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Oxygen Health Association: Introducing

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Oxygen Health Association


Phone: 704-597-6775 Monday – Friday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm EST

The new Turbo Oxygen Mega-Flow Mask and Reservoir Bag system.
Ewot On Steroids

Our partner MyOxygenMachine LLC is the world's largest & most trusted supplier
of new, refurbished oxygen-generator systems, Turbo Oxygen Reservoir Bags and
easy fitting and breathing Turbo Mega-Flow Masks plus free nose cannulas for
sleep. International Patents Pending

Generating profound conditioning and self healing results without the use of drugs,
chemicals, surgery or invasive techniques. Super-oxygenation drives O2 into parts
of the body where cells may have already turned to fermentation for their energy
needs, instead of utilizing available O2 ­ a dangerous situation all round. Our
system starts and enhances a restorative process where normally there would be
none because there is not enough cellular energy for it.

Our Turbo Oxygen System

Oxygen enhanced exercise and rest aka EWOT or OMT has been used for top
secret military training as early as the Korean Conflict/war in1952.
From a wellness perspective, a man who could not walk up a curb was walking a
mile 30 days later. I have seen it improve almost every symptom known to
mankind including symptoms of Parkinson's, ALS and Lyme disease. World class
athletes will often not reveal their fitness secrets because they want to keep them to
themselves. We are their secret weapon.

The ultimate in fitness enhancement in a fraction of the time. Exponential benefits

to stationary or moving fitness programs including augmenting many programs for
handicapped. Several people can use one bag system simultaneously. Floor space
needed is as little as 5 square feet. Stationary Exercising, Home Gyms, Spas, &
Wellness & Retreat Centers. If you want exponential benefits or faster, stronger
recovery from a health challenge or to focus on wellness and never get sick our
Turbo Oxygen Mega Flow System is the answer.

The System
Combining: 1. O2E2 Machines; 2. Reservoir Bags; 3. Mega-Flow Masks

1. What is an O2E2® machine?

In order to provide the most affordable prices to our customers, we use a variety of
market leading brand oxygen generators. While our machine brands may vary, you
can be confident of the specifications of your unit when you receive any of our
O2E2 approved machines. Only the top performers receive our O2E2®
trademarked sticker allowing peace of mind that you are receiving the best!

Our personal commitment is to deliver an oxygen generator with industry leading

specifications while offering affordable prices to our customers. This allows more
people to enjoy the opportunity of owning their own personal unlimited supply of

They weigh between 30lbs - 5LPM and 55lbs - 10 LPM both with wheels.
Size approx. 26in high 14 deep and 18in wide similar to the R2D2® robot n Star
Wars movies. Its resemblance to R2D2® is why it is called O2E2®
A 2LB model one can carry while jogging is available but not appropriate for the
bag system as most portables that are light enough to carry or wheel while walking
or exercising usually are PULSE ONLY and need to have someone breathe in to
trigger the O2 release so they are not practical to fill a bag by themselves. PLUS
you get only a fraction of the O2 via cannula only. We do carry smaller units (13
pound) that still produce 5LPM so ask us about that if you want BOTH options
perhaps for travel..


When you use a 5 liter per minute oxygen concentrator it produces approximately
93% oxygen as long as you have it on. The issue is that it's producing 5 liters a
minute, and you're not breathing 5 liters of oxygen a minute because you are:
1. Exhaling half to two thirds or more of each breathing cycle losing more than
half of the O2 being produced. The machine is producing to but you are not taking
it in.
2. Breathing in a lot of ambient air along with the O2 diluting it much more up to
an additional approximately 70% or so. That may well add up to your receiving
approximately one half liter per minute.

If you breathe in fewer breaths a minute as with sleeping for example then you will
breathe in even less a percentage of O2. Breathing more will never be able to
supply a significant increase much more due to the ambient air dilution and/or
limitation of the moment to moment capability of the machine.

A realistic formula for measuring the effective amount of inhaled O2:
Combination of:
1. Breathing rate
2. Size/volume of lungs
3. Depth of breathing
4. Percentage of oxygen mixed with ambient air per breath.

Our O2 Reservoir plus Turbo Mega-Flow mask system can increase the potential
for inhaled oxygen up to 200 times via nose cannula by having every deepest
fullest breath equaling nearly 100% undiluted deep full easy breathing of O2.

If you're breathing a full breath of oxygen every two seconds and your breath is
two liters, you're breathing 30 times 2 liters of oxygen or 60 liters a minute instead
of less than 1 liter per minute via a nose cannula. Faster breathing rates increase
that maximized O2 potential. This greatly shortens exercise time needs and
increases exercise effectiveness.

The larger your lungs are the more O2 supply you want
Now, if you have larger lungs and you're breathing 3 liters every breath at that
point you're breathing 30 X 3 or 90 liters of oxygen per minute INSTEAD OF
LESS THAN 1. Faster deeper breathing and larger lungs and you get even more.
The feedback from using the bag/mask combo is that all people need is about 15
minutes once a day or even twice daily for competition training> Even 30 minutes
a week can work well for many. Those that can only exercise on the weekends
often celled Weekend Warriors find this very helpful.

Exercise intensity
If people want they can push themselves much harder and still feel good. Athletes
like that a lot and of course competitive athletes love it. I never recommend the
hard push as I have no idea of one's state of health. Some drop dead during a stress
test or the day following passing it. I personally use a medium with short bursts of
say 80% maximum effort down to relaxed easy stride or pedal on a recumbent bike
while watching Netflix and You Tube documentaries. Get energized and educated
simultaneously. Imagine up to 200 times more oxygen than you ever had before
while exercising. Much more about exercise in the Exercise Program
Recommendations that comes with the Turbo Oxygen system.

Filters. How often do you need to change the filters on the machines? Yearly or
based on air quality .Where do you get those filters? from us. Are they difficult
to change? 30 seconds. Cost is $10.00

Percentage of oxygen?
Is the oxygen percentage constant across all flow rates? Is it the same (93%) at 1
lpm as it is at 5 lpm? (Some units seen online are not.) Ours STAY VERY CLOSE
to the same but if you get a bag it is meaningless as it all combines together and 1
or 2 percentage points will not matter. The difference between 90 and 95 is pretty
negligible. More important is the O2 flow volume which our Turbo Mega-Flow
mask provides quite well for.

BEWARE of the concentrators that reduce O2 percentage from 90% to 30% as the
flow increases from 1-5 LPM. A HUGE loss of O2 potential.

O2 variations
Super saturating water with oxygen micro or nano bubbles Often referred to as
Stabilized singlet oxygen (O instead of O2). Helpful but not in the same league
with the Turbo Oxygen. Lots of hype as well. Here is a good one that we offer.
Can’t hurt, inexpensive and could help.

2. What is a Turbo Oxygen Reservoir Bag?

It supplies large quantities of undiluted easy to deeply breathe oxygen. The
material is medical grade, smell and phthalate-free material also used in
surgical implants. It is very physically strong and long lasting.

The bag is filled by yours or our oxygen generator/O2E2

Two Bag sizes. 500 liter is 4x5 ft and 900 liter is 4x8 ft. You hang them from the
ceiling, a bag stand or on top of a sauna, cabinet, or even in a different room.

1-5 machine to bag inputs. 4 Bag outputs to Turbo Mega-Flow Masks.

Several people may use one bag simultaneously for exercise and/or rest.
Unbeatable value. Think exponential Liters Per Minute more than via cannula, 1
liter bag or blue head strap CPAP mask. Imagine a room full of pure deep and easy
breathing oxygen and you get the idea.

How long does it take to fill a bag?

The bags are 500 and 900 liters. 5LPM takes approx. 3 hours. A 10LPM half that
time. Some people turn the LPM down to 1 or 2 LPM and “SLOW fill” the bag
overnight or during the day for two sessions daily. Wellness or training facilities
get two or more 10LPM O2E2 units to fill faster for several sessions daily and/or
prefill two or more bags.

How to choose your bag size

The variables are your breathing rate during exercise and lung size. No rocket
science here. The bigger the lungs and faster the breath rate the more O2 is used.
We recommend 500 liters below 5.8 inches tall and 900 liters above that. However
if you are an intense exerciser then 900 will be best as you may well run out of O2
too soon. If you get the wrong size for you and wish to switch it out we will within
the first 90 days after purchase and for the difference in shipping and the bag cost,
trade it out and charge or refund you the difference.

The bag has 5 inlets to be able to feed it with 5 machines.

We also offer a Y splitter to send the O2 to one mask via one bag outlet for those
that do not need as much volume just for resting. The 4 bag outlets will feed up to
8 people resting.

ALERT. Watch out for Ebay and elsewhere for people selling the single port mask
and used bags and saying that is EWOT.

3. The Turbo Mega-Flow Mask

Our DUAL PORT Turbo Mega-Flow Mask fed by our 500-900 liter reservoir bag
is a critical component of the practice of OPTIMAL EWOT. With the nose
cannula, 1 liter reservoir bag, OR a telephone style "Head Set" you must mix
outside 'air' with the 90-95% oxygen and that will dilute the volume of pure
oxygen to severely lessen the EWOT benefits that were described by Dr. von
Ardenne and his German researchers in his Oxygen Multistep Therapy book (I
have read it several times). This is why they will simply not work as none will
allow full undiluted O2 breathing volume during exercise. You need our large
reservoir Bag housing adequate O2 and our Turbo Mega-Flow Mask to deliver
adequate flow volume during exercise.

Medium Mega-Flow Mask (fits 80% of adults)
MEDIUM = 5'4" TO 6'4".
LARGE = 6'5" Tall and Up

Flow volume and restricted breathing

When the flow volume is not allowing deep, easy and unrestricted breathing like
trying to breathe a satisfying in-breath through a drinking straw (extreme example
but I hope you get the idea), this will cause tension and the tension will soon create
lessened lung volume. You may not notice it (think ”boiling a frog”) once you
compare the CPAP mask with out Mega Flow in real time you will instantly feel
the ease of deeper to deepest breathing. When you get our breathing kit and release
the tension in your chest you will feel the increase in breathing ease and volume
partly or entirely caused by the forced inhales inviting shallow breathing. You will
love our Mask’s ease of breathing correlated with speed of recovery, strengthened
endurance with no dilution of 02 and ZERO chest tension caused by using the 1
liter bag or the single port blue head strap CPAP version that were actually
designed for sleep, not exercise.

An EWOT mask competitor talks about using extra pressure to push more O2
into the mask. It needs the pressure to do that because it is a smaller port than our
TWIN PORT TURBO MEGA-FLOW mask. We need no pressure as the twin
ports allow for adequate flow that is large enough to satisfy over 150 Liters Per
Minute for a 6'5" Football Wide Receiver. Besides who wants to have air blowing
in their nose or mouth then they exercise?


Where are you located? Charlotte, NC

How much do the non portable machines weigh? They range from 30 – 58 lbs.
They all have wheels.

Machine warranties. 1-5 years

Estimated time for arrival? As quickly as possible; usually within 5 days to 2

weeks depending on how busy we get, and where they are being shipped to
including worldwide, holidays and inclement weather.

How do I know that oxygen is coming out? The units are made for severely sick
people and FDA requires them to be engineered to alarm if they do not produce a
minimum of 88%. They usually produce 93 to 97% oxygen at their maximum
Liters Per Minute flow rate.

Can I change the amount of oxygen that comes out? Yes. There is a flow
meter that goes from one half liter per minute to 5; or up to 10 if you have a
10LPM unit.

How does it make the oxygen? It takes the air from the room, filters out the
nitrogen and gives you the pure oxygen. The nitrogen is absorbed by organic
zeolite in canisters inside the machine. The Zeolite (and machines) lasts for
thousands of hours.

Can I use the unit while sleeping?

Using it while sleeping (we recommend a nose cannula as the Mega-Flow mask is
too cumbersome for sleeping on side or stomach) is a great way to oxygenize your
body throughout the night. In addition, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep requires
maximum resting oxygen. Many prefer to decrease the LPMs to 2 or 3. You may
increase to 5 if you like.

Extra nose cannula for sleep? Yes, $3 - $5 each with an option of 12, 24 and 50
at discounted prices.

Can I use the machine with my CPAP/BIPAP? Yes. We offer an adaptor for $6.

Is the machine easy to use? Yes. Basically you attach the tubing and water
bottle, plug it in, turn it on, insert the cannula in your nostrils and enjoy. Or
connect the Mega Flow mask to the filled bag and exercise then rest or sleep with
the Turbo Mega-Flow mask or supplied nose cannula.

Is there anything I have to clean? The outside machine filter maybe every 3-6
months depending on how clean the ambient air is.
Cannula, water bottle and the Turbo Mega-Flow mask immersed in gentle soap and
water and wipe clean. Miracle2 is our favorite soap.
The bags do not need cleaning but you could with a ounce of Miracle 2 in a
quarter of a water filled bag then empty the bag and run it for 24-48 hours with 2
small inlet nipples uncapped to allow escaping O2 to carry the moisture out.

What is the water bottle for? It helps keep the nostrils moist when using a nose
cannula. You can use the machine without it. It’s your choice. The bag does not
use it as the sessions are so short and I do not care for moisture collecting in the

Can I use a glass water bottle?

The plastic bottle can be replaced with a glass one if desired so long as it fits the
same lid and ensures an airtight seal to allow the O2 to travel up the hose instead of
leak into the room.

Dry nostrils? We have a non-oil based product to use for $9.95. Do not use
Vaseline or other common oil products.

Do I need to buy tanks? It does not need tanks. The machines produce the
oxygen in real time as needed.

What comes with the machine only without the large reservoir bag and mega
flow mask? One 50 foot hose, one nasal cannula and one water bottle. Included
with some units is a hose to connect the unit to the water bottle. Others do not need
that. A 1 liter bag + mask is available for $15.00 NOT the Mega Flow.

What comes with the bag? Two large bag to mask connector hoses. An extra 14
foot smooth bore hose to fill the bag. One Mega Flow Mask with your requested
size of Small, Medium or Large. A free nose cannula for optional sleep.

May I purchase a mask if I do not buy or already have your bag? No. We are
concerned that some are making bags from materials that Oxygen will break down
and outgas such as mattress covers. Our bag materials are so pure they are used in
surgical implants.

Can 2 people use either the bag or O2E2 it at the same time? Yes. See the Bag
info for that.

Bag Warranties. 5 years (they may well outlive us all)

What exercise equipment should i use?

Almost any equipment you have or wish to purchase. Geriatrics should focus on
not falling and exercises that are easier on the joints like recumbent bikes or
elliptical cross training machines. You can also do yoga, jumping jacks or any
floor exercises; rubber resistance tools, anything that gets you gently exerting,
breathing deeper and /or moving that is safe.

Altitude 1. The percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere does not change with
altitude, so it is about 21% at 10,000 feet. What does change is the pressure. This
declines with altitude. At sea level the air pressure is about 101 kPa (kilopascals).
Oxygen accounts for 21% of this so the oxygen pressure is 19.6 kPa. This means
that there are less oxygen molecules in the same volume of air at higher altitudes.
At 10,000 feet for example the oxygen pressure drops to 7.2 kPa, which is roughly
one third of the pressure at sea level. For an online calculator of oxygen levels at
different altitudes see:
We have had great reports of using our system at altitude.

Altitude 2. With increased altitude, tidal volume (lung volume) can be increased to
offset the lower air pressure (think barrel chests of mountain men). For increasing
breathing/tidal volume and deeper easier breathing we highly recommend our
Optimal Breathing Kit.

Altitude training 3.
Not keen on it due to the chest tension it creates from the forced inhales.
One of my trainers told me it can be helpful but only to the very highly trained
competitors. If you must then I strongly suggest you get our Breathing kit and use
the video guided self strapping techniques to offset the breathing restriction and
further develop lung volume

Suggested Workouts? We go into that in great detail in the Information Pack

included with the equipment. Think easy to intense depending on your goals and
present condition. Some will do one a week (for many, with our system, that will
last) and others as often as one a day or even two or three a day. Mike White uses
it almost every day or alternatively with his YMCA gym for at least 15 minutes but
takes time off now and again to allow the cells to rebuild without any oxygen
stimulus. Fatigue or mental fogginess might be the oxygen detoxifying (see
antioxidants listed in the information pack that comes with the bag) and that may
take a few days to run its course or some might want to let time allow the new
oxygen to integrate.

Oxygen multistep therapy
Dr. Manfred von Ardenne's book "Oxygen Multistep Therapy".
We have PDFs of several pages which we send to our customers. The ultimate
primer for EWOT/Oxygen Multistep Therapy and health, well being and fitness.
While von Ardenne was most focused on curing cancer, the general parameters he
set out transform very well into modern EWOT protocols with high volume
delivery of O2. As a scientific paper it is heavy reading! However it is possible to
extrapolate the information required to make an informed decision about EWOT as
a therapy, or exercise protocol. More a reference book than a weekend read! Ever
read the Bible, Koran or Talmud more than once? Get one. Von Ardenne died
owning 300 patents.
Also get Majid Ali MD’s book Darwin, Oxygen Homeostasis and Oxystatic
Ali did over 20000 darkfield microscope tests related to O2. In my opinion and
though it does not address exercise Ali is second only to von Ardenne in
knowledge of oxygen benefits. This book is Ali's pride and joy as he shared to me
personally. Get one. Between von Ardenne, and Ali you will know more than most
PhDs and MDs even in the oxygen enhanced exercise and rest business.
See also
The insights and benefits just keep coming.
Educate yourself. Learn to respect this subject. It will serve you, you friends and
loved ones quite well.

Where can I learn more about oxygen? Just ask. I have collected dozens of
pages on


Though for most the benefits are plainly obvious you will want to begin a regular
habit of making notes related to you and/or friends and loved one's heightened
abilities You may use this free form to track several health aspects.
Areas to track are improved energy, mental clarity, better sleep, memory and
concentration, less to no high blood pressure, resting blood oxygen increase,
exercising blood oxygen stability, chronic lingering ongoing malady(ies)
improving, headaches diminished, increased intensity of working out with weights
at the gym even without the O2, faster recovery from physical exertion, improved
stamina. The list just goes on and on.

A recent email told us of "no more asthma inhaler after ten minutes of Turbo
O2E2." WOW! Basics such as dressing yourself, taking longer walks, or doing
your chores or hobbies are also major markers for some.

I often hook up while working on the computer. I used to use it with 5 Liters Per
Minute (via included cannula) while sleeping but no longer feel the need. I love to
take the time to exercise, rest till my body energy tells me get up; exercise rest and
repeat as time allows. Think mountain climbing or taking a very long walk or
going shopping all day and how you would need to sit and rest a spell every now
and then. Make your rest using and O2E2. Eventually you will notice you recover
even faster without being connected to the O2. You are lowering your biological
age. Your cells are getting stronger.

Exercise with a recumbent bike (you lean back while using it), stationery bike,
cross trainer, Nordic track, treadmill, rebounder, stair stepper, step aerobics, walk
in place, yoga or stretching, even jumping jacks or various floor exercises.

We have two formulas of essential oils: MENTAL CLARITY and

RESPIRATORY ENHANCER that you can get an adaptor for to add to the O2 to
breathe using the cannula, 1 liter bag or Mega Flow mask while exercising or

Never EVER forget that EXERCISE/MOVEMENT or moderate EFFORT is the
key to health and well being. Life and living often gets easier but you never want
to lose your EFFORT MAKING CAPACITY. Oxygen is the primary catalyst in
easing the making of effort. And WHAT a catalyst it is.

GET MOVING any way you can even if it is gardening or cleaning the house.
Wearing a Mega-Flow mask while just sitting on a vibration platform (use an
internet search engine for them). I have a Power Plate. Lying on your back using
an inexpensive version of a chi machine (passive aerobic exerciser) that shakes
your legs, hips and upper body side to side (mind your knees) can help increase
circulation and get you on the move.
Increased cellular oxygen saturation may well be the most powerful adjunctive
support system ever, but moderate even gentle exercise is the primary cause of
major improvement, not just lying there breathing oxygen. Think watching TV or
exercising. Which is better? Muscles need to be toned to work better and toned
muscles utilize oxygen (and calories) more efficiently. Movement begets improved
circulation and is a sign if increased vitality. Proper diet, nutritional
supplementation and internal cleansing greatly aid cellular function.

If you wish to test the system efficacy then stop it for a few days or weeks and see
how you backslide. THAT is usually what makes one REALLY understand what is
going on.
Remember to keep a journal. Send your progress reports to There are many folks out there that need to hear them
both for inspiration and for hope. As you become stronger and more energetic you
will inspire others to greater states of vitality; to take control of their lives in ways
they or you never imagined possible.

Disclaimer: These statements are not reviewed by the FDA. Always consult your
health practitioner before engaging in any exercise program. Please be advised we
will not answer any medical questions. This applies for any Live Chat questions
and/or contact submissions. Our representatives can discuss product and science
with you, but cannot address your medical issues. Thank you!.

Buy now at

Be well my friends. Mike
704.597.6775 ET


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