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A Guide To Polyolefin Extrusion Coating

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The document discusses polyolefin extrusion coating processes and resins.

Polyolefins are thermoplastic resins polymerized from petroleum-based gases like ethylene and propylene.

The two principal gases are ethylene and propylene - ethylene is used to make polyethylene and ethylene copolymers while propylene is used to make polypropylene and propylene copolymers.


Table of Contents Page

What Are Polyolefins?.............................................................................................. 2

Effect of Molecular Structure and Composition on Properties and Processability .... 2
How Polyolefins Are Made ....................................................................................... 6
Polyolefins for Extrusion Coating ............................................................................. 7
LyondellBasell Works Closely with Processors ................................................................. 8
Shipping and Handling Polyolefin Extrusion Coating Resins .................................... 8
The Extrusion Coating Process .............................................................................. 8
Resin Handling/Conditioning ................................................................................ 8
Blending with Colorants and Additives ................................................................... 10
Substrate Handling and Surface Preparation ......................................................... 10
The Extrusion Coating Machine ............................................................................. 15
Start-Up of An Extrusion Coating Line ................................................................... 34
Guidelines for Start-Up ....................................................................................... 35
Shut-Down Procedures for Extrusion Coating Line ............................................... 36
Optimizing the Extrusion Coating Process ........................................................... 36
Process Variables Affecting Properties of Extrusion Coatings .............................. 37
Appendix 1: Common Coating Problems and Their Causes ................................ 39
Appendix 2: Formulas for the Extrusion of Polyolefins ......................................... 41
Appendix 3: Cleaning the Extruder and Its Parts .................................................. 42
Appendix 4: Metric Conversion Guide ................................................................... 43
Appendix 5: Abbreviations ............................................................................................ 45
Appendix 6: Glossary ........................................................................................... 47
Appendix 7: Test Methods Applicable to Polyolefin Extrusion Coating
Resins and Their Substrates ............................................................ 51
Appendix 8: Trade Names for Products of LyondellBasell Chemicals ........................... 53
Index ................................................................................................................... 54

Ethylene copolymers, such as
ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) and
H H ethylene n-butyl acrylate (EnBA) are
What Are Polyolefins? made by the polymerization of ethylene
C =C
units with comonomers, such as vinyl
Polyolefins are thermoplastic acetate (VA) and normal butyl acrylate
resins polymerized from petroleum- (nBA),
H H based gases. The two principal gases
are ethylene and propylene. Ethylene is
Polymerization of monomers
creates a mixture of molecular chains
the raw material for making polyethyl- of varying lengths. Some are short,
ene (PE) and ethylene copolymer others enormously long containing
Figure 1. Ethylene monomer resins and propylene is the main several hundred thousand monomer
ingredient for making polypropylene units. For polyethylene, the chains have
molecular structure
(PP) and propylene copolymer resins. numerous side branches. For every
Polyolefin resins are classified as 100 ethylene units in the molecular
thermoplastics, which means that they chain, there are one to ten short or long
H H H H H H H H H H can be melted, solidified and melted branches, radiating three-dimensionally
again. This contrasts with thermoset around the polymer chain (Figure 3).
resins which, once molded, cannot be
C C C C C C C C C C Chain branching affects many polymer
reprocessed. Most polyolefin resins for properties, including density, hardness,
extrusion coating are sold in pellet flexibility and transparency, to name a
H H H H H H H H H H form. The pellets are about 1/8 inch few. Chain branches also become
long and 1/8 inch in diameter, usually points in the molecular network where
somewhat translucent and white in oxidation may occur. In some
Figure 2. Polyethylene molecular color. Polyolefin resins sometimes processing techniques where high
chain. contain additives, such as thermal temperatures are reached, the resulting
stabilizers, or are compounded with oxidation can adversely affect the
colorants, antistatic agents, UV polymer’s properties.
stabilizers, etc.
Polyolefin resins are a mixture of
crystalline and amorphous structures.
Effect of Molecular Structure and Molecular chains in crystalline areas
Composition on Properties and are arranged somewhat parallel to each
Processability other. In amorphous areas they are
random. This mixture of crystalline and
Three basic molecular properties amorphous regions (Figure 4) is
affect most of the properties essential essential to the extrusion of good
to high quality extrusion coatings. extrusion coatings. A totally amorphous
These molecular properties are: polyolefin would be grease-like and
have poor physical properties; a totally
Figure 3. Polyethylene chain with • Average Molecular Weight crystalline polymer would be very hard
side branches. and brittle.
• Molecular weight Distribution HDPE resins have molecular
• Crystallinity or Density chains with comparatively few side
chain branches. Therefore, the chains
These molecular properties are are packed closely together. The result
determined by the materials used to is crystallinity up to 95%. LDPE resins
produce polyolefins and the conditions have, generally, a crystallinity ranging
under which resins are manufactured. from 60 to 75%, and LLDPE resins
The basic elements from which have crystallinity from 60 to 85%.
polyolefins are derived are hydrogen
and carbon atoms. For polyethylenes, Density Ranges for Polyolefin
these atoms are combined to form the Extrusion Coating Resins
ethylene monomer, C2H4, i.e., two
carbon atoms and four hydrogen atoms • LDPE resins range from 0.915 to
(Figure 1). In the polymerization 0.925 grams per cubic centimeter
process, the double bond connecting (g/cm³).
the carbon atoms is broken. Under the • LLDPE resins have densities
right conditions, these bonds combine ranging from 0.910 to 0.940 g/cm³.
Figure 5. Crystalline (A) and with other ethylene molecules to form • MDPE resins range from
amorphous (B) regions in long molecular chains (Figure 2). The 0.926-0.940 g/cc.
polyolefin. resulting product is polyethylene resin.

• HDPE resins range from 0.941 to Table 1: General Guide to the Effects of Polyolefin Physical
0.955 g/cc. Properties on their Mechanical Properties and Processing.
• The density of PP resins range
from 0.890 to 0.915 g/cc.
As Melt Index As Density
Higher density, in turn, influences
numerous properties (Table 1). With Characteristic Increases Increases
increasing density some properties
increase in value. However, increased
density also results in a reduction of Chemical Resistance Stays the Same Increases
some properties, e.g., stress cracking
resistance and low temperature Clarity Increases Increases
Elongation at Rupture Decreases Decreases
Molecular Weight
Atoms of different elements, such
Extrusion Speed Increases Increases
as carbon, hydrogen, etc., have Drawdown Increases Increases
different atomic weights. The atomic
weight of carbon is 12, and of Flexibility Stays the Same Decreases
hydrogen, 1. Thus, the molecular
weight of the ethylene unit is the sum of Gloss Increases Stays the Same
its six atoms (2 carbon + 4 hydrogen) or
Heat Resistance Stays the Same Increases
28. Every polyolefin resin consists of a
(softening point)
mixture of large and small chains, i.e.,
chains of high and low molecular Impermeability to Gases/Liquids Stays the Same Increases
weights. The molecular weight of the
polymer chain is generally in the Low Temperature Flexibiity Decreases Decreases
thousands. The average of these is
called, quite appropriately, the average Melt Viscosity Decreases Increases
molecular weight. Mechanical Flex Life Decreases Decreases
As average molecular weight
increases, resin toughness increases. Stress Crack Resistance Decreases Decreases
The same holds true for tensile strength
and environmental stress cracking Tensile Strength at Break Decreases Increases
resistance (cracking brought on when a
polyolefin object is subjected to
Resistance to Blocking Decreases Increases
stresses in the presence of liquids such Stress Cracking Resistance Decreases Decreases
as solvents, oils, detergents, etc.).
However, because of increasing melt Tensile Strength at Rupture Decreases Increases
viscosity, drawdown becomes more
difficult as average molecular weight

Melt Viscosity
Melt viscosity for polyethylene
resins is expressed by melt index, a
property tested under standard condi- molecular weight distribution” (Figure
high-pressure flow properties. There-
tions of temperature and pressure. Melt 5). “Broad molecular weight
fore, MI (Table 2) must be used in
index (MI) is inversely related to the distribution” polyolefins have a wider
conjunction with other yardsticks, such
resin’s average molecular weight: as variety of chain lengths. In general,
as molecular weight distribution, to
average molecular weight increases, MI resins with narrow molecular weight
measure the flow and other properties
decreases. Generally, a polyolefin resin distributions have greater stress
of resins. Generally, polyolefin extrusion
with high molecular weight has a low cracking resistance and better optical
coating resins are characterized as
MI, and vice versa. properties. Resins with broad molecular
having medium, high and very high
Melt viscosity is an extremely weight distributions generally have
important property since it reflects the greater impact strength and better
flow of molten polymer. The resin’s flow, processability.
Molecular Weight Distribution
when melted, increases with increasing
The relative distribution of large,
MI. Therefore, polyolefins with a lower Comonomers
medium and small molecular chains in
MI require higher extrusion tempera- Polyolefins made with one basic
the polyolefin resin is important to its
tures. However, pressure can also type of monomer are called
properties. When the resin is made up
influence flow properties. Two resins homopolymers. However, many
of chains close to the average length,
may have the same MI but different polyolefins, consisting of two or more
the resin is said to have a “narrow

Table 2: Polyolefin Extrusion Coating Table 3: Typical Additives Used with of properties are possible depending
Resins Polyolefin Extrusion Coating Resins. upon the proportion of VA incorporated
in the resin and the synthesis
conditions used to make the modified
Additive Primary Benefit
Resin Melt Index Ranges* resins.

Antistats Static buildup Modifiers, Additives and

LDPE 3 to 15 resistance Tie-Layers
LLDPE 3 to 15 Numerous chemical modifiers and
HDPE 5 to 15 Fragrances Add attractive additives can be compounded with
EVA 5 to 40 color, e.g. floral polyolefin extrusion coating resins
(Table 3) In some grades, chemical
Slip/Antiblock Improved modifiers, such as thermal stabilizers
Agents coating-to- and antistatic, antiblocking and slip
* Melt Index describes the flow behavior coating slip agents, are added during resin
of a resin at a specified test temperature manufacture. However, most extrusion
(190°C, 374°F) and under a specified coating converters prefer to let down
weight (2,160g). Resins with a higher additive concentrates into the
melt index flow more easily in the hot, polyolefins as part of the extrusion
molten state than those with a lower melt monomers, are called copolymers.
process. NOTE: the use of additives in
index. Some extrusion coating grades of
extrusion coating may affect adhesion
LLDPE, LDPE and HDPE are made
and heat seal properties in the final
with comonomers. These side chain
copolymer product. Contact the
groups provide specific additional
LyondellBasell technical service
properties to the resin. The common
representative or your LyondellBasell
comonomers used with LLDPE and
sales representative for more
HDPE are butene and hexene. Vinyl
Acetate (VA) is another comonomer
Tie-layers, such as
used with ethylene to make extrusion
LyondellBasell's PLEXAR® resins, are
coating grades, producing ethylene
polyolefin-based resins which bond one
vinyl acetate (EVA).
type of polyolefin to a different material
Small amounts of VA are often
or to another polyolefin during
added to polyethylene to produce a
coextrusion, coating or lamination. Tie-
resin which extrudes much like
layers are specifically designed for use
polyethylene but yields tougher
with barrier materials such as nylon
coatings of lower stiffness and
(polyamide-PA), polyester (PET),
Figure 5. Schematic representation potentially higher clarity. A wide range
polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) and
of molecular weight distribution.
ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH).

Natural Gas Extraction Fractionation Cracking and Further Polyethylene

Pipeline Unit Unit Purification Purification

Ethane Ethylene

Propane Butane
Liquified Petroleum Gases

Figure 6: Diagram of the polyethylene production process from liquified petroleum gas (LPG) to solid
polyethylene pellets.

Figure 7. Linear Low Density Reactor at Figure 7a. LyondellBasell's plant at Clinton,
LyondellBasell's Morris, IL, plant IA, where high and low density polyethylene
and PLEXAR tie-layers are produced.

Figure 8. Process diagaram for LDPE production in an autoclave reactor.

How Polyolefins Are Made
High-purity ethylene and propylene
gases are the basic feedstocks for
making polyolefins (Figure 6). These
gases can be a petroleum refinery
by-product or they can be extracted
from ethane-propane liquefied gas
mixtures coming through pipelines from
gas fields. High efficiency in the ethane/
propane cracking and purification
results in very pure ethylene and
propylene. This high purity is one of the
key reasons LyondellBasell's polyolefin
extrusion coating resins excel among
commercially available LDPE, LLDPE,
HDPE and ethylene copolymers.
LyondellBasell Chemicals can produce
polyolefins by more polymerization
technologies and with a greater range of
catalysts than any other supplier
(Figure 7 - 11).
Figure 9. HDPE solution process.
To make LDPE resins (Figure 8),
LyondellBasell uses high pressure, high
temperature polymerization reactors.
Ethylene gas, pumped into the reactors
is combined with an initiator to
synthesize LDPE. The LDPE formed
flows to a separator where unused gas
is removed. Next, the LDPE passes to a
compounding extruder where additives
can, if needed, be incorporated prior to

LyondellBasell produces HDPE for
extrusion coating using a solution
process in a three-stage reactor system.
The multi-reactor technology provides
precise control of molecular weight and
molecular weight distribution, which
impact processability and physical
properties. With this technology the
polymer is produced in solution at high
temperatures. Downstream separation
includes catalyst removal fromthe
product that results in low catalyst
residuals. The removal of catalyst
residuals results in very low gel
products. A schematic of the process is
shown in Figure 9.

LyondellBasell uses the gas-phase
(GP) process to produce LLDPE
(Figure 10). The LLDPE processe is Figure 10. Process diagram for LLDPE production in a gas-phase
quite different from the LDPE process, reactor.
but similar to the HDPE process. The

difference from the LDPE process is
that low pressure, low temperature
polymerization reactors are used.
Another difference is that the ethylene
is copolymerized with a butene or
hexene comonomer in the reactor. A
final distinction is that the polymer exits
the reactor in granular form and the
granules are compounded with
additives in a finishing extruder and
pelletized. HDPE resins also can be
made in these reactors.

For making polypropylene (PP),
LyondellBasell uses a vertical, stirred
fluidized-bed, gas-phase reactor
(Figure 11). LyondellBasell was the first
PP supplier in the United States to use
gas-phase PP technology. This process
is more energy efficient and produces a
more uniform product than other PP
manufacturing processes.

Polyolefins for Extrusion Coating

Figure 11. Process diagram for polypropylene production.
In extrusion coating, resin is melted
and formed into thin hot film, which is
coated onto a moving, flat substrate
such as paper, paperboard, metal toil or • Food board used to make cartons
plastic film. The coated substrate then polyethylene (LLDPE), and ALATHON®
high density polyethylene (HDPE) and for packaging milk, liquid,
passes between a set of counter powdered and solid foods,
rotating rolls that press the coating onto ULTRATHENE® ethylene vinyl acetate chemicals, fertilizers and resins
the substrate to ensure complete (EVA) copolymer. • Food pouches, such as those used
contact and adhesion. for sugar and powdered food
Extrusion laminating, also called Properties of Substrates Coated • Multiwall bags, such as are used
sandwich laminating, is a process with Polyolefins for shipping foodstuffs, chemicals,
related to extrusion coating. However, The basic reasons for applying a fertilizers, and plastic resins
in extrusion laminating, the extrusion polyolefin extrusion coating to a flexible • Lumber and steel overwrap
coated layer is used as an adhesive substrate are to: • Moisture barriers
layer between two or more substrates.
• Cheese wrap
A second layer is applied to the
• Provide moisture barrier to either • Document sealing
extrusion coating while it is still hot and
keep moisture out of packaged • Medical packaging
then the sandwich is pressed together
goods or to keep moisture in • Liners for cartons, corrugated
by pressure rolls. The extrusion coated
• Increase tear, scuff and puncture shipping containers, fiber drums,
layer may also serve as a moisture
barrier. resistance
• Vacuum-forming materials for
Substrates that can be coated with • Gain a heat sealable surface blister packaging and other special
polyolefins include paper, paperboard
biaxially-oriented polypropylene
• Provide grease, oil and chemical types of packaging
resistance • Book or booklet covers
(BOPP), biaxially-oriented nylon (BON),
• Provide adhesion between multiple • Military packaging
polyester and other plastic films, metal
foil, fabrics and glass fiber mat. substrates
Other Products from
• Improve package appearance
Resins for Extrusion Coating LyondellBasell offers an extensive
LyondellBasell offers a wide range of range of polyolefin resins, engineering
Applications for Polyolefin resins and polyolefin-based tie-layer
resins for extrusion coating, including Extrusion Coated Products resins not only for extrusion coating,
PETROTHENE® low density Some important applications for but also for film extrusion, injection
polyethylene (LDPE), linear low density polyethylene-coated substrates are: molding,

blow molding, sheet and profile handling, through delivery to the Many transfer systems consist of
extrusion, wire and cable coating, hot processor, ensure the cleanliness of the smooth bore piping that conveys the
melt coatings and adhesives, powder product. When bulk containers are resin from hopper cars to storage silos
coating, blending and compounding delivered, the processor must use or holding bins. Some systems also
and flame retardant applications. clean, efficient procedures for may be designed with long radius
LyondellBasell also produces several unloading the resin. Maintenance of the bends. A polyolefin pellet conveyed
chemicals, including vinyl acetate in-plant material handling system also through a transfer line travels at a very
monomer, ethyl alcohol, ethyl ether and is essential. When bags and boxes are high velocity. As the pellet comes in
methanol, Information on all these used, care must also be taken when contact with the smooth pipe wall, it
products also can be obtained from opening the containers, as well as slides and slows down due to friction.
your LyondellBasell sales covering them as they are unloaded The friction, in turn, creates sufficient
representative. and used. heat to raise the pellet’s surface to the
CAUTION: It is not recommended resin’s melting point. As this happens, a
that reground resin or trim be used for small deposit of molten polyolefin is left
LyondellBasell Works Closely with extrusion coating. Gels, adhesion
problems and taste and odor concerns
on the pipe wall. This deposit solidifies
almost instantly. Over time, these
Processors can result from the use of regrind deposits lead to a build-up called “angel
material hair.”
As mentioned previously, As the pellets continuously come in
LyondellBasell offers a wide range of contact with the pipe wall, such as
polyolefin resins for extrusion coating. along the curved outside surface of a
Working on new developments in The Extrusion Coating Process long radius bend, the deposits of
extrusion coating as well as assisting polyolefin become almost continuous
customers with current problems and There are four basic stages in the and streamers are formed. Eventually,
application projects is a section of our extrusion coating process: the angel hair and streamers are
Technical Service and Development dislodged from the pipe wall and find
Department, part of LyondellBasell's 1. Resin handIing/conditioning their way into the extrusion process, the
Cincinnati Technology Center. The 2. Substrate handling and surface storage silo or the transfer filters. The
Cincinnati Technology Center is a state- preparation size and number of streamers formed
of-the-art facility that brings together all 3. Extrusion coating increase with increased conveying air
of LyondellBasell's basic and applied 4. Coated substrate takeoff temperature and velocity and are also
research efforts under one roof. greater with smooth bore piping than
Production level plastics processing Resin Handling/Conditioning with other kinds of handling systems.
machinery is also located there, Since smooth piping is a leading
The production of high quality
including a full-scale extrusion coater contributor to angel hair and streamers,
extrusion coated substrates requires
with three extruders capable of five- the logical solution is to roughen the
particularly close attention to preventing
layer coextrusion coatings for use in interior wall of the piping. This rough-
resin contamination during production,
product evaluation, product ness will cause the pellets to tumble
storage, loading and shipment. Since
development and polymer and product instead of slide along the pipe, thus
polyolefin resins are non-hygroscopic
testing. decreasing the formation of streamers.
(they absorb virtually no water), they do
LyondellBasell can also produce However, as the rapidly moving
not require drying prior to being melted
polyolefin resins with different perfor- polyolefin pellets come in contact with
in the extruder.
mance capabilities by modifying the an extremely rough surface, small
resins’ three basic molecular properties particles break off, and fines or dust are
Resin Transfer System
via changes in reactor conditions and by created. Two specific finishes for
One of the best ways to improve
adding comonomers, modifiers and materials handling systems have
polyolefin resin utilization is to eliminate
additives. Processors can work closely proven to be the best performers and
contaminants from transfer systems.
with their LyondellBasell sales give the longest life:
Whenever a polyolefin resin is trans-
representative and technical service
ferred by a current of air, the possibility
representative to determine which • A sand blasted finish of 600 to 700
of contamination exists. Dust, fines and
PETROTHENE, ALATHON or RMS roughness. This finish is the
other polyolefin detritus left behind in
ULTRATHENE resin best meets their easiest to obtain; however, due to
the transfer system can plug filters or
extrusion coating needs. its sharp edges, it initially creates
other components, resulting in the
dust and fines until the edges
starvation of the extruder. Occasionally,
Shipping and Handling Polyolefin become rounded with use.
large clumps of polyolefins from
Extrusion Coating Resins previous transfers, sometimes called
Keeping polyolefin resins clean is • a finish achieved by shot blasting
“angel hair” and “streamers,” may
of utmost importance. Contaminated the piping with a #55 shot of 55-60
accumulate in a silo and plug the exit
resins can produce poor products. Rockwell Hardness to produce a
port. All of these problems can result in
Polyolefin resins are shipped to 900 RMS roughness. Variations of
extruder down-time, excessive scrap
processors in rail cars, hopper trucks, this surface finish are commonly
and the need to spend time and money
1,000-and 1,500 pound polyethylene known as “hammer finished”
to clean silos, transfer lines and filters.
lined corrugated boxes and 50-pound
bags. Strict quality control throughout
resin manufacture and subsequent
surfaces. The shot blasting allows
deeper penetration and increases
hardness, which in turn leads to
longer surface life. The rounded
edges obtained minimize the initial
problems encountered with dust
and fines. They also reduce metal
contamination concerns associated
with the sandblasted finish.
Figure 12. Interior surfaces of long Figure 13. Eliminate long radius
Whenever a new transfer system is radius blends should be roughened blends where possible by using self-
installed or when a portion of an to minimize “angel hair” and cleaning stainless steel “tees”
existing system is replaced, the interior streamer formation in transfer instead. These “tees” prevent the
surfaces should be treated either by systems. formation of streamers along the
sand or shot blasting. The initial cost of curvature of the bend.
having this done is far outweighed by
the prevention of future problems.
Eliminating long radius bends Courtesy of HydReclaim Corp.
where possible also is important
(Figure 12). Long radius bends are
probably the leading contributor to
streamer formation. When pipe with
long bends is used interior walls should
be sand or shot blasted as described
above. The use of self-cleaning
stainless steel “tees” in place of long
bends prevents the formation of
streamers along the curvature of the
bend (Figure 13) by causing the pellets
to tumble instead of slide. Some loss of
efficiency within the transfer system
occurs when this method is used,
however. By making sure that sufficient
blower capacity is available, the
required transfer rate can be
maintained and clogging of the transfer
lines prevented.
The transfer piping should be
rotated 90° periodically. Resin pellets
tend to wear grooves in the bottom of
the piping as they are transferred. The
grooves contribute to the formation of
tines and streamers. Regardless of the
type of equipment used or the materials
transferred, the transfer system should
be maintained and kept clean, Periodic
washing of silos and holding bins
reduces the problem of fines and dust
buildup. Other steps used to eliminate
contamination include:

• Cleaning all filters in the transfer

system periodically.
• Ensuring that the suction line is not
lying on the ground when the
system is started. This prevents
debris or gravel from entering the
• Placing air filters over hopper car
hatches and bottom valves during
unloading to prevent debris or Figure 14. Gravimetric blending units accurately measure components in
moisture from contaminating the polyolefin extrusion.

Courtesy of Black Clawson

Figure 15. Schematic diagram of an extrusion coating line.

Figure 16. Schematic drawing of tension control equipment for the unwind-
ing substrate. The arrows indicate the motions of the driven tension rolls,
idlers, substrate and the direction of the outward pressure on the rolls.

• Initially purging the lines with air different resin compound ingredients coating rolls from a “pay-off” roll
and then with a small amount of (Figure 14). Colorant or additive (unwind) or reel (Figure 15). As the
product prior to filling storage silos concentrates and base resin are substrate comes off the pay-off roll, the
or bins. Let blowers run several combined using either volumetric or diameter of this roll decreases. Without
minutes after unloading to clean weight-loss feeding (gravimetric) some compensating force, usually web
the lines. This reduces the chance techniques, the latter usually more tension, the decreasing diameter of the
of cross-contamination of product. accurate. Microprocessor controls pull-off roll would manifest itself in
monitor the amount of materials fed into non-uniform tension in the unrolling
Information regarding transfer a mixing chamber. Recipes can be substrate. Without uniform tension, the
systems and types of interior finishes stored in the control unit for instant coating is inconsistent.
available can be obtained from most recall. Web tension is the amount of pull
suppliers of material handling Central blending units also can be on the moving substrate per unit of its
equipment. Complete systems can be used when much higher throughput is width. Web tension, measured in
supplied which, when properly needed than possible with on-the pounds per inch of width per mil
maintained, will efficiently convey machine blenders. Transfer to the thickness (lbs/in. width/mil), varies with
contamination-free product. extruder is by a central vacuum loading the type of substrate used (see Table
system. 4, Figure 16).
Blending With Colorants and
Additives Substrate Handling and Surface
On-the-machine blending units Preparation
consist of multiple hoppers which feed The extrusion coating process
starts with feeding the substrate to the

Table 4: Typical Web Tensions for friction brake on the unwind spindle core of the old roll is lifted off the stand.
Extrusion Coating acts as a tension control. Flying-splice equipment permits
To change from a nearly empty long, continuous runs at high speeds.
Substrate Tension substrate roll to a new, full roll without On smaller equipment, connecting the
lbs/in (mil) interruption (or with only a slight slow- webs of the new and the expiring rolls
down) “flying-splice” equipment is can be done by attaching a separate
Aluminum Foils 0.5 - 1.5 required (Figure 17). The flying-splice strip of substrate with adhesive on one
Cellophane 0.5 - 1.0 set-up can be fully automatic. In some side onto the beginning of the new roll.
Acetate Film 0.5 types of flying-splice unwind The rolls are then moved together.
Nylon Film 0.15 - 0.5 equipment, the ball bearings for the When the adhesive adheres to the tail
Paper (15-80 lb/ream) 0.5 - 2.5 core shafts for both substrate rolls (the of the expiring roll, this roll of substrate
Paperboard (8-30 pt.) 3.0 - 11.0 running one and the new one) are is cut. In extrusion laminating, the
Polyester Film 0.5 - 1.0 mounted on two tracks on top of the second substrate feeds into the nip
Polyethylene Film 0.25 - 0.3 side frames of the unroll stand. When over the chill roll from a second unwind
Polypropylene Film 0.25 - 0.3 most of the substrate on the running roll roil.
Polystyrene Film 1.0 has come off, this roll moves forward by
Polyvinylidene Film 0.05 - 0.2 a handwheel. Then the new, full roll is Precoaters
Vinyl 0.05 - 0.2 lowered into its bearings on the stand. Prior to extrusion coating, sub-
Heavy lifting equipment is needed for strates often pass through a precondi-
Source: TAPPI this operation. The old roll, its diameter tioning and/or pretreater station(s) to
decreasing as it runs out, is still enhance adhesion. Generally, the
unreeling during this process. priming/surface treatment unit is
To compensate for slack, automatic Glue is applied along the leading located in-line, just after the substrate
web tension control must be provided edge of the substrate on the new roll. unwinding unit and close to the
for the unrolling substrate. Unwinder The driving rings are moved against the extrusion coating station. Occasionally
roll designs include the following types bottom of the new roll as it is brought substrate preconditioning occurs
(Figure 16): single roll, non-indexing up to the required rotating speed. Now, off-line.
dual roll, roll frame, dual width turret the new roll of substrate is moved The three methods generally used to
rollstand, phantom shaft and against a bumper roll over which the precondition substrates are chemical
cantilevered rollstand. substrate from the old roll is traveling. priming, flame treatment and corona
Two types of roll braking are used The glue connects the new roll’s discharge treatment. The choice of pre-
with unwinders: surface braking and beginning edge with the tail of the conditioning method depends largely
center braking. In surface braking, a roll expiring old roll. Concurrently, a cut-off on the type of substrate to be extrusion
is forced against the substrate roll as it knife cuts the expiring web from the old coated. Metal foils almost always
unwinds. The two rolls thus turn in roll. The extrusion coater now is fed require pretreatment, mainly to ensure
opposite directions. In center braking, a from the new roll and the almost empty a clean surface. Some plastic films

Courtesy of TAPPI

Figure 17. Flying Splice Unwind System

need pretreatment, often a combination
of both corona discharge and chemical
primer. Corona treatment of the film
surface is used to improve the
adhesion of the chemical primer to the Courtesy of TAPPI
The extruded polymer web can also
be treated via an in-line ozonator to
enhance adhesion to a pretreated
substrate (Figure 18).

Primers serve two main purposes:
to clean and decontaminate the
substrate surface and to enable two
different surfaces to adhere to each
other through dipole interaction,
hydrogen bonding, covalent bonding,
van der Waals forces or a combination
of these effects.
Primers should not be confused
with tie-layers, which are extruded
adhesives. Tie-layers are applied at the
extrusion coating stage of the process
and not as a preconditioning treatment. Figure 18. Ozone air is generated in a remotely located ozone
Primers commonly used in chamber and carried through flexible hose to the appicator which
extrusion coating are listed in Table 5. distributes the ozone air evenly over the entire width of the extrudate.
Priming equipment comes in many
designs and sizes (Figure 19),
including reverse roll coaters, offset
gravure coaters, smooth roll coaters,
kiss coaters, knife coaters, air-blade
coaters wire-wound rods and metering
rollers. The choice of type and size
usually depends on the substrates to
be coated, the viscosity of the primer

Table 5: Primers Used in Extrusion Coating

Primer Adhesion Performance Chemical Performance

Heat Moisture Chemmical

To Paper To Foil To Film Resistance Resistance Resistance

Shellac P E P P P P
Orgganic Titanate G G G F F F
Urethane VG E E E E E
Polyethylene Imine VG G E E P P
Ethylene Acrylic Acid E E F F E G
Polyvinylidene Chloride E F E G VG F

E = Excellent; VG = Very Good; G = Good; F = Fair; P = Poor

Source: TAPPI Manual, “Extrusion Coating of Paper and Paperboard — Equipment and Materias”

and system line speed. Thin substrates Courtesy of TAPPI
and thin coatings require a smooth
roller, not a high capacity coater, such
as the gravure roller or wire-wound rod.
It the line speed is high, a large
diameter roller is needed to prevent the
primer from being “thrown” by the
centrifugal force generated by a smaller
roller running at a high speed.
The coating pan, from which the
roller picks up primer, should be readily
accessible for quick replacement or
cleaning. The pan can be replenished
either by a pumping system or
manually. The pan can be eliminated
entirely if reverse angle dual blade
applicators are installed (Figure 20).
With this device, liquid primer is
pumped into the applicator and excess
returned to a closed supply tank.
Continuous monitoring systems
accurately control primer application.
These units work on the principle of
infrared spectroscopy, optical
reflectance or electron absorbance.
When primer or lacquer is applied
to the substrate, the web must pass
through a drying tunnel before going to
the extrusion coating stage. A volatiles
recovery system is essential here to Figure 19. Chemical Priming Stations
prevent vapors from escaping. Various
dryer designs are available, e.g., arch
dryers, U-type dryers, counterflow Courtesy of TAPPI
dryers, belt dryers, air-flotation dryers,
roller-support dryers and drum dryers.
In these dryers, volatile
components of the primer are
evaporated by hot air or infrared
heaters. Ovens should be equipped
with a system for recovering volatiles so
none are released to the atmosphere or
the extrusion coating shop.

Flame Treatment
In flame treatment, which is primarily
used for heavy paper and paperboard,
the substrate is lightly oxidized to
enhance its adhesion to the polyolefin
extrusion coating. This type of
equipment is simple in design, easy to
operate and relatively inexpensive.
Flame treatment is also said to prevent
pinholes, which can occur with an
improperly adjusted corona treater.

Corona Treatment
Corona treatment of plastic
substrate involves high voltage, high
frequency electricity discharged from
an electrode into an ionizing air gap
(generally about 0.060 in.), where it
passes through the substrate to an
Figure 20. Reverse Angle Dual Blade Applicatiors for Priming

Courtesy of TAPPI

Figure 21. Corona Treatment

Courtesy of Black Clawson

Figure 22. Coextrusion Coating Line with Bare Roll Corona Pre-treat and Post-treat Stations

Courtesy of Black Clawson

Figure 23. Multiple Extruders for Coextrusion Coating

electrically grounded metal roll (Figure substrate and polyolefin coating is then
21). This treatment increases the rapidly cooled by the chill roll.
surface tension (measured in dynes/ THE EXTRUSION COATING Coextrusion systems designed for
cm) of the substrate to at least 10 MACHINE making multilayer extrusion coatings
dynes/cm higher than the tension of the have two or more extruders feeding a
extrusion coating. A method of common die assembly. The number of
To coat a substrate with a polyolefin
measuring the surface tension is the extruders depends on the number of
(Figures 15 and 22), the resin is first
“Wetting Test” (ASTM D 2578). different materials comprising the
subjected to heat and pressure inside
The power of the corona treater coextruded film. For example, a
the barrel, or cylinder, of an extruder.
(W/ft²) required to obtain the needed three-layer coextrusion consisting of a
The now molten resin is then forced by
level of surface tension varies with the barrier material core and two outer
the extruder screw through the narrow
type of plastic substrate. For LDPE, it layers of the same resin requires only
slit of the extrusion coating die. The slit
can be as low as 0.5 W; for high-slip two extruders. A five-layer coextrusion
is straight, and thus, melt emerges as
HDPE or PP, 10 W may be needed. consisting of a top layer of LDPE, a
thin film.
Two of the more widely used tie-layer resin, a barrier resin, a
This molten film is drawn down from
corona treatment electrodes are tie-layer and a EVA copolymer layer,
the die into the nip between two rolls
ceramic and quartz. Ceramic elec- requires four extruders, as the two
below the die —-the driven, water-
trodes are particularly effective and tie-layers come from the same extruder
cooled chill roll and a rubber-covered
durable. The generators used in corona (Figure 23).
pressure roll. Here, while coming into
treatment produce high voltage and Tie-layers often are used in the
contact with the faster moving substrate
extreme care must be taken in their coextrusion coating of multiple layer
on the rubber-covered pressure roll, hot
operation. Further, corona discharge constructions where polymers or other
film is drawn out to the desired
produces ozone, a corrosive and toxic materials would not bond otherwise.
thickness, or gauge. The hot film is
gas. The treater station, therefore, The tie-layers are applied between
then forced onto the substrate as both
should be made of materials that layers of these materials to enable
layers are pressed together between
withstand ozone, such as stainless maximum adhesion. Atypical multilayer
the two rolls, Pressure is generally
steel or aluminum, and proper ventila- film construction might be LLDPE/
between 50 to 100 lb/linear in. (136 to
tion systems must be installed to tie-layer/EVOH barrier/tie-layer/EVA.
271 kPa/linear cm). The combination of
protect workers.

Courtesy of TAPPI

Figure 24. The Extruder and its Parts

LyondellBasell produces PLEXAR tie- rate at which the material is • A Barrel that encloses a constantly
layer resins designed for use with consumed. Gravimetric feeders turning, flighted auger screw and
specific substrates and coatings, e.g., ensure that the resin in the feed several heaters (induction or
EVOH/BOPP, EVOH/HDPE, EVOH/PS, section of the screw remains the resistance)
nylon/PET, etc. same. With volumetric feeders,
resin pellets tend to become more
• A Cooling System (either water or
Hopper compact in the screw area when air) on the outside of the barrel
The hopper feeds polyolefin resins the hopper is full. If a computer is • Many Thermocouples to measure
into the teed section of the extruder. On connected to the system, the actual and control zone temperatures via
top of the hopper, generally there is an material consumption rate can be a control instrument
automatic loader that periodically feeds compared against set points • A Valved Adapter with a screen
the resin into the hopper. Some designs specified, statistical analysis pack through which the melt is
may also have hopper blenders, which performed and adjustments made, directed into a flat die
can feed and proportion resin, colorants as necessary, to maintain specified
and additives to the extruder. Two types output. When a deviation is
• A Melt Thermocouple and
detected, the control system backpressure transducer for
of automatic hopper feeding systems
corrects by changing the screw indicating process conditions
are common:
The extruder drive provides the
1. Volumetric feeders refill the hopper
Extruder power needed to rotate the screw. For
on a schedule based on the
extrusion coating, a DC SCR
extrusion system’s output. The extruder (Figure 24), generally
(silicon-controlled rectifier) drive is most
2. Gravimetric feeders, also referred the single screw-type, mounted on top
widely used. The drive power required
to as weight-loss feeders, directly of a carriage, consists of:
generally ranges from 5 to 7.5 kW/lb-hr
teed resin into the extruder feed
(3 to 4.7 kWkg-hr). A typical 4½-in.
throat. These feeders weigh • A Gear Box diameter extruder has a 200 hp drive; a
materials fed to the extruder from a
weigh hopper and determine the
• A Drive Motor 6-in. extruder has a 400 hp drive.

Figure 25. Extruder Cross Section with Polymer Melting Stages

The extruder drive provides the be programmed for specific temperature. Blowers also permit rapid
power needed to rotate the screw. For applications on the line, to maintain barrel cooling when the extruder is shut
extrusion coating, a DC SCR recipes and to print reports. down. Air cooling is a maintenance-free
(silicon-controlled rectifier) drive is most If the heating capacity of the system, although water cooling is also
widely used. The drive power required extruder is inadequate, heaters will be used to adjust barrel temperatures.
generally ranges from 5 to 7.5 kW/lb-hr turned on most of the time. To facilitate Temperature-control led water
(3 to 4.7 kWkg-hr). A typical 4½ inch the detection of heat failure, some circulates through tubes within the
diameter extruder has a 200 hp drive; a extruders are equipped with an alarm heater bands and a heat exchanger
6 inch extruder has a 400 hp drive. system, which warns of heat loss or a removes heat from the water before it is
The screw in an extruder rotates at blown fuse in the extruder or die. recirculated. Scale build-up and leaks
a speed of 5 to 300 rpm, which is far (NOTE: At high output rates, 90% of however, often plague this system. Also
below the maximum output speeds of heat energy should be supplied by the with water cooling, control solenoids
the drive systems, which can be as high drive and 10% by the barrel heaters for can malfunction, causing temperature
as 1,750 rpm. Therefore, a gear good, uniform melting of the polymer.) zone control problems.
reducer is used to supply the needed Heater failures occurring during
torque from the drive. The gearing used operation may not be detected since Thermocouples
is helical, double helical, herringbone or the frictional heat generated by the Thermocouples, inserted deep into
a variation of these three. A typical ratio extruder can be sufficient to maintain the barrel wall in the various heating
from drive motor to extruder screw is the operating temperature. When an zones and in some cases even into the
7.6:1 for polyethylene extrusion coating. extruder is shut down, the heat melt, monitor processing temperatures.
controllers should be checked before Temperature controllers receive signals
Barrel starting a new production run. from the thermocouples to regulate the
Extruder barrels are lined with band heaters and cooling devices.
wear-resistant bimetallic liners, such as Barrel Cooling Thermocouples should be regularly
tungsten carbide. With such liners, the Air blowers, located along the checked to detect loose fittings and
life of the barrel, under continuous use, barrel length, can be run to lower barrel
can range from 5 to 20 years,
Generally, the downstream end of the
barrel has a rupture tube or disk Table 6: Functions of the three Sections of a Single-Stage Extrusion Screw
designed to fail if pressure in the barrel
increases beyond a safety limit. Channel
Heaters Section Depth Functions
Heat to soften the resin on its way
through the barrel is provided internally,
by frictional forces from the mixing and Feed Deep Cool resin pellets are moved
compressing action of the screw and forward into hotter barrel
externally by heaters. The adapter and zones
die head are also heated to prevent
loss of heat from the melt. Band Compression or Transition Decreasing Air carried along slips back to
heaters are the most common types of the feed section. Resin is
electric heater used. They respond compressed, melted and
rapidly, are easy to adjust and require mixed.
minimum maintenance. As shown in
Figure 25, the heater bands are Metering Shallow Sufficient back pressure is
distributed along the barrel length in created to make the melt
zones (typically, there are three to six homogeneous (uniform)
independent zones, each with its own
heating control). About 25 to 45 Watt/in²
(4 to 7 Watt/c\m²) of barrel surface
gives adequate heat. Resistance Table 7: Common Extruder Sizes and Die Widths
heating is usual for electric heaters on
extruders, although induction heating is
occasionally used. Extruder Size Die Width
Each of the independent electrical
heating zones are regulated by a
controller. A temperature drop in one 3½ in. (89 mm) 24 to 48 in. (61 to 122 cm)
zone may indicate a defective heater-, 4½ in. (114 mm) 36 to 60 in. (91.5 to 152.5 cm)
a rise may point to a hot spot caused 6 in. (152 mm) 54 to 128 in. (137 to 325 cm)
by a damaged screw rubbing on the 8 in. (203 mm) to 160 in. (406.5 cm)
barrel lining or another problem.
Today’s modern extruders use
computer-aided controllers, which can

other problems. Automatic process Courtesy of TAPPI
controls work only when thermocouples
are tightly seated in the barrel wall.

The screw rotates within the
hardened liner of the barrel. The
standard single-stage screw generally
has three sections (Table 6). Channel
depth is shallower in each progressive
section. As the screw rotates, the screw
flights force the resin in the channels Figure 26. Mixing Screw
forward. As the channels become more
shallow, the resin is heated, melted,
thoroughly mixed and compressed
Courtesy of TAPPI
(Figure 25).
Variables in the design of
single-stage screws include:

• The pitch of the flight (steady,

increasing or decreasing)
• Number of flights per section
• Pitch of the root diameter
(constant, tapered or tapered and
constant) Figure 27. BarrierScrew
• Design of the screw head.

Extruder sizes are designated by

their cylinder bore diameter in inches or The compression ratio is the ratio 4 to 5 flights past the resin feed inlet in
centimeters. Table 7 lists extrusion of the channel volume of one screw the hopper section. However, cooling
coating die sizes used with the most flight in the feed section to that of one the screw may make it a little more
common extruder sizes. screw flight in the metering section. A versatile by increasing its effective
Extrusion coating lines normally compression ratio of about 4:1 is compression ratio. Certain extrusion
use wide dies and speeds up to 3,000 suggested for polyolefin extrusion coating resins, such as ionomers and
ft/min. (915 m/min.) to be economical. coating. EVA, require screw cooling.
Large volumes of resin, usually 300 to High compression forces result in In addition to single-stage screws,
3000 lb. (135 to 1,350 kg) commonly high internal heating and good mixing there are many multi-stage designs,
pass through the die each hour. of the melt. Additionally, these forces such as mixing screws (Figure 26). For
Therefore, extruders with large barrel efficiently push any traces of air carried some materials, such as LLDPE, color
diameters, from 4½ to 8 in. (114 to 203 forward with the melt back and out additives and HDPE, additional mixing
mm), are generally used. through the hopper. Air in the melt can is required. Mixing screws differ from
Screws are specified by their cause bubbles, and at high general-purpose screws in that they
length-to-diameter (UD) ratios and temperatures, may cause the resin to have an additional mixing section. The
compression ratios. Since higher oxidize in the barrel. mixing section generally has several
temperatures are needed for extrusion Extruder screws can be cored for rows of raised rectangular rods or pins
coating than for any other polyolefin water cooling. A cool screw can prevent designed for either dispersive or
processing technique, extruders used bridging in the feed section that might disruptive mixing. Other kinds of mixing
for coating and laminating should have be caused by premature melting of the screws have two mixing sections: one
a barrel length-to-diameter ratio of at resin. Also, cooling can improve resin at the end of the metering section and
least 24:1 to provide adequate heating. mixing, but can reduce output at a one at the end of the compression
Generally, 30:1 UD barrels are used given screw speed. Screw temperature section.
today; in some cases, the ratio is as is automatically controlled (80° - 180°F; Barrier type screws (Figure 27) are
high as 32:1 UD. A long barrel and 25° - 80°C) by a temperature controller another type of multi-stage screw. Also
screw permit: which adjusts the amount of water designed for improved mixing, these
flowing through the screw. If the screw screws generally have the same three
a. More thorough mixing and overheats, it loses its pumping capacity. initial sections as general-purpose
therefore, more intensive internal Newer screw designs, however, do not screws with a dispersive mixing section
heating of the resin. use water cooling. at the end of the metering section. All
b. A greater number of electric Screws for polyolefin extrusion barrier screw designs have the same
heaters for external heating placed coating are practically always run modification: an additional flight, called
along the barrel. “neutral,” i.e., without cooling by water the barrier flight, in the transitional
circulating through an axial bore about

section of the screw. There are two (Figure 28) is located between the end excessive pressures (>2500 psi, but
separate channels in the barrier flight: a of the barrel and the head adapter, this can vary with the type of resin
solids channel and a melt channel. The usually fitting into both, but sometimes extruded) may indicate screen packs
more shallow solids channel is located only into the adapter. This fitting need to be changed.
on the pushing side of the barrier flight. ensures that no melt can leak out. The There is no “typical” screen pack.
The deeper melt channel is located on thick plate breaker is pierced by a large Different packs are best suited for
the trailing edge of the opposite side. number of equally spaced holes, 1/16 different jobs. Fine-meshed (dense)
The cross-sectional area of the solids to 1/8 in., (1.6 to 3.2 mm) in diameter, screens should be located between
channel is uniformly reduced over the and is held in place by a sturdy ring. coarse screens, such as a 20-80-20
length of the barrier section while the A spare breaker plate should always screen pack. Always use stainless steel
melt channel is correspondingly be available in case the one in use screens. Never use copper screens
increased. The barrier flight has a radial breaks or is replaced along with the although they cost less. Copper is too
clearance larger than the clearance of screen pack. An extra breaker plate soft for such a high-pressure
the main flight. This allows the melt in may mean less downtime, because the application and may oxidize and
the solids channel to flow over the used one does not have to be cleaned contaminate the resin. Extruders with a
barrier flight into the melt channel while before operations can resume. valved adapter need only use a single
the solids are retained, unable to pass The screen pack (Figure 28), screen; a 24 x 110 stainless steel
over the small clearance. This removal located in the breaker plate, consists of screen is recommended under these
of the melt film helps expose more a number of stainless steel screens. conditions.
solids to the extruder barrel surface, The screen mesh is the number of Automatic screen changers, which
thus increasing the rate of melting. openings per one inch of screen. The have either a continuous screen band
While barrier screws can offer screen pack serves primarily as a filter or a rotary unit that indexes when
significant advantages over mixing for foreign matter, although it also exposed sections plug, can be used
screws and general purpose screws, improves pigment dispersion if pigment with extrusion coating machines. The
their design is based on experiment. has been added. Higher back pressure indexing occurs without interrupting the
Computer models are developed for in the screw metering zone, which can melt flow.
barrier screws, as they have been for improve extrusion coating quality but
some other types of screws. lower output, may be obtained by a Pressure Valves
pack of many fine screens. Pressure valves provide control of
Breaker Plate Melt temperature can be raised the barrel pressure, which has a
After travelling along the screw slightly by using a very heavy screen powerful effect on the melt temperature.
length, the melt passes through a pack (more or finer screens) which, by Pressure valves provide good back
screen pack and supporting breaker increasing pressure, generates pressure control and take this function
plate and then, through the adapter to additional frictional heat and results in away from the die design and screen
the die. The round breaker plate improved coating quality. However, pack arrangement. Two types of
pressure valves are common:

Courtesy of Rapidac Machine Co.

Figure 28. Valve Assembly

1. The internal pressure valve (Figure
29) is a movable stem that can be Courtesy of TAPPI
adjusted forward or backward to
increase or decrease pressure.
Moving the valve stem varies the
size of the orifice opening between
the end of the stem and the
polymer flow pipe.
2. Some stems are located on a side
of the polymer flow pipe, and
pressure is regulated by the land
area created by the depth of the
stem’s insertion into the polymer
flow pipe.

Gear Pumps
Gear pumps (Figure 30), also
called melt pumps, can be attached
between the end of the extruder and
the die head to increase melt quality.
For continuous multilayer extrusion
coating, these pumps can deliver a
stable, surge-free melt output and
provide excellent layer uniformity.
These benefits are particularly
important for the extrusion of thin
barrier layers and adhesive tie-layers. Figure 29. Pressure Control Valve

The Die
The extrusion coating die is
attached to the valved adapter via a
down spout or connecting pipe. A good
die design provides smooth melt flow Courtesy of Luwa Corp.
and minimizes the chance that any
particles can be held up and
overheated. The functions of the die are

1. Force the melt into a thin film

2. Maintain the melt at a constant
3. Meter the melt at a constant
pressure and rate to the die land for
uniform film gauge.

Basic parts of a die include:

• Body
• Mandrel or Jaws
• Heaters
• Lands

The die lands generate resistance

to the melt flow and build up
backpressure in the die and adapter. If
the land length is too short, the melt
flow out of the die may be uneven. The
die lips, or jaws, can be adjusted to Figure 30. Gear pumps, also called melt pumps, lead to improved
change the die opening to control film gauge uniformity by preventing surges in melt output.
gauge uniformity (Table 8). Some die
designs have as little as 0.098" die land
area and have excellent gauge control.

The key is in the machining quality of
the die lips.
Die temperature and resin
temperature at the die lands (melt
temperature) are usually quite high in
extrusion coating, up to 625°F (330°C).
It is important to keep melt tempera-
tures uniform. An extrusion coating die
always has a number of heating zones,
each no more than eight inches (20 cm)
wide. For uniform coating gauge, the
temperature along the die should not
Figure 31. Schematic cross section on a “coat hanger” type die. vary by more than 2°F (1°C). Die
heaters are automatically controlled.
For extrusion coating, there are two
basic types of die designs:

• “Coat-hanger” dies (Figure 31)

• “T-slot” dies (Figures 32, 32A and

In the coat-hanger design, the die

manifold, which generally has a
teardrop or half teardrop cross section,
distributes the incoming melt flow
across a steadily widening area. The
area ahead of the land streamlines the
melt into a film. If this die is “deckled”
(see Deckling Systems, page 22, the
film edge bead is greater than it is with
a T-slot die because of the good resin
flow to the end of the die from the
coat-hanger design.
The T-slot design uses a large
volume, circular or teardrop—shaped
manifold to minimize melt flow
resistance to the die ends. This type of
die is normally used with high melt flow
resins. With this type of die, the
formation of film edge beads is less
than it is with “coat-hanger” dies.
With both types of dies, a die lip
gives the melt its proper cross-sectional
Figure 32. Coat Hanger and T-Slot Dies thickness and width. Two basic types of
adjustable die lips are common: sliding
or flexible. The flexible, adjustable lip
(Figure 33) design uses evenly spaced
adjustment screws (about one inch
Table 8: Recommended Die Gap Openings apart) across the full die width. The
more rigid sliding, adjustable lip (Figure
Die Gap Opening, Coating Weights, 34) also uses evenly spaced
in. lb/ream* adjustment screws, but about two
inches apart.
With both the flexible and the
sliding adjustable die lips, two basic
0.020 <3
types of screws are used: “push/pull” or
0.030 3 - 42
“push-only.” The push/pull screw, often
0.040 42 - 70
used with sliding, adjustable designs,
0.050 >70
allows the lip to be either forced open
* A Ream = 3,000 ft² or closed. The push-only screw,
generally used with the flexible,
adjustable lip design, only allows the lip
to be closed. To open the lip, the screw

Courtesy of Black Clawson

Figure 32A. “Jyohoku” Edge Bead-Free T-Slot Die

Courtesy of Black Clawson

Figure 32A. “Jyohoku” Edge Bead-Free T-Slot Die

Courtesy of TAPPI
the extruded film to restrict bead
formation. Bead formation can be
greatly reduced, if not totally eliminated,
with a “T-slot” die incorporating a
special deckle design with a split inner
deckle (upper and lower) and edge
control rod (Figure 36).
Coextrusion Coating
In coextrusion coating, some
additional equipment is required, but
the result is a sophisticated multilay-
ered package. Coextrusion coating can
be an economical alternative to tandem
and multi-pass extrusion coating and
Figure 33. Flex-Lip Design extrusion lamination. Specifically,
coextrusion coating:
Courtesy of TAPPI • Reduces production time
compared to multiple passes and
• Reduces raw material costs
• Improves adhesion between layers
because the adhesion layer can be
run hotter than the seal layers
• Reduces layer thickness compared
to monolayer extrusions
• Maintains melt strength because
thinner, lighter layers of individual
polymers can compare favorably
with an individual monolayer with
the same thickness as the sum of
the multilayers.
• Eliminates odor by using a reduced
melt temperature for the surface
• Improves heat seal by decreasing
the extrusion temperature of the
sealing surface layer
• Improves the strength of the “melt
Figure 34. Fixed-Lip Design curtain”, so that a seal layer and a
tie-layer can support a polymer
with little melt strength, such as a
is backed off, which enables the spring • Fixed external, which are not barrier resin
action of the steel lip and the force of adjustable while the line is running • Reduces pin holes and improves
the melt to open the die. • Adjustable external, which are fracture resistance
The die lip screws can be manually usually driven by a rack and pinion • Reduces scrap
adjusted or automatically controlled. An gear, permitting adjustment while
automatic control includes a the line is running Coextrusion Equipment
microprocessor interfaced with a film • Adjustable internal Equipment is selected based upon
gauge sensor. The screws’ lengths are the resins to be used and the structures
thermally expanded or contracted, thus Maintenance is very important to be produced. Coextrusion die
closing or opening the die lip where when using deckling: resin builds up choices include:
adjustment is needed. and oxidizes behind the deckling.
Periodically the coating line must be • Dual manifold dies are designed so
Deckling Systems stopped and the die cleaned to that the melt curtains combine
eliminate this problem. either internally or externally. Dual
Extrusion coating die widths may
To minimize the formation of edge manifold dies are usually used
surpass 150 inches. However,
bead when the extrusion coating is when two polymers with great
increasing die width means increasing
applied to the substrate (Figure 35), differences in extrusion melt
system sensitivity. Deckling systems,
bead control rods can be attached to temperature or melt viscosity are to
mechanical devices affixed to both
the deckling system. The ends of these be coextruded. Each side of the die
sides of the die lip, can be used to
rods come in contact with the edge of can be separately heated.
reduce the width of an extrusion
coating. Deckling designs include:

• Dual manifold dies come as single
Courtesy of TAPPI
exit dies, which combine the
polymer internally just before the
exit, or as dual slot dies. Single exit
dies, the preferred choice, provide
better adhesion and melt curtain
draw strength. Dual slot dies are
used when the viscosities of the
polymers are so different that melt
pressure and melt temperature
variables prevent an even flow of
both curtains from the die lips. Melt
curtain surging and melt fractures
on the polymer interface can result.
With dual slot dies (Figure 37),
each layer can be individually
adjusted by changing the separate
slot die lip adjusting bolts.
• Keyhole dies are often preferred
for the extrusion coating of high
melt flow resins where many
deckle changes are made.
• Coat-hanger dies are used for the
extrusion coating of low melt flow
(highly viscous) resins, because
this die enables better melt flow to
Figure 35. Edge Beads its ends. Good flow to the ends of
the die can be a problem when
high melt flow resins are extruded
Courtesy of Black Clawson and when the die has to be
deckled-in for narrow web

Transfer Piping
Melt flowing from the extruder to a
multilayer die or coextrusion combining
adapter passes through piping. This
piping must be kept as short as
possible in length and as large as
possible in diameter to minimize its
impact on the melt passing through.

Combining Adapter
The combining adapter is the
technology most often used for
coextrusion coating. This method can
be used with all manifold dies, provided
the entrance port is correct for the
selected adapter design. The selection
of the optimum design for the adapter,
as well as for the extruder, valve
adapter, feedblocks, feed piping and
dies is based upon the rheology of the
polymers to be coextruded. Knowledge
of rheology and the visoelastic
properties of the polymers also
optimizes their processability. Contact
your polymer supplier for more
information about polymer melt flow
properties when designing any new
coextrusion structure.
Figure 36. Bead Reduction Die

Courtesy of Egan Machinery Division, John Brown, Inc.

Figure 37. Designs of Manifold Dies

Courtesy of Peter Cloren Co., Inc.

Courtesy of TAPPI

Figure 39. Multimanifold Die

Figure 38. Coextrusion Coating Feedblock

and Monolayer Die

Coextrusion Coating Feedblock
For the extrusion of multilayer Courtesy of TAPPI
extrusion coatings (coextrusions),
feedblocks stack melt layers from two
or more extruders (Figure 38), based
on the principles of polymer melt
rheology. The feedblock can be
adapted to layer multiplying devices to
further increase the number of layers.
The multilayered melt stream is then
fed to a single-manifold die exit.

Multimanifold Coextrusion
Coating Dies
Multilayer (coextruded) coatings
also can be made using multimanifold
dies (Figure 39), of which there are
many designs on the market. Basically,
the multimanifold die has multiple coat-
hanger or T-slot dies that feed the
different melt streams to either a single
or dual flexible, adjustable die lip. This
type of coextrusion die is much more
complicated than the feedblock type.

The Coating Rolls Figure 40. Coating Station (set air gap range for 5” minimum to
15” maximum)
Pressure Roll
The hot film flowing from the die
meets the uncoated substrate as it Table 9: Air Gap Opening vs. Coating Line Speed
passes between a pressure roll and a
chill roll. For best adhesion, the hot film Air Gap, inches Line Speed, (FPM)
should contact the substrate just before
it reaches the nip that is only ¼ to 3/8
in. (6.5 to 9.5 mm) above-as indicated
in Figure 40. The pressure roll, a large 7.0 up to 700
idler roll with a thick, hard rubber 8.5 700 - 1,200
covering, forces the substrate against 10.0 1,200 to 1,800
the extruded coating and eliminates the 12.0 1,800 and above
air between the two layers. Two
pneumatically loaded cylinders provide
pressure, one on each side of the roll.
The hardness of the rubber covering life of the fluoropolymer tapes; and applications, such as fabric coatings,
the pressure roll varies according to the increases adhesion to the incoming the cooling roll may rotate in a tray filled
substrate being coated. In general, the substrate (Figure 40). with cold water. If this set-up is used, a
recommended hardness is 80 to 90 The position of the coating station doctor roll or other device prevents
Shore A. If textiles or soft paperboard is adjustable so that the size of the air water carry-over from the tray onto the
are the substrate, very hard rubber gap can be changed relative to the die. substrate. The pressure roll can also be
coverings are used. The pressure roll is The air gap size has a decisive cooled internally. However, the poor
mounted such that the nip between it influence on the degree of adhesion heat conductivity of the rubber covering
and the chill roll can be opened up between the polymer and the substrate. the roll prevents really effective cooling
more than six inches (15 cm) to make With polyethylene extrusion coating, a of the surface, but helps the rubber
threading substrate during start-up rule of thumb Is 11 each one-inch cover adhere to the metal core.
easier. The ability to open the nip increase in air gap length has the same Pressure rolls of large coaters may
quickly and widely is important in an effect on adhesion as a 10°F increase have both external and internal water
emergency as well. in melt temperature. cooling.
The design of the coating station is Cooling the pressure roll surface The pressure roll covering sleeve is
very important. The nip roll must be can prevent the hot film from sticking, generally made from a silicone rubber,
elevated above the chill roll center line especially with thin coatings of less neoprene rubber, chlorosulfonated
and the back-up pressure roil. This than one mil (25 microns). A polyethylene rubber (Hypalon*) or a
position allows for better clearance of water-cooled metal idler roll may be run fluoropolymer. Unlike neoprene rolls,
the die relative to the chill roll and the against the pressure roll for this silicone-covered rolls do not have to be
incoming substrate; extends the service purpose. For some extrusion coating reground after “wrap-arounds”

(wrapping of torn, coated substrate a temperature low enough to and the inner channels cleaned. Some
around the pressure roll). permit the coated substrate to be chill roll designs use a replaceable
Silicone-covered rolls are also rewound. outer shell for quick changes to
preferred for very porous substrates, 2. Its speed controls the coating different surface finishes.
such as cloth, non-woven material or thickness (or coating weight) by Good alignment of the chill roll, in
tissue paper and because of their drawing down the melt film from relation to the failing melt and the
edge-trim release. High temperature the die. Speed also controls the pressure roll, is very important (Figure
substrate preheating also is possible economy of the extrusion coating 41). Whenever the coated substrate
when the pressure roll covering is process. wrinkles, especially in thin-gauge
made from silicone rubber. 3. The chill roll surface determines, to coatings, the position of the die, the
On the other hand, silicone rubber a large degree, the surface lead-in roll, the chill roll or the pressure
coverings are not as hard, resilient or smoothness of the coating. If a roll must be carefully adjusted.
durable as coverings made from high-gloss coating is required, the A typical system for a closed-circuit
neoprene or chlorosulfonated chill roll surface must be highly chill roll cooling system is shown in
polyethylene rubber. The latter also polished. For a dull coating Figure 42. Chill roll water temperature
have good release and can be cleaned surface, the chill roll may have a (68°F in Figure 41) ranges between
easily. Fluoropolymer-covered rolls matte finish. The surface of the roll 62° and 80°F (17° to 27°C). The chill
have the best release of all the types can also be embossed for special roll surface temperature must not
mentioned, but are expensive and effects. exceed 150°F (65°C). The most
difficult to maintain. favorable chill roll cooling water
The chill roll is usually a chrome- temperature for a given resin and
Chill Roll plated, twin-shell steel drum with an coating speed should be carefully
The chill roll has three functions: outer shell and an inner body determined and closely monitored,
containing spiral grooves for cooling keeping variances less than ± 2°F
1. In less than one revolution, it water. Periodically, the rolls must be (1°C).
solidifies the coating and cools it to reconditioned; new, flat, highly polished The chill roll temperature can be
surfaces applied to the outer surface; adjusted by the flow rate and the

Courtesy of TAPPI

Figure 41. Extrusion Lamination Machine and Trim Slitting Station

temperature of the cooling water Courtesy of TAPPI
passing through the roll. A flow rate of
350 gal/min. of cooling water (12 to 15
ft/sec) through the chill roll per 1,000 lb/
hr of polyethylene extruded is
necessary for good cooling and
substrate release.
Condensation can form on chill
rolls, particularly when ambient
temperatures are well above room
temperature, adversely affecting
extrusion coating quality. Special,
internally-cooled chill rolls which resist
condensation even when the roll is
stopped are available (Figure 43). This
type of chill roll has an internal cylinder
with a permanently sealed, capillary
wick structure that encloses a heat
transfer fluid. Inside the capillary
structure, there are channels for cooling
water. When the hot film contacts the
roll surface, it releases heat that causes
the fluid in the capillary system to
vaporize. The condensed fluid migrates Figure 42. Closed Circuit Chill Roll Cooking System
to the center of the roll by centrifugal
force. Here, cooling water absorbs the
thermal energy and condenses the
vapor. The roll’s rotation facilitates the Courtesy of TAPPI
heat transfer.
The coated substrate can be run
around two or more chill rolls to lower
its temperature. The heat removed by
the second, third, etc. roll depends
upon take-off speed, melt temperature
and the temperature of the first roll. The
cooling water temperature of these rolls
should gradually reduce the coating’s
temperature to that desired for windup.

Peel Roll
A peel roll or stripper roll is required
to remove the coated substrate from
the chill roll (Figure 44). The location of
the peel roll is very important for both
proper release and good adhesion. The
peel roll should be placed as close to
the chill roll as possible, only 0.5 to 1
inch away for a hard-surface roll and
directly touching the chill roll if a
release cover, such as silicone or
fluoropolymer rubber, is used. However,
the peel roll must be positioned (“a” to
“b” in Figure 44) far enough away so
that the chill roll surface temperature
decreases before it passes again
through the coating nip. If the chill roll
surface does not cool adequately, line
speeds can not be maintained. Also, Figure 43. An Internally Cooled Chill Roll
poor adhesion may result under these
conditions as the polymer may stick to
the chill roll and pull away from the

Feed Rollers
After coming off the chill roll, the
coated substrate passes through a
series of feed rollers before it is wound
up by the take-off equipment. In
addition to guiding the web to
post-coating operations and
maintaining proper web tension, these
rollers perform other functions. For
example, rollers with a herringbone
pattern ingrained on them can laterally
spread the coated substrate and
remove wrinkles; rollers with circular
grooves can remove surface air flowing
along with the web; pivoting or steering
rollers can realign the web; and slightly
bowed rollers can laterally tighten the

Surface Treaters Figure 44. Proper Cooling Recovery Set-Up

If polyolefin-coated surfaces are to
be printed or an adhesive applied, they
first must be treated. Electronic Courtesy of TAPPI
treatment is preferred. Ink and
adhesive do not adhere to untreated
polyolefin surfaces. Treatment is best
done in-line, i.e., within the extrusion
coating set-up. A treatment station
between the chill roll and the slitter roll
or right after the trimming step is
common. When polyolefins contain slip
or antiblock additives, treatment must
take place in-line before the additive
“blooms” to the surface of the coating.

Edge Bead Trim Slitters

As the polyolefin melt leaves the
extrusion coating slot die and is drawn
down in thickness from about 20 to 30
mils to about one mil, the width of the Figure 45. Edge Bead Trim Slitters
molten web also narrows. This
phenomenon is called “neck-in.” The
amount of neck-in depends on:

• Grade of resin extruded

• Speed of the operation rolls, to the extent that the edges tear. 3. Razor blade slitters, consisting of
• Temperature of the melt Consequently, most extrusion coaters disposable razor blades positioned
• Length of the air gap have trim slitters between the coating against the moving web as it
unit and the rewinder (Figure 45). The passes either between two closely
With neck-in, a bead usually forms three most common types of slitters spaced idler rolls or against a
at the edge of the web, thicker than the are: grooved back-up roll.
average coating thickness across the
1. Score cutters, consisting of a The type of slitter used depends on
web. The amount of beading depends
hardened wheel with a V-shaped the type of substrate coated. Score
upon the coating thickness relative to
edge that is pressed against a slitters are often used for film,
the thickness of the substrate.
hardened-steel backing roll. The cellophane, paper and foil laminates.
Lightweight coatings on thick
web passes between the wheel Shear slitters are used on paper board
substrates are not as susceptible to
and the roll. and heavy paper. Trim from the slitters
beading as are heavyweight coatings
2. Shear slitters, consisting of a pair is usually carried away in an air stream
on thin substrates. In most cases, this
of driven, overlapping sharpened via a suction manifold located near the
bead must be trimmed off before the
or beveled blades in a scissors- slitter station. The velocity of the air in
web is rewound. The build-up of edge
type arrangement. the trim manifolds must be greater than
beading can cause flared edges on the

Courtesy of Exair

Figure 46. Vortex Cooling Needle

Courtesy of TAPPI

the line speed of the coater.

If an “overcoat” of polyolefin is applied
to the substrate, i.e., the coating
extends past the edges of the
substrate, the excess coating adheres
to the pressure roll. Fluoropolymer tape
is sometimes used to mask the
pressure roll at the edges of the
substrate. A few precautions are
necessary for best results. When line
speeds are very low and the pressure
roll is warming up, as occurs when rolls
are changed on the unwind stand, the
“overcoat” may stick to the
fluoropolymer tape.
Silicone grease or spray may be
used in extrusion coating as a release
agent at start-up to prevent the polymer
from adhering to the nip roll. However, it
is recommended that silicone materials
be eliminated from extrusion coating.
Silicone cannot be used if the reverse
side of the substrate is also to be
coated, since the silicone will prevent Figure 47. Slitting the Web
adhesion on the edge of the second
coating. Silicone should not be used The fluoropolymer tape must be the coating. To prevent this, place the
when the coated substrate is to be replaced periodically because of tape on the pressure roll so that it
used for packaging food products. blistering. An operator normally can comes just inside the edges of the
[NOTE: Silicone should only be used as change the two tapes on the pressure substrate for no more than 0.125 inch.
a last resort since it can cause roll in a few minutes, so there is little Handling this kind of material obviously
problems which outweigh the benefits.] loss of production time when the requires superior edge guiding.
A better solution is to use Vortex substrate width is changed. Some An undercut pressure roll is one
Tube Air Jets, which blow cold air at the extrusion coating lines use that is recessed exactly to the edge of
bottom of the pressure roll (nip roll) to fluoropolymer belts that can be the substrate so that the hot polyolefin
cool the fluoropolymer tape. This replaced even more quickly. bead does not stick to the roll. Using
cooling prevents the edge bead from When substrates less than 10 mill undercut pressure rolls means that a
adhering to the tape and increases the (0.25 mm) thick are coated, the separate pressure roll for each
life of the tape (Figure 46). fluoropolymer tape may mark or imprint substrate width must be readily

available, and production runs must be Courtesy of TAPPI
long enough to make this technique
A single coated web also may be slit
into two or more separate webs (Figure
41 and 47). After slitting, the substrate
passes over a series of bowed rollers
that separate the webs slightly before
they are wound up.

Recycling System
The edge trim from the extrusion
coating operation is conveyed from the
coater through pneumatic trim disposal
tubes to a granulator (Figure 48). If the
trim is substrate-free, i.e., it is only
polyolefin film, it may be sold as scrap.
It should not be reused in extrusion
coating because changes in the
polymer properties as well as
processing characteristics such as gels,
neck-in, draw-down, odor, etc., are

Coating Weight/Thickness
Monitors Figure 48. Extrusion Coating Scrap Recycle System
Two types of devices are used to
measure coating weights: Courtesy of TAPPI

• Nuclear sensors
• Infrared sensors

Nuclear sensors are usually located

just ahead of the point where the
substrate passes into the coating
station and where the coated web
moves to the windup equipment
(Figure 49). Nuclear gauges, also
called “beta gauges,” measure the net
coating weight on the substrate by
Figure 49. Coating Weight and Thickness Monitors
focusing a beam of radiation through
the web and onto a detector. The
radiation absorbed by the web is
inversely related to the weight per unit • Transmission: the signals pass readings (black pigment totally absorbs
of web. Since the measurements are through a transparent web to a the near-IR spectrum and white
taken both before (base) and after detector pigment, i.e., titanium dioxide, has a
(gross) coating, it is possible to • Reflectance: the signals rebound scattering effect). A matte finish also
determine the net coating weight off an opaque web and into a can diffuse the IR beam. Different
(thickness). detector. substrates can yield different IR
The location of the two nuclear readings. These disadvantages of near-
sensors and the interval between Two wavelength measurements IR sensors can be minimized by using
readings must be carefully coordinated generally are used: a reference full-spectrum infrared (FSIR) measuring
so that the sensors measure the same wavelength that is not absorbed by the devices instead.
area on the web. The nuclear sensor web; and a measurement wavelength Both nuclear and infrared sensors
readings can be used to adjust the die that is absorbed by the web. The should be built so that no ionizing
opening manually or automatically. detector measures the signals and radiation or infrared radiation reaches
Infrared (IR) sensors operate on forms a ratio proportional to the weight the operator.
the principle that all materials have their of the web.
own characteristic absorption bands in IR measuring equipment is simpler Takeoff and Windup Equipment
the near-infrared spectrum. The IR to operate and less expensive than The extrusion coated substrate
units function in one of two modes: nuclear sensors and it also can usually is wound tightly onto a
measure multilayer materials. However, cardboard tube, called a core although
pigments can adversely affect IR metal cores also are used. The core is

turned by a winder. Full coated
substrate rolls are replaced by empty
cores without interruption if multiple
windup stations are available.
Courtesy of TAPPI
Winders are characterized by:

• The type of take-up roll drive:

surface, center or center/surface
• The type of roll changing: manual,
semi-automatic or fully automatic
• The type of roll stand configuration
stacked, face-to-face or

Some winders run shaftless and

the web is wound directly on the core.
However, most commercial extrusion
coating winders have air shafts to
inflate rubber bladders attached to
expandable metal shafts that fit inside
the cardboard cores. The air-supported Figure 50. Single Drum Winder Automatic Transfer
metal shaft permits different core
diameters to be used and enables the
core to resist the pressure of the web
winding. This second benefit is
particularly important when separate
web widths are wound on a common
core without interleaving. A lay-on roll
Courtesy of TAPPI
often is part of this take-off assembly
along with a pneumatically-actuated
slitting knife for cutting the web into two
or more narrower webs.
Surface winders (Figure 50) have a
driven drum that fits flush against the
face of the windup roll. Several surface
winder configurations are available, but
basically their operation is the same:
the rotating drum forces the roll to turn
and thus, wind up the web. The roll is
held against the rotating drum by
gravity or pneumatically. The web
remains in uniform contact with the
drum by means of a tensioning device.
A lay-on roll forces air out from under
the web as it is drawn onto the roll.
Surface winders are often used when
roll diameters exceed 40 inches, but
not all polyolefin coatings are handled
best by surface winding.
In center winders (Figure 51),
torque is applied directly to the windup
roll shaft. To keep tension constant, a
center winder must slow down at a rate
Figure 51. Center Winder
inversely proportional to the constantly
increasing diameter of the roll. Many
center winders incorporate lay-on rolls
to force air out from under the web or to
ensure optimum flat contact. Rolls of
extrusion coated substrate, wrapped

Courtesy of TAPPI

Figure 52. Flying Splice System Unwind

onto cores held by chucks inserted in thousands of linear feet of coated Turret winders are designed to
both ends, are formed under constant substrate. The diameter of a finished rotate a full roll away from the lay-on
tension. roll is many times that of its core. As the roll and index a new core into the
Surface or center assist winders roll builds up in diameter, its rotational winding position. With automatic turret
have center drives added to the shaft of speed must be reduced because the winders, the spindles are separately
a surface winder. This type of winder linear speed of the coated substrate motor-driven to match the speed
separates winding tension from web coming from the coater remains the required for the automatic cutoff of the
positioning requirements and roll same. For splicing at the rewind, glue web at high speeds.
hardness. or tape is generally used, just as it was
Gap winding, or proximity winding, at the unwind. Controls
is a modification of the center winding Edge-guide equipment is essential Many elements affect production
technique that is especially effective for when a flying-splice set-up is used at and quality in an extrusion coating
tacky polyolefin coatings. An air gap of the unwind station. Either mechanical, system. Microcomputer controls answer
about a 0.25 inch is maintained pneumatic or photo-electric sensing the complex problem of controlling the
between the surface roll and the elements are placed at the edges of the many variables involved (Figure 53).
building roll. Each roll has a substrate. Whenever the web moves These closed loop systems monitor
tension-controlled drive. As the web out of line, the sensing elements resin feed, substrate feed and
builds up on the roll, this roll is actuate a device that adjusts the conditioning, temperatures, pressures,
gradually moved away. position of the web. A similar set-up is screw speed, line speed, coating
Taper tensioning, a gradual sometimes used to detect breaks in the gauge, output, etc., and make
reduction of web tension, generally is substrate, sound an alarm and adjustments when values drift outside
used when the ratio of the final roll is simultaneously open the nip to prevent preset limits. VDT monitors display
greater than six times the diameter of damage to the pressure roll by the hot operating conditions, and management
the core (the “build-up ratio”). In taper melt. information systems software provide
tensioning, the dancer roll assembly or Automatic roll changers deflate air hard-copy reports, such as shift reports,
the strain gauge roll is controlled. For shafts, remove the full roll, place the roll monthly reports and/or job summaries.
extensible or soft polyolefin coated on a cart or the floor, install empty A microcomputer also can be set up to
webs, taper tensioning eliminates roll cores into the ready position and inflate run a coating operation using values
defects such as crowning and wrinkling. the bladders in the metal shafts. Roll from a previous run, stored in the
The flying-splice unwind, used for changers are particularly useful for memory. The microcomputer also is a
continuous long runs (Figure 52), calls high-speed applications that require key element of statistical process
for large unwind rolls of many relatively small roll diameters. control (SPC) and statistical quality

control (SQC) programs. Real-time
SPC systems alert operators when the
extrusion coating process is drifting out
of its control limits and indicate
potential sources of problems.

Start-Up of An Extrusion
Coating Line
Safety First
Extrusion coating can become a
hazardous operation if proper safety
precautions are not followed.

• The extrusion equipment should be

kept clean and well maintained at
all times.
• Remove any water around the
extrusion coating line to prevent
slipping accidents.
• Good housekeeping is essential.
• Loose pellets on and around the
extruder can cause accidents.
• “NO SMOKING” signs must be Figure 53. Sophisticated microprocessor controls monitor the
enforced. extrusion coating line at LyondellBasell's Cincinnati Technology
• Allow only trained and qualified Center.
personnel in the operating areas.
• Make sure all high voltage areas
are identified and suitably Electricity Heavy Components
Signs on the extruders should also Many of the components of an
• Keep areas around the extrusion
warn about electric shock hazard areas extrusion coating line are extremely
coating line clear of boxes, barrels
on the machines. Keep water away heavy. Use appropriate lifting
and other impediments.
from these areas. Periodically check all equipment when changing and/or
• Obtain and read the MSDS for all
electrical devices and connections. adjusting these components. Safety
materials used in the extrusion
shoes (ANSI 2-87) are required.
coating process. Ventilation Prior to start-up, check to see that
• Wear proper protection (clothing,
Adequate ventilation is a must all safety devices are in place and
eyewear, safety shoes, etc.) as
when working with hot resins. High operational. Walk around the machine
required by the NSDS or
temperatures in the die may result in to be certain that there are no
equipment manufacturer. decomposition products. Carefully obstructions to the machine’s
• Make sure proper ventilation follow the recommended handling and movement and that no one is working
systems are installed and processing conditions provided by too close to the line. The extruder
operating when solvents are used; materials suppliers. should be backed away from the
corona or another treatment pressure and chill roll unit.
method is operating; or another Machinery Motion
procedure is underway which Considerable mechanical Be sure to have the following
requires such systems. movement occurs during the extrusion available before start-up:
coating operation. Avoid wearing ties
• Safety glasses for everyone
Heat and other loose-fitting clothing since
loose items can get caught by the assisting in the start-up (at least
High temperatures are used in
moving equipment. Make sure all two operators are needed).
extrusion coating. Always use heat
people working near the extrusion line • Loose fitting, heavy-duty work
protective gloves, safety glasses and
know where the EMERGENCY gloves
protective clothing. Signs on the
SHUT-OFF BUTTON is located. • A large metal container (drool pan)
extruders should indicate specific hot
NEVER disengage any of the safety for collecting melt produced during
areas on the machines. Since flame
mechanisms on the extrusion line. DO the start-up and shut-down
treatment is used on many lines, fire
NOT OPERATE equipment with procedures.
and personal protection is required.
protective guards removed. Install • Soft metal tools for use in removing
warning signs where necessary. plastic from the die area and for
cleaning the die lips and die gap.

• A sharp safety cutting knife for use
in cutting the web on the windup
rolls and for preparing the new
substrate rolls for extrusion
coating. The knife must retract
when not in use. Table 10: Temperature Profile for LDPE Extrusion Coating

Guidelines For Start-Up Initially After 1 Hour After 1½ Hour

A wide range of extruders can be
used with polyolefins. Therefore, the
following procedures for start-up and
shut-down are provided only as a
Barrell Zone #1 300°F 350°F 350°F
general guide. The operating manual
for the specific extruder should be Barrell Zone #2 450°F 525°F 550°F
closely followed. Barrell Zone #3 500°F 575°F 600°F
Barrell Zone #4 500°F 575°F 610°F
1. Turn on the cooling systems for the Barrell Zone #5 500°F 575°F 610°F
hopper and the screw, Adapter 500°F 57\5°F 610°F
2. Turn on all the heaters in stages. All Die Zones 500°F 575°F 610°F
(Table 10)
3. Put drool pan under die. Check with your resin supplier for specific recommendations for other polymers
4. When the die temperatures have
reached at least 500°F (260°C),
start the screw drive motor at the
minimum speed. Gradually raise
the speed to 18 to 20 rpm.
5. If the screw does not rotate, the
barrel heaters have not been on Table 11. Operating Recommenations for Various Substrates
long enough. Turn off the extruder
drive and wait 10 to 15 minutes for
the heaters to bring the polymer to Main Objectives Substrates
a molten state.
6. As the screw rotates, watch the
screw load: if it exceeds 100% or Paper & Metal BOPP
the maximum amperage, reduce
Cloth Paperboard Foil Film
the screw RPM (i.e., speed).
7. Now purge and clean the die. Use
a drool pan until the melt coming Adhesion X X X X
out the die appears to be clean Clarity X X X X
and consistent. Now the extruder is Heat Sealing X X X X
ready for the coating operation.
8. Adjust the back pressure valve to Operating Conditions Recommended
increase the work being done on
the resin to reach the desired melt
temperature. [NOTE: Never set any Let melt fall against X X X X
heater above the desired melt the pressure roll
temperature.] slightly above the nip
9. Adjust the deckling to roughly
obtain the desired coating width. Minimum melt temp- X X X X
10. Run the screw speed back to the erature compatible
minimum. Stop the extruder long with good adhesion
enough to carry out the next six
steps, which should not take longer
Cool Chill Roll — X X X X
than three minutes.
11. Remove the drool pan. 60°F to 80°F
12. Move the extruder into the final (21°C to 27°C)
coating position, i.e., just above the
nip of the pressure and chill rolls
(the nip should be in the open
13. With the substrate in the line from
the unwind to windup, start the line
drive in tread speed.

14. Close the nip. Line Speed the hot melt leaves the die and the
15. Start the extruder screw again and One method of reducing the cost of point where it solidifies, that is, the
bring the screw and the line up to extrusion coating is by increasing chill roll/pressure roll nip.
the running speeds. coating speeds. The surface speed of
16. Check operating temperatures. the chill roll is, of course, limited by the An adequate air gap, although it
They should be at the desired drawdown properties of the melt cools the web (which impairs
levels. Adjust the back pressure coating. Too high a speed may cause adhesion), is needed simply to give
valve to achieve the desired melt tear-offs and voids (holes) in the oxidation time to occur. When coating
temperature. coating. These problems can best be porous substrates, oxidation plays a
17. Adjust the windup tension so that prevented by using polyolefin resins role also, although to a lesser degree.
the take-off is firm and at the with unusually high uniformity and The recommended gap between die
correct tension for the substrate. excellent drawdown strength. and nip is seven to nine inches (18 to
18. Set the edge trimmers to the High coating speeds are not 23 cm). It may be less for some porous
desired width. Bring the slitters in always required or even desirable. Line substrates or where very good
contact with the coated substrate. speed, i.e., chill roll speed along with adhesion is not desirable. The air gap
19. Feed the edge trim into the trim extruder screw speed, controls coating can be adjusted by raising or lowering
disposal system. thickness (coating weight). Coating the extruder or the chill roll assembly.
20. Raise the line speed to the desired weight depends on the requirements of The hot film can be treated with
level. the finished product. Line speeds range ozone just before it is pressed against
21. Make all quality checks after the widely from 50 to 3,000 feet (15 to 915 the substrate to help increase bond
line and extruder have settled out, m) per minute. The slowest speeds are strength and line speeds and reduce
and complete final adjustments. used to lay on heavier coatings or, extrusion temperatures. However,
occasionally, where maximum adhesion ozone is corrosive and toxic in
is a prime requirement. In higher concentrated amounts. The treater
volume, thin-coating work, the extrusion station should be made of materials
Shut-Down Guidelines for coater may be run at high line speeds that withstand ozone attack, such as
up to 3,000 ft./min. (915 m/min.). stainless steel or aluminum and
Extrusion Coating Lines adequate ventilation is essential.
Adhesion Preheating the substrate before it
For shut-down, follow these steps: A coating which can easily be reaches the pressure roll promotes
peeled off is worthless. Good adhesion adhesion of the coating to some porous
1. Decrease the line speed to 50 fpm is, therefore, the most important materials, such as kraft paper,
(15 mpm) or less and decrease the consideration in extrusion coating. A paperboard or cloth. Preheating makes
screw speed to the minimum. better bond between substrate and the surface more receptive to the
2. Turn off the screw. coating also means better heat seal molten film. Preheating also helps
3. Move the extruder back from the strength. Good adhesion of the coating remove moisture. However, preheating
nip area. to the substrate depends upon a cannot dry a really wet, porous web.
4. Stop the line drive. number of factors, including the type of Adhesion to a wet substrate is always
5. Put drool pan under the die. substrate, type of priming, resin flow, poor. A wet substrate should be
6. Restart the screw and drool the stock temperature, coating speed and oven-dried before it is fed into the
extruder. coating weight (see Table 11). coater. To preheat, pass the substrate
7. Purge the extruder with purge Porous substrates, such as paper over a steel drum that is internally
compound only if needed. Do not or cloth, have a natural tendency to heated by steam or electricity to about
let the screw run “dry.” Shut down hold onto a coating because of the 350°F to 375°F (176°C to 190°C).
the extruder only with clear penetration of the hot melt into the Resin flow properties affect the
polyethylene or purge compound. substrate. This kind of adhesion is adhesion of polyolefin resins to porous
8. Clean the die lands and seal die called a physical or mechanical bond. substrates since the ability of a resin to
lips with a Pogo stick or other Most smooth, non-porous sub- penetrate the substrate’s surface
mechanism, and stop the extruder. strates, such as metal foils, plastic films depends on the viscosity of the molten
Make sure the die opening is or even glassine, have no physical web, as well as the porosity of the
sealed to prevent oxidation. means of clinging to a coating. They substrate. Higher melt index resins,
tend to resist adhesion, and the with their lower viscosities, adhere
substrate and coating must be chemi- better to porous substrates than do
cally bonded. To obtain a chemical lower melt index resins.
Optimizing the Extrusion bond, a trace of oxidation on the Any factor that reduces the amount
Coating Process polymer surface is necessary. Such of oxidation of the hot polyolefin web
oxidation requires: reduces its adhesion to the substrate.
After starting up an extrusion Low coating speed and high coating
coating line, various steps can be taken • A high melt temperature
weights tend to promote adhesion
to optimize its operation. • An adequate drawdown distance or
because more time is available for
“air gap” between the point where
oxidation to occur. As thinner coatings

are extruded, they cool more between resin pellets. When the moisture is • Too high a melt temperature.
the die lip and the roll nip. Hence, present in such quantities that it cannot • Too great a die speed: decrease
adhesion may be poorer. The lower the be vented back out the hopper, it the die setting and decrease
coating weight, the higher the air gap evaporates and may cause voids. neck-in.
required to obtain good adhesion. Substrates may also absorb moisture • Too slow a coating speed: increase
Conversely, the higher the coating before coating, which leads to voids. coating speed and decrease
weight, the lower the required air gap. Voids may occur when oxidized resin neck-in slightly.
Too low a chill roll temperature also particles collect in the die. • A resin with too high a melt index
impairs adhesion. Pinholes can result if fibers from or density: decrease melt index,
A high, well controlled, resin the substrate penetrate very thin density or both and decrease
temperature in the die and at the point extrusion coatings. Flame treating can neck-in. An optimum combination
where the resin first contacts the prevent pinholes. Holes, edge tears, of these two properties must
substrate are essential for good breaks and other defects can also eventually be determined for
adhesion. High melt temperatures indicate that operating conditions need successful coating.
(600°F [315°C] or higher) are required to be changed. One of the following
to chemically bond a polyolefin coating solutions or a combination may prevent Wherever there is neck-in,
to paper, for example. these defects: “beading” also takes place (see Figure
Although high melt temperature is 35, page 23). Beading is a thickening of
a critical factor in extrusion coating, • Keep the resin dry and tree from both edges of the coating film. If the
high temperatures can adversely affect foreign matter. beaded edges are not trimmed, then
the coated substrate’s sealability. High • Keep the barrel, screw, screen the final roll of coated substrate sags in
temperatures in the die may also result pack and die clean. Do not let this the middle because of the thickness of
in odor and smoke during production. equipment become soiled with the ends. The sagging can result in
Negative pressure ventilation systems degraded resin or foreign matter. breaking edges, wrinkling and
are essential (see Table 12). • Adjust the die properly to keep the difficulties in converting the roll later.
gauge uniform and eliminate thin Special internal deckling can be used to
areas. virtually eliminate beading (Figure 36,
Table 12: Main Factors Affecting • Prevent surging. Keep the page 23) and loss of resin.
the Bond Between Resins and temperature along the die uniform.
Substrates • Keep the resin feed throat cool Coating Thickness (Gauge)
(around 80°F [27°C]). Variances in the thickness (gauge)
• Use only virgin resins that are free of the coating generally are due to
• Substrate Type and Surface
of fines, and prevent contamination problems in the die. If the die and die
• Coating (Melt Temperature) from entering resin feed system. lips are not clean, thin bands can occur
• Air Gap When changing resins, the in the coating. Problems with die
extruder and die must be purged heaters can also cause temperature
• Resin Flow Properties (Melt
with the incoming resin long striations that result in gauge bands.
Index) enough to assure that no Uneven extrusion (non-uniform
• Coating Speed previously used polymer is in the flow) from the die is called surging.
• Coating Thickness die (15 to 30 minutes). Surging may result in non-uniform
coating gauge, “applesauce” defects
• Preheating of Substrate
Neck-In and voids in the coating. Table 13
• Nip Pressure When the hot film is drawn down provides some possible reasons for
• Primer onto the cool chill roll, it exhibits “neck- surging.
in,” or shrink at the edges (see Figure
• Corona or Flame Pretreating
35, page 23) Neck-in is the difference
of the Substrate between the hot melt width at the die
• Ozone Treating of the face and the coating width on the Process Variables Affecting
Extrudate substrate. The smaller the drawdown
distance between die and chill roll (air
Properties of Extrusion
gap) and the narrower the die opening Coatings
Voids, Holes and Tears is set, the less neck-in. However, for
good adhesion of the melt web to the Various steps can be taken to
Voids in the extrusion coating are
substrate, the air gap must have a optimize the performance of extrusion
generally caused by volatile
certain minimum length, so some coated substrates.
components in the polymer melt or the
neck-in must be expected. Increased
substrate. Too high a temperature
neck-in can be caused by: Barrier Properties
anywhere in the extruder may break
down the polyolefin into volatile, Thickness uniformity is the most
• Deckling —-but there is no way to important processing factor affecting
vaporizing agents that cause bubbling
eliminate neck-in due to deckling barrier properties. With very thin
and result in voids. Rapid changes in
since it is not practical to have a coatings, blemishes and imperfections
temperature, humidity or both, between
separate die for each substrate (pinholes, fisheyes, etc.) reduce barrier
the storeroom and extrusion shop may
width. properties. Furthermore, some
cause moisture to condense on the

Table 13: Reasons for Surging and Their Causes Gloss
Extrusion coating gloss improves
with increasing operating temperatures.
Problem Possible Causes of Surging Gloss is also affected by the chill roll
that is used. A high gloss or mirror
pocket chill roll yields a glossier
coating. A matte-finish chill roll reduces
Variations in Melt Temperature The screw is too hot in the feed
the gloss of the coating.
section so that the resin sticks
together at the feed throat, Heat Sealability
causing bridging. Various factors can adversely
affect heat sealability. If the air gap is
Variations in Resin A poorly designed screw. too great, melt temperatures too high or
corona treatment excessive, oxidation
occurs and affects the coating’s heat
A barrel heater is burned out or
sealability. Additives (antistats, slip
faulty, causing variationsn in agents, dispersion agents) also reduce
electric heating (or an instru- the coating’s heat sealability.
ment is faulty)
The resin is improperly mixed Polyolefin coated substrates to be
because the barrel is too short. made into bags or pouches must not
block, i.e., coated sides must not stick
to each other. Slip prevents blocking
Bridging when the screw fee is from occurring. Slip is affected by such
too hot. processing factors as coating
temperature, chill roll temperature and
The motor belt is slipping. surface and treatment, A high coating
temperature and a highly polished chill
Die surfaces obstruct smooth roll, while having beneficial effects on
melt flow. adhesion and coating gloss, definitely
contribute to blocking. A matte chill roll
improves slip properties considerably.
The screw fabrication could be
Increased chill roll temperature
at fault. increases slip and decreases blocking
to a degree. If a substrate is to have a
glossy coating, a polyolefin resin
containing a slip additive should be
additives and colorants also can reduce than ±10% are not considered a used. These additives however, can
a coating’s barrier properties. Resin problem. Variations exceeding this level result in some loss of adhesion.
density also determines barrier require corrective steps. Non-uniform
properties. melt temperature may result in Stiffness
non-uniform extrusion coating gauge The main factor affecting stiffness
Clarity and other defects. is the resin choice (higher density
The main factor affecting clarity is Hot polymer forms a flow channel resins yield stiffer films). Process
the choice of resin. However, the clarity that can cause gauge bands. When the conditions in the barrel and screw can
of an extrusion coating improves with gauge bands are adjusted, a new affect the stiffness or “feel” of the film.
increasing processing temperatures gauge band is created on either side of
and faster cooling. Clarity is also the original one, since the hot melt flow Strength
affected by the chill roll used. A high must go somewhere. The source of the The most important factor
gloss or mirror pocket chill roll yields a hot melt flow must be identified and controlling strength (including tear,
higher clarity coating. A matte-finish corrected before uniform coating puncture and tensile) is the choice of
chill roll results in a coating with low thickness can be attained resin. Naturally however, blemishes and
clarity. Overheated melt may come out of imperfections (pinholes, fisheyes, etc.)
the die too fluid, resulting in a coating reduce strength properties.
Varying processing variables has that is difficult to cool and peel off the
chill roll. Poor mixing may also result in
little or no effect on ESCR. Resin The main factor affecting
choice is the most important factor. non-uniform extrusion coating
toughness is the resin choice. Extrusion
LLDPE resins have excellent ESCR. thickness. It is essential to periodically
coating toughness generally is best
measure gauge on a cut piece of
with the more difficult to process resins,
Gauge Uniformity coated substrate or with a built-in
i.e., the low MI, high molecular weight
The problem of poor gauge electronic gauge-measuring and
uniformity in extrusion coating is quite recording device.
common. Variations in gauge of less

Appendix 1:
Common Coa ting Pr
Coating ob
Prob lems and Their Causes

Coating Problems Possible Causes

Poor Clarity Extrusion temperature too low

Inadequate cooling
Rough finish on the chill roll
Unsuitable resin

Wrinkles on the Windup Roll Gauge variations caused by die or cooling defects
Insufficient or unequal cooling
Inadequate tension control at the rewind
Idler rollers not in train

Coating-Film Structure Defects such as Extrusion temperature too low or high

Applesauce Poor mixing
Poor screw design

Coating-Film Defects such as Gels and Fisheyes Poor mixing

Flaking away of oxidized polymer caused by a dirty screw
and/or barrel
Insufficient purging after changing resins
Contaminated resin due to lack of cleanliness in the shop,
mixing the resin with scrap or reground polymer
Faulty start-up or shut-down
Resin hang-up
Hot hopper inlet section
Poor resin quality

Streaks in Coating Inadequate mixing

Foreign matter held up in die
Impurities in the die lands
Scratches in the die lands
Burrs in the idler rolls
Idler rolls not turning

Wide Coating Thickness Variations Non-uniform temperature at the die opening

Non-uniform cooling across the melt
Non-uniform flow at the die opening (probably caused by surging)
Non-uniform die gap opening

Poor Winding Non-uniform gauge

Poor rewind tension control
Excess slip additive in the resin
Inadequate rewind equipment
Too much blocking
Inadequate cooling of the coated substrate before windup
Chill roll too highly polished
Improper wind-up tension
Improper idler roll alignment

Adhesion, Ppoor or Spotty Bonds Low melt temperature

Improper air gap
Heater malfunction
Substrate surface not prepared; corona treatment or primer
Chill roll temperature too high or low
Use of silicone sprays
Incorrect nip roll impression

Appendix 1: (Contin ued)
Common Coa ting Pr
Coating ob
Prob lems and Their Causes
Coating Problem Possible Causes
Coating Film Defects

Applesauce Extrusion temperature too high or low

Poor mixing
Resin contamination; improper purging technique

Gels Insufficient purging after resin change

Contaminated resin: transfer lines not cleaned or storage boxes not covered
Over-oxidized polymer as a result of high melt temperatures
Overheated hopper feed section; water cooling passages clogged

Edge Tear Improper die design

Die temperature ends too low
Deckle settings too wide or narrow
Deckle seal strip improperly set up

Gauge Bands Heater malfunction; melt temperature variation

Dirty die
Die gap opening not uniform
Melt temperature too high
Improper melt back pressure control

Pinholes Rough substrate

Low polymer coating
High tension settings on line drives
Dirty or damaged idler rollers

Voids Wet polymer; moisture pickup due to quick temperature changes or

resin handling
Melt temperature too high
Dirty die

Surging Hot hopper inlet section from poor water circulation

Improper screw design
Improper process conditions

Draw Resonance Improper air gap

Melt temperature too high
Wrong resin used for job
Improper die gap

Oxidation Improper air gap

Melt temperature too high
Improper purging technique; possible resin contamination
Shut-down procedure problems: screw turned off too soon
High treater settings on barrel down stream zones

Curtain Tear-Outs or Breaks Improper die gap

Melt temperature too low
Low back pressure
Low coating thickness
Improper deckle set-up

Heat Sealability Problem Over-oxidation: high melt temperature or improper air gap setting
Excessive corona treatment
Additives or excessive use of silicone sprays, resulting in surface contamination

Appendix 2:
ormmulas ffor
or the Extr usion of P
Extrusion ol
Pol ymer

1. Output, lbs/hr

(FPM) Width, in.) (basic weight)


FPM = line speed

basic weight = gauge desired
Width = die opening

2. Output, lbs/RPM


3. Horsepower

(volt) (amp)

4. Outputs, lbs/hp


5. RPM


Appendix 3:
Cleaning the Extr uder and Its P
Extruder ar
Par ts

A definite periodic cleaning 8. Remove the breaker plate and polishing cloth, and hone the
schedule should be established for screens from the adapter. manifold’s flat surface to remove any
the extrusion coating line. The time 9. Push the screw forward with a mars or scratches. Reassemble all
interval between thorough cleaning rod from the back end of the the parts. Set the opening between
can best be determined by barrel and remove it. Now, you the die lands to the desired width with
experience. Standard operating have access to all the extruder a feeler gauge or shim made of brass
procedures should be developed for parts to be cleaned orexchanged. or some “soft” metal which does not
specific machines operated under mark the lands. The recommended
specific conditions in the shop. The To clean the screw, first use a copper die gap opening is 0.030 inch (0.008
following are general guidelines only. or brass knife (putty knife) to remove mm).
most of the molten resin adhering to To clean the pressure rolls, use a
How to Clean the Extruder the screw. Do not use a steel blade. cloth saturated with ethyl or isopropyl
Over long periods of operation, a Next, clean the screw with copper or alcohol. Make sure to work in a well
layer of oxidized polymer slowly brass wool. Use a silicone grease ventilated area. If there are minor
builds up on the inside barrel walls, and/or nonchlorinated scouring scratches or nicks in the pressure roll,
the screw and the die. Eventually, this powder to remove stubborn resin. But it must be refinished, which can be
degraded resin will begin to flake off. use the silicone grease sparingly; done with a coarse emery cloth,
This in turn results in coating defects, residual silicone can cause problems followed by polishing with a piece of
such as gels or yellow-brown oxidized in extrusion coating for days. Finally, felt. Repairs of more significant
particles. Such defects cause the coat the screw with a thin layer of damage, such as cracks, surface
coating to have a poor appearance, castor oil. hardening, gouges, etc., require
especially in very thin coatings. To clean the barrel, run a brass removal of the roll and regrincling or
The following disassembly steps brush at the end of a long handle resurfacing.
are suggested prior to cleaning the through the barrel to remove any To clean the chill roll, also use an
extruder: resin build-up. Lubricate the barrel ethyl or isopropyl alcohol -saturated
with a thin layer of castor oil. To clean cloth. Make sure to work in a well
1 . Refer to the MSDS on the the adapter, also use copper or brass ventilated area. Take special care not
materials run most recently to tools. Clean the collar. Clean and to mar the chill roll surface in any way.
learn about potential hazards if lubricate the seat of the adapter. The Check the surface to make sure that it
decomposition occurs. face of both the adapter and the is perfectly flat. Periodically, the chill
2. Let the extruder run with resin, barrel must be clean in order to make roll must be reconditioned: a new, flat,
without further feeding, until the a good seal on reinstallation. To clean highly polished surface applied and
screw can be seen when the the breaker plate, it is necessary to the cooling water channels cleaned.
hopper is uncovered. Do not let burn away the oxidized polymer with Chill roll manutacturers generally offer
the screw run “dry”. a Bunsen burner. The polymer may this service. A replacement chill roll
3. Turn off all electricity and water be clinging to or possibly clogging the should be available while the current
cooling. plate. Specially designed cleaning roll is sent out for reconditioning.
4. Move the extruder away from the ovens or fluidized baths may also be
windup equipment and remove used for cleaning breaker plates or
anything else in line with the small parts.
screw while the machine is still To clean the extrusion coating
hot. Wear protective gloves. Make die, remove the fixed die lips while
sure that the hazards of volatile they are hot. If the die lands are
and other resin decomposition separate from the lips, remove them.
products are eliminated. Scrape the lands, the manifold and
5. Disconnect electrical and water the fixed and adjustable lips free of
lines. resin with a brass or wooden “knife.”
6. Remove the die. Use heavy-duty Use only copper or brass tools for
carrying equipment, an overhead cleaning all the parts. Finish the
crane or fork lift truck. cleaning with a copper-wool cloth or
7. Remove the barrel cover and the brush. Polish the curved surfaces of
adapter from the barrel. the manifold with a very fine grit

Appendix 4:
Metric Conver
Conv sion Guide

To Convert From To Multiply By

square inches square meters 645.16
square millimeters square inches 0.0016
square inches square centimeters 6.4516
square centimeters square inches 0.155
square feet square meters 0.0929
square meters square feet 10.7639

pounds/cubic inch grams/cubic centimeter 7.68
grams/cubic centimeter pounds/cubic inch 0.000036
pounds/cubic foot grams/cubic centimeter 0.016
grams/cubic centimeter pounds/cubic foot 62.43

foot-pounds Joules 1.3558
Joules foot-pounds 0.7376
inch-pound Joules 0.113
Joules inch-pounds 8.85
foot-pounds/inch Joules/meter 53.4
Joules/meter foot-pounds/inch 0.0187
foot-pounds/inch Joules/centimeter 0.534
Joules/centimeter foot-pounds/inch 1.87
foot-pounds/square inch kilo Joules/square meter 2.103
Joules/square meter foot-pounds/square inch 0.4755

mil millimeter 0.0254
millimeter mil 39.37
inch millimeter 25.4
millimeter inch 0.0394

pounds/minute grams/second 7.56
grams/second pounds/minute 0.1323
pounds/hour kilograms/hour 0.4536
kilograms/hour pounds/hour 2.2046

kilowatts horsepower(metric) 1.3596
horsepower (metric) kilowatts 0.7376
voltage/mil millivolts/meter 0.0394
millivolts/meter voltage/mil 25.4

Appendix 4: (Contin ued)
Metric Conver
Conv sion Guide

To Convert From To Multiply By

pounds/square inch (psi) kilopascals (kPa) 6.8948
kilopascals (kPa) pounds/square inch (psi) 0.145
pounds/square inch (psi) bar 0.0689
bar pounds/square inch (psi) 14.51

°F °C (°F-32)/1.8)
°C °F 1.8°C+32
inches/inch F meters/meter,C 1.8
meters/meter,C inches/inch,F 0.556

Thermal Conductivity
Btu-in/hr, sq. ft.,°F W/(m-°K) 0.1442
W / (m-°K) Btu-in/hr,sq ft, °F 6.933

Thermal Expansion
inches/inch,°F meters/meter,°C 1.8
meters/meter, °C inches/inch, °F 0.556

poise Pa-sec. 0.1
Pa-sec poise 10

cubic inch cubic centimeter 16.3871
cubic centimeter cubic inch 0.061
cubic foot cubic meter 0.0.83
cubic yard cubic meter 0.765

ounce gram 28.3495
kilogram ounce 0.03527
pound kilogram 0.4536
kilogram pound 2.2046
ton (US) ton (metric) 0.972
ton (metric) ton (US) 1.1023

Coating Weight
grams/meter² pounds/3,000 ft² 0.614

Appendix 5:

Ab br
Abbr eviations
ACS American Chemical Society
APC Automated process control
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
BOPP Biaxially oriented polypropyene
Btu British thermal unit
DB Dinkelberry. Caused by leaking die end plates, deckles or
other extruder matting surfaces.
deg Degree (angle)
E Modulus of elasticity
EAA Ethylene acrylic acid copolymer
EEA Ethylene-ethyl acrylate copolymer
elong Elongation
EMAA Ethylene methyl acrylic acid copolymer
EnBA Ethylene-n-butyl acrylate
ESCR Environmental stress cracking resistance
EVA Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer
EVOH Ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer
FDA Food and Drug Administration
flex Flexural
FPA Flexible Packaging Association
FR Flame retarant
g Gram
GP General purpose
HALS Hindered amine light stabilizer
H/C Hopper Car
HDPE High density polyethylene
HMW High molecular weight
imp Impact
IR Infrared
J Joule
K Kelvin
kpsi 1,000 pounds per square inch
L/D Length to diameter ratio of screw
lbf Pound-force
LDPE Low density polyethylene
LLDPE Linear low density polyethylene
MD Machine direction
MDPE Medium density polyethylene
Ml Melt index
MIL Military, as in Military Standard (MIL STD)
mod Modulus
mol% Mole percent
MU Greek mu
MVTR Moisture vapor transmission rate
MW Molecular weight
N Newton
OPP Oriented polypropylene
PA Polyamide
PBT Polybutylene terephthalate
PE Polyethylene
PET Polyethylene terephthalate
PP Polypropylene

Appendix 5: (Contin ued)
Ab br
Abbr eviations

pphr Parts per hundred resin, parts per hour

ppm Parts per million
psi Pounds per square inch
PVdc Polyvinylidene
RH Relative humidity
rpm Revolutions per minute
SCR Silicon controlled rectifier
sp gr Specific gravity
SPC Statistial process control
SPE Society of Plastics Engineers
SPI The Society of the Plastics Industry
SQC Statistia quality control
TAPPI Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry
TD Transdirectional
ten Tensile
Tg Glass transition temperature (crystalline polymers)
T/L Truckload
Tm Melt temperature (amorphous polymers)
TPO Thermoplastic olefin
UHMW-HDPE Ulta-high molecular weight HDPE
ult Ultimate
UV Ultraviolet
VAM Vinyl acetate monomer
WVTR Water vapor transmission rate
yld Yield

Appendix 6: Beta Gauge: Gauge consisting of two Coat-hanger Die: Extrusion slot die
facing elements, a “ß”-ray-emitting shaped internally like a coat hanger to
GLOSSAR Y source and a “ß-ray detector. When a
sheet material (substrate) is passed
improve distribution of the melt across
the full width of the die.
between the elements, the “ß” -rays Coating Weight: Weight of coating per
Air Gap: The vertical distance between absorbed are a measure of the density unit area.
the die lips and the nip to chill roll or thickness of the sheet. Color Concentrate: Color pigment
contact point. Beta Scission: Abstraction of hydrogen compounded with a base resin and
Applesauce: Rough wavy appearance from the polymeric backbone, causing then let down at a specific ratio with the
on the surface of the polymer curtain, chain breakage, resulting in a marked polymer being extruded to achieve a
sometimes called Orange Peel. It reduction in melt viscosity. correct end concentration.
occurs when the plastic has not been Bleed: To give up color when in contact Compression Ratio In an extruder
uniformly homogenized. with water or a solvent. Also, the screw, the ratio of the channel volume
Aging: Change of a material with time undesired movement of certain in the first flight at the hopper to that of
under defined environmental materials to the surface of a finished the last flight at the end of the screw.
conditions, leading to improvement or article or onto an adjacent material. Conditioning: Subjecting a material to
deterioration of properties. Blister: Raised area on the surface of a a stipulated treatment so it responds in
Air Jet: Device used to cool and coated substrate or molded plastic a uniform way to subsequent testing or
stabilize the polymer edge. caused by the pressure of gases inside processing. The term is frequently used
Alloy: Composite material made by the area’s independently hardened to refer to the treatment given to
blending polymers or copolymers with surface, sometimes created by specimens before testing.
other polymers or elastomers under entrapped air between a substrate and Copolymer: Polymeric system that
selected conditions, e.g., the coating, contains two or more monomeric units.
polypropylene-rubber blends. Blocking: Undesired adhesion Polymer that has a functional chemical
Amorphous Phase: Devoid of between touching layers of material, group added for improved properties.
crystallinity; no definite order. At which can occur if the materials are Examples are EnBA, tie-layers, EAA
processing temperatures a plastic is under moderate pressure during adhesive polymers, EVA, EMA, EMAA.
normally amorphous. storage or use. Creep: Dimensional change with time
Angle of Repose: Minimum angle for Blooming: Movement of an additive to of a material under load, following the
the hopper wall design. It is equivalent the surface of the finished article. initial instantaneous elastic
to the angle formed when the resin is Blowing Agents: Chemical additives deformation.
placed in a pile on a flat surface. that generate inert gases when heated Crosslinking: Formation of primary
Annealing: Holding a material at an and cause the polymer to assume a valence bonds between polymer
elevated temperature below its melting cellular structure. molecules, resulting in a marked
point to permit stress relaxation without Branched: In the molecular structure of increase in melt viscosity. A method of
distortion of shape. polymers, this refers to side chains degradation by which molecules join
Antiblock: Additive that prevents an attached to the main chain, together resulting in an increased high
undesired adhesion between touching Breaker Plate: Perforated plate located molecular weight proportion. Many gels
layers of a material, such as occurs in an extruder head. It often supports are actually highly crosslinked material.
under moderate pressure during screens that prevent foreign particles Crystallinity: Molecular structure in
storage or use. from entering the die. polymers denoting stereo regularity and
Antioxidant: Substances that prevent Bulk Density: Mass per unit volume of compactness of molecular chains.
or slow down oxidation of polymers a powdered or pelletized material as Normally can be attributed to the
exposed to air. determined in a reasonably large formulation of solid crystals in the
Antistatic Agent: Additives that volume. polymer with a definite geometric form.
minimize static electricity in polymers. Burning Rate: Tendency of polymers to Curling: Condition in which a coated
Arrowheads: Imperfections in film burn under given conditions. substrate rolls in the machine or
resembling “arrowheads”. Chill Roll: Cored roll, usually transverse direction and sometimes in
Auto-oxidation: Self-sustained temperature controlled by circulating both directions.
oxidation of a polyolefin after initial water, which cools the web before Deckle Rods: Small rod or adjustable
exposure to some oxidizing agent, such winding. In extrusion coating, either a device inserted or attached at each end
as molecular oxygen. polished or matte-surfaced chill roll may of an extrusion coating die, used to
Average Molecular Weight: Most be used, depending on the desired control the width of the polymer as it
synthetic polymers are a mixture of finished coating. leaves the die lips.
individual chains of many different Clarity: The transparency of a coating. Delamination: Separation of dissimilar
sizes, hence a molecular weight for Clearance: Controlled distance materials into layers.
such a mixture is an average molecular between parts of an object. Deliquescent: Capable of attracting
weight. moisture from the air.

Appendix 6: (Contin ued)
(Continued) Edgebead Reduction: A wire rod or Gel Flurry: Sporadic appearance of
shaped mechanism inserted above the gels in a large area of a film extrudate.
GLOSSAR final die lip lands from each end of the Gel Streaks: Groups of gels aligned in
extrusion coating die. This device the direction of flow in film.
reduces or eliminates edge bead. Glass Transition: Change in an
Edge Tear, Edge Weave: Weaving or amorphous polymer or in amorphous
Density: Weight per unit volume of a partial tearing of the melt curtain along regions of a partially crystalline polymer
substrate expressed in grams per cubic its edges. from a viscous or rubbery condition to a
centimeter, pounds per cubic foot, etc. Elasticity: Property of a material that hard and relatively brittle one.
Die Adapter: Extrusion die part that allows it to recover its original size and Gloss: Measure of the ability of a
connects the die to the barrel adapter. shape after deformation. material to reflect incident light. It is a
Die Gap: Distance between the die lips, Elongation: Increase in length of a function only of the surface of the
forming the die opening, through which material under stress. material.
the polymer flows, typically 0.020" to Embossing: To create impressions of a Hardness: Resistance of a plastic to
0.040" (0.508mm to 1.016mm). specific pattern in plastic film. compression and indentation. Among
Die Lines: Vertical marks on the film Environmental Stress Cracking: the most important methods of testing
extrudate caused by damage to the die Susceptibility of a thermoplastic to this property are Brinell Hardness,
lips or contamination on the die lips’ crack or craze under the influence of Rockwell Hardness and Shore
land areas. chemical treatment and/or mechanical Hardness.
Dinkelberrys: Drippings from deckles, stress. Haze: Degree of cloudiness in a
mating surfaces on dies and adaptors, Ethylene Vinyl Acetate: A copolymer of polymer
etc. ethylene and vinyl acetate having many Heat Sealing: Joining plastic surfaces
Dielectric Constani: Ratio of the of the properties of polyethylene, but by simultaneous application of heat and
capacitance of an assembly of two exhibiting increased flexibility, pressure to areas in contact. Heat may
electrodes separated by a dielectric elongation and impact resistance. be supplied conductively or inductively.
material to the assembly’s capacitance Extrudate: Product or material Homopolymer: Polymer consisting of
when the electrodes are separated by delivered by an extruder, such as film, only monomeric species.
air. pipe, and the web coating of paper or Hopper: Conical feed reservoir into
Dielectric Strength: Electric voltage films, etc. which polymer is loaded and from
gradient at which an insulating material Extrusion: Forcing a heated plastic which it falls into the extruder.
is broken down, given in volts per mil of through a shaping orifice to produce a Hot Gas Welding: Joining
thickness. continuous flow. thermoplastics by softening the
Dispersion: Finely divided particles of Extrusion Coating: Coating of a materials with a jet of hot air and
a material suspended in another substrate by extruding a thin film of pressing together the softened points. A
substance. molten polymer and pressing it onto the thin rod of the same material is used to
Doctor Roll, Doctor Bar, Doctor substrate. fill the gap in some applications.
Blade: Device regulating the amount of Film: Sheeting with a thickness less Hydroscopic: Tendency to absorb
liquid material on the rollers of a than 0.010 inch. moisture.
spreader or applicator, Fisheye: Fault in transparent or Impact Strength: Ability of a material to
Drawdown Ratio: Ratio of the translucent polymer film or sheet, which withstand shock loading.
thickness of the die opening to the final appears as a small globular mass. Land: Bearing surface along the top of
thickness of the product. Caused by contamination or incomplete the flights of a screw in an extruder or
Drawdown Limit: The complete and blending. the surface of an extrusion die parallel
instantaneous breaking or tearing of the Flame Treating: Treating inert to the direction of melt flow.
molten film curtain across its entire thermoplastic materials so they are Light Resistance: Ability of a plastic to
width. receptive to inks, lacquers, adhesives, resist fading after exposure to sunlight
Draw Resonance: A different form of etc. The material is heated in an open or ultraviolet light,
extrudate drawdown failure flame to promote oxidation on the L/D Ratio: Ratio of the extruder length
characterized by instability of the surface. Paperboard is usually flame to its barrel diameter.
molten film edge or loss of thickness treated to promote adhesion of the Masterbatch: Plastic compound that
uniformity across the width of the film molten polymer curtain to its surface. includes a high concentration of an
curtain. The thickness changes move Flammability: Measure of the extent to additive or additives, i.e.; color
from side to side and are not confined which a material supports combustion. pigments, slip, antiblock, etc.
to one area of the die. Flow: Fluidity of a plastic. Melt Flow Rate: Amount, in grams, of a
Edge Bead: A buildup of polymer along Gauge: Thickness of a single layer of thermoplastic forced through the orifice
the edges of the web resulting from film expressed in mils (0.001 inch = 1 of an extrusion plastometer under
neck-in of the molten polymer curtain mil). conditions described in ASTM D 123-F9
as it exits the extrusion coating die. Gels: A film defect characterized by (condition L) at 230°C. Normally used
round or oblong clear spots, so hard for polypropylene.
they can be felt.

Appendix 6: (Continued)
(Continued) Polymer: High molecular weight Specific Heat: Amount of heat required
organic compound, natural or synthetic, to raise a unit mass by one degree of
OSSARY with a structure represented by temperature under specified conditions.
repeating small units. Stabilizer: Ingredient used in the
Polypropylene: Tough, lightweight, formulation of some polymers to assist
rigid plastic made by the polymerization in maintaining the physical and
Melt Fracture: Instability in the melt of propylene gas in the presence of an chemical properties of the compounded
flow through a die starting at the entry organometallic catalyst at relatively low materials, for example, heat and UV
to the die. It leads to surface pressures and temperatures. stabilizers.
irregularities of the finished product. Purging: Cleaning one color or type of Surface Treatment: Treating a polymer
Melt Index: Amount, in grams, of a material from the barrel of an extruder to render the surface receptive to inks,
thermoplastic which can be forced by forcing it out with a new material or a lacquers, and adhesives. Also used to
through the orifice of an extrusion purge compound, if needed. render the surface of paper, paperboard
plastometer under conditions described Quench: The shock cooling of and film substrates receptive to
in ASTM D1238-F9 (condition E) at thermoplastics from the molten state. polymer adhesion. Also refers to
190°C. Normally used for polyethylene. Recycle: Ground material from edge processes such as chemical, flame and
Melt Strength: Strength of a polymer trimmings or drool which, after mixing electronic treating.
while in a molten state. with certain amount of virgin material, is Surging: Unstable pressure build-up in
Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate: reused in some extrusion operations an extruder leading to variable
Rate at which water vapor permeates (blow molding, injection molding, film throughput and waviness of the
through a plastic film at a specified and sheet extrusion). extrudate.
temperature and relative humidity. Rheology: Study of the flow of Synergism: Use of stabilizers or slip
Molecular Weight Distribution: polymers on a macroscopic and additives in a polymer when the
Measure of the frequency of occurrence microscopic level. combination of two or more stabilizers
of the different molecular weight chains Rockwell Hardness: A test for plastics improves the stability of a polymer to a
in a homologous polymeric system. The measuring resistance to indentation by greater extent than would be expected
ratio of the weight average molecular using a diamond or steel ball under from the additive effect of each
weight to the number average pressure to deform the test specimen. stabilizer alone.
molecular weight is sometimes used as Rubber Roll Marks: A repeat T-Die: Center-fed, slot extrusion die,
an indication of the breadth of the impression made on the coated surface which in combination with the die
distribution. when contamination particles are stuck adapter (down-spout), resembles an
Monomer: Molecule that can react to on a nip roll (rubber roll). After each inverted “T.”
form a polymer. revolution, the contaminant leaves a Tear Strength: Ability to resist tearing.
Neck-In: Contraction of the molten mark on the substrate. Temperature Profile: Temperatures
polymer curtain as it leaves the die. The Shear Rate: Overall velocity of the along the extruder, adapter, down-spout
difference between the die opening cross section of a channel at which and die. Usually described by zones
width and the finished coating width molten polymer layers are gliding along starting at the feed zone and
before trimming off the edge bead. each other or along a channel in a progressing to the die lips,
Nips: Rolls in various locations along laminar flow. Tensile Strength: Pulling stress in
the length of the coating line including Shear Strength: Ability of material to pounds per square inch required to
the nips in the coating stations (priming, withstand shear stress or the stress at deform a given specimen. The original
extrusion) etc, which a material fails to shear. area of the coating is usually used in
Orange Peel: Surface defect in film Shear Stress: Stress development in a computing strength, rather than the
resembling the skin of an orange. polymer melt when the layers in a cross necked-in area.
Orientation: Aligning the crystalline section are gliding along each other or Thermal Stability: Ability of a polymer
structure of polymers to produce a along a wall of the channel in a laminar to maintain its initial physical and
highly uniform structure accomplished flow. chemical properties at elevated
by cold drawing or stretching during Sheet: Flat section of a thermoplastic temperatures.
fabrication. at least 10 mils thick, with its length Treating: Preparing a substrate for
Permeability: Rate of diffusion of a considerably greater than its width. adhesion of a polymer. Preparing a
vapor, liquid, or solid through a barrier. Shrinkage: Contraction of a molten polymer surface to retain inks,
Pigment: Solid, insoluble additive material upon cooling. adhesives, etc.
providing opacity or color. Slip Additive: Modifier that acts as UV Absorbers: Any chemical
Poise: Unit of viscosity. internal lubricant which blooms to the compound which, when mixed with a
Polytillends: Mechanical mixture of two surface of the plastic during and thermoplastic, selectively absorbs
or more polymers, for example immediately after processing. The ultraviolet rays and retards polymer
polypropylene and rubber. additive coats the surface and reduces degradation.
Polyethylene: Thermoplastic the coefficient of friction.
composed mainly of ethylene.

Appendix 6: (Continued)


Ventilation: Blower devices used to

remove smoke and fumes from around
extrusion coating lines and the extruder
Viscosity: Internal friction or resistance
to flow of a liquid. The ratio of shearing
stress to rate of shear.
Viscosity of Common Liquids in
Poise at 25°C
Water 0.01
Kerosene 0.10
Motor Oil SAE 10 1.0
Castor Oil 10.00
Glycerin 10.00
Corn Syrup 100.0
Molasses 1000.0
Polymers (typical) 10,000 to
(at 200°C)
Void: Bubble or hole in film, caused by
gels, hang-up in die lips and moisture in

Appendix 7:



Property ASTM Method TAPPPI Method

Abrasion Resistance
of Paperand Paperboard T476
of Plastic Materials D 1242
Adhesion of Polyethylene
to Porous Substrates T539
to Nonporous Substrates T540
Air Permeability
of Paper and Paperboard T547
Blocking Resistance
of Paper and Paperboard D 918
Brittleness, Low Temperature
of Plastic Film D 746
Burst Strength
of Paperboard and Linerboard D 774 T807
of Paper D 774 T403
Chemical Resistance
of Adhesive Bonds D 896
of Plastic Film D 1239
Coefficient of Friction
of Packaging Paper T542
Density of Plastic Film D 1505 or D 792
Dielectric Constant of Plastic Film D 150
Dissipation Factor of Plastic Film D 150
Elongation of Plastic Film D 882
Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance
of Plastic Film D1693
Flexural Modulus of Plastic Film D790
Folding Endurance of Paper T423
Gloss (spectral)
of Paper and Paperboard T480
of Plastic Film D 2457
Grease Resistance
of Flexible Packaging Materials T507
Hardness of Plastic Film, Rockwell D 785
Shore D 2240
Haze of Plastic Film D 1003
Heat Seal Strength of Plastic Film F 88
Impact Strength, falling dart of Plastic Film D 1709/A
Melt Index D1238
Oxygen Permeability of Plastic Film D 3985
Printability of Polyolefin Film Surfaces T698
Rheological Properties Using Capillary
Rheometer D 3985
Specific Gravity D 792
Stiffness of Paper T451
of Paperboard T489
1% Secant modulus of Plastic Film D 638

Appendix 7: (Contin ued)

Property ASTM Method TAPPPI Method

Surface Resistivity of Plastic Film D 257

Surface Tension
of Paper Substrate D 724 T458
of PE and PP D 2578 T698
Tear Resistance
of Plastic Film D 1922
of Paper T414
Tensile Strength
of Plastic Film D 882
of Paper and Paperboard D 828 T404
Thermal Conductivity C l 77
Vicat Softening Point D 1525
Volume Resistivity of Plastic Film D 257
Water Absorption of Plastic Film D 570
Water Vapor Transmission Rate
of Paper and Paperboard T448
of Flexible Packaging Materials E 96 T448
of Flexible Barrier Materials D 1434
Wetting Tension of Polyolefin Film Surfaces T698
Wetting Tension of Polyolefin film and T552
coated surface via the Mayer rod technique

Appendix 8:

Alathon® HDPE Polyethylene Resins

Aquathene™ Ethylene vinylsilane compounds for wire and cable
Flexathene® Thermoplastic Polyolefin Resins
Integrate™ Functionalized Polyolefins
Microthene® Powdered polyethylene resins
Petrothene® Polyethylene and polypropylene resins
Plexar® Tie-layer resins
Ultrathene® Ethylene vinly acetate (EVA) copolymer resins

Index Blocking, 47
resistance to, 3
Blooming, 47
Blowing agents, 47
Abbreviations, 45
Branched chains, 2, 47
Additives, 2, 4, 5
Breaker plate, 17, 47
blending, 10
“Build-up ratio,” 33
Bulk density, 47
optimizing, 36
Burning rate, 47
problems with, 39
Butene, 4
Aging, 47
Air blowers, barrel cooling and, 17
Air gap, 47
Carbon atoms, 2
adhesion and, 36
Center braking, 11
Air jet, 47
Center winders, 32
Alarm system, for heat failure, 17
Central blending units, 10
Alloy, 47
Chain branching, 2, 47
Amorphous phase, 47
Chemical bonding, 36
Angel hair, 8
Chemical priming, 11
Angle of response, 47
Chemical resistance, 37
Annealling, 47
Chill rolls, 27, 47
Antiblock, 47
cleaning, 42
Antioxidant, 47
Cincinnati Technology Center, 8
Antistatic agents, 2, 47
Clarity, 4, 38, 47
Applesauce, 37, 40, 47
problems with, 39
Area, metric conversion guide for, 43
Cleaning, of extruder, 42
Arrowheads, 47
Clearance, 47
Atactic substances, 47
Coat-hanger dies, 21, 47
Automatic roll changers, 33
Coating pan, 13
Automatic screen changers, 19
Coating thickness, 37
Auto-oxidation, 47
variations in, 39
Average molecular weight, 47
Coating weight, 47
metric conversion guide for, 43
monitoring, 31
Barrel, 17
Coextrusion coating feedblock, 26
cleaning, 47
Coextrusion equipment, 23
cooling, 17
Colorants, 47
Barrier properties, 37
blending, 10
Barrier-type screws, 18
Color concentrate, 47
Bead control rods, 23
Combining adapter, 24
Beading, 29
Comonomers, 3
Bends, long radius,
Compression, 47
eliminating, 9
Compression ratio, of extruder screw, 18
Beta gauge, 47
Condensation, on cooled chill rolls, 27
Beta scission, 47
Conditioning, 47
Bimetallic liners, of barrels, 17
Contamination, eliminating in resin transfer, 9
Bleed, 47
Continuous monitoring systems, primer
Blister, 47
application and, 13

Index (Contin
Index ued)
(Continued) Dryers, for priming, 13
Dual manifold dies, 23
Dual slot dies, 24
Control(s), 33
Dust, 8
Controller, 17
Cooling of barrel, 17
of extruder screw, 18 E
of chill roll, 27 Edge bead, 48
of pressure roll, 27 minimizing formation of, 21
Copolymer, 47 reduction of, 48
Corona discharge treatment, 11 Edge bead trim slitters, 29
Creep, 47 Edge-guide equipment, 33
Crosslinking, 47 Edge tear, 37, 40
Crystallinity, 47 Elasticity, 48
density and, 2 Electricity, 34
Curling, 47 Electrodes, for corona treatment, 15
Curtain tear-outs or breaks, 40 Elongation, 48
at rupture, 3
Embossing, 48
Energy, metric conversion guide for, 43
Deckle rods, 47
Environmental stress cracking resistance
Deckling systems, 23
(ESCR), 3, 38, 48
Delamination, 47
Ethylene, 2,
Deliquescent, 47
Ethylene copolymers, 2
Density, 2, 48
Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), 4, 48
metric conversion guide for, 43
Extrudate, 48
Die(s), 20
Extruder(s), 16
cleaning, 42
cleaning, 42
coat-hanger, 24, 47
number of, 15
coextrusion, 23
Extrusion, 48
dual manifold, 23
speed of, 3
dual slot, 24
Extrusion coated products, applications for, 7
heating zones of, 21
Extrusion coating, 48
keyhole, 24
Extrusion coating line
multimanifold coextrusion coating, 26
shut-down, 36
single exit, 24
start-up, 34
Die adapter, 48
Extrusion laminating, 7
Die gap, 48
Dielectric constant, 48
Dielectric strength, 48
Die lines, 48
gravimetric, 16
Die lips, 20
volumetric, 16
Dinkelberrys, 48
Feed rollers, 29
Dispersion, 48
Film, 48
Doctor roll/bar/blade, 48
Fines, 8
Drawdown, 3
Fisheyes, 39, 48
Drawdown limit, 48
Flame treatment, 11, 13, 48
Drawdown ratio, 48
Flammability, 48
Draw resonance, 40, 48
Flexibility, 3

Index (Contin
Index ued)

Flexible die lip, 23 High density polyethylene (HDPE) resins, 4

Flow, 48 density of, 2, 3
Flow properties, adhesion and, 36 manufacture of, 6
Fluoropolymer tape Holes, 37
to mask pressure roll, 29 Homopolymers, 4, 48
preventing marking or imprinting of Hopper, 16, 48
coating by, 30 Hot gas welding, 48
replacement of, 30 Hydrogen atoms, 2
Flying-splice unwind, 111, 33 Hydroscopic substances, 48
Formulas, for extrusion of polymers, 41
Fragrances, 4 I
Impact strength, 48
G Impermeability, 3
Gap winding, 33 Infrared (IR) sensors, 31
Gas phase (PG) process for In-line ozonator, 12
HDPE resin manufacture, 6
LDPE resin manufacture, 6 K
Gas phase reactor Keyhole dies, 24
for manufacture of polypropylene, 7
Gauge,48 L
uniformity of, 37 Land, 48
variations in, 39 Lay-on roll, 32
Gauge bands, 40 L/D ratio, 48
Gear pumps, 20 Length, metric conversion guide for, 43
Gear reducer, 17 Lifting, of heavy equipment, 34
Gel(s), 39, 40, 48 Light resistance, 48
Gel fIurry, 48 Linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) resins, 4
Gel streaks, 48 density of, 2
Glass transition, 48 manufacture of, 7
Gloss, 3, 38, 47 Line speed, 36
Gravimetric feeders, 16 Low density polyethylene (LDPE) resins, 4
density of, 2
H manufacture of, 7
“Hammer finished” surfaces, 8
Handling, 8 M
Hardness, 48 Machine motion, 34
Rockwell, 49 Masterbatch, 48
Haze, 48 Mechanical bonding, 36
Heat, 34 Mechanical flex life, 3
Heaters, 17 Medium density polyethylene (MDPE) resins, density
Heat failure, alarm system for, 17 of, 2
Heating zones, of die, 21 Melt flow rate, 48
Heat resistance, 3 Melt fracture, 49
Heat sealing, 38, 48 Melt index (MI), 3, 49
problems with, 40 Melt pumps, 20

Index (Contin
Index ued)

Melt strength, 49 PLEXAR resins, 7, 16

Melt temperature, 21 Poise, 49
adhesion and, 36 Polyblends, 49
Metal foils, pretreatment of, 11 Polyethylene, 2, 49
Metric conversion guide, 43 Polymer(s), 49
Microcomputer controls, 33 formulas for extrusion of, 41
Mixing screws, 18 Polymerization, 2
Modifiers, 4 Polyolefins, 2
Moisture vapor transmission rate, 49 for extrusion coating, 7
Molecular structure, polyolefin properties and manufacture of, 6
processability, 2 molecular structure and composition of, 2-6
Molecular weight, 3 Polypropylene (PP), 49
Molecular weight distribution, 3, 49 density of, 2
Monomers, 49 manufacture of, 7
polymerization of, 2 Power, metric conversion guide for, 43
Multimanifold coextrusion coating dies, 26 Precoaters, 11
Multi-stage screws, 18 Pressure, metric conversion guide for, 44
Pressure rolls, 26
N cleaning, 42
Neck-in, 29, 37, 49 undercut, 31
Nips, 49 Pressure valves, 20
Nuclear sensors, 31 Priming, 12
chemical, 11
O equipment for, 12
On-the-machine blending units, 10 Propylene, 2, 6
Orange peel, 49 Proximity winding, 32
Orientation, 49 Pumps, gear (melt), 20
Output, metric conversion guide for, 43 Purging, 49
Oxidation, 40 Push-only screw, 23
adhesion and, 36 Push/pull screw, 23
requirements for, 36
Ozone adhesion and, 45 Q
corrosiveness of, 36 Quench,49
produced by corona, 15
P Razor blade slitters, 29
Pay-off roll, 10 Real-time SPC systems, 34
Peel roll, 28 Rear strength, 49
Permeability, 49 Recycling, 49
PETROTHENE resins, 7 Recycling system, 31
Physical bonding, 36 Reflectance mode, of infrared sensor, 31
Pigment, 49 Reground resin shipping and handling, 8
Pinholes, 37, 40 Resin handling/conditioning, 8
Piping, 18 Resin toughness, 3
roughening interior walls of, 8 Resin transfer system, 8
Plastic films, pretreatment of, 12 Rheology, 48

Index (Contin
Index ued)
Rockwell Hardness, 49 Surface winders, 32
Roll braking, 11 Surging, 37, 40, 49
Rubber roll marks, 49 Synergism, 49

Safety, extrusion coating line start up, 34 Takeoff, 32
Sandwich laminating, 7 Taper tensioning, 33
Score cutters, 29 Tears, 37
Screen plate, 19 Temperature, metric conversion guide, 43
Screws, of extruder, 16 Temperature profile, 49
cleaning, 42 Tensile strength, 3, 49
types of, 18 , 23 Thermal conductivity, metric conversion guide for, 44
Shear rate, 49 Thermal expansion, metric conversion guide for, 44
Shear slitters, 29 Thermal stability, 49
Shear strength, 49 Thermocouples, 18
Shear stress, 49 Thermoplastics, 2
Sheet, 49 Thermoset resins, 2
Shipping, 8 Tie-layers, 4, 12, 15
Shrinkage, 49 Toughness, 38
Shut-down of extrusion coating line, 36 Transfer piping, 18, 24
Silicone, of pressure roll covering sleeve, 27 Transmission mode, of infrared sensor, 31
Silicone grease, as release agent, 30 Treating, 49
Single exit dies, 24 T-slot die, 21
Single-stage screws, 18 Turret winders, 33
Sliding die lip, 21
Slip, 38 U
Slip additive, 49 ULTRATHENE copolymers, 7
Slip/antiblock agents, 4 Undercut pressure roll, 31
Slurry process for HDPE resin manufacture, 6 Unwinder rolls, 11
for LDPE resin manufacture, 6 UV absorbers, 49
Specific heat, 49
Stabilizer, 49 V
Start-up, of extrusion coating line, 34 Ventilation, 34
Statistical process control (SPC), 34 Ventilation blower, 49
Stiffness, 38 Vinyl acetate (VA), 4
Streaks, 39 Viscosity, 3, 49
Streamers, 8 metric conversion guide for, 44
Strength, 38 Voids, 37, 40, 50
Stress cracking resistance, 3, 39 Volume, metric conversion guide for, 44
Substrate, priming, 11 Volumetric feeders, 16
Substrate(s) Vortex Tube Air Jets, 30
handling, 10
porous and non-porous, 36 W
precoating, 11 Water
properties of, 7 barrel cooling with, 17
Surface braking, 11 cooling of extruder screw by, 18
Surface treatment, 10, 29, 49 Web tension, 10

Index (Contin
Index ued)
Weight, metric conversion guide for, 44
"Wetting Test" 15
Winders, 32
center, 32
surface, 32
turret, 33
Winding problems, 39
Windup equipment, 32
wrinkles on, 39
Wrinkles, on windup roll, 39

LyondellBasell Industries
P.O. Box 3646
Houston, TX 77252-3646
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Adflex, Adstif, Adsyl, Akoafloor, Akoalit, Alathon,

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Aquathene, Arcopure, Arctic Plus, Arctic Shield,
Avant, Catalloy, Clyrell, CRP, Crystex, Dexflex,
Duopac, Duoprime, Explore & Experiment, Filmex,
Flexathene, Glacido, Hifax, Hiflex, Histif, Hostacom,
Hostalen, Ideal, Integrate, Koattro, LIPP, Lucalen,
Luflexen, Lupolen, Lupolex, Luposim, Lupostress,
Lupotech, Metocene, Microthene, Moplen, MPDIOL,
Nerolex, Nexprene, Petrothene, Plexar, Polymeg,
Pristene, Prodflex, Pro-Fax, Punctilious, Purell,
SAA100, SAA101, Sequel, Softell, Spherilene,
Spheripol, Spherizone, Starflex, Stretchene,
Superflex, TBAc , Tebol, T-Hydro, Toppyl,
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trademarks owned or used by the
LyondellBasell family of companies.

Adsyl, Akoafloor, Akoalit, Alathon, Aquamarine,

Arcopure, Arctic Plus, Arctic Shield, Avant, CRP,
Crystex, Dexflex, Duopac, Duoprime, Explore &
Experiment, Filmex, Flexathene, Hifax, Hostacom,
Hostalen, Ideal, Integrate, Koattro, Lucalen,
Lupolen, Metocene, Microthene, Moplen, MPDIOL,
Nexprene, Petrothene, Plexar, Polymeg, Pristene,
Pro-Fax, Punctilious, Purell, Sequel, Softell,
Spheripol, Spherizone, Starflex, Tebol, T-Hydro,
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