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Character Profile Worksheet

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The document provides a detailed character profile for P'Nuttie, including her physical appearance, personality, goals, relationships, and beliefs.

P'Nuttie is 19 years old, 5'6, 160 lbs, with dark skin, green eyes, and curly hair that defies gravity. She has a round, long face and wears contacts.

P'Nuttie is very intelligent, a leader, and introverted. She is confident, polite, generous, and tries not to show too much emotion. She is motivated by the future and wants to be successful.

Character Profile Worksheet

The character profile worksheet is a tool to help you keep track of vital information about your
character. Not only does it help you to define your character, but it will also be a valuable tool
to refer back to when developing the story.

Basic Statistics:

 Name: P’Nuttie
 Age: 19
 Nationality: African
 Socioeconomic Level as a Child:
 Socioeconomic Level as an Adult:
 Hometown: Harare
 Current Residence: Indiana
 Occupation: N/A
 Income/Salary: N/A
 Birth Order: Number one
 Siblings (describe relationships): 5, close to all of them
 Spouse (describe relationships): N/A
 Children (describe relationships): N/A
 Grandparents (describe relationships): grand parent live in Africa so she doesn’t seem
them too much
 Grandchildren (describe relationships): N/A
 Significant Others (describe relationships): N/A
 Relationship Skills: good at telling people what she wants

Physical Characteristics:

 Height: 5’6
 Weight: 160
 Race: Black
 Eye Color: Green
 Hair Color: whatever color she feels
 Glasses or Contact Lenses?:contacts
 Skin Color: dark skin
 Shape of Face: round and long
 Distinguishing Features: hair curl that defies gravity, bangs
 Manner of Dress:
 Mannerisms:
 Habits (smoking, drinking, etc.): Chews ice
 Health: healthy, acitve, drinks water
 Hobbies: singing, dancing,
 Speech Patterns: normal, loud
 Disabilities: N/A
 Style (elegant, shabby, etc.): Tomboy, girly, and anything in between
 Greatest Physical Flaw: height
 Best Physical Quality: everything, according to her.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes:

 Educational Background: college

 Intelligence Level: very smart, honors
 Mental Illnesses (if any): N/A
 Learning Experiences: when to good schools
 Short-term Life Goals: survive college
 Long-term Life Goals: own a busness
 How does character see himself/herself? a Queen
 How does character believe he/she is perceived by others? a boss
 How self-confident is the character? 7/10
 Does the character seem ruled by emotion, or logic, or some combination thereof? tries
not to show too much emotion
 What would most embarrass this character? Failing

Emotional Characteristics:

 Strengths/Weaknesses: she’s a leader but she take failure hard.

 Introvert or Extrovert?: introvert
 How does the character deal with anger?: saying things like “oooh we need to calm
 With sadness?: keeps it to herself
 With conflict?: tries to work around it but if not, confronts it
 With change?: change is good
 With loss?:
 What does the character want out of life?: the best; to be successful
 What would the character like to change in his/her life?:
 What motivates this character?: the future
 What frightens this character?: spiders
 What makes this character happy?: good music
 Is the character judgmental of others?: sometimes, but tries not to be
 Is the character generous or stingy?: very generous
 Is the character generally polite or rude?: very polite, even to rude people

Behaviors and Mannerisms:

 Group Behaviors: behave well in groups, often wants to take the leader role.
 Individual Behaviors: is nice to individuals
 Catch Phrases: P’Nuttie (her name)

Skills/ abilities:
 inherent: singing
 will learn: dancing

Spiritual Characteristics:

 Does the character believe in a God? Many gods? None at all?: yes, one
 What are the character's spiritual beliefs?: Christian
 Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life?: yes
 If so, what role does it play?: it plays a role in everyday life and everything she does

How the Character is Involved in the Story:

 Character's Game Role (Main character? Hero? Heroine? Romantic interest? Sidekick?,
etc.): THE Main character
 Scene where Character First Appears: Every
 Relationships with Other Characters: will helo them if needed


While the following scenarios are not specific to any game, they will help to further define your
character's persona.

 How does the character hold a baby?: carefully, she’s had practice form her sisters
 What does the character do when they are left in a room alone?: talk aloud and sing
 How does the character act around the opposite sex?: normal

Character Growth (How is the character different at the end of the game or story from
when the game or story began?):

Describe a small segment of a narrative that could occupy 20-30 seconds of a short
animation or cut scene from a game where your character does something that conveys
emotion: funny, sad, surprised, etc. An example would be something like this: A kid in a
karate gi stands in front of a board ready to attempt to snap it. The board is suspended
between two cinder blocks as the kid tries every move to break the board, but the board
will not budge. Finally, after falling on the floor, he sits up and leans on the board with his
elbow, chin resting on his palm with the look of frustration on his face. The board snaps
and he falls again with a thud and dust puffs up.

P’Nuttie is done with class and she is walking out of the building and someone is in front of her.
This person is walking out the same door, but to P’Nuttie’s surprise, they don’t hold the door
open for her once they walk though. She is utterly shocked because she feels as though everyone
should know to hold the door open for her! The whole walk home she ponders the situation and
replays it in her head, still shocked.
Additional Notes on this Character:

He doesn’t have a last name b/c she feels her first name is enough

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