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Constitution OF Wisconsin Junior Simmental Association: Section I

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The Wisconsin Junior Simmental Association, here in after referred to as the WJSA, is
the official youth organization of the Wisconsin Simmental Association. The WJSA and
its members shall be subject to all rules and bylaws of the Wisconsin Simmental
Association unless otherwise specified herein. The constitution and bylaws of the WJSA
as ratified by the membership of the WJSA and approved by the WJSA shall be
conducted. Amendments to the constitution, as well as all policy decisions made by the
WJSA Board of Trustees shall be subject to final approval by the Wisconsin Simmental
Association Board of Trustees before said decisions become official WJSA policy.

Name and Purpose

Section I:​ The WJSA is an official entity of and shall operate with in the scope of the by
laws, rules, policies, and regulations of the Wisconsin Simmental Association.

Section II:​ The objectives and purposes of the WJSA shall be as follows:
(a) To improve and promote the Simmental breed of cattle.

(b) To improve and develop the capabilities of youth, both individually and
through group participation, and breeding, raising, exhibiting, and promoting
Simmental cattle.

(c) To develop and improve scholarship, leadership, and community interest

among young cattlemen.

(d) To encourage high moral characters sportsmanship, and clean living among its

(e) To provide a mechanism whereby junior members may work in conjunction

with the AJSA and the ASA Youth and Education Committees.

(f) To enhance the involvement in youth programs and activities.

Membership, Voting, and Fees

Section I:​ Membership: Active members shall be persons twenty-one (21) years of age or
under as of January 1 of the membership year.

Section 2:​ Voting: Voting rights in the organization shall be vested exclusively with
active members.

Section 3:​ Fees: WJSA membership fees includes your right to every/all mail outs and
informative information. Members are entitled to all privileges of said organization and
the parent organization including the right to participate actively in state sales and
activities, but excluding the right to vote or hold office in the parent organization.

Trustees, Officers and Executive Committee

Section I:​ Board of Trustees

(a) The Active membership from the organization shall elect annually, by
majority, nine (9) of their number to serve as member of the board of trustees
for a one (1) year term.

(b) Vacancy: In the case of any vacancy on the board of trustees, a successor
shall be selected from the membership by the remaining members of the board
to complete the unexpired term.

(c) Powers of the Board: The Board of Trustees shall have the power and
authority to:
1. Direct the affairs of the organization, including, but not limited to the right
to amend or repeal the constitution of the organization, subject to the vote of
the membership.
2. Establish guide lines concerning the conduct, management, and activities of
the organization, the admission, classification, qualification, suspension and
expulsion of members, removal of officers, expenditure of money and other
details relating to the general purpose of the organization subject to review
and approval of the WSA Board of Trustees.

Section 2:​ Officers: The officers of the Organization shall be the President, Vice
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter/Historian, who shall be elected by the Board of
Trustees annually form the board membership. The term of office shall be one year.
(a) President: The President shall preside over all association meetings, meetings
of the Board of Trustees, and meetings of the Executive Committee. The
President shall appoint all committees. The president shall submit to the
member at their annual meeting a report of the status of the association and its
activities during the preceding year. The president shall have such other duties
and authority as may be prescribed elsewhere in this constitution or as
determined by the board of Trustees.

(b) Vice President: The Vice President, shall in the absence, disability or inability
of the President to act, perform the duties or exercise the powers of the
President, and shall perform such other duties as the President shall prescribe.

(c) Secretary; The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the membership and of
the Board of Trustees and shall record or cause to be recorded all votes taken
and the minutes of all proceedings in a minutes book of the association to be
kept for that purpose and shall perform such duties as the President shall
prescribe. The secretary shall, in the absence, disability, or inability of the
President and the Vice President, perform the duties or exercise the powers of
the President.

(d) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the membership and of
the Board of Trustees and shall record and update all financial activities of the
WJSA. All finance reports will be at the will of the public and financial status
reports will be given to thee WSA Board of Trustees semi-annually.

(e) The Board Members shall perform such duties as prescribed by the President.

(f) Vacancy of elected officers: All vacancies in the elective offices of the
organization shall be filled by election from the Board of Trustees for the
unexpired term. Those so elected shall serve until the election and acceptance
of their duly qualified successors.


Section 1:​ Membership Meetings:

(a) Meetings: The annual meeting of the membership shall be held at such time
and place as may be fixed by the officers of the organization for the purpose
of electing trustees of the organization and conducting such other business as
may be brought before the meeting. Special meeting of the membership may
be called at the direction of the President or by the majority of the Board of

(b) Notice of Meetings: Written or printed notice of all meetings, stating the
place, date and hour of meeting, and in the case of a special meeting the
purpose or purposes for which the meeting is being called shall be mailed not
less than 10 before the date of the meeting. Such notice shall be deemed to be
mailed when deposited with the United States Postal Service and addressed to
active members at their address as it appears on the records of the association.
(c) Quorum: A quorum for annual membership meeting shall consist of the active
members, in good standing and present.

(d) Parliamentary Procedure: Standard parliamentary procedure as defined by

Roberts Rules of Order shall be followed at all meetings of the association

Section 2:​ Board of Trustee Meetings:

(a) Meetings: An annual meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be held at such
time and place as may by fixed by the Advisor/Officers of the organization for
the purpose of electing officers of the organization and conducting such other
business as may be brought before the meeting. Special meetings of the Board
of Trustees may be held at such time and place as designated in the notice,
whenever called ​in writing​ by the direction of the President or by a majority to
the Board of Trustees.

(b) Notice of Meetings: ​Written or printed​ Notice of all meetings, stating the
place, date and hour of the meeting, and in the case of a special meeting, the
purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called. ​shall be mailed not less
than ten (10) days before the date of the meeting.

(c) Quorum: A majority of the number of Trustees shall constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business, but if at any meeting of the Board there may be
less than a quorum present, a majority of those present may adjourn the
meeting until a quorum shall be present.

(d) Parliamentary Procedure: Standard parliamentary procedure as defined by

Roberts Rules of order shall be followed at all meetings of the Board of


Section 1​: Standing Committees: The following standing committees will be appointed:
Membership, Fund Raising, State Special Events, and A wards Committee.

Section 2​: Standing Committee Chairpersons: Each Standing Committee shall be chaired
by a nominated chairman, majority vote shall decide whom.

Section 3​: Committee Members: Standing Committee Members shall be appointed by the
President. Each Trustee of the WJSA shall serve as a member of at least one standing
Section 4:​ Temporary Committees: Temporary Committees shall be created at the
discretion of the President. The President shall appoint chairpersons and members of
temporary committees.

WJSA Advisor/s

Section I​: The Purpose of Advisor/s:

(a) To advise only and to inform the WJSA Board and its Members of any
important information, fund raisers, programs, and/or activities that may be
associated with Simmental cattle or any extra activities seen fit to the
association so that the junior members may act upon them.

(b) To equally welcome, advise, work with, inform, and communicate to each and
every WJSA member regardless of sex, race, financial status, location, or
personal preference.

(c) To make sure the membership is kept up to date and all mail outs are sent out
to every member.

(d) To report and inform to the WSA Board of Trustees of any activities or
programs the WJSA is involved in, and to present the WSA Board of Trustees
with any information that may need WSA Board of Trustees approval.


Section I​: The members may amend The constitution of the organization at the annual
meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote present and voting.

Section 2​: Proposed amendments to the constitution may be brought before the annual
membership meeting only if previously approved by a majority vote of the WJSA Board
of Trustees ​and WSA Board​.

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