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Oman Job Vacancy

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Position Descriptions

Job Title: Professor

Reporting to:
Dean of ….
Full-Time Part-Time Other (specify)
Type of Employment
A Professor is expected to demonstrate a significant commitment to academic
excellence in the fields of teaching and learning, research, and any other forms
Purpose of Position:
of knowledge transfer, at the highest levels of national and international
The key role and responsibilities of a Professor should include, but are not
exclusive to, teaching and learning support, research development and
promotion and faculty administration and support in the following areas:

Teaching and Learning Support

 Collaborating with the Dean and programme coordinators in the
development, implementation, monitoring and review of the faculty’s
teaching and learning strategy.
 Contributing to the design, development, and delivery of a range of
courses of study at various levels.
 Contributing to the development and implementation of good academic
practice within the faculty.
 Developing and promoting the use of innovative assessment methods.
 Playing an active role in academic advising of students.
 Leading the development and clarification of academic standards and
Role and quality for the subject area.
 Exercising academic leadership for all subject area activities - teaching
and/or research, as appropriate.

Research and Scholarship

 Supporting the development, implementation, monitoring and review of
the University research strategy.
 Leading and coordinating research activities in his/her area of
specialization in the faculty and University.
 Developing internal and external networks to foster collaboration and
share information and ideas that promote the subject and the University.
 Managing research and other collaborative partnerships.
 Leading bids for research, consultancy and other additional funds.
 Writing publications of the appropriate defined standard and/or publishing
research findings using media appropriate to the discipline.

Approved: June 2015

 Conducting research into learning and teaching methodologies.
 Being routinely involved in complex and important negotiations internally
and with external bodies, particularly in relation to research, research
funding and consultancy.
 Playing a significant role in developing and increasing the quality of the
teaching-research nexus.
Administration and Faculty Support
 Supporting the management of the faculty by participating in faculty and
university committees and task forces.
 Taking a lead role in engaging with local and national universities,
industry and community activities.
 Participating in the implementation of the University Strategic Plan.
 Contributing to the implementation of faculty operational plans.
 Ensuring that junior staff and teaching assistants are given adequate
mentoring and support.
 Collaborating with the Dean and Programme Coordinators in determining
the need for and allocation of resources/budgets within his/her area of
 Assisting in the annual review of course and program reviews.
 Promoting a collegiate approach amongst colleagues and students alike.
 Carrying out any other duties commensurate with the grade and purpose
of the post.

A PhD degree in an academic discipline taught by the Faculty, from an
internationally recognised University.

Knowledge & Skills:

 Excellent research experience and publications
 Excellent written and spoken English/Arabic (according to Faculty).
 Very good IT skills.
 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
 Ability to be part of and lead a team
 Experience in obtaining research grants and engaging in the advanced
professional practices with the organisations outside the University

Excellent experience in tertiary teaching and research and preferably some

Relevant Experience:
experience in academic leadership.

Sohar University is an equal opportunity employer.

Approved: June 2015

Position Description

Job Title: Associate Professor

Reporting to:
Dean of ….
Full-Time Part-Time Other (specify)
Type of Employment

An Associate Professor is expected to demonstrate a significant commitment to

academic excellence in the fields of teaching and learning, research, and any
Purpose of Position:
other forms of knowledge transfer, at the highest levels of national and regional
excellence, with some international achievement, or the potential thereof.

The key role and responsibilities of an Associate Professor should include, but
are not exclusive to, teaching and learning support, research and administration
and faculty support activities in the following areas:

Teaching and Learning Support

 Contributing to the design, development, and delivery of a range of
courses of study at various levels.
 Collaborating with other senior academics in the development and
implementation of the faculty’s teaching and learning strategy.
 Contributing to the development and implementation of good academic
practice within the faculty.
 Developing and promoting the use of innovative assessment methods.
 Playing an active role in academic advising of students.
 Participating in the development and clarification of academic standards
Role and and quality for the subject area.

Research and Scholarship

 Supporting the development and implementation of the University’s
research strategy.
 Leading and coordinating research activities in his/her area of
 Managing research and other collaborative partnerships.
 Working with other senior research staff to win bids for research,
consultancy and other additional funding.
 Publishing research findings at an appropriate defined standard.
 Collaborating in research on learning and teaching methodologies.
 Being routinely involved in complex and important negotiations internally
and with external bodies, particularly in relation to research, research
Approved: June 2015
funding and consultancy.

Administration and Faculty Support

 Collaborating with the Dean, Programme Coordinators and other senior
staff in engaging with local and national industries on program
development and the enhancement of graduate attributes.
 Assisting senior staff in developing networks to foster collaboration and
share information and ideas that promote the subject and the University.
 Assisting in the annual review of course and program reviews.
 Exercising academic leadership for all subject area activities - teaching
and/or research, as appropriate.
 Ensuring that junior staff and teaching assistants are given adequate
mentoring and support.
 Participating at faculty level in institutional and strategic planning.
 Contributing to the implementation of faculty operational plans.
 Participating in faculty committees.
 Collaborating with the Dean and Programme Coordinators in determining
the need for and allocation of resources within his/her area of
 Promoting a collegiate amongst colleagues and students alike.
 Carrying out any other duties commensurate with the grade and purpose
of the post.
A PhD degree in a discipline taught by the Faculty, from an internationally
recognised University.

Knowledge & Skills:

 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
 Good publication record and on-going research agenda.
 Significant research experience
 Excellent written and spoken English/Arabic (in accordance with the
 Very good IT skills
 Ability to work with and lead a team

Good experience in tertiary teaching, a strong research record in his/her field of

Relevant Experience:
expertise and some experience in academic coordination and/or administration.

Sohar University is an equal opportunity employer.

Approved: June 2015

Position Description

Job Title: Assistant Professor

Reporting to:
Dean of …
Full-Time Part-Time Other (specify)
Type of Employment

Assistant Professor is expected to demonstrate a commitment to academic

excellence in the planning and delivery of teaching and learning and assessment
Purpose of Position: in his/her area of specialization as well as developing and promoting research
and other forms of knowledge transfer, at national/regional levels and a potential
to reach international level achievement in due course.

The key role and responsibilities of an Assistant Professor should include, but
are not exclusive to, teaching and learning support, research and administration
and faculty support activities in the following areas:

Teaching and learning support

 Using appropriate teaching, learning support and assessment methods to
transfer knowledge in an effective and appropriate manner.
 Developing student skills by applying appropriate approaches to
teaching, identifying learning needs of students and defining appropriate
learning objectives.
 Defining adequate and appropriate learning outcomes and ensuring that
content, methods of delivery and learning materials meet the defined
learning outcomes.
Role and  Developing teaching materials, methods and approaches to enhance the
Responsibilities: delivery of the subject area
 Developing and promoting the use of innovative assessment methods.
 Participating in the development and implementation of a teaching and
learning strategy for the faculty.
 Playing an active role in academic advising of students.
 Taking some role in supervising related subject laboratory teams, as
Research and scholarship
 Contributing to and developing research activities across the faculty.
 Helping the faculty to develop a teaching-research nexus and increase
the quality of teaching and research activities in the faculty.
 Writing publications of the appropriate defined standard and/or
disseminating research findings using media appropriate to the discipline.
 Collaborating with the RIC in seeking external funding opportunities for
research and consultancies.
Approved: June 2015
Administration and Faculty Support
 Participating in the faculty’s engagement with local and national business
and industries.
 Exercising academic leadership for all subject area activities - teaching
and/or research, as appropriate.
 Assisting in the annual review of course and program reviews.
 Collaborating with senior staff in determining the need for and allocation
of resources within his/her area of responsibility.
 Participating in institutional and strategic planning.
 Contributing to the development and implementation of faculty
operational plans.
 Ensuring that junior staff and teaching assistants are given adequate
mentoring and support.
 Carrying out any other duties commensurate with the grade and purpose
of the post.
A PhD degree in a discipline taught by the Faculty, from an internationally
recognised University

Knowledge & Skills:

 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
 Significant research experience
 Excellent written and spoken English/Arabic (in accordance with the
 Ability to work as part of a team
 Good IT skills

Good experience in tertiary teaching experience and a growing publication

Relevant Experience:
record, with clear signs of research promise.

Sohar University is an equal opportunity employer.

Approved: June 2015

Position Description

Job Title: Lecturer

Reporting to:
Dean of …
Full-Time Part-Time Other (specify)
Type of Employment
A Lecturer is expected to demonstrate a commitment to academic excellence by
engaging effectively in undergraduate and post-graduate teaching and learning
Purpose of Position:
and contributing to the development of research and other forms of knowledge
transfer at the University.

The key role and responsibilities of a lecturer should include, but are not
exclusive to, teaching and learning support in the following areas:
 Using appropriate teaching and learning support and assessment methods
to transfer knowledge in an effective and appropriate manner.
 Developing student skills by applying appropriate approaches to teaching.
 Identifying the learning needs of students and defining appropriate
learning objectives.
 Defining adequate, appropriate and measurable learning outcomes.
 Ensuring that content, methods of delivery and learning materials meet the
defined learning outcomes.
 Developing teaching materials, methods and approaches to enhance the
delivery of the subject area.
Role and  Applying innovative and appropriate teaching techniques and material
which create interest, understanding and enthusiasm amongst students.
 Finding ways to challenge thinking, foster debate and develop the ability of
students to engage in critical and rational thinking.
 Applying knowledge acquired from research to teaching to enhance the
student experience.
 Supervising the work of students – including projects, field trips and,
where appropriate, placements.
 Providing academic advising services on study skills and helping students
at risk of not meeting all learning outcomes.
 Selecting appropriate assessment methods and criteria and setting,
assessing and marking work and examinations providing feedback to

Approved: June 2015

 Identifying areas where current provision is in need of revision or
 Assisting program and course coordinators in the review of program and
course content and materials and updating when required.
 Ensuring that program and course design and delivery comply with the
quality standards outlined in the Quality manual.
Normally a master degree in a discipline taught by the Faculty, from a
recognised University.

Knowledge & Skills:

 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
 Reasonable research experience
 Excellent written and spoken English/Arabic (in accordance with the
 Ability to work in a team
 Good IT skills )
Relevant Experience: Good experience in tertiary teaching and research.

Sohar University is an equal opportunity employer.

Approved: June 2015

Terms & Conditions for academic staff appointment in Sohar University

Sohar University is a modern and progressive institution meeting the needs of contemporary society and
contributing to the economic and cultural wellbeing of Oman and our international neighbours. We are
located on world class campus only 2 hours from Muscat & Dubai. We seek to appoint innovative,
committed and ambitious academic staff at all levels who share our vision for quality higher education.

1. Appointment in Foundation Program

1.1 General terms and conditions for all candidates for teaching in the Foundation program (Omanis
and non- Omanis):
 The candidates for an English teacher position shall achieve a minimum score of (7) in Academic
IELTS or its equivalent in TOEFL.

 The candidates for a Math/ Information Technology teacher position shall achieve a minimum score
of (6) in Academic IELTS or its equivalent in TOEFL.

 The candidates who passes qualifications not related directly to teaching English, shall have the
certificate of teaching English for non-native speakers (DELTA, CELTA, TEFL) or its equivalent from
accredited and authorized centres, and his/her university language of study must be in English. The
institution can give exceptions for those who possess English education, English literature and
linguistics qualifications”.

 The candidates shall get a minimum of ‘very good’ score or its equivalent in the Bachelor’s Degree.

 The candidates shall have teaching experience in institutions of higher education or general education
(post basic grades).

 The institution can give exception for the Omani candidates not having experience, it can employ
them as assistant teachers for one academic year, and then it shall submit to MOHE an evaluation
report after completion of the period to make appropriate decision about recruiting them as teachers
for the post applied.

Only fit candidates will be contacted when there is available

vacancies in the university.

Human Resources Department ‫دائرة الموارد البشرية‬

Terms & Conditions for academic staff appointment in Sohar University

1. Appointment in Foundation Program


Type Department / Faculty Position Required Majors MOHE Requirements

Qualifications Academic

English Education Master One year

English Literature Master Two years
Linguistics Master Two years
English Education Bachelor Two years
English Literature Bachelor Three years
Linguistics Bachelor Three years

Academic General Foundation Program Lecturer

Master- Bachelor in Education in Two years

Mathematics major field
Master – Bachelor in Math Major Three Years
Master - Bachelor in Education in Two years
Information System (IC3) major field
Master - Bachelor in Math Major Three Years


MOHE Requirements

Type Department / Faculty Position Required Majors Academic

Qualifications Experience

English Education Master Two year

English Literature Master Three years

Linguistics Master Three years

Academic General Foundation Program Lecturer

Master in Education in major field Two years
Master n Math Major Three Years

Master in Education in major field Two years

Information System (IC3)
Master in Math Major Three Years

Human Resources Department ‫دائرة الموارد البشرية‬

Terms & Conditions for academic staff appointment in Sohar University

2. Appointment in Faculties

Department / Faculty Position Qualifications Academic Experience Required Majors

Professor TESOL

Associate Professor Linguistics/Applied Linguistics

Language Studies PhD One year

Assistant Professor Translation (English-Arabic)

Lecturer English Literature

Professor Marketing

Associate Professor
Business Law

Business PhD One year
Assistant Professor
Project management

Management Information System

Public administration and management


Associate Professor

Law Assistant Professor PhD One year Law ( all majors )


Arabic language literature

Physical Education

Master in Education :-

Associate Professor
1- Curriculum and teaching methods ( General, Science
, Arabic language, Math, social science, Islamic studies)
Education & Arts PhD One year
Assistant Professor 2- Foundation of education

Master in school sport science


Human Resources Department ‫دائرة الموارد البشرية‬

Terms & Conditions for academic staff appointment in Sohar University

Professor Networking and Databases

Associate Professor Computing and Multimedia

Computing & IT Assistant Professor PhD One year Computing and Web Engineering

Business Information Technology

M.Sc.( Computer Science)

Chemical Engineering. (CHE).

Civil Engineering. (CIVE).

Associate Professor Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering. (MME).

Engineering PhD One year

Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering. (ECE).

Human Resources Department ‫دائرة الموارد البشرية‬

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