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1 Introduction MP MC

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MICROPROCESSORS Course web page:

& • Course web page:


Professor Mihai ROMANCA

Electronics and Computers Department

email: • Students are encouraged to
print lecture slides in
advance and use them to
take notes in class
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Introduction in MP and MC architecture • Laboratory learning objectives:
Classification and exemplification of modern MP
Introduction in MP and MC based systems Gaining skills in programming and developing
At the end of this course the students will be able to : microprocessors/microcontroller systems
– define and describe different MP and MC architectures Assembly Programming and C programming
– describe the operation of different microprocessor subsystems Lab supervisor: dr.eng. Jinga Vlad
– use acquired information (together with data sheets and application
notes) for installation, repairing or design different devices with
MP&MC, or interfaces to microprocessors systems.

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MP organisation, data & control paths, application specific vs. 4. CONTROL UNIT (Instruction sequencing and interpretation, Hardwired
general-purpose microprocessors, microcomputers, control, Microprogrammed control
microcontrollers), 5. INTRODUCTION TO PIPELINING (pipeline processing examples,
2. INSTRUCTION SET ARCHITECTURE (ISA as an interface between HW speedup, Instruction pipelining, type of hazards, principle of handling
and SW, main desirable features, Instruction formats and types, hazards)
addressing modes, classification of ISAs, CISC vs. RISC) 6. MICROCONTROLLERS’ ARCHITECTURE (Specific structures, Memory
3. PROCESSOR ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION (Basic CPU organization, control registers, timer/counter circuits, structure and
organization, CPU behaviour, control, levels of synchronization, a operation of the IO system, data transfers, power management).
simple CPU (accumulator based), some functional extensions,
interfaces to external buses of CPU, Interrupts and exceptions, Stack
memory, Overlapped register windows in RISCs)

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Bibliography ASSESSMENT
Percents from the
Romanca, M., Microprocessors and microcontrollers (in Romanian), Assessment types Assessment mode
Ed. Universităţii Transilvania, Braşov, 2015; disponibil în format final qualification
electronic la∼romanca
Romanca, M., Computers – architecture and organisation (in Final exam written examination 70 %
Romanian), Ed. Universităţii Transilvania, Braşov, 2004
Romanca, M., Microprocessor architecture (in Romanian), Ed. as a co-operation form for
Universităţii Transilvania, Braşov, 2004;Cota depozit biblitecă: Lecture attendance 10 %
III.18145 ROM
Hennessy, J., Patterson, D., Computer Architecture - A Quantitative practical, continuous
Laboratory 20%
Approach, 5th edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc. 2012; evaluation and homework
Stallings, William, Computer Organization and Architecture, 8th
edition, Prentice Hall International, Inc., 2010. A successful final qualification is conditioned by obtaining at least the grade of
5 at final examination and laboratory.
If your mark at the final exam is above 9.50, the percents for the final
qualification are: 80 / 0 / 20 (final mark do not consider course attendance).

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What is a Microprocessor ? What is a computer?
• A computer is a data processing machine that is operated
A microprocessor (MP) is a Central Processing automatically under the control of a list of instructions
Unit (CPU) integrated on a single chip (called a program) stored in its main memory
The CPU of a computer it is a general-purpose
processor structure. • A computer is a combination of hardware and software
Today all the actual general purpose computers (system software) that process data according to algorithms
use microprocessors as CPUs specified and implemented by the user in user programmes
The microprocessor is the Central Processing (user software)
Unit of a (micro)computer.
• Computer hardware contain: CPU + Memory + IO

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What is a computer? MICROCONTROLLER

Computer (GPC)
data • Microcontroller - a computer using microprocessors,
which is intended for industrial control rather than
(Microprocessor) general purpose computing

• A microcontroller contains on a single chip: CPU,

Main memory memory and IO

IO Interfaces • A microcontroller is a single-chip microcomputer

designed for control applications.
– In some cases, the microcontroller has enough resources on-
chip that it is the only IC required for a product.
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Microprocessor vs. Microcontroller
MICROCONTROLLER • Microprocessors are generally utilized for relatively high performance
• Microcontrollers are small computers containing • Microprocessors are used as CPUs for General Purpose Computers (GPC)
processor, memory and peripherals on the same chip • Microprocessors require external memory and I/O hardware.
• In most of the cases all that is needed to use • Microprocessor chips are used in desktop PCs and workstations where
software compatibility, performance, generality, and flexibility are
microcontrollers is to introduce them software (firmware important
= software embedded into hardware).
• In a microcontroller the subsystems are much simplified in
order to be integrated into the same integrated circuit (IC) Microcontroller chips are usually designed to minimize the total
– For example program memory storage capacity is from 1 to 128 chip count and cost by incorporating memory and I/O on the chip
KB, and the data memory capacity is from 128 B to 4 KB Microcontrollers are often “application specialized” at the
– The included microprocessor core run at lower clock frequencies expense of flexibility
(kHz - MHz) in order to reduce power consumption of the A microcontroller chip contains: CPU, Memory, IO


Microcoprocessor Microcontroller
Can operate as a computing machine only if It is an autonomous computing machine General organization of a (micro)processor, pointing to
we add externals memory and I / O system having included on the chip all the necessary main interfaces
components ( microprocessor core, memory,
I/O system)
It is intended for general purpose applications It is intended for control applications Program Counter (to
Register File fetch instructions)
High performance in processing speed to Reduced speed performance, but sufficient PC
satisfy a wide range of applications run to run specific applications Instr. Address
Program is loaded into main memory when Program is usually burned into ROM
needed, usually from a hard disk memory (firmware) IR Current instruction
The instruction set contain a small number of The instruction set contain many
instructions that can manipulate individual bits instructions that can manipulate individual
of a word bits of a word
Are used in PCs, workstations, servers, Are used in embedded computer systems,
notebooks, where software compatibility, where reliability, size and cost are critical ALU
performance, generality and flexibility are Control logic
The IC has few pins with multiple multiplexed The IC has many pins with multiplexed
functions functions
Memory address register (to fetch data)
High capacity for addressing main memory Lower capacity for addressing program /
(typically hundreds of MB - GB) data memory (typically KB) Data Address
In order to increase the average speed of The program and data memory are included
memory access use a hierarchy of internal and in the IC and rarely require external memory
external memory levels levels 16
von Neumann / Harvard Arch. COMPUTER PROGRESS

• The growth of computer performance is based

on two main trends:

– Developing the semiconductor technology

– Innovations in organization and design of

computer machines

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• Other formulations:
• Gordon E. Moore, Intel co-founder, described the trend in one of – The number of (equivalent) transistors on a chip will double every 18 / 24
his 1965 paper – The computing power will growth exponentially, being doubled every 18 -
• The quantity of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on 24 month
an integrated circuit has doubled approximately every two • The capabilities of many digital electronic devices are strongly linked to
years. Moore's law:
– The trend has continued for more than half a century and is not – Processing speed
expected to stop until 2015 or 2020 or later – Memory capacity
• The Moore paper noted that the number of components in – Sensors resolution and size
integrated circuits had doubled every year from the invention of • The term "Moore's law" was coined around 1970 by the Caltech
the integrated circuit in 1958 until 1965 and predicted that the (California Institute of Technology) professor, VLSI pioneer, and
trend would continue "for at least ten years“ entrepreneur Carver Mead
• Moore’s law criticism: Difficult to equate the growth of equivalent
transistors number with the growth of processors performance

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48 years from the Moore’s law

• Wirth's Law (author Niklaus Wirth): Software is getting

slower more rapidly than hardware becomes faster

Preluat din IEEE Spectrum, april 2008

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Trend: stop the growing of clock frequency Trend: lowering the clock frequency
• Multi-core processors that work in parallel

• As many operations as many clock cycles per second • Intel: reducing the clock frequency with 20% for a core lead to halve
the power consumption and only 13% loss of performance
• The growing power related to the growing of frequency ! (heat
dissipation) • Two core processing, with clock frequency reduced at 80%, retake to
a performance higher with 73% at a similar power consumption

• Heat dissipation is better for more cores.

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Key Terminology Key Terminology
• Hardware: Refers to objects that you can actually touch, • Data: Distinct pieces of information, usually formatted in
like disks, display screens, keyboards, printers, boards a special way. All software is divided into two general
and chips categories: data and programs (code)
• Software: Computer instructions or data. Anything that • Instruction: A basic command to perform a specific task.
can be stored electronically is software. • Instruction Set: The basic set of commands, or
instructions, that a microprocessor understands. One of
• Program: An organized list of instructions that, when the principal characteristics that separates for reduced
executed, causes the computer to behave in a instruction set computer (RISC) from complex instruction
predetermined manner. Without programs, computers set computer (CISC) microprocessors is the size of the
are useless instruction set

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Key Terminology Key Terminology

• RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer): • CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer):
- Pronounced risk a type of microprocessor that - Pronounced sisk
recognizes a relatively limited number of instructions. - Most personal computers, use a CISC architecture, in
- Load / Store architecture (memory is addressed only for which the CPU supports as many as two hundred
load and store operations).
- All Intel microprocessors using CISC architecture
- Hardwired control and fixed instruction length.
- Arithmetic and logic operations with operands in
- Since emergence of RISC computers, conventional memory.
computers have been referred to as CISCs - Variable instruction length.

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Key Terminology Key Terminology
• Memory: Storage areas in the computer • Byte (B) = 8 bits
Bus: A collection of wires • 1KB = 210 B = 1024 B (Kilobyte)
through which data is I/O 1 I/O 2 I/O n
transmitted from one part of a – (new IEC recomandation: 1 KiB = 1 Kibibyte)
computer to another. Usually the
internal bus of a computer
• 1MB = 210 KB = 1024 KB (Mebabyte)
Control Bus
consist in data bus, address bus
Data Bus System Bus – (1 MiB = 1 mebibyte !)
and control bus. Address Bus
• 1 GB = 210 MB = 1024 MB (Gigabyte)
– (1 GiB = 1 gibibyte !)
CPU memory
• 1TB = 210 GB = 1024 GB (Gigabyte)
– (1 TiB = 1 tebibyte !)
I/O: Short for input/output (pronounced "eye-oh").

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Microprocessors’ market evolution Embedded systems

• Disappearing computer (processor/microcontroller/computer
• 1970s - Scalar (8 bit) embedded in a system)
• Post-PC computing era
• 1980s – Pipelined (8, 16, 32 bits), RISCs
• Ubiquitous computing (the “disappearing” computer is present
• 1990s – Superscalar, superpipelined, VLIW, parallel anywhere and integrated in the environment.
processing, supercomputing, Multiprocessors - System on – “The best computer is a quiet, invisible servant” - Mark Weiser)
Chip, 32 – 128 bits DSPs • Pervasive computing (universal and distributed computing)
– Capability to determine true data dependencies • Ambient intelligence (Ubiquitous computing and communication,
– Parallel issuing of multiple instructions based on dependencies and friendly intelligent interfaces)
– Dynamic branch prediction (history tables)
– Speculative execution A paraphrase to Moore’s law: For many products in the area of
– Out of order execution consumer electronics the amount of code is doubling every two years
– ……………………… [Vaandrager, 1998].

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• Automotive
– Ignition System
– Engine Control
• Industrial Control
– Brake System (i.e., Antilock Braking System) – Robotics and Control Systems
• Consumer Electronics (Manufacturing)
– Digital and Analog Televisions
– Set-Top Boxes (DVDs, VCRs, Cable Boxes, etc.)
• Medical
– Personal Data Assistants (PDAs) – Infusion Pumps
– Kitchen Appliances (Refrigerators, Toasters, Microwave – Dialysis Machines
– Toys/Games – Prosthetic Devices
– Telephones/Cell Phones/Pagers – Cardiac Monitors
– Cameras
– Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
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• Networking • An embedded system:
– Routers – Is designed to perform a dedicated function
– Hubs – Has a limited amount of hardware and software
– Gateways – Is a computer system with higher quality and reliability
• Office Automation requirements
– It is not designed to be programmed by the end user
– Fax Machine
– It works with time constrains (real type system)
– Photocopier
– Printers
– Monitors
– Scanners

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