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7748655w (1) Installation D5 - D16 PDF

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Installation DE

Marine Propulsion 1(1)

Diesel Engines

D5 - D16 series
Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines
D5, D7, D9, D11, D12, D16
Safety precautions............................................... 3 Engine installation.............................................. 56
General information............................................. 6 Preparing the engine....................................... 56
Engine application ratings................................... 9 Flexible engine mounting................................. 58
Marine engine environment............................... 12 Rigid engine mounting..................................... 62
General information about classification......... 16 Alignment........................................................ 64
Installation tools and literature......................... 18 Fuel system......................................................... 66
Design concepts of propulsion systems......... 20 General............................................................ 66
Reverse gear, various types............................ 20 Fuel tanks........................................................ 66
V-drive, various types...................................... 22 Piping.............................................................. 70
Twin engine package - Twin gear..................... 23 Priming pump for D5/D7.................................. 71
Multi-belt transmission..................................... 23 Fuel pre-filters................................................. 72
Controllable pitch............................................. 24 Checking feed pressure................................... 73
Water Jet......................................................... 24 Fuel cooler for D5/D7...................................... 74
Surface drive................................................... 24 Cooling system................................................... 75
Torsional vibrations and TVC calculations...... 25 General............................................................ 75
Torsional vibrations.......................................... 25 Seawater system............................................. 76
Routines for handling TVC............................... 26 Freshwater system.......................................... 82
General arrangement and planning.................. 27 Coolant mixture............................................... 82
Choice of engine............................................. 27 Filling with coolant........................................... 83
Installation example......................................... 28 Venting nipples................................................ 84
Propeller theory............................................... 31 External cooling............................................... 85
Propeller selection........................................... 33 Central cooling system.................................... 86
Engine inclination............................................ 36 Engines adapted for external cooling.............. 88
Weight distribution........................................... 37 Measuring pressure in KC systems................. 95
Engine centre distance, twin installation......... 37 Gauge connections......................................... 95
Accessibility for maintenance and repairs....... 38 Measuring temperature in KC systems........... 96
Selection of engine suspension....................... 39 Function diagrams, external cooling................ 97
Engine foundation.............................................. 44 Thermostats, external cooling....................... 103
Aligning the boat.............................................. 44 Expansion tank, function diagram................. 104
General............................................................ 44 Extra expansion tank..................................... 106
Building the engine bed................................... 47 Engine heater................................................ 108
Propeller shaft systems..................................... 50 Hot water connections................................... 111
Propeller shafts............................................... 50 Exhaust system................................................ 114
Flexible propeller shaft coupling...................... 51 General.......................................................... 114
Shaft seals....................................................... 51 Wet exhaust line............................................ 116
Shaft bearings................................................. 53 Dry exhaust line............................................. 124
Installation of stern tube and shaft bearing..... 54 Backpressure................................................ 132
Measuring exhaust backpressure.................. 132
Measuring exhaust temperature..................... 135

Electrical system.............................................. 136 Controls............................................................. 179
Electrical installation...................................... 136 General.......................................................... 179
Batteries........................................................ 136 Alternative operating stations........................ 180
Accessory battery.......................................... 139 Controls......................................................... 181
Cross-over switch.......................................... 139 Location of the controls................................. 181
Starting battery cable area............................ 140 Connecting.................................................... 182
Power supply................................................. 141 Final check.................................................... 184
Power module D9/D11/D12/D16 .................. 143 Trolling valve.................................................. 185
Accessories................................................... 144 Power take-off................................................... 186
Extra alternators............................................ 146 General.......................................................... 186
EVC–Electronic Vessel Control..................... 146 Disconnectable power take-off, crankshaft.... 187
Battery charging............................................ 146 Flywheel and housing, SAE standard........... 189
Instruments Non EVC engines...................... 147 Power take-off positions................................ 190
Fire extinguishing system............................... 154 Belt tension.................................................... 191
Classified electrical systems, MCC................ 155 Extra V-belt pulleys........................................ 193
Electrochemical corrosion............................... 159 Direction of the side loads............................. 193
General.......................................................... 159 In-line power take-off..................................... 194
Definitions...................................................... 160 Stub shafts and V-belt pulleys...................... 196
Protection electrochemical corrosion............ 161 Auxiliary drives.............................................. 199
Protection electro-static discharge................ 162 Flush and bilge pumps.................................. 202
Stray current and shore power corrosion...... 162 Oil and coolant drain systems........................ 203
Shore power and generator installation......... 163 General.......................................................... 203
Shore power and battery charging................ 164 Launching the boat.......................................... 204
Prev. of stray currents during installation....... 165 Sea trial.............................................................. 205
Checking electrochemical corrosion.............. 166 References to Service Bulletins...................... 206
Eng. room, ventilation and soundproofing.... 168 Notes.................................................................. 207
Introduction.................................................... 168
Dimension of air intakes and ducts............... 170
Location of ventilators and air intakes........... 174
Soundproofing............................................... 175
Belt guards and protections............................ 178


All rights to changes or modifications reserved.
 Printed on environmentally-friendly paper
Safety precautions
This Installation Manual contains the information you injury. Take precautions to avoid hot surfaces
will need to install your Volvo Penta product correctly. (exhaust pipes, turbochargers, charge air mani-
Check that you have the correct Installation Manual. folds, starting elements etc.) and hot liquids in
supply lines and hoses in engines that are run-
Read theSafety precautions and the General in- ning or have just been turned off. Reinstall all
formation in the installation manual carefully be- protective parts removed during service opera-
fore servicing or operating the engine. tions before starting work on the engine.
Ensure that the warning or information decals
The following special warning symbols are found in on the product are always visible. Replace de-
this manual and on the engine. cals which are damaged or painted over.

WARNING! Danger of personal injury, damage Turbocharged engines: Never start the engine
to property or mechanical malfunction if the in- without installing the air cleaner (ACL). The ro-
structions are not followed. tating compressor parts in the turbocharger can
cause serious personal injury. Foreign objects
IMPORTANT! Possible damage or mechanical entering the intake ducts can also cause me-
malfunction in products or property. chanical damage.

NOTE! Important information to facilitate work proc- Never use starting spray in the air intake. Use
esses or operation. of such products could result in an explosion
Below is a list of the risks that you must always be in the air intake pipe. There is a danger of per-
aware of and the safety measures you must always sonal injury.
carry out.
Do not open the filler cap for the engine coolant
(freshwater cooled engines) when the engine is
hot. Steam or hot engine coolant can be eject-
Plan in advance so that you have enough room
ed and any pressure in the system will be lost.
for safe installation and (future) dismantling. Open the filler cap slowly and release coolant
Plan the engine compartment (and other com- system pressure (freshwater cooled engines), if
partments such as the battery compartment) the filler cap or drain cock must be opened, or if
so that all service points are accessible. Make a plug or engine coolant line must be removed
sure it is not possible to come into contact with on a hot engine. Steam or hot coolant can be
rotating components, hot surfaces or sharp ejected.
edges when servicing and inspecting the en-
gine. Ensure that all equipment (pump drives, Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid skin contact with
compressors for example) has protective cov- hot oil. Ensure that the oil system is depressu-
ers. rised before starting work on it. Never start or
run the engine without the oil filler cap in place
Make sure the engine is immobilized by not because of the risk of oil being ejected.
connecting the electrical system or turn-
ing off the power supply to the engine at the If the boat is in the water, stop the engine and
main switch (breakers), and locking the switch close the bottom valve before carrying out op-
(breakers) in the OFF position for as long as erations on the cooling system.
work continues. Set up a warning notice at the
engine control point or helm. Only start the engine in an area that is well
ventilated. Beware, the gases are poisonous
As a rule, no work should be done on a running to breathe in. When operating in an enclosed
engine. However, some work e. g. adjustments, space, use exhaust extraction to lead the ex-
requires a running engine. Approaching an haust and crankcase gases away from the
engine that is running is a safety risk. Loose place of work.
clothing or long hair can fasten in rotating parts
and cause serious personal injury. If working in
proximity of a running engine, careless move-
ments or a dropped tool can result in personal

Safety precautions

Always wear protective goggles if there is a risk Ensure that the battery compartment is de-
of splinters, grinding sparks and splashes from signed according to current safety standards.
acid or other chemicals. Your eyes are extreme- Never allow an open flame or electric sparks
ly sensitive and an injury to them can result in near the battery area. Never smoke in proximity
loss of sight! to the batteries. The batteries give off hydrogen
gas during charging which when mixed with air
Avoid skin contact with oil! Long term or re- can form an explosive gas. This gas is easily ig-
peated skin contact with oil can lead to the loss nited and highly volatile. Incorrect connection of
of natural oils from the skin. This leads to irrita- the battery can cause sparks sufficient to cause
tion, dry skin, eczema and other skin problems. an explosion with resulting damage. Do not shift
Old oil is more dangerous to your health than the connections when attempting to start the
new. Use protective gloves and avoid oil-soaked engine (spark risk) and do not lean over any of
clothes and rags. Wash regularly, especially the batteries.
before meals. Use special skin creams to help
clean and to stop your skin drying out.
Always ensure that the Plus (positive) and
Minus (negative) battery leads are correctly
Most chemicals intended for the product (en-
installed on the corresponding terminal posts
gine and reverse gear oils, glycol, gasoline and
on the battery. Incorrect installation can result
diesel), or chemicals intended for the workshop
in serious damage to the electrical equipment.
(degreasing agent, paints and solvents) are
harmful to your health. Read the instructions Refer to the wiring diagrams.
on the packaging carefully! Always follow pro-
tective measures (using a protective mask, Always use protective goggles when charging
goggles, gloves etc.). Make sure that other per- and handling the batteries. The battery electro-
sonnel are not unknowingly exposed to harm- lyte contains extremely corrosive sulphuric acid.
ful substances, in the air that they breathe for If this should come in contact with the skin, im-
example. Ensure that ventilation is good. Deal mediately wash with soap and plenty of water.
with used and excess chemicals as directed. If battery acid comes in contact with the eyes,
flush immediately with water and obtain medi-
Be extremely careful when tracing leaks in the cal assistance.
fuel system and when testing injectors. Wear
protective goggles. The jet from an injector is Turn the engine off and turn off the power at the
under very high pressure and fuel can pen- main switches (breakers) before carrying out
etrate deep into tissue, causing serious injury work on the electrical system.
with a risk of blood poisoning.
Clutch adjustments must be carried out with the
All fuels and many chemicals are inflamma- engine turned off.
ble. Keep away from naked flames or sparks.
Gasoline, some solvents and hydrogen from Use the lifting eyes fitted on the engine/reverse
batteries in the correct proportions with air gear when lifting the drive unit. Always check
are very inflammable and explosive. Do not that the lifting equipment used is in good condi-
smoke! Maintain good ventilation and take the
tion and has the load capacity to lift the engine
necessary safety measures before welding or
(engine weight including reverse gear and any
grinding in the vicinity. Always keep a fire extin-
extra equipment installed).
guisher accessible in the workplace.
To ensure safe lifting and avoid damage to
Store oil and fuel-soaked rags and old fuel and
oil filters properly. Oil-soaked rags can, in cer- components installed on the top of the engine
tain circumstances, ignite spontaneously. Old use an adjustable lifting beam. All chains and
fuel and oil filters are environmentally harmful cables must run parallel to each other and as
and should be delivered, with used lubrication perpendicular as possible to the upper side of
oil, contaminated fuel, paint, solvents and de- the engine.
greasing agents, to a proper refuse station for
environmentally harmful material for destruc- If extra equipment is installed on the engine
tion. which alters its centre of gravity a special lifting
device is required to obtain the correct balance
for safe handling.

Never carry out work on an engine suspended

on a hoist.

Safety precautions

Never work alone when installing heavy com-

ponents, even when using secure lifting equip-
ment such as a lockable block and tackle. Most
lifting devices require two people, one to see
to the lifting device and one to ensure that the
components do not get caught and damaged.

The components in the electrical system, the

ignition system (gasoline/petrol engines) and
in the fuel system on Volvo Penta products are
designed and manufactured to minimise risks
of fire and explosion. Engines should not run in
environments containing explosive media.

Always use fuels recommended by Volvo Penta.

Refer to the Operators’s Manual. Use of fuels
that are of a lower quality can damage the en-
gine. On a diesel engine poor quality fuel can
cause the fuel control rack to stick causing the
engine to overspeed with resulting risk of dam-
age to the engine and personal injury. Poor fuel
quality can also lead to higher maintenance

General information
About the Installation Manual
This publication is intended as a guide for the instal- dirt or other foreign matter gets into the fuel, cooling,
lation of Volvo Penta marine diesel engines for in- intake or turbocharger systems, as this can lead to
board use. The publication is not comprehensive and faults or engine seizure. For this reason,, the systems
does not cover every possible installation, but is to be must be sealed. Clean supply lines and hoses before
regarded as recommendations and guidelines apply- connecting them to the engine. Remove protective
ing to Volvo Penta standards. Detailed Installation In- engine plugs only when making a connection to an
structions are included in most of the accessory kits. external system.
These recommendations are the result of many years
practical experience of installations from all over the
world. Departures from recommended procedures Certified engines
etc. can however be necessary or desirable, in which The manufacturer of engines certified for national
case the Volvo Penta organisation will be glad to of- and local environmental legislation (Lake Constance
fer assistance in finding a solution for your particular for example) pledges that this legislation is met by
installation. both new and currently operational engines. The
It is the sole responsibility of the installer to ensure product must compare with the example approved
that the installation work is carried out in a satisfac- for certification purposes. So that Volvo Penta, as a
tory manner, it is operationally in good order, the ap- manufacturer, can pledge that currently operational
proved materials and accessories are used and the engines meet environmental regulations, the follow-
installation meets all applicable rules and regulations. ing must be observed during installation:
This Installation Manual has been published for
• Servicing of ignition, timing and fuel injection sys-
professionals and qualified personnel. It is therefore
tems (gasoline) or injector pumps, pump settings
assumed that persons using this book have basic
and injectors (diesel) must always be carried out
knowledge of marine drive systems and are able to
by an authorised Volvo Penta workshop.
carry out related mechanical and electrical work.
Volvo Penta continuously upgrades its products and • The engine must not be modified in any way ex-
reserves the right to make changes. All the informa- cept with accessories and service kits developed
tion contained in this manual is based on product for it by Volvo Penta.
data available at the time of going to print. Notification
of any important modifications to the product causing • Installation of exhaust pipes and air intake ducts
changes to installation methods after this date will be for the engine compartment (ventilation ducts)
made in Service Bulletins. must be carefully planned as its design may affect
exhaust emissions.

• Seals may only be broken by authorised person-

Plan installations with care nel.
Great care must be taken in the installation of en-
gines and their components if they are to operate
satisfactorily. Always make absolutely sure that the
IMPORTANT! Use only by Volvo Penta ap-
correct specifications, drawings and any other data
proved parts.
are available before starting work. This will allow for
correct planning and installation right from the start.
Using non-approved parts will mean that
Plan the engine room so that it is easy to carry out AB Volvo Penta will no longer take respon-
routine service operations involving the replacement sibility for the engine meeting the certified
of components. Compare the engine’s Service Manu- design.
al with the original drawings showing the dimensions.
It is very important when installing engines that no All damage and costs caused by the use of
non-approved replacement parts will not be
covered by Volvo Penta.

General information

Seaworthiness Joint liability

It is the boat builder’s duty to check that the security Each engine consists of many components working
requirements applying to the market in which the together. One component deviating from its technical
boat is sold are met. In the USA for example, these specification can cause a dramatic increase in the
are the US Federal Regulations for pleasure boats environmental impact of an engine. It is therefore vital
described in Title 46. The requirements described that systems that can be adjusted are adjusted prop-
below apply to the EU principles. For information and erly and that Volvo Penta approved parts as used.
detailed descriptions of the safety requirements that
Certain systems (components in the fuel system for
apply to other markets, contact the authority for the
example) may require special expertise and special
country concerned.
testing equipment. Some components are sealed
From 16 June 1998, pleasure boats and certain as- at the factory for environmental reasons. No work
sociated equipment marketed and used within the should be carried out on sealed components except
EU must bear CE labels to confirm that they meet the by authorised personnel.
safety requirements stipulated by the European Par-
Remember that most chemical products damage the
liament and Council of Europe’s directive for pleasure
environment if used incorrectly. Volvo Penta recom-
boats. The normative requirements can be found in
mends the use of biodegradable degreasing agents
the standards drawn up to support the directive’s
for cleaning engine components, unless otherwise
objective of uniform safety requirements for pleasure
indicated in a Workshop Manual. Take special care
boats in EU countries.
when working on board boats to ensure that oil and
Certificates that grant the right for CE label use and waste are taken for destruction and not accidentally
confirm that boats and equipment meet safety re- are pumped into the environment with bilgewater.
quirements are issued by approved notified bodies.
In many Member States the classification societies
have become the notified bodies for pleasure boats,
e.g. Lloyd’s Register, Bureau Veritas, Registro Ital-
iano Navale, Germanischer Lloyd, etc. In many cases
completely new institutions have been approved as
notified bodies. The directive also allows boat build-
ers and component manufacturers to issue assur-
ances of compliance with the requirements of the
directive. This requires the manufacturer to store the
prescribed product documentation in a place that is
accessible to the monitoring authority for at least ten
years after the last product is produced.
Life boats and boats for commercial activities are ap-
proved by classification societies or by the navigation
authority for the boat’s registered country.

General information

Conversion factors
Metric to U.S. or IMP. conversion factors: U.S. or IMP. to metric conversion factors:

To convert To convert
from To Multiply by from To Multiply by
Length mm inch 0.03937 inch mm 25.40
cm inch 0.3937 inch cm 2.540
m foot 3.2808 foot m 0.3048
Area mm² 0.00155 sq. in. mm² 645.2
m² sq. ft. 10.76 sq. ft. m² 0.093
Volume cm³ cu. in. 0.06102 cu. in. cm³ 16.388
litre, dm³ cu. ft. 0.03531 cu. ft. litre, dm³ 28.320
litre, dm³ cu. in. 61.023 cu. in. litre, dm³ 0.01639
litre, dm³ imp. gallon 0.220 imp. gallon litre, dm³ 4.545
litre, dm³ U.S. gallon 0.2642 U.S. gallon litre, dm³ 3.785
m³ cu. ft. 35.315 cu.ft. m³ 0.0283
Force N lbf 0.2248 lbf N 4.448
Weight kg lb. 2.205 lb. kg 0.454
Power kW hp (metric) 1)
1.36 hp (metric) 1)
kW 0.735
kW bhp 1.341 bhp kW 0.7457
kW BTU/min 56.87 BTU/min kW 0.0176
Torque Nm lbf ft 0.738 lbf ft Nm 1.356
Pressure Bar psi 14.5038 psi Bar 0.06895
MPa psi 145.038 psi MPa 0.006895
Pa mm Wc 0.102 mm Wc Pa 9.807
Pa in Wc 0.004 in Wc Pa 249.098
KPa in Wc 4.0 in Wc KPa 0.24908
mWg in Wc 39.37 in Wc mWg 0.0254
Energy kJ/kWh BTU/hph 0.697 BTU/hph kJ/kWh 1.435
Work kJ/kg BTU/lb 0.430 BTU/lb kJ/kg 2.326
MJ/kg BTU/lb 430 BTU/lb MJ/kg 0.00233
kJ/kg kcal/kg 0.239 kcal/kg kJ/kg 4.184
Fuel g/kWh g/hph 0.736 g/hph g/kWh 1.36
consump. g/kWh lb/hph 0.00162 lb/hph g/kWh 616.78
Inertia kgm² lbft² 23.734 lbft² kgm² 0.042
Flow, gas m³/h cu.ft./min. 0.5886 cu.ft./min. m³/h 1.699
Flow, liquid m³/h US gal/min 4.403 US gal/min m³/h 0.2271
Speed m/s ft./s 3.281 ft./s m/s 0.3048
mph knots 0.869 knots mph 1.1508
Temp. °F=9/5 x °C + 32 °C=5/9 x (°F – 32)

All hp figures stated in the catalogue are metric.

Engine application ratings
The engines covered by this manual are mainly used Rating 3
for five different operating conditions, Rating 1 – Rat-
Light Duty Commercial
ing 5, as described below.
For commercial boats with high demands on speed
Even at a very early stage, the output requirements
and acceleration, planing or semi planing hulls in cy-
and operating conditions for the installation con-
clical operation. Running hours less than 2000 h per
cerned should be carefully specified so that a suitable
engine with the right setting and convenient equip-
ment can be ordered. This can avoid time concerning Typical boats: Fast patrol, rescue, police, light fishing,
modifications at a later stage. fast passenger and taxi boats etc.
The rating on each product states the toughest ap- Full power could be utilised maximum 2 h per 12 h
plication allowed. Of course, the product can also be operation period.
used in an application with a higher rating.
Between full load operation periods, engine speed
should be reduced at least 10% from the obtained full
load engine speed.
Rating 1
Heavy duty commercial
For commercial vessels with displacement hulls in Rating 4
heavy operation. Unlimited number of running hours Special Light Duty Commercial
per year.
For light planing crafts in commercial operation. Run-
Typical boats: Bigger trawlers, ferries, freighters, tug- ning hours less than 800 h per year.
boats, passenger vessels with longer journeys.
Typical boats: High speed patrol, rescue, navy, and
Load and speed could be constant, and full power special high speed fishing boats. Recommended
can be used without interruption. speed at cruising = 25 knots.
Full power could be utilised max 1 h per 12 h opera-
tion period. Between full load operation periods, en-
Rating 2 gine speed should be reduced at least 10% from the
obtained full load engine speed.
Medium Duty Commercial
For commercial vessels with semi planing or dis-
placement hulls in cyclical operation. Running hours Rating 5
less than 3000 h per year.
Pleasure Duty
Typical boats: Most patrol and pilot boats, coastal
fishing boats in cyclical operation, (gillnetters, purse For pleasure craft applications only, which presumes
seiners, light trawlers), passenger boats and costal operation by the owner for his/ her recreation. Run-
freighters with short trips. ning hours less than 300 h per year.

Full power could be utilised max 4 h per 12 h opera- Full power could be utilised maximum 1 h per 12 h
tion period. Between full load operation periods, en- operation period.
gine speed should be reduced at least 10% from the Between full load operation periods, engine speed
obtained full load engine speed. should be reduced at least 10% from the obtained full
load engine speed.

Engine application ratings

Examples of boats for medium and heavy duty commercial operation, Rating 1–2.

Examples of boats for light and medium duty commercial operation, Rating 2–3.

Engine application ratings

Examples of boats for light duty and special light duty commercial operation, Rating 3–4.

Examples of pleasure crafts, Rating 5.

Marine engine environment
The marine engine and its environment Power
Marine engines, like engines for cars and trucks, are
rated according to one or more power norms. The Power losses due to atmospheric conditions
output is indicated in kW, usually at maximum engine
speed. Losses due to large propeller B
Most engines will produce their rated power provided
they have been tested under the conditions specified
by the power norm and have been properly run in.
Tolerances according to ISO standards are usually ±
5%, which is a reality that must be accepted for line Rated
produced engines.

Measuring output
Engine manufacturers normally assign an engine’s
output to the flywheel, but before the power reaches rpm
the propeller, losses occur in the transmission and in
the propeller shaft bearings. The amounts of these The above figure illustrates the consequences of climate variation.
losses are 4-6%.
All major marine engine manufacturers indicate Point A is where rated power from the engine is equal
engine power according to ISO 8665 (supplement with the power absorbed by the propeller. Selection
to ISO 3046 for leisure boats), based on ISO 3046, of the propeller size at this point is correctly located
which means that the propeller shaft power will be for utilising max. rated power at a certain weather
given. If an exhaust system is optional, engine tests and load condition.
are conducted with a backpressure of 10 kPa. If all
If atmospheric conditions cause the power to drop
engine manufacturers followed the same test proce-
to point B, the propeller curve will cross the output
dure it would be easier for a boat producer to com-
curve from the engine at point C. A secondary per-
pare products from various suppliers.
formance loss has occurred because the propeller
is too large. The propeller reduces the rpm from the
Engine performance By replacing the propeller with a smaller one, the
Engine output is affected by a number of different power curve of the engine will cross at point B, mak-
factors. Among the more essential are barometric ing it possible to regain previous rpm, but at reduced
pressure, ambient temperature, humidity, fuel thermal power.
value, fuel temperature (not EDC engines) and back- For planing or semi-planing boats, the planing thresh-
pressure. Deviation from normal values affects diesel old ("hump" speed), which mostly occurs at 50 ‑ 60%
and petrol engines differently. of max. speed, is the critical area. In this section it is
Diesel engines use a large amount of air for combus- important that the distance between the engine max.
tion. If the mass flow of the air is reduced, the first power curve and the propeller curve is large enough.
sign is an increase in black smoke. The effect of this
is especially noticeable at planing threshold speed,
where the engine must produce maximum torque.
If the deviation from normal mass flow is substantial,
even a diesel engine will lose power. In the worse
case the reduction could be so large that the torque
is not sufficient to overcome the planing threshold.

Marine engine environment

Other factors affecting performance Propeller selection

It is important to keep the exhaust backpressure at a Naval architects, marine engineers or other qualified
low level. The power losses caused by backpressure people should choose the propeller. The required en-
are directly proportional to the increase of backpres- gine performance data to make the proper propeller
sure, which also increases the exhaust temperature. selection is available in technical literature.
Thermal values differ between markets and influence
With regard to the propeller selection it is important
engine output. Environmental fuel, which is compul-
to achieve correct engine RPM. For this purpose we
sory in some markets, has a low thermal value. En-
recommend Full Throttle Operating Range.
gine output may be reduced up to 8% compared with
fuel specified in the ISO standard. In order to achieve good all-round performance the
propeller should be selected within this range.
The weight of the boat is another important factor
affecting boat speed. Increased boat weight has a When the prototype and first production boat is built,
major effect on boat speed, especially on planing and a Volvo Penta representative and a boat manufactur-
semi-planing hulls. A new boat tested with half filled er should undertake a fully loaded trial of the vessel
fuel and water tanks and without a payload easily as near as possible to the conditions that the boat will
drops 2‑3 knots in speed when tested fully loaded meet in the field. The most important conditions are:
with fuel, water and equipment for travelling comfort. • Full fuel and water on board
This situation arises because the propeller is often
selected to give maximum speed when the boat is • Ballast evenly distributed throughout the boat to
tested at the factory. It is therefore advisable to re- represent the owners’s equipment including such
duce propeller pitch by one or more inches when en- things as outboards, inflatable dinghies etc.
countering hot climate and user load conditions. The • Genset/air conditioning equipment and all domes-
top speed will be somewhat reduced but the overall tic appliances fitted.
conditions will improve and provide better accelera-
• Adequate number of people onboard.
tion, even with a heavily loaded boat.
Once the vessel is subjected to these conditions a
With this in mind it is important to remember that fi- full engine/propeller trial should be undertaken where
breglass boats absorb water when they rest in water, all engine parameters are checked, i.e. engine rpm,
making the boat heavier over time. Marine growth, an fuel consumption, rel. load, ref. rpm (EDC) boost
often overlooked problem, also has a serious effect pressure, exhaust temperatures, engine space tem-
on boat performance. peratures etc.
When the correct propeller has been established
based on the tests, the engine rpm should be within
the " Full Throttle Operating Range" at full load.
However, it is advisable to reduce pitch some more
to handle varying weather conditions and marine
growth. For this reason boat manufacturers must fol-
low the actual situation of their differing markets.

100% of full
Full throttle
Engine output, kW

Propeller (too big)

Propeller (OK)
Propeller (too small)

Rated rpm
cut out

Marine engine environment

Full throttle operating range

The performance of any marine engine is largely
dependent upon the correct matching of the propel-
ler to the horsepower available from the engine. All
Volvo Penta engines have an operating speed range
where the engine develops its rated horsepower, this
is titled "Full Throttle Operating Range". A propeller
that has been sized to demand the rated horsepower
of the engine will allow the engine to operate at its
rated speed. Should the propeller load be less than
the rated horsepower the engine will operate above
the specified range. A propeller load that is greater
than the engines rated horsepower will result in the
engine not being able to reach the rated rpm and will
therefore overload the engine.
An engine in a newly launched vessel is likely to be
exposed to the lightest loads. This is because the to-
tal displacement of the vessel has yet to be reached,
the hull has not become fouled and all onboard sys-
tems are running at optimal efficiency. It is therefore
important that after launching and on sea trials the
engine be able to achieve slightly more than the rated
rpm under normal conditions.

Marine engine environment

Typical sample of a planing hull and how displacement and engine output tolerances effects

38 Engine output / Thrust






Displacement / hull



20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Knots

Max. tolerance

Nominal engine output Nominal displacement 13 tons

A) Engine output ±3% B) Displacement ± 3%

Propeller precision
C) tolerances ±3%

Production tolerances
In order to ensure optimal performance of the ves- A) Engine power can vary within international power
sel and long engine life, correct propeller size is es- standard tolerances.
sential. Selecting the correct propeller will enable the
B) The calculated hull resistance/displacement may
engine to develop its full power and provide the per-
vary within certain limits.
formance that is expected.
C) The power absorbed by the propeller with regard
There are a number of factors with their tolerances to propeller manufacture precision tolerances gen-
that can greatly affect the performance of the vessel. erally affects engine rpm.
These must be recognised for correct engine/propel-
ler selection. These factors are:

General information about classification
The classification procedures outlined below are In 1974 an International Convention for the Safety of
general and can be changed from time to time by life at sea (SOLAS) was adopted by the International
the Classification Societies. Maritime Organisation (IMO). This document ratifies
The classification procedure was originated for the uniform rules for life saving equipment on board life-
purpose of introducing similar and comparable rules boats and rescue boats.
and regulations for, among other things, production NOTE! This installation manual does not give full
and maintenance of ships and their machinery and information concerning classification. Please contact
equipment. As a result of these rules and regulations an authorised classification society for complete in-
"safety at sea" could be improved and better docu- formation.
mentation could be introduced for insurance matters.
The government authorities in most countries con- Classified engine, range of use
cerned with shipping have authorized the Classifica- An engine with equipment that is used in a classified
tion Societies to handle these rules and make sure vessel must be approved by the Classification Soci-
they are followed. The classification procedure dates ety, which handles matters relating to ships’ seawor-
from long ago. It can be noted that Lloyd’s Register of thiness. The rules apply for instance to the propulsion
Shipping, London, was founded as early as 1760. engine, auxiliary engine, power take off, reverse gear,
shaft and propeller.
The major Classification Societies are:
This means that if an installation needs to be classi-
• Det norske Veritas (DnV)
fied it must be stated clearly when addressing inquir-
• Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LR) ies and quotation requests to AB Volvo Penta.
• Bureau Veritas (BV)
• American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Special rules for different operational
• Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
• Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
The Classification Societies have, in general, differ-
• Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, (RMRS) ent rules relating to the following:
• China Classification Society (ZC) Varying shipping conditions e.g:
• Korean Register of Shipping (KR) • Shipping in tropical water
• Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK) • Coastal shipping
• Ocean shipping
As examples of government authorities responsible • Operation in ice (several different classes)
for ships’ seaworthiness we can note the following:
Type of load e.g:
Sjöfartsverket, Sweden (National Maritime Adminis-
tration), Sjöfartsdirektoratet, Norway, Statens Skibtil- • Passenger shipping
syn, Danmark, Department of Transport, England. • Tanker shipping
The Classification Societies have established their • Reefer shipping
rules so that the authorities’ requirements are cov- Type of manning e.g:
ered. The authorities, however, have requirements
for lifeboats that are not included in the rules of the • Unmanned machine room
Classification Society. • Manned machine room

These rules are adapted so that each vessel can be

assumed to function faultlessly in the area or type of
operation for which it is approved.

General information about classification

Type approval
To be able to classify an engine, the type of engine Torsional Vibration Calculations (TVC) must be
must first be type approved. In such cases, where carried out for the complete installation of the engine
Volvo Penta is concerned, an application for type in the vessel and approved by the Classification So-
approval is sent to the Classification Society in ques- ciety.
tion, followed by the required drawings, data and
These calculations are carried out to check that no
critical torsional vibrations occur in the speed range
After certain tests, checks and possible demands for in which the engine is operated.
supplementary information, the engine is type-ap-
The procedure can differ somewhat depending on
proved for a specified maximum power at a given
the Classification Society in question.
rated speed. This type approval must not however be
considered as a classification; it is only a certificate
that states that the engine type with specified power
can be classified. Final classification can only be Simplified rules for engines produced in
given when all components are approved and the series (Process orientated classification)
installation and test run in the vessel are completed Most Classification Societies can use simplified clas-
and found to be in order by the local surveyor. sification procedures based on a well implemented
Quality Assurance System at the Engine Manufac-
Procedure for classification As Volvo Penta fulfills Quality Assurance based on
(Product orientated) Swedish standard SS-ISO 9001, AB Volvo Penta has
To earn a classification certificate, the engine, its been approved by the Classification Societies below:
components, the installation and the test run must • Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (LR)
be approved by a surveyor from the Classifica-
tion Society in question. The surveyor can, after • Registro Italiano Navale (RINA).
final inspection and with certificates from the built-in
machinery, issue the final certificate for the vessel.
(Thus the final certificate cannot be issued by AB
Volvo Penta).
Usually the procedure is initiated as a result of a re-
quest from a customer or dealer who has to deliver
an engine in a classified installation. For these orders
Volvo Penta normally starts with a "type approved
engine". During production of such an engine the
surveyor checks the production if there is no quality
assurance system agreement.

Separate certificates are issued for the following

• Crankshaft, connecting rods,
• heat exchanger, oil cooler,
• turbocharger, coupling,
• reverse gear, propeller and shaft,
• generator, alternator.

The surveyor then checks the pressure testing and

test running of the engine, after which a certificate for
the engine itself is issued.

Installation tools and literature
Special tools

885151 885156 885309 885164

9812519 9988452 9996065 9996398

9996666 9998494 3838620 3838621

885151 Box with gauges and connections. For meas- 9996666 Connection D9/D11/D12/D16. For measur-
uring pressures and exhaust temerature. ing fuel feed pressure.
885156 Calomel electrode. For measuring galvanic 9998494 Hose and nipple D9/D11/D12/D16. For
and stray current (use in combination with multimeter measuring fuel feed pressure.
P/N 9812519).
3838620 VODIA tool*. For reading fault codes in clear
885309 Flange D5. For measuring exhaust backpres- text.
sure and temperature.
3838621 Docking station for the VODIA tool*. Con-
885164 Flange D7. For measuring exhaust backpres- nects the VODIA tool to the engine.
sure and temperature. *Order via VODIA WEB on Volvo Penta Partner Network
9812519 Multimeter.
9988452 Digital probe tester.
9996065 Manometer. For measuring fuel feed pres-
sure, not D9/D11/D12.
9996398 Manometer D9/D11/D12/D16. For measur-
ing fuel feed pressure.

Dimension drawings
Drawings for current program, leisure and commer-
cial applications are available at:

Installation tools and literature

• Installation, Electronic Vessel Control EVC
• Installation, Marine Commercial Control MCC
• Marine Electrical Systems, Part 1
• Inboard propellers and speed calculation
• Installation, Water Jet
• Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines
• Volvo Penta Accessories & Maintenance Parts
• Workshop Manuals
• Operator’s Manuals

• Instrument panels
• Controls
Installation instructions and templates are included in
the kits.

A wide range of chemical products are available from
Volvo Penta. Some examples are:
• Oil and coolant
• Sealant and grease
• Touch-up paint
• Refer to "Volvo Penta Accessories & Maintenance

Design concepts of propulsion systems
There are different types of engines, reverse gears and front drive systems, depending on the available space
and other requirements during the installation.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when installing components and equipment not supplied by Volvo Penta.

Reverse gear, various types

Coaxial Coaxial down angle

The engine’s crankshaft and the reverse gear’s out- The extension of the engine crankshaft centre line is
put shaft are on the same level. The propeller shaft angled in the reverse gear. The angle of the propeller
and crankshaft are in-line. shaft deviates from the angle of the crankshaft.
The engine and reverse gear form one unit. The com- The engine and reverse gear form one unit. The com-
pressive forces from the propeller are absorbed by an pressive forces from the propeller are absorbed by an
axial bearing in the reverse gear. axial bearing in the reverse gear.

Drop centre, parallel Drop centre, down angle

The engine’s crankshaft and the reverse gear’s out- The engine’s crankshaft and the reverse gear’s out-
put shaft are parallel. The output shaft is on a lower put shaft are on different levels. The angle of the pro-
level than the crankshaft. peller shaft deviates from the angle of the crankshaft.
The engine and reverse gear form one unit. The com- The engine and reverse gear form one unit. The com-
pressive forces from the propeller are absorbed by an pressive forces from the propeller are absorbed by an
axial bearing in the reverse gear. axial bearing in the reverse gear.

Design concepts of propulsion systems

Remote reverse gear

The reverse gear is separated from the engine and Then the couplings are fitted and the engine is
mounted on the engine bed or on a separate bed. aligned to the reverse gear. For final location and to
Torque is transferred via a flexible coupling through prevent possible shock loads, lugs must be welded in
a shaft. The angle of the propeller shaft can deviate front of and behind the brackets on each side. Wedg-
from the angle of the crankshaft. es are then driven in and secured by welding when
alignment is completely finished.
The remote reverse gear must first be installed and
carefully aligned nominated by the propeller shaft.

Design concepts of propulsion systems

V-drive, various types

Remote V-drive
The reverse gear is separated from the engine and
mounted on a separate bed. Torque is transferred via
the propeller shaft, as illustrated in the diagram, or
via a flexible coupling.
The axial forces from the propeller are absorbed by
an axial bearing in the reverse gear.
The remote V-drive must first be installed and care-
fully aligned according to the propeller shaft. Then
the shaft and couplings are fitted and the engine is
aligned to the reverse gear. For final location and to
prevent possible shock loads, lugs must be welded in
front of and behind the brackets on each side. Wedg-
es are then driven in and secured by welding when
Close coupled V-drive alignment is completely finished.
The engine and reverse gear form one unit. The axial For the application of cardan shafts, follow the instal-
forces from the propeller are absorbed by an axial lation instructions from the cardan shaft supplier. A
bearing in the reverse gear. rule of thumb share the joint angle, where A ≈ A.

Design concepts of propulsion systems

Twin engine package - Twin gear

The twin engine package over one marine gear is a Volvo Penta does not market these gears as a marine
concept used by Volvo Penta over a period of time. engine package. If this application concept is consid-
The concept is based of the utilisation of the com- ered attractive, further information and support can
monality of two high volume produced high speed be acquired from Volvo Penta Sales Organisation.
marine diesel engines power over the twin marine
gear to one common propellershaft. The twin gears
are available from a limited number of manufacturers
for fixed and controllable pitch propellers.

Multi-belt transmission

Another transmission concept is the multi- belt utilis- twin installation. The system can theoretically operate
ing a number of diesel engines driving a common a marine gear for either a fixed or a controllable pitch
shaft to a remote marine gear. The engines in this ap- propeller. Volvo Penta does not market this concept
plication are normally disengagable by a clutch. The as a whole but could provide considerable know-how
concept is proven very functional to obtain the total through the sales organisation if this system solution
power requirement beyond the conventional single or is considered.

Design concepts of propulsion systems

Controllable pitch

Controllable pitch is used as an alternative to a fixed regulated by means of a built-in function in the re-
propeller. The pitch of the propeller blade is normally verse gear.

Water Jet

Water Jet drives work according to principles of jet There are different types of water jets, a direct drive
propulsion. A jet of water is generated whose thrust or one with a marine gearbox enabling clutch in/out
sets the vessel in motion. and backflushing the system for cleaning purposes.
See Installation, Water Jet.

Surface drive

A number of surface piercing propeller systems are speed the propeller operates with half of its diameter
available on most markets. These systems are aimed submerged. At lower speed the propeller is usually
at high speed applications where the systems are submerged and due to its high pitch torque, has
highly efficient. The systems are available with rud- greater absorption in comparison to a conventional
der arrangements or steerable drive unit. At planing propeller.

Torsional vibrations and TVC calculations

Torsional vibrations Torsional vibration approvals

The object of a Torsional Vibration Calculation (TVC)
is to locate the critical speed points and to ensure
that these critical speeds are outside the operating
range of the engine.
Disregarding the torsional compatibility of the engine
and driven equipment may fracture the crankshaft
and flywheel bolts and overheat the vibration damper.
Since compatibility of the installation is the system
designer’s responsibility; it is also his responsibility to
obtain the theoretical torsional vibration analysis.
Volvo Penta standard propulsion packages would
generally not require TVCs unless front end PTO is
utilised. TVCs are recommended for all heavy duty
commercial applications. In classified installations, a
TVC must be performed.

Torsional analysis data

Torsional vibrations occur due to forces on the crank- Volvo Penta will do a torsional analysis on receipt of
shaft caused by the piston and connecting rod during the necessary details from the customer. The follow-
the power stroke. These forces tend to deflect the ing technical data is required to perform a torsional
crankshaft, including angular displacement of the analysis:
A. Operating speed ranges. Lowest speed to highest
• The frequency is the time rate of torsional vibra- speed.
tions B. Maximum power output.
• The amplitude is the angular displacement due to C. Detailed drawing of rotating components.
torsional vibrations.
D. Inertia of rotating components and location of
• The critical speed is the speed at which the ampli- masses.
tude of the vibrations in a shaft are maximum and
could result in stresses that exceed the safe limit E. A general layout drawing is needed for more com-
of the material. plicated installations.

• Torsional vibrations may also be caused by torque For the purpose of TVCs, most drive line manufactur-
vibrations at the propeller. ers provide shaft drawings, with moment of inertia
and their position on the shaft diameters.

Torsional vibrations and TVC calculations

Example of a complex masselastic system

4 3 2 1 4 6 7 3 2 8


11 8


12 3 3 2

1. Engine 7. Flange coupling

2. Coupling, disengagable 8. Alternator, compressor
3. Pulley 9. Propeller shaft and propeller
4. Coupling 10. Belt
5. Pump, compressor etc. with 11. Belt tensioner
the same rpm as engine 12. Pump, compressor
6. Reduction gear, reverse gear

The Drive package, i.e. engine, flexible coupling,

and reverse gear, supplied by Volvo Penta has as
one unit the lowest possible torsion vibration level
in terms of standard propeller systems. A Torsional
Vibration Calculation (TVC) must be conducted by
Volvo Penta if other combinations are to be used.
Incorrectly selected components in the drive package
can result in abnormally high stress of the engine’s

Routines for handling TVC

When a Torsional Vibration Calculation is request-
ed, it can be carried out by Volvo Penta.
The following procedure should be followed:
1. All necessary documents should be sent to the 3. The cost for TVC will be charged according to the
Quality System and Classification Department, following principle: If the received documentation
which will issue an order number that will be the is complete from the beginning a basic calculation
reference number for future communication re- will be charged according to the price list.
garding the matter. Each additional operation, e.g. recalculation due
2. All communication in TVC matters should be to missing or wrong information or complex calcu-
directed to the Quality System and Classifica- lations, will be charged at actual cost.
tion Department. The responsibility for internal It is therefore of extreme importance that the doc-
handling is on Quality System and Classification uments for the calculation are complete and that
Department at the production unit in Göteborg. no information is missing.

General arrangement and planning
Choice of engine
To provide the best performance and characteristics lation aims to fulfil. Analysis of each contribution may
of an installation it is important to elaborate and iter- vary depending on the dominating priorities such as
ate the information shown in the illustration below. top speed, economy, safety, etc. Consult Volvo Penta
Trial and error is often needed to finally find the es- literature and computer programs or contact the Volvo
sential set of "performance" requirements the instal- Penta organisation for assistance.







Performance requirements Limitations

What are the top speed and cruising speed require- Consider possible limitations such as engine and pro-
ments? peller dimensions.

The boat/vessel Power requirement

Define the category of hull type: Use the data to define the required power. Do not
forget to consider power losses due to PTOs, climate,
• Displacement
fuel qualities etc.
• Semi-planing
• Planing
Consider the boat size and estimate weight, LCG Consult Volvo Penta sales literature for the corre-
(Longitudinal Centre of Gravity) etc. Drawing infor- sponding engine, giving minimum required power at
mation (line drawings) is requested, in the best case the correct duty rating. Check the available reverse
resistance data from tank tests. gear ratios.
Propulsion system Reverse gear and propeller
Search for the most suitable propulsion system and Calculate for the optimum gear ratio as well as pro-
engine geometry. Think about the characteristics of peller type and size.
different propulsion systems.

Installation example
General arrangement and planning

The illustration shows an example of a twin instal-

lation with two types of wet exhaust systems, one
"Aqua-lift" system and one installation with riser and
exhaust boot.
The starboard propeller shaft is mounted with a wa-
ter-lubricated stuffing box with water tapped off from
the reverse gear oil cooler. The port propeller shaft
has a grease-lubricated stuffing box.
The control is an electrical to mechanical system.
This illustration is also avail-
able as a four-colour poster
(size 500 x 700 mm).
Publ. no. 7738092-1
General arrangement and planning

Plan the engine room so as not to hinder engine 1. Engine room layout
servicing work. Compare with the instruction book
Only use updated and approved dimensional draw-
and make sure that all filter replacesments, oil chang-
ings. Study the drawings carefully. Consider sound-
es and other servicing measures can be carried out
proofing material, the engine’s movements when run-
normally. Also ensure that it is possible to install and
ning and accessibility for servicing and repairs.
remove the engine.
For twin installations, the distance between the en-
Before starting any installation work, make sure
gines should be sufficient to allow easy performance
that up‑to‑date dimensional drawings for the
of inspection and service work.
engine and its equipment are used. Dimensional
drawings provide all the necessary measurements
for installation, such as the distance from the centre 2. Weight distribution
of the crankshaft to the engine brackets (reverse gear
brackets) and to the centre line of the propeller shaft. Consider the weight distribution of the boat so that it
is evenly distributed even with different levels of fuel
Note that the small silhouette drawings on leaflets and water in the tanks. Place heavy units so that the
and brochures should not be used for this purpose. boat is balanced around the centre of gravity accord-
The engine and drive line should be installed in such ing to the designer’s recommendations.
a way as to minimise noise and vibrations, i.e. air NOTE! Pay special attention to obtain the best centre
noise and body noise (vibrations). of gravity possible. This has a major influence on per-
Vibrations from the engine and propeller are trans- formance in planing boats.
mitted via the suspension and engine bed out in the
hull. Other channels are via the exhaust pipe, coolant
pipes, fuel pipes, cabling, and control cables. 3. Choice of engine suspension type
Pressure shocks from the propeller are transmitted Choose the appropriate type of engine suspension
through the water into the hull. Pulsating force on the based on comfort requirements, type of use and en-
propeller goes into the hull via the support brackets, gine/reverse gear arrangement.
bearings and seals. The two major systems are fixed or flexible. In the
If the propeller is at a large angle this pulsating fixed system, the engine/reverse gear is directly bolt-
pressure and force can be considerable. Use of an ed to the engine bed. While in flexible systems, the
incorrect propeller can result in cavitation, which also engine/reverse gear is installed on flexible mounts.
causes noise and vibrations. Volvo Penta offers flexible mounts for a large variety
of engine/reverse gear combinations.
Torsional vibrations from correctly selected compo-
nents in the drive package are often negligible. Select a shaft system depending on the type of cou-
pling (rigid or flexible), shaft support, stuffing box etc.

NOTE! Always consider international and local re-

quirements. 4. Fuel system
Determine the type of fuel system. Choose to use
fuel hoses or fuel pipes. Consider classification rules.
Decide where to place extra water separating fuel fil-
ters and plan for the routing of fuel hoses and pipes,
fuel filler and venting hoses, shut off devices etc. Fuel
feed and return hoses or pipes should be placed low
in the engine room so as not to transmit extra heat to
the fuel.

General arrangement and planning

5. Cooling system 10. Controls and steering

Determine the type of cooling system. Chose where Plan for the routing of control cables, steering sys-
to place seawater intakes and seawater filters. Plan tems, Dual station units (DS–units), etc. Allow acces-
the routing of hoses. sibility for servicing and replacement.
When using mechanical control cables it is of great
importance to route the cables with as few bends as
6. Exhaust system
possible to achieve smooth handling.
Determine the type of exhaust system, wet or dry.
Plan the installation of the exhaust line components,
such as silencer and hoses. 11. Power take-off
In order to operate miscellaneous small auxiliary
apparatus, power take-offs can be fitted from an ad-
7. Electrical system
ditional pulley or on the drive gear casing.
Plan the routing of cabling and check the length of
If greater outputs are needed, a mechanical power
instrument cable harnesses. Decide where to place
take‑off can be fitted on the front end of the crank-
fuse boxes and main switches.
Avoid joints and cable connections where there is risk
The outputs permitted from the power take‑offs are
of moisture or water. Do not make any joints or con-
described in the sales literature.
nections behind fixed bulkheads or similar which are
difficult to reach after finishing the boat.

8. Electrochemical corrosion
The potential problem of galvanic and stray current
corrosion must be considered when planning electri-
cal installation and choosing the equipment to be
used. Plan for protected anodes.

9. Air supply, ventilation and soundproofing

Carefully study sizes of sufficient duct area and pay
attention to optimise the design of air inlet.
Plan the routing of the ducts (hoses) for the engine’s
air consumption and ventilation so that they do not
impede installation of the batteries, fuel tanks, etc.
Sound insulation in the engine room is of great im-
portance to keep the sound level as low as possible.
Sufficient space for soundproofing material must also
be planned for. A condition for good sound insulation
is a sealed engine room with ducts as the only open-

General arrangement and planning

Propeller theory
To get the best performance out of your boat, you The angle of the propeller shaft should be as small
need to select the propeller and gearing that will suit as possible. Shaft angles of less than 12° do not usu-
your particular boat, engine and speed range. ally cause any major problems, but shaft angles of
more than 14–15° should be avoided.
Below you will find a brief description of how propel-
ler systems are designed. It is not just the engine ca- The distance between the bottom of the boat and the
pacity determines the speed of the boat; it depends propeller blades should be at least 10% of the diam-
just as much on the efficiency of the reverse gear and eter of the propeller.
the propeller system. Using the right propeller system When you have selected the diameter of the propel-
will not only give you good fuel economy and higher ler, you are ready to go on to select the pitch.
speed but you will also experience greater comfort,
with less noise and vibration. Propeller blades should no travel faster than 60–70
knots through the water at 70% of the maximum
The following description is very general and de- propeller diameter. This means that the speed of the
scribes only superficially how propellers are de- propeller revolutions must be reduced when the en-
signed. The propeller manual Propellers gives more gine capacity is greater, which requires a larger blade
detailed information. surface and therefore a greater diameter.
The relations between pitch and diameter should be:
Planing boats
P/D =
In planing boats over 20 knots, the size of the pro- Diameter

peller depends on the engine power. To transfer the
power from the engine to the water, you need approx- 0.90–1.15 at 20 knots
imately 7–8 cm2 propeller blade surface per kW shaft 1.00–1.30 at 30 knots
power. If the shaft is at an angle in relation to the flow 1.05–1.35 at 35 knots
of the water, this requirement may be considerably
Generally, a larger propeller with narrow blades and
greater: 8–15 cm2/kW is reasonable, depending on
low revolutions is more efficient than a small, high-
the angle of the shaft and the water flow.
speed revolving propeller.
At a shaft power of 400 kW, therefore, the propeller
When the boat’s speed exceeds 24–28 knots, the re-
blade surface may need to be 400 kW x 9 cm2/kW =
sistance of the shafts, rudders and propeller supports
3 600 cm2.
increase to a level where the improved efficiency
This surface may be divided over three, four or five of the propeller is not beneficial. The resistance on
blades. the propeller system can be reduced by reducing
the shaft diameter, selecting stronger materials and
The efficiency of a propeller blade diminishes when
reducing the rudders and surfaces of the propeller
it becomes far too wide in relation to its length. This
supports. Lower gear ratios also mean thinner shafts.
means that if the propeller diameter is limited in size
It is necessary to find a balance between propeller
(as is often the case), it is better to select several
efficiency, water resistance on the shaft, etc.
narrower blades (four or five) rather than three wide
ones, for example.

General arrangement and planning

Displacement and semi-planing boats Speed range between 15 and 20 knots

Boats of less than 15 knots need propellers that are Within this speed range, a large slow propeller is
as large as possible. For example, in a trawler it is preferable to a small, fast one. The blade surface is
possible to save 20–30% fuel or to gain 20% greater designed as a compromise between kW/cm2 and m2/
thrust when trawling by increasing the propeller di- ton of tractive force.
ameter by 50% and reducing the propeller speed by
The blade surface of the propeller is designed ac- Propeller and performance computer
cording to the minimum of 0.17 m2 (0.26 in2 ) per ton program
of thrust. Over the last year, Volvo Penta has been developing
As described above, a large, slow-moving propeller computer programs for calculating speed, gear ratios
is preferable. At a speed of 12 knots, for example, and propellers. This is excellent for predicting speed
a three-blade propeller with a 50% blade area will and propellers simply and safely.
achieve an efficiency rate of approximately 57% if the The estimated speed in the individual computer
propeller blade cuts through the water at 50 knots programs is based on the experience gained from a
with 70% of its diameter. At a blade speed of 70 number of installations.
knots, approximately only 47% efficiency is achieved.
The formula:
propeller efficiency x shaft output (kW) x 1944
T (Newton) = Propeller calculations
speed of boat (knots)
Theoretical speed and propeller calculations are
made using well-established methods and a number
can be used to calculate the thrust. of practical test results, but are still a result of ap-
Three-blade propellers are often more efficient for proximations and estimations. We believe that for a
large, slow-moving propellers than four-blade or five- standard type of boat they can give you a reasonable
blade propellers. However, four-blade propellers usu- good estimation, provided that correct and complete
ally produce less vibration, which is often preferable. input is available. However the Volvo Penta organisa-
In general, there is a tendency towards four-blade tion can not take any responsibility for the final result
propellers. A suitable pitch ratio at 10 knots is 0.7–0.9 which only can be found out during a sea trial.
and at 15 knots 0.8–1.05.
As the best pitch ratio varies according to the speed
of the boat, it is necessary to decide whether the pro-
peller should be at its best when trawling, e.g. with a
pitch ratio of 0.7, or whether it should be better when
not trawling with a slightly higher pitch ratio.
Adjustable propellers are an excellent solution for
trawlers, tugs and freighters.
As a very rough estimate, the bollard pull thrust can
be calculated using the formula
Adjustable propeller (N) 95–105 x kW
Fixed propeller (N) 80–90 x kW
An adjustable propeller fitted to "the right boat" (up to
10 knots) can therefore save a lot of fuel.

General arrangement and planning

Propeller selection
The combination of ratio, shaft diameter and propel- For the best propeller efficiency, the angle of the pro-
ler size can be calculated by using the Volvo Penta peller shaft in relation to the water line should be as
computer program. Calculation of the correct pro- small as possible. The larger the shaft angle the low-
peller size can be done by the Volvo Penta organisa- er the efficiency. Shaft angles exceeding 12° should
tion if so desired. In this case all details of the boat be avoided if possible. This means that with the boat
(preferably drawings) must be provided in good time. lying still, the propeller angle should not exceed 12°.
This applies especially to planing boats. Larger shaft
angles may affect the speed, sound and vibrations
Check the shaft angle. If the shaft angle exceeds 12°,
kW the use of a smaller propeller should be considered.
This can be compensated by more blades.
The keel or the propeller shaft brackets in front of the
propeller should have a profile creating a minimum
A of drag and turbulence. Also the shape of a tunnel is
very important. A poor tunnel design can create a lot
B of turbulence in the propeller and reduce the boat’s
buoyancy at the stern.


A = Engine full load curve

B = Propeller load curve (propeller OK)
C = Recommended max operating range

The propeller should be chosen with the greatest of

care. Consider the space between the hull and skeg.
Refer to propeller recommendations and propeller
shaft angles, and the recommendation for free space
between the propeller and hull. See information on
the following page.
On planing boats the bottom over the propeller is
often rather flat. The hull can be reinforced on the
inside to reduce noise and vibrations caused by the
propeller blade pulses.

General arrangement and planning

Ensure that there is sufficient space between the

propeller, hull, keel, skeg and the rudder. It should
be possible to move the propeller shaft at least 200
mm (8") aft to allow the removal of the reverse gear
or coupling. Also make sure that any transverse bulk-
head does not impede its removal. Sufficient clear-
ance, approx. 1 x the shaft diameter, must be pro-
vided between the propeller and the stern bearing to
prevent the propeller from pressing against the stern
bearing. Allowance should also be made for rope cut-
ters if they are to be fitted. See figures on this page,
position (E).

The minimum distances to the hull, keel, skeg
and rudder.
∅ = Propeller diameter
A = 0.10 x ∅
B = 0.15 x ∅
C = 0.10 x ∅
D = 0.08 x ∅ ∅
E = Approx. 1 x shaft diameter
F = Shaft angle. Shaft angles exceeding 12° should
be avoided.
Example: The measurement (A) for a boat with a A
propeller diameter 30" (762 mm) is 0.10 x 762 = 76
mm (0.10 x 30" = 3") minimum.
The measurement (A) must never be less than 50
mm (2"). For classification, the requirements of the D E
respective classification body must be followed.

Single and twin installations

The most effective method of propulsion is generally
achieved with a single installation. If more power is
required than is possible with a single installation,
two engines, each with a separate propeller shaft can
be fitted.
Improved manoeuvring is gained in two engine instal-
lations and separate propellers as the power output
can be controlled separately and independently for
each engine. One engine can be run reverse and the
other ahead when for example manoeuvring at low
Two or more engines coupled to a common transmis-
sion and one propeller is a third possibility.

General arrangement and planning

Propeller rotation D5/D7 engine revolution range 1900–2300 rpm

with conversional shaft/propeller system

Ratio, Main type of Speed

approx. operation range
Work boats,
4:1–3:1 Displacem. boats, 4–8 kn.
High pulling power,
Towing, Trawling
Work boats,
3:1–2.0:1 Displacement boats, 6­–10 kn.
Low speed planing boats,
mainly free run
Semi-planing to planing
2.5:1–1.5:1 boats, Patrol boats, 10–15 kn.
For a single installation, a right or left-hand rotating Sport fishing
propeller can be chosen. The rotation direction is and Pleasure boats
sometimes dependent of the type of reverse gear be-
ing used.
For twin installation, the starboard propeller should
always rotate clockwise and the port propeller anti-
clockwise seen from the aft forward. Otherwise there
is a risk that air bubbles will be drawn down into the
D9/D12/D16 engine revolution range 1800–2800
water between the two propellers which can cause
rpm with conversional shaft/propeller system

Choice of reduction ratio Ratio, Main type of Speed

The propeller shaft usually has lower speed than the approx. operation range
engine. This is normally achieved with the reduction Work boats,
in the reverse gear. 6:1–3:1 Displacem. boats, 4–12 kn.
As a rule the largest possible ratio should be chosen High pulling power,
for slow-going displacement boats. It then follows Towing, Trawling
that the propeller diameter can also be relatively Work boats,
large with high thrust within the applicable speed 3:1–2.5:1 Displacement boats, 8­–17 kn.
range. Depending on the hull type and speed range, Low speed planing boats,
a smaller ratio can be chosen for higher speed, if mainly free run
required. See the table. This is to obtain highest
thrust within the respective speed range. If the ratio Semi-planing to planing
is chosen outside of the recommendations the thrust 2.5:1–2:1 boats, Patrol boats, 16–26 kn.
can be lower than the optimum calculated power. The Sport fishing
boat’s top speed is not necessarily affected. and Pleasure boats

A check must always be done that the hull has suffi- Planing boats,
cient space for the propeller according to information 2:1–1.5:1 Patrol boats, 25–35 kn.
in chapter Propeller selection. Sport fishing,
and Pleasure boats
In order to select the optimal gear ratio a calculation
have to be made. The following tables could serve as High speed planing
guidelines. 1.5:1–1:1 boats, high 35–45 kn.
Pleasure boats and

General arrangement and planning

Engine inclination



To ensure that the engine is sufficiently lubricated Each engine type has a maximum permitted en-
and cooled, it is important that the maximum engine gine inclination while the boat is under way. This in-
inclination is not exceeded. The engine inclination clination includes both the installation inclination and
must be checked. the trim angle that the boat/engine has when going
through the water.
Care should be taken to avoid having the front end
lower than the flywheel end, i.e. in excess of permit- A = The engine’s static inclination.
ted negative inclination, since this can affect lubrica-
B = The boat’s trim angle under way.
tion of the engine and venting of the cooling system.
C = Total inclination of engine under way,
maximum permissible inclination (A+B).

Max. engine inclination

Flywheel down Flywheel up

Static (A) Under way (C)

Engine Flywheel Flywheel Flywheel Flywheel
down up down up
D5/D7, standard sump 10 0 15 0
D5/D7, shallow sump 5 0 10 0
D9, shallow sump 6 0 12 5
D9, V-drive system 5 0 5 10
D9, deep sump 13 0 18 5
D11, standard sump 7 0 17 10
D12, shallow sump 8 0 13 5
D12, deep sump 13 0 18 5
D16, standard sump 11 0 18.5 7.5

General arrangement and planning

Weight distribution Engine centre distance,

twin installation
The centre of gravity has a major influence on the
boat’s static and dynamic stability. It is therefore im-
portant to consider this for the both when loaded and

Planing and semi-planing hulls

For planing and semi-planing hulls especially it is im-
portant that heavy equipment such as engines, fuel
tanks, water tanks and batteries are positioned in a
way as to obtain the best possible trim of the boat in
the water.
Consider the weight distribution of the boat so that it
is evenly distributed even with different levels of fuel
and water in the tanks.
It is an advantage to install the fuel tanks away from
the warm engine room. The batteries should be
placed in a separate, well ventilated area if possible. For twin installations, consideration must be given to
the minimum distance between the engines to allow
sufficient accessibility for service work. Larger dis-
tance also gives better manoeuvring capacities.
Check for a suitable distance by using the dimen-
sional drawing.
Generally, the following minimum measurements
between the engine’s centre‑lines (A) are recom-
Figure A mended:
D5/D7 1050 mm (41")
D9/D11 1200 mm (47")
D12 1250 mm (49")
LCG D16 1350 mm (53")

For installation of several engines on one propeller

shaft the distance between the engines is mainly
Figure B determined by the gears or belt transmissions with
which the engines are joined together. The require-
ment for access for inspection, service and repairs is
still applicable.


LCG = Longitudinal Centre of Gravity

Figure A represents an installation with good weight

distribution and with a good trim angle.
Figure B represents a wrong type of installation with
a subsequent bad running attitude.

General arrangement and planning

Accessibility for checking,

maintenance and repairs
When designing the engine room always pay atten-
tion to the accessibility needed to allow proper serv-
ice and repairs to the engine. Also ensure that the
complete engine can be removed without damage to
the boat structure.
A written instruction may be of major help if engine
removal is necessary at a later stage.

NOTE! There must also be sufficient space for the

soundproofing material. Study the dimensional draw-
ings of the relevant engine carefully.

Accessibility for maintenance

Some areas that normally require access for mainte-
• Oil change and refill
• Change of oil filters
• Change of fuel filters
• Venting fuel system
• Change of air filter
• Check of belt tension
• Change of belts
• Removal of valve cover
• Change of seawater impeller
• Cleaning of water filter
• Venting cooling system

Accessibility for repairs

Some areas that may require access for repairs:
• Lower crank case inspection covers (if fitted)
• Removal of injectors
• Removal of cylinder head
• Removal of charge air cooler
• Removal of oil coolers
• Removal or change of electrical components
• Removal of flywheel and vibration damper
• Removal or change of reverse gear
• Removal of propeller shaft
• Engine removal

General arrangement and planning

Selection of engine
There are two types of engine suspension; flexible
mounting with rubber mounts and rigid mounting.

Flexible mounting

Flexible engine suspen-

sion, rubber mount

Flexible engine suspen-

sion, rubber mount

Flexible engine suspension (rubber mounts) can be The rubber mounts are compressed during installa-
used together with low gear ratios. With higher ratios, tion, therefore the engine should rest on the rubber
the torsion forces and propeller axial force become mounts for 12 hours before the height is adjusted.
excessive for the rubber mounts.
Always follow the recommendations of Volvo Penta
One condition for rubber mounts to be effective when selecting the engine suspension. The use of
dampers is that the engine bed is sufficiently rigid. incorrect rubber mounts can result in abnormal vi-
The bed must also be parallel to engine feet to avoid brations, which in turn can cause damage to engine
tensions being built into the engine suspension. Ten- components and also reduce the degree of comfort.
sions can increase the vibration level and also short-
en the life span of the mounts.
NOTE! When flexible engine suspension is selected,
NOTE! The elasticity of the rubber mounts must nev-
all the connection of components to the engine must
er be utilised to compensate for an inclined bed.
be flexible.
Flexible engine mountings provide good insulation
The propeller shaft must have a flexible stuffing box,
from vibration between the engine and the bed frame,
or alternatively a flexible shaft coupling.
thus contributing to a low noise level. Dimensions for
flexible mountings, see chapter Building the engine The engine’s connections for fuel lines, exhaust and
bed. coolant must be flexible.
There are two types of rubber mounts: mounts that
are adjustable in the vertical plane, and mounts with
a fixed height that must be shimmed to the correct

General arrangement and planning


component Propeller


Engine rubber

In all installations with a down angle propeller shaft This will create a lifting force to the engine mounts
there will be a lifting force transmitted from the pro- fitted at the same end as the gear box. Therefore
peller shaft. In an installation of an engine with a all engines with a close coupled V-drive must be
V-drive this force could be higher than that from the equipped with mounts that are designed for this type
weight of the engine and gear box. of installation at the rear end.

General arrangement and planning

Rigid mounting


2 1
4 3

1. Support bracket for front power take‑off 5. Sheet steel shims (about 0.4" = 10 mm thick)
2. Steel bed frame (U‑member or L‑member, 6. Rear mounting brackets (about 10" = 250 mm high)
thickness 0.47–0.6" = 12‑15 mm) 7. Adjustment bolts (4 pcs) for engine heightwise position. To be
3. Front mounting bracket (about 10" = 250 mm high) removed after completed installation
4. Inspection covers 8. Bolt to adjust engine lateral position

Rigid mounting is often used for commercial service An approved type of moulding compound (e.g.
and heavy hulls. The vibration of the drive package is Shockfast) can be used instead of shims, but only
not particularly noticeable with a large hull. when the engine has the correct alignment.
It is very important that the bed is level where the
engine mounts rest since otherwise there is a risk of
building tensions into the suspension joint.
With rigid mounting, the engine mounts are bolted
to the engine bed with 10 mm (0.4") thick shims.
The shims need to be milled to the correct size in
conjunction with the final alignment together with the
propeller shaft.

A flexible shaft coupling can be used to absorb

changes that may occur in the alignment of the en-
gine / propeller shaft as a result of deformation of the
hull structure.

General arrangement and planning

Engine suspension vs
propeller shafting
NOTE! A flexible shaft coupling must never be fitted
together with a flexible mounted stuffing box. This can
cause vibration problems.
Stainless steel propeller shafts are available in differ-
ent diameters. The shaft dimension should be chosen
based on the engine power output, gear ratio and
propeller shaft material.

The following installation alternatives

and combinations are recommended:

1. Engine with flexible mounts and

flexible shaft seal
In this case, a flexible shaft coupling
L should not be installed.
1. Flexible engine mountings
1 1 2 2. Fixed shaft coupling
3 4 3. Flexible mounted shaft seal
4. Water lubricated stern bearing
L. Maximum distance between support
points. For calculation see page 50.

2. Engine with flexible mounts and

fixed shaft seal
B 1. Flexible engine mountings
2. Flexible shaft coupling
3. Fixed front stern bearing and shaft
1 1 seal
2 3
4 4. Water lubricated stern bearing
L. Distance between support points.
For calculation L max see page 50.
B. Distance reverse gear flange – sup-
port point.
Recommended B min is 6-10 x shaft
B max is calculating in the same way
as L max.

General arrangement and planning

3. Engine with fixed mounts and

fixed shaft seal
1. Fixed engine mountings
C 2. Fixed shaft coupling. (Flexible cou-
L pling as an alternative.)
3. Fixed front stern bearing and shaft
1 2
3 4. Water lubricated stern bearing
L. Distance between support points.
For calculation L max see page 50.
Flexible coupling
as an alternative C. Distance reverse gear flange – sup-
port point.
Regarding C min see page 50.
C max is calculated in the same way
as L max.

Axial thrust bearing

2 1

1. Flexible coupling
2. Thrust bearing

All reverse gears from the genuine Volvo Penta range a flexible coupling must always be fitted between the
are fitted with built‑in axial bearings for axial forces reverse gear and the thrust bearing so as to eliminate
from the propeller shaft. No extra thrust bearings axial stresses between the two thrust bearings.
need to be fitted under normal load conditions. In the
If the unsupported propeller shaft length is too long, a
case of ice going vessels with excessive pulsating
separate support bearing should be fitted. A support
axial forces, an additional thrust bearing is recom-
bearing cannot absorb axial stresses.
mended in the propeller shaft system. In such cases,

Engine foundation
Aligning the boat Plane requirements, rigid mounting
It is very important that the engine bed is dimension-
ally stable when the engine has a rigid mounting.
The maximum height deviation (movement) between
the engine’s attachment plane must be within 3 mm
(0.12"). In other words it is important that the bed
is so torsionally and bending rigid that the plane
requirements are not exceeded as a result of move-
ments in the hull in rough sea, or when the boat is
put on shore or into the sea.

The installation work is made easier if the hull is Design

aligned horizontally before starting. Block up the hull
The bed should have a design basis that enables it to
so that the calculated water lines, both longitudinal
absorb by an adequate margin the engine torque, the
and transverse, are parallel with the horizontal plane.
compressive force of the propeller, and the dynamic
A spirit level is a good help.
forces (mass forces) that occur during movement in
Check when manufacturing the bed that the upper rough sea.
bed plane, the mating plane, is parallel and correctly
When designing the bed it is important that there is
positioned in relation to the centre line of the propel-
sufficient space under the engine for the movement
ler shaft. A guide sleeve with the same diameter as
of the engine, and that there is also access to the in-
the propeller shaft can be used in the stern tube to
spection covers (certain engine versions).
help with the alignment of the bed.
If possible the bed should be designed so that the
reverse gear and flexible coupling can be dismantled
and lifted out separately.
The engine bed can be built separately and then
General carefully measured and bonded into the hull, or be
built up directly in the hull.
When designing the bed the dimensional drawings
for the engine and the boat should if possible be used
to check the space round the engine and the height
and position of the bed in relation to the propeller
shaft. The height depends on whether a flexible en-
gine suspension is to be used or whether the engine
is to have a rigid suspension, and the inclination of
the bed should correspond with the inclination of the
propeller shaft. The height should include a shim of
10 mm (0.4") avoiding the bed being too high.
It is important to drain any water around the engine
bed to the location of the bilge pump.
The figure to the left shows an example of a well-de-
signed engine bed.

The engine bed should be dimensioned so that it is

rigid in all directions to distribute the load as much
as possible into the hull. The greatest possible area
of the engine bed, and with cross members, must be
fastened to the hull to give the best noise and vibra-
tion insulation.

Engine foundation

Fibreglass hull
Example of an engine bed in a fibreglass hull.


1. Flat bar
2. Spacer material
3. Fibreglass

The engine bed in fibreglass should be designed so The engine bed can be built up separately and then
that it is rigid, both vertically, longitudinally and trans- carefully measured and bonded to the hull, or be built
versely, to distribute the load as far as possible to the up directly in the hull. It is important that the bed con-
hull. The bed is often built as a box construction. As nects to the hull with a large radius built up of several
much of possible of the engine bed, including cross layers of fibreglass.
members, should be attached to the hull to ensure
the best possible noise and vibration insulation.

Engine foundation

Steel, aluminium or wooden hull

Example of engine bed in a steel or aluminium hull.

The bed frame in a steel or wooden boat should be If the engine has an extra PTO in the front end that
designed as a welded steel structure. The plate thick- requires extra support, the bed should be designed to
ness should be sufficient to achieve a dimensionally accommodate this support. There must be space in
stable structure. front of the PTO so that it can be dismantled.
In a steel boat, the engine bed plane is welded to Take into consideration and calculate brackets and
each frame rib along their entire length. foundations etc. for other systems, fuel and exhaust
systems etc., and for extra equipment.
In a wooden boat, the bed should be bolted to the
frame ribs with bolts and nuts. NOTE! If the engine in question is equipped with
inspection covers it is highly recommended (if clas-
The length of the engine bed should be extended as
sified, a must) to build mounting brackets (A) high
far as possible to distribute the load.
enough to ensure accessability.

Engine foundation

Building the engine bed

The engine bed position is determined by the posi-
tion of the shaft. After measuring carefully, cut a hole
in the stern large enough for the stern bearing to be
put loosely in place.

Alternative 1
The engine can be used as a fixture to determine
the position of the engine bed. The engine must be
aligned to the propeller shaft. The shaft can tempo-
rary be installed and located in a correct position.

Fixed point. Sterntube is

not fixed, moulded or bolted.

Alternative 2,
parallel gearboxes only

Another method to fix the engine bed without a fixture Alternative 3

or the engine is to apply a line from the rear end (3)
In serial production or frequent installation work a
centered in the stern tube (2) to a fixed point (5) for-
fixture could be manufactured to position the bed
ward of the engine bed. The measurement (A) should
be equal to the rulers (1) within 0-2 mm (0-0.08").
See figure.
Ensure that the rulers are horizontal athwartship.

Engine foundation

Flexible mounting

20 mm (3/4")

20 mm (3/4") in
W Lm

When designing the engine bed, make sure that the

space for the flywheel housing, the bottom and sides
of the sump, etc. have a recommended clearance of
at least 20 mm (3/4").

Fibreglass engine bed Rigid mounting


B •

• Lm

A = Spacer material A 10–12 mm (0.4–0.5") thick galvanised flat bar with

B = Filler (rounding of corners) a minimum length (L min) of 300 mm (12") and a
C = Fibreglass, approx. 10–15 mm (0.4–0.6")
D = Flat bar, galvanized, approx. 10–12 mm (0.4–0.5") minimum width (W min) of 100 mm (4") should be
built into the engine bed.
Finish up the engine bed with filler material and coat
To reduce noise and vibrations, the engine bed
the bed with sufficient amount of layers of fibreglass.
should be filled with a material that does not absorb
water. Seal the surface with gelcoat
Build up the engine bed with spacer material (A) so
that the underside of the engine mounts/engine rub-
ber mounts almost rest against the bed. Divinycell,
for example, can be used as spacer material. There
must be room for flat bars and fibreglass.
Build in drain channels to allow water to drain to the
location of the bilge pump.

Engine foundation

Drilling holes for engine Rigid mounting

suspension NOTE! See chapter Rigid engine mounting and
Bolt holes could, of course, be drilled and tapped current engine drawings.
(threaded) by accurate measurements and fixtures
Fibreglass engine bed
at other stages than outlined in this chapter. In serial
production and other frequent installations, more so-
phisticated methods may be desired and used.
NOTE! If the engine and engine mounts are used
as a drill rig, the holes to the engine mounts/rubber
mounts should be drilled in conjunction with installing
the engine in the boat.
See also chapter Engine installation.

Flexible mounting

Align the engine to the propeller shaft and mark up

for the holes of the engine brackets.
Drill and thread the holes in the engine bed and flat

Steel engine bed

Align the engine to the propeller shaft and mark up

for the holes of the engine mounts.
Drill and thread the holes in the bed and flat bars.
Recommended bolt diameter for Volvo Penta elastic
mounts is 5/8" alternatively M16.

Check engine bed parallelity.

Fix the engine in correct position. Align the engine to
the propeller shaft and mark up for the holes of the
engine brackets.
Drill holes in engine bed.

Propeller shaft systems

Propeller shafts
When selecting a propeller shaft for a particular ap-
plication, there are many points to be taken into con-
sideration. Shaft material and shaft sizes must suit
the individual vessel designs and application. Single tapered shaft

The shaft material must have good strength and be

corrosion resistant. A stronger material is beneficial
in many sport cruiser applications, because a smaller
diameter results in less underwater resistance and
Depending on the length, the shaft may need to be Double tapered shaft
supported with bearings. The minimum distance
between the propeller shaft coupling to the first rigid
bearing should be 10-14 x the shaft diameter. The Shafts that are tapered at both ends, double tapered
distance should be sufficient to allow engine move- shafts, can be machined to be reversible. This effec-
ments without excessive stresses to the shaft system. tively doubles the life of the shaft as it can be turned
The maximum distance between bearings is deter- around when seals and bearings have made wearing
mined by shaft critical speed. This can be calculated marks in the shaft. Before the shaft is installed, check
based on the type of installation and shaft properties. the fit of the coupling to the shaft taper.
During installation of the shaft, it is of great impor-
tance to protect the precision straightness and fine
surface finish. When lifting shafts it is best to use Propeller shaft dimensions
slings with spreaders to distribute weight more evenly and bearing distances
to avoid straightness problems.
The propeller shaft will be subject to both bending
Always check the straightness of the propeller shaft. and torsional forces and must be dimensioned with
The run‑out of the shaft from 100% straightness must regard to this. Also a certain safety margin must also
not exceed 0.3 mm per metre (0.0036" per foot). be applied. The maximum bearing distance has a
major influence for the calculation of shaft dimension-
To determine the propeller shaft dimension and bear-
ing distance, use the Volvo Penta computer program
or consult the shaft supplier.

Propeller shaft systems

Flexible propeller shaft

Together with a flexible mounted engine and a fixed
stuffing box, the propeller shaft must be fitted with a
flexible propeller shaft coupling. See combinations in
chapter Selection of engine suspension.
NOTE! The alignment of the engine is just as im-
portant with the above propeller equipment as for a
rigid shaft connection. The flexible stuffing box and
propeller shaft coupling are not designed to absorb a
constant angle deviation.
The flexible propeller shaft coupling could be fitted as
shown in the figure.

Shaft seals
There are different methods of lubrication for the
shaft seal. The two most common are water and
grease lubricated seals. Ensure easy access for
maintenance and inspection of the seal. Some seals
require a certain clearance to the gearbox coupling
in order to permit replacement of packing without dis-
connecting the shaft.

Water lubricated shaft seal 1

With water lubricated seal the water has two purpos-
es, lubricating and cooling the seal. Water could be
supplied to the water lubricated shaft seal in different 2
One way, which is suitable in displacement boats, is
to feed it from water pick up pipes in the stern tube.
The feed pipes should be designed to build up pres-
sure through the boats motion in water. 2

It is important to check that the water lubrication is 1. Shaft seal

adequate, also at full speed, while test running a 2. Water pick up pipes
new installation. Make sure that the pipes (2) allow
enough water to flow in.

Propeller shaft systems

Connection to gearbox oil cooler

D12 alternative con-

Water from heat ex-
changer, rear end
3/8" NPTF.
Hose/pipe diam.
10 mm (3/8")
All engines
connection except
Water from reverse gear
oil cooler.
Hose/pipe diam.
10 mm (3/8")

D9/D11 connection:
Water from heat ex-
changer, rear end
1/2" NPTF.
Hose/pipe diam.
10 mm (3/8").
Reduction nipple is

Another way, which is common in planing boats, is to It is important to check that the water lubrication is
feed the shaft seal with water taken from the cooling adequate, also at full speed, while testing a new in-
system of the engine. Make sure to take the water af- stallation.
ter the cooling circuit of the engine and not bleed off
NOTE! For D16, the oil cooler is delivered separately.
too much water in a boat with wet exhaust system. If
For installation instructions, contact Volvo Penta.
too much water is lost through the outlet to the shaft
seal, the exhaust hose might be overheated. A guide-
line is to install a 10 mm (3/8") hose from the reverse
gear oil cooler.

Grease lubricated shaft seal

The grease is injected either with a grease cup fitted

to the seal assembly or from a remote greaser. The
bolt holding the seal should not be overtightened as
this may cause overheating and excessive wear on
the propeller shaft.

Propeller shaft systems

Shaft bearings
There are different types of shaft bearings. Choose
the type which suits the application and use. The
shaft bearings could be fitted in a propeller shaft
bracket, front and/or rear end of the stern tube or in a
separate support bearing.

Cutlass bearings

The most common type, especially for medium and

faster boats. The bearing is made of rubber with a
shell of brass. The design of the bearing is to create
a film of water, upon which the propeller shaft floats.
Normal play between shaft and bearing is 0,1% of
the shaft diameter. Bearings fitted in, for example,
p-brackets are normally self-lubricated but for bear-
ings in stern tubes is it important to ensure the water

Metal bearings
Metal bearings are often fitted inside a stern tube or
a separate support bearing and grease lubricated.
They could be combined with grease lubricated shaft

Bearing boxes
Bearing boxes use ball or roller bearings. The bearing
box can be lubricated with grease or oil. Some bear-
ing boxes can also take an axial thrust.

Propeller shaft systems

Installation of stern tube and shaft bearing

The fix point (A) is determined by required propeller
size etc.The engine can be used as a fixture to de-
cide the location of the stern tube and bearing. The
engine must be adjusted to its nominal position.
In serial productio tailor-made fixtures are often used
instead of the engine to locate the stern bearing.

Propeller shaft systems

Push the propeller shaft into place and align the shaft
and the stern bearing with the reverse gear’s output
shaft (reverse gear’s flange). 4 mm
To prevent the shaft from bending in the stern shaft
tube, the shaft can be centred as follows: The clearance between the
propeller shaft and tube for a
• Install the shaft bearing (4). flexible mounted engine should
be min. 4 mm (0.16").
• Centre the shaft (1) in the propeller shaft tube (2)
using wedge‑formed guides (3).
• Check that the shaft is not bent in front of the
tube; support the shaft if necessary.

After alignment has carefully been done, the stern

bearing can be bolted or bonded in place.

If the stern bearing is to be bolted to the stern, the

contact surface for the bearing flange must be sand-
ed flat first. Apply sealing compound, e.g. silicon rub-
ber, and tighten the bolts holding the bearing.
NOTE! The alignment must be checked after bond-

Engine installation
Preparing the engine

NOTE! Installations in the engine room for the cool- NOTE! All engines are delivered from Volvo Penta
ing system, exhaust system, electrical system etc. without engine oil and coolant. Check that the oil plug
should be as complete as possible before the engine and draining cocks for coolant, hot water cocks etc.
is installed. are closed.
Install extra equipment and accessories on the en- Fill oil and coolant. See chapters Coolant and Filling
gine, such as extra alternator, hot water outlet, power with coolant. Check for leakages.
take-off etc. before engine is installed. The figure
above shows a flexible mounted engine.

Engine installation

If the engine is flexible mounted: If the engine is rigid mounted:

Lift the engine into the boat and on to the bed. The
lifting device should also be available when making
the alignment to the propeller shaft later on.

Install the rubber mounts on the engine brackets. Install adjustment bolts for vertical adjustment (1) in
the engine brackets. Tighten the bolts until they are
Grease the adjusting nut (1) and adjusting screw (2).
in contact with the bed plane.
Use grease part no. 1141644.
Install adjustment bolts for lateral adjustment (2).

Adjust the rubber mounts to nominal height (A) with-

out using tightening tools (see following pages).
Lift the engine into the boat and on to the bed. The
lifting device should also be available when making
the alignment to the propeller shaft later on.

Engine installation

Flexible engine mounting

Installing the engine on the
engine bed with mounts of type 1
Before adjustments can be made, the engine must
rest on the rubber mounts for at least twelve hours
but prefferrably more than two days.
Never use rubber mounts other than those intended
for each particular engine type.
This chapter explains the procedure using a mount
which is adjustable in the vertical plane with a nut.
Mounts adjusted with shims follow in principle the
same procedure, but use shims to adjust the engine

1 Check any deviation in engine bed parallelity.

Measure distances B1 and B2. The difference must
B not exceed 3 mm (0.12") for each rubber pad.

A = Nominal height
D12: 130 mm ±8 mm (5.1±0.27") C2
All other engines: 117 mm ±8 mm (4.6±0.31")
V = Lateral adjustment ±8 mm (0.30 ")
B = To verify height adjustment, 0-16 mm (0–0.62")

Height adjustment is carried out using the adjust-

ment nut (1).
NOTE! Verify that the mount is not adjusted too high.
The distance (B) between the big washer and the ad-
justment nut (1) must not exceed 20 mm (0.8").
Lateral adjustment is carried out using the slip-
shaped holes in the base of the rubber mounts.
These can be turned facing forward or backwards,
whichever allows the best accessibility. The basic
position of the rubber mounts is at the intermediate
position with the base plate holes in the bed’s longitu- The difference between rubber pads must not ex-
dinal line. ceed 1.5 mm (0.06") for dimensions C1 and C2.
Angular misalignment between the bed plane and
the engine brackets is adjusted by correcting the bed
plane beneath the foot of the rubber pad.

Engine installation

Align the engine to the propeller shaft. See chapter


Compare front and rear mounts sidewise in pairs.

Adjust as necessary.

NOTE! Make sure that the rubber mounts are in-

stalled so that no pre-load or side forces occur after
the engine has been installed and aligned with the
propeller shaft.

300 Nm
(220 lbf.ft)

After alignment to propeller shaft and verification of

engine bed parallelity and loading on mounts, tighten
upper nut on engine mounts.
Tightening torque: 300 Nm (220 lbf.ft).

When the engine is installed, the load on the front

pair of mounts as well as the load on the rear pair of
mounts must be equal.
Measure the compression (B) of the mounts on all
sides. The difference between port and starboard
mount must not exceed 2 mm (0.08").

Engine installation

Installing the engine on the

engine bed with mounts of type 2

H 2

B1 B2

Before installation, check that the engine bed is flat, Re-measure distances B1 and B2. The difference
as described in the applicable installation manual. must not exceed 3 mm (0.12") in any anchorage.
The engine must have rested on the rubber mount-
ings for at least twelve hours before any adjustments
can be made.
Never use any type of rubber mounting, other than
the ones which have been specially developed for the
type of engine being installed.

The D12 mounts are delivered with a 15 mm (0.67'') C2

spacer to give the same install height as with the
privious type of mounts.

Nominal height (excluding spacer):

115 ±10 mm (4.5 ±0.39")
Adjust the height with the adjustment nut (2). Also measure dimensions C1 and C2 on the side
NOTE! The maximum height 125 mm (4.9") may not edges of the rubber mountings. These must not ex-
be exceeded ceed 1.5 mm (0.060"). Angle errors between the en-
gine bed plane and the engine mountings should be
adjusted by correcting the bed plane under the feet of
Side adjustment (V): ±7 mm (0.28") the rubber mountings.
Side adjustment is done by using the slotted holes
(H) on the base plate of each anchorage. To start off
with, the rubber anchorages should be placed in the
center of the slots, with the slots aligned parallel to
the length of the engine bed.
Check whether there is any deviation from parallelism
in the engine bed.

Engine installation

300 Nm
(220 lbf-ft)

NOTE! Check that the rubber mountings are installed Tighten the top nut on each engine bed after align-
so that they are not left under tension or side forces ment in relation to the propeller shaft. Check paral-
when the engine has been installed and aligned in lelism of the engine bed and check the loading of the
relation to the propeller shaft. mountings.
Tightening torque: 300 Nm (220 lbf.ft).

When the engine has been installed, the two front

mountings should be equally loaded, as should the
two rear mountings be.
Measure the compression (B) of the engine mount-
ings on each side. The difference between port and
starboard mountings must not exceed 1 mm (0.04").
Compare the sideways alignment of the front and
mountings of the front and rear mountings as pairs.
Adjust as necessary.

Engine installation

Rigid engine mounting


2 1 6 7

1. Support bracket for front power take‑off

2. Steel bed frame
3. Front mounting bracket
4. Inspection covers
5. Rear mounting brackets
6. Adjustent bolts (4 pcs) for engine vertical position.
To be removed after completed installation
7. Bolt to adjust engine lateral position

Make a rough alignment of the engine to the propel- Check that the engine is standing on all four height
ler shaft with adjusting bolts (7, 8). Always attempt to adjustment bolts (6) using a 0.10 mm (0.04") filer
have even load on the height adjustment bolts (8) on gauge. Try also to obtain an even load on the two
port and starboard side. bolts on the front port and starboard bracket as
well as the two bolts on the rear port and starboard
Make the final alignment see chapter Alignment.
Verify that there is some space clearance between
the bed and the engine brackets for later alignments.

Engine installation

Fixing positions
After final control and possible alignment and adjust-
ment, the engine and reverse gear must be fixed in
their correct locations with the aid of either wedges or
tapered guide pins. Holes are drilled through diago-
nally opposed engine and reverse gear brackets and
the bed. A suitable size for the tapered guide pins is
0.3-0.4" = 8-10 mm.
NOTE! This description is general. For more detailed
information see installation drawings for each engine.

If wedges are used, which is recommended for com-

mercial use, the wedges must be welded and the After the correct amount of shims have been added
surplus part cut off. or the moulding compound has hardened but before
After the boat has been taken into use, check at reg- tightening the bolts check with a filer gauge that the
ular intervals to ensure that no change has occurred clearance is less than 0.10 mm (0.00394").
in alignment due to changes in the shape of the hull.
Poor alignment between the engine and the propeller
shaft can cause vibrations in the hull, reverse gear
damage, rapid wear of propeller shaft thrust bear-
ings, propeller shaft, bearing sleeve, etc.

Tightening torques, 8:8 :

Bolt dimension Nm (lb.ft.)
12 mm 80 (59)
14 mm 140 103)
16 mm 230 (170)
18 mm 300 (220)
20 mm 440 (324)
22 mm 600 (442)
24 mm 750 (553)

Engine installation

When the bed frame is finally in position, the propel- NOTE! Make sure that the flanges are pressed
ler shaft installed and other preparatory work com- against each other throughout the entire check.
pleted, the engine and reverse gear can be installed.
When the engine is fitted on rubber mountings, align-
Engines with a closed coupled reverse gear are ment must be carried out with the same care as in
lifted into position together with their gears. the case of fixed mountings.
The first alignment of the engine can be made no
matter whether the boat is ashore or afloat. Before IMPORTANT! The alignment should be re-
final alignment is started, however, the boat should checked a few days after launch with the boat
have been afloat for some days so that the hull is completed and rigged (sailing yachts).
subjected to the loading it has in its final form.
Method 2
This method is normally more accurate but requires
enough space to turn the dial indicator around fitted
Checking flanges to the reverse gear flange.
There are two ways of making the alignment:

Method 1

Checking parallel position of flanges 1. Dial indicator with magnetic foot

1. Feeler gauge with thickness of 0.1 mm (0.004"). 2. Flange on reverse gear
3. Propeller shaft
4. Support
Check that the propeller shaft flanges are paral- A. Checking radial deviation
lel as shown in the figure above. Move the flanges B. Checking axial deviation (rocker gauge)
together so that the guides engage with each other. The flanges are checked using a dial indicator as
Then check, with the flanges pressed against each shown in the figure above.
other, that they are parallel so that it is not possible to
insert an 0.1 mm (0.004") feeler gauge at any point The propeller shaft must then be pushed aft by about
between the flanges. Then turn the flanges through 10 mm (0.4") and well supported so that the shaft is
90°, 180° and 270° and repeat the check in the new thoroughly centred. The shaft must also be fixed axi-
positions. ally.
Turn the reverse gear flange and first measure the ra-
dial deviation as shown at A. Adjust the reverse gear
position, then measure the axial deviation according
to B with a rocker gauge against the flange contact
surface. The greatest permissible deviation in both
cases is 0.1 mm (0.004").

Engine installation

Remote reverse gear, alignment

Drill all the holes for the brackets, fit the shims or
spacers and then tighten the engine and reverse gear
in position. Make sure that all adjuster bolts for the
vertical position are unscrewed so that the brackets
rest on the shims or spacers. The adjuster bolts are
then removed.
After the boat has been launched, check alignment
once again. The boat should have been in the wa-
ter for some days and should be loaded with all the
tanks full. The hull is always flexible and does not
have the same shape when laid up ashore as when it
is floating in the water.
If subsequent adjustment is necessary, brass shims
can be placed under the brackets.

1. Engine flywheel cover

2. Hub on flexible coupling
3. Dial indicator
4. Measurement of radial throw (max 0.008" = 0.2 mm)
5. Measurement of axial throw (max 0.008" = 0.2 mm)
6. Attachment of dial indicator foot
7. Elastic coupling

Fuel system

General Fuel tanks

Installation of the fuel system components ‑ fuel If possible, the tanks should be located so that they
tanks, cocks, fuel piping and extra fuel filters, etc., are at the same level or somewhat higher than the
must be carried out very carefully to assure the en- engine. If they are placed lower, due attention must
gine has a sufficient supply of fuel and that demands be paid to the maximum suction height of the feed
concerning perfect sealing and fire safety are satis- pump which is 1.5 m (4’9") for D5/D7 and 2 m (4’9")
fied. for all other engines. Note that the suction height
must be calculated from the lower end of the suction
Plan the location of the tanks very carefully before
pipe, i.e. 25 mm (1") above the bottom of the tank.
starting work. Use good quality cocks to avoid fuel
leakage. A leaking fuel system always implies a great The return pipe should be installed about 10 mm
risk of operational disturbances and the danger of fire. (0.4") above the tank bottom and minimum 300 mm
away from the suction pipe, to prevent air from enter-
Utilize high grade material and high quality compo-
ing when the engine is switched off.
If the tanks are located lower than the level permitted
The cocks should preferably be fitted outside the en-
by the suction height of the fuel feed pump, then the
gine room or be remote controlled.
fuel is to be pumped up to a day tank by means of a
The amount of fuel can be subdivided between sev- hand pump or power pump. Return fuel from the en-
eral tanks to keep the centre of gravity low and also gine is taken in this case to the day tank.
provide certain trimming possibilities for the hull.
Shut-off valves should be fitted on the fuel and return
If the tanks are built in, the surrounding space should line, if the fuel tank's maximum level is higher than
be provided with ventilation. 2.5 m (8'3") for D5/D7 above the injection pump of
the engine . For D9/D11/D12/D16 engines it must not
NOTE! Local legislation may apply which in all over-
be higher than the cylinder head of the engine.
ride the engine manufacturers literature and recom-
The valves should be shut off during permanent en-
Be sure not to bend the high pressure pipes between
gine stop. There is otherwise a risk that fuel may leak
injection pump and injectors and do not stand on
through the injection pump to the lubricating system.
the engine due to risk of bending the high pressure
Do not clamp anything to the high pressure pipes,
and keep the original clamping intact on the engine.
Otherwise there will be a risk of broken pressure line
and fire.
When working with the fuel system it is important to
keep it free from dirt.

Fuel system

Example of fuel system, D5/D7 1. Feed pump

2. Fuel injection pump
3. Fuel tank
7 4. Shut-off valve
9 (optional, se section 'Fuel tanks')
5. Primary filter and water separator
6. Fuel fine filter
7. Injector
8. Leak off line
9. Overflow valve
8 10. Return to tank
6 11. Engine stop valve

1 2 10

11 5

Example of fuel system, D9

2 (x6) 1. Feed pump
2. Injector unit (6pcs)
3. Fuel tank
4. Shut-off valve
(optional, se section 'Fuel tanks')
5. Primary filter and water separator
6. Fuel fine filter and water separator
7 7. Deaeration line (Return to tank)
8. Electronic Control Module (ECM)

1 6

Example of fuel system, D12

2 (x6)
1. Feed pump
2. Injector unit (6pcs)
3. Fuel tank
7 1 4. Shut-off valve
(optional, se section 'Fuel tanks')
5. Primary filter and water separator
6. Fuel fine filter and water separator
7. Leak off line
8. Return to tank
9. Electronic Control Module (ECM)


5 3

Fuel system

Double fuel tanks


2 4


6 12



1. Fuel tank
2. Fuel filler 5
3. Venting line
4. Suction line
5. Return line 1
6. Communication line between fuel tanks
7. Double fuel pre-filter
8. Single fuel pre-filter
9. Remote controlled fuel shut-off valve
10. Fuel level gauge
11. Fuel shut-off valve, engine
12. Injection pump (not D9/D12/D16)
13. Inspection hatch
14. Draining cock

Double tanks as shown in the figure should be con- NOTE! An extra fuel filter with water separator must
nected at bottom by means of pipelines fitted with be installed for all Volvo Penta engines.
shut‑off cocks. The lower connecting pipe should
If a day tank is installed, then it is advisable to con-
have an internal diameter of at least 1" so that the
nect the return line to this tank.
tanks can be filled from either side of the boat. Other
fuel tank shapes that are adapted to the installation A shut-off valve must be installed in the supply pipe,
geometry are of course acceptable. Whatever shape between the tank and the filter. This tap should be
is chosen, it is important to design the tank to provide able to be shut from a location outside the engine
a low part where water and sludge can be drained room.

Fuel system

A shut-off valve must be installed in the suction line

as close to the tank as possible. The shut-off valve
may have a remote controlled shut-off function by
means of a push-pull cable for example. Certain mar-
kets require electrically controlled shut-off valves.
The fuel return line on diesel engines must be drawn
back to the bottom of the tank in order to avoid
air from entering the fuel system when engine is

Stainless steel or aluminum sheet metal is a suitable

material for fuel tanks.
NOTE! All tanks must be provided with at least one
baffle plate for each 150 litres (37 gallons) of volume.
Check if there are special restrictions about volumes
and baffle plates.
Filling and venting connections must not be posi-
tioned on the side of the tank.

Position the tank on some kind of soft bedding. Do

not position the tank on wooden blocks or on other
type of uneven bedding. This might cause abnormal
stresses with subsequent risks of cracking in the
Install the fuel tank in the boat. Secure the tank by
clamping, to prevent it from moving in rough sea. The
tank shouls be located in a cold compartment of its
own in order to avoid heating of the fuel or spreading
of the fuel to other parts of the boat in case of leak-
The fuel tank has connections for filling, venting, suc- In boats where space is at a premium, the tank can
tion line, return line, sender for tank gauge and an be tailored to suit the space underneath the gunwale
inspection hatch with cover. The suction line and the or some other similar space.
return line should be separated as shown in the fig-
ure to prevent air and hot fuel from the return line to
be sucked back into the engine.

Fuel system

All fuel lines should be led and properly clamped
near bottom of the boat to avoid heat radiation.
NOTE! The D5 and D7 has a high fuel flow and
therefor must the fuel lines have a large diameter. To
small piping will reduce the power output.

Rubber hoses
The figures show the most common types of con-
nections for fuel pipes. Make sure to use the correct
dimension of approved flexible hose.

The tank must be properly vented. The tank venting

line (1) should have an inner diameter of minimum 12
mm (1/2"). Raise the hose internally to create a water
The filler fitting (2) should be adapted for a minimum
50 mm (2.0") hose connection. The hose between the
deck fitting and the tank must overlap the tubing at
either end with at least 75 mm (3.0") and be locked
with two hose clamps. The hose clamps must be
made of a corrosion-resistant material.
Common ground for the fuel tank, filling etc. is not
generally necessary for diesel installations. Local Inner ∅
authorities, however, could demand this on boats in

NOTE! Install the filler and venting hoses, preventing

traps (3) being formed.
NOTE! The fuel filler fitting and venting must be in- From tank to fuel line connection point
stalled in a way that prevents overfilling and fuel en- <6 m (20') >6 m (20')
tering air intakes.
D5/D7 12 mm (1/2") 14 mm

D9/D11/D12/D16 10 mm (3/8") 10 mm (38")

Fuel return line dimensions
All engines 10 mm (3/8") 10 mm (3/8")
NOTE! Classification Societies and some registra-
tion bodies (i.e. river authorities) do not permit rubber
hoses for fuel lines, or require hoses to conform to
certain specifications. Check if the boat is to be used
in these areas.

Clamp the fuel line. Distance between clamps should

be approx. 300 mm (12").

Fuel system

Copper piping Priming pump for D5/D7

D5/D7 has no engine mounted priming pump. To be
able to vent the fuel system, if the tank is located be-
low the engine, a prime pump must be installed on a
bulkhead or similar between fuel tank and prefilter.
∅ 3/8" NOTE! It's important to install the pump with the ar-
1 row upwards according to the picture below.


∅ 3/8" (2)

The figure shows a transition from flexible fuel hoses

(1) to copper pipe (2). Thread M18x1.5.

Outer ∅

Required minimum copper pipe diameters, see table


From tank to fuel line connection point

<6 m (20') >6 m (20')

D5/D7 14 mm 16 mm
D9/D11/D12/D16 10 mm (3/8") 12 mm (1/2")

Fuel return line dimensions

D5/D7 12 mm (1/2") 12 mm (1/2")
D9/D11/D12/D16 10 mm (3/8") 10 mm (3/8")

Clamp the fuel line. Distance between clamps should

be approx. 300 mm (12").

Fuel system

Fuel pre-filters Filtration

Three progressive stages – separation, coagulation
Single or double filters and filtration ensure that fuel arrives at the engine
The filter shall be installed on the suction side of the free from contamination. Water and other impurities
feed pump, between the feed pump and the fuel tank, are collected in the bowls beneath, from where they
and should be located at a height between the base can be simply drain off by means of a drain valve.
of the fuel tank and the feed pump, to reduce the re- Recommended filter insert 10 micron to have an even
sistance in the supply pipe. change interval between engine mounted filter and
the pre filter.
The double filter has a pressure gauge showing the
pressure drop. The flow can be directed through left-
hand, right-hand or both filters, thus making it possi-
ble to change filter elements with the engine running.

Install the filter vertically on a bulkhead or bracket-

ing, where it is not affected by engine vibration and
in such a manner that it is protected as much as pos-
sible from fire in the engine room. The location should The filter thereby complies with Classification Asso-
also facilitate inspections and insert replacement. ciation standards for propulsion engine fuel systems.

IMPORTANT! Always select a fuel filter for the NOTE! When fuel pre filters are used together with a
correct fuel flow quantity. D5/D7 has a high fuel fuel shut-off valve (1), the non-return valve (2) in the
flow quantity. fuel pre filter must be removed if fitted. See figure.
If this is not done, the stop fuction will not work be-
NOTE! Free space is required above the filter lid to
cause there will not be sufficient negative pressure in
permit the insert to be changed, min. 130 mm (5") up
the injection pump.
to 260 mm (10") depending on type of filter.
Classified installations and sometimes local authori-
ties demand fire resistant material in the fuel filters.
Sightglass made of glass or plastic might not be ap-

Fuel system

Checking feed pressure

The pressure is measured after the fuel has passed
the filter cartridge.
When checking, engine speed is first increased, after
which the speed is reduced so that the pressure can
be read off at low idling speed. The feed pressure 9998494
must not be less than 280 kPa (40.6 psi) for D5/D7 & 9998339
D16, 300 kPa for D9/D11 and 100 kPa (14.5 psi) for
all other engines.
Low feed pressure may be the result of a blocked
filter, defective overflow valve or defective feed pump. Air vent
Ensure that the components follow recommendations outlet
and do not cause the excessive pressure level.
NOTE! The overflow valve must not be adjusted. Re-
place the valve if necessary.

The hose and nipple 999 4894 and the manometer
999 8339 are connected to the air vent outlet on the
filter cover.
NOTE! Single filter not available for D16.

IMPORTANT! Shut-off valves should be fitted

on the fuel and return line, if the fuel tank maxi-
mum level is higher than the cylinder head of
the engine.
The valves should be shut off during permanent
engine stop. There is otherwise a risk that fuel
P may leak through the injection pump/ injectors
to the lubricating system.

9998494 9998339

Air vent outlet
Air vent outlet
Measure the feed pressure at the fuel inlet hollow
screw on the front of the engine block (P), by using
manometer 999 6398 with nipple 999 6066 and a
long hollow screw (44 mm) with a new copper wash-
er (969011).
NOTE! The feed pressure shold be min 280 kPa
(40.6 psi)

Fuel system

Fuel cooler for D5/D7

Increasing the fuel temperature above 40°C (meas- Theses kind of fuel coolers are integrated into the
ured at the inlet to the injection pump) leads to a cooling system of the engine (air side) and are flowed
decrease in power of approx. 1.5 % per 5°C, and at through by returning fuel. The fuel cooler flow resist-
higher temperatures, to vapour bubble formation and ance must not be higher than 15 kPa (2.2 psi).
backfiring. The maximum permissible continuous The overall resistance of return system including fuel
fuel temperature is 75°C, whereas a short-term cooler must not exceed 50 kPa (7.2 psi).
fuel temperature of up to 90°C can be tolerated at
The cooler size should be approx. 2 - 4 kW.
the feed pump inlet in special cases depending on
the power setting of the engine and the fulfilment of
emission values.
Today, modern engines with high pressure injec-
tion require a lower fuel temperature level. Through
design and material selection when building the fuel
tank and its mounting position in the unit (good vent-
ing, avoiding additional heating), the fuel temperature
characteristics can be influenced. Safe and defined
heat dissipation can also ensured by an accordingly
dimensioned fuel cooler.

Fuel cooler

Fuel system

Cooling system

The installer of the cooling system is responsible for To reduce corrosion to a miniumum, use the correct
ensuring that the cooling system operates in accord- combinations of materials in pipes, valves etc. plus a
ance with these installation instructions. correctly sized and pressurized expansion tank.
The cooling system must be dimensioned generously Electrolytic corrosion may occur when two different
enough to ensure that fouling and repainting do not materials surfaces are close and connected via water
adversely affect its cooling performance even after a or moisture.
long period of service.
When the engine is connected to an external cooling
Use genuine Volvo Penta accessories and spare system, such as a central cooling system, keel cool-
parts wherever possible. Make sure that parts not ing or a radiator, the pH of the coolant is extremely
supplied by Volvo Penta do not restrict or reduce important in order to protect the various materials in
pressures and flow in the engine. Lines with an ex- the cooling system.
cessively small bore, unsuitable routing, incorrect
Always use Volvo Penta coolant in a mixture of anti-
connections etc will cause restrictions and lead to
freeze or anti-rust agent. The coolant used affects the
abnormal engine temperatures.
cooling performance of the engine.
The pipe and hose diameters stated in these instal-
lation instructions are to be treated as recommenda-
tions. The only way to tell whether an installation is NOTE! For more information about the cooling sys-
correct is to check pressures, temperatures and flows tem, see section Coolant mixture.
with the engine running. In case of doubt, contact the
Volvo Penta organisation.

Cooling system

Seawater system
A standard feature of Volvo Penta diesel engines is NOTE! The greatest permitted suction head for the
a closed cooling system, with freshwater circulating pumps are 2 m (6.6") for D5/D7 and 3 m (10') for all
in the cooling ducts and heat exchanger(s) of the en- other engines.
gine. In the heat exchanger(s), the engine coolant is
The seawater intake, valve and strainer must have
cooled by seawater.
sufficient flow area. For planing crafts, a sloted water
Seawater circuit intake is recommended.

The seawater is circulated in the system by the rub- To avoid the seawater becoming blocked when pass-
ber impeller of the seawater pump. ing through ice, the intake can be designed as shown
in the illustration.
Seawater intake, sea cock, filter and sea- 1
water circuit
The seawater intake must be positioned so that the
seawater line to the pump is as short as possible. In
addition, the intake must be positioned so that air is
not drawn into the system at the planing threshold of
the boat or when rolling at sea.

1. Valve for seawater intake.

2. Valve for flushing with hot water.

The sea cock must be easily accessible, and in cer-

tain cases it is a requirement that the valve is capable
of being closed from outside the engine compart-
In highly contaminated water and off coasts where
there is sand and sludge in the water, these sub-
stances are drawn into the seawater pump and will
reduce the life of the pump and the impeller. Foul-
ing and clogging of the seawater system contribute
to reduced cooling performance thus damaging the
engine. A seawater filter helps to extend the life of
the pump and reduces fouling of heat exchangers, oil
cooler and aftercooler.

Cooling system

Flow area of the seawater intake Dimensions of hoses

Dimensions of hoses and pipes for seawater to and
from the engine, see drawings for each engine type.

200 mm

500 mm

200 mm

Minimum flow area of seawater intake = 1.5 x hose
inner cross section area.

Seawater filter Anti-siphoning valve

1. Inlet via sea cock. An anti-siphoning valve (vacuum valve) should be fit-
2. Outlet to seawater pump.
ted in cases where the engine is installed so deep in
3. Clearance for removal of filter basket, about 550 mm.
the boat that the distance between the exhaust pipe
flange (lower part) and waterline is less than 200
The seawater filter, as illustrated, is positioned so that mm (8"). When correctly fitted the valve prevents si-
it is easily accessible for servicing, and far enough phoning, that is stopping seawater from entering the
above the waterline to ensure that water cannot flow engine.
in, even if the sea cock is not closed. Height position of the anti-siphoning valve should
For necessary seawater flow see Sales Guide Ma- be at least 500 mm (20") above waterline. See also
rine Propulsion Diesel Engines for each engine chapter Exhaust system, Wet exhaust line.
Any bends in the suction line must be swept and the
line must be correctly dimensioned to avoid any un-
necessary restrictions. Recommended materials for
the suction line are rubber hose, copper pipe or acid-
resistant stainless steel pipe.
Connections above the waterline are to be made with
high-quality rubber hose with several layers of fabric
to resist hose collapse under suction. Double stain-
less steel hoseclamps must be used at both ends of
the hose.

Cooling system


PB max = 1 bar (14.5 psi)

t B max = 32°C (90°F) ∆tB–E
PA min = -0.2 bar (2.9 psi)
E tE
PA max = 1.0 bar (14.5 psi)

5 6

1. Strainer
2 2. Seawater valve
D 3. Seawater filter
4. Sea water pump
1 Seawater temperature 5. Charge air cooler, D5/D7 TA
max 32°C (90°F) 6. Heat exchanger
7. Oil cooler reverse gear
8. Exhaust elbow
9. Bypass, only D5

9 ∆TB–E

PB max = 1.1 bar (16 psi)
t B max = 32°C (90 °F)

5 5 A

PA min = -0.3 bar (-4.4 psi)

PA max = 1.0 bar (14.5 psi)
8 7 B 3

1 1. Strainer
Seawater temperature
max 32°C (90°F) 2. Seawater valve
3. Seawater filter
4. Extra seawater pump
5. Sea water pump
6. Oil cooler reverse gear
7. Charge air cooler
8. Heat exchanger
9. Exhaust elbow

Cooling system

PB max = 2.5 bar (36.3 psi)
t B max = 32°C (90°F) ∆tB–E

PA min = –0.3 bar (–4.4 psi) 10

PA max = 1.0 bar (14.5 psi) E


3 3 8
4 C 5

1. Strainer
2. Seawater valve
2 D 3. Seawater filter
1 1 4. Extra seawater pump
Seawater temperature 5. Sea water pump
max 32 °C (90 °F) 8. Heat exchanger
(D12D-B MP max 30 °C (86 °F)) 9. Oil cooler reverse gear
10. Exhaust elbow


PB max = 1.1 bar (16 psi)

t B max = 32°C (90 °F) ∆TB–E

PA min = -0.3 bar (-4.4 psi) E

PA max = 1.0 bar (14.5 psi) A B

A 9

3 3 8
4 C 5

1. Strainer
2. Seawater valve
2 3. Seawater filter
4. Extra seawater pump
1 1
5. Sea water pump
8. Heat exchanger
Seawater temperature 9. Oil cooler reverse gear
max 32°C (90°F)

Cooling system

Where a genuine Volvo Penta seawater pump is re-

IMPORTANT! To ensure there are no leaks in
placed with a different type of pump, the flow must be
the cooling system, carry out a simple pressure
test before bringing the installation into service.
A flowmeter is installed in the outgoing seawater
line after the reverse gear oil cooler, and the seawa-
The following pressure conditions must be ter flow is checked with the engine running at max.
fullfilled according to figures on previous page: speed.
A. The pressure on the seawater suction side of For the recommended seawater flows for the vari-
the pump (PA ), measured immediately before the ous engines at different speeds, see Sales Guide
pump, and with the engine running at max. rpm, Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines for each engine
must not be less than 0.2 bar (2.9 psi) for D5/D7 type and rpm.
and –0.3 bar (–4.4 psi) for all other engines. It Volvo Penta standard cooling systems are designed
must not be higher than 1.0 bar (14.5 psi). for a max. seawater temperature of 32°C (90°F).
B. The pressure after the seawater pump (PBmax)
must not be exceed 1 bar (14.5 psi) for D5/D7 and
2.5 bar (36.3 psi) for all other engines.
C. When the engine is installed higher than the maxi-
mum suction head of the pump, 3 m (9'), an extra
seawater pump must be installed.
D. The seawater intake, the valve, the strainer hoses
and piping must have sufficient flow area to avoid
restriction losses. Any bends in the line must be
swept, to avoid unnecessary restriction losses.
Copper pipe is recommended. It should be ar-
ranged in a U-bend to reduce stresses, and must
be connected with reinforced rubber hose. To pre-
vent collapse, the hose must have several layers
of fabric.
E. The temperature increase of the seawater, ∆tB-E
and the pressure increase, ∆PA give a good un-
derstanding of the function of the system. For tem-
perature increase, see table on page 81.

Cooling system

Temperature increase (∆TB – E ) across the seawater circuit

of the engine including reverse gear oil cooler at nominal power.

Engine Rating ∆TB – E according to figure on pages 78 - 79

°C (°F)

D5A T, 1900 rpm 1 8–10 (15–18)

2300 rpm 1 7–9 (13–17)
1900 rpm 2 10–12 (18–22)
2300 rpm 2 9–11 (17–20)

D5A TA,1900 rpm 1 9–11 (17–20)

2300 rpm 1 9–11 (17–20)
1900 rpm 2 10–12 (18–22)
2300 rpm 2 10–12 (18–22)

D7A T, 1900 rpm 1 11–13 (20–24)

2300 rpm 1 11–13 (20–24)
1900 rpm 2 12–14 (22–26)
2300 rpm 2 11–13 (20–24)

D7A TA,1900 rpm 1 12–14 (22–26)

2300 rpm 1 13–15 (24–27)
1900 rpm 2 14–16 (26–29)
2300 rpm 2 15–18 (27–33)

D7C TA,1900 rpm 1 14–16 (26–29)

2300 rpm 1 13–15 (24–27)
1900 rpm 2 16–19 (29–35)
2300 rpm 2 16–19 (29–35)

D9 (221 kW) 1 10–12 (18–22)

D9 (261 kW) 1800 rpm 1 13–15 (24–27)
D9 (261 kW) 2200 rpm 1 12–14 (22–26)
D9 (313 kW) 2-3 15–18 (27–33)
D9 (368 kW) 4 17–19 (31–35)
D9 (425 kW) 5 20–24 (36–44)

D11 (493 kW) 5 21–25 (38–45)

D12 (294 kW) 1 11–13 (20–24)

D12 (331 kW) 1 13–15 (24–27)
D12 (405 kW) 2 17–20 (31–36)
D12 (452 kW) 3 15–18 (27–33)
D12 (478 kW) 4 16–19 (29–35)
D12 (496 kW) 5 16–19 (29–35)
D12 (515 kW) 5 13–16 (24–29)
D12 (525 kW) 5 15–18 (27–33)
D12 (570 kW) 5 17–20 (31–36)

D16 (363 kW) 1 n.a. n.a.

D16 (404 kW) 1 n.a. n.a.
D16 (441 kW) 1 n.a. n.a.
D16 (478 kW) 1 n.a. n.a.
D16 (551 kW) 2 n.a. n.a.

Minimum seawater flow at different engine speed

• Lower flow than recommended causes insufficient cooling performance.
• Higher flow than recommended causes cavitation in the heat exchangers and pipes.
See Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines for each engine type and rpm.

Cooling system

Freshwater system
The freshwater is circulated via the cooling ducts and
heat exchanger of the engine by a centrifugal pump.
On D12 and D16 engines also the charge air cooler is
integrated in the freshwater circuit.
As long as the coolant is cold, the thermostat(s) remain
closed, preventing the coolant from passing to the heat
exchangers. Instead the coolant flows in a bypass duct
directly back to the suction side of the pump. This en-
sures that the engine rapidly reaches its working tem-
perature. The thermostats also prevent the engine tem-
perature from falling at low load and in cold weather.

Coolant mixture
WARNING! All glycol is hazardous and harmful
to the environment. Do not consume!
Glycol is flammable.

IMPORTANT! Ethylene glycol must not be mixed

with other types of glycol.

Mix: 40 % "Volvo Penta Coolant" (conc. coolant)

and 60 % water.
Note! D9 CAC-circuit: 20 % "Volvo Penta Cool
ant" (conc. coolant) and 80 % water.
This mixture protects the engine against internal cor-
rosion, cavitation and frost damage down to -28 °C
(-18°F). (Using 60 % glycol lowers the freezing point to
-54 °C (-65°F)). Never mix more than 60 % concentrate
(Volvo Penta Coolant) in the cooling liquid, this will give
reduced cooling effect and increase the risk of over-
heating, and will give reduced freezing protection.

IMPORTANT! Coolant must be mixed with pure

water, use distilled - deionized water. The water
must fulfill the requirements specified by Volvo
Penta, see "Water quality".

IMPORTANT! It is extremely important that the

correct concentration of coolant is added to the
system. Mix in a separate, clean vessel before
adding into the cooling system. Ensure that the
liquids mix properly.

Water quality
ASTM D4985:
Total solid particles......................................... < 340 ppm
Total hardness:............................................... < 9.5° dH
Chloride.......................................................... < 40 ppm
Sulfate............................................................. < 100 ppm
pH value.......................................................... 5,5–9
Silica (acc. ASTM D859)................................. < 20 mg SiO2/l
Iron (acc. ASTM D1068)................................. < 0.10 ppm
Manganese (acc. ASTM D858)....................... < 0.05 ppm
Conductivity (acc. ASTM D1125).................... < 500 µS/cm
Organic content, CODMn (acc. ISO8467)........ < 15 mg KMnO4/l

Cooling system

Filling with coolant

NOTE! Coolant should be filled with the engine
stopped and cold.

NOTE! For filling D12D-B MP with coolant, see Op-

erator's Manual.

External systems: When external systems are con-

nected to the engine’s cooling system, the valves to D5/D7: The coolant level should reach the lower
the systems should be opened and the units vented edge of the filler pipe. The level must be visible from
during filling. top of the compensationtank.

D9/D11/D12/D16: The coolant level should reach the

2 lower edge of the filler pipe. All D9/D11 and D16 en-
gines are equipped with low coolant level alarm.

IMPORTANT! The engine must not be started

NOTE! Adjust coolant level in accordance with the until the system has been vented and com-
pressure in the system. Measure pressure in the ex- pletely filled.
pansion tank and below coolant level. Test outlet (1)
alternative test point (2). WARNING! Do not open the pressure cap or
Cold engine: 0 kPa (0 psi) the venting nipples on a hot engine. Steam or
Warm engine: Approx. 10 kPa (1.5 psi) below hot water can spray out and the pressure thus
release pressure of the pressure lost.
cap (3).

D5/D7/D9/D11/D16: The cooling system has no vent-

ing nipples. It is automatically vented.
Fill until the system is completely filled up, including
the expansion tank.
Start the engine and let it run without load at 1000–
1500 rpm for 15–20 minutes. Check coolant level.
D12: Open all venting nipples when filling. Fill at the
rate of approximately 10 – 15 l/min (2.5 – 4.0 US
Close the venting nipple(s) as no bubbles can be
seen in the coolant.
Fill until the system is completely filled up, including
the expansion tank.
Start the engine and let it run without load at 1000–
1500 rpm for 15–20 minutes. Check coolant level.

Cooling system

Venting nipples
D5/D7/D9/D11/D16 has no venting nipples. The cool-
ing system is automatically vented.

D12D-A MP, D12D-B MH D12D-B MP

All cooling systems All cooling systems

Cooling pipe,

Cooling pipe,

Cooling system

External cooling
When the boat is operating in waters where there is a • When calculating pipe length and tank area, fac-
lot of sand and sludge, or in ice, it is advisable to fit a tors to be taken into account are:
closed cooling system (keel cooling system). 1. Engine technical data
There are several possible cooling system arrange- 2. Power and rpm
3. Type of operation
• skin cooling
4. Minimum hull speed at full rated power
• pipe assemblies (keel cooling)
• double bottom (skin cooling) 5. Maximum seawater temperature
• external cooling tanks (box cooling) 6. Cooler dimensions
The principle of an external cooling installation is that 7. Materials in cooler
the standard circulation pump of the engine also cir-
8. Thickness of paint on cooler
culates coolant in the external cooler.
9. Exhaust system, wet or dry
It is important to use the correct materials in the cool-
ers. Use Volvo Penta coolant, a mixture of anti-freeze. 10. If using power take-off under 0 knot
condition, what are the power and rpm at
A number of factors must be taken into account when which the engine will be loaded?
calculating and designing the external cooling sys- 11. The concentration of antifreeze and its
tem. effect on the cooling capacity are stated in
• Volvo Penta does not market external cooling sys- section Coolant.
tems or components for such systems. 12. To extend service life, especially on the
• Volvo Penta does market engines suitable for D12, it is recommended to install a fresh
connection to external cooling systems. water filter between the external circuit and
Tables in this chapter list the pressures and flows the engine.
that must be taken into account when calculating • If the normal expansion tank of the engine is too
the system as well as a description of the cooling small, an extra expansion tank must be installed.
system. Position the tank at the highest point of the engine
• It is essential to choose the correct pipe dimen- cooling system. The volume of the expansion tank
sion and length for pipe coolers, and the correct should be equivalent to about 15% of the total
tank height and width for double-bottom coolers, volume of the keel cooling system. See chapter
with regard to backpressure, flows and heat to be Extra expansion tank for further details.
dissipated. • The extra expansion tank must be connected to
• The system must not include any sharp bends or the suction side of the circulation pump of the en-
tanks that end abruptly. gine via a static pressure line.
There must be means of venting inbetween the
standard expansion tank and the extra tank, as
well as between the keel cooler and the expan-
sion tank. See chapter Extra expansion tank for
further details.
• Where an intercooled Volvo Penta engine is to
have keel cooling and it proves difficult to keep
the coolant temperature of the engine below the
maximum permitted level, the keel cooling system
can be divided into two circuits. The engine’s sea-
water pump is utilised to circulate the coolant of
the intercooler circuit and the circulation pump of
the engine can then be used to circulate the cool-
ant of the engine circuit.
• Where the pressure drop in the cooling system
is too high for the engine circulation pump to
achieve the correct flow, an extra pump can be
connected to the system.

Cooling system

Central cooling system

The principle for connecting engines to a central
cooling system is the same as for a keel cooled en-
gine. See chapter Function diagrams.
The parameters given for Volvo Penta marine engines
under the heading External cooling also apply when
the engine is connected to a central cooling system.
Depending on the design of the central cooling sys-
tem, high static and dynamic pressures may occur.

Pressure limits for central cooling system

Pressure before coolant circulation pump An extra expansion tank for the engine must also be
Pmax = 100 kPa (14.5 psi) connected to the system. For further details see un-
der chapter Extra expansion tank.
• Max pressure before circulation pump is 100 kPa Depending on system temperatures in the central
(14.5 psi). cooling system it may be possible to use the seawa-
ter-cooled version of an engine. However, the instal-
• Min pressure before circulation pump when en- lation parameters laid down for Volvo Penta seawater
gine is cold = 0 kPa (0 psi). cooled engines must be observed.
• Min pressure before circulation pump when en- In central cooling systems with several engines, each
gine is warm = 30 kPa (4.4 psi). engine must be fitted with coolant inlet and outlet
See Expansion tank, function diagram . valves for service reasons.
• Pressure before seawater pump
P max = 100 kPa (14.5 psi)
• In cases where seawater pump is excluded, max. IMPORTANT! When an engine is connected
permitted pressure before charge air cooler = 250 to a central cooling system, the composition of
kPa (36.3 psi) the coolant and its pH are extremely important.
See chapter Coolant.
• In cases where the maximum coolant pressure of
the engine is exceeded, a heat exchanger capable
of handling the higher pressure must be connect- NOTE! Always use Volvo Penta anti-freeze or anti-
ed in between the engine and the central cooling rust agent. Both are available in concentrated form.
system. Mixing with other makes of coolants can give im-
paired corrosion protection, which may damage the
Box cooling engine or block the cooling system.

Cooling system

Keel cooling
(Pipe cooling system)

Pipe cooling (detail)

Keel cooling
(Skin cooling system)

Skin cooling (detail)

Cooling system

Coolant flow and connections

for engines adapted for exter-
nal cooling
Engines adapted for external cooling differ from sea-
water cooled engines. The seawater pump and the
heat exchanger(s) have been removed. The engines
have been fitted with connections for the external
cooling system.
The figures below show the connections on the en-
gines and the inner diameter of the hoses.

One circuit keel cooling

∅ 50 mm (2")

1. To keel cooler 1.
2. From keel cooler ∅ 50 mm (2")

Cooling system

Two circuit system with one keel cooler

∅ 38 mm (1.5")

∅ 42 mm (1.6")

1. To keel cooler
2. From keel cooler

Two circuit system with two keel coolers
∅ 38 mm (1.5")

∅ 50 mm (2")

1. To keel cooler, charge air cooler circuit 1

2. From keel cooler, charge air cooler circuit ∅ 40 mm (1.6")
3. To keel cooler, engine coolant circuit 3
4. From keel cooler, engine coolant circuit ∅ 50 mm (2")

Cooling system

Two circuits keel cooler

∅ 50 mm (2")

∅ 50 mm (2")

∅ 50 mm (2")

∅ 50 mm (2")

1. To the keel cooler, charge air cooler circuit

2. From keel cooler, charge air cooler circuit
3. To keel cooler, engine coolant circuit
4. From keel cooler, engine coolant circuit

Cooling system

One circuit keel cooler

Port side

∅ 57 mm (2 1/4")

1. From keel cooler

2. To keel cooler
3. Standard expansion tank
4. Extra expansion tank
5. Reverse gear oil cooler

Starboard side

∅ 57 mm (2 1/4")

Cooling system

Two circuit keel cooler
Starboard side

∅ 45 mm (1.8")

Port side

∅ 42 mm (1.7")

∅ 38 mm (1.5")

1. To the keel cooler, charge air cooler circuit 4

2. From keel cooler, charge air cooler circuit
∅ 50 mm (2")
3. To keel cooler, engine coolant circuit
4. From keel cooler, engine coolant circuit

Cooling system

Max. capacity of the freshwater system in

keel cooled engines
This table shows engine volume excluding heat exchanger and the max. permitted total cooling system volume
with standard expansion tank, including keel cooler and other circuits such as an engine heater circuit or a cabin
heater circuit.
NOTE! If these values are exceeded, larger expansion tank must be installed.

Engine Engine volume Total system volume Engine Engine volume Total system volume
liter (US gal.) max. liter (US gal.) liter (US gal.) max. liter (US gal.)
D5A T 11 (2.9) 63 (16.6) D91) 33 (8.7) 73 (19.3)
D5A TA 11 (2.9) 63 (16.6) D12 44 (11.6) 135 (35.6)
D7A T 14 (3.7) 63 (16.6) D16 39 (10.3) 59 (15.6)2)
D7A TA 14 (3.7) 63 (16.6)
D7C TA 14 (3.7) 63 (16.6)
Volumes for engine circuit only
For D16 an extra expansion tank on the LT circuit should always be used.

Dimensioning of external cooling systems.

Heat rejection from freshwater system in kW
For additional data on temperature, pressure and coolant flow, see Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel En-
NOTE! For all systems: If reverse gear is used, add 4% in heat rejection for reverse gear oil cooler.

D5/D7 -T. One circuit with one keel cooler

D5/D7 -TA. Two circuit with one keel cooler
D5/D7 -TA. Two circuit with two keel coolers
Parameters, kW Rating D5A T D5A TA D7A T D7A TA D7C TA
Total heat rejection
(engine/charge air cooler)
1900 rpm 1 64 / – 74 (63 / 11) 89 / – 101 (85 / 16) 111 (92 / 19)
2 76 / – 84 (71 / 13) 98 / – 116 (96 / 20) 128 (103 / 25)
2300 rpm 1 70 / – 85 (67 / 18) 105 / – 125 (98 / 27) 135 (103 / 32)
2 75 / – 98 (77 / 21) 111 / – 146 (113 / 33) 164 (125 / 39)

D12. One circuit system

Parameters, kW Rating 2300 rpm 2100 rpm 1900 rpm 1800 rpm
Total heat rejection 4 (650 hp) 430 (301 / 129) –
(engine/charge air cooler) 3 (615 hp) – 398 (276 / 122)
2 (550 hp) 409 (283 / 126)
1 (450 hp) 298 (209 / 89)
1 (400 hp) 253 (177 / 76)

Please refer to Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines.

Cooling system

Max. temperature increase, ∆Tmax

- across the engine circuit, T1–T2 (T5–T6 on D12C)
- across the charge air cooler circuit, T3–T4
See also chapter Function diagrams, external cooling for each engine type.

Engine Rating ∆Tmax engine circuit ∆Tmax charge air cooler circuit
T1–T2 (T5–T6 D12) T3–T4
°C (°F) °C (°F)

D5A T, 1900 rpm 1 < 8 (15) — —

D5A T, 2300 rpm 1 < 8 (15) — —
D5A T, 1900 rpm 2 < 10 (18) — —
D5A T, 2300 rpm 2 < 9 (17) — —

D5A TA, 1900 rpm 1 < 8 (15) < 2 (4)

D5A TA, 2300 rpm 1 < 7 (13) < 3 (6)
D5A TA, 1900 rpm 2 < 9 (17) < 2 (4)
D5A TA, 2300 rpm 2 < 8 (15) < 3 (6)

D7A T, 1900 rpm 1 < 12 (22) — —

D7A T, 2300 rpm 1 < 11 (20) — —
D7A T, 1900 rpm 2 < 13 (24) — —
D7A T, 2300 rpm 2 < 12 (22) — —

D7A TA, 1900 rpm 1 < 11 (20) < 2 (4)

D7A TA, 2300 rpm 1 < 10 (18) < 3 (6)
D7A TA, 1900 rpm 2 < 12 (22) < 2 (4)
D7A TA, 2300 rpm 2 < 12 (22) < 3 (6)

D7C TA, 1900 rpm 1 < 12 (22) < 2 (4)

D7C TA, 2300 rpm 1 < 11 (20) < 3 (6)
D7C TA, 1900 rpm 2 < 13 (24) < 2 (4)
D7C TA, 2300 rpm 2 < 13 (24) < 3 (6)

D9 Please refer to Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines.

D12 (294 kW) 1 < 26 (47) < 11 (20)

D12 (331 kW) 1 < 28 (51) < 11 (20)
D12 (405 kW) 2 < 26 (47) < 11 (20)
D12 (452 kW) 3 < 25 (45) < 11 (20)
D12 (478 kW) 4 < 25 (45) < 10 (18)

D16 Please refer to Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines.

Cooling system

Measuring pressure in keel cooling systems

Gauge connections D12

T-nipple for measuring pressure and temperature Pressure before keel cooler

1 Reverse gear
oil cooler


4 1. Temperature measuring
2. Pressure measuring
3. Temperature probe 1/4" NPTF
4. Threaded as required

Pressure after keel cooler

0.75 x D

1/4" NPTF

The T-nipple is used when measuring both pressure

and temperature in the cooling circuit. The tool is not
stocked by Volvo Penta.
Note that it is important to place the probe correctly Locally manufactured
adapter pipe for measuring
in the coolant flow. See figure above.

Cut the hose and fit a piece of pipe in between. Fit a

connection with an internal thread, 1/4" NPTF, on the
pipe to connect a manometer.
Pressure before and after keel cooler
Connections for measuring pressure in the cool-
ing circuit on D5/D7/D9/D16 has to be built into the
circuit of the boat, close to the connections to the

Cooling system

Measuring temperature in keel cooling systems,

Gauge connections
NOTE! Before installation is carried out, the internal freshwater temperature to and from the keel cooler must be
checked. The temperature gauge connections of the engines are shown in the illustrations below.

D5/D7/D9/D16 D12
Temperature before and after keel cooler Coolant temperature from keel cooler
Connections for measuring temperature in the cool-
ing circuit on D5/D7/D9/D16 has to be built into the Thermostat
circuit of the boat, close to the connections to the

1/4" NPTF

Locally manufactured
adapter pipe for measuring

Cut the hose and fit a piece of pipe in between. Fit a

connection with an internal thread, 1/4" NPTF, on the
pipe to connect a temperature meter.

Coolant temperature to keel cooler

Reverse gear
oil cooler

1/4" NPTF

Cooling system

Function diagrams, external cooling

Components, such as oil coolers for reversing gear, expansion tank etc. are not always supplied by Volvo Penta.
These components are not the responsibility of Volvo Penta.
The border of Scope of supply from Volvo Penta/Volvo Penta responsibility is marked in the diagrams by
Internal temperature increase across the engine circuit (keel cooler 1, T1–T2) and the charge air cooler
circuit (keel cooler 2, T3–T4) see table on page 94 for each engine type.

D5/D7 -T
External cooling. One circuit system

External system Internal system Scope of supply

Volvo Penta responsible from Volvo Penta

P2 T2

P1 T1

1. Engine Engine oil

2. Expansion tank
Charge air
3. Keel cooler, engine circuit cooler
Reverse gear
oil cooler
flange or thread
For temperatures, max pressure drop and flow, see for valve
Technical data in Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Thermostatic
Diesel Engines. valve


Air vent nipple




Cooling system

D5/D7 -TA
External cooling. Two circuit system with one keel cooler

External system Internal system Scope of supply

Volvo Penta responsible from Volvo Penta

P2 T2

P1 T1

1. Engine
Engine oil
2. Expansion tank cooler
3. Keel cooler, engine circuit Charge air
Reverse gear
oil cooler
flange or thread
For temperatures, max pressure drop and flow, see for valve
Technical data in Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Thermostatic
Diesel Engines. valve



Air vent nipple




Cooling system

D5/D7 -TA
External cooling. Two circuit system with two keel coolers

External system Internal system Scope of supply

Volvo Penta responsible from Volvo Penta

P3 T3 03

P2 T2

P4 T4

P1 T1

1. Engine
2. Expansion tank Engine oil
3. Keel cooler, engine circuit cooler
4. Keel cooler, charge air Charge air
cooler circuit cooler
Reverse gear
oil cooler
flange or thread
For temperatures, max pressure drop and flow, see for valve
Technical data in Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Thermostatic
Diesel Engines. valve



Air vent nipple




Cooling system

External cooling. Two circuit system with two keel coolers

Note! Internal system Note!

Volvo Penta responsible
Engine-circuit: CAC-circuit:
40% coolant / Scope of supply 2 4 20% coolant /
from Volvo Penta
60% water. 80% water.

External system GOC

External system


1. Engine Engine oil

2. Expansion tank, engine circuit cooler
3. Keel cooler, engine circuit Charge air
4. Expansion tank, charge air cooler circuit (option)
Reverse gear
5. Keel cooler, charge air cooler circuit oil cooler
flange or thread
for valve

For temperatures, max pressure drop and flow, see Circulation

Technical data in Sales Guide Marine Propulsion pump
Diesel Engines. Seawater

Air vent nipple




Cooling system

External cooling. One circuit system



1 4


P1 T1 Q1 T3 T4

P2 T2

External system Internal system Scope of supply

Volvo Penta responsible from Volvo Penta

1. Engine
2. Expansion tank
3. Keel cooler Engine oil
4. Restriction
Charge air
5. Coolant filter cooler
Reverse gear
oil cooler
For temperatures, max pressure drop and flow, see flange or thread
for valve
Technical data in Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Thermostatic
Diesel Engines. valve



Air vent nipple




Cooling system

External cooling. Two circuit system

NOTE! Dearation must be moved to the

extra expansion tank.


For temperatures, max pressure drop and flow, see * LT exp tank is not incl. in delivery. Size should be
Technical data in Sales Guide Marine Propulsion adapted to circuit volume
Diesel Engines.
** HT extra exp. tank must be installed when system
volume exceeds 20 ltr. Not incl. in delivery. Size
should be adapted to circuit volume
NOTE! Dearation must be moved to the extra expan-
sion tank, refer to schematic.

Cooling system

Thermostats, external cooling

Two different types of thermostats are used in Volvo

Penta marine engines - disk thermostats and piston
D5/D7, D9, D12 and D16 have piston thermostats.
NOTE: If an engine is connected to a central cool-
ing system, which requires full flow through the
engine, and the system has its own thermostat, the
thermostat(s) of the engine must be forced fully open.
The following table shows opening temperatures for
the various thermostats and the gap of the opening
when fully open.

IMPORTANT! Do not run an engine without


Thermostat data

Engine: D5/D7 D9 D12 D16

No. of thermostats 1 1 1 1
Opening temp. °C (°F) 83 (181) 86 (187) 76 (169) 86 (187)

Fully open °C (°F) 95 (203) 96 (205) 86 (185) 96 (205)
84* (183)
Opening with fully
open therm. mm (inch) 8 (0.32) 16 (0.63) 16 (0.63) 16 (0.63)

*) Two thermostats (blue marking) open at 76°C and are fully open at 90°C. The third thermostat (red marking) opens at 70°C and is fully
open at 84°C.

Cooling system

Expansion tank, function diagram

Correctly designed system A Coolant level before start up. Max. filling level with
cold engine.
Coolant level is not to pass below the MIN mark
with cold engine.
Coolant level is not to pass the MAX mark with
warm engine.
B Connection for hose from thermostat housing.
E C Low pressure relief valve. See next page.
• D Pressure cap 75 kPa (11 psi). See chapter Extra
MAX expansion tank.
E Expansion volume.
MIN F Deaeration from engine / radiator.
G Connected to the suction side of the seawater /
coolant pump.

• It is advisable not to surpass the in-between level
F when engine is cold. This minimizes the "throw
out" if an undesired quick stop occurs.
Cold engine: With a correctly designed cooling system the
Min 0 kPa (0 psi)
pressure cap prevents ventilation. Avoid opening
Warm engine:
Min 30–100 kPa the pressure cap. If necessary, always open cap
(5.8–14.5 psi) when the engine is cold.

• Connection (B) is to be connected before the ther-

mostat with the hose continuously inclining in or-
der to ensure deairing when filling up coolant after
the system has been drained.
In the case of an existing manual drain cock the
Recovery tank correctly connected hose is to be connected to the bottom of the tank
and connection (B) blanked (sealed off).

75 kPa
(11 psi) NOTE! A restriction of 2.5 – 3.0 mm (0.10 – 0.12") is
system C to be fitted in each deairing hose. Locate the restric-
E tion in an inclining part of the hose.
B •
Warm engine:
40–70 kPa
MAX (5.8–10.2 psi)

MIN Cold engine:

Min 0 kPa
(0 psi)


Cooling system

Recovery tank incorrectly connected.

Unacceptable system, fatal to the engine

0–75 kPa
(0–11 psi) 75 kPa IMPORTANT!
(11 psi)
C • If there is too little expansion volume (E) an un-
derpressure will be created when charged after
B • E an idling period, thus causing cavitation of the
jacket pump.
–15 –> 70 kPa • During idling the thermostats close, the coolant is
(–2.2 –> 10.2 psi) cooled off and contracting. The pressure cap has
a low pressure relief valve (C) which opens up
around –15 kPa (–2.2 psi). It is not healthy for a
jacket pump to operate with an inlet pressure of 0
kPa (0 psi) and below, since cavitation is likely to

Cooling system

Extra expansion tank 115mm (4.5")

All engines

220 mm (8.7")

Type of pressure cap and opening

pressure depending on height

Height (H) Type of pressure cap

engine valve cover – MIN mark
– 2.0 m ( – 6.5') 75 kPa (10.9 psi)
2.0 – 5.0 m (6.5 – 16.5') 50 kPa (7.3 psi)
5.0 – 7.0 m (16.5 – 23.0' ) 30 kPa (4.4 psi)
7.0 – 10.0 m (23.0 – 33.0') Open system

NOTE! If you select an in-house manufactured expansion tank, you

should use a Volvo Penta pressure cap. Choose the type of cap in
accordance with table above.

Heat exchanger cooled engines. Permitted volumes with standard expan-

Capacity of the freshwater standard sion tank:
system and extra circuits
Engine Engine Extra circuit
Extra circuits, such as hot water circuits and cabin including volume volume
heaters, may be added to the freshwater system. heat exchanger lit (US gal.) lit (US gal.)
See table for maximum increase of freshwater sys-
tem by an extra circuit. D5 21 (5.6) 63 (16.6)
D7 26 (6.9) 63 (16.6)
IMPORTANT! When the volume is further D9/D11 39 (10,3) 40 (10,6)
increased, the cooling system has to be D12 300-650 60 (15.8) 75 (19.8)
equipped with a larger expansion tank. Please D12 675-800 65 (17.2) 77 (20.3)
contact the Volvo Penta organisation for more D16 56 (14.8) 20 (5.2)

Cooling system

When an extra expansion tank is installed the en-

gine’s expansion tank must be completely filled with 2
coolant. MAX
NOTE! The keel cooled version of D9 and D16 must
always have an extra expansion tank. 3
The expansion tank volume in the extra tank should
be 15% of the total capacity of the cooling system. 1
Of this volume:
5% is meant for coolant expansion when hot (ex-
pansion volume),
5% is meant for the difference between MAX and
MIN levels
5% is reserve volume.

4 1

5% 1. Engine expansion tank

2. Extra expansion tank
3. Separate venting hose

5% The expansion tank of the engine must have a sepa-

rate vent (3) to the extra tank connected below MIN

5% NOTE! If there are no manual venting nipples, the

hose (3) must be continously inclining.
The hoses must be able to withstand temperatures
up to 115°C (240°F).
1. Expansion volume, 5% The engine’s pressure cap is replaced with a sealed
2. Reserve volume, 5% cap. The standard engine venting hose from the
3. Divider thermostat housing can be connected to the extra ex-
4. Pressure cap
pansion tank below the MIN level to facilitate venting
when topping up with coolant.
A divider can be used to improve deairing of the ex- To improve pressurisation of the cooling system it is
pansion tank. recommended to keep the temperature high in the
expansion tank. If the tank is located in a cold place,
the tank should be in a sheltered position and insu-

Cooling system

Engine heater


1. Engine heater
2. Outlet
3. Inlet
4. Connector with protective cap
5 5. Appliance plug with protective cap

Cold starting is one of the most important determin- The heater should have its own circulation pump and
ing factors regarding the service life of an engine. be located in a protected area.
Frequent cold starts followed by extended periods of
The figures on the following two pages show, for each
idling significantly increase wear on the engine. An
engine model, connecting points for a separately
engine heater extends the service life of the engine
mounted heater.
and the batteries. The heater lowers emissions during
start up and prevents hunting. An engine mounted engine heater can be provided
for D5/D7. A separately mounted heater should not
The engine heater warms and circulates coolant
be used.
through the engine block. It is important that the en-
gine heater is of the right type, is correctly connected NOTE! The rating of the engine heater shall be cho-
and maintains the engine coolant at the right tem- sen so that the incoming coolant temperature in the
perature. engine does not exceed 70°C (158°F).

NOTE! To avoid galvanic corrosion, it is very impor-

tant that the engine heater is correctly protected.
Please see 161, Protection against galvanic corro-

Cooling system

An engine mounted engine heater can be provided
for the D5 and D7 engines.

Engine heater connections
From engine heater


To engine heater

∅ 19,5 mm

Cooling system

D12 From engine heater

Engine heater connections


To engine heater


Engine heater connections

From engine heater To engine heater


Cooling system

Hot water connections



3 omponents:
1. Cabin heater with
7 defroster unit
2. Outlet valve
3. Inlet valve
4. Venting nipple
5. Hose thermostat
6. Calorifier
7. Radiator

General Max. freshwater capacity

A cabin heater and/or a calorifier can be connected For freshwater capacities see information in chapter
to the freshwater circuit of the engine. When a cabin Extra expansion tank.
heater is installed, it must always have a manual
venting nipple (4) at its highest point. The system is Shut-off valves
vented once pressurized. Volvo Penta recommends that shut-off valves (2, 3)
In large heating systems, a hose thermostat (5) are installed in the extra cooling circuit on both the
should be mounted in the line of the hot water cir- supply and return sides to be shut off for service and
cuit. This ensures that the engine quickly reaches its repair or during warm seasons.
operating temperature. Volvo Penta stocks suitable Locate the valves as close to the engine as possible
thermostats. and with a hoose between.
The illustrations on the following two pages show
where, on each type of engine, coolant can be Mounting
tapped off for the hot water circuit. Calorifier, cabin heater etc. may be fitted max. 2.5 m
(8') above MIN level of the expansion tank.

Cooling system

D5/D7 D9/D11
Hot water connections Hot water connections

Inlet and outlet - from hot water circuit

Hot water inlet

Hot water outlet

1/2"R, Inlet
1/2"R, Outlet

Hot water connections
M26x1.5 Outlet - to hot water circuit

When dimensioning the heat exchanger for heating, it
must be observed that the coolant tap on the engine
only can allow a limited water flow and temperature 1/2"R
Max allowed water flow 18 l/min.
Max allowed temperature drop 30°C (86°F)
The external circuit must be designed to restrict the
flow to not exceed the allowed flow. The external cir-
cuit is by-passing the engine cooling circuit, to great
flow may cause engine overheating. Inlet - from hot water circuit
If the heating is designed so that it can dissipate
more heat whit the available quantity of coolant, the
engine cannot reach its appropriate temperature de-
spite a closed thermostat. This must be avoided by
heating dimensioning.


Cooling system

Hot water connections

Inlet - from hot water circuit

Outlet - to hot water circuit

1/2" R

1/2" R

Engine Inlet
coolant Outlet

Exhaust system

Exhaust system

Dry exhaust system

Wet exhaust system

Exhaust systems for marine engines can be divided IMPORTANT! The exhaust system should be
in two categories : designed and installed in such a way that the
• Wet exhaust line exhaust emissions are taken out of the boat
without any harmful backpressure for the en-
• Dry exhaust line, insulated
gine and so that there is no risk of overheating
Most of the boats/vessels in Volvo Penta power range any adjacent parts of the boat. The demand for
with inboard engines are equipped with wet exhaust silencing must also be met and the system ar-
systems. Water is injected into the system to cool the ranged in such a way as to prevent the gases
exhaust gas and the mixture passes out together with from entering the boat. All exhaust systems
the exhaust. must be installed in such a way that water can-
A wet system has several advantages compared with not force its way back into the engine when the
a dry system. The water lowers the exhaust tempera- engine has been switched off.
ture considerably after the point where the water is
fed into the system, enough to permit the use of a When designing the exhaust system, note that
flexible rubber hose. A flexible hose is usually easier the backpressure must not exceed the values in
to install than pipes, is not affected by corrosion the table in chapter Backpressure.
or stress and absorbs the vibration from a flexibly
The dry exhaust system for inboard diesel engines
mounted engine. A wet exhaust system does not
is mainly used for slower vessels, commercial opera-
need insulation either and radiates less heat.
tion. A dry system is neccessary in cold climates with
The importance of using a wet exhaust is to make a temperatures below 0°C (32°F). The dry system in
proper design and make sure the coolant cannot en- general requires less maintenance and has longer
ter backwards into the engine. service life. Insulation of the system is usually re-
quired as temperatures are dangerously high and
heat radiation into the engine room is negative for
engine operation.
Volvo Penta does not market complete wet or dry
exhaust systems but provides some of the key

Exhaust system

IMPORTANT! Vessel manufacturers should Vessel manufacturers should ensure that they
note that U.S. federal regulations applicable to carefully follow instructions concerning an ex-
U.S. vessels require the installation of an ex- haust sampling port as required under control-
haust sampling port in the exhaust system that ling federal regulations. Failure to do so could
could be used for connection to an exhaust be a violation of the prohibited acts set forth
emissions measuring device. This applies to at 40 CFR 94.1103, potentially subjecting the
engines certified according to U.S. EPA 40 vessel manufacturer to federal penalties, and
CFR part 94 regulations. could make it unlawful to sell or place the ves-
sel into service.
Where Volvo Penta have not added a sam-
ple port, for example when an inadequate Instructions to comply with this requirement
amount of the exhaust system is supplied to can be provided by Volvo Penta upon request.
make such an installation practical, the ves-
sel manufacturer is responsible to ensure that
the required sample port is installed. Failure to
comply with this requirement may constitute
an act that is prohibited under federal law and
may subject the vessel manufacturer to federal

"Wagon-back effect"
As long as we continue to use combustion engines On a boat with a sheer, broad transom and high su-
as sources of power, we will always be faced with perstructure, the result of the "wagon-back effect" is
the problem of exhaust emissions. Even though the that the exhaust fumes are drawn up towards the af-
level of exhaust emissions from modern combustion terdeck, dirtying the cockpit and creating unpleasant
engines has now been minimised, smoke and fumes conditions for those on board. The problem originates
are still given off when fuel is burnt. with what is known as recirculating air. When a boat
moves forward and creates a backward current of air,
When we also have a sheer body in motion, another
an underpressure forms in the boat and the exhaust
problem arises. It is the phenomen we call the Wag-
fumes are drawn into it.
on-back effect".
To avoid such a problem, it is of outmost importance
to design and locate the exhaust outlet properly.

Exhaust system

Wet exhaust line

General Dimensioning the exhaust line

The expression "wet exhaust line" implies that the The exhaust line must be dimensioned so as to avoid
outgoing coolant is taken into the exhaust line for harmful backpressure. This is particulary important
cooling and silencing purposes. in the case of turbocharged engines. Too high back-
pressure means output losses and can cause operat-
Complete wet exhaust elbows are offered for most
ing disturbances like power losses, increased smoke
Vovo Penta engines. In other cases, elbows can be
level and shorter service life. For recommendations
specially made.
see diagram in chapter Backpressure.
A wet exhaust line is particulary suitable with a flex-
ible mounted engine since it can mostly be made of
oil and heat-resistant rubber exhaust hose. Thus it
Exhaust elbow diameter
would be the most comfortable system for noise re-
duction. The table below indicates standard wet exhaust con-
nection diameters. Note that the complete system
The geometry of the vessels and the engine rooms might require larger diameters depending on length,
varies from spacious volumes to very compact and silencer and outlet configuration.
tailor-made systems.
Usually the marine engine manufacturers do not
market complete wet exhaust systems. The OEM, Engine Volvo Penta standard exhaust
shipyard, boat manufacturers etc. are the ones who elbow connection diameter
design, chose components and experiment to de- D5 3"/ 68 mm
velop a final exhaust system that complies with all D7 4"/ 107 mm
subsupplier requirements. D9/D11 6"/ 150 mm
The recommendation in this section should be re- D12 8"/ 200 mm
garded as emperical framework and reflects a total
system with maximum length of 10 meters (33') and
maximum 4 x 90° bends. The silencer is fitted in a suitable place as close to
the engine as possible. The silencer should always
All systems with silencers, especially the "Aqua-lifts" be placed lower than the exhaust elbow.
contribute to the system's total backpressure. The
contribution of each silencer must be carefully esti-
mated and calculated as well as sea-trialed and veri-
fied by measurements.

NOTE! U.S. federal regulations applicable to U.S.

vessels require the installation of an exhaust sam-
pling port in the exhaust system. See chapter Gen-
eral under Exhaust system.

Exhaust system

Exhaust elbow angle (α) relative to water line,

fig. A should be min:
D5 15°
D7 10°
D9/D11 elbow angle is fixed
D12 15°

The elbow angle is important to obtain a water spray

1 all around the outlet. This is to avoid overheating of
the top of the exhaust hose.
It is very important to install a flexible hose to the
exhaust elbow. This hose must be flexible enough to
allow the engine to move without creating stress on
elbow or its connection.
The hose must be arranged with a continuos inclina-
tion into the silencer throughout the whole distance,
see figure A.
If the hose between elbow and silencer has such a
Fig. A length or design it must be supported (1) to avoid a
"sack", see figure A.

Inclination angle (β) figure B

from elbow to silencer should be min:
Longitudinal inclination 4° (according to figure B)

Longitudinal inclination,
systems without silencer 10°
Transverse inclination 10° (according to figure C)

Fig. B

Transverse inclination (β) figure C:

The inclination should be minimum 10°.
γ= 3°–4° This presumes that the coolant can be collected in
the silencer inlet. See figure C position (1).
Exhaust systems without silencers should have an
average inclination of min. 10°.
Inclination angle (γ) figure C, longitudinal exhaust
line from silencer to exhaust outlet:
The minimum permissible fore and aft inclination (γ)
Fig. C between the silencer and the exhaust outlet in the
hull is 50–70 mm/m (2–2 3/4"/3.3'), 3°–4°. See figure
For sailing yachts see principal system figure D on
the following page.

Exhaust system

Water by-pass for D5

A water by-pass hose must always be installed on D5
to obtain allowed back pressure. The hose should be
installed on the exhaust elbow and the water outlet
through the hull.
water by-pass

Principal system for sailing yachts

Anti siphon

D min

C min

Min 350 mm

Fig. D WL

Principal system, figure D Anti-siphon valve

To prevent water from entering from the rear, the last Measure C min and D min:
part of the exhaust line should be arranged in a bend The height of exhaust elbow above water line (C
(swan neck) reaching up to at least 350 mm (14") min), see fig. D, should be 200 mm (8"). If less a
above the water surface when the boat is loaded. vacuum valve is needed in the cooling system to
avoid siphon action that could result in water ingress
Use stainless hose clips. If the hose passes through
through the exhaust system.
bulkheads or similar it must be protected against
chafing. The height of anti-siphon valve above water line (D
min) should be at least 500 mm (20").
A suitable position of the valve is as close as possible
to the centre line of the boat.

Exhaust system

There are various types of silencers depending on the type of installation. Two very common types are:
• Aqua-lift silencers
• In-line silencers

Aqua-lift silencers, principle outlines of various types

Alt. inlet Alt. inlet


Single room Twin room

Exhaust system Aqua-lift silencer, wet exhaust line in motor boats


350 mm





The figure shows an example of an engine with the See table on in this chapter under section "Recom-
Aqua-lift silencer system. The silencer should have mended hose diameters" for dimensioning hoses for
sufficient volume to suit the engine power and space and after the silencer.
available. The inner diameters of the exhaust hoses
The minimum height between the lower edge of the
(∅A and ∅B) should be chosen to suit the engine
silencer exhaust outlet and the water line is at least
power, to give low exhaust backpressure.
350 mm (14"). See figure above.

Exhaust system

In-line silencers

Round In-line silencer

Oval In-line silencer

Exhaust system In-line silencer, wet exhaust line



An in-line silencer is most suitable when the exhust Recommended hose diameter (innerdiameter) ∅A
outlet is located high in relation to the water line so and ∅B see table on the following page.
an acceptable downward inclination can be acheived.
NOTE! An in-line system is not recommended when
The importance is that the system is drained when
height (Cmin) exhaust elbow – waterline is less than
the engine is shut off.
350 mm (13.7").

Recommended hose diameters elbow - silencer (∅A) and silencer outlet (∅B),
Aqua-lift and in-line systems

Engine Exhaust hose Exhaust hose

inner diameter (∅A) inner diameter (∅B)

D5 4"/102 mm 5"/127 mm
D7 5"/127 mm 6"/152 mm
D9/D11 6"/150 mm 8"/200 mm
D12 8"/200 mm 8"/200 mm

NOTE! As a rule of thumb multiply ∅A x 1.4 to estimate ∅B .

Rounding to rubber hose standard diameters.

Exhaust system

Wet exhaust elbow D9/D11

The elbow angle is fixed. It is possible to make small
adjustments to the exhaust outlet position by rotating
the fixed elbow.
Riser (1)
Note! It is very important that the exhaust outlet is Elbow
not pointing upwards. In that case there is a big risk
that water will return into the exhaust elbow and
reach the turbo.

Exhaust riser

Figure B

Figure A WL

Figures A and C show a Volvo Penta multi-purpose

riser fitted on a D12 engine. This riser can be used
on both port and starbord engine in a twin engine
installation. The riser is continuosly adjustable in the 1
vertical and the horizontal plane for each installation Figure C
A riser is also available for D9/D11 engines. It is of
dry type and is shown in figure B (1) together with the
wet exhaust elbow.
NOTE! The dry part of the riser, see figure B and C
(1), should be insulated with proper heat insulation
material, see figure C (2). Minimum exhaust elbow angle (α) relative to water
line (WL) is dependent on engine type. See figure
Exhaust outlet - through-hull and table in chapter Wet exhaust line, Dimension-
fittings ing the exhaust line.

The through-hull fittings are placed at a suitable

point above the waterline with a loaded boat. If the
through-hull fitting opens below the water-line a shut-
off valve must be installed at the outlet, or a rigid pipe
connected. This must reach at least 350 mm (14") This type of outlet is a kind of standard component
above the water-line with a loaded boat. and should not be located at flat transoms. See sec-
tion "Wagon-back effect" in chapter Exhaust sys-
tem, General.

Exhaust system

Exhaust outlet through boat bottom – concept design

Principle sketch, exhaust outlet through bottom
In some installations an exhaust outlet through the bottom of the boat might be the prefered alternative.

350 mm


1. Exhaust hose
2. Exhaust pipe
(Full strength pipe)
3. Exhaust outlet
4. By-pass outlet

In such an installation a full strength pipe (metal, grp, A by-pass outlet should be installed from the exhaust
or similar) must go from the hull up to a level above pipe, above the water line, to an outlet above the wa-
the static water line when the boat is moored in order ter line to avoid high backpressure when starting the
to avoid needing a shut-off valve. engine and reduce the low idling pressure pulses to
the hull, which create noise.
Incline the pipe slightly backwards and design the
outlet in the bottom to avoid water being pushed up Often a riser is needed to obtain the correct distance
the pipe if the boat is towed or running with one en- (350 mm / 14") to water line (WL), see Exhaust riser
gine only. in chapter Wet exhaust line.
Position the outlet in the bottom in a way so the ex-
haust gases will not create negative turbulance flow-
ing into the propeller or trim tabs, not even when the
boat is turning, as this will affect the performance of
the boat.

Exhaust system

Air turbulence behind the boat – Exhaust boot

Principle scetch of an exhaust boot system

When a boat, especially a boat with a sheer, broad This slipstream system can be profiled to meet the
transom and high superstructure, moves forward and requirements of individual boat builders.
creates a backward current of air, an underpressure
Volvo Penta has considerable know-how in the ap-
forms in the boat and the exhaust fumes are drawn
plication of custom-made exhaust boots, and can
towards it.
provide conceptual design drawings of a hydrody-
To minimise this problem, the flow of the propeller namically developed boot for local manufacturing in
can be utilised to release the exhaust fumes far from GRP/FRP.
the boat transom. The outlets of the boots are prefer-
ably positioned in line with the propeller shaft just
behind the propeller and rudder. This way the exhaust
emissions are carried into the currents of water aft of
the propeller. See "Wagon-back effect" in chapter
Exhaust system, General.

Exhaust system

Dry exhaust line


Introduction The line must also be provided with a flexible com-

pensator (1) to absorb heat expansion and vibration
The exhaust system should be planned at the layout from the engine. The compensator is fitted on the
stage of the installation. The main objectives are to: engine exhaust pipe flange as straight and stress-re-
• ensure a that the backpressure of the complete lieved as possible.
system is below the maximum limit determined by The exhaust line must be insulated throughout its
the engine manufacturer. whole length. Note that the movements of the com-
• keep weight off the engine manifold and turbo- pensator must not be obstructed. After the compen-
charger by supporting the system. sator, the exhaust line, including silencer (4), must
• allow for thermal expansion and contraction. be suspended by flexible brackets (2, 3) so that the
movements caused by heat expansion are not ob-
• provide flexibility if the engine is set on anti-vibra- structed.
tion mountings.
The exhaust outlet is placed in a suitable position
• reduce exhaust noise. with good margin of clearance above the water-line
with loaded boat and with insulation against the hull
The figure shows an example of how a dry exhaust side to prevent heat damage.
line can be designed and installed. The line should An arrangement for draining condensation water
preferably be made of acid-proof stainless steel pipe, should be fitted at the lowest point of the line (5) and
but a satisfactory service life can also be obtained as close to the engine as possible.
with other stainless steel pipe. Copper pipes must
not be used for diesel engines. Due to the high tem- When dimensioning the exhaust line, note that the
peratures, 400°C–500°C (842°F–932°F) in the dry backpressure in the complete exhaust system must
exhaust line, it must be insulated with insulating ma- not exceed the values shown in table in chapter
terial to avoid the risk of fire and personal injury. Backpressure.

NOTE! U.S. federal regulations applicable to U.S.

vessels require the installation of an exhaust sam-
pling port in the exhaust system. See chapter Gen-
eral under Exhaust system.

Exhaust system

Condensation water collector Insulated exhaust systems

1 Due to the high temperatures that arise in a dry ex-
haust pipe (400–500°C) it is sometimes necessary
to insulate it. Thereby the temperature in the engine
room can be kept low and personal injuries can be
avoided. The insulation also helps to keep the noise
level low.
Insulation of long lines will affect the exhaust back-
pressure and therefore the exhaust pipe diameter
must be increased.

Exhaust outlet position

The outlet of the exhaust pipe must be designed so
1. Exhaust elbow
that rain water cannot enter the exhaust system. Fit
2. Condensation water collector for D5/D7/D9/D12
an elbow, hood or self-closing cover to the end. The
The exhaust gases from a combustion engine always exhaust outlet must be in such a position that there
include water vapour. This water vapour can con- is no possibility of hot gas entering any air inlet open-
dense and form water, which in the worst cases, can ing.
run into the engine when it is switched off.
Rain or condensed water that enters into the engine
can cause severe damage. Long exhaust lines should
therefore be fitted with a water drain (yard supply),
which should be located as close to the engine as
When the exhaust line is inclined downwards towards
the engine, a condensation water collector (position 2
and 3) must always be fitted. It must be located at the
lowest pont of the final installation.
The condensation water collector must be fitted with
a cock or drain plug at the bottom.

Example: Fitting of condensation water

collector for D16.

Exhaust system

Flexible exhaust compensator

Exhaust pipes are isolated from the engine move-
ments usually via a flexible compensator.
The compensator should be fitted to the exhaust
elbow. In special cases the compensator can be in-
stalled up to max. 1 m (3.3 ft) from the exhaust outlet.
Flexible exhaust compensators have three functions:
• Isolate vibrations and weight of exhaust piping
from the engine
• Compensate for thermal expansion of the exhaust
• Compensate for lateral movement when the en-
gine starts and stops, if the engine is on flexible
engine mounts.
The flexible pipe is available to take up large axial
movements, small radial movements but no twisting
It must not be bent. The flexible compensator can be
fitted in different positions, but should preferably be
fitted vertically.
The fixture for the exhaust line should be designed
to prevent that radial movements, generated by pres-
sure pulses in the line are transfered into the com-
Thermal growth of exhaust piping must be planned
to avoid excessive load on supporting structures. The
expansion of one meter of steel pipe per rise in tem-
perature of 100°C (212 °F) is approx. 1.2 mm (0.05").
It is therefore important to place supports to allow
expansion away from engine, avoid strains or distor-
tions to connected equipment, and to allow equip-
ment removal without additional support.
Long pipe runs are sectioned with expansion joints.
Each section is fixed at one end and allowed to ex-
pand at the other.

Exhaust system

Measurements mm (in)

Pos. Description Compensator type

in fig. 4" (short) 4" (long) 5" 6" 7"
A Hose length 185 (7.3) 500 (19.7) 500 (19.7) 500 (19.7) 250 (9.8)
B Total nominal length 145 (5.7) 590 (23.2) 590 (23.2) 590 (23.2) 280 (11.0)
C Screw circle diam. 170 (6.7) 170 (6.7) 200 (7.9) 225 (8.7) 261 (10.3)
D Outer diam. flange 210 (8.3) 210 (8.3) 254 (10.0) 265 (10.4) 305 (12.0)
- No. of holes in flange 4 4 4 4 8
E Diam. holes in flange 17 (0.67) 18 (0.71) 18 (0.71) 18 (0.71) 18 (0.71)
F Flange thickness 16 (0.63) 14 (0.55) 14 (0.55) 14 (0.55) 15 (0.61)
G Inner diameter 100 (4.0) 100 (4.0) 128 (5.0) 150 (6.0) 195 (7.7)

Compensator 4" (short) Compensator 4" (long), 5" and 6"




Compensator 7"

Installation data

Compensator type Total nominal length Flexibility mm (in)

B Radial Axially
4" (short) 185   ±3 (±0.12) +3, –5 (+0.12, –0.20)
4" (long) 590 ±5 (±0.20) +5, –10 (+0.20, –0.40)
5" 590 ±5 (±0.20) +5, –10 (+0.20, –0.40)
6" 590 ±5 (±0.20) +5, –16 (+0.20, –0.63)
7" 280 ±15 (±0.6) +24 (0.94)

Exhaust system

Silencer Expansion (reactive) silencers

There are generally two types of silencers described
as either absorptive or reactive.

4 5
7 3
2 These work on the principle of reflecting and thus
1 containing sound within the silencer. There are in-
ternal baffle plates fitted to divide the silencer into
Exhaust line sections, which can be individually tuned to a specific
1. Compensator frequency. A reactive silencer creates a relatively high
2. Flexible exhaust hose backpressure due to the torturous gas flow path, i.e.
3. Three point fixture
4. Insulation (mineral wool) through the baffle plates, which reverses flow.
5. Silencer
6. Flexible attachment Volvo Penta HD silencers combine reactive and ab-
7. Glass fibre fabric
sorptive type of silencing.

Absorptive type Silencer location

These work on the principle of absorbing noise by The reactive silencer is fitted as close to the exhaust
means of an absorbent lining inside the silencer and manifold as is practical to prevent noise break-out
normally provide attenuation over a broad frequency through pipe work.
range. Insulation of long lines will affect the exhaust back-
An absorptive silencer is generally designed as a pressure and therefore the exhaust pipe diameter
straight through and would only create a marginally must be increased.
greater backpressure than similar length of straight

Calculation of HD silencer backpressure

To calculate the backpressure for Volvo Penta HD silencers use the following formulas:
See Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines Technical Data.

Exhust gas flow (m3/min)
Bore velocity = (m/s)
Area of pipe (m²) x 60

Resistance from graph (mm Wc) x 673

Backpressure = (mm Wc)
T + 273

T = engine exhaust temperature (°C), 1 mm Wc = 0.0098 kPa

Exhaust system

Velocity/Resistance curve at 400 °C

Bore velocity in m/s

Bore velocity in ft/s

Resistance in inches Wc

Resistance in mm Wc

Backpressure ‑ exhaust pipe ‑ calculation

Using the value of the exhaust gas flow and having For equivalent straight length see the table below:
calculated the backpressure for a certain silencer
(HD) you will be able to determine the resistance to
flow in a straight exhaust pipe. Pipe diameter Bend 45 deg. Bend 90 deg.
(inches) (m/bend) (m/bend)
The following
formula is recommended:
3.5 0.57 1.33
L x Q² 1
P = 6.32 x x 4 0.65 1.52
D5 (T + 273)
5 0.81 1.90
6 0.98 2.28
P = is backpressure through the exhaust pipe in Pa
7 1.22 2.70
L = is total equivalent length of straight pipe in me-
Q = is exhaust gas flow in m3/s Adding the pressure losses through the silencer to
D = is pipe diameter in metres the loss through the pipe work will give the total back-
pressure incurred by the exhaust system. This must
T = is exhaust gas temperature °C
not exceed the figure quoted in the Sales GuIde
Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines against the ap-
propriate engine and rating.
NOTE! When the bends are used in the exhaust sys-
tem pressure loss is expressed in equivalent straight
length of pipe.

Exhaust system

Engine: D12MH
Power: 294 kW / 1800 rpm
Silencer: 7" HD
Calculation of pressure loss through the silencer.

Q (m3 /min)
Bore velocity (m/s) =
Pipe area (m2) x 60

2952 m3/h 2952

Q (flow) = 2952 m3/h = = = 0.82 m3/s
3600 s 3600

– the value originates from Technical Data in Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines.

π x D2
Pipe area = m2

D = 7" = 0.175 m
Pipe area will be
A = 0.0240 m2
Bore velocity = 34.1 m/s

From the diagram on previous page, one will find the resistance in mm Wc.
The resistance is approx 99 mm Wc.
The pressure loss will be calculated according to the formula:

Resistance from graph (mm Wc) x 673 99 x 673

Pressure loss (mm Wc) = = = 118 mm Wc
T °C + 273 293 + 273

T = Exhaust gas Temperature

T = 293 °C (See Technical Data in Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines.)
Pressure loss will be:
Ploss = 118 mm Wc = 1.157 kPa
The pressure loss through the silencer is 1.873 kPa

NOTE! Check that the total backpressure (silencer backpressure and piping backpressure) is within the limits in
table in chapter Backpressure.

Exhaust system

Exhaust elbows Standard system size

For dimensions of exhaust elbows see current Sales Exhaust system diameter (∅)
Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines.
Engine Dry exhaust line
Multiple exhaust outlets
D5 3"/68mm
If more than one engine is being installed, the ex-
haust from the engines must not be taken into the D7 4"/107mm
same flue. D9 7"/175 mm
The reason is that if one engine is stopped when oth- D11 7"/175 mm
ers are running, exhaust gases with condensate and
D12 7"/175 mm
carbon will be forced into the exhaust system of the
stopped engine and then into the engine cylinders D16 7"/175 mm
which can cause corrosion.
If a flap valve of good quality is fitted in each exhaust
line near the intersection, multi-engine installations
on one exhaust line can sometimes be acceptable.
To calculate the total diameter of a common exhaust
pipe use the following formula:

D total = D x K
D is exhaust pipe diameter for one engine
K is a factor

Number of engines Factor K

2 1.32
3 1.55
4 1.74
5 1.90
6 2.05

Factor K = 5 (number of engines)²

Exhaust system

The exhaust system will produce a certain resistance
to the exhaust gas flow. This resistance or backpres-
sure must be kept within specified limits. Excessive
backpressure can cause damage and will lead to:
• Loss of power output
• Poor fuel economy
• High exhaust temperature
These conditions produce overheating and excessive
smoke from the installation, and reduce the service
life of the valves and turbocharger.

Max. allowed backpressure in exhaust pipe at rated rpm, kPa*

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



*) 1 kPa = 100 mm wc

No performance losses
(Relative to technical data. Maximum allowed backpressure for emission certified engines.)
Small performance losses
(Not approved backpressure for exhaust emission certified engines.)
Not acceptable

Measuring exhaust backpres-

After the exhaust line has been installed, the back-
pressure must always be checked. This can be easily
done with the aid of a transparent plastic hose con-
nected to a measuring flange (see chapter Special
tools) occasionally installed in the exhaust line.
The back‑pressure can also be checked with the aid
of a suitable pressure gauge.
When testing is carried out, the engine should be run
under full loading a sufficiently long period to obtain a
stable value.

Exhaust system

Measuring procedure

Wet exhaust system D9/D11

• Remove the exhaust pipe from the turbocharger Wet exhaust line (picture with riser)
exhaust output. Clean the mating surface.
• Install the measuring flange (1) to the turbine
housing flange (only if measuring flange is need-
• Install the exhaust elbow pipe (2) on the measur-
ing flange or the nipple. Use V clamps or bolts de-
pending on the engine type and exhaust system.
• Connect a transparent plastic hose (3) to the
measuring flange or the nipple as illustrated.
Alternatively, connect a manometer (4) calibrated A
to 24 kPa (3.5 psi, 2440 mm wc) with pressure
hose and a suitable nipple (if needed) to the
measuring flange or the nipple. 2
The difference between the water column levels (A)
shows the exhaust line back‑pressure in mm or inch-
es water column.
1. Nipple for connection of hose
• Run the engine at full load and max. rpm for sev-
2. Exhaust elbow
eral minutes and check that the backpressure 3. Transparent plastic hose partly filled with water
does not exceed permitted value. 4. Manometer. Alternative to plastic hose
Max permissible exhaust backpressure in exhaust A. Exhaust backpressure in mm wc
line, see table Max. allowed backpressure in ex-
haust pipe at rated rpm, kPa.

D5/D7 D12
Wet exhaust line Wet exhaust line

3 3

1. Nipple for connection of hose

1. Flange for connection of hose 2. Exhaust elbow
2. Exhaust elbow 4 3. Transparent plastic hose partly filled with water
3. Transparent plastic hose partly filled 4. Manometer. Alternative to plastic hose
with water
A. Exhaust backpressure in mm wc
4. Manometer. Alternative to plastic hose
A. Exhaust backpressure in mm wc

Exhaust system

Measuring procedure

Dry exhaust system Dry exhaust line

• Connect a manometer calibrated to 24 kPa (3.5
psi, 2440 mm wc) with pressure hose and a suit-
able nipple to the exhaust elbow. 2 mm
Alternatively, connect a transparent plastic hose (0.08")
with a suitable nipple to the exhaust elbow.
• Run the engine at full load and max. rpm for sev-
eral minutes and check that the backpressure
does not exceed permitted value.
Max permissible exhaust backpressure in exhaust
line, see table Max. allowed backpressure in ex-
haust pipe at rated rpm, kPa.
1. Nipple for connection of
manometer, 1/8" NPTF
2. Manometer

D9/D11/D12 D 16
Dry exhaust line Dry exhaust line


1. Exhaust elbow
2. Nipple for connection of manometer or hose
1. Exhaust elbow
Transparent plastic hose partly filled with water (see previous
page position 3). Exhaust backpressure in mm wc (A). 2. Nipple for connection of manometer or hose
See figures for wet exhaust line. Transparent plastic hose partly filled with water (see previous
page position 3). Exhaust backpressure in mm wc (A).

Exhaust system

Measuring exhaust temperature

Dry exhaust line Dry and wet exhaust line

Control measuring of the exhaust temperatue is
sometimes needed to ensure the thermal conditions
of the installation and in some cases the engine. It is
important that the measurements are accurate. One
important factor when taking these measurements
is to position the probe correctly in the gas flow. See
With an accurate measurement (± 2%), comparison
can be made with the technical data for verification
provided that compensation is made for atmospheric
conditions. Exhaust monitoring guages are normally
less accurate.
0.75 x DI
Wet exhaust line

Electrical system
Electrical installation Batteries
General Battery terminology
The electrical installation has to be planned very
carefully and carried out with the utmost care. Seek
simplicity when designing the electrical system. Capacity is measured in Ampère-hours (Ah). The
starter battery capacity (Ah) is usually stated as the
The wires and connectors used in the installation 20 hour capacity of the battery, i.e. the battery can
have to be of a type approved for marine use. The be discharged at a constant current for 20 hours to a
wires should be routed in a protective sheath and final voltage of 1.75 V/cell. For example: If a battery
clamped properly. can produce 3 A for 20 hours, its capacity is 60 Ah.
Make sure that the wires are not installed too close to The cold cranking amperage (CCA) measures the
heated parts of the engine or close to another source starting performance of the battery. The society of
of heat. The wires must not be subject to mechanical Automotive Engineers (SAE) has specified the fol-
wear. If necessary, route the wires through protective lowing test: A battery at a temperature of –18° C
tubing. (0°F) must be able to deliver a current equal to the
Minimize the number of joints in the system. Make cold cranking amps for 30 seconds with the voltage
sure that cables, and joints in particular, are acces- remaining above1.2 V/cell or 7.2 V for a 12 V battery.
sible for inspection and repair. There are other CCA tests defined by DIN, IEC, EN
etc. These tests will give different CCA values com-
It is recommended to supply a wiring diagram of the pared with the SAE test.
complete electrical system with the boat. This will
simplify fault tracing and installation of additional Battery capacity is affected by temperature. Battery
equipment considerably. capacity is specified at +20°C (68°F). Cold consider-
ably reduces a battery’s ability to release its energy.
NOTE! Make sure that no joints in the engine room The following table shows the difference in capacity
are placed deep down. All cable joints should be lo- between +20°C (68°F) and -18°C (0°F).
cated higher up than the alternator.

Temperature +20°C (68°F) ‑18°C (0°F)

Capacity 100% 50%

70% 35%
40% 25%

Electrical system

Connecting batteries Series connection:

If a boat has more than one battery, observe the fol- Two 12 V batteries are connected in series so that
lowing for each connection method: the system voltage in the boat is 24 V.

Parallel connection: WARNING! Always check the boat’s system

voltage before connecting. A particular engine
Two (or more) 12V batteries are connected in parallel type may be available for 12 V and 24 V con-
so that the capacity is increased. The boat’s system figurations.
voltage is the same as the rated voltage of the bat-
tery. • The batteries must be similar (same capacity and
• The batteries must have the same nominal voltage. voltage).
• The batteries may have different capacities. • The batteries must be the same age since the
charge current required to produce a certain volt-
• The batteries do not need to be of the same age. age changes with the age of the battery.
When two batteries are connected in parallel, the • There must not be unequal loading (equipment
voltage remains the same but the capacity is the should load both batteries ‑ not just one). A small
sum of the capacities. When charged, each battery load such as a radio connected across only one
receives a charge lower than that stated on the char- battery can quickly destroy the batteries.
ger. To find out the charge current supplied to each
battery, measure the charging current to each battery Two batteries connected in series retain the capacity
with an ammeter. but double the voltage. During charging, each bat-
tery receives the current supplied by the charger. The
total battery voltage must not exceed the battery volt-
age marked on the charger.

12V 12V 12V 12V

88Ah 88Ah 88Ah 88Ah

12V 24V
176Ah 88Ah
Example: When two 12 V batteries each with a capacity of 88 Ah Example: When two 12 V batteries are connected in series, with a
are connected in parallel, the voltage will be 12 V and the total capacity of 88 Ah, the voltage is 24 V and the capacity 88 Ah.
capacity 176 Ah.

If one of two batteries connected in parallel has a When two 12 V batteries are connected in series
short-circuited cell, the nominal system voltage will and one battery has a short-circuited cell, the rest-
be approx. 10 V. ing voltage across the two batteries will be approx.
23 V.

Electrical system

Battery dimensioning Battery installation

Cranking current
Cranking current for engines at +5°C (41°F).
12V system
D5/D7............................................ 650 A
D9 . ............................................... 700 A

24V system
D5/D7............................................ 320 A
D9/D11 ......................................... 340 A
D12 . ............................................. 500 A
D16................................................ 900 A
As a guideline the breakaway current can be calcu-
lated as 2–2.5 times cranking current.

Selecting battery size

When selecting battery size, it is vital to look at both
momentary and long-term capacity. Install the batteries in a tight-fitting box. Vent the box
with 25 mm (1") hoses. The ventilation hose must end
• The rating norm for long-term capacity (batteries up outside the boat to allow the detonating gas, pro-
marked with Ah) the C20 norm is used. duced by batteries, to escape.
C20 means the amount of current able to take out The batteries should be fastened and only allowed to
from the battery during 20 h. move max 10 mm (3/8").
Ex. 1: 60Ah = 20 h X 3A
WARNING! The batteries, if they are not the
Ex 2: 100Ah = 20 h X 5A closed type, may only be installed in the engine
compartment if they are installed in a separate
The battery sizes listed below are recommended for sealed and well ventilated battery box. Battery
Volvo Penta engines at a temperature down to +5°C. gas is easily ignited and highly volatile. Sparks
Battery voltage is 12V. or open flames can cause explosion or fire.

Engine V Capacity, Ah
min max
D5/D7 12V 88 170
D5/D7 24V 2x66 2x 115
D9 12V 140 2x220
D9/D11 24V 2x105 2x180
D12 24V 2x140 2x220
D16 24V 2x140 2x220

The battery capacity will decrease with approx.

1% per degree, from +20°C, which has to be consid-
ered at extreme conditions in temperature

NOTE! The list above specifies batteries per engine.

E.g. for a twin D9, 24V a total of four 105Ah batteries
should be installed.

Electrical system

Accessory battery Cross-over switch

The use of a separate battery group for accessories The use of a cross-over switch between the acces-
is mandatory. sory battery and the starter battery is recommended.
Volvo Penta recommends using a charge distributor
to feed the accessory batteries.

Cross over

Start Accessory
battery battery I


Electrical system

Starting battery cable area

Volvo Penta recommends cable areas as below, to
provide sufficient power from the battery to the start-
er motor. Main
Measure the total cable length from the battery switch
positive (+) terminal via the main switch to the starter
motor positive (+) terminal and from the starter motor
negative (–) terminal back to the battery negative (–) Battery
terminal .
Thereafter select the recommended cable area ac-
cording to the table on the next page for both the
negative (–) cable and the positve (+) cable.
Since the cable has to absorb generated heat, the
cross section area should not be less than 50 mm².
Keep the positive and negative wires to the starter NOTE! If the vessel may operate in colder tempera-
motor at approximately equal lengths and use the ture than +5 °C, the cable size must be increased.
same dimensions

Cable core area (mm2) 50 70 95 120

Cable core area1) (AWG) 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0
Engine Electrical System Total cable length m (ft)
D5/D7 12V N/A 0–4.2 4.2–5.4 5.4–7.2
(0–13.8) (13.8–17.6) (17.6–23.6)
D5/D7 24V 0–13.0 13.0–17.8 17.8–23.0 23.0–31.0
(0–42.6) (42.6–55.8) (55.8–75.4) (75.4–101.6)
D9 12V 0–5.0 5.0–8.0 8.0–10.0 10.0–13.0
(0–16.4) (16.4–26.2) (26.2–32.8) (32.8–42.6)
D9/D11 24V N/A 0–8.0 8.0–10.0 10.0–13.0
(0–26.2) (26.2–32.8) (32.8–42.6)
D122) 24V N/A 0–13.2 13.2–16.0 16.0–22.0
(0–42.8) (42.8–52.4) (52.4–72.2)
D16 24V 0–4.4 4.4–6.4 6.4–8.4 8.4–11.0
(0–14.4) (14.4–21.0) (21.0–27.6) (27.6–36.0)

) AWG (American Wire Gauge)
) Values based on battery capacity 140 Ah

Comparison cable core area (mm²) / diameter (mm) according to Volvo standard

Cable core area, mm² 50 70 95 120

Cable core diameter, mm 12 14 16 18
Cable diameter, mm 15 17 19 21

Electrical system

Power supply Charge distributor 12V and 24V. Engine

and boat.
All engines covered in this manual have a two-pole
electrical system. This means that each electrical The charge distributor automatically provides charg-
component on the engine has an insulated DC nega- ing of two battery circuits, independent of each
tive return. The alternator, starter motor and all sen- other. One circuit is used for starting the engine and
sors are electrically isolated from the engine block the other circuit for other electrical equipment. This
and the positive and negative poles of the batteries means that if you empty the accessory battery, you
must be connected to the starter motor terminal. will still be able to start the engine from the start bat-
How to calculate the cable area is described in the
installation instruction included in the charging dis-
tributor kit.

Recommended single installation

B+ Sensor cable

3-way charge
(Not a Volvo Penta


Cross over switch


Start Accessory
battery battery I Bow thrusters, anchor
winches etc.
(heavy loads)

battery II

- NOTE! No equipment is connected to the starting - All other equipment, lamps, fans, refrigerators etc.
battery group. (navigation instruments excepted) can be con-
- Two separate accessory battery groups. nected either to accessory battery I or II.

Navigation equipment is connected to accessory - On D9, D11, D12 and D16 the sensor cable is
battery I. factory mounted on the starter motor. If accessory
batteries are used, re-route the cable according to
- Bow and stern thrusters, anchor winches and the picture.
other heavy electrical loads are connected to ac-
cessory battery II. This to prevent voltage drop
in equipment connected to accessory battery I,
such as navigation instruments.
NOTE! Heavy electrical loads should have a sepa-
rate switch connected directly to the accessory
battery positive (+) terminal.

Electrical system

Recommended twin installation

Two accessory battery groups (single failure tolerant system)

Alternator Accessory battery Alternator

starboard Accessories (normal
port Navigation equipment, loads) except naviga-
B+ other type of loads B+ tion equipment

Sensor Sensor
cable cable

Charge Charge
distributor distributor

Start Cross over Start Cross over

port switch stb switch

+ Start – + Start –
battery, port battery, stb

Bow thrusters,
anchor winches etc.
(heavy loads)
Accessory + – Accessory
+ – battery II
battery I

+ – + –
Starter Starter
port starboard

- Separate starting battery group for each engine - Connect the sensor cables from the alternator to
(driveline). the accessory battery groups.
NOTE! No equipment connected to the starting NOTE! Heavy electrical loads should have a sepa-
battery group. rate switch connected directly to the accessory
- Two separate accessory battery groups. battery positive (+) terminal.

Navigation equipment is connected to the port ac- - All other equipment, lamps, fans, refrigerators etc.
cessory battery. (except navigation instruments) can be connected
either to the port or starboard accessory battery.
NOTE! Navigation equipment should not be con-
nected to the starting battery group. - On D9, D11, D12 and D16 the sensor cable is
factory mounted on the starter motor. If accessory
- Bow and stern thrusters, anchor winches and batteries are used, re-route the cable according to
other heavy electrical loads are connected to the the picture.
starboard accessory battery (II). This to prevent
voltage drop in equipment connected to the port Single failure tolerant system
accessory battery, such as navigation instruments.
If a short circuit appears in one of the drivelines, this
will not affect the other driveline.

Electrical system

Power module D9/D11/D12/D16

The power module monitors power supply to the con- NOTE! If the engine is stopped the starter motor
trol unit, the EVC system (on D12, also exhaust tem- does not automatically switch over to backup battery
perature sensor and sea water pressure sensor). group.
If the power module is connected to a backup bat-
The connection for back up battery is located on the
tery group, the unit automatically chooses the battery
right hand side of the engine below the start motor.
group with the highest voltage. The unit is equipped
It is a two-pole connection marked "1" and "2" where
with a fully automatic circuit breaker function, which
"1" is positive and "2" is negative. The wires to the
cuts the current if overloaded.
connection are red and black, where red is positive
and black is negative.
If the back-up power functionality is not needed, the
power module can be left unconnected.

Main switch
A main battery switch should be installed on the
positive side. The bulkhead transitions for both the
positive and negative cables must be provided with
grommets. Position the main switch outside the en-
gine room but as close to the engine as possible, to
reduce cable length.

Requirements, main switch

Normal Nominal capacity Working temp Dimension Standard Protection

voltage Contin- During and storage terminal spade tags degree CEI529
uous 5 sec. Min Max standard

<48V 300A 3000A –40°C +85°C M10 SAE J1171 IP 68

–40°F +185°F

Electrical system



+ 1

+ – –
1. Junction box for ground lead (–)
2. Fuse box (+)
3. Junction box, navigation lamps

Before installing optional accessories, such as navi-

gation instruments, extra lighting, radio, echo sound-
er etc., carefully calculate the total electrical power
consumption of these extras in order to be sure that
the charging capacity in the boat is sufficient. Calculating the supply cable area
The above diagram indicates how this extra equip-
ment can be installed in the boat. Clamp the leads
at close intervals and preferably mark the leads at
the fuse and junction boxes (1–3) with the purpose
of each lead, i.e. communication radio, refrigerator,
navigation lamps etc.
Position the electrical system control panel in a place
free from moisture with easy access and close to the
instrument panel.
If a 220 V system is installed, this area of the control
panel must be clearly identified.
NOTE! Make sure all components used are suitable
for a marine environment. Spray all electrical equip-
ment with a moisture-repellent spray.

Please note that the length and the area of the sup-
ply cables (A+, A–) dependends on the number of
accessories connected to it.
• Add up all accessories (loads)
• Measure the total length on the positive (+) and
negative (–) sides of the supply cable (A+, A–).
• Please refer to the table on the next page. The ta-
ble will give you the area of the supply cables.

Electrical system

Calculating the cable area

for power loads
• Measure the distance from the terminal block to
the accessory.
• Multiply the distance by two.
• Calculate the area in accordance with the table

12V 24V

Length Area Load Length Area Load

(meters) mm² Amp (meters) mm² Amp

Example: If a 12 V refrigerator consumes 70 W and The calculation is based on the max. permissible
the distance between the terminal block and the re- total voltage drop in all cables between the positive
frigerator is 4 meters, a straight line should be drawn terminal to the load and the load back to the negative
between the figure 8 (4 x 2) on the meter scale and terminal.
figure 70 on the load scale. Total voltage drop when using the table above:
The line passes the area scale in the 2.5 space. 2.5 12 V system 0.4 V
is equal to the needed area (2.5 mm2).
24 V system 0.6 V

Electrical system

Relationship between AWG, inch, mm and mm2 Battery charging

AWG Diameter Area IMPORTANT! Always connect the battery
charger directly to the battery positive (+) and
No inches mm mm2 negative (–) poles.
22 0,0253 0,6438 0,3255
21 0,0285 0,7229 0,4104 When a battery charger is used in a 12 V system, the
20 0,032 0,8118 0,5176 battery voltage rises quickly to around 12.9 V, and
then rises slowly to 13.8–14.4 V when gas starts to
19 0,036 0,9116 0,6527 form. The charge current should be reduced by the
18 0,04 1,024 0,8231 charger when gas starts to appear. Charging at a
17 0,045 1,15 1,039 high rate and intensive gassing results in the follow-
16 0,051 1,291 1,309 ing:
15 0,057 1,45 1,651 • The life of the battery is reduced
14 0,064 1,628 2,082 • The capacity is reduced
13 0,072 1,828 2,624 • There is a risk of a short circuit in the battery
12 0,081 2,053 3,31
11 0,091 2,305 4,173 • There is a risk of explosion

10 0,102 2,588 5,26

9 0,114 2,906 6,633 The following parameters determine the duration of
8 0,129 3,264 8,367 the charge period:
7 0,144 3,665 10,54 • The state of discharge when charging is com-
6 0,162 4,115 13,3 menced.
5 0,182 4,621 16,77 • The capacity of the charger (how much current
4 0,204 5,189 21,15 can be supplied from the charger).
3 0,229 5,827 26,67 • The size of the battery (capacity in Ah).
2 0,258 6,544 33,63 • The temperature of the battery. Longer charging is
1 0,289 7,348 42,41 required if the battery is cold. The battery cannot
0 0,325 8,251 53,47 absorb a high charge current at low temperature.
2/0 0,365 9,266 67,43
3/0 0,41 10,4 84,95 It is better to charge at 10 A for 5 hours than 50 A for
4/0 0,46 11,68 107,2 1 hour even if the total charge is 50 Ah in both cases.
The battery has difficulty in absorbing a high current.

NOTE! A moderate amount of gas is normal. Towards

the end of charging, the voltage rises quickly to
15–16 V. This value is not exceeded even if charging
Extra alternators is continued.
For information about extra alternators see Sales
Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines and the Risk of explosion
Power take-off chapter in this publication. Gas is formed in the battery during charging. A short
circuit, naked flames or sparks in the vicinity of the
battery can cause a powerful explosion. Ensure
EVC–Electronic Vessel Control proper ventilation, especially if the battery is charged
For in formation about how to install the EVC system in a closed area.
see manual Installation, Electronic Vessel Control
EVC. WARNING! Always disconnect the charge cur-
rent before removing the cable clamps.

Electrical system

Charge state Instruments

The charge state is the level to which the battery is Non EVC engines
charged. This state can be measured either by mea-
suring the specific gravity of the battery acid in each
cell or by measuring the off-load voltage of the cell.
The latter cannot be done on modern batteries since
the cells’ electrical connections are enclosed and
therefore not accessible for measurement.
Measuring the off-load voltage across the poles
gives entirely wrong information if any cell(s) should
be defective. The specific gravity of the battery acid
should be measured with a hydrometer instead. Spe-
cific gravity varies with temperature. The lower the
temperature the higher the specific gravity.
The battery is fully charged when the acid density
is 1.28 g/cm3 at +25°C (77°F). A battery filled with
tropical acid is fully charged when the acid specific
gravity is 1.24 g/cm3 at +25°C (77°F).

This manual covers normal instruments. Special in-

struments and senders might be required for some
installations, for example classified systems.
Select a position where the instruments will be unob-
structed and easily readable.
NOTE! The safe distance for the compass location
(to avoid magnetic interference) from the rev coun-
ter is 0.3 m (1 ft). If the compass is placed closer,
compensation must be made. Also see installation
instructions regarding the compass.
Check to make sure that there is sufficient space
underneath for the instruments and leads. Attach the
template (if needed) on the selected position.

Make sure the panel is accessible for inspection and

The instruments can be installed from a horizontal
plane (lying) to the vertical plane (standing). Other
angles (inclinations) lead to reduced accuracy and
risk of greater wear (shorter life span) of the instru-

Electrical system

Complete instrument panels for one or two stations

Flybridge Flybridge
Oil pressure sensor

Coolant temp. sensor

NOTE! When two
Full instrumentation panels, full instru-
(not D5/D7) mentation are used,
make sure an electri-
cal system with oil
pressure sender and
Main coolant temperature
sender for two instru-
ments is used.


Full instrumentation


Power supply
Extra outlets: Connect additional outlets on rear Maximum
side of the alarmpanel. These outlets can be used for current outlet
additional instruments, audio, etc.
NOTE! Maximum current outlet for both instrument
panels together: 5 Amps.

Electrical system

Instrument kits for customised dashboards

Oil pressure sensor

NOTE! When two panels, full instru-
mentation are used, make sure an
electrical system with oil pressure
Coolant temp. sensor sender and coolant temperature
sender for two instruments is used.

Flybridge, start/stop buttons Flybridge, key switch

Tachometer or full instrumentation Tachometer or full instrumentation

(D5/D7, not two oil pressure and (D5/D7, not two oil pressure and
temperatur gauges) temperatur gauges)

Main, key switch


Full instrumentation


current outlet
Power supply
Extra outlets: Connect additional outlets on rear
side of the alarmpanel. These outlets can be used for
additional instruments, audio, etc.
NOTE! Maximum current outlet for both instrument
panels together: 5 Amps.

Electrical system

Instrument kit – key switch

1. Panel kit C
Available as option:
2. Instrument kit (temperature, oil, volt)
3. Tachometer kit 4

4. Instrument kit (boost pressure, B

oil pressure reverse gear)
1 A
C 1
Harness lengths:
A → B 180 mm
A → C 760 mm 2

A → D 3280 mm 3

Instrument kit – flybridge – start/stop buttons

1. Panel kit
Available as option:
2. Instrument kit (temperature, oil, volt)
3. Tachometer kit

Harness lengths: 1
A → B 500 mm
A → C 580 mm
A → D 1600 mm

Electrical system

Universal tachometer, 12V/24V.

Instructions–how to set the code
Before you start using the tachometer, the correct
code for the respective engine must be set.

Setting steps Shown on display A Descriptions

Connected to sys- Important! For ta-

chometers that are
tem voltage
COdE already coded pin B
must be pressed in
when the voltage is
turned on.

Press in pin B and

release pin B. Cd1
Pin B is not included
in the tachometer

Codes are scrolled at

Cd3 1 second intervals
Press in pin B. Cd4

Remove pin B when

the correct code is This is your code.
displayed*. Compare with code
Cd3 table.

* IMPORTANT! Wait for 10 seconds with the unit con- Switches to hours
nected to system voltage to confirm the code setting
0.0 counting

Electrical system

Code table

Code Code shown Signal sender Engine

on display

24 Cd24 Inductive D5/D7

Extra instruments Water in fuel filter alarm

Additional instruments are available to monitor en- Volvo Penta offers the option of installing an indica-
gine boost pressure (1) and oil pressure (2) in the tion for water in the fuel pre-filter. The sender can be
gearbox. connected to an indicator or to a second alarm panel.
The wiring harness to the these instruments are
included in the instrument panels and panel kit for
separately mounted instruments.
On D5/D7 the senders have to be ordered separately
for fitting on the engine.
Other instruments, such as water and fuel tank
gauges and senders, etc. are also available as ac-

Electrical system

External stop relay

The auxiliary stop can be controlled remotely by installing two relays in series with the auxiliary stop wiring.
The function can be used for a third party fire extinguishing system. Please contact Volvo Penta for further infor-

D9/D11/D12D-B MP/D16
The D9, D11, D12D-B MP, and D16 engines are equipped with a relay that can be remotely controlled by third
party equipment, e.g. a fire extinguishing system. The engine shuts down when the relay is energized.
NOTE! Leave the external stop connector unconnected if the functionality is not to be used.

Connecting the external stop relay

• Locate the two-pole connector on the right hand
side of the engine.
• Connect the accessory cable kit.

Fault codes presented on Vodia when external stop

relay is activated (D9, D11, D12D-B MP and D16):
MID128, PPID 6, FMI 11

Electrical system

Fire extinguishing system

Before the fire extinguishing system deploys, it should turn off the engine(s). By connecting the engine shut
down functionality of the fire extinguishing system to the external stop relay, the engine can be shut down in
case of fire.

Recommended installation Alternative installation

(Default functionality on D9/D11/D12D-B) Not active (+) when shut down (energize to run)

Active (+) when shut down (energize to stop)

NOTE! When there is a need for a hold function of
the relay with active plus (+) from the fire shut down
system when engine is running and no active plus
(+) to shut down the system, cables have to be con-
nected in the relay socket according to figure. Special
tool is needed.
Terminal 85 is connected to battery (–) and terminal
+86 to the fire extinguishing system.

(+)86 (–)85


Pin 1 R (+) Engine

(+)86 (–)85
Pin 2 SB (–)
Fire extinguishing system

cabel kit, 3 m Main switch (+) Do
(10 ft) not use EVC aux.
relay Pin 1 R (+) Engine
Pin 2 SB (–) Fire extinguishing system

cabel kit, 3 m Main switch (+)
(10 ft) Do not use EVC
aux. relay

Classified installations
(Default functionality on D9-D16)

Active (+) when shut down (energize to stop)

+ 24 V
NOTE! For alternative functionality –
Not active (+) when shut down (energize to run),
use VODIA to change configuration. Accessory
cabel kit, 3 m
(10 ft)

Fire extinguishing

Electrical system

Classified electrical systems, MCC

Below is a general introduction to the MCC. For more
information, see Installation, Marine Commercial
Control MCC.

The Volvo Penta Marine Commercial Control (MCC)
is a control and monitoring system for marine app-
lications. The Marine control unit (MCU), Engine
Control Unit and Power Module, together with the
Shutdown unit (SDU), provides completely redundant
engine control.

The MCU communicates with Engine Management
System via the CAN serial line using standard J1939
and J1587 communication protocols and controls and
monitors the engine in 4 different applications – Pro-
pulsion, emergency, auxiliary and combined.
Equipped with a powerful graphic display with icons,
symbols and bar-graphs for intuitive operation, to-
gether with high functionality this sets new standards
in engine controls.

The Volvo Penta Marine Commercial Control pro- • ��������������������������������
On screen alarm list indication
tects the engine using the Volvo Penta shutdown unit
(SDU). The SDU is a stand-alone hard wired system • ��������������������������������������������������
Event and time driven engine history for back tra-
for engine protection with separate hard-wired sen- cing
ders and switches inputs and Fuel stop outputs, pro- • ����������������������������������������������
Running hours meter, number of starts counter
viding a completely redundant protection system.
• ������������������������������������������������
Configurable 14 binary inputs and 14 binary out-
• ������������������������������������������
6 shutdown channels and overspeed shutdown puts and 8 analog inputs
• ������������������������������������������������
All channels equipped with broken wire detection • �������������������������������������������
Magnetic pick-up speed measurement (+redun-
• ������������������������
Broken wire reset button dant channel)

• ���������������������������������������
Test button for overspeed shutdown test • ������������������������������������������������
Extension units for more I/O and Remote Display
• ���������������������
DIN 35-rail mounting
• �������������������
Password protection
• ������������������������������������������������
4 operational modes – emergency, auxiliary, har-
bor and propulsion
• ������������������������������
10 languages selectable on MCU

• �������������������
RS232 / Modbus RTU

• ������������
J1939, J1587

Electrical system

MCC system overview

MCC........................................................ Marine Commercial Control, name of the over all system.
MCU........................................................ Marine Control Unit, the central control unit of the system.
SDU......................................................... Shudown Unit, for engine protection. Activates a fuel shut-off valve to
shut down the engine. Separated from the engine control system, all
functions hard wired.
COM........................................................ Communication Module, for J1708/J1587 and CAN2 bus (for RP and
other extension modules).
RP............................................................ Remote Panel, additional display panel for remote monitoring.
EMS......................................................... Engine Management Systemmonitors engine status and handles engine
speed and torque governing and overall control of fuel injection and
emission control algorithms.
PM........................................................... Power Module, handles power distribution and power management. It
also monitors power supply and switches to secondary power.

Electrical system

Technical data MCU

Power supply
Voltage range........................................................... 8-36V DC
Consumption ........................................................... 0,34A at 8VDC
................................................................................. 0,12A at 24VDC
Battery voltage measurement tolerance . ................ 2 % at 24V
Real Time Clock (RTC) battery life-cycle . ............ 10 years
NOTE! RTC battery flat causes wrong Date&Time information only.

Operating conditions
Operating temperature............................................. -20 - +70 °C
Storage temperature................................................. -30 - +80 °C
Humidity.................................................................... 95% without condensation
Flash memory data retention time . ......................... 10 years
Protection front panel .............................................. IP65

Dimensions and weight

Dimensions . ............................................................ 180x120x50mm
Weight ..................................................................... 800g

Binary inputs
Number of inputs...................................................... 14
Input resistance........................................................ 4.7 kW
Input range............................................................... 0-36 VDC
Switching voltage, closed contact indication............ 0-2 V
Max voltage for open contact indication................... 8-36 V

Binary open collector outputs

Number of outputs.................................................... 14
Maximum current (outputs BO1, BO2)..................... 1A
Maximum current (outputs BO3 - BO14).................. 0,5 A
Maximum switching voltage...................................... 36 VDC

Electrical system

Group 1 AI1 – AI4

Number of inputs...................................................... 4 unipolar
Resolution................................................................. 10 bits
Jumper selectable range.......................................... V, W, mA
Maximal resistance range......................................... 2500 W
Maximal voltage range............................................. 4,0 V
Maximal current range.............................................. 0 – 20 mA
Resistance measurement tolerance......................... ± 2 % ± 2 W out of measured value
Voltage measurement tolerance............................... ± 1 % ± 1mV out of measured value
Current measurement tolerance............................... ± 1 % ± 0,5mA out of measured value

Group 2 AI5 – AI8

Number of inputs...................................................... 4 bipolar
Resolution................................................................. (up to 16) bits
Jumper selectable range.......................................... V, ohm, mA, thermocoupler
Maximal resistance range......................................... 2500 W
Maximal voltage range............................................. ± 1000 mV or 100mV
Maximal current range.............................................. ± 0 - 20 mA active, 0 - 20 mA passive
Resistance measurement tolerance......................... ± 0,5 % ± 2 W out of measured value
Voltage measurement tolerance............................... ± 0,5 % ± 1mV out of measured value
Current measurement tolerance............................... ± 0,5 % ± 0,5mA out of measured value

RS232 interface
Maximal distance...................................................... 10m
Speed....................................................................... 19.2kBd

Electrochemical corrosion

General Galvanic corrosion

NOTE! Please refer to the Marine Electrical Sys- A boat that lies in the water constitutes a galvanic
tems Part 1 manual, chapter Electrochemical cor- element, since different metals (or metal alloys) such
rossion for more detailed information. as steel and bronze are in electrical contact with
each other while in the same electrolyte, namely salt
Electrochemical corrosion water. This produces galvanic corrosion.
Electrochemical corrosion of metals can cause very In popular terms, this can be compared with the simi-
serious and expensive damage to propellers, propel- lar electrochemical process that goes on in a battery,
ler shafts, rudders, keels and other equipment fitted called a galvanic element. In a non-battery context
to the boat. the result of this process is called galvanic corrosion.
The types of corrosion that are particularly significant There must be be certain conditions for galvanic
for boats are: currents to occur: The metals need to be in an elec-
trolyte and galvanically connected to each other. A
• Galvanic corrosion
corrosion current will then flow from the metal with
• Crevice and deposit corrosion the lower potential (the anode) to the metal with the
• Stray current corrosion higher potential (the cathode). Two chemical reac-
tions are needed for this; oxidation and reduction.
Oxidation (release of electrons) takes place at the
Galvanic and stray current corrosion are of major anode and reduction (absorption of electrons) takes
importance when doing the installation work. It may place at the cathode.
be caused by mistakes in the electrical installation or
choice of wrong materials in submerged components.
The damaging effects of electrochemical corrosion
start as soon as the boat is launched. Since corro-
sion takes place "out of sight" below the surface of
the water, damage can be severe and is often not
detected until the boat is brought up on land.
Consequently, drives and propellers should be pro-
tected against corrosion by the use of sacrificial
anodes made of zinc, aluminum, magnesium or iron.
This protection may not be sufficient if electrical
equipment is connected incorrectly or incorrect mate-
rial is used in external boat equipment.

Electrochemical corrosion

Metals susceptible to corrosion Definitions

All metals can be physically listed in a galvanic po-
tential series. This indicates the metal’s normal po- One-pole system
tential (voltage) in relation to a reference electrode In a 1-pole system the engine block itself is used as
when each material is immersed in a particular elec- a negative return for all electrical components on the
trolyte. engine block.
The following is a voltage series for metals. The elec-
trolyte is seawater at a temperature range of +10°C
to +26.7°C (50°F – 80°F). The water flow rate is 2.4
Two-pole system
– 4.0 m/s (7.8‑13.1 ft/s). All engines covered in this manual have a two-pole
electrical system. This means that each electrical
The reference electrode is silver‑silver chloride
component on the engine has an insulated DC nega-
tive return. The alternator, starter motor and all sen-
sors are electrically isolated from the engine block
Graphite +0.19 to +0.25 V
Stainless steel 18‑8, Mo,
and the positive and negative poles of the batteries
in a passive state * ±0.00 to -0.10 V must be connected to the starter motor terminal.
Stainless steel 18‑8
in a passive state * ‑0.05 to -0.10 V
Nickel ‑0.10 to -0.20 V Isolation Transformer
Nickel aluminum bronze -0.13 to -0.22 V
Lead ‑0.19 to -0.25 V A transformer with galvanically separated input and
Silicon bronze (Cu, Zn, Si, Mn, Sn) ‑0.26 to -0.29 V output windings.
Manganese bronze (Cu, Zn, Sn, Fe, Mn) ‑0.27 to -0.34 V

Aluminum brass (Cu, Zn, Al) ‑0.28 to -0.36 V

Soft solder (Pb, Sn) ‑0.28 to -0.37 V Galvanic isolator
Copper ‑0.30 to -0.57 V A device installed in series with the AC grounding
Tin ‑0.31 to -0.33 V conductor of the shore power cable to prevent low
Red brass (Cu, Zn) ‑0.30 to -0.40 V
voltage DC galvanic current flow, but permit the pas-
Yellow brass (Cu, Zn) ‑0.30 to -0.40 V
sage of alternating current normally associated with
Aluminum bronze ‑0.31 to -0.42 V
Stainless steel 18‑8, Mo,
the AC grounding conductor.
in an active state ** ‑0.43 to -0.54 V
Stainless steel 18‑8 in an active state ** ‑0.46 to -0.58 V
Cast iron ‑0.60 to -0.71 V
Ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)
Steel ‑0.60 to -0.71 V
Aluminum alloys ‑0.76 to -1.00 V A device for the protection of personnel. The GFCI
Galvanized iron and steel ‑0.98 to -1.03 V de-energize a circuit, when a current to ground ex-
Zinc ‑0.98 to -1.03 V ceeds a predetermined value.
Magnesium and magnesium alloys
consumed ‑1.60 to -1.63V

* Metals are in a passive state when the metal has a thin, reac-
tion‑inhibiting coating. This coating is not present in an active state.
** Still water.

From the table, we can see that steel has about ‑0.65
V and aluminum around ‑0.85 V in the voltage se-
ries. The higher up in the voltage series (the greater
potential), the more noble the metal. If these metals
are connected together in a galvanic element, the
less noble metal will be consumed by the more noble
metal-galvanic corrosion arises.
In our case, the aluminum will corrode.
The further the metals are apart in the galvanic volt-
age series, the greater the (corrosive) effect will be
on the less noble metal if they are connected togeth-
er in a galvanic element.

Electrochemical corrosion

Protection against
electrochemical corrosion
It is important that components submerged in the wa-
ter such as through-hull fittings, swim ladders etc. are
protected from galvanic corrosion. Our recommenda-
tion is to bond all of them to a transom mounted, pro-
tective anode, normally made of zinc. Trim tabs may
have their own protection.

NOTE! This bonding system with its individual com-

ponents should normally have no contact with the
negative circuit of the boat’s electrical system.

Local recommendations, e.g. ABYC, may state that

the battery negative terminal should be connected to
the bonding galvanic circuit. If you decide to connect
the bonding galvanic circuit to the battery negative
(–) terminal, you must also connect the engine block
with a cable large enough to carry the cranking en-
gine current, as described in ABYC chapter E-11.

Electrochemical corrosion

Protection against electro-

static discharge and lightning
For advice on the prevention of hazards due to
electrostatic discharge or lightning, please refer to
relevant publications by national and international
standardization bodies such as the International
Electrotechnical Commission and the American Boat
and Yacht Council.
In particular, the publications IEC 60092-507:2000
Electrical installation in ships Part 507: Pleasure
craft, and ABYC Standards and guidelines H-33 and
E-4 may prove helpful.

Stray current and

shore power corrosion



Stray current corrosion is similar to galvanic corrosion

in the way it acts but differs in the way it is caused.
In galvanic corrosion, it is the potential differences
on the metal that initiates corrosion. As the name
implies, stray current corrosion is caused by stray
Stray currents can arise as a result of faults in the
boat’s electrical system, such as connections and
splices that are exposed to moisture or bilge water,
equipment that is faulty as a result of damage or
wear, or an electrical system that is incorrectly con-
Stray current corrosion can also be caused by stray
currents from neighboring boats or equipment for
connecting to a shore based power supply at quays.

Electrochemical corrosion

Shore power and generator installation

Recommended installations

Shore power
connector Encapsulated single phase
1:1 isolation transformer Branch circuit
Power inlet (electrically with metal case breaker (typical)
Shore insulated from boat) Transfer switch
connection shore-off-gen
Main shore power 120/230 VAC
Disconnect circuit device
Shore breaker with over-
power current protection
cable GFCI

120 VAC
type receptacle
Grounding conductor

Shore side
Boat side

Neutral conductor

Live conductor

AC generator
circuit breaker


2 pole, 3 wire
grounding type plug
and receptacles AC generator
To DC negative
bus and boat
Figure 1 ground plate
Single-phase, 120/230 VAC system

Shore power
cable Encapsulated single phase
connector 1:1 isolation transformer Branch circuit
Power inlet (electrically with metal case breaker (typical)
connection insulated from boat)
Transfer switch
Main shore power shore-off-gen
Shore Disconnect circuit 120 VAC
power breaker with over- device
cable GFCI
current protection

120 VAC
Grounding conductor

type receptacle
Neutral conductor

Shore side
Boat side

Live conductor

Live conductor

AC generator
circuit breaker


3 pole, 4 wire 230 VAC

grounding type AC generator device
plugs and recep- (optional) To DC negative
tacles bus and boat
ground plate
Figure 2
Single-phase, 230 VAC input, 120/230 VAC output

Electrochemical corrosion

Taking into account considerations of personnel safe-

ty and care of the equipment, Volvo Penta gives the
Shore power and
following recommendations regarding shore power battery charging
alternating current (AC) installations: When shore power is connected (120V–230V), the
Installations should be made according to figure 1 shore safety ground (earth) must not be connected
or figure 2. Figure 1 shows a single-phase installa- to the engine or any other ground point on the boat.
tion for either 230VAC or 120VAC. Figure 2 shows a The safety ground must always be connected to the
230VAC input, 120/230VAC output installation. connection cabinet's ground (earth) terminal ashore.
The safety ground should not be connected to the
Figures 1 and 2 are based on ABYC E-11 diagrams
negative connection on the output side (12/24V), i.e.
8 and 11 but require a ground fault circuit interrupter
it must be galvanically separated.
and an isolation transformer. Figures 1 and 2 are
considered best practice and are in harmonywith WARNING! Installation and work using shore
recommendations from ABYC and ISO, and provide connected equipment may only be carried out
protection against electrochemical corrosion and by an electrician who is qualified to work on
electrical shock. mains voltage installations. Incorrect installation
The safety related components are important for the can result in danger to life.
following reasons:

Isolation transformer
The isolation transformer galvanically separates the
shore power from the boat. This minimizes the risk of
galvanic and stray current corrosion.

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)

Arcing faults between a live conductor and ground
can be sustained at relatively low current levels and
does not trigger circuit breakers. Furthermore, even
very low current levels represent danger to person-
nel. A GFCI must be installed on the secondary side
of the isolation transformer as a ground fault protec-
tion in the boat. The GFCI trip sensitivity and trip time
must comply with local standards.
The GFCI placed on the secondary of the isolation
transformer ensures ground fault protection on the
boat. This is an addition to ABYC E-11, that ensures
a higher degree of protection against electrical shock.

Ground plate
To ensure safety of personnel, a common ground
plate below the waterline must be connected to the
AC and DC electrical system.

Electrochemical corrosion

Prevention of stray currents

during installation
A proper installation will reduce the risk of stray cur-
rent problems later in the boat’s service life.
• All DC circuits must have an insulated return ca-
ble. Consequently, a metal keel must not be used
as a return conductor.

• All splices in the circuit such as socket housings

and terminal blocks shall be installed so that they
are not exposed to moisture or bilge water. The
same applies to switch panels, fuse holders etc.

• Cables shall be routed as high as possible above

the bilge water in a keel. If a cable must be routed
where it is exposed to water, it must be housed
in a watertight conduit and the connections must
also be watertight.

• Cables which can be subject to wear must be

installed in self-draining conduits, sleeves, cable
channels etc.

• For battery and main switch installation, please

refer to the Electrical System chapter.

• Engines and drivelines must not be used as a

ground (earth) for radio, navigation or other equip-
ment where separate ground cables are used.

• All separate ground (earth) cables (ground con-

nections for radio, navigation equipment, echo
sounder etc.) must be linked to a common ground
(earth) point, i.e. a cable that does not normally
act as a return for equipment.

• If shore based power is connected (120V/230V),

the safety ground (earth) must not be connected
to the engine or any other ground point on the
boat. The safety ground must always be con-
nected to the connection cabinet’s shore ground

• Transformers connected to a shore base current

supply, such as a battery charger, shall have the
protection ground (earth) on the input side (120/
230V) connected but the negative connection on
the output side (12/24V) not connected, i.e. gal-
vanically separated.

WARNING! Installation and work on shore con-

nected equipment may only be carried out by
an electrician who is qualified to work on instal-
lations with voltage higher than 50V AC.

Electrochemical corrosion

Checking electrochemical Checking galvanic electricity,

calomel electrode.
Connect the calomel electrode, special tool 885156
Measuring galvanic currents and stray to the multimeter, special tool 9812519.
currents in water Connect the multimeter to a good ground (earth) con-
nection. Set the multimeter for DC measurement.
Carefully remove the protective sleeve from the probe
tip. The protective sleeve is filled with a saturated salt
solution (NaCI). Dry the tip with a clean paper tissue
or equivalent after measurement and before putting
it back.
Dip the electrode in water approximately 30 cm (12")
from the propeller and propeller shaft. The mea-
surement result is the mean value for the complete
shaft line. The result should lie between (minus) -900
mV and -1100 mV.
Volvo Penta has produced a method for measuring
galvanic currents and stray currents using a calomel To check individual components, move the electrode
electrode. so that the tip is directed towards the surface, ap-
proximate 5 mm (0.2") away from the surface where
The calomel electrode (Ag/AgCl), 885156, is a refer-
the component is fitted.
ence electrode which shall be connected to the mul-
timeter 9812519. The multimeter is used to measure The measurement result here should also lie be-
potential differences. tween –900 and –1100 mV.
NOTE! If other multimeters are used, accuracy is re- If the result exceeds this (i.e. is a more positive value
quired to 1 mV. such as –800), the proportion of "noble" metals such
as stainless steel, bronze etc., is too great for the
Depending on the method used, the measurement
zinc anodes to overcome the corrosion current. The
result can provide a mean voltage value for the entire
number of anodes should be increased.
measurement object, such as a shaft line or the volt-
age which an individual component produces. The result may also be from stray currents caused
by incorrect or incorrectly connected (+) cable or (+)
Examples of such point checks are rudders, water
cables exposed to bilge water.
intakes etc.
There is excess protection if the multimeter gives a
NOTE! The calomel electrode can be used in water result less than –1100 mV. This could also be caused
with a varying salt content or in freshwater. by stray currents from separate ground (earth) cables
for VHF radio or other equipment fitted with separate
The process measures the potential difference be- ground (earth) cables which are incorrectly con-
tween the measurement object and the calomel elec- nected.
trode. The calomel electrode has a known constant
electrode potential. Thus the potential differences The reason may also be that the anodes provide too
recorded must always be related to a particular ref- much protection current, such as magnesium anodes
erence electrode and the same electrolyte, i.e. the in salt water.
same water and water temperature. The water flow
rate must also be the same if results from different
measurements are to be compared.

Measurement theory
Anodic protection operates by sending out an electric
current, the protection current, to oppose the corro-
sion current. When the protection current rises and
the corrosion current falls, the potential of the pro-
tected object falls. When a given potential is reached,
the corrosion current will have disappeared and the
object has complete cathodic protection.
Thus a given electrode potential for the metal pro-
vides a guide as to when cathodic protection is in
place and whether it is sufficient. The calomel elec-
trode can measure whether this protection potential
is provided.

Electrochemical corrosion

Checking for leakage from the

electrical system
A simple way of testing the boat’s electrical integrity is Set the multimeter to Ohms. Connect the black test
to employ the following procedure: lead to the loosened negative connector, and the
First check that fuses and circuit breakers are fitted red test lead to the loosened positive connector. You
and intact, that the battery main switches are on, and should now see a reading of the resistance of the
that all other switches and appliances are off. Theo- circuit.
retically, there should be no current flowing from the NOTE! Certain equipment may also cause a current
battery. Any flow will indicate a leak. drain when shut off, such as a radio, clock or auto-
matic bilge pump. This equipment must be discon-
1. To check if any current is leaking. nected.

The rough guide below indicates what these readings

means in practical terms:
• 10.000 Ohm up to open circuit– A next to perfect
circuit, no problems.
• 5.000 Ohm – There is a small leak.
• 1.000 Ohm – There is a leak that must be found
Lift off the positive battery terminal connector and and corrected.
connect a 12 volt, 3W test lamp between the positive
• 500 Ohms or less – A heavy leak. Disconnect the
terminal and the loosened connector. If there is no
battery terminals. Repair as soon as possible.
leak, the lamp will fail to light. A faint glow indicates a
small leak, and a bright light means that you have a 4. To find the leak.
more serious leak. You can also use a Voltmeter for
Charging Oil pressure
this test. Note that some equipment may consume
current even when it is switched off (clock or radio),
which will cause the lamp to light. Such equipment
must be disconnected.

2. To check how much current is flowing.

Use a multimeter, and set it to read "DC Amps". Con-

nect the red test lead to the battery positive terminal,
and the black lead to the loosened connector. The
meter will now show how much current is leaking. If
you do not get a reading, change to the ’’DC mAmps’’ With the test lamp connected as step 1 above, loosen
scale. one fuse at a time and put it back again. When you
remove a fuse and the test lamp goes out, then you
3. Double-check to see the resistance in the circuit. have found the circuit that is causing the problem.
Trace the circuit until the fault is found, and repair it.

Engine room, ventilation and soundproofing

Engine performance
Engine power is affected by a number of different Two main conditions must be fulfilled:
factors. Among the most important ones are air pres-
A. The engine must get enough air (oxygen) to allow
sure, air temperature and exhaust backpressure.
for the combustion of the fuel.
Deviations from the normal values affect engine per-
formance and function. B. The engine room must be ventilated, so that the
temperature can be kept down to an acceptable
Diesel engines require excess air. Deviations from
the normal values show up first of all with an increase
in black smoke. This can be particularly noticeable at Ventilation is also important to keep the engine’s
the planing threshold when the engine must give its electrical equipment and fuel system at a low tem-
greatest possible torque. perature, and for certain general cooling of the en-
If the deviations from the normal values are great, the
diesel engine will lose power. This power loss can be If personnel are to be present in the engine room, the
so great that a planing boat cannot pass through the ventilation installation must be adapted accordingly.
planing threshold.
For the engine to function properly and give full NOTE! All valid safety regulations and legal require-
power, it is absolutely necessary that both the inlet ments for each country must be followed. Each clas-
and outlet air ducts are sufficiently dimensioned and sification society has its own regulations that must be
installed correctly. followed when required.

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Engine power output and air temperature Engine power output at high altitudes
The engine’s stated power output applies at an air above sea level
temperature of +25°C (+77°F), air pressure of 750 In most cases, marine engines are run at or near sea
mm Hg, relative humidity 30%, fuel temperature level. There are, however, some lakes that are situ-
+40°C (+104°F) and seawater temperature of +32°C ated at high altitudes above sea level.
(+90°F). (According to International test standards).
There is loss of power when operating at high alti-
Adequate air supply and ventilation makes it possible tudes due to the fact that the air density (and there-
to obtain as high a power output as possible together fore oxygen content) decreases as altitude increases.
with a long engine life. This results in smoky exhaust and the turbocharger
If the inlet air for the engine cannot be kept below operating at abnormally high speeds with increased
+25°C (+77°F), the power output drops by up to wear.
1.5% for turbocharged engines and 1.0% for turbo- The loss of power is, however, not important until ap-
charged engines with aftercooler for every +10°C prox 500 m (1640 ft) above sea level.
(+18°F) increase in air temperature. For normally as-
At altitudes of more than 500 m (1640 ft) above sea
pirated engines, this figure can be up to 2%. In those
level, there is a loss of power of approx 0.1% per 100
places in the world where the air temperature is con-
m (328 ft).
stantly at or above +45°C (+113°F), diesel engines
must be de-rated, i.e. the injection pump adjusted to De-rating should be done for high altitudes (reduced
a lower injection quantity. fuel quantity) according to the following:
However, the driver can reduce the throttle when op-
erating temporarily in such hot areas and thus avoid Altitude above sea Reduced fuel
these types of unfavourable operating conditions. level, metres (feet) quantity%

1000 (3280) 4
IMPORTANT! In those cases where operation 1500 (4920) 8
is at full throttle and the injection pump is not 2000 (6560) 12
adjusted (de-rated) despite high air tempera- 2500 (8200) 17
ture, the result will be very smoky exhaust, in-
creased thermal load and greatly increased en-
NOTE! De-rating is not possible on electronic control-
gine wear and consequently greatly increased
led engines!
operating costs.
NOTE! Electronic controlled engines are not suitable
for running at altitudes exceeding:

Rating 5 1500 m (4920 ft)

Rating 1-4 2500 m (8200 ft)

NOTE! Emission certificates have not been verified

by Volvo Penta for altitudes above 1500 m (4920 ft)

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Dimension of air intakes

and ducts
When installing is planned, the following basic facts Engine room temperature
should be kept in mind: Remembering that the engine’s performance figures
All combustion engines, irrespective of make or type, apply at a test temperature of +25°C (+77°F), it is
require a certain minimum amount of oxygen (or air) important that the inlet air temperature is kept as low
for the combustion process. Diesel engines, however, as possible. There is always a loss of power with in-
work with a somewhat larger air surplus than carbu- creased temperatures, and if the engine’s inlet air is
retor engines. constantly above +45°C (+113°F), the engine must
All engines also emit a certain amount of radiant heat be de-rated.
to the environment, i. e. to the engine room.
The specific radiant heat is less for modern compact Engines without after cooler
engines than for older and less compact engines.
< 25°C (77°F) > 25°C (77°F) > 45°C (113°F)
Modern, compact engines have a great advantage in
this respect. Full power Loss of power De-rating
output 3% per 5°C

Channels or ducts for inlet and outlet air Engines with after cooler
It is advantageous if the inlet and outlet air ducts can < 25°C (77°F) > 25°C (77°F) > 45°C (113°F)
be planned for at the construction stage, where they Full power Loss of power De-rating
can be placed in the hull or superstructure. This will output 1–2% per 10°C
avoid the need for separate ducts.
For an installation, it is relatively simple to design a
system to provide the engine with enough air for the The temperature of the inlet air at the air filters must
combustion, but it is considerably more difficult to not be higher than +25 °C (+77 °F) for full power
lead the radiant heat away. output. During sea trial the air temperature in the air
filter should not exceed 20 °C (36 °F) above ambient
The engine itself sucks in air very effectively and, temperature.
naturally, will take in air from any direction. Should
the inlet or outlet air ducts be underdimensioned, the The temperature of the engine itself is rather high in
engine will consequently suck air from both ducts some places. Certain separate electric components,
and no ventilation air will go out through the outlet such as charging regulators and relays, should there-
air ducts. This causes dangerously high engine room fore be fitted on bulkheads or elsewhere where the
temperatures. temperature is relatively low.
Most of the radiant heat from the engine must be The maximum temperature for areas where elec-
transported out of the engine room. This is an abso- tric components are fitted is +70 °C (+158 °F). The
lute requirement to keep the engine room tempera- starter motor and alternator however, have their given
ture below the permitted maximum limit. locations.

Engine room depression

Volvo Penta recommends that the depression in the
To ventilate the engine room more effectively and engine room does not exceed 0.5 kPa (0.07 psi) at
thus keep the engine room temperature at a low full speed. A small vacuum in the engine room is not
level, a suction fan must normally be installed in the harmful but will prevent gases from being pushed out
outlet air duct. from the engine room into the boat.
Fans must never be installed in the inlet air ducts, as
this could lead to overpressure in the engine room
with the risk of gas or air leaking out into other parts
of the boat.
For diesel engines, the fan can very well be ther-
mostat controlled and should start at approx. +60°C
(+140°F) engine room temperature, measured at the
engine room.

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Engine’s air consumption

The engine consumes a certain amount of air in the The ambient air temperature (outdoor air tempera-
combustion process. This requires a minimum inter- ture) is assumed to be +30°C (86°F). Correction fac-
nal area of air supply ducting. The area can be calcu- tors as per Table 2 shall be used where applicable.
lated by using the formula:
A = 1.9 × engine power output Ambient air temperature Correction
A = Area in cm² °C (°F) factor
Engine output in kW
+20 (+68) 0.7
+30 (+86) 1.0
The value applies for non-restricted intake and up to
1 m (3.3 ft) duct length with only one 90 degree bend. +40 (+104) 1.4
The bending radius should be at least twice the dia.
If longer ducts or more bends are used, the area is Table 2.
corrected by multiplying by a coefficient from Table 1
Fan selection
The fan must be dimensioned for air flow volume ac-
Number Metres (ft) duct length cording to the following:
of bends 1 (3.3) 2 (6.6) 3 (9.8) 4 (13.1) 5 (16.4)
Flow m³ / min = 0.07 × engine power output in kW.
1 1 1.04 1.09 1.13 1.20
2 1.39 1.41 1.43 1.45 1.49 This volume flow is corrected by a factor from the
3 – 1.70 1.72 1.74 1.78 table.
The total pressure increase through the fan should
Table 1.
be 10 mm (0.394") wat.col. (100 pa).
These two values, flow and total pressure increase,
are sufficient for the selection of a fan. If the fan is fit-
Engine room ventilation ted directly to the bulkhead, i. e. without a connection
To keep the engine room temperature down to the pipe, the value of the total pressure increase can be
permitted values, a great deal of the radiant heat reduced to 7 mm (0.276") w.col. (70 pa). This means
must be transported out of the engine room, in other that a somewhat smaller fan can be used.
words be ventilated away.
The same dimension must be chosen for the inlet
and outlet ducts to achieve low flow speeds and low
noise levels.
The area for the inlet/outlet air supply is calculated
using the formula:
Inlet air = 1.65 × engine power output
Outlet air = 1.65 × engine power output
Areas in cm² and engine power output in kW.
These values must be corrected according to Table 1
with regard to bends and duct length.

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Calculation of air ducts, example 1, Calculation of air ducts, example 2,

two diesel engines, 294 kW (400 hp) diesel engine, 441 kW (600 hp)
Calculation of areas for two engines at 294 kW each Calculation of areas for one engine with 2 m (6.6 ft)
with a non-restricted air supply and an ambient air duct length, 2 bends and an ambient air temperature
temperature of +30°C (+86°F). of +20°C (+68°F).

For each engine the following is obtained: Area for engine’s air consumption:
Area, engine’s air consumption: 1. 1.9 × 441 = 838 cm² (130
1. 1.9 × 294 = 558 cm² (87 Correction for air temperature = 0.7 from Table 2,
According to figs 1 and 2 on the following page, and correction for duct length and bends = 1.41
ex 1, this corresponds to a duct with a diameter of from Table 1.
265 mm (10.5") for one engine. This gives 838 × 0.7 × 1.41 = 827 cm² (128
According to fig. 2 this gives a duct diameter of
330 mm (13").
Area ventilation, engine room:
1. Inlet, engine room: Area = 1.65 × 294 = 485 cm²
(75 According to fig. 2 this gives a diam- Area ventilation, engine room:
eter of 250 mm (9.8") for a single engine. 1. Inlet, engine room: Area = 1.65 × 441 = 728 cm²
2. Outlet, engine room: Area = 1.65 × 294 = 485 (113 According to fig. 2, this gives a duct
cm² (75 According to fig. 2 this gives a di- diameter of 302 mm (12").
ameter of 250 mm (9.8") for a single engine. 2. Outlet, engine room: Area = 1.65 × 441 = 728
3. Extraction fan capacity 0.07 × 294 = 20.6 m³/ cm² (113 According to fig. 2 this gives a
min (728 ft³/min). duct diameter of 302 mm (12").
4. NOTE! As this is a twin installation figures have to 3. Correction (inlet and outlet) for air temperature
be doubled. = 0.7 from Table 2, and correction for duct length
and bends = 1.41 from Table 1.
This gives 728 × 0.7 × 1.41 = 719 cm² (112
According to fig. 2 this gives a duct dia of
300 mm (11.8") for each inlet and outlet.
4. Extraction fan capacity 0.07 × 441 = 31 m³/min
(1095 ft³/min).

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Fig. 1 Calculation of areas

Area, cm² (square inch)







Ex. 1
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 kW
(134) (268) (402) (536) (670) (804) (939) (Hp)
Ex. 1. Engine power = 294 kW (400 hp) 1. Combustion ducting
2. Ventilation air,
inlet /outlet

Fig. 2. Conversion of area to diameter

Cross section area, cm² (square inch)






Ex. 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 ø mm
(2.0) (3.9) (5.9) (7.9) (9.8) (11.8) (13.8) (15.7) (17.7) (19.6) (ø inch)
Ex. 1. Air consumption duct diameter = 265 mm (10.4")
Ventilation duct diameter = 250 mm (9.8")

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Location of ventilators
and air intakes
5 6


1. Inlet duct, engine room

2. Air inlet duct, open end in engine room
3. Suction fan
4. Outlet air duct
5. Intermediary partition
6. Water trap
7. Draining holes
8. Engine air filter

NOTE! Air intakes or outlet holes must never be in-

stalled in the transom. The air in this area is mixed
with water and exhausts and must therefore never be
allowed to enter the boat.

Function of air intakes

Air intakes and outlets must function well, even in
bad weather, and must therefore have efficient water
traps. Soundproofing must usually be built in.
The air intake and outlet should be placed as far
away from each other as possible so that a good
through-flow is obtained.
If the intake and outlet are too close, the air can recir-
culate resulting in poor ventilation.

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Location of air ducts Soundproofing

The channels or ducts for the engine air supply The drive package must be installed in such a way
should be routed up as close as possible to the air as to minimise noise and vibration. The noise that oc-
filters, but with a minimum distance of 20–30 cm curs is airborne noise and structural noise (vibration).
(8­–12"), to definitely prevent water from entering the
engine. See figures in chapter Location of ventila- Structural noise
tors and air intakes.
Vibration from the engine is transmitted via the en-
For diesel engines the incoming ventilation air duct gine mountings and the engine bed to the hull. Other
should open out low down in the engine room, but not routes are via the transmission and propeller sys-
so low that any bilge water can block the air supply. tems, exhaust pipe, coolant pipes, fuel pipes, electri-
The outlet ducts should be located diagonally across cal cables and control cables.
on the other side of the engine.
Pressure pulses from the propeller are transmitted
All channels and ducts must be routed so that the through the water and into the hull. Pulsed force on
least possible flow resistance is obtained. The bends the propeller enters the hull via support blocks, bear-
must not be sharp, but softly rounded. The smallest ings and seals.
radius is twice the diameter. Restrictions must al-
ways be avoided. Airborne noise
The ducts should be cut obliquely at the ends to get This section refers to airborne noise from the engine
the best flow. bay. The most important measure to lower airborne
noise from the engine room is to seal the room prop-
In certain countries there are regulations in this re-
erly. Further improvements in noise level reduction
spect, which must be followed.
can be achieved by sound insulation material and by
designing sound traps for the air inlets.

The engine installation should be soundproofed in or-

der to obtain a noise level that is as low as possible.
Build the engine compartment with sound traps. Dif-
ferent types of sound traps can be selected. The fig-
ure reflects a type that is also provided with drainage.
Furthermore, due consideration must be given to the
thickness of the insulation material.

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Above you can see an example of the build-up of an

insulation sheeting. This type of insulation material is
glued to the frame.
NOTE! The insulation sheeting is turned differently,
owing to the type of the material in the frame, i.e.
GRP or wood.

Make sure the necessary room is available for serv- Insulation material, being applied on wood (plywood):
ice and repair. Also make sure that all hatches are 1. Wood (plywood)
properly sealed off.
2. Flame-proof absorption sheeting.
Greatest possible care must be given to the task
3. Flame-proof, reflecting soundproofing foil.
of screening the sound source as well as possible.
Screen all the way down to the hull but leave a small
distance to prevent bilgewater from penetrating insu-
lation material.
Cracks, openings etc. must be carefully sealed off
with insulation material. In cases where the engine
is installed under the floor, dress all bulkheads and
Insulation material applied on GRP:
1. GRP
2. Iron-PVC, thickness 2.5 mm (0.1")
3. Flame-proof absorption sheeting
4. Flame-proof, reflecting soundproofing foil

Prior to installing the insulation material, make sure

that there is sufficient room for checking, service and
repair and for the engine movements during opera-

Engine room, ventilation and sound proofing

Other cables, electrical wires, battery leads etc can

be drawn through a rubber hose or through a special
PVC-tube (electrical), being built onto the bulkhead of
GRP. Possible clearance between the tubing and the
wires can be sealed off with some kind of insulation
material or sealing compound.
Shift cables, throttle cables and electrical wires
coming through bulkheads can perferably be drawn
through a tube or a grommet, sealing off properly. At
the same time the cables are protected against wear.

Fuel hoses going through a bulkhead should rest in

a grommet where they pass through the bulkhead.
The grommet seals off and protects the hose against
sharp edges, which might cause leakage.

Belt guards and protections

Installation requirements
Unless the engine is protected by a cover or its own Belt guards which can be fitted on the engine, are
enclosure, exposed moving or hot parts of the engine available as optional equipment from Volvo Penta.
that could cause personal injury must be effectively Protections can also be built in the engine room by
shielded. the boat builder.

If the boat is to be manoeuvred and operated in a The control could be either a single lever control or
convenient and safe manner, then the operating sta- two lever control. On a single lever control both shift-
tion should be arranged in such a way that the con- ing and speed is operated with the same lever. In a
trols, steering and instruments, navigational equip- two lever control there is one lever for shifting and
ment and alarm systems are located practically. This one for speed.
applies to each operating station.

1 2

3 4

Example showing different control systems

1. Single lever control - mechanical
2. Single lever control - two stations - mechanical - DS-unit
3. Two lever control - two stations - mechanical - serial connected
4. Single lever control - electrical to mechanical

For wire information see Installation, Electronic Vessel Control EVC.


There are several types of control system alterna-

tives available:
Alternative operating stations
The controls must be duplicated for each operating
Mechanical control systems station. In a mechanical control, the switch‑over for
With a mechanical control system communication be- shifting with controls for the different operating sta-
tween the engine/reverse gear is done with push-pull tions can be carried out automatically if a dual station
cables. This type of system could require a little more unit is installed.
effort and be less distinct, especially with long cable The speed control cables from the two controls are
lengths and more than one control station. connected at the fuel injection pump by means of a
This installation manual mainly covers this type of speed control kit. See Connecting the speed con-
installation. trol cable in chapter Controls.

Electrical control systems

In fully electrical systems, the control communicates
with the engine via electrical signals and can only be
used on electrically governed engines, as the Volvo
Penta EVC engines.
It offers very simple installation as well as smooth
handling with long cables and several control sta-
tions. For further details about installation of EVC
control systems see Installation, Electronic Vessel
Control EVC.

Electrical to mechanical control systems

In electrical to mechanical control systems, the elec-
trical control communicates with actuators usually
located in the engine room via electrical wires. The
actuator transforms the electrical signal to a mechan-
ical movement. From the actuator, a push-pull cable
runs to the engine/reverse gear and there installation
is done the same way as with a mechanical control

Hydraulic and pneumatic controls.

The principle behind communication between control
and engine/reverse gear is to use hoses or pipes with
hydraulic oil or air. Hydraulic and pneumatic control
systems give advantages similar to those of an elec-
trical control system. They are rather easy to install in
boats with several control stations. They also require
very little effort to use in installation with several con-
trol stations or long distances.


Controls Location of the controls

These controls are for top mounting. Side mounted The following must be considered before cutting
controls are available but not so common in vessels holes for the controls.
or boats of this size.




Single engine, Twin engine,

single lever control, EVC single lever control, EVC

The engine can only be started if the control lever is

in the neutral/upright position. When selecting the location for the control it is im-
portant to take into consideration whether there is
sufficient space for the control lever movement and
sufficient space underneath the panel for the control
There must be enough room for full stroke of the
control lever for FORWARD and sufficient space for
operating REVERSE.
The lower part of the control must not come so close
to the steering control or other components that they
are affected in any way.
There must be sufficient space under the control to
permit installation of the control cables to the engine
and reverse gear with as few and smooth bends as



Connecting the speed control cable Gear cable connection

To increase of the engine speed, the speed control Always connect the cable to the reverse gear lever
cable must have a pulling movement on all engines. so that the neutral position is obtained on the reverse
gear when the control is set to NEUTRAL.
The speed control cable is connected at the fuel
injection pump as shown in the figure below. Con-
nections should be made so as to obtain the largest
possible stroke on the control cable to provide the 1 2
smoothest control procedure. The pump lever, how-
ever, must always be in contact with the full speed
stop at full throttle. N

When double cables are connected as shown in fig-

ure, the cables run freely through their attachments
to the pump lever.

2 1. Connection
1 2. Bracket
3. Control cable

Install the shifting cable and make sure the cable is

connected in the control for the required rotation of
the propeller shaft. See table on the following page.

1 Connecting the neutral

safety switch
In most controls, a neutral safety switch can be in-
2 mm
(0.08") stalled. With this switch, the engine can only be start-
Speed control cable connection for dual operating stations ed when the control is in the neutral position.
1. Lever on fuel injection pump Install the switch on the yellow/red wire going to the
2. Speed control cable from upper operating station no. 50 terminal on the key switch. The circuit should
3. Speed control cable from lower operating station be closed in the neutral position.
4. Cable clamp
Local legislation might apply making neutral switches
NOTE! The nuts on the ends of the cables must be compulsory.
locked against each other when the pump lever and
control levers are simultaneously at their idling and
neutral positions respectively.


In the case of twin installations, the starboard propel-

ler must rotate to the right and the port propeller to
the left in forward gear.
Install the shifting cable and make sure the cable is
connected for the required rotation of the propeller
shaft. See table below. 'To alter the direction of the
cable movement, change the position where the ca-
ble is attached in the control.
2 1

Shifting cable movement at reverse gear with standard bracket.

Pulling (1), pushing (2). See figure.
Direction within brackets is the way the shaft to the shifting lever (A) on
the reverse gear rotates.

Reverse gear Left hand propeller rotation: Right hand propeller rotation:

ZF45 Pulling (Clockwise) Pushing (Anticlockwise)

ZF220/ZF220A Pulling (Clockwise) Pushing (Anticlockwise)

ZF220IV Pushing (Anticlockwise) Pulling (Clockwise)
ZF280/ZF280A Pushing (Anticlockwise) Pulling (Clockwise)
ZF280IV Pulling (Clockwise) Pushing (Anticlockwise)
ZF301A Pulling (Anticlockwise) Pushing (Clockwise)
ZF302IV Pushing (Anticlockwise) Pulling (Clockwise)

ZF350A Pulling (Clockwise) Pushing (Anticlockwise)

MG5061 Pushing (Clockwise) Pulling (Anticlockwise)

MG5062V Pushing (Clockwise) Pulling (Anticlockwise)

MG507 Pushing (Anticlockwise) Pulling (Clockwise)

MG5091 Pulling (Anticlockwise) Pushing (Clockwise)

MG5111 Pulling (Anticlockwise) Pushing (Clockwise)
MG5114 Pushing (Anticlockwise) Pulling (Clockwise)
MG514 Pulling (Anticlockwise) Pushing (Clockwise)
MG516 Pushing (Clockwise) Pulling (Anticlockwise)


DS-unit, gear shift Final check

If two single lever controls are installed in parallel in Check, without starting the engine, after final connec-
a mechanical control system and connected to one tion of cabling that the lever on the pump is at idling
reverse gear, a DS-unit or similar must be installed. and the lever for the reverse gear is in the neutral po-
sition when the control is in NEUTRAL.
Then move the control to full speed and FORWARD
position. Check that the pump lever is against the full
speed stop and that the reverse gear lever is in the
FORWARD position. Also check the REVERSE posi-
3 tion.

1 1. Connection to reverse gear/engine

2. Connection to control 1
3. Connection to control 2

Choose a suitable place for the DS-unit as close to

the reverse gear as possible and in a dry and eas-
ily accessible position. The DS-unit can be mounted
vertically, horizontally or up side down. Horizontal is
A DS-unit is not needed when two lever controls are
installed in series.


Trolling valve
Trolling valves can be fitted on most reverse gears as Install the control cable the same way as the gear-
an accessory. shift control cable. Mark the control TROLLING
VALVE, and the positions DISENGAGED and EN-
The trolling valve will reduce the oil pressure on the
disc pack, which will make it slip in a controlled way.
The speed of the propeller shaft can be reduced Shifting lever
up to 80% compared to in a non-slipping condition.
There is normally an engine rpm limit up to which the
trolling valve can be used. A larger oil cooler is some-
times fitted to keep the oil temperature stable. It is
highly recommended to use a thermostat on the gear
box oil cooler.
The benefit of the trolling valve is reduction of the
idling speed of the boat or the option of increasing
engine rpm at low boat speed, for example in order to
use pumps etc. during fishing.

Trolling lever

When operating with the trolling valve engaged,

speed should be kept low in accordance with the in-
structions provided by the manufacturer.

For operating a trolling valve, a single-acting control
with a pushing movement shall be used.

Position A: Maximum slipping

Position B: Trolling fuction off

Verify that the required travel (C) is achived.

For correct measurements consult Volvo Penta or-
ganisation or the gearbox manufacturer.

Power take-off

1. Front end power take-off

2. In-line power take-off
3. Extra V-belt pulleys
4. Side located power take-off
5. Auxiliary pumps

In order to operate miscellaneous small auxiliary ap- Various configurations of PTO can be built. The most
paratus, there is the option of fitting power take-offs common are described in this chapter.
on the auxiliary drive gear casing or a sidemounted
Always see the current Sales Guide for the PTO op-
power take‑off on the starboard side at the front.
tions Volvo Penta is marketing for each engine size
If greater outputs are needed, a mechanical power and rating.
take‑off can be fitted on the front end of the crank-
The outputs permitted from the power take‑offs are
shaft. Either via a common standard over-centre
described later in this chapter.
clutch or an extra shaft connection (in-line).

Power take-off

Disconnectable power take-off,

Always try to have the pulley hub installed as close
as possible to the power take‑off housing. It is under
no circumstances permissible to install the pulley with
its centre further out on the shaft than half the length
of the free shaft.
The pulley should be formed in accordance with the
figure. This type of pulley can be placed in such a
way that part of the pulley covers the bearing hous-
ing, thus reducing the x‑value, whereby the side load
can be increased.

Power take‑off, ratio 1:1. Direction of rotation: Clockwise.

If direct drive is used without a belt transmission or if

some output consumer is to be connected directly to
the crankshaft, TVCs must always be made first.
Calculations are carried out by AB Volvo Penta on
Determine the output requirement, the maximum
torque and the engine speed required for the driven
Power take‑off with reduction gear, ratio 2.8:1. Direction of rotation:
Anti-clockwise. Including support device.
Calculate torque is obtained by using the formula
A power take‑off fitted with a reduction gear must be 716.2 × Ne
fitted with a support device. See figure. Mv =
Disconnectable power take‑offs are required if the Mv = Torque (kpm)
load is on from start or if it is required to disengage Ne = Output (hp)
the load while the engine is running.
n = r/min
Volvo Penta offers a range of power take‑offs.
Check that the output requirement does not exceed
The over-centre toggle action assures smooth and the maximum permitted from the power take‑off.
progressive engagement, locking the PTO securely
into the driving position.

Power take-off

Front mounted, disengagable PTO.

The clutches are of disengagable design, intended
for driving winches, bilge pumps or other optional

Engine PTO connecting Clutch Output Max torque

flange size make, type Nm (lbf. ft.)

D12 SAE3 Twin Disc SP 211-11.5" Stub-shaft (1) 1000 (738)

Power take-off

Flywheel and flywheel housing, SAE standard

Engine Standard Option Engine Standard Option
D5 SAE 3 SAE 1, 2 D9 R3-R5 SAE 2 —
D7A T SAE 3 SAE 1, 2 D11 SAE 2 —
D7A/C TA SAE 2 SAE 1, 3 D12 SAE 1 —
D9 R1-R2 SAE 1 — D16 SAE 1 SAE 0

SAE bell housing dimensions

SAE No. A B C Bolt holes

mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.) No. Diam. mm (in.)

00 787,4 (31.00) 850.9 (33.50) 882.7 (34.75) 16 13.5 (17/32)

0 647.7 (25.75) 679.5 (26.75) 711.2 (28.00) 16 13.5 (17/32)
1/2 584.2 (23.00) 619.1 (24.38) 647.7 (25.50) 12 13.5 (17/32)

1 511.2 (20.12) 530.2 (20.87) 552.5 (21.75) 12 11.9 (15/32)

2 447.7 (17.62) 466.7 (18.38) 488.9 (19.25) 12 10.3 (13/32)
3 409.6 (16.12) 428.6 (16.87) 450.8 (17.75) 12 10.3 (13/32)

4 361.9 (14.25) 381.0 (15.00) 403.2 (15.87) 12 10.3 (13/32)

5 314.3 (12.38) 333.4 (13.12) 355.6 (14.00) 8 10.3 (13/32)
6 266.7 (10.50) 285.7 (11.25) 308.0 (12.12) 8 10.3 (13/32)

NOTE! See Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines for complete information about flywheel housing

Power take-off

Power take-off positions

V‑belt transmissions
V‑belt transmissions are easily adaptable for different
ratios (by using differently sized pulleys). This type of
transmission provides a flexible transmission, it has a
low noise level and is relatively free of maintenance.
The alignment, however, must be done carefully and
the V‑belt tension must be easy to adjust.

Accessories such as water pumps, steering pumps,

etc can be driven from various PTO positions on the
engine. These positions will vary, depending on en-
gine type, but generally accessories can be:
1. Mounted on the engine, and belt driven from a
PTO groove on the crankshaft pulley. If the acces-
sory is mounted remotely from the engine, provi-
sion must be made for engine movement, e.g. by
use of a spring loaded jockey pulley.
2. Mounted on the front or back of the timing case,
and gear driven from the timing gears.

Belt driven power take-off

Crankshaft pulley, front end
The amount of power available from the crankshaft
pulley depends on the distance of the PTO pulley
from the face of the cylinder block, and the direction
of the resultant loads acting on the pulley.
It also depends on the pulley diameter and engine
Crank pulleys are available for each engine type,
some with an integral PTO groove, and some accept-
ing a "bolt‑on" PTO pulley.

Tightening Torque
If the crankshaft pulley type is changed, it must be
ensured that the correct tightening torque for that pul-
ley is applied.
The tightening torque values are specified in the
Workshop Manual for each engine type.

Power take-off

Belt tension Idler pulleys

The correct tension must be applied to any PTO belt Idler pulleys used for tensioning the V‑belts should be
driving arrangement, as insufficient installation ten- on the slack side of the belt, and not smaller than the
sion could cause belt slippage at high powers and minimum diameter recommended by the manufac-
high speeds, reducing belt life etc. turer for a particular belt.

With a PTO drive from the crankshaft, excessive belt The use of too small a pulley will severely reduce belt
tension will result in higher side loads than neces- life.
sary, which could result in crankshaft failure. A suitable spring loaded pulley is preferable to one
A practical way of estimating the fan belt tension is by that is adjusted and clamped, as it can enable the
applying pressure in the centre of the longest run of correct installation tension to be used. This is increas-
belt between any two pulleys, and adjusting the ten- ingly more important with larger PTO values, as more
sion until the belt deflects by a given amount. (See installation tension is required to avoid slippage, re-
figure). sulting in a higher side loading/bending moment on
the crankshaft.
NOTE! A spring loaded idler pulley is also very im-
portant where there could be relative movement
between a flexibly mounted engine and driven equip-
ment mounted on a separate chassis.

D = 0.015 x A

A = Distance between pulleys in mm.

D = Deflection in mm.

In multi-belt installations, where two or more belts are

used between two pulleys, belts matched in length
must be used to ensure correct load sharing and best
possible life.

Power take-off

Power output from front end of Torsional vibration

Power can be taken out, for in-line duty, from the front The diesel engine, plus its driven equipment (driven
end of the crankshaft. The limit for this power is the from either front or rear) is made up of rotating
bolted joint between the damper/pulley and polygon masses connected by a series of shafts. This forms a
hub. In the Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel torsional mass‑elastic system, which will vibrate at its
Engines you will find the max. permissible torque for own natural frequency when acted upon by an excit-
our engine range. There are however a number of ing torque.
things that have to be considered before the installa-
A resonant condition will occur when the frequency of
the exciting torque is equal to the natural frequency
of the system, or one of its harmonics.
Alignment of the engine
It is of utmost importance to align the engine to the This condition will result in high vibratory stress,
unit which is to be driven. which can lead to damage of the crankshaft or any
driven shafting. It is therefore necessary to ensure
The stress on the crankshaft, engine mounts, drive that the characteristics of the total system, i.e. en-
shaft and coupling might otherwise be big enough to gine and driven machinery (including front end PTO
cause interruptions in the operation. Check to make if fitted) are such that excessive torsional vibration
sure that the drive shaft is straight prior to beginning stresses will not occur.
alignment work.
As a general guide, all axially driven inertia should be
Imbalance in the driven unit and in the drive shaft as low as possible in order to minimise the effects of
and the coupling can cause noise and vibrations. vibratory torque. Driven equipment which introduces
This is why these components have to be balanced. damping into the system will have a beneficial effect
The alignment is facilitated if adjustment screws are on the torsional vibration characteristics.
installed on the engine feet.
The use of a flexible coupling in the system will have
After alignment, the distance between the frame and a similar beneficial effect, and coupling manufactur-
each bracket is measured. ers are usually able to give guidance in this respect.
Then steel shims with the correct measurement are
D5/D7 Moment of inertia
Crankshaft end thrust On D5/D7 it is important not to exceed allowed mo-
If anything is fitted to the engine that imposes an ax- ment of inertia for additional component mounted on
ial end loading on the crankshaft, it must be ensured front of the crank shaft.
that the end loading of the crankshaft does not ex-
Allowed max moment of inertia
ceed the maximum allowable values for the particular
engine type. Engine 1900 rpm 2300rpm
The manufacturer should be contacted for details of D5A T 0.53 kgm 2
0.24 kgm2
the operating end thrust of their equipment if this in-
D5A TA 0.51 kgm2 0.22 kgm2
formation is not known.
D7A T 0.64 kgm2 0.64 kgm2
D7A TA 0.54 kgm2 0.44 kgm2
D7C TA 0.26 kgm2 0.19 kgm2

Below you can find a guidline for the moment of iner-

tia for some additional equipment.
Pulley for 140A extra alternator 0.1514 kgm2
3-belt pulley 0.0334 kgm2
Pulley on stub shaft* 0.040 kgm2
*estimated weight 8 kg

Power take-off

Extra V-belt pulleys Direction of the side loads

The engine can usually accept a greater side load
below the crankshaft than above. Where this is the
case the belt drive should be arranged, if possible,
so that the driven equipment is below the crankshaft
centre line.

In order to calculate speed and diameter, the follow-
ing formula can be used:
RD × N = rd × n
RD = The driving belt pulley pitch diameter
If two or more belt drives are required and can be ar-
rd = The driven belt pulley pitch diameter
ranged in opposite directions, the effects will tend to
N = The speed of the driving shaft cancel each other out and minimise the overall side
load on the crankshaft.
n = The speed of the driven shaft
The pitch diameter is given in the catalogues of the Unsupported power take-off
pulley belt suppliers.
When it is essential to have an unsupported power
take-off pulley, the design can be checked and ap-
Front end V-belt pulleys proved by Volvo Penta.
Belt pulley on crankshaft
The following information must be provided:
Extra belt pulleys are available for bolting to the front
1. The engine specification
end of the crankshaft.
2. A drawing of the drive arrangements which should
Information regarding Volvo Penta standard front end
include the following:
pulleys is published with its dimensions in the Sales
Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel Engines. a. the effective diameter of all pulleys in the system.
b. the distance of the power take‑off belt(s) from the
front or rear face of the cylinder block.
c. the number, size and type of belts used.
d. the position of the driven equipment in relation to
the engine.
e. the method of tensioning the belt(s), for example,
adjustable fixed pulley, spring loaded jockey pul-
ley, etc.
f. the maximum and continuous power requirements
of the equipment.

Power take-off

In-line power take-off

1. Bearings Dx9
2. Flexible coupling
3. Belt pulley

The figure shows one concept of how to utilise the

crankshaft power in-line when all side thrusts are
taken up by the bearings (1). The torque figures are
maximum levels. Flexible coupling (2) must be calcu-
lated by Volvo Penta.


B D x 12

D5/D7 D9/D16 D12

Power take-off

Concept of a front Power Take-off with drive shaft

Engine Max torque A B C D E F
Nm (lbf. ft.) mm (inches)
D5A T 395 95 118 140 11.2x9 8.0 –
(291) (3.74) (4.65) (5.51) (0.44x9) (0.32) –
D5A TA 490 95 118 140 11.2x9 8.0 –
(361) (3.74) (4.65) (5.51) (0.44x9) (0.32) –
D7A T 535 95 118 140 11.2x9 8.0 –
(394) (3.74) (4.65) (5.51) (0.44x9) (0.32) –
D7A TA 725 95 118 140 11.2x9 8.0 –
(535) (3.74) (4.65) (5.51) (0.44x9) (0.32) –
D7C TA 810 95 118 140 11.2x9 8.0 –
(597) (3.74) (4.65) (5.51) (0.44x9) (0.32) –
D9* 1000 84 114 138 12,6x12 20 74
(738) (3.31) (4.49) (5.43) (0.50x12) (0.79) (2.91)
D12 1000 85 114 140 11.0x12 10 –
(738) (3.35) (4.49) (5.51) (0.43x12) (0.39) –
D16** 1100 84 114 140 12.6x12 6.5 65
(811) (3.31) (4.49) (5.51) (0.43x12) (0.26) (2.56)

*) Outer pulleys on crankshaft must be fitted.

**) Data for flexible coupling VKE 3414.

PTO D9 including flexible coupling PTO D16 including flexible coupling

The PTO system that include flexible coupling gives Please contact Volvo Penta for verifications of the
possibility to gain, under the normal circumstances, PTO that include flexible coupling other than VKE
max torque at the engines front end. Vibratory torque 3414.
limit that is set up by values that can be carrying out
by the bolt connection is satisfied with this PTO sys-
tem. Both the dynamical and the statical part of the
torque amplitude is possible to transmit over the bolt
The flexible coupling that has been analyzed (VKE
3414) can be thermally overloaded in the case with
engine misfiring. The vibratory torque for the flexible
coupling is also above adequate limit for the case
with engine misfiring. This moment is limited to 1000
Nm witch correspond to the power of 190 kW at 1800
rpm and 230 kW at 2200 rpm.
Please contact Volvo Penta for verifications of the
PTO that include flexible coupling other than VKE

Power take-off

Stub shafts and V-belt pulleys

Stub shaft system
If a flexible joint is to be used, it must be preceded by
a torsion vibration calculation done by Volvo Penta.

1. Bolt to stub shaft

2 . Cover
3. Intermediate cylinder.
Will be cut to proper length 4
4. Bolt to crankshaft
5. Stub shaft 3


Stub shaft

95.5 F2
135° 45°
68.5 27
5 +0.06
0 5 +0.06



Stub shaft

F(N) x ∅d (m) x (rpm)



P(kW) =
3.2 x 104

28H13 40H13

Fmax (N)
Angle Pos1 Pos2
0° 5900 5200
45° 3100 2800
90° 3100 2800
135° 3100 2800
180° 5400 4800

Power take-off

Stub shaft
175 (Pos 2)
125.5 (Pos 1)
135° 45°


Stub shaft

F(N) x ∅d (m) x (rpm)

P(kW) =
3.2 x 104

D9-300 R1 D9A-355 R1 D9A-355 R1 D9A-425 R2/R3 D9-500 R4

221 kW/1800 rpm 261 kW/1800 rpm 261 kW/2200 rpm 313 kW/2200 rpm 368 kW/2600 rpm
Fmax (N) Fmax (N) Fmax (N) Fmax (N) Fmax (N)
Angle Pos1 Pos2 Pos1 Pos2 Pos1 Pos2 Pos1 Pos2 Pos1 Pos2
0° 2590 2050 2590 2050 3420 2710 3420 2710 3120 2480
45° 1740 1370 1740 1370 1680 1330 1680 1330 820 650
90° 1380 1090 1380 1090 1250 990 1250 990 510 410
135° 1700 1350 1700 1350 1480 1170 1480 1170 690 550
180° 3210 2540 3210 2540 3160 2500 3160 2500 2270 1800

PTO with stubshaft

For the system with the stubshaft torque amplitude power that is possible to deliver at the engine’s front
values are delimited in relation to the added lumped end is limited to values that are below engine’s full
inertia J1 on the engine’s front end. Corresponding load curve for some of the values for J1 (J1=0.2-0.8).

Engines working according the propeller load excitation curve

J1 [kgm2] P[kW], R1 ������������������������������
P[kW], R2 P[kW], R1 P[kW], R1
261kW@1800rpm 313kW@2200rpm 261kW@2200rpm 221kW@1800rpm
0.1 261 309 261 221
0.2 225 281 261 221
0.4 138 241 261 169
0.6 83 224 247 131
0.8 24 187 196 87

Power take-off

Stub shaft
90° 164 (Pos 2)
96.5 (Pos 1)
135° 45°


Stub shaft

F(N) x ∅d (m) x (rpm)

P(kW) =
3.2 x 104

D16-500 - 750
368 kW - 559 kW
Fmax (N)
Angle Pos1 Pos2
0°-180° 3100 2500

PTO with stubshaft

For the system with the stubshaft torque amplitude
values are delimited in relation to the added lumped
inertia J1 on the engine’s front end. Corresponding
power that is possible to deliver at the engine’s front
end is limited to values that are below engine’s full
load curve for some of the values for J1 (J1=0.1-0.6).

Engines working according the propeller load excitation curve

J1 [kgm2] P[kW] ������ P[kW]
R1 R2
368 - 479kW@1800rpm �������������
0.1 551 ���551
0.2 551 ���551
0.3 551 ���551
0.4 548 ���548
0.5 516 ���516
0.6 - * ���-*
* Crankshaft damper heat load is above allowable levels.

Power take-off

Auxiliary drives
Gear driven power take-off from Things to remember concerning
timing case power take-off at the timing gears
The engine specifications must be appropriate for the • The limiting factor for the life of the gears is
power take-off equipment to be fitted. torque.
Weight • If a higher torque than listed is utilised, the lifetime
The weight of the extra equipment to be bolted on of the gears will be reduced.
to the timing cases must be considered. A support • Remember the formula:
bracket from the cylinder block should be used for
heavy equipment. P=Mxv
P = Output in W
Cyclic torque
Some equipment, i.e. hydraulic pumps, impose high M = Torque in Nm
cyclic torque variations on the timing gears. This v = Angel speed = p x n in RAD/s
means that max torque in accordance with the data 30
n = Driven apparatus speed in rpm
given in the Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel
Engines can not be utilised.
This means that if the same output (P) is utilised at
a lower engine speed, the torque will be higher and
Miscellaneous thus resulting in shorter life for the gears.
In the case of engines fitted with keel cooling, no
seawater pump is used for systems only requiring cir-
culation pump. A power take‑off can then be located Example:
in the place of the seawater pump at the rear. A driv-
P = 15.3 kW
ing gearwheel must be fitted in the power take‑off in
the same way as for the seawater pump. M = 73 Nm
In the case of the 74-engines, a power take‑off can- n = 2000 rpm
not be fitted on the front of the auxiliary drive gear
casing when the engine is fitted with a power take‑off
Now, if we want to utilise the same power at 1800 en-
driven from the crankshaft.
gine rpm, what is the torque?
Check that the output requirement does not exceed
First the compressor speed must be calculated:
the maximum permissible output according to the
specifications in the sales literature. Crankshaft gear (Z = 30) / Compressor gear (Z = 33)
30/33 = 0.909 (compr. gear ratio)
1800 x 0.909 = 1636 rpm.
IMPORTANT! Any power take-off equipment at-
tached directly to timing case must be approved
by Volvo Penta. 15300 = M x
p x 1636
M = 89.3 Nm

What is the max permissible power for the servo
pump gear at 1500 rpm (engine speed) for a 7 l en-
Max. torque M = 38 Nm

According to the Sales Guide:

Servo pump speed ratio = 1.58 : 1
1500 x 1.58 = 2370 rpm

P = 38 x
p x 2370

P = 9431 W = 9.4 kW

Power take-off

Timing gear wheel ratio and maximum torque

Crankshaft (A) – Transmission wheel (B–F)


Engine Ratio Max.torque Ratio Max.torque Ratio Max.torque Ratio Max.torque
Nm (lb.ft.) Nm (lb.ft.) Nm (lb.ft.) Nm (lb.ft.)

D5/D7 1.1:30 64.5 (7.8) 1.1:30 64.5 (7.8) 1:1.12 187.5 (138.3) * *
D12 1:0.76 55 (40) 0.71:1 — 1:0.60 30 (22) * *

*) PTO occupied or not applicable.

NOTE! PTO application to timing gears requires cor-

rect material combination of the gears. Use only by
Volvo Penta approved gear wheels.
Driven (wheel) speed = crankshaft/ratio number.
A = 1800 rpm, ratio = 0.91
Driven wheel speed = 1800/0.91 = 1978 rpm Transmission wheel positions

Timing gear positions, seen from flywheelside.

A. Crankshaft gear
B. Drive gear for seawater pump (impeller type)
C. Drive gear for coolant pump and alternator
D. Drive gear for seawater pump (Gilkes-type)
Drive gear free for PTO connection

Power take-off

Transmission wheel positions Power take‑off on engine auxiliary drive

gear casing




Power take‑off on auxiliary drive gear casing

B. Drive gear for PTO connection
1. Power take‑off front, starboard side.
(Drive gear B)
C. Drive gear for feed pump, alternator
or extra equipment
2. Power take‑off port
(Drive gear C)
D. Drive gear for hydraulic pump
A (Extra equipment)
3. Power take-off hydraulic pump
Timing gear positions, seen from front side. CL Crankshaft centre line
A. Crankshaft gear
B. Drive gear free for PTO connection
C. Drive gear for feed pump, alternator
and extra equipment
D. Drive gear for hydraulic pump
(Extra equipment)

Power take-off

Flush and bilge pumps

Different types of pumps can be fitted to dispose of Disengageable 2" bilge pumps and 2" flushing pumps
bilgewater and for flushing purposes. Furthermore, can be fitted on the engines. The pumps are mounted
when changing oil in the reverse gear and the en- to a power take-off at the back of the timing gear cas-
gine, it can be convenient to have an electrically pow- ing.
ered oil scavenging pump.
The pumps are of the impeller type with rubber impel-
1 ler. The power is transferred through an electromag-
netic clutch.
The connection time of the bilge pump is monitored
by a vacuum switch. At start, the switch is held down
for approx. 20 seconds. The vacuum switch breaks
the current to the magnetic coupling when the pump-
ing medium is finished.
The flushing pump is used for many service purposes
such as deck flushing, fish washing etc.
The Sales Guide Marine Propulsion Diesel En-
gines describes speeds, dimensions and capacity.


Bilge and flush pump (2"). Switched on and off electrically.

Vacuum gauge for automatic disconnecting
1. Bilge pump
2. Flushing pump
3. Power take-off
4. Vacuum switch

Bilge pump (2"). Switched on and off electrically. Vacuum gauge for
automatic disconnecting.

Oil and coolant drain systems

5 3

1. Waste fluid
6 7 2. Pump
3. Valve block
4. Coolant drain connection
5. Engine oil drain connection
Engine installations in boats and vessels, carry the 6. Reverse gear oil drain connection
potential for negative impact on the environment. The 7. Pipe to drain the bilge
liquids necessary are harmful and should be handled
in a safe way.
The figure above shows a concept of how this could
be solved via a central waste pump connected to the
important positions in the engine room.
The systems must comply with local ruling and legis-

Oil draining pump

Apart from the fixed hand‑operated draining pumps
on certain engines, an electrically powered draining
pump for oil is also available as extra equipment. This
pump is installed in a suitable position by using a
bracket. The pump can be run in the desired direction
by changing the polarity of the cables.
The oil hoses should be connected up only when
changing oil so as to avoid the risk of accidental

Launching the boat
Check before launching: Starting the engine
• Install the batteries in their compartment and at- • Starting procedures:
tach the battery leads. See Operators’s Manual for each engine.
• Check that all valves at through hull fittings are
• Check that the fitted propeller has the correct
diameter and pitch before launching. Check also Check while the engine is running at
that the propeller has the correct rotation (right or idling
left). • Leakage in fuel system and cooling system.
• Launch the boat. Check pipes and hoses. See Operators’s Manu-
• Instruments and gauges are working and showing
Check before starting the engine: correct values. See Operators’s Manual.
• Open valves at through hull fittings one by one. • Oil level in reverse gear when engine has reached
operating temperature. See Operators’s Manual.
• Check for leakages in hull and through hull fittings.
• Equipment such as navigation lights, instruments
• Open valves for external systems, keel cooling,
etc. is working correctly. See Operators’s Manual.
hot water circuit etc.
• That all drain cocks are closed and all drain plugs
are installed.
Stop the engine. Check:
• Engine oil. The oil capacity, oil quality and viscos-
ity. See Operators’s Manual. • Engine oil level.
• Reverse gear oil. • Coolant level.
The oil capacity, oil quality and viscosity. See Op- • Water level in wet exhaust system.
erators’s Manual.
The level shall be well below the lower edge of
silencer inlet so that there will be no risk of water
NOTE! Since the marks on the dipstick apply at
entering into the engine exhaust system. Follow
operating temperature with the engine idling and
the design limit from the silencer manufacturer.
the control in neutral, the correct level before
starting must be judged by ­experience.

• Coolant level. Filling of coolant see chapter Cool-

ant and Filling with coolant.
• Fill up with fuel.
Fuel pre-filter:
Remove the lid and fill the filter with clean diesel
fuel. Install the lid and tighten it by hand. Wipe off
any diesel fuel which may have collected on the
heat shield. Check that the tap handle is in the
open position (all on) if a twin filter has been in-
• Open the fuel cocks and vent the fuel system-
Oil level in hydraulic steering system or power
take off equipment (if fitted)
• Engine alignment after the boat is completed and
rigged. (Preferably after 12 hours in water.)
See chapter Engine installation.


Sea trial
Check when test running the boat: Check over the whole speed range:
• Instruments • That the engine room temperature is kept at an
Check engine rpm, oil pressure, coolant tem- acceptable level.
perature and charging voltage. See Operators’s • Abnormal noise and vibrations.
• Verify that the steering and controls are correctly
• Check engine installation for water, coolant, oil connected and correspond to the boat’s move-
and fuel leaks. ment.
• Check if the maximum engine speed can be
obtained, see the Operators’s ­Manual. Should
the maximum engine speed not be obtained, the
wrong size propeller might be installed. Also, the
boat might be loaded in a way that results in a bad
running attitude position in the water.
• Exhaust backpressure. See chapter Exhaust sys-
tem, Backpressure.
• Keel cooling system for leakages and coolant
circulation (temperature and pressure, inlet and
outlet). See Cooling system, External cooling.
• Grease propeller shaft bearings and seals: These
should be at a low temperature and without

References to Service Bulletins

Group No. Date Concerns






































































































Report form

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a copy of this page, write your comments down and post it to us. The address is at
the bottom of the page. We would prefer you to write in English or Swedish.





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AB Volvo Penta
Technical Information
Dept. 42200
SE-405 08 Göteborg
7748655 English 11-2007

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