Land Reform Act of 1955-2
Land Reform Act of 1955-2
Land Reform Act of 1955-2
SECTION 1. Short title. — This Act shall be known as the "Land Reform Act of
1955." casia
(3) Payment of all tax obligations of the holder thereof, or of any debt or
monetary obligation of the holder to the Government or any of its
instrumentalities or agencies, including the Rehabilitation Finance
Corporation and the Philippine National Bank: Provided, however, That
payment of indebtedness shall not be less than twenty per centum of
the total indebtedness of the debtor; and
(4) As surety or performance bonds, in all cases where the Government may
require or accept real property as bonds.
SECTION 11. Lands subject to the purchase. — The Administration, acting for and
on behalf of the Government, may negotiate to purchase any privately owned
agricultural land when the majority of the tenants therein petition for such purchase.
SECTION 12. Action on the petition. — Upon receipt of the petition, the
Administration shall;
(1) Within thirty days, determine on the basis of the information contained in
the petition, the suitability of the land for purchase, notify the
petitioners and the landowner accordingly, and x the date for
preliminary negotiation;
(2) Within sixty days from the preliminary negotiation, conduct
investigations and technical surveys to determine title to the land and
its real value, taking into account (a) the prevailing prices of similar
lands in the immediate area, (b) the soil conditions topography and
climate hazards, (c) actual production, (d) accessibility, and (e)
improvements; and
(3) Fix, within ninety days from the preliminary negotiation, the date for nal
SECTION 13. Deposit by tenants. — Before xing the date for nal negotiation
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under section twelve, paragraph (3), and in the interest of public welfare, the
Administration shall require the tenants to form a cooperative to be af liated with a
government nancing cooperative agency. Such cooperative agency shall deposit with
the Administration an amount not exceeding twenty-five per centum of the annual gross
produce of the principal crop or crops of such land on the basis of the average of
harvest of the three years immediately preceding the year the petition was led. This
deposit shall be credited to the selling price to the tenants in accordance with the
individual contribution of each to said deposit.
SECTION 14. Payment. — In negotiating for the purchase of agricultural land, the
Administration shall offer to pay the purchase price wholly in land certi cates or partly
in legal tender and partly in land certi cates: Provided, That the amount to be paid in
legal tender shall in no case exceed fty per centum of the purchase price: Provided,
further, That the landowner, if he desires and the Administration so agrees, may be paid,
by way of barter or exchange, with such residential, commercial or industrial land
owned by the Government as may be agreed upon by the parties.
SECTION 15. Outstanding debts of tenants. — In cases where the landowner is
willing to accept payment wholly in land certi cates, the Administration is authorized to
include in the price to be paid the landowner all the outstanding debts, evidenced in
writing, of the tenants to said landowner, the Administration to be thereafter
reimbursed in accordance with such rules and regulations as it may promulgate:
Provided, That the resulting increase in price by virtue of such inclusion will not be more
than ten per centum of the total cost of the land agreed upon in the negotiated sale.
SECTION 19. Payment. — After the court has made a nal determination of the
just compensation for the land expropriated, it shall be paid wholly in cash unless the
landowner chooses to be paid wholly or partly in land certi cates, in which case section
fifteen shall apply.
SECTION 20. Prohibition against alienation. — Upon the ling of the petition
referred to in sections twelve and sixteen, the landowner cannot alienate any portion of
the land covered by such petition except in pursuance of the provisions of this Act, or
enter into any form of contract to defeat the purposes of this Act, and no ejectment
proceedings against any tenant or occupant of the land covered by the petition shall be
instituted or prosecuted until it becomes certain that the land shall not be acquired by
the Administration.
SECTION 21. Resale of lands purchased or expropriated subject to condition. —
It shall be a condition in all resale contracts and annotated on the Torrens titles of lands
acquired and subdivided by authority of this Act that said lands shall not be subdivided,
sold or in any manner transferred or encumbered without prior consent of the
Administration and only to quali ed farmers or tenants or to government banking
institutions or agencies.
SECTION 22. Exemption from tax. — All land certi cates issued by authority of
this Act shall be exempt from all forms of taxes. The purchase price paid by the
Government for any agricultural land acquired for resale to tenants under the authority
of this Act, whether through negotiation or expropriation, shall not be considered as
income of the landowner concerned for purposes of the income tax.
SECTION 23. De nition of terms . — For the purposes of this Act, the following
terms are defined as follows: acd