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52 Sanskrit

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SET – 4

Series : HRK/C Code No. 52

Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on

the title page of the answer-book.

 16

 16

 15 10.15
10.15 10.30

 Please check that this question paper contains 16 printed pages.

 Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the
title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
 Please check that this question paper contains 16 questions.
 Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it.
 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the
question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.

  - II


: :  : : 90

  : 3    : 90

Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 90

52 1 [ P.T.O.
:  : - ( ) 15 :
SECTION A : Unseen Reading Comprehension

:  :  (-) 15 :

SECTION B : Writing Skills

:  :  ( ) 30 :

SECTION C : Applied Grammar

:  : - (-) 30 :

SECTION D : Reading Comprehension

Instructions :

(i)   : :  

 -     
The question paper has four sections.

(ii)         

            
The answers to each section must be written at one place.

(iii)     

-   -     
Write the question number according to the question paper.

(iv)      

       
Answer all the questions in Sanskrit.

52 2
: – 
- ( )
Unseen Reading Comprehension 15 :

1.       

            
Read the following passage and answer the given questions in Sanskrit.
 :         : : 
              : :
: :   : : : :    : 
   :   :   :   : : : 
      
 :
I.   
     
Answer in one word. 1×2=2
(i) :   : ?
(ii)      ?
II.   
     
Answer in a complete sentence. 2×2=4
(i)    ?
(ii)      : ?
III. :     
         
Choose and write the appropriate answer from the given options. ½×4=2
() ‘’      ?
(i) 
(ii) 
(iii) 
(iv) : 
52 3 [ P.T.O.
() ‘ ’  ‘’     ?
(i) 
(ii) 
(iii) 
(iv)  
() ‘:’     ?
(i) :
(ii) :
(iii) 
(iv) : 
() ‘’      ?
(i) 
(ii) 
(iii) 
(iv)  
IV.        
         
Write the appropriate title for this passage in Sanskrit. 2

2.       

            
Read the following Shloka and answer the given questions in Sanskrit.
“   
:    ”
I.   
     
Answer in one word. 1×1=1
    ?
II.   
     
Answer in a complete sentence. 1×2=2
(i)    ?
(ii)    ?
52 4
III. :     
         
Choose and write the appropriate answer from the given options. 1×2=2
() ‘:’      ?
(i)  (ii) :
(iii)  (iv) 
() ‘:’      ?
(i)  (ii) 
(iii)  (iv) 

: – 
 (-)
Writing Skills 15 :

3.    :   :  

                 :  
Complete the following letter written to your brother, with the help of the words given in
the box and rewrite the same. ½ × 10 = 5

(i) __________
(ii) __________
: 
 (iii) ________              (iv)
________     (v) _______     (vi) ______  
        (vii) _______    (viii) _______ 
  :    (ix) ________  : : :  : 
 (x) _______
: 

, :, , ,   !,
:, , , , : 
52 5 [ P.T.O.
4. :           
                   
Describe the following picture in five Sanskrit sentences with the help of the words given
in the box below. 2 × 5 = 10


, ,  , : , , :,

:, , ,  

     : :    
                  
Write a paragraph in five Sanskrit sentences on the following topic with the help of the
words given in the box. 2 × 5 = 10
‘ :’

:,  , :, , :,  ,

, , , :, , :, :,
: 

52 6
: – 
 ( )
Applied Grammar 30 :

5.        

           
Write the underlined words of the following sentences after joining or
disjoining Sandhis. 1×4=4
(i)  +     : : : 
(ii)  :   
(iii)  +     
(iv)   

6.      :   

                
Choose and write the correct compounded or expounded forms of the underlined words
in the following sentences. 1×5=5
() :  :  : 
(i) :
(ii) :
(iii)  
() :: :  
(i)   :
(ii)  :   :
(iii) : :  
52 7 [ P.T.O.
()     

(i) 

(ii)  

(iii)  

()     

(i)    :

(ii)    :

(iii)     

() :     

(i) 

(ii)  

(iii)  

7.         :   

                

Write the underlined words of the following sentences after joining or disjoining suffixes to
the roots or words, selecting the correct answer from the options given below : 1×5=5

()   +  :    

(i) 

(ii) 

(iii) 
52 8
()     
(i)  + 
(ii)  + 
(iii)  +  
()  :  +    
(i) :
(ii) 
(iii) : 
()     
(i)  + 
(ii)  + 
(iii)  +  
()   +  : :  
(i) :
(ii) :
(iii)  

8.    : : :   

               
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate indeclinable words
given in the box. 1×5=5
(i) :  _____  ?
(ii)  ______    
(iii) ______ :    : 

(iv)  ______  

(v)     _____ :   
, , , , : 

52 9 [ P.T.O.
9.     
      
Choose the correct numerical words and complete the sentences. 1×5=5
(i)  ______ :   (, :, :)
(ii) :______    (: , :)
(iii) : ______    (:, , )
(iv)   ______ :   (, :, :)
(v) ______     (, , :)

10.      :     
 
                  
   
Choose the correct answer from the given options and correct the underlined
incorrect word in the following sentences. 1×6=6
()      
(i)  (ii) :
(iii) : (iv)  
() :    
(i) : (ii) 
(iii) : (iv)  
() : :  
(i)  (ii) 
(iii)  (iv)  
()  : 
(i)    (ii)  :
(iii)  (iv)  
()  : :    
(i) : (ii) 
(iii)   (iv)  
() :  :  
(i)  (ii) 
(iii)  (iv)  
52 10
: – 
- (-)
Reading Comprehension 30 :

11.  ,         
 ,              
Read the following prose, poetry and drama passages and answer the given questions in
() :
“  :: :  ‘      ?
             
     ’      – ‘ ?  
 ,       ”
I.   
     
Answer in one word. 1
‘  ’  :  ?
II.   
    
Answer in a complete sentence. 1
:    ?
III. :     
         
Choose and write the correct answer from the given options. 1×2=2
() ‘’      ?
(i) 
(iii) 
(iv)  
()  ‘’      ?
(i) 
(ii) 
(iii) 
(iv)  
52 11 [ P.T.O.
() 
“ : :    

    :   ”

I.   
     
Answer in one word. 1
:  :  ?
II.   
    
Answer in a complete sentence. 1

:     ?

III. :     
         
Choose and write the correct answer from the given options. 1×2=2

() ‘’     ?

(i) 

(ii) :
(iii) :
(iv) : 
() ‘’      ?
(i) 
(ii) 
(iii) :
(iv)  
52 12
() :
“ – !         : 
: :      
: –        ‘’  : : 
 –      ‘’     : 
       
:  ”
I.   
     
Answer in one word. 1
 –    ?
II.   
    
Answer in a complete sentence. 1
:   ?
III. :     
         
Choose and write the correct answer from the given options. 1×2=2
() ‘’      ?
(i) 
(ii) :
(iii) 
(iv)  
() ‘’     ?
(i) 
(ii) 
(iii) 
(iv)  
52 13 [ P.T.O.
12. : :   :   
          
Choose and write the correct gist of the following sentences from the given
options. 1×2=2
() ‘ :  ’
(i)  : :   
(ii)   :  ,   : :  
(iii)  :     
() ‘   :  : ’
(i) :  , :   
(ii)    : :  
(iii)          ?
         

13. :   -   

              
Complete the prose order of the following two shlokas by choosing the appropriate
words given in the box. 1×4=4
() “     
:   !    ”
: –  ! :    (i) ______     
(ii) ______  
() “:   : : 
  :,    ”
: – : :   (i) ______  :     (ii) ______ :
  :  ?
, :, , : 

52 14
14.     

       

Frame the questions on the basis of the underlined words. 1×5=5

(i)    

(ii) :   

(iii) : :  : 

(iv)     

(v) :    

15.    

       

Write the following sentences in their sequential order. ½×8=4

(i)       

(ii)  : :   

    

(iii)  :   

(iv)   :     

(v) :     

(vi)   :     

(vii)     : :    

(viii)  :         : :  

52 15 [ P.T.O.
16.      
         
Choose and write the contextual meanings of the underlined words. 1×3=3
()   : :  
(i) :
(ii) :
(iii) 
() !    :   
(i) 
(ii) 
(iii) 
()  : : : 
(i) :
(ii) 
(iii) 

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