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Assessment of Examples

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Unit Test

Macbeth: Test Act 1-3 (KTAC)

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Part A: Matching /8 (Knowledge & Thinking)
1. Macbeth A) Bellona’s bridegroom
2. The Witches B) King of Scotland
3. Banquo C) met upon the heath
4. Duncan D) Banquo’s son
5. Lady Macbeth E) Traitor
6. Thane of Cawdor F) Impatient and ambitious
7. Malcolm G) Heir to the throne
8. Fleance H) Father to a line of kings
Part B: True and False /10 (Knowledge & Thinking)
1. Shakespeare’s famous theatre was known as the Trobe
2. A speech delivered to the audience while other are on stage is called a soliloquy.
3. Lady Macbeth says, “Amen? I had most need of blessing, and Amen Stuck in my throat”
4. A speech delivered to the audience while other are on stage is called an aside.
5. 4 witches appear to Macbeth and Banquo.
6. Macbeth say, “So it will make us mad,” after murdering Banquo
7. The Thane of Cawdor was a traitor, executed, and the new title was given to Macbeth.
8. Banquo received the prophecy of being titled the Thane of Fife.
9. Macbeth says "Stars hide your fires/ Let light see my black desires"
10. Donaldbain was named the Prince of Cumberland.
Part C: Multiple Choice /16 (Knowledge & Thinking)
1. In Act One Scene One, the first to appear in the play were:
a) Macbeth and Banquo
b) Malcolm and the soldier
c) The Witches
d) None of the above

2. Who is the tragic hero in this play?

a) Duncan
b) Ms. Kasstan
c) Mr. Johnsen
d) Macbeth

3. What information do the witches not provide the reader in the opening scene?
a) They will meet when the war is over
b) They will meet with Macbeth
C) Macbeth will be King of Scotland
d) They have evil intentions

4. Macbeth received three prophecies in Act One Scene One, which one is NOT one:
a) Will be Thane of Glamis
b) Will be Thane of Cawdor
c) Will be Thane of Fife
d) Will be King of Scotland

5. Which of the following prophecies was NOT given to Banquo by the witches:
a) Father to a line of kings
b) Lesser than Macbeth, and greater
b) Weaker than Macbeth, but wiser
c) Not so happy, yet much happier

6. Macbeth does not want to kill Duncan for all of the following reasons except:
a) Duncan is a good/moral king
b) Macbeth is Duncan’s kinsmen
c) Duncan is his guest
d) Macbeth’s vaulting ambition

7. Before Macbeth commits the murder, he sees in a hallucination:

a) the witches
b) Banquo’s ghost
c) a floating dagger
d) Duncan’s ghost

8. After Macbeth commits the murder, he is unable to say:

a) amen
b) God bless me
c) farewell
d) Sleep

9. The porter’s scene is an example of:

a) comic relief
b) pathos
c) pathetic fallacy
d) premonition

10. Who arrives to wake Duncan and / who discovers Duncan’s murder?
a) Malcolm and Donaldbain / Malcolm
b) Ross and Angus / Ross
c) Ross and Lennox / Ross
d) Lennox and Macduff / Macduff

11. At the end of Act 2 Scene 3, Malcolm and Donaldbain decide to:
a) fight against the murder
b) flee the country
c) separate themselves from each other
d) B & C
e) None of the above

12. Macbeth says he fears Banquo because:

a) he is noble
b) he is wise
c) he is fearless
d) all of the above

13. The plans for Banquo’s murder:

a) include the murder of Fleance
b) were made by Lady Macbeth
c) call for him to be hung
d) all of the above
e) none of the above

14. Macbeth convinces the murderers to kill Banquo and his son by telling them that Banquo is a(n):
a) murderer
b) threat
c) enemy
d) witch

15. The ghost of Banquo appears at the feast ____________. The ghost only appears when Macbeth
a) once / Banquo
b) twice /Blood
c) twice / Banquo
d) Three times / Banquo
e) Four times /Blood

16. Thus in the play, how many people have been killed because of Macbeth?
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four
Part D: Quotes: /20 (Application) PICK 5 AND ANSWER
1. And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,
the instruments of darkness tell us truths,
win us with honest trifles, to betray us
a) Identify the speaker and the listener(s) (2)
b) What “truths” have been told? (1)
c) How was the listener been tricked by these “truths”? (1)

2. Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts,

unsex me here, and fill me, from the crown to the
toe, top full of direst cruelty
a) Identify the speaker and the listener(s) (2)
b) Explain the meaning of these lines (1)
c) What literary device is being used? Explain. (1)

3. This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air

nimbly and sweetly recommends itself
unto our gentle senses
a) Identify the speaker and the listener(s) (2)
b) What literary device is being used? Explain (1)
c) What has been planned for the speaker? Provide details (1)

4. “...look like the innocent flower,

But be the serpent under it.”
a) Identify the speaker and the listener(s) (2)
b) State the significance of the quote (1)
c) What literary device is being used? Explain. (1)

5. Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood

Clean from my hand? No; this my hand will rather
The multitudionous seas incarnadine,
Making the green one red.
a) Name the speaker and the listener(s) (2)
b) Explain the meaning of these lines (1)
c) What does this suggest about the speaker’s character? (1)

6. Thou hast it now: king, Cawdor, Glamis, all.

As the weird women promised; i fear
Thou play’dst most foully for’t:
a) Name the speaker (1)
b) Explain the suspicion the speaker expresses in these lines (2)
c) Who enters immediately after these lines? (1)
Part E: Short Answers Pick Questions and Equal /20 (Communication)
1. How does Macbeth react to the witches? How does Banquo react to the witches? /2
2. Provide one example of irony in the first three acts. /1
3. What news does Ross bring Macbeth is first act. /2
4. Describe the entire plan for murdering Duncan. /3
5. What part of the murder of Banquo is unsuccessful? Explain the significance. /2
6. Discuss how Macbeth and Duncan are opposites of each other. /4
7. Shakespeare uses a lot of pathetic fallacy, list three examples and explain. /6
8. Name three things the dagger does during Macbeth’s hallucination. /3
9. Who is the porter pretending to be as he answers the knocking? What is dramatic irony in this
scene? /2
10. What part of the murder of Banquo is unsuccessful? Explain the significance. /2
11. Name two jobs that Lady Macbeth has done in the murder of Duncan. /2
A unit test is the most basic way to check of understanding as well as evaluation and assessing
the student. A unit test must encompass questions from all four areas of understanding that
includes: knowledge, communication, application, and problem solving. A unit test must also
engage in the Seven Fundamental Principle of learning which entail that the assessment (i.e. unit
test) is fair, transparent, and equitable for all students, carefully planned to relate to the
curriculum, and are communicated clearly to the students (Growing Success, 2010, pg. 6). In my
grade ten class, at the end of act three of Macbeth they did a unit test to check for understand of
the material. The test engaged in a variety of different skills to ensure that every student could
succeed. For example, some questions were from remembrance, as well as application. For
application, I gave the students a passage and they would have to identify a literary or poetic
device, but I ensured that I gave them the list of devices that maybe on the test so that they would
not be blindsided.

Research Essay

A research paper is a piece of academic writing that encompasses primary and secondary sources
to make a valid argument (Application). In the grade eleven class, they were reading the story
“Shawshank Redemption,” and had to write an essay surrounding a topic that was evident in the
book (Thinking & Knowledge). There was a list provided of topics that the students could
research, using their books and web as sources. The essays were given a generous amount of
time to ensure that all student could succeed in the assignment. The students were able to use
application, knowledge, and communication to have successful paper; the variety of strategies
once again allowed for differential learners to prosper. After the research papers were handed in,
I ensured that there was positive feedback, but as well as areas for improvement. Giving
feedback to the students showed that I care about their work and effort as well as building a
collaborative relationship with the student because the student receiving the feedback has a
direction to go in order to improve. (Communication)

Comic Strip
DUE: ________________________________________________

Your job will be to create a comic that echoes a central theme from Macbeth. The comic must encompass direct references to the
play which help to portray the chosen theme. Throughout the next couple weeks, this class will be looking at different aspects of
Macbeth, especially in relation to theme. (Knowledge)
The five themes: (Thinking)
*Tragic Hero
*Battle Between Good VS Evil
*Supernatural Elements
*Corruption of Power
*Cruelty and Masculinity

You must choose ONE theme and create a comic. For the theme, there must be a minimum of 6 frames. However, there can be
more comics if wanted. You may show the progression of a theme OR examples of the theme and how they work together.
The comic will be marked on the following: (Application)

1. Theme /1

2. Examples /6
(Act One: examples)
(Act Two: examples)
(Act Three: examples)
(Act Four: examples)

3. Relevant comic pictures /3

(.5 per photo, 6 photos in total)

4. Dialogue /3
(.5 per photo, 6 photos in total)

5. Handed in ON the due date /2

Total: /15

A comic strip theme project is similar to an essay where they are arguing a theme in the book or
play but presenting it in a comic. The comic strip I used in the grade ten class because instead of
writing an essay, which they already did, I got them to create a comic. The comic strip is similar
to an essay because the students had to provide examples of theme throughout the book and the
importance. For example, I gave the students five different themes that they could use, one being
‘masculinity and power.’ So, the students’ task was to find four examples of ‘masculinity and
power,’ and describe the importance of the scene and how it works in the play. Having the
students creating their own comics on the computer was very engaging for the students because
it was different way of learning and presenting information. After the comic strips were
complete, in a timely fashion, I handed back the comics while giving proper feedback about what
was portrayed and described. I found the students actually read the feedback because I often
made a comment about the comic itself and many students were really proud of their finished
product, so they valued what I said.

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