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Bar Examination 2005 Q&A

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25 September 2005 8 A.M. — 12 Noon


This questionnaire consists of eighteen (18) numbers contained in

ten (10) pages. Read each question very carefully. Answer legibly,
clearly and concisely. Start each number on a separate page; an
answer to a sub-question under the same number may be written
continuously on the same and immediately succeeding pages until
completed. Do not repeat the question.


(Sgd.) Romeo J. Callejo, Sr.

2005 Bar Examination Committee




- I -

a) Under Article 1144 of the New Civil Code, an action upon a

judgment must be brought within 10 years from the time the right
of action accrues. Is this provision applicable to an action filed
in the Philippines to enforce a foreign judgment? Explain.


Article 1144 of the Civil Code which requires that an action upon
a judgment (though without distinction) must be brought within 10
years from the time the right of action accrues, does not apply to
an action filed in the Philippines to enforce a foreign judgment.
While we can say that where the law does not distinguish, we should
not distinguish, still the law does not evidently contemplate the
inclusion of foreign judgments. A local judgment may be enforced
by motion within five years and by action within the next five
years. (Rule 39) That is not the case with respect to foreign
judgments which cannot be enforced by mere motion.

b) May the aggrieved party file a petition for certiorari in the

Supreme Court under Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure
instead of filing a petition for review on certiorari under Rule
45 thereof for the nullification of a decision of the Court of
Appeals in the exercise either of its original or appellate
jurisdiction? Explain.


To NULLIFY A DECISION of the Court of Appeals the aggrieved party

should file a PETITION FOR REVIEW ON CERTIORARI in the Supreme
Court under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court instead of filing a
petition for certiorari under Rule 65 except under very exceptional
circumstances. A long line of decisions of the Supreme Court, too
numerous to mention, holds that certiorari is not a substitute for
a lost appeal. It should be noted, however, when the Court of
Appeals imposes the death penalty, or a lesser penalty for offenses
committed on such occasion, appeal by petition for review or
ordinary appeal. In cases when the Court of Appeals imposes
reclusion perpetua, life imprisonment or a lesser penalty, appeal
is by notice of appeal filed with the Court of Appeals.

c) May a private document be offered and admitted in evidence both

as documentary evidence and as object evidence? Explain.


Yes, it can be considered as both documentary and object evidence.

A private document may be offered and admitted in evidence both as
documentary evidence and as object evidence. A document can also
be considered as an object for purposes of the case. Objects as
evidence are those addressed to the senses of the court. (Sec. 1,
Rule 130, Rules of Court) Documentary evidence consists of writings
or any material containing letters, words, numbers, figures,
symbols or other modes of written expressions, offered ns proof of
their contents. (Sec. 2, Rule 130, Rules of Court) Hence, a private
document may be presented as object evidence in order to 'establish
certain physical evidence or characteristics that are visible on
the paper and writings that comprise the document.

d) Distinguish a derivative suit from a class suit.


A DERIVATIVE SUIT is a suit in equity that is filed by a minority

shareholder in behalf of a corporation to redress wrongs committed
against it, for which the directors refuse to sue, the real party
in interest being the corporation itself (Lint v. Lim-Yu, G.IL No.
138343, February 19, 2001), while a CLASS SUIT is filed regarding
a controversy of common or general interest in behalf of many
persons so numerous that it is impracticable to join all as
parties, a number which the court finds sufficiently
representative who may sue or defend for the benefit of all. (Sec.
12, Rule 3) It is worth noting that a derivative suit is a represen-
tative suit, just like a class suit.

e) When may the trial court order that the testimony of a child be
taken by live-link television? Explain. (10%)


The testimony of a child may be taken by live-link television if

there is a substantial likelihood that the child would suffer
trauma from testifying in the presence of the accused, his counsel
or the prosecutor as the case may be. The trauma must of a kind
which would impair the completeness or truthfulness of the
testimony of the child. (See Sec. 25, Rule on Examination of a
Child Witness).

- II -

(1.) While Marietta was in her place of work in Makati City, her
estranged husband Carlo barged into her house in Parañaque City,
abducted their six-year old son, Percival, and brought the child
to his hometown in Baguio City. Despite Marietta’s pleas, Carlo
refused to return their child. Marietta, through counsel, filed a
petition for habeas corpus against Carlo in the Court of Appeals
in Manila to compel him to produce their son before the court and
for her to regain custody. She alleged in the petition that despite
her efforts, she could no longer locate her son.

In his comment, Carlo alleged that the petition was erroneously

filed in the Court of Appeals as the same should have been filed
in the Family Court in Baguio City which, under Republic Act No.
8369, has exclusive jurisdiction over the petition. Marietta
replied that under Rule 102 of the Rules of Court, as amended, the
petition may be filed in the Court of Appeals and if granted, the
writ of habeas corpus shall be enforceable anywhere in the

Whose contention is correct? Explain. (5%)


Marietta's contention is correct. The Court of Appeals has

concurrent jurisdiction with the family courts and the Supreme
Court in petitions for habeas corpus where the custody of minors
is at issue, notwithstanding the provision in the Family Courts
AH. (R.A. No. 8369) that family courts have exclusive jurisdiction
in such cases. (Thornton v. Thornton, G.R. No. 154598, August,

(2.) Under Republic Act No. 8353, one may be charged with and found
guilty of qualified rape if he knew on or before the commission of
the crime that he is afflicted with Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus
(HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any other
sexually transmissible disease and the virus or disease is
transmitted to the victim.

Under Section 17(a) of Republic Act No. 8504 the court may compel
the accused to submit himself to a blood test where blood samples
would be extracted from his veins to determine whether he has HIV.

a) Are the rights of the accused to be presumed innocent of the

crime charged, to privacy, and against self-incrimination violated
by such compulsory testing? Explain.

No. The court may compel the accused to submit himself to a blood
test to determine whether he has HIV under Sec. 17(a) of R.A. No,
8054. His rights to be presumed innocent of the crime charged, to
privacy and against self-incrimination are not violated by such
compulsory testing. In an action in which the physical condition
of a party is in controversy, the court may order the accused to
submit to a physical examination. (Sec. 1, Rule 28, 1997 Rules of
Civil Procedure)
(Look for citation of latest case, in 2004)

b) If the result of such test shows that he is HIV positive, and

the prosecution offers such result in evidence to prove the
qualifying circumstance under the Information for qualified rape,
should the court reject such result on the ground that it is the
fruit of a poisonous tree? Explain. (8%)


Since the rights of the accused are not violated because the
compulsory testing is authorized by the Remedial Law Bar
Examination Q & A (1997-2006) law, the result of the testing cannot
be considered to be the fruit of a poisonous tree and can be
offered in evidence to prove the qualifying circumstance under the
information for qualified rape under R.A. No. 8353. The fruit, of
the poisonous tree doctrine refers to that rule of evidence that
excludes any evidence which may have been derived or acquired from
a tainted or polluted source. Such evidence is inadmissible for
having emanated from spurious origins. The doctrine, however, does
not apply to the results obtained pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 28,
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as it does not contemplate a search
within the meaning of the law. (People v.
Montilla, G.R. No. 123872, January 30,1998)


Perry is a resident of Manila, while Ricky and Marvin are residents

of Batangas City. They are the co-owners of a parcel of residential
land located in Pasay City with an assessed value of P100,000.00.
Perry borrowed P100,000.00 from Ricky which he promised to pay on
or before December 1, 2004. However, Perry failed to pay his loan.
Perry also rejected Ricky and Marvin’s proposal to partition the

Ricky filed a complaint against Perry and Marvin in the Regional

Trial Court of Pasay City for the partition of the property. He
also incorporated in his complaint his action against Perry for
the collection of the latter’s P100, 000.00 loan, plus interests
and attorney’s fees.

State with reasons whether it was proper for Ricky to join his
causes of action in his complaint for partition against Perry and
Marvin in the Regional Trial Court of Pasay City. (5%)


It was not proper for Ricky to join his causes of action against
Perry in his complaint for partition against Perry and Marvin. The
causes of action may be between the same parties, Ricky and Perry,
with respect to the loan but not with respect to the partition
which includes Marvin. The joinder is between a partition and a
sum of money, but PARTITION is a special civil action under Rule
69, which cannot be joined with other causes of action. (See. 5[b],
Rule 2,) Also, the causes of action pertain to different venues
and jurisdictions. The case for a sum of money pertains to the
municipal court and cannot be filed in Pasay City because the
plaintiff is from Manila while Ricky and Marvin are from Batangas
City. (Sec. 5, Rule 2,)


Raphael, a warehouseman, filed a complaint against V Corporation,

X Corporation and Y Corporation to compel them to interplead. He
alleged therein that the three corporations claimed title and right
of possession over the goods deposited in his warehouse and that
he was uncertain which of them was entitled to the goods. After
due proceedings, judgment was rendered by the court declaring that
X Corporation was entitled to the goods. The decision became final
and executory.
Raphael filed a complaint against X Corporation for the payment of
P100,000.00 for storage charges and other advances for the goods.
X Corporation filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the ground
of res judicata. X Corporation alleged that Raphael should have
incorporated in his complaint for interpleader his claim for
storage fees and advances and that for his failure he was barred
from interposing his claim. Raphael replied that he could not have
claimed storage fees and other advances in his complaint for
interpleader because he was not yet certain as to who was liable

Resolve the motion with reasons. (4%)


The motion to dismiss should be granted. Raphael should have

incorporated in his complaint for interpleader his claim for
storage fees and advances, the amounts of which were obviously
determinable at the time of the filing of the complaint. They are
part of Raphael's cause of action which he may not be split. Hence,
when the warehouseman asks the court to ascertain who among the
defendants are entitled to the goods, he also has the right to ask
who should pay for the storage fees and other related expenses.
The filing of the interpleader is available as a ground for
dismissal of the second case. (Sec. 4, Rule 2,) It is akin to a
compulsory counterclaim which, if not set up, shall be barred.
(Sec. 2, Rule 9, Arreza v. Diaz, G.R. No. 133113, August 30, 2001)


(1.) After Lulu’s death, her heirs brought her last will to a
lawyer to obtain their respective shares in the estate. The lawyer
prepared a deed of partition distributing Lulu’s estate in
accordance with the terms of her will. Is the act of the lawyer
correct? Why? (2%)

No. No will, shall pass either real or personal estate unless it
is proved and allowed in the proper court. (Sec. 1, Rule 75, Rules
of Court)

(2.) Nestor died intestate in 2003, leaving no debts. How may his
estate be settled by his heirs who are of legal age and have legal
capacity? Explain. (2%)


If the decedent left no will and no debts, and the heirs are all
of age, the parties may, without securing letters of administration,
divide the estate among themselves by means of a public instrument
or by stipulation in a pending action for partition and shall file
a bond with the register of deeds in an amount equivalent to the
value of the personal property involved as certified to under oath
by the parties concerned. The fact of extra-judicial settlement
shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation once a
week for three consecutive weeks in the province. (Sec. 1, Rule
74, Rules of Court)

(3.) State the rule on venue in judicial settlement of estate of

deceased persons. (2%)


If the decedent is an inhabitant of the Philippines at the time

of' his death, whether a citizen or an alien, the venue shall be
in the RTC in the province in which he resides at the time of his
death, not in the place where he used to live. (Jao v. Court of
Appeals, G.R. No. 128314, May 29, 2002)


While cruising on a highway, a taxicab driven by Mans hit an

electric post. As a result thereof, its passenger, Jovy, suffered
serious injuries. Mans was subsequently charged before the
Municipal Trial Court with reckless imprudence resulting in
serious physical injuries.
Thereafter, Jovy filed a civil action against Lourdes, the owner
of the taxicab, for breach of contract, and Mans for quasi-delict.
Lourdes and Mans filed a motion to dismiss the civil action on the
ground of litis pendentia, that is, the pendency of the civil
action impliedly instituted in the criminal action for reckless
imprudence resulting in serious physical injuries.

Resolve the motion with reasons. (4%)


The motion to dismiss should be denied. The action for breach of

contract against the taxicab owner cannot be barred by the criminal
action against the taxicab driver, although the taxicab owner can
be held subsidiarily liable in the criminal case, if the driver is
insolvent. On the other hand, the civil action for quasi-delict
against the driver is an independent civil action under Article 33
of the Civil Code and Sec. 3, Rule 111 of the Rules of Court, which
can be filed separately and can proceed independently of the
criminal action and regardless of the result of the latter. (Samson
v. Daway, G.R. Nos. 160054-55, July 21, 2004)


Katy filed an action against Tyrone for collection of the sum of

P1 Million in the Regional Trial Court, with an ex-parte
application for a writ of preliminary attachment. Upon posting of
an attachment bond, the court granted the application and issued
a writ of preliminary attachment.

Apprehensive that Tyrone might withdraw his savings deposit with

the bank, the sheriff immediately served a notice of garnishment
on the bank to implement the writ of preliminary attachment. The
following day, the sheriff proceeded to Tyrone’s house and served
him the summons, with copies of the complaint containing the
application for writ of preliminary attachment, Katy’s affidavit,
order of attachment, writ of preliminary attachment and attachment

Within fifteen (15) days from service of the summons, Tyrone filed
a motion to dismiss and to dissolve the writ of preliminary
attachment on the following grounds: (i) the court did not acquire
jurisdiction over his person because the writ was served ahead of
the summons; (ii) the writ was improperly implemented; and (iii)
said writ was improvidently issued because the obligation in
question was already fully paid.

Resolve the motion with reasons. (4%)


The motion to dismiss and to dissolve the writ of preliminary

attachment should be denied.

(1) The fact that the writ of attachment was served ahead of the
summons did not affect the jurisdiction of the court over his
person. It makes the writ, unenforceable. (Sec. 5, Rule. 57)
However, all that is needed to be done is to re-serve the writ.
(Onate v.

Abrogar, GM. No. 197393, February 23, 1985)

(2) The writ was improperly implemented. Serving a notice of

garnishment, particularly before summons is served, is not proper.
It should be a copy of the writ of attachment that should be served
on the defendant, and a notice that the bank deposits are attached
pursuant to the writ. (Sec. 7[d], Rule 57)

(3) The writ was improvidently issued if indeed it can be shown

that the obligation was already fully paid. The writ is only
ancillary to the main action. (Sec. 13, Rule 57) The alleged
payment of the account cannot, serve as a ground for resolving the
improvident issuance of the writ, because this matter delves into
the merits of the case, and requires full-blown trial. Payment,
however, serves as a ground for a motion to dismiss.


In a complaint for recovery of real property, the plaintiff averred,

among others, that he is the owner of the said property by virtue
of a deed of sale executed by the defendant in his favor. Copy of
the deed of sale was appended to the complaint as Annex “A” thereof.

In his unverified answer, the defendant denied the allegation

concerning the sale of the property in question, as well as the
appended deed of sale, for lack of knowledge or information
sufficient to form a belief as to the truth thereof.

Is it proper for the court to render judgment without trial?

Explain. (4%)


Defendant cannot deny the sale of the property for lack of

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the
truth thereof. The answer amounts to an admission. The defendant
must aver or state positively how it is that he is ignorant of the
facts alleged. (Phil, Advertising Counselors, Inc. v. Revilla,

G.R. No. L-31869, August 8, 1973; Sec. 10, Rule 8)

Moreover, the genuineness and due execution of the deed of sale

can only be denied by the defendant under oath and failure to do
so is also an admission of the deed. (Sec. 8, Rule 8) Hence, a
judgment on the pleadings can be rendered by the court without
need of a trial.


On May 12, 2005, the plaintiff filed a complaint in the Regional

Trial Court of Quezon City for the collection of P250,000.00. The
defendant filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the ground
that the court had no jurisdiction over the action since the
claimed amount of P250,000.00 is within the exclusive jurisdiction
of the Metropolitan Trial Court of Quezon City.

Before the court could resolve the motion, the plaintiff, without
leave of court, amended his complaint to allege a new cause of
action consisting in the inclusion of an additional amount of
P200,000.00, thereby increasing his total claim to P450,000.00.
The plaintiff thereafter filed his opposition to the motion to
dismiss, claiming that the Regional Trial Court had jurisdiction
over his action.

Rule on the motion of the defendant with reasons. (4%)


The motion to dismiss should be denied. Basic is the rule that a

motion to dismiss is not a responsive pleading. Under the Rules,
a pleader may amend his pleading as a matter of right before the
other party has served his responsive pleading. (Sec. 2, Rule 10,
Rules of Court) The court, in allowing the amendment, would not be
acting without jurisdiction because allowing an amendment as a
matter of right does not require the exercise of discretion. The
court therefore would not be "acting" and thus, could not have
acted without jurisdiction. It would have been different had the
amendments been made after a responsive pleading had been served.
The court then would have been exercising its discretion in
allowing or disallowing the amendment. It cannot do so however,
because it would be then acting on an amendment of a complaint
over which it has no jurisdiction. (Soledad v. Mamangun, G.R. No.
L-17983, May 30, 1963; Gumabay v. Baralin, G.R. No. L-30683, May
31, 1977; Prudence Realty v. CA, G.R. No. 110274, March 21, 1994)

A obtained a money judgment against B. After the finality of the

decision, the court issued a writ of execution for the enforcement
thereof. Conformably with the said writ, the sheriff levied upon
certain properties under B’s name. C filed a third-party claim
over said properties claiming that B had already transferred the
same to him.

A moved to deny the third-party claim and to hold B and C jointly

and severally liable to him for the money judgment alleging that
B had transferred said properties to C to defraud him (A).
After due hearing, the court denied the third-party claim and
rendered an amended decision declaring B and C jointly and
severally liable to A for the money judgment.

Is the ruling of the court correct? Explain. (4%)


NO. C has not been properly impleaded as a party defendant. He

cannot be held liable for the judgment against A without a trial.
In fact, since no bond was filed by B, the sheriff is liable to C
for damages. C can file a separate action to enforce his third-
party claim. It is in that suit that B can raise the ground of
fraud against C. However, the execution may proceed where there is
a finding that the claim is fraudulent. (Tanongan v. Samson, G.R.
No. 140889, May 9, 2002)


Helen is the daughter of Eliza, a Filipina, and Tony, a Chinese,

who is married to another woman living in China. Her birth
certificate indicates that Helen is the legitimate child of Tony
and Eliza and that she is a Chinese citizen.

Helen wants her birth certificate corrected by changing her

filiation from “legitimate” to “illegitimate” and her citizenship
from “Chinese” to “Filipino” because her parents were not married.

What petition should Helen file and what procedural requirements

must be observed? Explain. (5%)


A petition to change the record of birth by changing the filiation

from "legitimate" to "illegitimate" and petitioner's citizenship
from "Chinese" to "Filipino" because her parents were not married,
does not involve a simple summary correction, which could otherwise
be done under the authority of R.A. No. 9048. A petition has to be
filed in a proceeding under Rule 108 of the Rules of Court, which
has now been interpreted to be adversarial in nature. (Republic v.
Valencia, G.R. No. L-32181, March 5, 1986) Procedural requirements
include: (a) filing a verified petition; (b) naming as parties all
persons who have or claim any interest which would be affected;
(c) issuance of an order fixing the time and place of hearing; (d)
giving reasonable notice to the parties named in the petition; and
(e) publication of the order once a week for three consecutive
seeks in a newspaper of general circulation. (Rule 108, Rules of


Mariano was convicted by the Regional Trial Court for raping

Victoria and meted the penalty of reclusion perpetua. While serving
sentence at the National Penitentiary, Mariano and Victoria were
married. Mariano filed a motion in said court for his release from
the penitentiary on his claim that under Republic Act No. 8353,
his marriage to Victoria extinguished the criminal action against
him for rape, as well as the penalty imposed on him. However, the
court denied the motion on the ground that it had lost jurisdiction
over the case after its decision had become final and executory.

a) Is the ruling of the court correct? Explain.


No. The court can never lose jurisdiction so long as its decision
has not yet been fully implemented and satisfied. Finality of a
judgment cannot operate to divest a court of its jurisdiction. The
court retains an interest in seeing the proper execution and
implementation of its judgments, and to that extent, may issue
such orders necessary and appropriate for these purposes.
(Echegaray v. Secretary of Justice, G.R. No. 13205, January 19,

b) What remedy/remedies should the counsel of Mariano take to

secure his proper and most expeditious release from the National
Penitentiary? Explain. (7%)

To secure the proper and most expeditious release of Mariano from
the National Penitentiary, his counsel should file: (a) a petition
for habeas corpus for the illegal confinement of Mariano (Rule
102), or (b) a motion in the court which convicted him, to nullify
the execution of his sentence or the order of his commitment on
the ground that a supervening development had occurred (Melo v.
People, G.R. No. L-3580, March 22, 1950) despite the finality of
the judgment.


Rodolfo is charged with possession of unlicensed firearms in an

Information filed in the Regional Trial Court. It was alleged
therein that Rodolfo was in possession of two unlicensed firearms:
a .45 caliber and a .32 caliber.

Under Republic Act No. 8294, possession of an unlicensed .45

caliber gun is punishable by prision mayor in its minimum period
and a fine of P30,000.00, while possession of an unlicensed .32
caliber gun is punishable by prision correccional in its maximum
period and a fine of not less than P15,000.00.

As counsel of the accused, you intend to file a motion to quash

the Information. What ground or grounds should you invoke? Explain.


The ground for the motion to quash is that more than one offense
is charged in the information. (Sec. 3[f], Rule 117, 2000 Rules of
Criminal Procedure) Likewise, the RTC has no jurisdiction over the
second offense of possession of an unlicensed .32 caliber gun,
punishable by prision correctional in its maximum period and a
fine of not less than P15.000.00. It is the MTC that has exclusive
and original jurisdiction over all offenses punishable by
imprisonment not exceeding six years. (Sec. 2, R.A. No. 7691,
amending B.P. Blg.

Police operatives of the Western Police District, Philippine
National Police, applied for a search warrant in the Regional Trial
Court for the search of the house of Juan Santos and the seizure
of an undetermined amount of shabu.

The team arrived at the house of Santos but failed to find him
there. Instead, the team found Roberto Co. The team conducted a
search in the house of Santos in the presence of Roberto Co and
barangay officials and found ten (10) grams of shabu. Roberto Co
was charged in court with illegal possession of ten grams of shabu.

Before his arraignment, Roberto Co filed a motion to quash the

search warrant on the following grounds:cralaw

(a) he was not the accused named in the search warrant; and

(b) the warrant does not describe the article to be seized with
sufficient particularity. Resolve the motion with reasons. (4%)


The motion to quash should be denied. The name of the person in

the search warrant is not important. It is not even necessary that
a particular person be implicated (Mantaring v. Roman, A.M. No.
RTJ-93-904, February 28, 1996), so long as the search is conducted
in the place where the search warrant will be served. Moreover,
describing the shabu in an undetermined amount is sufficiently
particular. (People v. Tee, G.R.
Nos. 140546-47, January 20, 2003)


For the multiple stab wounds sustained by the victim, Noel was
charged with frustrated homicide in the Regional Trial Court. Upon
arraignment, he entered a plea of guilty to said crime. Neither
the court nor the prosecution was aware that the victim had died
two days earlier on account of his stab wounds.

Because of his guilty plea, Noel was convicted of frustrated

homicide and meted the corresponding penalty. When the prosecution
learned of the victim’s death, it filed within fifteen (15) days
therefrom a motion to amend the Information to upgrade the charge
from frustrated homicide to consummated homicide. Noel opposed the
motion claiming that the admission of the amended Information would
place him in double jeopardy.

Resolve the motion with reasons. (4%)


The amended information to consummated homicide from frustrated

homicide does not place the accused in double jeopardy. As provided
in the second paragraph of Sec. 7, Rule 117,2000 Rules of Criminal
Procedure, the conviction of the accused shall not be a bar to
another prosecution for an offense which necessarily includes the
offense charged in the former complaint or information when: (a)
the graver offense developed due to supervening facts arising from
the same act or omission constituting the former charge; or (b)
the facts constituting the graver charge became known or were
discovered only after a plea was entered in the former complaint
or information. Here, when the plea to frustrated homicide was
made, neither the court nor the prosecution was aware that the
victim had died two days earlier on account of his stab wounds.


Dencio barged into the house of Marcela, tied her to a chair and
robbed her of assorted pieces of jewelry and money. Dencio then
brought Candida, Marcela’s maid, to a bedroom where he raped her.
Marcela could hear Candida crying and pleading: “Huwag! Maawa ka
sa akin!” After raping Candida, Dencio fled from the house with
the loot. Candida then untied Marcela and rushed to the police
station about a kilometer away and told Police Officer Roberto
Maawa that Dencio had barged into the house of Marcela, tied the
latter to a chair and robbed her of her jewelry and money. Candida
also related to the police officer that despite her pleas, Dencio
had raped her. The policeman noticed that Candida was hysterical
and on the verge of collapse. Dencio was charged with robbery with
rape. During the trial, Candida can no longer be located.
a) If the prosecution presents Police Officer Roberto Maawa to
testify on what Candida had told him, would such testimony of the
policeman be hearsay? Explain.


No. The testimony of the policeman is not hearsay. It is part of

the res gestae. It is also an independently relevant statement.
The police officer testified of his own personal knowledge, not to
the truth of Candida's statement, i.e., that she told him, despite
her pleas, Dencio had raped her. (People v. Gaddi,G.R.
No. 74065, February 27,1989)

b) If the police officer will testify that he noticed Candida to

be hysterical and on the verge of collapse, would such testimony
be considered as opinion, hence, inadmissible? Explain. (8%)


No, it cannot be considered as opinion, because he was testifying

on what he actually observed. The last paragraph of Sec. 50, Rule
130, Revised Rules of Evidence, expressly provides that a witness
may testify on his impressions of the emotion, behavior, condition
or appearance of a person.


Explain briefly whether the Regional Trial Court may, motu proprio,
take judicial notice of the following:

a) The street name of methamphetamine hydrochloride is shabu;


The RTC may motu proprio take judicial notice of the street name
of methamphetamine hydrochloride is shabu, considering the
chemical composition of shabu. (People v. Macasling, GM, No. 90342,
May 27, 1993)

b) Ordinances approved by municipalities under its territorial


In the absence of statutory authority, the RTC may not take

judicial notice of ordinances approved by municipalities under
their territorial jurisdiction, except on appeal from the
municipal trial courts, which took judicial notice of the ordinance
in question. (U.S. v. Blanco, G.R, No. 12435, November 9,1917; U.S.
v. Hernandez, G.R. No. 9699, August 26, 1915

c) Foreign laws;


The RTC may not generally take judicial notice of foreign laws (In
re Estate of Johnson, G.R. No. 12767, November 16, 1918; Fluemer
v. Hix, G.R. No. 32636, March 17, 1930), which must be proved like
any other matter of fact (Sy Joe Lieng v. Sy Quia, G.R. No. 4718,
March 19, 1910) except in a few instances, the court in the
exercise of its sound judicial discretion, may take notice of
foreign laws when Philippine courts are evidently familiar with
them, such as the Spanish Civil Code, which had taken effect in
the Philippines, and other allied legislation. (Pardo v. Republic,
G.R. No. L¬2248 January 23, 1950; Delgado v. Republic, G.R. No.
L¬2546, January .28, 1950)
d) Rules and Regulations issued by quasi-judicial bodies
implementing statutes;

e) Rape may be committed even in public places. (5%)


The RTC may take judicial notice of the fact that rape may be
committed even in public places. The "public setting" of the rape
is not an indication of consent. (People v. Tongson, G.R. No.
91261, February 18, 1991) The Supreme Court has taken judicial
notice of the fact that a man overcome by perversity and beastly
passion chooses neither the time, place, occasion nor victim.
(People v, Barcelona, G.R. No. 82589, October 31, 1990)


Regional Director AG of the Department of Public Works and Highways

was charged with violation of Section 3(e) of Republic Act No.
3019 in the Office of the Ombudsman. An administrative charge for
gross misconduct arising from the transaction subject matter of
said criminal case was filed against him in the same office. The
Ombudsman assigned a team composed of investigators from the Office
of the Special Prosecutor and from the Office of the Deputy
Ombudsman for the Military to conduct a joint investigation of the
criminal case and the administrative case. The team of
investigators recommended to the Ombudsman that AG be preventively
suspended for a period not exceeding six (6) months on its finding
that the evidence of guilt is strong. The Ombudsman issued the
said order as recommended by the investigators.

AG moved to reconsider the order on the following grounds: (a) the

Office of the Special Prosecutor had exclusive authority to conduct
a preliminary investigation of the criminal case; (b) the order
for his preventive suspension was premature because he had yet to
file his answer to the administrative complaint and submit
countervailing evidence; and (c) he was a career executive service
officer and under Presidential Decree No. 807 (Civil Service Law),
his preventive suspension shall be for a maximum period of three

Resolve with reasons the motion of respondent AG. (5%)


Yes, Congress may enact a law expropriating property provided that

it is for public use and with just compensation. In this case, the
construction of a park is for public use (See Sena v. Manila
Railroad Co., G.R. No. 15915, September 7, 1921; Reyes v. NHA, GR
No. 147511, March 24, 2003). The planned compensation, however, is
not legally tenable as the determination of just compensation is
a judicial function. No statute, RA 3019; Mandatory Suspension
(2001) decree or executive order can mandate that the determination
of just compensation by the executive or legislative departments
can prevail over the court's findings (Export Processing Zone
Authority v. Dulay, G.R. No. L-59603, April 29,1987; Sees. 5 to 8
Rule 67,1997 Rules of Civil Procedure). In addition, compensation
must be paid in money (Esteban v. Onorio, A.M. No. 00-4-166-RTC,
June 29, 2001).

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