DME Concept
DME Concept
DME Concept
Volume ‐ I
2. DME Concepts 7
3. ICAO Specifications 22
4. DME Antenna 54
7. Flight Inspection 77
8. DGCA Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR) 78
Chapter- 01
Introduction to DME
Navigation is the ‘ART’ of determining the position of an aircraft over earth’s surface
and guiding its progress from one place to another.
To accomplish this ‘ART’ some sort of aids are required by the pilots. In the early days,
voyages were accomplished by the navigators through the knowledge of terrain or
movements of sun, stars and winds. As the time progressed, some instruments such as
Compass, Chronometer and theodolite came on the scene.
In the twentieth century, electronics also entered in the aviation field, direction finders
and other navigational aids enabled the navigators to obtain fixes using electronics aids
Radio Navigation:
This method is based on the use of Radio Transmitter, Radio Receiver and propagation
of electromagnetic waves to find navigational parameters such as direction, distance
etc., required to find the position of the aircraft. The Radio Navigational aids provide
information to the pilot regarding the position of his/her aircraft in azimuth and/or
elevation at any instant of time. Radio communication and navigational aids also
provide useful information to Air Traffic Control Officers for effective control of air
Radio navigational aids can be classified in different ways. The classification helps in
identifying the usefulness of a given facility. All navigational aids, which provide
guidance by using Radio waves, are called Non-visual aids.
According to service range, the radio navigational aids are broadly classified into three
a. Long range
b. Medium range
c. Short range
According to use and Frequency, the radio navigational aids are broadly classified into
short range and medium range as tabulated below.
The Rho-Theta Navigation System is based on the Polar coordinate system of azimuth
and distance as shown in figure 1.1.
The Very High Frequency Omni Range (VOR) and DME constitute the basic
components of the Rho-Theta Navigation System. While the VOR provides azimuth
information (Theta) to the pilot, the DME provides the distance information (Rho) so
that the pilot receives a continuous navigational fix relative to a known ground location.
The DME equipment on the aircraft is very simple to use, the pilot having only to tune
the equipment to the appropriate frequency and read the display once the DME has
locked on to the ground transponder. The frequency control for the DME receiver is
normally derived from the VOR/Localizer receiver, the DME channels being paired
with the VHF frequencies used by the VOR/Localiser equipment.
Because the distance measurement taken by the aircraft DME receiver is from Air-to-
Ground, DME records Slant Ranges which are greater than the actual distance between
the ground facility and the ground position of the aircraft. The difference between the
slant and actual range is dependent on the relationship of the aircraft height and
distance from the ground equipment. Unless the aircraft is 5000 feet or more, close to
the ground transponder, then the discrepancy is small and can, for all practical
purposes, be ignored.
As early as 1946 many organisations in the West took an active part in the development
of DME system. The Combined Research Group (CRG) at the Naval Research
Laboratory (NRL) designed the first experimental L band DME in 1946.
The L band, between 960 MHz and 1215 MHz was chosen for DME operation mainly
a. Nearly all other lower frequency bands were occupied.
b. Better frequency stability compared to the next higher frequencies in the
Microwave band.
c. Less reflection and attenuation than that experienced in the higher Frequencies in
the microwave band.
d. More uniform omni directional radiation pattern for a given antenna height than
that possible at higher frequencies in the microwave band.
For those facilities used in terminal areas for approach purposes or other procedures
where the highest position fixing accuracy of system capability is required, the
separation of the VOR and DME antennas does not exceed 30 m (100 ft) except that, at
Doppler VOR facilities, where DME service is provided by a separate facility, the
antennas may be separated by more than 30 m (100 ft), but not in excess of 80 m (260 ft);
For purposes other than those indicated above, the separation of the VOR and DME
antennas does not exceed 600 m (2,000 ft).
a. When DME is used as an alternative to ILS marker beacons, the DME should be
located on the airport so that the zero range indication will be a point near
the runway.
b. In order to reduce the triangulation error, the DME should be sited to ensure a
small angle (less than 20 degrees) between the approach path and the direction to
the DME at the points where the distance information is required.
c. The use of DME as an alternative to the middle marker beacon assumes a DME
system accuracy of 0.37 km (0.2 NM) or better and a resolution of the airborne
indication such as to allow this accuracy to be attained.
Various models of DME are being used in AAI. The facility is collocated with either
VOR or ILS. AWA GCEL DME, ASI DME, THALES DME; these makes are currently in
use at various installations of AAI.
Chapter - 02
Secondary Radar system basically consists of two principle components namely the
‘Interrogator’, which is ground, based and the ‘Transponder’, which is carried on
the targets. Each of these components consists of a set of one pulse transmitter and one
receiver. The Interrogator radiates pulses which when received by a corresponding
transponder on a target will initiate a reply from that transponder. These replies are
received by the interrogator to extract information about the targets.
Referring to figure 2.2, the airborne transmitter repeatedly initiates a process of sending
out very short, very widely spaced interrogation pulses. These are picked up by the
ground transponder receiver whose output triggers the associated transmitter into
sending out reply pulses on a different channel. The airborne receiver receives these
replies. Timing circuits automatically measure the round-trip travel time, or interval
between interrogation and reply pulses, and convert this time into electrical signals,
which operate the distance indicator.
Tx Rx
There are two modes of aircraft interrogations. These are called Search and Track.
The Search mode is automatically established whenever the airborne equipment is tuned
to a new DME ground Transponder, or if for some reason, a major interruption in the
replies occurs.
In the Track mode the aircraft's interrogation rate reduces considerably (about 30
interrogations per second). The reduced interrogation rate of transmission in the track
mode will allow more aircraft to use the DME station.
While in Track mode, if the signal is lost momentarily, the equipment enters Memory
State. There are two types of memory states. They are called Velocity Memory and Static
or Position Memory states. During the Velocity Memory state, the distance display
continues to get updated at the same rate as it was prior to the time of signal loss. In the
Static Memory state, the position display is held stationary at the same reading as it was
prior to the time of signal loss. If the signal is not restored within about 10 seconds, the
equipment goes into Search mode of operation again.
The airborne equipment measures the elapsed time between the transmission of the
interrogation pulse and the receipt of the reply pulse and converts time into a distance
indication. The system-timing diagram shown in figure 2.3 can easily explain this
Timing starts at the range circuits of the airborne equipment with the starting of the
interrogation pulse. After a time delay t, depending on the distance between the aircraft
and the ground equipment, the interrogation pulse is received at the antenna of the
ground Transponder. The interrogation pulse is detected and after a fixed time delay, the
reply pulse is generated. After time delay t, the reply pulse reaches the airborne
equipment. The distance between the aircraft and the ground Transponder is thus
determined by measuring the total time elapsed between initial transmission of the
interrogation pulse and the reception of the corresponding reply pulse minus the time
Although the frequency band allocated for DME is 960 MHz - 1215 MHz, the lowest DME
operating frequency is 962 MHz and the highest operating frequency is 1213 MHz leaving
2 MHz on either side of the band. This resultant band of 962 MHz -1213 MHz is divided
into 126 one-MHz channels for interrogation, and 126 one-MHz channels for transponder
replies with the interrogation frequency and reply frequency always differing by 63 MHz.
The number of channels available is doubled by the use of X and Y channels which define
specific pulse separation for the interrogator and reply pulses. The pulse separation for X
channels is 12 microseconds for both interrogation and reply pulses. For Y channels, the
pulse separation is 36 microseconds for interrogation pulses and 30 microseconds for reply
The airborne interrogator operates in the frequency band 1025 MHz - 1150 MHz. The
frequency of operation of the X channel ground transponder is 63 MHz lower than the
corresponding airborne interrogator frequency for the first 63 channels and for the next 63
channels; it is higher by 63 MHz. The frequency of operation of the Y channel ground
transponder is 63 MHz higher than the corresponding airborne interrogator frequency for
the first 63 channels and for the next 63 channels; it is lower by 63 MHz.
By using twin pulse technique, the DME operating channels can be increased. This is done
by establishing new operating channels by using differently spaced twins to define a
number of channels on each radio frequency.
Pulse envelope
c e
o 9A
Voltage amplitude (A)
b f
a g
h i
Tr Tpr Td
The other reason for selecting Gaussian pulse shape for the DME pulses is due to the fact
that the Noise also has a Gaussian wave shape. Noise has been an essential ingredient in
most of the DME’s to generate Squitters.
0 Partial Time
rise time
Virtual origin
v. Pulse Separation
The time interval between pulses of a pair, as measured from the 50 per cent amplitude
point on leading of the first pulse to the same point on the succeeding pulse.
Pulse spacing t
The variation in time spacing of the pulse pairs of the aircraft interrogation is termed as
Pulse Jittering.
Airborne DME receivers require a minimum number of random pulses to ensure its
correct operation by providing appropriate AGC signal. However, unless sufficient
interrogating aircraft are present, the airborne receiver may not receive the required
minimum pulse rate. To ensure this requirement, the DME transponder will generate
extra pulses in a random fashion at a minimum pulse rate of 700 Hz (for GCEL DME it is
945 Hz). These extra random pulse-pairs are called Squitter.
At the time when no aircraft is interrogating, only the squitter is being transmitted, at an
average rate equal to the minimum pulse rate. However, as the number of authentic
aircraft interrogations increase, the squitter rate is reduced, and becomes zero when the
aircraft interrogation rate reaches the minimum pulse rate or above.
(Older versions DME equipments operated with a constant duty cycle of 2700 pulse-pairs
per second (2800 in later versions), done mainly to regularly activate high power
transmitters using Klystrons for example to increase the mean time before failures
distant, aircraft are excluded from the transponder, thus lowering the Transponder
loading. Should the system reply rate still exceed the 2800 limit, video output pulses are
randomly suppressed to limit the maximum reply rate to 2800 Hz.
Because of this limitation, in heavy traffic the aircraft may not receive 100 percent replies
to their interrogations. In DME system operation it is assumed that on an average 95
percent of aircraft interrogating a ground transponder at any given time will be in the
track mode and 5 percent will be in search mode. So for 100 aircraft the total interrogation
rate of the ground transponder will be:
(30 pps X 95 aircraft) + (150 pps X 5 aircraft) = 3600 interrogations per second.
As the maximum reply rate of the transponder is limited to 2800 pulse pairs per second,
the ratio of replies to interrogations is 78 percent. However, the airborne DME receiver is
designed to operate safely with a reply ratio as low as 70 percent. Hence providing a safe
margin of operation.
In the extreme case, when 100 aircraft are using the DME and the ground equipment fails,
all aircraft will be in the search mode and will produce a total of 15000 (100 X 150)
interrogations per second. When the ground transponder returns to normal service, its
receiver gain will drop until only the 2800 strongest interrogations are serviced. This
means that replies will be provided to the seventeen or so aircraft, which are likely to be
nearest to the ground transponder. Once these aircraft enter the track mode, their
interrogations will drop from 150 to 30 pulse pairs per second, thus gradually relieving the
ground transponder of about 2100 interrogations and allowing it to increase its sensitivity
and reply to more distant aircraft.
Frequently, DME is co-located with VOR or ILS equipment and for this reason the DME
may derive the identification code from the co-located facility. In such cases, any failure of
the external ident generator should cause the DME to internally generate and transmit the
ident in place of the failed unit.
There are two types of echoes that may cause interference. They are short distance and
long distance echoes.
Echo suppression is employed to eliminate the effect of echoes. The Short Distance Echo
Suppression (SDES) is used to eliminate echoes with short delays and Long Distance
Echo Suppression (LDES) is used to eliminate echoes with long delays
There are three types of DME installations as defined in ICAO Annex 10.
DME, primarily serving operational needs of en-route or Terminal Control Area (TMA)
navigation, where the "N" stands for narrow spectrum characteristics.
The distance measuring element of the MLS, where the "P" stands for precise distance
measurement. The spectrum characteristics are those of DME/N.
DME, primarily serving operational needs of en-route or TMA navigation, where "W"
stands for wide spectrum characteristics.
The high power DME used in co-location with VOR and the DME used with the ILS belongs
to the DME/N type. Hence this handout discusses the specifications for DME/N type only.
A device, which, by using the transmitted pulse, automatically switches the antenna
from, receives to transmit at the proper time.
Equivalent Isotropically radiated power, the product of the power supplied to the
antenna and the antenna gain in a given direction relative to an isotropic antenna.
The instant the aircraft begins to track the DME station continuously.
Mode W, X, Y, Z:
A method of coding the DME transmissions by time spacing pulses of a pulse pair, so
that each frequency can be used more than once.
Pulse Repition Frequency; the number of pulse pairs per second.
Reply Efficiency:
The ratio of replies transmitted by the transponder to the total of received valid
When considering the transponder reply efficiency value, account is to be taken of the
DME dead time and of the loading introduced by the monitoring function.
System Efficiency:
The ratio of valid replies processed by the interrogator to the total of its own
interrogations. System efficiency is the combined effect of down link garble (down link
garble occurs when valid interrogations at the ground transponder are interfered with
by coincident interrogations from other A/c and results in loss of signals or error in
time of arrival measurement), ground transponder dead time, uplink garble (this is due
to ground to air loading), and interrogator signal processor efficiency. These statistically
independent components efficiency combined together yield the system efficiency.
Transmission Rate:
The average number of pulse pairs transmitted from the transponder per second.
Attachement C
MARCH 2009
Note 1.— In the following section, provision is made for two types of DME facility: DME/N for general
application as outlined in Chapter 2, 2.2.2, and DME/P as outlined in 3.11.3.
Note 2. In the following paragraphs, those denoted by ‡ are applicable to equipment first installed after
1 January 1989 (Chapter 2,
3.5.1 Definitions
Equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.EIRP). The product of the power supplied to the antenna and the
antenna gain in a given direction relative to an isotropic antenna (absolute or isotropic gain).
3.5.2 General
... When a DME function is combined associated with either an ILS, MLS or VOR for the purpose of
constituting a single facility, they shall be considered to be associated in a manner complying with Chapter 2,
2.2.2, only when:
b) they shall be collocated within the limits prescribed for associated facilities in; and
Note. A single DME facility may be paired with both an ILS and MLS. Collocation limits for a DME facility associated with an ILS, MLS or VOR facility Associated VOR and DME facilities shall be collocated in accordance with the following:
a) coaxial collocation: the VOR and DME antennas are located on the same vertical axis; or
b) offset collocation:
1) for those facilities used in terminal areas for approach purposes or other procedures where the highest
position fixing accuracy of system capability is required, the separation of the VOR and DME
antennas does not exceed 30 m (100 ft) except that, at Doppler VOR facilities, where DME service is
provided by a separate facility, the antennas may be separated by more than 30 m (100 ft), but not in
excess of 80 m (260 ft);
2b) for purposes other than those indicated in 1) a), the separation of the VOR and DME antennas does not
exceed 600 m (2 000 ft).
... The Standards in 3.5.3, 3.5.4 and 3.5.5 denoted by ‡ shall apply only to DME equipment first
installed after 1 January 1989.
... Accuracy System accuracy. The accuracy standards specified in, and herein shall
be met on a 95 per cent probability basis.
Note. The total system limits include errors from all causes such as those from airborne equipment, ground
equipment, propagation and random pulse interference effects. DME/N accuracy. Recommendation. At distances of from zero to 370 km (200 NM) from the
transponder, dependent upon the particular service application, the total system error, excluding reading error,
should be not greater than plus or minus 460 m (0.25 NM) plus 1.25 per cent of distance measured.
‡ The total system error shall not exceed plus or minus 370 m (0.2 NM).
Note 1. This system accuracy is predicated upon the achievement of an airborne interrogator error
contribution of not more than plus or minus 315 m (0.17 NM).
Note 2. In mixed DME/N and DME/P operations it is intended that the achieved accuracy be at least that in
Editorial Note.— The remaining paragraphs will be renumbered, as necessary, in the final edition.
... In a particular area, the number of DME operating channels to be used shall be decided
Note. Standards and Recommended Practices on the utilization of the DME frequency band 960 1 215 MHz
are found in Volume V, Chapter 4. The specific DME operating channels to be assigned in such a particular area shall also be
decided regionally, taking into consideration the requirements for co channel and adjacent channel protection.
Note. The above paragraphs permit the use of DME airborne interrogators having less than the total
number of operating channels where so desired. Channel pairing. When a DME transponder is intended to operate in association with a single
VHF navigation facility in the 108 MHz to 117.95 MHz frequency band and/or an MLS angle facility in the
5 031.0 MHz to 5 090.7 MHz frequency band, the DME operating channel shall be paired with the VHF channel
and/or MLS angle frequency as given in Table A.
Note.— There may be instances when a DME channel will be paired with both the ILS frequency and an MLS
channel (see Volume V, Chapter 4, 4.3).
... Pulse shape and spectrum. The following shall apply to all radiated pulses:
e) For DME/N and DME/P: the spectrum of the pulse modulated signal shall be such that during the pulse
the effective radiated powerEIRP contained in a 0.5 MHz band centred on frequencies 0.8 MHz above
and 0.8 MHz below the nominal channel frequency in each case shall not exceed 200 mW, and the
effective radiated powerEIRP contained in a 0.5 MHz band centred on frequencies 2 MHz above and
2 MHz below the nominal channel frequency in each case shall not exceed 2 mW. The effective radiated
powerEIRP contained within any 0.5 MHz band shall decrease monotonically as the band centre
frequency moves away from the nominal channel frequency.
Note.— Guidance material relating to the pulse spectrum measurement is provided in Attachment C,
Section 7.1.11. Document EUROCAE ED-57 (including Amendment No. 1).
Note 2.— The power contained in the frequency bands specified in e) and f) is the average power
during the pulse. Average power in a given frequency band is the energy contained in this frequency band divided
by the time of pulse transmission according to Note 1.
... DME/N. Recommendation.— The peak effective radiated powerEIRP should not be less than
that required to ensure a peak pulse power density of approximately minus 83 dBW/m2 at the maximum specified
... The transmitter shall operate at a transmission rate, including randomly distributed pulse pairs
and distance reply pulse pairs, of not less than 700 pulse pairs per second except during identity. The minimum
transmission rate shall be as close as practicable to 700 pulse pairs per second. For DME/P, in no case shall it
exceed 1 200 pulse pairs per second.
Note.— Operating DME transponders with quiescent transmission rates close to 700 pulse pairs per second
will minimize the effects of pulse interference, particularly to other aviation services such as GNSS.
... In the absence of all interrogation pulse pairs, with the exception of those necessary to perform the
sensitivity measurement, interrogation pulse pairs with the correct spacing and nominal frequency shall trigger the
transponder if the peak power density at the transponder antenna is at least:
a) minus 103 dBW/m2 for DME/N with coverage range greater than 56 km (30 NM);
b) minus 93 dBW/m2 for DME/N with coverage range not greater than 56 km (30 NM);
... Accuracy DME/N. The transponder shall not contribute more than plus or minus 1 microsecond (150 m
(500 ft)) to the overall system error. DME/N. Recommendation.— The contribution to the total system error due to the combination
of the transponder errors, transponder location co-ordinate errors, propagation effects and random pulse
interference effects should be not greater than plus or minus 340 m (0.183 NM) plus 1.25 per cent of distance
Note.— This error contribution limit includes errors from all causes except the airborne equipment, and
assumes that the airborne equipment measures time delay based on the first constituent pulse of a pulse pair.
‡ DME/N. The combination of the transponder errors, transponder location coordinate errors,
propagation effects and random pulse interference effects shall not contribute more than plus or minus 185 m
(0.1 NM) to the overall system error.
Note.— This error contribution limit includes errors from all causes except the airborne equipment, and
assumes that the airborne equipment measures time delay based on the first constituent pulse of a pulse pair.
‡ DME/N. A transponder associated with a landing aid shall not contribute more than plus or minus
0.5 microsecond (75 m (250 ft)) to the overall system error.
... The monitor system shall cause the transponder radiation to cease and provide a warning at a
control point if any of the following conditions persist for longer than the period specified:
a) there is a change in transponder PFE that exceeds the limits specified in either or for
more than one second. If the FA mode limit is exceeded, but the IA mode limit is maintained, the IA
mode may remain operative;
b) there is a reduction in the effective radiated powerEIRP to less than that necessary to satisfy the
requirements specified in for a period of more than one second;
... DME/P. The peak effective radiated power (ERP EIRP) shall not be less than that required to
ensure the power densities in under all operational weather conditions.
... Accuracy
‡ DME/N. The interrogator shall not contribute more than plus or minus 315 m (plus or minus
0.17 NM) or 0.25 per cent of indicated range, whichever is greater, to the overall system error.
Amendment to Attachement - C
... In considering DME sites, it is also necessary to take into account technical factors such as runway
length, profile, local terrain and transponder antenna height to assure adequate signal levels in the vicinity of
threshold and along the runway, and required coverage volume (circular or sector). Care is also to be taken that
where distance information is required in the runway region, the selected site is not likely to cause the interrogator
to lose track due to excessive rate of change of velocity (i.e. the lateral offset of the DME antenna must be chosen
with care). In order to allow consideration of actual antenna designs, equipment characteristics, and service
volumes, the signal ratios needed to assure interference-free operation of the various facilities operating on DME
channels are provided in 7.1.8, 7.1.9 and Given these ratios, the geographical separations of facilities
may be readilyevaluated by accounting for power losses over the propagation paths. Table C-4 indicates the necessary D/U signal ratios needed to protect the desired transponder reply
signal at an airborne receiver from the various co-frequency/adjacent frequency, same code/different code,
undesired transponder reply signal combinations that may exist. The prerequisite for any calculation using the
provided ratios is that the required minimum power density of the desired DME is met throughout the
operationally published coverage volume. For initial assignments, the D/U ratios necessary to protect airborne
equipment with 6-microsecond decoder rejection should be used. In making an assignment, each facility must be
treated as the desired source with the other acting as the undesired. If both satisfy their unique D/U requirement,
then the channel assignment may be made.
The channel plan for DME is such that the transponder reply frequency for each Y or Z channel is the same as
the interrogation frequency of another DME channel. Where the reply frequency of one DME matches the
interrogation frequency of a second DME, the two transponders should be separated by a distance greater than the
radio horizon distance between them. The radio horizon distance is calculated taking into account the elevations
of the two transponder antennas. Assignment of a Y or Z channel whose reply frequency is 63 MHz removed
from the reply frequency of another channel (either a W, X, Y or Z channel) or vice versa requires a distance
separation of at least 28 km (15 NM) between facilities.
Assignment of a W or Z channel whose reply frequency is 63 MHz removed from the reply frequency of a Y
channel or vice versa requires a distance separation of at least equal to the service volume range of the Y channel
facility plus 28 km (15 NM).
7.1.11 Special considerations for making pulse spectrum measurements
The effective radiated power contained in the 0.5 MHz measurement frequency band specified in e)
can be calculated by integrating the power spectral density in the frequency domain or equivalently by integrating
the instantaneous power per unit time in the time domain using the appropriate analogue or digital signal
processing techniques. If the integration is performed in the frequency domain then the resolution bandwidth of
the spectrum analyser must be commensurate with the 5 per cent duration interval of the DME pulse. If the
integration is performed in the time domain at the output of a 0.5 MHz five pole (or more) filter then the time
sample rate must be commensurate with the pulse spectrum width.
Editorial Note.— The following paragraphs will be renumbered, as necessary, in the final edition.
... Whether a particular installation can provide the required frequency protected coverage volume can
be determined by using Figure C-20. The propagation loss for paths without obstructions uses the IF-77
propagation model. Whenever a DME that provides coverage using either directional or bi-directional DME antenna, the
antenna pattern in azimuth and elevation has to be taken into account to achieve full benefit of the reduced
separation requirements outside the antennas main lobe. The actual radiation patterns of the antennas depend on a
number of factors, including height of the antenna phase centre, height of the DME counterpoise above ground
level (AGL), terrain surface roughness, terrain form, site elevation above mean sea level (MSL), and conductivity
of ground and counterpoise. For coverage under difficult terrain and siting conditions, it may be necessary to
make appropriate increases in the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP). Conversely, practical
experience has shown, that under favourable siting conditions, and under the less pessimistic conditions often
found in actual service, satisfactory system operation is achieved with a lower EIRP. However to account for
lowest EIRP in notches between the lobes of the real elevation antenna pattern the values in Figure C-20 are
Note.— Further guidance may be found in Doc 9718 (Handbook on Radio Frequency Spectrum Requirements
for Civil Aviation including Statement of Approved ICAO Policies). The power density figure prescribed in of Chapter 3 is on the following assumptions:
Minus 105 dBW at the antenna corresponds to minus 83 dBW/m2 at the mid band frequency.
Note. The power density for the case of an isotropic antenna may be computed in the following manner:
st Pd Pa 10 log
4S The power density figure prescribed in Chapter 3, is based on the following example:
Minus 111 dBW at the antenna corresponds to minus 89 dBW/ m2 at the mid-band frequency. Nominal values of the necessary ERP EIRP to achieve a power density of minus 83 89 dBW/m2
are given in Figure C-20. For coverage under difficult terrain and siting conditions it may be necessary to make
appropriate increases in the ERPEIRP. Conversely, under favourable siting conditions, the stated power density
may be achieved with a lower ERPEIRP. The use of Figure C 20 is illustrated by the following examples. In order to achieve the necessary
nominal power density at slant range/levels of 342 km (185 NM)/12 000 m (40 000 ft), 263 km
(142 NM)/12 000 m (40 000 ft) and 135 km (73 NM)/6 000 m (20 000 ft), ERPs of the order of plus 42 dBW,
plus 36 dBW and plus 30 dBW respectively would be required.
Editorial Note.— Replace existing Figure C-20 with the following figure:
Figure C-20. Necessary EIRP to achieve a power density of -83 dBW/m2 as a function of height above
and distance from the DME.
Note 1.— The curves are based on the IF-77 propagation model with a 4/3 Earth radius which has been
confirmed by measurements.
Note 2.— The radio horizon in C-20 is for a DME antenna located 5 m (17 ft) AGL over flat terrain. Terrain
shielding will reduce the achievable range.
Note 3.— If the antenna is located significantly higher than the assumed reference antenna, the radio horizon
and power density will increase. There is an increasing use of DME to support area navigation (RNAV) operations. Although the use
of DME to support RNAV operations does not impose any additional technical requirements on the DME system
it does raise some additional issues compared with the traditional use of DME with VOR to support conventional
operations. These are discussed briefly below. DME/DME positioning is based on the aircraft RNAV system triangulating position from multiple
DME ranges from DME facility locations in the aircraft database. The resulting accuracy of the position solution
depends on the range to the DMEs and their relative geometry. Some additional measures are therefore necessary
to ensure that the DME infrastructure is adequate to support the RNAV operation, i.e. that sufficient DMEs are
available and that their location provides adequate geometry to meet the accuracy requirements. For approach and
departure procedures it is also necessary to confirm that there is adequate signal strength and that there are no
false locks or unlocks due to multipath. When ensuring there are sufficient DMEs, it is also important to identify
any critical DMEs (i.e. those which must be operational for the necessary performance to be assured). Errors in published DME facility locations will result in RNAV position errors. It is therefore
important that DME positions are correctly surveyed and that adequate procedures are in place to ensure that the
location data is correctly published. For DME facilities collocated with VOR the DME position should be
separately surveyed and published if the separation distance exceeds 30 m.
Note.— Standards for data quality and publication of DME location information are given in Annex 15,
Aeronautical Information Services. When using DME for RNAV, scanning DME aircraft receivers usually do not check the DME
identification. As a consequence, removing the identification of a DME during tests and maintenance operations
does not guarantee that the signals will not be used operationally. Maintenance actions that may provide
Misleading Information should be minimized.
Note 1.— Further guidance on flight inspection of DME-DME RNAV procedures is given in Doc 8071.
Note 2.— Further guidance on navigation infrastructure assessment to support RNAV procedures is given in
EUROCONTROL document “EUROCONTROL-GUID-0114” (available at
/public/standard page/gr lib.html) and on the PBN page of the ICAO website at
Chapter – 04
DME Antenna
The solid line in the figure below shows the variation of the input resistance Ri,
as a function of cone angle θ. If the lower cone is replaced by a large ground
plane resistance is ½ the value given by (Eq. 3.14) as shown by the dashed line.
Note that a single cone of 90° angle has an input resistance of about 50 ohms.
With the infinite Biconical antenna as an introduction, let us now consider the
practical case of a Biconical antenna of finite radius r (Fig. below). When the
outgoing spherical wave reaches a radius r part of the energy is reflected,
resulting in energy storage. The remaining energy is radiated, with more
radiated perpendicular to the axis than close to the cones as suggested in figure
r = cone length, m
β = 2π/λ.
Zk = 120 In cot (θ/4)
Zm = Rm + jXm
The Rm and Xm values are given by Schellkunoff for thin cones (0 < 5°)]
Measured values of the VSWR for large cone angles over a 2 to 1 bandwidth are
The coax feed makes these antennas convenient for mounting on masts;
Radiation is maxima in the horizontal plane.
4.2 Discone
There are number of requirements for the transponder antenna of the DME.
Since the same antenna is used for receiving the interrogations from the aircraft
and for transmitting the replies, the antenna must operate over the range 960 -
1215 MHz. The antenna has a Characteristic impedance of 50 ohm. The VSWR
should not be more than 1.5 or so.
The antenna must be vertically polarized and must have a uniform gain for all
azimuth angles. Antenna gain at the maximum power point of vertical pattern
should not be less than 6 dB at all azimuths. In the vertical plane, the antenna
must have a sharp pattern. A gain of the order of 8 dB is desired. It is also
desired that the vertical pattern be pointed upward from the horizontal between
2° to 5 ° to minimize the reflections from nearby objects on the ground.
The Wilcox 496 DME antenna contains 9 bi-conical elements vertically stacked
inside a waterproof laminated fiberglass radome. Each element is constructed
from the nickel-plated Aluminum and held on a metallic support tube by
fiberglass spacers. The antenna is vertically polarized producing an omni-
directional pattern. The vertical pattern has a 6° wide lobe with many minor
lobes. The up tilting is accomplished by a difference phase between the dipole
exciting currents. It is done to minimize the reflections from the nearby objects
at the ground level and as well as to provide a concentration of the radiation
where the majority of the aircrafts using the facility will be located. Suppression
of minor lobes in the vertical pattern is accomplished by feeding unequal amount
of power to the dipoles of central array. The necessity of feeding unequal power
and in different phase requires special coaxial feed system for the proper power
distribution and impedance match between the feed line and the antenna.
The antenna provides approximately 8-dB gain and no radiation below 4°.
A matching device is used for matching purpose and power division to provide
appropriate power to the individual antenna.
Vertical Field Pattern: The DME antenna is omni directional in the horizontal
plane. The vertical pattern is obtained with an array of dipoles in a vertical stack.
The principal lobe has an upward tilt of 5 degrees.
lobes 60
40 40
The suggested antenna for the DME 415-435 DME equipment is the
omnidirectional DME antenna FAN-96 (or FAN-86) with 9-dB gain.
Its radome houses two monitor probes to be connected with the equipment
Antenna cables must be chosen according to the total RF loss that can be
admitted and to the distance of the antenna from the equipment housing.
This antenna is provided with two obstruction lights which may be turned on and
off during the day by an automatic night switch. Mechanical antenna collocation
is simple and straightforward with any type of existing VOR, DVOR or ILS
antenna. Suitable adapters can be supplied on request.
Chapter - 5
1. Introduction:-
1.1 The DME operates in the 960 MHz to 1215 Mhz band to enable a properly equipped
aircraft to determine its slant range to the DME site by measurement of the travel time of
pulse modulated radio waves. .
2 Siting Requirements
2.1 Site
2.1.1 The basic requirements in siting a DME beacon are to ensure adequate
coverage and to avoid the possibility of interference to the correct operation of the aid.
Sites selected in open country should have hills, mountains, large buildings, etc. at the
smallest angle of elevation as practicable.
2.1.2 In mountainous terrain, the site should be located on the highest hill or
mountain within the tolerance area. See also Section 4.2.3 Antenna Height for restrictions
governing antenna height above large expanses of level ground or water.
2.2 Obstructions
2.2.1 The distant obstacle horizon should preferably not extend above an elevation angle
of 0.5° when viewed from near ground level at the proposed location of the DME.
2.2.2 Outside a distance of 10 m from the DME, small buildings, trees, power and
telephone lines, and fences can be tolerated provided they do not project above a height
of approximately 1 m below the bottom of the DME antenna.
2.2.3 Large obstructions such as multi storey buildings, steel bridges, gasometers, etc. are
potential sources of interference to correct operation. For new installations it is preferable
to keep at least 1.5 km clear of these types of structures.
2.2.4 For existing DME facilities the Systems Engineer should be advised of proposals
for erection of new structures of this nature within 1.5 km of the site.
2.3.1 On a clear open site, an antenna height of 6 m is recommended provided that this
clears local obstructions.
2.3.2 On obstructed sites e.g., hill tops, the antennas should be raised to provide clear
UHF coverage in all directions. In this case the height of the antenna relative to any large
expanse of level ground or water should be less than 20 m otherwise deep minima will be
produced in the field strength pattern with consequent degradation of service.
2.4.1 When collocating a DME with a VOR the requirements of ICAO document
“International Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures for Air Navigation
Services” - Annex 10, shall be adopted. The determination as to whether a Navigation
Aid is Terminal or Enroute shall be carried out by the procedure designer.
a) Coaxial collocation: the VOR and DME antennas are located on the same vertical axis;
b) offset collocation: for those facilities used in the terminal areas for approach purposes
or other procedures where the highest position fixing accuracy of system capability is
required, the separation of the VOR and DME antennas shall not exceed 30 m except
that, at Doppler VOR facilities, the antennas may be separated by more than 30 m, but
not in excess of 80 m.
a) Coaxial collocation: the VOR and DME antennas are located on the same vertical axis;
b) Offset collocation: the separation of the VOR and DME antennas shall not exceed 600
No restrictions.
2.6 Services
Overhead high voltage lines and substations may cause degradation in coverage due to
the physical structures themselves, and also due to electrical noise. For this reason it is
preferable that these structures should be kept clear of the site by at least the following
2 kV to 22 kV: 350m
No special requirements.
No special requirements exist for DME sites in open country. At mountain top sites, trees
should not be allowed to grow to a height exceeding that of the mast or tower supporting
the DME antenna.
Chapter - 06
Doc - 8071
(Manual on Testing of Radio Navigation Aids)
Chapter - 07
Flight Inspection of DME
1.1.1 Identification: The identification code should be clear and correct through out
the area of coverage. The ID Code frequency should be 1350 Hz. The ID should be
properly synchronized with that of the associated facility.
1.1.2 Distance accuracy: The indicated Slant range distance must be within the limits
1.1.3 Coverage: The area of coverage of the DME will be at least that of its associated
facility (VOR & ILS)
1.1.4 Signal Strength (AGC): The signal strength must be at least –82 dBm
throughout the area of coverage.
1.1.5 Squitter Rate: The normal squitter rate should be 2700 ± 90 pps. On certain type
facilities, rates as low as 700 pps are normal.
1.1.6 False replies : No false replies should be present which could result in false
locks-ons. Within the area of coverage. This may occur at any location especially in the
presence of vertical nulls.
For Terminal (ILS) DME : ± 75 meters
Enroute (VOR) DME : ± 150 meters
Chapter – 08
8.1 Introduction
Directorate General of Civil Aviation is an attached office of the Ministry of Civil Aviation.
The Directorate General of Civil Aviation is the regulatory body in the field of Civil
Aviation primarily dealing with safety issues. It is responsible for regulation of air
transport services to/from/within India and for enforcement of civil air regulations, air
safety and airworthiness standards. It also co-ordinates all regulatory functions with
International Civil Aviation Organisation.
The regulations are in the forms of the Aircraft Act, 1934, the Aircraft Rules, the Civil
Aviation Requirements, the Aeronautical Information Circulars. The Advisory and
guidance material is in the form of circulars.
For CNS facilities the regulations are stipulated for standards and practices popularly
known as CAR.
In Section 9 (Air Space & Air Traffic Management), Series D (Part i to vi) it has specified
the various standards and recommended practices to be adhered for different CNS
8.3 DGCA CAR Section 9 – Air Space and Air Traffic Management
Part I: Requirements for maintenance/ inspections of communication/ Navigation, landing and other
equipments installed at airports and enroute.
Part II: Aeronautical Telecommunications – Radio Navigation Aids
Part III: Aeronautical Telecommunications – Communication Procedures
Part IV: Aeronautical Telecommunications – Digital Data Communication and Voice Communication
Part V: Aeronautical Telecommunications – Secondary Surveillance Radar
Part VI: Aeronautical Telecommunications – Aeronautical Radio Frequency Spectrum Utilization
F. No. 9/38/2009-IR
This part of the Civil Aviation Requirements lays down the requirements of
maintenance, inspection or Communications, Navigation, Landing and
other equipment installed at airports and enroute and used for aircraft
operations. These equipment may be owned and operated by Airports
Authority of India, Meteorological Department or any other agency.
This CAR is issued under Section 5A of the Aircraft Act 1934 and Rule
133A of the Aircraft Rules 1937 for compliance by all concerned agencies.
The operator shall ensure that all tools/ test equipment are available for
carrying out the maintenance/checks of the facility and also adequate
spares to ensure continued serviceability of the facility.
The operator shall ensure that all the test equipment used for
maintenance and periodical checks of the facilities are kept properly
calibrated and certified by recognized standards institutions
The operator shall maintain a Register giving details of all the defects and
rectification actions taken, duly signed by the officer in charge of the
norms are carried out and proper records of the same are maintained The
operator, should ensure that the facility IS used for operations only when It
is fit for operation
Any new equipment or system procured and installed, by the operator for
providing facility as listed above, shall be declared operational only after it
is found lit for operation on satisfactory completion of the necessary
inspection/checks and calibration from air and ground as required and
after obtaining concurrence of the DGCA for the same.
In order to ensure that the maintenance of a facility is not delayed for lack
of spares. The stock of spare units, modules, PCBs and components etc.
shall be maintained at the site of facility or at a place from where the
required spares can be transported to the site without any avoidable
delay. The storage facility shall be subject to inspection at any time by an
officer designated by DGCA for this purpose,
Chapter ‐ 09
CNS Manual and Circulars
9.1 Purpose of CNS Manuals
CNS In-charge of the station will ensure that the process, procedure and instructions
Pertaining to CNS facilities contained in these manuals are strictly complied by all
These manuals basically reiterates the subjects covered under DGCA’s CAR (Civil
Aviation requirements).
Also, the basic inputs for these manuals are from ICAO Annex-10
In order to prevent unacceptable interference to ILS and other navigational Aids signals,
areas around antenna shall be protected as per provisions of ICAO Annex 10 Vol I.
For the above purposes following guidelines shall be followed for maintenance of
Critical and Sensitive Area of Instrument Landing System, restricted area around VOR
(As defined in Annexure1) DME, NDB and Marker beacons and Area around DGPS/LT
point used for flight calibration by FIU at the airports.
2. VOR
2.1.1. Site maintenance:
2.1.2. Grass and shrubs within 305m radius of the site must be mown or cut regularly
so that their heights do not exceed 600mm.
2.1.3. Grass cutting equipment is not to be parked within 305m radius of the VOR
2.1.4. The vehicles used by airport maintenance staff are to be parked underneath the
counterpoised or beyond the radius of 305m
6. Water logging: - Actions shall be taken so to avoid water logging in critical and
sensitive area and around antenna systems of Nav-aids.
7. Foreign objects:-
Nav-aids sites viz ILS, VOR, DME and NDB shall be free from all foreign objects.
9. No drainage/water pipe should be allowed to pass through the critical area of ILS, if
this is already existing necessary actions are to be taken so that water logging does
not take place in the area.
10. Normally no electrical power line to be permitted to pass through critical area of ILS
and in the protected area in case of VOR, DME, NDB and Markers.
11. Civil work like new construction, excavation, digging and leveling is not allowed in
Critical and Sensitive Areas and around antenna system of ILS and in the protected
area as mentioned above for VOR, DME, NDB and Markers.
(V K Chaudhary)
Executive Director (CNS-OM)
1. Instrument landing system
The occurrence of interference to ILS signals is dependent on the total environment
around the ILS antennas and antenna characteristics. Any large reflecting objects
including the aircraft vehicle or fixed objects could potentially cause multi-path
interference to the ILS course and path structure affecting its performance. The
environment for the purpose of developing protective zoning criteria can be divided
into two types of area the critical area and sensitive area-
a) Critical area: - the critical area is an area of defined dimensions about the
localizer and glide path antennas where vehicles, including aircraft, are
excluded during all ILS operations. The critical area is protected because the
presence of vehicles and/or aircraft inside its boundaries will cause
unacceptable disturbance to the ILS signal in space.
b) Sensitive area: - The sensitive area is an area extending beyond the critical
area where the parking and/or movement of vehicles including aircraft is
controlled to prevent the possibility of unacceptable interference to the ILS
signal during ILS operations. The sensitive area is protected against
interference caused by large moving objects outside critical area but still
normally within the airfield boundary.
1.1. Critical and Sensitive Area Dimension:- Depending of the type of ILS antenna
system, category of ILS operation and aircraft operation the critical and sensitive
area should be established and properly designated at an airport to protect ILS
operation from multi path effects. The typical dimensions as per ICAO ANNEX
10/VOL I/ attachment C and DARA circular 5/2005 are as given below.
1.3. LLZ Sensitive Area: - The typical LLZ sensitive area for 12 and 14 elements
directional dual frequency LLZ antenna system which are used in AAI are as
given below for a 3000m runway.
The area bounded by:-
Category I ILS: - An area of 600M X 60M from center of LLZ array towards
approach end of runway.
Category II ILS: - An area of 1220M X 90M from center of LLZ array towards
approach end of runway.
Category III ILS: - An area of 2750M X 90M from center of LLZ array towards
approach end runway.
1. Introduction
1.1 As per Air Craft act, 1934 and its subsequent amendments, Section 4A- Safety oversight
functions. The Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) or any other officer specially
empowered in this behalf by the central government shall perform the safety oversight functions in
respect of matters specified in this Act or the rules made there under.
TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SERIES ‘D’ PART I ISSUE II dated 08th January 2010. “Requirements of
Maintenance/Inspection of Communication, Navigation, Landing and other equipment installed
at airports and en-route” lays down the requirements of maintenance/inspection of
communications, Navigation, Landing and other equipments installed at airports/en-route
stations and used for aircraft operations.
1.3 As per above CAR, in Para 6 – INSPECTION BY DGCA and Para 7- Certification, following
requirement is laid down:-
Any officer designated/nominated by the Director General of Civil Aviation shall be empowered
to inspect at any time any facility to check the serviceability and maintenance records and
Any new equipment or system procured and installed, by the operator for providing facility as
listed above, shall be declared operational only after it is found fit for operation on satisfactory
completion of the necessary inspection/checks and calibration from air and ground as required
and after obtaining concurrence of the DGCA for the same.”
3.1 The objective of this CNS Circular is to lay down an internal standard operating procedure
(SOP) to be followed by all concerned within CNS Department so as to have uniform
guidelines/response for inspection/Safety oversight Audit of CNS/ATM Automation facilities by
DGCA at field stations with the purpose for:-
3.2 As mentioned above, this SOP is for internal use of CNS Department personnel to have
uniform guidelines/response to DGCA Inspection/Safety Oversight audits and does not replace
other orders/guidelines issued by DGCA or any other authority on the subject.
4. Definitions
Corrective Action Taken Report: Action taken to eliminate the cause of a detected non-conformity
or noncompliance or other undesirable situation as mentioned in the DGCA Audit observation
(Note:- Corrective action does not mean the action taken to restore a non-conforming situation to a
conforming situation. This is know as remedial action. If the root cause of non-conformity is not
addressed then it is very likely that similar non-conformities will recur).
CNS Manual: - A manual containing procedures, instructions and guidance for use by the CNS
personnel in the execution of their duties for the operation and maintenance of CNS/ATM
automation facilities.
Checklists: Checklists are an integral part of SOPs. They depict "sets” of actions relevant to specific
phases of operations that must be performed or verified. Checklists also provide a framework for
verifying systems configuration for guarding against vulnerabilities in human performance
Standard Operating Procedure [SOP]:- Standard operating procedures (SOPs) specify a sequence
of tasks and actions to ensure that intended task can be carried out in a safe efficient, logical and
predictable manner. SOPs, should unambiguously express:-
¾ What the task is
¾ When the task is to be conducted (time and sequence);
¾ By whom the task is to be conducted;
¾ How the task is to be done (actions);
¾ What the sequence of actions consists of; and
¾ Mitigation plan on the findings/deficiencies observed, if any, during the performance of
Following is the general division of responsibility at CHQ for Inspection/Safety Oversight Audit
of CNS/ATM facilities by DGCA:-
5.5 Hence all the matters i.e. submission of CAR compliance reports, Action Taken Report and
other documents etc. related to Inspection/Safety Oversight Audit of facility should be accordingly
suitably addressed to CHQ. In case of common issues/observations internal coordination is done
by both the Dtes.
Advance information, normally in the brining of calendar year is received from DGCA at CHQ for
their proposed plan of inspection/Safety oversight audit of operational CNS/ATM automation
facilities at field stations during the calendar year. CNS-OM Dte further disseminates this
information to all concerned.
It has been observed from previous DGCA inspection/Safety oversight audits of CNS/ATM
facilities at field stations that following common observations of DGCA inspection/Audit as
mentioned below are avoidable:-
i. Non submission of CAR compliance check list before start of audit to DGCA inspectors:
ii. CAR compliance check list not filled up properly i.e. some of the fields left blank or use of
Use of words like sat and Adequate etc. instead of measured parameters.
iii. Non-availability of relevant DGCA CAR, relevant ICAO Annex i.e. Annex 10 and DOCs
i.e. Doc 8071 etc. at stations;
iv. Non-availability of required test equipments to carry out approved maintenance schedule;
v. Test Equipments not being calibrated periodically;
vi. Maintenance schedules/log books and other records not maintained properly i.e. loosely
bound not numbered not signed etc;
vii. Maintenance schedules not completed in time;
viii. Non availability of approved maintenances schedule in respect of a facility to be
commissioned or already operational at a station;
ix. Earthing resistance not being measured/recorded;
x. Remote status of facility not available;
xi. Remote Control (RC) line Routing Diagram in respect of facilities not available;
xii. Single Line Power Supply distribution diagram not available at the station;
xiii. Availability of redundant power supply at facility site and adequate power supply back
xiv. Site related issue such as proper approach road, security of site proper illumination,
marking and protecting critical and sensitive areas;
xv. Non Availability of Lightning and Surge Protection Systems;
xvi. Use of word like SAT and Adequate in flight inspection report/maintenance schedules
instead of measured parameters;
xvii. Facility overdue for flight inspection; and
xviii. Station CNS manual not updated etc.
(i) RHO/ GM (CNS) in charge of Metro station shall initiate action for internal performances
monitoring of the facilities at station as per the check list circulated on the subject by CHQ as
soon as information is received. For the internal performance monitoring following
composition of team is suggested:-
a) One or two officer from concerned RHQ/Metro depending upon the number of facility at the
b) One officer from CHQ CNS-OM Dept; and
c) One officer from the station where the next inspection/Safety Oversight audit is planned will
also be associated.
(ii) When the information regarding inspection/safety oversight audit is received from the DGCA
well in time i.e. in the beginning of calendar year, the internal performance monitoring action
will be initiated two months before the planned inspection/Safety Oversight audit.
(iii) In other cases action, should be initiated as soon as information is received by RHQ/station.
(iv) Two hard copies of updated station CNS Manual and DGCA CAR Compliance check list are to
be forwarded to the CHQ two months before the planned inspection/Safety Oversight, for
onward submission to DGCA. A soft copy of the same is also required to be forwarded to
CHQ. Soft copy may be sent by email to
(v) While preparing the CAR Compliance check list, it must be ensured that no column is left
blank. Use of word like SAT and Adequate etc. in preparing CAR Compliance check
list/performing maintenance schedules etc is to be avoided and instead measured parameters
are to be indicated.
(i) CAR compliance as per DGCA format for the concerned facility (ILS, DVOR/DME, NDB, VHF
TX/RX etc) is to be prepared and forwarded to CNS-P Dept;
(ii) While preparing the CAR Compliance check list it must be ensured that no column is left
(iii) FAT Document of the facility;
(iv) Approved maintenance schedule of the facility:
(v) Details of the trained manpower on the facility;
(vi) Copy of commissioning/recommissioning flight check in case of Nav-aids; and
(vii) Necessary action is required to be initiated by all concerned so as to avoid the common
observations of Inspection/Safety Oversight Audit as mentioned in Para 7 above
(i) DGCA CAR Compliance checklist concerning CNS/ATM Automation facilities for
Aerodrome Licensing/Operationalisation of Airport is to be prepared and forwarded
to Aerodrome Licensing Dte/Operation Dte/ATM Dte as the case may be.
(ii) A copy of CAR compliance may please be forwarded to CNS-OM dte also.
ii. In view of above and to enable the CHQ to submit consolidated ATR to DGCA in time it is
required that:-
a) RHQ/station should submit compliance report, TAR/ATP on audit observation
findings within 15 days of receipt of same to CHQ so that it is submitted to DGCA
within 30 days stipulated time as stated above.
b) Before forwarding the compliance report to CHQ, it should be reviewed by RHQ.
c) RHQ is also required to review ATR/plan at their end for all such observation for
which action is required to be taken by station/RHQ and forward a consolidated
compliance report, ATR/Plan to CHQ.
d) For all such observation/audit findings for which action is required to be taken by
VHQ, same may please be forwarded with projections/references made earlier is
any by RHQ/Station
e) Where ever action is required to be taken by other departments within AAI same
may please be pursued at appropriate level and PDC obtained.
f) In some cases, station may not be able to do/complete some specific maintenance
schedule due to faulty or non availability required test equipments at station. In
such cases, if required test equipment is available within region at some other
station same may be made available to concern station carry out required
maintenance schedule till the test equipment is serviced/made available at the
g) Updated status report on pending audit findings/observations is required to be
submitted by 05th of every month for onward submission by CHQ to DGCA by 15th
of every month as stated above.
h) This updated status is required to be forwarded regularly till compliance is
achieved against all the findings/observations of the audit.
10. Action Taken by CHQ for DGCA inspection/Safety oversight audit of CNS/ATM facilities
Following action has been taken by CHQ to comply with various requirements of DGCA
Inspection/Safety Oversight Audit of CNS/ATM automating facilities:-
i. Corporate CNS Manual has be ensured in Seven Volumes;
ii. Guidelines for preparing station CNS Manuals have been circulated and Stations CNS
Manual have been prepared in respect of all the stations and approved by CHQ;
iii. Approved Maintenance schedules are available in respect of all the operational CNS/ATM
Automation facilities;
iv. Guidelines on some specific subjects like Updation of station CNS manual, SOP for
opening watch at station have been issued in form of CNS Circulars.
v. Guidelines have been issued for the provision of ancillary systems like power supply Test
Equipment calibration and maintenances and lightning and Surge protection System etc.
vi. Available DGCA CAR compliance check lists for oversight audit of CNS facilities have
been circulated and uploaded on the Infosaarthee.
vii. An internal performance monitoring check list also has been prepared circulated and
uploaded on Infosaarthee so as to avoid common avoidable observations.
Soft copy following check list as motioned above has been made available at “Infosaarthee “link –
“Home > Board Member> Air Navigation Services> Communications. Navigation and
Surveillance (CNS) > Operation and Maintenance”
i. CAR compliance check list receiver from DGCA for safety oversight Audit of CNS
ii. Attachment V-Schedule of inspection for renewal of Aerodrome license (CNS facility check
list is at S. No 7 & 9 of schedule); Extract from DGCA civil Aviation requirement, Section 4
– Aerodrome Standards & Air Traffic Services Series ’F’ Part I Dated 16th October 2006
iii. Internal performance monitoring checklist for CNS/ATM Facilities at field stations.
[Ravi Prakash]
Executive Director [CNS-OM]
!i) Navigational aids shall be suita )ly manned by maintenance personnel during
flight operations.
(ii) The maintenance personnel nranning the Nav-aid shall be provided with
suitable means of communication so as intimate any changes in opbrational status
of facility to the ATC.
(iii) where it is not'possible to provide status indication to a control point,
permanently in case of VOR/DME, action is also required to be
taken as per CAR
Para 3.3.7 -r "voR fVl,onitoring" and para 3,5.4.7"1 - DME Monitoring,,
mentioned above.
5. As per the existing inltructions, the RHer shall continue to send the
on the non availability of Remote status of Navigational Aids and Action Taken
Report to restore the samg in the form NS122A to CHe.
IRavi prakash]
-. ., Executive Director ICNS-OMl
TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT sERtEs 'D', PART tssuE il Dated il 08th January 2010 -
"AeronauticaI Telecommunication -Radio Navigation Aids,,.