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Bungcayao v. Fort Ilocandia, G.R. No. 170483, April 19, 2010

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Bungcayao v. Fort Ilocandia, G.R. No.

170483, April 19, 2010 Petitioner alleged that his son, Manuel Bungcayao, Jr., who attended the
meeting, manifested that he still had to consult his parents about the offer but
Facts: upon the undue pressure exerted by Atty. Marcos, he accepted the payment
petition for review and signed the Deed of Assignment, Release, Waiver and Quitclaim in favor of
Manuel C. Bungcayao, Sr. (petitioner) claimed to be one of the two
entrepreneurs who introduced improvements on the foreshore area of Calayab
Beach in 1978 when Fort Ilocandia Hotel started its construction in the Petitioner then filed an action for declaration of nullity of contract before the
area. Thereafter, other entrepreneurs began setting up their own stalls in the
Regional Trial Court of Laoag, City, Branch 13 (trial court), docketed as Civil
foreshore area. They later formed themselves into the D’Sierto Beach Resort
Owner’s Association, Inc. (D’Sierto). Case Nos. 12891-13, against respondent. Petitioner alleged that his son had no
authority to represent him and that the deed was void and not binding upon
In July 1980, six parcels of land in Barrio Balacad (now Calayad) were him.
transferred, ceded, and conveyed to the Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA)
pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1704. Fort Ilocandia Resort Hotel was Petitioner and respondent agreed to consider the case submitted for resolution
erected on the area. In 1992, petitioner and other D’Sierto members applied on summary judgment. Thus, in its Order[8] dated 28 November 2003, the trial
for a foreshore lease with the Community Environment and Natural Resources court considered the case submitted for resolution. Petitioner filed a motion
Office (CENRO) and was granted a provisional permit. On 31 January 2002, Fort for reconsideration, alleging that he manifested in open court that he was
Ilocandia Property Holdings and Development Corporation (respondent) filed withdrawing his earlier manifestation submitting the case for
a foreshore application over a 14-hectare area abutting the Fort Ilocandia resolution. Respondent filed a Motion for Summary Judgment.
Property, including the 5-hectare portion applied for by D’Sierto members. The
foreshore applications became the subject matter of a conflict case, docketed The trial court ruled that the only issue raised by petitioner was his claim for
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Case No. 5473, damages while respondent’s issue was only his claim for possession of the
between respondent and D’Sierto members. In an undated Order, DENR property occupied by petitioner and damages. The trial court noted that the
Regional Executive Director Victor J. Ancheta denied the foreshore lease parties already stipulated on the issues and admissions had been made by both
applications of the D’Sierto members, including petitioner, on the ground that parties. The trial court ruled that summary judgment could be rendered on
the subject area applied for fell either within the titled property or within the the case.
foreshore areas applied for by respondent. The D’Sierto members appealed The trial court ruled that the alleged pressure on petitioner’s sons could not
the denial of their applications. In a Resolution dated 21 August 2003, then constitute force, violence or intimidation that could vitiate consent. As
DENR Secretary Elisea G. Gozun denied the appeal on the ground that the area regards respondent’s counterclaim, the trial court ruled that based on the
applied for encroached on the titled property of respondent based on the final pleadings and admissions made, it was established that the property occupied
verification plan. by petitioner was within the titled property of respondent.
The Court of Appeals sustained the trial court in resorting to summary Summary judgment is a procedural device resorted to in
order to avoid long drawn out litigations and useless
judgment as a valid procedural device for the prompt disposition of actions in delays. When the pleadings on file show that there are no
which the pleadings raise only a legal issue and not a genuine issue as to any genuine issues of fact to be tried, the Rules allow a party to
material fact. The Court of Appeals ruled that in this case, the facts are not in obtain immediate relief by way of summary judgment, that is,
when the facts are not in dispute, the court is allowed to
dispute and the only issue to be resolved is whether the subject property was decide the case summarily by applying the law to the material
within the titled property of respondent. Hence, summary judgment was facts. Conversely, where the pleadings tender a genuine issue,
properly rendered by the trial court. summary judgment is not proper. A “genuine issue” is such
issue of fact which requires the presentation of evidence as
distinguished from a sham, fictitious, contrived or false
The Court of Appeals ruled that the counterclaims raised by respondent were claim. Section 3 of the said rule provides two (2) requisites for
compulsory in nature, as they arose out of or were connected with the summary judgment to be proper: (1) there must be no genuine
issue as to any material fact, except for the amount of
transaction or occurrence constituting the subject matter of the opposing damages; and (2) the party presenting the motion for summary
party’s claim and did not require for its adjudication the presence of third judgment must be entitled to a judgment as a matter of law. A
summary judgment is permitted only if there is no genuine
parties of whom the court could not acquire jurisdiction. The Court of Appeals
issue as to any material fact and a moving party is entitled to a
ruled that respondent was the rightful owner of the subject property and as judgment as a matter of law. A summary judgment is proper if,
such, it had the right to recover its possession from any other person to whom while the pleadings on their face appear to raise issues, the
affidavits, depositions, and admissions presented by the
the owner has not transmitted the property, including petitioner.
moving party show that such issues are not genuine.
Since we have limited the issues to the damages claimed by the parties,
summary judgment has been properly rendered in this case.
Whether summary judgment is appropriate in this case.

A compulsory counterclaim is any claim for money or any relief, which a
Section 1, Rule 35 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure provides:
defending party may have against an opposing party, which at the time of suit
arises out of, or is necessarily connected with, the same transaction or
Section 1. Summary Judgment for claimant. - A party
seeking to recover upon a claim, counterclaim, or cross-claim occurrence that is the subject matter of the plaintiffs complaint.
or to obtain a declaratory relief may, at any time after the  does not require for its adjudication the presence of third parties
pleading in answer thereto has been served, move with
 will be barred in the future if not set up in the answer
supporting affidavits, depositions or admissions for a summary
judgment in his favor upon all or any part thereof.  test of compulsoriness: if there should exist a logical relationship
between the main claim and the counterclaim. here exists such a
Summary judgment has been explained as follows: relationship when conducting separate trials of the respective claims of
the parties would entail substantial duplication of time and effort by
the parties and the court
(a) Are issues of fact and law raised by the claim and by the counterclaim court in relation to the second counterclaim is considered null and void without
largely the same? prejudice to a separate action which respondent may file against petitioner.
(b) Would res judicata bar a subsequent suit on defendants claim, absent the
(c) Will substantially the same evidence support or refute plaintiffs claim
as well as defendants counterclaim? G.R. No. 158090, October 04, 2010
(d) Is there any logical relations between the claim and the GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSURANCE SYSTEM (GSIS), PETITIONER, VS. HEIRS
positive answer to all four questions would indicate that the counterclaim is
compulsory. FACTS:
petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45
C@B Fernando and his wife, Sylvia Caballero, secured a mortgage secured by their
Respondent filed three counterclaims. residential lot from petitioner Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) in
the amount of P20,000.00. However, Fernando defaulted on the payment of
 only counterclaim that remained was for the recovery of possession of his loan with the GSIS. GSIS wrote a letter to Fernando, informing him of the
the subject property. consolidation of title in its favor, and requesting payment of monthly rental in
 hile this counterclaim was an offshoot of the same basic controversy view of Fernando's continued occupancy of the subject property. Negotiation
between the parties, it is very clear that it will not be barred if not set as to repurchase also takes place.
up in the answer to the complaint in the same case. Respondents
second counterclaim, contrary to the findings of the trial court and the GSIS scheduled the subject property for a 2nd public bidding after a failed
Court of Appeals, is only a permissive counterclaim. It is not a negotiation with Fernando to buy back his property. In this bidding, Jocelyn
compulsory counterclaim. It is capable of proceeding independently of Caballero, Fernando’s daughter submitted a bid but unfortunately defeated by
the main case. CMTC. With this, Fernando, filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
Kabacan, Cotabato a Complaint against CMTC, the GSIS and its responsible
The rule in permissive counterclaim is that for the trial court to acquire officers Fernando prayed, among others, that judgment be rendered: declaring
jurisdiction, the counterclaimant is bound to pay the prescribed docket fees. GSIS Board of Trustees Resolution No. 199, dated May 16, 1989, null and void
Any decision rendered without jurisdiction is a total nullity and may be struck for the irregularities in the conduct of the bidding.
down at any time, even on appeal before this Court. In this case, respondent
did not dispute the non-payment of docket fees. Respondent only insisted that GSIS and its officers filed their Answer with Affirmative Defenses and
its claims were all compulsory counterclaims. As such, the judgment by the trial Counterclaim. GSIS alleged that Fernando owed of P130,365.81, representing
back rentals, including additional interests from January 1973 to February
1987, and the additional amount of P249,800.00. Caballero, on the other hand, the following tests: (a) Are the issues of fact and law raised by the claim and by
alleged that GSIS's counterclaim is permissive and its failure to pay the the counterclaim largely the same? (b) Would res judicata bar a subsequent
prescribed docket fees results into the dismissal of its claim. suit on defendant's claims, absent the compulsory counterclaim rule? (c) Will
substantially the same evidence support or refute plaintiff's claim as well as the
After trial, the RTC, in its Decision, 1994, ruled in favor of GSIS and dismissed defendant's counterclaim? and (d) Is there any logical relation between the
the complaint. In the same decision, the trial court granted GSIS's counterclaim claim and the counterclaim? A positive answer to all four questions would
and directed Fernando to pay GSIS the rentals paid by CMTC in the amount of indicate that the counterclaim is compulsory.
Tested against the above-mentioned criteria, the SC agreed with the CA's
he CA, in its Decision dated December 17, 2002, affirmed the decision of the view that GSIS's counterclaim for the recovery of the amount representing
RTC with the modification that the portion of the judgment ordering Fernando rentals collected by Fernando from the CMTC is permissive. The evidence
to pay rentals in the amount of P249,800.00, in favor of petitioner, be deleted. needed by Fernando to cause the annulment of the bid award, deed of
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration, which the CA denied in a absolute sale and TCT is different from that required to establish GSIS's claim
Resolution dated April 29, 2003. Hence, the instant petition. for the recovery of rentals.

ISSUE: The issue in the main action, i.e., the nullity or validity of the bid award, deed
of absolute sale and TCT in favor of CMTC, is entirely different from the issue in
Whether or not the CA committed an error of law in holding that GSIS’s the counterclaim, i.e., whether GSIS is entitled to receive the CMTC's rent
counterclaim of rentals collected by the Caballero’s against CMTC is in the payments over the subject property when it (GSIS) became the owner of the
nature of a permissive counterclaim which required the payment of GSIS of subject property by virtue of the consolidation of ownership of the property in
docket fees before the Trial Court can acquire jurisdiction over the said its favor.
The rule in permissive counterclaims is that for the trial court to acquire
Respondents, on the other hand, alleged that petitioner's counterclaim is jurisdiction, the counterclaimant is bound to pay the prescribed docket fees.
permissive and its failure to pay the prescribed docket fees results into the This, GSIS did not do, because it asserted that its claim for the collection of
dismissal of its claim. rental payments was a compulsory counterclaim. Since petitioner failed to pay
the docket fees, the RTC did not acquire jurisdiction over its permissive
HELD counterclaim. The judgment rendered by the RTC, insofar as it ordered
Fernando to pay GSIS the rentals which he collected from CMTC, is considered
YES. The test was also established by the Supreme Court in this case to null and void. Any decision rendered without jurisdiction is a total nullity and
determine whether a counterclaim is compulsory or not. The Court has devised may be struck down at any time, even on appeal before this Court.
Court ruled that the provision in the Charter of the GSIS, i.e., Section 39 of Complaint docketed as Civil Case No. IV-93062 was filed in the Municipal Court
Republic Act No. 8291, which exempts it from all taxes, assessments, fees, of Manila by one Adolfo Benavides who claimed to have acquired the
charges or duties of all kinds, cannot operate to exempt it from the payment of outstanding credit account of Calo from defendant Ajax
legal fees. Supreme Court now has the sole authority to promulgate rules
concerning pleading, practice and procedure in all courts. judgment by default was entered,
writ of execution issued, against plaintiff Calo.
Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. v. Judge Asuncion: Where the trial court acquires
jurisdiction over a claim by the filing of the appropriate pleading and payment plaintiff resorted to this Court on a petition for certiorari, prohibition and
of the prescribed filing fee but, subsequently, the judgment awards a claim not mandamus. We set aside the judgment of default and writ of execution issued
specified in the pleading, or if specified the same has been left for against plaintiff Calo and remanded the case for further proceedings.
determination by the court, the additional filing fee therefor shall constitute a
lien on the judgment. plaintiff Calo, assisted by her husband, Marcos Calo, filed in the Court of First
Instance of Agusan a complaint against defendant asking (1) that the latter
Petitioner's claim for payment of rentals collected by Fernando from the CMTC either effect complete delivery of Charge Order No. 37071 or that she be
did not arise after the filing of the complaint; hence, the rule laid down in Sun relieved from paying P855.00 and (2) that the latter indemnify her for P12,000
Insurance finds no application in the present case. as attorney's fees, damages and expenses of litigation.2 The case was docketed
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. as Civil Case No. 860.

Instead of filing an answer, defendant moved for the dismissal of Civil

Case 860 on the ground, inter alia, that the subject thereof was involved and
intimately related to that in Civil Case No. IV-93062 of the Municipal Court of
CALO vs. AJAX INTERNATIONAL Manila. The court a quo sustained the motion and dismissed the case.
plaintiff-appellant Calo ordered from defendant-appellee Ajax International, Plaintiff-appellant moved for reconsideration and new trial. When this
Inc., 1,200 ft. of John Shaw wire rope at P2.85 per foot failed, she instituted the present appeal.
 evidenced by Charge Order No. 37071, for P3,420.00.
TC: plaintiff's claim is a compulsory counter-claim that should be filed in the
plaintiff: “when delivered -> short 300 ft.” latter case. There is no question that it arises out of the same transaction which
is the basis of the complaint in Civil Case No. IV-93062 and does not require the
presence of third parties over whom the municipal court of Manila could not
acquire jurisdiction.
However, plaintiff's claim is not a compulsory counterclaim in Civil Case CivPro – 120
No. IV-93062 for the simple reason that the amount thereof exceeds the ICTSI vs CA (1992)
jurisdiction of the municipal court. The rule that a compulsory counterclaim
not set up is barred, when applied to the municipal court, presupposes that Doctrine: The dismissal of the complaint operates to dismiss the counterclaim
the amount involved is within the said court's jurisdiction. Otherwise, as this since (1) ICTSI itself moved for the dismissal of the complaint and (2) also
Court had already noted in Yu Lay v. Galmes 3 we would come to the absurd because this is a compulsory counterclaim so intertwined with the complaint.
situation where a claim must be filed with the municipal court which it is this petition for review
prohibited from taking cognizance of, being beyond its jurisdiction. Facts:
Besides, the reason underlying the rule, which is to settle all related OF PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION against (1) Sec of Transportation and
controversies in one sitting only, does not obtain. For, even if the counterclaim Communication, (2) Philippine Ports Authority (PPA), (3) E. Razon, Inc. and (4)
in excess of the amount cognizable by the inferior court is set up, the International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) with RTC, Manila.
defendant cannot obtain positive relief. The Rules allow this only for the • ICTSI filed ANSWER with COMPULSORY COUNTERCLAIM against SHARP
defendant to prevent plaintiff from recovering from him.4 This means that for its “unfounded and frivolous action, the consequence of which it had
should the court find both plaintiff's complaint and defendant's counterclaim suffered injuries”.
(for an amount exceeding said court's jurisdiction) meritorious, it will simply • RTC nullified the writ of preliminary injunction it earlier issued on the
dismiss the complaint on the ground that defendant has a bigger credit. Since grounds that SHARP is not a proper party to stop the negotiationa nd awarding
defendant still has to institute a separate action for the remaining balance of of contract for the developlment. Furthermore, SHARP violated the doctrine of
his counterclaim, the previous litigation did not really settle all related exhaustion of administrative remedies.
controversies. • In view of the nullification of the writ of PI, PPA and ICTSI filed a motion
to dismiss.
Plaintiff Calo's claim of P12,000.00 not being a compulsory counterclaim • RTC: dismissed the complaint as well as the counterclaim.
in Civil Case No. VI-93062, it need not be filed there. The pendency then of said • SC: ICTSI filed this petition for review, alleging that the dismissal of the
civil case could not be pleaded in abatement of Civil Case No. 860. counterclaim by the RTC was tainted with grave abuse of discretion.
Consequently, the lower court erred in dismissing plaintiff's complaint.
Issue/s: WON RTC erred in dismissing the counterclaim? NO!
WHEREFORE, the order of dismissal appealed from is hereby reversed and
the case remanded for further proceedings. Costs against appellee Ajax Held/Ratio:
International, Inc. So ordered. • ICTI’s counterclaim in this case is COMPULSORY.
Requisites for a compulsory counterclaim:
1. it arises out of, or is necessarily connected with, the transaction or LUALHATI A. COJUANGCO, petitioner,
occurrence that is the subject matter of the opposing party�s claim; vs.
2. it does not require for its adjudication the presence of third parties of PURIFICACION VILLEGAS and the PRESIDING JUDGE, REGIONAL TRIAL COURT,
whom the court cannot acquire jurisdiction; and BRANCH XVII, MALOLOS, BULACAN,respondents.
3. the court has jurisdiction to entertain the claim.
In this case, the evidence needed to sustain the counterclaim would petition for certiorari and prohibition
also refute the cause of action alleged in the complaint. It is clear that the
counterclaim would succeed only if the claim would not. Petitioner Lualhati Aldaba Cojuangco is the widow of Don Juan Cojuangco, the
• The dismissal of the complaint operated also to dismiss the registered owner of the disputed parcel of residential land
counterclaim for 2 reasons:
1. ICTSI itself joined PPA in moving for the dismissal of the complaint. parents of private respondent Purificacion Villegas, with the acquiescence of
2. The compulsory counterclaim was so intertwined with the complaint Don Juan Cojuangco,
that it could not remain pending for adjudicaton by the court after the dismisal  constructed a residential house
of the complaint which had provoked the counterclaim in the first place.  without paying rentals on condition that they would vacate the
• In this case, ICTSI sould’ve objected to the dismissal of the complaint or premises when needed by the owner.
at least reserved its right to prosecute it.
• (OBITER, but might be impt) Distinction between compulsory and  After her parent's death, Villegas remained in the property, renovating
permissive counterclaim: the latter does not arise out of nor is necessarily the same and spending P300,000.00 in the process.
connected with the subject matter of the opposing party’s claim. It is not  leased out a portion without the knowledge and consent of Don Juan
barred even if not set up in the action. Cojuangco
 Don Juan Cojuangco, demanded that she leave the property.
 Cojuangco to institute ejectment proceedings against her before the
Digested by: Cari Mangalindan (A2015) Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of Malolos, Bulacan, Branch I on August 23,
1978. 1
Don Juan Cojuangco died intestate. In the trial court's order of October 22,
1979, his wife Lualhati, herein petitioner, together with nephews and nieces,
were sub-constituted as parties-plaintiffs.2

inferior court dismissed the action for ejectment for lack of jurisdiction
 the suit into an accion publiciana which is properly cognizable by courts
of first instance (now regional trial courts).
subject of the instant petition for certiorari on the ground that they have been
 appeal to Court of First Instance (CFI) of Malolos, Branch XV, :reversed issued with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction.
insofar as it had erroneously denied jurisdiction over the ejectment
case. ordered Villegas to vacate the premises and to surrender Petitioner Cojuangco : undue interference by the respondent court with a final
possession thereof to herein petitioner Cojuangco. 4 and executory decision of a co-equal court

CA and SC: Cojuangco's right of possession over the land was upheld. SC: The argument is impressed with merit. As early as 1922 in the case of
Cabigao v. Del Rosario, this Court laid down the doctrine that "no court has
petitioner Regional Trial Court of Malolos, Branch XV, power to interfere by injunction with the judgments or decrees of a court of
 filed a motion for execution of the judgment, which the court granted concurrent or coordinate jurisdiction having power to grant the relief sought by
on June 30, 1986. On July 29, 1986, a injunction." 7
 writ of demolition was issued against Villegas, who did not oppose the
ordered demolition but instead The various branches of the court of first instance of a province or city, having
 asked the lower court to give her more time (forty days from August as they have the same or equal authority and exercising as they do concurrent
7, 1986) to effect the transfer of her personal properties and to and coordinate jurisdiction, should not, cannot and are not permitted to
remove the improvements on the subject lot to which motion the interfere with their respective cases, much less with their orders or judgments.
court acceded. A contrary rule would obviously lead to confusion and seriously hamper the
administration of justice.
Villegas filed a separate civil action docketed as Civil Case No. 9094-M against Based on the foregoing, it is plainly evident that the injunction was improperly
petitioner Cojuangco and the provincial sheriff "for specific performance with issued by the respondent court.
urgent prayer for issuance of a temporary restraining order and preliminary
injunction." Petitioner Cojuangco has further raised the issue of whether Villegas can still
legally institute a separate independent action against the adjudged owner of
was raffled to another Malolos branch of the Bulacan Trial Court, specifically the disputed lot on the ground that Villegas and her predecessors-in-interest
Branch XVII which issued on the same day, September 16, 1986, a temporary are builders in good faith and are therefore entitled to recover the value of
restraining order enjoining Cojuangco and particularly the sheriff "from the improvements they had introduced on the lot.
enforcing or implementing the Order of Demolition issued in Civil Case No.
7042-M . . . 5 This was followed by another order dated October 6, 1986 Rule 9, Section 4 of the Revised Rules of Court on compulsory counterclaim
granting a writ of preliminary injunction. 6 The twin orders are now the provides the answer.1âwphi1 It states:
A counterclaim or cross-claim not set up shall be barred if it arises out of or is while it may be argued that the defense of being a builder in good faith would
necessarily connected with, the transaction or occurrence that is the subject- have been inconsistent with her claim of ownership, in the case of Castle Bros.,
matter of the opposing party's or co-party's claim and does not require for its Wolf and Sons v. Go-Juno 12 the Court held that a party may set forth as many
adjudication the presence of third parties of whom the court cannot acquire defenses and counterclaims as he may have, whatever be their nature. These
jurisdiction. may even be inconsistent with each other because what is sufficient is that
each is consistent with itself.
Villegas' claim to recover compensation for improvements made on the land is
essentially in the nature of a counterclaim since it is inter-woven with the fact Since Villegas failed to set up such alternative defense (i.e. a builder in good
of possession. Said claim for compensation should have been presented as a faith is entitled to recover the value of improvements) and instead relied on
counterclaim in the ejectment suit. It is deemed barred if not raised on time the sole defense that she inherited the land from her parents, the rejection
and the party in error is precluded from setting it up in a subsequent thereof was a complete resolution of the controversy between the parties
litigation. The rule on compulsory counter-claim is designed to enable the which bars a later case based upon the unpleaded defense. The adjudication of
disposition of the entire conflict at one time and in one action. The philosophy the issue joined by the parties in the earlier case constitutes res judicata, the
of the rule is to discourage multiplicity of suits. 10 theory being that what is barred by prior judgment are not only the matters
actually raised and litigated upon, but also such other matters as could have
Villegas: it became a "ripe issue" only after the ejectment proceedings. been raised but were not. 13

SA: The argument is untenable. In pleadings, Villegas repeatedly stressed that WHEREFORE, the petition is granted. The respondent court is hereby ordered
the residential house which her parents had constructed was already there on to DISMISS Civil Case No, 9094-M and all proceedings held therein are declared
the questioned lot for as long as she could remember, that she herself has lived null and void. The Regional Trial Court of Malolos, Bulacan, Branch XV is
there all her life and that in the honest belief that the land had been "donated" ordered to immediately execute the decision in the ejectment case. Civil Case
to her parents by her "Aunt Tecla", she made various improvements and No. 7042-M. Costs against private respondent Villegas. This decision is
renovation thereon. Obviously, such declarations on the part of Villegas immediately executory.
completely negate her absurd claim that the factual basis for her subsequent
action arose after the ejectment suit became final.1âwphi1 SO ORDERED.

Thus, Villegas should have set forth, simultaneously with the assertion that she
was entitled to the parcel of land by right of inheritance, the alternative claim
that assuming she was not legally entitled to the disputed lot, at least as a
builder in good faith, she has the right to the value of the buildings and
improvements which she and her parents had introduced on the land. 11 And

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