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DaySpring Fall 2010 Product "Magalog"

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fall 2010

We're so glad you're here with us. These pages are a gift to you. We hope
you'll feel as if your heart is coming home as you read about everything
from joy and beauty to everyday life, worship, and friendship.

We know all of those things matter to you. They matter to us too.

And that’s what DaySpring has been about for almost forty years—
connecting women with the heart of God through messages of hope and
encouragement every day, everywhere.

Last year, we began to do so in a new way when we created a site called

(in)courage ( Many of the women featured on the
following pages have connected with DaySpring in a new way through
(in)courage. We’ve been blessed by their words and we know you will be
too. So sit back, relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy...

Your Friends at DaySpring


04 everyday is important
by ann voskamp

06 feather your nest with meaningful beauty

by the nester

08 drenched
by sarah mae & dawn camp

10 when I grow up
by sarah markley & lisa leonard

12 four ways to live life to the full

by melissa michaels

14 the gift of cards

by jessica turner & angie smith

16 hope & encouragement

by holley gerth

18 when home is more than a zip code

by Lisa-jo baker

19 show offs art

by annette atwood

20 what africa showed me

by kristen welch

21 heat, light, and whispered promises

by robin dance

22 the beggar’s cup

by m’lis

23 artistic conversations
by jeanne winters

24 reviews
26 products at a glance
31 order information
& special offers
4 ann voskamp

Post by Ann voskamp, author & photographer

Ever Grateful
Ann Voskamp
for Everyday
Ann Voskamp is a farmer’s wife, mama to six,
and author of One Thousand Gifts (Zondervan). This is a wonder and I’m so glad: that of all the sunlight laying out long across wooden floors.
She writes of the everyday sacred at
days of the year, the one most important is All this. I call it the sacred everyday.
I can miss it. How holy the moments are.
The everydays are the most days of the year.
How do we find ways to somehow live awake
The most days of our lives.
to the astonishing, ordinary wonder of all this?
Ever Grateful Message A farmer’s wife, mama to six wild kids all taught How do we find ways to somehow live so that
here on the farm, my everydays have kids everyday is consecrated? We must find ways.
A grateful heart makes hanging paintings on the fridge and me taking
it easy to nurture other For the ways we live our everydays is the way we
sun-dried sheets in off the line, everydays when
live our lives.
things in the soul—like I trip over LEGOs and the laundry mounts into its
very own range and I finally think of something to To live fully, to live awake, I’ve even resorted to
joy, love, compassion, make for dinner when the head’s weary tired and crazy things like naming the daily blessings from
hope, and forgiveness. I set out the dishes and they all come. Everydays God, literally counting everyday His gifts—up to
Thankfulness and with bowls of Granny Smith apples and vases one thousand gifts. More!
of wildflowers picked from the roadside and
humility, no matter our
circumstance, can ignite
our faith and give us the
courage to look up and
move on. God is ever
and always in love with
us and He has our best
at heart. Because His
heart is perfect, we can
be thankful with every
breath He gives.
Bonnie Jensen, dayspring writer

Let there be
to God.
ann voskamp 5

I set out this easel, leave the marker right

there, and throughout the day, jot down
the blessings as I wake to them—fresh
bread, wind in the maples, holding
hands when we pray. The kids, even
when they pass through the kitchen,
they grab the marker, leave their mark
of gratitude on the easel.

And when the light’s falling late, I ring the

cast iron dinner bell out the back door,
and I tell those kids to really wash their
hands at the sink, and they sit down at
beautiful plates worthy of today—the most
important everyday! Dishes that remind us
to be thankful for simple graces.

We pray, eat, and go around the table

counting blessings. A little voice reads
gifts recorded on the easel.

Ever Grateful Collection

Start your collection!
And that’s when I think this might be the way.
That this is the way to hallow the most important
everydays: to be ever grateful and awake to
hidden beauty, humble blessings—right here.

That today, everyday, is important—important

enough to set out loveliness and give thanks for
His every day love.

Now is a wonder and I’m glad and I pass down

the bowl of potatoes.

New Opportunity
Become a Blessings Unlimited Consultant
and earn additional income selling the Ever
Grateful Collection, or Host a Gathering to get
your favorite items FREE or at Half Price! Visit to find out more.

Ann’s Blog >>

Ann’s Twitter >>

shop >> page 29 | | call (877) 751 4347

6 The nester

Post by The Nester, Author & Photographer

Feather Your Nest

with Meaningful
The Nester
The Nester, who writes anonymously, is a
home stager, redesigner and design school
drop-out. She and her husband and their
three boys have moved 14 times in 14 years
of marriage and they are currently content Some moms sneak broccoli into brownies,
to be renting. Nester’s favorite place to be
is home and you can usually catch her there
but I like to sneak scripture into my boys’
moving furniture. heads, and I’ve found a great way to do that
without taping scribbley written note cards
onto every mirror. I place bookcrops in the
nooks and crannies of our home. Put them
on the fireplace mantel, bookshelves, hutch
and incorporate them into your tablescapes.
Place one on a desk or on top of the TV. All it
takes is one tiny nail to add a book crop into a
photo collage on your wall or as a stand-alone
reminder of your favorite verse or quote or
hymn phrase. And, if you can’t find the verse
you want, you can have it printed up through
the DaySpring-Danielson Design Studio.

You shall love

the LORD your
God with all
your heart and
with all your
soul and with
all your might.
Deuteronomy 6:5 ESV
the nester 7

Every home needs a tray. I’ve been using

the Wonderful Grace Wooden Tray in my boy-
laden home for over six months now and it
has proven its worth many times. Sometimes I
group different-sized neutral candles for a nice
centerpiece; other times I stock it with popcorn
and drinks for movie night.  Days before this Custom Home Décor & Gifts
photo was snapped we spilled a can of Diet Coke The DaySpring-Danielson Design Studio
allows you to take gift giving and home decor
in the tray, and three minutes later, it was dry
to a new level! At the DaySpring-Danielson
and looked like new. This tray is an easy addition Design Studio you can create frames and
to our home because it fits my two requirements, signs using your own favorite quotes,
Scripture verses, colors, patterns, and much
it’s beautiful and it stands up to a beating. more or choose from a list of our favorite
inspirational pieces! Design your own today
Visit the Nester at The Nesting Place where the at
secret is out when it comes to decorating:
It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to be Beautiful.

More from The Nester

When I found out that DaySpring was

teaming up with Danielson Designs to
create the DaySpring-Danielson Design
Studio it seemed like a match made in
heaven. I’ve been a fan of the Danielson
family and their home grown business
for years. The most amazing thing about
this is the fact that you can customize
your own signs, photo frames and wall
hangings and see exactly what it will
look like before you order it. Have a new
baby in the family? She needs a plaque
with her name and its origin on it {you
can probably even match the colors
to her nursery}. Is Grandpa turning
60? Create a custom sign with his life
verse on it from the grandkids. I have a
beautiful framed sign with my business
name and tag line. When you work from
home, sometimes your business doesn’t
feel real, something about having the
words Nesting Place professionally
printed and framed validated that I had
a real business. In my opinion, this
customized home décor is one of the
best, most thoughtful gifts you can give
{and they’ll even gift wrap it for you!}.

The Nester’s Blog >>

The Nester’s Twitter >>

shop >> pages 29 & 30 | | call (877) 751 4347

8 sarah mae & dawn Camp

Post by sArAh mAe, Author & dAwn cAmP, PhotogrAPher

I love paper.

Sarah Mae I love the feeling I get when opening a crisp, fresh page just
Sarah Mae raises her babes, loves her
waiting for life to be poured onto it. I love the feel of pen in
man, home-keeps, Java-hugs, homeschool hand, coffee steaming nearby, and the soft of a comfy chair.
teaches and blog writes. She is a truth Throw in my Bible and my peace puzzle is complete, I feel
seeker and a grace lover. Visit her at where she like I can really take the time to worship my God.
spends her time journeying alongside
other women. Most days, however, my peace puzzle pieces are
everywhere but together.

Life intercedes…children wake, husband calls, housework


Peace eludes.

At least, it does if I only ever use one puzzle.

The fiercely passionate God worshipper St. Paul has impressed

upon me to start using other peace puzzles.

Dawn Camp
Dawn Camp is a homeschooling mother
of eight children, photographer, and web
designer at Barefoot Blog Designs. You
can find her blogging at My Home Sweet
Home, writing about homeschooling at The
Homeschool Post, or posting photography
tips at Blissfully Domestic. Visit her at

The earth is
filled with Your
love, O Lord.
PSALm 119:64 NIV

Sarah’s Blog >>

Sarah’s Twitter >>
sarah mae & dawn Camp 9

Let me tell you about one he used… I want that water.
Enjoy your sip of
coffee or tea from
Stripped. Beaten. Flogged. Thrown in prison. Hard, damp The water, the living water that will fill me up with peace a mug with Scripture
floor. Sickening stench. Feet in stocks. Cold. Cramped. Dark. no matter what the circumstance of my day or of my life. and encouragement.
Keep a journal to
“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing And believe me, friends, for most of us, our circumstances record your walk
with God.
hymns to God…” while in prison. aren’t even close to those which Paul had to endure.

While in prison he worshipped his God. Whatever circumstances you find yourself in day to day,
I want to encourage you to worship your God. Worship
I don’t know about you, but I find it hard to sing hymns
him—pray and sing to Him—read and study the scriptures,
when my baby wakes up too early and interrupts “my”
the living Word. Allow the truth and grace of Jesus to
time let alone the thought of singing hymns while being
drench your spirit with peace.
bloody and laid out in a jail cell.
And moms of little ones, the next time your babes wake
We can learn so much from Paul, can’t we? You see, his
up just as you’re about to have some quiet time, how
peace puzzle wasn’t found in his circumstances, his peace
about scooping them in your arms, finding a cozy place
puzzle was found in Jesus Christ and the hope that was
to cuddle, open the Word, and drink drink drink together.
set before him. It didn’t matter what kind of chair (if any) 365 Devotional
Ahhh…peace. Calendars
he sat on, or what paper he used, or what drink he had to
Choose from over
quench his thirst, he drank the peace that the living water 50 designs, authors,
drenched him in. and topics for

Dawn’s Blog >>

Dawn’s Twitter >>

shop >> pages 26 & 28 | | call (877) 751 4347

10 Lisa Leonard & Sarah Markley

post by Sarah Markley, Author & lisa leonard, photographer & Jewelry designer

When I Grow Up
We’ve been friends for so long it’s hard to We’ve been in hospital rooms together, at
remember where we started. backyard BBQs and we’ve dug our toes in the
Sarah Markley beach sand sitting side by side. We’ve wandered
She has sisters. A lot of them, in fact. So who am
Sarah Markley lives in Southern California with our cameras, taking photos of shadows
with her husband, two daughters, Hope (7) I to her? I’ve been accepted into her sorority and
and of ourselves and laughed about nothing
and Naomi (3) and their family cat, Rosie. it has always felt like home with her.
Sarah blogs daily about her children, her at all. After she tried to teach me how to drive
faith and the idea that every day is God’s
We’ve spent rainy mornings falling asleep in front a stick-shift in college, her father told me I
best day for her at
of movies, watched tea leaves rest to the bottom wasn’t allowed to drive her car anymore. I killed
of our cups, and listened to classic rock from the her transmission.
comfort of a college dorm room.
We smile about it now.

lisa leonard

Lisa Leonard
Lisa Leonard is mommy to two boys, David
(6) and Matty (5), and wife to Steve. Lisa
also creates handmade jewelry and plays
at photography. You’re invited to visit Lisa
Leonard at and
get to know her!

The earth is
filled with Your
love, O Lord.
PSALM 119:64 NIV

Sarah’s Blog >>

Sarah’s Twitter >>
Lisa Leonard & Sarah Markley 11

Filled With Your Love Collection

Accessory Bag Reusable Eco Tote

Tote Journal

I’ve gotten mad. She’s gotten mad. We’ve hurt joys have helped to pull us through the past
and we’ve gotten over it. Once I was afraid I’d sixteen years.
wounded her past repair, but I hadn’t. I think our
But what I do know is that I’ve always admired
bond was too strong for that.
her depth, her willingness to go to hard places. Sterling Silver Christian Jewelry
We’ve cried and said hard things. I think one of She says she’s always admired my way with
the reasons we get along so well is because we words. And she’s got this unparalleled sense of
ask good, strong questions and we aren’t afraid style that I secretly envy.
of the answers.
When I grow up I want to be just like her.
I don’t know what has kept us friends. Maybe our
shared experiences, shared faith, and shared

Lisa’s Blog >>

Lisa’s Twitter >>

shop >> pages 27 & 28 | | call (877) 751 4347

12 Melissa Michaels

Post by Melissa Michaels, author & photographer

four Ways to Live

Life to the Full
Melissa Michaels I love living a life full of meaning and beauty! As the daily demands whirl around me in a frenzy of
Melissa Michaels, is an interior decorator,
necessary activity, I need to make an intentional effort to grab a hold of little moments to make them
a pastor’s wife at a brand new start-up special. By paying attention to simple details I can heighten my awareness of the beauty around me
church called Voyage, and a mom of three. even in everyday activities!
She is the creator of The Inspired Room at
Here are four of my favorite ways to live each day to the full!

1. Get up early to savor the peace of the


When I try to run out the door with coffee in a

lidded paper cup, I miss out on the calming
experience time alone with God. I need
that quiet still time to hear from God and to
collect my thoughts before the whirlwind
begins. Sitting for a few moments of peace
and hot coffee in a real mug is a small effort
for the big impact it has on my day!

Life in 15
The Life Collection
features the word
“Life” in more
than 15 different
Melissa Reagan (m’lis), the designer was
volunteering at an international ministry
in Jerusalem while working on this project.
Most of the languages featured on the
product were the native languages of her
friends and coworkers, including Hebrew,
Afrikaans, Chinese, Dutch, Russian, French,
Spanish, and more!
More from designer m’lis on page 22
2. Make the ordinary experiences special!

I think it is fun to use pretty dishes for all

meals. There is nothing meaningful or beautiful
about eating lunch on an ugly plastic plate. By
choosing a special dish for even a lowly peanut
I have come butter sandwich, I can change the whole
that they experience! It doesn’t take any more effort to
might have make that choice, but the effect of the dish
Life, and have does wonders for how I feel about my lunch
it to the full. break that day!
JOHN 10:10 NIV
meLissa miChaeLs 13

Life Collection
Plates that Mix and
3. Decorate with beautiful things! Match!

I love to change areas of my home with eye-catching

displays. Setting up decorative plates and platters
on the mantel or buffet is an easy way to create a
lovely focal point. Having beautiful things in a room
helps me to pause for a moment of beauty even as I
rush around the house during the day.

4. Reach out in love!

I think bringing a plate of treats to someone in need

Find a Christian
of a little lift is a great way to show others we care. Store
I love the idea of using a beautiful dish that can be The Life Collection
a special gift for the recipient. It is an affordable yet is available at select
Christian stores. Visit
personal way to show love long after the treats are
gone! I keep a stash of dishes on hand just for that locator to find the
purpose. It is easy to whip up a batch of brownies, one closest to you!

arrange them on a pretty plate and deliver it as a

little token of love for any occasion.

Living life to the full is a blessing we can embrace

through everyday moments!

Melissa’s Blog >>

Melissa’s Twitter >>

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14 jessica turner & angie smith

Post by Jessica Turner, Author & Angie Smith, Photographer


Tucked beneath my bed are several keepsake boxes,
holding some of my most treasured possessions.
Jessica Turner
Jessica Turner is a wife, mom, marketing A pink one filled with love letters from my husband.
professional, snail mail lover, deal-
finder, photographer, and crafter. She
A burgundy one filled with letters from family and
writes about all these things and more
on Jessica lives in friends during my time away at college.
Nashville, Tenn. with her husband, Matthew
and their son, Elias. A yellow one filled with birthday cards, letters from
friends, and other random notes I have received
over the years.

Sometimes I pull out one of those boxes, and

carefully open each card, reading words that, years
after they have been written, still manage to bring
joy and thanksgiving to my life.

Cards do that.
Angie Smith They evoke emotion within the recipient.
Angie is the proud wife of Todd Smith of
Selah, and a blessed mommy. Angie began
While blogs, emails, and text messages make it easy to
the blog
when her daughter Audrey passed away the stay in touch, none are as special as receiving a card.
day she was born.
Cards bless people.

Encourage one
another and
build each
other up.
I Thessalonians 5:11 NIV

Jessica’s Blog >>

Jessica’s Twitter >>
JessiCa turner & angie smith 15

10 FREE Custom Cards
Create your own Christmas cards, thank
you cards, invitations, or announcements
on Studio DaySpring and receive 10 FREE
Cards! Choose from a variety of designs with
Scripture and inspirational messages.

Use promo code 10FREE during checkout for

10 flat cards or 5 folded cards.
Valid through December 31, 2010. Limit one
per customer. Shipping not included. No
additional purchase necessary.

Card writing doesn’t have to take much time. are such a simple way to demonstrate God’s love
Like many women, I keep a small notebook in and bless people.
my purse. In the midst of my busy days, I will
Have you recently blessed someone with a card?
jot down someone’s name that God brings to
If not, perhaps a DaySpring card pack is just what
mind—a friend, my grandmother, my sister. Then,
you need.
whenever I have a few extra minutes, usually
after my son goes to bed and the house is quiet, I You might also consider DaySpring’s Heart
will pull out my basket of cards and write. Connection Card Club. Club members receive 10
cards a month for only $12.99 (plus shipping).
DaySpring’s huge variety of card offerings makes
The cards are beautiful, with encouraging
it easy for me to have some on hand. While Join the Heart Connection Card Club
messages and scripture in each one. I enjoy
birthdays and anniversaries are important to and receive a 10 premium card assortment
selecting what card pack I want sent, or if I am of DaySpring’s best for only $12.99—up to
remember, the cards I send to let someone know
too busy, DaySpring will select one for me. Either 50% savings!
God brought them to mind are my favorite to write. Receive convenient monthly delivery of
way, the club makes it even easier and affordable
With each card, I pray for the Holy Spirit to give me cards with no cost to join. You can skip a
to bless others with cards. month, return your order, or cancel at any
the encouraging words the recipient needs.
time. To sign up or find out more visit
I hope my story encourages you to write a
My mother taught me the importance of
card today.
remembering others through letter writing. Cards

Angie’s Blog >>

Angie’s Twitter >>

shop >> page 26 | | call (877) 751 4347

16 hoLLey gerth

Post by holley gerth, Author

hopE for
lifE’s storMs
Holley Gerth
Holley Gerth is cofounder of (in)courage, a
writer for DaySpring, book author, blogger, HOPE is more than a word—
counselor, chocolate-lover, wife of Mark,
follower of Jesus, and friend to YOU. For more
hope & encouragement visit her blog Heart to
it’s a state of being.
Heart with Holley at
It’s a firm belief that
even if you don’t know how,
even if you don’t know when,
God will come through
and better days are ahead.
Life brings rain...
HOPE dances in the puddles
until the sun comes out again.

Rain On Me by Holley Gerth

Into every life, a little rain must fall. It’s
We all face storms in our lives. I walked in
what we do with the rain that makes the
difference. Rain can be a force that destroys the rain for several years. Only recently have I
our lives and washes away hope, or it can sensed the clouds clearing and the sun peeking
become a tool God uses to bring healing,
growth, and new life to our hearts.
out again.
The Rain On Me devotional book by Holley
In this new season I’ve discovered what comes
Gerth has forty devotions that deliver hope
and encouragement for difficult times after hope…and that’s new life, joy, growth.
through God’s word, reflection questions, Showers lead to flowers each summer. The same
and prayers. Rain On Me is also available as
a 365 day perpetual DayBrightener calendar.
is true in our hearts as well.

So whether you’re still walking through the rain

or finally standing in the sun, be encouraged
and know that you’re loved, you’re not alone,
and brighter days are ahead! ~Holley Gerth

For more hope and encouragement, stop by

Heart to Heart with Holley online.
hoLLey gerth 17

Comfort & Encouragement

Booklet – Ministry Guide
by Holley Gerth
You can make a difference to hurting hearts.
When difficult things happen in the lives of
those we love, we often don’t know what to
do or say. Counselor and DaySpring writer
Holley Gerth walks you step-by-step through
the way you can minister to someone during
the first year following a loss, with helpful
information about grief, Scriptures to share,
and other tools and resources.

When life’s storms come, we all need others I love this card because while most of my
to walk through them with us. I wrote this cards start with an assignment, it simply came
big yellow umbrella message as an e-mail to from the heart in a moment of need for a friend.
my friend Heather on a tough day. She was a In 2008 a version of this card won Card of the
designer at DaySpring and it became the starting Year at the Louie Awards (the greeting card
point for a summer line of cards called Heather equivalent of the Oscars) in New York City!
and Holley in stores several years ago.

I wish I had a big yellow umbrella Heather & Holley Collection

Bring hope and encouragement to the
hearts of others with the Heather and
that would keep away all the rain in your life. Holley collection available from Blessings
Unlimited. Holley Gerth and designer Heather

I would hold it over your head Steck are close friends and created these
items out of being there for each other in the
ways and times that matter most. They’ll help
and the drops would splash, splash you do the same for those you love.
Available exclusively through
Blessings Unlimited consultants. Visit
and you would never even feel it. to find a local
consultant, and for more information about

But I don’t have a big yellow umbrella… Blessings Unlimited.

So I’ll walk through the rain with you.

Holley’s Blog >>

Holley’s Twitter >>

shop >> pages 26 & 27 | | call (877) 751 4347

18 Lisa-jo baker

Post by lisa-jo BAKER, Author

When home is more

than a zip code
Lisa-Jo Baker
Lisa-Jo has two young sons and believes I’ve lived on three different continents in the last ten
motherhood should come with its own years, and I’m learning that home is much more than
superhero cape. She writes about life lived
in between countries, callings, and kids at
four walls and a familiar neighborhood. And I’m learning that home isn’t a zip code, it’s a person. Home is the
God who understands each of the unique languages,
thoughts, hopes and dreams of our individual hearts.
We matter to Him more than our accents. He is
intimately interested in who we are and where we’re
headed. Nothing can separate us from His love. Not
time zones or cultures or long distance commutes.

Christ is the bridge.

As the Community Manager for (in)courage
Lisa-Jo couldn’t be more delighted to join
you on your journey and find ways to connect
you to one another and the God who loves us
beyond time zones, cultures or insecurities.

He brings us back into the deep

heart of God. No matter where
we’re coming from. Out of
emptiness or loss or disaster,
Christ brings us back to His
Father. For us, that meant out
of South Africa where our first
son was born and we longed to
stay and into Michigan where
we delivered our second born.
He has walked the long, lonely
miles with us. We have known
the ache of distance, far from
But our family, trying to translate a
baby’s first cries via cell phones.
citizenship is in
But we have also experienced
heaven. And we the comfort of a connection
eagerly await that transcends borders or time
a Savior from changes. Because we are finally
there, the Lord finding our home in Him.
Jesus Christ.
Philippians 3:20 NIV

Lisa-Jo’s Blog >>

Lisa-Jo’s Twitter >>

Post by Annette Atwood

Show Offs Art

The inspiration for our John 3:16 canvas comes from
the Heart and Globe painting shown left. The original
was painted by 11-year-old Madison, a mentally and
physically disabled girl who was painting a picture
of a heart as a gift for her Dad. Just as she finished
the painting, Madison picked up a brush covered in
turquoise paint and added her own “touch” to the
heart. Although the painting had taken a turn from the NEW from
Show Offs Art
original plan, Madison’s dad loved the gift. And as he
looked closer at the painting it was clear that the “big
blob” was the globe and the whole picture was an
example of how big God’s love is for our world, and for
each of us.

At Show Offs Art, we create fun, funky art to help you

“show off” your faith and all you believe. In the craziness
of life, we hope our products will be encouraging
reminders of God’s love and His promises to you!

For God so
loved the
world that
he gave his
one and
only Son.
John 3:16 niv

shop >> page 30 | | call (877) 751 4347

20 kristen welch

Post by KRISTEN welch, Author & photos by compassion

What Africa

Showed Me
Kristen Welch
Kristen is a sweet tea drinker, wife to her I traveled to Africa to write
best friend of 15 years and in the throes of
their story.
raising three hilarious children. Her well-read
parenting blog, We are THAT family offers an
honest mixture of humor and inspiration.
I discovered something
Visit her blog at unexpected in my words:
They are poor in body.

The poor fight a deep physical

poverty, robbing them of
basic necessities. I fight a
poverty created by too much,
materialism that obstructs my
path to God.

I am poor in spirit.

They are hungry for daily bread.

Releasing Children from Poverty
Compassion International provides practical While children starve for
help and spiritual hope to over one million
children in twenty-four
daily bread and clean water,
countries. DaySpring I gorge on excess, spending beautiful souls. They hold
is proud to partner on my home and myself. I am onto Jesus because he is
with Compassion
International and we left unsatisfied. everything. I live the American
invite you to join us dream, obtaining as much as
in changing the world I take my fill and only hunger
I can.
one child at a time. for more.
Despite having everything, I
They are dying on the outside.
still don’t have enough.
27,000 children die of hunger
Looking into the lives of some
and preventable diseases. I’m
of the poorest people in Africa
concerned with my small world
was like staring in a mirror. In
and how I stack up compared
the reflection of Africa, I saw
to neighbors.
poverty in my soul.
I am dying on the inside.
I thank God for using the poor
Jesus said,
Despite having nothing, they to save me from being rich.
“Let the little
have enough with Jesus.
children come
to me.” The poor greeted me with
Matthew 19:14 NIV bright eyes, windows to

Kristen’s Blog >>

Kristen’s Twitter >>
roBin danCe 21

Post by robin dAnce, Author & Photos by comPAssion

hEat, liGht, aNd

whispErEd proMisEs
Robin Dance
I don’t complain about Southern heat and In a scandalous, decades-long affair with
her husband, Robin also confesses mad
humidity anymore....
crushes on her three teens. She’s Southern
as sugar-shocked tea, advocates talking
Puddle-shallow? Inconsequential? Plain to strangers and her favorite emotion is
silly? Regardless, an after-effect of my trip with laughing through tears. Inspired by people,
Compassion International to Calcutta, India, places and Creation, she plays with words at
where temperatures topped 110° for weeks.

Where’s my first response and compulsion to

sell everything and give the proceeds away? Is it
my overriding desire to forego home comforts to
minister abroad to the destitute and dying?

What is wrong with me?

1 John 3:17-18 springs to life ~

“If anyone has material possessions and sees his

brother in need but has no pity on him, how can
the love of God be in him? …let us not love with
words or tongue but with actions and in truth.”

These linger in heart memories: proud parents

urging their daughter to read scripture and
sing for us. Bowed, we pray in mysterious
tongue, sweat raining off my face and splatter-
painting my skirt. Their hearts spill gratitude
for Compassion’s meaning and encouragement,
their shoebox home illuminated—not by
electricity, but by light and life in Christ. Send a card. Change a life.
You can make a real difference in the lives
In stifling heat, moved by the tangible impact of children in need around the world by
purchasing Colors of Compassion greeting
and eternal hope Compassion seeds in the lives cards. With each card purchase, DaySpring
it serves, my heart whisper-promises to love will donate 6% of sales to Compassion
International to help provide immunizations &
“with actions and in truth.”
other urgent medical care for children in need.

Southern heat and humidity? Ocean-deep.

Important. Perfect reminder to help me keep
that promise.

Robin’s Blog >>

Robin’s Twitter >>

shop >> page 26 | | call (877) 751 4347

22 melissa reagan

Post by Melissa Reagan, DaySpring Designer

The Beggar’s Cup

One day a friend asked me how I keep
coming up with new ideas all the time…
Melissa Reagan is an inspired DaySpring
There’s a very simple answer to that; I pretty
designer for many of the gift items and much beg God constantly for His ideas and
collections featured in this catalog including inspiration. I’m not saying that we have to beg
Ever Grateful and Life to the Full. In the midst
of working like crazy to design new products
because He’s not willing—that’s not the case
for next year, she is also very excited to start at all. What I am saying is that I come from
a new blog. She would love to connect with such a state of having nothing without Him,
you, so we’ll let you know when it’s up and
running! that I become a beggar with an empty cup,
totally depending on His generosity.

I was given an assignment to do some

jewelry designs for DaySpring, and much
to my delight they left the guidelines
wide open. On the morning I was to start
Victorious Life– conceptualizing, I woke up thinking about
Revelation the verse from Revelation where God says to
Charm Bracelet the overcomer that He will give a white stone
Each charm on the
with a new name written on it. White stone?
bracelet is inspired
by the promises in Has to be a tie-in to jewelry there, right?
Revelation for those
who overcome. This stylish charm bracelet is As I settled in for my morning quiet time
a perfect gift for a loved one and a great way
and opened my Bible to the day’s reading,
to share your faith through jewelry.
my bookmark was at (surprise!) Revelation

To those who overcome

will be given...

The right to eat from

the tree of life. < Revelation 2:7
2-3; the very place God speaks to the seven
churches about overcoming. In each church,
The crown of life. < Revelation 2:10
the overcomer was promised something very
A white stone with
a new name written
precious from God, and as I read, I knew that
on it. < Revelation 2:17 He was giving me the vision for a beautiful
The morning star. < Revelation 2:28 reminder of His promises. The result was
Their name written
the Revelation Bracelet—and about 24 other
in the book of life. < Revelation 3:5 concepts that came pouring out over a period
They will become a of about three days.
pillar in the temple
of God. < Revelation 3:12 Not every assignment happens this way, but
The right to sit with as long as I’m completely dependent on God,
Jesus on His throne. < Revelation 3:21 my beggar’s cup truly overflows.
Jeanne winters 23

Post by JeAnne winters, Artist

Jeanne Winters
I love to examine eclectic rooms for their unique Years ago, when we moved into our second home Jeanne Winters is a wife, mother of two,
designer, and author. Her blog features
accents. My favorite accessory is often a large it was a blank canvas, not a fixer-upper like our
creative ideas to infuse your home,
vintage sign or architectural element. They add first, which had required much “un-doing” before celebrations, and life with reflections
not only interest, but also the ‘cool’ factor that the fun “doing!” I could begin the decorating right of your faith! Be inspired by Jeanne at
sets the room apart. They draw the eye and I’m away—what a blessing!! As a creative person the
sure are conversation pieces. ideas just bubbled up and I added new designs
left and right. It seemed natural for Bible verses or
That’s what I’d like my art to be. A conversation
imagery to show up, as that is a part of who I am. I
piece. A fun, encouraging, inspirational
didn’t think of them as conversation starters at the
conversation piece. My work is a reflection of my
time, but that is what they became.
joy and faith and I am often inspired to design
a piece after reading a particular scripture. My I learned that when our home decor expresses
latest paintings include a series of vintage-style our faith, we’re sharing God’s love and His
signs, all with an inspirational twist. It is my hope Word with our family and guests. I’ve moved a
they’ll bring a smile to those who see them. few more times since then and no matter what
furniture, art, and accents make it into each
successive home, you can be sure I have found
creative ways to incorporate expressions of
my faith. Whether on a painting, a pitcher, or a Inspirational
pillow—I encourage you to let scripture abound in Home: simple
ideas for
your home too! uplifting decor
and craft.
This book was
created, designed,
styled, photographed & written by Jeanne
Winters. It features 128 pages of unique
design, craft and gift ideas that show how to
infuse your faith into your home, celebrations
and life! Every project comes with clear,
colorful photos, step-by-step instructions
and materials list. Be inspired to surround
yourself and your family with God’s loving
words, and do it all with thoughtful style! A
fun, timeless resource.

Jeanne’s Blog >>

Jeanne’s Twitter >>

shop >> page 30 | | call (877) 751 4347

24 reviews

Grow In Grace - Floral Mug Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

II Peter 3:18 Wall Art Plaque by Julie Chen
80679 $9.99 3871317945 $23.00

The floral design of the Grow in Grace mug isn’t fussy, From the moment I opened the box, these elegant plaques
only a calming natural print on the perfect size mug, have been a special addition to my home. The unique
for one sitting with a drink that stays hot. As I sip, I turn shape, beautifully distressed colors, and meaningful
those words toward my face, “Grow in Grace,” a truth scripture verses combine to gently remind me of the One
whispering in my heart. who loved us first.

Amber BLOG>> Deidra BLOG>>

Ichthys Christian Symbol - Wall Art Bless Our Nest - Numbers 6:24
Metal Hanging 40"×28" Framed Canvas Print 25"×21"
24866 $129.99 $99.99 53916 $54.99

My heart rate increased with excitement when I set the When I received Jeannie Winters framed canvas prints
large metal Ichthus atop my mantel. For years I had been in the mail, they were much bigger than I had imagined
searching for a classic piece of art with a touch of modern - substantial pieces of art! The sturdy black frames give
flare that also stated, “This home belongs to Jesus.” The them a finished and professional feel. This warm, simple
quality of work is exceptional and the message is timeless. artwork will cozy up any room. Love it.

Angela BLOG>> Emily BLOG>>

shop >> pages 28 & 30 | | call (877) 751 4347

reviews 25

His Little Lamb – Pink Set GRACE - Hanging Tiles

3/6M Onesie, Bib & Blanket Set of 5 Tiles - 6"× 6" Each
K13522 $44.00 $40.00 53930 $65.00

My college roommate is single and pregnant. I can't wait The first thing I see when I arrive home is my entrance wall,
to give her these adorable (and so soft) reminders that which I use to display things that make me smile. Being
her baby, even though she wasn’t planned, is truly a gift welcomed by the detailed and inspiring art of these tiles
from God. does just that. Every single time.

Mary BLOG>> Andrea BLOG>>

Studio DaySpring Personalized Card Basket…

Abide in Him - Wall Decor
it’s like a group hug!
Metal Hanging 18½"×11"
75404 $36.99
Card Basket Setup Fee $19.99

Desiring my home to be a sanctuary, I choose to surround This past week I received a basket full of cards that felt
myself with the Truth. Words and symbols that breathe Life like a hug sent over a million miles. You'll never know
are sprinkled throughout my doors and walls whispering me how much that has meant to me...It seems as if God
of His love. "Abide in Him" - there is no truer refuge. hand delivered you all to remind me He always
provides, even when He takes away.

Jen BLOG>> Sara BLOG>>

shop >> pages 29 & 30 | | call (877) 751 4347

26 produCts at a gLanCe

Everyday All Occasion Hope & Encouragement Birthday Friendship Praying for You & Encouragement Thank You
10 Premium Greeting Card Assortment 10 Premium Greeting Card Assortment 10 Premium Greeting Card Assortment 10 Premium Greeting Card Assortment 10 Premium Greeting Card Assortment 10 Premium Greeting Card Assortment
079598 $31.00 $19.99 079599 $29.70 $19.99 079705 $29.50 $19.99 079708 $25.40 $19.99 079720 $26.40 $19.99 079707 $26.50 $19.99

Really Woolly Colors of Compassion Max Lucado Bright Blessings Sassy & Sophisticated Whiskers & Paws
10 Premium Greeting Card Assortment 10 Premium Greeting Card Assortment 10 Premium Greeting Card Assortment 10 Premium Greeting Card Assortment 10 Premium Greeting Card Assortment 10 Premium Greeting Card Assortment
079600 $25.20 $19.99 079602 $32.70 $19.99 079721 $27.90 $19.99 079709 $29.90 $19.99 079713 $27.40 $19.99 079711 $23.70 $19.99

Sassy & Sophisticated Journal Seeds of Joy Journal God’s Promises Journal Filled with Your Love Journal Faith Premium Leather Journal Live by Faith Journal
38704 $7.99 160 Pgs 5"×7" 38702 $7.99 160 Pgs 5"×7" 38706 $7.99 160 Pgs 5"×7" 37605 $7.99 160 Pgs 5"×7" 37606 $16.99 192 Pgs 6"×8" 38714 $9.99 160 Pgs 6"×81/c"

Floral Encouragement by Roy Lessin Walk by Faith Blessing Birds How Tweet - Sticky Note Set Butterflies - Sticky Note Set Delight in the Lord - Memo Pad
12 Boxed Note Cards 12 Boxed Note Cards 12 Boxed Note Cards 25 Notes Each of 8 Designs 25 Notes Each of 8 Designs 75 Sheets 3"×5¼"
81552 $7.99 81553 $7.99 81545 $7.99 38966 $5.99 38967 $5.99 48255 $4.99

Sassy & Sophisticated Prayers & Blessings Rain on Me by Holley Gerth Promises from God’s Word The Gift of Friendship Today is Your Best Day by Roy Lessin
365 DayBrightener Calendar 365 DayBrightener Calendar 365 DayBrightener Calendar 365 DayBrightener Calendar 365 DayBrightener Calendar 365 DayBrightener Calendar
23454 $9.99 23456 $9.99 23458 $9.99 22956 $9.99 11849 $9.99 23429 $9.99

shop >> | call (877) 751 4347

produCts at a gLanCe 27

Victorious Life Charm Bracelet By Grace Alone Necklace Take Hope to Heart Necklace Redeemed Necklace
God’s Heart for You Necklace – 38677 $49.99 Sterling Silver Necklace Revelations Promises for Overcomers Silver Necklace by Lisa Leonard Silver Necklace by Lisa Leoanard Silver Necklace by Lisa Leonard
Chosen | Cherished | Created | Celebrated 75378 $34.99 Rhodium Plated Necklace 75367 $38.99 53994 $42.00 53997 $44.00 53993 $48.00

34375 $46.95 Philippians 4:13 34376 $46.95 Matthew 19:26 My Beloved - Pendant and Cord God’s Soldier - Pendant and Cord Redeemed - Cross Pendant Redeemed - Cross Key Chain
34374 $46.95 I Corinthians 13:13 34377 $46.95 Psalm 23 Song of Solomon 6:3 Matthew 11:12 Isaiah 43:1 Isaiah 43:1
49681 $46.95 Jeremiah 29:11 53909 $46.95 Serenity Prayer 75368 $22.99 34371 $13.99 75394 $19.99 75396 $12.99
49680 $46.95 Proverbs 31:28

75397 $19.99 Pendant

Christian Character Bracelet 75386 $19.99 Silver Finish 75399 $19.99 Cuff Bracelet
Tree of Life
Faith | Love | Wisdom | Grace | Courage 75387 $19.99 Copper Finish 75398 $9.99 Earrings
K14384 $49.97 $39.99 Set of Pendant, Cuff Bracelet, Earrings

75391 $19.99 Pendant 75388 $19.99 Pendant

75393 $12.99 Key Chain 75390 $19.99 Cuff Bracelet
In The Shadow of His Wings Jewelry - Psalm 17:8 75392 $9.99 By Grace Alone Jewelry - I Corinthians 15:10
Earrings (not shown) 75389 $9.99 Earrings
K14383 $42.97 $32.99 Set of Pendant, Earrings, Key Chain K14382 $49.97 $39.99 Set of Pendant, Cuff Bracelet, Earrings

Rain On Me by Holley Gerth Looking Up When Life is Looking Down God Thinks You’re Wonderful Jesus Calling by Sarah Young Safe in the Shepherd’s Arms Comfort & Encouragement Booklet
188 Page Devotional Book by Beth Moore 110 Page Devotional Book by Max Lucado 128 Page Devotional Book 400 Page Devotional Book by Max Lucado 96 Page Devotional Book by Holley Gerth 48 page ministry guide
9781934770498 $12.99 9781404105140 $14.99 0849956501 $12.99 $9.99 9781591451884 $14.99 9781404187719 $14.99 39459 $4.99

shop >> | call (877) 751 4347

28 produCts at a gLanCe

Life Collection - Place Setting Life Collection - Dinner Plate Life Collection - Breakfast Plate Life Collection - Dessert Plate Life Collection - Bread Plate Life Collection - Reversible Placemat
4 Coordinating Plates 12", 10", 8", 6" 12" Ceramic Plate 10" Ceramic Plate 8" Ceramic Plate 6" Ceramic Plate Cotton 17½"×12 ¼"
K13711 $48.96 $40.00 46210 $19.99 40993 $13.99 40991 $8.99 40992 $5.99 46267 $5.99 $5.09

Life Collection - Large Pitcher Life Collection - Oval Platter Life Collection - Red Bowl Life Collection - Blue Bowl Life Collection - Red Mug Life Collection - Blue Mug
Ceramic 5¼"×10½" Ceramic 16"×12¼" Ceramic 6"×3" Ceramic 6"×3" Ceramic 61/i"×3½" Ceramic 61/i"×3½"
40985 $24.99 40989 $26.99 40987 $8.99 46212 $8.99 46211 $12.99 40995 $12.99

Life Collection - Full Apron Life Collection - Half Apron Life Collection - Child Apron Life Collection - Mitt & Potholder Set Life Collection - Tea Towel Set Life Collection - Tote Bag
Cotton 24½"×31½" Cotton 19½"×17¾" Cotton 17¾"×20" Potholder 8"×8" Oven Mitt 10"×6½" 2 Cotton Towels 27¼"×18¾" Cotton 14"×16"×5"
46217 $19.99 $16.99 46219 $12.99 $11.04 46274 $12.99 $11.04 46265 $7.99 $6.79 46263 $12.99 $11.04 46271 $16.99 $14.44

Seeds of Joy - Tote Seeds of Joy - Accessory Bag Filled With Your Love - Tote Filled With Your Love - Accessory Bag Filled with Your Love – Compact Bag He Fills My Life With Good Things – Tote
Canvas 14"×14"×4½" Canvas 8"×2"×3½" Canvas 14"×14"×4½" Canvas 8"×2"×3½" Polyester 4"×2" Wash & Reuse Canvas 14"×14"×4½"
47482 $14.99 47729 $5.99 47483 $14.99 47728 $5.99 47491 $4.99 47487 $14.99

Sassy and Sophisticated Mug Live by Faith - Mug Grow In Grace - Floral Mug Sweet Bird - Mug Mr. - Mug Mrs. - Mug
Whatever Is Lovely - Phil. 4:8 Galatians 2:20 II Peter 3:18 Be Still and Know - Psalm 46:10 Song of Solomon 3:4 Song of Solomon 3:4
80682 $9.99 80687 $9.99 80679 $9.99 80684 $9.99 80674 $9.99 80675 $9.99

shop >> | call (877) 751 4347

products at a glance 29

Ever Grateful - Taupe Place Setting Ever Grateful - Wasabi Place Setting Ever Grateful - Taupe Dinner Plate Ever Grateful - Taupe Salad Plate Ever Grateful - Wasabi Dinner Plate Ever Grateful - Wasabi Salad Plate
3 Coordinating Plates 11", 9", 7" and 6" Bowl 3 Coordinating Plates 11", 9", 7" and 6" Bowl 11" Ceramic Plate 9" Ceramic Plate 11" Ceramic Plate 9" Ceramic Plate
K14380 $52.96 $44.00 K14381 $52.96 $44.00 75346 $17.99 75348 $14.99 75347 $17.99 75379 $14.99

Ever Grateful - Honey Dessert Plate Ever Grateful - Taupe Bowl Ever Grateful - Wasabi Bowl Ever Grateful - Taupe Mug Ever Grateful - Wasabi Mug Ever Grateful - Honey Mug
7" Ceramic Plate 6" Ceramic Bowl 6" Ceramic Bowl Ceramic 3¾"×4¼" Ceramic 3¾"×4¼" Ceramic 3¾"×4¼"
75349 $8.99 75350 $10.99 75351 $10.99 75352 $9.99 75354 $9.99 75353 $9.99

Ever Grateful - Large Pitcher Ever Grateful - Large Platter Ever Grateful - Cake Pedestal Ever Grateful - Serving Bowl Ever Grateful - Vase Ever Grateful - Memo Board with Easel
Ceramic 10" Tall Ceramic 17"×12" Ceramic 12"×5" Ceramic 10 ½" Diameter Ceramic 10" Tall Ceramic Board 10½"×14"
75355 $28.99 75356 $34.99 75359 $35.99 75360 $24.99 75357 $21.99 75362 $34.99

I Can Do All Things Through Christ In the Shelter of the Most High Trust in the Lord Great Is Thy Faithfulness We Believe in Grace Live Courageously In The Arms of Grace
Wood Book Crop Sign 19"×2"×1" Wood Book Crop Sign 19"×2"×1" Wood Book Crop Sign 19"×2"×1" Wood Book Crop Sign 19"×2"×1" Wood Book Crop Sign 17"×2"×1" Wood Book Crop Sign 17"×2"×1"
1733106380 $26.00 1733106463 $26.00 1733106376 $26.00 1733106381 $26.00 1733106465 $26.00 1733106464 $26.00

Be Still and Know - Psalm 46:10 Faith, Hope, & Love - 1 Corinthians 13:13 I Can Do All Things - Philippians 4:13 As for Me and My House - Joshua 24:15 Abide in Him - Wall Decor Ask, Seek, Knock - Wall Decor
Wood Sign 23"×4" Wood Sign 23"×4" Wood Sign 23"×4" Wood Sign Size: 23"×4" Metal Hanging 18½"×11" Wood Panel 21"×21"
1733105687 $25.00 1733105039 $25.00 1733105037 $25.00 1733105686 $25.00 75404 $36.99 53942 $29.99

shop >> | call (877) 751 4347

30 produCts at a gLanCe

Bless Our Nest - Numbers 6:24 Beautiful In Its Time - Ecclesiastes 3:11 Vine and Branches - John 15:5 May Your Cup Overflow - Psalm 23:5 Crown of Beauty - Isaiah 62:3 Ichthys Christian Symbol - Wall Art
Framed Canvas Print 25"×21" Framed Canvas Print 21"×25" Framed Canvas Print 21"×25" Framed Canvas Print 25"×21" Framed Canvas Print 25"×21" Metal Hanging 40"×28"
53916 $54.99 53915 $54.99 53917 $54.99 53914 $54.99 53913 $54.99 24866 $129.99 $99.99

Heart and Globe - John 3:16 Wildflowers - Luke 12:28 Bless This Food I am Loved All Things Through Christ Celebrate - Deut 26:11
Gallery Wrapped Canvas Print 16"×20" Gallery Wrapped Canvas Print 20"×16" Gallery Wrapped Canvas Print 20"×16" Wood Plaque 8¼"×6¼" Wood Plaque 8¼"×6¼" Wood Plaque 6¼"×8¼"
53903 $56.99 78908 $56.99 54089 $56.99 75179 $15.00 75178 $15.00 53919 $15.00

Bless This Home - Hanging Tiles PEACE - Hanging Tiles GRACE - Hanging Tiles Rod & Knob Set - Sold Separately
Set of 3 Tiles - 8"× 8" Each Set of 5 Tiles - 6"× 6" Each Set of 5 Tiles - 6"× 6" Each 36" Iron Rod & 2 Decorative Knobs
54074 $55.00 73861 $65.00 53930 $65.00 K13971 $20.00

Wonderful Grace - Serving Tray Philippians 4:8 - Decorative Tray Rustic Cross - Serving Tray Rustic Cross - Pressed Tin Pressed Metal Decorative Cross Giving Thanks - Glass Hurricanes
Wood Carved - 14"×14" Engraved Metal - 12¼"×8¼" Engraved Metal - 15"×11" Pressed Metal - 10¼"×12¼" Metal Wrapped Wood - 14"×9¾" Set of 2 - 5"×10¼" & 5"×12¾"
53943 $48.00 53948 $39.99 53949 $29.99 53955 $12.99 53959 $19.99 53956 $29.99

shop >> | call (877) 751 4347

order information & speCiaL offers 31

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