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CworksPlus User Guide

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Table of Contents

1. WHAT IS CWORKS? ................................................................................................................... 9

1.1 HOW IS IT USED? ..................................................................................................................10

1.2 WHAT SHOULD YOU DO BEFORE STARTING? ......................................................................10
1.3 HOW DOES CWORKS WORK? ...............................................................................................11
1.3.1 CWorks Main Menu .........................................................................................11
1.3.2 Description of CWorks Modules ..................................................................11 Work Orders ............................................................................................11 Assets ........................................................................................................12 Location ....................................................................................................12 Preventive ................................................................................................12 Employee .................................................................................................13 Material .....................................................................................................13 Work Request .........................................................................................13 Purchase Order ......................................................................................14 Reports .....................................................................................................14 Masters .....................................................................................................14 Administration ........................................................................................14 Help File ....................................................................................................14 Exit .............................................................................................................14
1.4 HOW TO LOG INTO CWORKS?...............................................................................................15
1.5 HOW TO CHANGE LANGUAGE IN CWORKS? ........................................................................16

2. WORK ORDERS ............................................................................................................................18

2.1 WHAT ARE WORK ORDERS?..................................................................................................18

2.2 HOW TO OPEN A NEW WORK ORDER? ................................................................................19
2.3 HOW TO FILL IN A NEW WORK ORDER? .............................................................................20
2.3.1 How To Select Asset Number? ...................................................................22 Method 1: ................................................................................................22 Method 2: ................................................................................................23
2.3.2 How To Enter Notes To Technicians? .......................................................23 Notes to Technician: Asset ..............................................................23 Notes to Technician: Location ........................................................24

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2.4 HOW TO ASSIGN A WORK ORDER TO AN EMPLOYEE? .......................................................24

2.4.1 How To View Work Orders Assigned To An Employee? ....................25
2.4.2 How To Assign A Work Order To A Contractor? ...................................26
2.5 WHAT IS A JOB PLAN?...........................................................................................................27
2.6 WHAT ARE SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS?.....................................................................................27
2.7 WHAT IS WORK ORDER CLOSING? ......................................................................................28
2.8 HOW TO VIEW AND MODIFY EXISTING WORK ORDERS? ..................................................29
2.9 HOW TO USE ADVANCE SEARCH FUNCTION? ......................................................................31
2.10 WHAT IS LEGEND IN WO LIST? ............................................................................................32
2.11 HOW TO SORT THE WORK ORDER LIST? ............................................................................33
2.12 HOW TO CLOSE A WORK ORDER? .......................................................................................34
2.13 HOW TO RE-OPEN CLOSED WORK ORDER? ........................................................................36
2.14 HOW TO ADD LABOUR IN THE WORK ORDER? ...................................................................37
2.15 HOW TO ADD DIRECT ISSUE IN THE WORK ORDER? ........................................................38
2.16 HOW TO ISSUE AND RETURN MATERIAL IN THE WORK ORDER? ......................................39
2.17 HOW TO VIEW TOTAL COST OF A WORK ORDER? .............................................................40
2.18 HOW TO ATTACH EXTERNAL DOCUMENT TO A WORK ORDER? .........................................42
2.19 HOW TO PRINT A WORK ORDER? ........................................................................................42
2.20 HOW TO E-MAIL WORK ORDERS? .......................................................................................46
2.21 HOW TO PRINT A BATCH OF WORK ORDERS? ...................................................................47
2.22 HOW TO PRINT BATCH WORK ORDER IN LIST AFTER SEARCH? ........................................48
2.23 HOW TO EXPORT WORK ORDER LIST TO MICROSOFT EXCEL? .........................................49

3. ASSETS .............................................................................................................................................51

3.1 HOW TO ADD A NEW ASSET?...............................................................................................51

3.2 HOW TO ADD THE BILL OF MATERIAL FOR A PARTICULAR ASSET? .................................54
3.4 HOW TO ATTACH AN EXTERNAL DOCUMENT TO AN ASSET? .............................................55
3.5 HOW TO VIEW AND MODIFY EXISTING ASSETS? ................................................................56
3.6.1 How To View Child History? .........................................................................59
3.6.2 How To View And Modify Relationship On A Particular Asset? .......60
3.9 HOW TO VIEW WORK ORDER HISTORY ON A PARTICULAR ASSET? ................................61

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3.10 HOW TO TRANSFER AN ASSET? ............................................................................................62

3.11 HOW TO VIEW ASSETS REPRESENTED AS A HIERARCHY? ..................................................63
3.12 HOW TO DO ADVANCE SEARCH ON ASSET INFORMATION? ..............................................64
3.13 HOW TO EXPORT DATA TO EXCEL? ......................................................................................65

4. LOCATION ......................................................................................................................................67

4.1 HOW TO ADD A NEW LOCATION? ........................................................................................67

4.2 HOW TO VIEW AND MODIFY A LOCATION? .........................................................................69
4.3 HOW TO FILTER OUT LOCATION INFORMATION? ................................................................71

5. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ...............................................................................................73

5.1 HOW TO REGISTER A NEW PM TASK? .................................................................................74

5.1.1 How To Enter PM Task Line Items? ..........................................................75
5.1.2 How To View And Modify An Existing PM Task? ...................................76
5.1.3 How To Modify PM Tasks? ............................................................................77
5.1.4 How To Enter Additional PM Tasks? .........................................................77
5.1.5 How To Delete A PM Task? ..........................................................................78
5.2 HOW TO ASSIGN PM TASKS TO SPECIFIC EMPLOYEES? ....................................................78
5.3 HOW TO ADD MATERIALS TO A PM TASK? .........................................................................79
5.4 HOW TO ADD SAFETY INSTRUCTION? ..................................................................................80
5.5 HOW TO VIEW MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PM WORK ORDERS? ..............................81
5.6 HOW TO FILTER A PM TASK? ...............................................................................................82
5.7 HOW TO VIEW PM MAN HOURS? .........................................................................................82
5.8 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE – TIME BASED .........................................................................83
5.8.1 How To Create A PM Fixed Time Interval Schedule Master? ..........83 Next PM Generation Types ................................................................85
5.8.2 How To Create Multiple PM Tasks? ...........................................................86
5.8.3 How To Delete A PM Task? ..........................................................................88
5.8.4 How To Delete Multiple PM Task? ..............................................................89
5.8.5 How To View PM Plan Forecast Screen? .................................................89
5.8.6 How To Filter Preventive Maintenance Schedules?.............................90
5.8.7 How To Modify An Existing PM Schedule? ..............................................91 How To Disable An Existing PM Schedule?..................................92 Amending The PM Schedule And Task ..........................................92 Viewing The PM Schedule ..................................................................93

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5.8.8 How To Generate Fixed Time Interval Based PM WO? ......................93

5.8.9 How To View PM Work Order Forecasts? ................................................94
5.9 FIXED DAY AND WEEK -PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ..........................................................95
5.9.1 New PM Scheduling By Specific Day And Week ...................................95
5.10 FIXED DATE / BY MONTH -PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE .....................................................97
5.10.1 New PM Scheduling By Specific Day ........................................................98
5.11.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................99
5.11.2 How To Create A Metered PM Schedule Master? .................................99
5.11.3 Types Of Metered Preventive Maintenance .........................................100
5.11.4 How To Add Multiple Tasks? ......................................................................103
5.11.5 How To Log Meter Readings And Generate PM Work Orders? .....105 Generating Metered PM Work Order............................................107 Closing Incremental Based Actual Type PM WO’s ..................109
5.11.6 How To Amend The Meter Master? .........................................................109

6. EMPLOYEE ....................................................................................................................................112

6.1 HOW TO ADD A NEW EMPLOYEE/REQUESTER?.................................................................112

6.2 HOW TO VIEW AND MODIFY AN EMPLOYEE/REQUESTER DATA? ....................................114
6.3 HOW TO FILTER OUT EMPLOYEE INFORMATION? ..............................................................116

7. MATERIAL .....................................................................................................................................118

7.1 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A MATERIAL MODULE? .............................................................118

7.2 HOW TO SEARCH FOR PARTS AND VIEW THE DETAILS? .................................................119
7.3 HOW TO REGISTER A NEW PART?......................................................................................121
7.4 HOW TO MODIFY PARTS INFORMATION? ...........................................................................123
7.5 HOW TO RECEIVE PARTS IN MATERIAL MODULE? ............................................................124
7.6 HOW TO RECEIVE PARTS IN BULK?....................................................................................125
7.7 HOW TO ISSUE PARTS IN MATERIAL? ................................................................................126
7.8 HOW TO RETURN PARTS IN MATERIAL?.............................................................................127
7.9 HOW TO DO ADJUSTMENTS IN MATERIAL? .......................................................................128
7.10 HOW TO GENERATE A PURCHASE PROPOSAL REPORT?....................................................129
7.11 HOW TO VIEW A LIST OF TRANSACTIONS IN MATERIAL MODULE?................................130
7.12 HOW TO VIEW PARTS HISTORY? ........................................................................................130
7.13 HOW TO UPDATE OR VIEW RECEIVE GOODS?....................................................................131

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7.15 HOW TO ADD AND VIEW ATTRIBUTE GROUP? ..................................................................131
7.16 HOW TO SEARCH PARTS BY LOCATION OR BY PART NUMBER? ......................................132
7.17 HOW TO GENERATE MATERIAL REPORTS? .........................................................................132

8. WORK REQUEST ........................................................................................................................134

8.1 WHAT IS A WORK REQUEST? .............................................................................................134

8.2 HOW TO OPEN A NEW WORK REQUEST? ..........................................................................135
8.2.1 Option 1: Remote Work Requests .........................................................135 How To View WO Status From Remote Work Request? .......138 How To Cancel A Remote Work Request? .................................139 How To Filter Out Remote Work Requests?..............................140
8.2.2 Option 2: Work Request From CWorks Main Menu .........................141
8.4 HOW TO RECEIVE WORK REQUEST VIA EMAIL? ................................................................145

9. ADMINISTRATIVE ....................................................................................................................148

9.1 HOW TO ADD USER INFORMATION IN ADMINISTRATION MODULE? ................................148

9.2 HOW TO CHANGE PASSWORDS AND SET ACCESSIBILITY? ..............................................148

10. MASTERS .......................................................................................................................................152

10.1 HOW TO CREATE MASTER DATA? .........................................................................................152

10.1.1 Master - Department ....................................................................................153
10.1.2 Master – Failure Code ..................................................................................154
10.1.3 Master – Asset Category.............................................................................155
10.1.4 Master – Bill of Material List ......................................................................156
10.1.5 Master – Suppliers/Contractors ...............................................................157
10.1.6 Master - Location ...........................................................................................159
10.1.7 Master – Employee/Requester .................................................................160
10.1.8 Master - Assets ...............................................................................................161
10.1.9 Master – Cost Center ...................................................................................162
10.1.10 Master – Job Plan ..........................................................................................163
10.1.11 Master – Safety Instruction .......................................................................165
10.1.12 Master – Backup PM Generation ..............................................................167
10.1.13 Master - Misc ...................................................................................................168

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10.1.14 Master - Configuring To Receive Work Request via Email .............169

11. PURCHASE ORDER ...................................................................................................................171

11.1 HOW TO RAISE A PURCHASE ORDER?................................................................................171

11.1.1 How To Select Items From Purchase Proposal? .................................174
11.1.2 How To Update A Purchase Order ...........................................................175
11.1.3 How To Authorized A Purchase Order? .................................................175
11.1.4 How To Cancel A Purchase Order? ..........................................................177
11.1.5 How To Make A Search In Purchase Order ..........................................178
11.2 GOODS RECEIPT ...................................................................................................................178
11.2.1 How To Sort The GRN List? .......................................................................179
11.2.2 How To Do Goods Receipt By Item? ......................................................180
11.2.3 How To Record Received All Goods? ......................................................181
11.2.4 How To Cancel Goods? ................................................................................183
11.2.5 How to Update PO Transaction? ..............................................................184
11.2.6 How To View Transactions In Each PO And All PO? .........................184

12. REPORTS .......................................................................................................................................187

12.1 REPORTS MAIN MENU ..........................................................................................................187

13. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ..................................................................................189

13.1 HOW TO BACK UP YOUR DATA? .........................................................................................189

13.2 HOW TO CHANGE LIST VIEW FONT? ..................................................................................190
13.3 HOW TO IMPROVE CWORKS PERFORMANCE? ....................................................................191
13.4 HOW TO COMPACT & REPAIR CWORKS APPLICATION? ..................................................192
13.5.1 CWorks Application File (CWorksPlus.mdb) ........................................193
13.5.2 CWorks Database File (CWorksPlus_db.mdb &
CWorksPlus_Sample_db.mdb) ...................................................................................194
13.6 HOW TO OPEN CWORKS SOURCE CODES? ........................................................................195
13.7 HOW TO CHANGE THE DATABASE SOURCE FILE? .............................................................197
13.8 HINTS FOR NEW SETUP OF CWORKS .................................................................................198
13.9 HOW TO USE THE MOUSE & KEYBOARD FUNCTIONS? ......................................................200
13.9.1 Mouse Actions .................................................................................................200
13.9.2 Keyboard Functions ......................................................................................200

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13.10 HOW TO USE THE CALENDAR IN CWORKS? ......................................................................201

13.11 HOW TO CREATE A NEW CWORKS APPLICATION? ...........................................................202
13.12 HOW TO CREATE AN MDE FILE IN MS ACCESS 2002? ..................................................213
13.13 HOW TO DELETE DATA FROM THE DATABASE? ................................................................214
13.13.1 How To Delete Data? ...................................................................................215
13.14 HOW TO SETUP CWORKS IN A NETWORK ENVIRONMENT? .............................................216
13.15 HOW TO VIEW VB CODES? .................................................................................................218
13.17 IMPORT DATA ........................................................................................................................222
13.18 HOW TO CONVERT CWORKS FROM MSACCESS 2000 TO 2002-2003? ....................224

14. REPORT WRITER ......................................................................................................................227

14.1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................227
14.2 HOW TO LAUNCH THE REPORT GENERATOR? ....................................................................227
14.3 CRITERIA NO.1 .....................................................................................................................228
14.3.1 Screen Details .................................................................................................228
14.3.2 Specifying Report Parameters ..................................................................229
14.4 CRITERIA NO.2 .....................................................................................................................232
14.4.1 Screen Details .................................................................................................232
14.5 GENERATING REPORT WITH DATE RANGE ...........................................................................233
14.6 SAVING THE REPORTS ..........................................................................................................234
14.6.1 Screen Details .................................................................................................234
14.7 QUERIES MODIFICATION ......................................................................................................236
14.7.1 Screen Details .................................................................................................236
14.7.2 Modifying the Query .....................................................................................237
14.8 STATISTIC REPORT BY WORK TYPE ....................................................................................238
14.8.1 Creating Statistics Charts/Graph .............................................................239

15. WORK ORDER ARCHIVING .................................................................................................242

15.1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................242
15.2 CREATING AN ARCHIVE DATABASE FILE .............................................................................242
15.3 CREATING THE ARCHIVE FILE ..............................................................................................243
15.4 ARCHIVING WORK ORDERS .................................................................................................245
15.4.1 Restoring Archived Work Orders .............................................................246
15.5 VIEWING THE AUDIT TRAIL .................................................................................................247

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1. What Is CWorks?
CWorks is a computerized maintenance management system, which delivers various
benefits to organizations by delivering information to maintenance engineers and
managers. These benefits include:
• Easy analysis of work order status.
• Simplified management decisions with the availability of equipment
maintenance history.
• Simplified and documented process for Supplier Management.
• Readily available equipment preventive maintenance schedules.
• Automatically generated preventive maintenance work orders.
• Efficient and time-saving maintenance activities with CWorks’s centralized
database and communication.

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1.1 How Is It Used?

CWorks is used to keep track of all aspects of maintenance performed on assets,

equipment, locations and other items that make up your facility. It is flexible and
easily customizable to meet your needs. You decide how you want CWorks to track
your maintenance;

• Use it to store information about the things you maintain (e.g., equipment or
locations) and the resources used to maintain them (e.g., labor and parts.)
• Use it to assign and schedule maintenance on your facility using the stored
• Most importantly, use it to track the history and cost of maintenance
performed on your facility.

1.2 What Should You Do Before Starting?

1. Gather information about your maintenance facility based on the Masters list
required by the system. For examples assets, locations and etc.
2. Organize your assets according to a hierarchical structure if required.
3. Enter your basic data into CWorks. You do not have to set everything up at
once, but certain information must be entered before you can issue a work
4. Other information can be added on as you use CWorks.
5. Now you are ready to use CWorks to manage your maintenance.

Remember that maintenance management involves significant amounts of data. We

advise that you do not try to do everything at once.

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1.3 How Does CWorks Work?

1.3.1 CWorks Main Menu

Figure 1: Main Menu

1.3.2 Description of CWorks Modules Work Orders

The work order module provides the ability to view and manage all
maintenance activities. It provides an accurate basis for work order
costing, analysis and management of site activities. The work order
module is integrated with the Planned Maintenance module in order to
integrate scheduled preventive maintenance work with ad-hoc
breakdown work. Work orders can also be raised for non-asset
activities, such as changing a light bulb, repairing a leaking roof or
plumbing problems. The module enables the capture of all Material
used and labour costs and utilization.

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The Asset module provides the facility to record and manage your
organization’s assets. It stores data on every asset that you want to
maintain a record of maintenance activities. The following screens are
available in the Asset module;
• Asset List Summary
• Current Asset Register
• New Asset Registration
• Parts List – Spare parts for the selected asset can be itemized
in this section.
• Additional Info. – Information about the registered asset can be
listed in this section.
• Relationship – Enables an asset tree to be built using the
parent-child relationship.
• Work Order History – List of all work orders opened on an
asset. Location

The Location module provides the facility to record and manage your
facility’s physical locations. It stores data on every location that you
want to maintain a record of maintenance activities. The following
screens are available in the Location Register;
 Location List Summary
 Current Location Register
 New Location Registration Preventive

This Preventive Maintenance module describes how to schedule and

generate preventive maintenance work orders within CWorks. A
preventive maintenance (PM) master and schedule specifies work to be
performed based on an elapsed time interval or by metered / condition
monitoring. PM schedules can be set-up for either an asset or a
physical location.

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The employee module provides the facility to record and manage your
employee data. It stores data for every personnel employed in your
company and records maintenance activities performed by employee.
You can also view assets for which an employee is authorized/trained
to operate and maintain. Material

The Material module provides the tool for managing all spare parts and
consumables, which make up the maintenance program. It is Material
Management System, which controls and documents the transactions
of spare parts and consumables (or stock items) within a store. The
Material module aids maintenance departments in identifying;
• The type of spare parts and consumables available in the store.
• The balance quantity of spare parts and consumables.
• Total cost of holding stock and of individual stock items.
• The location of individual stock items.
• Shortage of stock items and re-order quantities.
The Material module is integrated with the Work Order module to
provide parts and consumable usage and cost for individuals work
orders. A set of reports are available in the Material module. Work Request

The work request module provides you with the ability to request
for work to be done on a particular asset or location.

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This module enables the generation of purchase orders. Order,

purchase and receiving information recording for inventory items,
purchased services and direct issues can be easily managed through
the use of this module. The purchase module is integrated to work
orders and inventory modules to allow for seamless recording and
reporting of order, purchase and receiving of all externally supplied
goods and services. Reports

This module provides a wide range of management reports. Reports

produced by CWorks is a combination of related data contained in the
system. Reports are used for management information purpose,
documentation and accounting of the productivity and performance of
the maintenance departments. Masters

This module captures all your basic maintenance data which is

required to start your CWorks. Administration

This module can only be accessed by the system administrator (default

username: admin, password: admin). This module allows the
administrator to change the default administrator password and to set-
up the access levels of each user to modules within CWorks CMMS. Help File

CWorks help file Exit

To close or exit from CWorks program.

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1.4 How To Log Into Cworks?

Upon launching the CWorks application file, the screen below would pop-up.
The system will automatically refresh the database link. To change the
database, refer to How To Change The Database Source File.

Figure 2: Connect to Database

CWorks logon screen would pop-up.

Enter UserID &


Figure 3: Logon Menu

1. For first time access enter the following UserID and Password;
UserID: admin
Password: admin

2. Click on “LOGIN”. The employee details will be displayed as confirmation.

3. Click on “START CWORKS” to access the application.

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To switch between users without exiting the application, go to “File” on the

applications menu bar and click “Log Off”. Upon confirmation, the application
will close all active windows and launch the CWorks LogOn screen.
If the system cannot find the database file (CWorksPlus_db) or
(CWorksPlus_Sample_db.mdb) a message box would pop-up for user to
provide a valid link.

Figure 4: Invalid Link

1.5 How To Change Language In CWorks?

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2. Work Orders

2.1 What Are Work Orders?

Work orders are written records of maintenance activities. They are used to
assign maintenance to the areas and equipment that make up your
maintenance program.

Work orders contain information about a maintenance activity, such as where

and how it is to be done, who is supposed to do it and supplies needed to
complete the task. They keep track of your maintenance activities and store
valuable time and cost information that is used in reports. All tracked
maintenance histories in CWorks are based on the information stored in your
work order records.

Creating work orders for all your maintenance activities is the key to an
efficient maintenance program.

Work Orders are created for two primary reasons:

1. Unscheduled work that is requested by tenants, customers,
employees, and supervisors.
2. Regularly scheduled or preventive maintenance that is performed on a
routine basis.

CWorks can create both types of work orders.

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2.2 How To Open A New Work Order?

A work order can be opened on an asset, a physical location or when services

are required.

Click icon on the Main Menu page (see Figure 1). The Work Order List
page (as seen below) will be displayed. The list view column can be
rearranged to the users choice.

Figure 5: Work Order List

Click the “New WorkOrder” button. This will bring you to a blank Work Order
form as shown in Figure 6. A New Work Order screen can also be activated in
the Current Work Order screen by clicking the same button.

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2.3 How To Fill In A New Work Order?

Upon activation of the New Work Order screen, the Work Order # will display
000000000. Only upon saving the work order the system will generate a work
order number.

1 2

Figure 6: Sample Of A Saved Work Order

1. Fill up all the fields in the first section. Fields are described below:
Fields Description
Work Order # Automatically generated by the system upon saving the
Received Date/Time System date and time.
Work Status System defaults status to "Open". The current work order
status describes which stage the work is in.
Problem Description Describe the details of the problem for this particular work
Required Date Enter a required date and time if applicable.
Work Type Select a work type for the work order. Additional work types
can be defined in the Master module (Miscellaneous – Work

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Fields Description
Work Priority Define the level of urgency assigned to a particular job. This
data is set in the Master module. The system-default data
are as follows. They can be added but cannot be removed.
Normal, Urgent, Emergency, Routine, Safety
PM No. Identifier of the PM Schedule master record.
PM Task No. Identifier of the PM Task master record.

• Fill up all the fields in the Employee/Requester Information section. Fields are
described below:
Fields Description
Emp/Req. Name Select the person who requested for the work order /service from
the list. The person could be an employee of the organisation or a
customer to the organisation.
Users can also view a list of employees/requesters, obtain details,
amend current employees/requester data and add a new
employee/requester into the master database by clicking on this

right button, , which is located to the right of the field. To add

new employee, refer to How To Add A New

Employee/Requester for the field explanation.

Telephone No Default based on data set in employee/requester master.
Fax No Default based on data set in employee/requester master.
Mobile No Default based on data set in employee/requester master.
E-mail Default based on data set in employee/requester master.

• Fill up all the fields in the Asset/Location Information section. Fields are
described below:
Fields Description
Location No Select the location where the problem is originating from. Work
orders can be created based just on a location.
Asset No There are two methods to select the asset. See “How To Select
Asset Number”
Asset Status Default based on data set in asset master. This field describes the
status of the asset.
Warranty/Contract Default based on data set in asset master. This field specifies
whether the asset maintenance is under warranty or contract.

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Fields Description
Auth Employee Employee given rights and accountability to the asset, populated
based on the asset chosen, where the information is set during
asset registration
Warranty Expiry Date Default based on data set in asset master. This is the warranty
expiry date.
Notes to Technician Asset (See Figure 9)
Default based on data set in asset and line master. Field is used to
describe additional important information pertaining to the asset.
Location (See Figure 10)
Default based on data set in asset master. Field is used to describe
additional important information pertaining to the location.
Created By Defaults to the log-in person who created the work order.
Work Order Trade Trade or section that is primarily responsible for the work.
This data is set in the Misc.- masters.
Click on this button to save any changes

Click on this button to close the screen without saving the record

2.3.1 How To Select Asset Number? Method 1:

Filter the asset list according to Location No. by selecting a Location No. The
Asset No. list will only display assets in the selected location.

Asset list will be filtered

by the location. If no
location is selected, all
assets will be displayed
for selection

Figure 7: New Work Order

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Open the asset tree by clicking . Browse the asset tree and click on
the required asset. Click the “Add to WO/WR” button to select the asset for
the work request.

Figure 8: Parent/Sibling Relationship

2.3.2 How To Enter Notes To Technicians? Notes to Technician: Asset

This field is used to describe additional important information pertaining to

the asset. This field can be updated by clicking on button. The screen
below would pop-up. Users can change the data here and the system will
automatically update the asset master record.

Figure 9: Notes to Technician - Asset

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This field is used to describe additional important information pertaining to

the location. This field can be updated by clicking on button. The screen
below would pop-up. User can change the data here and the system will
automatically update the line master record.

Figure 10: Notes to Technician - Location

2.4 How To Assign A Work Order To An Employee?

Work orders are assigned to employees in the Assign To tab. An unlimited

number of employees can be assigned for each work order. This is not a
mandatory field.

Figure 11: Work Order – “Assign To” Tab

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Fields Description
Employee No / Name Select from the drop down box (either by employee no or name).
Est. Start Date Estimate date and time when to start the work.
Est. End Date Estimate date and time when to end the work.
View WorkOrders To view a list of work assigned to a particular employee, select an
employee and click the “View Work Order” button.

2.4.1 How To View Work Orders Assigned To An Employee?

To view a list of work assigned to a particular employee, select an employee

and click the “View Workorders” button, see Figure 11. The Work Orders by
Employee screen will pop up. The screen displays all work orders assigned to
the particular employee which are still pending (e.g. work order status not
Closed or Cancelled).

Figure 12: Work Orders By Employee

To delete an entry in the Assign To list, highlight the record to be deleted by

clicking once on it. Hit the “Backspace” key to delete the record.

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2.4.2 How To Assign A Work Order To A Contractor?

Work orders can also be assigned to a Contractor/Supplier in the Work Order
“Assign To” tab. At the bottom of the “Assign To” tab, a supplier field is

provided. Click to select a supplier from the supplier list form.

Figure 13: Supplier/Vendor List

Search for the required supplier from the list form and double-click on the
required record to select the supplier. To delete a supplier from the field, click

. Double-click on the required record to select a Supplier / Contractor.

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2.5 What Is A Job Plan?

A Job Plan is created to specify a set of steps or work instructions for a

technician to carry out when executing a work. Job plans are created and
saved in the Job Plan Master.

Figure 14: Work Order – “Job Plan” Tab

Select the applicable Job Plan from the pick list in the Job Plan tab. Once a
Job Plan is selected, the contents of the job plan is copied over to the memo
field below. The content Job Plan can be amended here without affecting the
Job Plan master.

2.6 What Are Safety Instructions?

As in the Job Plan Tab, safety instructions can be defined for a work order
using the Safety Instructions tab. Safety Instructions are created and saved
in the Safety Instruction Master.
Select the applicable Safety Instructions from the pick list in the Safety
Instructions tab. Once a Safety Instructions is selected, the contents of the
Safety Instructions are copied over to the memo field below. The content
Safety Instructions can be amended here without affecting the Safety
Instructions master.

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2.7 What Is Work Order Closing?

When a work order is created, its default status is “Open” and cannot be
changed. The work order closing tab can be used when first opening a work
order. This tab allows users to enter additional remarks or to establish the
estimated start / end dates to complete the work order. Entering estimated
start dates are useful as they can assist in monitoring and planning work
orders. Work order estimated start dates can be searched in the work order
list form.

Figure 15: Work Order – “WO Closing” Tab

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2.8 How To View And Modify Existing Work Orders?

Click the work order icon in the main menu (see Figure 1), and a Work Order
list form would pop-up. The Work Order list form displays only open work
orders (work order where the status is not “Closed or “Cancelled). To view all
work orders in the list form, click the “View All” button.

Double-clicking on any of the work order will activate the Current Work Order
screen, see Figure 17. Users will be able to view and modify the detail on the
particular work order in this screen.
Note - Closed work orders cannot be modified.

Figure 16: Work Order List

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The Current Work Order screen is shown below. To modify the data, just type
over the current data and upon closing the form the system will prompt user
whether you wish to save the changes. Click Yes to save the changes and Exit
or No to exit the screen without saving the changes.

Figure 17: Sample Work Order

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2.9 How To Use Advance Search Function?

An Advance Search option is available in the Work Order List form. Its
function is to enable filtering of work orders by a combination of parameters
defined by the user. In the screenshot example below, work orders are
filtered by Work Type “Breakdown” and Work Status “Open.”

Figure 18: Advance Search

To select a parameter in a field, click . The available options for the

parameter will be displayed on the far right hand side of the screen (above
the search button). Select the parameter by clicking once on the text. More
than one parameter can be selected (example: Open & Closed) by just
clicking on another parameter text.

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2.10 What is Legend in WO List?

The Work Order list changes colour upon breaching the target date. This
applies to both planed and unplanned Work Orders. Detailed information can
be viewed from the legend tab on the Work Order List refer Figure 19. For
example PM work orders in the list would turn red when the “PM Target
Complete Date” is equal or exceeds current date. As for non-PM work order
the application refers the “Required Date” field.

Figure 19: Work Order list – Exceeding Target Date

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2.11 How To Sort The Work Order List?

Data in the work order list form can be sorted in ascending or descending
order by clicking the relevant column header.

Click once on the column headers to sort

in descending or ascending order

Figure 20: Sorting Work Order List

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2.12 How To Close A Work Order?

When a job is completed, the work order in the system has to be closed.
To close a work order, click Work Order button on the Main Menu. Double-
click on the work order user wish to close from the list. Click on Work Order
Closing tab and change the Work Status to “Closed”.

Figure 21: Work Order – “WO Closing” Tab

Fields Description
Work Status Upon completion of work order, set status to “Closed”
Assessment Date/Time Estimated date and time the work order is assessed.
Start Date/Time Estimated date and time work start.
End Date/Time Estimated date and time work completed.
Assessment Date/Time Actual date and time that work was attended to.
Start Date/Time Actual date and time of start work order. Mandatory field.
End Date/Time Actual date and time work order completed. Mandatory field.
PM Target Start Date Target start date of a preventive maintenance work order.
PM Target Comp. Date Target complete date of a preventive maintenance work order.

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Fields Description
Accepted By Requester who acknowledged the closed work order.
Handover Date/Time Specify a handover date for the work.
Estimated Duration Estimated duration time for the work order to complete.
Failure Code Choose from the list. A unique code can be assigned for each
breakdown work order. Failure codes are defined in the masters.
Failure Description Default base on failure code data set in the masters.
Cause Description Memo field to describe the cause of the problem.
Action Taken Memo field to describe the action taken.
Prevention Taken Memo field to describe the prevention taken.
Customer Feedback A rating of services based on customer feedback (if applicable).
WO Closed by Name of the person who closed the work order in CWorks. The field
is locked and defaults to the user who logged on and closed the work
Cost Centre Capture the Cost Centre to be used for the work order.
Downtime Asset or equipment downtime in hours. Clicking the “Calculate”
button next to the field will calculate the difference between the
Actual Start and End Date/Time. The field can be manually modified
if needed.
Click on this button to close the work order. You will be prompted
whether you wish to save the changes. Click Yes to save the changes
and exit or No to exit the screen without saving the changes. Note:
Users cannot modify a closed work order.

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2.13 How To Re-open Closed Work Order?

To re-open a closed work order, click on “Re-Open This Work Order” button.
Only authorized user can re-open a work order. Authorization can be set in
ADMINISTRATION MODULE. To see audit trail for work order status click on
the icon next to the Work Status field.

Figure 22: Work Order – “Work Closing” Tab

Figure 23: Administration Module

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2.14 How To Add Labour In The Work Order?

Employee and man-hour details are entered in the Labour tab of the Work
Order form. Click on “Work Order – Labour” tab to enter labour details.

Figure 24: Work Order – “Labour” Tab

Fields Description

Employee Choose from the list. Names of employees who executed the job.
Users can also add a new employee to the master database by
clicking on the Employee button, which is located to the right of
the field.
Start Date/Time Date and time the employee started on the work order.
End Date/Time Date and time the employee finished on the work order
Comments Any comment written by the employee.
Hours Click “Calculate” button to calculate the hours automatically from
the date and time entered or key-in the hours manually.
Normal Normal working hours
OT1, OT2, OT3 Over time hours
Hours Total hours for each employee
Cost Total Cost for each employee depending on the rates set in the
employee masters.

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Fields Description

Click on save button to save the record.

Delete To delete an erroneous entry, select the record by clicking once on

it and hit the “Backspace” key.

2.15 How To Add Direct Issue In The Work Order?

Parts or services without a part no assigned in the Materials Module and are
used in a work order can be defined in the Direct Issues tab. The Direct Issue
tab allows users to key in details and parts used or services used without any
pre-definitions. Click on the “Work Order – Direct Issue” tab.

Figure 25: Work Order – “Direct Issue” Tab

Fields Description
Date Date when the transaction took place.
Service/Part Desc. Part used on the work order not from the Material module
PO No Purchase order number.
Quantity Quantity part used
Unit Price Price for the part

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Fields Description
Total Price Automatically calculated by the system.
Formula = Qty * Unit price
Click on the save button to save the record.

Delete To delete an erroneous entry, select the record by clicking once on

it and hit the “Backspace” key.

2.16 How To Issue and Return Material In The Work Order?

For parts or items which are used in a work order and have a part no. defined
in the Materials Module, it can be issued directly from the work order Material
tab. Issuing and returning parts from the work order Material tab is the same
as an Issue and Return transaction in Materials Module and will
reduce/increase the stock balance of the part. Only authorized user can carry
out the transaction. The authorization can be set in ADMINISTRATION
Module. Click on “Work Order – Material” tab.

Figure 26: Work Order – “Material” Tab

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Figure 27: Authorization

Fields Description
Date Date when the transaction took place.
Part No. Choose from the list. Part used on the work order from the
Material (Warehouse.)
Part Description Choose from the list. Part used on the work order from the
Material (Warehouse.)
Quantity Quantity part used
Average Price System calculates the price (from Material Module).
Total Automatically calculated by the system.
Formula = Qty * Average price
Click on the save button and the system will give you the total
parts used on a work order.

2.17 How to View Total Cost Of A Work Order?

This section displays the total cost of a work order in local currency. This
includes labour cost, direct issue cost and parts cost. Click on “Work Order –
Work Order Cost” tab. Cost of a Work Order could be blocked by user, refer
Figure 137.

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Figure 28: Work Order – “Work Order Cost” Tab

Fields Description
Total Labour Cost The system will automatically display the total. The data is from
Labour tab.
Total Direct Issues Cost The system will automatically display the total. The data is from
direct issue tab.
Total Part Cost The system will automatically display the total. The data is from
Material tab.
Total Overall Cost Total cost for the particular work order. The system will
automatically display this figure.
Labour Cost + Direct Issues Cost + Part Cost = Overall cost

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2.18 How To Attach External Document to A Work Order?

The Attachment tab in the Work Order screen enables the user to attach a
hyperlink to an external document or file for viewing. Typical files which can
be attached include troubleshooting guide, picture and manual.

Click to browse
and select a file to be

Click to view the


Figure 29: Attach Document to a Work Order

2.19 How To Print A Work Order?

A work order form can be printed out from the system for reporting and
operational purposes. There are 3 ways of printing Work orders.

1. Print individual work order. (Refer to Figure 31)

2. Print work order by batch. (Refer to Figure 35)
3. Print work order after filtering. (Figure 37)

Select by double clicking on work order the user wish to print.

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Figure 30: Selecting Work Order for printing

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The current work order form would pop-up. Refer to screenshot below.

Figure 31: Printing a Work Order

Click the “Print WO1” button to print preview the work order form without
Assigned To, Labour and Materials / Direct Issue Details. A print form in this
format is typically used when distributing new work orders to employees.

Click the “Print WO2” button to print preview the work order form with
Assigned To, Labour and Materials / Direct Issue Details.

In the print preview screen, the paper margins can be adjusted by clicking
the Page Setup button in the print toolbar.

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To print the work order, click the printer button on the toolbar.

Page Setup Send to E-mails the Exports the Closes the

printer work order print to MS window

Excel or Word

Figure 32: Toolbar - Printing

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2.20 How To E-Mail Work Orders?

Work Orders (and reports) can be e-mailed from the Work Order Print
Preview screen. Select a work order from the work order list form and double
click the work order record in order to open the Current Work Order form.
Click any of the Print WO buttons. At the work order print preview window,
click the E-mail button on the toolbar (refer screenshots below.)

Figure 33: Toolbar - Email

The window below would pop-up upon clicking the e-mail button.

Figure 34: Format of Work Order

Users can select the preferred format to e-mail the work order. It is
recommended that the “Snapshot Format” be selected as it preserves the
format work order print form the best. Click “OK” and the system will launch
the users default e-mail program’s Send Message window to dispatch the
work order format.

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2.21 How To Print A Batch Of Work Orders?

Figure 35: Printing Work Order By Batch

The screen below would pop-up and users can specify the range of work
order number to print.

Figure 36: Batch Printing

Click on to view the work order forms.

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2.22 How to Print Batch Work Order in List After Search?

Figure 37: Printing Work Orders from a refined search

Click on to print Work Order form in the refined list of work orders.

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2.23 How To Export Work Order List To Microsoft Excel?

Figure 38: Export to Excel

Filter the work order list form to display the required output. To export data from
listing, click on “Export to Excel” and a progress bar would appear as it
populates the data into the excel sheet, see Figure 38.

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3. Assets

3.1 How To Add A New Asset?

Click on icon on the Main Menu, see Figure 1. A listing would pop-up.

Figure 39: Asset List

To add new assets, click button. A New Asset screen would pop-up.

Figure 40: New Asset

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Fields Description
Asset No A unique number assigned to an asset.
Asset Description Enter a description of the asset
Location Choose from the list. Code assigned to a location and its
description. This data is set in the masters.
Department Choose from the list. Code assigned to a department and its description.
This data is set in the masters.
Asset Category Choose from the list. Different types of assets are grouped together
under an asset category. This enables easy management of asset data
and retrieval. This data is set in the masters.
Asset Status Choose from the list. The current asset status describes which
operational state the asset is in. A code assigned to an asset status and
its description. This data is set in the masters.
Options are:
Active = an asset which is currently in service and on site
In-active = an asset which is not in service.
Disposed = an asset which has been taken out of service permanently.
Lost = an asset which cannot be accounted for in an audit, therefore no
disposable details.
In-storage = an asset which is currently in service but not kept on site.
Note : If there is any OPENED PM work order, system will prompt a
message when user wants to change the status.
Criticality Choose from the list. Defines the criticality depending on the usage of
the equipment. A code assigned to a criticality and its description. This
data is set in the masters.
Auth. Employee Choose from the list. Authorised Employee is an employee which has
been given the rights and accountabilities for that particular asset. A
code assigned to an employee with its description. This data is set in the
masters. User can also add a new employee to the master database by
clicking on the button, which is located to the right of the field.
Notes to Technician This field is used to describe additional important information pertaining
to the asset. User is allowed to update this field from the work order.
Model Number Enter the model number of the asset which can be obtained from the
warranty card or on the asset nameplate.
Serial Number Enter the serial number of the asset which can be obtained from the
warranty card or on the asset nameplate.
Manufacturer Enter the manufacturer of the asset in this field.

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Fields Description
Contractor Choose from the list. A contractor is an external company which is
authorized to service and maintain an equipment. A unique code
assigned to a contractor and its description. This data is set in the
Warranty/Contract Choose from the list. A unique code assigned to a warranty/contract and
its description. This data is set in the masters.
Options are:
Warranty = assets which are within the manufacturer warranty period.
Contract = assets which are under service contracts
Warranty Expiry Date Enter the date of the warranty expiry.
Warranty/Contract Enter additional notes on the warranty or contract, if applicable.
Asset Notes Enter additional notes on the warranty or contract, if applicable.
Supplier Choose from the list. A supplier is a company which supplier assets.
A unique code assigned to a supplier and its description. This data is set
in the masters. User can also add a new supplier to the master database

by clicking on the button, which is located to the right of the field.

Purchase Price Enter the purchase price of the asset.
Date Commissioned Enter the date the asset was commissioned.
Estimated Life Enter the estimated life of the asset in years.
Current Value Calculated field based on a linear depreciation rate.
Current Value = Purchase Price – [{(Todays Date) – (Date Acquired)}
/ Estimated Life]
Date Disposed Enter the date when the asset was disposed (if applicable)
This button will appear when user In-active an asset which has active
This button will appear when user In-active an asset which has active
Click on this button to save any changes

Click on this button to close the screen without saving the record

Note: Once an asset has been registered, the system would not allow
removal of the asset number. However, details on the asset can be modified.

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3.2 How To Add The Bill Of Material For A Particular Asset?

A Bill Of Material compiles a list of parts or items associated with the

particular asset.
Click on "Assets - Bill of Material List" tab,

Figure 41: Asset – “Bill of Material” Tab

Fields Description
Bill of Material No Choose from the list. A unique code assigned to a bill of Material
no and its description. This data is set in the masters.
Parts No Choose from the list. A code assigned to a part no and its
description. This data is set in the masters
Parts Description Data will be displayed as per parts number
Quantity Displays the quantity of the particular part within the asset as
defined in the BOM masters
Store Balance Stock balance in the warehouse

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3.3 How To Add Additional Information For A Particular Asset?

Figure 42: Assets – “Additional Info” Tab

Click on "Assets – Additional Info tab. Using the fields Additional Info 1
through 20, enter any additional information regarding the particular asset
which the customer may require. These fields can be used for customizing the
information to be stored for your assets.

3.4 How To Attach An External Document To An Asset?

The External Document tab in the Asset screens enables the user to attach a
hyperlink to an external document or file for viewing. Typical files which can
be attached include troubleshooting guides, pictures and manuals.

Click to browse
and select a file to be

Click to view the


Figure 43: Assets – “External Document” Tab

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To assign a hyperlink, click on the External Document tab.

Note: The hyperlink file application (e.g. MS Word for a Word document)
must be preinstalled on the client PC.

3.5 How To View and Modify Existing Assets?

CWorks allows the user to view existing assets in the system. If the user finds
any incorrect data or wishes to change any of the fields, they can actually
modify the data as required.

Click icon on the main menu (see Figure 1). An asset listing would pop-
up. It will show the user a list of all the assets in the database.

Figure 44: Asset List

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Double-click on any of the assets to view and modify details on the particular
asset. The screen below will appear, see Figure 45.

Figure 45: Sample of Current Asset

To modify the fields in any tabs, simply put in the changes and click .
A message box would pop-up requesting confirmation. Click Yes to save the
changes or No to close without changes.

Current Asset allows user to create a duplicate record from the existing
record where information in is copied over to a new asset registration form.
Every data in the Asset and External Document tab except Asset No is copied
over. This feature comes in handy during registration of similar asset.

3.6 How To Add The Relationships Of A Particular Asset To

Other Assets?

Some assets may be part of a hierarchy, in that it is the child of one asset
and a sibling of another. This information is particularly important when an
equipment breaks down, it can be replaced by a similar asset in the
hierarchy. It can also be used to describe a system (refer to example below).

Following is an example of a Relationship tree and how it is handled in


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Fire Engine
Parent Asset

Rescue Ladder Prime Water

System Mover Pump Siblings Asset
002 003 004

Figure 46: Example of Asset Relationships

CWorks Screen Representation: Assets 002, 003 & 004 are saved as Siblings
to the Parent (001)

Figure 47: Current Asset - Relationship

Asset No 001 - Fire Engine, will appear automatically as the “Parent” asset
when in any of the sibling Asset Forms. Note form below, see Figure 48. This
avoids erroneous assigning of Relationships.

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Note: To delete an entry, click the

icon and hit the “Delete” key.

Figure 48: Deleting Relationship

Fields Description
Parent Automatically.
Sibling Choose from the list. A code assigned to an asset and its
description. This data is set in the masters. This asset is of parallel
relation to the asset picked.
Status Displays the status of the asset

3.6.1 How To View Child History?

When a work order is raised on a specific child asset, the system will
automatically display all work orders related to the child asset. This is very
useful when trying to generate a history of all work done on a child asset. A
list of all work orders raised on the child asset will be displayed. Among other
information displayed are work order status, received date, start date, end
date, Total Part Cost, Total Direct Issue Cost, Total Labor Cost, Grand Total
and Total Man Hrs. It can also be exported to Excel.

Figure 49: View Child History

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3.6.2 How To View And Modify Relationship On A Particular Asset?

Refer to 3.6 “How To Add The Relationships Of A Particular Asset To Other


3.7 How To View And Modify Additional Info On A Particular


From the Current Asset page (see Figure 50), select the Additional Info tab.
To modify any field in the page above, simply put in the changes and click
Close. A message box would pop-up requesting for confirmation. Click Yes to
save the changes or No to undo all changes.

3.8 How To View And Modify Bill Of Material List On A

Particular Asset?

From the Current Asset page (see Figure 50), select the Bill of Material List
tab. To modify any field in the page above, simply put in the changes and
click Close. A message box would pop-up requesting confirmation. Click Yes
to save the changes or No to undo all changes.


Figure 50: Current Asset

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3.9 How To View Work Order History On A Particular Asset?

When a work order is raised on a specific asset, the system will automatically
display all work orders related to the asset. This is very useful when trying to
generate a history of all work done on an asset. Click on any registered
assets and select the Work Order History tab (see Figure 51).

A list of all work orders raised on the asset will be displayed. Among other
information displayed are work order status, received date, start date, end
date, Total Part Cost, Total Direct Issue Cost, Total Labor Cost, Grand Total
and Total Man Hrs.

Asset Work Order history can also be obtained from Asset list form by clicking
the “Asset Maint History” button. This data can be exported to Excel by
clicking the “Export to Excel” button, see Figure 55.

Figure 51: Work Order History

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3.10 How To Transfer An Asset?

When moving an asset, the Asset Transfer form is used. Assets can be
transferred to either a Location or to an asset as child asset. The transfer
history is also maintained in this screen.

Figure 52: Asset Transfer

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3.11 How to View Assets Represented as a Hierarchy?

To view the asset list in the form of a asset tree or hierarchy, click
in the asset list form. The Asset Tree View form would pop-up.

Figure 53: Asset Tree

From this form, users are able to view the assets in relation to its parent
asset and location. Upon selecting an asset in the tree, the basic details of
the asset will be displayed on the right hand corner of the form. To view
further details of the selected asset (via the current asset form) click on .

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3.12 How To Do Advance Search On Asset Information?

An Advance Search option is available in the Asset List form. Its function is to
enable filtering of assets by a combination of parameters defined by the user.

Figure 54: Advance Search

To select a parameter in a field, click . The available options for the

parameter will be displayed on the far right hand side of the screen (above
the search button). Select the parameter by clicking once on the text. More
than one parameter can be selected (example: open and closed) by just
clicking on another parameter text.

Click to clear all the selected parameter in the field. To clear all the filter
options, click the “Reset” button.

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3.13 How To Export Data To Excel?

Figure 55: Export to Excel

To export data from listing, click on “Export to Excel” and a progress bar
would appear as it populates the data into the excel sheet.

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4.1 How To Add A New Location?

Locations can be organised by assigning codes. This would help users locate
buildings, floors and rooms easily. Users can also use location codes to raise
service work order.
Click on icon in the Main Menu, see Figure 1. Location listing would pop-

Figure 56: Location List

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To add a new location, you need to click button. A New

Location screen would pop-up.

Figure 57: New Location

Fields Description
Location No Assign a unique number to the new location you wish to register.
Description Enter a description of the location.
Department Choose from the list. User could assigned a department to a
location. This data is set in the department - masters.
Criticality Select the Criticality (Normal or Critical) of the location from the
drop down list.
Notes To Technician This field is used to describe additional important information
pertaining to the location.
Click on this button to save any changes.

Click on this button to close the screen without saving the record.

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4.2 How To View And Modify A Location?

Click icon on the main menu, a Location List would pop-up. It will
show you a list of all the locations in your database. Once a location has been
registered, the system would not allow removal of the location number.
However, details on the location can be modified.

Figure 58: Location List

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Double-click on any of the locations and you are able to view and modify
details on the particular location. The Current Location screen, see Figure 59,
would pop-up. Modify the fields in the form and click Close. You will be
prompted whether you wish to save the changes. Click Yes to save the
changes and exit or No to exit the screen without saving the changes.

Figure 59: Current Location

Users are able to view the WO History, Asset and Employees that are
attached to a particular location. The list of employees attached to the
location can be set in the employee module (Refer to 6.1 “How To Add A New
The Duplicate Location button allows to user to reuse the information of a
current location for a new location registration. All the information in The
Location tab will be copied over to the New Location Registration form except
for Location No.

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4.3 How To Filter Out Location Information?

Figure 60: Search Options

To select a parameter in a field, click . The available options for the

parameter will be displayed on the far right hand side of the screen (above
the search button). Select the parameter by clicking once on the text. More
than one parameter can be selected (example: open and closed) by just
clicking on another parameter text.

Click to clear all the selected parameter in the field. To clear all the filter
options, click the “Reset” button.

To do a search, click on the field of choice, enter the field contents and click
on the button.

Figure 61: Search Results

User can also sort a search results, ascending or descending order, by

clicking on the column headers.

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5. Preventive Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance activities in CWorks can be scheduled either by fixed
time intervals or by meters / condition monitoring. The following components
are available in the Preventive Maintenance Screen.

• PM Task List – Displays the PM Task List master. New PM Tasks can be
added and existing PM Tasks can be viewed or modified in this section.

• PM Schedule (Time) - Displays the master list of fixed time based PM

Schedules. New PM schedules can be added or existing PM schedules can be
viewed or modified in this section. There are 3 types of scheduling :-
a) Fixed Time Interval
b) Fixed Day And Week
c) Fixed Date / By Month

• PM Schedule (Meters) - Displays the master list of metered PM Schedules.

Metered PMs can be scheduled either by incremental or threshold type
meters. New PM schedules can be added or existing PM schedules can be
viewed or modified in this section.

• PM Generation - Automatic generation of fixed time based PM Work

Orders is accomplished via this screen.

• PM Man Hours - To view the entire year PM man hours base on the man
hours set in the checklist.

Figure 62: PM Main Menu

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5.1 How To Register a New PM Task?

Click on the Preventive icon in the main menu, see Figure 1. Click on
in the PM main-menu, see Figure 62. The PM Task screen (as seen below)
would pop-up.

Figure 63: PM Task List

Click on in the PM Task List screen to activate the New PM Task


Figure 64: New PM Task

Fields Description
PM Task No Identifier of the PM Task master record.
PM Task Name Description of the PM Task master.

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Fields Description
Estimated Labour Hours The estimated labour hours to complete the PM Task.
File Link Create a hyperlink to an external document to a PM Task. Click on

the Browse button, choose the file to hyperlink. To view the

file click on button to view the file. To delete the hyperlink

click on button to clear.

5.1.1 How To Enter PM Task Line Items?

PM Tasks are entered and saved in sequential order in this form. Users have
to enter a sequence no (Seq No) and a description of the task. The Seq no of
the tasks are automatically sorted by the system. To add an entry to the list,
click the “Add” button, see Figure 64.
To amend a Task entry in the list, just double click on the task record. The
contents of the task will be carried over to the data entry fields. Make the
necessary amendments and click the “Add” button to save the changes.

Fields Description
Seq No Task sequence number
Task Description Description of the PM task to be carried out
Click on this button to save any changes

Click on this button to close the screen without saving the record

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5.1.2 How To View And Modify An Existing PM Task?

Click on “Preventive” button on the CWorks main menu, a PM main menu
would pop-up.

Click on . The PM Task screen would pop-up. It will show

you a list of all the PM Tasks in your database.

Note: Once a PM Task has been registered, the system would not allow
removal of the PM Task number. However, details on the PM Task can be

Double click on the required

record to view and modify
details of the PM Task

Figure 65: PM Task List

To modify an existing PM Task, double click on the required record in the PM

Task List screen. The Current PM Task screen will appear, see Figure 66.
Modify the fields in the form and click Close.

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5.1.3 How To Modify PM Tasks?

To modify the task descriptions, double click on the record to be amended,

see Figure 66. The contents of the record will be displayed in fields above the
list. Make the necessary modifications in the Seq No or Job Description fields
and click the “Save” button. Clicking the “Cancel” button will clear the Seq No
and Job Desc. fields.

2) The contents of the task

will be displayed here. Make
the necessary amendments
and click “Save”

1) To amend a
task, double click
the required

Figure 66: Current PM Task

5.1.4 How To Enter Additional PM Tasks?

To enter additional PM Tasks, simply key in the new Seq no and Job Desc,
and click the “Save” button. The Tasks will be automatically sorted according
to the Seq no field.

Note: The Seq No field cannot be amended. Users are advised to use Seq nos
which allow for additions. Example (10, 20, 30 so if a task needs to be added
between 10 & 20, Seq no 15 can be entered).

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5.1.5 How To Delete A PM Task?

Select the PM Task to be deleted by clicking once on it. Hit the “Backspace”
key to delete the Task.

5.2 How To Assign PM Tasks To Specific Employees?

Employees can be assigned to a Task in a PM Task master. At the New or

Current PM Task forms, click on the “Assign To” tab.

Figure 67: PM Task – “Assign To” Tab

Select an Employee to assign to the Task and click the “Add” button (in New
PM Task form, see Figure 64) or the “Save” button (in the Current PM Task
Form, see Figure 66) under the Employee Name field. An unlimited number of
employees can be assigned per PM Task

To delete a saved employee, select the employee record to be deleted by

clicking on it once. Hit the “Backspace” key.

When preventive maintenance work orders are generated using a PM Task

with employees assigned, the assigned employees names will be saved in the
work order “Assigned To” tab, see Figure 67.

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5.3 How To Add Materials To A PM Task?

Materials can be assigned to a PM Task in order to forecast material

requirements based on PM work orders. At the New or Current PM Task
forms, click on the “Materials” tab.

Figure 68: PM Task – “Materials” Tab

Select a Part to assign to PM Task, specify the quantity required for the PM
Task and click the “Add” button (in New PM Task form) or the “Save” button
(in the Current PM Task Form) under the Part Description field. An unlimited
no of Parts can be assigned per PM Task.

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5.4 How to Add Safety Instruction?

Safety Instruction can be assigned to a PM Task in order to add a safety

instruction based on PM work orders. At the New or Current PM Task forms,
click on the “Safety Instruction” tab.

Figure 69: Safety Instruction

Select a Safety Instruction to assign to PM Task a warning message
prompting you click “Yes” to add the safety Instruction.

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5.5 How To View Material Requirements For PM Work Orders?

PM materials requirements for PM type work orders can be viewed via the
Work Order List form. At the Work Order List form, click the “PM Materials”
button. The PM Material List form would pop-up. The List displays a summary
of materials required for generated PM work orders. Items highlighted in red
indicate that there is a shortage.

Figure 70 : PM Materials

To view the PM material requirement list by PM No. for a defined PM Target

Start Date Range, click the “Materials Requirement by Work Orders” button.
The form below would pop-up.

Figure 71: Report Range

Enter the Target Start Date Range and click “View Report”. A report detailing
the material requirement by the PM No and target start date will be

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5.6 How To Filter A PM Task?

Figure 72: Search Options

Below the PM Task listing screen, there is a bar which will allow users to filter
or narrow down the search result. The options are:
• PM Checklist No
• PM Task Name
• Estimated Labour Hours

To do a search, click on the field of choice, enter the field contents and click
on the button. User can also sort a search results, ascending or
descending order, by clicking on the header in the list form.

5.7 How To View PM Man Hours?

To view the entire year PM man hours, click on button in the

PM main Menu. Enter the year and click on to view the PM man hours
for that particular year. These man hours are set in PM checklist and assigned
to the PM schedule.

Figure 73: PM Man Hours

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5.8 Preventive Maintenance – Time Based

5.8.1 How To Create A PM Fixed Time Interval Schedule Master?

Click on in the main PM menu, see Figure 62, to select fixed

time interval based PMs. A sub-PM menu screen would pop-up.

Figure 74: Selecting PM Type

Select Fixed Time Interval PM Type and click “OK”. This will activate new PM
Schedule screen as below.

Figure 75: New PM Schedule

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Fixed time interval based PM Schedules for assets or physical locations are
created in the New PM Schedule screen. Upon completing all fields in the
screen, click on Save to save the record or Close to exit without saving the
Fields Description

PM No Identifier of the PM Schedule master record.

PM Task Name Description of the PM Schedule master record.
Work Type Classification of type of work order. Defaults to Preventive. Read
only field.
Work Trade The trade or section that is primarily responsible for the work
(obtained from the Work Trade Master)
PM by – Asset or Selection option of whether the PM Schedule is to be scheduled by
Location Assets or Physical Locations.
Asset – Asset No & Defines the asset on which the preventive maintenance is to be
Description, Location No done. The Location No identifies the location of the asset as
& Description defined in the Asset Master. The asset must be registered in the
Asset Master for preventive maintenance scheduling. The Asset &
Location Descriptions are displayed from the Asset & Location
masters respectively. Select the asset no from the drop down list.
Location No & Defines the physical location on which the preventive maintenance
Description is to be done. The physical location must be registered in the
Location master for preventive maintenance scheduling. Select the
location no from the drop down list.
Next Generation Type Defines whether the next generation of the preventive
(tick boxes) maintenance work order shall be by the scheduled date or by
actual work order completion date.
Multiple PM (tick box) A tick box to indicate whether the PM consists of multiple tasks.
Selecting this will activate the Multiple PM feature.
Task No Defines the first preventive maintenance task to be assigned for
the schedule. The tasks are selected from the drop down list which
displays all registered tasks in the PM Task master.
Frequency Unit Defines the frequency unit of the PM. Available units are Day (1
day), Week (7 days) and Month (28 days).
Frequency Defines the factor for which the Frequency Unit is multiplied to
provide the number of days that should elapse between generation
of PM work orders.

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Fields Description
Days The number of days that should elapse between generation of PM
work orders. This is a read only field and is automatically
Days = Frequency Unit (in Days) x Frequency
Work Period Days Defines the number of days, which shall be taken to complete the
PM Task. Defaults to 1 day.
Target Start Date Defines the first Target Start Date of the PM record. The date
defined by the user must be greater than the last PM Generation
Target Complete Date This is a read only field, which is automatically calculated. It
displays the target completion date of the PM work order.
Target Complete Date = Target Start Date + (Work Period Days –
1 day)
Next Start Date This is a read only field, which is automatically calculated. It
displays the next target start date for the PM schedule.
For first generation
Next Start Date = Target Start Date + Days
For subsequent generation (in the Current PM Schedule Form)
for Next PM Generation by Scheduled Date;
Next Start Date = Target Start Date + Days

for Next PM Generation by Actual Date;

Next Start Date = Last PM WO Complete Date + Days

(Note: No Next Start Date will be displayed until the concerned PM
work order is closed) Next PM Generation Types

Figure 76: Next PM Generation Type

The Next PM Generation Type option allows users to specify the criteria for
the Next PM Start Date. Two options are available;

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1. Schedule – the Next Start date will be based on the last PM work order
Target Start Date, irrespective of the work order status (Target Start Date +
Frequency in Days).
2. Actual – the Next Start date will be based on the last PM work order
Actual End Date. No PM work orders can be generated until the last PM work
order is closed. The Next Start Date = Last PM WO Complete Date +
Frequency in Days.

The default Next PM Generation Type is “Schedule”. To select Actual type,

just click on the Actual tick box in the New PM Schedule form. Once Actual
type PM is selected, users will note that no other Next Start Date will be given
in the form. The Next Start Date will be calculated and displayed only after
the last PM work order for the schedule is closed.

Note that the Next PM Generation Type cannot be amended once a PM

schedule has been saved. It can only be defined when a new PM schedule is

5.8.2 How To Create Multiple PM Tasks?

Multiple PM Tasks enable more than one PM Task to be scheduled per asset or
physical location. It allows the creation of PM Tasks of a higher frequency to
take precedence in the PM work order generation when the conditions set for
generation are met. By assigning multiple PMs to each PM Schedule, you can
indicate to the system which PM Task to select during the work order
generation process.
To create Multiple PM Tasks for a PM Schedule master, tick on “Multiple PM”
on PM schedule.

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Note: The Target

Start, Target
Complete and Next
Dates displayed in
this form shows the
next set of
generation dates.
For details, please
refer to the field
descriptions in the
“How to Create a
New PM Schedule
Master” section.

Figure 77: Create Multiple PM Task

Click on the Multiple PM tab in the New PM Schedule screen.

Figure 78: Multiple PM Task Details

Fields Description
PM No & Description Identifier of the PM Schedule record carried over from the PM
Schedule tab.
Task No & Description Defines the multiple PM task. The Task No. is selected from the
drop down list.

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Fields Description
Task Sequence Defines the PM count at which the defined task will be used.
Example, 2 means that the Task will be generated 2 times the PM
is generated, 12 means every 12 times etc.
Start at Date / Seq. No Defines the start date / PM count no. of the PM Task. The date
field is read only. The start PM count can be amended by either

changing the Seq No. or by clicking on the button to

activate the PM Plan Forecast screen and double clicking on the
required PM count.
Remarks A remarks field to log any comments regarding the multiple tasks.
Upon completing the Multiple PM Task details (Task No,
at Multiple PM
Task Sequence, Start at Date / Seq. No fields) click Save
Task details
button at the multiple task details. The record will be saved
as a multiple PM for this PM No.
Click on this button (at the bottom of the screen) to save
at bottom of
the PM record.
Click on this button to close the screen without saving the
PM record.

5.8.3 How To Delete A PM Task?

To delete a saved multiple task in the New PM Schedule screen, click on the
“Deleted Multiple PM”.

Figure 79: Deleting A PM Task No

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5.8.4 How To Delete Multiple PM Task?

Figure 80: Deleting Multiple PM Task

Click on the Delete Multiple PM button The Multiple PM records will

be deleted upon user confirmation.
Note: All the saved multiple PM records will be deleted when this
function is selected.

5.8.5 How To View PM Plan Forecast Screen?

Click on PM Schedule – Multiple Task tab and click on button.

Figure 81: Accessing PM Plan Forecast

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The PM plan forecast would pop-up as below.

Figure 82: PM Plan Forecast

The PM Plan Forecast screen displays the forecast PM work order Target Start
Dates for the PM plan for all tasks (for a period of 1 year). In the above
example, at PMCount 2 (PM Target Start Date 30/09/2002), two tasks
coincide. However, only the work order for the larger task (PMTask2) will be
generated by the system.
Note: If the complete 1 year schedule does not display in the form, click on

the button.

5.8.6 How To Filter Preventive Maintenance Schedules?

Figure 83: Search Options

Below the PM Schedule listing screen, there is a bar which will allow users to
filter or narrow down the search result. The options are:
• PM No
• PM Name
• Asset No
• PM Task No

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To do a search, click on the field of choice, enter the field contents and click
on the button. User can also sort a search results, ascending or
descending order, by clicking on the header of the column.

5.8.7 How To Modify An Existing PM Schedule?

Figure 84: PM Schedule List

In the PM Schedule List screen as above, double click on the PM record to be

amended. The Current PM Schedule screen, see Figure 85 will be activated.

Figure 85: Current PM Schedule

Page 91
CWorks Plus User Guide How To Disable An Existing PM Schedule?

To disable an existing PM schedule, click the PM Status tick box

to remove the tick. This will disable the PM schedule from

further work order generation. Amending The PM Schedule And Task

Make the necessary amendments to the Asset/Location No, Task No,

Frequency fields and the work period. To amend or shift the next PM work
order generation date, the following fields need to be edited; For Scheduled Completion Date Type PM Generation:

Change the Target Start Date. The next PM work order will be generated
according to the edited Target Start Date. For Actual Completion Date Type PM Generation:

Change the Next Start Date. The next PM work order will be generated
according to the edited Next Start Date. The last PM work order for the
particular PM Schedule must first be closed before amendments to the Next
Start Date can be made.

1. The amended dates must be larger than the last PM Generation “To”
2. An existing PM Schedule next PM generation type (scheduled or actual
completion dates) cannot be amended in the Current PM Screen. To
change the generation type, the existing PM schedule shall have to be
disabled and a new PM schedule created.

Click Close to exit the form. You will be prompted whether you wish to save
the changes. Click Yes to save the changes and exit or No to exit the screen
without saving the changes.

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CWorks Plus User Guide Viewing The PM Schedule

Click on in the PM Schedule tab, see Figure 85 to view the PM

schedule forecast from the last PM work order generation date.

5.8.8 How To Generate Fixed Time Interval Based PM WO?

To generate PM work orders, click on button in the PM Main

Menu. The PM Generation screen will be activated.

Figure 86: PM Generation

Fields Description
Last PM Generation Date Displays the last PM work order generation date (read only field).
Last Date Range of PM WO Displays the Target Start Date range of the last PM work order
Generation (From – To) generation (read only field)
Date Range for PM to be Fields to input the next range of Target Start Dates. Any PM
generated (From – To) record which next PM Target Start Date falls within this range will
be identified for generation

Enter a date range and click on to view the PMs which next Target
Start Dates fall within the defined range. Click on to generate the work

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orders. The PM list will be updated with the work order number displayed for
reference. To print hardcopies of the generated PM work orders, click the
button. The view list of PM records can be exported to MS Excel by clicking
the “Export to Excel” button below the respective view list. Click Close to exit
from the screen.
Note: Before PM generation is done, the system will automatically backup the
current database. The folder name is “DBBACKUP”. These files can be deleted
every month.

5.8.9 How To View PM Work Order Forecasts?

In the PM Main Menu, click on the PM Generation button. Key in a date range
of the forecast to be viewed and click the “View PM” button. A of preventive
maintenance list will be generated by the system. To view the forecast table,
click on the “Export PM Forecast to Excel” button.
CWorks will export the PM list to Microsoft Excel and formats the data into a
pivot table. Refer to the sample screenshot below;

Figure 87: PM Forecast List

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5.9 Fixed Day And Week -Preventive Maintenance

In addition to scheduling PMs by a fixed time interval, the following

scheduling methods have are available in CWorks;
1. Scheduling by specific week and day of the week for each month.
2. Scheduling by a specific date of each month.

5.9.1 New PM Scheduling By Specific Day And Week

Select PM Schedule (Time) in the main PM menu and click New PM Schedule
in the PM Schedule List form. A sub-PM menu screen would pop-up (refer
screenshots below).

Figure 88: Selecting PM Type

Select Fixed Day and Week Type and click “OK”. This will activate New PM
Schedule screen, see Figure 89.

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Figure 89: New PM Schedule

The changes are in the scheduling procedure of the PM schedule master. The
table below lists the functions of the modified fields;

Fields Description
Frequency Defines the frequency of the Preventive Maintenance (PM) work
order generation in number of months.
Work Period Days Defines the number of days, which shall be taken to complete the
PM Task. Defaults to 1 day.
Week of the Month Select the specific week (first, second, third, fourth or last week)
of the month for the PM work order to be generated.
Day of the Week Select the specific day of the week (Monday – Sunday) for the PM
work order to be generated.
Start Month and Year Specify the starting month and year of the PM schedule. Note: The
combination of Start Month, Week of Month and Day of Week must
be larger than the current date and the last PM Generation date.
Target Start Date This is a read only field which is automatically calculated. It
displays the target start date of the PM work order based on the
selected combination of week, day and start month and year.

Target Complete Date Target Complete Date = Target Start Date + (Work Period Days –

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Fields Description
Next Start Date This is a read only field which is automatically calculated. It
displays the next target start date for the PM schedule based on
the scheduling criteria.
Multiple PM Click the Multiple PM tick box to activate the Multiple PM tab. The
method of scheduling Multiple PMs is the same as doing it in the
conventional PM schedule screens.

5.10 Fixed Date / By Month -Preventive Maintenance

Select PM Schedule (Time) in the main PM menu and click New PM Schedule
in the PM Schedule List form. A sub-PM menu screen would pop-up (refer
screenshots below).

Figure 90: Selecting PM Type

Select Fixed Day Type and click “OK”. This will activate New PM Schedule
screen, see Figure 91.

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5.10.1 New PM Scheduling By Specific Day

Figure 91: New PM Schedule

Fields Description
Frequency Defines the frequency of the Preventive Maintenance (PM) work
order generation in number of months.
Work Period Days Defines the number of days, which shall be taken to complete the
PM Task. Defaults to 1 day.
Target Start Date Click on the command button and select a target start date from
the calendar. Note: The selected target start date must be larger
than the current date and the last PM Generation date. The PM
work orders will be generated on the selected date of each month
in accordance to the preset frequency.
Target Complete Date Target Complete Date = Target Start Date + (Work Period Days –
Next Start Date This is a read only field which is automatically calculated. It
displays the next target start date for the PM schedule based on
the scheduling criteria.
Multiple PM Click the Multiple PM tick box to activate the Multiple PM tab. The
method of scheduling Multiple PMs is the same as doing it in the
conventional PM schedule screens.
Note: Fixed Day / Week and Fixed Date type Preventive Maintenance work
orders are generated simultaneously with the Fixed Time Interval type PM
work orders in the PM Generation form.

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5.11 Metered / Condition Monitoring Based -Preventive


5.11.1 Introduction
Preventive maintenance masters based on metered readings and time on a
which ever comes first basis are created in this module. Metered preventive
maintenance work orders can be generated based on a combination of
metered and time based conditions.

5.11.2 How To Create A Metered PM Schedule Master?

Click on the main PM menu to select Metered Preventive

Maintenance schedules. A Meter List screen would pop-up as below.

Figure 92: Meter List

Click on , the New PM by Meters screen would pop-up (refer to

screenshot below).

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Figure 93: New PM by Meters

5.11.3 Types Of Metered Preventive Maintenance

Metered PMs in CWorks CMMS can be established according to;

1. Threshold meters (upper and lower limits).
2. Incremental meters (fixed meter interval)
3. Incremental meter (Multiple meter task)
4. Incremental meters and time based (which ever comes first basis).

Metered PM schedules for assets are created in the New PM by Meters screen.
The type of meter, its PM Tasks and time interval for generation (if
applicable) is saved in this screen. The list fields to be entered and their
description are listed below. Upon completing all fields in the screen, click on
Save to save the record or Close to exit without saving the record.

Fields Description
Meter No A unique number to identify of the meter. Duplicate meter
numbers are not allowed.
Meter Description A description of the meter.

Work Trade The trade or section that is primarily responsible for the work
(obtained from the Work Trade Master)
Work Type Defaults to type Preventive

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Fields Description
Asset No & Description Select the asset number which the meter is associated to and
which the PM Task shall be generated against.
Location No & Displays the location of the asset. Default data based on the
Description selected asset
Activate Time Based PM Tick box. Activates the Time Based PM tab for scheduling of by
time intervals. Time based PMs can only be activated for
Incremental type meters.
Meter Units Enter the meter units. Alphanumeric field up to 50 characters.
Type of meter – Threshold type metered PMs are typically used in condition
Threshold monitoring. PM Tasks are generated when the meter value
exceeds or is below the set upper and lower limits defined in this
record. Tick threshold type meters to activate Upper and Lower
Limit fields.
Lower Limit Specify the lower limit of the meter. Any logged meter reading
below the lower limit will flag for a PM work order to be generated.
Upper Limit Specify the upper limit of the meter. Any logged meter reading
above the upper limit will flag for a PM work order to be
PM Task No (Lower Specifies the PM Task to be generated when the logged meter
Limit) reading is below the Lower Limit defined in this record.
PM Task No (Higher Specifies the PM Task to be generated when the logged meter
Limit) reading is above the Higher Limit defined in this record.
Type of meter - Tick Incremental type meters to activate the start meter reading
Incremental and frequency fields. Incremental type PMs are PMs which are
generated based on meter readings reaching a preset increment
from the last meter reading for which a PM work order is flagged
for generation (such as a standby generator run hours). Multiple
PM tasks can be scheduled, for example; Task No 001 every 150
hours / 30 days and Task No 002 every 450 hours / 90 days.
Start Meter Reading Enter the last PM meter reading. The next PM Due reading is
calculated based on this reading.

Frequency Enter the meter interval which the PM work order is to be flagged
for generation.
PM Due at Calculated field - Start Meter Reading + Frequency. Indicated
when the PM work order will be flagged for generation.
PM Task No Specifies the PM Task to be generated when the logged meter
(Incremental) reading is equal or higher than the calculated PM Due at field.

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Fields Description
Actual PM / Scheduled Defaults to Actual PM. It determines the way the next PM work
PM order is generated for Incremental Type meters. For Actual PM
type (default type), the next PM work order is based on the work
order actual end date and meter reading entered when closing the
work order.
Next PM Due = Meter Reading After PM (at current work order
screen) + meter frequency
Next Target Start Date = WO Actual End Date (when closed) +
Frequency in days.

For Scheduled type PM, the PM Work Order will based on the
Next PM Due = Meter Reading at PM Generation + meter
Next Target Start Date = PM WO Generation Date + Frequency in

Select Activate Time Based PM, see Figure 93, to enable Incremental type meter PMs
to be scheduled by both meter readings and fixed time intervals. Ticking the Activate
Time Based PM tick box will enable the Time Based tab as seen below.

Figure 94: Time Based PM

Fields Description
Frequency Unit Defines the frequency unit of the PM. Available units are Day (1
day), Week (7 days) and Month (28 days).

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Fields Description
Frequency Defines the factor for which the Frequency Unit is multiplied to
provide the number of days that should elapse between generation
of PM work orders.
Days The number of days that should elapse between generation of PM
work orders. This is a read only field and is automatically
Days = Frequency Unit (in Days) x Frequency
Work Period Days Defines the number of days, which shall be taken to complete the
PM Task. Defaults to 1 day.
Target Start Date Defines the date that the first PM work order is scheduled to be
generated. Use the calendar to select a date.
Target Complete Date This is a read only field, which is automatically calculated. It
displays the target completion date of the PM work order.
Target Complete Date = Target Start Date + (Work Period Days –

Next Start Date This is a read only field, which is automatically calculated. It
displays the next target start date for the PM schedule.
Next Start Date = Target Complete Date + Days

Click Save to save the record.

Click Close to exit the screen without saving the record.

5.11.4 How To Add Multiple Tasks?

Multiple PM Tasks can be specified for metered PMs. The PM tasks are
specified by task sequences. For example, if a metered PM task is specified to
be generated every 150 hours, then entering a multiple PM task of sequence
4 will result in the multiple PM task being generated every 600 hours
(150 x 4).

To specify multiple PM tasks, click the Mutliple tab in the New or Current PM
by Meters form (refer to screenshot below).

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Figure 95: Current PM by Meters

Fields Description
Task No Defines the multiple PM task. Select a Task No from the list. This is a
mandatory field
Task Sequence Defines the PM count at which the defined task will be generated.
Example, 2 means that the Task will be generated every 2 times the
PM is generated, 12 means every 12 times etc. Hence if the first PM
task frequency is every 100 hours, then if a Multiple Task No of Task
Sequence of 4 is specified, the Multiple Task will be generated every
400 hours. This is a mandatory field.
Remarks A remarks field to log any comments regarding the multiple tasks.
Next Date The Next Date field displays the next PM date for the multiple PM Task
based on the Target Start Date defined in the Time Based tab. A date
will be displayed only if the Time Based PM is activated. This is a read
only field.
To save a multiple task record, click the “Save” button next to
the Next Date field.
Delete Multiple PM To Delete the saved schedule, click the “Delete Multiple PM”

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5.11.5 How To Log Meter Readings And Generate PM Work Orders?

Select PM Schedule (Meters) from the Preventive Maintenance main menu,

see Figure 62 . A meter list screen would pop-up (refer below).

Figure 96: Meter List

Select . The Meter Readings screen would pop-up.

Figure 97: Meter Readings

Logged meter readings are keyed into the system via this screen. PM work
orders for metered PMs are also generated here.

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Fields Description
Meter No Key-in the meter no or select from the list the meter which the
reading was logged from the field for input into the system.
Meter Description Description of the Meter from the Meter master record.
Reading Date / Time The date and time the meter reading was logged from the field.
Current Reading Enter the logged meter reading in this field.
Asset No & Description Read only field. Displays the Asset No & Description of the asset
for which the PM work order shall be raised. The data is carried
over from the registered Meter master.
Meter Type Read only field. Describes the type of meter, ie. Incremental or
PM Type Indicates whether the PM type is Actual or Scheduled. This is only
applicable for Incremental type meters.
Lower & Upper Limit Read only field. Lower and Upper Limit values for Threshold type
meter. Values are carried forward from the registered Meter
Start Meter The initial meter reading as registered in the Meter master (for
Incremental type meters only).
Frequency The difference between the last PM meter reading and current
reading which will result in a PM work order being flagged for
generation (for Incremental type meters only).
Last Reading The last reading which was logged into the system for the selected
meter (for Incremental meters only)
PM Due The meter reading at which a PM work order will be flagged for
Next Start Date Read only field. Displays the next PM due date.
Frequency Read only field. Displays the frequency in days for generation of
each time interval based PM work order.
To save a meter reading.

To exit the screen or to exit without saving the a meter


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Figure 98: Meter Readings

The table highlighted in the above screenshot displays the list of meter
readings keyed into the system at the current system date. In the above
example, the system date is 12th November 2002, hence all meter readings
entered on this date will be displayed in the table. If the form is opened on
the following day, ie 13th November 2002, the table will be empty unless
more meter readings are keyed into the system on the 13th Nov.

The Meter History table displays the logged meter reading history of the
selected meter. This history can be exported to excel by clicking “Export to
Excel” button. Generating Metered PM Work Order

A preventive maintenance (PM) work order is flagged for generation when the
logged meter reading meets the preset condition for work order generation. A
“Yes” at the PM Status field indicates that the conditions for a work order
generation has been met (refer below). Upon work order generation the PM
Status will change to “Done”.

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CWorks Plus User Guide

PM Status field. Indicates

when a PM generation is
due and whether it has
been generated.

Figure 99: PM Status

To generate due PM work orders, click on The PM

Meter Generation screen would pop-up.

Figure 100: PM Meter Generation

To generate the work orders, click

To print the generated work orders click

Page 108
CWorks Plus User Guide Closing Incremental Based Actual Type PM WO’s

When closing a PM work order which Incremental based and Actual Type, a
Meter Reading After PM field has to be specified. This reading and the work
order Actual End Date will be used as the basis of the next PM Due reading
and Next Target Start date respectively. No next PM Due or Next Target Start
Date can be given until the work order is closed.

5.11.6 How To Amend The Meter Master?

Open the Meter List screen (select PM Schedule (Meters) from the Preventive
Maintenance main menu). Double click on the meter to be amended from the
list and the Current PM by Meters would pop-up.

Meter List Screen: Select

from the meter listing the
meter to be amended and
double click on the record.

Figure 101: Amends To Meter Master

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The meter details can be amended in this screen. The available amendments
are as follows (all other fields are locked).

 Meter Description – Text field to change the meter description

 Meter Units – Text field to change the meter units
 Threshold Meter – The Lower & Upper Limits and the corresponding PM
Task Nos can be amended here.
 Incremental Meter – The Frequency, PM Task No and PM Due At fields can
be amended here. All others fields are locked.
 To inactivate a particular metered PM, click the PM Active tick box to
remove the tick. No PM work orders will be flagged for generation when
the tick at the PM Active tick box is removed. However, meter readings
can still be keyed in at the Meter Readings screen.
 Actual / Scheduled PM – this option cannot be modified.
 To inactivate the time based PM, click the Activate Time Based PM tick box
to remove the tick. This will remove the time based PM schedules.
 To amend the time based PM, select the PM by Time Based tab (refer
above screenshot) on the Current PM by Meters screen. The schedule can
be amended by changing the Frequency Units, Frequency, Work Period
Days and the Next Start Date fields.

Note : Upon login, the system will automatically check for PM by meters for
time based. If there are PMs due based on the time based criteria, the system
would pop-up a reminder to generate PM work orders for meter.

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6. Employee

6.1 How To Add A New Employee/Requester?

Click on Employee icon on the Main Menu, see Figure 1. An employee

listing would pop-up.

Figure 102: Employee/Requester List

To add a new employee / requester, button. A New

Employee/Requester screen will be displayed.

Figure 103: New Employee/Requester

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Fields Description
Employee No Assign a unique number to the new employee or requester you
wish to register.
Name Enter the name of the employee or requester
Address Enter the address of the employee or requester
Designation Enter the job or work designation of the employee or requester
Telephone Ext No Enter the office phone number and phone extension where
employee or requester can be contacted
Fax No Enter the facsimile number of the employee or requester
Mobile No. Enter the mobile phone number of the employee or requester
House Phone Enter the home phone number of the employee or requester
Department Choose from the list. A unique code assigned to a department and
its description. This data is set in the masters.
Office Location Enter the office location of the employee or requester
Email Enter the email address of the employee or requester
Hourly Salary Enter the wage rates per hour for the employee or requester
Over Time 1-3 Enter the overtime rates for the employee or requester
Category When user ticks on “Employee” means that he/she is part of the
maintenance organisation / department.
When user ticks on “Customer” means that he/she is not part of
the maintenance organisation / department and functions as a
customer to the maintenance organisation. The person could also
be an employee of the organisation or a customer to the
The “In-Active” field means the Emp/Req is not attached with
organization anymore.
Click on this button to save any changes

Click on this button to close the screen without saving the record

Note: Once an employee has been registered, the system would not allow
removal of the employee number.

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6.2 How To View And Modify An Employee/Requester Data?

Click the Employee button on the main menu, an Employee / Requester List
would pop-up, see Figure 104. It will show you a list of all the employees or
requesters in your database. Double-click on any of the employees/
requesters and the Current Employee/Requester screen would pop-up. The
user will be able to view and modify the Employee/Requester details in this

Figure 104: Employee/Requester List

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Apart from the employee data, you are able to view the assets assigned to
the employee, see Figure 105, as defined in the Asset Register. Modify the
fields in the form and click Close. You will be prompted whether you wish to
save the changes. Click “Yes” to save the changes and exit or “No” to exit the
screen without saving the changes.

Figure 105: Current Employee/Requester Records

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6.3 How To Filter Out Employee Information?

Figure 106: Search Options

To select a parameter in a field, click . The available options for the

parameter will be displayed on the far right hand side of the screen (beside
the search button). Select the parameter by clicking once on the text. More
than one parameter can be selected by just clicking on another parameter
text. The find column below the list allows user to find for the closest match
in the list to ease browsing, for example Department No that contains the
letter E the list will list all Department No that contains the letter E.

Click to clear all the selected parameter in the field. To clear all the filter
options, click the “Reset” button.

To do a search, click on the field of choice, enter the field contents and click
on the button.

Figure 107

Users can also sort a search results, ascending or descending order, by

clicking on the column header description.

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7. Material

7.1 What is the purpose of a Material module?

The primary purpose is to track parts as they move in and out of the
warehouse and to improve material accuracy, manage costs and reduce “out
of stock” delays. Tracking of parts and equipment issues, transfers and
returns are critical to a productive maintenance organization. Two major
aspects of Material management are :-

• Physical Management which involves controlling and administering the

movement of stock during receiving, issuing, transfer & returns.
• Material Valuation Management which involves managing of stock value
changes during stock movement through the operational processes.

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7.2 How To Search For Parts And View The Details?

Figure 108: Material Main Menu

Click on to activate the Search by Part form. Double click on the part to
carry out the transaction.

Figure 109 : Searching For Parts.

The selected part would populate all information associated to the part.
Search for a part can be done using the search function on the bottom.

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Fields Description
Part No. Part no. is a unique code assigned to a part. This filed will
display the part no after the user chooses from the top bar. This
data is set in the masters for parts.
Part Description Default based on data set in part master. This field describes the
part description.
Status Displays the status of the part whether Active or Inactive. No
transaction would be allowed if status of the part is “Inactive”
Attribute Group Default based on data set in part master. This field describes the
part group.
UoM Default base on data set in part masters. This field describes the
unit of measurement.
Part Location Default base on data set in part masters. This field describes the
location of the part in the warehouse.
Lead Time Default base on data set in part masters. This field describes the
time frame for the new stock to be supplied.
Manufacturer Default base on data set in part masters. This field describes the
manufacturer of the part.
Specification Default base on data set in part masters. This field describes the
specification of the part.
Max Level Default base on data set in part masters. This field describes the
maximum stock level in the store/warehouse.
Reorder Level Default base on data set in part masters. This field describes the
stock level when the user should reorder.
Reorder Quantity Default based on data set in part masters. This field describes
the stock quantity the user preferred quantity of order.
Min Level Default base on data set in part masters. This field describes the
minimum stock level in the store/warehouse.
Standard Price This is the initial price set in the parts master.

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Fields Description
Average Price Automatically calculated based on;
(Avg Price*Total Balance) + (Total Tran.)
(Total Balance) + (Quantity)

Total Received, Total

Issue, Total Return,
Total Adjustment, Automatically updated by the system after a transaction
Total Balance, Qty On

7.3 How To Register A New Part?

When a part or item is received into the store for the first time, it has to be
registered into the system by assigning a unique code to it.

Figure 110: New Part

Click on button, the above screen would pop-up.

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Fields Description
Part No. A unique number assigned to a part.
Part Description A name for the parts
Specification Part specification.
Manufacturer The part manufacturer.
UoM Unit of measurement
Attribute Group A category assigned to a part. Click on this button to see a list
of attribute groups or to add new group.
Standard Price Initial price set for this part.
Notes Any extra remarks.
Location Location where the part were kept in the warehouse. Click on
button to view list of part Location or register new ones.
Max Level Maximum level to keep in the store / warehouse.
Reorder Level Stock level when the user should reorder.
Reorder QTY Quantity the user prefers to reorder
Min Level Minimum level to have in the store / warehouse.

Lead time (Days) Time frame for the new stock to be supplied.
Allow Negative Balance Tick on, means user allows negative balance in the store for this
stock item. Un-tick means user do not allow negative balance in
the store.
Not Included in Purchase Tick the check box if user prefer not to list the part in the
Proposal Purchase Proposal List.
Default Supplier Create a Default Supplier primarily supplying the part. This default
supplier will shown in the Purchase Proposal list. User can filter
supplier names when doing “Receive”.
Supplier Assigned multiple suppliers who can supply these parts. User can
filter supplier names when doing “Receive”.
Click on the button to save the supplier

Click on button to save the record.

Click on button exit without saving.

Once a part has been registered, the system would not allow removal of the
part number. However, details on the part can be modified.

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7.4 How To Modify Parts Information?

Figure 111: Update Part

Click on this button and the above screen would pop-up.

Modify the fields in the Update Part form and click Close. You will be
prompted whether you wish to save the changes.
Click “Yes” to save the changes and exit or “No” to exit the screen without
saving the changes.
Status of part in the warehouse.
A = Active
N = Not Active

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7.5 How To Receive Parts In Material Module?

Upon purchase of goods, these items are received into the warehouse. During
this time, this transaction is performed to record incoming goods and
quantity. Click on icon, the screen below would pop-up.

Figure 112: Receive Parts

Select the part no from the “Search Part” bar.

Fields Description
Date Date parts were received.
PO No. Purchase order no.
Supplier Supplier for the part. To search click on the button. The default list view
is assigned supplier(s). To view all, click on VIEW ALL button.
Quantity Amount received by the store
Unit Price Current price the parts were bought at
Total Automatically calculated. Formula Qty * Unit Price
Remarks Any remark on part received.
Total Price Automatically calculated. The grand total (Currency) for all the received
To save the transaction record.

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7.6 How To Receive Parts In Bulk?

Click on to receive parts in bulk.

Figure 113: Received Parts In Bulk

Fields Description
Vendor Vendors name. List of Vendors preregistered.
Leave it ticked to receive multiple items from the same vendor

Stock No Stock code and Description.

Received Date Date received parts into the store
PO No. Purchase Order number.
Quantity Quantity received.
Unit Price Price per unit received.
Total Calculated automatically.
Standard & Avg Price Default from masters. For display only.
Click add to add items received to the list

Click save to receive all item in the list

Click to close the form without saving record

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7.7 How To Issue Parts In Material?

Whenever an item is needed for work, it is issued from the store through this
module. Part number and quantity issued is recorded. Issuing part could be
done for a work order or Department.

Figure 114: Issuing Parts

Select the part no from the “Search Part” bar.

Fields Description
Date Date issued parts
Work Order Work order no. related to this issue. Click on this button to get
a listing of all the work orders
Department Department name where the parts are issued to
Quantity Amount issued
Avg U Price Automatically calculate.
Total Automatically calculate base on Qty * Avg Price
Total Price Automatically calculated. The grand total (Currency) for all the
issued done.
To save the transaction record.

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7.8 How To Return Parts In Material?

Unused issued parts, which are returned to the store, can be captured
through this module. The stock return can be done based on a work order or

Figure 115: Return Parts

Select the part no from the “Search Part” bar.

Fields Description
Date Date parts were returned
Work Order Work order no. related to this transaction. Click on this

Button to get a listing of all the work orders.

Department Name of the department which returned the part
Quantity Amount return
Avg U Price Automatically calculated
Total Automatically calculated based on Qty * Avg Price
Comments Any remarks need to be mention for this transaction.
Total Price Automatically calculated. The grand total (Currency) for all the
issued done.
To save the transaction record.

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7.9 How To Do Adjustments In Material?

Whenever there is a mistake in any of the above transactions, data entry

errors, or losses in the store, an Adjustment can be done to correct the
balance quantity. Adjustment can only be done by an authorize person. To
set the authorization, go to Administration module, select the employee and
tick on “Allow Adjustment”.

Figure 116: Making Adjustments

Select the part no from the “Search Part” bar.

Fields Description
Date Date when the adjustment was done
Authorised person Name of a person who did or authorised the adjustment
Comments Any remarks related to the transaction
Quantity Amount can be adjusted. Use negative (-) to minus the value and
vice versa.
Avg U Price Amount can be adjusted. Use negative (-) to minus the value and
vice versa.
Total Automatically calculated base on Qty * Avg U Price
Total Price Automatically calculated. The grand total (Currency) for all the
adjustment done.

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7.10 How To Generate A Purchase Proposal Report?

1) Click on “Generate
Purchase Proposal”

2) Click the “View

Report” button to Print
a Purchase Proposal

Figure 117: Generating Reports

The minimum, reorder and maximum stock level has been added into the
Material screens. By setting the minimum, maximum and reorder levels,
purchase proposals can be generated from reports.

A Purchase Proposal report is generated when the balance stock level is at or

below the reorder level or reach minimum level. The recommended reorder
level is calculated as [Maximum Level – Current Balance].

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7.11 How To View A List Of Transactions In Material Module?

Figure 118: View List Of Transactions

Clicking Transaction button will give you the list of transactions as shown in
Figure 118.

Choose the filters and click on


To Export to Excel click on


Figure 119: Transaction List

7.12 How To View Parts History?

Choose the part no from the “Search Part” bar, then click on
button, to view part history. All the transaction history for the selected part
can be view.

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7.13 How To Update or view receive Goods?

Click on button, to update or view receive goods. This links to

the Purchasing Module (Good Reciept) database.

7.14 How To Add And View New Supplier/Vendor List In The


Click on button, to add or view new supplier. This links to the

supplier master database

7.15 How To Add And View Attribute Group?

Click on button, see to add or view new attribute group.

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7.16 How To Search Parts By Location Or By Part Number?

Click on button or use the part list to do a fast search on part

location or part no..

Figure 120: Searching by Location or Part No.

7.17 How To Generate Material Reports?

Click on and the screen below would pop-up. Click on any reports
that you required and click on “Preview” to view. Certain reports will require
user to give parameters.

Figure 121: Generate Material Reports

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8. Work Request

8.1 What Is A Work Request?

Work Request is a way for non-maintenance personnel to raise or highlight

problems to the maintenance department. It is a simplified Work Order
screen for use by personnel who are not day to day users of the system. For
any work to be carried out, a work order is generated from the request
Note: A dedicated Remote Work Request application installer file
(RemoteWorkRequest.exe) is included in the Pro Plus package. This installer
file can be deployed to requester desktop computers and data linked via a
LAN to the CWorks database. In this way, Work Requests can be raised
A generic work request and subsequent work order generation process is
illustrated below;


Problem / Fault Open a Work
Detected Request

No Cancel the
Request ? Request


Raise a Work Assign the work Record Close the

Order Figure 122: order Actuals
Work Management System Flow Work Order

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8.2 How To Open A New Work Request?

There are two ways of opening an internal work request.

8.2.1 Option 1: Remote Work Requests

Remote work requests is an application which can be made accessible on
Requester desktop computers to enable them to raise work requests. It is a
separate application from the CWorks main system.

Note: To run the remote Work Request system, the Remote Work Request
application must be preinstalled using the RemoteWorkRequest.exe file. The
application must then be connected via your netework to the CWorks

Click on the “CWPLUSWR” icon on your desktop and a listing would pop-up.

Figure 123: Work Order Request List

The list for displays all work requests in the system. By default, all closed
work requests are not displayed in the list form. To also view closed work
requests, click the “View All” button.

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CWorks Plus User Guide

To open a new Work Request click the “New WO Request” button. This will
activate the New WO Request Screen. The Request No # will display
0000000000. Only upon saving the request, the system will generate a
request number.

Figure 124: New Work Request

Fields Description
Request No # Automatically generated by the system upon saving the record.
Request Status System defaults status to “OPEN”. A work reques goes
through different stages. The stages are;
Open – The work request is open
WO Raised – A work order has been raised for the work request.
Cancelled – The work request has been cancelled
Closed – The work order raised for the work request has been
Requester Choose from the list. Name of the person who requested for a
service. The person could also be an employee of the organization
or a customer to the organization.
Received Date/Time Set default to system date and time.
Work Type Defines the type of work which is requested. Default =
Work Trade Trade or section that is primarily responsible for the work.
Problem Description Describe the details of the problem for this particular work order.
Required Date The date and time when the work order should be responded to.

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Fields Description
Work Priority Level of urgency assigned to the request. This data is set in the
MISC. – Master, The system-default data are as follows. They can
be added but cannot be removed.
Normal, Urgent, Emergency, Routine and Safety

Asset & Location Information

Location No Select a location from the list to specify where the problem is
arising from. This field will automatically populate if an asset is
selected (based on the asset location as defined in the asset
register). A location list can be called from the work request

screen b clicking . A Location list form would pop-up. To select a

location from the list form, just double click on the required
Asset No Select the asset which the work request is generated for. An asset

list can be called from the work request screen by clicking . An

asset list form would pop-up. To select an asset from the list form,
just double click on the required record. An asset can also be
selected using the asset tree. Open the asset tree by clicking

. Browse the asset tree and click on the required asset.

Click the “Add to WO/WR” button to select the asset for the work
To save a work request

To exit from a work request without saving

Page 137
CWorks Plus User Guide How To View WO Status From Remote Work Request?

Work requested for the maintenance department can only be generated into
work orders from CWorks main application. Work orders cannot be generated
from the remote work request application.

Once a work order has been raised for a work request, the work request
status changes to “WO Raised”. When the current work request form is
viewed, the work order number will be displayed.

Figure 125: View Work Order

Click the “View Workorder” button to view details of the work order.

Page 138
CWorks Plus User Guide How To Cancel A Remote Work Request?

Figure 126: Cancel WO Request

To cancel this request click CANCEL button. You will see Figure 127 pop-up.

Figure 127: Confirm Cancel

Fill up the cancel reason field and then click on Confirm Cancel to Cancel the
work request. Only Work Request with the status as open can be cancelled.

Page 139
CWorks Plus User Guide How To Filter Out Remote Work Requests?

Figure 128: Filters

Work Requests can be filtered and searched in the work request list form.
To select a parameter in a field, click . The available options for the
parameter will be displayed on the far right hand side of the screen (above
the search button). Select the parameter by clicking once on the text. More
than one parameter can be selected (example: Open & Closed) by just
clicking on another parameter text. Click “Search” to carry out the search.

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8.2.2 Option 2: Work Request From CWorks Main Menu

At the CWorks Main Menu, click on , see Figure 1.

Figure 129: Work Order Request List

Click button to open a new WO Request. Upon activation of

the New WO Request screen (Figure 130), the Request Number will display
0000000000. Only upon saving the request, the system will generate a
request number.

Figure 130: New Work Request

The above fields are the same as the normal remote request module. Upon
saving the work request, a unique work request number will be given.

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8.3 How To Generate A Work Order From Work Request


From the Work Request list form, double click the required work request
record. The Current Work Request form would pop-up (refer below).

Figure 131: Generating Work Order

To generate a work order from the Current Work Request form, click the
Generate Work Request button, see Figure 131. Details of Work Request will
be automatically transferred into Work Order and system will assign a WO

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Figure 132: Work Order Generated From WO Request

The Work Order will display the Work Request No from which it was
generated. To update the work order, go to work order module and double
click on it.

Upon generation of a work order, the current work request form will display
the work order number. Note that once a work order is raised from a work
request, all fields in the work request form will be locked. This is to ensure
data consistency.

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Figure 133: Current Request Order Form

Users can view the work order from the form by clicking the “View
Workorder” button. The current work order form would pop-up, see Figure
132. No amendments/modifications can be carried out when the work order is
accessed from here.

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8.4 How To Receive Work Request via Email?

To check incoming work request via email, click on “Rec. Email Request” button. The
system will prompt user for any incoming request.

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The below list shows new incoming Work Request via email.

Current work request.

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9. Administrative

9.1 How To Add User Information in Administration Module?

Figure 134: Admin Properties

Click on Administration on the main menu, see Figure 1. Enter your

company information in the User Info tab.

9.2 How To Change Passwords and Set Accessibility?

Passwords and level of access to CWorks modules can be set in the

Administration module by clicking the “Employee Accessibility Level” tab.

Figure 135: Employee Access Level

From this screen, the Administrator can register a new employee or set /
modify the level of access to CWorks modules for a registered employee. To
register a new employee, click the “New Employee” button. To amend the
details on an employee, click the “Edit Employee” button

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Figure 136 : Current employee

Refer to the Employee module of this user guide for details of the employee
fields; see How To Add A New Employee/Requester.

There are two tabs in current employee. Accessibility and Authorization tab.
Refer to screenshot below:

Figure 137: Setting Access Level

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The fields are as follows:

Fields Description
Accessibility Tab
UserID Defines the User ID for an employee when logging into CWorks
Password Defines the Password for an Employee when logging into CWorks
Full Access Box This list displays all the available modules within CWorks. Select the
modules which you wish to provide user with full read-write access to
by clicking on it.
Read Only Box This list displays all the available modules within CWorks. Select the
modules which you wish to provide user read-only access to by
clicking on it.
Fields Description
Authorization Tab
Authorised To Issue Setting permission for a user to Issue part in the WO- Material tab
Authorised To Return Allow user to return unused Issued part in WO – Material tab
Authorised To Re- Allow user to re-open closed work order.
Open WO(s)
Authorised To Assign Allow user to assign Work Orders to employees.
Limit View To Allow an employee to view only Work Order(s) assigned to them.
Assigned WO(s) Only
Authorised To Close Allow an employee to Close work order(s).
Hide Cost Hide Cost incurred in a Work Order
Authorise PO Tick checkbox to authorize PO.
PO Authorize Amount Setting the limit the user can authorize for a PO.
Register for Inv/Del Tick to allow employee to be invoiced and accept delivery
Allow Adjustment In the inventory module the material adjustment can only be done by
an authorize person. To allow the authorization just tick on “Allow
Authorized To Re- Allow user to re-open authorized purchase order.
Open PO(s)
Click the “Save” button to save the record.

Click the “Close” to exit without saving the record.

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10. Masters
Frequently used codes and descriptions are recorded here for quick lookup by
users. Masters are updated during first-time usage and later, on an as and
when basis. This module captures all your basic maintenance data, which is
required to start your CWorks. CWorks require some basic data before it
could fully function. Refer “Hints for New Setup of CWorks” for guides to
setup CWorks.

10.1 How to create master data?

Click on this icon and the screen below would pop-up.

Figure 138: Department Master List

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10.1.1 Master - Department

Click on “Master – Department” tab. This is the masters for “Department.”

Figure 139: Department Master List

Fields Description
Department No. A unique number assigned to a department
Department Desc. A name assigned to a department. To Edit description double click
on the record to be edited from the list. The record will be
populated into the field, make the necessary changes and click on
“Update” button to update the record.
Department List All the departments in your database
Search By The Search By options will allow you to filter or narrow down your
search result. The options are:
• Dept No
• Dept Description

To do a search, click on the field of choice, enter the field

Click on Save button to save the record.

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10.1.2 Master – Failure Code

Click on “Master – Failure Code” tab. This is the masters for “Failure Code.”

Figure 140: Failure Code Master List

Fields Description
Failure Code A unique number assigned to a failure
Failure Desc. A description of the failure. To Edit description double click on the
record to be edited from the list. The record will be populated into
the field, make the necessary changes and click on “Update”
button to update the record.
Failure Code List All the failure code registered in your database.
Search By The Search By options will allow you to filter or narrow down your
search result. The options are:
• Failure Code
• Failure Description

To do a search, click on the field of choice, enter the field

Click on Save button to save the record.

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10.1.3 Master – Asset Category

Click on “Master – Asset Category” tab. This is the masters for “Assets

Figure 141: Asset Category Master List

Fields Description
Assets Category Code A unique number assigned to a category code
Asset Category Desc. A name assigned to a category. To Edit description double click on
the record to be edited from the list. The record will be populated
into the field, make the necessary changes and click on “Update”
button to update the record.
Asset Category List All the category code in your database
Search By The Search By options will allow you to filter or narrow down your
search result. The options are:
• Code
• Category Desc.
To do a search, click on the field of choice, enter the field
Click on Save button to save the record.

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10.1.4 Master – Bill of Material List

Click on “Master – BoM List” tab. This is the masters for “BoM List”

Figure 142: BOM Master List

Fields Description
Bill Of Material No. A unique number assigned to a BoM
BoM Desc. A name assigned to a BoM.
Bill Of Material Lists All the BoM in your database
Click on Save button to save the record.

Double-click on any of the BoM number in the list and the screen below will pop up,
where it allows the user to view and modify details on the particular Bill Material List.

Figure 143: Current BoM List

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10.1.5 Master – Suppliers/Contractors

Click on “Master – Suppliers/Contractors” tab. This is the masters for


Figure 144: Suppliers/Contractors Master List

Double-click on any of the record in the list and user can view and modify
details on the particular record. To add new Suppliers/Contractors, click the
“New Supplier” Button and screen below will pop up.

Figure 145: New Supplier/Contractor

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Fields Description
Supplier No. A unique number assigned to a supplier
Supplier Name The Supplier’s name
Contact Person Name of a person
Designation Designation of the above persons
Address Contractor’s postal or company office address
City City name
State/Province State name
Post/Zip code Postcode
Country Country name
Telephone No. Contractor’s telephone number
Fax No. Contractor’s fax number
Email Contractor’s e-mail address
Services Type of services given by this contractor
Category Tick on “Supplier” if you’re registering a supplier of
Parts or Consumables.
Tick “Contractor” if you’re registering a contractor.
Tick “Both” if they supply and provide contract services
Tick on “In-Active” if no services is being provided by
the current Supplier/Contractor
Click on Save button to save the record.

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10.1.6 Master - Location

Click on “Master – Location” tab. This is the masters for “Location”

Figure 146: Location Master List

Click on “New Location” to add new records. Double click on the location on
the right and you will be able to modify the data. For field explanation please
refer to How To Add A New Location.

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10.1.7 Master – Employee/Requester

Click on “Master – Employee/Requester” tab This is the masters for

“Employee/ Requester”

Figure 147: Employee Master List

Click on “New employee” to add new records. Double click on the employee on the
right and you will be able to modify the data. For field explanation please refer to
How To Add A New Employee/Requester?

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10.1.8 Master - Assets

Click on “Master – Assets” tab This is the masters for “Assets”

Figure 148: Assets Master List

Click on “New Assets” to add new records. Double click on the assets on the
right and you will be able to modify the data. For field explanation please
refer to How To Add A New Asset.

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10.1.9 Master – Cost Center

Click on “Master – Cost Center” tab. This is the masters for “Cost Center.”

Figure 149: Cost Center Master List

Fields Description
Cost Center No A unique number assigned to a Cost Center
Cost Center Desc. A name assigned to a Cost Center.
Search By The Search By options will allow you to filter or narrow down your
search result. The options are:
• Cost No
• Cost Center Desc.
To do a search, click on the field of choice, enter the field
Click on Save button to save the record.

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10.1.10 Master – Job Plan

Click on “Master –Job Plan” tab This is the masters for “Job Plan”

Figure 150: Job Plan Master List

A job plan is created to specify a set of steps or work instructions for a

technician to carry out when executing a work. Double click on the Job Plan
List on the right and you will be able to modify the data. To add new Job
plan, click the “New Job Plan” Button and screen below will pop up.

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Figure 151: New Job Plan

Fields Description
Job Plan No A unique number assigned to a Job Plan No
Job Plan Name A name assigned to a Job Plan Name.
Job Plan Desc. Specify a set of step or work instructions.
Search By The Search By options will allow you to filter or narrow down your
search result. The options are:
• Job Plan No.
• Description

To do a search, click on the field of choice, enter the field contents

and click “Search” button.

Click on Save button to save the record.

Click on close button to close the screen without saving the record

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10.1.11 Master – Safety Instruction

Click on “Master –Safety Instruction” tab This is the masters for “Safety

Figure 152: Safety Instruction Master List

A Safety Instruction is created to specify a set of safety steps or Safety

instructions for a technician to carry out when executing a work. Double click
on the Safety Instruction List on the right and you will be able to modify the
data. To add new Safety Instruction, click the “New Safety Instruction”
Button and the screen below will pop up.

Figure 153: New Safety Instruction

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Fields Description
Safety Inst No A unique number assigned to a Safety Instruction No
Safety Inst Name A name assigned to a Safety Instruction Name.
Safety Inst Desc. Specify a set of safety step or safety instructions.
Search By The Search By options will allow you to filter or narrow down your
search result. The options are:
• Safety Inst No.
• Safety Instruction Description
To do a search, click on the field of choice, enter the field contents
and click “Search” button.
Click on Save button to save the record.

Click on close button to close the screen without saving the record

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10.1.12 Master – Backup PM Generation

To specify a path to backup database before generating PM Work Orders, this allows
user to revert back to the previous state. To provide a path place a check on the
“Backup PM Generation”, then type in the path the backup should be copied. Click
“Save” toe save the lnk. A fresh db with all the previous data will be created in the
specified path named as PLUSDB_(gen date)_(time of generation). During PM
generation a fatal error happens or the dates of the next PM Schedule dates are
wrong and user would like to roll back the generation, replace the current db with
backup db after renaming it to the live db.
Note: Please ensure to delete the backup file if the generation goes smoothly and the
backup is not intended to be used.

Figure 154PM Generation Backup

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10.1.13 Master - Misc

Click on “Master – Misc” tab This is the masters for “Work Status, Work
Priority, Part Location, Work Type, Work Trade, Part Location, Payment
Location, warranty/Contract, Asset Criticality and Asset Status. ”

Figure 155: Miscellaneous Master List

This master contains default data for CWorks to function. User cannot delete
the existing data but you could add more to it. Data entered into this master
will be saved upon exiting.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Changing the Misc-Masters directly from the

database table may have an impact on the smooth operation of
CWorks CMMS. Please contact us at for further
details or clarification.

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10.1.14 Master - Configuring To Receive Work Request via Email

User can receive work request via an email. To use this feature, you need to
configure the system to accept work request via email.
Go to MASTERS module and click on EMAIL CONFIGURATION. The below
configuration follows your email setup.

IMPOTANT Note: Once you download the email into CWORKS work request
module, you would not be able to download again into OUTLOOK or other email

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11. Purchase Order

11.1 How To Raise a Purchase Order?

Click on icon on the main menu and a sub menu would pop-up.

Figure 156: Purchase Order Menu

Click on “Purchase Order” button and the PO list below will appear.

Figure 157: Purchase Order List

To open a new Purchase order, click on “NEW PO” button in Figure 157. A
New PO screen will be displayed.

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SAVE line item

Clear line

To save and
generate Purchase
Order click on

Figure 158: New Purchase Order

Fields Description
Purchase Order No. Automatically generated by the system upon saving the record
Ordered by Select from the list the person who ordered the item or services
Requested by Select from the list the person who request to purchase item or
Supplier Select from the list a supplier name
Cost Center Select from the list cost center from where the purchase request
was raised.
Deliver To Select from the list the person to deliver the materials to.
Authorization is set in Administration Module.
Invoice To Select from the list the person to invoice to. Authorization is set in
Administration Module.
Payment terms To identify the payment term of vendor. The payment term can be
defined in Masters.
Delivery charge Delivery charges in currency (If any)

General Information Tab

Date Ordered The date on which the goods are ordered
Expected Delivery The date on which the goods are expected to be delivered

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Fields Description
Order Status System defaults status to "Not Authorised". The current order
status describes which stage the PO is in.
Delivery Status System defaults status to "No Delivery". The current delivery
status describes which stage the delivery is in.
Order Notes User can note any remarks for this PO
Source Select from the list the source of the item, Material or Direct Issue
Part No If source is “Material”, user can select the part number from the
material module.
Description The description of the part selected which is descried in material
module. If source is Direct Issue key-in in the description.
UOM The measurement of the item to be purchased.
QTY The quantity of the item required to buy
Unit Price Pricing of the item supply by the vendor
Disc % Discount given by the vendor (If any)
Line Cost The total amount for the item (Currency)
Workorder No Work order no. related to this Purchase Order. Click on the double
arrow button to get a listing of all the work orders.
Committed Value Total Value for all line item
Discount % Discount for the overall Committed Value (if any)
G.S.T % Gross Sales Tax percentage A preset value can be set in the “Masters -
Misc”, also accepts user defined value.
Delivery Charges Read only value, populated from the field above
Tax % Overall tax for the PO. Value can be preset or a custom value can
be entered. To preset the value go to “Master – Misc”.
Total Automatically calculated;
Total = (Committed Value – Discount) + GST + Delivery Charges
+ Tax

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11.1.1 How To Select Items From Purchase Proposal?

When viewing an existing PO (see Figure 160) or raising a new PO (see

Figure 158), click on button to select items from purchase


Items in this
list are at or
below minimal
level. To add
the item to PO,
tick on the
item and click
on ADD to PO.
Figure 159: Purchase Proposal List

User can select which QTY to add into PO Items in this list are at or below re-
either Specified Reorder Qty or Advice order level. To add the item to PO, tick
Reorder Level. on the item and click on ADD to PO.

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11.1.2 How To Update A Purchase Order

Modify details of the PO in the form and click on the button to

save changes. To modify items in the list double click on the item that is to

be edited and change the details then click on the button.

A PO’s details can only be changed as long as the Order Status is “Not
Authorised”, the fields is locked for editing once it has been “Authorised”.

Click update
after making
changes to
details to the
line item

Figure 160: Updating A PO

11.1.3 How To Authorized A Purchase Order?

First set the authorization by user in the Administration Module.

Figure 161: Authorizing Purchase Order

Once authorization is set, the user can now authorized Purchase Order by
clicking on “Authorize This PO.”

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Figure 162: Authorize This PO

The authorized user needs to enter Name & password to authorize a Purchase

Figure 163: PO Authorization

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This is how an authorized PO will look like.

Figure 164: Authorized PO

11.1.4 How To Cancel A Purchase Order?

A purchase order can only be cancelled by the person who authorized the PO.
Click on to cancel the purchase order. The system will
prompt for username & password for authorization (see Figure 163.)

Figure 165: PO Cancelled

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11.1.5 How To Make A Search In Purchase Order

Search Purchase Order

To do a search in PO, enter the parameter of the search and click “Search”.
A search could be done with multiple parameters for a search.
The search can be sorted by clicking the column header in the list form.
To remove data in a field click on to clear the field.

11.2 Goods Receipt

The "Goods Receipt" screen allows you to record the goods received details.

Figure 166: PO Menu

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11.2.1 How To Sort The GRN List?

Data in the GRN list form can be sorted in ascending or descending order by
clicking the relevant column header.

Click once on the column headers to sort

in descending or ascending order

Double click on the

PO to receive goods.

Figure 167: GRN List

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11.2.2 How To Do Goods Receipt By Item?

This transaction is to receive item by item on this PO. The delivery status will
show the current stage of the PO.

Details from
Purchase Order

Click on the
item to receive

Figure 168: GRN Explained

This shows the summary Select on the item to receive then

for the item selected click on the Receive Item tab

Fields Description
GRN No. The number generated by system to identify the goods receipt
Received QTY The quantity of the item received from supplier.
Received Date The date when the item received from supplier.
Supp. Inv. No. The number stated on the invoice
Invoice Date Date stated on the invoice
DO No. The supplier delivery order number
Price Default price from Purchase Order
Remarks Notes
Update Receive To save the transaction.
Print Good Receipt Note prior to any transaction
Viewing Transaction of a GRN

Print Good Receipt Note after completion of transaction

Update information on the Invoice details and DO No for every

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This shows the entire

status for this PO.

Figure 169: Goods Receipt Note

11.2.3 How To Record Received All Goods?

This transaction is to receive all the items on this PO. Click on the “Receive
All” button to save the transaction and Delivery Status will change to
“Complete”, see Figure 171.

Details from
Purchase order

Figure 170: GRN – Receive All

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Fields Description
GRN No. The number generated by system to identify the goods receipt
Received Date The date when the item received from supplier.
Supp. Inv. No. The number stated on the invoice.
Invoice Date Date stated on the invoice
DO No Delivery No for goods sent

This is how a completed delivery will look like.

Figure 171: Completed PO

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11.2.4 How To Cancel Goods?

Select the item to be cancelled, then click on the cancel item tab.

Figure 172: Cancel Goods

Fields Description
Cancel QTY The quantity cancelled.
Cancel Date The date the item was cancelled
Reason Reasons to cancel the order
CANCEL Item Click on “CANCEL Item” to save the transaction

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11.2.5 How to Update PO Transaction?

In the current Good Receipt Note click on “Update PO Transaction, a PO Transaction

form would pop-up, see figure below. This form allows user to update information for
invoice details. Double click on the transaction user would like to update, the
information of the particular record would be populated into the respective column.
Enter the information regarding the transaction and click on button to update

Figure 173: PO Transaction Record

11.2.6 How To View Transactions In Each PO And All PO?

To view all the transactions for a single PO, click on “View All PO Transaction”
the below list would pop-up.

Figure 174: PO Item Received

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To view all the transactions in PO module, click on “TRANSACTIONS” and the

list below would pop-up.

Choose the filters and click on


To Export to Excel click on EXPORT


Figure 175: Viewing Transactions

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12. Reports

12.1 Reports Main Menu

Data entered into the system are retrievable in report format, depending on
the type of reports the user needs. Click on the Reports button in the CWorks
Main Menu. The screen below would pop-up and consists of all CWorks
reports. Some reports will ask user to key-in parameters. Click on “Preview”
to view and print the report.

Click here to filter

the reports by

Figure 176: Reports Main Menu

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13. Frequently Asked Questions

13.1 How To Back Up Your Data?

There is one file that stores the "CWORKS PRO PLUS" data, which is "
CWorksPlus_db". It is important to backup this file in the event that the
system gets corrupted and to access the data.

Steps for back up:

1) Click on the CWorks Pro Plus Tool Bar “Links”, then select Utilities.
2) Click on button, and screen (refer below) would pop-up.

Figure 177: File Utilities - Backup

3) “Enter location and name of file to backup” is the CWORKS database to be

backed up. User can browse “c:\” by clicking on button.
4) “Enter backup destination” is where you want to store the backup data.
5) Click on

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13.2 How to Change List View Font?

CWorks allows users to set their default font style for all list view. To change
the default font to user defined, go to “Links” on the application menu bar and
click “Font” a form to choose the default font will appear choose the font and
click “save” to save the font selection as shown in Figure 178. Click “close” to
close all form to return to the application.

Figure 178 : Selecting default font

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13.3 How To Improve CWorks Performance?

Users should repair and compact your file periodically to ensure data integrity
and improve performance. If CWorks is networked and running on multiple
users, before using these system utilities, make sure that the other
applications are closed and no one has the CWorksPlus.mdb file open for edit.

NOTE: Because this utility cannot fix all possible forms of database
corruption, user should backup your CWorksPlus.mdb &
CWorksPlus_db.mdb files regularly to avoid unrecoverable data loss.
This kind of corruption can occur when the system shuts down
abnormally (such as during a power failure).

Figure 179: Compact Utility

Steps to repair and compact:

1) Click on the CWorks Pro Plus Tool Bar “Links”, then select Utilities.
2) Click on button, and the screen (refer above) would pop-up
3) To repair and compact CWorks main program & Database, “Enter location
and name of file to compact”

Product For Main Program For Database

CWorks PLUS C:\ CWPlus\ CWorksPlus.mdb
C:\ CWPlus\ CWorksPlus_db.mdb
(with source codes)

CWorks PLUS C:\ CWPLSD\ CWorksPlus.mdb

C:\ CWPLSD\ CWorksPlus_db.mdb
(without source codes)

4) Click on and percentage of compaction should reach 100% or

full capacity.

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13.4 How To Compact & Repair CWORKS application?

1. Depress the “Shift” key and launch CWorksPlus. Do not release the “Shift”
key until CWorks is launched. This will allow you to access the source
2. At the menu bar click, Tools – Database Utilities – Compact and
Repair database.

Figure 180: Compact

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13.5 How To Lock And Unlock Access To Source Codes And


A Lock /Unlock Database utility is provided in the system for security

purposes. Using this utility will lock the CWorks application and database files
by disallowing the Microsoft Access bypass key.

13.5.1 CWorks Application File (CWorksPlus.mdb)

To access the utility in the CWorks application file, go to File on the menu bar
and select Lock/Unlock Db. Refer to Figure 181: Locking/Unlocking

Figure 181: Locking/Unlocking application

The User ID field will default to “admin”. Enter the administrator password as
set in the Employee Module.

Important Note: The administrator User ID “admin” must never be

deleted from the employee record / table. Deleting this will not allow
users to use this utility.

The “Lock” or “Unlock” button will activate according to the current status of
the system. Click the relevant button to change the status of the file.

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13.5.2 CWorks Database File (CWorksPlus_db.mdb &

By default the database is at Unlock status. If user double click on the
database file, the below screen will launch automatically. Current Status =
Unlocked. To view the database, exit from the program and launch the
database file with the “Shift” key depressed. Do not let go the SHIFT key until
you see Figure 183

To LOCK / UNLOCK the database, key-in the password then press ENTER.
Press LOCK / UNLOCK button.

Figure 182: Locking/Unlocking database

Figure 183: CWorks Tables

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13.6 How to open CWorks Source Codes?

• Click on Start < Programs < Windows Explorer

• Double click on C:\CWPlus

Figure 184: CWorks Source Code

• Find for a file called "CWorksPlus.mdb"

• Click once on "CWorksPlus.mdb"
• Press SHIFT and do not let go then press ENTER once, Figure 185 would
pop-up then let go the SHIFT key.

Figure 185: Database Tables

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To change form design or label(s)

• Click on forms. For example NewAssetForm.
• Click on NewAssetForm
• Click on DESIGN icon

Figure 186: Changing Form Design /Label

• The form will change into a design mode (refer below)

• Once editing is done click on SAVE button.

Figure 187: Design Mode Of Forms

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13.7 How To Change The Database Source File?

A default Access 2000 database file is installed in the CWorks directory with
each installation of CWorks CMMS. CWorks CMMS can also be configured to a
different CWorks data source file in another directory. Upon login into
CWorks, the system will automatically connect to the database in the same
folder. If the system cannot find the database a message would pop-up
requesting for user to connect to the correct database. Empty database :-
CWorksPlus_db.mdb or sample database :- CWorksPlusSample_db.mdb.
User can also change the data link manually from the main program by,
selecting File in the program menu bar and click on DataLink.

Figure 188: Connect To Data Source

The Connect To Data Source utility screen would pop-up. The current
database source is displayed at the top of the screen. To connect to a
database stored in a different directory or different computer within a
network, define the location of the file in “Data Source Location:” field. You
can browse for the file by clicking . . Select or specify the database file
path and click on . A message will appear to confirm that the
connection is successful. To view a sample database, connect to CWorks
Sample Database c:\CWPlus\CWorksPlusSample_db.mdb

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13.8 Hints for New Setup of CWorks

Data Entry

The CWorks database consists of a number of linked tables. All of these

tables have a Key field. The Key fields typically will be Work Order Number,
Asset Number, Task Number, Part No, Failure Code Number, and Location

All of these fields have associated description fields, but it is the Key field that
is used by the system to link tables together. In order to make the system as
efficient as possible the following is recommended for all Key fields

1. Avoid spaces, avoid leading zeroes, use only alphanumeric characters

and , do not use :/!\<>.,;’”@#^*(), some of these will stop the
system working, it is OK to use _ and –
2. Try and keep the data in any key field the same number of characters.
When you make a report columns have to be as wide as the longest
Key field for that table.
3. If you are entering consecutive numbers, it is better to start with 100,
1000 or 10,000 rather than 1,2,3 etc. This will keep the Key field
length consistent and make it easier to spot invalid numbers.
4. Unless you already have a familiar and logical numbering system, do
not try and build a lot of logic into the number. The searches provided
will normally allow you to find the number for any item.
5. Be consistent in the use of Capitals, leading caps and lower case.
Recommend Caps in Key fields and Leading Caps in Descriptions. Long
descriptions in lower case. If you are trying to sell to higher
management, presentation is important
6. There is no restriction on what you put into description fields

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Master Tables Set Up

7. Set up standards for most master tables:

a) Failure Codes. These should be set up with a view to using

them to extract the most useful data from the Work Order
b) Asset Categories. These should reflect such things as pumps,
compressors, HVAC etc. it will then be possible to search
records for typical repairs to ,say, pumps. It would also allow
the use of unassigned Asset fields per Category.
c) BOM List. This a free standing list of Spare Parts that can be
associated with any selected Asset(s)
d) Suppliers/Contractors, only the format needs to be common
e) Location is a grouping(system) of several Assets, not always
geographical. It will allow cost gathering and can also be used
in the PM system for general inspections
f) Assets. Normally belong to a Location. Assets can be set up
hierarchically. Ensure there is logic and consistency in the Asset
numbering system
g) Employee/Requestor. Recommend a marked-up rate be applied
so that labor costs will be available as time is entered
h) Cost Center is only used on Purchase Orders. Worth considering
using the department field for this as it is linked to every Asset
and could be used to track costs/commitments per Account
Code/Cost Center
i) Job Plan can be used to describe a particular maintenance
procedure and then called up on a Work Order.
j) Safety Instruction, much as a Job Plan but related to lock-
outs/vessel entry etc
k) Misc. These should be under corporate control in terms of any
changes or variations

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Reporting Options

SQL Reporter. This can used to establish particular reports per site. It is
important to ensure that it is linked to the correct database.

KPI Excel Macro. This reads selected fields from the database by date
range and then uses incorporated pivot tables to sort that data. This could
become a standard monthly Excel report that is submitted by all sites.

WorkLog. Enables easy entry of data on existing WOs and creation and
closing of Breakdown WOs

13.9 How to use the Mouse & Keyboard Functions?

In CWorks user guide the following terms are used to describe mouse actions
and keyboard functions:

13.9.1 Mouse Actions

Action Result
Click Press and release the left mouse button.
Double-click Click the left mouse button twice.
Right-click Press and release the right mouse button.
Put a Check in the Box Move the mouse pointer over a check box and click
it to activate or deactivate it. Turn on a box by
putting a check in it.

13.9.2 Keyboard Functions

Action Result
<Tab> Move the focus of the cursor to the next available
<Enter> Either moves the focus of the cursor to the next
available control or commits a transaction.
<Delete> Remove selected data from fields and some

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Action Result
<ESC> Stops a function.
Click on this button to save any changes

Click on this button to exit from the screen. In a

“New” screen (for registering a new record), clicking
this button will close the screen without saving the
record. In a “Current” screen (for viewing and
modifying existing records), clicking this button will
prompt the user for confirmation to save or discard
the changes (refer “Confirm Save” screen below).
Click Yes to save the changes and exit the screen or
No to exit the screen without saving the changes.

13.10 How to use The Calendar In CWorks?

Entering date fields in CWorks can be done via a calendar.

For each date field, click and a calendar as displayed would pop-up.

Figure 189: Calendar Function

Select the month and year from the combo boxes and click on the required
date. The selected date will be carried over to the date field.

To exit the calendar box without selecting a date, just move the mouse
pointer out of the calendar screen boundary and the calendar will exit
automatically. The original date in the field will remain.

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For date fields where time is available for entry, select a date first from the
calendar. The system will default the time to 00:00 hrs. To enter a time, key
in a time in the “Time” field and press “Tab”. The time value will automatically
be joined to the date field. The time can also be amended from the “Time”

Figure 190: Setting Estimated and Actual Date/Time

Note: The date & time can also be entered manually by keying in the value
directly into the field. Formats (dd/mm/yyyy as opposed to mm/dd/yyyy) will
depend on your Windows Regional Settings.

13.11 How To Create A New CWorks Application?

• Open MSAccess2000 or higher program.

Figure 191: Windows Menu

• Create a blank database file in MSAccess.

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1. Choose a
Blank Database

2. Click OK

Figure 192: Blank MSAccess Database

1. Save the new file in CWPlus directory

2. Name the new file as 3. Click on CREATE


Figure 193: Creating New Database File

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1) Right click on the mouse

on this white space.
2) A menu will pop- up.
3) Click on IMPORT

Figure 194: Importing Tables

1. Select the old application

file (CWorksPlus.mdb)
2. Click Import

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Figure 195: Importing All Objects

• Click on TABLES tab and click SELECT ALL. Repeat this for all the tabs
click OK.

Figure 196: Import Objects Dialog

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• After the above process completed click on MSAccess menu bar,

select Tools –> Startup.

Figure 197: Tools -> Startup

• Fill up the STARTUP as per the screenshot below and un-tick all options and
click OK

Figure 198: Startup Dialog

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• Create a new Toolbar called "pagesetup". Click on MSAccess menu bar,

Select View -> Toolbars -> Customize.

Figure 199: Creating New Toolbar

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Select the “Toolbars tab” and click the “NEW” button.

Toolbar name : pagesetup

Click on COMMANDS tab

Click FILE and find for an icon Page

Setup. Drag and drop the icon onto
the panel.

Repeat this for the PRINTER icon

and CLOSE icon.

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- Icon for Email

File -> mail recipient (as attachment)

- Icon for Excel

Tools -> Analyze it with Microsoft Excel

- Icon for Word

Tools -> Publish it with Microsoft Word

Figure 200: Adding Commands To “PageSetup” Toolbar

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• Go to OBJECT –> Forms. Click on the first Form ABOUT

• Click the Code icon on the menu bar (refer screenshot below)

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• The VBA code editor will be launched. On the menu bar click Tools –>

• The References Table would pop-up. Ensure that the below references are
ticked and click OK
For Microsoft Access 2000 For Microsoft Access 2002 / XP/2003
• Visual Basic For Applications • Visual Basic For Applications
• Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library • Microsoft Access (10.0/11.0) Object Library
• OLE Automation • OLE Automation
• Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library • Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library
• Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library • Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
• Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library • Microsoft Excel (10.0/11.0) Object Library
• Microsoft Scripting Runtime • Microsoft Scripting Runtime

Figure 201: References

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• On the menu bar, click Debug –> Compile CWorksPlusNew.mdb (refer

screenshot below)

Figure 202: Compiling Database

• After the system finished compiling the program exit from MSAccess.
• Backup the old CWorks application file “CWorksPlus.mdb” to another
location and rename “CWorksPlusNew.mdb” to “CWorksPlus.mdb”.

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13.12 How To Create An MDE File In Ms Access 2002?

• Go to Windows Explore. Find for CWPLUS directory / Folder.

• Click once on CWorksPlus.mdb
• Depress the “Shift” key and launch CWorksPlus. Do not release the “Shift”
key until CWorks is launched. This will allow you to access the source
• At the menu bar click, Tools – Database Utilities – Make MDE File…
• You will be prompted to save the MDE file as a separate file.
• There is no need to do the same for the database file
(CWorksplus_db.mdb) as it contains no source codes.

Figure 203: Making MDE File

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13.13 How To Delete Data From The Database?

WARNNING: The system would not be able to retrieve back deleted

information therefore we would advice user to backup the database before
deleting any information. Also, do not delete any standard default data as it is
connected to the standard reports in CWORKS.

Figure 204: Opening The Database

1. Go to Windows Explore
2. Click on CWPlus directory
3. Click once on CWorksPlus_db
4. Press “SHIFT” and do not let go then press “ENTER” once .
5. The below screen would pop-up.

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13.13.1 How To Delete Data?

1. Click on 2. Double click on

tables asset table

Figure 205: Opening Assets Table

Figure 206: Deleting Data

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13.14 How To Setup CWorks In A Network Environment?

Installing the Main CWorks Application

Data Switch

Server / Main PC

Computer 1 Computer 2 Computer 3

Figure 207: Network Environment

o Step 1
 Install CWPLSxxx (main program) into the server/main
o Step 2
 Share CWPLUS directory in the server/main computer. The
database will reside here and all other CWorks program will
need to be connected to this database.
o Step 3
 If required, install CWPLSxxx other computers but after
installation delete the database file (file name:-
CWorksPlus_db.mdb) and then do a data link to the server /
main computer database file via your local area network.

o Step 4
 Click on CWorks icon on the desktop. Before key-in the user
name & password click on FILE –> Data Link at the menu
bar. In data source location, find for cworkPlus_db.mdb in the
server / main computer via the network and click connect.
Repeat this for all the PC which has CWorks. With this setup,
the system will save all the data into a central database.

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Installing the Request Module on Requester Desktops / Workstations

o Step 1
 Install “RemoteWorkRequest.exe” into all Requester computers.
o Step 2
 Double-Click on the icon labeled “CWSRM” on the desktop.
Before key-in the user name & password click on FILE –> Data
Link at the menu bar. In data source location, find for
cworkPlus_db.mdb in the server/ main computer via the
network and click connect.
 Do not install this file into the computers which has the
main program.

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13.15 How To View VB Codes? To view VB codes,

click on CODE

Figure 208: MSAccess Design Form

Figure 209: VB Codes

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13.16 How To Export Data From CWorks And Import Data Into

1) Go to Windows Explorer

2) Find for CWORKS directory called

CWPlus = For CworkPlus Version

Figure 210: Searching For File

3) Find for a file called

CWorksPlus_db.mdb = for CWorksPlus Version
4) Click once on the above file
5) SHIFT + ENTER on the file
6) The screen (refer below) would pop-up.

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Figure 211: Opening Database

7) For example you want to Export Asset data. Click on “assets”

8) Click on File-> Export

Figure 212: Export Function

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Figure 213: Saving File

9) Save in: “Where you want the file to be Saved in”

File name : “File name”
Save as type : Microsoft Excel Click on SAVE

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13.17 Import Data

1) For example you want to Import asset data. (Note : Before importing any data
into CWORKS, ensure that the excel format fields are the same as the CWORKS
table fields)
2) Right click on the WHITE space and choose IMPORT

Figure 214: Import Link

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3) Select : Look in : “Where is the Excel format SAVED”

File name : “File name”
Files of type : Microsoft Excel

Figure 215: Saving File

4) Click on IMPORT then follow the systems instruction until the end.

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13.18 How to convert CWORKS from MSAccess 2000 to 2002-


1. Open the Application or database by “Shift + Enter”

2. Then go to “Tools”, “Convert Database” and click on “To Access 2002-2003
file format.

3. Select the directory and the new filename.

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14. Report Writer

14.1 Introduction

The CWorks report writer enables exporting of data from the CWorks CMMS
tables to Microsoft Excel. Filters and criteria’s can be specified within the
report generator. A basic knowledge of SQL statements is required to operate
the report writer.

14.2 How To Launch The Report Generator?

Go to CWorks Plus tool bar “Links” and then click on CWReportGenerator.

Refer to screen below:-

Figure 216: CWorks Logon

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14.3 Criteria no.1



B1 B2 B3 B4
Figure 217: CWorks Smart Report Generator Screen Layout

14.3.1 Screen Details

A Tables/Queries Radio Button

Choose tables/queries to generate information for that particular object.

B Report Title
This area of the screen allows users to insert a custom report header so that
the report is generated with a customized report title.

C Tab Names
Tabs that is available to display the table/queries. All queries would be
displayed under these tabs. The left and right arrows allow the user to scroll
through the tabs available.

D Choose Tables/Queries Name

This drop-down menu box provides the list of available tables/queries that are
in the database.

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Criteria No. 1
This tab displays all the tables/queries that need to be generated in the

Preview Report Button

Previews the report.

B2 Export to Excel Button

Exports the report into excel format in windows. This button will be explained
later on it functions.

B3 Reset Button
Resets all the fields to restart everything again.

B4 Close Button
Closes the application immediately.

14.3.2 Specifying Report Parameters

In the “Choose Tables/Queries” tab, select the type of object which is to be

generated (Refer to (A)). In the same screenshot (Refer to (C)), available
tabs are Criteria #1, Criteria #2, Save Report, Queries Modification and Save
Report by Work Type.

Example for Work Order Reports via Criteria #1 tab:

1. The Report Title is named to: “Basic Asset Details”
2. Check the “Tables” radio button shown in (A).
3. In the “Choose Tables/Queries Name” drop down menu box choose the
name of the report you want to generate, the list will automatically
appear. In this list, only the names that are selected will be displayed in
the report. In the screenshot example below, the WorkOrderNo, AssetNo,
Warranty_Contract, Warranty_ContExpiry and LocationNo fields are

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Figure 218: Specifying Report Parameters

3. Just below the “Criteria #1” tab, there are the check boxes with “Choose
Field for Comparison” above each box. Click the required amount of check
boxes to activate them. In each drop down menu, select the required field
names. Un-check each check box to delete the display starting from the
last check box. Clicking on the “Reset” button will reset everything on this
4. To see the preview of the report to generate, click on the “Preview Report”

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Figure 219: Selecting fields for comparison

5. After clicking the “Preview Report” button, the “CWorks Smart Report”
generator will minimize and the report preview will pop up.

Figure 220: Criteria #1 Report Preview

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14.4 Criteria No.2



Figure 221: Report Generator

14.4.1 Screen Details

A Choose Field for Comparison – Date Range/Month Year

Choose fields that have date range related data from the drop down menu.

B Date Range
Choose the date range of the field selected. Example is as shown on the
screen details. The date format here is MM/DD/YYYY.

C Month Year
Choose the month and year to acquire the report from that particular month.

D Choose Field for Comparison

This drop-down menu box provides the list of available fields that are in the
database for comparison in the report.

E Part of Field’s Value

To compare the data from that field only.

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14.5 Generating report with Date range

1. Tick the first check box (as shown in A), and select the field required. E.g.
“DateAcquired”. Note: You can choose only one of the check boxes to tick,
either “Date Range” or “Month Year”.
2. Tick the Date Range check box; fill in the dates to generate result for the
3. Tick the check box in D for comparison of the date range with another
field. In this example, the field “Status” is chosen. And in E, the “Status”
is either 1 or 2 depending on what is in the database. This field box acts
as a filter to separate the results in the report.
4. Click on the “Preview Report” button, and the result comes out as follows:

Figure 222: Criteria #2 Report Preview

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14.6 Saving the Reports


Figure 214: Save Report

14.6.1 Screen Details

A Report Name
Fill in this area with a suitable name.

Save Report
This button saves the report in the generator itself.

C Report List
List of saved reports, and the query named after the name saved.

D Delete the Report

Press the [Backspace] key on your keyboard to permanently delete the report
saved. Deleted reports can never be recovered again.

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E Export to Excel Button

Clicking on the “Export to Excel” button; saves the current report saved and
displayed in the “Report List”. The Excel file will be named as
“qry_ReportNameSaved” and it will be in the same folder where the “Data
Source Location” is. To find out where is the folder lookup in:
“File > Data Link > Current Data Source”

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14.7 Queries Modification


Figure 215: Queries Modification

14.7.1 Screen Details

A Queries => Button

Upon clicking on this button, it generates a list of queries available linked to
the “Tables/Queries Names” box.

B Edit Query
Minimizes the current report generator window and a relationship window will
pop up.

C Export Data to Excel

This button exports the query that is selected into an Excel file.

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14.7.2 Modifying the Query

1. Select the required fields in the “Tables/Queries Name” box.
2. Select a query from the list generated.
3. Click on “Edit Queries” button, a relationship window will now pop up;
listing the relationship of the query selected. Make any changes to the
relationship table if needed.
4. Click on “Export Data to Excel”, save the excel file in the same folder
as the data source.

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14.8 Statistic Report by Work Type

Figure 216: Statistics Report by Work Type

A Statistic Report by Work Type

Converts saved excel files into statistic type. Graphs are made through this

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Figure 217: Statistics Report by Work Type Pop Up

Figure 218: Work Type Details

14.8.1 Creating Statistics Charts/Graph

1. Click on the drop down menu of “Work Type”. A list of work type will drop
down (as shown in Fig 208). List of work type such as Corrective,
Preventive, Breakdown, Projects, Reimbursable, Inspection, Manual
Preventive and Predictive is available. Only one can be selected at a time.
2. At the bottom of the drop down menu there are two check boxes:
- Work Order by Work Type
- Work Order by Month and Work Type
The first option will only filter in the order of the work type while the other
option will list out both the work type and the month. In this example, the
first option which is “Work Order by Work Type” is selected.

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3. Click on report, and this action will export the options selected into an
Excel formatted file. This new Excel file is called “WorkType_Report.xls”
located in the data source folder.
4. If at the beginning the “Work Order by Month and Work Type” is selected,
it will export the data into another file called “Monthly_Report.xls”.

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15. Work Order Archiving

15.1 Introduction

The work order archiving program allows administrators of CWorks to archive

closed and cancelled work orders for a specified work order received date
range. It also allows restoring of archived work orders so that maintenance
history of assets can be analysed even after the work orders have been

Archiving of work orders is recommended when the work order records

exceeds a number which slows downs the system.

Due to the inherent relationships in the system, only the workorders &
workorderlabor tables are archived.

15.2 Creating an Archive Database File

The first step in the archiving process is to create a new archive database file
from the “live” database. This file must be created using the CWorks
Archiving program. This process creates empty workorders and
workorderlabour tables with all the fields (including customized fields) in the
new archive database file.

Create a new
archive database
CWorks CWorks
“live” Archiving

Creating an Archive Database File

Figure 223: Archiving Process Flow

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15.3 Creating the Archive File

Launch the CWorks Archiving program.

Firstly, ensure that the program is connected to the live CWorks database
(default name = CWorksPlus_db.mdb). The file link can be viewed via File –
Data Link on the menu bar.

Figure 224: Connection To Data Source

Connect to the live CWorks database by clicking the browse button next to Data
Source Location and selecting the appropriate file. Click “Connect” to connect to the
selected file. This database file will now be the source for creating the archive file.

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To create the archive file, click on “Create Archive Database” in the main screen

Figure 225: Archiving Database

Specify the filename (example: archive_db.mdb) and location to create/save the new
database file using the screen above.

Click “Save” to create the new file. The message below would pop-upon successful
archive file creation.

Note: This operation may take a few minutes depending on the size of the live
CWorks database.

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15.4 Archiving Work Orders

Launch the CWorks Archiving program. At Options, click Archive.

Ensure that the program is connected to the live CWorks database (default
name = CWorksPro_db.mdb). This acts as the source database for archiving.
The source database is displayed in the Work Order Archiving screen.

Figure 226: WO Archiving

To change the source, click . The Connect to Data Source form would pop-
up. Browse for the live CWorks database and connect to it. The contents of

the work order table can be viewed by clicking .

Select the destination database file by clicking at the “Select Destination

DB” field. For example: archive_db.mdb which was created in “Create Archive

1. The properties of the workorders and workorderlabour table in the
destination file must be identical to the source file. If the destination file
does not contain the file will be rejected and you will not be able to
proceed any further. Refer to “Creating an Archive Database File” in this
document for details.
2. Ensure that the source and destination databases are consistent. If
duplicate work order numbers are found when the system compares both
databases, the process will be terminated.

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Specify the work order records received date ranges to be archived. All work
orders where the received data falls within the selected range will be
archived. Click the “Archive” button to archive these work orders.

A progress bar would pop-up indicating that the archiving process is in

progress. Upon completing of the archiving process, a message box would
pop-up indicating successful completion and the number of work orders
archived will be displayed.

15.4.1 Restoring Archived Work Orders

Archived work order can be restored to the source database by using the
Restore feature. At Options click “Restore”. The Work Order Restoring form
will activate.

Figure 227: WO Restoration

The destination database (live CWorks database) is displayed in the

Destination field. To change the destination, click . The Connect to Data

Source form would pop-up. Browse for the live CWorks database and connect
to it. The contents of the destination work order table can be viewed by

clicking .

Define the source database file (archive database) by clicking at the

“Select Source DB” field.

Specify the work order records received date ranges to be restored. All work
orders from the source database where the received data falls within the

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selected range will be restored to the destination database. Click the

“Restore” button to restore these work orders.

A progress bar would pop-up indicating that the archiving process is in

progress. Upon completing of the process, a message box would pop-up
indicating successful completion and the number of work orders restored will
be displayed.

1. The properties of the workorders and workorderlabour table in the
destination file must be identical to the source file. If the destination file
does not contain the file will be rejected and you will not be able to
proceed any further. Refer to “Creating an Archive Database File” in this
document for details.
2. Ensure that the source and destination databases are consistent. If
duplicate work order numbers are found when the system compares both
databases, the process will be terminated.

15.5 Viewing The Audit Trail

To view Work Order Archiving and Restoring history, click Audit Trail at Options.

Figure 228: Audit Trails

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