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Teaching Biology in English

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Name : Ruri Indarti

NIM : 150341600730
Offering : A-A1
Date : March 6, 2018

Teaching Biology In English

The Learning Journal 13

Today, we doing modeling for the first time. Teacher models on this first
occasion are Rida and Rido. Rida teaches the material of digestive system. The
beginning time done by airing a video of the digestive mechanisms of food. Next,
the student divided into several groups, then we were given a worksheet and asked
to make mind maps. We must write how the relationship between the structure of
the digestive system and its function. After that, one group advance to the front of
the class to present their mind map. Other students may ask or add some
information. After that, Rida gives reinforcement followed by asking the
impression, ask the student member’s conclusion and gives us homework.
While Rido teaches the material how to handle drug addict. Just like Rida,
in the beginning he airing the video about drug addict, causes and how to treat
them and also a research related with it. Furthermore, Rido gives us a worksheet
that must be done by ourselves. Then, we must discuss it with our partner. Rido
use TPS (Think Pair Share) models. After discussion time, one group/pair
advanced to present their idea about how to handle the drug addict.
After Rida and Rido doing modeling, we continued our lesson today with
evaluation. Evaluation for Rida and Rido are Inovira and Aisyatur. Rida said that
she makes a lot of mistakes. She couldn’t manage time well, couldn’t handle the
group. The procedure of her worksheet was not clear enough so it makes the
students feel confused. According to the result of the Inovira’s evaluation, the
opening activities are great, all the student pay attention to the video. All student
active and excited when creating a mind map. Rida always control the group. The
ending was good too. The aim of the lesson has reached. There are some
evaluation for Rido too.
After following the activities today, I can get a lesson. Prior to modeling,
all equipment necessary have to be prepared well. When doing a modeling, don.t
get nervous or our student became confused. Keep calm and enjoy the lesson. Try
to manage the time as good as possible. Give the instruction clearly.
Name : Ruri Indarti
NIM : 150341600730
Offering : A-A1
Date : March 7, 2018

Teaching Biology In English

The Learning Journal 14

Today is the second days of modeling section. Inovira and Aisyatur are the
models teacher for today. Inovira’s observer are Rido and Rida. While, Aisyatur’s
observer are Lelly and Siti Nurhalizah. Inovira teaches the material of respiration
system. We given a task to make a mind map of the diseases of respiration system.
While Aisyatur teaches a material cell division. We also given a task to draw the
mechanisms of cell division. They are doing a great modeling. They prepared
their modeling very well.

By following the activities today, I learned that it’s not easy to stand in front
of the class to teach some material in English. Sometimes, we feel nervous and
not confident. However, if we prepared the material well, we can calmer and able
to speak English fluently. Before doing modeling, we must prepared the tools that
we need as good as possible. We must use the correct diction, tenses and
pronunciation to prevent misconception.

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