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Finite Element Analysis of Steam Boiler Used in Power Plants

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – volume 1 Issue 6 October 2014

Finite Element Analysis of Steam Boiler Used In Power Plants

M. Suri Babu, 2 Dr.B.Subbaratnam
M.Tech student, 2Professor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Kits, Markapur, A.P, India


A boiler or steam generator is a METHODOLOGY

closed vessel used to generate steam by The objective of this project is to

applying heat energy to water.During the make a 3D model of the steam boilerand
process of generating steam, the steam study the structural and thermal behaviour
boiler is subjected to huge thermal and of the steam boilerby performing the finite
structural loads.To obtain efficient element analysis.3D modelling software
operation of the power plant, it is (UNIGRAPHICS NX) was used for
necessary to design a structure to designing and analysis software (ANSYS)
withstand these thermal and structural was used for structural and thermal
loads. Using CAD and CAE softwares is analysis.
the advanced methodology of designing
The methodology followed in the project
these structures before constructing a
is as follows:
prototype.In this project finite element
analysis of the steam boiler was carried out  Create a 3D model of the steam
to validate the design for actual working boilerassembly using NX-CAD
conditions. The main tasks involved in the software.
project are performing the 3D modelling of  Convert the surface model into
the boiler and finite element analysis. In parasolid file and import the model
this project, design optimization of the into ANSYS to do analysis.
boiler is also done based on the results  Perform thermal analysis on the steam
obtained from the thermal and structural boilerassemblyfor thermal loads.
analysis. NX-CAD software is used for  Perform static analysis on the existing
design and 3D modelling. ANSYS model of the steam boilerassemblyfor
software is used for doing finite element pressure loads and thermal loads to
analysis. find deflections and stress, optimized if

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – volume 1 Issue 6 October 2014

 Based on the above results, design software.Steam boiler assemblywas

changes are implemented to reduce the converted to surface model for analysis.
stresses and deflections.
 Develop modified model of the steam
boilerassemblyusing NX-CAD
software, and import it to ANSYS
 Perform thermal analysis on the
modified steam boilerassemblyfor
thermal loads. Fig. 3D model of steam boiler assembly
 Perform static analysis on the modified (surface model)
steam boilerassemblyfor pressure loads
and thermal loads to find deflections
and stress, optimized if required. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF
 Perform Modal analysis to find natural STEAM BOILER
frequencies on the existing model of
the steam boilerassembly. COUPLED-FIELD ANALYSES:

 From the modal analysis results, the Material Properties of Steel IS: 2062-
natural frequencies, mode shapes and 1999:
their mass participations of the steam Young’s modulus = 200Gpa
boilerare plotted and checked if any Yield Strength = 250 Mpa
natural frequencies are present in the Tensile Strength = 410 Mpa
operating range of the steam boilerand Thermal conductivity) = 16
critical frequencies are identified. Density, (kg/m3) = 7850
 From the harmonic analysis results, the Poisson’s ratio, v = 0.3
operating frequencies are cheeked with Thermal expansion= 1.3*10 6
the critical frequencies and
documented the deflections and
Boundary conditions:
stresses values of critical frequencies.
In structural analysis of steam boiler
3D MODELING OF STEAM BOILER assembly, we have to apply structural and
The 3D model of the steam boiler thermal loads. Temperature distribution is
assemblywas developed using NX- CAD applied as Thermal loads on steam boiler

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – volume 1 Issue 6 October 2014

assembly obtained from the thermal

analysis performed earlier.
Von Mises stress:
 Support base plates are arrested in
all Dof,
 Pressure load 1716164Pa is applied
inside of the boiler shell.
 Temperature distribution (373K) is
obtained from thermal analysis is
applied as temperature on the
boiler structure.

Fig. Von Mises stress of steam boiler


From the above results it is observed

Fig. applied structural and thermal
boundary conditions on steam boiler  Total temperature distribution is
assembly 373k on steam boiler assembly.
 The Max Deflection and Max
VonMises Stress observed 1.6mm
Nodal temperature: and 430Mpa on the steam boiler
assembly for operating loading
conditions respectivly. And the
Yield strength of the materials steel
is 250Mpa.
 Hence according to the Maximum
Yield Stress Theory, the VonMises
stress is higher than the yield
strength of the material. Hence the
design of steam boiler assembly is
Fig. Temperature distribution on steam
not safe for the above operating
boiler assembly

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – volume 1 Issue 6 October 2014

To overcome these high stresses and Density, (kg/m3) = 7850

deflections, design modification of steam Poisson’s ratio, v = 0.3
boiler assembly is required. From the Thermal expansion= 1.3*10 6
above results, it is observed that the high Boundary conditions:
stresses are at boiler shell regions. To
In structural analysis of modified steam
reduce the stresses on the boiler shell
boiler assembly, we have to apply
region, thickness of shell body is
structural and thermal loads.
 Support base plates are arrested in
all Dof,
 Pressure load 1716164Pa is applied
To reduce the stresses on the boiler shell
inside of the modified boiler shell.
region, thickness of shell body is
 Temperature distribution (373K) is
obtained from thermal analysis is
applied as temperature on the
modified steam boiler.

Fig. 3D model of modified steam boiler

Fig. applied structural and thermal
boundary conditions on modified steam
Nodal temperature:
Material Properties of Steel IS: 2062-
Young’s modulus = 200Gpa
Yield Strength = 250 Mpa
Tensile Strength = 410 Mpa
Thermal conductivity) = 16

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – volume 1 Issue 6 October 2014

 Hence according to the Maximum

Yield Stress Theory, the VonMises
stress is less than the yield strength
of the material. Hence the design of
steam boiler assembly is safe for
the above operating loads.
Then the modified steam boiler assembly

Fig. Temperature distribution on modified is analyzed for dynamic loading

steam boiler assembly conditions. To check the structure response

for resonance condition,
Von Mises stress:

Modal analysis is performed on modified

steam boiler assembly to calculate the
natural frequencies in the operating range
of 0-150 Hz.

From the modal analysis,

Fig. Von Mises stress of modified steam The total weight of the Modified steam

boiler assembly boiler is 44.8tons

From the above results it is observed  It is observed that the maximum

that: mass participation of 20.7tone is

observed in X-dir for the frequency
 Total temperature distribution is of 28.7Hz.
373k on steam boiler assembly.  It is observed that the maximum
 The Max Deflection 2.1mm mass participation of 4.7tone and
andMax VonMises Stress 176Mpa 6.3tone are observed in Y-dir for
observed on the modified steam the frequency of 57.6Hz and
boiler assembly for operating 65.9Hz.
loading conditions. And the Yield  It is observed that the maximum
strength of the materials steel is mass participation of 6.9tone,
250Mpa 4.2tone and 4.9tone are observed in

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – volume 1 Issue 6 October 2014

Z-dir for the frequency of 57.6Hz, 1. Max. Von Mises stress of frequency @
65.9Hz and 97.5Hz. 30Hz

To check the structure response at the

mentioned frequency due to the operating
loads, harmonic analysis is carried out on
the modified steam boiler assembly.


Harmonic analysis was carried out

on the Modified steam boiler to determine Fig. Von Mises stress of Modified steam
the deflections and stress of a structure in boiler
the frequency range of 0 -150 Hz. The
total number of sub steps defined for the 2. Max. Von Mises stress of frequency @

analysis is 15. 60Hz

Amplitude vsforcing frequency:

Harmonic response on steam boiler:

Fig. Von Mises stress of Modified steam


3. Max. Von Mises stress of frequency @

Fig. harmonic response on steam boiler in 100Hz

linear scale

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – volume 1 Issue 6 October 2014

2 60 6.1 232
3 70 1.3 103
4 100 4.4 221

From the above results it is

observed that the critical frequencies
30Hz, 60Hz, 70Hz, and 100Hz are having
Fig. Von Mises stress of Modified steam stresses of 89MPa, 232MPa, 103MPa, and
boiler 221MPa respectively. The yield strength of
4. Max. Von Mises stress of frequency the material used for Modified steam
@ 100Hz boiler is 250MPa.
According to the VonMises Stress
Theory, the VonMises stress of Modified
steam boiler at frequencies 30Hz, 60Hz,
70Hz, and 100Hz are less than the yield
strength of the material.
Hence the design of Modified
steam boiler is safe for the above operating
Fig. Von Mises stress of Modified steam loading conditions.
From the Harmonic analysis,
The deflections and stresses at the nearest
In the present project a Modified steam
natural frequency in the operation range of
boiler has been designed and optimized for
0-150 Hz are plotted in the below table.
structural and thermal analysis.
Table. deflections and von mises stress
The Modified steam boiler was studied for
for critical frequencies
3 different cases:

VON MISES  Couple field Analysis

Def. FRQ.(Hz) STRESS  Modal analysis
(MPa)  Harmonic Analysis
1 30 0.7 89

ISSN: 2348 – 8360 Page 34

SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – volume 1 Issue 6 October 2014

From the above analysis it is concluded 8. Lou Roussinos, P. E., “Boiler Design and
that that the Modified steam boiler has Efficiency” [online], Available:

stresses and deflections within the design

.pd f, Accessed: September 1, 2010.
limits of the material used. The deflections
9. Murdock, K. L., “3ds max 9 Bible, Wiley
and stresses obtained in the harmonic
Publishing Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana, 2007.
analysis are also under the design limits.
10. Nagpal, G. R., 1998, Power Plant
Therefore it is concluded that the Modified Engineering, Khanna, Delhi.
steam boiler is safe under the given 11. Steam Pressure Reduction: Opportunities
operating conditions. and Issues by U.S Deportment of energy,
REFERENCES 12. Rapid Start up Analysis of a Natural

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2. Steam Boiler Operation by James J.Jackson, 13.Technological investigations and efficiency

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ISSN: 2348 – 8360 Page 35

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