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Accounting - Based Estimates of The Cost of Capital - A Third Way

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Accounting-based Estimates of the Cost of Capital: A Third Way

Stephen Penman

Columbia Business School, Columbia University

Julie Zhu

Boston University and Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Jiao Tong University


Stephen Penman is at and Julie Zhu is at Comments

from Sonia Konstantinidi, Charles Lee, Robert Resutek, and Nir Yehuda are very much

This paper offers an approach for estimating the cost of capital from observed accounting

information and compares the resulting estimates to so-called implied cost of capital (ICC)

calculations and those estimated with asset pricing models. The approach is based on two ideas.

First, buying expected earnings growth is risky; thus, any variable that predicts expected

earnings that is at risk of not being realized is potentially an indicator of the cost of capital.

Second, accounting principles induce earnings growth that ties to risk; thus, an accounting

number that results from this accounting is potentially an indicator the cost of capital. The cost of

capital estimates perform well in validation tests, in contrast to the alternatives that are the

current standards.
Accounting-Based Estimates of the Cost of Capital: A Third Way

1. Introduction

Considerable research in finance is devoted to developing models that deliver a measure of the

cost of capital (otherwise called the expected return, the discount rate, or the required return).

While the structure of no-arbitrage asset pricing models is understood as a matter of theory, the

endeavor has been frustrated by difficulties in identifying common factors, the risk premiums for

these factors, and the sensitivities of asset returns to the factors. In response, accounting

information has been brought to the task. One approach (in the vein of Claus and Thomas, 2001

and Gebhardt, Lee, and Swaminathan, 2001) estimates the so-called implied cost of capital (ICC)

as the internal rate of return that reconciles current price to earnings forecasts and a long-term

growth rate. A second approach (in the vein of Lyle, Callen, and Elliott, 2013) imputes the

estimate from models that make assumptions about the evolution of accounting numbers and

their connection to prices. This paper proposes a third accounting-based approach and compares

the approach to the alternatives.

The approach applies the framework of Penman, Reggiani, Richardson, and Tuna (2015)

that connects expected stock returns to accounting numbers: The expected return (cost of capital)

is indicated by observables that forecast expected earnings and earnings growth at risk. Applying

the framework, Penman and Zhu (2014) show that selected accounting variables previously

associated with so-called “anomalous” returns exhibit the prescribed properties. Penman and

Yehuda (2015) show further that these accounting variables are contemporaneously priced in the

market as the “discount-rate news” in the Campbell (1991) return decomposition.

This paper picks up where these papers left off, leading to a cost-of-capital estimate. It

applies a formal process for identifying accounting variables that then combine into a cost-of-

capital estimate. First, the relevant variables connect a priori to earnings growth and risk under

accounting principles. Second, the variables not only predict earnings growth empirically but

also indicate the risk that growth will not be realized. Third, as validation, the identified variables

predict stock returns. The resultant cost-of-capital is then estimated from the identified variables

out of sample, with further validation that they forecast growth, risk, and returns (out-of-sample).

The paper then compares the estimate to alternatives, including ICC estimates and those

from asset pricing models. Our estimates exhibit characteristics that one expects of a valid cost-

of-capital estimate, but are quite different from the alternatives that are widely applied as the

current standard. The empirical comparison is based on out-of-sample prediction of forward

returns and the risk in those returns rather than in-sample goodness-of-fit criteria. Forward

returns are, of course, those that investors are interested in.

We find that the relevant accounting information is not incorporated in ICC estimates.

Growth expectations enter into the ICC, but we show both analytically and empirically how the

ICC calculation fails to capture the associated risk. While ICC estimates have had difficulty it

predicting returns, our estimates robustly do so.

Cost-of-capital estimates from the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), implemented

with historical betas, have little relation to our estimates, nor do they predict actual returns.

However, our estimates predict forward betas, so the ability of CAPM estimates to predict actual

returns improves with updated beta estimates implied by the accounting information.

In the parlance of asset pricing, our cost-of-capital estimates are based on

“characteristics” rather than “factors.” As it turns out, the Fama and French (1993) three-factor

model and Fama and French (2015a) five-factor extension incorporate some of the information

we identify as important, as does the investment model in Hou, Xue, and Zhang (2015a).

However, in the construction of “factor-mimicking portfolios” and the estimation of sensitivities

to those factors, this information is packaged in such a way to produce expected-return estimates

that correspond little to ours and which fail to validate against actual realized returns. We do find

that the sensitivity or returns to the Fama and French book-to-price factor is increasing in our

cost-of-capital estimate (as our analysis predicts it should), as does sensitivity (beta) to the

market factor. However, sensitivity to the other factors in the five-factor model and the Hou,

Xue, and Zhang (2015a) model vary little with our cost-of-capital estimate, even though those

factors are nominally based on similar accounting information. Our estimates indicate expected

returns that are not explained by these pricing models, and the amount of unexplained expected

return is increasing with our cost-of-capital estimate.

1.1 Accounting-Based Approaches: ICC

The ICC approach warrants particular attention because it is applied extensively in accounting

research to answer the question: What is the effect of X on the cost-of-capital? (where X can be

accounting methods, disclosure, auditing, regulations, corporate governance mechanisms, and

more). The ICC has also been applied to validate asset pricing models, in Hou, Xue, and Zhang

(2015b), for example. The approach is applied in Claus and Thomas (2001), Gebhardt, Lee, and

Swaminathan (2001), Easton, Taylor, Shroff, and Sougiannis (2002), Easton (2004), and Gode

and Monhanram (2003), to name just a few.1 By and large, the approach has not been particularly

successful in validation tests, though more recent papers that add refinements show some

improvement.2 Most strikingly, the research has had difficulty in predicting average returns, a

For review and evaluation of this research, see Easton and Mohanran (2005, 2016), Botosan and Plumlee (2005),
Easton (2007), Botosan, Plumlee, and Wen (2011), and Echterling, Eierle, and Ketterer (2015).
See, for example, Huang, Natarajan, and Radhakrishnan (2006), Nekrasov and Ogneva (2011), Hou, van Dijk, and
Zhang (2012), Larocque (2013), Mohanram and Gode (2013), Ashton and Wang (2013), Fitzgerald, Gray, Hall, and
Jeyaraj (2013), Lee, So, and Wang (2015), and Li and Monhanram (2014).

property required of a valid estimate.3 This is quite remarkable given that many accounting

numbers (with less pretense to being the expected return) readily predict returns (and robustly

so), for example, earnings-to-price (E/P), book-to-price (B/P), accruals, and asset growth.

Our approach differs from ICC estimation in the seven ways.

First, the cost of capital is inferred from accounting observables (in the present) rather

than analysts’ forecasts and/or assumptions about future growth rates. Analysts’ forecasts, said to

be subject to behavioral biases, have proven to be a frustration in estimating the ICC.4

Second, in contrast to many ICC papers that specify the same growth rate for all firms,

expected growth varies over firms. Thus observables that indicate the cost of capital do so

because they indicate variation in growth rates in the cross section.

Third, growth connects to risk. Rather than viewing the cost of capital, r, and the growth

rate, g, as separate inputs in estimating the ICC, our approach incorporates the idea, advanced in

Ohlson (2008) and Penman and Reggiani (2013) and supported by the evidence, that r and g are

related: Higher expected growth implies higher risk on average. In the typical reverse

engineering exercise that elicits the ICC, r ‒ g is an input in the so-called “terminal value” of the

valuation model assumed for the purpose. An increase in g with no effect on r has quite different

implications for price (from which the ICC is inferred) than a corresponding increase in g that

leaves r ‒ g (and price) unchanged because r increases along with g. While some ICC papers

(like Easton, Taylor, Shroff, and Sougiannis, 2002, and Nekrasov and Ogneva, 2011) allow for

variation of growth rates in estimating the ICC, our approach connects that variation to risk and

See Easton and Monahan (2005 and 2016), Guay, Kothari, and Shu (2011), and Botosan, Plumlee, and Wen
(2011), for example.
Hou, van Dijk, and Zhang (2012) substitute forecasts based on accounting observables for analysts’ forecasts but
maintain assumptions on growth rates for the long run.

the cost of capital. Thus, it renders quite different cost of capital estimates to these papers that

estimate r and g jointly as separable inputs.

Fourth, the approach embeds accounting principles that govern the recognition of

earnings and tie expected earnings growth to risk. Accounting numbers that indicate the cost of

capital (in the first point above) are identified as numbers that indicate risky growth expectations,

both as a matter of accounting principle and with empirical support to that effect.

Fifth, while the ICC is estimated as a constant over all future time—a feature that is

inconsistent with no-arbitrage if the cost of capital is time-varying—the estimation is amenable

to predicting changes over time.

Sixth, while the ICC has a circularity problem—estimates that employ price cannot be

used in valuations to challenge the price—our estimates, estimated and validated out of sample,

can be applied in equity analysis.

Seventh, the resulting cost of capital estimates predict returns robustly out of sample and

exhibit other characteristics typically associated with risk.

The key conceptual points that differentiate our approach from the ICC are the third point

that ties growth to risk and the recognition of the accounting principles that make the tie in the

fourth point. To sharpen the comparison of the approaches, the paper estimates the ICC and

growth rates under the Easton, Taylor, Shroff, and Sougiannis (2002) procedures and finds that,

not only do the cost of capital estimates differ significantly from ours, but the implied growth

rates that are jointly estimated bear little resemblance to the expected growth that indicates risk

and which is at the core of our approach. The procedures in Gebhardt, Lee, and Swaminathan

(2001) handle growth differently but the resultant cost-of-capital estimates also have little

correspondence with ours. That said, we do not carry out a comprehensive comparison against all

ICC measures, but many of these assume a constant growth rate over firms.

1.2 Accounting Based Approaches: Estimates from Parametric Accounting Models

A second accounting-based approach attempts to add the necessary accounting structure by

assuming, in addition to clean-surplus accounting, a parametric process that governs the

evolution of earnings. Assumed fixed parameters project future earnings from current earnings

and book values, and also imbed the discount rate (cost of capital). As prices are based on

expectations of future earnings with a discount for risk, the parameters also connect earnings and

book values to prices. Accordingly, the discount rate (the cost of capital) is implied by observed

accounting numbers, prices, and estimates of the parameters. In this vein, Lyle, Callen, and

Elliott (2013) assume the Ohlson (1995) “unbiased accounting” with autoregressive accounting

dynamics to yield an expression for the cost of capital, with parameters estimated in sample then

applied out of sample to produce cost of capital estimates. Christodoulou, Clubb, and McLeay

(2016) apply similar dynamics but without incorporating prices. Lyle and Wang (2015) embrace

the Voulteenaho (2002) tautology to describe the expected return in terms of log book-to-price

and expected log book return on equity (ROE) and then assume that log ROE evolves under an

AR(1) parameter such that ROE is expected to equal the cost of capital in the long run (and thus

market values equals book value in expectation). The cost of capital for future periods is then

estimated by applying the parameter estimate to observed book-to-price and ROE.

Chattopadyhay, Lyle, and Wang (2015) apply a similar framework but allow expected ROE and

the cost of capital to differ by a constant in the long run (with book-to-market correspondingly

different from 1.0 in expectation).

These approaches are based on observables rather than forecasts and allow for a changing

cost of capital. Thus, like the first and fifth points above, they contrast with the ICC approach.

And, like the seventh point, the estimated cost of capital does predict returns. However, the

papers are not in accord with the accounting they employ. The Voulteenaho (2002) tautology

introduces book-to-price and ROE in log form but, while Ohlson (1995) shows that GAAP book

values and earnings honor the Miller and Modigliani (1961) dividend irrelevance property so

foundational to valuation theory, this property is violated in log form; the evolution of log book-

to-market and log ROE is determined by payout. Further, the assumed parameterization is

critical. Though not often recognized, the parameters imbed accounting principles for measuring

earnings, but there is no explanation of the type of accounting implicitly assumed and how it

reveals risk. Nor is there an explanation that the accounting is representative of GAAP

accounting used in the estimation.5

As Feltham and Ohlson (1995) demonstrate, conservative accounting yields expected

growth, the feature in the second and third points above that distinguish our approach from ICC

estimation and also from these papers. An autoregressive assumption implies that, for the typical

case of price greater than book value, the premium of price relative to book value declines over

time. However, expected earnings growth (over that from retention) implies an increase in

premiums, as shown in Penman, Reggiani, Richardson, and Tuna (2015). It is the

accommodation of growth and its connection to risk in the second and third points that thus

distinguishes our paper from these papers as well as the ICC approach. In addition, the fourth

point connects GAAP accounting to growth and risk. Rather than governed by an assumed fixed

The autoregressive assumptions is usually explained by “the forces of competition” that are said to drive book rates
of return towards the cost of capital overtime, but there is no explicit recognition of the accounting that also
determines the book rate of return.

parameter, the accounting evolves over time with the resolution of risky growth expectations,

and it is this process that produces numbers that inform about the expected return.6

We contrast our approach with the parametric approaches here to be comprehensive, but

do not compare the estimates empirically in this paper. That is partly done in Penman and

Yehuda (2015) where the comparison is to the papers that assume the Voulteenaho (2002) model

with an autoregressive assumptions: Those papers produce expected return estimates that are at

variance with consistency conditions required of a valid expected-return estimate. We do note,

however, that Lyle, Callen, and Elliott (2013) estimates of expected returns incorporate some of

the accounting variables underlying our estimate (though for different reasons) and are

significantly associated with actual future returns out of sample.

1.3 A Caveat

Before proceeding we bring the standard caveat. In estimating the cost of capital, we employ

observed stock prices and validate against observed returns. Thus, we assume that market prices

are set efficiently to yield expected returns commensurate with risk, the assumption under which

most empirical analysis in asset pricing proceeds, as do the aforementioned approaches.

As we pool data over a large set of firms and a long time period, it is only required that

prices are efficient on average. Further, our analysis explicitly connects expected returns to risk

and supplies validation with the data; observables that indicate the expected return connect to

risk a priori, and the resulting cost-of-capital estimates are associated with fundamental (non-

price) features that one identifies with risk.

That said, without a benchmark of the “true” cost of capital, we in no way close the

market efficiency debate. One cannot deny alternative behavioral explanations for our findings

That said, our approach does not provide an explicit relation between accounting numbers and returns, an
admirable feature of these papers. On the other hand, that relation is by assumption and it is this assumption that is at
issue. Penman (2016) provides a detailed critique of the parametric approaches.

without further tests against those alternatives. The caveat remains: Despite evidence to the

contrary, we could be picking up expected returns due to mispricing. Nevertheless, the estimates

of expected returns that we produce are based on actual investor experience over many years.

They are persistently observed, indicating they are returns that investors should expect. If they

are persistent “abnormal returns,” then we have documented persistent mispricing, but we have

also documented that the so-called “abnormal returns” come with risk, bearing a further caveat.

2. The Third Way

We turn the approach for estimating the ICC around: Rather than estimating an ICC from current

prices and earnings forecasts and then asking (for validation) whether that estimate predicts stock

returns, we estimate the cost of capital by predicting stock returns directly. Validation is then

established out of sample. In a large sample representative of ex ante expectations, those returns

are, of average, the expected return to investing at the price that is the input to the ICC

calculation. They are also returns associated with the realization of the (analysts’) earnings

forecasts input to the ICC and thus, on average, the returns indicated by those expectations if

they were unbiased.

However, the accounting observables that predict those returns are identified, not by data

dredging to “see what works,” but under organizing principles that connect the accounting

numbers to risk and the expected return.

2.1 Organizing Principles

The first organizing principle is from the framework of Penman, Reggiani, Richardson, and Tuna

(2015) that explicitly connects the expected stock return to accounting numbers: Given clean-

surplus accounting, the expected stock return for the forward year is given by the forward

earnings yield plus the price-denominated expected change in the premium of price over book

value during the forward year. That premium, in turn, is driven by expected earnings growth. The

benchmark case is that of no-growth where the expected change in premium is zero and the

expected return is equal to the expected earnings yield. Growth (over normal growth from

retention) implies an increase in the premium. Thus, any variable the predicts forward earnings

and subsequent earnings growth that investors deem to be at risk will capture the discount in

price for that risk and accordingly will indicate the expected return (the cost of capital). Penman

(2016) elaborates and the appendix to Penman, Reggiani, Richardson, and Tuna (2015)

demonstrates with examples.

The second organizing principle concerns the accounting that connects growth to risk. To

introduce the ideas, consider the book-to-price ratio (B/P) that features so prominently in asset

pricing models. A (presumably riskless) U.S. government bond fund has B/P = 1: One trades in

and out of the fund at book value (NAV). However a risky equity fund also has B/P = 1, so B/P

cannot differentiate risk and return in this case. The reason is the accounting: Mark-to-market

accounting (or fair value accounting, more generally) takes away the ability of B/P to indicate

risk. So, if B/P has anything to do with risk and the expected return in the more typical case of

B/P ≠ 1, it might have something to do with accounting that departs from fair value accounting.

The alternative accounting to fair value accounting is so-called historical cost accounting

which, apart from investment funds and some financial assets and liabilities, is pervasive. An

accounting principle, the so-called realization principle, drives historical cost accounting and

connects accounting numbers to risk and potentially the cost of capital: Book value increases

with the recognition of earnings but, under uncertainty, the recognition of earnings is deferred

until the uncertainty is resolved. Thus, the delay in the recognition of earnings that are expected

in the stock price indicates earnings at risk (of not being realized) while realized earnings reflect

risk that has been resolved.

The principle is applied in recognizing revenues only when the uncertainty about

receiving cash is largely resolved—usually on making a “realized” sale with an enforceable

receivable. In asset pricing terms, earnings are recognized only when the firm can book a low-

beta asset, cash or a near-cash (discounted) receivable. Until that point, revenue recognition is

deferred as higher beta, an expectation at risk of not being realized (the customer may not

materialize. Deferred earnings amount to expected earnings growth and the accounting thus

connects that growth to risk.

A second accounting principle reinforces the connection: Under so-called (unconditional)

conservatism, assets are not booked (to book value) when earnings from the investments are

particularly uncertain; rather they are expensed against earnings immediately. R&D, advertising,

and promotion (brand building) are the classic examples, but the accounting is pervasive, applied

to investment to develop supply chains and distribution chains, employee training and retention,

software development, start-up and organization costs, and more. Conditional conservatism—

writing down booked assets on lowered expectations but refusing to recognize anticipated gains

until realized—reinforces this accounting upon arrival of updating information. The consequence

of this accounting is to reduce current earnings and induce higher subsequent earnings (growth)

that now attracts no expense amortization. But that growth, too, is tied to risk: The investments

are expensed because of uncertainty about outcomes.7 In contrast, investment that is booked to

the balance sheet (and does not reduce earnings) are deemed to be of lower risk; in contrast to

R&D, inventory and plant investments are made with a saleable product in view.

The accounting is explicitly tied to risk (or “the uncertainty of future benefits”) in FASB Statement No. 2 and IAS
38 on R&D accounting and IAS 37 on the recognition of contingent assets and liabilities.

This characterization is not conjecture; it is a description of how accounting works—

subject to judgement and earnings management, to be sure—that is familiar to a student in a

beginning “Accounting Principles” course. There is no imperative that the risk recognized by the

accounting principles is priced risk, of course. However, intuition suggests that stocks with

realization expected in the more distant future are more sensitive to shocks to the risk premiums.

Indeed, Chen (2016) takes this point to develop a consumption-based pricing model where

expected growth is priced with a higher expected return. The connection of the two accounting

principles to risk and the expected return has also been documented empirically. On the first

accounting principle, Penman and Reggiani (2013) find that the deferral of earnings recognition

(and the consequent higher expected earnings growth) forecasts how realized earnings differ

from expectation, and that risk is reflected in cross-sectional differences in stock returns. On the

second principle, Penman and Zhang (2015) document that conservative accounting also predicts

both cross-sectional differences in returns and the risk of realizing earnings.

The application of these two organizing principles can be illustrated with a simple

valuation model with a constant cost of capital, r, and constant growth rate, g. Given full payout,

the valuation,

Et ( Earningst 1 )
Pt 

(with positive Et(Earningst+1)) is equivalent to a discounted dividend valuation, the no-arbitrage

valuation (for a constant r) that is the foundation for all equity valuation.8 Thus,

The full payout assumption is unimportant. Payout (retention) other than full payout adds to earnings growth, g,
but does not add value under M&M conditions. The valuation isolates the growth that potentially affects price and
the expected return, r, and at the same time is M&M consistent. A constant cost of capital is, of course,
objectionable if no-arbitrage is implied, but the model here is just for illustration. Our approach lends itself to
estimating changing r.

Et ( Earningst 1 )

Et ( Earningst 1 )
In the case of no expected growth, r  , the benchmark case in Penman,

Reggiani, Richardson, and Tuna (2015). The standard view is that expected growth, g, adds to

price and thus decreases the E/P ratio (and increases the P/E ratio). But, that is only so if r is held

constant while g varies. If r increases with g, one for one, r ‒ g does not change, nor does price;

expected growth is discounted in the price because it is risky. More generally, the first organizing

principle recognizes that E/P is not solely based on expected earnings growth, but also on the risk

that the expected growth may not be realized.

The second organizing principle concerns the accounting for Earningst+1 in this model:

The deferral of earnings recognition and expensing risky investments reduces Earningst+1. For a

given Pt that embeds an expectation of total life-long earnings (for both t+1 and after), lower

Earningst+1 implies higher subsequent earnings and, on the lower base of Earningst+1, higher

earnings growth, g, in the denominator. If the growth so induced is pure accounting noise—it’s

just accounting!—there is no effect on price or r. If the added growth pertains to positive-NPV

growth, the growth adds to price. However, if the growth from earnings deferral is tied to risk,

the growth adds to r rather than price. If so, a higher g implies a higher r.

Et ( Earningst 1 )
Thus, a given E/P ratio,  r  g , can involve a high r with a high g or a

low r with a low g, and the investor is left with the task of finding information that discriminates.

The accounting that connects risk to growth has the potential to supply that information. A matrix

of nested portfolios in Exhibit 1 below illustrates how the relevant information might be elicited.

First, form portfolios on E/P ratios in the cross-section such that firms in each portfolio have the

same E/P and thus the same r ‒ g. Second, identify information which indicates earnings growth

under the accounting principle that connects that growth to risk. Third, within each E/P portfolio,

further sort firms into portfolios based on that information. Exhibit 1 displays a 5 × 5 set of

portfolios formed along these lines.

Exhibit 1. A Portfolio Formation Scheme that Identifies Expected Earnings Growth, g, that
is Related to Risk and the Cost of Capital, r.

E/P 2 3 4 E/P

E/P = r ‒ g -17.5 1.3 5.6 8.3 12.3

LOW Low Low Low Low Low

g r r r r r
Indicators of g

2 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

3 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

4 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

HIGH High High High High High

g r r r r r

The top row of the exhibit gives the mean E/P ratios for five portfolios formed by ranking firms

on their E/P ratios. (These are actual mean trailing E/P ratios for U.S. traded stocks from

rankings every year, 1963-2012). As E/P is determined partly by r (and strictly so in the no-

growth case), these portfolios may indicate differential r, as the evidence indeed suggests.9

Considerable research, beginning with Basu (1977) shows that E/P predicts subsequent stock returns.

However, expected earnings growth also affects the E/P ratio. So, a vector of accounting

variables is identified that forecasts growth that connects to risk under accounting principles.

Firms are then sorted within E/P portfolios on this vector into five portfolios (down columns).

Et ( Earningst 1 )
With  r  g held constant in a given E/P portfolio, the information that sorts

on g is necessarily also a sort of firms on r (from low to high, as indicated in the matrix) if the

accounting captures priced risk.

2.2 Identifying Indicators of the Cost of Capital

The identification of the vector requires that relevant accounting observables are

(i) those that a priori indicate growth after t+1 that is at risk under accounting principles,

(ii) are then confirmed empirically to predict that growth and the risk surrounding it, and

(iii) are also confirmed to predict returns, and in the same direction as they predict growth.

The requirement that variables predict growth and returns in the same direction is a consistency

condition: A variable that predicts higher (lower) returns must predict higher (lower) growth if it

is to convey risk under accounting principles. For this study, we limit the predictions to growth

in t+2, although growth over a longer period could be entertained.

To lead the selection of variables, we begin with book-to-price (B/P). This is a natural

starting point, for two reasons. First, earnings in the E/P ratio is the bottom-line number in the

income statement, and book value in B/P is the bottom-line (equity) number in the balance sheet.

Thus the implication of using these two aggregates is considered before a more detailed analysis

of their line-item components. Second (and more substantively), adding book value to earnings

captures the accounting principle that connects growth to risk. E/P × P/B = E/B ≡ ROE

(approximately).10 Thus, with reference to Exhibit 1, a ranking (down columns) on B/P for a

given E/P is an inverse ranking on ROE (return on equity), and ROE is affected by conservative

accounting.11 Under that accounting, an increase in risky investment deterministically reduces

earnings and ROE (due to the immediate expensing) and increases expected earnings growth.

Further, with the investment now omitted from the balance sheet, the accounting yields high

ROE subsequently if earnings from the risky investment are realized (on a low book value base).

The if implies that the expected earnings growth is at risk, and the removal of the if on realization

implies the resolution of risk. In short, the accounting introduces a negative relation between

ROE and growth, induced by the accountant’s response to risk.

Accordingly, for a given E/P, a ranking on ROE down columns in Exhibit 1 (and a

corresponding ranking on B/P) identifies E/P ratios associated with low ROE where the earnings

in the E/P are reduced by deferrals and the expensing of investment, yielding higher g and

corresponding higher r if the risk identified by the accounting is priced risk. These E/P ratios are

distinguished from those associated with high ROE that result from the realization of earnings

from risky investments, implying lower risk and lower r and g. Penman and Zhang (2015)

elaborate and introduce measures of the effect of conservative accounting on ROE to show that,

for a given E/P, ROE is negatively related, not only to subsequent earnings growth in satisfaction

of requirement (ii), but also to the risk that the growth may not being realized. Further, ROE is

also negatively related to average returns in satisfaction of requirement (iii). Penman, Reggani,

Richardson, and Tuna (2015) report similar findings with B/P and thus explain, in part, the

The “approximate” qualification is because ROE is usually calculated on beginning (or average) book value for a
period whereas B/P involves end-of-period book value.
Feltham and Ohlson (1995) and Zhang (2000) model the effect of conservative accounting on ROE and growth,
albeit with no implication for risk or the cost of capital.

celebrated B/P effect in stock returns that is the basis for the Fama and French (1993) asset

pricing model that has risen to prominence.

Further accounting variables, Aj, j = 3,…, K, involving more refined accounting

information are selected under requirement (i), and are then confirmed to predict growth and

returns in the following regressions, in satisfaction of requirements (ii) and (iii):

Earningsta2 E ( Earningst 1 ) B K
   1 t   2 t    j A j  ut  2 (1)
Earningst 1 Pt Pt j 3

Et ( Earningst 1 ) Bt K
Rt 1  a  b1  b2   b j Aj   t 1 (2)
Pt Pt j  3

Earnings and prices are per share, and Earningsta 2 = Earningst  2  (r ft2  d t 1 ) where dt+1 is

dividend per share in t+1 and rft +2 is the yield on the one-year T bill for year t+2. The

reinvestment of dividends recognizes that dividends reduce earnings growth (or, alternatively

put, dividends can be reinvested to earn more earnings). The left-hand-side growth rate in

Earningsta 2  2
equation (1) is calculated as which ranges from -2.0 to +2.0. This
Earningsta 2  Earningst 1

measure produces a growth rate that is quite close to the standard measure with positive base

earnings in t+1 but accommodates the case where the base is negative, as well as compressing

outliers when the growth rate is on a small base.

The predictive regression (1) mirrors the portfolio scheme above. The regression holds

E/P constant in the first term, now at a point rather than for a portfolio. With E/P held constant,

variables selected under requirement (i) should jointly predict subsequent growth, and are

retained only if they do so. Regression (2) serves to test whether the selected variables connect to

the expected return: If those variables indicate priced risk, they should predict returns as well as

growth. The identified set of accounting observables that satisfy these requirements are thus

deemed to indicate the expected return one year ahead (for t+1). The approach can be adapted to

forecasts of growth and returns for t+2 and subsequent periods (subject to dealing with

survivorship issues).

Et ( Earningst 1 )
To cast the analysis in terms of accounting observables, is set equal to a

Earningst 12
forecast given by . For added accounting observables beyond Bt/Pt, Aj, j = 3,…, K,

we identify variables that indicate growth and risk under accounting principles and which predict

both future growth and returns in regressions (1) and (2) in Penman and Zhu (2014). These are

also variables that market contemporaneously prices as bearing expected-return news in Penman

and Yehuda (2015). This may not be the best or complete set, but our aim is to demonstrate an

approach rather elicit the definitive information set. We provide justification in the appendix as

to why identified variables are those that result from accounting principles that connect growth to

risk, in satisfaction of requirement (i). The appendix also reports that these variables satisfy

requirements (ii) and (iii).13

Significantly, some of these are characteristics that have been identified as return

predictors, either analytically or via data dredging, to construct return factors in asset pricing

models. Thus we are able to take our analysis to a comparison with models that incorporate

Earnings is before extraordinary items (Compustat item IB) and special items (item SPI), minus preferred
dividends (item DVP), with a tax allocation to special items at the prevailing Federal statutory corporate income tax
rate for the year. Earningst , so calculated, is strongly correlated in the cross-section with realized forward
earnings-to-price, Earningst 1 , with an average Spearman correlation of 0.63.

Summary statistics for these variables and test statistics from in-sample estimation of regressions (1) and (2) are in
Penman and Zhu (2014). Two of the variables in the appendix (EXTFIN and NSI) pertain to financing activities
which, while correlated with the other variables, are not affected by the accounting we have in mind. However, they
do introduce leverage effects on growth, risk, and the expected return. Penman and Yehuda (2015) obtain similar
expected return predictions when these variables are excluded, as do we in this paper.

similar information but with a different construction. Others have been identified as “anomalies”

(unexplained by these pricing models), but the appendix explains how they connect to growth

and risk, both under accounting principle and in empirical tests.

We produce cost of capital estimates for each year, 1981-2012, although the data period

runs from 1971 to 2014 covering estimation periods and periods for out-of-sample tests.14 For

each year, 1971-2012, regression equation (2) is estimated from the cross section with a

parsimonious set of accounting variables that satisfy requirement (i) and are validated to predict

growth in regression (1) in satisfaction of requirement (ii). Then, for each year, 1981-2012, an

expected return is estimated for each firm by applying the mean coefficients estimated over the

prior 10 years with regression (2) to the relevant accounting variables for that firm. The estimates

of the expected return are thus out of sample.

The analysis covers all U.S. firms which are available on Compustat files for any of the

years, 1971-2012, and which have stock price and returns for the corresponding years on CRSP

files. Financial firms (in SIC codes 6000-6999) are excluded because the accounting differs from

that depicted as relevant here (for non-financial firms), and so are utility firms (in SIC codes

4900-4949) where the accounting numbers are partially a result of regulation. Firms were deleted

for any year in which Compustat reports a missing number for book value of common equity,

income before extraordinary items, common shares outstanding, or total assets. Firms with

negative book value for common equity or a per-share value of less than 50 cents were also

eliminated. Prices (Pt in the denominator of the regressions above) were observed on CRSP three

months after each fiscal year, by which time the annual accounting numbers (for fiscal year t)

The period was limited to post 1970 due to lack of data for some variables. However, data were available back to
1963 for calculating E/P, B/P, Accruals and Growth in Net Operating Assets. Estimates for 1973-1980 with just
these variables produced similar findings to those reported in the paper.

should have been reported. Returns (Rt+1), also observed on CRSP, are annual buy-and-hold

annual returns after this date, calculated as compounded monthly returns with an accommodation

for non-survivors. Details of the calculation of accounting variables are in the appendix.

3. Estimated Expected Returns and their Properties

The empirical analysis begins with a documentation of how estimated expected returns connect

to risky growth expectations and how that risk manifests itself in investment returns. At this point

we refer to “expected returns” rather than the “cost of capital,” for reasons that will become


3.1 Expected Returns and Expected Earnings Growth

Each year, 1981-2012, firms are ranked on their out-of-sample estimated returns, ERt, and

formed into 10 portfolios. Panel A of Table 1 reports the mean (over years) of the mean ERt for

these portfolios.15 The column next to the mean ERt reports the mean (over years) of the forecast

of earnings growth two years ahead from applying regression (1) out-of-sample each year.

Portfolios 1 and 2 aside, the ER are increasing in the growth forecasts: The expected return

connects to expected earnings growth. Means of yearly median forecasts (not reported), though

slightly lower for each portfolio, exhibit the same pattern over portfolios.

Most of the remainder of the table reports the accounting characteristics from which the

ERt are inferred (again, the mean over years of yearly portfolio means). The first characteristic,

E/P, is the starting point for the analysis, as depicted in Exhibit 1. With the exception of the

extreme ER portfolios that are associated with loss firms, E/P is similar across portfolios 4 – 9.

As E/P = r – g for positive earnings firms, the issue, then, is whether ERt indicates whether these

As firms have different fiscal-year ends, the portfolio features in this table and Table 2 do not necessarily align in
calendar time, but represent all stocks. Results are similar with just December 31 fiscal-year firms where the features
refer to the same calendar period.

similar E/P ratios involve high r and g or low r and g. The ERt for the portfolios and related

growth expectations indicate an answer in the affirmative. Interestingly, negative E/P are

associated with both extreme high and low ERt portfolios so the ERt estimation potentially

distinguishes loss firms with high risk and expected return from those with low risk and expected


The association between the other characteristics and ERt accord with the predictions in

the appendix. This, of course, is partly by construction as the variables are identified as those that

forecast growth in the estimation period; the numbers here just indicate that the relationships are

stable out of sample. B/P is positively related to ERt and the growth forecasts, in confirmation

that ROE, with the effects of conservative accounting, predicts growth and risk (as explained

above). Sales growth is considerably higher for the lower ERt portfolios, indicating that the

resolution of uncertainty with sales realizations projects lower expected returns, as accounting

principles would suggest. Correspondingly, the realization of sales growth expectations is

associated with lower two-year-ahead earnings growth forecasts (except for portfolio 1). The

higher sales realizations in the low ERt portfolios are translated into higher operating profit

margins in the table; sales growth realizations flow through to higher realized earnings. In

contrast, high ERt portfolios are those where sales growth and margin growth are relatively not

(yet) realized. Accruals, realized investments, and NOA growth exhibit the predicted patterns in

the appendix with respect to both ERt and forecasted growth. For example, the relatively high

investment for the low ER portfolios indicate that uncertain investment opportunities have been

realized—investment options have been exercised—and booked to the balance sheet rather than

expensed under conservative accounting as particular risky; the booked investment indicates that

expected earnings growth is more likely. Higher investment, along with higher sales growth and

profit margins, is associated in the table with higher financing (EXTFIN and NSI) that also

exhibit the predicted association with subsequent growth and expected returns in the appendix.16

The characteristics associated with loss firms (in portfolios 1, 2, 10, and, to a lesser

degree, portfolio 9) highlight our organizing principles. Loss firms in portfolios 1 and 2, with

substantial realized sales growth, increasing profit margins, and growing investment in

anticipation of more realizable sales and earnings in the future, are (intuitively) less risky than

those making losses in portfolio 10 with flat or declining sales and profit margins and no

investment growth. The loss firms in the low ERt portfolios are also growing their balance sheets

(ΔNOAt) and seeking external financing to finance new investment.

The final column in Panel A reports the mean expected return, ERt+1, re-estimated at the

end of year t+1 for the same firms that are in the relevant portfolio for ERt. The expected returns

are quite persistent, though exhibit some reversion to the mean in the extremes, particularly at

the lower end. The mean reversion is expected as firms become similar to the average over time

but may also be due to measurement error: Extreme ERt may be due in part to over- or under-

estimated expected returns—points that will be pertinent later in the paper. In unreported results,

the accounting characteristics for ERt portfolios in the table are also persistent; their t+1 values

have a similar pattern over ERt portfolios as their time-t values. For example, the negative

relationship between sales growth and ERt is also observed in their time-t+1 values, and so for

the other characteristics. Thus the returns are not associated with reversals (of accruals, for

example) that might be expected if the actual return difference over portfolios were due to

market mispricing. That, along with the persistence of the relationships over the sample period,

Leverage (net debt/market value of equity), not reported in the table, is decreasing in ER t. A negative correlation
is consistently observed between leverage and average returns when operating risk is not controlled for. See
Penman, Richardson, and Tuna (2007).

points to the accounting characteristics indicating return for risk rather than abnormal returns

(though, of course, one cannot be definitive).

Panel B of Table 1 reports the accounting payoffs (after time-t when ERt is estimated) for

the respective ERt portfolios. It begins with the forecast of two-year ahead earnings growth as in

Panel A, but now with that forecast compared to the actual (realized) earnings growth. With the

exception of portfolio 1, actual growth rates align over ERt portfolios, as they do with the

forecasted growth rates.17 Further, higher growth forecasts are associated with a higher standard

deviation (STD) and interdecile range for the actual growth rates, as also reported in Penman and

Zhu 2014: Portfolios with higher expected growth also have higher risk of actual growth

deviating from expectation to a larger degree, with higher probability of realizations in the tails

of the distribution—and these are firms with higher estimated ERt18. The STD and IDR measures

refer to the variation in means for portfolios over time so, to the extent risk is diversified in these

portfolios, the differences across portfolios reflect common risk. The four-year aggregate actual

earnings yields (four-years of earnings, t+1 to t+4, relative to price at t) are increasing in ERt; A

higher ERt, denominated in price, is rewarded with higher earnings denominated in the same

price, on average. But, again, that higher yield is at risk, as measured by the standard deviation

and IDR of these outcomes.

The comparison of expected and actual earnings growth for portfolio 1 suggests that the expected growth contains
considerable measurement error, and so for portfolio 10.
Realized growth two years ahead are affected by realized investment one year ahead. However, results are similar
for growth in residual earnings, with book value at the beginning of the year charged at the prevailing risk-free rate
for the year. This also deals with the issue that, for a given E/P in the Exhibit 1 construction, growth may differ over
portfolios because of different payout (retention).

Similar patterns for the standard deviation and IDR are observed for realized one-year

ahead earnings, EPSt+1/Pt.19 These results are not reported, but the table does report portfolio

earnings betas for t+1. The betas are estimated from regressions of the time-series of actual

portfolio annual earnings-to-(beginning-of-period) price in the forward year, t+1 on total

(market-wide) earnings relative to price. Betas for the sensitivity of earnings changes in t+1 to

changes in market-wide earnings are also given. These are betas actually experienced during the

forward year that ERt forecasts. Higher (lower) ERt forecasts higher (lower) betas; ERt predicts

fundamental risk—the risk of earnings being affected by shocks to market-wide earnings.

In summary, while Panel A of Table 1 indicates that ERt is related to earnings growth

expectations, Panels B indicates that ERt is also related to the risk around those expectations.

There is some reservations about portfolio 1, though one must be skeptical about means taken

over the extremes: Observations with high measurement error are in the extremes.

A question remains open: Does ERt imbed a priced premium for the risk we have


3.2 Risk to the Expected Return

In answer to this question, Table 2 reports the realized return outcomes for the ten ERt portfolios

and the risk incurred with those realizations. The various metrics are calculated from the time

series of actual (realized) annual portfolio returns for each t+1 year over the sample period, the

returns that ERt forecasts. Mean and median actual returns are almost monotonically increasing

in ERt and indeed are quite similar to the ERt estimates. The correspondence is quite impressive

The results in the table are subject to any survivor bias. The percentage of firms not surviving for two years (due
to liquidation or takeover) is (in percent) 6.69, 5.27, 2.93, 2.31, 1.97, 1.74, 2.01, 1.91, 1.97, and 2.6 for portfolios 1 -
10 respectively. The similar pattern in the standard deviation and IDR for actual EPS t+1/Pt (where the non-survivor
issue is reduced) is thus reassuring.

for out-of-sample estimates. It is similar for the last half of the sample period as the first half,

indicating persistence in the relationship. The standard deviation of actual returns (again,

calculated for portfolios over time) increases in the high ER portfolios, but otherwise the

differences are small, and portfolio 1 (again) has a similar standard deviation to portfolio 9. A

comparison of mean returns to the standard deviation reveals that Sharpe ratios are increasing

across portfolios. However, this higher return per unit of standard deviation for higher ERt is

associated with an increase in the range of return outcomes. And the kurtosis measures indicate

that there is increasingly more realizations in the tails as ERt increases, while the relative

skewness measures indicate that higher ERt portfolios yield compensation for the risk on the

upside. It appears that the accounting information indicates the likelihood of returns in the

extremes, and it is the extremes with which investors are particularly concerned.

The predictable average realized returns in the table indicate return for risk if the risk is

priced systematic risk. So, the table also reports beta sensitivities to common return factors

appearing in asset pricing models. The forward market (CAPM) betas—estimated from the

annual actual t+1 portfolio returns regressed on the return for the market portfolio over time—

complement the earnings betas in Table1, Panel B. They are higher for high ERt portfolios,

though portfolio1 reports a high beta. Betas in up-markets (years when the value-weighted CRSP

index return was greater than 10%) are also increasing in ERt, as are down-market betas (years

when the value-weighted CRSP index return was less than -10%). While the portfolio 1 up-

market beta is 1.77, the down-market beta is only 0.48; it appears that this portfolio provides a

hedge against bad times when wealth of investors is low, a property that implies lower risk and a

lower expected return in the Merton (1973) intertemporal asset pricing model.20 Note that these

betas are those actually experienced during the t+1 year, not historical betas.21

Table 2 also reports the sensitivity of portfolio returns to the additional return factors

(over the market factor) that appear in the Fama and French (2015) five-factor model, HML

(book-to-price), SMB (size), RMW (profitability), and CMA (investment) factors. We also

estimated the sensitivity of the returns to the factors in the Hou, Xue, and Zhang (2015a) (HXZ)

so-called Investment CAPM. The results for the latter’s size (ME) and ROE factors were similar

to those for the corresponding to the FF SMB and RMW factors, so we only report the results for

the investment factor, I/A. We present these findings more tentatively, for reasons that will

become apparent when we evaluate ERt against expected returns from these models later. The

reported betas are estimated from time series regressions of actual excess monthly returns for the

portfolios in year t+1 on these factor returns and the excess market return. So, like the CAPM

betas, they are experiential betas.

As reported in Panel A of Table 1, ERt is positively related to B/P and here the sensitivity

of portfolios returns to the HML factor increases with ERt. While each portfolio is quite sensitive

to the SMB size factor—t-stats are all over 12.0—there is little difference in the SMB betas.

Unreported results indicate that size varies little over portfolios; the sensitivity to risk associated

Ang, Chen, and Xing (2006) model a premium for downside beta relative to upside beta and show empirically that
relative downside risk earns a return premium.
We did find some evidence that contradicts the beta results. We calculated mean daily returns for portfolios during
the forward year, separating days with pre-scheduled macro news announcements from non-announcement days.
There were 1,302 news days in the sample period, covering announcements of CPI and PPI revisions, employment
statistics, and interest rate decisions from the FOMC. Mean returns are increasing in ER t for the non-announcement
days. However, while the mean returns during announcement days were significantly higher than non-announcement
days for all portfolios, they were similar across portfolios; the higher ERt firms did not earn higher average returns
to compensate for risk of macro news.

with size (incremental to other factors) is within portfolios rather than across portfolios.22 The

betas on the profitability factor, RMW, are all negative and those on the CMA investment factor

are not significantly different from zero (with the exception of portfolio 1). The betas on the

investment factor, I/A, are positively related to ERt. With investment negatively related to ERt in

Panel of Table 1 and also negatively related to investment in the Investment CAPM, the

alignment is agreeable.

With respect to RMW and CMA (and the ROE in the HXZ model), the findings could be

interpreted as ERt not identifying the risk in these factors, but only if one accepts that these

factors actually are risk factors. As the factors in FF are largely generated by data search one

must remain skeptical, particularly as ERt is based in part on ROE and investment. After all, ERt

is related to actual mean returns in the table, whereas these factor sensitivities are not. The

question can be turned around: Why does sensitivity to these factors not indicate the expected

returns, actual returns, and risk indicated by ERt? We return to this issue later.

The cross-sectional variation in portfolio ERt is evident from these tables. Within ERt

portfolios, the standard deviation of the yearly estimates over time is close to 0.04 for most

portfolios, except for portfolio 1 where it is 0.056. We do not have a benchmark for how ERt

should vary over time (with changes in interest rates and risk premia), but this variation is not

large enough to suggest that the estimates are wildly fluctuating. Nevertheless, some of the

variation is presumably due to estimation error. Figure 1 plots the variation of the 10-year

moving average of the estimates over time, for 1990-2012. The averaging washes out mean-zero

Size as measured by ln(market capitalization) is slightly lower for portfolio 10, 4.2 versus the typical size of about
5.4 for other portfolios. Repeating the analysis with value-weighted returns for ERt portfolios, the SMB sensitivity
coefficients were considerably lower, with an average of 0.18 across portfolios (but still varying little across
portfolios). Thus the betas on SMB in Table 2 are due to the presence of small firms in all portfolios. Similar
findings on HML and SMB were observed with the original three-factor Fama and French model. Adding the UMD
momentum factor to these three factors (as in some extensions of the model), betas on this factor are consistently
negative over portfolios.

estimation error if the “true” expected return is changing slowly. It is clear that the differences in

ERt between portfolios is maintained over time. Further, the estimates co-vary over time,

suggesting that they contain a common varying systematic risk premium. For all portfolios, the

estimates are lower in the mid-to-late 1990s, a period of quite high ex post returns.23 But, relative

to the variation across portfolios, the year-to-year estimates are quite stable, as are also

consecutive 2-year and 3-year estimates (not reported).

3.3 ERt and the Dimensionality of Return Predictors

Research has uncovered a large number of characteristics that predict returns, but far too many to

suspect that they independently do so.24 Most of these have been “discovered” by data dredging.

There is a need to reduce the dimensionality, not only to exclude those that just load with a

“significant t-statistic” by luck in the data dredging, but also to produce a parsimonious set of

legitimate predictors from the many correlated variables. Lewellen (2015) does so, with out-of-

sample validation, but as a statistical exercise that isolates predictors deemed “insignificant”

given other included variables. Most of the relevant variables are accounting variables. In

contrast to the statistical approach, this paper reduces the dimensionality by filtering variables

into the analysis a priori on the basis of organizing principles that connect these accounting

variables to risk.

In the Lewellen (2015) paper, book-to-market, size, and momentum explain a good deal

of the cross-sectional variation in the out-of-sample expected returns estimated from the full set

of predictors, as they do actual returns. Variables identified by our analysis, such as accruals,

The seemingly low ERt estimates for portfolio 1 in Table 1 are due mainly to this period (when they were
negative). Some claim, without much justification, that the mid-to-late 1990s was a period when risk premiums
Harvey, Liu, and Zhu (2016) find 316 predictors, a number they say likely under-represents the total. Green,
Hand, and Zhang (2013 and 2014) find that that, of 333 characteristics that have been reported as predictors of stock
returns, many predict returns incrementally to each other.

asset growth, and profitability, add significantly less explanation, while a number of other

attributes not entertained by us (and largely not accounting variables) add very little.

Table 3 draws a contrast. It reports results of regressions of forward actual returns, Rt+1,

on out-of-sample ERt, with and without variables identified as relatively important in the

Lewellen paper. The regressions are estimated in the cross section each year with mean

coefficients over years and t-statistics on the means (Fama-Macbeth style) reported in the table.

The regression at the portfolio level with ERt alone produces a mean R2 of 0.55, as might be

expected from the alignment of ERt with actual t+1 returns in Table 2. The R2 is much reduced

when the regressions are run at the individual firm level, of course, but the t-statistic on ERt is

6.12.25 Remarkably, the mean coefficient estimate of 0.979 is very close to 1.0, with a standard

error of 0.159 and a t-statistic for the mean relative to 1.0 of -0.17. The corresponding t-statistic

on the mean slope coefficient of 1.065 for the portfolio regressions is 0.37. In both cases, the

mean intercept (average bias) is not significantly different from zero. The slopes compare with a

slope of 0.76 in the Lewellen paper that is significantly different from 1.0, with a standard error

of 0.13.26 The slope of 1.0 takes on further significance with the understanding that it is an

estimate of the return on a minimum-variance long-short portfolio with unit net exposure to ERt ,

as explained in Fama (1976): one-for-one.

Figure 2 plots ten-year rolling averages of the predictive slope from1990-2012, to be

compared with a similar figure in Lewellen (2015). The slopes are higher in the early 1990s and

early 2000s (periods of lower actual returns) and lower in the late 1990s (a period of high actual


It is difficult to benchmark the R2. Most papers that predict returns report R2 from in-sample estimation (typically
about 0.015) whereas this is out of sample. The mean R2 from estimating regression (2) in sample is 0.045.
Lewellen (2015) also reports a mean slope of 0.74 with monthly return regressions, with a standard error of 0.07.

In Table 3, the coefficient on ERt changes little with the addition of the variables in the

Lewellen paper that are important to explaining returns, and none of these loads with a

significant t-statistic.27 Of course, they may be collinear so may add explanatory power jointly,

and the R2 is 0.050 compared with the 0.015 with ERt alone. However, the added variables are

fitting in-sample (where the R2 informs about the amount of contemporaneous volatility

explained), not out-of-sample (where predictive ability is to be explained).28

4. Comparisons with Other Estimates of the Expected Return

4.1 Implied Cost of Capital Estimates

Many estimates of the ICC assume a constant growth rate across firms. We limit our comparison

to two that allow for differing growth rates. The first is the ICC in Gephardt, Lee, and

Swaminathan (2001) (GLS) where a growth rate is implied by assuming the reversion of ROE to

an industry average. The second is that in Easton, Taylor, Shroff, and Sougiannis (2002) (ETSS)

where growth rates are estimated jointly with the ICC.

Panel A of Table 4 reports the respective mean ICC for firms in ERt portfolios. The GLS

estimates vary little over the ERt portfolios, though they increase slightly as ERt increases. As in

the original paper, the ETSS estimates are inferred from cross-sectional regressions of expected

four-year ROE on Pt/Bt for the portfolios, with the four-years of expected earnings for the ROE

We also added all the variables in Panel A of Table 1 to ERt to assess whether the aggregate ERt captured all the
information in the variables underlying its construction. Only ΔNOAt loaded with a significant mean coefficient
(with a t-statistic of -2.14).
One could argue that the explanatory power of ERt is not quite out-of-sample given that the predicative ability of
some of the variables that enter the calculation of ERt have been observed in previous studies in some of the out-of-
sample periods here. However, ERt is not simply identified on the basis of in-sample correlations; rather, it is based
on a filter that requires an a priori connection to risk and the requirement that variables also fit in the growth
regression (1) before entering regression (2). Further, the t-statistics on ERt in Table 3 are much higher than the 3.0
that adjusts for multiple comparisons in Harvey, Liu, and Zhu (2016). The correlations previously discovered were
done so before 2000 (and many earlier) and Table 3 results hold after that date: The mean slope for the individual
firm regression from 2000-2012 is 0.962.

calculation given by analysts’ forecasts.29 The mean estimated intercepts and slope coefficients

from these annual regressions are reported in the table. The ICC inferred from these estimates (r

in the table) are actually decreasing in ERt, though they vary little. Further, the implied ETSS

annualized growth rates (g in the table) are also decreasing over the ERt portfolios, in contrast to

Table 1 where both expected and actual earnings growth is increasing in ERt. The positive

relationship between r and g that our analysis posits and confirms is not at all evident in the

ETSS estimates. While there is a positive relationship between the ICC and the ETSS implied

growth rates, both are negatively related to ERt and to the forecasted and actual earnings growth

rates with which the ERt are positively correlated.

What could explain this? The reliance on analysts’ forecasts is a recognized problem, but

we think the issues go deeper. First, the ETSS growth rate is the growth rate in residual earnings

whereas we refer to growth in earnings. Residual earnings involves the cost of capital, so the

ETSS growth rate is itself a function of the cost of capital, a confusion of constructs. Second,

ETSS infer a constant growth rate for the long term on a base of four years of earnings forecasts

while ERt is constructed on forecasts of two-year-ahead growth. For a closer correspondence, we

estimated ETSS with just one year of analysts’ forecasts (for positive earnings forecasts only as

ETSS does not work for negative earnings), and obtained similar results to those in Table 4—

both portfolio r and g are negatively related to ERt.30 Nevertheless, the estimated g is still a

constant growth rate for all periods in the future, constraining the two-year ahead growth rate to

Our analysis is for 1981-2012. To ensure consistency with the ETSS findings, we first replicated their analysis for
their sample period up to 1998. We maintained their criteria for dealing with data issues and reinvestment rates for
the longer period. We also obtained similar results when we used analysts’ forecasts and P/B ratios three months
after fiscal-year end rather than at fiscal-year end, when we used IBES prices and shares outstanding rather than
those from Compustat, when we made adjustments for differences in IBES and Compustat numbers for shares
outstanding, and when we used different dividend reinvestment rates.
Portfolio r decline from 10.3% for ERt portfolio 1 to 7.9% for portfolio 10, and g declines from 9.2% for portfolio
1 to 3.3% for portfolio 10. Results are similar for growth after two years of analysts’ forecasts.

be the same as that is all subsequent years. One might expect that, for a given Pt, a higher growth

rate two years ahead would imply a lower growth rate in subsequent years (as the growth rate

declines to a long-run average).

Nevertheless, there is a fundamental difference in the approaches. To get further insights

into the conflicting estimates, we restate the ETSS formulation, starting from the version of the

residual earnings model where the constant growth rate starts two-years ahead (just for


Et ( Earningst 1 )  r.Bt
Pt  Bt  .


B   B 
r   t  Et ( ROE t 1 )  (1  t )  g  (3)
 Pt   Pt 

(provided that ROEt+1 > g). That is, r is a weighted average of forward ROE and subsequent

growth where the weight is given by observed Bt/Pt. Dividing through by Pt/Bt and rearranging,

Et ( ROE t 1 )  g  ( r  g ) (4)
  0  1

This is the equation that ETSS estimate in portfolios to extract γ0 = g and γ1 = r – g, with an

added error term because r and g are not likely to be the same for all stocks in a portfolio. An

alternative expression can also be derived that delivers the same r and g. Restating equation (3),

Et ( Earningst 1 )  B 
r  (1  t )  g 
Pt  Pt 

and rearranging,

Et ( Earningst 1 ) B
 (r  g )  g t . (5)
Pt Pt

Thus, estimating r and g from the ETTS expression is equivalent to estimating them from a

regression of the forward earnings yield on B/P.

Expression (5) connects E/P and B/P in a very different way to our setup. It depicts E/P

and B/P as linearly related, varying by a constant, g. In contrast, our formulation, depicted in

Exhibit 1, sees r and g both varying with B/P while holding E/P constant. That is so empirically:

Penman, Reggiani, Richardson and Tuna (2015) show explicitly how B/P orders growth and

average returns for a given E/P. Panel A of Table 1 shows that B/P varies over a wide range of

ERt portfolios where E/P is relatively constant, and that variation aligns with variation in the

growth rate as well as ERt. Also, negative E/P are associated with both high and low B/P,

inconsistent with the linear relationship in equation (5), and B/P also sorts on growth and the

expected return in this case. This contrasts with sorting on E/P and B/P pairs to infer r and g as in

equation (5).

A similar critique applies to equation (4) which ETSS apply to estimate r and g. By

Et ( Earningst 1 )
dividing the simple model that is our starting point (in Exhibit 1), rg,

through by Et(ROEt+1),

Bt rg
 (6)
Pt Et ( ROE t 1 )


Et ( ROE t 1 )  ( r  g ) (7)

This expression looks very much like the ETTS equation (4) except that g is now expected

growth in earnings rather than growth in residual earnings. Equation (6) simply says that, for a

Et ( Earningst 1 )
given  r  g , a lower Et(ROEt+1) yields a higher B/P, as recognized earlier in

connecting B/P to ROE. Introducing conservative accounting that reduces Et(ROEt+1) but also

increases g, it must be that, holding r – g and thus E/P constant, r also increases with the increase

in g and B/P. That is, both r and g change as Et(ROEt+1) and in equation (7) change. We see in

Table 1 that increases over ERt portfolios, along with expected and actual earnings growth,

and ERt validates against actual realized returns. Equation (7) and equation (4) are a basis for

estimation if higher g implies higher , which is the case when growth adds to price but not to

risk, but are not appropriate when growth adds to risk and the expected return such that r – g is

unaffected and (consequently) neither is price.

4.2 Estimates from Pricing Models

Panel B of Table 4 forms portfolios with cost-of-capital estimates from the Capital Asset Pricing

Model (CAPM) and a three-factor Fama and French model (FF). All estimates are calculated

with sensitivity (beta) coefficients estimated over prior 60-month periods, though results are not

sensitive to the length of the estimation period. For the CAPM, the historical market beta is

applied to a market risk premium of 5 percent for all stocks which, added to the prevailing risk-

free rate, yields the cost of capital. For the FF estimates, beta coefficients estimated on monthly

MKT, SMB, and HML factors over the prior 60 months are applied to mean factors returns over

the full sample period which, together with the estimated intercept, yield a cost-of-capital

estimate (annualized in the table). With the same factor risk premiums for each firm, differences

in CAPM and FF cost of capital estimates across firms are determined by the firm-specific

estimated sensitivity (beta) loadings.

The CAPM betas are a good indication of the experiential (forward) betas (Betat+1 in the

table) experienced over the subsequent year when actual returns for the respective portfolios

were realized. However, those actual returns for t+1are similar over all portfolios, despite this

beta relationship. This contrasts with the relationship between ERt and actual returns in Table 2.

The table further reports that the CAPM cost-of-capital estimates are similar over ERt portfolios,

and the historical betas are actually decreasing in increasing ERt.

The Fama and French (FF) cost-of-capital estimates for portfolios are not related to actual

t+1 returns either, nor do the estimates vary much over ERt portfolios at the far right of the table.

The last two columns report intercepts and their t-statistics from time series regressions of ERt

portfolio excess monthly returns in actual return periods on the three factor returns. These

intercepts are returns unexplained by the FF model. They are increasing in ERt, indicating that

ERt captures aspects of the expected return not recognized in these pricing models.

Results are similar with expected return estimates from the FF five-factor model (that

includes the RMW and CMA factors investigated in Table 2), and those from the Hou, Xue, and

Zhang (2015a) Investment CAPM (that includes the investment factor in Table 2); cost of capital

estimates with these models vary little over ERt portfolios and are not related to actual forward

returns. Indeed, setting the expected return equal to the mean return over the past 60 months

yields quite similar results.31

Rather than using historical factor sensitivities to estimate the FF cost of capital, we estimated them for ER t
portfolios by applying the factor betas (for a three-factor model) estimated from actual returns during all t+1 years in
the sample period for those portfolios. We then applied those betas to the mean factor returns over the sample
period. The resulting estimates for ERt portfolios 1 – 10 (which are in sample) were 0.046, 0.104, 0.135, 0.157,
0.172, 0.167, 0.189, 0.176, 0.178, and 0.177, exhibiting some, but not a lot, of variation over portfolios. Shrinkage

The failure of these models to predict actual returns is well known.32 The goal here is to

see the extent to which they reflect the information in ERt and vice versa. With respect to the

CAPM estimates, the table informs that the historical beta is a poor indicator of actual mean

returns, whereas Table 2 indicates that ERt forecasts actual returns and forward return betas and

fundamental betas that align with those returns. Thus, it may not be that beta is a poor measure of

the risk, but that it varies overtime. An historical beta is not a good estimate of the forward

(experiential) beta, but the accounting information provides an update of the beta. Indeed,

Penman and Yehuda (2015) show that changes in ERt, calculated in a similar way as in this

paper, coincide with changes in beta. Thus, the results here are not to be interpreted as saying

that beta or the (conditional) CAPM is unimportant, but that accounting information can be

elicited to indicate the expected forward beta that investors will experience (and update the

historical beta).33

Stationarity of factor betas (and possibly the risk premiums on the factors) is also an issue

with FF models, as Fama and French (1997) recognize, and it may well be that accounting

information also updates historical estimates of FF betas. As financial statements evolve,

earnings are deferred or realized, indicating changes in expected returns that cannot be captured

by a time-series model estimated with fixed parameters

of beta coefficients estimated from past data may improve the results, but the analysis in Fama and French (1997)
does not hold out much hope.
See, for example, Fama and French (1997), Simin (2008), and Chattopadyhay, Lyle, and Wang (2015). The
failure is often attributed to non-stationarity in betas or factor risk premiums.
Estimating the CAPM cost-of-capital with the forward beta estimates reported in Table 2 for ER t portfolios yields
higher estimates for ERt portfolios 1, and 7 – 10, but little difference over portfolios 2 - 6. Applying the accounting
information underlying ERt to forecast beta changes is a potential alternative to the statistical approach to shrinking
betas in Blume (1975) and Vasicek (1973).

However there is another issue that differentiates our estimates and the FF estimates:

Some information is common to both approaches but the packaging of that information into an

expected-return estimate differs. The organizing principle for the construction of the FF-type

models involves searching for correlations in the data from cross-sectional (Fama and Macbeth)

regressions of returns of characteristics, then constructing return factors from the discovered

characteristics. B/P enters in this way as a basis for the HML factor. In contrast, B/P enters under

our organizing principles as an indicator of the expected returns because, under accounting

principles for a given E/P, it captures ROE and its connection, via conservative accounting, to

growth and risk. Penman and Zhang (2015) elaborates. ROE underlies the RMW factor, with

higher ROE indicating higher risk (it is said). But, under our organizing principles, ROE

indicates growth, risk, and the expected return negatively conditional on E/P. E/P = ROE × B/P

so, with B/P already a characteristic in the FF framework, ROE is capturing E/P, the starting

point in our approach rather than an incremental factor (and a factor missing from the original

three-factor FF model). Penman and Zhang (2015) show how the comparative statics that Fama

and French (2015a) employ to introduce the ROE factor are at odds with how accounting works.

And so with their identification of the investment factor. While investment enters in both our

approach and in the construction of the CMA factor in FF, the returns for ERt portfolios are not

sensitive to the CMA factor in Table 2.

In short, construction of a cost-of-capital requires the identification of the relevant

information a priori and the packaging of that information into a cost-of-capital estimate. The

two approaches differ significantly in both aspects.34 The packing aspect is pertinent in light of

That is not to imply that we have identified all the relevant information or the appropriate way to combine the
components. Our cross-sectional regression approach imposes a linear relation between returns and characteristics,
and the estimation equally weights firms so that smaller firms have more representation than in the investment
universe. Again, the purpose of the paper is to demonstrate an approach rather than perfect it. The construction of

the observations that B/P, investment etc. predict returns but a FF cost of capital based on these

inputs does not. From this view, the sensitivities of ERt returns to FF factors in Table 2 are more

a commentary on the FF model than a demonstration of risk and return. The criterion we are

invoking is out-of-sample fit against the actual returns to investors in the cross-section, in

contrast to much of asset pricing research where the criterion is explaining variation in returns

over time with constructed factors and the significance of in-sample intercepts. That said, we do

not observe the “true” cost of capital for benchmarking, so all is relative.

The packaging is also pertinent to investigations of so-called anomalies. After

constructing factors on the basis of selected characteristic return correlations, the resultant

models are evaluated on how well they explain or “digest” other “anomalies,” as in in Fama and

French (2015b), Hou, Xue, and Zhang (2015a), and Zhang (2015). In our construction, so-called

anomalies involving accounting variables are directly digested into the cost-of-capital estimate

under a priori criteria that connects them to risk. (That said, we have not entertained all

nominated anomalies.)35

The packing of information into an expected return estimate is also an issue with ICC

estimates. For example, the ETSS estimates recognize the same ROE and P/B as the FF five-

factor rendition as pertinent information, then tie them together in a linear relationship to extract

a cost-of-capital estimate. As discussed above, with E/P = E/B × B/P, that is a very different

handling of this information than in our construction. Lyle and Wang (2015) also embrace these

factors from portfolios in FF-type models relaxes the strict linearity, although there appears to be a continuing
unresolved discussion about the appropriate split points for forming portfolios, with results sensitive to these split
points. Daniel and Titman (1997) argue that characteristics rather than risk factor exposures are a better measure of
cross-sectional dispersion of returns.
Stambaugh and Yuan (2015) add two factors to the market and size factors in the FF models based on 11 anomaly
variables that include four of our variables in the appendix (and two others fairly close to them), and find that the
resultant models accommodate a large set on anomalies relative to the Fama and French (2015b) and Hou, Xue, and
Zhang (2015a). They choose to refer to the added factors as “mispricing factors.”

two pieces of information (in log form), but connect them to expected returns (with assumed

parametric assumptions) in a way that differs from ours.

5. Shrinking the Estimator to a Cost of Capital

The analysis to this point demonstrates that information elicited from financial statements

informs about risk and the expected return for investing. However, there is a problem: The

estimated expected returns for the portfolios in Table 1, 17.4 percent at the median and 26.4

percent for portfolio 10, seem too high relative to what one expects of a cost-of-capital measure.

A comparison to the median CAPM cost-of-capital estimates in Table 4 makes the point (as does

a comparison to the typical risk-free rate).

The issue is one of sample bias: the mean and median actual returns in Table 2 also seem

out of line with perceived expected returns and the mean intercepts in Table 3 are close to zero.

This was a period when stocks paid off very well, on average, resulting in high actual returns and

high expected returns fitted to those actual returns. The range and kurtosis measures in Table 2

suggest that the accounting measures indicate susceptibility to both the extreme upside and

extreme downside. But the upside has dominated in this period, yielding the positive skewness in

payoffs for the high ERt portfolios. From our perspective, this makes sense: The risk of investing

is in buying growth, with down-side risk compensated with upside potential, and this was a

period when a bet on growth paid of well in the U.S.36 It was, after all, “the American Century.”

But that introduces the “Peso problem” that also confounds historical estimates of the equity risk


Converting the ERt estimates to an ex ante cost of capital requires adjustment for this ex

post bias. As the mean slope coefficients for actual returns regressed on ERt in Table 3 are almost

The sample bias is in all papers that estimate expected returns using realized return over the last 50 years or so.
See, for example, Lyle, Callen, and Elliott (2013). Lyle and Wang (2015), and Lewellen (2015).

exactly 1.0, the issue likely lies with the estimated intercept in estimating ERt with regression

model (2). We dealt with the issue in two ways.

First, regression (2) was re-estimated each year with the intercept constrained to be the

annual yield on the 10-year bond, Rft, for the relevant year. The explanatory variables now

explain the variation of returns in excess of the risk-free rate. Then, in fitting the ERt out-of-

sample, the intercept was set as the corresponding Rf for that year (with the mean rolling

estimated slope coefficients applied to the out-of-sample accounting numbers, as before).

While this procedure explains variation around the risk-free rate, any ex post bias must

go into slope estimates under the OLS estimation. So, second, the out-of-sample estimate of ERt

for each firm was calculated with the intercept set as

Interceptt  ERM t    k X kt
k 1

where ERMt = Rft + 0.05 is the estimated expected return for the market for the year and X k t is

the mean of explanatory variable in regression (2), Xkt, for all firms over the past ten years, the

period over which the mean βk are estimated. This calculation simply recognizes the property

that the OLS intercept is always the mean of the dependent variable minus the mean of the

explanatory variables multiplied by their estimated coefficients. But, rather than the mean Xkt

variable being that for the cross-section for the relevant year (which may be influenced by ex

post factors in that year), the mean, X k t , is now the mean over all firms for the preceding ten

years. The procedure recognizes that the mean expected return must be equal to the expected

return on the market. It does assume a risk premium of five percent, but the resultant cost-of-

capital estimate can be adjusted by an investor with a different required risk premium (price of

risk), and it can be adjusted for variation in that risk premium over time.37 As the revised

intercept just shifts ERt by a constant in the cross-section, the properties of the resultant cost-of-

capital portfolios are the same as those in Tables 1 – 4.

Table 5 reports the mean cost-of-capital estimates, C of Ct, under the two procedures.

Under both procedures, cost-of-capital estimates around the median (portfolio 5) look close to

the standard expectation of 10 percent to 12 percent for the average return and close to the

average CAPM estimates in Table 4 (though benchmarking is difficult). They also align with

actual returns in t+1. The expected returns over portfolios co-vary strongly, with the Pearson

correlations ranging (for the mean X k t adjusted intercept) from 0.93 between portfolios 1 and 9 to

0.99 for a number of portfolios. This indicates that the estimates co-vary strongly with common

risk factors and their premiums.38

However, the estimates for the extreme portfolios are still extreme. These portfolios are

likely to be those with high measurement error (that throws estimates to the extremes). The

higher standard deviation of estimates for the extreme portfolios (not reported) suggest so. If an

estimate in the extreme is influenced by measurement error, subsequent estimates will regress

towards the error-corrected estimate provided that the measurement error is not strongly serially

correlated. So the table reports the median cost of capital for firms in each portfolio estimated

one year later, C of Ct+1. (Medians give lower weight to extreme observations in the extreme

portfolios.) For both adjustments, extremes are pulled closer to central values (though less so for

the risk-free rate intercept) and the estimates shrink over the whole range.

We applied an alternative procedure by predicting each Xkt from the following model estimated in time series
over the sample period: MeanXkt = a + b1.MeanXkt-1 + b2.MeanXkt-2 + b3.MeanXkt-3 + errort. Results were similar.
Rolling ten-year estimates follow the same pattern over time as those in Figure 2 (but with a mean shift).

The cost-of-capital estimates are those for one year ahead. The approach is amenable to

estimating regressions (1) and (2) with the target variables as growth and returns in subsequent

years. However, that could only be for the short-term future because of data limitations and

survivorship issues. Alternatively, one can envisage predictions from modeling the evolution of

the determining accounting variables in the future as investments are made and earnings are

deferred or realized. One can also envision a model that describes the evolution of the cost of

capital estimates over time, a model that then can be estimated and applied out of sample to

forecast the cost of capital recursively for a number of years ahead. Needless to say, forecasting

for the very long term is problematic, but investors presumably are primarily concerned with

shocks to their portfolios in the near-term, shocks that include revisions in expectations of the

long term as financial reports evolve.

6. A Simple Estimate

A reasonable criticism might point to the complexity of the estimation procedure. So we report

on a simpler, parsimonious estimate involving only Et/Pt and Bt/Pt. These are the two variables

that are identified in Penman, Reggiani, Richardson, and Tuna (2015) as jointly forecasting

earnings growth, the risk around the expected growth, earnings betas, and stock returns. They are

the variables which, when employed in the scheme in Exhibit 1, identify ROE and the effects of

conservative accounting on growth and risk in the Penman and Zhang (2015).

Et/Pt and Bt/Pt are the first two variables in regression equations (1) and (2). These

equations were estimated with just these two variables, and SERt (a simple expected return) was

then estimated by applying estimated coefficients from regression (2) out of sample, as before.

Table 6 summarizes the output for 10 portfolios formed on the estimate. The mean

intercept from estimating regression (2) over the years is 0.095 and the mean slope coefficients

on Et/Pt and Bt/Pt were 0.180 and 0.089, respectively.39 These estimates, applied to the mean out-

of-sample Et/Pt and Bt/Pt in the table, yield the SERt. The SERt are positively correlated with

actual t+1 returns. Cross-sectional regressions of actual returns for t+1 on SERt (like those in

Table 3) produced mean slope estimates of 1.135 for portfolios and 0.960 for individual firm

regressions, not significantly different from 1.0, and mean intercepts (average errors) not

significantly different from zero. The table also reports the shrinkage estimates for the cost of

capital with the intercept adjusted for the mean Xkt = (Et/Pt, Bt/Pt), as in Table 5.

This minimalist calculation uses just the bottom line numbers in the financial statements,

earnings, and book values. It impressive how well it performs. It is then a question of how much

improvement one gets by adding further information. The Aj variables in our analysis are such

information, but the question is open to further exploration, provided included variables accord

with our a priori criteria. Adding a specific measure of conservative accounting and its effect of

ROE may be helpful. Both operating and financing leverage might be incorporated. Penman,

Reggiani, Richardson, and Tuna (2015) show that the weights on Et/Pt and Bt/Pt in predicting

both earnings growth and returns changes with firm size, so the estimation might be done within

size groups. In a strict application of the scheme in Exhibit 1, one might estimate within Et/Pt

portfolios (where Et/Pt is roughly the same), effectively restricting the coefficient on Et/Pt in

regression (2) to be 1.0. As stated earlier, the point of this paper is to introduce an alternative

approach rather than the definitive measure.

7. Conclusion

The “true” cost of capital is unobservable, so validation is an elusive endeavor. In a sense,

acceptance of any measure must be on the basis of what “looks good” relative to alternatives.

The mean estimates for 2001-2012 (which may be more relevant today) are 0.074 for the intercept and 0.112.and
0.104 for the coefficients on Et/Pt and Bt/Pt.

However, “looking good” requires a set of aesthetic criteria. We embrace the following. First, a

measure requires an a prioi rationale, and that rationale must involve a connection to risk.

Second that measure must be supported by empirical evidence that the a priori conditions are

satisfied. Third, in actual appearance, the measure must exhibit the features that one identifies

with risk and the expected return for risk. The measure here satisfies all three criteria, both in

absolute terms and on a relative basis to the alternatives examined. At worse, the analysis here is

helpful in identifying deficiencies in the alternatives in satisfying these three requirements,

though we view the paper in a much more positive and constructive light.

The cost of capital presumably changes over time as risk premiums (the price of risk)

change. So the estimates offered here are not necessarily those for a particular year. That would

depend on the price of risk at the time—indeed, each individual’s price of risk which presumably

varies over individuals. While Figure 1 indicates some common variation in expected return

estimates over time, the estimates are based largely on cross-sectional differences in risk rather

than the price of risk. An intriguing question is whether the latter can be extracted using

accounting data: Variation over time in mean Et/Pt and Bt/Pt or the other accounting

characteristics? The work of Ellahie, Katz, and Richardson (2014) that explains cross-country

average returns with aggregate Et/Pt and Bt/Pt is promising in this regard.


This appendix lists the accounting variables, and Aj, j = 3,…, K, that enter as predictors of

earnings growth and returns in regressions (1) and (2). The variables are accompanied by an

explanation as to why they pertain to accounting principles that tie expected growth to risk and

thus are selected under requirement (i) in the text to then be examined under requirements (ii)

and (iii).

That explanation is accompanied by a report of whether requirements (ii) and (iii) are

supported empirically. For B/P, the sign of the mean estimated coefficient is that in the validating

regressions (1) and (2) with only E/P also in the regression. For the other variables, the sign is

from the validating regressions (1) and (2) with both E/P and B/P in the regression. Thus, the

sign of the mean coefficients for these variables are conditional upon the two bottom line

numbers, earnings and book values (and implicitly ROE), in the regression. See Penman and Zhu

(2014) for these estimates and associated test statistics.

A variable potentially indicates higher growth and risk if it indicates deferral of earnings

recognition to the future (until realization) because of uncertainty. Correspondingly, a variable

that results from the realization of expectations potentially indicates lower risk. While implied by

accounting principle, the a priori reasoning does not formally connect the variables to priced risk

and return. More modeling is required to make the explicit connection under a valid asset pricing

model (if one were available). However, where support is provided by extant asset pricing

theory, it is reported, for example with the connection of investment to expected returns in the

Merton inter-temporal asset pricing model or the Liu, Whited, and Zhang (2009) “Investment-


Predicted and Predicted and
Calculation Actual Sign of Actual Sign of
Variable Explanation for Selection
Coefficient in Coefficient in
Regression (1) Regression (2)
Common equity at the end of fiscal-year t, Earnings and book value are the primary
divided by price at t. Book value is summary accounting numbers. For a given
Compustat’s common equity (item CEQ) E/P, B/P recovers earnings-to-book (ROE)
plus any preferred treasury stock (item that captures the effect of earnings deferral
TSTKP) less any preferred dividends in and conservative accounting on these Positive Positive
arrears (item DVPA). Book value and prices summary numbers. See text and Penman and
are on a per-share basis, with prices at three Zhang (2015) for further explanation and for
months after fiscal-year end adjusted for documentation that ties ROE to risky growth
stock splits and stock dividends during the expectations and to returns. Penman,
three months after fiscal-year end. Reggiani, Richardson, and Tuna (2015)
document that, given E/P, B/P forecasts
earnings growth, and also the risk
surrounding the expected growth.

Sales (revenues) are a realization of growth

Sales t expectations, resolving uncertainty (and
reducing risk) under accounting principles. Negative Negative
Sales t 1 The realization of growth expectations
Sales growth ratet
reduces future expectations, ceteris paribus.
Correspondingly, unrealized (expected) sales
indicate higher risk (that the expectation will
not be realized).
Sum of change in accounts receivable Accruals are driven primarily by sales
(Compustat item RECT), change in recognition (receivables net of revenue
inventory (item INVT), and change in other deferrals) from realization. But they also
current assets (item ACO), minus the sum of include associated expense accruals that
change in accounts payable (item AP) and allocate costs to the current period versus Negative Negative
change in other current liabilities (item deferral to the future (with the latter
LCO), minus depreciation and amortization decreasing expected earnings growth).
expense (item DP), all divided by average Netting change in operating working capital
assets against depreciation and amortization
recognizes conservative accounting for

accelerated depreciation and amortization.

Change in gross property, plant, and Investment booked to the balance sheet is
equipment (item PPEGT) + change in the realization of (uncertain) investment
inventory (item INVT), all divided by lagged opportunities and thus resolution of the risk
assets that those opportunities will be realized. In
making investments, the firm signals that Negative Negative
earnings can be realized, and realized
earnings imply lower risk under accounting
principles. This is a restatement in
accounting terms of the connection between
the exercise of real options and expected
returns in Berk, Green, and Naik (1999). It is
also an elaboration on Cochrane (1991) q-
theory under which firms make investments
when the hurdle rate for investment is lower:
The prospect of realizable earnings lowers
that rate. Further, under conservative
accounting, investment booked to the
balances sheet is deemed lower risk for
earnings outcomes than investment that is
expensed immediately (as risky). The
Merton (1973) intertemporal CAPM and the
Liu, Whited, and Zhang (2009) Investment-
CAPM provide formal links to expected
Change in net operating assets divided by This is the total of all changes in the
average assets. Net operating assets is the operating section of the balance sheet due to
sum of accounts receivable (item RECT), realized income from operations and realized
inventory (item INVT), other current assets investments. It also includes recognized
(item ACO), property, plant, and equipment earnings not captured by the accruals
(item PPENB), intangible assets (item measure, for example, income in Negative Negative
Growth in net
INTAN) and other long term assets (item subsidiaries, realized gains and losses on
operating assets
AP), minus the sum of accounts payables assets sales, changes in deferred taxes,
(item AP), other current liabilities (item impairments and restructurings, and write-
LCO) and other long term liabilities (item downs. For a given earnings (in E/P), ΔNOA
LO) is lower if (relatively risky) investments are
expensed with conservative accounting.
Write-downs and impairments are due to
revisions of expected cash flows, and

expected cash flows are negatively related to
the cost of capital ceteris paribus in asset
pricing theory (see Johnstone 2015).
Change in debt plus the change in equity
from net equity transactions, scaled by External financing is positively correlated
average assets. Change in debt is the cash with current investment, and also indicates
proceeds from the issuance of long term debt plans for further investment. These
(item DLTIS) less cash payments for long investments are realizations (or anticipated
term debt reductions (item DLTR) plus the realizations) of uncertain investment
External financing
net changes in current debt (item DLCCH). opportunities which, in turn, signal that Negative Negative
Change in equity is measured as the expected sales and earnings can be realized
proceeds from the sale of common and in the future (as above).
preferred stock (item SSTK) less cash
payments for the purchase of common and
preferred stock (item PRSKC) less cash
payments for dividends (item CDVC).
The natural log of the ratio of split-adjusted For given total financing (EXTFIN), net
shares outstanding at the end of the fiscal share issues reduce future earnings per share Negative Negative
Net share issue
year to shares outstanding at the end of the (growth) and reduce leverage.
previous fiscal year.


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Figure 1. Ten-year Rolling Averages of Estimated Expected Returns, ERt, for Ten ERt Portfolios


Portfolio 10




Portfolio 1



Figure 2. Ten-year Rolling Averages of Predictive Slopes for Out-of-Sample ERt Forecasts of Actual Annual Returns











Table 1

Accounting Characteristics for Expected Return Portfolios

The table reports mean expected returns, ERt, and accounting characteristics for portfolios formed on the estimated expected returns. Reported numbers are
means over years of means for the ten portfolios formed each year, 1981-2012. Panel A characteristics are those at the time that ERt is estimated, and Panel B
characteristics are those observed subsequently. ERt is estimated by first estimating regression (2) in the cross-section with variables in the appendix, and then
applying mean coefficients estimates over the prior 10 years to accounting characteristics in each year on a rolling basis. Forecasts of EPS growth rates two years
ahead are estimated by applying mean coefficients from estimating regression equation (1) over the prior 10 years to accounting characteristics in each year.

Panel A: Time-t Accounting Characteristics for Expected Return Portfolios

Expected Expected Forecast of Sales Change in

Return Return EPS Growth Et/Pt Bt/Pt Growtht Operating Accrualst Invest ΔNOAt EXTFINt NSIt ERt+1
Portfolio (ERt) Rate Two Profit mentt
Years Ahead Margint
1 (Low) 0.043 0.119 -0.103 0.437 0.374 0.037 0.005 0.187 0.190 0.276 0.151 0.117
2 0.117 0.043 -0.015 0.471 0.255 0.024 -0.001 0.141 0.154 0.104 0.080 0.145
3 0.145 0.030 0.009 0.486 0.195 0.009 -0.011 0.112 0.124 0.055 0.047 0.159
4 0.162 0.028 0.020 0.515 0.145 0.007 -0.020 0.088 0.098 0.028 0.028 0.168
5 0.174 0.031 0.030 0.542 0.121 0.005 -0.030 0.074 0.076 0.011 0.018 0.175
6 0.186 0.041 0.029 0.610 0.097 0.003 -0.040 0.059 0.057 -0.001 0.013 0.182
7 0.197 0.053 0.030 0.667 0.078 0.001 -0.049 0.051 0.042 -0.011 0.007 0.187
8 0.209 0.070 0.029 0.775 0.055 0.001 -0.056 0.037 0.022 -0.019 0.004 0.196
9 0.225 0.104 0.018 0.944 0.035 0.005 -0.066 0.022 0.004 -0.026 0.000 0.205
10 (High) 0.264 0.215 -0.044 1.354 -0.001 0.011 -0.093 -0.012 -0.043 -0.044 -0.004 0.222

Panel B: Accounting Characteristics Subsequent to Time-t for Expected Return Portfolios
Portfolio EPS Growth Rate Two Years Ahead EPS Over Next Four Years/Pt
STD IDR STD IDR Earnings Change
Forecast Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Betat+1 Betat+1
1 (Low) 0.119 0.023 0.154 0.361 0.013 0.072 0.192 0.45 0.84
2 0.043 0.008 0.157 0.459 0.091 0.048 0.112 0.71 0.81
3 0.030 0.012 0.163 0.425 0.134 0.050 0.098 0.72 0.94
4 0.028 0.019 0.147 0.382 0.154 0.049 0.115 0.85 0.69
5 0.031 0.044 0.147 0.430 0.184 0.052 0.109 0.85 0.47
6 0.041 0031 0.176 0.462 0.188 0.052 0.066 0.90 0.72
7 0.053 0.053 0.168 0.450 0.206 0.054 0.091 1.16 1.27
8 0.070 0.051 0.174 0.376 0.203 0.060 0.138 1.30 1.82
9 0.104 0.082 0.206 0.502 0.200 0.081 0.218 2.10 2.24
10 (High) 0.215 0.123 0.263 0.672 0.162 0.124 0.308 4.42 2.46
Et/Pt is earnings for fiscal-year t divided by stock price. Earnings are before extraordinary items (Compustat item IB) and special items (item SPI), minus
preferred dividends (item DVP), with a tax allocation to special items at the prevailing Federal statutory corporate income tax rate for the year. Earnings and
prices are on a per-share basis, with prices observed three months after fiscal-year end adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends during the three months after
fiscal year end. Operating profit margin is earnings before net interest expense divided by sales. All other accounting characteristics in Panel A are defined in the

In Panel B, STD is standard deviation and IDR is the interdecile range of annual portfolio means over years. EPS Over Next Four Years/Pt is the sum of split-
adjusted EPS for years t+1 to t+4 with dividends for year t+1 to t+3 reinvested as the prevailing risk-free rate for the year, all divided by price per share at t.
Earnings beta is the slope coefficient from estimating the following time-series regression of portfolio annual earnings yield on the market-wide earnings yield,
for December 31 fiscal-year firms only (to align in calendar time):

Earningst 1 Earningst 1
Portfolio      Market   t . The portfolio earnings yield is aggregate earnings for the portfolio relative to aggregate price and the
Pt Pt
market earnings yield is aggregate earnings for all stocks in the sample for the relevant year relative to aggregate price. Earnings change betas are similarly
estimated. ERt+1 is the mean expected return at the end of year t+1 estimated for firms in the respective ER t portfolios at time t.

Table 2
Expected Returns, Actual Returns, and Forward Betas

The table summarizes the distribution of actual (realized) annual returns for ERt portfolios over the following year. It also reports betas for these actual returns
with respect to the market return (the return for the value-weighted CRSP index) and their sensitivities to factors in the Fama and French (FF) five-factor model
and I/A factor in the Hou, Xue, and Zhang (2015a) (HXZ) Investment CAPM.

Expected Expected Market Beta t+1 FF Betas t+1 HXZ

Return Return Actual Annual Return t+1 (Annual Returns) (Monthly Returns) Beta t+1
Portfolio (ERt)

All Up Down
Mean Median STD Range Skewness Kurtosis HML SMB RMW CMA I/A
Years Beta Beta
1 (Low) 0.043 0.049 0.028 0.258 0.977 0.495 2.364 1.31 1.77 0.48 0.07 0.84 -0.31 -0.34 -0.46
2 0.117 0.094 0.042 0.211 0.847 0.074 2.344 1.13 1.35 0.81 0.10 0.78 -0.15 -0.15 -0.29
3 0.145 0.129 0.117 0.216 0.967 0.097 2.886 1.15 1.44 0.87 0.09 0.78 -0.13 -0.08 -0.15
4 0.162 0.144 0.139 0.214 1.037 0.557 3.562 1.12 1.38 0.85 0.06 0.70 -0.11 0.01 -0.04
5 0.174 0.155 0.113 0.215 1.041 0.497 3.330 1.20 1.58 0.96 0.07 0.75 -0.03 0.06 0.02
6 0.186 0.160 0.151 0.197 0.941 0.485 3.784 1.18 1.62 0.99 0.19 0.73 -0.05 0.02 0.10
7 0.197 0.179 0.174 0.201 0.990 0.337 3.569 1.20 1.65 1.12 0.17 0.70 -0.09 0.06 0.13
8 0.209 0.191 0.174 0.235 1.074 0.717 4.316 1.30 1.77 1.27 0.19 0.72 -0.14 0.04 0.22
9 0.225 0.212 0.219 0.258 1.413 1.142 6.050 1.41 2.02 1.44 0.27 0.73 -0.32 0.01 0.26
10 (High) 0.264 0.282 0.241 0.360 1.826 1.265 5.782 1.82 2.89 1.45 0.14 0.80 -0.62 0.13 0.28

Actual return metrics summarize the times series of portfolio actual returns for ERt portfolios in year t+1, 1981-2012. Betas and other factor betas are estimated
from the time series of portfolios returns, the market return betas with annual returns and the Fama and French (FF) betas with monthly returns. Returns are
equally weighted in ERt portfolios. Market return betas are estimated with December 31 fiscal-year firms only. Up markets are those where the CRSP value-
weighted index was greater than 10% for the year, and down markets are those where it was less than -10%. FF and HXZ betas are estimated with all factors in

the model (not one at a time). HML, SMB, RMW, and CMA monthly returns are those for the Fama and French book-to-price, size, profitability, and investment
factors, respectively, and are from the Kenneth French website library. Monthly returns on Investment CAPM factors were supplied by Lu Zhang. With the
exception of portfolio1, none of the estimated betas on the CMA factor are significantly different from zero, nor are those for HML in portfolios 1-5 and RMW in
portfolios 5 and 6. The t-statistics on the I/A factor are significantly different from zero, with the exception of portfolios 4 and 5. Betas on other Investment
CAPM factors (size and ROE) were similar across portfolios to the corresponding factors in the FF model.

Table 3
Coefficient Estimates from Annual Cross-sectional Regressions of Forward Actual Returns
(Rt+1) on ERt and Other Variables
The table reports mean coefficients from estimating cross-sectional regressions each year, 1981-2012. The t-
statistics (in parenthesis) are estimated from the time-series of estimated coefficients with a Newey-West correction for
the serial correlation in the coefficient estimates. Size is log market capitalization of equity. Beta is the return beta on the
value-weighted CRSP index return. Leverage is net debt/market value of equity. Momentum is the buy-and-hold
return over the twelve months prior to one month before the time t when ERt is estimated.

Individual Firm ERt

Adding Factors
Portfolio ERt from
ERt Alone Pricing Models
Intercept -0.034 -0.012 0.057
(-0.80) (-0.31) (1.02)
ERt 1.065 0.979 0.911
(6.06) (6.12) (9.24)
Et/Pt -0.017
Bt/Pt T+ -0.012
Betat 0.002
Sizet -0.010
Leveraget -0.004
Momentumt -0.008
Adj. R2 0.550 0.015 0.050

Table 4
Implied Cost-of-Capital Estimates (ICC) and Cost-of-Capital Estimates from the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and
Fama and French Three-Factor Model (FF)

For each ERt portfolio, Panel A of the table reports mean ICC estimates calculated as in Gebhardt, Lee, and Swaminathan (2001) (GLS) and Easton, Taylor,
Shroff, and Sougiannis (2002) (ETSS), with mean intercept and slope coefficients and implied cost of capital, r, and implied growth, g, from applying procedures
in ETSS. Panel B reports the mean cost of capital, C of Ct, and actual returns for portfolios formed from CAPM estimates and Fama and French (FF) model
estimates with three factors (MKT, SMB, and HML), along with related measures. It also reports the mean CAPM and FF cost-of-capital estimates for ERt
portfolios and, for the latter, the intercepts and associated t-statistics from time-series regressions of excess monthly returns for the ERt portfolios.

Panel A: Implied Cost of Capital (ICC) for ERt Portfolios

ETSS Implied Cost of Capital

Intercept Slope Implied Implied
γ0 γ1 r (%) g (%)

1 0.076 0.523 0.101 12.8 10.8

2 0.074 0.382 0.181 11.8 8.3
3 0.076 0.383 0.194 12.0 8.3
4 0.079 0.406 0.170 11.9 8.5
5 0.082 0.226 0.315 11.4 7.0
6 0.081 0.267 0.259 11.0 7.0
7 0.086 0.283 0.218 10.6 6.3
8 0.088 0.213 0.285 10.6 4.7
9 0.095 0.237 0.231 10.0 5.1
10 0.104 0.149 0.347 10.5 4.7
All Firms 0.325 0.205 11.2 7.3

Panel B: Cost of Capital Estimates from Asset Pricing Models (Full Sample Factor Premium)

CAPM Cof Ct FF Cost of Capital FF Cost of Capital

CAPM Cost of Capital Portfolios
for ERt Portfolios Portfolios for ERt Portfolios

Actual FF Actual FF FF t-stat FF

Portfolio Cof Ct Betat Betat+1 Cof Ct Betat
Returnt+1 Cof Ct Returnt+1 Cof Ct Intercept Intercept

1 0.069 0.06 0.75 0.142 0.133 1.36 0.006 0.128 0.161 -0.0065 -3.92
2 0.091 0.50 0.80 0.159 0.129 1.27 0.071 0.148 0.155 -0.0026 -2.23
3 0.101 0.71 0.90 0.170 0.127 1.22 0.096 0.157 0.151 -0.0003 -0.28
4 0.109 0.88 0.97 0.170 0.124 1.17 0.116 0.167 0.149 0.0002 0.24
5 0.117 1.03 1.06 0.170 0.123 1.15 0.135 0.160 0.147 0.0019 2.27
6 0.125 1.19 1.15 0.168 0.122 1.14 0.153 0.159 0.149 0.0017 2.11
7 0.134 1.38 1.21 0.161 0.121 1.12 0.174 0.159 0.149 0.0034 4.00
8 0.146 1.61 1.31 0.161 0.121 1.11 0.200 0.168 0.149 0.0038 4.17
9 0.163 1.94 1.46 0.135 0.121 1.11 0.238 0.161 0.152 0.0049 4.32
10 0.202 2.73 1.67 0.130 0.120 1.09 0.358 0.158 0.154 0.0081 4.99
Historical CAPM Betat is estimated for each firm from monthly returns over 60 months prior to the point when the Cof Ct is estimated
(or a lesser period if returns are not available for the full period). Betat+1 is estimated from monthly portfolio returns during actual
return periods over the complete sample period. Fama and French cost-of-capital estimates are calculated by applying factor
sensitivity coefficients estimated over the prior 60 months to mean factor returns over the whole sample and adding the estimated
intercept, with these estimates then annualized. The FF intercepts are estimated from FF model time-series regressions with monthly
excess returns for ERt portfolios during actual returns periods.

Table 5

Cost-of-Capital Estimates with Intercept Adjustments

The table reports cost-of-capital estimates, C of Ct, for portfolios, calculated after shrinking the expected returns in Tables 1 and 2 with an intercept adjustment
when applying regression (2). The first adjustment sets the intercept at the prevailing risk-free rate for the year. The second adjusts the intercept for the mean of
the explanatory variables over the past ten years. The table also reports mean actual returns in the subsequent year and the mean estimated cost of capital at the
end of that year, C of Ct+1, for firms in the respective C of Ct portfolios.

Intercept is Rft Mean-adjusted Intercept

C of Ct Mean Median Actual Median Mean Median Actual Median
Portfolio C of Ct C of Ct Returnt+1 C of Ct+1 C of Ct C of Ct Returnt+1 C of Ct+1
1 -0.018 0.003 0.061 0.063 -0.021 -0.034 0.049 0.044
2 0.066 0.063 0.107 0.086 0.055 0.049 0.094 0.083
3 0.095 0.085 0.139 0.099 0.083 0.080 0.129 0.091
4 0.114 0.101 0.135 0.106 0.100 0.097 0.144 0.097
5 0.129 0.115 0.161 0.118 0.113 0.109 0.155 0.098
6 0.142 0.128 0.167 0.127 0.124 0.120 0.160 0.104
7 0.156 0.142 0.179 0.136 0.135 0.130 0.179 0.113
8 0.173 0.159 0.204 0.150 0.147 0.141 0.1921 0.122
9 0.197 0.183 0.236 0.165 0.163 0.155 0.212 0.140
10 0.261 0.241 0.272 0.197 0.203 0.198 0.282 0.158

Table 6

Simple Expected Returns and Cost-of-Capital Estimates

The table reports means (over years) of Simple Expected Returns, SERt, actual returns, and shrinkage cost-of-capital estimates for portfolios formed on SERt
each year, 1981-2012. SERt is estimated out-of-sample by applying mean regression coefficients over the past ten years from estimating regression (2) with only
Et/Pt and Bt/Pt as explanatory variables. The table also reports mean regression coefficients from estimating regression (2) in all years, 1981-2012. The shrinkage
estimates are mean-adjusted estimates, as in the second adjustment in Table 5.

Simple Median Median

Exp. Ret. Mean Actual Mean Mean Shrinkage Shrinkage
Portfolio SERt Returnt+1 Et/Pt Bt/Pt C of Ct C of Ct+1
1 0.062 0.042 -0.351 0.350 0.035 0.052
2 0.109 0.081 -0.051 0.263 0.066 0.070
3 0.121 0.116 -0.004 0.302 0.079 0.081
4 0.131 0.130 0.012 0.377 0.088 0.089

5 0.140 0.143 0.022 0.456 0.097 0.097

6 0.149 0.151 0.026 0.550 0.107 0.105
7 0.160 0.160 0.033 0.662 0.118 0.114
8 0.173 0.183 0.037 0.802 0.131 0.125
9 0.193 0.198 0.036 1.023 0.150 0.138
10 0.244 0.227 0.021 1.613 0.191 0.164


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