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5383-Practice Sheet 1

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1. Abhishek, Hritik, John, and Amir are assigned the tasks of moving
equal positive charges slowly through an electric field, along assigned
path (shown as dotted line). In each case the charge is at rest at the
beginning. They all have paths of exactly equal lengths. Who must do

the most positive work? Amir

(A) Abhishek (B) Hritik Elect
ric fi
eld li
(C) Amir (D) John nes

2. There is a fixed positive charge Q at O and A and B are points equidistant

from O. A positive charge + q is taken slowly by an external agent from A to B
along the line AC and then along the line CB.
(A) The total work done on the charge is zero
(B) The work done by the electrostatic force from A to C is negative
(C) The work done by the electrostatic force from C to B is positive
(D) The work done by electrostatic force in taking the charge from A to B is dependent on the actual
3. Four point charges are placed at the corners of a square with diagonal 2a as
shown. What is the total electric field at the center of the square?
(A) kq/a2 at an angle 45° above the +x axis
(B) kq/a2 at an angle 45° below the –x axis
(C) 3kq/a2 at an angle 45° above the –x axis
(D) 3kq/a2 at an angle 45° below the +x axis
(E) 9kq/a2 at an angle 45° above the +x axis

Comprehension (Q.4 to Q.6)

There is an insulator rod of length L and of negligible mass with two small balls of mass m and
electric charge Q attached to its ends. The rod can rotate in the horizontal plane around a vertical
axis crossing it at L/4 distance from one of its ends.
4. At first the rod is in unstable equilibrium in a horizontal uniform electric field of field strength E.
Then we gently displace it from this position. Determine the maximum velocity attained by the ball
which is closer to the axis in the subsequent motion.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
m 5m m 5m
5. In what position is the rod to be set so that if displaced a little from that position it begins a
harmonic oscillation about the axis A?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

6. What is the time period of the SHM as mentioned in above question?

mL 2mL 5 mL 5 mL
(A) 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 2
1. Four electrical charges are arranged on the corners of a 10 cm square as
shown. What would be the direction of the resulting electric field at the center
point P?

(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

2. Suppose a region of space has a uniform electric field, directed towards the right,
as shown below. Which statement is true?
(A) The potential at all three locations is the same
(B) The potential at points A and B are equal, the potential at point C is higher than
the potential at point A
(C) The potential at points A and B are equal, and the potential at point C is lower than the
potential at point A
(D) The potential at point A is the highest, the potential at point B is the second highest, and the
potential at point C is the lowest.
3. Two point like charges a & b whose magnitudes are same are positioned at
a certain distance from each other, a is at origin. Graph is drawn between
electric field strength and distance x from a. E is taken positive if it is
along the line joining from a to b
(A) a is positive, b is negative (B) a & b both are positive
(C) a & b both are negative (D) a is negative, b is positive
4. Two pith balls with mass m are suspended from insulating threads. When the
pith balls are given equal positive charge Q, they hang in equilibrium as shown.
We now increase the charge on the left pith ball from Q to 2Q while leaving its mass  
essentially unchanged. Which of the following diagrams best represents the new
equilibrium configuration?

 
 
 

(A) (B) 2Q (C) Q

2Q Q
2Q Q Q 2Q

5. In an electric field shown in figure three equipotential surfaces are

shown. If function of electric field is E = 2x2V/m, and given that V1 – V2 =
V2 – V3, then we have
(A) x1 = x2 (B) x1 > x2
(C) x2 > x1 (D) data insufficient

6. A point negative charge – Q is placed at a distance r from a dipole

with dipole moment P as shown in figure. The x component of force
acting on the charge – Q is -
(A)  cos î (B) cos î
r r
(C)  cos î (D) cos î
r3 r3

7. A small electric dipole P is placed on the X axis at the point (1, 0). The
dipole vector forms an angle of 30° with the X axis. Consider a non uniform
electric field to have been applied in the region given by the vector

E  x 2 iˆ  y 2 ˆj . What is the force acting on the dipole?
(A) 2 P cos 30° iˆ  2 ˆj  (B) 2 P cos 30° iˆ
 

 

(C) 2 P cos 30° 2 ĵ (D) None
1. A hemispherical surface (half of a spherical surface) of radius R is located in a
uniform electric field E that is parallel to the axis of the hemisphere. What is the
magnitude of the electric flux through the hemisphere surface?
(A) 0 (B) 4R2E/3
(C) 2R E
2 (D) R2E
(E) 4R2E

2. A non-conducting sphere of radius R is filled with uniform volume charge

density –. The center of this sphere is displaced from the origin by d . The
 
electric field E at any point P having position vector, r inside the sphere is
    
(A) d (B) (r  d )
3 0 3 0
     
(C) (d  r ) (D) (d  r )
3 0 3 0

3. Using thomson’s model of the atom, consider an atom consisting of two

electrons, each of charge –e, embeded in a sphere of charge + 2e and radius R.
In equilibrium each electron is at distance d from the centre of the atom. What is
equilibrium separation between electrons?
(A) R (B) R/2
(C) R/3 (D) R/4

4. Consider a gaussian spherical surface, covering a dipole of charge q and –q,

(A) qin = 0 (Net charge enclosed by the spherical surface)
(B) net = 0 (Net flux coming out the spherical surface)
(C) E = 0 at all points on the spherical surface
 
(D)  E.ds = 0 (Surface integral of over the spherical surface)

5. An electron is placed just in the middle between two long fixed line charges of
charge density + each. The wires are in the xy plane (Do not consider gravity)
(A) The equilibrium of the electron will be unstable along x-direction
(B) The equilibrium of the electron will be neutral along y-direction
(C) The equilibrium of the electron will be stable along z-direction
(D) The equilibrium of the electron will be stable along y-direction

Question No. 6 & 7 (2 questions)

There are two non-conducting spheres having uniform volume charge densities  and –. Both
spheres have equal radius R. The spheres are now laid down such that they overlaps as shown in
the figure.

6. The electric field in the overlap region is

(A) non uniform
(B) zero
 
(C) d
3 0
 
(D) r
3 0
7. The potential difference V between the centers of the two spheres for d = R is
 2  2
(A) d (B) d
3 0 0
2 2
(C) zero (D) d
Question No.8 & 9 (2 questions)
The figure applies to the following two questions.

Positive and negative charges of equal magnitude lie along the symmetry axis of a cylinder. The
distance from the positive charge to the left end-cap of the cylinder is the same as the distance
from the negative charge to the right end -cap.

8. What is the flux of the electric field through the closed cylinder?
(A) 0 (B) + Q/0
(C) + 2Q / 0 (D) – Q / 0
(E) None of the above

9. What is the sign of the flux through the right end-cap of the cylinder?
(A) Positive
(B) Negative
(C) There is no flux through the right end-cap.

10. A sphere of radius R carries charge such that its volume charge density is proportional to the
square of the distance from the centre. What is the ratio of the magnitude of the electric field at a
distance 2R from the centre to the magnitude of the electric field at a distance of R/2 from the
centre (i.e. Er=2R /Er=R/2)?
(A) 1 (B*) 2
(C) 4 (D) 8
1. Which of the following is sufficient condition for finding the electric flux through a closed
(A) If the magnitude of is known everywhere on the surface
(B) If the total charge inside the surface is specified
(C) If the total charge outside the surface is specified
(D) Only if the location of each point charge inside the surface is specified

2. An electrically isolated hollow (initially uncharged), conducting sphere has a

small positively charged ball suspended by an insulating rod from its inside
surface, see diagram. This causes the inner surface of the sphere to become
negatively charged. When the ball is centered in the sphere the electric field
outside the conducting sphere is approximately.
(A) zero
(B) the same as if the sphere wasn't there
(C) twice what it would be if the sphere wasn't there
(D) equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to what it would be if the sphere wasn't there

3. For the situation shown in the figure below, match the entries of
Column-I with entries of Column-II. r
q1 q2
Hollow Neutral

Column-I Column-II
(A) In the situation shown (P) Distribution of charge on inner surface
of conductor is uniform
(B) If outside charge is not present (Q) Distribution of charge on inner surface
of conductor is non-uniform
(C) If we displace the outside charge (R) Distribution of charge on outer surface
while the inside charge remains of conductor is uniform
at centre
(D) If the inside charge is displaced by (S) Distribution of charge on outer surface
small amount from centre then of conductor is non-uniform

4. A total charge Q is distributed over two concentric hollow uniform sphere of radii a and b, (b >
a), such a way that their surface charge densities are equal. The potential at the common centre is
given by:
Q a  b  Q b  a  Q a  b  Q b  a 

4 o a 2  b 2  (B)

4 o a 2  b 2  (C)

4 o a  b 2

4 o a  b 2
5. A conducting sphere of radius R and a concentric thick spherical shell of inner
radius 2R and outer radius 3R is shown in figure. A charge +10Q is given to the
shell and inner sphere is earthed. Then charge on inner sphere is

(A) –4Q (B) –10Q (C) zero (D) none

6. An uncharged aluminium block has a cavity within it. The block is placed in a region permeated
by a uniform electric field which is directed upwards. Which of the following is a correct statement
describing conditions in the interior of the block's cavity?
(A) The electric field in the cavity is directed upwards
(B) The electric field in the cavity is directed downwards
(C) There is no electric field in the cavity
(D) The electric field in the cavity is of varying magnitude and is zero at the exact center.
Electrostatics- 5
1. A metal sphere A of radius r1 charged to a potential 1 is enveloped by a thin
walled conducting spherical shell B of radius r2. Then 2 of the sphere A after it
is connected by a thin wire to the shell B will be

r1 r2 r1  rr 
(A) 1 (B) 1 (C) 1 (1  ) (D) 1  1 2 
r2 r1 r2  r1  r2 

2. Statement-1 : An uncharged conducting slab is placed normally in a uniform electric field. The
resultant electric field inside the slab is zero.
Statement-2 : The equal and opposite charges appearing on two surfaces of slab cancel the
external field.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

3. You are moving a negative charge q < 0 at a small constant speed away from a uniformly
charged non-conducting spherical shell on which resides a negative charge Q < 0. The electrostatic
field of Q is E. Let U be the total energy of the system, Wa the work done by the force Fa you exert
on q and WE the work done by the electrostatic force FE on q. Then, as q is being moved,

(A) Wa = –WE, therefore U remains constant (B) Fa = –FE

(C) U increases (D) U decreases

4. Two large conducting sheets are kept parallel to each other as shown. In
equilibrium, the charge density on facing surfaces is 1 and . What is the value
of electric field at A.
1 ˆ 2 ˆ 1   2 ˆ 1   2 ˆ
(A) i (B)  i (C) i (D) i
o o 2 o 2 o

 
5. Consider Gauss’s Law  E.dA  q/0. Which of the following is true?

(A) E must be the electric field due to the enclosed charge

(B) If net charge inside the Gaussian surface = 0, then E must be zero
everywhere over the Gaussian surface
+ – +
(C) If the only charge inside the Gaussian surface is an electric dipole, then
the integral is zero
 
(D) E is parallel to dA everywhere over the Gaussian surface
Electrostatics- 6
1. A sphere of radius R is filled with charge density + and is centered on the origin.

(a) Complete the electric field E for any point inside the sphere. Write your answer in terms of the
displacement vector from the origin?
Consider now a sphere of radius R filled with charge density –. The centre of this sphere is

displaced from the origin by the vector d  dxˆ .

(b) Compute the electric field E for any point inside this sphere. Write your answer in terms of the

displacement vector from the origin r .

Both spheres are now laid down such that they overlap: d ≤ 2R.

(c) Compute the electric field E in the overlap region.
(d) What is the potential difference V between the centers of the two spheres?

(e) Consider a point P on the x axis, a distance x away from the point O. What is the electric field
for x >> R?
Electrostatics- 7
1. Two isolated conducting spheres each of radius R and carrying charges Q and 2Q. They are
connected by a wire. Find the amount of heat produced during the transfer of charge from one
sphere to other sphere.

2. A positive charge q is placed in front of a conducting solid cube at a distance d from its centre.
Find the electric field at the centre of the cube due to the charges appearing on its surface.

3. Eight point charge of charge q each are placed on the eight corners of a cube of side a. A solid
neutral metallic sphere of radius a/3 is placed with its centre at the centre of the cube. As a result,
charge are induced on the sphere, which form certain patterns on its surface. What is the potential
of the sphere?

Two very large parallel disks of charge have their centers on the x-axis and their planes
perpendicular to the x-axis. The disk that intersects x = –R has uniform positive surface charge
density +; the disk that intersects x = +R has uniform negative surface charge density –.


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

4. Which graph best represents the plot of the x-component of the electric field vector on the x-
(A) (i) (B) (ii) (C) (iii) (D) (iv)

5. Which graph best represents the plot of the electric potential (V) as a function of x (treating V = 0
at x = 0) ?
(A) (i) (B) (ii) (C) (iii) (D) (iv)

6. Two charges q1 & q2 are kept on x-axis and electric field at different points an x-axis is plotted
against x. Choose correct statement about nature and magnitude of q1 & q2.

(A) q1 +ve, q2 –ve ; |q1| > |q2| (B) q1 +ve, q2 –ve ; |q1| < |q2|
(C) q1 –ve, q2 +ve ; |q1| > |q2| (D) q1 –ve, q2 +ve ; |q1| < |q2|
Electrostatics- 8
1. A proton is either released at rest or launched with a certain velocity in a uniform electric field.
Which of the graphs in figure could possibly show how the kinetic energy of the proton changes
during the proton's motion?

2. Two point charges, Q1 and Q2, are positioned at a certain distance

from each other. The curves in the figure represent the distribution of
the potential along the straight line connecting the two charges. At
which points (1, 2 and/or 3) is the electric field strength zero? What are
the signs of the charges Q1 and Q2 and which of the two is greater in

3. Column I shows graphs of electric potential V versus x and y in a certain region for four
situations. Column II shows the range of angle which the electric field vector makes with positive
Column I Column II
(V versus x) (V versus y)

(P) 0 ≤  < 45°

(B) (Q) 45° ≤  < 90°

(C) (R) 90°≤  < 135°

(D) (S) 135° ≤  ≤ 180°

Electrostatics- 9
Comprehension (1 to 3)
There is a uniformly charged ring having radius R. An infinite line charge
(charge per unit length ) is placed along a diameter of the ring (in gravity
free space). Total charge on the ring Q = 4 2 λR . An electron of mass m is
released from rest on the axis of the ring at a distance x = 3R from the
1. Magnitude of initial acceleration of the electron.

eλ  3  2 2  eλ  3  2 2 
(A) (B)
πε o mR  4 6  πε o mR  4 6 

eλ  3  2 2 
(C) (D) none
πε o mR  4 3 

2. The distance from centre of ring on the axis where the net force on the electron is zero.

(A) 2R (B) 2R (C) R (D) none of these

3. Potential difference between points A (x = 3R ) and B (x = R) i.e. (VA – VB) is

λ    
(A)  1  1   ln 3 (B)
λ 1  1   ln 3
πε o  2  4 πε o  2  4
 

λ  
(C)  1  1   ln 3 (D) none
πε o  2  4

4. At the lower end of a vertically positioned insulator bar shown in the figure
there is a pearl of the mass m=10–4 kg and a charge of Q1. Above it at a height
h0=20 cm, there is another pearl with the same mass m and electric charge Q2
resting in equilibrium. At a given moment we kick the lower pearl and it starts
upwards at a velocity of v0=2 m/s. How close (in cm) can the lower pearl get to
the upper one at most? (The pearls can move along the bar without friction.)

5. Two point charges (Q each) are placed at (0, y) and (0, –y). A point charge q of the same polarity
can move along X-axis. Then :

(A) the force on q is maximum at x = + y / 2

(B) the charge q is in equilibrium at the origin
(C) the charge q performs an oscillatory motion about the origin
(D) for any position of q other then origin the force is directed away from origin
6. A conducting ball is charged and another similar point charge is brought closer to the ball.
(A) the ball may attract the point charge
(B) the ball may repel the point charge
(C) the electric field inside the ball due to ball’s charges is non- zero.
(D) the net electric field inside the ball is zero
Electrostatics- 10
1. We have two electric dipoles. Each dipole consists of two equal and
opposite point charges at the ends of an insulating rod of length d. The
dipoles sit along the x-axis a distance r apart, oriented as shown
below. Their separation r >> d. The dipole on the left:
(A) will feel a force to the left.
(B) will feel a force to the right.
(C) will feel a torque trying to make it rotate counterclockwise.
(D) will feel no torque
2. Imagine a dipole is at the centre of a spherical surface. If magnitude of electric field at a certain
point on the surface of sphere is 10 N/C, then which of the following cannot be the magnitude of
electric field anywhere on the surface of sphere
(A) 4 N/C (B) 8 N/C (C) 16 N/C (D) 32 N/C
3. In a system of two dipoles placed in the way as shown in figure:
(A) It is possible to consider a spherical surface of radius a and whose centre
lies within the square shown, through which total flux is +ve.
(B) It is possible to consider a spherical surface of radius a and whose centre
lies within the square shown through which total flux is –ve
(C) There are two points within the square at which EF is zero.
(D) It is possible to consider a spherical s
4. The net force on an electric dipole oriented parallel to the x axis in this field is
(A) directed along the x axis. (B) directed along the y axis.
(C) directed along the z axis,. (D) None of the above
5. The net torque on an electric dipole parallel to the x axis in this field is
(A) directed along the x axis. (B) directed along the y axis.
(C) directed along the z axis. (D) None of the above
6. A small electric dipole is placed in a uniform electric field as shown in the +q
diagram. Considering the situation above, choose the correct statement(s):
(A) The torque on the dipole points into the plane of the paper.
(B) If allowed to rotate freely about its center, the dipole would initially swing  E

(C) Work done by the electric field on the dipole, in rotating it from  = 90° to  –q
= 30° is positive.
(D) The potential energy of the dipole is maximum when the electric field is perpendicular to the
dipole moment.
7. A rod containing charge +Q is brought near an initially
uncharged isolated conducting rod as shown. Regions with
total surface charge +Q and –Q are induced in the conductor as
shown in the figure. The only regions where the net charge in
this configuration is non-zero are indicated by the “+” and “–”
signs. Let us denote the total flux of electric field outward
through closed surface S1 as 1,through S2 as 2, etc. Which
of the following is necessarily false.

(A) 1 > 0 (B) 2 = 1 (C) 3 = 1 (D) 4 = 0

Electrostatics- 11
1. Which of the following is false for a closed Gaussian surface?
(A) If the electric field is zero everywhere on the surface, then there can be no net charge enclosed
by the surface.
(B) If the total electric flux through the surface is zero, then the total charge enclosed by the
surface is zero
(C) If the electric field is zero everywhere on the surface, then the total electric flux through the
surface is zero
(D) If the total electric flux through the surface is zero, then the electric field must be zero
everywhere on the surface.

2. A charged large metal sheet is placed into uniform electric field, perpendicularly
to the electric field lines. After placing the sheet into the field, the electric field on
the left side of the sheet is E1=5 ×105 V/m and on the right it is E2=3 ×105 V/m. The
sheet experiences a net electric force of 0.08 N. Find the area of one face of the
sheet. Assume external field to remain constant after introducing the large sheet.
(A) 3.6 × 10–2 m2 (B) 0.9  × 10–2 m2
(C) 1.8 × 10–2 m2 (D) none

3. In which of following cases, electric field is uniform?

(A) Inside a uniformly charged spherical shell
(B) In any cavity inside a uniformly charged sphere
(C) In front of an infinite sheet of uniform surface charge density
(D) At a distance x from a point charge q.

4. There are two uncharged identical metallic spheres 1 and 2 of radius r separated by a distance d
(d >> r). A charged metallic sphere of same radius having charge q is touched with one of the
sphere. After some time it is moved away from the system. Now the uncharged sphere is earthed.
Charge on earthed sphere is
(A) q (B) – q (C) – qr/2d (D) 0

5. The figure shows a point charge of 0.5 × 10–6 C at the centre of a

spherical cavity of radius 3cm in of piece of metal. The electric field
at :
(A) A (2 cm from the charge) is 0
(B) A (2 cm from the charge) is 1.125 × 107 N/C
(C) B (5 cm from the charge) is 0
(D) B (5 cm from the charge) is 1.8 × 106 N/C

6. Pick the correct statements:

(A) If a point charge is placed off-centre inside an electrically neutral spherical metal shell then
induced charge on its inner surface is uniformly distributed.
(B) If a point charge is placed off-centre inside an electrically neutral, isolated spherical metal shell,
then induced charge on its outer surface is uniformly distributed.
(C) A non metal shell of uniform charge attracts or repels a charged particle that is outside the
shell as if all the shell's charge were concentrated at the centre of the shell.
(D) If a charged particle is located inside a non metal shell of uniform charge, there is no
electrostatic force on the particle due to the shell.

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