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Grammar & vocabulary Starter unit

be + subject pronouns there is, there are

1 Complete the sentences with the affirmative (9) 5 Complete the questions and short answers with
the correct form of there is or there are.
or negative (8) form of be.
Are there any shops? Yes, there are.
He’s from England. (9)
1 __________________ any beaches?
1 My best friends ______________ in my class. (9)
No, __________________ .
2 It ______________ very hot today. (8)
2 __________________ a computer?
3 I ______________ very good at English. (9)
Yes, __________________.
4 We ______________ from Ireland. (8)
3 __________________ any sweets?
5 You ______________ in my seat. (9)
No, __________________.
6 She ______________ thirteen. (8)
4 __________________ any DVDs?
2 Complete the questions with the correct form of Yes, __________________.
5 __________________ an internet café?
Where are you from?
No, __________________.
1 How ______________ your friends?
2 Who ______________ your best friend?
3 Where ______________ her parents? Family
4 How old ______________ your sister? 6 Match 1–6 with a–g.
5 What time ______________ the next class? mother a nephew
6 What ______________ your cousins’ names? 1 sister b son
2 niece c father
3 aunt d brother
Possessive ’s
4 daughter e grandfather
3 Tick (9) the correct phrases.
5 wife f uncle
my father’s brother ; 6 grandmother g husband
1 my mothers’ aunt …
2 my sister’s books …
Compound nouns: school
3 those boys’ bikes …
4 Karens’ friends … 7 Complete the words. Use a, e, i, o or u.

5 Jim and Sylvana’s baby … E ngli sh e xa m

1 g__ __gr __ phy r__ __m
2 sc__ __nc__ l__b__r__t__ry
have got
3 m__ths t__ __ch__r
4 Circle the correct words. 4 Fr__nch h__m__w__rk
He ’s got / ’ve got black hair. 5 h__st__ry n__t__s
1 I ’s got / ’ve got a bike. 6 m__s__c __x__rc__s__
2 He hasn’t got / haven’t got any cousins.
3 Has / Have they got a cat?
4 They hasn’t got / haven’t got a maths
lesson at two o’clock.
5 She ’s got / ’ve got a laptop.


Grammar Starter unit
be + subject pronouns have got
1 Write affirmative or negative sentences or a 4 Correct the mistakes.
question with the verb be. 1 He got two brothers. 8
he / not from England __________________________________________
He isn’t from England. 2 We has got a house near the sea. 8
1 my best friends / in my class __________________________________________
__________________________________________ 3 I not have got ten euros. 8
2 it / not very hot today __________________________________________
__________________________________________ 4 She haven’t got new trainers. 8
3 he / good at English? __________________________________________
4 you / in my class? 5 Write questions for the answers. Use have got
and the phrases in the box.
5 we / not in class 3B any homework any money any pets
Jim’s phone number neat writing
Have you got Jim’s phone number?
2 Complete the questions with the correct form of
Yes, I have. It’s 017985 34562.
be, and the answers with a subject pronoun.
1 _____________________________________ ?
Where are you from? I ’m from California.
Yes, I have. I’ve got a dog.
1 How ______________ your friends?
2 _____________________________________ ?
______________’re fine.
Yes, he has, but not very much – only three
2 Who ______________ your best friend?
Jack. ______________’s in my class.
3 _____________________________________ ?
3 Where ______________ you?
No, they haven’t. It’s terrible!
______________’re in the kitchen.
4 _____________________________________ ?
4 How old ______________ your sister?
Yes, we have – exercises 3 and 4 for maths.
______________’s fourteen.

there is, there are

Possessive ’s
6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
3 Complete the sentences with the words. Use the there is or there are.
possessive ’s or s’.
Are there any dogs?
Sally – brother
1 ______________ an internet café near the park. (9)
Sally’s brother is in Spain.
2 ______________ any pencils in my bag. (8)
1 My dad – car
3 ______________ a bus at one o’clock?
___________________________ is white.
4 ______________ an exam on Monday. (8)
2 William – brothers
5 ______________ some girls in the café. (9)
___________________________ are twins.
6 ______________ any sandwiches?
3 My grandparents – house
___________________________ is near Granada.
4 John and Sarah – friends
___________________________ are in my class.


Vocabulary Starter unit
aunt brother child / children cousin daughter father granddaughter grandfather
grandmother grandparent grandson husband mother nephew niece parent partner
sister son twin uncle wife
Compound nouns: school
English French geography history ICT (Information and Communication Technology) maths
music PE (Physical Education) science
book class exam exercise homework laboratory notes room teacher

Family Compound nouns: schools

1 Read the text and complete sentences 1–8. Draw 3 Complete the compound nouns.
the family tree to help you. Use a, e, i, o or u.
PE cla ss
Freddy is Sue’s brother. Their parents are
1 g___ ___gr___phy ___x___rc___s___
Harry and Sally. Harry’s got a brother. His
2 sc___ ___nc___ l___b___r___t___ry
name’s Jim. Jim’s wife is Ann. Ben and Eva’s
3 m___ths b___ ___k
parents are Jim and Ann. Their grandparents
4 ___CT t___ ___ch___r
are called John and Mary.
5 Fr___nch h___m___w___rk
1 Sue is Freddy’s ______________. 6 h___st___ry n___t___s
2 Harry and Sally are Sue and Freddy’s 7 m___s___c r___ ___m
______________. 8 ___ngl___sh ___x___m
3 Harry is Jim’s ______________.
4 Jim is Ann’s ______________. 4 Complete the sentences. Use words from the
5 Ben and Eva are Jim and Ann’s ______________.
1 I don’t want to do my science ______________.
6 Eva and Freddy are John and Mary’s
I want to watch TV.
______________ and ______________.
2 How many geography ______________ have we
7 Freddy is Jim’s ______________.
got for homework?
8 Sue is Ben’s ______________.
3 Mum! Where is my maths ______________? Have
you got it?
2 Look at the text in exercise 1 again and answer
the questions. 4 We’ve got a piano and drums in our
1 Who is Sue’s uncle? ______________ ______________ room.

2 Who is Sally’s niece? ______________ 5 I always pass the English ______________.

3 Who are Jim’s parents? ______________ 6 We’re doing some experiments in the science
4 Who is Freddy’s aunt? ______________
7 I really like our French ______________. She’s
5 Who is Sally’s nephew? ______________
from Paris.
6 Who is Harry’s daughter? ______________
8 I’m looking at my history ______________ from
7 Who is Eva’s mother? ______________ today’s lesson. We’ve got an exam tomorrow.
8 Who is John’s wife? ______________
9 Who is Sally’s son? ______________
10 Who is Harry’s father? ______________


Grammar Starter unit
1 Complete the dialogue. Write one word in each 4 Complete the questions with the correct form of
gap. there is / are or have got. Don’t forget the
subject pronoun in the have got questions.
Mary Hello. What (1) __________ your name?
Sometimes both forms are possible.
Chus (2) __________’s Chus.
1 How many students ___________________ in
Mary Are (3) __________ English? Miss Smith’s class?
Chus No, I (4) __________ not. My mum and dad 2 ___________________ a rabbit in your garden?
(5) __________ Spanish. They’re from 3 When ___________________ our English lesson?
Salamanca. 4 ___________________ a music room in your
Mary Oh, Salamanca! Is (6) __________ nice there? school?
Chus Yes, (7) __________ are many beautiful 5 What ___________________ in her bag?
buildings. 6 ___________________ any teachers in the
Mary (8) __________ you got any brothers or science room?
5 Correct the sentences. There are two mistakes
Chus Yes, I (9) __________. (10) __________’ve got in each sentence.
a sister. 1 We’ve have maths in Miss Robert classroom. 8
Mary Is (11) __________ in this school? __________________________________________
Chus Yes, she is. She (12) __________ in year 7. __________________________________________

2 Read the text. Then correct the bold words. Add

2 My grandparents house’s is in Walker Street. 8
’s or s’. __________________________________________
My name’s Jack Spinks. I’m from Derby, a small city
in England. My birthday is the 16th of August. I’ve
3 There isn’t any games on my dads computer. 8
got three pets – a cat, a dog and a rabbit in the __________________________________________

garden. My (1) sisters name is Sophie. We’ve got a __________________________________________

big house in Smith Street. It’s got a small garden. My 4 My mums’ sister’s are from Manchester. 8
(2) parents friends live next door. Their (3) childrens __________________________________________
names are Jo and Simon. (4) Jo and Simons mum __________________________________________
is my teacher at school! 5 Is there any English children in Elizas’ class? 8
1 __________________ 3 __________________ __________________________________________
2 __________________ 4 __________________
6 Answer the questions about you. Write complete
3 Write questions for the answers. sentences.
1 _________________________________________ ? 1 Have you got a pet?
Jack’s from Derby. __________________________________________
2 _________________________________________ ? 2 Is there a science laboratory at your school?
Jack’s birthday is in August. __________________________________________
3 _________________________________________ ? 3 Who’s your favourite singer?
Yes, he’s got three pets. __________________________________________
4 _________________________________________ ? 4 When is your birthday?
His sister’s name is Sophie. __________________________________________
5 _________________________________________ ?
No, they’ve got a big house.


Vocabulary Starter unit
1 Read the text and answer the questions. Draw 3 Complete the dialogue with nine of the subjects
the family tree to help you. in the box.

art biology drama geography history

Harry and Sally have a daughter called Julia
ICT maths music PE social studies
and a son called William. Olivia and Alex are
Carrie What’s your favourite subject, Harry?
William and Kate’s children. Olivia and Alex
Harry Oh, I like playing the piano so
have an uncle called Paul. He is Julia’s
(1) _____________ is my favourite. I’m also
husband. Harry and Sally have got two other
into painting so I like (2) _____________,
grandchildren called Peter and Mary. They are
Olivia and Alex’s cousins.
Carrie I like learning about rivers and mountains

1 Who is Harry’s daughter’s husband? and countries so (3) _____________ is my

______________________ favourite.
2 Who are Olivia’s cousins’ parents? Harry Do you like (4) _____________?
______________________ Carrie Yes, it’s interesting. We talk about what is
3 Who are Paul’s wife’s parents? good and bad in society.
Harry I’m studying (5) _____________ this year. We
4 Who are Sally’s granddaughters’ brothers?
learn a lot about plants and animals.
Carrie That sounds good. I like
5 Who is Olivia’s aunt’s brother?
(6) _____________. We’re doing a play
by Shakespeare this year.
6 Who are Paul’s niece’s cousins?
______________________ Harry Wow! Do you study (7) _____________? You
know, dates and kings and things?
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the
Carrie Yes, we do. I don’t enjoy it very much.
Harry I really like it. But I hate (8) _____________.
father-in-law fiancé nephew only child Carrie You and I are very different. I like learning
single stepbrother stepmother twins
about computers and technology.
1 He hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. He’s an Harry And I don’t like (9) _____________!
_________________. Carrie Really? I love running and swimming.
2 My uncle’s son is my mum’s _________________.
4 Check the meaning of the words in the box.
3 This is John. We’re getting married in August.
Then choose the correct words.
He’s my _________________.
equipment experiment problem translation
4 Fiona is my dad’s second wife. She isn’t my
mother. She’s my _________________. 1 science translation / experiment
5 My wife’s father is my _________________. 2 maths experiment / problem
6 They are brother and sister. They’ve got the 3 PE problem / equipment
same birth date – 17th November 1995. They’re 4 French translation / experiment
_________________. 5 laboratory equipment / translation
7 If you aren’t married, you’re _________________. 6 biology problem / experiment
8 My mum’s new husband has a son called Adam. 7 English translation / equipment
Adam is my _________________.


Grammar and vocabulary unit 1
Adverbs of frequency 4 _______________ _______________ they go to
Italy every year? Because their grandmother
1 Number the adverbs of frequency in order.
lives in Milan.
occasionally 5 often
5 _______________ _______________ Cara do her
hardly ever always 1
homework? In the evening.
not often never
sometimes usually
Verb + -ing
2 Cross out the bold word that is wrong.
I sometimes listen sometimes to reggae. 5 Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the
verbs in the box.
1 We often play often volleyball in the summer.
2 They never are never late for class. buy listen to play read watch wear

3 She’s usually got usually make-up in her bag. They like playing basketball after school.
4 He doesn’t often watch often TV. 1 I don’t like comics. I prefer _______________
5 He always is always at the sports centre. books.
2 She doesn’t mind _______________ things on the
Present simple: affirmative and
3 We love _______________ designer clothes.
4 He hates _______________ heavy metal music.
3 Choose the correct words. 5 They like _______________ horror films.
I speak / speaks Spanish and English.
1 Jack finish / finishes school at four o’clock.
Everyday objects
2 Grace don’t / doesn’t like hot weather.
3 Gillian and Chris work / works in a hospital. 6 Find the word that doesn’t match.

4 Ann doesn’t use / uses a computer at home. a laptop a key a mobile phone an mp3 player

5 Tom always lose / loses his keys. 1 an umbrella money a wallet a purse

6 They don’t / doesn’t study French at school. 2 a ticket a bus pass money sunglasses
3 jewellery sunglasses an ID card make-up

Present simple: questions

Verbs: time and money
4 Complete the questions with the words in the
box and do or does. 7 Match 1–7 with a–h.

How often What What time play a for an exam

When Where Why 1 go b computer games

What time do you have lunch? At one o’clock. 2 study c comics

3 meet d friends in town
1 _______________ _______________ the boys play
4 give e money
football? In the park.
5 wear f shopping with friends
2 _______________ _______________
6 collect g presents to people
_______________ she go to the cinema?
7 save h expensive sunglasses
Every Saturday.
3 _______________ _______________ Tom play in
the orchestra? The violin.


Grammar unit 1
Adverbs of frequency 4 Complete the sentences with the correct present
simple form of the verbs.
1 Match 1–7 with a–h.
1 My cousins ____________ (live) in Madrid.
a occasionally 2 Jessica ____________ (not like) swimming.
1 b always 3 He ____________ (study) English and Spanish.
2 c hardly ever 4 We ____________ (not walk) to school every day.
3 d not often 5 My father ____________ (teach) history at my
4 e never school.
5 f often 6 I ____________ (not do) my homework in the
6 g sometimes library.

7 h usually 7 She ____________ (go) to school by bus.

8 You ____________ (not watch) TV in the morning.
2 Rewrite the sentences with the adverbs of
We go to the park on Saturdays. (usually) Present simple: questions
We usually go to the park on Saturdays. 5 Write questions for the answers. Use a question
1 He takes his mobile phone to work. (often) word where necessary.
__________________________________________ 1 _________________________________________ ?
__________________________________________ I get up at six o’clock.
2 The traffic is bad in the morning. (occasionally) 2 _________________________________________ ?
__________________________________________ No, she doesn’t go shopping with Kate. She
__________________________________________ goes with her sister.

3 I ride my bike to school. (not often) 3 _________________________________________ ?

__________________________________________ They play tennis twice a week.

__________________________________________ 4 _________________________________________ ?

4 I’m late for school. (hardly ever) Yes, I do. I love hip hop music.

__________________________________________ 5 _________________________________________ ?

5 I’ve got a lot of money. (never) She lives near the park.

Verb + -ing
Present simple: affirmative and 6 Complete the sentences. Use love, not mind or
negative not like and the -ing form of the verbs.
1 Maria _______________________ (☺ play) the
3 Tick ( ) the correct third person forms. piano.
carries 2 We _______________________ ( watch) sport
1 needs 7 gos on TV.
2 finishs 8 works 3 John _______________________ (☺ go) to the
3 watches 9 studys cinema.
4 likees 10 loses 4 My teacher _______________________ ( listen)
5 wears 11 uses to heavy metal music.

6 changes 12 hurries 5 I _______________________ ( study) for exams.


Vocabulary unit 1
Everyday objects
a bag a bus pass clothes an ID card jewellery a key a laptop make-up a mobile phone
money an mp3 player a purse sunglasses a ticket an umbrella a wallet
Verbs: time and money
buy collect give go shopping listen to meet need play read save spend study
watch wear

Everyday objects Verbs: time and money

1 Complete the crossword with everyday objects. 3 Complete the dialogue with the words in the
1 2 box.
3 comics computer games DVDs
English friends books mp3 player
A What do you do in your free time?
B Oh, I listen to my (1) ______________ and watch
U Y S (2) ______________.
A What else do you do?
6 B Oh, I read history (3) ______________. I love
W L A Do you play (4) ______________?
B No, I hate them.
A Have you got a hobby?
2 Complete the sentences with everyday objects
B Yes, I collect Spider-Man (5) ______________.
from the summary.
A What do you do after school?
1 I’ve got 2,000 songs on my ______________.
B I study (6) ______________ at a private school.
2 It’s raining so I’m taking my ______________.
A When do you meet your (7) ______________?
3 It’s very sunny today. I’m wearing my
______________. B In the evening.

4 I’ve got my photo, my name and my address on 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the
my ______________. box.
5 I sometimes watch DVDs on my ______________.
buy give go need save spend
6 I’m catching the train at one o’clock. I’ve got a
______________. 1 Let’s ________________ shopping. We can buy
some make-up.
7 I don’t want to buy a bus ticket every day. I’ve
got a ______________. 2 I ________________ a lot of money on computer
8 I can’t open the front door! I haven’t got my
______________. 3 I’ve got a bank account because I want to
________________ my money.
9 I want to call a friend but I haven’t got my
______________. 4 Do you ________________ things on the internet?
5 I always ________________ a present to John on
his birthday.
6 I ________________ a new dress for the party.


Grammar unit 1
1 Write complete sentences about … 3 Correct the sentences. There are two mistakes
1 something you’ve usually got in your pocket. in each sentence.

__________________________________________ 1 I don’t spend often a lot of time study for

exams. 8
2 something you always watch on TV.
2 My sister wear sometimes designer clothes. 8
3 something you don’t often do at the weekend.
3 Tom usually doesn’t buying things on the
internet. 8
4 something you are never late for.
4 We prefers reading to shop. 8
5 a person you hardly ever see.
5 They doesn’t minding listening to rock music. 8
6 a person who always loses things.
4 Write questions for the answers. Use the words.
2 Complete the text with the present simple or -ing
(computer games)
form of the verbs.
Does he like computer games?
I (1) ___________________ (not like / shop)
No, he doesn’t, but his sister loves them.
with my mum. The problem is she
1 (do, Saturdays)
(2) ___________________ (not want) to spend
any money. She just (3) ___________________ (like /
_________________________________________ ?
look) in the shop windows and
They usually play football but they sometimes
(4) ___________________ (try) on all the clothes
listen to their mp3 players.
but we (5) ___________________ (never buy)
2 (always, carry)
anything. I (6) ___________________ (prefer / play)
_________________________________________ ?
basketball with my friends. When Mum finally
No, I sometimes leave my phone at home.
(7) ___________________ (finish / shop), I
3 (often, cinema)
(8) ___________________ (run) to the park and
(9) ___________________ (meet) my friends. We
_________________________________________ ?
(10) ___________________ (not play) basketball all
She goes two or three times a month.
afternoon. We also (11) ___________________
4 (hate, shopping)
(love / listen) to music on our mp3 players and
_________________________________________ ?
(12) ___________________ (talk) about our favourite
Because I’ve never got any money to spend.
pop groups.
5 (comics)
_________________________________________ ?
No, we prefer reading novels.


Vocabulary unit 1
1 Write the everyday objects. Use six of the words 3 Write sentences about your family and friends
in the box. using the correct form of spend money on or
spend time. Use the ideas in the box or your
camera comb glasses stamp own ideas.
scissors sunscreen toothbrush torch
chat on the internet clothes
computer games DVDs jewellery sweets
listen to music make-up study English

1 __________________________________________
2 __________________________________________
1 ________________ 2 ________________
3 __________________________________________
4 __________________________________________
3 ________________ 4 ________________
5 __________________________________________

4 Paul is doing a class survey. Complete the

dialogue with the words in the box.

5 ________________ 6 ________________ DVDs stamps make-up collection

mp3 player hip hop friends internet
2 Write the everyday objects.
Paul What do you do in your free time?
1 It’s where you carry your money if you are a boy.
Lizzy Oh, I watch (1) ______________ or listen to
______________ (2) ______________ music.
2 It’s where you carry your money if you are a girl. Paul What do you spend your money on?
Lizzy Well, I spend most of my money on music for
3 I use this to clean my teeth. ______________ my (3) ______________.
4 When I cut paper, I use these. ______________ Paul Do you like shopping?
5 You can wear this on your fingers, in your ears
Lizzy Yes, I do.
or around your neck. ______________ Paul What do you buy?
6 It’s a computer you can carry with you. Lizzy I sometimes buy some (4) ______________
if there’s a party at the weekend.
7 You put this on your eyes, lips and face. Paul Do you spend money on your
______________ (5) ______________?
8 You can take photos, send texts or talk to friends
Lizzy Yes, of course. I often buy them a coffee.
with this. ______________ Paul Do you ever buy things on the
9 When I go to the beach, I always put this on my (6) ______________?
face. ______________
Lizzy Yes, I spend money on my (7) ______________.
10 I need these to read. ______________ Paul What do you collect?
11 I use this to see at night. ______________ Lizzy I collect (8) ______________. I’ve got some
12 I need one to post a letter. ______________ from all over the world.


Grammar and vocabulary unit 2
Present continuous: affirmative and Present simple and present
negative continuous
1 Choose the correct -ing forms. 4 Choose the correct words a, b or c.
sitting / siting She never b her bed.
1 eating / eatting 5 chating / chatting a is making b makes c doesn’t make
2 carrieing / carrying 6 travelling / traveling 1 I _________ a red T-shirt today.
3 looking / lookking 7 running / runing a wear b ’m not wearing c don’t wear
4 giveing / giving 8 useing / using 2 We _________ dinner now.
a having b have c ’re having
2 Complete the sentences with the affirmative or
negative present continuous form of the verbs 3 Poppy and Flo _________ their grandmother
in the box. every week.

not clean make not watch read a visit b is visiting c are visiting
not study walk write 4 He usually _________ to the sports centre on
Saturday mornings.
She is walking to school today.
a is going b don’t go c goes
1 I _____________________ an email to my friend.
5 Ruben _________ to school at the moment.
2 She _____________________ for the exam.
a is cycling b cycling c cycles
3 We _____________________ a pizza for the party.
4 He _____________________ a magazine in his
bedroom. At home
5 They _____________________ a film on TV. 5 Find the furniture that doesn’t match the room.
6 He _____________________ the floor. Dining room: table sofa chair
1 Kitchen: washing machine microwave bath
Present continuous: questions 2 Living room: sofa shower bookcase
3 Bedroom: chest of drawers wardrobe
3 Order the words to make questions.
you / cinema / are / to the / going / ?
4 Bathroom: bath wardrobe mirror
Are you going to the cinema?
1 watching / they / TV / are / ?
___________________________________________ Routines
2 Antonio / is / why / running / ? 6 Match 1–4 with a–j to make routines.
___________________________________________ make a c
3 is / computer / using / the / Luke / ? 1 tidy 3 have
___________________________________________ 2 go to 4 do
4 for dinner / Mum / what / making / is / ?
___________________________________________ a dinner f school
___________________________________________ b your homework g the washing-up
5 are / about / talking / they / who / ? c your bed h a bath
___________________________________________ d a shower i your room
e bed j work


Grammar unit 2
Present continuous: affirmative and 3 I’m writing an email.

negative Who ___________________________________ to?

4 Mum is cooking dinner in the kitchen.
1 Complete the text with the present continuous
What ____________________________________ ?
form of the verbs.
5 Carlota and Jack are singing.
The friends are having (have) a good time on
What song _______________________________ ?
holiday. Juan and Eva (1) ______________________
(sing). Jorge (2) ______________________ (play)
the guitar. Julio (3) ______________________ (make) Present simple and present
some pizza and Rocio (4) ______________________ continuous
(chat) on the internet. Manuel and Alfonso 4 Correct the mistakes.
(5) ______________________ (carry) some food into 1 They have breakfast now. 8
the living room. Brais (6) ______________________ __________________________________________
(talk) to his mum on his mobile. Miguel and Suso 2 He is studying every evening. 8
(7) ______________________ (watch) a DVD. David __________________________________________
and Julia (8) ______________________ (cycle) in the 3 Look! Mum carries a lot of bags. 8
garden. Carmen (9) ______________________ (sit) on __________________________________________
the sofa. She (10) ______________________ (read) 4 We are often having picnics in August. 8
a book. __________________________________________

2 Write negative present continuous sentences. 5 I am usually singing in the shower. 8

1 Yolanda / not watch TV __________________________________________

__________________________________________ 6 She make dinner at the moment. 8

2 we / not run to school __________________________________________

__________________________________________ 5 Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the

3 they / not sit in the garden box.
always put ’m putting usually meet her
4 Jim / not play volleyball ’m watching ’s probably waiting
__________________________________________ go ’m calling you doing

5 I / not do my homework Mum Maria! What are (1) _________________?

__________________________________________ Maria I (2) _________________ TV.
Mum But it’s Friday. On Friday you
(3) _________________ to dance class.
Present continuous: questions Maria Oh no! Where are my dance shoes?
Mum You (4) _________________ them under
3 Write present continuous questions.
your bed.
Judy and Montse are watching TV. Maria Mum, I (5) _________________ on my shoes.
What are they watching? Can you call Paula?
1 Look! Tom is running past the class. Mum Why?
Maria I (6) _________________ before the class.
Why _____________________________________ ?
She (7) _________________ for me now.
2 Simon is talking on the phone. Mum OK. I (8) _________________ her now.
Who __________________________________ to?


Vocabulary unit 2
At home
bath bed bookcase chair chest of drawers cupboard desk lamp microwave mirror
picture shower sofa table wardrobe washing machine
clean the floor do the washing-up do your homework go to bed go to school go to work
have / make breakfast / lunch / dinner have a bath have a shower make your bed tidy your room

At home Routines
1 Complete the words for the rooms 1–5 and the 3 Read the definitions and write the routine. Use
furniture 6–14. phrases from the summary.
1 k___t___ ___en 1 You do this when you study at home after school.
2 din___n___ r___ ___m _______________________
3 ___iv___n___ r___ ___ ___ 2 You do this when you stand under hot water.
4 ___ ___d r___ ___ ___
3 It’s where your parents go in the morning.
5 ___a___h___ ___ ___m
6 cu___ ___oa___d
4 You do this when you clean the plates after
7 ___abl___ dinner. _______________________
8 ___ ___fa
5 Two things you can do when you tidy your room.
9 ___oo___ ___ase _______________________ and
10 ___ ___sk _______________________
11 war___ ___ob___ 6 You do this at the end of the day when you are
12 ___ed tired. _______________________

13 s___ ___wer 7 Most people do this every morning.

14 b___ ___h
8 You do this when you cook food at home in the
2 Look at the picture. Then read the sentences evening. _______________________
and write the furniture word.
4 Complete the text with the -ing form of verbs.
It’s 7.00 Monday morning and the Jones
family are starting the day. Mrs Jones is having a
shower. Mr Jones is in the kitchen. He’s
(1) ______________________ breakfast. Jenny Jones
is (2) ______________________ her bedroom. She’s
(3) ______________________ her bed.
It’s 7.30. The family are (4) ______________________
1 It’s between two pictures. ______________
It’s eight o’clock in the evening. Jenny is
2 It’s in the bath. ______________
(5) ______________________ her homework. Mrs
3 It’s under the bath. ______________
Jones is (6) ______________________ dinner.
4 It’s behind the chest of drawers. ______________
5 It’s in front of the bookcase. ______________


Grammar unit 2
1 Correct the mistakes. 4 Write questions for the answers.
1 It rains at the moment. 8 1 _________________________________________ ?
__________________________________________ I usually get up at 7.30.
2 Claudia plays tennis now. 8 2 _________________________________________ ?
__________________________________________ He’s making breakfast in the kitchen.
3 My brother learns English verbs today. 8 3 __________________________________________
__________________________________________ _________________________________________ ?
4 My dog is often chasing cats. 8 I usually have cereal and toast for breakfast.
__________________________________________ 4 __________________________________________
5 Be quiet! I talk on the phone. 8 _________________________________________ ?
__________________________________________ I’m taking my umbrella because it’s raining.
6 They are eating an apple every day. 8 5 __________________________________________
__________________________________________ _________________________________________ ?
We usually play basketball on Sunday mornings.
2 Write the sentences. Use the present simple or
present continuous form. 5 Complete the text with the present simple or
1 The concert is great. we / have / a good time present continuous form of the verbs.
__________________________________________ Lula and her brother Jake are on a school
2 he / make his bed every day excursion. They (1) ____________________
__________________________________________ (stay) at a campsite. At home they
3 What’s wrong with Jane? she / cry (2) ____________________ (get up) at 7.30 but
__________________________________________ it’s 6.30 and they (3) ____________________ (get up)
4 Bye Mum! we / go to the cinema now. At home they (4) ____________________
__________________________________________ (not often have) bacon and eggs for breakfast.
5 He’s got a test soon. he / study in his bedroom They (5) ____________________ (usually have)
__________________________________________ cereal before they go to school. Today they
6 they / have a music lesson on Tuesdays (6) ____________________ (eat) bacon and eggs.
__________________________________________ Jake (7) ____________________ (enjoy) his breakfast
__________________________________________ but Lula (8) ____________________ (not like) eggs.
She (9) ____________________ (hardly ever have) a
3 Write about two people in your family. Write two
sentences about their daily routines and one cooked breakfast. Jake (10) ____________________
sentence about what they are doing now. (have) a great time on the excursion. It’s cold
1 __________________________________________ and it (11) ____________________ (rain) but he
__________________________________________ (12) ____________________ (be) happy. Lula
__________________________________________ (13) ____________________ (think) about home.
2 __________________________________________


Vocabulary unit 2
1 Match the words 1–12 with the places at home a–l.
1 attic
2 balcony
3 basement
4 bathroom
5 bedroom b c d
6 garage e
7 garden
8 hall g h j
f k
9 living room
10 stairs i
11 study
12 toilet

2 Complete the sentences with some of the words 3 Tick (9) the routines which are housework.
in exercise 1. 1 clean the floor
1 Every night my dad puts our car in the 2 do the washing-up
______________. 3 do your homework
2 I like doing my homework in the ______________ 4 have a bath
because there’s a big desk. 5 have a shower
3 We put our coats and umbrellas in the 6 make your bed
______________ by the front door. 7 tidy your room
4 We often have a barbeque in the ______________ 8 go to bed
in the summer. 9 go to school
5 Every night I climb up the ______________ to go 10 go to work
to my bedroom. 11 have / make lunch
6 We’ve got a bathroom and a ______________ in 12 have / make dinner
our house.
4 Write two sentences about you for each
7 Our washing machine isn’t in the kitchen. It’s
category. Use the routines in exercise 3.
downstairs in the ______________.
1 Things you always do
8 My mum puts all my old toys and old furniture at
I always do my homework.
the top of the house in the _____________.
9 My mum and dad like to sit on the
______________ and look at the garden.
2 Things you sometimes do
3 Things you hardly ever do


Grammar and vocabulary unit 3
Past simple was, were
1 Write the letters in the correct order to make the 4 Complete the sentences with the affirmative (9)
past simple forms. or negative form (8) of was or were.
buy bought (btoghu) The weather was cold yesterday. (9)
1 win __________________ (onw) 1 Our teacher _____________ happy in the last
2 grow __________________ (gewr) lesson. (8)
3 get __________________ (otg) 2 My mum and dad _____________ in England two
4 move __________________ (vedom) years ago. (9)
3 I _____________ at home at six o’clock. (8)
5 finish __________________ (sedfinih)
6 leave __________________ (lfte) 4 We _____________ at school last Monday. (8)

7 arrive __________________ (aedrriv) 5 I _____________ thirteen on my last birthday. (9)

6 They _____________ at the cinema yesterday. (9)
8 see __________________ (aws)

2 Rewrite the sentences with the negative form.

He bought a new bike yesterday.
Verbs: life events
He didn’t buy a new bike yesterday. 5 Complete the text with the verbs in the box.
1 She started her new job last week. became bought got (x2) grew
______________________________________ left moved was went
Lucia was born in 1975. She (1) _____________ up
2 They did an exam two weeks ago.
in Madrid. She (2) _____________ to school when
she was five and she (3) _____________ school
when she was eighteen. She studied medicine at
3 He married a music teacher.
university and in 2003 she (4) _____________ a
doctor. She (5) _____________ to Granada and
(6) _____________ a job in a hospital. She met Juan
4 My mum went to school in London.
at the hospital and they (7) _____________ married
in 2004. They (8) _____________ a house near the
3 Write the questions. Put the words in the correct
where you to school? (did / go)
Adjectives: memories
Where did you go to school? 6 Choose the correct words.
1 did graduate from university? (you / when) I went to the dentist yesterday. I was nervous /
1 It’s my birthday today! I’m really happy / angry.
2 This is a terrible book. It’s really exciting /
2 who go to the concert with? (did / you)
3 The teacher is often angry with my little sister
because she’s very funny / naughty.
3 which did you at the cinema? (see / film)
4 I love eating fish. It’s strange / tasty.
5 Horror films are very scary / cute.


Grammar unit 3
Past simple was, were
1 Write the past simple forms of the verbs in the 4 Complete the dialogue with was, were, wasn’t or
correct place in the table. weren’t.

arrive buy carry dance finish hurry Juan Hi Suzy. Where (1) ______________ you last
leave plan play stop week?
Suzy Hi Juan. I (2) ______________ on holiday with
-ed -d y + -ied
my mum and dad.
_____________ arrived _____________
Juan Really? Where were you?
_____________ _____________ _____________
Suzy We (3) ______________ in Brighton, in
double consonant irregular England.
+ -ed
Juan Wow! (4) ______________ it good?
_____________ _____________
Suzy No, it (5) ______________. The weather
_____________ _____________
(6) ______________ horrible and the sea
(7) ______________ cold.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct past
simple form of the verbs. Juan Where did you stay?
Suzy In a hotel.
1 He _______________ (meet) some friends in the
Juan (8) ______________ there a swimming pool?
park at the weekend and they _______________
Suzy No, there (9) ______________.
(watch) a football match.
Juan (10) ______________ the rooms nice?
2 It _______________ (not snow) here last winter so
Suzy No, they (11) ______________.
we _______________ (go) skiing in Italy.
Juan Oh dear!
3 We _______________ (have) tea at my aunt’s
Suzy It (12) ______________ a terrible holiday!
house and we _______________ (eat) cake.
4 We _______________ (not arrive) until five o’clock
and we _______________ (leave) at six o’clock. there was, there were
5 She _______________ (win) a prize for singing
5 Write true sentences about your classroom last
and she _______________ (sing) the song again year. Use the affirmative or negative form of
on the radio. there was or there were.
1 two doors
3 Write questions for the answers. Use the
question words in the box.
2 one window
what what time when where who
1 _________________________________________ ? 3 fifteen desks
She went to the shopping centre. __________________________________________
2 _________________________________________ ? 4 a computer
She went last Saturday. __________________________________________
3 _________________________________________ ? 5 three cupboards
She arrived at eleven o’clock. __________________________________________
4 _________________________________________ ? 6 a bookcase
She met a school friend. __________________________________________
5 _________________________________________ ?
She bought a present for her brother.


Vocabulary unit 3
Verbs: life events
be born become a professional buy a house do an exam get a job get married go to school
grow up graduate from university have a child leave home leave school move win a competition
Adjectives: memories
angry boring cute exciting fun funny happy horrible lonely naughty nervous scary
strange tasty upset

Verbs: life events Adjectives: memories

1 Complete the words a–k. Use a, e, i, o, u. Then 3 Find eight adjectives in the wordsearch.
match 1–10 with a–k to make life events.
1 graduate from a pr___f___ss___ ___n___l
2 win a b j___b O F U N N Y R A O

3 go to c ___n___v___rs___ty R C P H A J G N E
4 get a d ___x___m I U S T R A N G E
5 do an e m___rr___ ___d
6 get f c___mp___t___t___ ___n
7 buy a h h___m___
8 leave i sch___ ___l 4 Complete the sentences with the words in
9 have a j h___ ___s___ the boxes.
10 become a k ch___ld
cute happy horrible lonely nervous
2 Look at the information. Then complete the
sentences. 1 When I was five years old, I went to school for
the first time. I was _____________.

2 I passed my exam! I’m really _____________.
Ruben graduate / job married / child 3 I love dogs. I think they’re really _____________.

competition / 4 Last year I went to live in a big city. At first I didn’t

Sara school / exam
house have any friends and I was really _____________.
home / 5 My little brother doesn’t like clowns. He thinks
Juan house / married
they’re _____________.

1 Ruben wants to graduate from university angry exciting fun naughty scary
and __________________. He doesn’t want to
6 I was bad when I was at primary school. I was
__________________ or __________________.
very _____________.
2 Sara wants to _____________________________
7 I won a tennis competition last year and I met
and __________________. She doesn’t want to
Rafa Nadal. It was very _____________.
__________________or __________________.
8 We saw a horror film at the cinema. It was really
3 Juan wants to __________________ and
9 We danced a lot at Jason’s party. It was
He doesn’t want to __________________ or
10 I lost my sister’s mp3 player. She was really
_____________ with me.


Grammar unit 3
1 A detective (D) is interviewing a bank robber 3 Complete the text with the past simple form of
(BR). Complete the dialogue with the correct the verbs in the boxes.
form of was or were.
be go meet not sleep stay swim take
D Mr James. Where (1) ____________ you last
Thursday? Last year Jack (1) _____________
BR What time last Thursday? camping in France with his family. They
D Where (2) ____________ you at eleven o’clock (2) _____________ a tent with them but they
last Thursday? (3) _____________ in the tent every night. They
BR I (3) ____________ at home. sometimes (4) _____________ in a hotel and
D No, you (4) ____________. You Jack (5) _____________ in the pool. There
(5) ____________ in Smith Street. (6) _____________ usually lots of people on the
BR No, I (6) ____________. I (7) ____________ at campsite and he (7) _____________ some really
home. interesting people.
D (8) ____________ there anybody at home with
buy eat finish like speak not want
BR Yes, my mum and dad (9) ____________ with He (8) _____________ excellent food in some local
me. cafés. He really (9) _____________ the cheese and
D I don’t believe you. Your parents the bread of the region. He (10) _____________
(10) ____________ with you! some presents for his friends in the market and
BR Yes, they (11) ____________. Then we went to (11) _____________ to them on his mobile every
the bank in Smith Street … oops! day. But when the holiday (12) _____________,
he (13) _____________ to come home.
2 Look at the information. Then write past simple
sentences. Use ago, last or yesterday. 4 Correct the sentences.
my dad / buy / new car / Wednesday (It is now 1 Where went you on holiday last August? 8
My dad bought a new car three days ago.
1 we / not do / our homework / Thursday evening
(It is now Friday evening.)
2 There was a lot of people in the park. 8
2 I / go to / Fred’s party (It is now a week later.)
3 Did you liked the new James Bond film? 8
3 I / be born / 1997 (It is now thirteen years later.)
4 There wasn’t any problems last time. 8
4 they / arrive / in Spain (It is now a month later.)
5 there / not be / a cinema here / in February (It is
5 She didn’t played tennis on Monday. 8
now July.) __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ 6 I watched the football match last two weeks. 8


Grammar and vocabulary unit 4
Past continuous: affirmative and Past simple and past continuous
negative 4 Choose the correct forms.
1 Choose the correct words. They drove / were driving across Europe when
Yesterday at two o’clock … they had / were having an accident.

Marta was / were sleeping in the garden. 1 He saw / was seeing an octopus while he swam /
was swimming in the sea.
1 You was / were reading a book.
2 She fell / was falling off her bike while she
2 Maria and Tamara was / were swimming in
cycled / was cycling in town.
the lake.
3 They broke / were breaking the window while
3 I was / were playing basketball.
they played / were playing football.
4 Carlos was / were having lunch at home.
4 I did / was doing the washing-up when I
2 Look at the information. Then write affirmative dropped / was dropping a plate.
(9) and negative (8) past continuous sentences. 5 He had / was having a shower when the water
stopped / was stopping.
I cry (8) laugh (9)
(1) You stand (8) sit (9)
(2) He work (8) relax (9) Verb + preposition: movement
(3) She fly (8) drive (9) 5 Match 1–5 with a–f to make phrases.
(4) They watch TV (8) listen to the radio (9) swim a down a mountain
1 sail b through France
I wasn’t crying. I was laughing.
2 ski c around Ibiza
1 __________________________________________
3 jump d up a tree
4 climb e across the lake
2 __________________________________________
5 cycle f out of a plane
3 __________________________________________
__________________________________________ Geographical features
4 __________________________________________ 6 Complete the names of places. Write the letters
__________________________________________ in the correct order.
the Niagara Falls (lasl)
Past continuous: questions 1 the Amazon R _______________ (rvie)

3 Look at the information in exercise 2 again. 2 the Sahara D _______________ (teers)

Write questions for these answers. 3 the Pacific O _______________ (enac)
Was I crying? No, you weren’t. 4 the Rocky M _______________ (sunntoai)
What was I doing? You were laughing. 5 the Black F _______________ (retso)
1 _________________________________________ ? 6 the North P _______________ (leo)
No, I wasn’t.
2 _________________________________________ ?
He was relaxing.
3 _________________________________________ ?
Yes, she was.
4 _________________________________________ ?
They were listening to the radio.


Grammar unit 4
Past continuous: affirmative and Past continuous: questions
negative 4 Order the words to make questions about
yesterday. Then answer the questions.
1 Yesterday Dan Daredevil was at a sport camp.
Look at the information. Then write past 1 at 9 p.m. / were / your homework / you / doing / ?
continuous sentences. Use the verbs in the box. __________________________________________
cycle run ski swim _________________________________________ ?
Sport camp 2 sleeping / were / at 10 p.m. / you / ?
_________________________________________ ?
2.00–2.30 p.m.
3 watching TV / at 8.30 p.m. / was / your family / ?
2.30–3.00 p.m.
_________________________________________ ?
3.00–4.00 p.m. __________________________________________
4 doing / you / at 5 p.m. / what / were / ?
4.00–4.30 p.m. _________________________________________ ?
1 At 2.15 p.m. he ___________________________ .
2 At 2.45 p.m. he ___________________________ .
3 At 3.15 p.m. he ___________________________ .
Past simple and past continuous
4 At 4.15 p.m. he ___________________________ . 5 Tick (9) the correct sentence.
1 a We were walking to the park when we
2 Write negative past continuous sentences.
saw our friends.
1 Alex / go / school
b We walked to the park when we were
seeing our friends.
2 we / have / breakfast
2 a She swam in the river when she was
cutting her foot.
3 it / rain / this morning
b She was swimming in the river when
she cut her foot.
4 they / listen to / the teacher
3 a I was doing my homework when the
phone rang.
3 Correct the mistakes. b I did my homework when the phone
1 Ana was do her homework. 8 was ringing.
__________________________________________ 4 a He was seeing the accident while he
2 We did writing emails yesterday. 8 walked to school.
__________________________________________ b He saw the accident while he was
3 They wasn’t chatting on the phone. 8 walking to school.
__________________________________________ 5 a They were having dinner when I arrived.
4 Mum were making lunch for us. 8 b They had dinner when I was arriving.
5 He didn’t having a shower at 7.30. 8


Grammar unit 4
1 Look at the information. Then write affirmative 3 Complete the text with the past simple or past
or negative past continuous sentences about continuous form of the verbs.
the people.
Last year my friend Louise (1) ___________________
when who what where
(have) a very frightening experience. She
07.00 Joanna run park
was on holiday with her parents. They
11.30 Juliet write letters home
(2) ___________________ (stay) in an old
15.00 Andrew swimming sea
house in the middle of a forest. One evening
16.30 Rosie text friends cinema
she (3) ___________________ (go) to bed when
19.00 Tim watch a DVD friend’s house
suddenly she (4) ___________________ (hear) a
19.00 / Juliet noise. It (5) ___________________ (come) from
Juliet wasn’t watching a DVD at a friend’s the room above her. There was somebody upstairs.
house. He (6) ___________________ (walk) around the
1 07.00 / Joanna room. It wasn’t her mum and dad because they
__________________________________________ (7) ___________________ (talk) downstairs. She
__________________________________________ (8) ___________________ (get) out of bed and
2 11.30 / Rosie (9) ___________________ (open) her bedroom door.
__________________________________________ She (10) ___________________ (climb) up the stairs
__________________________________________ when the noise (11) ___________________ (stop).
3 15.00 / Andrew She (12) ___________________ (run) downstairs
__________________________________________ and (13) ___________________ (call) to her parents.
__________________________________________ When they (14) ___________________ (go) upstairs,
4 16.30 / Tim they (15) ___________________ (not find) anything.
__________________________________________ Perhaps it was a ghost.
4 Complete the dialogue.
2 Look at exercise 1 again and write past
Ana (1) ___________________ to the concert in
continuous questions for the answers.
the park yesterday?
1 _________________________________________ ?
Matt Yes, I did. I went with Jody.
In the park.
Ana Was it good?
2 _________________________________________ ?
Matt Yes, it was. (2) ___________________ great!
At half past eleven.
Ana Which bands (3) ___________________?
3 _________________________________________ ?
Matt A lot of different bands were playing, but
No, Tim wasn’t swimming. Andrew was.
Carla Baggage was my favourite singer.
4 _________________________________________ ?
Ana (4) ___________________ any of the songs
She was texting friends.
from her new CD?
5 _________________________________________ ?
Matt Yes, she did. She played all of them.
At seven o’clock.
Ana Did you (5) ___________________?
Matt Yes, (6) ___________________ dancing with
Amy when it (7) ___________________ to rain.
Ana What (8) ___________________ do?
Matt We didn’t do anything. We got wet but we
(9) ___________________ a great time!


Grammar and vocabulary unit 5
Ability: can and could 4 Look at the information about Sally and Natalie.
Then write Sally or Natalie.
1 Choose the correct words a, b or c.
Sally Natalie Eliza
When I was a child, I couldn’t ride a bike.
born 17/11/96 23/11/96 17/12/96
a can’t b didn’t can c couldn’t
height 1 m 60 cm 1 m 75 cm 1 m 65 cm
1 My sister is really clever. She _________
weight 53 kg 64 kg 58 kg
speak three languages.
run 100 m 12.2 secs 12.00 secs 12.5 secs
a can b can’t c cans
art skills **** ** *****
2 Henry doesn’t like lakes. He _________ swim.
a can b can to c can’t She’s taller than her friend. Natalie
3 Two years ago he _________ speak English. 1 She’s younger than her friend. ___________
a coulds b couldn’t c could to 2 She’s heavier than her friend. ___________
4 Mr Jones is 74 now so he _________ play football. 3 She’s shorter than her friend. ___________
a can b couldn’t c can’t 4 She’s more artistic than her friend. ___________
5 My father _________ run very fast when he was 5 She’s faster than her friend. ___________
my age.
5 Look at the information in exercise 4 again.
a could b could to c can Then write Sally, Natalie or Eliza.
She’s the slowest. Eliza
Questions with how 1 She’s the tallest. ___________
2 She’s the oldest. ___________
2 Choose the correct words.
3 She’s the lightest. ___________
How high / tall is your sister?
4 She’s the most artistic. ___________
1 How fast / often do you have maths lessons?
2 How many / much times did you go there?
3 How far / high is it from Madrid to Seville? Skills and people
4 How much / long is the River Thames? 6 Match 1–5 with a–f to make people.
5 How fast / much can you run? sin a oser
1 pai b ger
Comparative and superlative 2 co c ok

adjectives 3 wri d mmer

4 progra e nter
3 Complete the table.
5 comp f ter
Adjective Comparative Superlative
fast faster fastest
(1) young ___________ ___________ Adjectives
(2) ________ bigger ___________ 7 Choose the correct words.
(3) short ___________ ___________ Formula 1 cars are very slow / fast.
(4) ________ ___________ heaviest 1 A cow is a domesticated / wild animal.
(5) light ___________ ___________ 2 Van Gogh was very practical / artistic.
(6) ________ ___________ most intelligent 3 An mp3 player is very light / heavy.
(7) ________ better ___________ 4 An Atlantic marlin is very peaceful / aggressive.
5 Siberian tigers are very common / rare.


Grammar unit 5
Ability: can and could Comparative and superlative
1 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of adjectives
can and could. 3 Write the comparative form of the adjectives in
Sue Jim, (1) _______________ you swim? the correct place in the table.
Jim Yes, I can. aggressive bad big expensive fast
Sue (2) _______________ you swim when you were fat good heavy lovely slow

-er double y + -ier
Jim Yes, I (3) _______________.
Sue (4) _______________ you swim when you were + -er
_____________ _____________ _____________
Jim No, I (5) _______________.
_____________ _____________ _____________
Sue (6) _______________ you play the guitar when
you were seven? more irregular
Jim No, and I (7) _______________ play it when I _______________________ __________________
was five but I (8) _______________ play it now.
_______________________ __________________
I’m very good.

4 Complete the sentences with the comparative

and superlative form of the adjectives.
Questions with how
Science is more difficult than geography but
2 Complete the questions with the words in the
maths is the most difficult. (difficult)
box. Then match questions 1–6 with answers
a–f. 1 Mount Blanc is _______________________
the Matterhorn but Mount Everest is
How far How fast How high
How long How many How much _______________________ mountain. (high)

1 _______________ water have we got? 2 Meg is _______________________ Kate but Jim is

2 _______________ students are in your class? _______________________. (short)

3 _______________ can a cheetah run? 3 Scotland is _______________________ Wales but

4 _______________ is it from London to England is _______________________ country in

Edinburgh? the UK. (big)
5 _______________ is the River Nile? 4 Jan is _______________________ David but
6 _______________ is the Eiffel Tower? Simon is _______________________. (funny)
5 Sam is _______________________ Rosie but Jill
a About 1,500 kilometres. is _______________________. (intelligent)
b About 550 kilometres. 6 Manchester United is ______________________
c About 300 metres. Chelsea but Barcelona is _____________________
d About two litres. football team. (good)
e Seventy-five kilometres per hour.
f There are about twenty-five, I think.


Grammar unit 5
1 Complete the dialogue with question words. 3 Compare the people, places or things. Use the
comparative form of the adjectives in the box.
Quizmaster OK, Holly. Answer these questions
and you are the Genius of Britain. aggressive artistic beautiful clean
expensive rich strong
Holly Yes, I’m ready. Bill Gates / the Queen of England
Quizmaster (1) _______________ is Yam Bill Gates is richer than the Queen of England.
Bhandari’s hair? 1 a shark / a dolphin
Holly Er, one metre. __________________________________________
Quizmaster Wrong! (2) _______________ can a __________________________________________
cheetah run? 2 Samson / Arnold Schwarzenegger
Holly Er, about twenty kilometres an hour. __________________________________________
Quizmaster Wrong! (3) _______________ are the __________________________________________
Olympic games? 3 the Alhambra / the Eiffel Tower
Holly Er, every two years. __________________________________________
Quizmaster Wrong! (4) _______________ is Mount __________________________________________
Everest? 4 cats / dogs
Holly Er, 7,000 metres. __________________________________________
Quizmaster Wrong! (5) _______________ is it to __________________________________________
the moon? 5 Pablo Picasso / Walt Disney
Holly Er, 200,000 kilometres. __________________________________________
Quizmaster Wrong! (6) _______________ answers __________________________________________
have you got correct? 6 a Ferrari / a Fiat
Holly Er, none. __________________________________________
Quizmaster Correct! That’s one point. __________________________________________

2 Write questions for the answers. Use question 4 Complete the questions. Use the superlative
words. form of the adjectives in the box. Then answer
1 __________________________________________ the questions.

_________________________________________ ? happy hot interesting practical

tall tasty
I could jump 1m 50cm when I was eight.
2 _________________________________________ ? 1 Who _______________________ boy in the class?
I can run 100 metres in 13.5 seconds. Answer: _______________________ (____ metres)
3 __________________________________________ 2 Which _______________________ subject
_________________________________________ ? at school? Answer: _______________________
A boa constrictor? Sometimes they can grow to 3 What _______________________ memory you
four metres. have? Answer: _______________________
4 _________________________________________ ? 4 Which _______________________ month in
I can throw a ball about 20 metres. summer? Answer: _______________________
5 __________________________________________ 5 What _______________________ skill you have?
_________________________________________ ? Answer: _______________________
We went to the cinema three times last year. 6 What _______________________ food you can
cook? Answer: _______________________


Vocabulary unit 5
1 Write the person. Add -er or -or. 3 Match 1–6 with their opposite adjectives a–f.
1 act ________________ 1 wild a artistic
2 direct ________________ 2 peaceful b rare
3 build ________________ 3 practical c strange
4 translate ________________ 4 noisy d domesticated
5 design ________________ 5 common e quiet
6 instruct ________________ 6 normal f aggressive
7 photograph ________________
4 Complete the text with the adjectives in
8 clean ________________ exercise 3.

2 Read the clues and complete the crossword. Sunday mornings are peaceful for me because my

1 2 3 little brother goes to football practice. My brother is

very (1) _____________, always shouting and
playing loud music. This is a (2) _____________
4 5
Sunday morning for me: I get up late and have a
lazy breakfast. The house is (3) _____________;
I can’t hear a sound. That’s when I love to paint. I
want to go to art school when I’m older because I’m
very (4) _____________.

But last Sunday was very different. I woke up really

8 early, at about six o’clock. I looked out of my
window and saw a lot of animals. They weren’t
9 (5) _____________ animals like cats and dogs. They
were (6) _____________ animals – three elephants,
1 this person teaches people a skill, e.g. how a lion and two giraffes. It’s very
to drive
(7) _____________ to see these animals in a zoo or
2 this person builds houses and buildings
a safari park, but I think it’s very (8) _____________
3 this person does drawings to show how
to see them in the garden of a house!
something will be made
4 this person works with computers
It was quite scary because lions can be
5 this person makes films for the cinema
(9) _____________ animals but they were just
6 you can see this person in a theatre or in films
standing there, looking up at me. It was all very
7 this person changes text from one language
into another (10) _____________. I shouted for my mum.
She’s a very (11) _____________ person and always
8 this person writes music
9 this person uses a camera knows what to do in an emergency. Then my mum
woke me up. She said I was shouting about wild
animals in my sleep!


Grammar and vocabulary unit 6
a you’ll be tired in the morning.
will and won’t
b you won’t eat your dinner.
1 Complete the predictions about the year 2050. c I’ll study music at university.
Use will (’ll) and won’t.
d I won’t go to the beach.
Most children won’t (8) study at school.
e we’ll miss the train.
They’ll (9) study at home on the internet.
f I won’t have egg and chips.
1 Everybody ____________ (9) drive electric cars.
Petrol cars ____________ (8) exist in 4 Choose the correct words.
the future. You’ll meet my friends if you come / will come
2 We ____________ (9) live under the sea in big to the party.
cities. We ____________ (8) live in houses and 1 Kate doesn’t / won’t like this curry if it’s very
flats like today.
2 If you buy some eggs, I make / ’ll make a cake.
3 We ____________ (8) tidy our homes in the
3 Your headache will get / gets better if you go
future. We ____________ (9) have machines to
to bed.
do all the cleaning.
4 If we don’t leave now, we are / ’ll be late.
4 We ____________ (8) go to the beach for our
5 If I have more pizza, I ’ll feel / feel ill.
holidays. We ____________ (9) travel to
different planets.
5 We ____________ (8) need to think. Computers Time and numbers
____________ (9) control our lives. 5 Write T for time words or N for number words.
a dozen N
2 Cross out the bold word that is wrong.
1 a second ______ 6 a couple ______
I probably won’t probably go to the sports
centre after school. 2 nought ______ 7 a thousand ______

1 I probably will probably visit my grandmother 3 a century ______ 8 a year ______

on Saturday. 4 a half ______ 9 a day ______
2 It’s very cold! We definitely won’t go definitely 5 a millennium ______ 10 a billion ______
swimming today.
3 They definitely will definitely arrive before half
past seven.
Adjectives: personality
4 I probably won’t be probably at home at five 6 Are the adjectives in the box positive (+) or
o’clock. negative (–)? Write them in the correct place.

ambitious moody generous impatient

mean friendly patient practical shy
First conditional
3 Match 1–5 with a–f on the right to make Positive Negative
conditional sentences. ambitious _______________
_______________ _______________
If I pass my exams, c
_______________ _______________
1 If I go to a restaurant, _______________ _______________
2 If it rains tomorrow, _______________
3 If we don’t hurry up,
4 If you go to bed late,
5 If you eat those cakes,


Grammar unit 6
will and won’t First conditional
1 Make predictions about the future. Use will (9) 3 Order the words to complete the conditional
or won’t (8) and the verbs in the box. sentences.
1 I miss / walk / the bus, / I’ll / home
be do drive go live speak
If _________________________________________
people / to school / future (8) _________________________________________ .
People won’t go to school in the future. 2 if / the exam / pass / you / won’t /
1 we / on other planets / next few years (8) don’t study
__________________________________________ You ______________________________________
__________________________________________ _________________________________________ .
2 a woman / president of the USA / one day (9) 3 don’t leave / you / now, / be late / for school /
__________________________________________ you’ll
__________________________________________ If _________________________________________
3 people / electric cars / 2014 (9) _________________________________________ .
__________________________________________ 4 to Jack’s party / we / have / if / go / a good time
__________________________________________ We’ll _____________________________________
4 robots / the housework / soon (8) _________________________________________ .
4 Write conditional sentences beginning with If.
I go to the park (9) take the dog (9)
5 everybody / Chinese / future (9)
(1) he leave now (8) be late for the
concert (9)
(2) she eat breakfast (9) be hungry later (9)
2 Write predictions about a friend. Use will, won’t, (3) it rain tomorrow (9) I play football (9)
definitely and probably. Use the ideas
in the box or your own ideas. (4) we shout (8) they hear us (9)

a car rich and famous Madrid children (5) they have a party (9) I tell you (9)
married Australia a job finish leave
If I go to the park, I’ll take the dog.
1 When he / she is 15, he / she ________________ 1 __________________________________________
_________________________________________ . __________________________________________
2 When he / she is 18, he / she ________________ 2 __________________________________________
_________________________________________ . __________________________________________
3 When he / she is 21, he / she ________________ 3 __________________________________________
_________________________________________ . __________________________________________
4 When he / she is 25, he / she ________________ 4 __________________________________________
_________________________________________ . __________________________________________
5 When he / she is 30, he / she ________________ 5 __________________________________________
_________________________________________ . __________________________________________


Vocabulary unit 6
Time and numbers
a billion a century a couple a day a decade a dozen a few a half an hour a hundred
a millennium a million a minute a month nought a quarter a second a thousand a week a year
Adjectives: personality
ambitious friendly generous impatient mean moody negative patient positive practical
serious shy

Time and numbers 4 Choose the correct words a, b or c.

1 If you work hard and you’re ________, one day
1 Match 1–10 with a–j.
you’ll be president.
1 a century a a thousand years
a mean b impatient c ambitious
2 a minute b a hundred years
2 If you’re ________ with your money, you’ll be rich
3 a millennium c ten years but you won’t be happy.
4 a decade d 365 days a shy b moody c mean
5 a week e usually thirty or thirty-one days 3 If you are ________, you’ll enjoy spending your
6 a second f seven days money on your friends and family.
7 an hour g twenty-four hours a negative b generous c mean
8 a day h sixty minutes 4 If you are ________, you won’t enjoy meeting
9 a year i sixty seconds new people.
10 a month j 1
/60 of a minute a friendly b serious c shy
5 If you work with small children, you’ll need to
2 Match 1–10 with a–j. be ________.
1 1,000,000,000 a a thousand a impatient b patient c mean
2 1,000,000 b nought 6 If you are ________ when you drive, you’ll
3 1,000 c a hundred probably have an accident.
4 100 d a billion a serious b patient c impatient
5 twelve e a quarter 7 You won’t be popular if you aren’t ________.
6 three or four f a couple a friendly b serious c negative
7 two g a half 8 You’ll make everyone unhappy if you’re
8 ½ h a few ________ at the party.
9 ¼ i a dozen a positive b generous c moody
10 0 j a million 9 People will think you are very ________ if you
never smile.
a serious b patient c ambitious
Adjectives: personality 10 If you are ________ about life, you’ll always be
3 Complete the adjectives. Write the letters in the happy.
correct order. a negative b shy c positive
ambitious (stuioi)
1 fri_____________ (nydel)
2 gen_____________ (seuor)
3 pra_____________ (catlic)
4 pat_____________ (nite)
5 mo_____________ (yod)


Grammar and vocabulary unit 7
Imperatives be going to: questions
1 Tick (9) the correct sentences. 4 Write questions with be going to.
Buy some new football players. 9 what / you / study?
1 Don’t to speak to the journalists. What are you going to study?
2 You learn to speak English. 1 when / we / play basketball?
3 Don’t change the captain. __________________________________________
4 Change the name of the club. 2 who / she / invite / her party?
5 Gives him a new contract. __________________________________________
3 where / you / meet / Karen?

be going to: affirmative and negative __________________________________________

2 Complete the text with the affirmative or

negative form of be going to and the verbs. Present continuous for future
This summer my mum and dad are going to visit arrangements
(visit) Scotland. They (1) ____________________ 5 Look at the information. Then complete the
(stay) in Edinburgh for a few days. I sentences. Use the present continuous.
(2) ____________________ (meet) them there after Jim Jenny
my exams. Then Dad (3) ____________________ meet Sam at meet Sam at
(drive) us to Loch Ness in the north of Scotland. café café
Saturday watch a DVD visit her mum
We (4) ____________________ (not see)
go to Mary’s go to Mary’s
the Loch Ness monster because it doesn’t exist! Sunday
party party
I’m sure it will rain all the time but Dad says he
On Friday they’re meeting Sam at the café.
(5) ____________________ (not take) an umbrella!
1 On Saturday he ___________________________ .
2 On Saturday she __________________________ .
will and be going to 3 On Sunday they ___________________________ .
3 Complete the sentences with will / won’t or the
correct form of be going to.
People in sport
He’s a good football player. One day very soon
he’s going to play for his country. 6 Complete the sport words. Use a, e, i, o or u.

1 I think it __________________ rain at the fi na li st

weekend. 1 r__f__r__ __ 4 s__pp__rt__r
2 I __________________ watch the football match 2 j__ __rn__l__st 5 sp__ns__r
on TV this evening. It starts at eight o’clock. 3 tr__ __n__r 6 c__pt__ __n
3 We __________________ have egg and chips for
dinner tonight.
4 I’m sure I __________________ be the president
Compound nouns: sports
when I grow up. 7 Cross out the bold word that is wrong.
rugby fan / season / competition
1 swimming stadium / instructor / champion
2 cycling trophy / team / match
3 skiing player / club / tournament


Grammar unit 7
Imperatives will and be going to
1 Use imperatives and give advice about what to 4 Jim and Jack are going on a trip around Europe.
do in your town. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of
Visit the art gallery. There are some Picasso will or be going to.
paintings. Jack Hi Mum! We’ve made our plans for our trip.
Don’t speak English. Learn a few words of Mum Oh. When are you leaving?
Jack We (1) _________________ leave in a few
1 a place to visit
Mum Right, and how (2) _________________
2 a place not to go to
Jack We’ve already got the tickets. We
3 food to try
(3) _________________ travel by train.
Mum Jim (4) _________________ be sick! He hates
4 a thing not to do
Jack That was when he was five years old. He
(5) _________________ be OK. Don’t worry,
be going to: affirmative and negative Mum.
Mum I’m sure you (6) _________________ have a
2 Complete the sentences with the affirmative or
negative form of be going to and the verbs. wonderful time.

dance eat have invite play

Present continuous for future
1 Kate is thirteen this weekend. She ____________
_______________________ a birthday party.
2 She’s very popular. She _____________________ 5 Look at Amanda’s diary for next weekend. Then
complete the text. Use the present continuous
_______________________ all of her friends.
for future arrangements.
3 She doesn’t like birthday cakes. She __________
Saturday go swimming
_______________________ birthday cake.
meet Jenny at 8 p.m. – see new
4 Suzy and Kim are in a band. They ____________
James Bond film
_______________________ music at her party.
5 Her bedroom is too small for dancing. They visit Grandma
____________________________ in her bedroom.

On Saturday Amanda (1) ___________________

be going to: questions swimming. She and Jenny (2) ___________________
3 Write questions about Kate’s party in exercise 2. outside the cinema at eight o’clock. They
1 when / Kate / be / thirteen? (3) ___________________ the new James Bond film.
__________________________________________ On Sunday she (4) ___________________ her
2 who / she / invite? grandma.
3 where / they / dance?


Grammar and vocabulary unit 8
Past participles Present perfect: questions
1 Write the past participles. 4 Choose the correct words.
do done Have you ever visited / read a volcano?
1 want ____________ 1 Have you ever fallen / climbed up a mountain?
2 be ____________ 2 Have you ever travelled / seen to a different
3 eat ____________ country?
4 try ____________ 3 Have you ever been / visited on an aeroplane?
5 have ____________ 4 Have you ever fallen / broken your arm?

6 speak ____________ 5 Have you ever driven / slept in a tent?

7 visit ____________ 6 Has a friend ever bought / won a competition?
8 buy ____________ 7 Have you ever met / swum a famous person?
8 Have you ever swum / met in the Atlantic
Present perfect: affirmative and
2 Choose the correct words a, b or c.
5 Complete the sentences with the words in the
Penny a swum in national competitions.
a has b haven’t c have
bitten broken bruised burnt cut sprained
1 Juan and Carmen ________ painted their house.
a have they b hasn’t c have I fell down the stairs and I think I’ve sprained
2 They ________ eaten shark soup. my ankle.
a have never b have ever c has never 1 The sun is very hot. I think my nose is
3 Sean ________ a famous rock star. ______________.

a has met b have met c has never 2 He can’t play football for three months. He’s
______________ his leg.
4 Ivan ________ his homework.
3 Ouch! I’ve ______________ my finger with
a done b has do c hasn’t done
this knife.
5 We ________ been to Ireland.
4 That dog is really aggressive. It’s ______________
a have ever b haven’t c never three people this week.

3 Complete the sentences with the affirmative (9) 5 Poor Jonas! He’s fallen and ______________ his
or negative (8) present perfect form of the verbs. knee.
He hasn’t ridden (ride) a horse (8)
1 She __________________ (be) to Vietnam. (9)

2 We __________________ (meet) Orlando

Bloom. (8)

3 I __________________ (buy) a present for my

sister. (8)

4 They __________________ (never / fall) off their

bikes. (9)

5 You __________________ (read) Lord of the

Rings. (9)


Grammar unit 8
Present perfect: affirmative and Present perfect: questions
negative 4 Jaime and Laura are on a school trip to
Barcelona. Complete the questions and
1 Complete the table.
Verb Past form Past participle
Things to do Jaime Laura
(1) do _____________ _____________
see the Opera House 8 9
(2) __________ tried _____________
(3) __________ painted _____________ visit the cathedral 9 9
(4) eat _____________ _____________ see Camp Nou 8 8
(5) have _____________ _____________ walk along the Ramblas 9 9
(6) __________ spoke _____________
write postcards 8 9
(7) visit _____________ _____________
(8) __________ drove _____________
Has Jaime seen the Opera House?
No, he hasn’t but he’s visited the cathedral.
(9) fall _____________ _____________
1 _____________________________ the Opera
(10) meet _____________ _____________
(11) _________ bought _____________
Yes, she ___________________ and she
(12) swim _____________ _____________
___________________ the cathedral, too.
2 Complete the sentences with the past participles 2 _____________________________ Camp Nou?
of the verbs in exercise 1. No, they ___________________ but they
1 I’ve never ______________ in the Pacific Ocean. ___________________ along the Ramblas.
2 Ben’s ______________ all of his homework. 3 _____________________________ any postcards?
3 I’ve never ______________ a sports car. No, he ___________________.
4 Suzy’s ______________ off her bike!
5 They’ve never ______________ octopus. 5 Write questions with ever. Use the ideas in the
box. Then answer the questions for you.
6 We’ve ______________ my bedroom blue.
7 She’s never ______________ a famous person. win a trophy play in a band
be in a newspaper make bread
8 I’ve never ______________ anything on the ride a motorbike drink tea
internet. I prefer shops.
Have you ever won a trophy?
3 Write affirmative and negative present perfect Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
1 _________________________________________ ?
1 they / swim in the River Nile
2 _________________________________________ ?
2 you / not meet my sister
3 _________________________________________ ?
3 He / ride on an elephant
4 _________________________________________ ?
4 I / never / break a leg
5 _________________________________________ ?
5 she / not be to the USA


Vocabulary unit 8
Past participles
been bought done driven eaten fallen had met painted played spoken studied swum
touched tried visited wanted
bite (verb), bitten (past participle / adjective), a bite (noun) break, broken, a break bruise, bruised, a bruise
burn, burnt, a burn cut, cut, a cut injure, injured, an injury sprain, sprained, a sprain

Past participles a b c

1 Complete the crossword with the past participle

of the verbs.
1 2

d e f

6 7

8 9


3 Complete the dialogues. Use words from the

Doctor What’s the problem?
Patient I fell down the stairs and hurt my leg.
Across Down Doctor Yes, your ankle is black and blue. That’s a
1 fall 2 eat very nasty (1) _______________.
4 speak 3 do Patient Do you think I’ve (2) _______________ it?
5 be 5 buy Doctor No, but I think you’ve (3) _______________
8 swim 6 drive it. Don’t play sport for a week.
9 try 7 meet
11 study 10 have Mum Be careful with that knife!
Sam Oh no! I’ve (4) _______________ my finger.
Kerry Hi, Lola. Did you have a good holiday?
2 Match the phrases 1–6 with the pictures a–f.
Lola Not really. There were too many
1 a broken leg
mosquitoes. I’ve got (5) _______________
2 a burnt hand
all over my body.
3 a cut finger
Kerry What about the weather?
4 an insect bite
Lola It was very hot! I’ve got a
5 a bruised leg
(6) _______________ back.
6 a sprained ankle


Grammar unit 8
1 Write what these people have or haven’t done. 1 how many countries visited?
Use the correct form of the present perfect and __________________________________________
the phrases in the box.
_________________________________________ ?
never eat seafood stay in a five-star hotel __________________________________________
never lose a match never travel by plane
swim in the Pacific Ocean be to Paris 2 where swum with sharks?
They went to Hawaii on holiday.
_________________________________________ ?
They’ve swum in the Pacific Ocean.
1 I like France.
3 ever travelled across a desert?
2 They are the best team in the country.
_________________________________________ ?
3 My sister loves expensive hotels.
4 My dad is scared of flying. 4 Complete the dialogue with the present perfect
form of the verbs in the box.
5 I’m allergic to fish. bring (x2) check never cross ever ride
__________________________________________ never ride meet see

Ellie OK Steve. Are we ready for the expedition

2 Correct the sentences.
across the desert?
1 We haven’t visit the new museum. 8
Steve I think so.
Ellie Have you checked everything on the list?
2 Ben has meet Penélope Cruz. 8 Where are the camels?
Steve They’re over there under the trees.
3 I never sung karaoke in my life. 8 Ellie (1) ________________________ a camel?
Steve Yes, I have. Last year when I was in Egypt.
4 They’ve ever been to Australia. 8 Ellie Good. Now, (2) ______________________
lots of water?
5 He not never been to a concert. 8 Steve Yes, I have.
__________________________________________ Ellie What about the food?

3 Read the fact file. Then write the questions and Steve No problem. I (3) _________________ food
answers on the right. for two months.
Ellie Good. (4) __________________ our guide?
Name: Ellie McKay Steve No, he isn’t here yet. He’ll be here in about
Job: extreme adventurer an hour.
Countries visited: twenty Ellie OK. We’ll start when he arrives. Now,
Climbed: fifteen mountains in the Alps (5) ________________________ my hat?
Extreme adventures: swimming with sharks in Steve Yes, it’s on your head.
South Africa; canoed up the Amazon river Ellie Sorry, Steve. I’m a bit nervous. I

Next project: travel across the desert with (6) __________________________

Steve (first time in a desert!) a camel before.

Steve And we (7) _______________________ a
desert before!


Vocabulary unit 8
1 Complete the crossword with the past participle 3 Match the injuries 1–7 with a treatment a–g.
form of the verbs. 1 cut your finger a have an X-ray
1 2 3 2 got an insect bite b put a bandage on it
3 broken your arm c put cold water on it
4 5 6 4 bruised your leg d take a painkiller
5 sprained your ankle e put some ice on it
7 6 hurt your shoulder f put some cream on it
8 7 burnt your hand g put a plaster on it
9 10
4 Complete the dialogues with the treatments in
exercise 3.
Doctor What’s the problem?
Patient I think I’ve got a broken arm.
Doctor Well, you need to (1) __________________.

Doctor What’s the problem?

Patient I’ve got a horrible insect bite
Across Down Doctor Well, I’ll give you (2) __________________
2 swim 1 write to put on it.
5 visit 3 watch
7 have 4 sleep Doctor What’s the problem?
8 speak 6 cook Patient I’ve got a burnt hand.
9 drive 10 ride Doctor Did you put (3) _____________________
12 paint 11 fall on it?
13 drink
14 win Doctor What’s the problem?
Patient I had an accident with a knife. I was cutting
2 Choose the correct words.
Did you know that most (1) injuries / injured Doctor I’ll (4) _____________________ on it.
happen at home? Small children are especially at
risk. They can fall down stairs. Sometimes they Doctor What’s the problem?
(2) bruise / bruised an arm or leg. Perhaps they
Patient I think I’ve got a sprained ankle.
get a (3) sprained / sprain. But it can be worse
Doctor OK. We’ll need to (5) __________________
and they might (4) broke / break an arm or a leg.
___________ on it.
Kitchens are also dangerous. Knives can (5) cut /
a cut and cookers can (6) burnt / burn. Small
Doctor What’s the problem?
children must also learn about pets. If a small child
Patient I was playing football and I’ve got a
hurts a pet, the animal will sometimes (7) bitten /
bite the child. bruised foot.
Doctor Did you (6) _________________ on it?


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