###Escopeta de Asalto Diy Auto
###Escopeta de Asalto Diy Auto
###Escopeta de Asalto Diy Auto
SPECIFICATIONS: magazine. A spring operated firing pin will now engage the sear, ready to
CATEGORY . . . . . . . . . . . IMPROVISED; NOTE: CAN BE ignite the cartridge.
MANUFACTURED COMMERCIALLY The trigger must be released after each shot. This releases the sear to
CALIBRE . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 TO 12 GAUGE; ADAPTABLE engage with the firing pin lug.
CAPACITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 TO 10 ROUNDS, .410 CAL.
FEED, MANUAL BOLT ACTION-CAN A safety mechanism is incorporated to block sear movement when
BE MANUFACTURED FOR SEMI OR applied. The safety lever is operated by the same (left) hand that operates
SELECTIVE FULL AUTOMATIC FIRE. the bolt mechanism and loading.