas March 21,2011 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS “Thee as aga nay people who hee make this book x ali, Fis I would tie wo thank my wife, Victoria Foth Shen, on £0 ‘macy level 1) foe puting up with me and my obseaive tender ‘es, 2} for beng good eounting board fr ess, ane 3 for being ‘fntatefeetice ede without whom this book could ao exit ‘A apecal thsi due to thote scholars who sevicwed the rans ‘edpe Dr Kes Urerback ofthe University of Wyoming Depa ‘meat of History, the Rev. Dr. Chad Huse of Se Vadis Or ‘Bodo Seminary and Dr. Dist Conomoe of Oxford Uneesiy (and Bishop Ban of Wich and Mid. Amerea for nmedacng me roi the fist plas. Scholirs in medieval suis tend to be quite geneous aad T ma depleted toa great nay of ther. Space dacs nat ello ‘eto thank ther al inviduly. 1m a grt del of rata 0 ‘he many people on the Byzastine Sues Istsers who offered ‘Bat aid when I strayed oth pasages im Gres few who sand ‘ut areCatharze Rot, George Balopios, Andrew White, an oa ‘Bke Sil, there bave been many scolar ovee he years who pesto Helped me Ba sources, but I mast dank Diane Toa. {he epettal fo es generony. BF BZ Oca ABBREVIATIONS Byzansiechen Forchongen Byrntnioche Zeca. Dumbarton Onks Papers Osean Chinas Aaabcra Pusologe Graces J-P. Mige, Ps, 1857-1866) INTRODUCTION ‘Theres able ne oe py or peep fr de, Aap pesca wes honed i aopnt owas reyes, sd when praed becnmes even more onenconBdent Kaisa te Nw, “Oa Spi” ‘Weiersnneested i the history of womea in Byzantium fequeniy ‘mention the nnoe of Kasia the Nun. Bet ksowa for her untng Holy Week deter, "Lord he woman ia many ng” populey lnown at the “Hymn of Kssan,” Ketss ir among the mor promincat female voices ia the Bsniae word, Nonetheless, there have been few mais devoted apeccalym her Alhoxgh she also composed gromc poets, Kavisrepuaoa sexs upon the pofound pry end suble expression of ber Engi hytne ‘She ir the only woman whore works were incorporated it the ‘official Byzantine yal, i in oe othe paeent day, Te our: feenh-cenniy water Nikephoror Kallitoe anthopoul snked ‘releenth oo bs lat of he mont inforntil eorporera™ The pesca wok presents the st atempe ata compeehen- sive dy of Ra's wor 8 expesions of sthceanuy Byrt ne theology, Although they conform t He Pesenbed soma of| * ning tw impor hymnogepe ofthe onal om, Lele ‘stale nd fo donot sae ce icang Michael Span, ‘ska wists bt one mn and er they it Kaa, Si a. er Buf 60859, The Somes (Adebor, UK Bag, VE ‘hae 200 2 assia THE NUN Contax Byzantine clos wong, her compostons alo offer profound sefleeion on the ipo thcloges! eaes of the eth entry. “The sublery of ee toaghe makes her not only» great hymog _apher, bu ty = plorpher at wel nd one ofthe few wore ‘hlosopherswhove ideas ese poeerved a the hiss secoed) By examining er wosks i comet we find tat Kasia often cal lenge she paradigms of her era while ccopsloul sean wit inthe bounds of Chastian orthodoxy. Recogsing and speci ing ths meelous balance a her writings wi expand ove madera derstanding of the Breadth ad depth ofthe Byeantne wader "This wotk center on chee eel themes in Kasei Le sd wetings lconolam, feminism, and mons. One of the AtSzulie erin resting ic then septal fom the oer: Ia ‘he ninth ceotry, mle aad fale monais mee alle with ‘womea in opposition 2 lenoelart polices Indeed, for Byentine ‘omen, both the parr ofthe monastic lfe and ako the owes ‘hip and domerte wenerntion of ont reeesented nportant se ‘not of empowesment. Kata herself war an onophue pers mii plosopher, and monat althie ides blend her sama inher personaly aod he wings, By pong {bset hisonel overview of eich of shove seas (Leooelam the faut of Byentine women, and monarécon), ny got To bo. ‘ie reader ley uta wth thi peiod of Bysuntie sory ‘wth fiffcien coment to apprecte the maces of Kass’ sod aowghe CChapes 1, "Kasia the Candid" analyes the most fanout incident so Krs's fea tue veal exchange with Emperor ‘Theopils when she wis « paricpant i the ater bride how Init the tne revels «good deal abot Kass’ postion i society ander peronaly. The chapter expands beyoad the inc en 0 consider the helo rmaienon of the exchange, a ‘es into the schol comtorery rarounding the Bysatne Source mtr primis handflof Byestine choices, ‘Chapes 2, "Kasia te Feminine” explores Kas’ efecone on geader, which ie the cones ofthe nim centr can be cate ‘ered as Femi He wring: provide ly unique opportunity to study a womaa’s oie a she elec upon women's iter with. 1p the cones of Byrne ecclesia writing, Ther te Ox czamples of Byzanine women wring about womet—Aana ‘Komnene discus her mother and grandmother in the Aad, smopuenon 3 sd we have foundational document, called ihe, witen for wse by women's monastedee—bor Kents gocmic rane, Ley toa taal poet, often sks a philosophical tone, and she pe sents dhe lone Fara voice i the Byssine Iga corpus. Hee ‘tng car conser ight on she selasonsip berween By {pe women aod the Chuth, and aso challenge tome modern sumptions about religous jeans of female ifesonty ia Spe, (Chapee3exablses Kasia at an Tconopil heologian She cofien employs wadond selgous tbe a her bys bo the ‘heoloial context ofthe Leoncl controversy este ew Hight on, ‘he sgnfance of her emphasis on the Incemation. Chapter 4 “Kaen te Monat” examines Kae’ approach to the major ‘hemes of momtcin sb compued wo other waters wicin the ‘enon sch a ohn Clmacus Tas, to avert the sik of Kass’ india charcrec tite Ding eclipsed by the foregoing anata! dicuson, chaps 5 ‘ovate “Katia the Person.” What do hee wange ceed about ‘he peony of thie theologian, for whom there ir 00 tee ‘onde Lf In many ways iis hee powerful personaly, crea more ‘ha he dean ha nakes Kaa sacha compen Sie foe ay fone interred ia Byzantine ator, theives of medieval women, ‘08 Byzstine sine ABIoGRAPHCAL Sxercit ‘These iso surviving Lif of Kasia and biogapical deus ae Afiete to eeceraim Indeed, her very same cates confusions Byeuinreseuthors wwe diffe: foc fchaing Kas Tesi ‘Bk sod Kan? There are three les writen er by Theo dowe the Sade, bur go lees oe sexmons waten Jy hex. The ‘most importan owes for secostacing Kasi’ fe ae «hao fal of clove elated Byzantine chronicles that meation bes ony i psig ee Appendix 2) Despite dhs panty of dea, howeves, 2 Theodore te Se wd “Kati” ad oat eh hve fl pee th pig The ther pings ee spe eal om Siandan ie teved ane tener orem ‘ asst Tun NUNN ConmiT we can seconarer the broad otines of biography hat wil po- “ide context for subsequent chuptee. Fartemoe, we soon dit over dat Kssia's personaly ines though ley inher ota ‘won inthe lenere of Theodore the Staite, ad inthe Byeantne ” (Teva jovani), offer ew tisitions thas beer reflect he ances of Kasai piso. phy of monasciam (See Appendix 1) ieropverion. 1B “Tepe nes ony nine yon inher tanalion of Kee sis works. Snare ace renonaiy cen of Kara's hoch for sweaytee of them Vatout tampa arse ee ‘inng even tony of mmr of other thon Geen to sone a al” Socios come bo glx Suprise —hymnngrapic fests sued hese copy nce ‘Semin Semi ol, won pespone watt fac charters i he tex of Cac byes, ett pte ners proper 1, Toston howeey, gers aur Ge onfuonsuconbng aut autooip ony sect megan eines on the pst fetes and copie Gata Rapp tales notes poy ‘ih thi tmporane caves "Modes shot seem ince #0 easy Kass suontip of ans [or women sng) singly ‘Sete she ess woman ber” which ogra hve le stuutons Kosi actual sy ave sented om Byestie opyuct lig thar very teumgeon® Wale ee wll tat ‘top of ey by wil er be denied with eta hve shorent foow Tapolie and seme that al fone owe compoisns penny blog Ks, he Ta egg et ne ok won peace Sy we a et Scns Wom Cony Taga A atc arb Pu Sr eae ae sia Esso eset ag 1. KASSIA THE CANDIDATE She give Theophor gle ple sping hat beso ve isiober whe lee hin There wong thea ble ‘ldo ued Ta, who wi gether beni Bebig tbe we etn eo he Gamma, Crm “These ofthis chapter contains a it of wordplay. On the one hod, Thodore the Seite adres Kassin athe davies of ¢ ‘prominent Byrne ofc by these Kenna However, he teem loreal Kast’ role inthe best known vignette of hei: the bedeabow of the Emperor Theopllo, the let Tconocae ‘emperor. The contemporary Byzanne chroniclers who mention her a al doo in the contest ofthis event. Popular legend later traafored te deshow into the raring Poot oft pec bie romance, and even gave Theophlor ced for two lines of Kass mor fimows hymn, “According a choacle weiten under the name Symeon dhe Logetine, the erpero’s spencer, Enploryee, ernged the bide show in 825 in order 19 macy ofthe young Theopion* Euphrosye pave Theopilos a golden appl, cling him wo bestow TRG TORS Ney enclose yen in Gaooe the Moos Citas (2G 110008 Len he Genet’ Ch {5 S68.0u6n 3) Joh Zona Cain Robo, sic (Gsiar Cinnpapay noch, 8 See Appenie 1s 6 Assi THE NUNN Cone it onthe gid he wished to many. Acconding to the choices, ‘Theophs earowed the field to two gi: Kea and Theodore Smiten by her beau, Theopliloespproached Kus snd shor ‘verbal spanig sue ened. Embrteseed, Thoophidos chose to ‘many Theodor tea “The bide show account has been subject of enough schol sty comuoversy to msi father elas. Scholars have debated ‘Kass very presence athe bide sow, os wel the vest oF Ihr supposed exchange woth the young ciperor. In gene the tcclsistiel sources, slong with eighteen and rneteeat ceamry woes sch as Gibbon and Krambacher tended to accept ‘he stony at fice vale; cveed-ceatuy scholar thoogh the 1970s ey Rochow, Lebeau, Sehlower, Traded, a Larios, tended eo ejectt Mose secant choles general ape that nes fal ana of the avaliable sources tends to suppor the sory leat in pact. Complicaing mates, However, ifthe ft that the Iideshow is reported ia Byzantine cheonies couse mote Meza than histo amare” ‘The repre wording ofthe mous exchange between Kas- sia and Thephios offers some rex ches ht point wo Kasia is source The tex of Sync’ eth-ceatsy CHompypin eae Dt paweds Bedpvies wo utdter ss Bhaciag evlayes fon ds ‘Aga bak yovannds deen 2 ‘pala HOE er’ aldods mas veeoMeeY AAA Ka a yovauds nyater eh wpeecova, ‘Te enpeor Theopiilos wid so the sounded Kea “Through wormed fort he bse ng” Wi mnie he ete, “Bu alo hog a woman gh th the bereshings™ Sheps of the badeshows plasitiy question the vaidiy ofthis exchage based on the fice ht it doesnot appetite Stara Von ofc «tog proveng snl of tebe sow fa “Reoce sad Nel Wf Bla Be Se ir Be Bat i od a oo LB So ee ‘Cantaige Canbrge Unvry Pram, assia THD CANDIDATE ” cronies us eal a ener afer the alleged event! Howeves, Jn sion to Syineon the Logo, the chroniciers George the Monk and Leo the Grama, who wrote sigh ater than Symeon, uted sae wording in secounting the exchange, which foggete 4 common source { would regent that ch common source Kasia heel, cece exchange bets sever alles (Of oties known wong ‘Kasia often wot gromie couples that employed incongr ous wost-ps. fa thi exchange, these ae eo such pals: "eke Tea goin) ve. "pusher" (ayaa) and “the bse things” (ck (gabha) vr “the beter chinge” (ea xgrérows). Fanhermore, ia this exchange tense ofthe ver én indicate thatthe ation of| cling” comerhing in the pats by conta yes (gc) Is present tense, sogesing thatthe action remains ongoing, ie, ‘he Vga Mary's ging Fork of the "bene dings” contines, al hough ber gig bh fo Chest wat cacy Ed to a sgl is roel event Aime contain vs tenses sppeat fo Kaas Iymn "When Aagueistlgnd” with the aiffrenetnees ring ta dlfeentatethe Bt and vernprd reign ofthe Roma emper fom the infinite and cel rig of Cit. These pall ith assis known work reinforce the lebood tht she authored the nial sure mate for de exchange "The pupored bie dhow exchange alto contin a theoog cal ebrer that farther marks asthe work of « Basan theolo- fran and ynaogeapher such as Kasia, Utoruene, polished {anche to dt of th exchange in Eng and Geman have ‘xed wo capac thes theological subvtes, Topping provide one ofthe beter uaasitons: "Overvclmed by Kans beat, Eat peroe Theoptlos sad ‘From worn come ek? She eel, LS cq wots ning be Lf Tin aa TU Chef Tait ot Se rh ey fat a Ul a ows source doe ot pote tht i ona the ecg wt ST ibe chs cn ene ar cw po nial Vino texoner of he how hire seu robe Saibalt Secpeete tees te cious of be meaty Setienddeiy tele 18 asst. NUN By Cone thogh with mode Bet from woman epg many blessing" “his eandtion demonsaaes aa zoe common all the tana tions rendere xa Gaz (lr al a “eve” and xgeietova (te btn) 38 "essings" Hower, in eanded Byeatne Greek ‘ge icing he wring of Kasia hese he word commonly ed for “ei” wat 16 xa (hata), no 2d Gato sm, “blesings™ was commonly expressed by 1h yang (maar More accuse, et axa andr geietve ay be tented “the ater shiny” and the bette hinge” espe» ‘The problem wih Toppings eanaetio —and those by other schol is got mel it nasty, i ao i fae fo cap tue the theologi sophisieason ofthe exchange tele Skuply tte exiting rendering refer net to the Aunian par ‘ign of Osgil Sin, which war donna i the Western Catch By conan, te Hasem Church never spoke in tems of ibe iu or essential sural depen. Rates, inked the Flo he Eoming of death and comspion and wa devolson of humanly 2 cerum ton mote best Sate, desigsted in parae rexte by the teem "the pasion." Given such a theological bicksop, we can © Bu Cetafygions Topping, "Kassiane the Nun and the Sinful Wom so ge a a ana a Sgt afr een ne en ES! ey fae Flo nn Be Sep aC Ra al en eee of Cli Ho Goth A lp po a" Bee ale ce eet eg eh Se enol apt haraa ae y Sas Si Pec ah er Ss ova EmeySecta ae ser ccdione tgs, Zan em rg oe poy ree epee Senge Sed gees, Secoat pat Wieck saan taet See i el a te non ea, ce ly es elas "Eis Sen ed rt feig ea fete Taare eats Do Sao ae KASiA THE CANDIDATE 0 conch hat th pala neo te contequns of theta (c0- topo, dnt end paton) wc oxo oper “The we afta wget (beer thing) gain seve wae Being pl the term cot ele t Chest Hi {SLE Kan sts god things coming on he wot” In gucton, che Vin Mary Theoak). nother wor, Kas Sa setetig vo hve “btcr ang” Ley he unr fs the inten cm he sr on he Vig gig ito Go ther han 1 ay specie “Bening” Hansa) bexowed {Chest Hise Moteoes, by wing this erm, Kas phosophizes SSontthetapc of telat on haan as Ley ce > ‘lopment ofthe riracs (eter things) ep soins the pt Soot (laser ing?)2"‘The dalogoe tha deooneaes Kass ‘besbpal pblelaton aval here "Wile he Keynes andl Gate ofthe chronic wa ‘an eos othe ores upget hat here soe tht the Uae cow ty. When Tenet oe meses Kaa Kandy Secs beefs vocal ak, sce + han do us ihren etary olin the Benin cou ena he tm tao esate esha sd, ‘ice Tees socal or "“naken= We may taoaiy poss, ten, at Kaa, a Joung lle wom of abla, ‘Tend bars been preset ot Thecpoys bdesow, Sac moe ‘ol sue a the bie of bile wa ange etree er parison my fave been for he purpove of nag her tnt eo legis cee, Should we spp ‘hereto, jet he dalopue a pion legend ee eens me Gheak me Naseer cae ota tet tera te lL Sor ies Pena reas me eo cee rcs ttn see sees ae as seems be SuSecaSeSSeSeSOSOSSESOCESSESESESESSECESESESISCESESSESESESESSSSESESSESESESESS 20 ‘asst rite Nu in Conver Kawia's poem “On Stpidis” nay well refer wo the young “Theopios'sfiledwtempe x cleverness eile ors gid perton to ponte tome news: snditne ls opin seven were aria id ma it youngand ina potion of pow, ‘Woe, 0 Loni épenon ae be ere ‘where doer one fee whee doot goer, how dot Such a reading suomgl suggests thatthe wo df in fat, have sn unpleaenr exchange atthe brideshow. Another provocative plece of evidence appens in the lat of Theodore he Sead ee fer to Kasi In the process of defendag himself again some Sceustion by Kata he wrote," a they do who urls Sn wiout proof those aecuuationsagsinge you -and they 200 ‘who ae among yous nearer and denest™ Unforeinatel, ne of Kent's leer Theodore sureved, so we Inow acther the rite of er complsne agit him noe the accunsons chat ee ‘wn far i leveling the. Ie i not unteatonabe to conjecae ‘he Kass fry my bave accosed her of tboging het mat- tinge prospects tothe pecor,eapecily in Bp ofthe fac hat ‘Theoden’ carer leer lndcate that se had ona intendoas from her childhood. ‘Uiately, we ean conchae that Theophs”bide how rl: ly happened, dat Kane wae probably preven, and that she abd ‘Theopuls had a tense exchange, whatever the pce words may the been, Akhough teens uty ta the dlogue a recorded present he aca wording oftheir exchange, it eel con fonant with Karis penalty apd theslopeat pespeesve. Her ‘esponse demonstster bots wit snd oelignee Ego smportant eo macs 2 ces “Sty con Totty oan ne Ease gr aad rae eas asst THE CANDIDATE a for waderstunding ber w 4 “Moser of the Church” the exchange loves plinpse into the theologel epeh and the sel Contes, even forefl defese of orthodoxy ad of her sex tha ‘yp her compostins 2. KASSIA THE FEMINIST ‘rt den been the eth the ciden He adored Barley whe ides ng uo he Lr or ei ely oie ‘Kasia Terodon Canon of Hay Sry Descabing ¢ sind-centry gun at a feminist pilosopher may eke modera reader as athe jain. The term “Fn” nde to conjure images inapplicable ta the peace world. However, Kass poems and hynas cla speak ts vaieyofissocs that dveety concen woth, Pailin in her poe, she select ‘Plosophicaly asthe suze of gear ad tt funtion fa Byas Se society. Furthermore, Kes’ old eeply © Theophos 2the Ibideshow miggess 4 feminist oulook—one has made her an con ‘of ors for moder femiaie who seek champions for women® Tighe sithin the Byestine Chueh ‘Nevertheless, we might be tempted t domi Kass wews ‘on women at an sheraton. Cerin she tone ofthe few suri Ing female voices fom the Byzantine es, and we find lie dence dat she wit & soci rebel. Her teclogial views fall well ‘tia the contine of Church endo, a atested bythe ncloion ‘of maay of hee works inthe Bjaantine yma ad her loiicr tion 4 sine” Howes, Byzaaoe views oa gender eeted the neu tenon between Bysant'y cel inbetance and 2 The nclnion of bergamot fe fet shat tary tots Mlepert an Sanbeetln ee het ceil ef fe Sven vend one eu Sie an toh nppop sesswres wo m asst THENUW ns CONTENT CChriniea ide The Byrnes were genelly petra, even ‘msogyatc; they considered women tobe the biological ntl: ‘ual and mon infers of men. Wii ds conten, Kas eu ef or alent intelecnaly challenged, the norms of Byeetne ‘oie regeding women. ‘Rasa we able ost an lout defiant rve in ee evone sod wala! in pest beerte ofthe unique interetion of gender ‘nd slgion sp Byranmum. We know aboot her and her works Inigely through a combiaadon of timing and social consections—ia other Words, hough hota acldene The Teodclas eantover 5 took place within « religous polial arena im which women ‘ere parculady acive agents. Moreover, Kass poston as 4 Tronattie witha the famous Stodte network enabled rome of et ‘works to nunive while thor of contemporary women dtp peed" Ia shoe, ind-cenury Bysandne Chasey crested 4 Evnoementcouducre to fale enpewesment, elie one Heated ieee Tm defining gender sles, Bysnines operated from medic pleads inbeied fom the Graco Rognan wold" The gyoecal Dey of etl Greek and Roman doctor ster moders sexes a ‘omenhere between sdculous snd offensive, Existing pterns of Female socal infeonty natunly informed the ssumpsons of socent medicine. In the Greco-Roman medical cops we fd ulualy bused deSinisons of “ama.” "heathy" liaes” aad Tso ig a fe es fe he Be Sonar ea ie Se etree See eee SRaeoise cheese ce iSeries tere Bessey Sli etna’ ore Seay sce ieee rack (oe tte nce assure FET 2s 0 on Denwing on Greek philosophical ration, male and f- tale ae often uraposed dchovomouly—in eect, dening male tino” at ele “abooesal”atdinieoe® Galen, howe ommearaes on Hippocnes conned o be highly inenal on Byrantae medicine a ate as the ewes ceniy, develied women ss “umpefes anda were, monte" In shor, acconangf the case! inbeance ofthe Byzantines on the ive of female Tbology, women were findamensily Zawed human beings, «fet ted capes ening foes menstaton fo mppored fale ‘rexel wantoones “The bestow exchange provides dhe most sing example of Kass’ defiance ofthese mivograisie preapporiions. When ‘Theophos remsks, "dough a woman, the bast things weed ony” he eles © Bve, but he aso invokes the Helene a smpion thet women wre fandamently faved snd infenor. By ‘conta, Kas’ reply—"hough a woman the beet things gosh more sceutdy reees sound Bysntne theology, By sayoking the Mother of God, Kasia accomplses moze tan 2 ‘ior ump in a verbal sparing match with the emperor. She expresses a key theologal tenet the thoogh the Tneteraton— ‘ccomplished bythe agency ofthe Vga Magyall of mature a Rig Tos Nore Hove Graig” Yee nn aif NTC Lei ic as rere eta 8 SR Too ty: on mn dR ats cae ia eee Shed Chea ay Chay md Se Deco of Pere pata bene sae comets get Age el a ee ca a CoS Say racic Tinton Epes eee ale eee a ee ‘is dat athe na aes Bee iis hoi lod ene oo Steet So even ea Sea eae rag (om er Het Lert 2% asst THE NUN Cone renewed, otha whatever fas aad mesnestes existed in human acre (tod ia women in pats) have been suengthened by ace “The justapostion of Be andthe Tsotokos common ix cary device found in Byentae jnograpy and in te wstigs fof the Church Fathers, Victaly every modern scholar examin the figure of Eve sles hewly on Westesn paradigms, ering that Byetaine theologians believed Eve ca be tated wth Oriol ‘Sin Ada remy al women wete snl Talbor’s comments ae pr calof his penpecte The ste of Bemis toward fal i eect te een mbiaence bow woe: they mee tse he (ta Tesument stement thar Gd te hand, bth ‘ae id fal is image (Gen 127) ed he prea of Eve eaming Onin Sin by song vo the ein of the epee 37 ‘Talbots conect about the Brsntine ambivalence toward women; however, she misdenifes it source within the Bystine worl ‘The Byzantine Church never adopted the doce of Ong Sn, sn esseuily Agusan cones tha Southey in he Lin West (When Joho Cassia, fr example, expresiedWcws on fice wil nd slasion that refered the Byzantine conceptions of the Fall, Lan eheologine acted hn of being “sem Peagian Scholae who rey on Lasn Fathers rch at Tela, Aajusene, snd Jerome wo suppor she arguments ovelok the fa tha thee ‘wets he ee uence inde Greck speaking word 1% Given he lg pole conte of ith-ceniyByeatinm at ‘he fc ta Ks and hos ween opp ope tee oes {o be sitet orenoner- eeltence to the Inetnnsan and sr repair {8 Tension” QWashigions Durbasion Oaks, 1936), Gp Talbot, wee Enc Foes tended wo exp al re and covrpebiy hes Sas inherent mol eft and peel wed ae {ete rye rer an “Pal™ypeal we te cent of Sent of Reni sen’ rer wd Coenen, ASAT FRONT a Many of he great Ester Fathers infact ffemed the equliy ‘of womea, aa often objected othe double sandads applied by Hellenistic sores” They recognized that negative images of ‘women deived fom long standing social arms and ies ner. ited fom aqui, rther from Critansy,Aktoogh perusal of the eaiy Chote Fathers evel hate, 0, viewed Ee in ges ‘ely nepsive terms hey seldom characterised women in genera ‘wth that ame nega Instead, the tendency fo the astern Faterst ether Gacues Eve aan individ o to extend thet ‘comments inchae al of bara. “There are hee important ends conceming te weaneot of the Fill of Adam and Bve inthe Eaten sources, The fe end once the “problem” for which the Eastern Fathers and Byzan- tine tyrmaographers sought assign blame. Genel sey wewed Ee’ acdons as usesng ia ot "el but racer eomapion and aus A second, sled wend eta they depend Eve aa i- tin of Sea's deception, Ephnim the San sated clay that Ee’ simply was the caus of he imi: "Eve wil case ‘Som tha serpent and ala thee fo thos, © Drago wat he tht bepiledheesmplenes"= Adam often zives equ or even sole Wi age das i ptr dead in “ts 3 ona, er ee fi Ri Si oe 2 SCORE SAS ae ns EOE ete Bayete "ER ens bl Ait he Pn, Date 623, oe Cha a's aa i Pe Pert Aa are are iano ata" laa Not tsa nun ce Sates Se ages Ba Sct snr irre on of Eg Ch Seta is Geter Nac de ais Se Soa he Tene, ehh Chan, Hays Ot {nv Pon of Benn, 34 Jun Moxy, Diao siTin, 10 Joba of | Sint ore eam eay lies ene Sin Ercan aa Eps ea fie 574 2s Asst THE NUNN CONTENT ‘ame forthe Fal pastel in dhe ariel ete Te ths op ps that the Fate Frhes did nt repad women to be espe aly evi or Sewed a the dvct eu ofthe tegseeson ecrd sin Genesis, a contrasting» negative depiction of Five with «pose de pon of the Vigin Mary, Ket follows the most coraion pat tems foud inthe Ruri snd pute text. The Theotkor er Satay "cancels out" Eve's sanupresion by giving bh fo Chat. ‘he fine sana ofthe Akh eo the Theotokoe (aah cent) provides a gpl example ofthis view "Rejoice thot the ‘Shom the cuse shal be bowed out Rejoice hoe the reroston OF len Adam. Rejoice, thow the zedemption of the tent of Ere Pattie waters commonly coated Exes daobedance ‘of God's command wilh Mary's obedience tthe worde of the ‘Archangel Gabel athe Annancation (theme tat apse ia the ‘Lain nein a well, The Eastern Pthesequenlyrepeeened Eve's aunegretion a. one of sion, ie, the sought become agod-ke without proper peeperaon® By Contant the Theotokos ‘Eemossaer amily ia her eeply to Gabsict “Behold the hand ‘maiden ofthe Lon may ic be to me aconding to thy ond” (Le 158, Lentens embaseed the cere berween Eve's unbelt snd Marys fh "The panel dno by Byzantine sod pti Ee are pc aha a cms V8 ty aera isn ienunnee Sac ae Geeta ey Doe Bop eri aes Oe ‘ater eel pepe he noel poner Sage awe Eee Sitch el ae Sede ce BE nas nase nie en woo na referer, a ate ol TR wen ort toate ye rnrrany cate x ae fm Caras areas Si risey aes ASSIA THE FENONIST » sources comnue: both women were vin, reminding + soley {Gat held monasicim i igh esteem dat vega tel eo guar tee of ancy ‘erhap the mow sgafcant key to how tis contrat opesies, in Kass’ thoughts found in the parcel verbs sed inthe ex lange berween hes and Theopilon. Eve's eanigesion, as he “Selipeing” of death is conrad wih the Vig Mary's bi iving, which sa Nountain” of fe. Te dnlogue rages hi Seey though Theophlors ote of the web (os otk) ‘ests Kaos use of mya ( sh am pela The jst postion ofthe swe tebe allows Kass to expres the speronty of the Mother of Godin keeping with Byzantine theologeal ad ‘on, in teams of shee power (elling vers gushing apd 25 on going ection (Theophice wes « pes teoe foo wile Kanda ox loys a preset form). Tate ubtet ofthe exchange, Kasia aio defends women fa general. The Greek wordag is embiguows faveasonaly 5,9 ‘ple oto wether de penbers ee commenting on worms an ideoloial construc, or on the thelogal intercon of he to specie gues oF Bve and Mary. With no preceding aril, ‘ut yovaunds cen mean “though woman” jae a2 cay “hough a woman” Although the distiacti is subd he appa tio of this dalogue wo a rouder conception of womankind vy ‘consistent th Kee’ ater pidoophiea expressions Te ber wings, Kaoun ofen couness Grek pardigns of swoenete weuess She presets « Cetin Katay El finer ‘eden snd coungeous women. For example, ber yr in bonoe Df the Great Marge Chstna prises the sn fr owing off ‘he weaaess of uate” in contending fo he Eh? She desees ae ainem maceenaiee seat SOSrem Gfiatas noenten st muse hie ee ese So doe pe fr he sience ofthe gael Geet soon es ne oe ” Kass THE Nun ns Corer the Marys Nata at “playing the man” (hoaro) when she ‘ages ber harband wo sscept manatee How he woman played se man Apna tebe ra, ‘And comune atand Novtopaid oe wormies Butte coos ode forthe fh ther than tone Such vocabulary isfy piel ofthe hetorc Found in By sine ymnogephy and hagiogephy, Joh Henin asters tha ‘he Chusch Fathers considered “the very es of bly wean 1 contnaiction in teams which women eoul only gee round by Decteng to be en. Yee the exsence of female marys ge ‘omen x modal to fllow.™ Howeres, se may be ove the ‘ave that a woman fad to effectiey become an in onder © sain sanctity in Byzanine eyen'® Kei’ ue of pats sich a8 “plying the maa” Bese sandra erry device used to tt pasze that women ean pose the guy of “ran” ourges oes not neces neat the gender of sexe female ant” Far ‘Benmoce, men wet aso expeted to emulate the lve of fale fain, eod men ar well ar women wete the intended audience for those sin fetal yas, ‘Kiss goome poems, even mote thaa he hymns, highligh the outines of her feminist poopy. Tn thee vets, Katsa rele pon socal defined gender ler and feminine wt, At ‘with her teslial musings, Kasia remain quite tonal Iee views, bur der an be no question of he bebe ade stag sed pow: of women In the posi “Won,” te peace fae Biigence while condemning ntolence - wor indi ad pent aonghin adie, Del everest se SER Set te em he en State Seen ea sine issu THE FRONT a Bora woman iy lead men, Here, Kasi undesscores tat fact dat women played an itera [putin the etonomic and soll fae of Byantne soci Byer fine womea fequendiy made legal and economic decisions, evea Decoming lndbolders and employes, according to tax records state by Leonora Nevile ! Even emtog acct, women bore ‘aimary responses for hotehold management inedng the ‘pina and westing of cloth. "Hard tines” fra Byzantine won 1 igh cide belag widowed, lntog her chien, doce, or ten famine A “bad woman crested iy forbes fly 0 ‘goes a “any” and “ie” womaa faled to contbute to the Gary econoese sect ard would be table to suppot here 5 her ehdren in the event of her husband’ death Likewee, a “mesa” wonstn might undeemine the sabiy aod spa hesih of ber family and abenate the neighbocs ypon whom she would ecestaly depend during cfc es ‘Kates secogutes te importence of fly ifn er yom Breantne wores primary sphere of ifloeace was domesti, ad lnsues of family and ehidcenappeae to have been preemiaear* avea Une the fray tothe Promiued Lands "The company of eceay a) cae ci eee uses peed yma for St. Euthemios the Geta “Be of good chee, aid the tpl ofthe Lec to te parent, / Beenie xed wil be born to from your lis, bearing he Dare of chessert°™ Taps 2 | Lebeont Nel "Tang Sophos Sonn-Law:Reretenains fon in Prov Down” Byer Wome Vea of Ee ‘Prin, 80-120, 4 yea Gua (oon: Ate, 200), 785, 8-3 {Gn the economies ll eapenaee of Bytine mee ern in Seay" Angel aia, “Te Church, conan Thought sad oumorie race” tT Chan Eas lr ad Le Tg A Cad afc el Robt. Ta OCA 251 ome Peni Tee Cagle, 1999, 8365, Coon 8 pot, 19. aly 37 I wot ong tht Kas’ ma or Suns Neen and Adan Sober cope DN | 2 asst THE NUN IN CONTEXT “Witia che basic soil uit of he Fay, female ger ces often were defined sctneding eo the expertations of mothehoods nd rooec were gray extol in Byesrine kena” Mothers ‘ore primey respons fr eile, which often ince the (hoc of er cide! Much of be eduction ofthe young, fevoled asound teaching children peas and prayers, inating the imporance of eating andthe pobableavalabilry of prayer ha pote book, even among famies of modest meank® Teak he ihe mother of Theodore the Sai, sous depaved of nor tml elation bythe prematre dents of her paren, The escy ‘thor own eldzen wns of sch nporeanee wo ber that, once mar Sed she sedi at sight afer she bad completed bes houschold ‘hores This example dss the importance plated on fale Inercy ava faneson of modhezhood, "A Taher’ sol a eater of the family exended beyond he mecely pia and intellect andencompasted the fs ‘Pid well ap well Although the gy was excel alk ‘Tomen were her involved in sot primary eesponsile for, Dome clus acy in the home, Kasia rps the cial Tikes emma STARS ace hl ang mgm Foy of Raine Com ag Rape te reshma ite Nee Na oe on ib sear 1 Fen Women 1, TSR RGA BRR dec ones Set oc tone” orl nd rel rae me bt opt Se apes pbuh at diy denn ged BEE nscale sree se Se ence Sang Heme” en msg Mit Jogos Penk (ie: Catan he Si : ses is ade he ope of be pet Sok Teo fd we cs SE el rma ad a tld yes SATE TEe Lin Slope va peed cow fo is Toa Eh rg a te Kasur PaaS 3 role ofthe mother i the spit! development of chiles in hit om honoring the Bly Maceabet: or thve rng opted bingy, cen of Ababa Trad the ath of eater Ababa, Rnd gg nl denn or regis devotions Por ny wee reed evo, fd ney eget ees, They eed the ney fhe cca Asoc “They deve verting m God, Sa breve ecg ener body ‘Sut eter of ving been ied wi ct oberiee fof regoa ue. yi elm ted ou wer bo, Maco, Sipe {Ghote foc hen ogi number to he ae of vehi “thin hymn underscores the sgnance of women's sole inthe weer Miscaton of children sa Byzantine voces. Much as the ned Sucesfosered the notion of republican moterhood, in Which women were to inculcate Hoel values in thes eikres, 90 We bjemnmne ae lease mother’ dary to nell Chien vase ‘Ercn afc deat, worn resin’ responsi for ze pi inv! clive of family tember. The making and offen of ‘jee mingre of bode wheat beades and Crt chat is feed SORE GRSEivs memorial te forthe depared, was an esensaly Bctgh noexcorely female cat pace in Byzantan, Kas's eae tbc hyn for Theodore the Soler on falas thely (Site refreace o womens ea faneons inthe Chuzeh “The pieeminent visas aresbed wo Dyztine women was modesty—an empha psbapeiaended, in pa, tO cosnterct ‘ae reas eo female bear, pastel of the “wanton” vai ‘iS anuine Mandtde of speech and dress conseny selected sing tes 3 asst THE NUNN Conte this ideal For example, ia Byaentine gotels one encounter feequenesefeences to women's “alence™” The Seal of gender segregation also served the puspore of enforcing wandsle of smodeoy, though acral Byeanne practices etm co have been ‘got incoment™ Leo Vie concern forthe modesty of female Speech oseasbly guided he eer inthe Ee ich ced wom fom Foncdoning ar witestes” In porting the bidet, Byzantine concerts emphasize due Kas’s quick wined rene swe delivered "with modesty” (ex's). Shei even described 4 "blushing" (qu@Maeos,™ cary » heoricl device ater ‘han an acre aterament of Kasur’ Sontag enon. ‘The cheonies abo desclbed Katia sr beafol and noble, ‘The fourcen entry Crest of Eps the Monk descsibes, her as possessing “extnordaary Beary” (Mou eget) and {eo te Grumman sates that Theopios was amiten Dy het emg” (eqayaasede abehy rod ws\tovs) Algo dt scvice might be delivered t any aspiting monet, one sspecte * Forman on fle modeay i tse Toy Breton, Pe Gee TR oie AB ToaBi2c etree Wome Vi of Engin 8901200, Lye Guat CandonAchue, 206, 15, aed aloo Ace iy Tab, Soman 127 Byrne rnd of oeery contin fo roe ‘Spastic fr crepes Gre Coane Jonna: “Wan i Byenaine Nowe of oe "Twelh Seg ry Bees Nore nays ye Woe Se geo we yn Gutend (Lona Age, "ior ose op sls sce Taos onan” 12012 Jud ag eh Bo at Sep Dring Ci yn Cn Sn rags Conary Ee Chea Ue of Caps Pa, oT fs on “The Role (on ae TER See ler "omen an Howe Caen rt The dschatsape Pee” in Inge of Warn ng ‘58, 9nd Ls Gnd rn Woe Pog et 001500 (don ange 38), 2 “i ei women di foe etseny, inching epet eat ‘wae te Lagat OC Lone, be Monk (RG n0d0iBy Lethe rman Gs GLNB), John Lone chow, 9) See Append forny mans eassa THe Feast 35 shat it wat pecily becaute of ec beaury that Theodore the Seat admonishes Kaan osvid the gase of men.” ‘Kasia devoted onsidenblearenton tothe ropie of female ‘beauty Tn et yma forthe Grett Macy Chai, Kes wae: Ch, the King of ly, sce by our len bey, Jens ou Ho aa nmin de in pe ain “This passage, reminiscent of Kas’ owa expdience of acting sttenton ata ings bade show, flowed by vss tht possibly ‘onan other biographies alluions, Nove thas Kasia taker pant ‘wally ater wo oppose, beau dione ag [He provident slog wth your bey, ‘Thue proved ceconqunble apt bot eos and pe ‘eee Sm nde biter ae and he most rage for We ar reminded here at only of Kasei efering atthe hande ofthe Ionodas, ba ao of Thendore the Studies comment 19 her in Let 142° “Since (Chit) beau has Based ito your hea, yu wl eve tin you ro extinguish ay Beesng sod essa ie logings 2 “Ket futer develop the psu impeaion of bey ia her poem "Woman: ‘eis not ood for awoman to be Beau, foe bending bof the gy so mace, ‘hou dcon ise ete yer ber emlator "Eph he Nook, Cos gute a Gree Roch, 3. Lao ste Gach "OC idbGu6n) snd waa een ‘peta’ Theodore Se Sms, La 20 Sta, 3 ‘etipatn 36 assia Te NuwIN CONTI tte yorum is wy, ‘hac mire what bad ck ‘assis comments about vglness ate intgung: she considers ‘benuy tobe of de decoue bur une ae no wae whatoever Her ig of uns tl manese may refet the celta dency to asoclate she good with the Bes. Kasia ny be nt mating something deeper, however. The vena suger tht a0 ftencave womaa in Byansam might jiably meat the cone. ‘quneet of her ugliness sacha the seduction of ee poten va ‘Sein mariage, eabetioa to vez abuse and 30 om. The fede: ‘meatal problem with berry in Kass thought however that [Sdixaring” Ther wercs donot spell out wheter fale bem {ir more dstacing women or to women, but the potion that omen’ beaurydeact men from the contemplation of God is Commonly found in other Brann and pate suze snd po ‘ied one ofthe jsifeston fr segeeating ten frome a hutch, Whea ‘Theodore the State aves Kissa 10 "ee che {pe of male” he iachdes even “the ae of those who ae wise, ‘ease you are amien or youl se" ‘Buty cold proves ition for Byzarne women a8 well, 2s men. The effort an atacve women spent on enhancing ber looks could dsuact her fom God, a concer expected by John CChesostom i paral. Simi, « bexunfel woman might well sect unwanted stenions fom others that woud cera de ‘et from her pital devlopment Kass ine at tha ope of hoger i her poten “Envy,” pefeng “to be envied a let for ood deeds" and warsing tht "the affection of Steer is ke Pulsed sue of annos, for it commends you wih decspve de pad Ta "Beau" Kaa aque song thei lesngs ae of greater aie than phys (ne so peter op of five God her han grat ‘ea Letra KassiaTue FEBS? a Feiner posts ge foe he on "Than bemoan price” “This pono i consent withthe echings Kasi eee Grom ber spinal fais, Theodore the Sea, who sheosaly qed, "What ie your bes?” before eating "Since [Chet] eauy as flashed io yout hea, yoo wil ave ein you to ex tush ey Aeting and percable bagiga."™ Nowbly, Theodore Conte two Greek word for beauty, gaubcegos (rts) nd ‘los (hal) He ued heater word eae inthe rae leer f0 sefe tothe mooatc Hi, implying» spinal dimension, whe the former tem refers specie tothe beau of youth (Theodore stakes sma one reguting Wolly Beaty in his othe be testo Kasia) ‘Throughout her own work, Katela places grater vase on spisil mater than om wordy ones, a theme that wil be fer {developed in the dtcusion of her wetinge on monasica. To ‘eed, Katia even hts that wos essing, Inching wealth and ‘beauty Go of which she had abundance we aro seep the tersmony ofthe chronicles) acral impede spiual pro, mo gesting a nounced election on her own ie ‘Athough Byeantine ae extolled ferinine modes, Kata ‘eral did not advocate pas in women er poem "t Hate” ‘akes her stitde owned wubmisvenes abundances ‘The szace, when it ine oe sping Hie the on whe confor foal ay As teenager, Kase ao only chalga the emperor verbally de: ing he bade-show, bu scoedng t Theodore the Stadt, she sppeenty deed inpecal policy i onder to support keaophile ‘monks, suffering corporal punishment a rele There goo to suspect dat Kasia westiedcloely with the defn Bokoess ‘Bown bythe women masta incalenging the Roman authors, eeu cpeatter react iments 38 asst Tite Now is Convex In yet another bya to a female mary, Kaa pases Agathe’ ageney and labels her aa “eal o Mosee™” Ta her poem "Woman," Kase goce 20 fra to ater a pe of enn sopexoiy: Bade wine ot worn This obs sefeence to 1 Bede 30.12 and 413-87 demoa- sues he depth of Karis religious edoation, a8 well a er views abou the poskion of women. According to 1 Exim, tee bodyguuds serving the Perizn Emperor Drie sage compe tint deemnine which one could write the wos sentence te. facing sueagh. The fn wrote, “Win ithe sronger” whe the Second asserted “The king isthe stonger” Zovobbel the tid Bodyguard wrote: "Women are the tzonget but abore all hinge “rath beateh avay dhe view" Zorobabl implied that women sie over both wine sd Rings, snd bis winning norwer secured de finds and impecal sapport for the rbuling of she Temple ia Jerslem "Wie the oni te of 1 Eads does no port the ule of ‘women ins patculy postive gh, Kari composes her gomic Text to emphasize that women prev when they act ftir oid truth She aks up sma theme in es bys hotocng the Geet Macy Boar: “The ev one ht been danced Defeated by x woman, Bec he held he Fie Mother a an natn Kasia goes on o expla that by “throwing off the weakness of her atte. / [Bashar bstelyithrond the oppressors A= oting to Eastern bemmeneutil raion, Sten sowed the sed fof death and cormpion ving Eve's weakens a» took Kass Iyeangrapy suggests ht by embracing Trth (Chas) womaa pina the mrenghroqied to overthsow the power of Satan tapas Sie at "Se LB Kane's pa of Che a Tp 57,38. ASSIA THE FERONIST » ass westment of ve elects dhe pology ofthe Eaten Church Futon, docused inthe peenous chipce. Eve asthe ‘stim of = deception with cosmie impstons An obtece firma ‘of Kes’ associated with the feast of Theohny, as Chis cil seaing this fl deception onthe onasion of hie baptam ine Joni Ta geen “Th tl of mankind “hats eneoncd in compiion ‘Ad ipa clave ye espe ‘asin efes more dey w Eve's shame in her most f macs yen, “Lord the woman in any sn” which el sang by she Eartrn Orhodos Church every yest daring Holy Week “The reference to "those fest at whore round Eve hil herself ft fete when she heaed Thee walk sp Parse” pls thet Eve's si wus forgiven when the nfl woman embraced Chars fet {Lake 18) in this Byrn, Kasia express 1 pathos ineaded #0 ‘eaound in any hese, Consider the" wor” ey Woe ae. for eight eound me darn moc nd ese my ht pin th eave fn cca th on (Gicfry eae Toroe othe pong of ey hel ‘halk Thy enn pe fe and pe tht i hes of ‘ephead., Depiseme net “Through the snooymiy ofthe snfal woman, Kasia poet ates the waver consequences of dhe Pall “As note above, the Ease Fathers eplllyterpet Gene: sie wih an emphasis om conc consequences of Eve’ scone— ‘eat and comspion ther than on te’ individual gle Tn er ‘wong, Kaa lndiates sha he Inematon (and Resection} of Tapa 3 1 Nay and War, Lat Try 41 Tari een hat The plo ermpened hs part ings ingly Yet he spose of narra Assia THE Now CONTEST (Cait des specially with des noes. Kassin ssocies Chit’ ‘compassion with hi perception of His ceaton’s bondage ro death Memmi esc fie espe snd beard tha hang come foment but aot being able to ence se bengel det, “Thus Kes clecly denies moray athe case ofthe Incas on, consistant withthe thoaghr of Athanasios the Great” She ‘ootnae dis theme in bee hyn forthe Presentation of Cit a the Tenple, descbicg Chie atthe one “who puss the whole ‘compe mace ‘Aside from Be, most schol exploting the eclsastis! treauneat of female gees foe on the Vega Mary aban ies taed erode foe feminine vie Such an interpretation of My 8 sn objet of excoiveyfeminie veecstion i highly sorpect. Vi ‘halal of Kat's vere eferng to the Vigin May concern the Tnearaton (sce Chapter 3 for farther dacston). Howeres, he ‘Theoiokor does fonction io one of Kass poems a3» ype for CChestians, abit in a ashen obvioue manner In "What is Monssie" Kea writes! "A monk tan abode of God, rope ‘hzone palate ofthe Holy Tanty"™ Her legos deecipdon of the meonmsGe sate trove the fila geal eles ofthe The foroor. [a osher wor, Kes ater thatthe ese monazi a ‘hoogh munud i masculine, she uses the team genesis) is ‘aoa that be oe she bsg forth Cod in hs oe her owe Sou Moreover, Kassin flowed her spisital fiher Theodore he Teg ir he ed Op. Tendon on ‘Kost Soe Grae, Ob aati (rswo08, NY St Vi ini Serine Pet, 180,957 ‘Tapa app Kasia ee Pst “ Seo in ciming that monstis shouldbe models fr al Chie We can concide that Kass wxzed eon Banting ‘aloes end shed in emphasizing female expences and its och st family fe, housebld management, motherhood, aad smodeay. Her frist philosophy, whle exposing wadiSonl Byransne idee of femininity, leno room for paseiy os aub- _msvenes, however In he own Me expeicace, at well ia ber Compostions, Kava exemplfed the power, szengdy and action of women "See “Oe Mona in Append Ie sls Sehneran, 2123, 3. KASSIA THE ICONOPHILE, The Son of God, ‘hows comtemnes we bine cot (Oe Five of Kats Canon forthe Dead “The Ionociat contzvensy mashed a wntesthed inthe Ristory of Byzantam The rv poasved Byzantine soit, ding czens into to amps Iconocast, who opposed the swe of one in re (gov! devotes, and Teonopes, who upheld the Ing-tanding ‘rte, Ula, both ede nw dere at costing ler Uy The controneay began withthe ono pramaton of ‘Hao TT the Tessa to 736 and aged wna O43, wen the express ‘Theodor finaly rextoced “oetodeny” The hue highlighted sd ‘exacehated teosons Derween monatie and hice, emperors fd Church lads, and nen sad women’ When the dust aly fete in ridin centary, he emperor beld moc les sway ovet the Chore, while the infsoce of monasics had get increased "They woud effectively doriate ccesianteal ply ad abape the theologeal snd. eagle! trajectory of the Eastern Ontodox (Chute forthe nex leven ceases ih on i Cn el ay al dl Now Pd eee a ia hae mp ee wm ity ee Tete gulsuy ned abet femora Forster diceson {ine Bekah lpr ote te ‘frat, Mar 973,08. Anthony en es ming Cate or Byun Ses, Use of Bagh 1977 2 “6 “ RASA THE NUNES CONTEST Teonoelsm was dhe ceil in which Kass personaly end hlosophy were formed, She was an antentIeonopile putsen from her youth Fast at 2 aywoman and liter ar nn, sein rately ded hecelf othe Stade monasic network, which headed the seitance to ings Tenoclso.Theadre the Sade’ et. ‘er ely to ber suppor ofthe imprioned monk Dorohenn, and ‘of Theodore himself while he was sexe. Ia Late 270, be notes ‘ev willingness sulle forthe Ieonophie case Winded you bate sendy chose ule or Chi in in rest pecans dongh Hwee no eoengh tet or ‘ere bet nthe pata aa, you diafe Beas you ar oslo eadze your buming longing fr the good on ‘Ho, wl ben may you ep feet ich pion “Theadote's ue of the tex “peretnson” and “good confeston” implies tha Kasia was exten ie, logged as «pat ofan impel seztence imposed for pro-eonopile sexes Sach zou de ‘otion tothe Teonophie fcton i satay sebected in hee wating, ‘specially her hymogeapy. These element wil be examined = ster dea ater in thie chapter ‘Tue EVOLUTION oF THE Iconociast DERATE In he eich cenrry, Byzantium etfeved sural sass and ig- icant fsss of tector othe Arabs andthe Slavs, These mie rane weighed besiy on the Iconocast emperors, Who con Faded thar the Byzantine stead somehow incued divine Judgment Such wat the exist concern voiced by Leo V whea be Fesstuted Icogodaam ip 815 “Why are the Chests rlferng left atthe hance ofthe pagan? I seen to mei i bce he Ikons are worshiped and noting ese And (for this eeason) Tin ‘Theodor the Su Ltr 270 Sa, 38, Anodes psy se ely ded export one ita ne bog ani tired ay hee ee eter of iy Skpine eter han coord semen Tas peclaton perl er” wend End he woe rhodon ema (presse ‘SivteiSmonen ae ASSIA THE ICONOPIE, 45 teod to deroy them Taken a «whol, the sources suger tat the inpens Behind impel Tconodann was concer fe the ‘wel of de sme: wes stp to eran apace tht Indexed God ro witha Fir lings “The Iconoeas prlacpal sngument dxived fom the Second Commnmanene protien tgunat the eerton and woctip of lols Gx 204-9, In aon to OM Tesamest vests, the Teono- ‘dats supposed Wk postion by appealing to exly Chelan op- posi to the veneration of ines sages John of Damsace {fined the Iconophle espone inthe eighth cen by intedse- Jag two cements of inl imporunce ito the debate a sincion between the “wencrtion” (rergmat) and "worship" (ma) of icons and = defense bared on Chtoogy that would strong n= ‘oace Kaosa'sImogapiy # centay later Joba stacked the Toned Intespeertion of the OM Tesaméat comttansnent sepuring idolatry on the grounds that the Inearaeton of Chit Ind changed te very nea of wort. He aged tht when God ‘ok on es, he became vile and therefore subject to pie ton? Addioaally, Joka atached votedelogialslgaScance othe ‘exe of font the Iceention enabled the Kon, adough ‘ers «mated objec, to serve a «vehicle of gace for believes, Tied those thing that seemed wo be in opposison” By opposing the vetention of lems the leonoche, Joke view, were not T=. ot soa Be Gan ra fe ie Ser Ca np ss tc ee Sansa ae Slnstp sen Cp Wine inte cet ee SER eas a yeas Eas ste de ora Prete Cer eat ty Gleave sean pe cease seer cas ors coer ree Regie ffaes SE" ™ jaha of Damascus, The Tesi om se Dini Ime, tans. Andeew an eR Lac ea 4s Assia Te Nun CONTE onl orecfeing with an ertablhed practice, bo deestening the ‘very salvation of Catan deprived of thi pce. ‘Ar historias Lis James sees tht at fe athe Ionophilee wer concerned, an iunogeepher was'not “eresing” © given image, bot imply “exersung” rth epesetaton based upon ‘ henvesly protrype The image if was cosine toe, ot {nthe ste of hice scenic, oe anatomical secutcy, bat Iecase i elected the theolojaltith of ir prototype The Teonophies thus drew 2 disineton between anism atl en ido ‘he idl hs o acl prototype, wie the lcon depicts Chis the ‘nics, and bila eve, andthe eonographes cfs hi er representason bized on thore protompes"™ In this light che Teonopiles considered leanographers at crafepeope moce thin sess since the Iner reed more oa the cplayineat of the imagination. nthe middle of the igh century, Constantine V Copronynos coavened the Counc of Hiren, which accsed the Tconophes of wolning the tenes of Chalcedon ad eomenned John of Damascus and Germano , Pasar of Constintinple* CConstnine V aso pereored macatics beginning acand 76 (Gis rua toward montis may expan the preserton of hi cana Riera te fing ety 0 he Tima Pat end Ost: Pro Ulery ey OOH S oy i Tan re dna te ie rind ad ome santo sol Bene VE Aap, BO ad he Word wat wh Ga es ‘pe he a eee aoe, Unt of ras 998 Nl a8 Re oferta ns, OR and Dogon Aa eon, fe ee Bees "a he ening wt he Wor nnd On ory at he Coucin of Tro 9) sol Nea (TS Byes Or Tey fr 5 ch hed Rec og (Ghley lars, UK and Badingon, VT Adige, 3905, 9-108 John Bie, fg on oy ii a ‘ Getaopin tS, Kass TH loonopam ” naan either in the ecclesia ecords, which were msn ‘nine by monks) Moe scholars have linked this encevon to Constantine's Teonocst pois, since moat ere the lead Ing prodoce of ions Ieosoclar a tr hentened the moni economic Intearts nd may have ven them become ade of the Teonophile movement Stephen Gero, however, agus tht rindcentcy bgiogaphers may hare eonfared the eso poles Pariclrly understandable when we rea hat Stoic mon led the Teonopile cestence of the ninth ceunuy. One unatended onsequence of Consantine’s pentewton ofthe monastee might tasiy have been the farther peladzaton of Byzantine socey, ef ‘eotely pushing the mopasts ino an increasingly zealous and cngaixed leonopie action “The Empree lene, Conrtatine V's davghtecin-nw, estore the eons n 787 athe Second Covel of Nis, ending theft pate of leonocasn' Irene had supposedly kepe and nerfed ‘cons i skeet, a pacice commonly abated to Bysntine wom during Iconoclasm. Some Iconophles were disated wi he Nicteacouncl beaut of ts very moderate condemoaton ofthe Iconeclae Since smay inthe aia were sll byl ete ne Constantine V, Hene may have wanted to Lint the scope of com dlernation ia order to ative of aliry coup. She faber de. ‘panded dat the councl retin from eonsermring he ate bot band, Le 1V, who had end his fathers monastic pessecutons and srvck a Couidealy more modueteIeonoelat postion ®™ i wimg ene teenie qo maser weatreioese ‘Sopp ence coal ye at ee dt hee intact eee ey ea ok chee ig onde ate eae Bese i Was oe rede Rae "0 Theor Dan, Thal nd Sita Dini of one sng 3 Tim Salen, NY a Quecnan, ON The ‘we een ns 200,78 "Sep Ger yt lnm Diy eR of Cattar V, th Pr deste One ome, Capen epee s RASStA THE NUN Conte Ace props toward restoring the con inthe ate eighth cea ‘y seme to have been mia and many ofthe ager chushes remained ude “Emperor Leo V iiited the second wave of coaoclasm ia 815 in esponee to fer policl aad malar insabiy, Theo doce the State edly chalenged Leos impecal ode by leading 1 Palm Suaday procession with icon, He became the de facto leader ofthe Ionophile mover, wich included monastic td Inge umber of women, incuding Kars Leo Vs succeior was 4 toodennt: he sled Teonophies fom paton but reise to estore the icone One of his eter nents that e wat ot ‘pposed eo coos pers, only to thei excesve reneton, By 833, "a widespread perseaton, obvionaly carta of chested” began under Eapezor Theophdo, with wom Kas- sit had once spate inthe four bride show exchange, leon. phils were etd, impesoned, somaed, and kil. Mos tod fons condaued to form the bate of Ieoaophiessstance, perhaps ‘because the Srdtr fa come to dominate the monareelate of ‘Byzansum.! One ofthe more nfsmove aoe of Theor Teonoclte campaign wer the banding of the Grp broths, Theodoee and Theophanes (ater the fared chronicles knw Theophanes dhe Confess ‘Despite Theophios fewer for the Iconocast case, is wife and mother inlaw remained unyielding Ionophies Although ‘Theodocs never deed the emperor in publi or be that he lepticon inher pate spate, (One of Kass ne hate sllene, when esa ume for speaing” may well reflect Feophie tom for Theodor, who refered to. denounce ber husband’ ae Seago ae ne cue otc te Bap gba es tga ee et wheat asst canon ° eonocism publi.) Ae Theophlos ded in 842, Theodore (ook the thee and expled the ayaod ofthe Ieonoclarpatearch, Job, who had seagned, Te Iconopiles found themecves spit erween fl eon, te modenster nd the Sede salons The tore! eco cenainly pos 4 mich ups pksice of the resto ‘ation ofthe con than des the fous ton commemorating the ‘ret, in which Theodor and John's modertesucceooe, Pasar Methods, appear in unfed procesion wih Stite sit snd sint-centry connor. Regardless of the poll wrnglng ‘evolved, Byeanine Iconoclasm wus ofS over in 61. “The leonophie vitory bad a appl effect on the Byzantine woud and, coincidently, on Kas's legacy within he Eastern (Oritodox Church. The monte “coup” tat wer effete A ‘complished ia 843 meant tat monastic pled a iar cle in the {Chuth, withthe Sendies dominating the esjectory of ung! and dogmatic consolidation wel she sack of Conrtannople in 12M, ‘The Stoker exalted and conobdated the lupe. in, fixed the fesal ces, and compied the get Inu! books the oe the Sei oly reed, "The Commies of he od cocci cir eee Seas abe ha wpe i aude eas bre Cer a, Bio eae ae ea ‘eps Gans Neat apn of ae Fark Vay ‘mga ach 197, etsy Bayt a Judith Henn Brn Benen so a eg re ten spotinar ey eaten eek Seen pean a ae assy oko ones snhcnely eospie concede false Sola a nweccen so asst THE Nu 2s Cowraxer Meson, Poteactarion sd Trin Inge pst, Kass's nae ‘nd ligcl wings were preserved a an indict el ofthese ser, enduring Suse accompihiments. Wow 4S IcoNOPHILES A sehing aspect ofthe Iconoct contrary wa the dvision of Proponents and opposes along pende nes, Ar noed in the pee= ‘obs chapter, Byzansam wat pascal society tat tested {he scvses of women. The peso of Ionoclitn, howeves, po lead a weking amber of female sine who wee all eonopies, lncding the empress Irene and Theodor, the nine Theodost tnd Antous, and Kissa bene According 0 legend, the m0 Theodosia suffered marryrdom when she led a mob of women Aapist he solders charge by Leo II with thera of the con, {f Chest fom Constantinople’ Challe Gate. I king sha it ‘os female rer who overuened leonora: fe lene in 787, a fly Theodoe, ia 83. Tes impose fly snswec the queton of why women, a panic wee dene 0 suppor the lenaope cae, The soar ‘Batrl simpy 00 sparse to provide» bese picture of te ‘natee; undoubed, some women hel Tonos view bt theie legacy was aot preseved. None, we can spect ha dace ‘Somen's movements and ace in she publ sere were se ‘ere lined, the Cherch may have offered oa of the few vers ‘where women cou be ptt athe public sphere As real ‘ccleshsteal matters would hrve natal appeal for Byesnie ‘womea seen out beyond the confines of thei homes, "Blinc, 425, Jen “Ar td Lice" and. ad he Word" 108 Rota Commack, “Ping Ae moa ota Dr in Sr rf nS, ey ‘Bminghan, Monb 1975 At Boe nd at Hain cg, bans Cee for Bane Sin, Unie of Barangay, 197715 May and Ware, Lowe Tr 1-2 Ror Ta “Te Litagy of be Grr Char An Ina Sythe and neta oe Eve of Teenaciry” DOP 55 (981-1, 457% anlar Te Byer Be “Sto ay (Cael MN Lapel Po 1999360 ASSIA THE ICoNOPAIE s “The mami of gender serpin in Brann oy may_ have gs ve ow eee ele: Ther sa Sb en deson of erty dh en iced a coer erent and the mir, le wore hed rea co Sominion ovr domes my The ByssnGses cosred ome “te dinette: Brann doy specu, or cap, ‘en ions ihe rt poison Sth apps fe on th Ter of sey, cna mt hee had notable monday vale 4208 soppored ty Byeantne x seamen Further dace al cowry propery bonged tthe woman eons wee fl proper oT nets wl ely a ome eer ego power in nage. Icons to sper to have held prominent sole in women's cone stl sie swell esl evece tea at ‘omen payed ole in ey eeu brtechoods ome of whic ‘tere devoral © pale os” Bysaise ames ha spec tess deve oe ami’ collcion of ony whch were soe ‘ite pt on pennant play Both Jb of Deere sd tc te the tem ie Gel, play which inde ta porablepuselicons af he gpe aerate for fm se, were Ieaty tows by the Inorbne prod" Th fas sgh tong eos payed sen i eae fal eo: Soa for which women wes ely sexponabie Bpendoe ect! sources demons the sgt tole women payed in tego eduction ad ws mol of perp foe ir htden Both Da he Gren snd Grgory of Sy fo Ssunple eid dr mother, Emi anf ster Maca wit eine shaping theese ofthis pion Ines. Accoding wo tis weowel Li Theodore the Stes oe, Tecate tru sinindy mapocable for bs cdcadon tod pic In oe “t Riece Otomo, "The Holy Ian at an Aas" DOP 45 COP abe Has “Pai al Pie Frm of Regu Came "is Deas Ravina, Daly ie Bronte Ep Wespr CT nen Pat, 06), 198 Maden Coola Rome eh nat Sy eee 2 asst me NUNN Cone wor, stconding fo Bysanine gender parnigms, « woman ‘as ‘sponse forte fal’ spa welts ae wel aa fos the py fel health of ts members The bannig of ons therefore pone fs immedace deat t that well, both economic and spin Pandosial, women's support fo the icons as rooted i «ke of thought very snr to da of the empetore who opposed sons bot couidezed the venertion of font anne cea to the Wel foe ofthe consent ia the sespecive spheres of infec. IcONOPHILE THEMES IN KASSiA’S WORKS With this hits conte: ip mind, we can Meily sme ofthe ‘more prominent Iconophile clemests in Kavsts compostions sjr themes iacde her zesponte to Teonocist che of ela ‘, which were often leveled dug the persecution of Teon0- Plies, ander detnvlyIncarmatonal theology. Ahoogh ee ‘ering: ely on udiioal Bysanane rhetoric and ceinlogy, there's mple eon wo belawe that even het sey igus ‘omporions comin loaded mewsags that would have been 1 ‘gait by he contemporas. “The principal charge apune the Tconopliles wit Holic ‘Kasi addeses chin charge in two hyn Ta the Onhos hymna forthe Great Maye Chitin, Kaa ies ‘We pte our great mex. © Chit And your godnes 0, Beare nen wore hae senda the erro do ania By the power of you Cro, ent of mann, They ese a0 ghd byte sper, Bu erp the decir, “The were ong ftw behind yoo Asay uly moved othe et of our yeh Tseceding on Bll of nr ed Gg gg Di eed ene peers coer e ene ae teres Race nh md ere ae re Kassim leovontnts ss She incdes « umber of references especially meaningfl 0 a0 sudience reding under Teonolre peecotions. Pit of aly the yma refers no so mach fo Chistian as a dial xn, Ba 0 ‘women colecvely (who were know, of course, for holling Tonopale views). Since Breanne authors geneily diapproved cof women's parscipsson ia publ ffs, mech ie thatthe Tconocasts surely eiczed the prominent tle of women inthe "conoplle movement. The ine “even women have abandoned the ror of idolmana” hint a Kassie sespoase o wh a cage. ‘Carel peeulaton allows uo reconsrsr the Ieonola polemic: ‘womes, bog weatns ened dnpler then men, wee oc Hly 20 Iistake the crested forthe Creator and thus to comme Welty ‘Kasia countess with the example of Se Citing, who igpted ven “sere” pagan women to "abandon the eo of iol miia” nd place thee ah in the Cros hich of couse, was the one ‘role considered seeepabie by the Teonorae ‘Secon, the seferncs eo these women’s “eadesnes” be- fore “he oppeetor" could rer 10 thowe who slfered forthe Teonophie ease, incoding Kat heslé She sounds «sat ote in ber hyn forte mares Aden and Net, pring the ‘le fa eng the "er tant" The ean” co aly be 2 veded refecence to Theopilog, While the excoig of sary ourge in the fice of torture b + suzdard mos in Byrne hymaograpiy, ste use here ls concitent not only with the gene context ofthe Iconocast contowesy, bt alo with Kas ety nd loyal pesoaly. Her goomie poctn “Pens may seer Indcetyf the suffering she heslf endured for supporng the ‘mok Dorotheos and Theodore the Sri “A ein wil eval 4 ‘eae endfor he wl noe desert she one wh iis fen" Penetued for their “orthodox” view of leo, the Teoao- plies aatusly Wenied wih sits of she pat who 00d Up he hyn in honor ofthe fourch-centuy bboy ss Kasse wate Tapa i 1 so Kassie THE Non ns CONTE Along with he orthodox ee You dele the Fg hrs, ‘And eth th hoy of uth ™ Kassi'selebation of Grogoy’s defense of oxthodaxycertaly Would have had a ring of wndstion dung a inmate fet the eonocasepesectons vader Taeopi. She futher invoke ‘he inescesions of the Apones Petes sd Plt oppote thee fees of the "ue" faith reprevened bythe Leno exe ast down hse who ae gn ot sed zen he fh asia wanes pole aia in one of ber most famous Jyms, "When Augists reigned upon the ea” Thi Citas taste contats the univer power ofthe gest Rosnan exe Dero withthe unling advent of Cae ‘When Aug ged legen ete any King ‘he pre Vig te ay ged flay er eyed Te ‘tes ofthe wold pane under one sige se wed te ‘ons came wo beeen oe soveign Godhead The pecles swere eae by abe dere of Catt; aa we he Bu ‘rere ele inthe mae of the Godden Thou (God wat made mn, Great Ty ery Gln Thee™ By deeribing the cmp ndance a ee univer than tha of Chis, se may also lave been ising a waning ta, no matte how powesfl the imperil drone, God ma pester. Ateaiely, ifthe hymn was compored afer 43, Rasta ay be sounding © teumphal aot, celbtng victory ave ponesal fires at had falsely chaged the Leone fon with ot. “rvhen Augasro reigned” lo alws Kato introduce her lnepremtion ofthe single most import thenlogel pont of te ‘oso deta inthe leonophe view the Inearmation, The fer ha, 51 Mother Mary ae Kalinos War, aa, The Fata Mea, vl 12, Decne (Lindi Faber abe 190) 254 Assi THE TooNoP 38 Hine stabs «cal nk berween the Incamition ad he nd of pagan “idolatry” She thor reinforce the Teonepae agurent that, by astoming « human form, God became viable and could ‘hus be depicted inthe aman frm of eros Chet mtn iting ‘he commandmen asin idolatry. Fathers, ber aetion to ‘bjec ofthe Ineamaonin el mathe he asa Leno theo. legin—not because ae ad something new to say onthe subject bbe becatie the Ineamaton (purely the Gacueion of Ces ‘atenly) acquire + mach move promient expe in Bran tine theology and hymaody dig the Ionoclan pecod ss Com pd ether centuries Tn On fh ncn, Stace the Geet indicates thatthe purpose of she Incmaton wat to zertore the image of God in Franky. Kasia lai ees t hea i he fst ode of het Canon forthe Dent: ‘Tae one deling on ghee eth sings moral body, ht Lod ofa, yoseou elie toa mal sod ram hr othe Frmer se Kassi's woes equenly emphasize the body of Chit, Forex spe, she praer Chit for “acceping han body” ia bet ym for Theophaay Her kaowa fens employ a frm or des ‘tion of dhe word eg (ar, Sesh) in conneeson wth the ‘ination no let en tine Ts abruning& human aarice, Chit “wipe cea the sa of ‘he moral” and in Kane view, “generated the whole of ‘mankind that ir ensconced in coespion= In one of er Chie fas bymas, she lndiestes that Cho antes “ie with immortal ‘5°! Gregory the Theslogin expesed the concept dat For 5 is Ge, Op Iman (Cro NY 8 i oe ‘Felt of he Thophny, io Tpds rapa 2S 3.38 6 Assia THE Now is Conte hae whieh He bar noe assed He has ao ese ttt which Ws nite 10 His Godhead is aso saved" In Kars wont, (Cit pot ona ody Jad died the moral bod.” ‘Deeietion (hat) ie the ceorerpece of Easter Chetan soteiology and myrcam. Kasia expreses the consequences of Cho's decntion of the body inher hymn for the Dotmton {homes 19, he peice of the Theatr the Base And with ong of pre us oly herserere and ol by (6 ‘he den place fhe Lars Who nots ener by ie age ln Byzantine though, the Tcorokor wae die, enjoying the “fas fata” of sation beeae through er Chiat wat "ade dhunaa” (Evav8gurtjoavros) Sigal, in Kas’ these fp, because the Word of God tse eh fon the Vig Mas, fhe angel lone her Bod. In other wows, by assuming mar ‘esh Cit relemed the aman body, uansng ot nly Hie ten ba ao the bodies ofthe snes. In keeping with Ionophle tdon, Katia may be sugeting in he ye ta by exten (Case edcemed ll mae, nln tha sae to ake Kons “To pune the Iconopes az heetcy, Constantine V not ously accsed them of bring ether Nestorian (ding the pessoa {oF Che) or Monophystes (denying Chiat’ aman natu). To et treament of the Iaamtion, Kern counters thee chases by Cteefilyaavigating se Chesologieal suis etaihed by the fcamenicl count. Atte Counc of Ephesa in (3, the Church ffcilly adopted the te of Theotokor Bath giver of God) for the Vipia Mary, zjcing the Nestoria? propored Anthopoto Jos Grier of Man) or Chiintorokos (Bist ger of Cee ‘Throughout her hyzanogph, Kasia peuises the Vigin Mary for providiag moral flesh to the uactcaserable God and not 1 Gregg of Nasa Ep 1 vrata 2038, i Pin gna nda Tei 18 asst THE IcoNopmt a serely a human being. In her Canon for the Det, for exanpe ‘Kae added ee ths Mote of God (Tat fer youslone eed theinate God The paradox ofthe infinite God contained inthe Virgie womb it 4 commo moa in Byzantine lymnogrphy, and Kass worke fe replete wth affematone of Chis dehy in eelton to the “Theorkos. Her lye for the Docmtion, for example, emcee the Theotakor af "she who bore the Crestor of Beaver and enh" To Kast’ dhoughe, the Theotokos is inseparele from she Iscarasion of God Himlé For the Feast of the Anmscion, she wtex “For you has come ro del Boy (oops) the fulloess of the Godhead (nav 10 7gaua te Beoeo2) "> With this hynnographic alison t Col 29 ("For ip Him ll he fulness of the Godhead dee boi’), Kan fuer slates the biblical soundoessofFeoophile theology Addins, by re ‘ering to the New Testarent, Kassin in effec invokes highes stony than the Ieonocst with thei dependence on Exod Tn bee hyn forthe Great Mate Bashar he orem ee he sezm Le, which war often invoked by thealgiane in the Chrito= logis debe, o afm Cit’ divin in the Lncacaton Ther one hasbeen donated, becnse he lt he Hi Mother aan netrument of ferthe Larof the Father, ‘only Heinen, ‘Chest deservedly crowned Basbaca she Maroy, an 38 Rassia THE Nun ns CONTE td hough her gv se word a mean of eonemen sad “The partes beeween Basbacs and Eve a fers isan obvious ‘eral pole, bur Kast ako takes novatage ofthe pony fof Barbar’ fear ay (December 4) to Chana o talk sbour he Incammion. Her sir emphasizes not only Cents becoming ash of the Vien, but alo His bing the "Word ofthe Fates, simple and immabe” (employing he neoplatonic pescoogy doped by Chien theologians in the fourth cent. She thus {xpress the feonophile devotion to Cis’ aking known ie, vinbl and cicurscbabe the fllaes of Dey. ‘While emphasising the diy of Chet inthe cation, Kas si earefalyevoids the pits of Monophyate thesogy. Forex Ample in her Chinas yan “When Anges reget he ea Dhsszed Clr’ fall humanity with the term evawtgamsouveoe {hccame human’). wo ote yas, Kasia es the pee oem fiom the’ Vigia ata buman being” (eex0tvea Tragd eo ds AvOgcrov)* Kasia peer the wesb vee (heh foe deci the scton ofthe Vig ceasing tents fer wo partion, and cosine the root of second par of compound of the Vin Mary ie, Theorokos. In one ya he tal the Vain “God generator” (Broyevtoi, eet te second half of this compound sous daly pes noc on the roces of ving bh, slo what in modern context might be falled“genese origin” A contoveral Monopyete surest was {hat Che's de ate could ot have sted ds Ran Alfa the orthodox postion this "As God by Yoot deat Too] pated wo the tl peace and if and craton Td, 13 Kania fer ht othe Divi Wor (ab Geo ayes ihe Testkton for GT bes Caton fre Do pe. i. 2 For he Feat ofthe Nay (Cpls, 2) andthe Forte of ‘Thephuny pl, 30) The Engst soaring ane oa lcs Peo ky ec Be aa de Cc cana fo Hay Satna, Ode Fine in Tepli 7. Kasia min Ieonortmn, ° Kass susses Chists humanly wih her oe ofthe words tina (ham), a gre bt) 0d pnt geese) A the ‘ime time, she emphases the divinity of Chae, even atthe no ‘ment of His Intention, by deseabing Him ar Lae and Th Iedentve of His nay and dmmoraliy. Not only does Kassin sid both Nertoraniam and. Monophysitim, but she fares Counters the Heresies of the Monodteees and Monoenerite There later groupe sought x compomae beween the Monophy. ster and the Chulcedonsane, ie, the Orthodox, by zp tat CChist had two satres (ey) but only one wl (elim) and one nergy (i), serpcsvey. The Chleedoninn pay responded thar thee postone effectively deprived Chit ofthe fulness of hua sae, which consis ot only ofa uma body bot alto (oft human soul with fee will and independent capacity for tion Ketsin fly expressed onhodos Byaotine Chioigy inthe The ‘rokon for Ose 5 af her Canon forthe Dest: ‘We ncknolee you oe Lard Rivocmmermen, beohin wl exhort (veya) fie of Goa, ‘Who recede fn «woman By prochming one Lod, she denies Nestorian. By procliming Chests vo ease, both im will and sci, she Mewise dente Monophyssim and ir oftpeng, In the ia lin, abe atacke Teconocees crc by affuming bth ce Incarnation ad sel ‘onsip tothe veneration of ions In ft, she early choooes her woads to make ber conophe eine since the Son of God ecrved eth Gar, Chane honor (ie ve i which ie Ta pov wi on women nt acorn ped i hee Teg ee seg open egw Pood ‘fatle eatge bate’ Oly oy “Sie Agar Cott 9 on Tete 1m Com, 2045; Ln le of we Ende a bya Ni” 1079 n asst TE NuN CONTENT ‘nlf including Kenia" Aldoug the emit ferred he ‘monisti ea i does got sem 0 have been aa acceptable choice fo Byeanine women’ Instead, the pursed the coenbi ie ‘witha urban monareies, 7 posi tree explanations foe ths pe nomenon. Flt, women's moaaveie depended oa ale clergy for thee scramencl needs, 2 an erban sig would provide greaee acess 1 poo of avalible pies Secondly, the countyie was angers, paricully for women. Leo, Bishop of Asgo voiced this concer in'a memorandum fom 1143, zepding # woes monastery at Ari: Por heughou the yet ou onl wats Jae bee sm ing wit pints, who plunder everthing with al eee, nd one ay outage ey with ape ayone who flo le hande Ths tig fats ded eet convent wich is eb aah by pte oem of roxy to the mb deo by they adr ale fon the lon of mona propery, he mae be te vcs ‘of rpe, whic ips eight fren who one eo have citi tha fer of God end ems tee of = Leo subsequently emoved the ns to 4 ew monastery at Bouse, fares fom the sea, and epopulted Area wth mone. Through ‘ut the Byzanine aes eee bese: protection fom pes tnd marauding bends of Ambs and Tucks (a prema fom endows Byzantine begun). Third, adocrse women, ike avs who tended to reside i the epi, were often he founders of women's monssties, Monae ie aseacied Bysntine men and women fo # a ber ofrettons. The pamary mutation for momastes of both sex ws, simply po, the pporany ro work out ons elation, ‘specly nea the end of le: Pious Byzantines regarded sonst ‘dh and is concomiat ase asthe surest pth fo salvton "Taltog “A Carpaton ofthe Mona Haptic" 18 se eens a ea RG n Tabs “A Compasion” KAA THE MONASTIC n shoe of martyrdom, Indeed, che monastic fe was considered # form of maryom (a was ise, cena Monaseies ‘were pce of opel devotion, and monaace devoted thir ves to both corporate prayer, sch a the performance ofthe trices (of the Chure’s teal cyl, and 10 private peje. The later, ‘fen refered to ax the india “eel ue hd developed by {be foureenth century into the hesjchastic practice of repeat eciing the Jevus Payer Such an steuor focus weighs he ia Kenn rellecsons on monic, asdacuaed below In conta to the Wes, Byaenine monarener were ot pe sanly places of chasiy, medical cee, or education, though they Imig ssppor charitable intone of hops old age homes 2 ven, tough sate, schools They sometimes received orphans Sod children of inpoveshed fumes; however, ths peste a8 ‘Ercourged and even focidden in tome djthet® Blonanedet romenmes to i he mental land andapped a wel Pll ‘ ptoners were frequently sent ro monasteries Gaelsing mem bet of ier fies on the losing end ofa coup, who were en maimed by their enemies before bing sent int vehsion) long with proses and sorter, wih the des that the mons. ter woud have apottv infloence onthe deviants sepentance' ‘The Line of various sins incest tat wornen's manasa Sa pate served as havens for veins of domenc abuae™ Despite these mulfceted fonctions, most people entexing Bysndne monareder vem to have genuinely ese the monatie [fe Although more monarics were widowed, se noted above, # seems wallely that men and women considered the monastery ply «pe of “ol fol? home” pantclacly since such ine ‘Son aeay exited in Byeantioms Rather i seers tly sha hey {ought o Gish oot the ves in devotion to Goin order to bet ferprepae for deh ad jodgoent. 1 Fas fgg Pose pon, 1 Te Heh Wane of Brin, 105; of. comes, cour agus sep “earden ba” eo nae pee Bye ” asst Tue Now Context Foc womes, noel shove, mons offered a ofl _-7rtaacionedeavioneat in which to psc femme taonomy. ‘Womens monaseses fonihed the Byeaniae Chur wits _7 couter-coltil voce that wat able cheage peatiog pat ‘hl practices and ates, Kiss own vices especialy ole _ pais respec, with he Bysnine chronicles smanimouly dese 7° Gg er 83 eseggpebes” ae peimay contened 90 ae ters. Leo Species cen fmoos composiions iekdng bee “Low, tbe worm i any sin” and her Fewotion Canes for Holy Say, bh of whith are sil in we a Eaters Onhodos nui peace ™ Tater wares sich as John Zonas, Epa: te Mon ce aioe the Fay Secs te Xescia produced most of bee compostions for her money ast hye it ese of moo eu ed any of hee compoisons indeed sppea to have bes writen fo Spee ie within het own monantry He dma fom the Canon fr Hay Sua, fr example read, “But rhe maidens al vee) ee 8 sing tnt the Lor, for He spel loi” inden hat she wa wig for female ci aaeeee "Risse byte may Dive been iotnded for use in mex’ monastic Stdion) ar wel as her own however He eof ‘he team “soul mates” (oeyuyo) in Ber Canon forthe Dead soe ‘es tit war writen for monstce of both genes whe ed died. The ninth ode estione “hee” at well we "brthes end ser” bot makes ao mention of mothers. Ths cession gprs {okey poses: fin, tue Kania tos the ems "es "wots" and "ess to destbe mona raion ber han fal es, and second ha an heel ws te othe ‘founder and abbr, of the commu for hich she war wie sng in wich case no “totes?” would ye he sepoved ‘As aes, Kasia hd 0 fmt onan iso and i= plement it with her commoniy. Hee pion ha ot sursved, how 2 Rag Teton Cf Ct i ay Sy, si npc Oui are i oe ae Beeb wa of Me rn gt ns Stu Hr Hay fin Fe et dep nmi gcc pd i ys "naan Wy a ti ir 983 Fassia THE MowasTic % ves, woe have any sermons, eset om adiniaive mates, of ‘sul countels All dar sures her poetry (and, one mst sehnowledge, porbiy an incomplete catlog at tha, For these {euonn on kaowedgeof Kasia hlowphy of mona wil tlmage be impefec. Nonetheless, she aricunted » zemazkaly ‘Bomugh saoaue phlosophy tha can be scerained through # ‘cael ending of ber poems asst’ PHILOSOPHY OF MONASTICIsM Kus undertanig of mone reirent dl not cont of ding fom the wos nde ch iy ser incompatlewith hee Ghncce Spmeon the Logotere ico the Gramma tnd {Gecge the Mon al dice Katinas poring neeteim and th alec ue uo iy Smee le “Shibeopling?” qovopovun, spas ia, George snd Le) Byrne wees fm Dae te Coes to Mae Pos bane ‘Sonal sonar “te philosophy” in cont 9 mae 2p Sor Auboogh they ay be refering othe concept of omar Contemplate (or sn Hee donopining con a feewo mulacual put, sine the lene cane a Bysatn ‘Seded the clark sadons Pohermor, he Byoatins i otic shad snd ft dtoron betwee te ie fps od thence ‘och of Kes’ crane weit fcorpontes won By sasioe monte hemes He pour “On Mona aad What 1 Monuse? incoporte hex esos on he nate of ca {sei Fal one fees peat a 12 este inher conpu inde the verambrane of dest TEs pcm stad, mention of the worl, betes, Salus (pos, dneercnen, chan, sad sepetnce Tos {hens eb dione bbw and th etme by Kein circa mtomette in gua ang et SNS TD STI ne es PS Te ram topos 16 asst THE NUNN Conte ‘compute wo that of other wters whose works wee familiar to the Byandne wo and expec 0 a aed woman of Kan “The influence of John Cimacs, suc-cenary author highly sopieded within the Byaasine Chu, Se parscllyappacent ia Kiei's cro monavie poems. The Byantnesconadered Clin ‘os Thr Lar of Die st tbe the std mana for the ‘monagtic Me™ Ae we wil se, Kasia quotes The Ladi of Die “Aton! sos vetbain in her “What ins Monastic” and these pest one of Climarar consuvetione “A monastic, 5” (Moves dow) —in both poe, Howeve, er monastic thought Aspley no mere svshaes eo tis lai work Her poesy oe is 4 ver diferent thematic coastcson, one in Keeping with inuch of her other wing, Abhough abe fequenty dese upon Clinacos and othe ade tex, she reworks thea ad 2p slew 0 rahonl themes ™ For Kasia, he imperfor mont ie hens withthe tack seat of moray, Her "What s+ Monat?” opens with the dee Perbe ‘Today inthe wold andro he ge Although Jon Cimacos dct aot introduce the vine of the ‘membrance of death (uwan Bavarou) snd chapter lx of The “Lake, fr Kasi i the beglaning None, Kasia does ot dept fom Cline exe ess nthe subject He declares the remembrance of death o be "dhe mot erent of al worl” and defines the moak at = Tpxned soa” who Je in conwtant Femembagce of death whether swake o sleeping ™ i Sepa, Tle of te tn, ea abi ma AR Sram at cna a ee ey ee er SRE bie Get ett Sy "a Eten of 2a “On Wein” o“isreaae ee assta THE MoNasTIC 7 Inthe ner two stanzas of “What is» Monastic?” the concept of purcason flows immediately fe remembrance of det ‘Atwood at toda ceed ch A monk ince who has aie othe eka tat ‘tthe odie ot ‘a bey uel dfoo Here, Kasi is dee along wo this ine fom The Ladin “A monk is + hallowed body, pused mouth, aad 29 enlightened ‘on™ demonseting the oe seltonhipberwven be hough ‘od tha of Clmacus, Whe Climacus proceeds fom he physical to the spinal, Kans invers the onder of linac’ dscusion fd ao "elit the ert Ths earangerent make ic cea hat, ‘ccoring to Kass’ philosophy, spinal purteason bps wth ‘oete pectic iter than badly pacdcaton. Thi isnot rg (est that sacetclam as no olin Kass’ pil, only that et ‘Soneept of puixson deiner mainly rom an intros dspostion In his ve chaper ot “step* John Climacas discusses the theme of withrmeal fom the word (Avandignets kouou) ae ‘end the Bt thre step of his Laér—rensneaton,deachmene, nd cule—ean be seated epee a a exstetal break withthe ‘Sov Ths bre rom woly fe absolue sp Kass’ pos ply of monasicsm, andthe describes rar a meaphorial dead ‘Tobe ainonk ins wry deh tthe wood ™ T= Terai lis Gh tat dt Monet aeons Ol a a gue SOR eatin ts LY Tet pg “Ak oe i ated "i cepa ge ea a tee erst phere Ee rerere ek Enc” Sz Ape thf at on tsins diver be acted"

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