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State Machines

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Datapaths and Control

 Digital systems perform sequences of
operations on encoded data
 Datapath
 Combinational circuits for operations
 Registers for storing intermediate results
 Control section: control sequencing
 Generates control signals
 Selecting operations to perform
 Enabling registers at the right times
 Uses status signals from datapath
Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 1

Example: Complex Multiplier

 Cartesian form, fixed-point
 operands: 4 integer, 12 fraction bits
 result: 8 pre-, 24 post-binary-point bits
 Subject to tight area constraints
a = ar + jai b = br + jbi
p = ab = pr + jpi = (ar br − ai bi ) + j (ar bi + ai br )

 4 multiplies, 1 add, 1 subtract

 Perform sequentially using 1 multiplier, 1
Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 2

Complex Multiplier Datapath

a_r 0 D Q D Q p_r
a_i 1 CE CE

a_sel × clk ± clk

b_r 0

b_i 1
D Q D Q p_i
b_sel CE CE
pp2_ce clk clk


Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 3


Complex Multiplier in Verilog

module multiplier
( output reg signed [7:-24] p_r, p_i,
input signed [3:-12] a_r, a_i, b_r, b_i,
input clk, reset, input_rdy );
reg a_sel, b_sel, pp1_ce, pp2_ce, sub, p_r_ce, p_i_ce;
wire signed [3:-12] a_operand, b_operand;
wire signed [7:-24] pp, sum
reg signed [7:-24] pp1, pp2;

Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 4


Complex Multiplier in Verilog

assign a_operand = ~a_sel ? a_r : a_i;
assign b_operand = ~b_sel ? b_r : b_i;
assign pp = {{4{a_operand[3]}}, a_operand, 12'b0} *
{{4{b_operand[3]}}, b_operand, 12'b0};
always @(posedge clk) // Partial product 1 register
if (pp1_ce) pp1 <= pp;
always @(posedge clk) // Partial product 2 register
if (pp2_ce) pp2 <= pp;
assign sum = ~sub ? pp1 + pp2 : pp1 - pp2;
always @(posedge clk) // Product real-part register
if (p_r_ce) p_r <= sum;
always @(posedge clk) // Product imaginary-part register
if (p_i_ce) p_i <= sum;

Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 5


Multiplier Control Sequence

 Avoid resource conflict
 First attempt
1. a_r * b_r → pp1_reg
2. a_i * b_i → pp2_reg
3. pp1 – pp2 → p_r_reg
4. a_r * b_i → pp1_reg
5. a_i * b_r → pp2_reg
6. pp1 + pp2 → p_i_reg
 Takes 6 clock cycles

Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 6


Multiplier Control Sequence

 Merge steps where no resource conflict
 Revised attempt
1. a_r * b_r → pp1_reg
2. a_i * b_i → pp2_reg
3. pp1 – pp2 → p_r_reg
a_r * b_i → pp1_reg
4. a_i * b_r → pp2_reg
5. pp1 + pp2 → p_i_reg
 Takes 5 clock cycles
Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 7

Multiplier Control Signals

Step a_sel b_sel pp1_ce pp2_ce sub p_r_ce p_i_ce

1 0 0 1 0 – 0 0

2 1 1 0 1 – 0 0

3 0 1 1 0 1 1 0

4 1 0 0 1 – 0 0

5 – – 0 0 0 0 1

Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 8


Finite-State Machines
 Used the implement control sequencing
 A FSM is defined by
 set of inputs
 set of outputs
 set of states
 initial state
 transition function
 output function
 States are steps in a sequence of transitions
 There are “Finite” number of states.

Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 9


FSM in Hardware
current_state next
reset reset logic
clk clk
logic outputs

Mealy FSM

 Mealy FSM: outputs depend on state and inputs

 Moore FSM: outputs depend on state only (no dash)
 Mealy and Moore FSM can convert to each other

Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 10


FSM Example: Multiplier Control

Transition function
 One state per step
current_ input_ next_
 Separate idle state?
state rdy state
 Wait for input_rdy = 1
 Then proceed to steps 1, 2, ... step1 0 step1
 But this wastes a cycle! step1 1 step2
 Use step 1 as idle state
step2 – step3
 Repeat step 1 if input_rdy ≠ 1
 Proceed to step 2 otherwise step3 – step4
 Output function
step4 – step5
 Defined by table on slide 43
 Moore or Mealy? step5 – step1

Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 11


State Encoding
 Encoded in binary
 N states: use at least log2N bits
 Encoded value used in circuits for transition
and output function
 encoding affects circuit complexity
 Optimal encoding is hard to find
 CAD tools can do this well
 One-hot works well in FPGAs
 Often use 000...0 for idle state
 reset state register to idle
Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 12

FSMs in Verilog
 Use parameters for state values
 Synthesis tool can choose an alternative

parameter [2:0] step1 = 3'b000, step2 = 3'b001,

step3 = 3'b010, step4 = 3'b011,
step5 = 3'b100;
reg [2:0] current_state, next_state ;

Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 13


Multiplier Control in Verilog

always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) // State register
if (reset) current_state <= step1;
else current_state <= next_state;
always @* // Next-state logic
case (current_state)
step1: if (!input_rdy) next_state = step1;
else next_state = step2;
step2: next_state = step3;
step3: next_state = step4;
step4: next_state = step5;
step5: next_state = step1;

Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 14


Multiplier Control in Verilog

always @* begin // Output_logic
a_sel = 1'b0; b_sel = 1'b0; pp1_ce = 1'b0; pp2_ce = 1'b0;
sub = 1'b0; p_r_ce = 1'b0; p_i_ce = 1'b0;
case (current_state)
step1: begin
pp1_ce = 1'b1;
step2: begin
a_sel = 1'b1; b_sel = 1'b1; pp2_ce = 1'b1;
step3: begin
b_sel = 1'b1; pp1_ce = 1'b1;
sub = 1'b1; p_r_ce = 1'b1;
step4: begin
a_sel = 1'b1; pp2_ce = 1'b1;
step5: begin
p_i_ce = 1'b1;

Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 15


State Transition Diagrams

 Bubbles to represent states
 Arcs to represent transitions

0, 0
 0, 1

 S = {s1, s2, s3} s1

1, 0
 Inputs (a1, a2):
Σ = {(0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1)} 1, 1

 δ defined by diagram 0, 0

s3 0, 1
1, 1
1, 0

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State Transition Diagrams

 Annotate diagram to
define output 0, 1 / 0, 1, 1

s1 1, 0 / 1, 0, 0 s2
 Annotate states for 0, 0 / 0, 0, 0
1, 0 0, 0

Moore-style outputs
Annotate arcs for
1, 1 / 1, 1, 1
 / 0, 1, 1

Mealy-style outputs
 Example 0, 0 / 0, 0, 0
s3 0, 1 / 0, 1, 1
 x1, x2: Moore-style 1, 1 / 1, 1, 1
0, 1

 y1, y2, y3: Mealy-style 1, 0 / 1, 0, 0

Digital Design — Chapter 4 — Sequential Basics 17

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