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Engineering science is usually subdivided into number of topics such as

1. Solid Mechanics

2. Fluid Mechanics

3. Heat Transfer

4. Properties of materials and soon Although there are close links between them in terms of the physical principles involved and
methods of analysis employed.

The solid mechanics as a subject may be defined as a branch of applied mechanics that deals with behaviours of solid bodies
subjected to various types of loadings. This is usually subdivided into further two streams i.e Mechanics of rigid bodies or simply
Mechanics and Mechanics of deformable solids.

The mechanics of deformable solids which is branch of applied mechanics is known by several names i.e. strength of materials,
mechanics of materials etc.

Mechanics of rigid bodies:

The mechanics of rigid bodies is primarily concerned with the static and dynamic behaviour under external forces of engineering
components and systems which are treated as infinitely strong and undeformable Primarily we deal here with the forces and
motions associated with particles and rigid bodies.

Mechanics of deformable solids :

Mechanics of solids:

The mechanics of deformable solids is more concerned with the internal forces and associated changes in the geometry of the
components involved. Of particular importance are the properties of the materials used, the strength of which will determine
whether the components fail by breaking in service, and the stiffness of which will determine whether the amount of deformation
they suffer is acceptable. Therefore, the subject of mechanics of materials or strength of materials is central to the whole activity of
engineering design. Usually the objectives in analysis here will be the determination of the stresses, strains, and deflections
produced by loads. Theoretical analyses and experimental results have an equal roles in this field.

Analysis of stress and strain :

Concept of stress : Let us introduce the concept of stress as we know that the main problem of engineering mechanics of material
is the investigation of the internal resistance of the body, i.e. the nature of forces set up within a body to balance the effect of the
externally applied forces.

The externally applied forces are termed as loads. These externally applied forces may be due to any one of the reason.

(i) due to service conditions

(ii) due to environment in which the component works

(iii) through contact with other members

(iv) due to fluid pressures

(v) due to gravity or inertia forces.

As we know that in mechanics of deformable solids, externally applied forces acts on a body and body suffers a deformation. From
equilibrium point of view, this action should be opposed or reacted by internal forces which are set up within the particles of material
due to cohesion.

These internal forces give rise to a concept of stress. Therefore, let us define a stress Therefore, let us define a term stress


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Let us consider a rectangular bar of some cross – sectional area and subjected to some load or force (in Newtons )

Let us imagine that the same rectangular bar is assumed to be cut into two halves at section XX. The each portion of this
rectangular bar is in equilibrium under the action of load P and the internal forces acting at the section XX has been shown

Now stress is defined as the force intensity or force per unit area. Here we use a symbol s to represent the stress.

Where A is the area of the X – section

Here we are using an assumption that the total force or total load carried by the rectangular bar is uniformly distributed over its
cross – section.

But the stress distributions may be for from uniform, with local regions of high stress known as stress concentrations.

If the force carried by a component is not uniformly distributed over its cross – sectional area, A, we must consider a small area,
‘dA' which carries a small load dP, of the total force ‘P', Then definition of stress is

As a particular stress generally holds true only at a point, therefore it is defined mathematically as

Units :

The basic units of stress in S.I units i.e. (International system) are N / m2 (or Pa)

MPa = 106 Pa

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GPa = 109 Pa

KPa = 103 Pa

Some times N / mm2 units are also used, because this is an equivalent to MPa. While US customary unit is pound per square inch


only two basic stresses exists : (1) normal stress and (2) shear shear stress. Other stresses either are similar to these basic
stresses or are a combination of these e.g. bending stress is a combination tensile, compressive and shear stresses. Torsional
stress, as encountered in twisting of a shaft is a shearing stress.

Let us define the normal stresses and shear stresses in the following sections.

Normal stresses : We have defined stress as force per unit area. If the stresses are normal to the areas concerned, then these are
termed as normal stresses. The normal stresses are generally denoted by a Greek letter ( s )

This is also known as uniaxial state of stress, because the stresses acts only in one direction however, such a state rarely exists,
therefore we have biaxial and triaxial state of stresses where either the two mutually perpendicular normal stresses acts or three
mutually perpendicular normal stresses acts as shown in the figures below :

Tensile or compressive stresses :

The normal stresses can be either tensile or compressive whether the stresses acts out of the area or into the area

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Bearing Stress : When one object presses against another, it is referred to a bearing stress ( They are in fact the compressive
stresses ).

Shear stresses :

Let us consider now the situation, where the cross – sectional area of a block of material is subject to a distribution of forces which
are parallel, rather than normal, to the area concerned. Such forces are associated with a shearing of the material, and are referred
to as shear forces. The resulting force interistes are known as shear stresses.

The resulting force intensities are known as shear stresses, the mean shear stress being equal to

Where P is the total force and A the area over which it acts.

As we know that the particular stress generally holds good only at a point therefore we can define shear stress at a point as

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The greek symbol t ( tau ) ( suggesting tangential ) is used to denote shear stress.

However, it must be borne in mind that the stress ( resultant stress ) at any point in a body is basically resolved into two
components s and t one acts perpendicular and other parallel to the area concerned, as it is clearly defined in the following figure.

The single shear takes place on the single plane and the shear area is the cross - sectional of the rivett, whereas the double shear
takes place in the case of Butt joints of rivetts and the shear area is the twice of the X - sectional area of the rivett.

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Concept of strain : if a bar is subjected to a direct load, and hence a stress the bar will change in length. If the bar has an original
length L and changes by an amount dL, the strain produce is defined as follows:

Strain is thus, a measure of the deformation of the material and is a nondimensional Quantity i.e. it has no units. It is simply a ratio
of two quantities with the same unit.

Since in practice, the extensions of materials under load are very very small, it is often convenient to measure the strain in the form
of strain x 10-6 i.e. micro strain, when the symbol used becomes m Î.

Sign convention for strain:

Tensile strains are positive whereas compressive strains are negative. The strain defined earlier was known as linear strain or
normal strain or the longitudinal strain now let us define the shear strain.

Definition: An element which is subjected to a shear stress experiences a deformation as shown in the figure below. The tangent
of the angle through which two adjacent sides rotate relative to their initial position is termed shear strain. In many cases the angle
is very small and the angle it self is used, ( in radians ), instead of tangent, so that g = Ð AOB - Ð A'OB' = f

Shear strain: As we know that the shear stresses acts along the surface. The action of the stresses is to produce or being about
the deformation in the body consider the distortion produced b shear sheer stress on an element or rectangular block

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This shear strain or slide is f and can be defined as the change in right angle. or The angle of deformation g is then termed as the
shear strain. Shear strain is measured in radians & hence is non – dimensional i.e. it has no unit.So we have two types of strain i.e.
normal stress & shear stresses.

Hook's Law :

A material is said to be elastic if it returns to its original, unloaded dimensions when load is removed.

Hook's law therefore states that

Stress ( s ) a strain( Î )

Modulus of elasticity : Within the elastic limits of materials i.e. within the limits in which Hook's law applies, it has been shown that

Stress / strain = constant

This constant is given by the symbol E and is termed as the modulus of elasticity or Young's modulus of elasticity


The value of Young's modulus E is generally assumed to be the same in tension or compression and for most engineering material
has high, numerical value of the order of 200 GPa

Poisson's ratio: If a bar is subjected to a longitudinal stress there will be a strain in this direction equal to s / E . There will also be a
strain in all directions at right angles to s . The final shape being shown by the dotted lines.

It has been observed that for an elastic materials, the lateral strain is proportional to the longitudinal strain. The ratio of the lateral
strain to longitudinal strain is known as the poison's ratio .

Poison's ratio ( m ) = - lateral strain / longitudinal strain

For most engineering materials the value of m his between 0.25 and 0.33.

Three – dimensional state of strain : Consider an element subjected to three mutually perpendicular tensile stresses sx , syand sz
as shown in the figure below.

If sy and sz were not present the strain in the x direction from the basic definition of Young's modulus of Elasticity E would be equal

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Îx= sx/ E

The effects of sy and sz in x direction are given by the definition of Poisson's ratio ‘ m ' to be equal as -m sy/ E and -m sz / E

The negative sign indicating that if syand sz are positive i.e. tensile, these they tend to reduce the strain in x direction thus the total
linear strain is x direction is given by

Principal strains in terms of stress:

In the absence of shear stresses on the faces of the elements let us say that sx , sy , sz are in fact the principal stress. The resulting
strain in the three directions would be the principal strains.

i.e. We will have the following relation.

For Two dimensional strain: system, the stress in the third direction becomes zero i.e sz = 0 or s3 = 0

Although we will have a strain in this direction owing to stresses s1& s2 .

Hence the set of equation as described earlier reduces to

Hence a strain can exist without a stress in that direction

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Hydrostatic stress : The term Hydrostatic stress is used to describe a state of tensile or compressive stress equal in all directions
within or external to a body. Hydrostatic stress causes a change in volume of a material, which if expressed per unit of original
volume gives a volumetric strain denoted by Îv. So let us determine the expression for the volumetric strain.

Volumetric Strain:

Consider a rectangle solid of sides x, y and z under the action of principal stresses s1 , s2 , s3 respectively.

Then Î1 , Î2 , and Î3 are the corresponding linear strains, than the dimensions of the rectangle becomes

( x + Î1 . x ); ( y + Î2 . y ); ( z + Î3 . z )

hence the

ALITER : Let a cuboid of material having initial sides of Length x, y and z. If under some load system, the sides changes in length
by dx, dy, and dz then the new volume ( x + dx ) ( y + dy ) ( z +dz )

New volume = xyz + yzdx + xzdy + xydz

Original volume = xyz

Change in volume = yzdx +xzdy + xydz

Volumetric strain = ( yzdx +xzdy + xydz ) / xyz = Îx+ Îy+ Îz

Neglecting the products of epsilon's since the strains are sufficiently small.

Volumetric strains in terms of principal stresses:

As we know that

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Strains on an oblique plane

(a) Linear strain

Consider a rectangular block of material OLMN as shown in the xy plane. The strains along ox and oy are Îx and Îy , and gxy is the
shearing strain.

Then it is required to find an expression for Îq, i.e the linear strain in a direction inclined at q to OX, in terms of Îx ,Îy , gxy and q.

Let the diagonal OM be of length 'a' then ON = a cos q and OL = a sin q , and the increase in length of those under strains are
Îxacos q and Îya sin q ( i.e. strain x original length ) respectively.

If M moves to M', then the movement of M parallel to x axis is Îxacos q + gxy sin q and the movement parallel to the y axis is Îyasin q

Thus the movement of M parallel to OM , which since the strains are small is practically coincident with MM'. and this would be the
summation of portions (1) and (2) respectively and is equal to

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This expression is identical in form with the equation defining the direct stress on any inclined plane q with Îx and Îy replacing sx and
sy and ½ gxy replacing txy i.e. the shear stress is replaced by half the shear strain

Shear strain: To determine the shear stain in the direction OM consider the displacement of point P at the foot of the perpendicular

from N to OM and the following expression can be derived as

In the above expression ½ is there so as to keep the consistency with the stress relations.

Futher -ve sign in the expression occurs so as to keep the consistency of sign convention, because OM' moves clockwise with
respect to OM it is considered to be negative strain.

The other relevant expressions are the following :

Let us now define the plane strain condition

Plane Strain :

In xy plane three strain components may exist as can be seen from the following figures:

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Therefore, a strain at any point in body can be characterized by two axial strains i.e Îx in x direction, Îy in y - direction and gxy the
shear strain.

In the case of normal strains subscripts have been used to indicate the direction of the strain, and Îx , Îy are defined as the relative
changes in length in the co-ordinate directions.

With shear strains, the single subscript notation is not practical, because such strains involves displacements and length which are
not in same direction.The symbol and subscript gxy used for the shear strain referred to the x and y planes. The order of the
subscript is unimportant. gxy and gyx refer to the same physical quantity. However, the sign convention is important.The shear strain
gxy is considered to be positive if it represents a decrease the angle between the sides of an element of material lying parallel the
positive x and y axes. Alternatively we can think of positive shear strains produced by the positive shear stresses and viceversa.

Plane strain :

An element of material subjected only to the strains as shown in Fig. 1, 2, and 3 respectively is termed as the plane strain state.

Thus, the plane strain condition is defined only by the components Îx , Îy , gxy : Îz = 0; gxz = 0; gyz = 0

It should be noted that the plane stress is not the stress system associated with plane strain. The plane strain condition is
associated with three dimensional stress system and plane stress is associated with three dimensional strain system.

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Stress – Strain Relations: The Hook's law, states that within the elastic limits the stress is proportional to the strain since for most
materials it is impossible to describe the entire stress – strain curve with simple mathematical expression, in any given problem the
behavior of the materials is represented by an idealized stress – strain curve, which emphasizes those aspects of the behaviors
which are most important is that particular problem.

(i) Linear elastic material:

A linear elastic material is one in which the strain is proportional to stress as shown below:

There are also other types of idealized models of material behavior.

(ii) Rigid Materials:

It is the one which donot experience any strain regardless of the applied stress.

(iii) Perfectly plastic(non-strain hardening):

A perfectly plastic i.e non-strain hardening material is shown below:

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(iv) Rigid Plastic material(strain hardening):

A rigid plastic material i.e strain hardening is depicted in the figure below:

(v) Elastic Perfectly Plastic material:

The elastic perfectly plastic material is having the characteristics as shown below:

(vi) Elastic – Plastic material:

The elastic plastic material exhibits a stress Vs strain diagram as depicted in the figure below:

Elastic Stress – strain Relations :

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Previously stress – strain relations were considered for the special case of a uniaxial loading i.e. only one component of
stress i.e. the axial or normal component of stress was coming into picture. In this section we shall generalize the elastic behavior,
so as to arrive at the relations which connect all the six components of stress with the six components of elastic stress. Futher, we
would restrict overselves to linearly elastic material.

Before writing down the relations let us introduce a term ISOTROPY

ISOTROPIC: If the response of the material is independent of the orientation of the load axis of the sample, then we say that the
material is isotropic or in other words we can say that isotropy of a material in a characteristics, which gives us the information that
the properties are the same in the three orthogonal directions x y z, on the other hand if the response is dependent on orientation it
is known as anisotropic.

Examples of anisotropic materials, whose properties are different in different directions are

(i) Wood

(ii) Fibre reinforced plastic

(iii) Reinforced concrete

HOMOGENIUS: A material is homogenous if it has the same composition through our body. Hence the elastic properties are the
same at every point in the body. However, the properties need not to be the same in all the direction for the material to be
homogenous. Isotropic materials have the same elastic properties in all the directions. Therefore, the material must be both
homogenous and isotropic in order to have the lateral strains to be same at every point in a particular component.

Generalized Hook's Law: We know that for stresses not greater than the proportional limit.

These equation expresses the relationship between stress and strain (Hook's law) for uniaxial state of stress only when the stress
is not greater than the proportional limit. In order to analyze the deformational effects produced by all the stresses, we shall
consider the effects of one axial stress at a time. Since we presumably are dealing with strains of the order of one percent or less.
These effects can be superimposed arbitrarily. The figure below shows the general triaxial state of stress.

Let us consider a case when sx alone is acting. It will cause an increase in dimension in X-direction whereas the dimensions in y
and z direction will be decreased.

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Therefore the resulting strains in three directions are

Similarly let us consider that normal stress sy alone is acting and the resulting strains are

Now let us consider the stress sz acting alone, thus the strains produced are

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In the following analysis shear stresses were not considered. It can be shown that for an isotropic material's a shear stress will
produce only its corresponding shear strain and will not influence the axial strain. Thus, we can write Hook's law for the individual
shear strains and shear stresses in the following manner.

The Equations (1) through (6) are known as Generalized Hook's law and are the constitutive equations for the linear elastic
isotropic materials. When these equations isotropic materials. When these equations are used as written, the strains can be
completely determined from known values of the stresses. To engineers the plane stress situation is of much relevance ( i.e. sz = txz
= tyz = 0 ), Thus then the above set of equations reduces to

Hook's law is probably the most well known and widely used constitutive equations for an engineering materials.” However, we can
not say that all the engineering materials are linear elastic isotropic ones. Because now in the present times, the new materials are
being developed every day. Many useful materials exhibit nonlinear response and are not elastic too.

Plane Stress: In many instances the stress situation is less complicated for example if we pull one long thin wire of uniform section
and examine – small parallepiped where x – axis coincides with the axis of the wire

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So if we take the xy plane then sx , sy , txy will be the only stress components acting on the parrallepiped. This combination of stress
components is called the plane stress situation

A plane stress may be defined as a stress condition in which all components associated with a given direction ( i.e the z direction in
this example ) are zero

Plane strain: If we focus our attention on a body whose particles all lie in the same plane and which deforms only in this plane.
This deforms only in this plane. This type of deformation is called as the plane strain, so for such a situation.

Îz = gzx = gzy = 0 and the non – zero terms would be Îx, Îy & gxy

i.e. if strain components Îx, Îy and gxy and angle q are specified, the strain components Îx', Îy' and gxy' with respect to some other
axes can be determined.


In considering the elastic behavior of an isotropic materials under, normal, shear and hydrostatic loading, we introduce a total of
four elastic constants namely E, G, K, and g .

It turns out that not all of these are independent to the others. In fact, given any two of them, the other two can be foundout . Let us
define these elastic constants

(i) E = Young's Modulus of Rigidity

= Stress / strain

(ii) G = Shear Modulus or Modulus of rigidity

= Shear stress / Shear strain

(iii) g = Possion's ratio

= - lateral strain / longitudinal strain

(iv) K = Bulk Modulus of elasticity

= Volumetric stress / Volumetric strain


Volumetric strain = sum of linear stress in x, y and z direction.

Volumetric stress = stress which cause the change in volume.

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Let us find the relations between them

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Relation between E, G and u :

Let us establish a relation among the elastic constants E,G and u. Consider a cube of material of side ‘a' subjected to the action of
the shear and complementary shear stresses as shown in the figure and producing the strained shape as shown in the figure

Assuming that the strains are small and the angle A C B may be taken as 450.

Therefore strain on the diagonal OA

= Change in length / original length

Since angle between OA and OB is very small hence OA @ OB therefore BC, is the change in the length of the diagonal OA

Now this shear stress system is equivalent or can be replaced by a system of direct stresses at 450 as shown below. One set will
be compressive, the other tensile, and both will be equal in value to the applied shear strain.

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Thus, for the direct state of stress system which applies along the diagonals:

We have introduced a total of four elastic constants, i.e E, G, K and g. It turns out that not all of these are independent of the others.
Infact given any two of then, the other two can be found.

irrespective of the stresses i.e, the material is incompressible.

When g = 0.5 Value of k is infinite, rather than a zero value of E and volumetric strain is zero, or in other words, the material is

Relation between E, K and u :

Consider a cube subjected to three equal stresses s as shown in the figure below

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The total strain in one direction or along one edge due to the application of hydrostatic stress or volumetric stress s is given as

Relation between E, G and K :

The relationship between E, G and K can be easily determained by eliminating u from the already derived relations

E = 2 G ( 1 + u ) and E = 3 K ( 1 - u )

Thus, the following relationship may be obtained

Relation between E, K and g :

From the already derived relations, E can be eliminated

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Engineering Brief about the elastic constants :

We have introduced a total of four elastic constants i.e E, G, K and u. It may be seen that not all of these are independent of the
others. Infact given any two of them, the other two can be determined. Futher, it may be noted that

hence if u = 0.5, the value of K becomes infinite, rather than a zero value of E and the volumetric strain is zero or in otherwords, the
material becomes incompressible

Futher, it may be noted that under condition of simple tension and simple shear, all real materials tend to experience displacements
in the directions of the applied forces and Under hydrostatic loading they tend to increase in volume. In otherwords the value of the
elastic constants E, G and K cannot be negative

Therefore, the relations




In actual practice no real material has value of Poisson's ratio negative . Thus, the value of u cannot be greater than 0.5, if however
u > 0.5 than Îv = -ve, which is physically unlikely because when the material is stretched its volume would always increase.

Determination of Poisson's ratio: Poisson's ratio can be determined easily by simultaneous use of two strain gauges on a test
specimen subjected to uniaxial tensile or compressive load. One gage is mounted parallel to the longitudnal axis of the specimen
and other is mounted perpendicular to the longitudnal axis as shown below:

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Mechanical Properties:

In the course of operation or use, all the articles and structures are subjected to the action of external forces, which create stresses
that inevitably cause deformation. To keep these stresses, and, consequently deformation within permissible limits it is necessary to
select suitable materials for the Components of various designs and to apply the most effective heat treatment. i.e. a
Comprehensive knowledge of the chief character tics of the semi-finished metal products & finished metal articles (such as
strength, ductility, toughness etc) are essential for the purpose.

For this reason the specification of metals, used in the manufacture of various products and structure, are based on the results of
mechanical tests or we say that the mechanical tests conducted on the specially prepared specimens (test pieces) of standard form
and size on special machines to obtained the strength, ductility and toughness characteristics of the metal.

The conditions under which the mechanical test are conducted are of three types

(1) Static: When the load is increased slowly and gradually and the metal is loaded by tension, compression, torsion or bending.

(2) Dynamic: when the load increases rapidly as in impact

(3) Repeated or Fatigue: (both static and impact type) . i.e. when the load repeatedly varies in the course of test either in value or
both in value and direction Now let us consider the uniaxial tension test.

[ For application where a force comes on and off the structure a number of times, the material cannot withstand the ultimate stress
of a static tool. In such cases the ultimate strength depends on no. of times the force is applied as the material works at a particular
stress level. Experiments one conducted to compute the number of cycles requires to break to specimen at a particular stress when
fatigue or fluctuating load is acting. Such tests are known as fatque tests ]

Uniaxial Tension Test: This test is of static type i.e. the load is increased comparatively slowly from zero to a certain value.

Standard specimen's are used for the tension test.

There are two types of standard specimen's which are generally used for this purpose, which have been shown below:

Specimen I:

This specimen utilizes a circular X-section.

Specimen II:

This specimen utilizes a rectangular X-section.

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lg = gauge length i.e. length of the specimen on which we want to determine the mechanical properties.The uniaxial tension test is
carried out on tensile testing machine and the following steps are performed to conduct this test.

(i) The ends of the specimen's are secured in the grips of the testing machine.

(ii) There is a unit for applying a load to the specimen with a hydraulic or mechanical drive.

(iii) There must be a some recording device by which you should be able to measure the final output in the form of Load or stress.
So the testing machines are often equipped with the pendulum type lever, pressure gauge and hydraulic capsule and the stress Vs
strain diagram is plotted which has the following shape.

A typical tensile test curve for the mild steel has been shown below

Nominal stress – Strain OR Conventional Stress – Strain diagrams:

Stresses are usually computed on the basis of the original area of the specimen; such stresses are often referred to as
conventional or nominal stresses.

True stress – Strain Diagram:

Since when a material is subjected to a uniaxial load, some contraction or expansion always takes place. Thus, dividing the applied
force by the corresponding actual area of the specimen at the same instant gives the so called true stress.


(A) So it is evident form the graph that the strain is proportional to strain or elongation is proportional to the load giving a st.line
relationship. This law of proportionality is valid upto a point A.

or we can say that point A is some ultimate point when the linear nature of the graph ceases or there is a deviation from the linear
nature. This point is known as the limit of proportionality or the proportionality limit.

(B) For a short period beyond the point A, the material may still be elastic in the sense that the deformations are completely
recovered when the load is removed. The limiting point B is termed as Elastic Limit .

(C) and (D) - Beyond the elastic limit plastic deformation occurs and strains are not totally recoverable. There will be thus
permanent deformation or permanent set when load is removed. These two points are termed as upper and lower yield points

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respectively. The stress at the yield point is called the yield strength.

A study a stress – strain diagrams shows that the yield point is so near the proportional limit that for most purpose the two may be
taken as one. However, it is much easier to locate the former. For material which do not posses a well define yield points, In order
to find the yield point or yield strength, an offset method is applied.

In this method a line is drawn parallel to the straight line portion of initial stress diagram by off setting this by an amount equal to
0.2% of the strain as shown as below and this happens especially for the low carbon steel.

(E) A further increase in the load will cause marked deformation in the whole volume of the metal. The maximum load which the
specimen can with stand without failure is called the load at the ultimate strength.

The highest point ‘E' of the diagram corresponds to the ultimate strength of a material.

su = Stress which the specimen can with stand without failure & is known as Ultimate Strength or Tensile Strength.

su is equal to load at E divided by the original cross-sectional area of the bar.

(F) Beyond point E, the bar begins to forms neck. The load falling from the maximum until fracture occurs at F.

[ Beyond point E, the cross-sectional area of the specimen begins to reduce rapidly over a relatively small length of bar and the bar
is said to form a neck. This necking takes place whilst the load reduces, and fracture of the bar finally occurs at point F ]

Note: Owing to large reduction in area produced by the necking process the actual stress at fracture is often greater than the above
value. Since the designers are interested in maximum loads which can be carried by the complete cross section, hence the stress
at fracture is seldom of any practical value.

Percentage Elongation: ' d ':

The ductility of a material in tension can be characterized by its elongation and by the reduction in area at the cross section where
fracture occurs.

It is the ratio of the extension in length of the specimen after fracture to its initial gauge length, expressed in percent.

lI = gauge length of specimen after fracture(or the distance between the gage marks at fracture)

lg= gauge length before fracture(i.e. initial gauge length)

For 50 mm gage length, steel may here a % elongation d of the order of 10% to 40%.

Elastic Action:

The elastic is an adjective meaning capable of recovering size and shape after deformation. Elastic range is the range of stress
below the elastic limit.

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Many engineering materials behave as indicated in Fig(a) however, some behaves as shown in figures in (b) and (c) while in elastic
range. When a material behaves as in (c), the s vs Î is not single valued since the strain corresponding to any particular ‘ s ' will
depend upon loading history.

Fig (d): It illustrates the idea of elastic and plastic strain. If a material is stressed to level (1) and then relased the strain will return to
zero beyond this plastic deformation remains.

If a material is stressed to level (2) and then released, the material will recover the amount ( Î2 - Î2p ), where Î2p is the plastic strain
remaining after the load is removed. Similarly for level (3) the plastic strain will be Î3p.

Ductile and Brittle Materials:

Based on this behaviour, the materials may be classified as ductile or brittle materials

Ductile Materials:

It we just examine the earlier tension curve one can notice that the extension of the materials over the plastic range is considerably
in excess of that associated with elastic loading. The Capacity of materials to allow these large deformations or large extensions
without failure is termed as ductility. The materials with high ductility are termed as ductile materials.

Brittle Materials:

A brittle material is one which exhibits a relatively small extensions or deformations to fracture, so that the partially plastic region of
the tensile test graph is much reduced.

This type of graph is shown by the cast iron or steels with high carbon contents or concrete.

Conditions Affecting Mechanical Properties:

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The Mechanical properties depend on the test conditions

(1) It has been established that lowering the temperature or increasing the rate of deformation considerably increases the
resistance to plastic deformation. Thus, at low temperature (or higher rates of deformation), metals and alloys, which are ductile at
normal room temperature may fail with brittle fracture.

(2) Notches i.e. sharp charges in cross sections have a great effect on the mechanical properties of the metals. A Notch will cause
a non – uniform distribution of stresses. They will always contribute lowering the ductility of the materials. A notch reduces the
ultimate strength of the high strength materials. Because of the non – uniform distribution of the stress or due to stress

(3) Grain Size : The grain size also affects the mechanical properties.


Hardness is the resistance of a metal to the penetration of another harder body which does not receive a permanent set.

Hardness Tests consists in measuring the resistance to plastic deformation of layers of metals near the surface of the specimen i.e.
there are Ball indentation Tests.

Ball indentation Tests:

iThis method consists in pressing a hardened steel ball under a constant load P into a specially prepared flat surface on the test
specimen as indicated in the figures below :

After removing the load an indentation remains on the surface of the test specimen. If area of the spherical surface in the
indentation is denoted as F sq. mm. Brinell Hardness number is defined as :

Bhn = P / F

F is expressed in terms of D and d

D = ball diameter

d = diametric of indentation and Brinell Hardness number is given by

Then is there is also Vicker's Hardness Number in which the ball is of conical shape.


Static tension tests of the unnotched specimen's do not always reveal the susceptibility of metal to brittle fracture. This important
factor is determined in impact tests. In impact tests we use the notched specimen's

this specimen is placed on its supports on anvil so that blow of the striker is opposite to the notch the impact strength is defined as
the energy A, required to rupture the specimen,

Impact Strength = A / f

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Where f = It is the cross – section area of the specimen in cm2 at fracture & obviously at notch.

The impact strength is a complex characteristic which takes into account both toughness and strength of a material. The main
purpose of notched – bar tests is to study the simultaneous effect of stress concentration and high velocity load application

Impact test are of the severest type and facilitate brittle friction. Impact strength values can not be as yet be used for design
calculations but these tests as rule provided for in specifications for carbon & alloy steels.Futher, it may be noted that in impact
tests fracture may be either brittle or ductile. In the case of brittle fracture, fracture occurs by separation and is not accompanied by
noticeable plastic deformation as occurs in the case of ductile fracture.

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Compression Test: Machines used for compression testing are basically similar to those used for tensile testing often the same
machine can be used to perform both tests.

Shape of the specimen: The shape of the machine to be used for the different materials are as follows:

(i) For metals and certain plastics: The specimen may be in the from of a cylinder

(ii) For building materials: Such as concrete or stone the shape of the specimen may be in the from of a cube.

Shape of stress stain diagram

(a) Ductile materials: For ductile material such as mild steel, the load Vs compression diagram would be as follows

(1) The ductile materials such as steel, Aluminum, and copper have stress – strain diagrams similar to ones which we have for
tensile test, there would be an elastic range which is then followed by a plastic region.

(2) The ductile materials (steel, Aluminum, copper) proportional limits in compression test are very much close to those in tension.

(3) In tension test, a specimen is being stretched, necking may occur, and ultimately fracture fakes place. On the other hand when
a small specimen of the ductile material is compressed, it begins to bulge on sides and becomes barrel shaped as shown in the
figure above. With increasing load, the specimen is flattened out, thus offering increased resistance to further shortening ( which
means that the stress – strains curve goes upward ) this effect is indicated in the diagram.

Brittle materials ( in compression test )

Brittle materials in compression typically have an initial linear region followed by a region in which the shortening increases at a
higher rate than does the load. Thus, the compression stress – strain diagram has a shape that is similar to the shape of the tensile

However, brittle materials usually reach much higher ultimate stresses in compression than in tension.

For cast iron, the shape may be like this

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Brittle materials in compression behave elastically up to certain load, and then fail suddenly by splitting or by craking in the way as
shown in figure. The brittle fracture is performed by separation and is not accompanied by noticeable plastic deformation.

Hardness Testing:

The tem ‘hardness' is one having a variety of meanings; a hard material is thought of as one whose surface resists
indentation or scratching, and which has the ability to indent or cut other materials.

Hardness test: The hardness test is a comparative test and has been evolved mainly from the need to have some convenient
method of measuring the resistance of materials to scratching, wear or in dentation this is also used to give a guide to overall
strength of a materials, after as an inspection procedure, and has the advantage of being a non – destructive test, in that only small
indentations are lift permanently on the surface of the specimen.

Four hardness tests are customarily used in industry namely

(i) Brinell

(ii) Vickers

(iii) Rockwell

(vi) Shore Scleroscopy

The most widely used are the first two.

In the Brinell test the indenter is a hardened steel ball which is pressed into the surface using a known standard load. The diameter
of resulting indentation is than measured using a microscope & scale.


The units of Brinell Hardness number in S.I Unit would have been N/mm2 or Mpa

To avoid the confusion which would have been caused of her wise Hardness numbers are quotes as kgf / mm2

Brinell Hardness test:

In the Brinell hardness test, a hardened steel ball is pressed into the flat surface of a test piece using a specified force. The
ball is then removed and the diameter of the resulting indentation is measured using a microscope.

The Brinell Hardness no. ( BHN ) is defined as

BHN = P / A

Where P = Force applied to the ball.

A = curved area of the indentation

It may be shown that

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D = diameter of the ball,

d = the diameter of the indentation.

In the Brinell Test, the ball diameter and applied load are constant and are selected to suit the composition of the metal, its
hardness, and selected to suit the composition of the metal, its hardness, the thickness etc. Further, the hardness of the ball should
be at least 1.7 times than the test specimen to prevent permanent set in the ball.

Disadvantage of Brinell Hardness Test: The main disadvantage of the Brinell Hardness test is that the Brinell hardness number
is not independent of the applied load. This can be realized from. Considering the geometry of indentations for increasing loads. As
the ball is pressed into the surface under increasing load the geometry of the indentation charges.

Here what we mean is that the geometry of the impression should not change w.r.t. load, however the size it impression may

Vickers Hardness test:

The Vicker's Hardness test follows a procedure exactly a identical with that of Brinell test, but uses a different indenter. The
steel ball is replaced by a diamond, having the from of a square – based pyramid with an angle of 1360 between opposite faces.
This is pressed into the flat surface of the test piece using a specified force, and the diagonals of the resulting indentation measured
is using a microscope. The Hardness, expressed as a Vicker's pyramid number is defined as the ratio F/A, where F is the force
applied to the diamond and A is the surface area of the indentation.

It may be shown that

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In the Vicker Test the indenters of pyramidal or conical shape are used & this overcomes the disadvantage which is faced in Brinell
test i.e. as the load increases, the geometry of the indentation's does not change

The Variation of Hardness number with load is given below.

Advantage: Apart from the convenience the vicker's test has certain advantages over the Brinell test.

(i) Harder material can be tested and indentation can be smaller & therefore less obtrusive or damaging.

Upto a 300 kgf /mm2 both tests give the same hardness number but above too the Brinell test is unreliable.

Rockwell Hardness Test :

The Rockwell Hardness test also uses an indenter when is pressed into the flat surface of the test piece, but differs from
the Brinell and Vicker's test in that the measurement of hardness is based on the depth of penetration, not on the surface area of
indentation. The indenter may be a conical diamond of 1200 included angle, with a rounded apex. It is brought into contact with the
test piece, and a force F is applied.

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Advantages :

Rockwell tests are widely applied in industry due to rapidity and simplicity with which they may be performed, high accuracy, and
due to the small size of the impressions produced on the surface.

Impact testing:

In an ‘impact test' a notched bar of material, arranged either as a cantilever or as a simply supported beam, is broken by a single
blow in such a way that the total energy required to fracture it may be determined.

The energy required to fracture a material is of importance in cases of “shock loading' when a component or structure may be
required to absorb the K.E of a moving object.

Often a structure must be capable of receiving an accidental ‘shock load' without failing completely, and whether it can do this will
be determined not by its strength but by its ability to absorb energy. A combination of strength and ductility will be required, since
large amounts of energy can only be absorbed by large amounts of plastic deformation. The ability of a material to absorb a large
amount of energy before breaking is often referred as toughness, and the energy absorbed in an impact test is an obvious
indication of this property.

Impact tests are carried out on notched specimens, and the notches must not be regarded simply as a local reduction in the cross –
sectional area of the specimen, Notches – and , in fact, surface irregularities of many kind – give rise to high local stresses, and are
in practice, a potential source of cracks.

The specimen may be of circular or square cross – section arranged either as a cantilever or a simply supported beam.

Toughness: It is defined as the ability of the material to withstand crack i.e to prevent the transfer or propagation of cracks across
its section hence causing failures. Cracks are propagated due to stress concentraction.

Creep: Creep is the gradual increase of plastic strain in a material with time at constant load. Particularly at elevated temperatures
some materials are susceptible to this phenomena and even under the constant load, mentioned strains can increase continually
until fractures. This form of facture is particularly relevant to the turbines blades, nuclear rectors, furnaces rocket motors etc.

The general from of strain versus time graph or creep curve is shown below.

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The general form of Î Vs t graph or creep curve is shown below for two typical operation conditions, In each case the curve can be
considered to exhibit four principal features

(a) An initial strain, due to the initial application of load. In most cases this would be an elastic strain.

(b) A primary creep region, during which he creep rate ( slope of the graph ) dimensions.

(c) A secondary creep region, when the creep rate is sensibly constant.

(d) A tertiary creep region, during which the creep rate accelerate to final fracture.

It is obvious that a material which is susceptible to creep effects should only be subjected to stresses which keep it in secondary
(st.line) region throughout its service life. This enables the amount of creep extension to be estimated and allowed for in design.

Practice Problems:

PROB 1: A standard mild steel tensile test specimen has a diameter of 16 mm and a gauge length of 80 mm such a specimen was
tested to destruction, and the following results obtained.

Load at yield point = 87 kN

Extension at yield point = 173 x 16-6 m

Ultimate load = 124 kN

Total extension at fracture = 24 mm

Diameter of specimen at fracture = 9.8 mm

Cross - sectional area at fracture = 75.4 mm 2

Cross - sectional Area ‘A' = 200 mm2

Compute the followings:

(i) Modulus of elasticity of steel

(ii) The ultimate tensile stream

(iii) The yield stress

(iv) The percentage elongation

(v) The Percentage reduction in Area.


A light alloy specimen has a diameter of 16mm and a gauge Length of 80 mm. When tested in tension, the load extension graph
proved linear up to a load of 6kN, at which point the extension was 0.034 mm. Determine the limits of proportionality stress and the
modulus of elasticity of material.

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Note: For a 16mm diameter specimen, the Cross – sectional area A = 200 mm2

This is according to tables Determine the limit of proportion try stream & the modulus of elasticity for the material.

Ans: 30 MN /m2 , 70.5 GN /m2


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The area moment method is a semi graphical method of dealing with problems of deflection of beams subjected to bending. The
method is based on a geometrical interpretation of definite integrals. This is applied to cases where the equation for bending
moment to be written is cumbersome and the loading is relatively simple.

Let us recall the figure, which we referred while deriving the differential equation governing the beams.

It may be noted that dq is an angle subtended by an arc element ds and M is the bending moment to which this element is

We can assume,

ds = dx [since the curvature is small]

hence, R dq = ds

The relationship as described in equation (1) can be given a very simple graphical interpretation with reference to the elastic plane
of the beam and its bending moment diagram

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Refer to the figure shown above consider AB to be any portion of the elastic line of the loaded beam and A1B1is its corresponding
bending moment diagram.

Let AO = Tangent drawn at A

BO = Tangent drawn at B

Tangents at A and B intersects at the point O.

Futher, AA ' is the deflection of A away from the tangent at B while the vertical distance B'B is the deflection of point B away from
the tangent at A. All these quantities are futher understood to be very small.

Let ds ≈ dx be any element of the elastic line at a distance x from B and an angle between at its tangents be dq. Then, as
derived earlier

This relationship may be interpreted as that this angle is nothing but the area M.dx of the shaded bending moment diagram divided
by EI.

From the above relationship the total angle q between the tangents A and B may be determined as

Since this integral represents the total area of the bending moment diagram, hence we may conclude this result in the following

Theorem I:

Now let us consider the deflection of point B relative to tangent at A, this is nothing but the vertical distance BB'. It may be
note from the bending diagram that bending of the element ds contributes to this deflection by an amount equal to x dq [each of this
intercept may be considered as the arc of a circle of radius x subtended by the angle q]

Hence the total distance B'B becomes

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The limits from A to B have been taken because A and B are the two points on the elastic curve, under consideration]. Let us
substitute the value of dq = M dx / EI as derived earlier

[ This is infact the moment of area of the bending moment diagram]

Since M dx is the area of the shaded strip of the bending moment diagram and x is its distance from B, we therefore
conclude that right hand side of the above equation represents first moment area with respect to B of the total bending moment
area between A and B divided by EI.

Therefore,we are in a position to state the above conclusion in the form of theorem as follows:

Theorem II:

Deflection of point ‘B' relative to point A

Futher, the first moment of area, according to the definition of centroid may be written as , where is equal to distance of
centroid and a is the total area of bending moment


Therefore,the first moment of area may be obtained simply as a product of the total area of the B.M diagram betweenthe points A
and B multiplied by the distance to its centroid C.

If there exists an inflection point or point of contreflexure for the elastic line of the loaded beam between the points A and B, as
shown below,

Then, adequate precaution must be exercised in using the above theorem. In such a case B. M diagram gets divide into two
portions +ve and –ve portions with centroids C1and C2. Then to find an angle q between the tangentsat the points A and B

Illustrative Examples: Let us study few illustrative examples, pertaining to the use of these theorems

Example 1:

1. A cantilever is subjected to a concentrated load at the free end.It is required to find out the deflection at the free end.

Fpr a cantilever beam, the bending moment diagram may be drawn as shown below

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Let us workout this problem from the zero slope condition and apply the first area - moment theorem

The deflection at A (relative to B) may be obtained by applying the second area - moment theorem

NOTE: In this case the point B is at zero slope.

Example 2: Simply supported beam is subjected to a concentrated load at the mid span determine the value of deflection.

A simply supported beam is subjected to a concentrated load W at point C. The bending moment diagram is drawn below the
loaded beam.

Again working relative to the zero slope at the centre C.

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Example 3: A simply supported beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load, with a intensity of loading W / length. It is
required to determine the deflection.

The bending moment diagram is drawn, below the loaded beam, the value of maximum B.M is equal to Wl2 / 8

So by area moment method,

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While dealing with the design of structures or machine elements or any component of a particular machine the physical
properties or chief characteristics of the constituent materials are usually found from the results of laboratory experiments in which
the components are subject to the simple stress conditions. The most usual test is a simple tensile test in which the value of stress
at yield or fracture is easily determined.

However, a machine part is generally subjected simultaneously to several different types of stresses whose actions are
combined therefore, it is necessary to have some basis for determining the allowable working stresses so that failure may not
occur. Thus, the function of the theories of elastic failure is to predict from the behavior of materials in a simple tensile test when
elastic failure will occur under any conditions of applied stress.

A number of theories have been proposed for the brittle and ductile materials.

Strain Energy: The concept of strain energy is of fundamental importance in applied mechanics. The application of the load
produces strain in the bar. The effect of these strains is to increase the energy level of the bar itself. Hence a new quantity called
strain energy is defined as the energy absorbed by the bar during the loading process. This strain energy is defined as the work
done by load provided no energy is added or subtracted in the form of heat. Some times strain energy is referred to as internal work
to distinguish it from external work ‘W'. Consider a simple bar which is subjected to tensile force F, having a small element of
dimensions dx, dy and dz.

The strain energy U is the area covered under the triangle

A three dimension state of stress respresented by s1, s2 and s3 may be throught of consisting of two distinct state of stresses i.e
Distortional state of stress

Deviatoric state of stress and dilational state of stress

Hydrostatic state of stresses.

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Thus, The energy which is stored within a material when the material is deformed is termed as a strain energy. The total strain
energy Ur

UT = Ud+UH

Ud is the strain energy due to the Deviatoric state of stress and UH is the strain energy due to the Hydrostatic state of stress.
Futher, it may be noted that the hydrostatic state of stress results in change of volume whereas the deviatoric state of stress results
in change of shape.

Different Theories of Failure : These are five different theories of failures which are generally used

(a) Maximum Principal stress theory ( due to Rankine )

(b) Maximum shear stress theory ( Guest - Tresca )

(c) Maximum Principal strain ( Saint - venant ) Theory

(d) Total strain energy per unit volume ( Haigh ) Theory

(e) Shear strain energy per unit volume Theory ( Von – Mises & Hencky )

In all these theories we shall assume.

sYp = stress at the yield point in the simple tensile test.

s1, s2, s3 - the three principal stresses in the three dimensional complex state of stress systems in order of magnitude.

(a) Maximum Principal stress theory :

This theory assume that when the maximum principal stress in a complex stress system reaches the elastic limit stress in a simple
tension, failure will occur.

Therefore the criterion for failure would be

s1 = syp

For a two dimensional complex stress system s1 is expressed as

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Where sx, sy and txy are the stresses in the any given complex stress system.

(b) Maximum shear stress theory:

This theory states that teh failure can be assumed to occur when the maximum shear stress in the complex stress system is equal
to the value of maximum shear stress in simple tension.

The criterion for the failure may be established as given below :

For a simple tension case

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(c) Maximum Principal strain theory :

This Theory assumes that failure occurs when the maximum strain for a complex state of stress system becomes equals to the
strain at yield point in the tensile test for the three dimensional complex state of stress system.

For a 3 - dimensional state of stress system the total strain energy Ut per unit volume in equal to the total work done by the system
and given by the equation

(d) Total strain energy per unit volume theory :

The theory assumes that the failure occurs when the total strain energy for a complex state of stress system is equal to that at the
yield point a tensile test.

Therefore, the failure criterion becomes

It may be noted that this theory gives fair by good results for ductile materials.

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(e) Maximum shear strain energy per unit volume theory :

This theory states that the failure occurs when the maximum shear strain energy component for the complex state of stress system
is equal to that at the yield point in the tensile test.

Hence the criterion for the failure becomes

As we know that a general state of stress can be broken into two components i.e,

(i) Hydrostatic state of stress ( the strain energy associated with the hydrostatic state of stress is known as the volumetric strain
energy )

(ii) Distortional or Deviatoric state of stress ( The strain energy due to this is known as the shear strain energy )

As we know that the strain energy due to distortion is given as

This is the distortion strain energy for a complex state of stress, this is to be equaled to the maximum distortion energy in the simple
tension test. In order to get we may assume that one of the principal stress say ( s1 ) reaches the yield point ( syp ) of the material.
Thus, putting in above equation s2 = s3 = 0 we get distortion energy for the simple test i.e

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