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California Hawking Club Test Guide

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The improvement of the qualifications and abilities of falconers through the high standards of practice,
experience, ethics, conduct and achievement.
The dissemination of laowledge through research, meetings, reports, papers, discussion and publications.
The active promotion of the public image of falconry to the end of having falconry viewed as an art and sport,
to be preserved for future generations.
The preservation of all birds of prey through the active education of the public as an appropriate and
effective conservation measure.


PO. BOX 786
SACRAMENTO,CA, 95812-0786


First Edition. 17TH Printing SEPTEMBER 201 1
Congratulations. Strange as it may seem, you have actually overcome the hardest part of becoming
a falconer. Adany people with the notion they want to be falconers find, first, that the art of falconry is alive
and well, and, secondly, how to get started. You've done all that. There aren't a lot of us. Only about 400
active license holders in California out of approximately 7,000 nationwide. About ten new apprentices start
evely year in California. About the same number of falconers drop out of the sport.
To become a falconer you must prove to your state and to one general or master falconer, that you
have the booli knowledge, facilities, equipment and ambition to become a falconer. This is not as hard as it
sounds. The book knowledge is tested in the form of your state's falconry examination and is the first and
most difficult "gate" you must pass through to become a falconer. Even though THE TEST is the "most
difficult part" that does not mean that the test is all that hard.
The test is colnposed of about fifty to fifty-five questions about falconly, natural histoly of the birds
of falconiy, equipment, facilities, laws and regulations, and so on. The questions are fairly evenly split
between tt-ue/false and multiple-guess. The test has been approved by the federal government. The states
are free to valy the questions. Utah is widely thought to have the toughest.
This guide asks questions in the same way the states ask test questions, If you can answer all the
questions in this manual, you will likely pass the test. Most do. It is not a guarantee. If you want a guarantee,
buy a toaster-oven. The guide is based on the Socratic method of teaching, wherein you the students are
asked a question by the teacher. Answers are proposed. After the student nulls over the options, the teacher
gives the correct answer, and discusses why the other choices are wrong. Words in the main sections in
bold are further discussed in the glossary. Numbers in brackets, i.e. [341, are the references, wllich are listed
after the glossaly.
Wllile you can sltip around from section to section, the existing format, first, introduces you to the
birds used in falconly and something of their hunting and falconry techniques. Following this is the section
on keeping hawlis: raptor care and maintenance, equipment and facilities, and health. Then comes the
section on training and hunting. The last section covers regulations, laws and administration. If you are
seeking your license in a state other than California, be aware that you must be able to answer YOUR state's
questions on YOUR state's test. Bear in mind that the regulations do evolve over time. The regulations'
section is up-to-date as of Spring 2010.
When I started my studies to become a falconer, I memorized the New York manual creating a
glossaly as I went. (It is the basis for the glossaly in the back of this manual) By the seventeenth reading,
I could answer all the New York questions, and realized, while I knew a lot of facts about falconry, I didn't
linow much about falconly. Following the California Hawking Club's Apprentice contact's (Mike Faircloth)
iHANU?, and memorized the laws and regulations package sent me by the Department of Fish and Game.
These two boolts and the packet of laws helped me put my newly learned facts in order and I passed
the test the first time.
The early parts of becoming a falconer are tedious, but not difficult. Evely falconer went through
this in one form or another. If I had to do it over again, if I had any inliling of the satisfaction of hunting
with my first red-tail, I would have done it sooner. Thirty-four years and an Air Force career passed between
the time I became interested in falconry and when "Mosby,"n ~ yapprentice red-tail, flew free to me.
When you meet and talk to falconers, take care not to dismiss wild sounding stories as "fishing tales"
about "the one that got away." There are many skilled falconers and many talented hawks. In concert they
accomplish the extraordinaly. While it's true that much of falconry is the falconer learning to worli within
the hawli's natural inclinations, it seems that some individual hawk of some species can be trained to do
something not only not expected of the species, but wildly at odds with "conventional wisdom".

Rick Holderman / April 2010 / Spring Valley, CA

READ FIRST ............................................................................................................................................
TABLE O F CONTENTS ...........................................................................................................................3
INTRODUCTION T O FALCONRY..........................................................................................................4
ACI(N0WLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 GENERAL ...........................................................................................................................
Review Questions - Section 1.1..................................................................................34
T h e Ethics of Falconry ................................................................................................35

1.2 HUNTING AND FALCONRY TECHNIQUES ............................................................. 36

Review Questions - Section 1 . 2..................................................................................48


2.1 CARE AND MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................49

2.2 EQUIPMENT ....................

...................................................................................... 57
Review Question - Sections 2.1 a n d 2.2 ....................................................................68

2.3 HEALTH ............................................................................................................................69

Review Questions - Section 2.3 ............. ...... ......................................................... 81


3.1 TRAINING .........................................................................................................................82

3.2 HUNTING. G M E . AND QUARRY ..................................................................................94

3.3 TERMS AND PHRASES .................... . ...........................................................................101

Operation FALCON ................................................................................................... 103
Review Questions .Section 3.0 ................................................................................104

4.0 REGULATIONS. LAWS. AND ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................105

Review Questions - Section 4.0 ................................................................................112

GLOSSARY ..........................................................................................................................................113
The British Falconer's Club defines falconly as the taking of wild quasly in its natural state and habitat
using trained birds of prey. As the beginner soon learns, lmnting with their hawk is both a requirement and
a necessity. Without hunting a person with a hawk merely is nothing more than keeping a pet.
Falconry is a one-on-one relationship based on trust. A dedicated, patient 11~1manjoins with a bird of
prey and the result is a unique linking of diverse beings in a sport called falconly. Two basic requirements
for success as a falconer are time and patience.
Birds of prey are known as raptors. The root comes from "rapacious" and describes their living on
captured prey. Raptors include eagles, hawlts, falcons, accipiters, buteos, owls, kites, and harriers. Hawlts
(accipiters and buteos), owls, and falcons are the normal birds used in falconiy, but eagles are sometimes
flown (with special permits) where open spaces permit their far ranging flights. Falconly has a long tradition
in the Middle and Far East, and a shorter histoly in Europe. In the United States, approximately 7,000 active
falconers currently talte part in this sport.
Falconry is closely regulated by both state and federal law. One must meet the legal age requirement,
take and pass a written examination administered by the State Department of Fish and Game, constluct and
have inspected an appropriate housing facility for the raptor, and purchase the necessaly equipment, It is
then necessary to locate a sponsor for the two-year apprenticeship program. Only after all of these steps
are completed may a raptor be obtained for falconly during the legal trapping season.
At this point the hard worlt really begins. It may talte upwards of two l~undredhours to train a bird
for falconry purposes, tl~oughit most often takes much less. When the apprentice's first bird (or actually
any raptor) is trained, the only lnodification to wild behavior is that the bird now allows a specific human
being to approach it on its quasly. The birds remain wild and are capable of returning to the wild at any time
they are flown. They often do. Two years under the guidance of a general or master falconer are necessaly
for the apprentice to become a general falconer. Five years more as a general and he or she can become
a master falconer. All of those years are filled with learning experiences. In t ~ u t hno hunt is lilte any other
and it is a rare falconer that learns nothing new each time they go hunting.
Birds of prey are trained entirely by reward. The bird's natural response to food is the key and no
punishment is ever used, nor is it effective. While dogs will respond to a tone of voice and horses to the
touch of the reins, raptors have no desire to please their human conlpanions. Raptors are definitely not pets
and a part of eveiy raptor remains forever aloof, reselved and wild.
Wise falconers come to realize that they don't train the birds to hunt. Hawlts and falcons are, by
nature, successful l~unters.As a part of the predator/prey balance, hawlts chase, capture and kill with no
training from their human companions. The training in falconry involves having the hawk learn to accept
the human as an aid to more successful hunting and to a more dependable food supply.
The human provides a carefully measured, nutritious diet, designed to keep the bird at its optinlun~
flying weight and top form. The falconer plans the l l ~ ~ nso t s that the raptor has the greatest chances of
success in each situation. A skilled, experienced falconer encourages the bird to develop its sltills and to
improve with each flight. Time, patience, and persistence are necessaly in order for the falconer to be a
good hunting partner to the bird.
The reward is the emotional satisfaction of being close to a wild creature as it successfully follows
its instincts. The falcon or hawk allows the falconer to be close to the flight, the chase, the capture of the
prey. They can leave when they choose, but they choose to stay. Walking the edge of freedom and flight
can be a beautiful experience.


The original template of this document was the Falconly Examination Manual published by the
Division of Fish and Wildlife, Department of Environmental Consellration, the State of New York with
assistance from the New Yorli State Falconly Association. We added new subject matter to supplement
and compliment New York's work. The only overt change to the New York source material was format
change, sketches, some sample tests, and in the laws and regulations sections where, since this is written
for California, the questions and answers reflect current California statutes, regulations and Department of
Fish and Game policies as well as the standard federal questions.
Then it got away from me. I started out to create an update of the New Yorlt Manual to merely
include California mles and regulations; but was reminded of all those "dumb" questions that I had when
I began falconry and added those in. While the additions may not necessarily help you pass the Falconry
Exam, they'll help in more subtle ways by filling in the gaps between the bare facts. By the time I was
done, nearly everything was rewritten.
About the art worli: the exceptional artworli is Johnny Meitz's, who in addition, was my sponsor.
Johnny's ability to get a point across with humor and a few lines of inli is incredible. My son Bradly
Holderman did the portraits of the peregrine, the goshawli, the red-tail on the bow perch, the hunched-over
Harris' hawk, the merlin on the blocls perch, some of the worm's-eye-views (view of a hawlc as they pass
overhead) and several others. The so-so, amateurish melding together of the worm's-eye-views is mine and
Peter Dunne's HAIVICS INFUGHT inspired me. I credit Frank L. Beebe for his inspiration on the artworlc.
Frank does such an excellent job in his boolts it makes it difficult for us amateurs to tly to get the same
anatomically correct point across without it looking like his worli.

I am indebted to:

Debbie Osborn of the Wildlife Protection Division, California Department of Fish and Game, for her
review of the regulations section.
0 Dr. Willialn Ferrier who updated and reviewed the health section.
0 Mike Faircloth and Craig Culver for their reviews, comments, and continuing support.
0 Anna Lewis and Lasly M~llls,both of whom found and helped correct inconsistencies in the text and
Lastly, I am deeply obligated to Lynn Straight for her review, copy editing, proofreading, and
unrelenting support of the original effort. She caught my split infinitives, dangling participles, misplaced
colnlnas and periods, poor l ~ ~ ~ n iand
o r , outright wrong information. She gave me fresh insight to
my understanding of the art of falconly, and in general, polished this manual into a professional
effort. At one point vely late in the original editing of this guide, her words of encouragement kept
me going when I was willing to leave out the sketches and the glossaly just to get the thing done.
Lynn passed away suddenly in the Spring of 2004 leaving a void that will never be filled. We are all
better people for having linomrn her.
Finally, I would not have written this document nor would I be a falconer without the unending
patience, cooperation, understanding, and sense of humor of my sponsor, Johnny Meitz, and my
mentor, Mike Faircloth.

This Spring 2010 edition of the Apprentice Study Guide is dedicated to all of you.

Frederick W. "Rick Holderlnan


Regulations Worksheet



1. A hawk is

a, a generic term describing a non eagle, non

vulture, diurnal bird of prey.
b, a member of the genus Accipites.
c, a diurnal raptor with s11ol-t rounded wings,
long tail and light eyes.
d. all of the above.

Answer d. The word hawk can be confusing for

a beginner. Strictlv speaking a hawk is a member
of the genus Accipiter and includes the goshawlc,
Cooper's hawk and the sharp-shinned hawk of
answer "b" and described in answer "c."The terms
"raptor" and "bird of prey" are interchangeable.
The term "hawk" is often used as in answer "a" to
include, besides the species of genus Accipiter,
the species of the genuses Falco, the longwings
or falcons; Buteo, also called broadwings and
buzzards in Europe; the Pa?zdion or osprey; Ictinia, Elalzoides, Ela~zt~s,
Rost1~13nnzzrsand Cho~zdrohie~ax,
known collectively as kites; and the genus Cil-ctw, the harriers.

2. A "bird of prey" or "raptor" is . . .

a, any bird that preys on other living creatures.

b, a bird with powerful taloned feet for grasping and killing, a hooked beak for tearing flesh and
includes all members of the Orders Falco?zifonnesand St]-igifornzes.
c, a member of the Order Falco7zifolrnes, but not the Order Strigifou~zes.
d , a member of the Order St~*igiforwzes,but not the Order Falco7zifor1ne.s.

Answer b. The Order Falco?zifo?.nzesincludes lcites, vultures, hawlcs, eagles and falcons. The distantly related
Order St?*igifo?.nzes
includes all owls. Both share the common characteristics of talons and beaks and are
considered "birds of prey" or "raptors." Answer "a" is incorsect as the definition is too broad and would
include evelything from the ponderous fish-eating pelican down to insectivorous, insect-eating, warblers.

3. A falcon is ...
a. a female of the species Falcoperegr.inz~s.
b. a generic term to include all hawks with long, pointed wings, long tails, small heads and broad
c. any bird used in falconly.
d. "a" and "b" but not "c"

Answer d. Strictly speaking the term falcon applies only to the female peregrine; the male is called a tiercel
by Europeans and classical falconers. However "falcon" has become a generic term refessing to all of the
lnelnbers of the genus Falco, also called longwings and described in answer "b."Answer "c" is incorrect as
Accipiters and Buteos are also used in the sport of falconry and are never referred to as falcons.
Editor's comment: falconers describe birds of prey with terms such as "long, pointed wings" or "longwings";
these terms detail characteristics relative to other birds of prey. A goshawk's wings are twice the length of
the American kestrel's, but, regardless of the actual length, a kestrel has relatively long, pointed wings and is
lmown as a longwing; while the goshawk with relatively short, rounded wings is Imown as a shortwing.

4. A buzzard is . . .

a, a member of the Genus Buteo and has wide core wings, a heavy body, and a sl~ortor "stubby" tail
and superb soaring capabilities.
b, a carrion-eating raptor with a featherless head and superb soaring capabilities.
c, the European vernacular for the Genus of raptors that includes the red-tailed hawk, the red-shouldered
hawk, the fer~~iginous hawk, the common buzzard, and the broad-winged hawlt.
d. "a" and "c" but not "b"

Answer d. Answer "b" is incorrect. When the English arrived and started naming the creatures around them
they called the vlllhlre family "buzzards." By the time the naturalists arrived to sort out the tl-ue names, the
damage had been done. T~ILIS to most Americans the terms "buzzard" and "vc~lture"mean the same thing
as in answer "b." To the Europeans "buzzard" strictly refers to the Bt~feos.This does not mean that buteos
will not eat carrion, but it is not their normal diet. [21

5. An eagle is . . .

a. a member of the Genus Aqz~ilawith long, broad wings and a medium tail.
b. a large hawli-like bird.
c. any hawli-lilte bird larger than the female gyrfalcon.
d. all of the above

Answer a. Strictly spealting the sixteen members of the genus Aqz~ilaare the "true" eagles. However, there
are more than fifty species of large hawk-like and eagle-lilie raptors with the term "eagle" in their name.
They valy in size from the Wallace's hawk-eagle which is about the average size of a red-tailed hawk
and therefore smaller than a gyrfalcon (Jeer (rhymes with "cheer")-falcon) (making answers "b" and "c"
incorrect) to the monltey-eating martial eagle which averages over thirteen pounds. Currently, there are
sixteen species of Aqz~ilaor tl-ue eagles but that may change as taxononlists continue to move them around
from time to time. Sea eagles feed on fish to some extent; some species are strictly fish-eaters. The bald
eagle is a sea eagle (Haliaeetz~s)of which there are many species of worldwide distribution.

6. What's the difference between falcons and hawlts?

a. "Falcons" include only members of the Family Falco~zidae.

b. "Hawlts" is a generic term like "raptor" that includes all the species in the Order Falco?zifo~~~~zes.
c. Anatomical and behavioral differences.
d. all of the above

Answer d. The term "hawk" is both a generic term that is almost interchangeable with the term "raptor."
Yet at the same time "hawk" specifies those birds of the Genus Accipife~(goshawk, Cooper's hawlt and
sharp-shinned hawk-the "true" hawlis). There are anatonlical and behavioral differences that will be
discussed later in detail, please refer to the summaly chart on page 47. The point is to reiterate that the term
"hawlt" is confusing in the sense that it covers nearly all falconly birds while specifying a certain group of
hawks at the same time.


7. Ttue or false. Hawks have long, pointed wings, long tails, small heads and broad shoulders.

False. This is a trick question and is asked the same way many states pose questions on their test. While
it's tlue that if the term "hawli" in the question is the generic term including all birds of prey as described
in question one, then the longwinged raptors (Genus Falco) are included and the answer is partially ti-ue.
However, if the answer is only partially true then the answer is "false." If "hawk" in this question refers
strictly to the lnembers of the Genus Acc~piPiter,the true hawlis, which have short rounded wings, then the
answer is clearly "false."

8. Tme or false. In Genus Falco, the third and/or fourth primaly from the leading edge of the wing idare
the longest.

False. In Genus Falco, the second primaty from the leading edge of the wing is the longest, thus giving
the impression of "long, pointed" wings. In the buteos, accipiters, and other hawli like birds, it is the third
and/or the fourth feather that is the longest or they are of the same length. See chart on page 11.

9. Initial selection of a nesting area by migratoly raptors, such as the prairie falcon, accompanied later by
aerial display, is generally made by the ...
a. male, who returns first to the nesting area.
b. female, who remains year round.
c. neither hawk-it just happens.
d. none of the above.

Answer a. The male usually returns to the area first and chooses the nesting site. Furthel; the male hunts and
provides most of the food after the young have hatched, while the female provides close-in protection, care
and feeding. Answer "b" is incossect. Generally if one sex of a species migrates, both sexes migrate. 15al

10. Adult raptors are most liliely to desert a nest

a. just prior to egg laying.

b, during late incubation.
c. during hatching.
d. just prior to fledging.

Answer a. Once eggs are laid, most raptors, though not all, are liliely to stick with their clutch despite
disturbances. [I21 Goshawlis and fer~uginoushawks viciously attack intruders to their nest site.

11. True or false. If the first clutch of eggs is destroyed, many hawks and falcons will lay a second clutch.

True. This tendency is used by captive breeders to maximize offspring of breeding pairs. The system is
called "double clutching." Some raptors, if disturbed on eggs in the wild, abandon their nests and close
down the reproductive systems for the season. In the wild, double clutching has been obsetved in bald
eagles, goshawlis, Harris' hawks, red-tails, liestrels, merlins, peregrines, gyrfalcons, and prairie falcons, but
it is an exceptional event and not the norm.

12. True or false. The falconer is most liliely to encounter a brancher in June.

T ~ u eA
. brancher is a young hawk capable of hopping from branch to branch testing its wings but not yet
flying free. A fledgling is a young hawk that has talien its first flight but remains in the vicinity of the nest
and its parent's care.


13. Young hawks, particularly longwings, tend to talte prey considerably larger than is typical for adults of
the same species. This is because ...
a, the youngsters are still growing and need more food than an adult.
b, the young hawks are stronger and out-compete their elders for larger, more nutritious prey.
c, more sltill is required to catch a smaller bird.
d, all of the above.

Answer c. Large birds are less maneuverable than small birds but are more dangerous quasly. As the hawlt
develops flying skill and dexterity, snlaller, less dangerous quasly is talien with increasing frequency. This
also accounts for the common phenomenon of small birds hassling large hawlts with virtual impunity be it
a kestrel driving a red-tailed hawlt from near its nest or three red-tails harassing a golden eagle. [la]

14. Falco~zifownesgenerally come into their adult plumage at the first moult which is at . . .

a. six months of age.

b. about one year of age.
c. about two years of age.
d, none of the above.

Answer b. For most hawks, but not the eagles, adult feathers and "adulthood" come in during the hawlt's
first moult at about one year of age. The American kestrel is an exception which conles into partial adult
plumage at about six months. Eagles, however, go through several moults-each a year apart-before
reaching full adult plumage and sexual maturity at age five.

15. You can tell the difference between male and female raptors by the . .

a. faster speed of the females.

b, faster speed of the males.
c, larger size of the females.
d, larger size of the males.

Answer c. In most raptor species the plumage coloration of the sexes is the same. There is not much
difference in speed, but especially in the bird-eating species, there is a great difference in the size of the
sexes. Unlike most avian species, male raptors are generally one-third smaller than the females. As this is
the reverse of the norin, the characteristic is called "reverse size dimorphism."

16. Hawlts in immature plumage appear to be . . .

a. smaller than when they become adults.

b, larger than when they become adults.
c. the same size as when they become adults.
d, larger or smaller than the adults, depending on how well they were fed as nestlings,
and on how successfi~lthey were as hunters after leaving the nest.

Answer b. Juvenile flight feathers tend to be longer than adult feathers to compensate for less developed
muscles, less ossified bones, and less flight experience. Hawlts are, in essence, full-grown when they leave
the nest.

17. True or false. Hawks hunt by sight and hearing. Their sense of smell is not well developed.

T n ~ eYet
. some of the jungle n ~ l t ~ ~ rsuch
e s , as the king vulture, have a highly developed sense of smell
with which they locate carrion. [I21


GLIDING ACCIPITERS Known as "shortwings" or "true hawlis" with
long tails and short rounded wings. Often flies
SOARING with several rapid, strong beats and a short glide.
Rarely seen soaring. Adapted for high-speed
maneuverability hunting avian prey in the forests.
The goshawk, Coopers' hawli, and sharp-shinned
hawk are legal falconry hawks for master and
general falconers in California.

BUTEOS Known as "broadwings" with wide-core wings,

a heavy body, and short "stubby" tails. Adapted
for energy saving soaring. Often seen soaring
and wheeling high in the sky. Primarily ground-
orientated hunters. Only red-tailed hawlis
and ferruginous hawks are legal in California
for falconry. Apprentices are limited to the
red-tailed hawlis.

FALCONS Known as the "longwings" with long pointed

wings, long tail, small head and broad shoulders.
They fly with strong, shallow,rapid strokes. Power
fliers, they are rarely seen soaring or gliding.
Primarily avian hunters. The gyrfalcon, peregrine
falcon,prairie falcon,merlin, and American liestrel
[formerly known as the American sparrowhawli]
are all legal for falconry, though apprentices are
limited to the kestrel.


HARRIERS The single American species is the marsh hawk or

northern harrier. Slender body, long tail, and long
wings with rounded ends. Flies with a vulture-like
languidness.Hunters of small rodents, they fly low
over open fields using senses of both sight and
hearing. Not legal for falconry in California, nor
very useful for falconry,

The white-tailed kite can be easily mistaken for

the prairie falcon in shape and body size, but not
in coloration or flight style.They are gray in color
and often hover while hunting small ground quarry.
Not legal for falconry in California nor very useful
for falconry.

Note: terms such as "longwing,""shortwings,""broadwing,""long, pointed wings,""short,rounded wings,""wide,core wings,'"'short" or

"long tailsflareall relative to the other birds of prey proportions. Do not begin to thinli that the wings of a lrestrel are longer than those
of a goshawk,even if the liestrel is a "longwing"and the goshawk is a "shortwing."


18. If baby raptors are in the nest and one parent raptor is lost ...
a. the remaining parent of either sex takes over all parenting duties.
b, if only the male sullrives, he abandons the nestlings.
c, if only the female survives, she finds another male to take over 11~1nting.
d, none of the above.

Answer a. Obsellrations indicate the remaining parent will go to extreme efforts to care for the offspring.
Howevet; male raptors will not tear apart kills for the nestlings. If the female is lost before the young learn
to rip food apart on their own, sutvival prognosis is not good and the young can starve surrounded by
whole food. There are reports of the surviving parent of either sex bringing in a menlber of the opposite
sex to help care for the young. Watchers in Portland, Oregon, obselved a single tiercel peregrine hunting
for two nests, complete with separate females and clutches of young. There are additional reports from
England of female owls bringing in a non-parent male when the parent male is lost. These reports make
"c" an occasional correct answer, but a rare exception.

19. In which species of longwing is there sexual dimorphism as to coloration and pattern?

a. peregrine.
b. kestrel.
c. gyrfalcon.
d, none of the above.

Answer b. Sexual din~orphismsare defined as differences in coloration or size between the sexes. In adult
plumage both the American kestrel and the merlin demonstrate obvious coloration differences between the
sexes. Ilnlnature merlins of either sex look vely sinlilar. [I21 The peregrine and the gyrfalcon exhibit little
difference between the sexes except in size, the females being larger.

20. A malar stripe is likely to be found on ...

a. a peregrine.
b. a ptarmigan.
c. a Mollen hood.
d. an ornate hawk eagle.

Answer a. In any plumage, the real mark of the peregrine

is the face bar, known as the mask: or malar stripe. This is
a broad dark mark extending downward from the crown

across the eye. See the sketch at right. Subspecies valy from
a clearly defined malar strip on the tundra peregrine to a
nearly black head of the Peale's peregrine to the completely
black head of the Fijian peregrine.

21. Which of the following does not have long, pointed wings? Toothed Bealc

a, tiercel. Peregrine Falcon

b. jack.
c. jerlcin,
d. nlusket,

Answer d. A musket is a male European sparrowhawk. Accipiters have rounded wings. A tiercel is a male of
the species Fnlcopereg~zi~zzw.
The jack is a male merlin of the genus Falco. The jerkin is the male gyrfalcon,
also of the genus Fnlco. The keys to answering this question lies in your knowledge of falcon~y'sclassical
name for the male of the species of hawks used in our art.


22. Which of the following is the largest hawk?

a, jerltin,
b, jack.
c, falcon.
d. tiercel.

Answer a. There is some overlap in size between the jerldn (a male gyrfalcon, weight range is 35 ounces to
46 ounces or 1000-1300 grams), and the female peregrine, the falcon (26 ounces to 40 ounces or 735-1135
grams). However, the jerkin is larger on the average at 40 ounces (1135 grams) as conlpared to the falcon's ,

29 ounces (820 grams). The jack (a male nierlin, 5.5 ounces or 155 grams) and the tiercel, (a Illale peregrine
at 21 ounces or 581 grams) are both considerably
smaller than either the falcon or the jerldn.
Superciliaty Line
23. T ~ u eor false. A dark hood and a white superciliary
line are the field identification markings ofthe adult \ Dark Hood -1


TI^. The thick white superciliaty line appears as an

extended "eyebrow" above the goshawk's eye. [41 See
sketch to right.

24. One is niost likely to find the cere . .

a. on the head of a raptor.

b. on the feet of a raptor.
c, on the wings of a raptor.
d. around the breast area of a raptor.

Answer a. Tlie cere is the waxy yellow, gray or green

skin at the top of the beak in which the nostrils (or nares) Northern Goshawk
are situated. See sketch right.

25. The tarsus of a raptor is part of the hawk's . . .

a, wing.
b, leg.
c, tail.
d, head.

Answer b. The tarsus is that part of the leg between the foot and the first joint. Jesses, bewits with bells are
attached to this part of the leg. See the sltetch on page 61.

26. A hawlt's train is its . . .

a. head.
b. wing.
c. foot.
d. tail.

Answer d. All twelve feathers of the tail lnalte up the train. The only specifically named tail feathers are the
two central feathers called deck- feathers.


27. Declt feathers are the . . .
a. central pair of tail feathers in the train.
b, feather tuft on top of a longwing's hood.
c. feathers used in imping broken tail or wing feathers.
d, row of feathers which mn down the wing above the primaries and secondaries.

Answer a. The rows of feathers described in "d" are called coverts. [I21 Answer "b" describes the plume
or tab.

28. A good indication of completed growth in eyasses is when the hawk is ...
a. full summed.
b. hard penned.
c. both of the above.
d. none of the above.

Answer b. Hard-penned and full-summed are often used interchangeably but are not the same thing.
Hard-penned refers to the point at which the newborn hawk's feathers are fully grown in for the first time.
Full-summed refers to the end of the moult. In both instances, blood has withdrawn from the newly-grown
large feathers of the wings and tail, the new feathers have hardened, and the base of the feather turns from
blue to white.

29. Your hawk is likely to mantle .

a, when relaxed and contented

b, when standing over prey.
c, both "a" and "b".
d, neither "a" nor "b".

Answer c. Mantle is the stretching of one wing and one leg on the same side. It is an indication of a relaxed
and contented hawk. The term mantle also describes the spreading of wings and tail over food or quariy.
This latter is defensive behavior used to conceal food from a hawk's siblings, other hawks or animals, or
the falconer, as in mantling over, [I21 Other signs of relaxation and contentment are the hawk standing on
one foot with the other drawn up as well as preening.

30. A hawk that is vely conlfortable with its surroundings and has a full crop is likely to

a, gorge.
b, hack.
C , rouse.
d, rangle.

Answer c. Rouse is an action common to all birds in which all the feathers are slowly erected, then the
bird shakes itself, and the feathers slowly settle back into place-a sign of tameness and well-being. Gorge,
answer "a," is permitting a hawk to eat all it can until it refuses to eat more. Hack, answer "b," is the state
of con~pleteliberty, sometimes permitted to imprinted eyasses during the first few weeks after they can
fly, but before they learn to hunt on their own. The young hawks are talten up as soon as they return after
missing a scheduled meal from the falconer (this assumes they successfully hunted on their own), Rangle,
answer "d," is small stones given orally to a hawk. The stones get coated in the stomach with indigestible
grease and fat, and when cast up, will be coated with the fat and grease.


31. A hawlt is liltely to preen . . .

a, following a bath.
b. when it's content.
c. when it is under stress.
d. both "a" and "b".

Answer d. Preening is the act of straightening and dressing the feathers. It is a sign of contentment and
good adjustment in a trained raptor. A hawlt will often preen following a bath, or when it is content and
comfortable. [I21 They rarely, if eves, preen when ill or under stress.

32. True or false. After leaving the care of their parents, raptors gain upwards of twenty-five percent body
mass and ten percent more wingspan.

False. In general, raptors maintain at or at slightly less than the weight as when they leave (or are driven
away from) the nest area. Further, wingspans shorten during the first moult. In the case of the editor's
red-tailed hawk, wingspan dropped from forty-eight to forty-four inches after the first moult and the tail
shortened by nearly two inches.

33. True or false. A large darlt raptor soars overhead. It is mostly

dark but has large white patches under wings. It is most liltely an
immature bald eagle.

False. The "large white patches" inarlt this as an immature golden

eagle. The i~nmaturebald eagle has a great deal of white on the
underbody giving a "mottled" appearance up close. At a distance
the immature bald eagle looks "pale." The mature bald eagle's white head and tail are easily-seen field
marltings. Looking from below at a high-soaring bald eagle, the white head and tail almost disappear. The
mature golden is mostly darlt. The undersides of a vulture's prilnaly and secondaiy feathers are white with
wing-long clearly defined triangular marltings on the trailing edge as seen from below. From a distance
vultures can be identified from the eagles by the strong dihedral or "vee" of the wings in a soar where the
eagles soar on nearly flat wings.

34. True or False. There are seven species of harsiers in North America.

False. There is only one harrier (genus Ci~cinae)in North America. They are widely distributed and much
more diversified in the Old World where there are seven distinct species. On this continent there is only
the American marsh hawk or northern harrier. Like all harriers, marsh hawlts are slim, lightly built with big
wings that make them appear much larger than they really are. Their natural prey is primarily field mice,
though they talte many small birds, especially young waterfowl, as well as wounded or injured birds. They
nest on the ground. [I21

35. Which of the following species locates prey by sound?

a, marsh hawlt.
b, osprey.
c, swallow-tailed ltite.
d. Audubon's caracara

Answer a. The marsh hawlt hunts open grasslands and marshes. They fly low to the ground in a slow owl-
lilte manner and seein to locate mn~~ch
of their prey by sound. They have facial disks, feathers arranged in the
same manner as owls to assist hearing. These are much less prominent or as developed as in owls. Marsh
hawlts have an angular acoustic resolution of 2", which is within the range ltnown for owls and at least four
times as acute as most hawlts. Once prey is located, the marsh hawlt will hover and drop. Goshawlts and
others also seem to locate prey by sound, but to a nluch lesser extent.


36. Which of the following raptors can grip with two toes in front and two behind?

a. gyrfalcon.
b. bald eagle.
c. osprey.
d. fer~uginoushawlt.

Answer c. The osprey's foot is adapted for catching fish. The

toes can swivel from the usual raptor conformation of three
folward-one baclt so they are positioned two folward-two
baclt. The under surfaces of the toes have special scales, called
spicules, that grip slippely surfaces. [I21 Owl feet have a fixed
two folward-two back assangenlent, but lack the ability to
swivel one folward.

37. Longwings are uniquely different from other menlbers of

in that they . . .
the Falco~aifo~~~zes

a, possess extra large feet.

b. have a "notched" beak.
c. feed only on birds.
d. are the most maneuverable

Answer b. All longwings have a toothed or notched beak

(see the slcetch on page 12) which is used to break the neck
of prey. The characteristics described in "a" and "c" are
common among longwings, but not universal. For example,
liestrels are longwings but have proportionally vely small feet,
indicative of a primarily mammalian and insect diet. Peregrines
and merlins have extra large feet, indicative of an avian diet.
However, about fifty percent of the wild prairie falcon's
diet consists of ground mammals. Accipiters are the most
maneuverable because of their short, rounded wings
and long tails.

Editor's comment: strictly speaking a "falcon" is a female peregrine while birds of the entire genus
Falco are referred to with the generic "longwing." Americans falconers have come to use the term
"falcon" instead of the generic "longwing." You will never be wrong calling a female peregrine
a "longwing," but you will technically err in calling anything but a female peregrine a "falcon."
In like manner, many falconers often refer to any male raptor as a "tiercel." Strictly speaking, the
"tiercel" is the male peregrine. The editor's male red-tailed hawk is a "male red-tailed hawk-"
not a "tiercel red-tailed hawk." As with any sport, art, or endeavor with a unique technical jargon,
using the proper vocabulary is crucial to your complete education. You'll learn and use the slang
soon enough.

38. Tme or false. Longwings subdue their prey with the tremendous gripping power of their feet.

False. Longwings often kill using the force from their tremendous speed stsilting their prey. Generally they
ralce their prey with sharp talons and an open foot. 1121 Accipiters and buteos most often ltill with the
gripping and compression power of their feet.


Prairie Falcon

39. The hawks that are the most efficient at killing their prey after catching it are the

a, longwings.
b, buteos.
c, accipiters.
d, eagles.

Answer a. The notches on a longwing's beak (two on the upper and two on the lowel; see the sketch on
page 6) shear or sever the spinal cord of its prey wit11 one well-placed bite. Death is instantaneous, even
on larger birds. It takes longer to dispatch prey with talons alone as other hawks do.

40. The hawk least likely to slice is the . . .

a. peregrine.
b. red-tailed hawk.
c. golden eagle.
d. goshawk.

Answer a. Slicing is the forcible discharge of excrements by accipiters, buteos, and eagles. Most, but not
all, longwings drop their mutes straight down in the action called muting.

41. True or false. Nests are not built by longwings.

True. In general, both longwings and owls use ledges, hollow trees or old nests of other species. They do
not build their own nests.


42. The basic requirements for nest sites of all the large longwings are

a, nearby supply of ptarmigans, lemmings or other rodents.

b. desert areas.
c. isolated woodland.
d, cliffs.

Answer d. The prairie falcon likes medium to high cliffs overloolting stretches of arid or semiarid countly.
Peregrine cliffs are generally in the vicinity of, or overlooking open water, lakes, estuaries, wide rivers, bays,
and the like. Peregrines seem to be unable to stand as much heat or dlyness as the desert longwings. In
the southern arctic, gray gyrfalcons (which share their range with migrant peregrines) prefer cliffs in open
countly far from water. In the high arctic, the gyrfalcon behaves more like the coastal peregrines, breeding
high on sea cliffs and feeding on sea birds. Large longwings rarely nest in trees and then only in nests built
by other birds.

43. Tsue or false, Male hawks do the bulk of the hunting after the young hatch.

Tiue. When the young are quite small, the male does most of the hunting while the female protects the
nest and cares for the young. As the young continue to grow and their denlands exceed the capability of
the male, the female will also hunt for food. This is the only time birds of prey have been obselved to hunt
in excess of their own immediate needs.

44. True or false. Some gyrfalcons nest in trees.

Tlxe. Generally though, gyrfalcons nest on cliff ledges. However, egg-collectors in the nineteenth centuy
took a considerable number of gyrfalcon eggs from eyries along the Anderson River in subarctic Canada,
most of them from nests in spruce trees. Recently, however, nest-dwelling gyrfalcons have been seen in the
lower arctic producing young. [ll

45. Wllich hawk is apt to occupy and defend the largest territoly?

a, gyrfalcon.
b. marsh hawlt.
c. Cooper's hawlt.
d. American kestrel.

Answer a. Generally, the larger the hawk the more territoiy is needed to provide food and shelter for a
nesting pair and their young. Golden eagle territories in Europe have been measured at sixteen square
lniles and those of gyrfalcons in the northern latitudes at fourteen or fifteen square miles. Marsh hawks,
Cooper's hawks and ltestrels generally need less than one square mile. The far-ranging habits of gyrfalcons
require more territoly.

46. True or false. The gyrfalcon seems closely related to the desert salter falcon.

Tnle. Some experts consider the salter and the gyrfalcon as subspecies of a single species. [I1 Sharing the
same hunting style, the salter is generally snlaller and lighter than the gyrfalcon and is adapted to desert
climates, while the gyrfalcon tolerates heat poorly.

47. Tme or false. Tlie attack style of the gyrfalcon is similar to the peregrine.

False. The peregrine overtalses and attaclts directly. The gyrfalcon catches up, climbs and goes to one
side or the other, flies along for a wing beat and then twists abtuptly to cross over the victim with a
slashing diagonal strilte. If it misses, it pops up in the same relative position on the other side. Tlie zigzag of
quick-succession, diagonal and shallow stoops to fast-moving prey is unique to the gyrfalcon. I l l


48. The peregrine could be called the world's nlost successful hawk because it . . .
a. occurs on nearly all continents.
b. lays more eggs per clutch than any other raptor.
c, preys on all other species.
d, has no species that conlpetes with it except man.

Answer a. There are more than twenty named and recognized variants of the peregrine and occur on all
continents except Antarctica and on all major islands except New Zealand and Iceland. The peregrine tends
to be replaced in all arid interior continental environments by one of the distinct species of desert longwings
and is absent as a breeding species from major areas of tropical rainforests.

49. Tl-c~eor false. The plumage, skin and scale areas of adult peregrines differ from those of iminatures.
Tme. In most of the peregrine subspecies the plumage of first year hawks is colored in shades of rich
reddish brown, while the skin and scale areas are bluish. Adults are blue-gray above with lightness on the
lump cross-barred with darker gray. Their upper breasts are often pure white fading into salmon below.
Adult sliin and scale areas are yellow.

50. The incubation period for peregrine eggs is , ..

a. twenty-one days.
b, twenty-four days.
c, thirty-two days.
d, forty-four days.

Answer c. There seems to be a direct relation between bird size and incubation duration. Sharp-shinned
hawks and kestrels incubate for about twenty-nine days. Cooper's need about thirty days. Goshawlcs and
peregrines take about thirty-three days. Gyrfalcons incubate about thirty-five days. [5al

51. The large dark peregrine which dwells on the American nortliwest coast and islands from Oregon to
British Colunibia, southeastern Alaska and the Aleutians is linown as . . .

a. Falcoperegrhzz~sanatt~nz- anatum falcons.

b. Falco pereg!~ifzz~spealei
- Peale's falcon.
c. Falcopelaeg~-i~zz~s
- tundra falcon.
d. Falcopereg!i~zuspet.egri~?z~s- European falcon.

Answer b. The Peale's falcon is the largest of the peregrine subspecies and is a strictly maritime species.
In some areas it is extrernely abundant for a raptorial bird with the highest linown population density for
peregrines anywhere in the world. The tundra peregrine is a smaller hawk, and breeds north of the tree-line
from the Bering Strait to Labrador. The anatuin peregrine ranges over North America south of the tree line.
The anatum is the classical peregrine found in the United States.

52. The distinguishing identification characteristic of this hawk is the

almost black triangular patch underneath the wing where the flank and
auxiliary feathers meet.

a. prairie falcon.
b. lugger.
c. Peale's falcon. Black Triangular Patches
d, lanner. Prairie Falcon
after Beebe
Answer a. The prairie falcon is vely similar in size and shape to the hlndra
peregrine (smaller than anahlm and considerably smaller than Peale's). It
looks sandy, pale and uniformly light in color, whereas the peregrine appears almost black. The prairie is
distinguished by the triangle beneath its wing and very narrow, washed-out, cheek lnarlis as compared to
the broad high-contrast mark of the peregrine. See sketch page 12.
53. T n ~ eor false. Blow flies and whitewash are good indications of an occupied prairie falcon eyrie.

True. The nesting ledge can usually be located from a great distance by the whitewash or chalk marks made
by the excrement of the hawks. Blowflies give a visual indication that the site is currently occupied, as flies
gather on the remains of birds and small mammals fed to the young. The falconer can plainly observe them
with binoculars and they are useful in pinpointing the actual ledge. [I21

54. The nest cliff of the prairie falcon will face ...
a, north to northwest.
b, south to southeast.
c, due east.
d, west by soutl~west.

Answer b. Given a choice, prairie falcons seem to prefer a moderately high cliff facing south or southeast to
catch the early morning sun. However, eyries have been reported facing all directions. The birds look for a
ledge or pothole which will afford protection to the young falcons from the hot midday sun or rainstornls.
Preferred cliffs overlooli vast areas of the prairie where they may see and attack any prey that passes. There
is no actual nest, as the prairie falcon lays her eggs in a scrape in the sand or indentation on the cliff ledge
without benefit of cushioning material.

55. A young prairie falcon will leave its eyrie at approximately . . .

a. five to six weeks.

b. eight to nine weelis.
c. twelve to thirteen weeks.
d, sixteen to nineteen weeks.

Answer a. Young prairies fledge at five to six weeks, the males flying sooner and leaving the nest sooner
than their larger sisters. Prairies depart the nest area almost as soon as they are capable of sustained flight
with minimal post-fledgling dependency. In comparison, liestrels fledge at four weeks, but may not depart
for another two weeks. Further, tundra peregrine family groups remain together until the beginning of the
migration. In Inore temperate climates, the association may last as long as two months after the young birds
learn to fly which is at six to seven weeks. 1121

56. The hunting style of the prairie falcon is best described as . . .

a, more opportunistic than the peregrine.

b, almost exactly like the gyrfalcon.
c, the falconine counterpart of the red-tailed hawk.
d, none of the above.

Answer c. Both the prairie falcon and the red-tailed hawk are highly opportunistic and adaptable in their
choice of quarly and attack styles. Neither are finicky eaters.

57. True or false. Prairie falcons are migratoly throughout their breeding range.

False. Most prairie falcons do not migrate. There is, however, some southward movement of the birds that
breed at the far northern limit of their range. [I1


58. The longwing with the most accipitrine hunting style is the .
a. merlin.
b, prairie falcon.
c, peregrine.
d. gyrfalcon.

Answer a. Most of the time lnerlins hunt active-flying prey in open country in classic longwing fashion.
Other times, they fly at high speeds close to the ground, making lightning single grabs for anything in their
path, and passing on with no decrease in speed if they miss, the so-called "snatch and grab". They are the
only longwing that regularly pursues prey through trees at high speed and makes sneak attacks around and
about tree trunks like the sharp-shinned hawli or the Cooper's hawk. [I21

59, True or false. The attack style of the merlin is similar to the gyrfalcon.

False. The merlin overtakes and attacks directly like the peregrine. [ll

60. The longwing lnost likely to be found nesting in a deserted crow's nest is the . ..
a. peregrine.
b. prairie falcon.
c. gyrfalcon.
d. merlin.

Answer d. The Richardson's merlin habitually nests in trees. They may use any deserted hawli, crow or
inagpie nests, or they may nest in the deserted hole in a tree tl-unk cut by a flicker or pileated woodpecker.
Rarely will they build their own nests. [la]

61. Tixe or false, Merlins have much the same measurements of wingspan and tail length as the kestrel,
have a similar form of plumage sexual dimorphism, but weigh more.

True. While sharing the same measurements, merlins weigh about one-third more than kestrels. All first-
year merlins and adult females are brown. Adult males develop blue-gray dorsal (upper wing and bacli)
plumage during the first moult. [ll The additional mass is all flight muscle.

62. Which of these birds lack highly distinctive "immature" plumage during their first year?

a. goshawk.
b, red-tailed hawk.
c. peregrine.
d. kestrel.

Answer d. I<estrels differ from other hawks in this respect. First-year plumage is closely similar to their
mature plumage. The first moult differs also. Body plumage, but not the large wing and tail feathers, is
moulted and replaced in the late summer of their first year. Thus, the first body plumage is scarcely fully
grown before moulting. This type of moult is characteristic of passerine (song birds) but no other longwing.
There are minor differences in the wing and tail feathers of passage and haggard (adult) kestrels during
the hawk's first winter.


Shown for size comparison only.


63. T ~ u eor false. The American kestrel or American spal.rowhawli is closely related to the European

False. The sparrowhawli (Accipiter ~ ~ S Z LisS )a small accipiter or shortwinged hawk and is very similar to
the sharp-shinned hawk in appearance, though somewhat larger. Tlie American liestrel (Falco spa7-ue?*i~~s),
formerly linown as the American sparrowhawli, is a longwing, not an accipiter. On this side of the Atlantic
the prefix "European" was tacked on to prevent confusion with the American sparrowhawli. However, after
the kestrel's name change, we retained the term out of habit.

64. A small hawli alights nearby, and immediately pumps the tail up and down several times. This "tail
pumping" is a good field identification mark of a . . .

a. sharp-shinned hawli.
b. liestrel.
c, merlin.
d, male Cooper's hawk.

Answer b. In addition head bobbing and hovering are excellent field recognition characteristics of the
kestrel. These traits are particularly useful in identification if the pluniage is difficult to see.

65. A small raptor hovering in place twenty feet over a field by a well-traveled road is most likely a . . .
a, sharp-shinned hawli.
b, liestrel
c. merlin.
d. male Cooper's hawk.

Answer b. The liestrel is not shy, living, l ~ ~ ~ n t inesting

n g , and perching right out in the open for all to see.
The most typical hunting method of the species is a direct attack from an exposed perch-like a red-tailed
hawk-though the liestrel is most noted for hunting from a hover and is a characteristic of the species. Even
when hunting from atop a pole, it may not make a direct flight to the prey. Instead, it may fly out over the
spot where it saw something move, then check and hover before stooping. [llbl

66. This hawk utilizes a summer buteonine hunting style adapted to catching grasshoppers and mice,
wintering individuals often show a niore falconine style capturing small birds. Tliis is the . . .

a. marsh hawli.
b. liestrel.
c. merlin.
d, sharp-shinned hawli.

Answer b. At such times kestrels hunt so much like merlins that it is difficult to tell the difference by action
alone. The only really significant variance is that kestrels seldom use the snatch-and-cany style typical of
the merlin, tending instead to pin a victim to the ground and kill it on the spot. [41


67. The strongest foot for its size is found on the . . .

a. peregrine.
b, merlin.
c. ltestrel.

Answer c. Icestrels feed primarily on mice and have the shortest toes. Due to physical laws of leverage,
these are stronger than the vely long, relatively weaker toes found on merlins and peregrines, which feed
exclusively on birds.

68. A raptor that will often accept a man-made bird house for nesting is the . . .

a, liestrel.
b. harrier.
c. red-tailed hawlt.
d. Cooper's hawlt.

Answer a. The kestrel's breeding range is from coast to coast and from Mexico and Florida north to the
northern edge of the boreal (far-northern or high-altitude coniferous) forests. ICestrels habitually nest in
woodpeclier holes, old barns and church cupolas. They are the only raptor that is habitually attracted to
the vicinity of farnls and suburban homes by man-made bird houses.

69. How can you tell a passage liestrel from a haggard liestrel?

a. The passager's feathers are in better condition.

b. The overall color of the plumage is different: brownish for the passage and bluish for the adult.
c. The passage ltestrel is larger than the haggard.
d. The passages retains immature wing feathers until moulted during their first winter.

Answer d. Keep your Peterson Field Guide handy. [4]The kestrel barely finishes growing its immature
feathers before starting an inconlplete moult retaining its immature wing and tail feathers until the second
summer. [I81 Even then the difference is subtle. Specifically, the passage female liestrel has a narrower
black subterminal band than the haggard and streaked chest markings of the passage in comparison to
the spotted breast coloration of the male. [llbl Answer "a" is incorrect. While the passager's plumage may
be in better condition, it is not a field marking. Answer "b" is also incorrect, as this describes the primary
plumage difference between the adult male and the female. Answer "c" is incorrect as it describes the size
differences between the smaller male and the female.

70. A species which normally breeds successfully at one year of age is the ...
a. liestrel.
b. peregrine.
c. bald eagle.
d. all of the above.

Answer a. The kestrel generally breeds the year after it leaves the nest. Some larger longwings and eagles
don't breed for four or five years.

71. True or false. The incubation period for the eggs of the American ltestrel is thirty-three days.

False. The incubation period for American kestrels is about four weeks. Further, the size of the brood varies
with the season and existing food supply, as it does with other raptors. Normally three or four young are
successfully fledged with each brood. [5al


Shown for size comparison only.


72. The correct descending order in size for accipiters is . . .

a, goshawlc, Cooper's hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, sparrowl~awlc.

b. goshawk, Cooper's hawlc, sparrowhawlc, sharp-shinned hawlc.
c. goshawlc, sparrowl~awk,Cooper's hawlc, sharp-shinned hawk.
d. goshawlc, sparrowhawlc, sharp-shinned hawk, Cooper's hawlc.
Answer b. The Cooper's hawk is about two-thirds the size of the goshawlc. The European sparrowl~awlcis
about two-thirds the size of tile Cooper's. Tlle sharp-shinned is about two-thirds the size of the (European)
spasrowhawlc and about fol-ty percent the size of the Cooper's. The goshawlc and the (European) sparrowhawlc
are well known to classic falconly and mentioned in every work on the subject. The Cooper's and the sharp-
shinned are native to this continent and were unknown in Europe. Accipiters are highly oriented toward
capturing birds and are characterized as having short, rounded wings, a long tail and light eyes.

73. True or false. Accipiters kill their prey by the power of their speed on inlpact.
False. Accipiters kill their prey by a powerful clutching action of their feet called footing, driving their long
talons into the vitals of their prey. [I21

74. You catch a glimpse of a crow-sized hawk that lnalces a furious pass at a pigeon and then rests briefly
in a tree. It gives an impression of a dark back and brown breast. The folded tail is strongly banded black
on charcoal-grey and the tip is clearly round in shape. It is most likely a . . .
a, immature goshawk.
b. Cooper's hawk.
c, red-shouldered hawlc.
d. sharp-shinned hawlc.
Answer b. Cooper's hawlc. Among goshawks only the inlnlature are brownish in color, with the adults
more of a bluish-gray, but rarely does a goshawlc give the impression of "medium sized." Tlle tail of the
gosham~lcis roundish in shape as is that of the Cooper's, where the tails of the sharp-shinned hawlc and
red-shouldered hawk are squared off. Red-shouldered hawlcs have enough variation among individuals to
be listed in the Peterson Field Guides as a "Similar Bird" to the Cooper's hawk and to the red-tailed hawk,
but rarely do they attempt to hunt birds, preferring small ground quarly. [41 See the sketch on page 24. Note
the distinct roundness of the tail of the Cooper's hawlc as compared to the sharp-shinned hawlc.


75. The first hawk to nest in the northern forest is generally the

a, goshawk.
b, merlin.
c. Harris' 11awli.
d. marsh hawlt.

Answer a. Only the large owls precede the goshawlt in nesting activities in the northern forest. On the
northern edge of the boreal forest (far-northern or high-altitude fir, pine and spl-uce forest) mated pairs are
in the nest territoly by the middle of March, beginning their spectacular and noisy courtship display while
the male begins nest building. At this time the forest is snow and icebound with nighttime temperatures
below zero.

76. Which hawli is most liliely to require a plucliing log or stulnp near its nesting site?

a. red-tailed hawk.
b, goshawk.
c. ltestrel.
d, red-shouldered hawk.

Answer b. The plucking log, usually a large, fallen tree, on which the male plucks prey before carlying it
to the nest is characteristic of goshawk nesting sites. This site is always present, but sometilnes nearly a
quarter-mile from the nest. Goshawlis also require permanent water near the nest site such as a lake or
stream with a sloping beach for bathing.

77. The hawk is most liliely to attack intruders near its nest site when young are in the nest is the ...
a. prairie falcon.
b. Harsis' hawk.
c, goshawk.
d, red-tailed hawli.

Answer c. Goshawlis attack intluders as much as half-mile from the nest tree. Only the ferruginous is as
aggressive as the goshawk in protecting its nest from intruders.

78. Tme or false. Under ideal conditions a goshawk can be expected to live to be twenty years old.

True. Although more than seventy percent of wild raptors die before reaching breeding age, most are
potentially long-lived. Peregrines are known to have a life span in excess of twenty-five years, Harris' and
red-tails to nearly forty, and eagles upward of sixty years. These are the extremes and represent the human
equivalent of living past a hundred.

79. The hawk most liliely to use stealth in capturing its prey is the

a. marsh hawli.
b, gyrfalcon.
c, red-tailed hawk.
d, goshawk.

Answer d. Accipiters are primarily forest hawks and have developed complex methods of hunting. The
goshawlt's stealth hunting style is in sharp contrast to the simple direct hunting methods of the gyrfalcon,
which lives where it can readily be seen and therefore makes little effort at stealth. The goshawlt utilizes
forest cover for concealment, and bases most of its hunting on the ability to detect at once, by the actions
of the prey, wl~etherit has itself been seen. [I21


80. You are most likely to find a Cooper's hawk nest

a. in a coniferous forest in mountain valleys.

b, the woods near open meadows.
c. on cliffs abutting open countly.
d, in dead or branchless trees, lilie loblolly pines in open marshlands with low blush.

Answer b. The Cooper's hawk prefers deciduous (trees that drop their leaves in the fall) or mixed woodland
with a diversity of passerines (birds of the branches). The Cooper's hawli, lilie the goshawli, is a woodland
species with specialized requirements for nest sites. In settled areas it is vely shy and secretive, never
making a sound unless the nest tree is actually climbed. They nest repeatedly in the same patch of woods
year after year, though they actually build a new nest each season. They leave little or no evidence of
occupancy and the nests can look utterly deserted. Answer "c" is more typical of the prairie falcon. [5al

81. T ~ u eor false. The Cooper's hawk tends to be a more southerly, lower altitude, warmer weather hawli
than the goshawk.

True. As a species, goshawks tend to nest in more northerly, cooler, or higher-altitude climate zones than the
Cooper's hawls. The Cooper's ranges from coast to coast and from the southern fringe of the northern forests
to the tropics. Of recent, Cooper's hawks are living and hunting in open urban and suburban areas.

82. True or false. The wild Cooper's hawli is more inclined to hunt out across open fields than are most

True. Goshawks, while they often chase prey in the air and take it in flight, are nevertheless
ground-oriented. The species they often hunt, snowshoe hares and various grouse, are species of the forest
floor and of the ground at the forest edges. During the breeding season, goshawlis also hunt small birds.
Cooper's hawks are mn~~cli less ground oriented than gosl~awlisbecause so many of the species they hunt
are passerine birds. These species often forage in pasture land and fields well away from trees. Thus the
Cooper's hawls tends to hunt out across open fields more than the goshawli.

83. Of the following, the most abundant hawk on the North American continent is probably the . . .

a. red-tailed hawlc.
b. peregrine.
c, marsh hawk.
d, sharp-shinned hawk.

Answer d. The sharp-shinned hawk outnumbers all other raptors in the national migration counts at Cape
May, Lake Michigan, in the Rockies and California. Part of the reason for their success is the large broods they
raise, four to five being the norm, almost twice the usual number brought to fledging by larger raptors.


84. The most n~igratolyNorth American accipiter is the . . .
a. sharp-shinned hawlc.
b. Cooper's hawlc.
c. goshawlc.
d. merlin.

Answer a. The sharp-shinned hawk, smallest of the North American accipiters, is the most migratoly. The
merlin is not an accipiter. Both the sharp-shinned hawk and the merlin are predictably migratory as is their
lnajor prey species-small passerine birds.

85. Small birds are the principal dietary item of the . .

a. sharp-shinned hawk.
b. red-tailed hawlc.
c. American sparrowhawk.
d. Harris' hawk.

Answer a. The sharp-shinned hawk is by far the smallest and most active and aerial of the three accipiters
and is an incessant, persistent hunter of slnall birds. It is lnuch the accipitrine counterpart of the merlin,
both in its size, habits and coloration. [I21

86. Proportionally, the largest foot size is found on the ...

a. red-tailed hawk.
b, kestrel.
c. sharp-shinned hawli.
d. golden eagle.

Answer c. The sharp-shinned hawlc has the proportionally largest feet to its body size. As a general mle,
the greater the percentage of birds in their diet, the larger are the raptor's feet, the greater the percentage
of mammals eaten, the relatively sn~allerthe raptor's feet.

87. Buteos are usually described as . . .

a, having long, pointed wings; preying chiefly on birds.
b, distinguished from the longwings, having longer tails and shorter, rounded wings, most obvious in
c, slender bodied, with long wings, and long tails.
d. robust bodies, long, broad wings, and short to medium length tails.

Answer d. Answer "a" describes longwings; "b" is the classic description of accipiters; and "c" describes the
marsh hawlc. (4)

88. True or false. Since the ferruginous hawk is much larger than the red-tailed hawlc, it has
correspondingly larger feet.

False. The ferr~lginouslargely replaces the red-tailed hawk across the flat prairies and hot deserts of the
arid west. Their feet are smaller than a red-tailed hawk with conspicuously short toes. Don't confuse small
with weak. Any ferr-uginous hawlc can punch through the thickest glove at will (the editor's personal
experience). The strength of these smaller feet has been compared to the feet of an eagle. Their chief prey
is ground squirrels and jack rabbits.
Shown for size comlnarison only.

43.. -1
Harris Hawk
89. Which is the largest and heaviest of the North American hawlis?

a. red-tailed hawlc.
b, ferruginous hawk.
c. gyrfalcon.
d. Peale's falcon.

Answer b. The ferlvginous is the largest of hawlis. Of North American raptors, only the bald and golden
eagles and the heaviest female snowy owls weigh more. Ferruginous hawks are classified in three color
phases, of which the light phase is most common, about two thirds of the total population and is sometimes
difficult to distinguish from the light-colored Ksider's hawk, a subspecies of the red-tailed hawli. The dark
phase is virtually indistinguishable from lnelanistic red-tails, (except, of course, by the tail color) and the
Harlan's hawlc, another red-tailed hawk subspecies, but the f e r ~ ~ ~ g i n has
o u s characteristically pale wings.
The body of the red phase is almost entirely red in color, again with pale wings.

90. Which hawlc builds the larger nest?

a, golden eagle.
b, osprey.
c, ferruginous hawk.

Answer c. The nest built by the ferl-uginous hawlc is the largest structure made by any North American bird,
even larger than the osprey's, golden or bald eagles' nest. Some measure as i n ~ ~ cash eight feet across the
top and sixteen feet from the down slope edge to the rim. [I21

91. The ferruginous hawk habitually nests . . .

a, on the ground.
b. on cliffs.
c. in trees.
d. all of the above.

Answer d. In large parts of its range, the ferl-uginous nests almost exclusively on the ground. The nest is
vely large and requires either a broad nest ledge or is placed near the top of a steep slope, lilie a river bank
or ravine. In the northern parts of its range, where it is weakly migratoly, the fernlginous more often nests
in lone trees, often of no great size. These nests are often used by other raptors, including red-tails
and golden eagles.


92. The ferruginous hawk lays ...
a. no more than two eggs.
b. no more than four eggs.
c. up to six eggs.

Answer c. The ferruginous hawk differs from most of the larger birds of prey in that it often produces large
broods. The number of eggs laid is directly related to the abundance of the ground squirrel, its principal
prey. Incubation is thirty-four days, with the young fledgling in forty-five to fifty days.

93. True or false. In the wild, a red-tailed hawli will not hunt game birds or passerines.

False. Red-tails are highly opportunistic feeders. If it moves and is not too big, it is on the menu. Red-
tailed hawks tend to have the same dietaly patterns as their parents who introduce or enter them on prey.
However, in periods when the red-tailed hawk normal food supply of rodents becomes scarce, the
red-tailed hawli becomes a highly competent bird-hunting hawk, greatly
feared by larger waterfowl and upland game birds. Red-tails successfully
attack other birds including crows, ravens, gulls, owls and other birds
of prey. Longwing falconers report frequent intrusions on their hunts
by wild red-tails who will contest the largest gyrfalcon for its quarry
or will attack the longwing directly. Red-tails have been observed
taking carp out of shallow water as well as snapping turtles and
small dogs out of backyards.

94. The sex of a red-tailed hawk can be determined in

most cases by . . .

a, weight.
b, eye color.
c, coloration of plumage.
d, none of the above.

Answer a. The most reliable criterion is weight. The males are

about one third smaller than the females on average, but the size (weight) range within each sex is quite
large: eighteen to forty-four ounces for males (thirty-four average), thirty-six to seventy ounces for females
(forty-four average) represent the extremes. Even within the wide overlapping range, falconers continue to
make good educated guesses as to sex of red-tails.

95. True or false. There is size sexual dimorphism in the red-tailed hawk.

True. The females are larger and heavier, and generally have larger, more powerful thighs and feet, broader
and larger heads, wide wings and a blockier overall build. In fact, this is "reverse-size sexual dimorphism,"
as males are usually the larger in non-raptorial species. Female red-tails seen1 more ready to "crasll" heavy
cover in pursuit of prey but are "thought" to lack the quickness and aerial dexterity of the male. "Thought"
being the operative word as aerial dexterity seenls to be more a function of the effort needed to talie quarly
than sex. The size difference seems to help non-mating season behavior as the male and female tend to
llunt different-sized prey, thereby accolmnodating overlapping but nonconlpetitive hunting territories.


96. Of the following the raptor least inclined to migrate is the . . .
a. tundra peregrine.
b, merlin.
c. red-tailed hawk.
d. sharp-shinned hawli.

Answer c. The tundra peregrine, the sharp-shinned hawk, and merlin are highly and predictably migratoly
following their prey species on their migrations. The red-tailed hawk is much less migratoiy, with some
pairs remaining stationaiy in temperate locales year-round. In western states both the red-tailed hawk and
the feri-uginous hawli appear to disperse, not migrate, forcing their offspring to fend for themselves in the
territoly they look at as home. By late winter, the parents return to reclaim their territory and drive off
competing birds which may include their own unrecognized and forgotten offspring.

97. Tme or false. Red-tails nest&o in trees.

False. In western states, red-tails occasionally choose cliffs as their nest sites and in Arizona they sometimes
nest in the tall saguaro cacti. [I21

98.In California, red-tailed hawks lay their eggs in .

Answer b. Egg production in red-tails (as with most raptors) varies with climate. In California, red-tailed
hawlis lay their eggs in March or early April. Incubation is thirty-four days and is shared by both sexes.

99. Red-tails generally have how many young?

a, two.
b. three.
c. four.

Answer b. Red-tails lay, on the average, three eggs, of which two young are successfully fledged.

100. Tlue or false. The red-tailed hawk eyass generally leaves the nest for the first time at six weeks.

Tl-ue. Red-tails leave the nest at about six weeks, but often stay in the area until the parents drive them off
or abandon them in the fall. During this tiine the parents teach the fledglings how to hunt and ltill.

101. Tl-ue or false. The Harlan's hawk is a subspecies of the red-tailed hawli.

Tlue. Up to fourteen subspecies have been described for the red-tailed hawli, but falconers know that
the red-tailed hawli is so variable that no two individuals look alilie anyway. Two subspecies stand out.
The pale I<rider's hawli, occurs in the west, with adult tail plumage that is almost white. In upper British
Colulnbia and the southern Yukon, a very darli red-tailed hawk strongly resembling a golden eagle in color,
but without a red tail has been given the name of Harlan's hawk.

102. Tnie or false. You can tell a passage red-tailed hawli from a passage red-shouldered hawli by the dark
patagial marks.

True. Darli patagial feathers in the "arm pit" are a clear field marking separating a small immature red-tailed
hawli froin a large immature red-shouldered hawli.


103. The hawk with the most tenacious and concentrated grip after a strike

a. goshawk.
b, fern~ginoushawli.
c, red-tailed lzawli.
d. none of the above.

Answer c. Red-tailed hawks kill prey that cannot be swallowed whole or

quickly ripped apart by the numbing compression of their grip and by
talon penetration, sitting bacli on the spread tail with spread wings and
raised head and crest, patiently awaiting the total cessation of breath and
movement. [ll

104. Wild red-tailed hawlis seem to prefer to 11~1nt. . .

a, from a soar over flat prairies.

b, in deep woods.
c. sitting on light poles by the freeway.
d. none of the above.

Answer c. Red-tails are highly adaptive opportunistic feeders. However, they tend to prefer to perch and wait
atop a high position with good visibility and dive onto prey, letting gravity provide acceleration. Freeway
light poles, dead or live tree branches overlooliing open areas or valleys, and the sides of hills all provide
the red-tailed hawk with a high perch and good visibility. Answer "b" is a more accipitrine hunting style.
Answer "a" applies more to ferivginous hawlis, since red-tails seem more to soar for the sheer enjoyment
or to sulvey their territoiy than as a "high perch" though they have been seen to strike from a soar.

105. Tiae or false. The sole member of the genus P n ~ n b t ~ t eiso the Harris' hawk.

Ti-ue. The Harris' hawli, once known as the "bay-winged hawli" (because of the dark orange or "bay"
-colored patches on their wings) is the only species of this genus. It is very similar to the genus Bt~teo
(thus the tern1 "para"), but has a slimmer appearance due to its proportionally longer tail and legs, lilie the
accipiters. Generally black in color, this raven-sized raptor has a circle of white feathers around the base
of the tail, the tips of the tail feathers are white, and has bay markings on the upper shoulders and thighs.
Depending on the source, the markings can be described as "reddish-orange,""rufous,""chestnut," or "bay."
The immature Harris' hawli is veiy similar to the adult but with heavily streaked and barred underparts
with nluch lighter plumage on chest, legs and undelwings. They are residents in south and central Arizona,
southern New Mexico and Texas, throughout Mexico and Central America, and historically, as far east as
Louisiana. Until the 1960's, they were considered carrion eaters of no interest to falconry.

106. While driving in the Sonora Desert you see a raptor perched on a tall saguaro cactus. A second hawli
of the same species is perched on its back while a third hawli perches on the bacli of the second. The most
likely identification is . . .

a. rough-legged hawli.
b, ferruginous hawli.
c. prairie falcon.
d. Harris' hawk.

Answer d. Only Harris' hawlis are linown to manifest this behavior. The Sonoran Harris' tends to be the
largest subspecies. [I21


107. Castings contain bones and often the entire skulls of the prey in the pellets.

a. Longwing.
b. Accipiter.
c. Buteo.
d. Owl.

Answer d. Owl pellets contain many bones because owls' digestive juices are not as strong as those of hawks.'
Hawk pellets have few if any bones present, wllereas in owls most of the bones remain undigested.

108. Which of the following does not have a crop?

a, red-tailed hawk.
b. bald eagle.
c, osprey.
d, great horned owl,

Answer d. The crop is the vascular sac above the sternum in which the diurnal (daytime) raptors first
receive food before passing it onto the stomach. Owls do not have a crop. [I21 Owls are not closely related
to hawks, eagles and falcons. Owls are nocturnal (nighttime) birds of prey sharing the hooked beak and
grasping talons of the diurnal birds of prey, it is due to convergent evolution rather than closeness of
relation. While hawks are thought to be more closely related to ducks and game birds, owls are considered
to be lnore closely related to night jars and cuckoos. An even better example of convergent evolution is the
New and Old World vultures which are not related. Old World vultures are thought to be related to hawks,
while New World vultures are related to the storl<s.Yet the end result is virtually the same. [21


109. Tme or false. The raptor that can lift heavier loads in proportion to its size than any other raptor is the
great horned owl.

True. Due to its extremely large wings, the horned owl can lift prey weighing more than itself straight up
like a helicopter. This permits the horned owl to hunt over water with remarkable success, lifting ducks
or mn~~skratsand carlying them to shore. [I21 A general l-ule of thumb is that hawks and falcons can lift
three-quarters of their body mass for short distances and can carly one-half their mass for some distance.

110. In March, you find a raptorial baby bird "abandoned" on the forest floor. It is probably a . . .

a, red-tailed hawk.
b, great horned owl.
c, goshawli.
d, golden eagle.

Answer b. The young of great horned owls often jump out of the nest weelis before the wing feathers have
emerged. They wander about on foot on the forest floor, getting as far as half a mile from the nest, yet they
are not deserted. They keep calling in a loud, harsh two syllable scream by which the adults locate and
feed them. The adult owls will vigorously defend them. If you find one, there is a good chance the parent
has already locked you in its sights and is inbound. [I21

111. Of one hundred red-tailed hawks born in a given year, how Inany are alive after five years?

a, twenty-six.
b, fifteen.
c, ten.
d, five.

Answer d. Based on mortality rate statistics [I81 only five of the original hundred would be alive after five
years. Obselved mortality rates (based on information returned from bands) are, by year, 73%, 47%, 36%,
34%, and 31% for the first five years. For the same time span and nunlber of birds born in the wild, nineteen
ospreys, fourteen goshawks, eleven peregrines, nine red-shouldered, seven prairie falcons, three marsh
hawks, two Cooper's, and one kestrel susvive to the age of six. [I41

112. Tsue or false. Of one h~indredbald eagles born recently in a given year, thirty-seven are alive after
five years.

True. Recent efforts at protection paid dividends for this magnificent bird. Just twenty years ago mortality
rate statistics predicted only two of the original hundred would be alive after five years. [I41

113. The average life-span of a wild adult red-tailed bawl<, assuming it maltes it to adulthood is . ..
a. one year.
b. two years.
c, five years.
d, ten years.

Answer b. Based on mortality rate statistics [I81 for the first five years, by year, 73%, 47%, 36%, 34%, and
31% for the first five years, then the average life span is just slightly more than two years as an adult. Pretty
grim, huh? So when you are asked how long they live, begin your answer with: "Well, in the wild, assuming
they malte it to adulthood, about two years; as a falconly bird, typical life spans exceed ten years.


Answers to the questions may be found at the question number given in parentheses.

T F 1. Male hawks are usually larger than female hawks. (#15)

T F 2. The two outer tail feathers are the "deck feathers." (#27)

T F 3. A falcon (female peregrine) has long, pointed wings. (#21)

T F 4. A Harris' hawk has orange markings on its wings. (#105)

T F 5. On a hawk the tail feathers are known as the train. (#26)

T F 6. Accipiters generally have wide core wings and a short tail. (#I)
T F 7. Young hawks that have flown are called "branchers." (#12)

T F 8. Hawlis only use vision to hunt with. (#35)

T F 9. The cere is the waxy skin above the beak. (#24)

T F 10. The strongest foot for its size is the sharp-shinned's. (#67)

T F 11. Large longwings build a new nest in trees evely year. (#41)

12. An eagle passes overhead. It is mostly dark but has large white patches on the underside of the
wings. It is most likely . . .

a, a mature golden eagle.

b. an immature golden eagle.
c. a mature bald eagle.
d. an imlnature bald eagle. (#33)
13. Sharp-shinned hawks can be distinguished from Cooper's hawks by

a. the eyes.
b, plumage color.
c, extreme roundness of the Cooper's tail feathers.
d. shape of the wings. (#74)
14. A hawli develops its adult plumage at about . . .
a. one year of age.
b. two years of age.
c. three years of age.
d. four years of age. (#14)
15. What is North Anlerica's smallest accipiter?

a, sharp-shinned hawk.
b. Cooper's hawli.
c, goshawk.
d. red-shouldered hawk. (#72)
16. Buteos are usually described as
a. having long, pointed wings; chiefly prey on birds.
b. distinguished from the longwings, having longer tails and shorter wings, most obvious in flight.
c. slender bodied, with long wings, and long tails.
d. useless for falconly. (#87)



From time-to-timeyou will hear some action or other called "unethical,"separately from the action
itself being illegal. The general membership of the North American Falconers Association (NAFA)
approved the following passage in 1985. It remains the ethical standard for beginning apprentices
to understand and follow. If you want to be a falconer, these are the rules you go by.
"Underlying these positions is the following definition: "Falconry is the talting of wild
quarries in its natural state and habitat by means of trained raptors,"
Positions regarding Bird Maintenance. NAFA supports falconers in keeping, within
regulatory entitlements, only those birds (both by species and numbers) that they can regularly
fly at quarries. It is incumbent upon each falconer, in addition to meeting minimal standards
required by regulation, to insure that his/her birds are equipped, housed and maintained in the
manner most conducive to their well-being. Each falconer is urged to talte all available measures
to minimize the possibility of loss of his birds and to malie evely effort to recover any bird if lost.
Each falconer, likewise, is expected to spare no effort in curing a sick: raptor. He is expected to
ensure that if a raptor is no longer desired, it is passed on to another qualified falconer able to
fly it at wild quasly or rehlmed to the wild with full capability of sustaining itself.
Positions regarding Conforll~anceto Falconly Laws and Regulations. Each falconer is
under a rnoral as well as legal obligation to obselve the laws and regulations of his/her own
and foreign countries with regard to taking, import and export of raptors, taking of quasly and
access to land.
Positions regarding Conservation of Raptors. The well-being of our native raptor
populations is fundamental to the continued practice of falconly. Each falconer should endeavor
to promote to the utmost the welfare and survival of those populations in their wild state in
accordance with accepted precepts of use-management consewation. NAFA opposes the talting
of haggards, i.e., the wild breeding population, except under exceptional circumstances (such as
birds that would be destroyed due to depredations). NAFA urges that in talting eyass raptors, at
least one young be left in the eyrie/nest unless, again, exceptional circumstances prevail. NAFA
opposes colnmercial traffic in wild-talten North American raptors.
Positions regarding Exotics. Based on extensive scientific scl-utiny and historic evidence,
NAFA supports the use of non-native (exotic) raptors - to include hybrids - in the practice of
falconry in North America. Despite lack of scientific evidence of any threat to native avifauna,
NAFA nonetheless counsels against any deliberate release into the wild of such raptors.
Positions regarding Captive Breeding. NAFA recognizes the importance of captive
breeding as a significant source of birds for both falconry and release to the wild for restoration
of wild populations. NAFA concurs in the commercial sale of captive-bred progeny to
appropriately licensed and qualified recipients as a way to encourage the production of
captive-bred birds so that they will be available for both purposes.
Position regarding Publicity. Falconers are cautioned about the dangers of publicity.
Those considering public representations are urged to consult NAFA's policy on publicity
or NAFA's Publicity Committee. In general, the only two acceptable alternatives are the vely
highest quality presentation or no publicity. With or without publicity, application of discretion,
moderation and common sense by all falconers will go a long way toward maintaining a
favorable image of our sport."



1. Falconers are bound by the ethics of the sport and by tradition to ...
a. never tell the location of an eyrie to anyone other than a fellow falconer.
b. never talk to the press without permission of the California Hawliing Club.
c. always give a trained hawli to an apprentice falconer when they are done with it.
d, always leave at least one young in any eyrie.
Answer d. Hawks can't count and leaving this one young permits the adult hawlis to conlplete the normal
annual breeding cycle successfully, thereby establishing a biological tie to the nest-site ensuring their return the
following year. 1121 Further, California prohibits taliing all the nestlings from a single nest. (CFR 670(4)(F))

2 . Cast ineans . .
a. the act of disgorging a pellet consisting of fur, feathers, and bones.
b. two or more longwings flown together.
c. to hold or wrap a hawk so as to prevent movement.
d. all of the above.
Answer d. All are correct. A casting is the indigestible portion of the last meal of a raptorial bird, usually
bones and feathers that are formed into a compact pellet and regurgitated from the stomach through the
mouth. The word cast is also used to mean two hawlis flown together, of either sex or species. One casts
a hawli to inlmobilize it. This is not as confusing as it first seems. After all, cast off clothes are clothes that
are thrown away. A Broadway play, a television show, and a movie all have a cast of characters. Finally, a
doctor will put your broken leg in a cast.

3. When walking with a falconer carlying an unhooded hawk, a visitor should always walli ...
a. in front of the falconer.
b. behind the falconer.
c, to the right of a right-handed falconer.
d, to the left of a right-handed falconer.
Answer c. The visitor should always walli on the side opposite the hand on which the hawk is perched.
Right-handed falconers carly their hawks on their left fist. Then guests should walli on the right so the hawk
can see them. Hawks are quick to sense a stranger behind them and may become uneasy. After a few trips
both the visitor and the hawk will become accustomed to the situation.

4. When walking with a falconer whose red-tailed hawk is perched in a tree, a visitor should always . .
a. walli anywhere, it doesn't matter.
b, avoiding getting between the falcoller and the hawk.
c, walk behind and to the left of a right-handed falconer.
d, walk in front of the falconer three or four paces.
Answer b. The isit it or should avoid getting between the falconer and the hawk. The falconer may need
to call the hawli to him. As visitors are often non-falconers, the sight of a two-pound bird of prey flying
straight at thein at forty miles an hour is intimidating-to say the least. Answer "d" is useful for warning
snalies away and is vely helpful to the falconer if not to the visitor. A few words describing necessaly field
courtesy will inform the visitor of what to avoid and that the falconer's attention will be on the hawk and
not on socializing with them.

5. True or false. A five-year-old-trained hawli can never be accurately described as an eyass

False. There are two uses of the term "eyass." First, an eyass is a trained raptor of any age or species that
was originally obtained as a nestling. Secondly, the word describes the young of raptors while they are still
in the nest.


6. Which of the following has a long histoly of falconry?

a, red-tailed hawli.
b, fersuginous hawk.
c, sharp-shinned hawli.
d. Cooper's hawli.
e, gosliawli.
f. Harris' hawk.

Answer e. Of the above, only the goshawk was ltnown in classical falconty. The rest are all natives to the
new world. The sharp-shinned hawli (Accipiter Stratus) is a smaller American counterpart of the European
sparrowllawli (A. Nisus). There is no European accipiter comparable to the Cooper's. Tlie red-tailed hawli,
the ferruginous, and Harris' hawlts are relatively new and welcome additions to falconty.

7. Haggards, adult raptors, are not talten for falconry because they .
a. may be too old and might die soon.
b, are too difficult to train.
c, are nature's breeding stocli and should be allowed to fbnction as such.
d. will only take the prey species they have specialized to catch in the wild.

Answer c. Consequently, only eyasses, nestlings, and passagers, irilmah~rehawks, nlay be taken for falconly.
Haggards are the natural breeding stocli. Most raptor species mate for life or are seasonally monogamous,
therefore, capturing a haggard has a direct itnpact on species propagation. Young birds of prey have an over
a seventy percent mortality rate before they reach breeding age. Tlie hawks sutviving to adulthood must
be allowed to remain in the wild to produce young. Answer "a" is incorrect as the life-span of a falconry
hawli is usually t n ~ l clonger
l~ than a wild hawk. Answer "b" is partially correct. Historically, classical falconty
reports haggards are extremely difficult to train and very easy to lose.

8. Ttue or false. Eagles nialie excellent modern falconty birds.

False. Eagles require more extensive conimitlnent of resources of time, facilities, and hunting territoly than
most hobbyist falconers have. While impressive, they are difficult to man and train. Literature abounds
with "horror stories" but few successes. Federal law allows depredating (plundering domestic livestocli)
golden eagles to be taken for falconry. However, California requires special permitting. California has issued
precisely one since the laws went into effect.

9. Tlue or false. Except for being prohibited, ospreys would make excellent modern falconty hawks.

False. The osprey must carry its nornial prey (fish) from the site of the strike to a spot where it may be
consumed. The inability of the falconer to control events before and after the strike prevents the use of the
osprey in falconly. Modern falconly is characterized by worliing in close harlnony with the hawk's natural
inclinations. We humans lack the ability to control the osprey's natural prey as we do with the aerial and
ground prey of the other raptors. Until we grow gills, falconry with ospreys is impractical.

10. T ~ u eor false. The gyrfalcon's instinctive hunting style is to pursue.

Ttue. And this is the bane of the falconer's existence as these raptors love to pursue. Hunting with any
longwing with telemetry is well advised and with a gyrfalcon telen~etlyis even more important. Wild
gyrfalcons are avid tail chasers and catch most of their prey in this way after climbing up from below to
intercept prey flying overliead. When trained, gyrfalcons are notoriously impatient and do not readily
understand the advantage of waiting-on over the falconer when there may be lots of other interesting birds
flying around to chase. This is their primaty disadvantage as falconry birds.
11. True or false. Wild peregrine falcons often take rna~nmalianprey
False. Wild peregrines exist almost exclusively on avian prey and they are able to tackle waterfowl larger
than themselves lilie duclis and egrets near open water. They kill by severing the neck vertebrae with their
notched beak. See the slcetch on page 12.
12. The longwing that excels at waiting-on is the ...
a, prairie falcon.
b, gyrfalcon.
c. peregrine.
d. salier falcon.
Answer c. Peregrines excel over all other longwings in the discipline falconers call waiting-on-where the
hawk circles high in the air above the falconer and holds this position for a period of time in anticipation
of quasly being flushed under it. [ll The natural hunting style of the gyrfalcon, the salier, and the prairie
falcon is oriented toward pursuit of open countly prey. While they can be taught to wait-on, they are not
naturally inclined to do so.
13. True or false. The prairie falcon's moderate size makes it a relatively easy hawli to man.
False. The prairie falcon is quite different from the other longwings as far as manning and taming is concerned.
The other longwings are manned quicltly and with little effort from the falconer. The prairie falcon often
refuses to come around in even the most elementa~ystages of training. For comnparison, wild caught tundra
peregrines will often feed from the fist within minutes of being captured. According to Frank L. Beebe: "Of
all the large falcons, they [the prairie falcon1 are the lnost irascible and the least forgiving in attitude toward
their trainer." Size doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. [la]
14. True or false. The prairie falcon is more delicate than either the peregrine or the merlin.
False. The prairie falcon is tough and able to withstand anything the weather can produce, performing
exceptionally well in cold weather and not bothered by excessive heat which would debilitate a peregrine.
They survive nicely on a diet that would be fatal to the more delicate merlin and harmful to a peregrine.
Loss through sicliness or disease (other than true negligence of a falconer) is negligible.

15. Tnle or false. The merlin can be fairly readily taught to wait-on
False. The merlin generally is difficult to teach to wait-on as it is more inclined to direct pursuit.
16. The fastest peregrine stoops at approxin~ately. . .
a. thirty to forty miles per hour.
b, eighty to ninety miles per hour.
c. one hundred thirty to two hundred eighty miles per hour.
Answer c. The highest recorded stoop speed prior to 1996 was eighty-seven miles per hour. Recently
skydiving falconers have had female peregrines stoop past them in free-fall chasing a lure. As of late 2001,
the true upper speed limit is not known, but to quote one of the sliydivers "as fast as they need to go".
The highest recorded speed is 242 miles per hour. [Ken Franklin- presentation at the CHC Field
Meet December 29, 20011
17. The easiest small falconiy bird to keep tame and keep healthy is the passage . . .
a, sharp-shinned hawli.
b, merlin.
c, kestrel.
d, red-shouldered hawk.
Answer b. Of the raptors listed above, the passage merlin becomes extremely tame and shows none of the
nervousness of the sharp-shinned hawli. While the passage kestrel tames relatively easily, the merlin seems
more robust. Eyass liestrels are extrenlely easy to tame, but the question above deals with passage hawlis.
However, this does not mean that the merlin or kestrel is easy to care for or train. The sinaller the hawli,
the more liliely that a mistake in feeding will be fatal. With small raptors, the falconer MUST pay close
attention to weight control with excellent scales. The red-shouldered hawli is easy to care for, but is not a
small hawli nor is it cussently legal for use in falconry in California, [llbl


18. Passage ltestrels offer the following advantage(s) as first hawlts for apprentices:

a, manning is easier.
b. facilities and equipment are smaller.
c. their training leads to an easier transition to larger longwings.
d. "b" and "c" but not "a".

Answer d. Initially passage ltestrels bate as nluch as a red-tailed hawk but the experience is much less
physically intimidating to the apprentice. As with the red-tailed hawk it takes patience to man the passage
kestrel. Eyass kestrels will tame virtually overnight. Initial facilities may be smaller and more compact,
easier to fit into cramped quarters. The transition to larger longwings is relatively easy when the apprentice
advances to general in comparison to an apprentice that has only hunted with a red-tailed hawk. Kestrels
are less robust than the red-tailed hawk in health and feeding requiren~ents.Additionally, kestrels are prone
to carlying their quany, and their prey is small ground mammals, insects, and small often-protected birds.
A mews that is sized for a ltestrel will be sufficient for a merlin and a sharp-shinned, but may not be big
enough for any of the larger hawlts.

19. T n ~ eor false. Generally, a ltestrel should be fed once a day.

False. After your kestrel is trained and regularly taking quafly, it will be easy to feed them their daily ration
from their fresh kill, i.e., once a day. To do that safely means Itnowing the bird's metabolism to the point
you can predict the bird's requirement prior to the next hunt. ICestrels in training may need several small
meals while weight is being reduced and training commenced. Twice a day or more often, smaller servings
are necessary to control weight loss to bring a fat ltestrel down at two to three grams per day for the first
week and then one gram per day until the hawlt is responding well. ICestrels learn basic falconly techniques
very quickly and are usually flying to a garnished fist within a few days.

20. The falconer is less likely to find lure-training necessaly when flying a . . .

a, peregrine.
b, red-tailed hawk.
c, goshawk.
d. Harris' hawlt.

Answer d. Lure training is a requirement for evely hawk and it should be started before the hawk is off the
creance. Harris' hawks, however, seem to show less interest in chasing lures than the other hawlts and the
falconer is less likely to need a lure when flying a Harris' hawlt.

21. The falconer generally prefers that his longwing strilte

the lure . . .

a. from a s t e e p dive flying with t h e w i n d ,

(Downwind). ',
b. from a steep dive flying into the wind (Upwind). \.
c, on a low raking approach downwind
d, on a low ralting approach upwind.
Answer a. The tendency of any young longwing is to circle '\

so as to approach the lure flying into the wind and from

a rather low ralting approach and relative slow speed.
The trainer wants her to take the lure from a steep diving
approach flying with the wind producing a faster stoop.
It follows that any time your falcon climbs steeply into
the wind after a miss and you can get her to try for the
lure immediately after she turns downwind, she should be
permitted to hit it. See sketch describing answer "a."


22. You lure fly an eyass female prairie falcon and she strikes the lure firmly on her first stoop of the day.
You should . . .

a, continue swinging the lure and ignore the hit,

b, give her the lure and feed her the reward.
c. give her the lure but withhold the reward.
d, none of the above.

Answer b. You must always play fair with your hawli. As the falcon imnproves, she will more and more
often take, or at least hit, the lure on passes when you intended her to miss. Following any solid hit, the
lure should be dropped to the ground and the falcon permitted to strike and bind. [I21

23. A characteristic of the kestrel that can become a vice when it is trained is . . .
a. soaring.
b, warbling.
c. bowsing.
d. carrying.

Answer d. The ability to control carrying, that is, picking up the quarly and flying off with it, is one of the
skills falconers with kestrels must master. Typical anti-carlying techniques such as only allowing the kestrel
to take the lure on the ground or hunting starling which they can't carly work well. Soaring means riding
thermal air currents to high altitudes. Once in a soar a hawk may not be responsive to the falconer. Warbling
is stretching the wings overhead. Bowsing is drinking water.

24. Which of the following traditional falconly equipment is recolnmended for use with a kestrel?

a. bells.
b. hood.
c. Aylmeri jesses.
d. "aJJand "c," but not "b".

Answer c. Aylmeri jesses are a legal requirement. The falconer inust talte care as the equipment is small
and the kestrel's legs are delicate. Few falconers talte the time or trouble to bell or hood a kestrel. These
hawks become so tame that there is often no advantage to a hood and they are extremely difficult to fit.
Bells must be extremely lightweight and small.

25. The one hawli which seems to be most affected by heat, and becomes lnore difficult to fly as the
temperature rises (70F and above) is the. . .

a. red-tailed hawk.
b. goshawk.
c. kestrel.
d. red-shouldered hawk.

Answer b. Goshawlis seem to be more susceptible to heat

than other birds. Their natural range is higher or cooler
territories. [I21 As with dogs, children, spouses, and other small
pets, hawks should not be left in a car unless the falconer takes
care to ensure adequate ventilation and comfort. This is really
a dumb way to lose a hawk.


26. In North America a goshawlt would be a desired species for hunting .

a. rabbits.
b. grouse.
c. pheasant.
d, all of the above.

Answer d. Goshawlts will attack any of these, and waterfowl as well. [I21

27. True or false. Quail are good quarries for the trained goshawlt.

False. They are pursued eagerly but quail are small, hard to foot, and the buzzing close-packed flocks tend
to bewilder a goshawlt. They are also vely difficult to locate in places where a goshawlt has a fair chance
at them. They are not as swift as goshawks but they can pull away at the start. Worst of all, they provide
almost an irresistible temptation to carry. [I21

28. T n ~ eor false. The goshawlt prefers to descend on winged prey.

False. Goshawks always underfly, taking them under and behind their quasly, and completely out of sight,
making the air strike of the goshawlt almost impossible to evade. [ll

29. True or false. The passage female Cooper's riding your fist horizontally, tight-plumaged and beak half
open is in yarak and is ready to be released to hunt.

False. Unless you intend to release her permanently, better not let her go! Accipiters emotionally ready to
hunt ride the fist in a vertical stance, plumage loose and mouth closed. [I] Yarak is more than a state of
hunger. Flying or combat weight alone does not guarantee readiness to hunt in accipiters, they have to be
psychologically ready as well. The open beak, in and of itself, is a sure sign of stress. No hawlt in stress
should be released unless you plan on it being a permanent release. You'd be better off discovering and
eliminating the source of the stress.

30. Cooper's hawk kills are .

a. seldom seen.
b, happen in or behind thick cover.
c, by surprise and dexterity rather than speed.
d, all of the above.

Answer d. "The hawk flies along a line of trees or a hedge and flicks over the top to surprise a bird feeding
in the open. Alternatively, the hawlt approaches low over the ground, behind a bush, or other cover, and
suddenly dashes among a flock of feeding sparrows. Such attacks may have been planned some distance
away. Hawks may also hunt from perches within cover, snatch a bird flying past, or suddenly arsive in a
tree and snatch a feeding bird." [21

31. True or false. The goshawk riding your fist vertically, relaxed, with the beak closed is in yarak and is
ready to be released to hunt.

T n ~ eThis
. is the classic physical description of yarak.

32. True or false. The sharp-shinned hawlt is delicate of health, high strung and hard to man.

True. Sharp-shinned hawks are distressingly nervous and difficult to feed properly and to keep in good
health. They are easily injured and difficult to handle. Good q~~arries
for these small hawks are also limited
because most passerine birds are illegal to hunt. Their best quarries are starlings which they cannot carry.
Much expertise, confidence and patience are required to train and to fly the sharp-shinned hawlt.
33. True or false. Most buteos maltc good falconly hawks.

False. Of the ten species of North American buteos or buzzards, lnost lack the cooperative spirit colnpared
to other predatoly hawks of similar size. Most of the buteo species live on insects and small rodents and
so are of considerable value to agriculhlre, but as much of the art of falconly is worlcing within the hawk's
natural inclinations, they are of little use to falconers. The two largest buteos, the highly spirited fert-uginous
and red-tailed hawlcs, are exceptions.

One Florida falconer reports success with a broad-winged hawlc and with the promise of greater potential.
Currently, the only buteos used in falconry, per California regulations, are the femginous and the red-tailed
hawk. Federal regulations, but not all of the states, allow the use of the red-shouldered hawk for use in
falconly and/or by apprentices, and allow the use of all non-endangered, non threatened birds of prey for
use in falconly. The broad-winged hawk is about the size of the Cooper's hawk and in the right hands may
prove a very willing falconry hawk. Time will tell. [llal

34. If a human intruder approaches an occupied ferl-uginous nest with young the nesting pair are likely to

a. viciously attack the intmder.

b. abandon the nest.
c, sit quietly.
d, kill and eat its young.

Answer a. With their ground nests open to easy violation by mammalian predators like coyotes and wolves,
the ferruginous evolved extren~elyaggressive nest defense behavior. The fersuginous attack dogs, coyotes,
and solnetilnes humans, up to a mile from the nest. Early in the season, however, during egg production
or incubation, human intn~sionusually results in abandonment of the nest and eggs, and frequently cuts
off reprod~lctiveactivity for the season. [I21

35. Which is the strongest and swiftest of the large, open countly buteos of North America?

a, red-tailed hawk.
b, ferluginous hawk.
c. Swainson's hawlc.
d, rough-legged hawk

Answer b. The ferl-uginous hawk is certainly the largest and possibly the most spirited of the buteos. Females
are capable of overtaking and subduing the largest prairie hares and are almost equals of a Inale golden
eagle in strength. Going head-to-head, a trained ferruginous easily outdistanced red-tails chasing ground
quarries during western falconly meets. By the same token they are widely thought to lack the acceleration
needed on close slips. The editor's experience with a passage fenlale was that it seemed as if the hawlc was
sizing up the situation rather than simply slow off the mark. Almost as if the bird was deciding wllether or
not to invest the energy in the flight.

36. When their tree nest is climbed by humans, western red-tailed hawlcs usually

a. attack the intlxlder.

b, disappear and permanently deselt the nest.
c, utter vocal cries from a distance.
d. make menacing aerial displays.

Answer d. Western red-tails are Inore aggressive than eastern red-tails but they rarely make physical contact
with an intlxder at the nest "dive-bombing"trying to intimidate the inti-uder into leaving their nest alone.
Answer "c" is correct for Eastern red-tails.


37. The advantage(s) of the red-tailed hawli for the apprentice's first hawk is (are):

a. The species is more robust than the kestrel.

b. It provides an excellent introduction to more specialized ground-oriented h~lntingraptors.
c. If sized for a red-tailed hawlt, facilities and equipment will fit most other raptors.
d. If flown at the correct weight, the red-tailed hawlt is nearly "loss-proof"while hunting.
e, all of the above.

Answer e. The red-tailed hawk's size and health make it ideal for apprentices to learn the care and
treatment of raptors. Red-tailed hawlis man easily and quickly learn the benefits of hunting with humans. An
apprentice can make mistakes, such as underfeeding, that would kill a kestrel. The hunting style and
training provide an excellent introduction for working with Cooper's hawlis, goshawks, fer~uginoushawlis,
and Harris' hawks. Facilities sized for a red-tailed hawk will be sufficient for any sized falconly bird, with
the possible exception of ferruginous hawks or great-horned owls. All have distinct personalities. Once
apprentices learn to worli with the red-tailed hawli, they can worli with any of the ground-quasly
oriented hawlis.

38. A preferred species to take cottontails and jacks is the .

a. Cooper's hawli.
b. red-tailed hawlt.
c, prairie falcon.
d, any of the above.

Answer b. The red-tail is oriented toward ground quarries, particularly large rodents and rabbits. Both the
Cooper's hawlt and prairie falcon are oriented more toward aerial liills. Even though ground mammals make
up sizable percentages of their prey in the wild, both are too small to take jaclts routinely. Most falconers
with prairie falcons fly them exclusively against avian quasly. Falconers with Cooper's usually specialize in
either ground or avian quasly, but rarely both during a given season.

39. To exercise a red-tail . . .

a, block it out in a place where it will bate continuously taking care to insure the leash has shock
absorption to mitigate leg breakage.
b, stoop it to the lure repeatedly (twenty-five to fifty times).
c, accustom it jumping vertically fifty to two hundred times for randomly rewarded tid-bits.
d. take it to the field and fly it.
e. "c" and "d".

Answer e. Little can compare in effectiveness to a five mile walk-for the falconer-with the hawk following
from tree to tree or tree to fist. A falconer can also carly the hawk and call it off repeatedly or practice
"fly-ups" while standing on a chair or a ladder. However, these alone won't get an intermewed hawli back
into hunting shape. Once your hawli is at flying weight, the easiest method is to fly your bird hard and often.
This also reinforces the bond between falconer and bird. An intermewed hawli needs to be back in flying
condition before actual hunting is attempted. If you take her too soon to a field where there are many slips,
she will start refusing them, as she quiclily learns that she can't catch quarly. A clear sign your bird is not
in condition is when you call them to the fist they land on the ground and mn or walk to you.
So, how can you get a hawli into flying condition before flying her free? Answer "c" is a training
method called "operant conditioning" where the hawk is not rewarded every time it comes to you, othelwise
it would get overfed and never back out in the field. Rather the hawk is encouraged to jump to your fist
held at arms-length overhead for a hidden tid-bit. This technique takes patience to learn, but the moult is
six-months long, so you've got the time. The result, a well-conditioned hawk on your first hunting day,
is well worth it. This proven technique worlts just as well during the latter stages of the moult as you
reestablish your bond with the hawk and get her ready to hunt. You can also maintain her condition


during the hunting season when circunlstances deny you a chance to hunt. [lo] Answer "a" is incorrect
and unacceptable. Continuous bating is a sign of panic and not the raptor analog of a human running on a
treadmill. Answer "b" applies to longwings and not red-tails. Your sponsor will worli with you to get your
intermewed hawk bacli in shape. Note this particular area is evolving quickly as raptor trainers gain fresh
insights into the workings of our bird's minds.

Editor's comment:Apprentices are encouraged to work: with passage red-tails. The following three questions,
plus a series in Section 3.1, detail observed difficulties with imprinted eyass red-tails. Please recognize that
all three questions are about EYASS red-tails. Fortunately, PASSAGE red-tails do not share these problems.
At this point in your falconry career, "imprint", "passage" and "eyass" are just words without the weight of
experience to really understand the difference. For now, memorize and retain. Later, with experience, you will

40. Some EYASS hawlis may become so aggressive when they mature that they should only be talien as
passagers. The species that displays this behavior to the greatest degree is the . . .

a, goshawk.
b. Harris' hawk.
c, red-tailed hawli.
d. prairie falcon.

Answer c. Only in the rarest of circumstances will an apprentice falconer raise an eyass red-tail because
of the hawk's very aggressive tendencies when they get older. There is also a high likelihood that the
apprentice will lnalie serious mistakes raising the hawk, even under the watchful eyes of the sponsor, that
may result in a bad-mannered, screaming hawk. Further, if an imprinted red-tail is lost, it may become a
menace to dogs or humans.

41. Your imprint EYASS red-tail inexplicably attacks a Inember of your hunting party. She binds to their
arm with both feet and hangs. Her talons have drawn blood and there is a danger of serious injuty. The
best way to remove her is to . . .

a, pull the hind talon of each foot backward and slide the foot folward.
b. cover the hawk's feet.
c. throw a garnished lure or a live pigeon on the ground.
d, grab the hawli by its head and squeeze wit11 your gloved hand.

Answer d. Falconly is wonderfully and frustratingly unpredictable. When you release the hawk, literally
anything can happen. In an emergency situation lilte the one described, where there is potentially serious
damage to a human being, a domestic animal, or another raptor, a hawli can sometimes be removed from a
bind or crabbing situation by clutching its head. Hawlis have a natural reaction when their head is grasped
firmly, to release what they are holding to attacli whatever is holding their head. Caution: this method does
not always worli. The next best method is answer "a."In non-emergency situations where there is no danger
of serious injuly, the preferred method for removing a hawk from a bind is to pull the rear talon of each foot
bacli out of the wound and slide the front talons folward. Answer "b," simply covering the hawk's feet with
a cloth sometimes worlis. As the hawk can no longer see what it is clutching, she may loosen her grip.

42. True or false. At the beginning of her second season your imprint EYASS red-tail attacks a new member
of your hunting party. She has never done this before. You should discipline the hawli immediately, so that
she will associate the punisl~mentwith the aberrant behavior.

False. The nonsocial nature of raptors prevents any understanding of the falconer's use of pain, force, or
threat of force in their training. Some hawlis, particularly eyasses, develop aggressive behavior toward human
beings as they grow older. Since the behavior is unpredictable, once it starts the only pl-udent course is to
retire the hawli from falconly or hunt solo. Another consideration is that the hawk's memoly span is not
very long. In this case she may connect the punishment with either releasing the victim or coming bacli to
you, rather than attacliing your former friend. Do not use food to get her to release the victim since this
rewards her for attacliing your friend in the first place and is the same technique used to get her to step
off of quarry.


7 1 And now, back to falconry in general.

43. True or false. An aggravating characteristic of poorly-conditioned red-tails

is the total lack of interest after missing a strike.

Tl-ue. Sonietimes after missing a strike, red-tails will percl~in a tree and ignore
other prey, the lure, and their falconer. If in poor condition it might be some
time before they resume pursuit after a quany. They can be time-consuming
to recover, if out of reach in a tree and their weight is high. If the hawlc is in
flying condition it will shake off the frustration and resume hunting within
seconds. This is an excellent point to teach the hawlt the wrong lesson. If your
patience runs thin and you lure her in or call her with a tid-bit, you teach her
that you will reward (feed) her for missing a strike, or you will teach her that
by being patient you will feed her for coming to the fist. Better for you to be
patient and wait out the sulk.

44. Falconly trained red-tailed hawlts seem to prefer to hunt . . .

a. from a soar over flat prairies.

b. in deep woods.
c. sitting on exposed tree limbs overloolting fields and meadows.
d. from the fist.

Answer c. Although falconers have reported their red-tails taking quany from
all of the above, they tend to prefer sitting on a high perch and being able to
dive onto prey, letting gravity provide acceleration. Dead or live tree branches
overloolting open areas or valleys, and the sides of hills all provide the
red-tail with a high perch and good visibility. This seems to fit within their
natural inclinations. Answers "b" and "d" are more accipitrine hunting styles.
While capable of taking quarries from the fist, red-tails generally laclc the
acceleration to overtake hard-running prey. Answer "a" applies more to trained longwings, since trained
red-tails seem more to soar for the sheer enjoyment than as a "high perch."

45.What hawlt is most likely to jump up and down on a sq~~irrel nest tearing it apart until its occupants
flee down the tree, wait-on in a high wind and pump back upwind to the falconer against 20 mph gusts,
talce an English sparrow in flight, and put in quarry and marlt the spot to wait patiently for the falconer to
flush and fly back to the tmck at the end of the day?

a. Harris' hawlt.
b. goshawk.
c. red-tailed hawli.
d. gyrfalcon.

Answer a. Harris' hawks may be smarter and more versatile than any of the hawlts of classic falconry. It is
certainly the rnost sociable and the most flexible.

46. True or false. The Harris' hawk's only major drawback is inadequate cold weather adaptation.

True. When the temperature drops below twenty degrees Fahrenheit, along with high lzumidity and a strong
breeze, Harris' hawks will head for the car. With a direct wind, they are easily frost bitten and can lose their
toes. Always give them good cover as an escape fron~the wind. Some falconers heat their mews to lteep
the temperature above freezing. [I21


47.True or false. Flying weight is harder to determine with a Pn~~abtiteo
than it is with other raptors.

True. The optimal weight at which Harris' will hunt and talte quarries is more difficult to determine than it is
with other species. Harris' hawlts are easy to train and will follow the falconer, chasing quany, and flying to
the fist at well above "combat"weight. They appear keen and will chase and "pull fur," but eventually lose
the quasly. Lower the hawk's weight by as little as a half ounce (fourteen grams) and instead of pulling fur,
the quarly will be talten with no overt change in the hawlc's style of flight or its enthusiasm in the chase.

48. You discover that despite your desire to be a falconer and worlc with a bird of prey in a one on one
relationship, the cry of captured quasly maltes you violently nauseous. You thought that things would get
better after your apprenticeship and you purchased a captive-bred eyass male Harris' hawk. But reality
proved different.You enjoy evelything BUT the actual capture of quasly and your new bird is feather perfect
and as well trained as possible except for capturing quasly. You . . .

a. tough it out. If you are going to be a falconer you have to hunt.

b. only talte your hawk hunting when it is slightly heavy and unlikely to hunt.
c, release it to the wild.
d, transfer it to a falconer that will hunt with it. Then drop out of active falconry. You can still retain
membership in the clubs and the close associations with other falconers that you have come to

Answer d. Answer "a" is incorrect. You are supposed to have fun as a falconer. This does not include being
on your hands and knees reliving your last meal. Besides one of the sltills you nlust learn is to assist the
hawlt with its catch. Answer "b" is not falconly. It may look like falconly but it is pet-keeping. Answer "c"
is incorrect and in most states illegal. Certainly in California, the Harris' is no longer a native bird. Also,
despite your training, the hawk is both unproven in the field and an eyass laclting the sltills that would have
come from a wild birth and socialization with other Harris' hawlts. Answer "d" is both ethical and legal. You
do not have to drop out of falconly entirely. You can still be an honored friend of the family. In fact, we'd
rather have that than any of the other alternatives.

49. During your first year as an apprentice you were able to get enough time off worlt to hunt during the
hunting season. Then, between hunting seasons, you changed jobs and your new job requires you to worlt
long days and travel extensively. Even though your red-tail nloulted nicely, you just don't have the time to
worlt with her to get her in shape to hunt. By Novenlber, she has become unmanned due to your neglect
and getting her to sit on your fist when you piclc her up is becoming difficult. You . . .

a, tough it out. The days will get longer in the spring and you might have more time,
b. drop her weight and take her out on weekends.
c. release her to the wild.
d, transfer her to another apprentice. And drop out of falconly.

Answer c. Answer "a" is alluring but incorrect. Falconry is llunting, not keeping a pretty bird of prey.
Answer "b" is also alluring but incorrect. Red-tails are not weekend warriors, they need exercise more often
than that. Answer "d" is a possibility. Finding an active apprentice that does not already have a red-tail
and whose sponsor is willing for them to accept a transferred bird (with all your bad habits) is not likely.
Releasing your bird back to the wild is the correct choice. She proved herself as a hunter in her first year.
Her nervousness she shows when you piclc her up in the mews shows that she is losing her trust of humans.
Both are positive signs that she will do well in the wild. Granted your two-year Apprentice calendar stops
but you can pick up again at a later date.

Editor's note: the above questions really deal with the ethics of falconry. They are tough questions and the
answers focus on what is best for the bird and what is legal. Your convenience and ego must take a back. seat.
Even though question 48 seems contrived, it is not. In this particular case the now-friend of the falconry family
made the sacrifice. His bird is doing nicely in the hands of another falconer. Question 49 is a situation that
many falconers face. You may have noticed that the alternative of "get another job" was not offered. While
many falconers make extraordinary changes to their life-style to accommodate falconry, you can't always put
your life and your family's well-being at jeopardy over the sport of falconry.




(accipiters, buteos, eagles) (longwings)

Beak naked cere, no bone in nostril, cere often has bristles, bony
rarely toothed, upper and tubercle in nostril, upper
lower beak smooth and lower beak often
toothed and notched.

Eye color typically varies with age pernlanently dark, typically

Primaly moult from #10 folward from #6, inwards and

(falconry number system) then outwards

Nesting site typically in trees, cliffs or on typically in cavities, or recesses, or

ground, build their own on ledges, rarely on ground or in
trees, never build their own nest

Fratricide colnrnon rare

Defecation forceful ejection over the directly over the edge

side of the nest

Juvenile plumage typically streaked on body rarely streaked body

(peregrine being the exception)
(after Johnsgard)

Falconry - apprentice level red-tailed hawli kestrel

Falconry - General and red-tailed hawk liestrel

Master in California fer111ginous hawk lnerlin
sharp-shinned hawli prairie falcon
Cooper's hawk peregrine"
goshawk gyrfalcon"
Harris' hawk" inter-species hybrid"
inter-species hybrid
golden eagles and other "exclusively from captive breeding,
species are also legal for in California
falconry in California.


T F 1. The prairie falcon is difficult to man. (#13)

T F 2. The red-tailed hawk is difficult to man. (#37)

3. Of the following which best describes an eyass:

a, a young hawli talten from the nest.

b. a young hawli in the brancher stages.
c a first year passage bird.
d. a wild hawli in adult plumage. (#5)

4. The type of hawlt that hunts larger birds are the

a, accipiters.
b. buteos.
c, harriers.
d. longwings. (#11)

5 . The basic hunting style of the red-tail is to . . .

a, soar over open grass lands and attack in a stoop.
b. weave in and out of trees attacking any prey it sees.
c, perch and wait atop a highly conspicuous perch, overlooking a valley on a dead liinb and attack in
a surprise stoop.
d, hover low over open fields and drop on inice and grasshoppers. (#44)

6. Of the following, the hawk most likely to hunt waterfowl near open water is a , . .
a. red-tailed hawlt.
b, peregrine.
c. sharp-shinned hawli.
d, merlin. (#ll)

7. Small birds are the main diet of the . ..

a. sharp-shinned hawk.
b. ltestrel.
c, red-tailed hawli.
d. great horned owl. (#32 and Section 1.1,#85)

8. The type of hawk that kills larger birds by severing the vertebrae is the ...
a, shortwing.
b. broadwing.
c. harrier.
d, longwing. (#11)

9. The raptor would you inost liliely see perched atop a freeway light pole is the . . .

a, shortwing.
b. marsh hawli.
c. ltestrel.
d. red-tailed hawli. (#44 & Section 1.1,#104)


1. The lnarlt of a good falconer is the . .

a. ability to put his hawk over quasly consistently

b. condition of the hawks he keeps.
c, speed at which he trains his hawlts.
d. "aJJand "b".

Answer d. The good health, physical condition and plumage (in short-the condition) of the hawk are
the primary goals of the falconer. The ability of a hawlt to fly effectively and swiftly and to catch and
hold quarries depend on the condition of its plumage and feet. Keeping a newly captured hawlt in
perfect plumage while learning to hunt is a challenge. If your red-tail is a good, consistent hunter of
rabbits and hares, it will, in all liltelihood, break feathers while strilung and while subduing the prey
particularly in heavy underbrush (the editor's personal experience). But you should still aim for the goal of a
feather-perfect hawk at the end of the hunting season.

2. The most important factor in maintaining a healthy raptor of any species is

a. daily flying.
b, balanced diet.
c, regular access to fresh drinlting/bathing water.
d, all of the above.

Answer a. While all are critical, daily flying is an especially important variable. Some hawks may appear
to exercise by wing flapping or bating from the perch. But there is no substitute for hard flying. Some
hawlts appear to lose their health vely q~licltlywhen not flown regularly. Daily flying is also important in
maintaining the bond between falconer and hawk. The red-tail should not be treated as a "weekend
warrior," since a week's worth of inattention and inactivity in the mews results in a hawk that is in poor
physical and mental condition. Even if at proper flying weight, the desire to fly, hunt, and kill, combined
with sudden freedom compounded by previous inattention and poor physical condition causes the hawlt
to be less responsive to the falconer. In many cases, daily hunting seems impractical to the novice falconer,
but with a little positive experience and effort, priorities shift in the new falconer's life-style and a daily hunt
becomes a welcome and routine part of life.

3. Direct sun in hot weather (over 90F) for an extended period . . .

a. does not affect desert raptors.

b. is enjoyed by all raptors.
c. can be fatal to any species.
d, will bother only arctic species.

Answer c. Heat alone can kill goshawks, while peregrines suffer more from low l~t~midity. Direct sun
can be fatal to any raptor in hot weather. Desert longwings are more resistant but cannot take prolonged
exposure when the temperature is over 90. Wild hawlts such as Harris' hawlts and hot-climate longwings
spend much of their time soaring high overhead in the cooling air of the thermals.

4. A diet exclusively of fresh-killed rodents would be . .

a. excellent for red-tails, kestrels, and goshawks.
b. poor for any raptor, since it laclts feathers.
c, a poor one for any raptor, since it is "exclusive."
d. the cause of serious constipation problems.

Answer a. This is a close approximation of their wild diets and contains all the vitamins, nutrients and
roughage they require. A varied diet is probably even better. [I21


5 . T ~ u eor false. A hawk with ice on its feathers should be talien into a warm place until diy.
True. Hawks should not be left in such conditions. Ice on its wings during hunting is one thing, othelwise a
falconer should not expose their hawk to subfreezing conditions if at all possible, and Harris' hawlis never.
A raptor's need for water in winter can be alnlost the same as in sumtner. Sonle hawlis continue to talte a
daily bath in winter. In subfreezing temperatures, the feathers may ice up after bathing. The hawli should
be talien inside and dried. A hair dlyer set on low speed and held at least six inches from the hawli can
be useful.

6. Tme or false. As a general mle, the smaller the species of raptor kept for falconly, the easier it is to
maintain and keep in proper health.

False. Not only are the larger species generally easier to train, the large hawlis are the easiest to keep in
condition and good health. Even between males and females of the same species, the females are hardier
and easier to work with.

7.The morning after a hawli is captured, a nlass is found under her perch. It is rounded on one end, tapered
on the other and is gray, covered with mucous. It appears to be composed of fur, feathers and chips of
bone. It is . . .

a, a normal bowel movement.

b. the so-called "mute."
c. a pellet of prey-remains normally regurgitated daily by a raptor.
d. a pellet of prey-remains passed in the feces daily by a raptor.

Answer c. A pellet or casting is the indigestible portion of the raptor's last meal, forined into a compact
mass in the stomach and regurgitated through the mouth. [I21 The mucous is linown as gleam.

8. When a hawk mutes or slices, which of the following is corsect?

a, The white challiy substances is the feces (digestive waste) and the hawk has eaten solnething white
and chalky lilie bones.
b. The white chalky substance represents urates from the liidneys; the brown portion is feces (digestive
c. Since hawlis do not have liidneys, the waste prod~~cts all come from the vent and are uniformly
mixed together.
d. Both "b" and "c" are correct.

Answer b. The urate portion of the mute is the white material which comes from the liidneys. The fecal
(digestive waste) portion of the mute is the brown or black material. The color of this can change based
on the type of food the hawk has eaten and whether it has a full or empty crop. The urates and feces inix
in the cloaca to a certain degree. When the hawli slices, the result is a mute sainple which contains urates
(white) and feces (brown). If the hawk has diarrhea, the feces portion is lvnny- not solid.

9. A small greenish mute from a hawli that seems othelwise healthy indicates . . .
a. frounce.
b. coccidiosis.
c. an empty crop.
d. roundworln infestation.

Answer c. With food in the crop, the mnutes will be frequent and large. As the digestive tract is emptied,
mutes become fewer and smaller. As fat reselves start to be depleted, the mutes are less frequent, but still
may be fairly large. Tlle further the hawk dips into reserves, the smaller the mnutes, and the more the whitish
portion (the urates) becomes tinged with green. This indicates the hawli's liver bile is not being entirely
used up in digestion. If, however, you know your hawk is well fed and the rnutes are still green then there
may be a nledical problenl. Get that bird to the vet.


10. Falconers, generally, do not feed the crop, throat and internal organs of pigeons and doves to hawks
because they . . .

a. usually are foul-smelling.

b, rnalte a hawk throw-up.
c. may harbor germs harmful to raptors.
d. tnay contain grains and weed-seeds.

Answer c. Tllese parts of pigeons and doves harbor frounce, parasites and other diseases to which raptors
are often susceptible. Recently herpes has been found in pigeons. Even a bite of meat from an infected
pigeon can be fatal to raptors even though the pigeon looks perfectly healthy.

11. Washed meat is used to ...

a. give a hawk a quick energy burst.
b. cure diarrl~ea.
c, provide vitamins and minerals.
d, lower a hawk's condition.

Answer d. "Lower a hawk's condition" means to remove unwanted weight from the hawk. While feeding
washed meat does work, lean-washed meat lack the vitamins and minerals required to keep a hawk healthy.
Some falconers refuse to use this method. Your sponsor will advise you on methods of safely lowering your
hawk's condition. Water-saturated meat can also be used to effectively treat constipation.

12. Hawlts should not be exposed to extended rains because . . .

a. the jesses will become weak and tear.

b, feather coloring will fade.
c, it tnay chill and lower resistance to several diseases.
d. a fungus infection of the feet frequently occurs.

Answer c. A hawk may be left out in a light rain, but it should be tnoved to shelter before its feathers
become soaked. [12] Unless kept treated, jesses will dry and becotne brittle. Then with a little water, they
rot and tear easily.

13. Ttue or false. Beef heart and chiclten necks or backs fron~the grocery provide a safe, balanced, and
healthy diet for red-tails.

False. Beef heart promotes calciutn/phospl~orousitnbalance and chicken necks and backs are both too fatty.
The bones pose a physical danger. A chiclten neck or backbone swallowed whole can lodge between the
crop and the rest of the digestive tract and kill the hawk before the source of the problem can be discovered.
Whole animal diets of four-week-old cockerels, cotumix quail, mice, rats or day-old chicks are the best and
easiest to provide. Your hawk will do best if you rotate these items to vaty the diet. Many falconers add a
commercial vitamin/mineral supplement. If you are raising a longwing or an accipiter, rotating cockerels
and coturnix quail is a good diet. A diet of day-old chiclts-by itself-does not provide a balanced diet.

14. Ttue or false. As a general tule, the dark colored meats appear to be much more satisfying to raptors
than the white meats.

Tlue. In addition, the meat of duclts or of large mammals-beef or horsemeat-is heavier and must be fed
in lesser amounts than the meat of chicken or upland game birds. Beef heart is much like pigeon in both
appearance and food value, but a continuous diet of beef heart causes a calciurn/phospl~orusimbalance and,
therefore, is not recommended. Many falconers refuse to feed their hawk< pigeon because of the dangers
of avian herpes and frounce.


15. Suppose a raptor nlaintains its weight on two ounces of whole beef per day. If fed two ounces of rabbit,
a falconer would expect this raptor to . . .

a, gain weight.
b, maintain the same weight.
c, lose weight.
d. some would gain while others would lose weight.

Answer c. Beef is a relatively rich food, as is pigeon and quail. You will find that much larger quantities of
pale meat (rabbit, young domestic chickens, or even the pheasant) are needed to lnatch the same nutritional
value. As a mle of thumb, an active red-tail needs ten percent of its body weight daily to maintain good
condition in moderate weather. Beef by itself provides inadequate nutrition resulting in loss of muscle and
tone. Additionally, whole beef is full of fat that hawlis can neither digest nor cast.

16. Captive raptors require more food energy per day during . .
a. cold weather.
b. moulting.
c. when being flown hard
d, all of the above.

Answer d. All of these factors and many others are energy-requiring for raptors. [I21 Falconers report difficulty
keeping their hawk's weight up to proper levels hard hunting in cold weather, even while allowing the hawk
to gorge. On the otl~erhand, raptors require mn~lc11less food when inactive or in warm weather. Letting a
red-tail gorge in warm weather is a classic apprentice error. In warm weather some inactive
red-tails need less than ten grams a day. As a coclterel weighs almost thirty grams or an ounce, weight control
requires extended patience. At the end of an inactive period the hawk may weigh the proper weight but will
require extensive manning and flying to get back into proper condition. See question #39 on page 37.

17. A good tiring would be

a. chicken breast.
b, day-old chick.
c, beef heart.
d. pigeon wing.

Answer d. Pigeon wing with vely little Ineat attached makes an ideal tiring. Tiring is any tough part of a
quany consisting n~ostlyof feathers, sinew or fur which is given to a hawli to tear and worli upon rather
than to provide nourishment. Its purpose is to exercise the hawk's back and neck nluscles, lieep the beak
in good trim and lieep the hawli from getting bored. [I21 Tiring is very useful during manning, as the hawk
will focus on eating the tiring while being carried on the fist.

18.Tnle or false. Pet stores are an excellent source of food for your red-tail.

False. The best source of food for any hawk is what it llunts and catches. Barring that and since the pet food
manufacturers don't make a "Hawli Chow," an inexpensive source of food is farmers' or ranch supply feed
stores where pet, poultly, and ranch supplies are sold along with small whole live animals such as chiclis,
rabbits, rats and mice. These will get you through the n~oult.Colnmercial pet stores may be able to supply
you with young rats and mice. This is becoming especially tl-ue as snake, nionitor lizard and other reptile
owners require similar food stoclis. An excellent food source is the frozen quail advertised in the California
Hawking Club newsletter and NAFA HAWK CHALK.

19. Tnle or false. Peregrines and gyrfalcons are less likely to use a bath than prairie falcons or goshawks.

False. Peregrines and gyrfalcons are vely fond of the bath; prairies and goshawks less so. Passage hawks
often appear reluctant to bathe, but after they have been liept a year or so, they usually bathe regularly.


20. Most raptors . . .

a, never drinli water.

b, drink only when sick.
c. drinli regularly in large amounts.
d, drink evety day or two in small amounts.

Answer d. A bath lnust be provided by law, Most hawks will drink from this bath. Consequently, keeping
the bath water clean is vital. Some hawks enjoy a fine spray of water from a garden sprinkler or other
device upon occasion.

21. Hawks should have drinliing water provided for them . ..

a, once a week.
b. twice a week.
c. evely day.
d, only during vely hot weather.

Answer c. Fresh water should be available to hawks evely day. Most species drinli after a meal. If water is
available for drinliing or bathing, they will be happier and healthier. The amount of water they enjoy even
in winter is surprising.

22. Tlue or false. The mews must be thoroughly cleaned evely weekend.

False. The mews should be thoroughly cleaned at least four times each year. Although sanitation is much
more important to humans than it is to hawks, a clean, dly hawk house with dly gravel regularly cleaned
or changed, clean perches, regular exercise and fresh nourishing food are the best measures to prevent
disease. More frequent cleaning is prudent during the moult when the mews fills with food debris and
discarded feathers.

23. If a raptor is to be released to fly about in the mews (also called "free-lofting"),the windows should be
protected with . . .

a. heavy gauge welded wire.

b. insect screen reinforced with poultly netting.
c, horizontal rods
d. vertical round rods.

Answer d. The best cover for the windows of a red-tail's mews is round vertical bars placed one to two
inches apart, without spacers or crossbars. For a kestrel, closer spacing of about an inch is required. Vertical
barring is a legal requirement for an untethered hawk. [50 CFR 21,29(g)(l)(i)I Windows on a mews cannot be
merely screened. The hawli will fly full tilt into an obstruction with such a light, flimsy appearance as they
fly through brush in the wild. The hawk will attempt to land on the cross bars and hang with their wings
flapping and tail jammed down as a prop. You can practically hear the feathers breaking. You may install
insect screening or chain-link fencing on the outside (as long as the hawk can't reach it) to lieep humans,
children, or other animals from sticking their fingers and paws in harm's way.

24. A hawk house or mews should have

a. room for the hawk to stretch its wings, if tethered.

b, a bath with clean fresh water.
c, several perches if free-lofted.
d, good ventilation.
e. all of the above.

Answer e. These are the primaly points the game warden will looli for during your mews' inspection and are
the guidelines the wardens follow. [50 CFR 21.29(g)(l)(i)l Your sponsor will assist (supelvise) you planning
your mews. An excellent practical discussion of the req~lirementfor a mews can be found in ICimsey and
Hodge's "FALCONRY EQUIPMENT." You must take into account the area you have available, prevailing sun
and wind conditions, and winter weather conditions. Tlie editor converted a lean-to, metal walled, utility
shed into a legal mews con~pletewith canvas hangings to lceep feathers from blushing the metal walls.

25. An unattended weathering area should have . ..

a, room for the tethered hawk to stretch its wings.
b, a perch and a bath with clean fresh water.
c. fencing to exclude avian and ground predators.
d. all of the above.

Answer d. Federal regulations allow the inspecting game warden to determine whether you may not need
to provide a weathering area based upon climatic conditions. The federal regulations allow the inspector
to decide if you need a mews, a weathering area or both [50 CFR 21,29(g)(l)(ii)l. Typically, they insist
on a mews at the minimum. Some states require both. If a weathering area is provided it must meet the
above parameters. As in the paragraph, above, an excellent practical discussion of the requirement for a
weathering area can be found in Kimsey and Hodge's "FALCONRY EQUIPMENT." Additional designs are
available for both hawlc houses, permanent and portable, and for weathering area, also permanent and
portable, in back issues of the California Hawking Club's journals and newsletters, and in baclt issues of
NAFA's newsletter, HAWK CHALK.

26. A bent feather should be ..

a, cut off at the bend and a new one imped in.
b, pulled out.
c. immersed in hot water.
d. treated with neat's-foot oil.

Answer c. Bent feathers, or feathers with twisted web should be dipped in hot (not boiling) water. They
will straighten out immediately. Brass feather straighteners are also available, work extremely well and can
be used by a second person while the first holds the hawk on their fist.

27. Fret marlts on the tail of an eyass hawls are often the result of . . .

a. a period of time when the parents failed to provide adequate food for the youngster
before it was taken from the nest.
b. the stress of being talsen from the nest.
c. external parasites.
d. any of the above

Answer d. These marlcs indicate a point in feather development, at which the hawk was under sufficient
stress that normal growth was teniporarily halted. Prolonged hunger can certainly cause these same marlcs
but they are universally the mark of the eyass hawlc if it was talien as a downy. They often appear on an
eyass' tail at the point of feather growth when the hawk was talcen from the nest. These marlts solnetilnes
result from the work of feather mites even when hawlcs have had no stress and ever-present food.

28. Tlue or false. Newly caught accipiters tend to break feathers more frequently than most hawlcs.

Tl-ue. Accipiters are much worse at damaging their plumage than are longwings or broadwings. A newly-
caught passage Cooper's hawk or goshawk will quickly break all the tail feathers unless the tail feathers
are enclosed in a paper or plastic envelope and taped in place until the hawk tames down a bit. [I21 and
[91 Some austringers continue this practice after manning to lceep the tail intact.
29. True or false. Minor primaly feather or tail feather damage during hunting should be repaired before
the next lxlnt.

False. Consult your sponsor before attempting to imp major or minor feather damage from hunting. Irnping
can result in even worse breakage than before imping. The real problem is feather breakage. One good ride
on a jack rabbit that refuses to submit can take a tenacious red-tail through a lot of underbrush, destroying a
train in seconds as described in question #30, below. If you imp and malte the joint stiffer than natural-and


the liawli grabs another uncooperative quarry-you are liliely to end up with a second break, and this time
it niay be too close to the body to repair (the editor's personal experience). When you do imp, cut as little
as possible off the brolien feather shaft. You will need to be able to slide the plug into the hollow part of
the shaft. Cutting to close to the base of the shaft lnalies a second irnping impossible if the hawk breaks
the same feather again.

30. T ~ u eor false. Feather brealiage is entirely due to apprentice error.

False. While the apprentice can malie rnistalies result in mantling, leading to feather breakage, a far more
liliely event is the young hawk learning which end of quarly it must grab to get the quarly to stop. While
it would be nice for a young hawk to strike the jack's head the first time and the jacli to roll over and give
up, few are so accommodating. A first-year liawli often strikes the rear end and the jack talies it for a ride
through the underblush, kicking and trying to peel the liawli off. While this is going on, the hawli is not
neatly tucked in tight like a jockey on a race horse; rather the hawk is flailing outstretched wings and tail
wildly for balance as it tries to get the jack to stop. Wings and tail are the hawk's only brakes. If the hawk
hangs on long enough, or works its way up to the head, the jacli eventually gives up. And the falconer
gets to imp.

31. True or false. The ideal irilping peg is a metal needle.

False. Though metal is the traditional material, it is too stiff for the flexible feather sliaft and rilay break along
invisible faults. Better materials are available such as bamboo or even fiberglass from brolien and discarded
fishing poles. Some falconers trim feathers kept for imping into pegs. Experiment with combinations of plugs
and glue before actually imping the hawk. Pegs should be triangular in cross-section since this permits the
needle to be inserted into the feather without splitting the shaft, yet it will prevent the feather from rotating
before the adhesive sets.

32. The simplest way to deal with tail feather breakage in the passage Cooper's hawli is to use ...
a, a screen perch.
b, rubber bands around the tail.
c, a plastic envelope.
d. none of the above.

Answer b. Rubber bands are cheap and easy to apply. Prevention is better than having to repair. Answer
"c" is a more studied approach using tail protectors of plastic or canvas. [81 and [91


33. The best way for an apprentice to judge a raptor's condition is by daily . ..
a, visual inspection of how the hawk holds its feathers.
b, weighing.
c, feeling the keel.
d. visual check of the brightness of the eyes.

Answer b. All of these are important ways to check a raptor's condition, but weighing the hawlc is the most
objective, reliable, and quantitative method, particularly for the apprentice. Daily weighing in combination
with feeling the keel gives the apprentice an indication of the hawli's relative sharpness.

34. The apprentice falconer should weigh his red-tailed hawli . . .

a. once each day.

b. once eveiy other day.
c, at least once a week.
d, whenever the hawli fails to perform.

Answer a. A hawli's weight and condition are affected by a nunlber of variables, including amount and quality
of food, weather (especially temperature), disease, season, barometric pressure, the amount of exercise, the
type of hawk, its metabolism and ability to assiinilate food. A scale is a legal requirement. Daily weighing
during the hunting season is just about inandatoiy. Don't expect weighing to be easy at first. Weighing a
bating hawli talies patience. Weighing a hooded hawli is simple. Part of your daily routine should be a
weight check. When you first pick him up to go to the weathering area, take him to the scales and weigh
him. After a short while, this will become routine and the hawk will stop bating. Some falconers use grams
and others use ounces. Learn to translate back and forth. It inakes it sound as if you know what you are
talking about, and vely soon you will.

35. The apprentice falconer should weigh his hunting kestrel . . .

a. once each day.

b. twice a day.
c, three times a day.
d, whenever the. hawk fails to perform.

Answer c. The hunting kestrel is a high metabolism creature that you are tiying to keep at a specific weight
where it has sufficient energy levels to hunt but is hungiy enough to respond to the falconer. To do this
requires weighing three tiines a day and perhaps feeding to ensure both health and control. [llbl

36. A gram scale accurate to one-tenth of one gram is vital for a . . .

a, jerkin.
b, golden eagle.
c, red-tailed hawli.
d, liestrel.

Answer d. With an average weight of one hundred grams, hunting kestrels inust be maintained with
great precision in weight control. Typical flight weight windows consist of three to four grams with real
differences obsel-vable in half-gram increments. The federal standard of a scale accurate to one-half ounce
or about fourteen grams are not precise enough to use with a kestrel.

37. Tnle or false. A hawli should be coped when the beali and talons grow too long.

Ti-ue. Coping is cutting back either the beali or the talons.


38. Coping is best accomplished by

a. cutting the beali off flat at the start of the moult.

b, clipping the beak a little at a time and reshaping it before taking off more.
c. two people gently casting a hooded hawk, holding it tilted fotward and following "b" above.
d. none of the above.

Answer c. Don't take a large amount off at one time even if a large amount needs to come off. Moderation
is the key. Tilting the hawlc folward prevents dust from entering the mouth and lungs. [Ill The only suitable
tools are miniature files in various shapes up to a quarter inch in diameter.

39. True or false. While coping the beak or talons of a raptor, a bit too much is cut away and bleeding
results. The hawk is in great pain and may bleed to death.

False. Occasionally the vein inside the talon is hit. Bleeding should stop after a few minutes. A useful hint
is to apply a styptic or caustic pencil (as for shaving cuts) to stop the bleeding. Watch your sponsor before
attempting this on your own,

40. True or false. As they get older, falconty hawks must be flown at lower and lower flying weight or
combat weight as the years go by due to their increasing stubbornness and intractability.

False. In general, the reverse is tt-ue. As falconly hawks mature flying weights generally increase due to
increasing tatneness and tiust in the falconer's ability to serve quarty. In addition, the hawk is subjected to
less nutritional stress as the weight creeps higher making her a healthier hawk.


1. The minitn~~m
legal requiren s maintaining a captive raptor are . . .
~ t for
a, perch, bath, Aylmeri jesses, scales.
b, hood, lure, glove, initial food supply.
c. perch, scales, bath, leash, swivel, and mews.
d. "a" and "c," but not "b".

Answer d. Before you get your license, t n ~ ~ cless h a hawk, you are
required by law to have the following: (1) a bath-pan, (2) Ayltneri jesses
with grommets, (3) a swivel, (4) mews, (5) a leash, (6) an out door perch,
and (7) scales. Not required by law, but certainly essential is a falconly
glove, a method of transporting the hawli (lilie a giant hood), a hood, a
lure, hunting territory where you have access and will not overly disturb
resident wild hamrlcs, and an initial food supply. A fenced weathering area
depends on the Game Warden's decision, based upon climatic conditions,
if you must provide one or both mews and weathering area. Your sponsor
will advise you on this point.

2. Before taking the falconty test, beginners should know about . . .

a, what kind of hawk (kestrel or red-tail) to begin with.

b. how and where to house the hawlc.
c, what and where to hunt.
d. how to transport the hawlc.
e, all of the above.

Answer e. The type of hawli, lcestrel or red-tail, determines the what, and
to a great extent where, they are going to hunt. The type of hawli also
influences the housing but is not the primaty determinant. The mews


for a ltestrel can be smaller than that of a red-tail, but if the novice changes to another species later on, a
mews tailored for a ltestrel may be far too small for a red-tail. Transportation is often overloolied until the
last minute. Hood-shy red-tails and unhooded ltestrels often ride in a "giant hood," a traveling container.
Hooded red-tails can ride an open perch, but then you must deal wit11 mutes sliced around the interior of
the vehicle and on passengers. I(estre1s don't slice but their droppings should be ltept cleaned up.

3. To become a falconer, you must

a. be independently wealthy.
b. have plenty of time on your hands.
c, be a ll~lnter.
d. convince your state and, at least one general or master falconer, you have the book ltnowledge,
equipment and facilities to properly keep, maintain and train a kestrel or red-tailed hawk.

Answer d summarizes the entire process that leads to beconling an apprentice falconer. While several boolts
on the "how-to" of falconly imply that novice falconers can afford evelything and has plenty of time to spend
with a hawk, reality is a different stoly. Most falconers worlt for a living and support families. You do not
have to be a hunter to become a falconer. However, to be a falconel; you have to llunt with your hawlt.
Even if you've never hunted in your life, if you want to be a falconer, you'll learn that your hawlt needs to
hunt (the editor's personal experience). While it is true money can't buy happiness, answer "a" is a plus.

4. Before putting your hawlt out to weather on its perch, you should ...
a, make sure there are no avian predators in the slty.
b, make sure the bath pan is filled.
c. checli to insure the perch won't tip over if the hawk bates.
d, check the equipment's condition.

Answer d. The editor's red-tail once broke his leash and spent a long half hour chasing pigeons around his
suburban neighborl~ooddangling the broken leash before returning to a chick. The falconer should always
inspect the condition of jesses, bracelets, leash, ltnots, swivels, clips, attachment rings, and the perch. The
shock of a bating 11awli is much greater than you'd expect and is extremely hard on equipment. Fatigue
failures of attachment joints, knots and leash buttons lead to the escape of the hawlt. A dangling leash is
almost certain to get caught the first time the hawk lands. As weathering hawks are often well fed hawlis,
getting theln to return is difficult at best. Answers "b" and "c" are good advice, but always inspect the
equipment first.

5. Of the following, probably the most effective method of trapping red-tailed hawlts is the . . .

a. dho gazza.
b, bal-chatri.
c. bow net.
d, harness pigeon.

Answer b. The bal-chatri allows the falconer to approach hunting hawlis wherever they may be perched
alongside a road. Most hawlis do not seem to fear the approach of a vehicle so long as it does not stop.
Your sponsor will take you through the details and the legalities of trapping. Currently, falconry equipment
mail-order catalogs require a copy of your falconry license before selling you a trap.


6. The mist net is also linown as . .

a. bal-chatri.
b. dho-gazza.
c, phai-trap.
d. none of the above.

Answer d. The mist net does not have a nickname and is used only by banders (people who band birds)
and not falconers. The mist net systeln was originally man~~factured froin human hair and used to trap small
birds in Japan and China. It is similar in appearance to the dho-gazza used in the Middle East and India
where the name originated. However, the concept of the dho-gazza, which uses a smaller, heavier net lilie
a gill net to collapse around the hawk, is very different from the mist net which uses fine strands and bulky
pockets to entangle the raptor. In contrast to the mist net, neither a banding perlnit nor a special permit
other than a regular falconly license is required to trap with the dho-gazza, the bal-chatri, the phai-trap, or
the harness pigeon. An excellent conlpilation of traps and trapping techniques can be found in the 1998
CHC Journal.

7. The most effective trap for kestrels outside of the migration is the ...
a. bal-chatri.
b. phai-trap.
c. bow-net.
d, harness pigeon.

Answer a. The bal-chatri is a small wire cage covered with monofilament nooses. There are many proven
shapes including a round one used specifically for kestrels. They are colnmonly baited with mice or snlall
birds. [I21 The primaly advantage of the "BC" or bal-chatri is that it can be made with materials found at
most hardware stores, and for less than $10.

8. When trapping their first hawk, apprentices should . . .

a. be supelvised by their sponsors.

b. have scouted out possible locations prior to the start of trapping season.
c. have a trap, bait, Aylmeri jesses and grolnnlet tools, a large hood, a roll of maslting tape, and a pair
of modified panty hose.
d. all of the above.

Answer d. Overseeing trapping is one of the sponsor's primaly duties to ensure neither the hawk nor the
apprentice is injured. The apprentice should have a good idea of trapping locations and have discussed
and rehearsed the operation beforehand. The requirelnent for trap and bait is obvious. The hood will go on
the hawli, and too large is better than too small. The Aylmeri jesses go on the hawli. If you cannot perch
the hawk or hold it on your fist, you may need to socli the hawk as a
last resort. The panty hose will act as a sock to immobilize the hawlt.
The masking tape is to wrap the feet, and to hold the sock in place.
Caution: the hawli cannot slice while bound up lilte this and will quiclily
overheat. This leads to other problems, so minimize the amount of time
the bird is t111ssed. Finally, avoid placing the hawli on its bacli.

9. Time or false. When making their own hoods, most north American
falconers prefer the Anglo-Indian to the Dutch pattern.

Tl-ue. The Dutch hood is molded over a form (hood block). Completing
a Dutch hood is a slow and difficult process for beginners. When
malting their own the Anglo-Indian hood is more popular with American
falconers because it is lighter and easier to malie and fit especially
around the sensitive lnouth and nares (nostrils). The advantage of the Dutch hood, other than looks, is
its stiff, solid construction which malies it simpler to get on a hawk that is difficult to hood. Due to the
availability of lightly constl-ucted, high-quality Dutch hoods made by talented leather worliers within the
American falconiy coilun~~nity, purchased Dutch hoods have become the hood of choice in this country.

10. H. J. Slijper's "canon" is a ...

a. modified Dutch bow net.
b. geometrical fornlula for hoods.
c, bewit for fastening a tail bell.
d. method of casting an accipiter at quasly.

Answer b. A geometrical formula based on head

nleasurements which can be used to develop a hood
pattern to fit any hawk with a glued, seamless hood.
The sketch, right, is a result of the twenty step process
that starts with measuring the distance across the skull
directly above the eyes of your hawk. Eveiything else
is developed with a straightedge and compass from
that base measurement. Answers "a", "c", and "d"
are incorrect.

11. A giant hood is . .

a. a hood made for an eagle.

b, a really large gangster.
c, a box for carlying the llawli.
d, none of the above.

Answer c. Many red-tails become resentful about being hooded (hood-shy) but are so nlellow in all other
respects that many falconers cariy them in a traveling container or box foregoing hooding. Often the
hood-shy problem is a result of the apprentice's lack of experience wit11 hooding. [91 If the hawk is
hooded immediately after being taken from the trap then a precedent is set that will last the length of your
relationship with the hawk.

12. Tnle or false. The falconer should always change to slitless field jesses before flying his hawk.

T u e . Always use slitless field jesses when flying the hawk loose. Make them long enough for ease of
handling in the field and punch a tiny hole in the end to attach a leash with a small snap. Storing the "other"
jesses is always a challenge as they tend to wad up and get lost in pockets or fall out in the field. The editor
punched and grommeted extra jess-sized holes in the cuff of his falconly glove and stores the "other" pair
of jesses and an extra set of slitted jesses on his glove.

13. Aylmeri bracelets that are too narrow are dangerous because they . ..
a, may catch in briars when tlze hawk is flown.
b. do not enable a quick release when the hawli is cast off.
c, may slip over the block the hawli weathers.
d. may cause leg sores.

Answer d. A hawk's tarsus should be examined regularly for calluses or sores. Another danger of narrow
jesses is their tendency to slip around a toe in a half-hitch knot and stop circulation.


14. Tnle or false. The Aylmeri jess is
safer for the hawlt than the traditional

True. Aylmeri jesses are a legal

requirement [50 CFR 21.29(g)(2)(i)l
and consist of two sets (one set
for each leg) of three pieces: (1) a
anklet (including grommets), (2)
a removable slitless field jess, and
(3) a removable swivel-slitted jess
for the mews and the perch (often
called a "mews jess"). The traditional
one-piece jess has the swivel strap
permanently attached to the leg. If
the hawk twists the jess, the Aylmeri
is less likely to constrict against
the tarsus. If the hawk is lost while
flying, it is less likely to get caught up
by the slitless jess (2) than by either
the traditional jess or the swivel-
slit jess (3). Note in the sketch the
bewit is shown deliberately long to
differentiate it from the rest of the
equipment. Typically the bewit fits

15. Tnle or false. The goshawli needs longer field jesses than does the longwing. /
Tme. The goshawk is a "bird of the fist," that is to say that, typically, gosl~awltsare carried on the fist when
hunting, while the longwing is released the moment it is unliooded.

16. True or false. The common dog-leash snap-swivel is both a reliable and convenient swivel for attaching
the jesses of a hawlt to its leash.

False. This type of swivel is unreliable since jesses work out of the clip easily. The snap swivel is dangerous
since it is so h e a ~ yThe
. best swivels are custom-made figure-eight's or heavy duty, stainless steel, saltwater
fishing swivels of the kind manufactured by SampoB.

17. True or false. The use of a piece of well-maintained bungee cord, shock cord, or strip of inner tube as
part of a leash will help prevent injured or brolten legs.

Tl-ue. The key words are "well maintained." A bating hawk can put a great deal more strain on a leash than
imagined. Repetitious bating leads to fatigue failure of the leash connections to the perch, including the
button at the top of the leash, swivels, and lnost of all, the intermediate connections. A hawlt flying free
with dangling leash and paraphernalia is, in all liltelihood, going to get caught in something and die.

18. Tlxe or false. The best leash material is leather.

False. Leather is the traditional material for leashes. However, recent advances in materials have made nylon
"parachute cord" or "lternmantle" type ropes viable and attractive alternatives since they are less subject
to weathering and deteriorating from exposure to rain, bating, mutes, and food decay products. Some
falconers are experimenting with braided bungee cord leashes. Caution, there have been an unexpected and
unexplained number of brolten legs from bating by male hawlts on a bungee leash. You must keep leashes
in good condition and inspect before use. Learning to tie the "falconer's knot," (a slip knot that can be tied
with one hand while the other holds the hawk) is a key apprentice sltill. See the sltetch on page 67.


19. A good perch for preventing feather dalnage in accipiters and buteos is the . . .

a. ring perch.
b. bloclc.
c. bow perch.
d, screen perch.

Answer c. Perch related feather dalnage is most often a result of the leash smashing into the feathers of a
bating hawlc. Howevel; other forms of feather darnage results from the hawk getting tangled in its leash,
even with swivels. The bow perch seenls to prevent the tangling and hang-ups that plague ring perches.
Rotating ring perches seem to worlc much better than fixed ring perches. Screen perches are not used by
many American falconers. See the sltetch on page 29 for a bow perch.

20. The bloclt is used for longwings; the bow perch for
accipiters and buteos. The rationale is based upon . . .

a. health.
b. comfort.
c, tradition,
d, all of the above.

Answer d. These perches were designed to accommodate

the foot shape, conformation and the natural perches
generally preferred by the l~dwlts.Longwings tend to stand
flat-footed, while accipiters and buteos tend to perch on tree
limbs. Thus, the choice of perch is thought to enhance the
health of the hawlcs' feet. A goshawk and red-tail probably
wouldn't be uncolnfortable on the bloclt and although a
bow perch may not cause disconlfort to a longwing, and
in fact is often recommended for kestrels and merlins, most
falconers remain tme to tradition and keep longwings on a
block perch. Icestrels and merlins perch in trees and on wires
like the buteos and accipiters. A small bow perch may be a
better choice for the higher activity kestrels and merlins as
they eliminate many of the potential hang-ups. A block is
shown at right.

21. The diameter of a longwing block perch across the top

is . . .

a. four inches.
b, eight inches.
c. twelve inches.
d. determined by the size of the leg and the length of
the jesses.

Answer d. For most large longwings, the typical width is about

five to six inches. The block should be circular in cross-section and wide enough to prevent the jesses from
slipping one on each side and so snubbing the hawlc up short with its breast to the ground, its feet pulled
out behind and the tail bashed into the bloclt. This is another reason for using comparatively short jesses
(but not too short, the hawk needs walking rooln).


22. Of the following, which is the best description of an outdoor bow perch for an apprentice's tethered
red-tail? Note: all assume there is a steel ring to tether the hawli's leash.

a, half-inch diameter manila rope covering a quarter-inch steel bow.

b. half-inch tall plastic grass covering a PVC bow.
c. half-high wide electrician's tape over a steel bow.
d. half-high thicli tree limb bent into the shape of a bow.

Answer a. The rope provides both padding and a rough, round surface about one and a quarter inch in
diameter for the hawli to stand on. The steel is strong enough to withstand continued bating. The steel
ring will slide over the rope when the hawk bates. Answer "b" is incorrect. While the surface may be ideal
for the hawli to stand on and the PVC piping is both strong and light, the steel ring will not slide well
over the grass surface. Further, the PVC glue at the joints will not withstand repeated bating. Answer "c" is
incorrect as the end result is both too narrow for the hawk to grip and too smooth. Wide does not equal
thick. Smooth surfaces cause the skin on the bottom of the hawk's feet to soften or polish which can lead
to bumblefoot. Answer "d" is incorrect as the result would be too narrow to grip and the wood would not
withstand repeated bating. While each of the above answers may not be your (or your sponsor's) idea of
an "ideal" perch, it is t l ~ ebest of the choices allowed. Remember that you have to choose from the answers
offered when you are answering questions on the state test.

Editor's comment: there must be a million combinations of possible perch shapes, sizes,
padding and surfacing materials. The most important factors are what surface, the surface shape,
and padding materials the hawk is going to be standing on for a considerable portion of its
life. Picking the right combination is a compromise. The ideal for a red-tail would simulate a
rough-barked tree limb. Hard, smooth surfaces should be avoided as they tend to "polish" the sldn under the
foot. Hard, rough, round, and bowed surfaces (similar to a tree limb) are best but the closer you get to a tree
limb the more lilcely the leash will catch and tangle.

23. A creance is a . . .

a. light, strong line used to colltrol a raptor during early training.

b. disease of the mouth and throat of raptors.
c, wately, foul-smelling mute.
d. soft leather thong used to bind one wing to prevent bating.

Answer a. The disease in "b" is frounce. Answer "c" is diarrhea. The thong in "d" is a brail. The materials
for the creance should be both light and strong. Avoid the temptation to use lnonofilalnent fishing line.
Despite its strength and light weight, Murpl~y'sLaw is a powerf~~l factor in falconly. What can go wrong,
will go wrong. If you are using monofilament line, that one line will break. Use a multi-strand line as several
strands will have to breali before the line loses integrity.

24. T1-w or false. One end of the creance should be anchored and the other end secured to the hawli's

True. Until recently, swivels were the "weali link" in the chain, and earlier texts advise against including the
swivel with the creance. The advent of the ball bearing, stainless steel, salt water models, lilie the SampoB,
changed that.


25. Which of the following objects would function best as an anchor for a new apprentice's red-tail on a

a, a pair of old running shoes

b. a goal post (when flying on a practice field).
c, a tree.
d. the falconer's hand.

Answer d. The trainer should use a strong but light line and attach the free end to something that will
gradually slow the hawk and bring it to the ground. In this example, the falconer wrapping several turns
of the creance line around his hand and holding on to the line would be fine. With experience falconers
learn to anticipate the hawk's behavior and often simply stand on the line. If the hawlt flies off, the falconer
simply piclts up the line and brings the hawli to the ground. However, the apprentice does not have this
experience and should use solnething to provide a positive "soft" stop. If the line is attached to something
solid without a "soft stop" the creance can snap and the hawlt will fly off and die miserably hanging by its

26. T ~ x eor false. A well-padded horseshoe is an acceptable lure for a longwing.

False. Although classic worlts recommended this and similar items, modern falconers take a dim view of
this device. In training it is necessaiy for longwings to strike the lure in the air and a heavy lure is not
only difficult to swing properly but is likely to discourage the hawli. The weight of the lure should not be
more than the weight of a pigeon-about eight ounces. The hawlt may be discouraged from carrying by the
falconer holding the lure line when the hawk does take it.

27. In the field, it is important to have the following falconly equipment:

a, bells.
b, lure.
C. jesses.
d. all of the above.

Answer b. Tlle lure is the one truly indispensable piece of field equipment. An escaped or reticent
hawk can be talten when a lure is available. Obviously, the hawli must be made to or trained to the lure
beforehand, Don't leave home without it.

28. T ~ u eor false. A lure with weight attached is allnost always prefersed to a one-piece lure.

Tiue. The falconer should always hold onto the lure line. Should the hawlt rip the lure and lure line away
fronl the falconer it is true that a swinging weight will always bring a hawlt to the ground faster than a
heavy lure with a weightless handle. A one pound padded weight swinging on a four to ten foot line from a
ten-ounce lure will bring a big female goshawlt to earth in just a few yards. The same hawk can easily
carly an eighteen ounce one-piece lure for an extended distance and reflush with it, time and again, when
approached. The weight must be well padded or it may bounce and hit the hawli in the head as she carries
it to the ground. A naked lead fishing weight is extrelnely dangerous. On weight carlying capabilities, a
rule-of-thumb is that a hawk can, if necessaly, fly forever with half its body weight and a good distance
with three-quarters of it's weight. But if part of that weight is bobbing around, swinging in the breeze, out
of control, the hawk will ground with it.


29. True or false. Tough, stringy meat should not be used to garnish a lure.

False. Tough stringy meat is best for tying to lures as it stays there and is not so quickly eaten. Chicken
heads, if you can find them, are ideal. Day-old chicks are commonly used and can be secured by string.
Chicks, howevel; are not tough and stringy, and deny the hawk the satisfaction of working at his dinner.
Longwing falconers often tie the wings from the quarly onto their lure to provide the falcon with a tiring
to provide a meal that has little nourishment for a maximum of effort.

30. True or false. A good recovely lure for a red-tail closely resembles the hawk's normal prey.

False. Or more like "not-necessarily." As long as the

red-tail, or any hawk for that matter, learns that she is
going to get a full crop when she sees her normal lure,
the lure can be of any shape. Many falconers do go to
great effort to provide detailed realistic lures for their
longwings and accipiters. Red-tails are not as picky. The
editor discovered much by accident and to his chagrin,
that his red-tail recognized his wife's walkman tape player
as his lure, which is about the same size, shape, and color.
She probably won't ever go hunting with us again.

31. Bells are lnost needed . . .

a, when your hawk is on the perch in the yard.

b, to keep track of your hawlc in the trees or sky
without watching her too closely.
c, when the hawk is down with quasly.
d, all of the above.

Answer c. Even belled hawks can be difficult to find when they are on quasly, accipiters even more than
buteos or longwings. A longwing and many red-tails will stay out in the open though they may mantle their
prey. Accipiters and some red-tails drag prey into the nearest thicket hiding themselves under overhanging
grass and blx~sh-including the editor's red-tail. At such times they will allnost permit tl~emselvesto be
stepped on without giving away their position. For this reason many people prefer to use a tail bell on
accipiters as it is more likely to ring. Bells allow you to listen to the hawk in the mews and on a perch
alerting you to potential problems.


32. True or false. Ideally, when a pair of bells is selected, both should produce identical tones.

False. Bells with two different metals and two different frequencies (commonly, a half-tone apart) yield
dissonant tones and can be heard farther away.

33. T ~ u eor false. The life of hawk bells can be lengthened by cooking the bells on a hot plate.

Tt-ue. As the original metal is formed into bells, it becomes work-hardened and brittle and event~iallycrack.
Before this occurs they should be annealed on an electric hot plate in a darkened room and allowed to
heat to a dull red, then cooled. The work-hardness has been retnoved and the bells are now in the same
metallurgical condition as the original metal.

34. True or false. A passage red-tail should be flown with the largest size bells possible.

False. Some falconers, including the editor, use the smallest bells possible. The point behind bells is to be
heard. Remember all that metal has to be son~ewl~ere, and it's banging around on and under your hawli's
feet, toes and tarsus.

35. Ttve or false. When a plastic cable-tie is used as a bewit, it should be fastened around the tarsus.

False. A bewit is a small leather strip used to secure a bell or telernetty transmitter to a hawli's leg. The bewit
is fastened around the tarsus above the jess. Modern falconers sometimes use a plastic cable-tie in place
of the traditional leather bewit. It is less flexible than leather and extren~elystrong; if caught on a branch
or bark, it may break the hawk's leg or trap the bird. Cable-ties may also "tighten-up" and can cut directly
into the sliin and tendons or block blood circulation to the feet. Some falconers attach the bell with the
cable-tie to the Ayltneri bracelet. Unfortunately, bracelet-mounted bells bang around under the hawk's legs
and feet and, in general, get in the way. Using cable-ties as a short cut is not reconunended. This is one
place where modern technology and modern material science is a hindrance.

36. Tme or false. When flying a red-tail, teletnetly is more important than bells,

False. Telemetly is rarely used with these hawks as their hunting style keeps them, generally, close to the
falconer who can track the hawk by the sound of the bells. Bells are a necessity to find the hawli after it
has pulled the quarty into cover. Telemetry is used with longwings almost without exception and nearly
as often with goshawlis. Increasingly, longwings are flown without bells as the hawks tend to stay in the
open with quany, Many falconers attach transmitters to hawks they tmly value, regardless of species or the
feeling that a particular hawk is "loss-proof."The usefulness of telemetly becomes blindingly clear the first
time you can't find your hawk.

37. A "yagi"is ...

a. an Indian hood made of dog sliin.
b. a Pakistani glove without finger sleeves.
c. a hand-held teletnetly antenna.
d. a juvenile saker falcon.

Answer c. The yagi is a sensitive hand-held telemetty receiver and antenna consisting of three or more
elements mounted at right angles to a central boom. Reception range is usually a quarter to seven miles if
both hawk and falconer are on the ground and fifteen miles or more when used from an aircraft or if the
hawli is high up in the air.


38. A telemetry signal is liliely to be strongest when the antenna is held . ..
a. horizontally when the antenna whip is hanging vertically.
b. vertically when the transmitter whip is hanging vertically.
c, vertically when the transmitter whip is hanging horizontally.
d. vertically regardless of the position of the transmitter whip.

Answer b. The signal will be strongest when the whip antenna on the transmitter and the elements of the
receiving antenna are in the same plane-both vertical or both horizontal. This effect is "polarization."

39. A traditional instl-ument used to stop a hawk from bating was the . . ,

a, creance.
b, braces.
c. brail.
d, cadge.

Answer c. Bating is the raptor's attempt to escape from the falconer's fist, or from a perch, being attached
as it is by jesses or tethered with a leash. The brail is a soft leather thong formerly used to bind one wing
of a hawk to prevent bating, but is rarely used by modern falconers. Braces are the leather straps used to
open or close a lzood. A creance is a long, strong cord or line used to secure a hawli during its first training
flight. A cadge is a portable perch used for cariying hawlts in the field. [I21

The Falconer's IOlot 13Al

Step 4

Step 2


T F 1. A Dutch hood is made of leather molded over a block. (Section 2.2 #9)
T F 2. The bow perch is generally used for longwings. (Section 2.2, #19)
T F 3. Lean beef has all the nutritional elements to lceep a red-tail in good health. (Sec 2.1, #11)
T F 4. The smaller the hawk, the more difficult it is to maintain and to feed. (Section 2.1, #6)
5.In order for a full grown red-tailed hawk to maintain its body weight, it must consume . . .
a, five to ten percent of its body weight daily.
b, twenty-five to thirty percent of its body weight daily.
c. fifty to sixty percent of its body weight daily.
d. ninety to one l ~ ~ ~ n dpercent
red of its body weight daily. (Section 2.1, #15)
6. A hawlc requires less food . . .
a, in cold weather.
b, in warm weather.
c. when active.
d. when moulting. (Section 2.1, #16)
7. The ideal perch for a red-tailed hawk is a .
a, bow perch with a quarter-inch wide flat tape wrapped around the perch for padding.
b, ring perch with a quarter-inch diameter inch rope wrapped around the perch for padding.
c. large bare rock.
d. a tree branch with plastic grass padding. (Reference Section 2.2, #21 & #22)
8. The apprentice falconer should weigh his red-tailed hawk
a, once each day.
b, once evely other day.
c, at least once a week.
d. whenever the hawk fails to perform. (Section 2.1, #34)
9. Aylmeri type jesses should be used . . .
a. on all falconly hawks.
b, on eyass birds only.
c. in the event of an emergency only.
d. sllould never be used. (Section 2.2, #14)
10. What is bating?
a. A lure.
b. A restrained flight from the fist or from the ~ e r c h .
c. Used for trappkg.
d. The raptor equivalent of jogging in place. (Section 2.2, #39).
11.A creance is a . . .
a, long leather thong used to restrain one wing.
b. disease of the respiratory system.
c. strong line used to control a hawk during training.
d. none of the above (Section 2.2, #23).
12. The minimn~~m
legal requirelnents for maintaining a captive raptor are
a. perch, bath, Aylmeri jesses, scales.
b, hood, lure, glove, initial food supply.
c. perch, scales, bath, leash, swivel, and mews.
d. "a" and "c," but not "b" (Section 2.2, #I).

1. The best time to find a competent veterinarian who has

experience with birds of prey is . . .

a, when the hawk is clearly sick.

b, after your first hawli dies.
c. before you get your first hawli.
d. before your hawli gets sicli.

Answer c. By the time you notice your hawli is sick, it may

be too far gone. Unfortunately, many falconers lose a hawk
to what may have been a treatable disease, had it only been
diagnosed early. Answer "d" requires a sense of clairvoyance.
Locate a good veterinarian who has experience with birds of
prey prior to getting your first hawk. Your sponsor will be a
good source of advice on local veterinarians. You can also
contact the Association of Avian Veterinarians to find out which of your local veterinarians is certified
avian medicine in your area. Many qualified avian veterinarians do not get formally certified.

2. A good way to judge a raptor's condition and health is . . .

a, maintain daily weight records.

b, examine the rnutes.
c, note alertness of the hawk.
d, all of these.

Answer d. The falconer should be vigilant for any change in his hawli's condition or the color and texture
of the hawlr's mute. The castings should also be examined regularly. The best signs and symptoms of a
sicli hawli are a "puffy" look around the eyes and general listlessness, disgorging of food in the crop and
discolored mutes, and tearing at food, but flicking it away. [I21 Other symptoms include anorexia-a drastic
reduction of food intake, change of voice, and increased respiratory effort. Sick hawlcs may not feak their
beak after eating. While fealring is not universal by all hawks after all meals, this is an excellent "early
warning" behavior change to confirm your "gut" instinct that your hawk isn't acting right.

4. Your hawk becomes suddenly tame and well mannered, even at the times you would expect her to act
wild. She refuses to eat a good crop and is reluctant to exert herself physically. Bating is weak and causes
heavy breathing and general exhaustion. She has an extreme thirst and tends to bend forward as if due to
a painful abdomen. She eats less and less and finally ends up picliing at the food and flicking it away. She
most likely suffers from . . .

a, coccidiosis.
b, frounce (trichomoniasis).
c. aspergillosis.
d. cramp.

Answer c. Aspergillosis is considered the most lethal of the common raptor diseases. The end comes very
quickly in aspergillosis cases-usually within a week, sometimes only two days. The hawk will lose all
interest in food. Weight loss is fantastic, amounting to as much as half of the hawli's normal weight. Weight
loss is often due to dehydration and anorexia. Postmortem will show the lungs, air sacs and internal organs
spotted with a cream substance or moldy gray dust.


5. The best weapon against aspergillosis is . . .

a. AncobanO (generic: flacytosine).

b. amphotericin B (fogging or oral).
c. Clotrimazole.
d, prevention.

Answer d. Both ancoban and amphotericin B have shown some success in treating aspergillosis, Itraconazole
is also used. Prevention of aspergillosis is the only successf~~lmethod of control. The fungus which causes
the disease is not strictly a disease organism. It is ubiquitous-extremely widespread. The spores can be
almost anywhere. The problem can be reduced by using substances in the rnews that do not mold. Pea
gravel, decomposed granite and artificial surfaces such as Astroturf are excellent. Avoid hay, straw, and

6. Aspergillosis is most frequently seen in . . .

a, peregrine, Cooper's and sharp-shinned hawlts.
b, red-tails, goshawlts and gyrfalcons.
c. Harris' hawlts and ltestrels.
d. "b" and "c," but not "a".

Answer b. Hawks from northern or cooler regions seem more susceptible to the disease than those from
southern latitudes or warmer or dlyer climates. "Seem" is the operative word. Aspergillosis has been
reported in all species of birds of prey used in falconry.

7. Hawks which have some symptoms of aspergillosis may also have concurrent . .
a. coccidiosis.
b. frounce.
c. pneumonia.
d. tapeworm.

Answer c. Pneumonia should also be considered in hawlts that have signs of aspergillosis. Treatment is
accomplished with antibiotics, stress reduction, good food and quiet.

8. Tme or false. Chances for recovery from aspergillosis are excellent.

False. About one in four fully recovers. "Any hawk with a diagnosis of aspergillosis carries a guarded [tactful
medical term for "grimm-the editor1 prognosis. Depending on the degree of respiratoly involvement and
whether the infection is classified as acute, subacute, or chronic will influence the recovely period and
the degree of permanent respiratoly damage. A conservative census indicates that twenty-five percent of
the hawlts with aspergillosis fully recover. These hawks may be flown successf~~lly but need to be
monitored closely for relapses." [61

9. Flecks of red appear in your hawk's mutes. A few days later, the mutes turn watery and black, and the
castings are slimy, dark brown and foul smelling. The hawk does not othelwise appear very ill but nlay
appear lethargic. This may indicate . . .

a, coccidiosis.
b. frounce.
c. aspergillosis.
d. pneumonia.

Answer a. Coccidiosis. During the initial phase of the disease, prior to any noticeable change in the mutes,
you may notice the bird to be less energetic while hunting. Longwings may land and not take a pitch. Fecal
changes may vary from diarrhea to bloody diarrhea. The diagnosis can be made by your veterinarian using
a fecal flotation test.


10. Coccidiosis is transmitted . . .

a. by direct contact with an infected hawk.

b. through droppings of a sicli 11awli.
c, through contaminated soil in areas where poultty has been allowed to lun.
d, all of the above.

Answer d. Coccidiosis is a disease of the digestive system is highly infectious and may be fatal course unless
identified and treated pron~ptly.Coccidiosis is caused by microscopic single-celled protozoan linown as
coccidia. It is transmitted through direct contact, mutes, or through soil where turkeys or cl~ickenshave
lived. It forn~soocysts (egg cases) which may remain in the soil still highly infectious for several years.
Captive reared birds may be carriers and not display disease signs until times of stress such as during weight
reduction. Keeping the mutes cleaned up in your bird's environment is a usefi~lprevention tip. [I21

11. True or false. Since coccidiosis is well known in poultty, treatment should be entt~~sted
to the advice
of a veterinarian.

T ~ x eTreatment
. begun during the first stage before the mutes turn black is most effective, but cures can be
effective even when initiated in the second stage of black mutes and foul castings. Evely effort should be
made to keep the raptor fro111 losing weight. [I21 Several medicines can be used to treat Coccidia-see your
veterinarian. [14dl However, prevention by keeping a clean mews is the best approach. [14al

12. Your hawk has a flat, cheesy, yellowish growth in its mouth and throat, especially under the tongue
and on the roof of the mouth. The mutes are greenish to bright green and the hawli has difficulty feeding.
Your bird most likely has . . .

a, tapeworm.
b, frounce.
c, aspergillosis.
d, coccidiosis.

Answer b. Frounce, also linown by its scientific name Pichon~~o~ziusis. Some hawlts inhabiting areas where
pigeons and doves (or other lnelnbers of the family, Coluuzbidue) are common, develop an immunity to
frounce. The disease is most likely to appear in goshawlis and longwings talien north of the range of the
Colz~r?zbiduewhere hawk populations are not exposed to the disease. Goshawlis with frounce come into
a high state of yarali during the early stages and maintain this desire to hunt and kill almost to their last
breath. An early symptom that may pass unnoticed is a curiously messy way of feeding due to a lnalfilnction
of the tongue caused by early growths of the disease. [I21

13. A raptor disease caused by eating infected pigeons is . . .

a. frounce.
b. bumblefoot.
c. cramp.
d. tnyiasis.

Answer a. Frounce. The organism, Dichonzo~ziasisgallime has been isolated from pigeons suffering from
pigeon canker. The disease is endemic (widespread in the population but doesn't make them ill) to the
Col~~nzbidae. The best way to avoid the disease is to remove the head and crop of all pigeons before letting
your hawk feed. Pigeons and doves should be frozen at least 30 days prior to thawing for feeding to your
hawli. Pigeons can also cariy pigeon herpes which is a fatal viral infection in raptors. This vitus seems most
problenlatic for gyrfalcons and gyr-hybrids but has been reported in other raptor species.


14. Untreated, frounce is usually fatal within days from the time the symptoms manifest.

a, one.
b. two.
c, ten.
d, thirty

Answer c. Viiulent frounce usually mns a fatal course in a week to ten days from the time the first symptoms
appear. The mouth becomes overgrown with hard plaques, breathing becomes difficult, feeding impossible.
The hawk dies of strangulation or staivation. The incubation period, the time between actual infection and
the first symptoms, seems to be less than ten days. [I21

15. The most practical weapon against frounce is . . .

a, enheptin.
b, thiamine.
c. FlagylB.
d, prevention.

Answer d. Many falconers do not feed their hawks any portion of a pigeon or remove the head and crop
(See question 13 above). Flagyl (Metronidazole) and Spartrix (Carnidizole) have proven safe and effective.
Answer "a", enheptin, while technically not incorrect, has been replaced by flagyl and spartrix. Thiamine is
vitamin B1 and is not effective against frounce.

16. Your hawk develops a small corn on the bottom of the foot. It then progresses to a small, localized
swelling. The swelling feels warm to the touch and appears red. The condition becomes extremely painful
for the hawk, who begins to lie down frequently to take pressure off the ball of the foot. The best diagnosis
is . . .

a, frounce.
b, nlyiasis.
c. bumblefoot.
d. apoplexy.

Answer c. As the disease progresses, the swelling increases in size and the entire foot may become quite
warm to the touch. The warmth is due to idamination as the body attempts to fight off the infection. The
swelling can extend down the length of the toes and up the leg. The skin begins to ulcerate on the ball of
the foot. The arch scabs and the scab increases in size as the whole foot becomes puffy. The later stages
can result in death due to generalized infection.

17. Foot swelling in longwings is often linked to . . .

a. high humidity.
b. using perches of poor design.
c. direct wind in cold weather.
d. a diet of lean beef and/or general poor husbandty
e, "b" and "d".

Answer e. In a high percentage of cases the problem of foot swelling is linked to a diet of lean beef, a
poor substitute for the diverse diet these hawks normally enjoy in the wild state. A hawk whose health,
diet, weight and living conditions are well managed is much less likely to suffer this ailment. Long blade
Astrot~irfBis a popular perch surface which seeins to help prevent bumblefoot. Keeping the mews clean
and free of sharp protruding objects is beneficial.


18. Bumblefoot is caused by ...
a. any injuly to the sole of the foot.
b, standing in irritating substances such as excrement or commercial cleaners that have not been
properly rinsed from a block or perch.
c, inappropriate shaped or padded perches.
d. all of the above

Answer d. The bumble infection enters the foot through the skin when the epithelium (skin of the bottom
of the foot) becomes damaged. The epithelium may be damaged by any of the factors listed above as well
as bruising, heavy impact, abrasion or polishing the foot against the smooth surface of a perch, sluggish
blood circulation and self trauma (such as biting their own feet). Overgrown talons can also contribute to
developing bumblefoot [la]. Burnblefoot can be difficult and expensive to cure.

19. The best way to prevent bumblefoot is to . .

a. keep a clean perch.
b. feed a whole animal diet such as adult quail or mice regularly and supplement with a vitamin product
made for raptors.
c. Provide the bird with a properly shaped and covered perch surface (such as long blade Astroturf)
based on the type of bird you have.
d, all of the above

Answer d. Keeping the perch clean decreases contamination and aids in good foot health. Industrial
cleaners can lead to foot irritation so discuss cleaners and disinfectants with your veterinarian. Whole
animal diets supplemented with vitamins made especially for raptors improve the skin health and is an
aid to bumblefoot prevention. Properly shaped and covered perches are necessary for adequate weight
distribution-see your sponsor for help. Different raptor species have different perch req~~irements.

20. Your hawk appears dull, the feathers are puffed out and the crop is still distended from the previous
day's feeding. The crop may have been vomited. The breath (or vomit) has a putrid, sour odor. The hawk
is increasingly thirsty, but has to no appetite. Best diagnosis?

a, sour crop.
b, nlyiasis.
c. frounce.
d, aspergillosis.

Answer a. From the symptoms described the outcome is either spontaneous recovery (the speed of which
can be hastened by the falconer) or eventual toxemia and death in serious untreated cases.

21. Sour crop can be caused by . . .

a. your hawk eating rotten meat.

b, a parasitic infection such as capillariosis or coccidiosis and the associated inflammatory changes in
the digestive tract.
c, ingestion of poisonous substances such as petroleunl products.
d , over feeding a weak bird.
e, all of the above.

Answer e. Although many different organisms normally inhabit the digestive tract of birds (e.g., parasitic
worms, protozoans, yeast and bacteria) imbalances in these bacterial populations may result in toxic
digestive problems. In addition, sour crop can be caused by using antibiotics to treat the hawk for
something else entirely, like bumblefoot. Sour crop can also be caused by obstl-uction of the digestive tract
caused by bones in the raptor's food, or by roundworms or tapeworms. In liestrels the most common cause
of sour crop is from overfeeding a thin or weak bird. Letting their weight fall too low is easy for a novice
with the resulting solution of a "full crop" leading to sour crop. Sour crop can be fatal. [llbl


22. The preferred treatment for an early, mild case (i.e. foul breath, failure to put the crop over, or slight
dullness) of sour crop is . . .

a. PedialyteB.
b. Ancoban.
c. Zovirax ointment.
d. Anipicillin.

Answer a. The primaly aim is to administer a balanced electrolyte solution to moisten the crop contents. If
the raptor regurgitates lnost of the crop contents, hold off on further feedings for six to twelve hours. Give
PedialyteB orally. A small amount of Pepto-BismolB will be fine. More serious cases, i.e. those that do not
respond to the above treatment within eight hours, should be treated aggressively under your veterinarian's
supelvision. This may include IV fluids and injectable medications such as antibiotics.

23. During the initial handling of a freshly trapped sharp-shinned hawk, the hawk shows an uncontrolled
jerking or twitching of the shoulders and wings. The best diagnosis is . . .

a, aspergillosis.
b, frounce.
c, apoplexy.
d, coccidiosis.

Answer c. The hawk should be placed immediately in a dark cool place to regain its composure. If more
than a few moments pass, the hawk will go into a succession of violent spasms, and, if untreated, will live
only for a few hours. The condition is associated with stress in small accipiters and is often connected to
hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. [I21

24. The hawk most susceptible to apoplectic fits is the ...

a, kestrel.
b. Cooper's hawk.
c, merlin.
d. goshawk.

Answer b. The slnall accipiters, the Cooper's and sharp-shinned hawks are quite subject to these attacks.
Goshawks are less likely to suffer them though they are certainly not imnune. Affected hawks can die within
minutes unless the onset is recognized at once. Fits are caused by low blood sugar, thiamine (vitamin B)
deficiency, calcium deficiency and, rarely, vitamin D3 deficiency. Any and all of these are direct results of
bad management on the part of the falconer tlying to lower the accipiter's condition to get it to respond.

25. The preferred treatment for apoplectic seizures is . .

a. AncobanB (generic: flucytosine).

b. Enheptin.
c. FlagylB (generic: metronidazole).
d, sugar water, GatoradeB, or Nutri-CalB.

Answer d. Sugar water, GatoradeB, or nutrical solution should be administered through a plastic
eyedropper. Flat cola can also be used. Three or four eye droppers full are given at two-hour intervals.
Without this treatment, the hawk will likely stiffen and die after several hours of rigid spasm. This risk
needs to be considered and the risk of aspiration which can also cause death. Seek veterinarian
assistance immediately.


26. The preferred treatment for "stargazing syndrome" is . . .

a, sunlight and vitamin D3.

b, calcium/phosphorous supplement.
c, sugar water.
d. vitamin B1.

Answer a. A hawk with "stargazing syndron~e"(inflammation of the brain) stands with its head upward
or baclcward over its shoulders. The commonest cause in raptors appears to be deficiency of vitamin D3.
Most other vitamin deficiencies can be avoided by feeding whole bodies of small birds and lnainrnals or by
giving a ~n~lltivitamin
powder (Vitahawk@) on the meat.

27. Internal parasites .

a. are common in captive raptors.

b. are easily treated.
c. can cause death or debilitation.
d. all of the above.

Answer d. New drugs have made treatment of internal parasites so easy that most hawks are now treated
prophylactically. Minimizing fecal contan~inationwhere your bird eats will aid in parasite prevention.

28. Tme or false. Bird lice can weaken or kill a raptor.

False. Many trapped hawlis and a good percentage of eyasses have lice. Bird lice (Mallophaga) do not feed on
blood and are rather innocuous as parasites go. They feed on skin scruff and feather powder and do little real
harm. Lilie other parasites, they tend to increase on hawks that are ill. Use two light dustings of two percent
SevinB powder or a preparation made for cage birds or poultly dust, applied one week apart. [I21

29. Tme or false. Hippoboscidae are deadly to hawks.

False. Hippoboscidae are parasite flies. They have wings and a crab-like appearance and are slightly larger
than common house flies. They are not often seen as they hide among the feathers. They may run up the
falconer's arms when a hawk is being cast for coping, imping, or new equipment. They are easily treated
with poultly dust. [I21

30. True or false. A raptor with a broken leg or wing should be put down (killed) in as humane a manner
as possible since these bones cannot be set or cast with any degree of success.

False. Good veterinary care can successfi~llytreat most broken bones, bullet wounds or mechanical injuries.
It will not be cheap, but a ti-uly valued hawk is worth the expense. Once in possession of a bird of prey,
the falconer assumes full responsibility for the health and treatment of the hawk.

31. Poisoning due to ingestion of lead shot, i.e, shotgun pellets, in their food ...
a. does not occur in raptors.
b, occurs only in owls which have no crop.
c. is cured easily by the use of antibiotics.
d, can kill any raptor fed prey items killed with lead shot.

Answer d. Early symptoms are weight loss, poor appetite, general malaise or lethargy, and anemia. Other
symptoms range from partial blindness to incessant convulsions. Except for severely poisoned birds,
successful treatment is often possible. Treatment includes chelation of solubilized lead with calcium
ethaminediaininetetraceacetic acid (EDTA); renloval of remaining lead particles either through natural means
(casting or slicing) or surgely; rigorous fluid therapy using Ringer's solution; and several weeks of physical
therapy. You should avoid feeding raptors quarly you killed with a gun unless you are sure you got all the
lead out. For you organic science buffs, EDTA is pronounced calci~~ln eth-amine-die-amine-tetra-aceticacid.
32. T I I I ~or false. The chief danger of transporting a hawlc in a sock is over heating due to respiratoly
distress (gasping for breath).

T n ~ eThe
. raptor should be hooded, equipped with Aylmeri jesses and carried on the fist, other perch, or
in a "giant hood" (see section 2.2. question #8). Earlier literature suggested that wild caught raptors be
transported short distances if they were socked in women's nylon stockings, their feet taped, and masking
tape placed above the shoulders to prevent the sock from slipping out of place. This method is dangerous,
as the hawk cannot mute while encased and will q~liclclyoverheat. If you have to transport a hawk this
way, watch it for evidence of breathing distress or overheating.

33. Your female intermewed passage red-tail strikes and binds to a wild immature red-tail. After you
separate them and the immature escapes, you see a small bleeding puncture wound on her tarsus that was
inflicted by the wild hawk. You should . . .

a. ignore the wound as such things are natural.

b. treat the wound immediately with a local antibiotic like NeosporinB.
c. take her to the veterinarian.
d. "b" followed by "c".

Answer d. Many falconers carly a small tube of a first aid antibiotic ointment on them in the field. The
talons of a hawk carly animal decay toxins, germs and bacteria. Almost any puncture wound will become
infected if not treated at once. That is why vetesinaly care is important, including bite wounds such as from
a squirrel.

34. The most common cause of sudden death in falconly hawks is ..

a. being shot by a gun hunter.
b. electrocution.
c, lethal attack by other, larger raptors.
d, impacting wire.

Answer b. Electrocution is the number one sudden killer of raptors, falconly or wild. Lethal attack by larger,
wild raptors is second. Impact with some form of wire (barbed wire fence, telephone guy wire, and so on)
comes in third. [I1 Falconly hawlcs are occasionally lost to uneducated gun hunters. '

35. T n ~ eor false. Hawks show stress by standing on one foot.

False. Standing on one foot with the other drawn up is a sure sign of contentment. Hawks show stress by
panting and open mouth breathing. Bating is also a sign of stress and should always be considered a bad
sign. If your bird is constantly bating, the situation needs analysis and cossection. Birds handled by good
falconers rarely bate.

36. Which is most dangerous to the health of a hunting kestrel?

a. Cooper's hawlcs.
b, sour crop.
c, sloppy weight control.
d, all of the above.

Answer d. All of these elements pose a real and present danger to the lives of trained kestrels. The utmost
care must be given in the training, maintaining and flying of these small raptors. [llbl


37. Match diseases with the parts of the body attacked.

Disease Possible bodv svstem affected

aspergillosis digestive system, nerAvotusj)steuz

bumblefoot bottom of feet
coccidiosis plt~nzage
external parasites ?-espi?-at077
frounce vision
internal parasites skeletal
lead poisoning
mineral deficiencies
sour crop


Disease Bodv svstem affected

aspergillosis ~esplmtorysyste??~

bumblefoot bottofn of fhefeet, i~zitially

coccidiosis digestive sjstenz

frounce digestive systenz
internal parasites digestive system
sour crop digestive systenz

external parasites pltu?zage

lead poisoning nervoths systenz, digestive sjster?z

seizures ~zewot~s sj)ster?z
stargazing ?zervoz~ssysteln

mineral deficiency skeletal sj)ste~?z

nelvous sjlstern (~?zt~scle

Note: different diseases affect the same body system. This is especially true with the digestive and
nelvous system. The diseases and treatments discussed here are only the most common diseases that
falconers encounter and not a complete listing. Some of the less common include: psittacosis, ornithosis,
clamydiosis, and parrot fever (all names for respiratory disease caused by Chlamydophila);
avian tuberculosis, p o x , malaria, a n d avian herpes: fowl cholera; threadworm, g a p e -
w o r m , a n d airsac w o r m ; h e m o p r o t e u s , West Nile v i r u s , e x o t i c Newcastle d i s e a s e ,
piroplasma; and candida albicans just to name a few of the exotic and expensive illnesses falconers can
look forward to.


38. Match possible diseases with the specific symptoms.

Svm~toms Disease

central nelvous system disorders apoplexy

cheesy plaques in oral cavity aspergillosis
diarrhea avian nzalm-in
difficult breathing btinablefoot
easily over exerted coccidiosis
extreme thirst extenzal pamsites
feather loss/damage flounce
flecks of red in mutes lead poisolzing
flicking food liverproble17zs
foul smelling castings poor co7zditioning
green diarrhea roz~~~dz~or17as
high yarali seizti yes
lethargy SO2l.Y crop
poor appetite tapewornzs
luffled 'appearance
swelling and open sores on foot
trouble eating
unable to stand
uncontrollable shaking
voice change
weight loss


A hawlc with this symptom: May have:

central nervous system disorders lead poisoning

cheesy plaques in lnouth frounce
diarrhea tapeworms, roundworms, or coccidiosis
difficult breathing aspergillosis or frounce
easily over exerted aspergillosis or be in poor conditioning
extreme thirst aspergillosis
feather loss/damage external parasites
flecks of red in mutes coccidiosis
flicking food aspergillosis, coccidiosis, or frounce
foul smelling castings sour crop, coccidiosis
green diarrhea lead poisoning, liver problems, or avian malaria
high yarak frounce, or low weight
poor appetite aspergillosis, coccidiosis or lead poisoning
ruffled appearance aspergillosis or external parasites
swelling & open sores on foot pads bumblefoot
trouble eating aspergillosis or frounce
uncontrollable shaking apoplexy, seizures or lead poisoning
voice change aspergillosis
weight loss aspergillosis, frounce, tapeworms, roundworms or
lead poisoning


39. Make a disgonosis based on the COMBINATIONS of symptoms.

S m ~ t o mCombinations Possible Diagnosis

difficult breathing, weight loss, easily over apoplexj/

exerted, extreme thirst, fliclting food, luffled aspe~gillosis
appearance, voice change bzs~~zblefoot
feather loss/damage exte~~zalpa~"asites
foul smelling castings
lend poisolzi~zg
green diarrhea (liver problems), central neivous ~o~~~zdzuot-~~z~
system disorders (lethargy, suddenly clumsy) seizu?.es
poor appetite, difficult breathing, flicking food, tapezuoTI?zs
flecks of red in mutes

swelling and open lesions on foot pads

trouble eating

uncontrollable shaking

weight loss, fliclting food, cheesy plaques in



If your hawlc is showine these Then it may have:

combined symptoms:
uncontrollable shaking apoplexy

difficult breathing, weight loss, easily over aspergillosis

exerted, extreme thirst, fliclting food, luffled ap-
pearance, trouble eating

swelling and open lesions on foot pads buinblefoot

poor appetite, flicking food, flecks of coccidiosis

red in mutes

feather loss/damage external parasites

weight loss, flicking food, cheesy plaques in frounce

mouth, trouble eating, difficulty breathing

green diarrl~ea(liver problems), central nervous lead poisoning

system disorders (lethergy, suddenly clumsy)

diarrhea, weight loss roundworms, tapeworms

uncontrollable shalting seizures

foul smelling castings sour crop


40. Match diseases with treatment.

Smtltoms Possible Treatment

apoplexy anzphoterlci7z B
aspergillosis A7zcoba?zB(generic: flucytosine)
bumblefoot baycox
coccidiosis chelatilzg agents
cramps clean perch
external parasites Clot?-if?zazoleB
frounce cool dalr%place
lead poisoning D~*oncitB
roundworms Flng.)dB (generic: met~*onidazole)a n d Spalit)-ixB
seizures I7ztmco7zazole
sour crop Pepto-BisnzolB/Pedial3,teB
stargazing Pipe~~azi~ze/Ne~?zexB (pyrantel pamoate)
tapeworms p~eventio?~
Sevin (pozilt~yduso
ueterAi?za7y atfe~ztion
uitanzi?~ A
Diagnosis: May have:

apoplexy sugar water

aspergillosis prevention, amphotericin B, ancoban, Intracon
bumblefoot prevention, variety of clean perches
coccidiosis prevention, baycox
cramps ground up bones in food
external parasites SevinB (poultly dust)
frounce prevention, FlagylB/Spartl-ixB
lead poisoning prevention, chelating agents, veterinaly attention
roundworms Piperazine/Nemex
seizures cool dark place, veterinaly attention
sour crop Pepto-BismolB/PedialyteB
stargazing sunlight/vitamin DYvitamin B
tapeworms DroncitB

Editor's comment: the point of the previous four charts is not to turn you into a home veterinarian, but to
provide summary charts that, first, match diseases to the body systems they affect. The second chart relates
specific symptoms to specific diseases. The third chart combines symptoms to better diagnose the disease
leading to the proper treatment. Finally, the fourth chart, above, relates the treatment of those diseases.
Raptor disease control and cure are rapidly advancing, and new treatments and cures are being discovered
daily. As current as the charts are, it may be obsolete before you read them. The critical point is that you
should get your hawk to a veterinarian as soon as you realize "something" is wrong.


T F 1. The dmg Flagyl is used to cure aspergillosis. (#5 & #15)

T F 2. Frounce is a disease of the lnouth and throat. (7~12)

T F 3. Aspergillosis is a disease of the nervous system. (#4)

T F 4. Coccidiosis is a disease of the respiratoly system. (#lo)

T F 5. Uncontrollable shaking is a symptom of bumblefoot. (#23)

T F 6. Weight loss is a symptom of aspergillosis. (#4)

T F 7 . Your hawli is suddenly easily over exerted. It may have aspergillosis. (#4)

T F 8. Bumblefoot is easy to cure. (#18)

T F 9. Bumblefoot is easy to prevent. (#19)

T F 10. Aspergillosis is the most lethal disease liliely to occur in birds of prey. (#4)

T F 11.Vitamin C is the preferred treatment for stargazing. (#26)

12. The most common cause of frounce is from consuming . . .

a. pigeons and doves.

b, rabbits.
c. chiclien hearts.
d. lean, washed beef heart. (#12).

13. Your raptor is in good health and suddenly contracts diarrhea, you should ..
a, contact a competent veterinarian.
b, feed it sugar water.
c. feed it more vitamin A & D.
d, feed it lean, washed beef heart. (#I)

14. A good way to judge a raptor's condition and health is ...

a, maintain daily weight records.
b. examine the mutes.
c, note alertness of the hawk.
d. all of these (#2).

15. 10. Coccidiosis is transmitted .

a. by direct contact with an infected hawk.

b, through droppings of a sick hawk.
c. through contaminated soil in areas where poultly has been allowed to lun,
d. all of the above (#lo).

16. The best time to find a competent veterinarian who has experience with birds of prey is ...
a, when the hawli is clearly sick.
b. after your first hawk dies.
c, before you get your first hawlc.
d. before your hawk gets sick. (#I).


1. How do you get them to come back?

a. Through the natural affection and bond that forln between falconer and hawli.
b. By punishing them when they don't.
c. By teaching them that they eat better when they hunt with you than on their own.
d. By rewarding them with tid-bits each and evely time they return to you.

Answer c. Only when the hawli learns that it will eat better when it hunts with you in the field and by
only hunting when they are sharp-set are you sure that they will return to you or follow-on with you in
the field. Answer "a" is incorrect. Hawlis don't need llurnans to survive and lack the en~otionalcapabilities
to do mn~lchmore than tl-ust humans to provide a better diet. We, on the other hand, often develop intense
emotional attachment to our hawlis. Answer "b" is incorrect as hawlts lack the socialization capabilities to
relate punishment to poor perforn~ance.Hawlis relate reward or punishment to their current or most recent
actions. Thus if you punish a hawli after recovering it, it is less likely to return to you next time. Answer d
is incorrect. If you reward the hawk evely time it comes to you then you teach it that it does not need to
hunt and when you get nemous you will feed it for coming to you. Use tid-bits to establish the "coming to
you" but then switch to a random reward of both frequency and size. This is "operant conditioning" and
can be used to train the hawk effectively and quickly. 114al

2. True or false. Falconers must hunt with their hawlts.

True. Hunting combines the best exercise possible for your hawlc with the vely practical requirements of
feeding your hawk the best possible diet. Daily hunting sharpens the instincts of both you and your hawli,
provides exercise, strengthens the bond between falconer and hawli, and fills the freezer. Falconly is defined
as hunting with a bird of prey. Hunting with a bird of prey and encouraging the hawli to follow its natural
inclinations is the whole point of falconly even though there are many other benefits to both human and
raptor. If an individual doesn't want to hunt then perhaps raptor rehabilitation is a better path for worlting
with birds of prey.

3. Tme or false. Some falconers prefer to man newly-caught red-tails outdoors to avoid overheating.

False. It is always easier to man a freshly-captured hawk inside before exposing it to the noise and
distractions of the outside world, Many falconers prefer to Inan their hawli in a cool, or even cold, dark
room lest the hawlc overl~eat.The hawlis expend a lot of energy in useless wing flapping. They are nervous
and vely excited at the same time.

4. Tme or false. A hungly raptor will be trained more quickly than one which is not hungly.
True. With the edge of hunger, a hawk
will respond one hundred percent
faster than when she is not hungly. Her
attention must be focused through the
medium of daily feeding. The falconer
will malie most of his progress during
this period. Use food to encourage her
response to training. Never stawe vour
hawk to get this response. Get her on
the wing quickly so that she may realize I

her f~111potential. Use your scales daily

to weigh your hawk and what you feed
her. Talie careful notes of what you feed
her and keep track of her weight gain
or loss, Make weighing part of the daily


routine. Always weigl-! at the same point in the day and preferably after she has cast. While daily weighing
reveals what your hawk's weight is, it will not tell you what condition the hawli is in. Your sponsor will
guide you on finding the best flying weight or combat weight for your hawk.

5. True or false. A falconer prefers his hawk to be sharp-set before he enters the field to hunt.

True. Sharp-set means l~ungly,or keen, indicating an alert state, a readiness to kill. [I21

6. Raptors are most effectively trained by a system of . . .

a, punishment (causing fright or pain without injuly).

b. rewards (providing food for good progress).
c, rewards and punishment.
d. none of the above.

Answer b. Since hawlcs are not social animals, a system of reward and punishment does not work. They
react favorably only to rewards. With force, punishment or threat of force, a hawli will react in only two
ways: it can tly to escape or fight back. While raptors do not have a long attention span, they do form
long-lasting patterns of behavior. Harsh treatment will be remembered and returned.

7. True or false. Falconry hawlcs are trained to accept l ~ ~ ~ mas

a ntheir
s master and owner.

False. The point of falconry training is to teach the hawlc that hunting with one specific human leads to
eating better than hunting alone in the wild. In point of fact, apprentices must learn to work within the
hawk's natural inclinations-not the other way around.

8. Tnle or false. Hawks should not be made too tame but should be encouraged to retain their wild

False. Tameness is a point of refinement in the art of falconly and should be encouraged at all times. The
tamer the hawk becomes, the more confidence and tlust she has in you, the better will be her attitude and,
ultimately, her success at hunting with you.

9. What should a new apprentice do upon arriving home with his first trapped, hooded, socked, passage

a. The hard part's over. Relax. It's been one hecli of a day.
b. Take the hawli out of the car, unhood it, take the soclc and masking tape off, and toss the hawk in
the weathering area.
c. Take the hawli out of the car, weigh it, log the weight, take the sock and duct tape off, and tether
the hooded hawk in the mews. Then weigh the soclc and duct tape and subtract their weight from
the overall recorded weight of the hawli.
d. Listen to your sponsor and follow his/her instructions.

Answer d. Listen to your sponsor. In all likelihood, he/she will walk you through answer "c" with only
minor variations. The approach in answer "c" minimizes stress both on the hawli and you. Your sponsor
will be watching for out-of the-ordinaly problems. Keeping the hawk hooded helps keep it calm during
the early days after capture. Unhood the hawk gradually for longer and longer periods while introducing
it to new situations. While hooded, your hawk will get accustomed to the sounds around it, but for buteos
and accipiters manning takes place when the hood is off and they can see you.
10. True or false. Weight should be cut off a newly-captured passage red-tail quickly by statvation until it
is down to hunting weight.

False. While you may need to cut its weight to get it

to respond, dnce it is feeding off the f i ~ t - ~ oshould
cut its weight slowly to encourage other responses as
necessaiy. To prompt the correct action, all falconers
nzust feed newly-trapped passage hawlis on the fist. Once
tlze hawli tires of bating and sits quietly on the fist, they
offer the hawk chunks of food. Once it begins to feed,
tlze hawk is responding to the falconer. Moderation is
the key. Cut enough weight to get her to do what you
need. Otlzelwise, you will have a stressed-out, ravenously
hungry, unhealtl~y,or a dead hawk. Accepting food from
you, however reluctantly, is the second step of manning.
Some hawlis are already lz~lnglywhen removed fro111 the trap (Why else would they have been trapped?)Older
literature suggested cutting ten percent of a trapped hawli's weight as a mle of thumb. Forget percentages.
When the hawli is ll~lnglyenough, or it accepts you enouglz, it will eat from your fist.

11.A passager or passage hawli is . . .

a, any raptor talien on migration.

b, a raptor ralien on its first migration.
c, any intermewed raptor.
d, none of the above.

Answer b. A passager is an iimahlre hawli trapped from the wild after it's left the nest and before the start
of the first nzoult. The hawk is on its first passage in life.

12. The nzost difficult aspect of manning a passage red-tail is . .

a, teaching her to stay on the fist.

b. calming lzer and overcolning lzer natural distrust of lz~~nians.
c. entering her to rabbits and hares.
d. breaking lzer spirit.

Answer b. Answer "a" is part of "b," since bating is just one manifestation of the hawli's nahlral distrust
of the falconer. As already successful hunters, a minimnum of bagged quarries for entering should be
required for lzer to learn that taliing larger prey let lzer eat her fill. Passagers are well mannered, quick to
train and soon out in the field. [la] Answer "c" is a relatively easy process. Answer "d" probably can't be
accomplished without brutalizing the hawk. You are far Inore likely to create a vicious hawli.

13. Tlie major advantage of taking, or capturing a passager is:

a. once manned, it is nearly loss-proof.

b. tlze hawk has successfully hunted.
c. the lzawli is in good physical condition.
d. plenty of time is available in the day to worli with the hawk.

Answer b. The trapping season virtually guarantees the passage hawk you take has been away from its
nest and parents long enouglz to hunt successfully and ltill consistently on its own. It is usually, but not
always, in good health and condition. "a" is incorrect, as passagers are more liliely to be lost and harder
to recover. Answer "d" is incorrect, and often overlooked. Unless tlze falconer is independently wealthy (a
comlnon assunzption implied in many falconiy texts), or works an unusual shift, the trapping season during
the shortest days of tlze year offers few daylight hours in which to man a hawli.
14. The minimum amount of time the falconer should spend per day manning a newly trapped passage
hawli is , . .

a, dependent on the amount of time the falconer has available before darkness.
b. dependent upon the amount of time the falconer can get off work.
c, an hour per day.
d. two hours per day.

Answer c. The trapping season virtually guarantees a mininlun~of daylight hours for the eight to five-worlier
to man the newly-taken passage raptor, making answers "a" and "b" seem more pragmatic. While "d" is a
better answer than "c," the falconer should spend a minimum of an hour a day with the new hawk. [I31
You may work with your hawk indoors or under lights outdoors after darli. Be aware, however, that hawlis
become prey for owls at night and become nelvous if it is too dark. Classical falconers used a manning
technique called waking. The hawk was kept awalie for several days by a team of falconers and is vely

Editor's note: one mystery you will face as a beginner is the attitude that apprentices should not have eyasses.
Indeed, some states (not including California) go so far as to outright forbid their use by apprentices. To the
uninitiated, this seems overly arbitrary and unnecessary, particularly as older literature suggested that this was
the best way to begin in falconry. Since those times we've come to understand the concepts and dangers of
raptor imprinting. Furthermore, in "the good ol'days" falconers did not always start with a red-tail as ninety-
nine percent of apprentices do today. An imprint eyass red-tail can develop problems that can prevent it from
either hunting as a falconry hawk or released back to the wild. These behaviors can be avoided, but minor errors
in feeding by a novice can lead to serious problems. The following questions (15 - 22) along with the series in
Section 1.2, about the raising, training and hunting with eyasses will to help you understand the problems.

15. True or false. Passage hawlis and eyasses are manned and trained using the same methods.

False. Manning and training of passagers and eyasses are extremely different. To silnpllfy both processes:
with the passage it is a matter of getting them to tlxlst the falconer and come to the falconer for food. With
eyasses, the training is a matter of getting the hawli to leave the falconer to capture its food.

16. True or false. Eyass hawlis are generally easier to hood than passage hawlis.

False. Passage hawlis of any species are, as a 111le, easier and less openly hostile to being hooded than
eyasses. Passagers more often need to be lzooded because they are more likely to become alarmed at strange
sights. [I21 A greater factor is the skill of the falconer in hooding. While hawlis will learn to put up with the
hood, they will never learn to like it. Follow your sponsor's advice on hooding.

17. Hacking is a process whereby . ..

a, young accipiters or red-tails are allowed to get fully summed in a large chamber.
b, young longwings are allowed full flight freedom until they begin to kill for themselves without the
obvious presence of the falconer.
c, passage hawlis are quickly manned by keeping them constantly awalie.
d. phlegm is coughed up by a hawli with pneumonia.

Answer b. Hacking allows eyasses complete flight freedom, exercise and experience that nearly duplicate
the training they would get in the wild from their parents. Allowed the freedon1 to fly without restraint,
they learn the tricks of flying and hunting. Wild parents teach their offspring the basics of hunting and
killing; hacked eyasses perform "on-the-job-training"for themselves. The falconer provides food tied onto a
hack-board at the same time evely day to the hawlis. This early flight experience develops excellent
cardiovascular systems which stay with them for life. Answer "c" is a manning technique called waling.
A variation is tame-hacking and allows early free flight experience to imprinted fledglings in close
association with their trainer. The advantage over traditional hack in that the falconer is always close by
to protect his hawk from eagles, owls, wild raptors, cars, and hunters. The falconer allows the fledglings
to fly free for a few hours each day from a portable perch in a hack field. The hawlts fly with telemetly
and are recovered each night. During the process, the falconer serves quarry to the hawks as they frolic
and exercise, in the manner of wild parents raising their young. In addition to exercise and the advantages
mentioned above, tame-hack gives young hawks some of the learning experience which would occur at
this stage of development in the wild.

18. T n ~ eor false. If a falconer intends to take an eyass hawlt, it is generally better to talte a vely young
eyass, and imprint it.

False. Imprinting is transference of identity in which the hawlt begins to think that either it is a person
or that people are hawks. Specifically the person handling it may be viewed as a parent at first and a
competitor or mate later. These hawks develop aggression and lack the instincts that lteep wild-caught hawks
from attacking human beings. Imprinting occurs when the hawk associates the falconer with food.

19. A useful method for avoiding the aggression and territoriality associated with imprinting in a eyass
red-tail is to . . .

a. slip food into its box or home when it is not looking and let it find the food.
b, lteep the hawlt fat at least one month after it is hard-penned.
c. allow another falconer to raise the hawlt.
d. all of the above.

Answer d. If the hawk does not associate you with food, she is less liltely to imprint. If the hawlt is allowed
to mature psychologically before her weight is dropped in preparation for free-flight, she is less liltely to
develop screaming, begging behavior, and the parental attachments associated with imprint eyasses. If
another falconer raises the hawk, and she is then removed from her imprint environment by the falconer
who flies her, then she is less likely to develop the territoriality associated with inlprint aggression.

20. The most difficult part of raising an eyass is

a, teaching her to fly.

b. feeding her.
c, teaching her to ll~lnt.
d. avoiding all imprinting,

Answer b. Raptors are extremely cunning when it comes to food. If an eyass in the imprint stage connects
the falconer to a steady supply of food, it will quickly learn to beg for food. And it will do so constantly,
becoming a Screamer. The falconer MUST prepare and hide the food out of sight of the eyass, covering the
food with a cloth or cover that can be remotely removed. Feeding an eyass can be a tedious three hour
ordeal. Feeding can be done by a single falconer as long as there is not the slightest connection between the
falconer and the food. Getting a second falconer and/or assistant to do the food handling while the falconer
wallts the bird out of sight is a better approach. Answer "a" is incorrect as most hawks readily learn to fly,
and flying well is a matter of experience. Answer "c" is incorrect, since techniques for entering her to quasly
are well ltnown. Answer "d" is incorrect. Some imprinting is unavoidable as the eyass is wholly dependent
upon the falconer, but food discipline overrides. The scream of a red-tail is extremely loud and irritating.
A good analogy to red-tail screaming is that of a car alarm that cannot get hlrned off. An even less cheerful
aspect is that, on occasion, juvenile raptors attack their parents (a food source) for food. As the imprinted
eyass' parent, you may become the target for this attack. This is a particular problem with eyass Cooper's


21. The most fl-ustrating part about taking an eyass is . . .

a. finding an occupied nest in a climbable tree.

b. overcoming the parents' aggressive defense of their offspring.
c, picking the eyass, getting it into the transport box or bag and back down the tree.
d. finding there is only one eyass in the nest.

Answer d. Not to minimize the physical difficulty of the other three answers, but finding only one eyass
means you must abandon plans to take an eyass from this nest. It is against the law and against the ethics
of modern falconry. Apprentices are not allowed to talie eyasses (nestlings). 50 CFR 21.29(i)(l)

22. The advantage(s) of raising an eyass is (are) .

a. it is easy to man.
b. you have plenty of time in the day to work with it.
c. it is easy to feed.
d. "a" and "b," but certainly not "c".

Answer d. The eyass is absolutely dependent upon the falconer to talie the place of the parents.
Considering that the eyass is no longer subject to rain, sun, or fratricide, the hawli has an easy life. As
eyasses are talien during mid-spring, the days are getting longer. Assuming the falconer works an eight to
five-job, he/she is blessed with long spring and sulntner evenings, helped in illost states by daylight-saving
time, to work with the hawk. Answer "c" is incorrect. Feeding, unfort~~nately, is fraught with difficulties.
See question 20, above.

And now back to falconry in general.

23. One method of breaking a hawli of the bad habit of snatching food from the fist and bating is to . . .

a. feed the hawli rangle.

b. retrain the hawli.
c. use a halsband to restrain the hawk from bating.
d, conceal small amounts of Tabasco sauce or other foul tasting food in the carcass of a day old chick
and allow the hawk to bate with it.

Answer b. Snatching and bating, an attempt to carly, reflects poor early training of calling the hawli to come
too great a distance to the falconer for tid-bits too early in training. To remedy it, the falconer must step
back in the training process. For several days the hawli can only be fed on the fist by direct pick-up, not
being called from a distance. Then the falconer can restart, lnaliing her to hop to the fist for tid-bits. Then
start calling the hawk to coille longer distances. If he thinks the hawli will come fifty yards, only malie her
come twenty-five yards. [14cl Answer "a" is incorrect. Rangle is small stones fed to the hawk to remove
indigestible grease and fat. Answer "c" is incorrect, as a halsband is a string used to launch an accipiter from
the fist. Answer "d" is animal abuse. The salt alone will kill a hawli.

24. What length creance should apprentices use to verify that their red-tail is ready to be released for free
a. ten feet.
b. ten yards.
c, fifty feet.
d. fifty yards.

Answer d. With the creance tied to an anchor in between the red-tail and the falconer, fifty yards of
creance will allow the hawli to be called nearly a hundred yards. If the hawk will respond at this distance to
tid-bits and the lure then the hawli is ready for free flight. Finding such an expanse of open ground without
bumps, twigs, and roclis to snag the creance isn't easy. Early morning mall parking lots and baseball fields
worli well.


25. You ltnow your passage female red-tailed hawlt is trained sufficiently and is ready to be released for
free-flight when . . .

a. your sponsor says "She's ready."

b, she comes to you with minimal hesitation when you call her to you from double the length of the
c, she comes to the lure instantaneously.
d. all of the above.

Answer d. Your sponsor will be loolting for the indications in answers "b" and "c."While there may be more
stressful moments in falconedhawk relationships, probably the toughest to overcome for the new falconer
is, quite literally, "letting go" of the jesses the first time. Relax, evely falconer has been through this and if
your training has been sound and the situation stage-managed correctly, the hawlt will not even notice it is
off the creance. This is the moment you've been waiting for! Enjoy it! You will remember and cherish the
next few seconds for the rest of your life. The hard part is getting that silly grin off your face.

26. True or false. Lures must be used exclusively for retrieving the hawlt from a dangerous situation.

False. Quarly shaped lures are excellent training tools for the hawlt. Longwing falconers often stoop their
hawlt repeatedly to the lure many times just for the benefit of exercising the hawlc. Lures can also help
teach ground-oriented hawlts methods for catching and subduing quasly. A jack shaped training lure with
food attached to the "head" and handled properly will help teach the young hawlt where the stop button
is. This will train and reward the hawlt for catching the proper end. Battery powered motorized lures are
coming onto the masket and are being used with great effectiveness. Typically a car motor starter is used to
reel in a line that is laid out in a zigzag course through a field. Controls are becoming sophisticated to the
point that the falconer can slow or speed up, or even stop, the lure's motion. As with telemetly, this type
of investment should be delayed until the apprentice decides just how committed they are to falconry.

27. During early training, carrying can be discouraged by . . .

a, fastening the lure to the ground.

b. using a brail.
c. forcibly removing food from the raptor.
d, quickly making in to a raptor on its kill.

Answer a. Young hawlts will often grab the lure and try to fly off with it. The falconer can avert this vice
before it happens by running the lure cord through a long metal staple pushed into the ground. The lure
is then tossed to the ground and pulled up tightly against the staple, thus offering no opportunity to the
hawk to carry. Carlying should be avoided at all costs. Answer "b" is incorrect. A brail is a thong used to
immobilize one wing to keep the hawlt from bating. Answer "c" is incorrect as this teaches your hawlt that
you are a competitor for its prey. Answer "d" is incorrect, as it has overtones of tlying to steal the quasly from
your hawlt. On the other hand, malting sure what prey your hawk caught and then releasing or dispatching
dangerous prey (sq~lirrelsand rattlesnaltes) is a good idea, but hasn't anything to do with carrying.

28. True or false. Yaralc is utterly a function of a hawk's hunger.

False. Yarak is an Indian term describing a savage state of extreme readiness to ltill. A hawlt in yarak adopts
a certain unique posture which makes it appear especially dangerous. Certain hawlts in yaralt will attack
anything including cattle, dogs, and their trainers, but especially quasly. Yarak is partially, but not entirely
linked to hunger. Hawlts on a regular feeding or hunting schedule will be found, after a time, to come into
yarak well before feeding time. Some hawks go into yarak after missing a flight at quasly. Longwings and
owls never go into yarak.


29. Ttue or false. Generally, it is a good idea to gorge your hawli on its first ten liills.

False. Previous literature suggested this approach, which-if followed-required an extended period of time
before the next hunt as the hawli lost the gained weight. It also loses condition, manning and rapport with
the falconer. But don't rush your hawk off the kill, or steal quarry from it, as your hawli will recall your
bad faith at a later date. Take your time and let your hawk feed until it has a conlfortable crop. In a red-tail
this equates to ten to fifteen minutes of real eating, not including time to dispatch the quasly and break-
in. Then get the hawli to step-off for a reward of a favorite tid-bit or other food, taking pains to hide the
original quarty from the hawli. When the hawli is done with the tid-bit, it will feel quite satisfied and
will have forgotten the quasly. Your sponsor will coach you on this technique. Develop a strong positive
association that will last the long lifetime of your hawli. As you mature as a falconer, you will learn how
and when to take quarly from your hawli. Rewarded properly, your red-tail will continue to hunt without
resentment after her first quasly has been released or put in the game bag.

30. Your passage male red-tail is mobbed by ravens on his first hunting release. He flies into a tall tree and
refuses to come to you. You should . . .

a. go get a sleeping bag and plan to be there until dawn.

b, tly to call the hawli down with a tid-bit after a few minutes.
c. try to call the hawli down with the lure.
d, none of the above.

Answer b. Ravens and crows seem to talie particular pleasure in "mobbing" birds of prey. Young hawlis
can be easily intimidated. But the ravens soon tire of their sport and fly off, After a few minutes your hawli
should regain its composure and come down to a tid-bit.

31. During a late afternoon hunt, your red-tailed hawli takes a field rat and carries it high into a heavily
foliaged oak tree and begins to consume the prey. You should . . .

a, be patient.
b, tty to call the hawli down with a tid-bit.
c. tty to call the hawk down with the lure.
d, go get a sleeping bag and plan to be there until dawn.

Answer c. And if that doesn't worli, resign yourself to "d."Getting a well fed or feeding hawli to come down
out of a tree at twilight or full darkness is next to impossible. After darli their vision is comparatively poor
and they become the hunted. Therefore, they instinctively hide and stay still; indeed, they are unlikely to
move from the spot. The falconer should mark the tree and go retrieve camping gear and an alarm clock.
With a little bit of luck, the hawk will come down to the fist or to the lure at first light.

32. Ttxe or false. Late in the hunting season, you are hunting in your favorite field. The resident red-tails
have become extremely aggressive almost overnight and now "dive-bomb" your hawli. You surmise that
they are a mated pair and you've been hunting their territoty all along, but now they are ttying to drive an
inttvding hawli from the vicinity of their nest. You should continue hunting there. Your hawli really isn't
in competition with them.

False. "Late in the hunting season" is the time at which eggs are laid and parents are defending their
territoly. As an ethical consideration, you should respect their territoly and rigl~ts.You can find solneplace
else to hunt; they can't.


33. For the moult, a thirty ounce flying weight red-tail should be fed up to . . .

a, thirty-six ounces.
b, forty ounces.
c, forty-five ounces.
d. sixty ounces.

Answer a. Inexperienced falconers feed their hawlts as much as they can eat. But what goes on, must come
off. Twenty percent additional body weight is certainly sufficient (six ounces for a thirty-ounce hawk). If
the hawlt is kept at the higher weight for the moult, then that weight tnust come off before hunting. It is
a tedious process, since in warm weather an inactive red-tail may lose as little as one-sixth of an ounce
[five grams1 a day. The loss of six additional ounces becomes a protracted exercise in patience. Operant
conditioning exercise prograins can help your hawk: lose the weight.



Moult Sequence G
Feather Sequeftce
7msl = 7th feather,first to molt

34. In buteos, parabuteos, and accipiters moulting of the primary wing feathers . . .

a, starts with the innermost primary and proceeds in sequence to the outermost primaly.
b. starts with outermost primaly and proceeds inwards to the last one.
c. starts with primaly #4 and proceeds in both directions.
d, proceeds in an irregular fashion but is the same sequence on each wing.

Answer a. Confusion on this question cornes from the two different numbering systems used to identify the
ten primary feathers. The ornitl~ologicalnumbering system starts closest to the body with #1 and counts
out to the wingtip, ending with #lo. Falconers do just the opposite, starting with the wingtip with #1 and
counting toward the body. Using the ornithological system, buteos, parabuteos, and accipiters drop the ten
flight feathers in a 1-10 sequence; using the falconly numbering system, the sequence is 10-1. Regardless
of how the feathers are numbered, the innermost feather is the to drop for the buteos, parabuteos,
and accipiters. Not so with the longwings, who begin with feather #7 (falconly numbering system now)
and finish #8, #9, and #lo, before dropping #6 through #1. All species of longwings, hawlis and accipiters
finish the moult with the leading edge primaly last.The tail feather moult differs also, but only slightly. For
accipiters and buteos, the tail moult starts with the deck feathers and worlis its way out. With the falcons,
the tail moult starts the same and goes outward, except the next to outer and outer feathers are soinetirnes
dropped in reverse. All this seems dreadfully obscure and esoteric, right up untilyou want to know
ifyour hawk's moult is complete.


35. Trve or false. Falconry raptors moult in the same sequence as wild raptors, but less predictably.

True. Wild hawlis normally moult their primaly feathers in a predictable order and at a regular rate. Wild
raptors consistently drop primaly feathers synlmetrically. The feather next to lnoult is preened out or falls
out from one wing, followed in one to three days by the same feather on the other wing. In this fashion,
the wings rernain balanced and symmetrical. In a weelc or two, the next pair drops, one from each wing.
Falconly raptors do not always moult at such an even rate. In extreme cases, especially when hawlis are
kept at flying weight until late in the spring, the moult can begin in a l ~ ~ l r iIty .is almost as if the "glue came
loose," and many feathers are dropped simultaneously. Since the new feathers growing have less support
than usual from adjoining feathers, they are even more vulnerable to breakage. YOU may retain moulted
feathers or give thein to another falconer for later imping. It is illegal to give them away to friends and/or
acquaintances for any other reason. 50 CFR 21.29(j)(5)

36. The best reason not to fly hawlis during the moult is because

a. a hawli may injure itself by flying without all its feathers.

b. a hawli may breali a blood feather and bleed to death.
c. it is too hard to see quarly when the leaves are on the trees.
d. feather growth is energy-demanding and hawlis must be fed more than flying weight allows.

Answer d. To keep their health and assure feather growth hawlcs must be kept too fat for control during
free flight. Falconers do worly about breaking soft blood feathers which might not moult out for another
year. Another reason for anxiety is the ease of losing a hawli in the summer foliage. Finally, many hawlis
simply don't fly as well or lose weight as quiclily in warm weather.

37. True or false. During the n~oult,red-tails revert to the wild state.

False. More like becoming "unmanned." This results when the falconer has little interaction with the hawli
except at feeding time and then only because the falconer brings food to the mews and tosses it into the
mess on the floor. Without constant interaction with their falconers, passage and eyass raptors revert to a
wild state. If 11~1maninteraction is maintained during the moult, the llawli can be reclaimed fairly quiclily
by manning again. Continue daily interaction of weighing and putting them out to weather, cleaning their
mews, oiling their jesses, and carlying them on the fist a while.

38. True or false. Waiting-on flights should be made when soaring conditions are optimal,

False. Soaring is linked to weather and can talie place only under certain conditions. Many
longwings are lost through soaring and
almost all such losses are preventable. A
soaring longwing tends to ignore quarry
and this is what makes a soar so dangerous.
Avoid flying during high-wind conditions.
Deliberately soar-hawking your red-tail
should wait until you are sure you have
good consistent control over the hawli. The
experience of beating underbrush at the foot
of a ridge while your red-tail is hanging on
the wind waiting-on you to flush quarly is
the high point of hunting with a redtail.


39. A good reason to stop flying your hawli before the vernal equinox (March 21) is the

a. frequency of soaring weather.

b, resurgence of latent migration urges.
c, end of cottontail hunting season.
d. all of the above.

Answer d. Spring is a dangerous season to fly any hawli. Leaves reappear on the trees, interfering with
line of sight. The moult begins in March (but will be delayed if the falconer keeps his hawli sharp-set).
Hornlonal changes urge the hawk to migrate and the whole atlnosphere hlms over. The warmer lower air bursts
upward, expanding and accelerating as it goes and carlying your hawli with it. A poorly trained passage hawk
caught in this updraft may not return. [I21 In California, cottontail hunting season ends the third Sunday in
March. Beside the legal considerations, fenlale cottontails are carlying next season's quasly. Resident nesting
and breeding raptors will become surprisingly aggressive if you wander into their hunting territo~y,

40. Apprentice falconers are likely to lose their red-tailed hawlis from .

a. incompetence.
b. overconfidence.
c. confiscation by a game warden for hunting out of season.
d, being 1un off its quarry by a golden eagle.

Answer b. The apprentice's worst enemy is becoming overconfident. However, hawlis have
been lost to the other three factors. The most colnlnon explanation begins "Well, I linew the
weight was a little high . . ." Generally, sponsors insure that the apprentice is conlpetent and the
apprentice test and mews inspection
guarantees a minimum level of
competency. Having your hawk
confiscated by a game warden is
inexcusable. The nlost common
reason for confiscation is hunting
quarry out of season (the falconer
sent the hawk after illegal quasly,
or the falconer collected the illegal
quasly after the hawk took the quarry
ON ITS OWN). In this latter case, the
falconer should have removed the
hawli from the prey as soon as
practical and abandoned the carcass
in the field. This is known as the
"let it lie" mle (CFR 670(b)). Note:
other states with "let-it-lie" laws have
different a n d more restrictive
requirements. Golden eagles have
bullied red-tails off prey and mn them out of sight, and have been known to liill and eat the red-tail.

41. Tnle or false. Hawlis that are lost follow their instincts.

Tme. The bulli of "training" that goes on in falconly is the human learning to worli within the hawk's
nahlral inclinations. Hawks don't get "lost;"they know exactly where they are. Unfortunately, the falconer
loses track of the hawli. Most hawks are lost because they are hunting and either pursue quasly out of
sight or they strike and bind and are on the ground out of sight of the falconel; or have carried the quarly
out of sight.


42. T ~ u eor false. After being tnily lost most hawlis stay in the area where they were lost for a while.

Tiue. Unless driven off by resident raptors, many lost hawlis will stay in the general area for a while. As
they revert, they have less and less reason to stay unless it is good hunting territoly. During the first week
the falconer has the best chance of recovely. The editor's eyass red-tail returned to his garnished fist eight
long, long, days after loss, but less than two air miles from the loss site. This is why you change to slitless
jesses prior to hunting. Some falconers believe that lost hawlts will piclt the jesses off and rationalize not
changing to field jesses. Unfortunately, hawks are not that bright. Hawlis used in falcon~yfor extended
periods or eyasses become so accustomed to the jesses they accept the jesses as part of their leg and have
no reason to piclt the jess off. To thinli othelwise is to read human emotion and motivation (the desire to
pull off the jesses) into a hawk's actions.

43. After losing their red-tail, the apprentice should . . .

a. go home, have a good cry, and give up falconry.
b. go home and start planning how to get a replacement hawk.
c. tell no one. They'll think you a fool. Rehlm to the loss site the next day and attempt to call the hawk
in with tid-bits, the lure and a live, tethered pigeon.
d, go home, report to the sponsor, call the local wildlife rehabilitation people, the local animal
control, and local law enforcement to report the loss of the hawk. Following that, post rewards for
information leading to the recovely of the hawlt. Evely day or twice a day for two weeks, visit the
loss site, attempting to call the hawk in with tid-bits, the lure and a live, tethered pigeon.

Answer d. While answer "a" will cross your mind, don't be a putz; you've invested too nluch time, money
and elnotion to quit now. Answer "b" will tempt you; however there is a hawk wondering why you aren't
there to take it home. While all passagers and most well-trained eyasses will revert to the wild, they have
lost their dist~ustand fear of humans and are, for the first tm7o weeks or so, extremely vulnerable. Then
answer "c" looks good, but if this is all you do, other falconers will be absol~ltelysure you are a fool.
Besides, you are responsible to keep your sponsor inforlned. And after the prescribed waiting time, you
are required to file Form 3-186A with Fish & Wildlife. No one will think you are a fool for attempting to
recover your hawk. Red-tails rarely "drift" vely far from the spot you lost them. T l ~ emore eyes on the
looliout the better. Several red-tails (including the editor's) have been recovered through local rehabilitation
selvices that received a phone call from someone saying "There's a big bird on my fence and it has strings
on its feet." Remember, there are only two kinds of falconers: those who have lost a hawk, and those who

44. After recovering the lost hawli, the falconer should . . .

a. hydrate the hawli iimnediately.
b, weigh the hawli.
c. talie the hawli for a thorougl~physical examination.
d. analyze, in detail, what led up to the loss, and what led to the successful recovely.
e. all of the above.

Answer e. Dehydration is common in recovered hawlis. Weighing the hawli will indicate its general
condition, and if it's been eating well (remember, it may still be carlying a casting when taken-up.) If it is
an eyass and this was its first taste of freedom, the hawk may be in poor condition. A lot depends on its
early training by the falconer and its success in hunting. If the hawk returns in good health, knowing its
natural flying weight is helpful. A thorough physical exam by a veterinarian is recommended, as a blood
test can give an early warning of diseases it piclied up from eating infected quasly. After going through
the elnotions of recovely, the falconer should analyze the specifics of what led up to the loss and recovely
of the hawli. If the recovely was made through information from a third party, the falconer is obligated to
reward the individuals providing the information.

Editor's Note: You have an ethical obligation to do everything within your power to recover a lost hawk. No
one recruited you into falconry or said that there would not be moments of profound loss and difficulty. But
you did take that hawk out of the wild and trained it for falconry. Unless you deliberately release that hawk
back to the wild you are responsible for recovering it.



1. You enter your hawk . ..

a, when it is unfanliliar with the suuounding landscape.
b. when it is unfamiliar with a particular quany.
c, before registering at a falconry meet.
d, before transporting it in an unfamiliar container.

Answer b. To enter is to set up an opport~lnitywhereby a hawk has an easy chance to chase and hopefully
catch a kind of quarly new to it.

2. True or false. At certain points during the training process of hawlts, it is necessary and beneficial to
use tmssed-up or othelwise handicapped or incapacitated poultly, game birds, or rabbits as bagged game
or baggies (also known in older literature as trains or trainees) as reconlmended by books of
classic falconry.

False. One of the great lnisconceptions apprentices have after reading the classic worlis on falconly is that
these barbaric practices are necessaly to lnalte a hunting hawli. They aren't. Modern falconers have proved
conclusively these procedures are as unnecessary as they are unpleasant. [I21 Your sponsor will advise you
on the "how-to" of entering your hawk. Neither of the editor's first two apprentices used a bagged quarry
and they did just fine.

3. True or false. The screaln of an eyass hawlt or the jingle of the hawk's bells frighten quarly froin the
field and forest.

False. There is no evidence that prey hunted by hawks of any kind associate the sounds inade by the hawli
with the hawli itself. To a ducli or pheasant or rabbit, the cries of a goshawk, Harris' or red-tail appear to
be no more disturbing than the sound of a passing aircraft. 1121 By the time the quasly talces notice of the
bells it's usually too late. The editor has noticed that if a quarly escapes, it learns from the experience and
will be more wary the next time you're in the same field with the hawk.

4. True or false. It is safe to allow your red-tail to ltill all the prey it attaclcs.

False. Opportunistic hunters that they are, red-tails will strike at squirrels and rattlesnakes. Squirrels have
jaws and teeth that can bite a red-tail's toe and talon colnpletely off and they are tough enough to get their
head around inside gripping talons. The falconer should dispatch or release captured squirrels as quicltly
as possible. Talons broken off "below the quick" will grow back, but a toe bitten off in the fleshy part of
the foot will not regrow and the hawlt will be crippled for life. Red-tails seem to know how to ltill snakes
instinctively, teasing the snake with the wing-tips and grabbing thein by the head when the snake strikes.
(There is a superb segment of this in National Geographic's WOLVES OF THE AIR video about Harris' hawlis
[llcl) However, a red-tail lnay discover it is bound to a rattler too big to handle by itself. The falconer's
range of options are limited. Anecdotal evidence indicates that hawlts have a fifty-fifty chance of su~vival
if bitten. When faced with exactly this situation, the editor used his hunting stick to hold the snalie's head
long enough for the hawk to abandon the prey. If you hunt in rattler countly, invest in a good hunting stick
and shin guards or rattlesnalte-proof chaps.

5. True or false. When strilting, a hawlt's head, body and feet are going different speeds.

True. Just before contact, at the lnolnent of colnnlitlnent to the strike, accipiters and buteos swing the body
upward, bring the pelvis foiward, extend their legs, open the talons, and spread the tail to brake. At the actual
instant of strike the feet are effectively thrown foiward at nearly twice the speed of the head. Goshawks
have been measured to have foot strike speeds of nearly fifty miles per hour. [21 and [I81
6. True or false. Your red-tail strikes and binds to a cottontail in early April in California. You must remove
the hawk from the prey and abandon the carcass.

Tl~ie.For the last several years the California falconly hunting season on bt-ush, cottontail, and pygmy rabbits
and on valying (snowshoe) hare has closed the third Sunday in March. Therefore, your red-tail has talien
a prohibited species. You must remove the hawli from the cottontail as soon as possible and abandon the
carcass. This is the "let-it-lie" 11ile (CFR 670(b)).

7. You are reclaiming and conditioning your intermewed red-tail by having her follow-on, as you have just
talcen her up from the moult and you feel she is not in good enough condition to really hunt. Her weight
is high, and you are flying the extra ounces off her. You have a live-lure with you "just in case." A game
warden approaches and asks to see your falconly and hunting licenses. You . . .

a. require the game warden to show you a search warrant.

b. explain that since you really aren't hunting, you didn't need to renew the hunting license yet.
c. show the licenses to him.
d. none of the above.

Answer c. Your licenses are the difference between falconry and felony. Federal law requires you to show
your falconly license and California law requires you to show your hunting license. (FWS § 13.44) (CFR
670) While vou inay not be hunting, your hawli will not pass up an easy strilie. At that point you will be
hunting. Further, if you need to use the live-lure to retrieve 11e1; you will be serving quarly to a raptor, and
that may be regarded as htinting. Keep both licenses up to date and carly them with you in the field. That's
a lot easier than explaining to a game warden wlly you didn't. Some falconers, including the editor, carly a
reduced laminated copy of their falconly license clipped to their lxinting vest. Answer "a" is incorrect and
stupid. Editor's advice: avoid snappy repartee with game wardens, sheriffs, highway patrolmen, anyone
wearing a uniform or carlying a gun. Save your smart reinarks until the falconly meet.

8. Tiue or false. Your hawli chases a cock pheasant for several hundred yards and it puts it in to cover. The hawli
then perches above the cover. If you fl~ishthe pheasant again, the hawli is liliely to talie hi111 in the air.

True. Adult pheasants are seldom taken on their first rise and usually pull away from a goshawli, Harris'
hawk or red-tail. A Harris' or gosl~awliwill usually begin gaining on the pheasant if the hawli persists. If the
pheasant puts in again, make evely effort to fl~lshthe pheasant into the air. A pheasant can be flown once
and win; twice, and it loses nearly evely time. A Harris' hawli will learn this lesson vely quickly.

9. A longwing at high altitude is inore liliely to take a . . .

a, mallard duck who breaks fro111 the flocli in a steep climb over land.
b, nlallard ducli who brealis from the flocli and drops low over a lake.
c, cocli pheasant wllo remains on the ground and offers to fight.
d, holning pigeon flying in a sinall tight flocli.

Answer a. There are no hard and fast mles about which individual quarly species a raptor will talie;
however, longwings tend to attack individuals who break from the flock making "a" the most liliely choice.
Answer "b" is incorrect, even though the duck broke from the flocli, longwings are reluctant to talie
waterfowl over large bodies of water. Answer "c" is wrong because aggressive behavior by quarly will
often discourage the predator. Answer " d is wrong because it is Inore difficult than is conlnlonly thought
for a longwing to take a pigeon. It is even more difficult when an individual pigeon is flying in a flocli. Few
wild hawlis can take a f~illflighted pigeon under normal circumstances. A good honling pigeon will not
out speed, but can dodge the best longwing. Pigeons and doves, as well as shore birds and lapwings,
will deliberately talie to the air ahead of a low level attacli by a longwing and contest lnasteiy of the air
with the raptor.
10. Ttue or false. A speeding duclt is as loathe to fly into trees or brush as a longwing.

Tnle. Trees and cover do not have n l ~ ~ effect

c h on waterfowl flights. As a rule, duclts never attempt to enter
cover or hide unless hit or forced out of the air by a near miss. Once down and trying to hide, ducks are
good at it and are very difficult to find. [I21

11.True or false. Most waterfowls are more difficult for a hawlt to take than are upland game birds such as
pheasants, partridge, and grouse.

True. Waterfowls, except coots, are more difficult than upland game birds. In level flight, they are nearly
as swift as the fastest hawlt or longwing for a short distance and most species can maintain high speed for
a rlluch longer distance than a peregrine. Ducks can climb faster than any longwing with the exception of
the gyrfalcon and they are surprisingly good at aerial evasion. [I21

12. T ~ u eor false. The swiftest short-winged hawlts rarely catch waterfowl in a tail chase.

Trite. Waterfowl, except for coots, can outdistance even a goshawk once they really get undetway; instead,
they must be talten on the rise. Of waterfowls, teals are the most difficult.

13. True or false. Falconers can hunt ducks any time and any place.

False. General hunting restrictions such as hunting license, seasons, ho~irs,federal requirelnents for
purchasing migratoty bird stamps, and closed areas such as state and county parlts, apply. While red-tails
are normally oriented toward ground quarry and kestrels are too small for duclts, apprentices can hunt
waterfowl within the litnits of those regulatoly requirements.

14. The live-lure should . . .

a. never be used.
b, be used only in an emergency.
c. be used whenever the raptor fails to take quarry.
d. be used when no wild quasly can be produced.

Answer b. The purpose of a live-lure is to get the hawlt out of a dangerous situation or to retrieve a hawlt
that is almost certain to becorne lost (e.g., a wild-caught hawk or longwing gets out of control and ignores a
dead lure). It should be used only in emergencies. Answer "c" is incossect. Repeated or careless use destroys
its effectiveness and continued use will absolutely t-uin a hawk. Answer "d" is incorrect. If a falconer cannot
provide a natural hunting environment for their hawlt(s) or does not "have the time" to hunt in a natural
setting, then the falconer should release or transfer their hawks until conditions improve. Repeated use of
live lures or bagged quarry is a sign of a bad falconer.

15. A falconer should never allow his hawlc to kill a live-lure because it . . .
a. is unethical.
b, reflects poorly on the sport of falconry.
c, can min a hunting hawlc.
d. all of the above.

Answer d. As the hawk returns at the sight of a live-lure, the live-lure should be replaced in the lure-bag
and a dead lure produced. Allowing a trained hawlt to kill a live pigeon tied to a string and held by the
falconer is unethical and unsportsmanlike. In most states it is illegal, Misuse of live lures will bring the
severe and justifiable criticism of animal welfare groups, sportsmen, and others as well as potential criminal
charges. It is also not a good lesson to instill in a trained lmnting hawlt. Hawks like to talte their quarty by
those methods that are quick and certain. They tend to repeat things that work. Wl~yshould a hawk chase a
free-flying quasly half a mile when there rnay be an easy quarry (the hawlc will perceive the live-lure as
a cripple) presented by the falconer? Escape of quarry is natural and frequent. Escape of the live-lure will
not prevent an immediate and powerf~~l reaction to the sight of it the next time, provided it is not used
regularly-and it shouldn't be! [I21


16. In reacting to the sight of an attacking raptor, domestic pigeons are liltely to . . .

a. seek cover of trees, lofts and buildings whether the raptor is an accipiter or a longwing.
b, seek cover if the attacking raptor is a longwing, but sky up if it is an accipiter.
c, sky-up whether the attacker is an accipiter or a longwing.
d, ignore the approach of either genus until it is too late.

Answer b. Domestic pigeons and waterfowl show vely quick specific reactions to an attacking raptor (though
they do not generally react to raptors at rest). Pigeons will seek immediate cover from longwings and tly
to evade accipiters by taking to the air. The waterfowl will make for water at the approach of any of the
larger accipiters and larger longwings but all will take to the air ahead of an eagle. Tlle editor monitors a
wild Cooper's hawk in his suburban neighborhood through the actions of the neighborhood pigeons. About
half the time when the entire floclt suddenly skies-up, the last bird in the flight is the Cooper's.

17. True or false. Most feral or domestic pigeons fly faster than any kind of upland or migratoiy game

T n e . Only small shore birds and snipe exceed the flying ability of pigeons, especially those that are wild
or half-wild. They can fly with equal endurance and as fast as any species of waterfowl, and dodge in the
air better than any bird their size and weight except curlews. Wild longwings do take them but this usually
occurs only when the flight path of the homing pigeon taltes it down a canyon or along a mountain side
where the longwing is at rest, or when the longwing is soaring high above and performs a sneak attack.

18. True or false. Ground quarly taken by your red-tail is safe for 11~1manconsumption.

True. Wild quarry can be eaten safely provided it is handled and coolted properly. Proper coolting will
eliminate worry about diseases, which are relatively rare in any case. Contracting tularemia from rabbits
is a possibility, but it comes from handling infected animals, not eating the coolted meat. (Careful hand
washing after cleaning quarly is a wise precaution.) Whether for eventual use by humans or hawks, it
is important to clean and cool quarly as soon as possible. Protect all captured quany from fly or ant
infestation, even if you cannot cool it immediately. [31

19. Tsue or False. Female red-tailed hawks are too big and clumsy to hunt squirrels in trees.

False. Red-tails of both sexes have proven themselves to be capable, agile hunters of tree squirrels.
Falconers in the forests of the southeast United States where slips on rabbit are hard to find, hunt tree
squirrels. [Ibl

20. True or false. Red-tails can never be hunted in a cast.

False. Experience has shown that red-tails accustomed to each other's presence can be safely hunted in a
cast. There is no evidence that red-tails hunt socially in a pack as will Harris' hawks. Falconers that have
hunted red-tails in a cast report the impression that each bird is hunting the same quany individually rather
than cooperatively with some post-capture crabbing. Red-tails that are kept by the same falconer and
have constant visual contact with each other are reported to worlt the best together and do little, if any at
all, crabbing.


21. You lmnt cottontails with a Inale red-tail. They are ...
a, easy quasly for male red-tails to catch.
b. easy quarry for male red-tails to liill.
c, difficult for a male red-tail to catch.
d. "b" and "c".

Answer d. Cottontails are generally creatures of the underbrush. As such they can put in to cover quickly,
giving a red-tailed hawli a minimum of time to strilie. As red-tails tend to strike from a high perch, your job
as falconer is to flush the cottontail into movement. Male red-tails will crash into underblush after tl1em.
Once caught, however, the red-tail dispatches the cottontail by compression of the talons. Most falconers
prefer to dispatch the quarty quickly themselves. Some falconers theorize that female red-tails will more
readily crash into undergrowth than males. May be tme, but the editor has not seen the difference.

22. Your passage female red-tail takes a squirrel on her first free flight after capture. You . ..
a. malie in quickly, dispatch the quarry and talie it away from her.
b, malie in deliberately, identify and dispatch the quasly, let her have it and clip a leash on.
c. do nothing as you know you are supposed to let her gorge on the first ten kills, at least. When she
is colnpletely stuffed, pick ller up.
d, lnalie in slowly, crawl if you have to and clip a leash on a jess; when she has a fill1 crop, picli up
her, collect the qual-ry and go home.

Answer b. Squirrels are dangerous quarly. While not particularly difficult to catch, they are armed with
extremely strong jaws and hard teeth. Additionally, they have the strength to worli their head around inside
the strongest red-tail's grasp and bite a toe colnpletely off, crippling her for life. Making in quiclily may
frighten her into carlying the live squirrel out of your reach. Taking the quasly away from her entirely may
ruin the start of a good relationship. Under many circumstances, answer "d" would be corsect. But if you
hunt where there are squirrels,you must remove the possibility of her having a toe bitten off. Some falconers
carly an ice picli as the ideal tool or awl to dispatch the quarly and avoid cutting the hawk's toes,

23. Tme or false. Jacks are easy prey for male red-tails to catch and liill.

False. Jack rabbits will rarely put in to cover, seeming to prefer to tly to out mn a pursuing hawk. They are
adept at dodging, often swerving at the last moment as the red-tail con~tnitsto the strilie. Even if the hawli
catches a mnning jack, he still has to stop and subdue it. The result can be massive plumage breakage (the
editor's personal experience). The falconer needs to be on hand quickly as it will take a long time for a
two-pound hawli to dispatch a six-pound jack.

24. Your kestrel has captured a starling feeding at the edge of a woodlot and is struggling to gain control
of it. You should . . .

a, stand at a distance and allow the liestrel roolll to work.

b. call your friends on your cell phone to brag.
c, malie-in as soon as possible to assist her.
d, stand nearby, ready to transfer her to the lure.

Answer c. You should malie-in as soon as possible to a liestrel which is stluggling with a large quarly on
the ground. This struggle will attract evely predator within earshot (especially when near cover) putting
your liestrel at grave risk. Your presence will not only deter most predators, but will teach the liestrel that
she can expect ilnnlediate assistance with a difficult quasly. Kestrels which have learned this lesson will
frequently hold live starlings at "ar111s' length," awaiting the falconer's assistance rather than attempting to
control the bird alone. (llb)


25. Tme or false. Starlings are easily caught by a liestrel if she is waiting-on over them,
False. Starlings (Ste~~fzz~s
uz~lgn7.i~) are extremely difficult to catch by any falcon from the traditional
waiting-on flight. Not only are starlings very fast on the wing they will rarely allow themselves to be pinned
to open ground beneath a flying falcon. Furthermore, trained American liestrels rarely take a commanding
pitch and have relatively little speed in stoop. However, ltestrels are quite capable of catching starlings if
these birds are placed at some disadvantage. If feeding or bathing in the open, they may be readily caught
by a liestrel which has been slipped from a vehicle. Also, roosting starlings may be caught in flights from
the fist where these birds congregate in buildings, trees and under awnings. Either method makes starling
hawking a viable pursuit for a trained liestrel. (llb)

26. True or false. House sparrows are extremely difficult for American ltestrels to catch.

False. American ltestrels are ideally suited to hawking house sparrows (Passer do~nestice~s) by any means
available. Sparrows may be pursued successfully from the fist, from a rooftop perch, froin a modest perch or
while roosting in cover. A fit passage ltestrel needs little encouragement or special entering to chase house
sparrows, and can catch them with relative ease under most conditions. In fact, a kestrel which shows no
interest in house sparrows is almost certainly ill, or to fat too be flown safely. (llb)

27. True or false. Only female kestrels are suitable for Ix~ntingavian quarries.

False. Both male and female American liestrels are fully capable of hawking starlings and house sparrows
with regular success. Only where grackles (family Ictef-idae) are legal quasly will the slightly larger size of
the female prove advantageous. (1lb)

28. Tme or false. The weight of a trained liestrel flown at birds should not fluctuate more than two to three
grams during a given season.

True. The weight at wl~icha liestrel will respond inmediately to the lure and consistently catch birds should
valy little in the course of a season. Iiestrels have vely nassow combat weight "windows," and will perform
consistently when flown within two grams of optimal weight. Ideally, the kestrel should be flown evely day
at exactly the same weight, given that the bird remains healthy, energetic, responsive, and able to process
food normally without incurring sour crop. (Ilb)

29. Your male red-tail attacks and takes a great blue heron on one of its first hunting flights. You

a. Let them fight it out. May the best bird win.

b. Leap with joy. This is what falconry is all about.
c, Malie in. Dispatch the heron and feed your bird a good crop but do not allow it to gorge. Collect
the rest of the carcass and take it home for later feedings.
d. Malie in and control the heron. If your bird has inflicted damage put the heron down, let your
bird break it open and eat, leaving the carcass in the field when the hawk is full but not gorged.
If the heron is not obviously injured, try to get it free of your bird's clutches, release it and resume

Answer d. If you hadn't figured it

out already, this is a question of
ethics and the law. First, the
great blue heron is a protected
species and therefore, illegal quasly.
Second, the great blue has a six inch
long beak and will try to stab you
and your bird in its desperation to
escape. You owe it to your bird to
control this dangerous quarry. If
your hawk has injwed the heron,
your remaining choices are few.
You must put the heron down or
risk serious iniuly to your hawk or
to yourself. Once dispatched, your
bird can be allowed to plume and
consume, but you cannot "collect'' the carcass-the "let-it-lay" law. If the heron is not obviously injured,
you are in m ~ ~ r llegal
i y and ethical considerations. Legally, once the quarty is "reduced to a possession" in
the talons of your hawli you cannot willhlly release it back to the wild. Ethically, you must deal with the
fact that the great blue heron is a noble creature fully deseiving of continuing the life it was leading before
you came along. If you dispatch it, you are following the law. If it is unharined and you release it you are
acting ethically-at least as far as the editor is concerned. Not to mention how tnuch easier it is to explain
to casual passer-bys and game wardens why you released an uninjured animal rather than as to why you
liilled it. As far as resuming hunting, quasly gets away all the tiine. Your bird won't mind resuming after a
few minutes. This question may seem contrived but it is not. These episodes happen when you hunt. The
most difficult part is that you will only have a few racing heartbeats to decide what to do. The life of your
bird depends on your actions. Welconle to falconry! While these episodes make great campfire stories,
avoid documenting them in print.
29. Match the hawk to the "normal" falconry quarry.
Hawlc Quarry
gyrfalcon starlings
peregrine voles
prairie falcon jack 7-abbits
merlin cotto7ztail
kestrel zuate~fozul
desett b i ~ d s
goshawk sqziifr.els
Cooper's hawk ptarl?zigan
sharp-shinned hawk insects
red-tailed hawk English spa?*rozus
fermginous hawli pheasant
Harris' hawk pozise

Answers: Answers:
gyrfalcon ptarmigan, pheasant, waterfowl, grouse
peregrine waterfowl, pheasant, grouse
prairie falcon waterfowl, grouse, pheasant, quail
rnerlin starlings, English sparrows
kestrel English sparrows, starlings, voles, insects

goshawli pheasant, waterfowl, grouse

cottontail, jack rabbits

Cooper's hawk sparrows, starlings, cottontail, quail

sharp-shinned hawk sparrows, starlings

red-tailed hawk cottontail, jack rabbits, pheasant

ferruginous hawk jack rabbits, cottontail
Harris' hawli cottontail, jack rabbits, pheasant, quail

OTHER STATES' LAWS:When it comes to what is legal quarly and what is not, seasons, hours, "let-it-
lie" rules (if any), licensing requirements and the like, you must be familiar with your own state's laws.
While this may seem blindingly obvious,feedback from individuals taking the test in other states beside
California indicate some surprise that their state did not accept the California answers.


31. Your sponsor is out of town and a close falconer friend of his offers to talie you and your kestrel
car-hawking. You . . .
a. accept his kind offer. Go and have a good tinie.
b. go, but drive while lie releases his Harris' hawk from the moving car against ducks sitting in a pond.
c. decline, as you aren't sure if this is legal.
d, decline and tell him you are pretty sure that taking quasly from a moving vehicle is against the law.
Answer d. Fish and Game regulations concerning hunting with falcons come directly froni the gun-hunting
regulations. A close study of the regulations will show that taliing quarly from a moving vehicle is against
the law. Your sponsor's friend has put you in a vely difficult position. Tlie chance that he is unaware of the
legalities is unlikely, but possible. Be diplomatic but firm in declining this and any other offers you are not
clystal clear on the legalities of.


1. The medieval falconer was most liliely to enseam his hawk ...
a, when it was hood-shy.
b. immediately after capturing the hawk.
c. when the hawlc was too fat.
d, when tlie hawk was sharp-set.

Answer c. Enseam means to prepare a hawk for flying by eliminating her reselves of fat. Today it
sometimes refers to tlie feeding of washed meat to lower the hawk's condition. The medieval term referred
to certain purges (e.g., rangle-small stones) given to a hawk to rid it of excess fat and mucus, tlius malting
it more eager to fly. Undigested grease and fats accumnulate in tlie crop. As the small stones are worlied
around in the crop, they become coated in the grease and fats. When cast up, the stones remove tlie fat.
Don't confuse this with the fat that is the hawk's internal energy reselve. Follow your sponsor's advice on
using rangle. Hood-shy refers to liawlis that are reluctant to be hooded. Sharp-set means hung~y,lieen,
and ready to hunt.
2. A hawk is most liliely to put over its crop . . .

a, when entering a stoop.

b. while being entered on new quasly.
c. just before eating.
d, just after eating.

Answer d. To put over a crop is the action of a raptor when it, through movements of the neck and
shoulders, forces food from the crop into the stomach. A crop has been put away when all the food in the
crop has been moved into the stomach. [I21 Entering is introducing the hawk to a new type of quasly. A
stoop is the attack dive at quarry or to the lure.

3. A hawk is most liliely to feak just . . .

a. before making a kill.
b. after taliing a bath.
c. after a meal.
d. before breaking in.
Answer c. To feak is the stropping action of a raptor wiping the beak clean against the perch or on the
glove after feeding. [I21 Brealung in is the act of tearing through the quasly's skin.

4. True or false. The term austringer refers to one who normally flies passage longwings rather than eyasses.
False. Austringer, a term froni classical falconly, strictly means one who keeps and hunts with the
accipiters. From the Latin astz~l;the generic name for the goshawli (now included in scientific literature
with tlie accipiters). [I21 Sometimes used in modern terms for an individual who worlts with shortwings,
the accipiters, and/or broadwings, the buteos.


5. Tsue or false. Seeling is a practice not con~monlyused by North American falconers.
True. Seeling is a practice used in the Middle East and in medieval falconly, of closing the eyes of a freshly
caphued hawli by means of a fine thread sewn through the lower eyelid in a single stitch, then tied. This
was part of the manning process to get the hawlc accustomed to being hooded and making the hood fit
properly. Once the hood was fitted perfectly and the hawk was accustonled to the feel of the hood, the
seeling thread would be slackened a bit at a time as the hawk became progressively manned. The hawk's
eyes are, of course, protected by the nictitating membrane.

6. Tme or false. An example of a slip is when you flush quail for your shortwing.
True. Slip is a falconly term with three closely related meanings. A slip is a chance at quasly. The fl~lshed
quail is a slip. A slip is the flight of the shortwing after the quail. To slip is the release of the shortwing
after the quail.

7. Your hawlc is most likely to throw-up . . .

a. following a meal of rancid meat.
b, following a stoop, particularly after quarly takes cover.
c, while sitting on a perch.
d, while talcing a bath.

Answer b. In the falconer's vernacular throw up means to rise steeply on outstretched wings, particularly
after a stoop as the hawk converts the kinetic energy of their dive into potential energy of altitude and the
possibility of another strilce from the altitude. The phrase cast gorge is used to describe the act of vomiting
up the contents of stomach or crop.

8. True or false. It is desirable that your hawlc crab after striliing a quasly.

False. Crabbing is a clash or fight between hawlcs flying in a cast. Sometimes it happens in the air,
sometimes on the ground over quarry.

9. The word strike used by a falconer means ...

a, the instant of contact between a 11~1ntingraptor and either quarly or lure.
b. loosening the hood.
c. both "a" and "b".
d, neither "a" nor "b".

Answer c. Strike describes the moment of impact and also the act of loosening the braces of a hood without
removing it. [121

10. T n ~ eor false. The phrase rake away means to abandon the flight and careen away.

Tme. Rake away is used to describe a flight at prey or to the falconer that is abandoned. The hawk flies
too wide of the falconer or leaves the falconer altogether. The low flight of the longwing and the slashing
strike of a goshawlc or Harris' hawlc is known as raking.

11. True or false. Intermewed describes a medieval practice considered archaic by North American

False. Intermewed simply describes a hawk that has been kept a full year. Literally it means "intelval in the
mews," referring to the summer period of inactivity in the mews while a hawlc n~oults.Hence an intermewed
hawlc is a hawlc that has moulted in captivity. [I21


Operation FALCON
As you progress in your falconry career, you will hear of "Operation FALCON. The spin you
are going to get on what happened depends on whether or not the people you are talking to
lived through that watershed event in American falconty or became falconers afterwards.
Falconly today with the access to captive breeding is not the falconry of the late
1970's and early 1980's when the official policy of the United States government was that
captive-breeding in commercial quantities was absolutely impossible. With that thought in
mind, then where were the "captive-bred" birds coming from? The official answer was "the
wild" and the birds were being laundered through the breeders and then sold overseas for
high profits.
In order to prove this was true, the United States Fish and Wildlife Setvice hired John
Jeffrey McPartlin, an American falconer, in 1982. Mr. McPartlin, on the basis of USFWS Special
Permitting, set up a smuggling ring to take birds from the wild and sell them overseas for
obscene profits. As United States falconers are a generally law-abiding bunch, Mr. McPartlin
did not find that US falconers were going to cooperate; therefore he performed the wild
capture himself and laundered them through a Canadian breeding facility.
The Canadian facility was act~~ally taking small numbers of birds from the wild and
laundering them to overseas markets, primarily in the Middle East.
Mr. McPartlin did find, however, that there were a number of US falconers that were
willing to cut corners on their paperwork, to take birds out of season, and to take adult birds.
He then started setting up situations that were 95% perfectly legal and aboveboard and 5%
on the shady side. These transactions were then filmed and audio-taped and transcribed for
later court evidence. This continued through late 1982, all of 1983, and early 1984.
The United States and Canada were running parallel operations, however the United
States knew of the Canadian efforts, but it was not until Mid-May of 1984 that the Canadians
were told of the USFWS operation; and then only when Canadian officials told their USFWS
counterpasts that they were investigating Mr. McPal-tlin.They were them told that Mr. McPartlin
was running a sting under their vety noses.
"Takedown" was June 29, 1984. Teams of USFWS, State Game Departments, and the
FBI descended upon the United States falconly community and in front of intense media
coverage, arrested, handcuffed, and hauled off scores of falconers. Many of the suspects
were close friends of Mr. McPartlin who were jailed for the moral equivalent of tunning a
stop sign.
As the months wore on, most of the cases fell to pieces simply because there was
insufficient evidence to get grand juries to indict. Most of the few cases that did end up in a
courtroom were tossed out due to entrapment. Of course, since the media hoopla had died
down only the falconly community was left with its reputation in tatters, intense paranoia
and a well-earned distrust of the USFWS and state game departments.
It has been nearly twenty-five years, and the veterans of that period are still reluctant
to discuss the Operation. In most cases, attitudes towards officialdom have mellowed.
The falconry community demonized Mr. McPartlin. Mr. McPartlin never understood that
though widespread, the falconry community in the United States is quite small and has long
memories. While technically legal, Mr. McPartlin did focus on those falconers that thought of
him as a friend. He taped and filmed their minor infractions and then testified against them
in court.
Keep this in mind when you call some falconer out of the blue and ask them to be
your sponsor
For a more complete discussion of Operation FLCON, see the 1999 California Hawliing
Club Journal. Available through the website



T F 1. A broken primaly feather should be cut off at the base of the shaft. (Section 2.1, #29)

T F 2. It is illegal to lieep moulted feathers. (Section 3.1, #35)

T F 3. Apprentices may not hunt waterfowl. (Section 3.2, #13)

T F 4. The hawk should be allowed to gorge on its first 10 liills. (Section 3.1, #29)

T F 5. House sparrows are good quariy for kestrels. (Section 3.2, #26)

T F 6. A falconer prefers his hawli to be sharp-set before he enters the field to hunt. (Section 3.1, #5)

T F 7. If a toe is bitten off by a squirrel, it will probably not grow back. (Section 3.2 #22)

8. The training of a hawk is done by ...

a, rewarding with food (for achievement).
b, punishing the bird for bad performance.
c, starving the bird until it performs properly.
d, love, affection, and compassion. (Section 3.1, #6)

9. When hunting duclts, a raptor may be used to do so ...

a, only in states that recognize falconry as a legal means for taking ducks.
b. during ducli season with a proper license, just lilie other sportsmen and hunters.
c. after obtaining a ducli stamp.
d. all of the above. (Section 3.2, #13)

10. You hunt cottontails with a male red-tail. They are ...
a. easy quarry for male red-tails to catch,
b, easy quasly for male red-tails to kill.
c. difficult for a male red-tail to catch.
d. "b" and "c". (Section 3.2, #21).

11.A falconer should never allow his hawli to kill a live-lure because it ...
a, is unethical.
b, reflects poorly on the sport of falconly
c. can ruin a hunting hawli.
d. all of the above. (Section 3.2, #15).

12. A good reason to stop flying your hawli before the vernal equinox (March 21) is the ...
a, frequency of soaring weather.
b, resurgence of latent migration urges.
c, end of cottontail hunting season.
d. all of the above. (Section 3.1, #36).


NOTE: Falconly laws and regulations,
lilte all hunting and/or live animal rules
and policies, exist in a state of constant
change. The questions and answers
below represent the best information
at the time of writing (Spring 2010).
"CFR stands for the California Falconry
Regulations 670, "Practice of Falconry"
and Section 678, "Captive Raptor
Breeding," and are shown as "CFR
670" or "CFR 678." "FWS 21" refers to
the Federal Fish and Wildlife Selvice
Regulation also known as Title 50
- Consolidated Federal Regulations
- Section 21: para $21.28, "Falconry
permits,"para $21.29,"Federalfalconry standards;"and, para $21.30,"Raptor propagation pernits," "FG361a"is the
REQUIREMENTS FOR OBTAINING A FACONRY LICENSE published by the California Department of Fish
and Game. New Federal regulations go into effect Janualy 1, 2010. The states must implement these by
Januaiy 1, 2014 or falconiy will become illegal in the states that have not done so. A w o k sheet page
(-vi-) (In the front of this Study Guide) is set-up for you document your research into your state's position
on these evolving regulations.

1. A falconer wants to breed two of his Harris' hawlts legally possessed under a California falconly license.
This is . . .

a. of no concern or interest to federal/state authorities.

b, legal, since the hawlts are possessed under a falconiy permit.
c. illegal without a federal Raptor Propagation Permit.
d. a waste of time, since they will not breed in captivity.

Answer c. A falconer may not breed hawks which are legally possessed under a falconiy permit alone.
The falconer may transfer the hawlts to a federal Raptor Propagation Permit to breed them, and may
continue to use them for falconly, but only if designated on both propagation and falconry license.
(FWS $21.30(d)(11)) Most captive breeding hawlts in this country are kept only for that purpose and are
not used for falconly.

2. Assuming an apprentice falconer in California has been licensed for at least two years, what is the youngest
age he/she can become a general class falconer?

a. Sixteen years.
b. Eighteen years.
c. Twenty years.
d. Twenty-one years.

Answer b. (FWS $21,29(e)(I))


3. In California which class of falconer may legally trap or take an endangered species from the wild?

a. master falconers with at least twenty years' experience.

b. all master falconers.
c. both inaster and general falconers.
d, none of the above.

Answer d. No one may take an endangered species from the wild for falconiy purposes in California, or
any place else for that matter. (FWS $21n29(e)(3)(iii))

4. California falconiy regulations state that an apprentice falconer may take from the wild . . .

a. an eyass red-shouldered hawli.

b, a ltestrel.
c. passage red-tailed hawk.
d. "b" or "c," but not "a".

Answer d. Only passage red-tails and kestrels (both passage and haggard-never an eyass) may be taken by
apprentice falconers in California, and only during the authorized trapping season. (FWS $21.29(e)(l)(iv)),
(FWS $21.29(1)(4)) and (CFR 670(c)(2)(D)).

5. To be eligible for a California apprentice falcon~ylicense, an applicant must be at least . . .

a. fourteen years old.

b, sixteen years old.
c. eighteen years old.
d. none of the above.

Answer a. An individual can become an apprentice falconer at age fourteen, but cannot be advanced to
general until reaching age eighteen. [FWS $21,29(e)(l)(i)lThis implies a four-year apprenticeship is possible
if the individual becomes a falconer on his or her fourteenth birthday.

6. To be eligible for a California general falconly license, an applicant must be at least . . .

a. fourteen years old.

b, sixteen years old.
c, eighteen years old.
d. none of the above.

Answer c. An individual can become an general falconer at age eighteen (FWS $21.29(e)(2)(i)) but only if
they have at least two years experience in the practice of falconry at the apprentice level or equivalent [FWS
§21.29(e)(2)(ii)l and receive the authorization of their sponsor (CFR 670(1)(1)).

7. FWS $21.29(e)(2)(ii) says that an apprentice must have "at least two years experience in the practice of
falconly at the apprentice level" to be advanced to general. In California, this means the apprentice. . .

a. must possess a hawk for a minimn~lm6 months for each of the two years of apprenticeship.
b, can become a general falconer exactly two calendar years to the day their first license was issued.
c. can become a general falconer as soon as they have twenty-four months on their falconry license.
d, must trap, man, train and hunt with an allowed species of hawk for two seasons.

Answer a. California policy was to count the number of months since license issue, but is now leaning
toward only counting the days you hold a hawli. If you kept your license current throughout the two


calendar years since the license was first issued, then answer "bJJis not incorrect, just coincidental. If you
let your license lapse during that time or do not have a hawk, your calendar stops and does not start again
until you renew your license and posses a hawlt. Answer "d" is correct for the State of New Yorlt, and is
the basic mle-of-thumb requirement that most sponsors have. This policy is in a state of flux and may be
revised even before it is printed.

8. To be eligible for a California master falconer license, the applicant must ...
a, complete five years' experience as a general falconer.
b. be at least twenty-three years old.
c. "a" and "b".
d. "a," but not "b".

Answer c. The law requires five years' experience as a general falconer before advancement to master.
The law also requires the individual to be eighteen or older for advancement from apprentice to general.
Therefore, 18 + 5 = 23. (FWS $21.29(e)(3)(1))

9. Unlilce apprentice falconers, California general and master falconers may talte froln the wild . .

a, gyrfalcons.
b. peregrines.
c. Harris' hawks.
d, ferruginous hawks.

Answer d. Currently, masters and generals may take the feri11ginous hawlt from the wild. In addition, master
and general falconers may talte the goshawlt, Cooper's hawlt, sharp-shinned hawk, red-tailed hawk, kestrel,
merlin, prairie falcon, and great-horned owl (CFR 670(c)(4)(C)).

10. Federal Forln 3-186A is required when . . .

a, an apprentice falconer loses his passage red-tail.

b, an apprentice advances to general and transfers his adult red-tail to another apprentice.
c. an apprentice falconer pulls hidher first passage hawk from the wild.
d, all of the above.

Answer d. AU captures, transfers or losses, including thefts and deaths, of birds of prey must be reported
on the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Form 3-186A, and sent to the regional US Fish & Wildlife Service office.
They will provide California Department of Fish and Game a copy for their files.
(FWS $21.29 & $21.30)

11. Unlike the apprentice, a general falconer may .,.

a. capture eyasses.
b. work with a greater number and variety of raptors.
c, be a sponsor.
d. all of the above.

Answer d. (CFR 670(c)(4)(F)) and (FWS $21.29(e)(2)(iii)) These are, in fact, what the apprentice program
prepares you to do. Preparation is vely different from training or experiencing. As an apprentice, you
experience the manning and training of either the red-tail or kestrel. Keeping two raptors in hunting
condition is a challenge. After "getting your feet wet" with a single red-tail or kestrel, as a general falconer
you may work with two birds at one time, hunt with accipiters and longwings and/or capture and raise
eyasses, which are natural progressions in the art of falconiy. Being a sponsor implies passing on that
hard-won knowledge earned at the hands of your sponsor and the talons of your hawks. Note: some states
require the sponsor to be a master falconer.


12. The sponsor n?ust, besides being a general or master falconer . ..
a, decide if the apprentice is qualified to advance to general.
b. be accountable for the care and treatment of the apprentice's hawli.
c, be available to and supportive of the apprentice and his needs.
d, have unending patience, a sense of hunlor, and the desire to teach.
e. all of the above.

Answer e. All are correct and vital-particularly "d."Although once written into law, sponsor duties are no
longer part of the code. Advancement to general falconer means that the sponsor believes the apprentice will
be able to work with more than one hawli at a time, develop skills with accipiters and longwings and train
and/or capture eyasses. If, as an apprentice, the falconer does not show the subtleties and skills required
for these duties, then the sponsor must not allow the apprentice to advance. The sponsor and the hawk
are preparing the apprentice to hunt with many different raptors in the f ~ ~ t u rAn
e . ill, poorly skilled red-tail
or kestrel (even if perfectly plumaged) is a failure, not only of the apprentice, but the sponsor as well. The
apprentice may be a contributing factor, but the failure is that of the sponsor. [I31 (FWS §21.29(e)(l)(ii))

13.You have just hlmed general and want to buy a male Hal~is'hawli from a captive breeding program. The new
eyass is going to cost $400. An apprentice offers you $600 for your wild-caught passage male red-tail. You . . .

a. accept without question as the marliet rate for male red-tails is only $300.
b, negotiate as you think the hawk is worth more.
c. patiently explain that the buying and selling of wild-caught raptors is illegal.
d, none of the above.


BY LAW. (FWS §21.30(d)(5)(1)) and FWS §21.30(d)(5)(ii)) Answers "a" and "b" are incorrect as there is
little legal colnmercial marliet for captive-bred red-tailed hawlis and none at all for kestrels. There are no
prohibitions against the captive-breeding of liestrels or red-tailed hawlis, which would wear a seamless
band, and would therefore be legal to buy or sell. Practically speaking, however, breeders n~arlietspecies of
birds that othelwise may not be taken from the wild or are vely difficult to take from the wild. One possible
result of choosing answer a or b, is for the apprentice to suddenly flash a badge, announce that he/she is
a US Fish and Wildlife Selvice Agent, that you are under arrest and starts reading you your Miranda Rights.
It has happened. See the discussion on Operation FALCON before Section 3.3

14. Tme or false. The California falconry regulations and federal falconiy standards prohibit general falconers
from possessing more than two raptors on their falconry license.

Tnle. A general falconer may have two hawks with two replacement hawks in a twelve-month period. (FWS

15. True or false. In California, you may buy or sell wild raptors for captive breeding purposes.

Absolutely False. (CFR 670) (FWS $21.30) See question #13 above.

16. True or false. The "Lacey Act" pertains to illegal interstate traffic of wildlife.

True. Under the Lacey Act it is a violation of federal law to import, export, transport, sell, receive, acquire,
or purchase in interstate or foreign commerce any wildlife that is talien, transported, possessed, or sold in
violation of any state or foreign law. (Lacey Act - 18 USC. 42)


17. True or false. Individuals licensed as master falconers in California may possess a marsh hawk for falconly
if received from Department-approved rehabilitation facilities.

True. (CFR 670(c)(2)(E)) However, marsh hawks are not normally permissible falconly hawks in
California nor are they known as good falconly hawlts. Their hunting style and temperanlent do not lend
themselves to cooperative hunting with h ~ ~ m a nGeneral
s. or master falconers may possess any raptor
for falconly (with the exception of bald eagles), as long as the hawk was acquired legally with special
permission from the state. While apprentices may also receive hawlts from a rehabilitation agency, they are
still limited to Itestrels and red-tailed hawks.

18. True or false. While hunting quarly with a hawk in California, the falconer must observe the same
hunting hours as those prescribed for the gun or bow-hunter.

True. The falconer must also purchase a hunting license and abide by the prescribed hours. (CFR 670(b))
Currently, the hours are from one half-hour before sunrise to a half-hour after sunset.

19. True or false. A California state falconly license permits master falconers to possess a golden eagle for

False. Under federal law qualified master falconers may obtain depredating (raptors that are killing or
destroying livestock) golden eagles and train them for falconly. (FWS §21.29(1)(4)) However, California
requires additional permitting and, as of Winter 2002, issued precisely one.

20. True or false. The holder of a state/federal falconly license and a valid small game hunting license is
not required to have a federal "duclt stamp" to hunt waterfowls legally with a raptor.

False. (CFR 670(b)) Any h~lnterwho hunts a migratory waterfowl must obtain a federal "duclt stamp" under
the Migratoly Birds Treaty Act. Note: the state duclt stamp is also required in evely state.

21. Tlue or false. An annual apprentice repost is only required when the falconer's activities have included hunting.

False. All apprentice falconers must file an apprentice report annually regardless of quarly talten during the
hunting season. An additional report is required when the apprentice upgrades at the end of their first and
second license years. (CFR 670(c)(l)(I))

22. True or false. American crows, English sparrows, and starlings may be hunted with a raptor.

True. However, all other passerines are protected from any type of hunting. (California Hunting Regulations,
Title 14, chapter 6, paragraph 472)

23. True or false. The "permit year" for California falconly licenses begins on J a n ~ ~ a1st.

False. The permit year for California is July 1st. License renewal applications are due in June.
(CFR 396 (a)).

24. T n ~ eor false. You may buy, sell or barter captive-bred and raised raptors for use in falconry in

True. Previously prohibited, a new mling allows the purchase and sale of captive-bred raptors pursuant to
federal breeding permits. (FWS $21.30) and (CFR 670)

25. T n ~ eor false. You nlay capture adult red-tailed hawks for falconry in California.

False. The key word is "adult". You may take only eyass and passage red-tails from the wild for falconly
purposes. (CFR 670(c)(2)(D))


26. Tme or false. No falconer shall capture passage hawks after Janualy 1st.

False. The legal trapping season in California extends from October 1st to Janualy 31st. (CFR 670)
Check to malce sure what the current laws allow.

27. True or false. Game wardens may enter the premises of any falconer at any reasonable hour to inspect
housing, equipment, raptors and records.

Tnle. (CFR 670(c)(l)(J)) However, Game wardens rarely make unannounced inspections unless they have
reason to believe you are not taking care of your hawlc or you possess a hawk not listed on your license.

28. T ~ u eor false. Applications for renewal of a falconry license or written notification of non-renewal must
be submitted to the Department postmarked no later than Feblualy 28th.

True. (WPD 141, paragrap11 7)

29. Tlue or false. If you capture a raptor in adult plumage, you must inmediately release it.

True. You may not trap an adult raptor for falconry purposes. (FWS §21.29(1)) Exception: You may take
kestrels and great horned owls over one year of age. (FWS §21.29(1)(4))

30. Tme or false. Apprentice falconers may not capture nestling raptors.

True. (CFR 670(c)(4)(F) and (FWS §21.29(1)) Under California falconly regulations an apprentice falconer
may not capture nestling raptors (eyasses).

31. True or false. California falconry regulations stipulate that nestling raptors may be captured only
between the dates of May 20th through July 15th.

Tsue. Only general or master level falconers may take nestling raptors (eyasses), and the current harvest
season is May 20th through July 15th. (CFR 670(c)(4)(~))

32. True or false. A falconer who captures a raptor must submit form 3-186A within 5 days of capture. You
nlay fill out this report just prior to mailing.

True. You :nust file a resident capture permit with the State of California within 5 days of the taking of
a suitable raptor. You must also send in a 3-186a form within the same time period to the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Sewice. (FWS §21.28(d)(4))

33. Tl-ue or false. A general or master falconer may capture only one nestling raptor from only one nest.

False. A general or master falconer may capture up to two eyasses during the permit yeas, providing there
is at least one nestling remaining in the nest and there is room on the falconer's license. (FWS §21.29(1)(2))
and (CFR 670(c)(4)F))

34. Tsue or false. A California falconly license expires on December 31st of the year it is issued.

False. All California falconly licenses expire on June 30th each year. (CFR 396 (a)).

35. True or false. A falconer must report in writing to the Department within five days of the escape, loss
or death of a raptor in his or her possession.

True. (FWS $21.28(d)(4))Practically speaking, you should not give up hawk for lost for at least two weeks.
Some red-tails may have "drifted" only a few miles fro111 the loss site. If you fill out the papelwok on the fifth
day and mail it in, and subsequently recover the hawlc, simply fill out another Form 3-186A and mail it.
36. True or false. A falconer may release to the wild any non-native raptor in his or her possession if the
raptor is untrainable.

False. A falconer must get authorization from the Department before releasing to the wild any non-native
raptor in his or her possession. (EWS §21.29(j)(3)) You may NEVER intentionally release a hybrid into the
wild. (FWS $21,30(d)(14)(ii))

37. True or false. An apprentice falconer may not possess more than one raptor and may not obtain more
than one raptor for replacement during any twelve-month period.

Tl-ue. (FWS §21.29(e)(l)(iii)) The California replacement year begins on March 1st. (CFR 670(c)(4)(H))

38. True or false. You may use adult red-tailed hawlts for falconly in California.

Tme. This is a "trick" question and the key word is "use." You can only take immature red-tails for falconly
purposes. You can, of course, use them for falconly after they have matured to adulthood.
(FWS §21.29(1)(2))

39. True or false. You may give moulted feathers to a friend to use in crafts.

False. You nlay retain moulted feathers for later use in imping or destroy them. You may donate them to
Native Americans for use in religious ceremonies provid the Native American received prior written approval
from the state. (FWS §21.29(j)(5))

40. True or false. You are required to display your falconly license to game wardens and law enforcement
officials upon request.

T n ~ e(FWS
. $13.44)Falconers must carry their falconly license and h~lntinglicense with them whenever they
are away from their premises with their hawk.

41. Tnle or false. You may entrust the care and feeding of your passage red-tail to your neighbor before
going on vacation if you provide them with prepackaged meals and a feeding and weathering schedule.

False. Only another licensed permittee (licensed falconer or licensed rehabilitator) may provide care for your
falconry hawk. Additionally, you must provide the permittee a copy of your original Form 3-186A on which
the hawli was registered in your name and a letter of authorization you signed to the licensed permittee to
hold the bird for you. (FWS §21.29(j)(4))

42. True or false. You do not have to have a sponsor until you have a hawlt.

False. (FWS $21.29(e)(l)(ii))A sponsor is required prior to notifying the state that you are ready for your
facilities and equipment inspection. Currently, the sponsor must countersign the form to request the
inspection. (FG361a, paragraph 4 & 6) This allows the sponsor to advise you on the readiness of your mews,
weathering area, perches, and so on, prior to the inspection.

43. True or false. As an apprentice in California, you may possess a Harris' hawk if transferred to you by a
department approved rehabilitation facility.

False. Currently, the wording of the California regulations says that "any license holder" can have a raptor
transferred to them by a departinent approved rehabilitation facility. (CFR 670(c)(2)D and E)) However,
apprentices are still restricted to liestrels and red-tailed hawlts by the federal regulations (FWS $21,29(e)(l)(vi))
and the common sense of their sponsor. Without the federal restriction, a brand-new apprentice could
receive a golden eagle from a department approved rehabilitation facility!!
Having said all that, answer "T~xle"if you find this question on the California test.
T F 1. An apprentice may permanently transfer their red-tail to another apprentice without a Form
3-186. (#lo)
T F 2. An apprentice may take an eyass from the nest as long as one eyass is left in the nest. (#4 and #30)

T F 3. You niust apply for your falconly license within seven days after obtaining a hawli. (#42)

T F 4. In order to obtain a master license, a general falconer must have at least 5 years experience
after a two-year apprentice. (#8)
T F 5. A general may possess the same raptors as a master falconer. (#9)
T F 6. A general falconer must be 18 years old and have had 2 years experience as an apprentice. (#5)
T F 7. In California, a falconer must observe the same tules and regulations as do those that hunt
quarty with bows and firearms as far as seasons and hours. (#18)

T F 8. A master falconer is the only class of falconer that can have a gy~falconor peregt-ine in Califot-nia. (@)
T F 9. A master falconer may take up to two eyasses in one season as long as there is one remaining
in the nest. (#33)
10. The trapping season in California is from . . .
A ril 1st to Ma 31st.
1 dy 20th to Ju& 15th.
c. Novenlber 1st to Januat 31st.
d. October 1st to Januaty &st. (#26)
11.An apprentice falconer in California may only possess a . . .
a. red-tail or liestrel.
b, red-tail or Cooper's hawli.
c. liestrel or sharp-shinned.
d, marsh hawk or Cooper's hawli. (#4)
12. A raptor possessed under a falconty license may be temporarily held and cared for by a person other
than the permittee if that person is . . .
a, a family member.
b. a person with experience worliin with falcons.
c. another licensee who is pernlitte$
d. all of the above. (#41)
13. Which raptor may not be taken from the wild in California?
a. sharp-shinned hawli.
b, great horned owl.
c. red-shouldered hawli.
d, fert11ginous hawk. (#9)
14. Birds that may be hunted as quarty are:
a starlinp.
b. Englis sparrows.
c. American crows.
d. all of the above. (#22)
15. The eyass capture season in California is from . . .
A ril 1st to Ma 31st.
dy20th to J ~ l &15th.
c. November 1st to Jan~iaty31st.
d. October 1st to Januaty 31st. (61)


So the old-time falconer says to the newcomer, "There we were. I slipped my intermewed tiercel eyass gos at a flush.
He pursued, checked, then struck, binding hard. Then he carried it over the ridge, hiding in bmsh so deep I couldn't
find him. So I pulled out the yagi and got a bearing on him. Finally I got an eyeball on him and made in on my hands
and knees and used a chick to get him to step-off and onto the fist. Believe me, drawing the hood was the first thing
tliat made me feel good all day."

What the new person heard was "There we were. I . . . a . . . to my . . . He . . . Tlien he . . .over the ridge, .
. .hiding in bmsh so deep I couldn't find him. So I pulled out tlie . . . and . . . on him. Finally I got an eyeball on him
and . . .on my hands and knees and used a . . .to get him to . . . and . . . Believe me, . . .was the first thing that made
me feel good all day." Well, it sounds exciting with a happy ending, but what the hecli was he talking about?

Reading glossaries is ni~lc11like reading tlie phone boolt. Lots of interesting characters, but not much in the way
of story line. Glossaries are usually sh~cliin the back of the book by the author who, understanding exactly wliat the
terms niean, treats this vital collection of definitions as an afterthought. A~~thors frequently overlook the point that the
vely people they hope to educate may not understand all this arcane language. And while tliis glossaly is seemingly
banished to the back of the book also, it's more a matter of logistics than importance.

Falconry is by no means unique in having its own technical jargon. But falconly h unique in its use of words
and phrases tliat have remained unchanged since tlie Renaissance; old terms are mixed with utterly modern phrases.
This annotated glossaly combines the original strict meaning of a phrase or word within the modern usage. I've tried
to leave as ~ m c of
h the ancient richness intact as possible. While there are numerous contemporaly worlts on falconry,
this glossaly may assist in understanding older worlts. In several cases m~iltipledefinitions are given for the same word
or phrase, some of wllich contradict each other. There is a reason for this, beyond the editor's whim, as it points out
the occasional misuse and confusion generated wlien precise technical terms are sloppily used. On the last page is a
layperson's translation of tlie opening paragraph above. One clue, it does liave a happy ending.

Accipiter: A short-winged hawk identified by short, r o ~ ~ n d wings,

ed long tail and light eyes, primarily hawks of the forest.
More specifically the Latin for the genus of sliortwinged hawks (Accipite~.),which includes the goshawk (A. Gelztilis),
the sharp-shinned hawk (A. Str-iattts), and the Cooper's hawk (A. Cooperii). Also a vernacular name for these birds.

Apprentice falconer: The beginning stage of falconry in tlie United States. To get the apprentice license, the
individual must be a minimum of fourteen years of age, and must pass a written test that demonstrates mastery of book
knowledge. Following this and under the supelvision of a master or general level falconer sponsor, the apprentice
acquires and proves to the state wildlife sellrice that he/slie has the facilities and equipment to properly care for
and house a red-tailed hawlt or an American kestrel. An apprentice falconer may only take from the wild a passage
red-tailed hawk or a ltestrel. Apprentices may liave transferred to them a ltestrel or red-tailed hawk of any age from
another licensed permittee. The apprenticeship periods last for a minimn~~m of two years.

Arboreal: Frequenting trees. 1181

Aspergillosis: A form of fungus idection, leading to lethal inflammation of the lungs. [I61A fungal (mold) disease of the
respiratoty tract, specifically the air sacs and lungs. Insidious in onset, difficult to treat, and nearly always fatal. Recent
medical advances and successes make tliis disease somewhat more responsive to treatment, but still usually fatal.

Austringer, astringer, ostringer, autoursier: (1) One who flies a short-winged hawk. Variously derived from Latin astor
or atrstol; or the French autotir. [I61 (2) One who keeps and hunts shortwings and broadwings. [71 .

Aylmeris, Aylmeri jesses: A modern variant of the restraints used to control raptors. The Aylmeri jess consists of three
parts: anklets, bracelets or cuffs which are fitted around the hawk's tarsus, mews jesses with a swivel slit which are fitted
whenever the hawlt is tethered, and slitless field jesses wliicli are fitted whenever the hawk is flown free. Aylmeris are
required by law. The problem of the traditional jess that is shared by tlie Aylnieri mews jesses is the high probability
that the swivel slit will get caught and the hawlt will not be able to free itself. Falconers should always change to a
slitless field jess before flying the hawli free. See also Traditional jesses.

Bagged quarry, bagged game: Some live creature let out freely for the hawli to chase. Normally used only when
entering, or when a natural quarry is vely scarce, to ensure that the hawk will get a flight. [I61 Considered unethical
when employed for everyday liawlting. See also trains.


Bal-chatri: A wire cage trap festooned with slip nooses made from nlonofilanlent fishing line. Baited with a bird or
mainnla1 and placed in viemi of a wild hank, it selves as a trap in which neither raptor nor bait is injured. The bal-
chatri worlts well with ground-quarry-oriented raptors.

Barbary falcon (Falco pelegrinoides): This falcon is considered by some to be a subspecies of the peregrine, which
it replaces in the inland desert regions of Africa. The red sllaheen is considered by some to be a genetically isolated
subspecies of the barbaly.

Bate, to: The wild jumping off and beating of wings in which most hawlcs indulge at one time or another, while still
held to perch, block, or fist. May be caused by wildness, fright, boredoill or plain tempel; or at the lure or quarly.

Beam feathers: The long feathers of a hawk's wing, also called the "primaries."

Bells: Small bells, usually of brass, nicltel or stainless steel. Bells are attached to the hawk's legs by a bewit, to the
Aylmeri bracelet, to the tail on a tail mount, or around the neck on a halsband. Tlle bells alert the falconer to the bird's
location in the field, be that in a tree, in the slty or down on qual-ry.An additional benefit is the ability to monitor the
hawk's activities in the mews or on the perch.

Bexvits: Short thin strips of light leather by whicll bells are fastened to tlle legs. Recently, plastic tie-miraps or cable ties
have beconle popular, but have many shortco~l~ings and dangers.

Bind, to: Seizing quarly or lure with tlle feet in a tight, clamped-on hold.

Bird haxvlc: A ham~ltthat preys mainly on otl~erbirds.

Bloclc, bloclcperch: (1) upended log, cone or pyramid, usually of mrood or stone, perhaps with padded top and swiveling
ring, to wllicli a longwing is tethered outside. [I61 (2) A wooden or concrete perch with a padded top; it tapers from
the top to the bottom, and at the bottom end is a spike which can be driven into the ground. [211

Blood feathers: New feathers not yet fully grown, whose shafts contain blood at the top. [71

Bloom: A mantle of gray sheen nrllicll protects the hamrlt's back feathers, lteeping her waterproof. [71

Blue h a d : A peregrine in adult plumage. [I61

Bob: Up and down movement of the head made by longwings when especially interested in something. [71

Bow-perch: A semicircular bar or piece of wood, padded in the center with rope or heavy cordage, and provided with
a tethering ring. The free ends are thmst firmly into the ground. Used for shortwings and broadwings that norinally
perch in trees mrllen weathering them outside. Also can be nlounted to a heavy flat base for use indoors.

Bownet: A net trap for catching hawlts, Made of a semicircular bar of light h~bularaluminum or wood over mrhicll is
stretched netting. One half-loop of a circular net is folded baclc upon the other half when set. Either splung autonlatically
by springs or elastic [211

Bowse, to: Drinking by a hawlc. Hence bovzser or boozer and boozing. [I61

Brace, braces, traces: The leather straps or braces whereby a hood is loosened (to strike the hood) or tightened (to
draw the hood). [I61

Brail, brayle: A long soft leather strap with a three or four inch slit in the middle and used to restrain a wild hawk.
One wing is held in the slit and the tm7o ends of the brail are tied about the bird so that the other wing is free. The
brail prevents bating and calms restlessness.

Brancher: (1) A young bird of prey which has left the nest, but is still learning to fly and is fed by its parents [71. (2)
A young raptor capable of testing its wings by hopping from branch to branch in its nesting tree, but that has not yet
successfc~llyflown. (17) Also called a ramager. 1161

Break in: The act of breaking through a kill's sltin-usually starting at the soft underbelly. [71 The hamrlc breaks into her
quarly mrllen, having caught and pluilled (or plucked) it, she starts to eat it. [I61


Brooding: Parental sitting on or over the young, as opposed to incubation (the sitting on eggs). 1181

Brown haxvlc: A term (British usage) used to describe an inlnlature peregrine. [71 See also Red hawlt.

Broadwinged ha~vlcs:The vernacular name for the species of Btlteo or Pambuteo, the soaring l~awlts.Usually described
as having large core wings and a short, stubby tail. Classical falconly did not use broadwinged hawlts as European
buteos lack the spirit to cooperatively hunt with men for quasly much larger than mice. Only with the discovely of
this spirit within the red-tail, fer~uginous,and Harris's hawlts, found in the New World, have these birds been used
for falconly. American falconers are restricted to the use of the red-tail and the kestrel (and in some states the red-
shouldered hawk) for apprenticeship, and, therefore, tend to discount the red-tailed hawlt as a "serious" bird of prey.
English falconers appreciate both the red-tail and the ferruginous hawlts as extremely serious birds of prey. See also

Broad-winged ha~vlc(Btrteop/atjptelars): A woodland buteo about the same size as a Cooper's ham7lt and with nearly
the same coloration but slightly s~nallerthan the red-shouldered hawk. Not currently legal for falconly in California.
Average measurements: length: 15" (37 cm); wingspread: 34" (86 c i ) ; weight: 14 oz. (401 g). [4] Mentioned here to
help avoid confusion between "the broad-winged hawk"-the species-and "broadwinged hawks"-the group discussed

Bumblefoot: An infection in the bottom of a hamrlt's foot. It is difficult and time-consuming to cure and can cripple
or ltill a hawlt.

Buteo, buteos: (1) The Latin name for a genus of raptors. The buzzards of classic falcon~y,they are now sonletilnes
ternled broadwinged ham~lts,broadmrings, or just "buteos." The use of broadwings is generally accepted today. (2)
Buteo is Latin for "ltind of a hawlt or falcon." "Buzzard" is the proper name for these raptors. It comes from the same
Latin root as Buteo through Old French and Old English. [41 See also Broadwinged hawlts.

Buzzard: European vernacular for the buteos. When the English colonists came to the New World, they used buzzard
when referring to vulhlres by mistake. This led to the ultimate confusion between hamrlts and buzzards. The red-tailed
hawk should be called a "red-tail buzzard" and it is in Europe. By the same token the turltey buzzard is correctly
called a "turltey Irulhlre."

Cadge: (1) A portable perch used for carlying hawl<sin the field. From this, the conlnlon terms codger and cad. (2)
A low rectangular frame, with padded edges, for cariying hooded hawlts. A leg at each corner allows the cadge to
stand on the ground without dish~rbingthe perched hawks. A traveling cadge often taltes the shape of a lidless box,
with a perch across, in mrhicll the droppings (nl~ttes)are caught. The cadge is carried by a cadgeman hence cadging
a lift. [I61

Call, call off, calling off: (1) To attract a hawlt to the trainer by voice, signal, or lure from a perch or from an assistant.
(2) During training, or for exercise, a falconer calls off his hawk when he gets her to fly to him froln the fist of an
assistant or from a perch some distance away. [I61

Captive breeding: As applied to falconry, the (sometimes commercial) breeding of captive birds of prey. Captive-bred
raptors may be bought, sold, and transferred. Captive breeding became popular among falconers in the 1960's to
produce falconly hawlts of species nrhose n~~mbers were in sudden decline. One result of these programs has been the
release of breeding stoclts of the endangered peregrine. In captive breeding parlance, F1 describes the first generation
from wild-taken parents. The F2 generation's parents were the F1. The F2 are currently considered "domestic" fowl.

Carry, to carry, carrying: (1) When a hawk flies off with the quar1-y she has just lcilled as the falconer is approaching,
she is carlying (an annoying habit, not easily cured). Merlins are particularly prone to it. [I61 (2) The act of cariying
a hawlt on the fist to man it.

Cast, a: Two or nlore hawlcs flown together (traditionally, always longwings) at a difficult quany. Flying hawlts together
in a cast made a Itill more likely in a reasonable distance and much of the beauty of the flight is in the way the hawks
work together.

Cast, to: (1) To propel a hawk fol-ward off the fist to get it airborne. (2) The act of disgorging a pellet of the undigested
parts of a meal-fur, feathers, bone etc. (3) To hold a hawk in a cloth between the hands for imping, putting jesses
on, etc.

Casting: An ovoid wad of indigestible feathers, fur, toes, bone fragments, snake scales, and the like, separated from
meat in the hawk's stomach, bound together by the superfluous mucus or glean1 in her stomach and regurgitated
some hours after eating.


Cere: The bare, waxy area between the beak and crown of a bird.

Check, to; to fly at check: To change from one quarly to another during flight, or to hesitate because of sighting another
quarry. [71

Chick, coclcerel A day-old male chiclcen: Used by some falconers as either a supplement to the diet or as tid-bits for
hawks. Chicken farms need only a few cockerels to sire the next generations, yet half the chicks born are male. The
"extra" ones are collected, frozen, and sold as pet food. Chicks lack the complete nutritional value needed by hawks
for good health.

Clutch: The number of eggs laid and sinlultaneously incubated by a female during nesting. [I81

Condition: Most often refers to the weight of the bird relative to flying weight. Tlle hawk is in high condition when
she is fat, and in low condition when she is too thin. When condition is correct, she is at flying weight or "conlbat
weight." .

Cooper's hawk (Acc@ite)'cooper-ii): A crow-sized accipiter midway between tlle size of the goshawk (A. Gelztilis) and
the European sparrowllawk (A. Nistls). Found only in the New World and therefore unknown to classic falconry.
More inclined to hunt out over open fields than goshawlis. An excellent falconly bird, most often taken as an eyass,
is legal to capture from the wild in California by general and nlaster falconers. Average measurements for males:
length: 15" (39 cm); wingspread: 29" (73 cm); weight: 12 oz. (341 g). Average measurements for females: length: 18"
(45 cm); wingspread: 33" (84 cm); weight: 19 oz (528 g). [4] Editor's note: the weights given above, and throughout
this glossaly, are for free-flying wild hawlcs. They are provided for natural histoiy information and are not guides for
your llawlc's specific flying weight.

Cope, to cope: To trim or cut back and reshape an overgrown talon or beak.

Crab, crabbing, to crab: When a llawlc seizes another, either by mistake when with another on a quarly, or on purpose
when quarreling or fighting. [I61

Creance: A light line attached to the swivel of a partially-trained hawk before she is allowed to fly free. [71

Crines: The short hairlike feathers about the cere. [71

Crop: The vascular sac above the breast bone where food is first stored as soon as it is swallowed. It permits storage
of a large amount of food which is later digested slowly. See also Putting over the crop.

Crossing flight: When some other bird flies between the hawk and the quarly she is pursuing.

Deck feathers: The two center and dorsal-most feathers of a hawk's tail, or train. They come straight out in a parallel
line with the backbone, whereas those to right and left can be spread out fan wise.

Dho-gazza: A square or rectangular net of various dimensions suspended vertically next to a live bird. It is secured
loosely so that it drops over a hawk that attacks the bait. A trap from the Middle East. [I51

Dispersal: Unpredictable and nl~iltidirectionalmovements from a comnlon point or origin. In predatoiy birds,
dispersal occurs shortly after fledging (juvenile dispersal) or by adults after breeding (post-breeding dispersal). [I81

Diurnal: Active during the day, as opposed to nocturnal. [I81

Downwind: Flying with the wind

Draw, to: (1) To draw a hawk from the mews is to take her up for the first time after she has completed her moult.
Comes from withdrawing her from her moulting quarters. (2) To draw the hood is to tighten the braces wl1ic11 keep
the hood on, as opposed to striking the hood or loosening it.

Droppings: Nornlally called mutes (longwing) or slices (shortwing and broadwing) if expelled out with some vigor.
If merely dropped down as of a donlestic fowl, then they are droppings. [I61


Endangered: A conservation category defined by the International Council for Bird Protection (ICPB) as including
those taxa that are in danger of extinction and whose survival is unlikely if the factors causing their decline continue
operating. "Endangered" is defined by the U.S. Endangered Species Act as including taxa in danger of extinction
throughout a significant portion of their ranges based on the best available inforn~ation.[I81 "Tax" or "taxa" refers to
a "taxonomic" classification. Taxononly is the science, laws, or principles of classification, especially of organisms in
categories based on conlrnon characteristics.

Enseam, ensayne, to: The act of cleansing or purging a hawk of unwanted fat, after a period of idleness, and so making
her ready to fly. The process of ridding the hawk of her internal fat at the end of the moult. Most falconers simply
diet their hawks. In the old days, and to a much lesser extent today, falconers fed their hawks rangle, small stones.
The action of these in the stornach loosened the grease and when the stones were cast up they would be smothered
in this grease.

Enter, entering: The setting up of a sih~ationwhereby a raptor in training is sure to be able to catch a kind of quarry
new to it. The first time a hawk is flown at a particular qual-ry, she is entered to that quarry. She is entered to the lure
the first time she comes properly to it, after which she can be defined as made to the lure.

Eyass, eyas, eyess: (1) From the French ~ziais=anest, in turn, from the Latin ~zidasitrs=anest, referring to the fact that an
eyass is a hawlc talten from the nest: a nestling. If taken from the nest for falconly, she is always described thereafter
as an eyass, as opposed to grown birds trapped during their first passage in life. [I61 (17) (2) Sometimes also applied
to the young of raptors while they are still in the nest.

Eyrie, eyry: The hawk's nest, or place where the eggs are laid if she has not built a proper nest. [I61

Falco: Latin name of the genus that includes the eight species of longwings in North America. The terrns Falco and
"falcon" are derived frorn the Latin falx, meaning "sicltle" in reference to the falcon's wing shape in flight or, perhaps,
the shape of their beaks and talons. [41

Falcon: As a traditional falconry term, it describes the female peregrine. Recently, the term has become slang to denote
any longwing, male or female, as opposed to any hawk or shortwing. A falcon is a female peregrine, but a female
goshawk rernains a "fernale goshawl<,"not gosha awl^ falcon;" in like manner a female prairie falcon is a "female prairie
falcon" not a "prairie falcon falcon."

Falconry: The taking of wild quarry in its natural state and habitat, using trained birds of prey. (British Falconer's

Feak, to: When a hawk cleans her beak on her perch after feeding, wiping it briskly back and forth. A sign of great
confidence and well-being if she will do this on your finger or glove. An ailing hawk will rarely, if ever, feak.

Feed-up, to; fed-up, to be: When a hawlc is fed above flying weight to start moulting, in preparation to release, routine
feeding at the end of the day, or some other activity.

Ferruginous hawk (B~rteoregalis): The largest of New World buteos. A raptor of the open plains, unknown in
classic falconry, currently legal to capture frorn the wild in California by rnaster and general falconers. Average
n~easurenlentsare: length: 23" (59 cm); wingspread: 56" (143 cm); weight: 56 oz (1578 g). [4] Pronounced "fe-rii-je-
nes" or "fur-u-gee-nuss"

Fetch, to: When a longwing gets up to her quarry and turns it, or starts to work it, she fetches it. [I61

Fist: A vernacular term for the falconer's gloved and protected hand. A hawlc "feeding on the fist" is eating a piece of
meat held by the falconer while perched on the falconer's gloved hand.

Fistbound: A hawk that does not hunt wild quarry. Also called a "pet.".

Flags: The secondary feathers in the wing, lying next to the primaries.

Fledge, to: The achievement of flying for the first time.

Fledgling: A young hawk that has only recently learned how to fly and is still dependent upon its parents for food.

Flight feathers: The main feathers used in flight, the primaries and secondaries. [71


Flush, to: The act of causing game, quarly, or prey to bolt fro111 cover.

Flyingweight: The weight at which the llamrk is healthy enough to fly and hunt, yet sufficiently hungty to respond to the
falconer's control and to any quarly that is fl~lshed.See also keen and sharp-set. Recently slang is "combat weight."

Foot, to: (1) A hawk foots her quarly when she clutches it with intent to kill. A bad footer is one that is clutnsy or
inaccurate with her footing. A good footer describes a hawk that clutches well and holds. 171 (2) One of several
manifestations of eyass aggression toward their falconer. Eyass red-tails will occasionally foot and bind to their falconer's
hands. Eyass Cooper's, if taken too early from the nest, tend to attack the falconer's face. Eyass fernlginous have
been reported to attack the falconer's face and upper body. These do not appear to be randotn attacks but can be
predicted-and prevented-with experience.

Free-lofted: When the hamrk is allowed free flight in the hawk-house as opposed to being tethered.

Fret marks, also called stress marlcs: Usually found on the tail of a raptor are generally thought to mark a point in
feather growth when there was prolonged nutritional or psychological stress.

Frounce: A canker or sore in the mouth and throat, usually seen as a colored coating on the tongue. A disease of the
upper digestive tract, caused by the protozoan, T,-ichonzo~~ns
galliizne, usually contracted from eating infected pigeons
and doves. Formerly the lnost common lethal disease afflicting trained raptors, now easily and very quickly cured by
oral administration of Flagylo (generic: metronidazole).

Full-summed: At the end of the moult, when all the feathers wllich are going to be renewed that year are conlpletely
grown out. There is not necessarily a colnplete renewal evely year. The feathers are no longer in blood.

Game: Traditionally only pheasant, partridge, and grouse are referred to as game. All other animals the hawks are
released after are called quarly.

Gamehawk or game hawlc: Strictly speaking, the gamehawli is a longwing trained to wait-on and take game
(pheasant, partridge, and grouse) flushed by the falconer and/or his dog. The term "hawking" describes all other
flights at all other birds and mammals.

General falconer: The second stage of contemporaly falconly. An apprentice, 18 years or older, may advance to general
with the approval of the sponsor, after a minimuln period of two years. General falconers may possess any of the legal
falconry birds, caphue eyasses, have two falconly raptors at any one time, may replace two from the wild in any one
year, and may sponsor apprentices.

Gleam: (1) A sort of slime which a hawk sonletimes throws up casting. (2) Also the slightly slimy coating of the casting.

Gorge: To allow the hawk to eat as I ~ L I food

C ~ as she can at a single meal. [71

Goshawvlc (Accipiter~geiztilis):The largest accipiter. Well known to classical and lnodern falconly. Tlle name comes
from the Anglo-Saxon words gos for goose and havoc for hawk-thus, a hawlc that caphues geese. Geiztilis is Latin for
"noble." Average measurements are for males: length: 19" (49 crn); wingspread: 39" (101 cm); weigh: 29 oz (816 g).
Average measurements are for females: length: 23" (58 cm); wingspread: 43" (108 cm); weight: 37 oz (1059 g). [41

Great-horned owl (B~lbo~i/-giizia~z~~s):The only owl currently legal for falconry in Californian. Unknown in classical
falconty. Average ~_ueasurements are: length: 18"-25" ; wingspread: up to 60"(115 cm); weight: 46.5 oz. - males, 62.5
- fenlales (1318 g - males, 1769 g - females). [18al

Gyrfalcon (Fnlco ivsticol~[s):An extrenlely popular bird in modern falconly.They are well known for chasing their quarly
long distances and a disinclination to wait-on. Average nleasurements are for males: length: 20" (52 cm); wingspread:
45" (115 cm); weight: 40 oz. (1135 g). Average measurements are for females: length: 23" (59 cm); wingspread: 50"
(127 cln); weight: 60 oz (1700 g). [41 Pronounced " jer-fal-ken" or "jeer (rhymes with cheer)-falcon."

Haclc (wild haclc): Flying at haclc is the practice of allowing young birds (usually only longwings) to fly freely about,
sometimes for as long as six or seven weeks, after they have been taken from the nest and before their training or
reclaiming starts. Hack-bells are especially large bells they often wear, designed to prevent them making a kill on


their own account when at hack. The falconer provides food tied to a hack-board, at a specific time and place every
day for tlie free-flying hawli. Eventually tlie liawli kills for itself and does not rehlrn to the hack-board on schedule.
This is the signal that the bird has learned to hunt on its om7n. The next time the hawk shows up for its meal on the
hack-board, tlie falconer takes it up. See also tame hack.

Haggard: A wild liawli in mature plumage, caught after having liioulted at least once, tl1~1s
being more than a full year old.
[I61 No haggard of any species may be taken for falconly in this countty except for kestrels and great horned owls.

Halsband: German for "neck-band," being a soft cord usually of twisted silk, or leather, put around a ham71i's neck to
steady her n~henbeing launched from tlie hand at quany, or for attaching a bell, or both.

Hard-penned, hard-down: When the feathers of a newborn hawli are fully grown and the shafts have hardened off
to a quill.

Harris' hawvlr (Pa~zrbi~teo

~ [ I ~ ~ C ~ also
I Z CBay-winged
~ L ~ S ) hawk-, Louisiana hawk: A raptor new to falconry and therefore
unlinown to classic falconry. This gosham7li-sized bird was only vely recently recognized as having the potential for
falconry and is a responsive, excellent bird in this role. The northern limit of this hamrk's natural range extends into
Louisiana, Arizona and Texas. Average measurements are length: 20" (52 cln); wingspread: 43." (108 cni); weight: 32
oz. (890 g). [41

Hawk: A most confusing term. Strictly speaking, a hawk is a nlember of tlie genus Accipiter or a sliortmring raptor,
as opposed to members of the genus Falco-the longwings and the liiembers of the genus Buteo, the buzzards or
broadwing raptors. However the word is often used to cover shortmrings, broadwings and longwings, and hawking
is done with all of them.

Hawvlc-house: Place where a hawk is normally kept, as opposed to the mews wliich, strictly speaking, is the place
where she is put to moult. They nlay well be tlie same place, [l6l

Hobby (Falco subbirteo): A European longwing soniewliat larger than the merlin, smaller than the peregrine or prairie
falcon. Predictably migratory to Africa below the equator. There is no comparable North American longwing.

Hood: Of several different designs, Anglo-Indian (often shortened incorrectly to "Indian"), Dutch, mfter or a
conibination of these patterns. Tlie hood serves to sliut off the flow of visual information to tlie hawk's brain. Since
niuch of tlie liawli's brain is tied to vision, the hood selves to calm it down and prevents undue anxiety.

Hood block: The wooden block on which some types of hoods are blocked or molded to shape them or store them.

Hood-shy: When a hawk dodges about and tries to avoid being hooded, it is hoodsliy. Hooding a liawli is an
art, and some well-coached novices learn it quickly. Some, including the editor, don't. Apprentices having a
non-hood-shy bird to practice with are more likely to learn how to hood
An untrained, uncoached apprentice learning on a wild b i d freshly
taken from tlie trap map result in a hood-sliy bird.

"HOO-HA-HA": The traditional cry of the falconer to ensure his falcon's

attention is focused on quarry wllicli lie has just ser\led her, or put up for
her. [I61 "Hi! Hi! Hi!" or "Ho! Ho! Ho! are also used, except when the flush
is an out-of-season quany. Then the falconer must shout "No! No! No!" The
bird won't care but the game warden will, since sending your bird after an
out-of-season or prohibited prey is against tlie law.

Hover: A form of flapping flight during which the bird remains nearly
stationaly. [I81 ICestrels and kites are well known for this maneuver, but red-
tails can do it too where it known as "stilling."A tmly inipressive display.

Hunger-trace, fret-marks: Blemishes or weakening imperfections which appear lilie light fraying cuts across the web
of growing feathers due to telnporaly stallration (twenty-four hours can be enough), or incorrect feeding, or severe
nervous stress, either in an eyass newly taken, or in any hawlc during the moult. Tlie feathers may subsequently bend
or break at the point of the hunger trace. [I61


Hybrid: A crossbred hawk or falcon with parentage from at least two different species. [71 Hybrid vigor often allows
for the best of both worlds. For example, a gyrfalcon x peregrine mix is likely to produce a bird midway in size
between the parents, with the speed of the gyrfalcon and inclination to wait-on as with the peregrine. Hybrids, by
law, must be sterilized or imprinted to prevent them from reproducing in the wild should they escape. Hybrids may
not be intentionally released to the wild.

ICBP: International council for Bird Protection. [I81

Imp; imping; to imp: To mend broken feathers, usually by joining the old or a new piece on with 'limping needles."
These are small bits of steel wire, triangular in cross section, pushed up the quills to effect a joint. [I61

Imprinting: (1) A process, usually begun in

early life (with some species iinnlediately
following hatching) of birds by which
they identify themselves. Originally
applied by Conrad Lorenze to the
precocial young (to hatchlings that are able
to quickly walk and feed themselves) of
ducks and geese, which, upon hatching,
imprint to and recognize as "parentJ' the
first thing larger than themselves that
moves. The term has since been broadened
to include a number of similar processes
which happen son~ewhatlater in life.
(2) Occurs when a raptor is obviously
human raised. One common manifestation
is that of screaming continually,
begging food from its recognized parent.
Anotherresult is lack offear ofh~~mans,
with aggression toward their falconer.Human
behavior that prompts imprinting
is fairly well k n o w n a n d s h o u l d
be avoided.

Intermewed: Describes a hawk which has

moulted (mewed) in captivity. One that has
moulted wild is a haggard. Literally "interval
in mews," referring to the period, usually extending from the vernal to autumnal equinoxes (March 21st to September
21st), when a trained raptor is confined within a building to molt old and grow new plumage. Hence, a hawk which
has been moulted in captivity, whether molted in the "mews" or not.

Jack: A male merlin.

Jerkin: The male gyrfalcon.

Jesses: The leather straps fastened to a trained hawk's legs, by which the falconer holds her, or by which she is secured.
See also Aylmeri jesses and Traditional jesses.

Keen: When a hawlc is responding with enthusiasm. [71

Kestrel (Falco ti?z?zuncu[~rs):

Here in America it is called the European or Eurasian kestrel, is about the same weight as
a merlin, but with somewhat larger wings and tail. The kestrel of classical falconly is about twenty-five percent heavier
than the American kestrel, F. sparueri~rs,with average measurements: length: 14.5" (36 cm); wingspread: 27" (68 cm).

Kestrel,American (Falco sparuerius): Formerly known as the American spal~owl~awlc. The smallest longwing in the United
States is legal for falconly by apprentices. Sparverius in Latin nleans "pertaining to a sparrow," after the hawk's first
name, spassowl~awk."American kestrel" conles from its Eurasian counterpart, the Eurasian kestrel (Falco ti?z?z~r?zcuItrs).
"ICestrel" is an Old English name for F. tin?z~uzct~lzw. Average measurements are for males: length: 9" (24 cm);
wingspread: 21" (55 cnl); weight: 3.8 oz (109 g). Average measurements are for females: length: 10" (25 cm);
wingspread: 22" (57 cm); weight: 4.3 oz (123 g). [41


Kite, White-tailed (Elai?~rs
leiicziiais):A wllitisl~,medium-sized raptor with a falcon-like wing-shape, slightly smaller and
much lighter in weight than the prairie falcon. Coloration and flight is mn~iclllike a gull. There is little size difference
between the sexes. Males average 11.2 oz (315 grams); females average 12.3 oz (350 grams). Wingspan averages 39"
(101 cnl); length averages 15" (38 cm). Kites hunt from either a hover like the kestrel or from high exposed perches
like buteos. Prey is primarily small rodents. Data is for the white-tailed kite (often known by the European name of
"black-sl~oulderedkite") (Ela7?tiscaetulzrs), which is conlnlon in California. [41

Lanner (Fnlco biai-mictrs):The male is ternled lanneret, rare in Europe, nlore colnmon in North Africa, mainly in d ~ y ,
inland mountains. Resident and nomadic. The European birds feed on avian prey, while the African race prey on
ground-dwelling animals

Leash: The traditional leather thong, not less than three feet long, by which a hawlc's jesses are secured, via the swivel,
to block or perch. Modern materials of nylon and kernmantle type rope are proving to be nl~ichmore reliable and
resistant to damage from rain, talons, mutes, and food decay products than traditional leather. Leather is far more
prone to sudden failure and subsequent escape of the hawk than the newer materials.

Longwing: A vernacular term used to cover all ~alconidaewhich have long, pointed wings and dark eyes. [71

Luggar (Falcojuggel.): A large longwing native to India. In some older literature, it was thought to be the Indian name
for the salcer. The male is the luggaret.

Lure: (1) The object by which a falconer, whirling it round his head, attracts a trained hawk, when she is flying free
on her own. It may be a dead bird, or a pad with feathers secured to it like wings, and garnished with meat. To lure
her is to bring her up to the lure, if a long way off, or down to the lure if she is waiting-on ready to come down at
once. 1161 (2) A realistic imitation bird or animal used to provide a reusable training quarly to teach young hawlcs
how to strike, bind and foot quarry.

Lurebound: The longwing eq~~ivalent

of fistbound. A longwing that will not hunt but is excellent to the lure.

Made to: A hawk is made to the hood, made to the lure, made to the fist, etc. It means she is thoroughly trained to
be hooded without difficulty, or will fly readily to the lure or the fist. The falconer makes her to these various things.
When she is con~pletelytrained in all necessaly ways, then she is made. [I61

Malre-hawlr: A thoroughly-trained hawk which is put up to fly with an eyass or young or untrained hawlt, to help her
by example. Also usef~ilin cases where a hawlc lacks courage for some particular quarry, and a hawlc already entered
to that quasly gives her fresh encouragement.

Make in to: The act of slowly and carefully approaching a hawk when she is on her quarly on the ground to take
her up.

Malre point, to: The act of a hawk swooping up directly above the spot where she has put in her quarly in some form
of cover.

Manning: To man a l~awlcis getting the l~awlcthoroughly accustomed to the sight and presence of people, animals
and things of all sorts, so that she is at ease in any company. See also reclaim.

Mantle, to: (1) When a hawk leisurely stretches one wing over her outstretched leg on the same side, and her train
(tail) as well. (2) When she crouches over her food or quarly with wings and tail spread out all over it, to hide it from
view or to discourage interference. A well-mannered hawk will not do this: it usually signifies jealousy or greed. 1161

Mark, to keep at; to fly at mark: When a hawk marks the spot where she has put in quarly, either by flying round above
it, or by taking stand (perching) close by until sonleone comes to chase it out for her.

Master falconer: With five years experience as a general falconer, a falconer may advance to master level. Master
falconers may own three of the legal falconry birds and may replace two from the wild in any permit year.

Merlin (Falco cokunbai-itrs):A kestrel-sized, but heavier longwing that is legal for falconry use by general and master
falconers. Average lneasurements for males: length: 10" (26 cm); wingspread: 22" (57 cm); weight: 5.5 oz. (155 g).
Average measurements for females: length: 11"(29 cnl); wingspread: 25" (64 cm); weight: 7.4 oz (210 g). [41


Mews: The place in m711icll a llawlc is put down to moult. Now generally used in falconly to mean any building where
a hawlc is kept at night or in bad weatller. See also Hawlc-house.

Morph: A vernacular term referring to an example of one of the recognized types of di- or polymorphis~~l
in an
organism. Most frequently used to refer to the lightness or darkness of plumage such as a "darlc morph" or "melanistic
morph" or even a "light morph" and "albinistic morph" phase. [I81

Moult, to moult: The annual shedding and replacement of feathers. Except for lcestrels and eagles, raptors shed their
juvenile feathers for adult plumage at about one year of age. ICestrels moult during their first year. Eagles llloult annually
through a series of juvenile and adolescent plumages until mahlre at four or five years of age. Many falconers put up
their hawlcs for the moult as moulting requires greater food value and energy to grow feathers. This higher mreigllt is
most often above the flying weight range. Some experienced falconers fly their buteos and Harris' through the nloult,
paying special attention to plumage growth and care.

Musket: A male European sparrowhawk (A. ~zisus)

Mutes: The droppings or excrement of a hawk: a longwing is said to mute, whereas a shortwing ancl broadwing is
said to slice. The result in either case is the mutes.

Nares: The nostrils of a hamrlc.

Nestling: A young bird still in the nest. A hawlc is called an eyass on removal from the nest. [I61

Passage hawk, passager: A wild hawlc less than a year old, captured when migrating or follomring the passage of
migratoly prey. A passager is therefore always trapped in immature plumage. A passage hawlt used in falconly is
always called a passager even after intermewing and in adult plumage.

Passerine, passerine: A generic term referring to birds that perch in trees including blaclcbirds, buntings, chickadees,
crows, finches, flycatchers, gnatcatchers, grosbealcs, jays, larlcs, orioles, pipits, ravens, sllriltes, sparrows, starlings,
swallows, tanagers, thrushes, titmice, vireos, m~amings,wrens, and warblers. Most are protected species and cannot
be hunted; however, starlings, sparrows (which are non-native introduced species) and crows are the exceptions in

Perch: Anything upon which a hawlc is set down, apart from the block. A longwing has the perch at night and the
bloclc by day. [I61

Peregrine (Fnlco Pe~.egl-iu~rs):

The prenliere birds of falconly. A very successf~~l
bird, as there are several subspecies
adapted to evely continent and climate except Antarctica. Peregl'i7ztr.s in Latin means "wandering," for the hawk's
long distance migrations ancl dispersals. Average measurements for male tundra peregrines: length: 15" (39 cm);
wingspread: 38" (97 cm); weight: 21 oz (581 g). Average measurements for female tundra peregrines: length: 17" (44
cm); wingspread: 44" (111 cm); weight: 29 oz (817 g). [41 There are not less than 22 named variations of the basic
peregrine and some of these are larger and some smaller than the data given.

Pick-up piece: The piece of meat held in the gloved hand, used to cover the meat on the lure to entice the hawlc from
the lure or quasly onto the fist. [71 See also Tid-bit and Step-off.

Pigeon harness: A harness trap festooned with fishing line nooses that fits a pigeon like a vest. Extremely effective
and only occasionally harmfc~lfor the pigeon.

Pitch: The height at which a longwing waits on above the falconer or his dog. The pitch of a good longwing sonletinles
exceeds 1,000 feet. [I61

Pitch, to: Landing on a perch point.

Plumage: The feathers of a hawlc. [71

Plume: The tuft on top of a hawlc's hood. Merlin hoods once featured the claws of her first kill bound to it. [I61

Plume, to; pluck, to: When a hawlc strips the feathers off her quasly, or whatever bird is given by way of food.


Post-fledgling period: The period between first flight and complete independence of the jurreniles. Also called "

post-fledgling dependency period." El81

Prairie falcon (Falco lnexicnntrs): This open countly, dly land bird is legal for use by general and nlaster falconers.
Average measurements for males: length: 15" (38 cm); wingspread: 37" (94 cnl); weight: 19 oz (524 g). Average
nleasurelnents for females: length: 17" (44 cm); wingspread: 43" (109 cnl); weight: 30 oz (848 g). [41

Preen, to: When a bird straightens and sn~oothsout its feathers, oiling and dressing thenl and generally putting them
in order. [I61

Prey: The animals or birds caught by m~ildraptors. Tlle tern1 "quarry" specifies the prey of raptors used in falconly.
"Game," often incorrectly used, refers only to pheasant, partridge, and grouse.

Primaries: The longest wing feathers, ten outernlost in each wing. [71In a longm~ing,the second feather is the longest of
all, in a shortwing or broadwing the fourth is the longest, or solnetinles the third and fourth are equal. The secondary
feathers in both are the "flags."The longest feathers are called principals.

Pull through the hood, to: When a hawk feeds with her hood on. [I61

Put in, to: A hawlc, driving her quarly to take cover, puts it in. Also used as of a quarly putting in to cover.

Put out: To serve quarly to your hawlc.

Put over, to: Emptying the crop into the digestir~esystem, an action perfornled with a back-and-forth motion of the
body, and particularly with the neck.

Put up, to: (1) The act of casting off a longm~ingto wait-on. [I61 (2) Used by modern falconers to describe keeping
the hawlc at a higher n~eight,and, therefore non-flying for the duration of the moult. "My red-tail has been put up for
the moult."

Quarry: A falconly term describing the prey at -which a llawlc is flown by a falconer. The term "prey"refers to the animals
and birds hunted by wild raptors. "Game," often incorrectly used, refers only to pheasant, partridge, and grouse.

Ralre, to: The act of a hawlc strilcing her quarry, whether bird or animal, nrithout binding to it. [I61

Ralre away: When a hawk leaves whatever she is supposed to be flying at, and goes off on her own. If she goes after
some other quarly of her own choice, deserting the original, she is said to be flying at check. But if she just flies off
for no apparent reason, perhaps when m~aiting-on,then she rakes away. Also used to describe a longwing flying away
low and wide without nlounting to her accustomed pitch. [I61

Ramage hawlr, ramager: A young wild hawk which has just left the nest. Most often called a branches.

Rangle: Snlall stones given to ham~lcsto aid digestion. A hamrlc may pick them up and eat them of her own accord
if they are put within easy reach. When they come up with the casting they are coated with the indigestible greases
from the stomach.

Rare: A conselvation categoly defined by the ICPB as including those taxa having world populations that are snlall
but not currently considered endangered. [I81

Reclaim, to: (1) TO man a hawlc, or to retrain a hanrlc that has been idle for a period. [71 (2) The n~holeprocess of
taming and training a hawk. Manning applies solely to getting her accuston~edto people and things. [I61

Red halvlr: A British tern1 applied only to a peregrine before the russet or reddish-colored inlnlature first
year plumage.

Red-tailed hawk (Btrfeo jnmnicensis): Most apprentice falconers begin m~iththis hawlc. A large robust hawk, with
wide variations in color morphology, size and personality. Eastern varieties are thought to be larger by falconers but
Clarlc and Wl~eelerdisagree, stating the western varieties average larger. Average measurements for males: length: 19"
(48 cnl); wingspread: 45" (114 cnl); weight: 36 oz (1028 g). Average rneasurenlents for females: length: 22" ( 55 cnl);
wingspread: 48" (122 cnl); weight: 43 oz (1224 g).

Ring-perch: A circular padded perch; a modern, but no better, version of the bow-perch.

Refuse, to: When a hawlc will not fly at the quarry at which she is supposed to fly.


Ring up, to; ringing flight: To rise up in a spiral, perhaps round quarry. See also to tower,

Rouse, to: When a hawk stands all her feathers on end at once and gives them a rattling sl~alte.A sign of well being.

Saint Bavon of Valkenswaard and Saint Hubert patron saints of falconers. [I61

Salcer (Falco chel-rtrg):Long considered to be a Middle Eastern longwing, rather lilte a large peregrine, it in fact breeds
in northern and eastern Europe across to China, passing through the Middle East during migration. The male is called
a salceret. The gyrfalcon is considered to be a northern-climate variant of the salter, but is a decidedly larger bird and
slightly different in build. The saker is seen in open steppe and cultivated country with wooded elements or groups
of trees. Often perches on telephone poles in its range. Feeds on rodents and avian prey. Males are sakerets.

Screen perch: A long horizontal perch from which is hung a coarse fabric weighted at the bottom, lilte a screen, to
enable a hawlc to get baclt easily onto the perch on the side she fell off, after bating off. Without this she lnight hang
upside down, unable to get up again. [I61

Screamer: (1) An eyass (normally never a passages or haggard) which develops the nerve-wraclting habit of incessant
screaming, sometimes due to being talten too young from the nest. Occasionally wears off if the falconer can bear
it that long. [I61 (2) Screamers were more common before the concept of imprinting was understood. The eyass is
merely begging for food from the creature it identifies as the food source. Human behavior that promotes screaming
is well known and can be avoided.

Secondaries: The flight feathers of the wing, between the body and the primaries. [71

Self-hunting:When a hawlt strays in search of prey. [71 Also used to refer to a hawlc at hack when they start hunting
on their own.

Serve, to: The act of flushing the quarry for a waiting hawk, to sellre her with quasly.

Set down to moult, put up to moult: To put into the mews for moulting.

Shaheen: The red-naped shaheen, Falco peleg~'i)zoidesI?nl?))lo~?icus, is considered by some to be an isolated

subspecies of the barbaly falcon (in turn considered by some to be a subspecies of the peregrine). However, other
experts consider the red-naped shaheen as its own species,$ f:bnlylo~zictu.Regardless, it is found in the middle east and
replaces the peregrine in the desert climates. The black shaheen is a peregrine subspecies, $;
and is native to India. These obscure ornithological points bring home the diversity and success of the peregrine and
its subspecies.

Shaft: The central hollow strut of a feather, giving it support. [71

Sharp-set: Ready for food and ready to hunt. It is no good expecting a hawlt to fly at prey unless it is sharp-set. Said
of longwings when they are lteen and in hunting condition. See also keen.

Sharp-shinned hawk (Accipiter.striattls): Known as the "sharpie," the smallest accipiter is legal for falconry by general
and master falconers. "Sharp-shinned refers to the raised ridge on the inside front of the tarsus (not actually a "shin").
Average measurements are for males: length: 10" (26 cm); wingspread: 21" (54 cm); weight: 3.6 oz (101 g). Average
nleasurelnents are for females: length: 12" (31 cm); wingspread: 25" (62 cm); weight: 6 oz (177 g). [41

Short-winged hawk: Vernacular term for a hawlt of the genus Accipitel:

Sky up, to: When a flock of birds take to the air in a flurry to escape an accipiter they are said to slty up.

Slicing: The way a shortwing or broadwing squirts out mutes, sometimes several feet away and especially over freshly
cleaned carpeting. A radius of about five feet marlcs the zone unless the carpeting is very expensive or in your mother-
in-law's home. Then a ten foot radius may not be enough.

Slip: A chance at quarly. The cottontail bursting out of the underbrush is a slip.
A slip: A flight at quarly. Your red-tail coming down out of the tree after the hard accelerating cottontail is a slip.
To Slip: To release a hawlc in pursuit of quasly. [71 The release of your red-tail's jesses for it to chase a hard-mnning
cottontail is a slip.

Soar, to; soaring: (1) To rise up on air currents lilte an eagle, without needing to beat the wings. Almost any hawlt
may do this without warning in suitable conditions. (2) When a hawk takes to the air and enjoys flying for the salte
of flying by gliding on thern~alsand other air currents, rather than flying at quarry. [71


Sparrowhawlc (Accipitei- nis~rs):The sparrowhawk of classical falconry. Sized midway between the Cooper's hawk
and sharp-shinned hawk. Average male measurements are: length: 15" (37 cm); wingspread: 24" (62 cm); weight:
5.3 oz (150 g). Average female measurements are: length: 15" (37 cnl); wingspread: 30" (77 cnl); weight: 10.2 oz
(290 g). [201 Comnlonly lcnown on this side of the Atlantic as the European sparsowhawk. Originally this prevented
confusion with the American sparrowhawk (F. spawerius), now called the American lcestrel. This latter prevents
conf~~sion with the kestrel (ETi~znuncz~lz~s),
which of course is comnlonly lcnown on this side of the Atlantic as the
European or Eurasian kestrel.

Step off: The act of a hawlc giving up its prey for a tid-bit so that the falconer can hide the qual~yand thereby control
the hawk's eating. Getting your hawk to step off its kill is a skill that apprentices nlust master to control their hawlcs
in the field.

Stoop: A term to describe a steep dive toward prey from a substantial height. [I81

Strilce a hood: Loosen a hood by the braces at the baclc, making it ready to be taken off instantly the moment the
hawk is to fly. [I61

Swivel: Tlle device which links a hawk's jesses to her leash, enabling her to move freely on her block or perch without
getting tangled up in the jesses. It features two rings, connected in a figure-of-eight fashion with a bolt or rivet.

Talce the air, to: The act of mounting up into the sky. I161

Talce down, to: The act of bringing a longwing baclc to the lure. [I61

Talce up, to; taken-up: (1) To recover a lost hawlc. [I61 (2) The act of capturing a hawk from hack. (3) Tlle act of
"capt~~ring" a captive-bred eyass in preparation of falconry. (4) The act of removing an intermewed hawk fro111 the
moult for reclaiming.

Talce stand: To perch in a tree.

Tame haclc: The process of hacking for imprints when the falconer is in attendance and stays in the general vicinity
of the birds being hacked for the duration of the hacking period. The hawlcs are taken-up each evening and released
the following morning.

Tarsus: The leg of a hawk between foot and 11oclc. [71

Talons: The sharply pointed and curved claws of a raptorial bird. [I81

Telemetry: Contemporaly n~ethodof radio location of falconry birds.

Territory:A definable area having resources that are consistently controlled or defended by an individual against others
of its own species or, less often, against individuals of other species, at least, for some part of the year. [I81

Territoriality: The advertisement and aggressive behavior associated with territorial establishment and defense.

Threatened: A conselvation category of federal U.S. and Canadian wildlife agencies for designating those taxa that are
not yet believed to be endangered, but whose lcnown numbers place them at risk of falling into that categoly. [I81

Thro~voff: To cast off a l1an7lc from the fist. [161

Throw-up: To rise steeply on outstretched wings after missing a stoop. [I21

Tid-bit: A small piece of meat or quasly used to control the hawlc in the field. Wit11 a tid-bit the falconer can call the
hawk to him. With the proper tid-bit, the falconer can get his hawk to leave, or step-off, its kill.

Tiercel, tercel, tassel, tassell: The male peregrine. From the French tierce, meaning third. Refers to the male, as opposed
to the falcon, which describes the fen~ale,from the fact that the male is usually about a third smaller than the female.
Often incorrectly used to refer to any male hawk, as in "tiercel red-tail." A male red-tail is a "male red-tail."

Tiring: A tough piece of meat or a wing of pigeon or such like, given to a hawlc in training while on the block or
perch with which she can amuse and exercise in order to prolong the meal and exercise the n~usclesof the baclc and
neck. Usef~~lfor bringing up an overdue casting. Also very useful in manning to keep the hawk occupied on the fist
while being carried about. Also, it prevents the hawk from becoming bored or unduly nervous.


Tower, to: When a hawlc rings up into the air vertically.

Traditional jesses: An earlier method of jessing a raptor with a single strap of leather. Traditional jesses have a
well-known disadvantage. If the bird escapes, it has long dangling straps permanently attached to its legs making it
vlllnerable to being trapped from the swivel slits catching on obstacles. See also Aylmeri jesses and jesses.

Train: (1) A hawk's tail. See deck feathers, the two middle feathers of her train. (2) the live bird or animal which used
to be given to a 11awlt when entering her to that particular type of quarry. Dead quarry now selves the same purpose.
See also bagged quarq~.[16]

Truss, to: To seize a quarry in the air and fly on with it. See also to bind and to carly [I61

Unreclaimed: A hawlt still wild. [I61

Unsummed: Before a hawk's feathers are fiillj~replaced during the moult. [I61

Upland game birds: Any of the ground dwelling birds such as grouse, pheasant, prairie chicken, cll~~ltar,
quail, partridge
and the like.

Upwind: Into the wind.

Waiting-on: The action of a longwing circling round above the falconer n~aitingfor him to sellre her nrith quarry to
ghre her something to fly at. See also pitch. [I61

Walre, watching: One of the traditional methods of manning a wild-caught hawk. Sitting up all night with a
newly-taken hawlc to prevent her from sleeping, perhaps for tmro or even three nights running, as part of the process
of taming or reclaiming her without daunting her spirit or setting her against the falconer. She is kept amrake the mrhole
of this time.

Warble, Warbling: To stretch both wings upwards over the baclc till they nearly touch and, at the same time, to spread
the tail. [71

Weather: To place a hank outdoors so that it is exposed to fresh air, sun, and also people and animals. Hawlts are
said to be weathering when out on their bloclts or perches in the open air.

Weathering ground, weathering area: The area mrhere the hawks are kept on perches to weatl~er.The area nlust meet
standards of protection and con~fortfor the bird.

Webbing: The soft strands on each side of the feather shaft.

Wedded to [a quarry]: When a hawlt prefers one type of quarly. [71

Wind up, to: A method of capturing an escaped hawk which, although too wild to be taken up normallj~,does not
mind the falconer being m~ithinabout thirty yards. The han~lc'slegs are entangled in a thin line by the falconer walking
round and round her as she eats food placed out for her. [16]

Yaralr, to be in: An Eastern word, applied only to a shortwing, meaning that the hawlc is in flying order, ready for

Translation of the opening paragraph:

"There we were. I slipped [released nly hawk at prey1 my intermewed [has moulted at least once in the mews1 tiercel
[male hawk-used here incorrectly1 eyass [han~lttalten as a nestling and raised by the falconer] gos [goshawltl at a flush
[made a quarly animal nervous enough to break from cover and try to outmn or outfly a l~awltl.He pursued, checked
[hesitated],then struck [grabbed the quarlyl, binding hard [and held on tight]. Then he carried [picked up and flew off
with the quasly1 over the ridge, hiding [drag the quarly out of sight1 in brush so deep I couldn't find him. So I pulled
out the yagi [telemetly antennas/received and got a bearing [direction] on him. Finally I got an eyeball on [visually
located1 him and made in [approached the bird while on quarry1 on nly hands and knees and used a chick [day-old
chicken1 to get hiin to step-off [give up the quasly1 and onto the fist [~nygloved hand]. Believe me, drawing the hood
[closing the hood by pulling on the on braces1 was the first thing that made me feel good all day."

See! It was exciting and it did have a happy ending.


1.Frank L. Beebe
1992, THE COMPLEAT FALCONER. Hancock House, Blaine, WA.
l a . Franlt L. Beebe and Hal M. Webster
1964, NORTH AMERICAN FALCONRY AND HUNTING HAWKS, Western Sporting, Ranchester, WY. Though not cited
directly, this text is a major source of the New York Falconly Examination Manual.
l b . Gary L. Brewer
1995, BUTEOS AND BUSHYTAILS, GLB Publications, Chandler, TX.
2. Leslie Brown
1976, BIRDS OF PREY - their biology and ecology. A&W Publishers, New York, NY..
3. California Han~kingClub
December 1992, "C.H.C. Chefs of the West," CALIFORNIA HAWI(1NG. California Hawlcing Club, Sacramento, CA.
3a. California Hawlting Club
1990, APPRENTICE NLANUAL. California Hawlcing Club, Sacramento, CA.
4. William S. Clark and Brian IC. Wl~eeleq
1987, H A m S OF NORTH AMERICA. The Easton Press, No~walk,CT.
4b. Willianl S. Clarlc
July 1995, "How Fast Is the Fastest Bird." WILD BIRD Magazine, Wild Bird Magazine, Boulder, CO.
5. Pete Dunne
1995, THE WIND l41ASTERS. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston and New York
5a. Paul R. Ehrlich, David S. Dobltin, and Darlyl Wlleye
1988, THE BIRDER'S HANDBOOIC. Simon & Schuster/Fireside Books, N e n ~Yorlt, NY.
6. Bill Ferrier, DVM, & Vicltie Joseph, DVM,
August 1993, "Veterinaly Clinic," HAWK CHALIC. North American Falconers Association, Mill Valley, CA.
7. Enmla Ford
1992, FALCONRY - Art and Practice. Blanford, London, UIC.
8. Bob Harrop, Jr
April 1993, "Falconry QLA,"CALIFORNIA HAWKING. California Hawking Club, Sacramento, CA.
9. Blyan A. ICimsey &Jill1 Hodge
1992, FALCONRY EOUIPMENT. Kimsey/Hodge Publications, Houston, TX.
10. Stelre Laynlan
April 1994, "Vertical Junlping To The Fist," HAWK CHAZIC. North American Falconers Association, Nlill Valley, CA.
April 1995, "Update Junlping '95," HAWK CHALIC. North American Falconers Association, Mill Valley, CA.
11. ICim Maucl~
April 1992, "Falconry QW,"CALIFORNIA HAWKING. California Hawlcing Club, Sacramento, CA.
1l a . Matthew Mullenix
April 1995, "Comparisons of an Accipiter, a Parabuteo and a Buteo Flown at Birds," HAWK CHALIC.
North American Falconers Association, Mill Valley, CA.
1l b . Matthew Mullenix
1996, AMERICAN ICESTRELS IN MODERN FALCONR17.Western Sporting, Sheridan, W17.
1l c . National Geographic Explorer Presentation
1994, WOLVES OF THE AIR. The National Geographic Society, Washington, DC.
12. New 170rk State Department of Environnlental Conselvation, Division of Fish and Wildlife
with assistance from the New Y o k State Falconry Association 1991, NEW YORIC STATE FALCONR17EXAMINATION
MANUAL. Albany, NY.
13. William C. Oaltes
1993, THE FALCONER'S APPRENTICE. Eaglewing Publishing, Warrens, WI.
14. R.S. Palmer, editol;
1988, HANDBOOIC OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS, Vol. 4, Diurnal Raptors, Part I and Vol. 5, Diurnal Raptors, Part IS.
Yale University Press, New Haven, CT.


14a. ICaren Plyor
April 1997, "Click: Falconry and Modern Operant Condition," HAW< CHALIC. North American Falconers Association,
Mill Valley, CA.
14b. P.T. Redig, D.V.M, Ph.D.
1993, MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF BIRDS OF PREY, Raptor Center of the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.
14c. S. Rossell
April 1997, "Breaking the Habit," CALIFORNIA HAWKING. California Hawking Club, Sacramento, CA.
14d. V.J, & 1C.M.
April 1997, "Recent Advances in Avian Medicine" CALIFORNIA HAWICING. California Hawking Club, Sacramento,
15. Wildlife Protection Division Publication 141
Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, California. WPD 141 is available free of charge from the Wildlife Protection


16. Humphrey apEvans
1970, FALCONRY FOR YOU. John Gifford Limited, London, UIC.
Note: Tlle apEvans is the oldest, most comprehensive glossary quoted and is referenced from the 1970 printing of the 1960 copyrigllt.
-. -
Many of tile terms and plrases reinain colnn~onin &ntenlpo;.ary falconry usage. A caution, howe<er, Mr.-ap~vansalso "coined"
phrases and terlns unrecognized by falconers, be they classical, his contemporaries, or modern falconers.
1. Frank L. Beebe
1992, THE COMPLEAT FALCONER. Hancocli House, Blaine, WA.
Note: Mr. Beebe, a Canadian, includes nluch ~ ~ s e f inforrnation
ul in his most current publication n711ich describes contemporary
North Anlerican falconry.
4. William S. Clark and Brian IC. Wlleeler
1987, HAWKS OF NORTH AMERICA. The Easton Press, Norwalk, CT.
Note: An excellent Peterson Field Guide Series. It is dedicated to the identification, field marlrings and characteristics of hawlrs.
7. Elnlna Ford
1992, FALCONRY - Art and Practice. Blanford, London, UIC.
Note: Ivls. Ford's passages reflect conteinporaiy British terms.
17. E.W. Jameson, Jr.
1993, SHORTWINGED HAWKS. E.W. Janleson, Jr., Davis, California
Note: An excellent contenlporary work specializing in falconry accipiters and buteos.
18. Paul A. Johnsgard
1990, HAWKS, EAGLES, & FALCONS OF NORTH AMERICA. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC.
Note: Not a falconry book, rather a technical biological oriented text. Excellently researched and illustrated. An excellent reference
for the birds in the natural habitat.
18a. Paul A. Johnsgard
1988, NORTH AMERICAN OWLS. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC.
Note: Not a falconry book, rather a technical biological oriented text. Excellently researched and illustrated. An excellent reference
for the birds in the natural habitat.
19. Lars Jonsson
1992, BIRDS OF EUROPE. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
Note: Very sinlilar to our Peterson field guides and used here to provide infornlation on the European llawlrs.
20. Ian Newton
1986, THE SPARROWHAWIC. T &AD Poyser, Ltd, Calton, England, UIC.
Note: Not a falconiy book, rather a technical biology oriented text specialized on the European Sparrowhanrli. Excellently researched
and illustrated. An exceptional reference for the birds in the natural habitat.
12. New Yorli State Department of Environlnental Conselvation, Division of Fish and 'rvildlife
Note: The New Yorli State source is the 1991 Falconry Examination Review Manual, published by the State of New York's
Department of Environmental Consenration with assistance from the New Yorlc State Falconry Association.
21. Wildlife Protection Division Publication 142
1993, GLOSSARY OF FALCONRY TERMS. Wildlife Protection Division, Departnlent of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA. Note: The
State of California Fish & Game source refers to the flyer currently published by the Special Licenses Unit, Wildlife Protection Division
of the State Fish & Game Department. WPD 141 is available free of charge from the Wildlife Protection Division.
Editor's final note: The above numbering sequence for the glossaly takes into account that some boolis were used for both s t ~ ~ d y
guide and glossary. I saw little utility in giving the same book two different numbers just for the sake of lnalting the above lists


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