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Essence of Multivariate Thinking - Basic Themes and Methods

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Basic Themes and Methods
Multivariate Applications Series
Sponsored by the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, the goal of this series is
to apply complex statistical methods to significant social or behavioral issues, in such a way
so as to be accessible to a nontechnical-oriented readership (e.g., nonmethodological re-
searchers, teachers, students, government personnel, practitioners, and other professionals).
Applications from a variety of disciplines, such as psychology, public health, sociology,
education, and business, are welcome. Books can be single- or multiple-authored, or edited
volumes that: (1) demonstrate the application of a variety of multivariate methods to a
single, major area of research; (2) describe a multivariate procedure or framework that
could be applied to a number of research areas; or (3) present a variety of perspectives on
a controversial topic of interest to applied multivariate researchers.
There are currently nine books in the series:

• What if there were no significance tests? co-edited by Lisa L. Harlow, Stanley A.

Mulaik, and James H. Steiger (1997).
• Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL, PRELIS, and SIMPLIS: Basic Concepts,
Applications, and Programming written by Barbara M. Byrne (1998).
• Multivariate Applications in Substance Use Research: New Methods for New Ques-
tions, co-edited by: Jennifer S. Rose, Laurie Chassin, Clark C. Presson, and Steven J.
Sherman (2000).
• Item Response Theory for Psychologists, co-authored by Susan E. Embretson and
Steven P. Reise (2000).
• Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications, and Pro-
gramming, written by Barbara M. Byrne (2001).
• Conducting Meta-Analysis Using SAS, written by Winfred Arthur, Jr., Winston Ben-
nett, Jr., and Allen I. Huffcutt (2001).
• Modeling Intraindividual Variability with Repeated Measures Data: Methods and
Applications, co-edited by D. S. Moskowitz and Scott L. Hershberger (2002).
• Multilevel Modeling: Methodological Advances, Issues, and Applications, co-edited
by Steven P. Reise and Naihua Duan (2003).
• The Essence of Multivariate Thinking: Basic Themes and Methods by Lisa Harlow

Anyone wishing to submit a book proposal should send the following: (1) author/title,
(2) timeline including completion date, (3) brief overview of the book's focus, including
table of contents, and ideally a sample chapter (or more), (4) a brief description of competing
publications, and (5) targeted audiences.
For more information please contact the series editor, Lisa Harlow, at: Department of
Psychology, University of Rhode Island, 10 Chafee Road, Suite 8, Kingston, RI 02881-0808;
Phone: (401) 874-4242; Fax: (401) 874-5562; or e-mail: Information
may also be obtained from members of the advisory board: Leona Aiken (Arizona State
University), Gwyneth Boodoo (Educational Testing Service), Barbara M. Byrne (University
of Ottawa), Patrick Curran (University of North Carolina), Scott E. Maxwell (University of
Notre Dame), David Rindskopf (City University of New York), Liora Schmelkin (Hofstra
University) and Stephen West (Arizona State University).
Basic Themes and Methods

Lisa L. Harlow
University of Rhode Island


2005 Mahwah, New Jersey London
Senior Editor: Debra Riegert
Editorial Assistant: Kerry Breen
Cover Design: Kathryn Houghtaling Lacey and Lisa L. Harlow
Textbook Production Manager: Paul Smolenski
Full-Service Compositor: TechBooks
Text and Cover Printer: Hamilton Printing Company

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Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers

10 Industrial Avenue
Mahwah, New Jersey 07430

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Harlow, Lisa Lavoie, 1951-

The essence of multivariate thinking : basic themes and methods / Lisa L. Harlow.
p. cm.—(Multivariate applications book series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8058-3729-9 (hardback : alk. paper)—ISBN 0-8058-3730-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Multivariate analysis. 2. Psychology—Mathematical models. I. Title. II. Series.

QA278.H349 2005
519.5'35—dc22 2004028095

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In memory of
Jacob Cohen
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List of Figures and Tables xv

Preface xxi

1 Introduction 3
What is Multivariate Thinking? 3
Benefits 4
Drawbacks 6
Context for Multivariate Thinking 7
2 Multivariate Themes 10
Overriding Theme of Multiplicity 10
Theory 11
Hypotheses 11
Empirical Studies 12
Measurement 12
Multiple Time Points 13
Multiple Controls 13
Multiple Samples 14
Practical Implications 15
Multiple Statistical Methods 15
Summary of Multiplicity Theme 17
Central Themes 17
Variance 18
Covariance 18
Ratio of (Co-)Variances 18
Linear Combinations 19
Components 19
Factors 20
Summary of Central Themes 20
Interpretation Themes 21
Macro-Assessment 21

Significance Test 21
Effect Sizes 22
Micro-Assessment 23
Means 23
Weights 24
Summary of Interpretation Themes 25
Summary of Multivariate Themes 25
3 Background Themes 28
Preliminary Considerations before Multivariate Analyses 28
Data 28
Measurement Scales 29
Roles of Variables 30
Incomplete Information 31
Missing Data . 32
Descriptive Statistics 33
Inferential Statistics 34
Roles of Variables and Choice of Methods 35
Summary of Background Themes 36
Questions to Help Apply Themes to Multivariate Methods 37


4 Multiple Regression 43
Themes Applied to Multiple Regression (MR)
What Is MR and How Is It Similar to and Different from
Other Methods? 43
When Is MR Used and What Research Questions Can It Address? 44
What Are the Main Multiplicity Themes for MR? 45
What Are the Main Background Themes Applied to MR? 45
What Is the Statistical Model That Is Tested with MR? 46
How Do Central Themes of Variance, Covariance, and Linear
Combinations Apply to MR? 47
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret Results
at a Macro-Level? 47
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret Results
at a Micro-Level? 49
Significance t-Tests for Variables 49
Weights 49
Squared Semipartial Correlations 50
What Are Some Other Considerations or Next Steps After
Applying MR? 50

What Is an Example of Applying MR to a Research Question? 51

Descriptive Statistics 51
Reliability Coefficients and Correlations 52
Standard Multiple Regression (DV: STAGEB) 52
Hierarchical Multiple Regression (DV: STAGEB) 54
Stepwise Multiple Regression (DV: STAGEB) 56
Summary 61
5 Analysis of Covariance 63
Themes Applied to Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)
What Is ANCOVA and How Is It Similar to and Different
from Other Methods? 63
When is ANCOVA Used and What Research Questions
Can it Address? 65
What Are the Main Multiplicity Themes for ANCOVA? 66
What Are the Main Background Themes Applied to ANCOVA? 67
What Is the Statistical Model That Is Tested with ANCOVA? 68
How Do Central Themes of Variance, Covariance, and Linear
Combinations Apply to ANCOVA? 69
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret ANCOVA Results
at a Macro-Level? 69
Significance Test 70
Effect Size 70
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret ANCOVA results
at a Micro-Level? 70
What Are Some Other Considerations or Next Steps After
Applying ANCOVA? 71
What Is an Example of Applying ANCOVA to a Research Question? 71
Descriptive Statistics 72
Correlations 73
Test of Homogeneity of Regressions 74
ANOVA and Follow-up Tukey Tests 74
ANCOVA and Follow-up Tukey Tests 77
Summary 80

6 Matrices and Multivariate Methods 85
Themes Applied to Matrices
What Are Matrices and How Are They Similar to and Different
from Other Tools? 85
What Kinds of Matrices Are Commonly Used with
Multivariate Methods? 86

What Are the Main Multiplicity Themes for Matrices? 89

What Are the Main Background Themes Applied to Matrices? 89
What Kinds of Calculations Can Be Conducted with Matrices? 89
How Do Central Themes of Variance, Covariance, and Linear
Combinations Apply to Matrices? 93
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret Matrix Results
at a Macro-Level? 95
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret Matrix Results
at a Micro-Level? 95
What Are Some Questions to Clarify the Use of Matrices? 96
What Is an Example of Applying Matrices to a Research Question? 97
Summary 100


7 Multivariate Analysis of Variance 105
Themes Applied to Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
What Is MANOVA and How Is It Similar to and Different from
Other Methods? 105
When Is MANOVA used and What Research Questions
Can it Address? 106
What Are the Main Multiplicity Themes for MANOVA? 107
What Are the Main Background Themes Applied to MANOVA? 108
What Is the Statistical Model That Is Tested with MANOVA? 110
How Do Central Themes of Variance, Covariance, and Linear
Combinations Apply to MANOVA? 1ll
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret MANOVA
Results at a Macro-Level? 1ll
Significance Test 112
Effect Size 113
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret MANOVA
Results at a Micro- (and Mid-) Level? 113
What Are Some Other Considerations or Next Steps After
Applying These Methods? 115
What Is an Example of Applying MANOVA to a Research
Question? 115
Descriptive Statistics 116
Correlations 117
ANOVAs 118
Tukey's Tests of Honestly Significant Differences Between Groups 124
Summary 127

8 Discriminant Function Analysis 129

Themes Applied to Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA)
What Is DFA and How Is It Similar to and Different
from Other Methods? 129
When Is DFA Used and What Research Questions Can It Address? 130
What Are the Main Multiplicity Themes for DFA? 131
What Are the Main Background Themes Applied to DFA? 131
What Is the Statistical Model That Is Tested with DFA? 132
How Do Central Themes of Variance, Covariance, and Linear
Combinations Apply to DFA? 133
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret DFA Results at a
Macro-Level? 133
Significance Test 134
Effect Size 134
Significance F-Tests (Mid-Level) 134
Effect Size (Mid-Level) 135
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret DFA Results at a
Micro-Level? 135
Weights 135
Effect Size 136
What Are Some Other Considerations or Next Steps
After Applying DFA? 136
What Is an Example of Applying DFA to a Research Question? 137
DFA Follow-up Results 137
Descriptive Statistics for Stand-Alone DFA 142
Correlations for Stand-Alone DFA 143
Stand-Alone DFA Results 143
Summary 150
9 Logistic Regression 152
Themes Applied to Logistic Regression (LR)
What Is LR and How Is It Similar to and Different from
Other Methods? 152
When is LR Used and What Research Questions Can it Address? 153
What Are the Main Multiplicity Themes for LR? 154
What Are the Main Background Themes Applied to LR? 154
What Is the Statistical Model That Is Tested with LR? 155
How Do Central Themes of Variance, Covariance, and Linear
Combinations Apply to LR? 156
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret LR Results at a
Macro-Level? 156
Significance Test 157
Effect Size 157

What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret LR Results at a

Micro-Level? 158
What Are Some Other Considerations or Next Steps After
Applying LR? 158
What Is an Example of Applying LR to a Research Question? 159
LR Results for 5-Stage DV 160
LR Results for Dichotomous STAGE2B DV (Stage 2 Versus 1) 164
LR Results for Dichotomous STAGE3B DV (Stage 3 Versus 1) 167
LR Results for Dichotomous STAGE4B DV (Stage 4 Versus 1) 169
LR Results for Dichotomous STAGE5B DV (Stage 5 Versus 1) 171
Summary 172


10 Canonical Correlation 177
Themes Applied to Canonical Correlation (CC)
What Is CC and How Is It Similar to and Different from
Other Methods? 177
When Is CC used and What Research Questions Can It Address? 180
What Are the Main Multiplicity Themes for CC? 181
What Are the Main Background Themes Applied to CC? 181
What Is the Statistical Model That Is Tested with CC? 181
How Do Central Themes of Variance, Covariance, and Linear
Combinations Apply to CC? 182
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret CC Results at a
Macro-Level? 183
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret CC Results at a
Micro-Level? 184
What Are Some Other Considerations or Next Steps
After Applying CC? 185
What Is an Example of Applying CC to a Research Question? 185
Correlations Among the p IVs and q DVs 186
A Macro-Level Assessment of CC 188
Mid-Level Assessment of the CCs Among the Pairs
of Canonical Variates 189
Micro-level Assessment: Canonical Loadings for Both the IVs
and DVs 190
Micro-Level Assessment of Redundancy: Variables on One Side
and Canonical Variates on the Other Side 191
Follow-Up MRs, One for Each DV, to Attempt to Examine the
Directional Ordering of the Variables 191
Summary 196

11 Principal Components and Factor Analysis 199

Themes Applied to Principal Components and Factor Analysis
What Are PCA and FA and How Are They Similar to and
Different From Other Methods? 199
When Are PCA and FA Used and What Research Questions Can
They Address? 201
What Are the Main Multiplicity Themes for PCA and FA? 202
What Are the Main Background Themes Applied to PCA and FA? 202
What Is the Statistical Model That Is Tested with PCA and FA? 203
How Do Central Themes of Variance, Covariance, and Linear
Combinations Apply to PCA and FA? 204
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret PCA and FA
Results at a Macro-Level? 205
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret PCA and FA
Results at a Micro-Level? 206
What Are Some Other Considerations or Next Steps After
Applying PCA or FA? 207
What Is an Example of Applying PCA and FA to a
Research Question? 208
Descriptive Statistics for the Variables 208
Correlations Among the p Variables 209
Macro- and Micro-level Assessment of PCA 209
Macro- and Micro-Level Assessment of FA 214
Summary 216

12 Integration of Multivariate Methods 221
Themes Applied to Multivariate Methods
What Are the Multivariate Methods and How Are They Similar
and Different? 221
When are Multivariate Methods used and What Research
Questions Can They Address? 222
What Are the Main Multiplicity Themes for Methods? 223
What Are the Main Background Themes Applied to Methods? 225
What Are the Statistical Models That Are Tested
with Multivariate Methods? 227
How Do Central Themes of Variance, Covariance, and Linear
Combinations Apply to Multivariate Methods? 227
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret Multivariate
Results at a Macro-Level? 229

What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret Multivariate

Results at a Micro-Level? 229
What Are Some Other Considerations or Next Steps After
Applying Multivariate Methods? 231
What Are Examples of Applying Multivariate Methods to
Relevant Research Questions? 231

Author Index 233

Subject Index 237
List of Figures and Tables

4.1. Depiction of standard MR with three predictors, where the lines
connecting the three IVs depict correlations among predictors
and the arrow headed toward the outcome variable represents
prediction error. 44
4.2. MR with 4 xs and 1 Y showing significant R2 shared variance,
F (4,522) = 52.28, p < 0.001, and significant standardized
regression coefficients. Lines connecting the three IVs depict
correlations among predictors and the arrow headed toward the
outcome variable represents prediction error. 60
5.1. ANCOVA with IV = STAGEA, covariate = CONS A, and
7.1. Depiction of Follow-up ANOVA Results in the MANOVA
Example with IV = STAGEA and DVs = PSYSXB, PROSB,
CONSB, and CONSEFFB NS = No Significant Differences;
*** p < 0.001. 122
8.1. DFA with 4 IVs and 1 DV showing significant R2 (= 0.30) shared
variance, F(16, 1586) = 13.52, p < 0.0001, with discriminant
loadings for 1st function (VI). 146
8.2. Plot of group centroids for first two discriminant functions. 148
9.1. LR predicting five-stage DV with odds ratios provided. 163
9.2. LR predicting contemplation versus precontemplation with odds
ratios provided. 166
9.3. LR predicting preparation versus precontemplation with odds
ratios provided. 169
9.4. LR predicting action versus precontemplation with odds ratios
provided. 170
9.5. LR predicting maintenance versus precontemplation with odds
ratios provided. 171
10.1. CC with 3 Xs, and 2 7s, with each X linked to the 2
canonical variates, VI and V2; and each Y linked to the 2 Ws.


Connected lines for Xs and Ys represent possible correlation.

Arrows between Vs and Ws indicate canonical correlations. 179
10.2. Two follow-up MRs to further assess which Xs are linked with
which Y. Connected lines for Xs represent possible correlation.
The single arrow to Y represents prediction error. 179
10.3. Depiction of canonical correlation with PsySx, Pros, Cons,
ConSeff, and Stage measured at times A and B, 6 months
apart. The circles, labeled VI and Wl, respectively, represent
the linear combinations or canonical variates for the variables
on the left and the variables on the right. Lines connecting the
Xs to the Vs and the 7s to the Ws represent loadings for the first
two main pairs of canonical variates. Two-way arrows linking
the Vs and Ws indicate canonical correlations between pairs of
canonical variates. 190
11.1. PCA-FA with two correlated dimensions, each with three
main (boldfaced) loadings and each with three inconsequential
(dashed-line) loadings. 200
11.2. Scree Plot of Eigenvalues for the Example with Eight Variables. 211
11.3. Scree Plot for the Eight-Variable FA Example. 213
11.4. FA with two correlated (r = —0.23) dimensions, each with 3+
main (boldfaced) loadings >|0.30| and 3+ inconsequential
(dashed-lined) loadings < 10.30 |. 215

1.1. Summary of the Definition, Benefits, Drawbacks, and Context
for Multivariate Methods 8
2.1. Summary of Multivariate Themes 17
3.1. Summary of Background Themes to Consider for Multivariate
Methods 36
3.2. Questions to Ask for Each Multivariate Method 39
4.1. Descriptive Statistics for 4 IVs and the DV, Stage
of Condom Use 51
4.2. Coefficient Alpha and Test-Retest Reliability Coefficients 52
4.3. Correlation Coefficients within Time B, N = 527 52
4.4. Summary of Macro-Level Standard MR Output 53
4.5. Summary of Micro-Level Standard MR Output 53
4.6. Step 1 of Macro-Level Hierarchical MR Output 54
4.7. Step 1 of Micro-Level Hierarchical MR Output 55
4.8. Step 2 of Macro-Level Hierarchical MR Output 55
4.9. Step 2 of Micro-Level Hierarchical MR Output 55
4.10. Step 3 of Macro-Level Hierarchical MR Output 56
4.11. Step 3 of Micro-Level Hierarchical MR Output 56

4.12. Step 1 of Macro-Level Stepwise MR Output 57

4.13. Step 1 of Micro-Level Stepwise MR Output 57
4.14. Step 2 of Macro-Level Stepwise MR Output 57
4.15. Step 2 of Micro-Level Stepwise MR Output 58
4.16. Step 3 of Macro-Level Stepwise MR Output 58
4.17. Step 3 of Micro-Level Stepwise MR Output 58
4.18. Step 4 of Macro-Level Stepwise MR Output 58
4.19. Step 4 of Micro-Level Stepwise MR Output 59
4.20. Summary of Micro-Level Stepwise MR Output 59
4.21. Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation
Themes Applied to Multiple Regression 60
5.1. ANCOVA Example Descriptive Statistics 73
5.2. Pearson Correlation Coefficients (N = 527) 74
5.3. Testing for Homogeneity of Regressions 75
5.4. ANOVA Macro-Level Results 75
5.5. Micro-Level Tukey Tests for ANOVA 76
5.6. ANCOVA Macro-Level Results 77
5.7. Micro-Level Follow-up Tukey Tests for ANCOVA 79
5.8. Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation
Themes Applied to ANCOVA 80
6.1. Summary of Matrix Concepts 101
6.2. Summary of Matrix Calculations 101
7.1. MANOVA Example Descriptive Frequencies 116
7.2. MANOVA Example Descriptive Means, SDs, Range,
Skewness, and Kurtosis 116
7.3. Test-Retest Correlations for PSYSX (N = 527) 117
7.4. Test-Retest Correlations for PROS (N = 527) 117
7.5. Test-Retest Correlations for CONS (N = 527) 118
7.6. Test-Retest Correlations for CONSEFF (N = 527) 118
7.7. Test-Retest Correlations for STAGE (N = 527) 119
7.8. Correlations among DVs and IV (N = 527) 119
7.9. Macro-Level Results for MANOVA 119
7.10. Micro-Level ANOVA Results for Psychosexual Functioning 120
7.11. Micro-Level ANOVA Results for Pros of Condom Use 120
7.12. Micro-Level ANOVA Results for Cons of Condom Use 121
7.13. Micro-Level ANOVA Results for Condom Self-Efficacy 121
7.14. Micro-Level Tukey Tests for ANOVA on Psychosexual
Functioning 122
7.15. Micro-Level Tukey Tests for ANOVA on Pros of Condom Use 123
7.16. Micro-Level Tukey Tests for ANOVA on Cons of Condom Use 124
7.17. Micro-Level Tukey Tests for ANOVA on Condom
Self-Efficacy 125

7.18. Least-Squares Means for the Four DVs over the Five Stages
of the IV 126
7.19. Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation Themes
Applied to MANOVA 126
8.1. Macro-Level Results for the Follow-up DFA 138
8.2. Mid-Level Results for the Follow-up DFA 139
8.3. Micro-Level Discriminant Loadings for the Follow-up DFA 139
8.4. Micro-Level Unstandardized Discriminant Weights for the
Follow-up DFA 140
8.5. Group Centroids for the Follow-up DFA Discriminant
Functions 141
8.6. Individual Classification Results for the Follow-up DFA 141
8.7. Classification Table for Actual and Predicted Stages in the
Follow-up DFA 142
8.8. Descriptive Frequencies for Stand-Alone DFA Example 143
8.9. Descriptive Means, SDs, Range, Skewness, and Kurtosis for
Stand-Alone DFA 143
8.10. Pearson Correlation Coefficients (N = 527) Prob>| r \ under
HO: Rho = 0 144
8.11. Macro-Level Results for Stand-Alone DFA 144
8.12. Mid-Level Results for Stand-Alone DFA 145
8.13. Micro-Level Discriminant Loadings for the Stand-Alone DFA 146
8.14. Micro-Level Unstandardized Results 147
8.15. Group Centroids for Stand-Alone DFA Discriminant Functions 147
8.16. Individual Classification Results for Stand-Alone DFA 148
8.17. Classification Table for Actual and Predicted Stages in
Stand-Alone DFA 149
8.18. Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation Themes
Applied to DFA 150
9.1. Frequencies for STAGEB for LR Example 160
9.2. Initial Test of Odds Assumption for Five-Stage DV 161
9.3. Macro-Level LR Results for Five-Stage DV 161
9.4. Macro-Level Indices for LR with Five-Stage DV 162
9.5. Micro-Level LR Results for Five-Stage DV 162
9.6. Micro-Level Odds Ratio Estimates for LR with Five-Stage DV 163
9.7. Frequencies for STAGE2B for LR Example
(DV: 1 = Contemplation vs. 0 = Precontemplation) 164
9.8. Macro-Level LR Results for STAGE2B Example
(DV: 1 = Contemplation vs. 0 = Precontemplation) 165
9.9. Macro-Level LR Indices for STAGE2B Example (DV: 1 = vs.
0 — Precontemplation) 165
9.10. Micro-Level LR Results for STAGE2B Example (DV: 1 =
Contemplation vs. 0 = Precontemplation) 166

9.11. Frequencies for STAGE3B for LR Example

(DV: 1 = Preaparation vs. 0 = Precontemplation) 167
9.12. Macro-Level LR Results for STAGE3B Example
(DV: 1 = Preparation vs. 0 = Precontemplation) 167
9.13. Macro-Level LR Indices for STAGE3B Example
(DV: 1 = Preparation vs. 0 — Precontemplation) 168
9.14. Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation Themes
Applied to LR 172
10.1. (Rxx) Pearson Correlations (Among Xs) (N = 527) 186
10.2. (Ryx) Pearson Correlations (Among 7s and Xs) (N = 527) 187
10.3. (Rxy) Pearson Correlations (Among Xs and 7s) (N = 527) 187
10.4. (Ryy) Pearson Correlations (Among Ys) (N = 527) 188
10.5. Macro-Level Assessment of Canonical Correlation Example 188
10.6. Mid-Level Assessment of Canonical Correlation Example 189
10.7. Micro-Level Assessment of Canonical Correlation Example 191
10.8. Redundancy Assessment for Canonical Correlation Example 192
10.9. Macro-Level Results for First Follow-Up MR: DV = STAGEB 192
10.10. Micro-Level Results for First Follow-Up MR: DV = STAGEB 193
10.11. Macro-Level Results for Second Follow-Up
10.12. Micro-Level Results for Second Follow-Up
10.13. Macro-Level Results for Third Follow-Up MR: DV = PROSB 194
10.14. Micro-Level Results for Third Follow-Up MR: DV = PROSB 194
10.15. Macro-Level Results for Fourth Follow-Up
MR: DV = CONSB 195
10.16. Micro-Level Results for Fourth Follow-Up
MR: DV = CONSB 195
10.17. Macro-Level Results for Fifth Follow-Up
10.18. Micro-Level Results for Fifth Follow-Up
10.19. Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation Themes
Applied to Canonical Correlation 197
11.1. Descriptive Statistics on the Variables in the PCA and FA
Example 209
11.2. Pearson Correlation Coefficients 210
11.3. Principal Component Loadings for the Example 211
11.4. Micro- Assessment of PCA with Orthogonal, Varimax Rotation 212
11.5. Micro-Assessment of PCA with Oblique, Promax Rotation 212
11.6. Macro-Level Assessment of FA for the Eight-Variable
Example 213
11.7. Micro-Assessment of FA with Orthogonal Rotation 214

11.8. Micro-Assessment of FA with Oblique, Promax Rotation 214

11.9. Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation Themes
Applied to PCA-FA 215
12.1. Multiplicity Themes Applied to Multivariate Methods 224
12.2. Background Themes Applied to Multivariate Methods 226
12.3. Models and Central Themes Applied to Multivariate Methods 228
12.4. Interpretation Themes Applied to Multivariate Methods 230

The current volume was written with a simple goal: to make the topic of mul-
tivariate statistics more accessible and comprehensible to a wide audience. To
encourage a more encompassing cognizance of the nature of multivariate meth-
ods, I suggest basic themes that run through most statistical methodology. I then
show how these themes are applied to several multivariate methods that could be
covered in a statistics course for first-year graduate students or advanced under-
graduates. I hope awareness of these common themes will engender more ease
in understanding the basic concepts integral to multivariate thinking. In keeping
with a conceptual focus, I kept formulas at a minimum so that the book does not
require knowledge of advanced mathematical methods beyond basic algebra and
finite mathematics. There are a number of excellent statistical works that present
greater mathematical and statistical details than the current volume or present other
approaches to multivariate methods. When possible I suggest references to some
of these sources for those individuals who are interested.
Before delineating the content of the chapters, it is important to consider what
prerequisite information would be helpful to have before studying multivariate
methods. I recommend having a preliminary knowledge of basic statistics and
research methods as taught at the undergraduate level in most social science fields.
This foundation would include familiarity with descriptive and inferential statistics,
the concepts and logic of hypothesis testing procedures, and effect sizes. Some
discussion of these topics is provided later in this book, particularly as they relate
to multivariate methods. I invite the reader to review the suggested or similar
material to ensure good preparation at the introductory level, hopefully making an
excursion into multivariate thinking more enjoyable.

The first three chapters provide an overview of the concepts and approach addressed
in this book. In Chapter 1,1 provide an introductory framework for multivariate
thinking and discuss benefits and drawbacks to using multivariate methods before
providing a context for engaging in multivariate research.


In Chapter 2, I show how a compendium of multivariate methods is much

more attainable if we notice several themes that seem to underlie these statistical
techniques. These themes are elaborated to provide an overarching sense of the
capabilities and scope of these procedures. The pivotal and pervasive theme of
multivariate methods is multiplicity: the focus on manifold sources in the devel-
opment of a strong system of knowledge. Use of these methods acknowledges and
encourages attention on multiple ways of investigating phenomena. We can do this
by widening our lens to identify multiple and relevant theories, constructs, mea-
sures, samples, methods, and time points. Although no single study can possibly
encompass the full breadth of multiple resources we identify, multivariate meth-
ods allow us to stretch our thinking to embrace a wider domain to examine than
we otherwise might pursue. This broadening approach at multiple levels provides
greater reliability and validity in our research.
After acknowledging the emphasis on multiple foci, we delve into several addi-
tional themes that reoccur and seem to anchor many of the multivariate methods.
These themes draw on the central notions of variance, covariance, ratios of vari-
ances and/or covariances, and linear combinations, all of which contribute to a
summary of shared variance among multiple variables.
We are then ready to address themes that help in evaluating and interpret-
ing results from multivariate methods. For each method discussed, I encourage a
macro-assessment that summarizes findings with both significance tests and effect
sizes. Recognizing that significance tests provide only limited information (e.g.,
the probability that results are due to chance), I also provide information on the
magnitude of research findings with effect sizes. Results are also evaluated from a
micro-perspective to determine the specific, salient aspects of a significant effect,
which often include information about means or weights for variables.
In Chapter 3,1 delineate several background themes that pertain to both uni-
variate and multivariate methods. This includes discussion about data, sample,
measurement, variables, assumptions, and preliminary screening to prepare data
for analysis.
After gaining insight into the core themes, I turn to an illustration of these
themes as they apply to several multivariate methods. The selection of methods
(i.e., multiple regression, analysis of covariance, multivariate analysis of variance,
discriminant function analysis, logistic regression, canonical correlation, principal
components, and factor analysis) is limited to a subset of multivariate procedures
that have wide application and that readily elucidate the underlying multivariate
themes presented here.
In Chapters 4 and 5, I feature the themes with the intermediate multivariate
methods of multiple regression and analysis of covariance, respectively, that bridge
well-known univariate methods (e.g., correlation and analysis of variance) with
other multivariate methods discussed later.
In Chapter 6,1 provide an overview of matrix notation and calculations, enough
to help in understanding subsequent chapters.
In Chapters 7,8, and 9,1 then discuss how the themes pertain to the multivariate
group methods of multivariate analysis of variance, discriminant function analysis,

and logistic regression that each incorporate a major categorical, grouping variable
(e.g., gender, treatment, qualitative or ordinal outcome).
In Chapters 10 and 11, respectively, I apply the themes to multivariate corre-
lational methods that are used in an exploratory approach: canonical correlation
and a combined focus on principal components analysis and factor analysis.
In Chapter 12,1 present an integration of the themes across each of the selected
multivariate methods. This summary includes several charts that list common
themes and how they pertain to each of the methods discussed in this book. I
hope readers will leave with greater awareness and understanding of the essence
of multivariate methods and how they can illuminate our research and ultimately
our thinking.


A detailed example is provided for each method to delineate how the multivariate
themes apply and to provide a clear understanding and interpretation of the findings.
Results from statistical analysis software programs are presented in tables that for
the most part mirror sections of the output files.
Supplemental information is provided in the accompanying CD, allowing sev-
eral opportunities for understanding the material presented in each chapter. Data
from 527 women at risk for HIV provide a set of variables, collected over three
time points, to highlight the multivariate methods discussed in this book. The data
were collected as part of a National Institute of Mental Health grant (Principal
investigators L. L. Harlow, K. Quina, and P. J. Morokoff) to predict and prevent
HIV risk in women. The same data set is used throughout the book to provide a
uniform focus for examples. SAS computer program and output files are given
corresponding to the applications in the chapters. This allows readers to verify
how to set up and interpret the analyses delineated in the book. A separate set
of homework exercises and lab guidelines provide additional examples of how to
apply the methods. Instructors and students can work through these when they
want to gain practice applying multivariate methods. Finally, lecture summaries
are presented to illuminate the main points from the chapters.


This book was partially supported by a Fulbright Award while I was at York
University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; by a National Science Foundation grant on
multidisciplinary learning communities in science and engineering (Co-principal
investigators: Donna Hughes, Lisa Harlow, Faye Boudreaux-Bartels, Bette
Erickson, Joan Peckham, Mercedes Rivero-Herdec, Barbara Silver, Karen Stein,
and Betty Young), and by a National Science Foundation grant on advancing
women in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (principal inves-
tigator: Janett Trubatch).

Thanks are offered to all the students, faculty, and staff at the University of
Rhode Island, York University, and the Cancer Prevention Research Center who
generously offered resources, support, and comments. I am deeply indebted to the
many students I have taught over the years, who have raised meaningful questions
and provided insightful comments to help clarify my thinking.
I owe much to the National Institute of Mental Health for a grant on prediction of
HIV risk in women and to Patricia Morokoff and Kathryn Quina, my collaborators
on the grant. Without the grant and the support of these incredible colleagues, the
data, examples, and analyses in this book would not be possible.
Much recognition is extended to Tara Smith, Kate Cady-Webster, and Ana
Bridges, all of whom served as teaching assistants and/or (co-)instructors of mul-
tivariate courses during the writing of this book. Each of these intelligent and
dedicated women continually inspires me to greater clarity in my thinking. In par-
ticular, Tara helped me immeasurably in developing lab exercises, and Kate helped
with some of the lecture summaries for the chapters. Their help made it possible
for me to include a CD supplement for this text.
I am very grateful to Dale Pijanowski who generously shared her joyous and
positive spirit about my writing at a time when I was not as convinced as she was
that this book would be finished.
I owe many thanks to Barbara Byrne and Keith Markus, who provided detailed
and constructive reviews of several preliminary chapters. Their thoughtful com-
ments went a long way toward improving the book, but any remaining errors are
most certainly my own.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates—in particular, Debra Riegert and Larry
Erlbaum—deserve my highest praise for unfailing support, encouragement, and a
wealth of expertise. Nicole McClenic also gets a gold star as project manager.
Appreciation is offered to the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology
(SMEP) that offers an ongoing forum in which to stay informed and enlightened in
state-of-the-art methodology. I especially want to express my enduring gratitude
for the wisdom that freely flowed and was generously bestowed on all SMEP
members by Jacob (Jack) Cohen, whose memory permeates the hearts and minds
of all of us fortunate enough to have been in his presence, if only much too briefly.
Jack had a no-nonsense style that cut through all fuzziness and vagaries of thinking,
all the while pleasantly illuminating key concepts with such erudite acumen that
no one could leave him feeling uninformed. If ever there were a guru of pivotal
statistical insight, it assuredly would be Jack.
Finally, my heartfelt thanks are extended to my husband, Gary, and daughter,
Rebecca, who are a constant source of support and inspiration to me. Gary was
also instrumental in providing extensive production assistance with formatting the
text, tables, and the accompanying supplements in the CD. I consider myself very
fortunate to have been gifted with my family's functional support as well as their
unyielding tolerance of and encouragement to having me spread the word about
the wonders and marvels of multivariate thinking.
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In much of science and life, we often are trying to understand the underlying
truth in a morass of observable reality. Herbert Simon (1969) states that we are
attempting to find the basic simplicity in the overt complexity of life. Margaret
Wheatley (1994), a social scientist working with organizations, suggests that we
are seeking to uncover the latent order in a system while also recognizing that
"It is hard to open ourselves to a world of inherent orderliness... trusting in the
unfolding dance of order" (1994, p. 23). I would like to argue that the search for
simplicity and latent order could be made much more attainable when approached
with a mindset of multivariate thinking.
Multivariate thinking is defined as a body of thought processes that illuminate
interrelatedness between and within sets of variables. The essence of multivariate
thinking as portrayed in this book proposes to expose the inherent structure and
to uncover the meaning revealed within these sets of variables through application
and interpretation of various multivariate statistical methods with real-world data.
The multivariate methods we examine are a set of tools for analyzing multi-
ple variables in an integrated and powerful way. The methods make it possible to
examine richer and more realistic designs than can be assessed with traditional uni-
variate methods that analyze only one outcome variable and usually just one or two
independent variables. Compared with univariate methods, multivariate methods
allow us to analyze a complex array of variables, providing greater assurance that
we can come to some synthesizing conclusions with less error and more validity
than if we were to analyze variables in isolation.


Multivariate knowledge offers greater flexibility and options for analyses that
extend and enrich other statistical methods of which we have some familiarity.
Ultimately, a study of multivariate thinking and methods encourages coherence
and integration in research that hopefully can motivate policy and practice. A
number of excellent resources exist for those interested in other approaches to
multivariate methods (Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003; Gorsuch, 1999; Harris,
2001; Marcoulides & Hershberger, 1997; Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).
Having a preliminary understanding of what is meant by multivariate thinking,
it is useful to itemize several benefits and drawbacks to studying multivariate

Several benefits can be derived from understanding and using multivariate methods.

a. First, our thinking is stretched to embrace a larger context in which we

can envision more complex and realistic theories and models than could be
rendered with univariate methods. Knowledge of multivariate methods pro-
vides a structure and order with which to approach research, demystifying
the aura of secrecy and laying bare the essence because most phenomena
of interest to researchers are elaborate, involving several possible variables
and patterns of relationship. We gain insight into methods that previously
were perceived as abstract and incomprehensible by increasing our under-
standing of multivariate statistical terminology. The knowledge builds on
itself, providing increased understanding of statistical methodology. Thus,
multivariate thinking offers an intellectual exercise that expands our sense
of knowing and discourages isolated, narrow perspectives. It helps sort out
the seeming mystery in a research area, providing a large set of real-world
approaches for analysis to explain variability in a nonconstant world.
b. Second, a thorough grounding in multivariate thinking helps us understand
others' research, giving us a richer understanding when reading the liter-
ature. By studying the basic features and applications of these statistical
tools, we can become better consumers of research, achieving greater com-
prehension of particular findings and their implications. Several students
have reported that, whereas they previously had just scanned the abstracts
and possibly the introduction and discussion sections of research articles,
studying multivariate methods gave them the intellectual curiosity and the
know-how to venture into the methods and results sections. Reading the sta-
tistical portion of research articles provided greater enjoyment when reading
the literature and opened up a world replete with multiple approaches that
can be applied to a research area. After continued exposure and experience
with the many ways to apply multivariate methods, we can begin to develop

a more realistic and critical view of others' research and gain more clarity
on the merits of a body of research. Even if we never choose to conduct our
own analyses, knowledge of multivariate methods opens our eyes to a wider
body of research than would be possible with only univariate methods of
c. Third, multivariate thinking helps expand our capabilities by informing ap-
plication to our own research. We are encouraged to consider multiple meth-
ods for our research, and the methods needed to perform research are more
fully understood. An understanding of multivariate methods increases our
ability to evaluate complex, real-world phenomena and encourages ideas on
how to apply rigorous methods to our own research. Widening our lens to
see more and own more information regarding research, we are encouraged
to think in terms that lead to asking deeper, clearer, and richer questions.
With this broadened perspective, we are able to see the connection between
theory and statistical methods and potentially to inform theory development.
Empirically, a background in multivariate methods allows us to crystallize
theory into testable hypotheses and to provide empirical support for our ob-
servations. Thus, it can increase the credibility of our research and help us
add to existing literature by informing an area with our unique input. We
also are offered greater responsibility and are challenged to contribute to
research and scholarly discourse in general, not exclusively in our own area
of interest.
d. Fourth, multivariate thinking enables researchers to examine large sets of
variables in encompassing and integrated analysis, thereby controlling for
overall error rate and also taking correlations among variables into ac-
count. This is preferred to conducting a large number of univariate analyses
that would increase the probability of making an incorrect decision while
falsely assuming that each analysis is orthogonal. More variables also can
be analyzed within a single multivariate test, thereby reducing the risk of
Type I errors (rejecting the null hypothesis too easily), which can be thought
of as liberal, assertive, and exploratory (Mulaik, Raju, & Harshman, 1997).
We also can reduce Type II errors (retaining the null hypothesis too easily),
which may be described as conservative, cautious, and confirmatory (Abel-
son, 1995). Analyzing more variables in a single analysis also minimizes
the amount of unexplained or random error while maximizing the amount
of explained systematic variance, which provides a much more realistic and
rigorous framework for analyzing our data than with univariate methods.
e. Fifth, multivariate thinking reveals several assessment indices to determine
whether the overall or macro-analysis, as well as specific part or micro-
analysis, are behaving as expected. These overall and specific aspects en-
compass both omnibus (e.g., F-test) and specific (e.g., Tukey) tests of sig-
nificance, along with associated effect sizes (e.g., eta-squared and Cohen's
d). Acknowledging the wide debate of significance testing (Berkson, 1942;

Cohen, 1994; Harlow, Mulaik & Steiger, 1997; Kline, 2004; Meehl, 1978;
Morrison & Henkel, 1970; Schmidt, 1996), I concur with recommenda-
tions for their tempered use along with supplemental information such as
effect sizes (Abelson, 1997; Cohen, 1988, 1992; Kirk, 1996; Mulaik, Raju
& Harshman, 1997; Thompson, 1996; Wilkinson & the APA Task Force on
Statistical Inference, 1999). In Chapter 2 we discuss the topic of macro- and
micro-assessment in greater detail to help interpret findings from multivariate
f. Finally, multivariate participation in the research process engenders more
positive attitudes toward statistics in general. Active involvement increases
our confidence in critiquing others' research and gives us more enthusi-
asm for applying methods to our own research. Greater feeling of empow-
erment occurs with less anticipatory anxiety when approaching statistics
and research. We may well find ourselves asking more complex research
questions with greater assurance, thereby increasing our own understand-
ing. All this should help us to feel more comfortable articulating multi-
ple ideas in an intelligent manner and to engage less in doubting our own
capabilities with statistics and research. This is consequential because the
bounty of multivariate information available could instill trepidation in many
who would rather not delve into it without some coaxing. However, my
experience has been that more exposure to the capabilities and applica-
tions of multivariate methods empowers us to pursue greater understand-
ing and hopefully to provide greater contributions to the body of scientific


Because of the size and complexity of most multivariate designs, several drawbacks
may be evident. I present three drawbacks that could emerge when thinking about
multivariate methods and end with two additional drawbacks that are more tongue-
in-cheek perceptions that could result:

a. First, statistical assumptions (e.g., normality, linearity, and homoscedastic-

ity) common to the general linear model (McCullagh & Nelder, 1989) must be
met for most multivariate methods. Less is known about the robustness of these to
violations compared with univariate methods. More is said about assumptions in
the section on Inferential Statistics in Chapter 3.
b. Second, many more participants are usually needed to adequately test a mul-
tivariate design compared with smaller univariate studies. One guideline suggests
having 5 to 10 participants per variable or per parameter, although as many as 20
to 50 participants per variable or parameter may be necessary when assumptions
are not met (Bender, 1995; Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). Others (Boomsma, 1983;

Comrey & Lee, 1992) recommend having a sample size of 200-500, with smaller
sample sizes allowed when there are large effect sizes (Green, 1991; Guadagnoli
& Velicer, 1988).
c. Third, interpretation of results from a multivariate analysis may be difficult
because of having several layers to examine. With multivariate methods, we can
often examine:
i. The overall significance to assess the probability that results were due to
ii. The main independent variables that are contributing to the analysis;
iii. The nature of the dependent variable(s) showing significance; and
iv. The specific pattern of the relationship between relevant independent and
dependent variables.
d. Fourth, some researchers speculate that multivariate methods are too com-
plex to take the time to learn. That is an inaccurate perception because the basic
themes are clear and reoccurring, as we will shortly see.
e. Fifth, after immersing ourselves in multivariate thinking, it could become
increasingly difficult to justify constructing or analyzing a narrow and unrealistic
research study. We might even find ourselves thinking from a much wider and
global perspective.


The main focus of learning and education is knowledge consumption and develop-
ment in which we are taught about the order that others have uncovered and learn
methods to seek our own vision of order. During our early years, we are largely
consumers of others' knowledge, learning from experts about what is important
and how it can be understood. As we develop in our education, we move more into
knowledge development and generation, which is explored and fine-tuned through
the practice of scientific research. The learning curve for research can be very slow,
although both interest and expertise increase with exposure and involvement. After
a certain point, which widely varies depending on individual interests and instruc-
tion, the entire process of research clicks and becomes unbelievably compelling.
We become hooked, getting a natural high from the process of discovery, creation,
and verification of scientific knowledge. I personally believe all of us are latent
scientists of sorts, if only at an informal level. We each go about making hypothe-
ses about everyday events and situations, based on more or less formal theories.
We then collect evidence for or against these hypotheses and make conclusions
and future predictions based on our findings. When this process is formalized and
validated in well-supported and well-structured environments, the opportunity for
a major contribution by a well-informed individual becomes much more likely.
Further, this is accompanied by a deeply felt sense of satisfaction and reward. That
has certainly been my experience.

Summary of the Definition, Benefits, Drawbacks, and Context for
Multivariate Methods
1. Definition Set of tools for identifying relationships among multiple variables
2. Benefits a. Stretch thinking to embrace a larger context
b. Help in understanding others' research
c. Expand capabilities with our own research
d. Examine large sets of variables in a single analysis
e. Provide several macro- and micro-assessment indices
f. Engender more positive attitudes toward statistics in general
3. Drawbacks a. Less is known about robustness of multivariate assumptions
b. Larger sample sizes are needed
c. Results are sometimes more complex to interpret
d. Methods may be challenging to learn
e. Broader focus requires more expansive thinking
4. Context a. Knowledge consumption of others' research
b. Knowledge generation from one's own research

Both knowledge-consuming and -generating endeavors, particularly in the so-

cial and behavioral sciences, are greatly enhanced by the study of multivariate
thinking. One of our roles as multivariate social-behavioral scientists is to attempt
to synthesize and integrate our understanding and knowledge in an area. Piecemeal
strands of information are useful only to the extent that they eventually get com-
bined to allow a larger, more interwoven fabric of comprehension to emerge. For
example, isolated symptoms are of little value in helping an ailing patient unless a
physician can integrate them into a well-reasoned diagnosis. Multivariate thinking
helps us in this venture and allows us to clearly specify our understanding of a
behavioral process or social phenomenon.
Table 1.1 summarizes the definition, benefits, drawbacks, and context for mul-
tivariate methods.
In the next chapter, we gain more specificity by taking note of various themes
that run through all of multivariate thinking.

Abelson, R. P. (1995). Statistics as principled argument. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Abelson, R. P. (1997). The surprising longevity of flogged horses: Why there is a case for the significance
test. Psychological Science, 8, 12-15.
Bentler, P. M. (1995). EQS: Structural equations program manual. Encino, CA: Multivariate Software,
Berkson, J. (1942). Tests of significance considered as evidence. Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 37, 325-335.
Boomsma, A. (1983). On the robustness of LISREL (maximum likelihood estimation) against small
sample size and nonnormality. PhD. Thesis, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. San Diego, CA: Academic
Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 155-159.
Cohen, J. (1994). The earth is round (p < .05). American Psychologist, 49, 997-1003.
Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G., & Aiken, L. S. (2003). Applied multiple regression/correlation
analysis for behavioral sciences (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Comrey, A. L., & Lee, H. B. (1992). A first course in factor analysis (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Gorsuch, R. L. (1999). UniMult: For univariate and multivariate data analysis (Computer program
and guide). Pasadena, CA: UniMult.
Green, S. B. (1991). How many subjects does it take to do a regression analysis?Multivariate Behavioral
Research, 26, 449-510.
Guadagnoli, E., & Velicer, W. F. (1988). Relation of sample size to the stability of component patterns.
Psychological Bulletin, 10, 265-275.
Harlow, L. L., Mulaik S. A., & Steiger, J. H. (1997). What if there were no significance tests? Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Harris, R. J. (2001). A primer of multivariate statistics. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kirk, R. E. (1996). Practical significance: A concept whose time has come. Educational and Psycho-
logical Measurement, 56, 746-759.
Kline, R. B. (2004). Beyond significance testing: Reforming data analysis methods in behavioral
research. Washington DC: APA.
Marcoulides, G. A., & Hershberger, S. L. (1997). Multivariate statistical methods: A first course.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
McCullagh, P., & Nelder, J. (1989). Generalized linear models. London: Chapman and Hall.
Meehl, P. E. (1978). Theoretical risks and tabular asterisks: Sir Karl, Sir Ronald, and the slow progress
of soft psychology. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46, 806-834.
Morrison, D. E., & Henkel, R. E. (Eds.) (1970). The significance test controversy. Chicago: Aldine.
Mulaik, S. A., Raju, N. S., & Harshman, R. A. (1997). A time and place for significance testing.
In L. L. Harlow, S. A. Mulaik, & J. H. Steiger (Eds.), What if there were no significance tests?
(pp. 65-115). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Schmidt, F. L. (1996). Statistical significance testing and cumulative knowledge in psychology: Impli-
cations for the training of researchers. Psychological Methods, 1, 115-129.
Simon, H. A. (1969). The sciences of the artificial. Cambridge, MA: The M.I.T. Press.
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2001). Using multivariate statistics (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn and
Thompson, B. (1996). AERA editorial policies regarding statistical significance testing: Three sug-
gested reforms. Educational Researcher, 25, 26-30.
Wheatley, M. J. (1994). Leadership and the new science: Learning about organization from an orderly
universe. San Francisco, DA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Wilkinson, L., & the APA Task Force on Statistical Inference (1999). Statistical methods in psychology
journals: Guidelines and explanations. American Psychologist, 54, 594-604.
Multivariate Themes

Quantitative methods have long been heralded for their ability to synthesize the
basic meaning in a body of knowledge. Aristotle emphasized meaning through the
notion of "definition" as the set of necessary and sufficient properties that allowed
an unfolding of understanding about concrete or abstract phenomena; Plato thought
of essence or meaning as the basic form (Lakoff & Nunez, 2000). Providing insight
into central meaning is at the heart of most mathematics, which uses axioms and
categorical forms to define the nature of specific mathematical systems.
This chapter focuses on the delineation of basic themes that reoccur within
statistics, particularly with multivariate procedures, in the hope of making con-
scious and apprehensible the core tenets, if not axioms, of multivariate thinking.


The main theme of multivariate thinking is multiplicity, drawing on multiple

sources in the development of a strong methodology. We are ultimately look-
ing for truth in multiple places and in multiple ways. We could start by identifying
multiple ways of thinking about a system; for example, we could consider how
theory, empirical research, and applied practice impinge on our study. If there is a
strong, theoretical framework that guides our research, rigorous empirical meth-
ods with which to test our hypotheses, and practical implications that derive from
our findings, contributions to greater knowledge and understanding become much
more likely. We also could investigate multiple ways to measure our constructs,
multiple statistical methods to test our hypotheses, multiple controls to ensure
clear conclusions, and multiple time points and samples with which to generalize

our results. We might argue that the extent to which a research study incorporated
the concept of multiplicity, the more rigorous, generalizable, reliable, and valid
the results would be.
In our multivariate venture into knowledge generation within the social sciences,
perhaps the most primary goal is to consider several relevant theories that could
direct our efforts to understand a phenomenon.

Before embarking on a research study, it is essential to inquire about meta-
frameworks that can provide a structure with which to conduct our research. Are
there multiple divergent perspectives to consider? Are any of them more central or
salient than the others? Which seem to offer a more encompassing way to view an
area of study while also providing a basis for strong investigations? Meehl (1997)
talks of the need to draw on theory that makes risky predictions that are capable of
being highly refuted. These strong theories are much preferred to weak ones that
make vague and vacuous propositions. Others concur with Meehl's emphasis on
theory. Wilson (1998) speaks of theory in reverent words, stating that "Nothing
in science—nothing in life, for that matter—makes sense without theory. It is our
nature to put all knowledge into context in order to tell a story, and to re-create
the world by this means" (p. 56). Theory provides a coherent theme to help us
find meaning and purpose in our research. Wheatley (1994) speaks of the power
and coherence of theory in terms of providing an overall meaning and focus in
our research. She writes, "As long as we keep purpose in focus... we are able to
wander through the realms of chaos... and emerge with a discernible pattern or
shape." (p. 136). Abelson (1995) discusses theory as being able to cull together a
wide range of findings into "coherent bundles of results" (p. 14). Thus, a thorough
understanding of the theories that are germane to our research will provide purpose
and direction in our quest to perceive the pattern of meaning that is present in a
set of relevant variables. This level of theoretical understanding makes it more
likely that meaningful hypotheses can be posited that are grounded in a coherent
structure and framework.

Upon pondering a number of theories of a specific phenomenon, several hypothe-
ses or predictions undoubtedly will emerge. In our everyday life, we all formulate
predictions and hypotheses, however informal. This can be as mundane as a pre-
diction about what will happen during our day or how the weather will unfold.
In scientific research, we strive to formalize our hypotheses so that they directly
follow from well-thought-out theory. The more specific and precise our hypothe-
ses, the more likelihood there is of either refuting them or finding useful evidence
to corroborate them (Meehl, 1997). Edward O. Wilson (1998) makes this clear
by stating that theoretical tests of hypotheses "are constructed specifically to be

blown apart if proved wrong, and if so destined, the sooner the better" (p. 57). Mul-
tivariate statistics allows us to formulate multiple hypotheses that can be tested
in conjunction. Thus, we should try to formulate several pivotal hypotheses or
research questions that allow for rigorous tests of our theories, allowing us to hone
and fine-tune our theories or banish them as useless (Wilson, 1998). The testing
of these hypotheses is the work of empirical research.

Empirical Studies
Having searched out pertinent theories that lead to strong predictions, it is im-
portant to investigate what other researchers have found in our area of research.
Are there multiple empirical studies that have previously touched on aspects of
these theories and predictions? Are there multiple contributions that could be
made with new research that would add to the empirical base in this area? Schmidt
and Hunter (1997) emphasize the need to accrue results from multiple studies
and assess them within a meta-analysis framework. This allows the regulari-
ties and consistent ideas to emerge as a larger truth than could be found from
single studies. Abelson (1995) describes this as the development of "the lore"
whereby "well-articulated research... is likely to be absorbed and repeated by
other investigators" as a collective understanding of a phenomenon (pp. 105-106).
No matter what the empirical area of interest, a thorough search of previous re-
search on a topic should illuminate the core constructs that could be viewed as
pure or meta-versions of our specific variables of interest. After taking into account
meaningful theories, hypotheses, and empirical studies we are ready to consider
how to measure the major constructs we plan to include in our research.

When conducting empirical research, it is useful to ask about the nature of mea-
surement for constructs of interest (McDonald, 1999; Pedhazur & Schmelkin,
1991). Are there several pivotal constructs that need to be delineated and mea-
sured? Are there multiple ways to measure each of these constructs? Are there
multiple, different items or variables for each of these measures? Classical test
theory (Lord & Novick, 1968) and item response theory (Embretson, & Reise,
2000; McDonald, 2000) emphasize the importance of modeling the nature of an
individual's response to a measure and the properties of the measures. Reliability
theory (Anastasi & Urbina, 1997; Lord & Novick, 1968; McDonald, 1999) em-
phasizes the need to have multiple items for each scale or subscale we wish to
measure. Similarly, statistical analysts conducting principal components or factor
analyses emphasize the need for a minimum of three or four variables to anchor
each underlying dimension or construct (Gorsuch, 1983; Velicer & Jackson, 1990).
The more variables we use, the more likelihood there is that we are tapping the true
dimension of interest. In everyday terms, this is comparable to realizing that we
cannot expect someone else to know who we are if we use only one or two terms

to describe ourselves. Certainly, students would agree that if a teacher were to ask
just a single exam question to tap all their knowledge in a topic area, this would
hardly begin to do the trick. Multivariate thinking aids us in this regard by not only
encouraging but also requiring multiple variables to be examined in conjunction.
This makes it much more likely that we will come to a deeper understanding of
the phenomenon under study. Having identified several pertinent variables, it also
is important to consider whether there are multiple time points across which a set
of variables can be analyzed.

Multiple Time Points

Does a phenomenon change over time? Does a certain period of time need to
pass before a pattern emerges or takes form? These questions often are important
when we want to examine change or stability over time (Collins, & Horn, 1991;
Collins, & Sayer, 2001; Moskowitz, & Hershberger, 2002). Assessing samples at
multiple time points aids us in discerning which variables are most likely the causal
agents and which are the receptive outcomes. If the magnitude of a relationship
is always stronger when one variable precedes another in time, there is some
evidence that the preceding (i.e., independent) variable may be affecting the other,
more dependent outcome. Having contemplated the possibility of multiple time
points, it is important to consider how to build in multiple controls.

Multiple Controls
Perhaps the best way to ensure causal inferences is to implement controls within a
research design (Pearl, 2000). The three most salient controls involve a test of clear
association between variables, evidence of temporal ordering of the variables, and
the ability to rule out potential confounds or extraneous variables (Bullock, Harlow,
& Mulaik, 1994). This can be achieved most elegantly with an experimental design

1. Examines the association between carefully selected reliable variables,

2. Manipulates the independent variable so that one or more groups receive a
treatment, whereas at least one group does not, and
3. Randomly selects a sufficient number of participants from a relevant pop-
ulation and randomly assigns them to either the treatment or the control

With this kind of design, there is a greater likelihood that nonspurious relation-
ships will emerge in which the independent variable can definitively be identified
as the causal factor, with potential confounding variables safely ruled out with the
random selection and assignment (Fisher, 1925, 1926).
Despite the virtues of an experimental design in ensuring control over one's
research, it is often difficult to enact such a design. Variables, particularly those

used in social sciences, cannot always be easily manipulated. For example, I would
loathe to experimentally manipulate the amount of substance abuse that is needed
to bring about a sense of meaninglessness in life. These kinds of variables would be
examined more ethically in a quasi-experimental design that tried to systematically
rule out relevant confounds (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002). These types
of designs could include background variables (e.g., income, education, age at
first substance abuse, history of substance abuse, history of meaninglessness),
or covariates (e.g., network of substance users in one's environment, stressful
life events) that could be statistically controlled while examining the relationship
perceived between independent variables (IVs) and dependent variables (DVs).
Needless to say, it is very difficult to ensure that adequate controls are in place
without an experimental design, although the realities of real-world research make
it necessary to consider alternative designs. In addition to multiple controls, it is
useful to consider collecting data from multiple samples.

Multiple Samples
Are there several pertinent populations or samples from which data could be gath-
ered to empirically study the main constructs and hypotheses? Samples are a subset
of entities (e.g., persons) from which we obtain data to statistically analyze. Ideally,
samples are drawn randomly from a relevant population, although much research
is conducted with convenience samples, such as classrooms of students. Another
type of sampling is called "purposive," which refers to forming a sample that is
purposely heterogeneous or typical of the kind of population from which gener-
alization is possible (Shadish, Cook & Campbell, 2002). When samples are not
drawn at random or purposively, it is difficult to generalize past the sample to a
larger population (Shadish, 1995). Still, results from a nonrandom sample can offer
descriptive or preliminary information that can be followed up in other research.
Procedures such as propensity score analysis (Rosenbaum, 2002) can be used to
identify covariates that can address selection bias in a nonrandom sample, thus
allowing the possibility of generalizing to a larger population. The importance of
identifying relevant and meaningful samples is pivotal to all research. Further, in
multivariate research, samples are usually larger than when fewer variables are
Whether analyzing univariate or multivariate data from a relevant sample, it is
preferable to verify whether the findings are consistent. Fisher (1935) highlighted
the need for replicating findings in independent samples. Further, researchers
(Collyer, 1986; Cudeck & Browne, 1983) reiterate the importance of demonstrat-
ing that findings can be cross-validated. Statistical procedures have been developed
in several areas of statistics that incorporate findings from multiple samples. For
example, Joreskog (1971) and Sorbom (1974) developed multiple sample pro-
cedures for assessing whether a hypothesized mathematical model holds equally
well in more than one sample. These multiple sample procedures allow for tests of

increasing rigor of replication or equality across the samples, starting with a test
of an equal pattern of relationships among hypothesized constructs, up through
equality of sets of parameters (e.g., factor loadings, regressions, and means) among
constructs. If a hypothesized model can be shown to hold equally well across mul-
tiple samples, particularly when constraining the parameters to be the same, this
provides a strong test of the generalizability of a model (Alwin & Jackson, 1981;
Bentler, Lee & Weng, 1987; Joreskog, 1971). Even if many multivariate methods
do not have specific procedures for cross-validating findings, efforts should be
taken to ensure that results would generalize to multiple samples, thus allowing
greater confidence in their applicability.

Practical Implications
Although research does not have to fill an immediately apparent practical need, it
is helpful to consider what implications can be derived from a body of research.
When multiple variables are examined, there is a greater likelihood that connec-
tions among them will manifest in ways that suggest practical applications. For
example, research in health sciences often investigates multiple plausible predic-
tors of disease, or conversely well-being (Diener & Suh, 2000), that can be used in
developing interventions to prevent illness and sustain positive health (Prochaska
& Velicer, 1997; Velicer et al., 2000). Practical applications do not have to originate
with initial research in an area. For example, John Nash researched mathemati-
cal group theory, which only later was used to understand economics, bringing
Nash a Nobel Prize (Nash, 2002). Lastly, it is important to consider a number of
multivariate methods from which we can select for specific research goals.

Multiple Statistical Methods

Are several analyses needed to address the main questions? What kinds of analyses
are needed? It is often important to examine research by using several multivari-
ate methods (Grimm & Yarnold, 1995, 2000; Marcoulides & Hershberger, 1997;
Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). John Tukey (1977) championed the idea of liberally
exploring our data to find what it could reveal to us. In this respect, it is not unlike
an artist using several tools and utensils to work with a mound of clay until the
underlying form and structure is made manifest. Throughout the book, examples
are provided about how the themes pertain to various multivariate methods. Here,
a brief overview of several kinds of multivariate methods is given.
One set of methods focuses on group differences (Maxwell & Delaney, 2004;
Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). For all these group difference methods, the main
question is Are there mean significant differences across groups over and above
what would occur by random chance, and how much of a relationship is there
between the grouping and outcome variables? Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
allows examination of group differences on a single outcome after controlling for
the effects of one or more continuous covariates. Multivariate analysis of variance

(MANOVA) is used to examine group differences on linear combinations of several

continuous DVs. Each of these group difference methods help us discern whether
the average score between each group is more different than the scores within each
group. If the between-group differences are greater than the random differences
found among scores within each group, we have some evidence that the nature
of the group is associated with the outcome scores. This is useful information,
especially when resources are scarce or decisions need to be made that affect
specific groups. For example, it is important to be able to differentiate groups that
do and do not need medical treatment, educational enrichment, or psychological
Prediction methods allow us to predict an outcome on the basis of several
predictor variables. The main question addressed with these methods is How much
of an outcome can we know given a set of predictor variables, and is the degree of
relationship significantly different from zero?
When there are a set of predictors and a single continuous outcome variable,
multiple regression (MR) (Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003) is the method of
choice. If there are multiple predictors and a categorical outcome and assumptions
of normality (i.e., bell-shaped multivariate distribution) and homoscedasticity (i.e.,
equal variances on one variable at each level of another variable) hold, discriminant
function analysis (DFA) (Tatsuoka, 1970) can be used. With a mix of categorical
and continuous predictors that do not necessarily adhere to statistical assumptions,
logistic regression (LR) (Hosmer & Lemeshow, 2000) offers another way to ascer-
tain the probability of a categorical outcome. When there are multiple predictors
and outcomes, canonical correlation (CC) may be useful to explore the degree of
relationship between the two sets of variables. Each of these predictive methods
allows us to assess possible relationships between variables, so that scores increase
or decrease in predictable ways. If the pattern of increase and decrease between
two sets of scores is almost as large as the average random differences among
the scores for each variable, there is some evidence of an association between the
pair(s) of variables. Prediction methods are helpful in determining which set of
variables is most closely linked to a specific outcome. For example, it would be
useful to predict who will do well in recovering from a disease or in achieving
success in an educational or business environment.
Exploratory dimensional methods delineate the underlying dimensions in a
large set of variables or individuals. When the goal is to reduce a large set of
correlated variables to a smaller set of orthogonal dimensions then principal com-
ponents analysis (PCA) is appropriate (Velicer & Jackson, 1990). When the focus
is on identifying a set of theoretical dimensions that explain the shared common
variance in a set of variables, factor analysis (FA) can be used (Gorsuch, 1983;
McDonald, 1985). These analyses can help delineate the main dimensions that
underlie a large set of variables. For example, we could identify several dimen-
sions to explain a large number of items measuring various facets of intelligence
by using PCA or FA.

Summary of Multivariate Themes

1. Multiplicity Themes (Multiple considerations a. Multiple theories

at all levels of focus, with greater multiplicity b. Multiple empirical studies
generally leading to greater reliability, validity, c. Multiple hypotheses
and generalization) d. Multiple measures
e. Multiple time points
f. Multiple controls
g. Multiple samples
h. Practical implications
i. Multiple statistical methods
2. Central Themes (All multivariate methods a. Variance
focus on these central themes) b. Covariance
c. Ratios of variance (and covariance)
d. Linear combinations (e.g., components,
3. Interpretation Themes (Big picture and a. Macro-assessment (e.g., significance test and
specific levels) effect size)
b. Micro-assessment (e.g., examining means or

Summary of Multiplicity Themes

In the realm of methodology, each of these facets of multiplicity (see Table 2.1)
coalesce or come together under the effective tools of multivariate statistics to
inform us of the fundamental nature of the phenomenon under study. All considered
investigation begins with well-reasoned theories, articulate hypotheses, careful
empirical research, accurate measurement, representative samples, and relevant
statistical methods. When time and multiple controls are possible, we also may be
able to discern the causal nature of the relationships among variables.

Just as with basic descriptive and inferential statistics, multivariate methods help us
understand and quantify how variables (co-)vary. Multivariate methods provide a
set of tools to analyze how scores from several variables covary—whether through
group differences, correlations, or underlying dimensions—to explain systematic
variance over and above random error variance. Thus, we are trying to explain
or make sense of the variance in a set of variables with as little random error
variance as possible. Multivariate methods draw on the multiplicity theme just
discussed, with several additional themes. Probably the most central themes, for
either multivariate or univariate methods, involve the concepts of variance, covari-
ance, and ratios of these (co-)variances. We also will examine the theme of creating

linear combinations of the variables, because this is central to most multivariate


Variance is the average of the squared difference between a set of scores and their
mean. Variance is what we usually want to analyze with any statistic. When a
variable has a large variance, sample scores tend to be very different, having a
wide range. It is useful to try to predict how scores vary, to find other variables that
help explain the variation. Statistical methods help identify systematic, explained
variance, acknowledging that there most likely will be a portion of unknowable
and random (e.g., error) variance. The goal of most statistics is to try to explain
how scores vary so that we can predict or understand them better. Variance is an
important theme, particularly in multivariate thinking, and it can be analyzed in
several ways, as we shall see later in this chapter.

Covariance is the product of the average differences between one variable and its
mean and a second variable and its mean. Covariance or its standardized form,
correlation, depicts the existence of a linear relationship between two or more
variables. When variables rise and fall together (e.g., study time and grade point
average), they positively covary or co-relate. If scores vary in opposite directions
(e.g., greater practice is associated with a lower golf score), negative covariance
occurs. The theme of covariation is fundamental to multivariate methods, because
we are interested in whether a set of variables tend to co-occur together, indicating
a strong relationship. Multivariate methods most often assess covariance by assess-
ing the relationship among variables while also taking into account the covariation
among other variables included in the analysis. Thus, multivariate methods allow
a more informed test of the relationships among variables than can be analyzed
with univariate methods that expect separate or orthogonal relationships with other

Ratio of (Co-)Variances
Many methods examine a ratio of how much (co-)variance there is between vari-
ables or groups relative to how much variance there is within variables or within
groups. When the between information is large relative to the within information,
we usually conclude that the results are significantly different from those that could
be found based on pure chance. The reason for this is that when there are greater
differences across domains than there are within domains, whether from differ-
ent variables or different groups, there is some indication of systematic shared or
associated variance that is not just attributable to random error.

It is useful to see how correlation and ANOVA, two central, univariate statis-
tical methods, embody a ratio of variances. We can then extend this thinking to
multivariate methods. Correlation shows a ratio of covariance between variables
over variance within variables. When the covariance between variables is almost
as large as the variance within either variable, this indicates a stronger relationship
between variables. Thus, a large correlation indicates that much of the variance
within each variable is shared or covaries between the variables.
With group difference statistics (e.g., ANOVA), we often form an F-ratio of how
much the group means vary relative to how much variance there is within each
group. When the means are much more different between groups (i.e., large vari-
ance between groups) than the scores are within each group (i.e., smaller variance
within groups), we have evidence of a relationship between the grouping (e.g., cat-
egorical, independent) and outcome (e.g., continuous, dependent) variables. Here,
a large F-ratio indicates significant group difference variance.
These ratios, whether correlational or ANOVA-based, are also found in multi-
variate methods. In fact, just about every statistical significance test is based on
some kind of ratio of variances or covariances. Knowing this fact and understand-
ing the nature of the ratio for each analysis helps us make much more sense out of
our statistical results, whether from univariate or multivariate methods.

Linear Combinations
A basic theme throughout most multivariate methods is that of finding the rela-
tionship between two or more sets of variables. This usually is accomplished by
forming linear combinations of the variables in each set that are additive com-
posites that maximize the amount of variance drawn from the variables. A simple
example of a linear combination is the course grade received in many classes. The
grade, let's call it X', is formed from the weighted combination of various scores.
Thus, a course grading scheme of X' = 0.25 (homework) + 0.25 (midterm exam)
+ 0.30 (final exam) + 0.20 (project) would reveal a linear combination showing
the weights attached to the four course requirements.
These linear combination scores are then analyzed, summarizing the many
variables in a simple, concise form. With multivariate methods, we often are trying
to assess the relationship between variables, which is often the shared variance
between linear combinations of variables. Several multivariate methods analyze
different kinds of linear combinations.

A component is a linear combination of variables that maximizes the variance
extracted from the original set of variables. The concept of forming linear combi-
nations is most salient with PCA (see Chapter 11 for more on PCA). With PCA,
we aim to find several linear combinations (i.e., components) that help explain
most of the variance in a set of the original variables. MANOVA and DFA (see

Chapters 7 and 8, respectively) also form component-like linear combinations (i.e.,

discriminant scores) to examine the relationships among the categorical grouping
variable(s) and the continuous, measured variables. CC (see Chapter 10) also forms
linear combination components (i.e., canonical variates) for the predictors and for
the outcomes, relating these to variables and other combinations within and across
the two sets of continuous variables. MR (see Chapter 4) could be thought of as
a subset of CC in which there is just a single linear combination or component.
In each case, the use of components or linear combinations helps to synthesize
information by redistributing most of the variance from a larger set of variables,
usually into a smaller set of summary scores.

We have just seen how linear combinations can be thought of as dimensions that
seem to summarize the essence of a set of variables. If we are conducting a FA, we
refer to these dimensions as factors. Factors differ from the linear combinations
analyzed in PCA, MANOVA, DFA, and CC in that they are more latent dimensions
that have separated common, shared variance among the variables from any unique
or measurement error variance within the variables. Thus, a factor sometimes is
believed to represent the underlying true dimension in a set of variables, after
removing the portion of variance in the variables that is not common to the others
(i.e., the unique or error portion). Exploratory FA is discussed in the current text,
(see Chapter 10) although there are confirmatory FA procedures that are also
relevant and will be left for another volume.

Summary of Central Themes

In the discussion of central themes, we saw the pivotal role of variances, co-
variances and ratios of these, particularly in multivariate statistics. Ultimately,
we are always trying to explain how variables vary and covary, and we do so
often by examining a ratio of variances or covariances. The ratio informs us of
the proportion of explained variance that is often used as an indication of effect
size. We also considered the concept of a linear combination that incorporates
much of the variance from several variables. Several multivariate methods (e.g.,
PCA, FA, DFA, MANOVA, CC) use linear combinations to summarize infor-
mation in sets of variables. Depending on the method, linear combinations are
referred to with different terms (e.g., components, factors, discriminant functions,
and canonical variates). Regardless of the label, multivariate linear combinations
synthesize the information in a larger set of variables to make analyses more
manageable or comprehensible. Now we turn to ways to evaluate and interpret
results from multivariate methods, using both a macro- and micro-assessment

When interpreting results and assessing whether an analysis is successful, we
should evaluate from several perspectives. Most statistical procedures, whether
we are using univariate or multivariate methods, allow a macro-assessment of how
well the overall analysis explains the variance among pertinent variables. It is also
important to focus on a micro-assessment of the specific aspects of the multivariate
In keeping with ongoing debates about problems with the exclusive use of
significance testing (Harlow, Mulaik, & Steiger, 1997; Kline, 2004; Wilkinson, &
the APA Task Force on Statistical Inference, 1999), I advocate that each result be
evaluated with both a significance test and an effect size whenever possible; that
is, it is helpful to know whether a finding is significantly different from chance
and to know the magnitude of the significant effect.

The first way to evaluate an analysis is at a global or macro-level that usually
involves a significance test and most likely some synthesis of the variance in a
multivariate dataset. A macro summary usually depicts whether there is significant
covariation or mean differences within data, relative to how much variation there
is among scores within specific groups or variables.

Significance Test
A significance test, along with an accompanying probability or p? value is usually
the first step of macro-assessment in a multivariate design (Wilkinson, & the APA
Task Force on Statistical Inference, 1999). Significance tests tell us whether our
empirical results are likely to be due to random chance or not. It is useful to be
able to rule out, with some degree of certainty, an accidental or anomalous finding.
Of course, we always risk making an error no matter what our decision. When
we accept our finding too easily, we could be guilty of a Type I error, saying that
our research had veracity when in fact it was a random finding. When we are too
cautious about accepting our findings, we may be committing a Type II error, saying
that we have no significant findings when in fact we do. Significance tests help
us to make probabilistic decisions about our results within an acceptable margin
of error, usually set at 1% to 5%. We would like to say that we have more reason
to believe our results are true than that they are not true. Significance tests give
us some assurance in this regard, and they are essential when we have imperfect
knowledge or a lack of certainty about an area. We can help rule out false starts
and begin to accrue a growing knowledge base with these tests (Mulaik, Raju &
Harshman, 1997).

Most univariate and multivariate significance tests imply a ratio of (co-)vari-

ances. For example, group difference methods (e.g., ANOVA, ANCOVA,
MANOVA, MANCOVA, DFA) tend to use an F-test, which is a ratio of the vari-
ance between means over the variance within scores, to assess whether observed
differences are significantly different from what we would expect based on chance
alone. Correlational methods (e.g., MR, CC) also can make use of an F-test to
assess whether the covariance among variables is large relative to the variance
within variables. When the value of an F-test is significantly large (as determined
by consulting appropriate statistical tables), we can conclude that there is suffi-
cient evidence of relationships occurring at the macro-level. This suggests there is
a goodness of approximation between the model and the data (McDonald, 1997).
When this occurs, it is helpful to quantify the extent of the relationship, usually
with effect sizes.

Effect Sizes
Effect sizes provide an indication of the magnitude of our findings at an overall
level. They are a useful supplement to the results of a significance test (Wilkinson &
the APA Task Force on Statistical Inference, 1999). Effect size (ES) calculations
can be standardized differences between means for group difference questions
(e.g., Cohen's d) (Cohen, 1992; Kirk, 1996). Guidelines for interpreting small,
medium, and large ESs are Cohen's d values of 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8, respectively
(Cohen, 1988). Quite often, an ES takes the form of a proportion of shared variance
between the independent and the dependent variables, particularly for multivariate
analyses. Guidelines for multivariate shared variance are 0.02, 0.13, and 0.26 for
small, medium, and large ESs, respectively (Cohen, 1992). Although much more
can be said about effect sizes (Cohen, 1988), we focus largely on those that involve
a measure of shared variance.
Shared variance is a common theme throughout most statistical methods and
often can form the basis of an ES. We are always trying to understand how to
explain the extent by which scores vary or covary. Almost always, this involves
two sets of variables so that the focus is on how much variance is shared between
the two sets (e.g., a set of IVs and a set of DVs, or a set of components-factors and
a set of measured variables). With multivariate methods, one of the main ways of
summarizing the essence of shared variance is with squared multiple correlations.
Indices of shared variance or squared multiple correlations can inform us of the
strength of relationship or effect size (Cohen, 1988).
Squared multiple correlation, R2, indicates the amount of shared variance
between the variables. It is useful by providing a single number that conveys how
much the scores from a set of variables (co-)vary in the same way (i.e., rise and
fall together) relative to how much the scores within each variable differ among
themselves. A large R2 value (e.g., 0.26 or greater) indicates that the participants'
responses on a multivariate set of variables tend to behave similarly, so that a

common or shared phenomenon may be occurring among the variables. For ex-
ample, research by Richard and Shirley lessor (1973) and their colleagues have
demonstrated large proportions of shared variance between alcohol abuse, drug
abuse, risky sexual behavior, and psychosocial variables, providing compelling
evidence that an underlying phenomenon of "problem behavior" is apparent.
Many statistical methods make use of the concept of R2 or shared variance.
Pearson's correlation coefficient, r, is an index of the strength of relationship
between two variables. Squaring this correlation yields R2, sometimes referred to
as a coefficient of determination that indicates how much overlapping variance
is shared between two variables. In MR (Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003),
a powerful multivariate method useful for prediction, we can use R2 to examine
how much variance is shared between a linear combination of several independent
variables and a single outcome variable. The linear combination for MR (see
Chapter 4) is formed by a least-squares approach that minimizes the squared
difference between actual and predicted outcome scores. In Chapter 6, we will see
how shared variance across linear combinations can be summarized with functions
of eigenvalues, traces, or determinants, each of which is described in the discussion
of matrix notation and calculations.
Residual or error variance is another possible consideration when discussing
central themes. Many statistical procedures benefit from assessing the amount of
residual or error variance in an analysis. In prediction methods, such as MR (see
Chapter 4), we often want to examine prediction error variance (i.e., 1 — R2), which
is how much variation in the outcome variable was not explained by the predictors.
In MANOVA, DFA, and CC (see Chapters 7, 8 and 10), we can approximate the
residuals by subtracting eta squared (i.e., 2: ratio of between variance to total
variance) from one, also known as Wilks's (1932) lambda.

After finding significant results and a meaningful ES at a macro-level, it is then
useful to examine results at a more specific, micro-level. Micro-assessment in-
volves examining specific facets of an analysis (e.g., means, weights) to determine
specifically what is contributing to the overall relationship. In micro-assessment,
we ask whether there are specific coefficients or values that can shed light on which
aspects of the system are working and which are not.

With group difference methods, micro-assessment entails an examination of the
differences between pairs of means. We can accomplish this by simply presenting a
descriptive summary of the means and standard deviations for the variables across
groups and possibly graphing them to allow visual examination of any trends.
Several other methods are suggested for more formally assessing means.

1. Standardized effect size for means. Cohen's d (1988) is a useful micro-level

ES, formed from the ratio of the difference between means divided by the
(pooled) standard deviation. With the values given earlier (see Effect Sizes,
above) (Cohen, 1988), a small ES indicates a mean difference of almost a
quarter (i.e., 0.2) of a standard deviation. A medium ES is a mean difference
of a half (i.e., 0.5) of a standard deviation. A large ES suggests almost a
whole (i.e., 0.8) standard deviation difference between means.
2. Bonferroni comparisons. Simply conducting a series of t-tests between
pairs of groups allows us to evaluate the significance of group means. A
Bonferroni approach establishes a set alpha level (e.g., p = 0.05) and then
distributes the available alpha level over the number of paired comparisons.
Thus, if there were four comparisons and a desired alpha level of 0.05, each
comparison of means could be equally evaluated with a p value of 0.0125.
Of course the p value can be unevenly split (e.g., 0.02 for one comparison
and 0.01 for three comparisons between means).
3. Planned comparisons. We could also see which pairs of means were statisti-
cally different by using a multiple comparison method such as Tukey's (1953)
honestly significant difference approach that builds in control of Type I
error. Ideally, these micro-level tests should directly follow from our hy-
potheses, rather than simply testing for any possible difference.
4. Fisher's protected tests. The practice of conducting an overall significance
test and then following up with individual Mests for pairs of means is re-
ferred to as a Fisher protected t-test (Carmer & Swanson, 1973). Whereas
Bonferroni and planned comparison approaches are conservative and may
not provide enough power to detect a meaningful effect, Fisher's protected
approach often is preferred because of its ability to control experiment-wise
Type I error and still find individual differences between pairs of means
(Cohen, Cohen, West & Aiken, 2003).

With correlational or dimensional methods, we often want to examine weights
that indicate how much of a specific variable is contributing to an analysis. In MR,
we examine least-squares regression weights that tell us how much a predictor
variable covaries with an outcome variable after taking into account the relation-
ships with other predictor variables. In an unstandardized metric, it represents the
change in an outcome variable that can be expected when a predictor variable is
changed by one unit. In a standardized metric, the regression weight, often re-
ferred to as a beta weight, gives the partial correlation between the predictor and
the outcome, after controlling for the other predictor variables in the equation.
Thus, the weight provides an indication of the unique importance of a predictor
with an outcome variable. In other multivariate methods (e.g., see DFA, CC, PCA
in Chapters 8, 10, and 11), the unstandardized weights are actually eigenvector

weights (see Chapter 6 on matrix notation) used in forming linear combinations

of the variables. These are often standardized to provide an interpretation similar
to the standardized weight in MR. In FA, weights are also examined. These can
indicate the amount of relationship (i.e., a factor loading) between a variable and
an underlying dimension. In each of these instances, the weight informs us how
much a specific variable relates to some aspect of the analysis. The weight or the
squared value of a weight also can be used as a micro-level ES for correlational
methods. Guidelines for interpreting small, medium, and large micro-level shared
variance ESs are 0.01, 0.06, and 0.13, respectively (Cohen, 1992).

Summary of Interpretation Themes

For most multivariate methods, there are two themes that help us with interpreting
our results. The first of these, macro-assessment, focuses on whether the overall
analysis is significant and on the magnitude of the effect size. In addition, we
often want to examine residuals to assess the unexplained or error variance. The
magnitude and nature of error variance informs us as to where and how much the
multivariate method is not explaining the data. Second, micro-assessment focuses
on the specific aspects of an analysis that are important in explaining the overall
relationship. These micro-aspects can be means, particularly with group difference
methods, or weights, particularly with correlational methods.

Summary of Multivariate Themes

In this chapter, several sets of themes were discussed to help in understanding
the nature of multivariate methods. A summary of these themes is presented in
Table 2.1.

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Background Themes


Before addressing how the sets of themes relate specifically to a number of
multivariate methods, it is helpful to notice several background themes that are
essential to an understanding of quantitative methods, whether multivariate or
Devlin (1994) emphasizes that "abstract patterns are the very essence of thought,
of communication, of computation, of society, and of life itself" (p. 7). The field
of mathematics has long been concerned with noticing the fundamental patterns
and connections in an area of study. In the more applied field of statistics, we
can notice some basic themes that tend to permeate quantitative thinking. At least
a preliminary understanding of them will help us later when delving into the
complexities of specific multivariate methods.

Data constitute the pieces of information (i.e., variables) on a phenomenon of
interest. Data that can be assigned meaningful numerical values can be analyzed
by a number of statistical methods. We usually assign a (numerical) score to each
variable for each entity and store this in an "N by p" data matrix, where N stands
for the number of participants or entities and p stands for the number of variables
(predictors or outcomes). A data matrix is the starting point for statistical analysis.
It is the large, numerical knowledge base from which we can combine, condense,
and synthesize to derive meaningful and relevant statistical nuggets that capture

the essence of the original information. Obviously, a data matrix will tend to have
more columns (of variables) and most likely more rows (of participants) with
multivariate research than with univariate methods. To the extent that the data are
collected from a large and representative random sample, it can offer a strong
foundation and workplace for subsequent analyses.
In later chapters, we examine a data matrix from 527 women at risk for HIV,
examining a set of about 30 variables across three time points, measured 6 months
apart. Thus, the full data set that is analyzed in this book is (N by p) = 527
by 90 and is a portion of a larger data collection that was funded by a grant
from the National Institute of Mental Health (Harlow, Quina & Morokoff, 1991).
At the end of each chapter that discusses a different multivariate method, we
explore an example from this data set that addresses background themes and other
considerations necessary when addressing a multivariate research question. The
data, computer program setups, and analyses from these examples are presented
in the accompanying CD.

Measurement Scales
Variables can be measured on a continuous or on a categorical scale. Variables
measured on a continuous scale have numerical values that can be characterized
by a smooth flow of arithmetically meaningful quantitative measurement, whereas
categorical variables take on finite values that are discrete and more qualitatively
meaningful. Age and height are examples of continuous variables that can take on
many values that have quantitative meaning. In contrast, variables like gender and
ethnicity have categorical distinctions that are not meaningfully aligned with any
numerical values. It is also true that some variables can have measurement scales
that have both numerical and categorical properties. Likert scale variables have
several distinct categories that have at least ordinal, if not precisely quantitative,
values. For example, variables that ask participants to rate a statement anywhere
from "1 = strongly disagree" to "5 = strongly agree" are using an ordinal Likert
scale of measurement.
Continuous variables can be used as either predictors or as outcomes (e.g.,
in multiple regression). Categorical variables are often used to separate people
into groups for analysis with group-difference methods. For example, we may
assign participants to a treatment or a control group with the categorical variable
of treatment (with scores of 1 = 4 yes, or (0 = no). Because of the common
use of Likert scales in social science research, the scale of such ordinal variables
has been characterized as either categorical or quasi-continuous depending on
whether the analysis calls for a grouping or a quantitative variable. As with any
research decision, the conceptualization of a variable should be grounded in strong
theoretical and empirical support.
As we will see later in this chapter, the choice of statistical analysis often de-
pends, at least in part, on the measurement scales of the variables being studied. This

is true for either multivariate or univariate methods. If variables are reliably and
validly measured, whether categorical or continuous, then the results of analyses
will be less biased and more trustworthy. We will also see that, before conducting
multivariate methods, we often begin by analyzing frequencies on categorical data
and examining descriptive statistics (e.g., means, standard deviations, skewness,
and kurtosis) on continuous data. We will have a chance to do this in later chap-
ters when providing the details from a fully worked-through example for each

Roles of Variables
Variables can be independent (i.e., perceived precipitating cause), dependent (i.e.,
perceived outcome), or mediating (i.e., forming a sequential link between inde-
pendent and dependent variables). In research, it is useful to consider the role each
variable plays in understanding phenomena. A variable that is considered a causal
agent is sometimes labeled as independent or exogenous. It is not explained by a
system of variables but is rather believed to have an effect on other variables. The
affected variables are often referred to as dependent or endogenous, implying that
they were directly impinged upon by other, more inceptive variables (e.g., Byrne,
Another kind of endogenous variable can be conceptualized as intermediate and
thus intervenes between or changes the nature of the relationship between indepen-
dent variables (IVs) and dependent variables (DVs). When a variable is conceived
as a middle pathway between IVs and DVs it is often labeled as an intervening or
mediating variable (e.g., Collins, Graham, & Flaherty, 1998; MacKinnon & Dwyer,
1993). For example, Schnoll, Harlow, Stolbach and Brandt (1998) found that the
relationship between age, cancer stage, and psychological adjustment appeared to
be mediated by coping style. In this model, age and cancer stage, the independent or
exogenous variables, were not directly associated with psychological adjustment,
the dependent or endogenous variable, after taking into account a cancer patient's
coping style, the mediating (also endogenous) variable. Instead, cancer patients
who were younger and had a less serious stage of cancer had more positive coping
styles. Furthermore, those who coped more with a fighting spirit—rather than with
hopelessness, fatalism, and anxious preoccupation—adjusted better. Thus, coping
style served as a mediator between demographic/disease variables and psycholog-
ical adjustment variables.
Variables are referred to as moderator variables when they change the nature of
the relationship between the IVs and DVs variables (e.g., Baron & Kenny, 1986;
Gogineni, Alsup, & Gillespie, 1995). For example, teaching style may be a pre-
dictor of an outcome, school performance. If another variable is identified, such as
gender, that when multiplied by teaching style changes the nature of the predictive
relationship, then gender is seen as a moderator variable. Thus, a moderator is

an interaction formed between a hypothesized IV and another exogenous variable

believed to have some effect on a DV when taken in conjunction with the first
IV. In this example, we might find that teaching style is significantly related to
school performance, whereas gender may not be related by itself. However, if an
interaction is formed by multiplying the score for gender (e.g., 1 = male, 2 =
female) by the teaching style score (e.g., 1 = lecture, 2 = interactive), we may
find that this interaction is positively related to school performance. This would
imply that individuals who are female and who are taught with an interactive
teaching style are more apt to have higher school performance than other students.
This finding suggests that gender moderated the relationship between teaching
style and school performance (although we could just as easily state that teaching
style moderated the relationship between gender and school performance, high-
lighting the importance of theory in hypothesis generation and interpretation of
Moderating or mediating variables are also sometimes referred to as covariates.
Covariates are variables that may correlate with a DV and are ideally not corre-
lated with other IVs. Failing to consider covariates could hinder the interpretation
of relationships between IVs and DVs, especially with nonrandom samples. Co-
variates help to statistically isolate an effect, especially when random assignment
and/or manipulation are not accomplished. When several well-selected covariates
(i.e., confounds, extraneous variables) are included in a study, and the relationship
between the IVs and DVs still holds after controlling for the effects of one or more
covariates, there is greater assurance that we have isolated the effect.
We should also realize that the designation of a variable as either independent,
dependent, mediating, or moderating refers only to the role a variable plays within
a specific research design. Using the variable psychological adjustment (Schnoll
et al., 1998), we could assign it the role of IV (e.g., predictor of some outcome),
mediator (e.g., intervening between some IV and a DV), moderator (e.g., part of
an interaction between another variable, say gender, that is significantly related
to a DV), or a DV (e.g., an outcome predicted by other IVs, mediators, and/or
moderators). Ultimately, confirmation of a designated role is drawn from several
sources of evidence (e.g., experimental design, longitudinal research, replication).
Still, it is important to clearly articulate the intended role of variables in any
design, hopefully with support and justification from previous theory and empirical
research. Finally, we should realize that statistical methods can analyze multiple
variables at a time, with multivariate methods allowing larger and more complex
patterns of variables than other procedures.

Incomplete Information
Inherent in all statistical methods is the idea of analyzing incomplete information,
where only a portion of knowledge is available. For example, we analyze a subset

of the data by selecting a sample from the full population because this is all we
have available to provide data. We examine only a subset of the potential causal
agents or explaining variables, because it is nearly impossible to conceive of all
possible predictors. We collect data from only a few measures for each variable
of interest, because we do not want to burden our participants. We describe the
main themes in the data (e.g., factors, dimensions) and try to infer past our original
sample and measures to a larger population and set of constructs. In each case,
there is a need to infer a generalizable outcome from a subset to a larger universe
to explain how scores vary and covary. Ultimately, we would like to be able to
demonstrate that associations among variables can be systematically explained
with as little error as possible. For example, a researcher might find that alcohol
use scores vary depending on the level of distress and the past history of alcohol
abuse (Harlow, Mitchell, Fitts, & Saxon, 1999). It may be that the higher the level
of distress and the greater the past history of substance abuse, the more likely
someone is to engage in greater substance use. Strong designs and longitudinal
data can help in drawing valid conclusions.
It is most likely true that other variables are important in explaining an outcome.
Even when conducting a large, multivariate study, it is important to recognize that
we cannot possibly examine the full set of information, largely because it is not
usually known or accessible. Instead, we try to assess whether the pattern of vari-
ation and covariation in the data appears to demonstrate enough evidence for
statistically significant relationships over and above what could be found from
sheer random chance. Multivariate methods, much more so than univariable meth-
ods, offer more comprehensive procedures for analyzing real-world data that most
likely have incomplete information.

Missing Data
Another background consideration is how to address missing data. Whether data
are collected from an experiment or a survey, at least a portion of the participants
invariably refrain from responding on some variables. If a sample is reasonably
large (e.g., 200-400), the percent of missing data is small (e.g., 5% to 10%),
and the pattern of missing data appears random, there are a number of options
available. Although a thorough discussion of this topic is beyond the scope of
this book, it is worth briefly describing several methods for approaching missing
Deleting data from all participants that have missing data is the most severe and
probably one of the least preferable approaches to adopt. This method is called
listwise deletion and can result in a substantially smaller data set, thus calling into
question how representative the sample is of the larger population. I would not
advise using this method unless there is a very large sample (e.g., 500 or more)
and the percent of missing data is very small (i.e., <5%).

Pairwise deletion involves retaining most of the information from participants

who have not provided complete data by dropping only the omitted data from a
specific analysis. Thus, data from a participant we will call Jane may be missing for
the variable self-esteem. We could still keep Jane's data on all other variables in an
analysis and only drop her from calculations involving self-esteem. This approach
results in having different sample sizes for different portions of an analysis, thereby
providing questionable accuracy or stability.
Probably the most common method is to replace missing data with the mean
from all of the complete data for a variable. Using the previous example, we could
calculate the mean self-esteem score from all participants except Jane and then
insert the mean for Jane's self-esteem score. This method yields an identical mean
whether Jane's data is included or not. The standard deviation for mean-inserted
data, however, is usually smaller and may not be an accurate indication of the
variability in the population.
A wider range of missing data methods are currently discussed in the literature
(Collins, Schafer, & Kam, 2001; Schafer, & Graham, 2002; Sijtsma, & van der
Ark, 2003). One of these newer methods, multiple imputation, appears promising
(Sinharay, Stern, & Russell, 2001) and has been successfully applied to multi-
variate methods, such as multiple regression (Enders, 2001). Multiple imputation
involves inserting an estimate for the missing variable into several (e.g., 5 to 10)
random subsets of the original data (Rubin, 2004). Analyses are then conducted
on the multiple data sets and the results are averaged to provide more accurate
parameter estimates. Calculating the standard deviation for the parameter estimate
over the multiple datasets also provides a standard error that can be used to gauge
the accuracy of the estimates. When the standard error is small, we have greater
confidence in the accuracy of the parameter estimates.
Excellent discussions on missing data are available to interested readers (Al-
lison, 2001; Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003; Little & Rubin, 2002; Rubin,
2004; Schafer & Schafer, 1997; Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). We now turn to a
brief discussion on descriptive statistics.

Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics provide an ungirded view of data. This often involves sum-
marizing the central nature of variables (e.g., average or mean score; midpoint
or median score; and most frequently occurring or modal score), ideally from a
representative sample. This also can comprise the spread or range of scores, as
well as the average difference each score is from the mean (i.e., standard devia-
tion). Descriptive statistics also can include measures of skewness, and kurtosis
to indicate how asymmetric or lopsided, and how peaked or heavy-tailed, re-
spectively, is a distribution of scores. Thus, descriptive statistics summarize basic
characteristics of a distribution such as central tendency, variability, skewness,

and kurtosis. Descriptive statistics can be calculated for large multivariate studies
that investigate the relationships among a number of variables, hopefully based
on a well-selected and large sample. With multivariate data, we organize the
means from a set of variables in a column labeled a vector. We organize the vari-
ances and covariances among the variables into a variance-covariance matrix (see
chapter 6).
Another form of descriptive statistics occurs when we synthesize information
from multiple variables in a multivariate analysis using inferential statistics on
a specific, nonrandom sample. For example, an instructor may want to describe
the nature of class performance from a specific set of variables (e.g., quizzes,
tests, projects, homework) and sample (e.g., one classroom). If she wanted to
describe group differences between male and female students, she could conduct
a multivariate analysis of variance with a categorical IV, gender, and the several
continuous outcomes she measured from students' performance. Results would not
necessarily be generalized beyond her immediate classroom, although they could
provide a descriptive summary of the nature of performance between gender groups
in her class of students.

Inferential Statistics
Inferential statistics allow us to generalize beyond our sample data to a larger
population. With most statistical methods, inferences beyond one's specific data
are more reliable when statistical assumptions are met.
Statistical assumptions for multivariate analyses include the use of representa-
tive samples, a normally or bell-shaped distribution of scores, linear relationships
between the variables (i.e., variables that follow an additive pattern of the form:
Y = BiXi+ error), and homoscedasticity (i.e., similar variance on one variable
along all levels of another variable). We also would want to make sure that
variables are not too highly overlapping or collinear. This would cause insta-
bility in statistical analyses so that it would be difficult to decide to which vari-
able a weight should be attached. Generally, if variables are correlated greater
than 0.90, collinearity is most likely present and decisions will have to be made
as to whether to drop one of the variables or to combine them in a composite
Examining skewness and kurtosis, bivariate plots of the variables, and corre-
lations among the variables can check assumptions and collinearity. We also may
want to consider whether any variables need to be transformed to meet assump-
tions. If any variables have skewness greater than an absolute value of about 1.0, or
kurtosis greater than about 2.0, it may be helpful to consider taking a logarithmic
transformation to reduce nonnormality. Although transformed scores are not in
the original metric and interpretation may be difficult, many scores used in the
social sciences have arbitrary scales. Thus, transformations, although somewhat
controversial, still may be preferred to increase the power of analyses and decrease

bias by meeting assumptions (Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003; Johnson &
Wichern, 2002; Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). Consider, making transformations
especially when analyzing data concerned with extreme variables such as drug use
and sexual risk. If the data can be transformed to meet assumptions, then inferences
made on these data may be more accurate.
Inferential statistics allow estimates of population characteristics from sam-
ples representative of the population. Inferences are strengthened when potential
extraneous variables are identified and taken into account. Likewise, if we can
show that the data follow expected assumptions so that we can rule out random
chance with our findings, then results are more conclusive. Multivariate research
that shares these same features (i.e., representative samples, controlling for con-
founds, and normally distributed data) can provide a basis for inferences beyond
the immediate sample to a large population of interest.

Roles of Variables and Choice of Methods

Although many statistical methods can be subsumed under a single, generalized
linear model (McCullagh & Nelder, 1989), it is often useful to characterize different
statistical methods by the roles played by the variables in an analysis.
Intermediate multivariate methods methods, such as multiple regression (MR)
and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) are more sophisticated than univariate
methods (e.g., correlation, and analysis of variance: ANOVA). MR and ANCOVA
are similar in that they both feature a single, continuous outcome variable and two
or more IVs, at least one of which is continuous. They differ in that variables for
MR (i.e., the multiple IVs and single outcome) are often all continuous. In contrast,
ANCOVA always has at least one categorical IV, much like ANOVA. ANCOVA
differs from ANOVA in that ANCOVA has both continuous and categorical IVs,
allowing the use of continuous covariates as well as grouping IV(s) to help explain
the single outcome variable.
Categorical or grouping multivariate methods such as multivariate analysis of
variance (MANOVA), discriminant function analysis (DFA), and logistic regres-
sion (LR) allow an examination of the links between a set of variables and a set
of categories or groups. MANOVA is an extension of ANOVA, allowing multiple,
continuous DVs and one or more categorical IVs that each have two or more groups.
Variables used in DFA have the same characteristics as those with MANOVA ex-
cept that the roles are reversed. In DFA, the set of continuous variables is viewed as
predictor variables and the set of groups is seen as aspects of a categorical outcome
variable. When there is a mixture of both categorical and continuous predictors
and a categorical outcome, LR is often used. DFA and LR are very similar in
the nature and roles for the variables, with some differences. DFA requires multi-
variate assumptions (e.g., normality, linearity, and homoscedasticity), whereas LR
does not. Further, DFA focuses on standardized or structure weights that can be
interpreted much like correlation coefficients between a continuous predictor and

the categorical outcome. In LR, weights are interpreted as the odds that an indi-
vidual with the IV characteristic will end up in a specific outcome group (Hosmer
& Lemeshow, 2000). If there is a 50/50 chance of ending up in a specific group,
the odds will be equal to 1.0. If there is less chance, then the odds will be less
than 1.0; conversely, if there is greater than a 50/50 chance of being in a specific
group based on the IV characteristic, the odds will be greater than 1.0. Predictor
variables that are meaningful in an analysis generally have an odds value different
from 1.0 associated with them.
Multivariate correlational methods, such as canonical correlation (CC), princi-
pal components analysis (PCA), and factor analysis (FA) incorporate a large set
of continuous variables. In CC, there are two sets of variables, where the goal
is to explore the patterns of relationships between the two sets (see Chapter 10).
In PCA or FA, there is one set of continuous variables with the goal of trying to
identify a smaller set of latent dimensions that underlie the variables (see Cha-
pter 11).

Summary of Background Themes

Multivariate statistical methods build on these background themes allowing more
realistic designs among multiple variables than methods that just analyze one (i.e.,
univariate) or two (i.e., bivariate) key variables. Multivariate methods can help us
see relationships that might only occur in combination with a set of well-selected
Background themes involve consideration of the data used to test the hypotheses,
the scale of measurement and the nature of the variables, both descriptive and
inferential statistics, and how the scale of the variables often affects the choice of
method (e.g., intermediate, categorical or grouping multivariate, or correlational
multivariate) for a particular study. A summary of background themes to consider
for multivariate methods is presented in Table 3.1.

Summary of Background Themes to Consider for Multivariate Methods

a. Data matrix (N rows of participants and p columns of variables)

b. Measurement scales (categorical or continuous)
c. Types of variables (independent, dependent, mediating, or moderating)
d. Incomplete information (analyze only a subset)
e. Descriptive statistics (central tendency, variability, skewness, and kurtosis)
f. Inferential statistics (requiring assumptions to generalize beyond the sample)
g. Types of variables and choice of methods (intermediate methods with one
continuous DV; multivariate group difference methods; and multivariate cor-
relational methods)



Having considered a number of themes that enhance multivariate thinking, it is

instructive to briefly outline how these themes apply to several multivariate meth-
ods. To do this in the upcoming chapters, it is helpful to reflect on a set of questions
to ask. These questions can help us focus on how the major themes apply to var-
ious statistical procedures. My hope is that, by working through a set of relevant
questions on several multivariate statistics, it will be much easier to extend this
thinking to other methods not discussed in this volume.
Thus, the main focus of this book is not to present complete details on every
multivariate method. Rather, I present a set of themes and questions to help en-
large our thinking to recognize the common facets of many statistical methods. In
keeping with Devlin's (1994) claim that "most mathematicians now agree [that]
mathematics is the science of patterns" (p. 3), I argue that multivariate statistics
embody a set of prevalent ideas or propositions. To the extent that these elemental
ideas are apparent, it is much easier to engage in multivariate thinking.
The first question to ask is, What is this method and how is it similar to and
different from other methods? For each method, a brief description of the main
features is presented. I then point to other methods that are similar to, and different
from, the particular method being discussed, thereby inviting an initial understand-
ing of the connections among methods.
A second question I ask is, When is this method used and what research ques-
tions can it address? In this section I present a few common uses of the specific
multivariate method, often providing brief examples. Information presented in this
section can help when trying to decide which method to use for a particular research
The third question asks, What are the main multiplicity themes for this method?
Because the notion of multiplicity tends to pervade all multivariate methods, this
section can start to sound repetitive when working through the various procedures
presented in this volume. Nonetheless, this reiteration helps deepen and widen
understanding of the scope and capabilities of multivariate methods. Readers can
refer back to Chapter 2 to refresh themselves with each of the multiplicity themes,
when needed.
A fourth question is, What are the main background themes applied to this
method? I work through much of the discussion in this Chapter for each method,
explicating several considerations that are important to attend to before conducting
the main multivariate analyses.
The fifth question asked is, What is the statistical model that is tested with
this method? The topic of models can appear obscure and abstract. It is helpful
to think of a model as a concise representation of a large system or phenomenon
(Britt, 1997). Thus, a model is just an abbreviated description. To the extent that

a model is quantified, it becomes more capable of being examined and tested in a

rigorous, scientific arena. I like to think of a progression of models from a verbal
or conceptual description, to symbolic and pictorial representation (as in a flow
chart or path diagram), to one or more mathematical equations. Many statistical
methods can be accommodated under what is known as the generalized linear
model (McCullagh, & Nelder, 1989), showing how a variable is an additive linear
combination of other constants or variables. For example, in basic mathematics,
a straight line is modeled as Y = A + BX, where Y is an outcome variable, A is a
(constant) point at which a line intersects with the 7 axis, B is the (constant) slope
of a line (i.e., rise over run), and X is a predictor or independent variable. This
simple linear formulation emerges in each of the multivariate models presented in
this volume.
A sixth question asks, How do central themes of variance, covariance, and linear
combinations apply? These central themes, discussed in Chapter 2, get at the heart
of statistics. We are reminded that much of science seeks to explain and predict
how variables vary and covary, recognizing that large sets of variables may have
to be summarized in linear combinations.
The seventh question is, What are the main themes needed to interpret results at
a macro-level? To aid with interpretation, it is useful to examine results at a global,
overriding level, often with a test of significance and a measure of the magnitude
of an effect. For each multivariate method presented here, a macro-level approach
is described and then applied with real-world data.
Similarly, question eight asks, What are the main themes needed to interpret
results at a micro-level? This section suggests how to understand the specific
aspects of a multivariate analysis, often focusing on some description of means or
correlational weights.
A ninth question is, What are some other considerations or next steps after
applying this method? Here, we examine ways to follow up a multivariate anal-
ysis, recognizing that any single finding is just one portion of the larger body of
knowledge in a field of study.
Question 10 asks, What is an example of applying this method to a research
question? For each multivariate method presented in this volume, we work through
an example using a consistent data set (included on the accompanying CD).
Table 3.2 presents a summary of the 10 questions.
Finally, each chapter that presents a multivariate method ends with a summary
chart that outlines how the major themes apply. For example, most methods benefit
from considering multiplicity themes of multiple theories, hypotheses, empirical
studies, controls, time points, samples, and measures. Similarly, most methods
gain from careful attention to background themes concerning data, measurement,
assumptions, and inferences. Likewise, most methods focus to some degree on the
central themes of variance, covariance, and ratios of (co-)variances.
Questions to ask when addressing interpretation themes are provided for each
of the methods. Responses to each question provide an integrated presentation

Questions to Ask for Each Multivariate Method

1. What is this method and how is it similar to and different from other methods?
2. When is this method used and what research questions can it address?
3. What are the main multiplicity themes for this method?
4. What are the main background themes applied to this method?
5. What is the statistical model that is tested with this method?
6. How do central themes of variance, covariance, and linear combinations apply?
7. What are the main themes needed to interpret results at a macro-level?
8. What are the main themes needed to interpret results at a micro-level?
9. What are some other considerations or next steps after applying this method?
10. What is an example of applying this method to a research question?

of common and unique aspects for a number of multivariate methods, hopefully

helping to demystify these procedures and encourage their wider application.


Allison, P. D. (2001). Missing data (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Newbury Park,
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Britt, D. W. (1997). A conceptual introduction to modeling: Qualitative and quantitative perspectives.
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Byrne, B. M. (2001). Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS: Basic Concepts, Applications, and
Programming. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G., & Aiken, L. S. (2003). Applied multiple regression/correlation
analysis for behavioral sciences (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Collins, L. M., Graham, J. W., & Flaherty, B. P. (1998). An alternative framework for defining mediation.
Multivariate Behavioral Research, 33, 295-312.
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in modern missing data procedures. Psychological Methods, 6(4), 330-351.
Devlin, K. (1994). Mathematics: The science of patterns. The search for order in life, mind, and the
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multiple regression models with missing data. Educational & Psychological Measurement, 61,
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Social Work Research, 19, 57-63.
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problem behaviors: Gender, subsample and longitudinal tests. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral
Reasearch,4, 111-138.
Harlow, L. L., Quina, K., & Morokoff, P. (1991). Predicting heterosexual HIV-risk in women. NIMH
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Hosmer, D. W., & Lemeshow, S. (2000). Applied logistic regression (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.

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MacKinnon, D. P., & Dwyer, J. H. (1993). Estimating mediated effects in prevention studies. Evaluation
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McCullagh, P., & Nelder, J. A. (1989). Generalized linear models (2nd ed.). London: Chapman & Hall.
Rubin, D. B. (2004). Multiple imputation for nonresponse in surveys. New York: Wiley.
Schafer, J. L., & Schafer, J. (1997). Analysis of incomplete multivariate data. London: Chapman &
Schnoll, R. A., Harlow, L. L., Stolbach, L. L., & Brandt, U. (1998). A structural model of the rela-
tionships among disease, age, coping, and psychological adjustment in women with breast cancer.
Psycho-Oncology, 7, 69-77.
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Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2001). Using multivariable statistics (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn and

Intermediate Multivariate
Methods With 1
Continuous Outcome
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Multiple Regression

Themes Applied to Multiple

Regression (MR)

Having considered a number of themes that run through multivariate methods, it is

instructive to view how these themes apply to MR. To do this, the set of 10 questions
presented in the previous chapter are outlined with discussion on how to respond
to them if considering the use of MR in a research study. MR can be considered
an intermediate method that highlights some of the complexities of correlational
methods that allow for more than one independent variable (IV). MR also serves
as a foundation to develop and comprehend other more extensive methods.


MR is a prediction statistic that allows us to have two or more IVs and one
dependent variable (DV) or criterion. Typically, the variables are all continuous,
although MR can handle other kinds of variables. If our main research question
involves predicting a single outcome from a set of relevant predictors or IVs,
then MR would be a useful method to consider. MR can be classified as an
intermediate method, somewhere between the bivariate methods of correlation
and linear regression and multivariate methods such as canonical correlation (see
Chapter 10). It differs from correlation and linear regression in that MR has more
than one IV. It differs from canonical correlation in that MR is limited to just a
single outcome or DV. MR differs from other predictive methods of discriminant
function analysis (DFA) and logistic regression (LR) because both DFA and LR

are used with a categorical outcome. We will discuss more about DFA and LR
methods in Chapters 8 and 9, respectively.
For those who are interested in a very thorough and readable presentation of MR,
consider the acclaimed volume Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis
for the Behavioral Sciences (3rd ed.), by Cohen, Cohen, West and Aiken (2003).


Although there are several kinds of regression procedures (e.g., logit, nonlinear,
polynomial, and set), discussion here is limited to three common approaches to
MR; each used in different circumstances:

a. Standard MR. This approach loads all predictors in one step. It is useful
when predicting or explaining a single phenomenon with a set of predictors (e.g.,
predict amount of condom use with a set of attitudinal, interpersonal and behavioral
variables). Figure 4.1 depicts this example with three predictors.
b. Hierarchical MR. This form, also called sequential MR, allows researchers
to theoretically order variables in specific steps. It allows assessment of whether a
set of variables substantially adds to prediction, over and above one or more other
variables already in the analysis (e.g., assess whether attitudinal variables increase
prediction, over and above behavioral predictors of condom use).

FIG. 4. l. Depiction of standard MR with three predictors, where

the lines connecting the three ivs depict correlations among pre-
dictors and the arrow headed toward the outcome variable repre-
sents prediction error.

c. Step wise MR. This kind, sometimes called statistical MR, has the computer
select variables for entry. Selection is based on the IV that has the strongest partial
correlation with the DV, after controlling for the effect of variables already in
the equation. This form capitalizes on chance variation in the data much more
than standard or hierarchical MR, and for this reason it is not often recommended
(Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003). Still, it may be useful when it is important
to identify the most salient predictors of an outcome, particularly in a new field
that does not allow much theory to guide the researcher. For example, a researcher
could assess which are the most important predictors (i.e., behavioral, attitudinal, or
environmental) of an outcome variable designating a new form of disease. Because
of the atheoretical nature of stepwise MR, a large sample size and replication should
be used.


As with most multivariate methods, the theme of multiplicity is pervasive in the
effective use of MR. Before conducting a MR analysis, a thoughtful review of
the literature and thinking in an area of study should reveal one or more pertinent
theories. Theory would help in directing all aspects of an analysis, beginning with
research hypotheses that would most likely involve statements about prediction,
to the choice of multiple, continuous IVs and a single, continuous DV, to a consid-
eration of previous empirical research. We also would want to consider collecting
data from multiple, representative samples to replicate and generalize findings past
the initial group of participants. Finally, we also may want to look into the use
of multiple time points and multiple controls, especially if we wanted to build
causal evidence about the direction and magnitude of causation. Multiple time
points could be incorporated by using variables collected at the first time point, tl,
as predictors, and a single outcome variable collected at t2. We include multiple
controls by having several well-selected confounding or covariate variables that
may be related to the DV, although they are not the central focus. If the main
variable(s) showed significant correlation with the outcome, over and above cor-
relation among the confounding variables and the outcome, there would be some
evidence for isolating the relationship between the IV(s) and DV.


Background themes can be applied to MR to help us begin to understand how to
use this popular method. A large (N x p) data set would be needed, allowing for
multiple IVs and a single DV. With six or more predictors, sample size should be

at least 100 (Green, 1991), and much more (e.g., 200-400+) when assumptions
are violated or when capitalizing on chance variation (e.g., with stepwise MR).
We also should compute descriptive statistics (e.g., means, standard deviations)
and test assumptions (i.e., examine bivariate scatter plots for pairs of variables,
and skewness and kurtosis for all variables).
If data do not appear to conform to assumptions (e.g., normality, linearity), con-
sider making transformations on pertinent variables. For example, a variable such
as substance abuse could be highly lopsided to the left (i.e., positively skewed).
This would indicate that most individuals reported low or no substance abuse,
whereas a few individuals reported moderate to high substance use. This pattern
of responses would be depicted by a peak at the low end of the score range with a
tail trailing off to the right or high end of the range of scores. In this case, it would
be helpful to consider transforming the scores to readjust the variable into one
that more closely followed assumptions (e.g., normality). Several transformations
could be considered (e.g., logarithm or square root) to assess which is best for
evening out the distribution of a variable such as substance abuse. Several excel-
lent discussions of transformations are offered elsewhere (Cohen, Cohen, West &
Aiken, 2003; Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).
Correlations among the variables and reliability coefficients also should be
calculated at this point. Because MR assumes that predictors are perfectly reliable,
regression coefficients are biased with unreliable variables. To the extent that data
were randomly selected and relevant, the data met assumptions, and predictors are
reasonably reliable (e.g., reliability coefficients >0.70), we could infer past the
initial sample to a larger population with some degree of confidence. Correlations
also should be scanned to ensure that variables are not overly correlated (i.e.,
multicollinear) with other variables. Correlations of 0.90 or higher indicate clear
multicollinearity, although correlations as high as 0.70 may be suggestive of a
potential problem (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).


In MR, we begin by summarizing a set of independent (X) variables with a linear
combination, which can be labeled, X' so that:

X' = A + fil(Xl) + B2(XZ) + 53(X3) + • • • + Bp(Xp) (4.1)

where A = a constant or Y- intercept, Bi = an unstandardized regression weight

or constant that indicates how much an outcome (Y) variable would change if the
X variable were changed by one unit, and p = the number of predictors. The linear
combination of X scores, X', is selected so that it has the least squared distance
from the outcome Y scores. We can then depict a model in which the outcome

variable, Y, is seen as a function of this linear combination of the X variables, X',

plus some prediction error, E, that represents variance that is not related to any of
the X variables. Thus, the model for MR could be written as:

Y = X' + E (4.2)

The goal is to find the multiple correlation, R, between X' and Y and show that
it is significantly different from zero. Significance tests for individual regression
weights, B, are then conducted to determine which of the independent (X) variables
significantly predict the outcome variable, Y. Seen in this way, a MR model is
very similar to a model between just a single X and a single Y variable. The main
difference is that with MR, the single predictor, X', is actually a linear combination
of multiple X variables.


In MR, variance can refer to the amount of shared variance (i.e., R2) between the
best linear combination of the X variables (X') and Y. Variance also can refer to
the amount of nonoverlapping or prediction error variance (i.e., 1 — R2) between
X' and Y. For both of these, we are actually looking at how much X' covaries with
Y, relative to how much variance there is in X' and Y, separately. We also look at
the ratio of explained variance over unexplained variance for the F-test:

F = (R2/p)/[1 - R2)/(N - p - 1)] (4.3)

that is tested on p and N—p— I degrees of freedom. In MR (Cohen, Cohen, West,

& Aiken, 2003), we can use R2 to examine how much variance is shared between
the linear combination of predictors and the single outcome variable. As we see
in the next section, we can also use R2 as an indication of the magnitude of the
effect in MR.


Whenever interpreting a MR analysis, the first step would be to assess whether there
was statistical significance at the omnibus or macro level. This is not too much
different from examining an omnibus F-test in analysis of variance (ANOVA)
before looking for more specific information in planned comparisons.

Correlational methods such as MR make use of an F-test to assess whether the

covariance among variables is significantly larger than chance relative to the vari-
ance within variables (see Chapter 1 for more discussion of this). When the value
of an F-test is significantly large (as deemed by appropriate statistical tables1),
we can conclude that there is sufficient evidence of relationships occurring at
the macro-level. The F-test examines whether the degree of association, as in-
dicated by R (i.e., multiple R) is significantly greater than zero. Multiple R
provides a measure of overall association between the best linear combination
of the IV predictors, X', and the single DV, Y. In MR, the method of forming
the linear combination, which is called least squares, maximizes the value for
multiple R, the correlation between X' and Y. Because a whole set of variables
are combined, some of which may relate negatively and others relate positively
with the outcome, multiple R can take on values only from 0 to 1.0 and can-
not have negative values. It is interpreted as in bivariate correlation, r, with val-
ues closer to 1.0 indicating stronger association. An indication of the direction
of prediction is gleaned from the sign associated with the individual regression
Effect sizes provide an indication of the magnitude of our findings. They are a
useful supplement to a significance test (Cohen, 1992). Effect size (ES) calculations
for MR are often proportions of shared variance (Cohen, 1988,1992; Kirk, 1996).
Similar to r2 in bivariate regression, Multiple R2 gives the proportion of variance
in the DV that can be explained by the (linear combination of) IVs. It is useful
by providing a single number that conveys how much the scores from a set of
variables (co-)vary in the same way (i.e., rise and fall together), relative to how
much the scores within each variable differ among themselves. R2 is also a measure
of multivariate or macro-level effect size. As suggested by Cohen (1992), a R2
of 0.02 represents a small multivariate ES; 0.13 is a medium ES, and 0.26 is a
large ES. An adjusted R2 is sometimes calculated to adjust for sample size and
the number of predictors, providing a more accurate estimate of the population R2

Adjusted R2 = 1 - (1 - R2)(N - l)/(N - p - 1) (4.4)

There is less adjustment with a large sample size, N, and a small number of
predictors, p. The adjusted R2 value could be substantially smaller than the original
R2 with a small sample size and a large number of predictors. The example provided
at the end of the chapter provides a calculation for an adjusted R2 value with a
sample size of 527 and four predictors. As can be expected, there is very little
adjustment with such a large sample size and only a few predictors.

Also see the webpage: to calculate F, t, z, and X2
values or corresponding p values.



After determining that the least squares linear combination of X variables, X', is
significantly related to the outcome variable, Y, we can then investigate which
variables are contributing to the overall relationship. As with macro-level assess-
ment, we first examine statistical tests and then proceed to evaluate the magnitude
of the effects.

Significance t-Testsfor Variables

In MR, we can examine the significance of each independent variable by Mests.
We may want to set a conservative level of alpha (e.g., p < 0.01) for t-tests or
even consider using a Bonferroni approach. The latter approach establishes a set
alpha level (e.g., p = 0.05) and then distributes the available alpha level over the
number of t-tests conducted (i.e., p or the number of predictors). Thus, if there
were four predictors and a desired alpha level of 0.05, each predictor could be
evaluated with a p value of 0.0125 or some unequal portion of p across t-tests.

After determining that a variable is a significant predictor of Y, we usually want
to examine the standardized weights that indicate how much a specific variable is
contributing to an analysis. In MR, we examine least squares regression weights
that tell us how much a predictor variable covaries with an outcome variable after
taking into account the relationships with other predictor variables. Thus, a stan-
dardized regression coefficient is a partial correlation between a specific predictor,
Xi, and the F, that does not include the correlation between Xi and the other X
variables. The standardized regression weight, or beta weight, , indicates the re-
lationship between a predictor and the outcome, after recognizing the correlations
among the other predictor variables in the equation. High absolute values (> |0.30|)
indicate better predictive value for standardized regression coefficients.
In an unstandardized metric (i.e., B), the weight represents the change in an
outcome variable that can be expected when a predictor variable is changed by
one unit. We could focus on the unstandardized regression weights for at least
two reasons. The first is when we want to assess the significance of a predictor
variable. To do this, we examine the ratio of the unstandardized regression weight
over the standard error associated with a specific variable, forming a critical ratio
that is interpreted as a r-test. If the p-value associated with the t-test is greater than
a designated level (e.g., 0.05 or 0.01), then the variable is said to be a significant
predictor of the outcome variable. The second reason to focus on unstandardized
regression coefficients is if we want to compare regression weights with those from

another sample or form a prediction equation for possible use in another sample.
The unstandardized regression weights retain the original metric and provide a
better basis for comparing across different samples that may have different stan-
dardized weights even when unstandardized weights are similar (Pedhazur, 1997).
Regression weights can also provide a measure of ES. To keep the micro-level
ES in the same metric as the macro-level R2, we could square the standardized
coefficients. Much like values for bivariate r2, values of 2 could be interpreted
as small, medium, and large micro-level ESs when equal to 0.01, 0.06, and 0.13,

Squared Semipartial Correlations

These represent the change in R2 at a particular step in the equation. A squared
semipartial correlation can be viewed as a unique effect size for a specific variable,
after taking into account other variables that are already predicting Y. We calculate
this value by subtracting the value of R2 obtained from a smaller set of predictors,
from the R2 obtained from a larger set of predictors. Thus, if R2 is 0.25 with
three predictors and increases to 0.32 when adding a fourth predictor, the squared
semipartial correlation for X4 would be (0.32 — 0.25 = 0.07), which would indicate
a small to medium unique effect size.


After conducting a MR and finding a significant macro effect (i.e., the F-test re-
veals that R2 is significantly different from zero), and several significant predictors
(i.e., t-tests are significant for the regression coefficients), we may want to con-
sider whether we can generalize past the initial sample. If possible, it is helpful to
replicate and cross-validate findings, possibly with a different method such as an
experimental design, or a longitudinal study design to verify temporal ordering.
Reliability of variables should be reconsidered and variables should be improved,
when possible. Finally, it is important to consider whether sufficient confounds
were included so that the main variables were isolated in the MR. That is, were
other variables included in the MR analysis to assess whether the hypothesized
relationships between the main IVs and the DV still held when taking possible
extraneous variables into account? For example, if predicting condom use from
attitudinal, interpersonal, and behavioral variables (see example in Figure 4.1),
would adding frequency of sex as a potential confound lessen the degree of rela-
tionship between the original three predictors and the outcome? If not, then we
can rule out frequency of sex as a confound, thereby strengthening the validity of
the relationships found.


An example provides a clearer view of how to apply MR to real-word data. Analyses
draw on theories of the transtheoretical model (Prochaska & Velicer, 1997) and
the multifaceted model of HIV risk (Harlow, Quina, Morokoff, Rose, & Grimley,
1993). The hypothesized outcome is stage of condom use (STAGE), with higher
values indicating greater frequency and a longer time period of (readiness for)
using condoms. Thus, values were assigned so that, 1 = precontemplation (i.e.,
not thinking about condom use), 2 = contemplation (i.e., considering condom use),
3 = preparation (i.e., taking initial steps such as buying condoms to use), 4 = action
(i.e., using condoms for up to 6 months), and 5 = maintenance (i.e., consistently
using condoms for more than 6 months). A set of four predictors was selected: pros
of condom use (PROS), cons of condom use (CONS), self-efficacy for condom
use (CONSEFF), and psychosexual functioning (PSYSX). Data were collected at
three time points, 6 months apart. In the descriptions below, the designation of a
specific time point is made by adding "A" at the end of variable collected at an initial
time point, "B" for variables collected 6 months later, and "C" to indicate variables
collected 1 year after baseline. MR analyses use data collected at the "B" time point.
Based on previous empirical literature (Goldman & Harlow, 1993; Harlow,
Rose, Morokoff, Quina, Mayer, Mitchell, & Schnoll, 1998; Marcus, Eaton, Rossi,
& Harlow, 1994; Prochaska et al., 1994a, b), I conducted several analyses on
data from 527 women at risk for HIV (see Harlow et al., 1998). Below is SAS
(1999) computer output in Tables 4.1 to 4.19 with brief comments for this example,
regarding the following: descriptive statistics, reliability and correlations, standard
MR, hierarchical MR, and stepwise MR.

Descriptive Statistics
Notice from the descriptive statistics of Table 4.1 that all the variables are relatively
normally distributed. Skewness values are within an acceptable range of — 1.0 to
+ 1.0, except for PROSB, which shows slight skewness. Kurtosis values are all
reasonable (i.e., below 2.0), indicating that the data are not all piled up at specific
Descriptive Statistics for 4 IVs and the DV, Stage of Condom Use

Variable Mean SD Min Max Skewness Kurtosis

PROSB 4.07 0.81 1.00 5.00 -1.05 0.93

CONSB 2.05 0.84 1.00 5.00 0.89 0.49
CONSEFFB 3.51 1.15 1.00 5.00 -0.45 -0.82
PSYSXB 4.01 0.75 1.67 5.00 -0.66 -0.13
STAGEB 2.44 1.38 1.00 5.00 0.79 -0.61

Coefficient Alpha and Test-Retest Reliability Coefficients

Time Points

Variable Coefficient Alpha A and B B and C A and C

PROS 0.81 0.60 0.65 0.55
CONS 0.83 0.61 0.63 0.58
CONSEFF 0.89 0.62 0.63 0.55
PSYSX 0.85 0.66 0.68 0.60
STAGE — 0.67 0.69 0.63

Reliability Coefficients and Correlations

Six-month test-retest reliabilities, shown in Table 4.2, are at least 0.60, indicating
relative stability across an extended time. Coefficient alpha values are greater than
0.80 for the four multi-item variables, indicating high internal consistency.
Correlations among the four predictors (PROSB, CONSB, CONSEFFB, and
PSYSXB) and the outcome variable (STAGEB) show low to moderate relationships
(see Table 4.3). There is no concern with collinearity, because no correlation,
particularly among IVs, approaches problem levels of 0.70 to 0.90.

Standard Multiple Regression

The F-test (see calculations, below, and Table 4.4) indicate that Y and the best
least-squares combination of the predictor variables, X', are correlated significantly

Correlation Coefficients Within Time B, N = 527

Probabilities > \r\ with H0: = 0


PROSB 1.000 -0.169 0.361 0.058 0.263

<0.0001 <0.0001 0.1806 <0.0001
CONSB -0.169 1.000 -0.489 -0.320 -0.315
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSEFFB 0.361 -0.489 1.000 0.239 0.447
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
PSYXB 0.058 -0.320 0.239 1.000 -0.103
0.1806 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0177
STAGEB 0.263 -0.315 0.447 -0.103 1.000
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0177

Summary of Macro-Level Standard MR Output

Analysis of Variance

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F-Value Prob. > F

Model 4 287.068 71.76703 52.28 <0.0001

Error 522 716.552 1.37271
Corrected total 526 1003.620
Root MSB 1.17163 R-Square 0.2860
Dependent Mean 2.43643 Adjusted R2 0.2806
CoeffVar 48.08773

different from zero. The multivariate effect size, R2, is large (i.e., >0.26), as is the
adjusted R2 (see below) that corrects for sample size and the number of predictors.
Using equation 4.3, presented earlier, we could verify the value for the F-test by
showing that F(4,522) = (R2/p)/(l - R2)/(N - p - 1) = (0.286/4)/(0.714)/
(527 - 4 - 1) = 0.0715/0.001368 = 52.27.
Note that Table 4.4 also presents a value for adjusted R2 that provides an
indication of the true value of R2 in the population. The value for adjusted R2 is
very close to the unadjusted value because of the large sample size and the relatively
small number of predictors. The adjusted R2 value would be markedly less than the
unadjusted value with small sample sizes and a large number of predictors. For our
example, the value for adjusted R2 could be verified by solving for Equation 4.4:

Adjusted R2 = 1 - (1 - R2)(N - 1)/(N - p - 1)

= 1 - 0.714(526/522) = 1 - 0.714(1.00766) = 0.2805

Table 4.5 presents a micro-level summary of the regression coefficients for the
standard MR. Examining the unstandardized weights (i.e., parameter estimates)
and their associated t-values, we see that all the predictors are significantly related
to stage of readiness to use condoms (i.e., STAGEB). Combining Equations 4.1

Summary of Micro-Level Standard MR Output

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Standardized

Variable df Estimate Error t -value Prob. >\t\ Estimate

Intercept 1 2.705 0.473 5.72 <0.0001 0

PROSB 1 0.188 0.067 2.78 0.0056 0.11037
CONSB 1 -0.326 0.071 -4.55 <0.0001 -0.19888
CONSEFFB 1 0.447 0.054 8.28 <0.0001 0.37322
PSYSXB 1 -0.484 0.072 -6.70 <0.0001 -0.26299

Step 1 of Macro-Level Hierarchical MR Output


Analysis of Variance

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F-Value Prob. > F

Model 2 145.72636 72.86318 44.50 <0.0001

Error 524 857.89414 1.63720
Corrected total 526 1003.62049
Root MSE 1.27953 R-Square 0.1452
Dep. Mean 2.43643 Adjusted R2 0.1419
Coeff Var 52.51662

and 4.2, we could write the prediction equation for this example as: Y — A +
B1 (PROSB) + S2(CONSB) + #3(CONSEFFB) + B4(PSYSXB) + E. Insert-
ing the unstandardized parameter estimate values from Table 4.5, we have the
prediction equation: Y = 2.705 + 0.188(PROSB) - 0.326(CONSB) + 0.447
(CONSEFFB) - 0.484(PSYSXB) + E.
Examining the standardized estimates, the strongest predictor of STAGEB is
self-efficacy for condom use (i.e., CONSEFFB), which has a standardized beta
weight of 0.37. The variable PROSB (i.e., perceptions of the advantages of condom
use) is least related to stage of readiness, with a beta weight of 0.11.

Hierarchical Multiple Regression

With hierarchical MR, the two decisional balance variables, PROSB and CONSB,
were entered in the first step (model) based on previous theory (Prochaska et al.,
1994a). These two variables were significantly related to STAGEB [F(2,524) =
44.50. p < 0.0001]. There was a medium multivariate effect size, with R2 = 0.15
and an adjusted R2 of 0.14. The standardized beta weights for both PROSB ( =
0.22) and CONSB ( = -0.28) were slightly larger than when these variables
were included with the full set of predictors in the standard MR. See Tables 4.6
and 4.7 for macro- and micro-level output, respectively.
At the second step, Model 2, CONSEFFB has a squared partial correlation
of 0.2247 — 0.1452 = 0.0795, which represents a medium univariate effect size
(i.e., >0.06) at that step in the equation. As with the standard MR, and the first step
of the hierarchical MR, each of the predictors significantly correlates with STAGEB
as indicated by relatively large t-values and small p-values. The standardized beta
weights are slightly different than in the first step and in the standard MR, as would
be expected with partial coefficients that change depending on other variables in
the equation. See Tables 4.8 and 4.9.

Step 1 of Micro-Level Hierarchical MR Output

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Standardized

Variable df Estimate Error t -value Prob. > \t\ Estimate

Intercept 1 1.86865 0.34199 5.46 <.0001 0

PROSB 1 0.37026 0.07016 5.28 <0.0001 0.21629
CONSB 1 -0.45772 0.06719 -6.81 <0.0001 -0.27920

Step 2 of Macro-Level Hierarchical MR Output


Analysis of Variance

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F-Value Prob. > F

Model 3 225.478 75.159 50.52 <0.0001

Error 523 778.142 1.487
Corrected total 526 1003.620
Root MSE 1.21977 R-Square 0.2247
Dep. Mean 2.43643 Adjusted R2 0.2202
Coeff Var 50.06385

At the final step, Model 3, the variable PSYSXB is added so that at this point
there are the full set of four predictors in the equation. Not surprisingly, the statistics
look the same as those from the standard MR on these same variables. This shows
that the order of entry into the equation makes a difference only during the interim
steps when there are varying numbers of variables included. When all variables
have been entered, the significance tests (i.e., F and t), effect sizes (e.g., R2), and

Step 2 of Micro-Level Hierarchical MR Output

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Standardized

Variable df Estimate Error t-value Prob. > \t\ Estimate

Intercept 1 0.60402 0.36895 1.64 0.1022 0

PROSB 1 0.20254 0.07069 2.87 0.0043 0.11832
CONSB 1 -0.21082 0.07239 -2.91 0.0037 -0.12859
CONSEFFB 1 0.40995 0.05599 7.32 <.0001 0.34168

TABLE 4.10
Step 3 of Macro-Level Hierarchical MR Output


Analysis of Variance

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F -Value Prob. > F

Model 4 287.06811 71.767 52.28 <0.0001

Error 522 716.55238 1.372
Corrected total 526 1003.62049
Root MSE 1.17163 R-Square 0.2860
Dep. Mean 2.43643 Adjusted R2 0.2806
CoeffVar 48.08773

parameter estimates (i.e., B and ) are the same regardless of their ordering. See
Tables 4.10 and 4.11.

Stepwise Multiple Regression

The stepwise analysis adds variables depending on the magnitude of the corre-
lations among the IVs and outcome variable. Examining the correlation matrix
in Table 4.3, we see that the IV with the strongest correlation with STAGEB is
CONSEFFB (i.e., r = 0.447). Thus, the computer selects this variable to enter first.
Though the standardized beta weights are not provided, we can take the square
root of the squared semipartial correlation (i.e., \/0.2001 = 0.447) and verify that
it is the same as the original correlation because there is only one predictor. See
Tables 4.12 and 4.13 for results at the first step.
At Step 2, PSYSXB is added to the equation along with CONSEFFB. This is
somewhat surprising given that PSYSXB has the lowest correlation (i.e., —0.10)
with STAGEB compared with the other predictors. Based on only the correlations
between the IVs and STAGEB, CONSB (i.e., r = -0.32 with STAGEB) would

TABLE 4.11
Step 3 of Micro-Level Hierarchical MR Output

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Standardized

Variable df Estimate Error t-value Prob. > \t\ Estimate

Intercept 1 2.705 0.47328 5.72 <0.0001 0

PROSB 1 0.188 0.06793 2.78 0.0056 0.11037
CONSB 1 -0.326 0.07163 -4.55 <0.0001 -0.19888
CONSEFFB 1 0.44778 0.05408 8.28 <0.0001 0.37322
PSYSXB 1 -0.48491 0.07239 -6.70 . <0.0001 -0.26299

TABLE 4.12
Step 1 of Macro-Level Stepwise MR Output

The STEPWISE Procedure MODEL 1 Dependent Variable: STAGEB

Forward Selection: Step 1 Variable CONSEFFB Entered:
R-Square = 0.2001
Analysis of Variance

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F -Value Prob. > F

Model 1 200.869 200.869 131.37 <0.0001

Error 525 802.751 1.529
Corrected total 526 1003.620

TABLE 4.13
Step 1 of Micro-Level Stepwise MR Output

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Type II

Variable Estimate Error SS F-Value Pr> F
Intercept 0.55014 0.17317 15.43298 10.09 0.0016
CONSEFFB 0.53676 0.04683 200.86905 131.37 <0.0001

seem like a reasonable choice for adding at Step 2. However, a glance at the
correlations among the IVs reveals that CONSB is moderately correlated (i.e., r =
-0.49) with CONSEFFB, the variable that entered first. The other IV, PROSB, also
has a somewhat moderate correlation (i.e., r = 0.36) with CONSEFFB, though
PSYSXB does not have much overlap with CONSEFFB (i.e., r = 0.24). Thus, the
computer selects PSYSXB to enter second into the Stepwise MR equation. Tables
4.14 and 4.15 show results for the second step.
Tables 4.16 and 4.17 present results at Step 3 when CONSB is added to the
Stepwise regression analysis. Results for Step 4 are given in Tables 4.18 and 4.19,
when the final variable, PROSB, is added.

TABLE 4.14
Step 2 of Macro-Level Stepwise MR Output

Stepwise MR (Continued) Forward Selection: Step 2

Variable PSYSXB Entered: R-Square = 0.2472
Analysis of Variance

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F-Value Prob. > F

Model 2 248.06169 124.03084 86.02 <0.0001

Error 524 755.55881 1.44191
Corrected total 526 1003.62049

TABLE 4.15
Step 2 of Micro-Level Stepwise MR Output

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Type II

Variable Estimate Error SS F -Value Pr> F

Intercept 1.97403 0.30037 62.27667 43.19 <0.0001

CONSEFFB 0.60101 0.04684 237.36234 164.62 <0.0001
PSYSXB -0.41184 0.07199 47.19264 32.73 <0.0001

TABLE 4.16
Step 3 of Macro-Level Stepwise MR Output

Stepwise MR (Continued) Forward Selection: Step 3

Variable CONSB Entered: R-Square = 0.2755
Analysis of Variance

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F -Value Prob. > F

Model 3 276.45046 92.150 66.28 < 0.0001

Error 523 727.17003 1.390
Corrected total 526 1003.62049

TABLE 4.17
Step 3 of Micro-Level Stepwise MR Output

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Type II

Variable Estimate Error SS F -Value Pr> F

Intercept 3.32566 0.42009 87.13800 62.67 <0.0001

CONSB -0.32572 0.07208 28.38877 20.42 <0.0001
CONSEFFB 0.49670 0.05147 129.50105 93.14 <0.0001
PSYSXB -0.49093 0.07283 63.18512 45.44 <0.0001

TABLE 4.18
Step 4 of Macro-Level Stepwise MR Output

Stepwise MR (Continued) Forward Selection: Step 4

Variable PROSB Entered: R-Square = 0.2860
Analysis of Variance

Sum of Mean
Source df Squares Square F -Value Prob. > F

Model 4 287.06811 71.767 52.28 <0.0001

Error 522 716.55238 1.372
Corrected total 526 1003.62049

TABLE 4.19
Step 4 of Micro-Level Stepwise MR Output

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Type II

Variable Estimate Error SS F -Value Pr> F

Intercept 2.70524 0.47328 44.84867 32.67 <0.0001

PROSB 0.18893 0.06793 10.61765 7.73 0.0056
CONSB -0.32605 0.07163 28.44600 20.72 < 0.0001
CONSEFFB 0.44778 0.05408 94.11412 68.56 <0.0001
PSYSXB -0.48491 0.07239 61.58991 44.87 <0.0001

Note in Table 4.19 that this final stepwise model is the same as the last step
in hierarchical and standard MR, because all the variables were included in the
equation for each MR. If only a subset of variables were significant in the stepwise
MR, the final equation would have fewer variables than in hierarchical and standard
MR and the final output would not be the same for stepwise MR. In each form
of MR (standard, hierarchical, and stepwise), all four predictor variables were
entered into the model, providing the same results for the final output.
Table 4.20 provides a summary of the four steps in the stepwise MR for this
example with R-Squares, F-Values, and probability values for each step.
Notice that in all three forms of MR (standard, hierarchical, and stepwise), the
contribution of PSYSXB seems to be larger in the presence of other variables than
the simple correlation between PSYSXB and STAGEB (i.e., r = -0.10). This
suggests that PSYSXB may be what is called a suppressor variable that facilitates
relationships within an analysis. Though discussion of this kind of variable is
beyond the scope of this book, interested readers are encouraged to examine this
in more detail elsewhere (Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003; Tabachnick &
Fidell, 2001; Grimm & Yarnold, 1995).
Figure 4.2 depicts the four predictors of stage of condom use, with the standard-
ized coefficients found from the final step in standard, hierarchical, and stepwise

TABLE 4.20
Summary of Micro-Level Stepwise MR Output

Summary of Forward Selection

Step 1 2 3 4

Number of Variables in 1 2 3 4
Partial R-Square 0.2001 0.0470 0.0283 0.0106
Model R-Square 0.2001 0.2472 0.2755 0.2860
Adjusted R-Square 0.1940 0.2414 0.2700 0.2805
F-Value 131.3700 32.7300 20.4200 7.7300
Pr> F <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0056

FIG. 4.2. MR with 4 xs and l Y showing significant R2 shared

variance, F(4,522)=52.28, p < O.OOl, and significant standardized
regression coefficients. Lines connecting the three ivs depict cor-
relations among predictors and the arrow headed toward the out-
come variable represents prediction error.
TABLE 4.21
Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation Themes Applied
to Multiple Regression

Themes Multiple Regression

Multiplicity themes +Theory, Hypotheses & Empirical Research

(Note: + means multiplicity of +Controls: Covariate(s) of Confound(s) added
theme pertains) +Time Points: IVs &/or DV
+Samples: Cross-validate
-^-Measurements: +IVs, 1 DV, +Covariates
Background themes Sample Data: Random selection, large (5-50): N/p ratio
Measures: Continuous IVs & covariate(s), continuous DV
Assumptions: Normality, linearity, homoscedasticity
Methods: Inferential with random data and assumptions met
Central themes X' = linear combination ofX variables (relate this to Y)
Variance: in DV (both explained:R2, and unexplained: 1 — R2)
Covariance: between DV and IVs and among IVs
Ratio: R2 explained variance/(l — R2) unexplained variance
Interpretation themes and Macro: F-test, effect size
Questions to Ask Micro: /-tests, regression weights
Do IVs significantly predict or relate to DV?
Are all variables reliable and needed?
Low correlations among IVs (i.e., no collinearity)?
Significant R2 or shared variance between IVs and DV?
Significant subset(s) of IVs?
Which IVs significantly predict DV?
Assumptions met?
Have possible confounds been considered?

MR analyses conducted on these data. Though it is not always the case, the re-
sults were the same because all variables were retained in all three analyses. For
ease of presentation, values for the correlations among the predictor variables and
prediction error are not indicated in Figure 4.2.
These results suggested that almost 30% of the variance in stage of condom use
is associated with the four predictors. Beginning with variables that contributed the
most, with standardized regression coefficients ( ) given in parentheses, stage of
condom use is associated with greater perceived self-efficacy for using condoms
( = 0.37), less positive psychosexual functioning ( = —0.26), less perceived
disadvantages (i.e., cons) of condom use (ft = —0.20), and greater perceived ad-
vantages (i.e., pros) of condom use (ft = 0.11). Ideally, these results should be
replicated in a larger, more diverse, and random sample.


Table 4.21 summarizes how the main multiplicity, background, central, and inter-
pretation themes apply to MR.


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Analysis of Covariance
Themes Applied to Analysis
of Covariance (ANCOVA)

Similar to multiple regression (MR), ANCOVA can be viewed as an intermedi-

ate method. The features and uses for ANCOVA help form a useful transition
from univariate/bivariate methods such as analysis of variance (ANOVA) and MR
to more rigorous multivariate methods such as multivariate analysis of variance
(MANOVA) and canonical correlation, among others. As with MR, it is instructive
to view ANCOVA through the lens of various kinds of themes. We will approach
ANCOVA with the same 10 questions used with MR and see where it takes us.


ANCOVA allows us to assess whether there are significant group differences on
a single continuous dependent variable (DV), after controlling for the effects of
one or more continuous independent variables (IVs), called covariates. ANCOVA
allows one or more categorical IVs and one continuous DV, plus one or more co-
variates. Thus, ANCOVA always has at least two IVs (i.e., one or more categorical,
grouping IVs, and one or more continuous covariates).
ANCOVA can be viewed as a combination of ANOVA and MR in that the focus
is on separating groups as well as correlating variables. In the ANOVA portion,
we try to select variables that will show as much separation as possible between
the groups of the IV on the single continuous DV. In the MR portion, we focus
on identifying continuous variables that relate strongly to the DV but that are not
highly interrelated on the IV side. In this way, ANCOVA can be thought of as a

type of partial correlation analysis, where the focus is on the relationship between
the IVs and the DV with the effect of the covariate(s) partialed out of the DV.
ANCOVA requires the following pattern of correlations:

a. Covariates should be at least moderately correlated with the DV (e.g.,

r > 0.30). This makes it worthwhile to use up an extra degree of freedom
for each covariate that is included. If the correlation between a covariate and
a DV is too small, very little variance will be partialed out of the DV before
examining group differences. At the same time, the degrees of freedom for
the error term are reduced, although the actual error term itself is not reduced
substantially, leading to a slightly higher critical value that is required to reach
significance than would be the case without adding the covariate. Thus, the
calculated F-test has to jump a little higher when covariates are added. If
the covariate is substantially correlated with the DV, the loss in a degree
of freedom is more than compensated by the reduction in error variance,
making it easier to reach significance.
b. Covariates should be reliably measured (e.g., reliability coefficient
>0.70). Correlations between unreliable variables are less powerful than
those with high reliability. As we just saw in the previous suggestion, co-
variates that are not highly correlated with the DV are less apt to contribute
to an analysis.
c. There should be low correlations among covariates if multiple continu-
ous variables are added to an ANCOVA design. Variables that are highly
correlated within a side (e.g., within IVs) lead to collinearity problems (e.g.,
instability and bias). Thus, it is always best to choose covariates that are
relatively uncorrelated with each other.
d. Similarly, there should not be any appreciable correlation between co-
variates and grouping variables. In addition to collinearity problems, this
could lead to a violation of an important assumption in ANCOVA, that of
homogeneity of regressions. We will discuss this assumption more later. For
now, consider that, when a covariate is inadvertently correlated with a group-
ing variable at the same time that it is correctly correlated with the DV, the
relationship between the covariate and the DV will be different depending on
the group to which a participant is assigned. For much the same reason that
we need homogeneity of variance assumptions (i.e., equal variances across
groups) to pool results across groups, we also need to have a similar relation-
ship between a covariate and a DV at each level of the IV. Thus, significant
correlation between a covariate and a grouping IV can lead to violation of
the assumption of homogeneity of regression, thereby invalidating the use

ANCOVA is similar to and an extension of ANOVA in that they both examine

group differences with the same kinds of IVs and DV. ANCOVA, however, has

greater capability to fine-tune the nature of the group differences by including

other possible confounding IVs or covariates. In essence, we are examining how
much groups differ on a DV that is separate from any relationships with other
extraneous variables. In this way, we get a purer picture of group differences than
when just using ANOVA that does not allow the use of any covariates. ANCOVA
can also be seen as somewhat similar to MR in that they both have multiple
IVs and a single DV. ANCOVA differs from MR in that we always have both
categorical and continuous IVs with ANCOVA. Interested readers can investigate
other discussions of ANCOVA (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 2004; Pedhazur,
1997; Rutherford, 2001; Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001).


There are three main uses for ANCOVA, the last of which is somewhat controver-

a. Experimental Design. ANCOVA can be used in an experimental design, to

control for initial levels of some continuous variable(s) (e.g., pretest scores
on the DV). With this design, the categorical grouping variable would be ma-
nipulated and participants would be randomly assigned to different groups, at
least one of which is a treatment condition. For example, we could examine
differences in smoking levels for three treatment programs for quitting smok-
ing, after partialing (i.e., covarying) out initial levels of smoking and other
possible confounding variables (e.g., stress, number of individuals smoking
in a participant's environment). This would provide a sensitive test of the
veracity of the treatment programs that took into account other factors that
could affect participants' smoking levels on top of the experimental treat-
ment condition. ANCOVA is always preferable to ANOVA when we think
background or confounding variables also might be related to the DV, over
and above the manipulated IV.
b. Stringent follow-up to MANOVA. ANCOVAs can be used as follow-ups to
a significant MANOVA, where each DV in MANOVA is successively used as
the single DV in ANCOVA, with other DVs held as covariates. For example,
we could examine which DV is showing significant differences among three
treatment groups on two DVs, by running an ANCOVA on each of the DVs
separately, where the other DV serves as a covariate. This would provide a
stringent test of group differences on a DV over and above any differences
on other DVs (see more in Chapter 7).
c. Non- or quasi-experimental design. ANCOVA has also been used to
statistically control for differences in one or more variables in a non- or

quasi-experimental design with intact groups. This use is controversial and

not always recommended because it is nearly impossible to consider all
possible covariates that could be relevant to the study. In this type of design,
we do not have the luxury of randomly assigning participants to treatments,
which essentially would control for all possible confounds. Instead, we have
to scour the literature and our own thinking to consider what other variables
should be included to get a clear test of potential differences between intact
groups on a single outcome variable. One of the more famous uses of quasi-
experimental ANCOVA concerns evaluation of the Head Start program.
Briefly, two intact groups were compared: Young children who came from
disadvantaged backgrounds and those from more privileged backgrounds.
Youngsters who were disadvantaged were offered a Head Start treatment that
was expected to help enrich their learning experience and improve school
performance. To get a fair assessment of any differences between the two
groups, relevant covariates had to be taken into account (e.g., family income,
parents' education) that were believed also to relate to school performance.
One of the problems with this use of ANCOVA is that there is no way of con-
sidering all possible confounds, and thus the statistical control is often faulty
or misleading. Still, it is sometimes worthwhile to use this form of ANCOVA,
keeping in mind the limitations in the conclusions made. We certainly
would not have the option of making causal statements about the effects of
the treatment because there could be dozens of other factors that could have
affected the DV, over and above that of the quasi- or nonexperimental IV.


ANCOVA offers several ways to consider the theme of multiplicity. As with MR, it
is instructive and even essential that multiple theories and empirical studies be in-
vestigated before conducting an ANCOVA. These hopefully would yield avenues
to approach a design to offer the best opportunities for articulating rigorous hy-
potheses with which to draw clear inferences from the data. A categorical, possibly
treatment-based, IV would need to be selected, along with a pertinent, continuous
DV. Of course, one or more reliable covariates should emerge that would help
to statistically isolate the relationship between the IV and the DV. Ideally, one
or more random samples would be identified in which participants could be ran-
domly assigned to one of the manipulated groups of the IV. If possible, data could
be collected over two or more time points, with initial measures used as covariates
and a follow-up measure used as the DV. This would allow an examination of
whether there were significant differences on a DV after statistically controlling
for the initial levels of that variable. If the design is experimental, there is greater
capability of making causal conclusions about the effects of the IV. With non- or

quasi-experimental designs, it still may be useful to consider ANCOVA, especially

when including multiple covariates that would help in ruling out extraneous con-
founds and build in some control over findings, although certainly not as much as
when using a large, random sample in an experimental design.


Just as we did with MR, we should consider what background themes should be
addressed for ANCOVA. Certainly it would be helpful to have a large (N x p) data
matrix that included at least one categorical, grouping IV, a single, continuous DV,
and one or more continuous covariates. It is important to recognize that every co-
variate will use up one degree of freedom (df) so that it will become harder to reject
the null hypothesis of no group differences with many covariates. If a covariate is
reliable and pertinent to the study (e.g., strongly relates to the DV and has little or
no relationship with the IV), then the power of the study is increased, making it
worth the loss of df. However, if too many, possibly irrelevant covariates are added,
the power of the study could weaken, making it very difficult to find any effects that
might truly be present. Another consideration is the nature of the sample. When-
ever possible it is best to maintain approximately equal numbers of participants for
each group because this makes the analysis more robust. It is also worthwhile to
conduct a power analysis (Cohen, 1988) to determine the number of participants
needed per group to allow the greatest chance of finding the expected effect.
Descriptive statistics should always be conducted to examine means and stan-
dard deviations across groups. Reliability coefficients should be calculated for all
variables, particularly the covariates. As with MR, the continuous IVs (called co-
variates in ANCOVA) are assumed to be measured without error and to be perfectly
reliable. Although this is very difficult to ensure in practice, every effort should be
made to obtain reliable measures.
To allow for inferences beyond a specific study, assumptions should hold. These
include the same three mentioned for MR— namely normality, linearity, and ho-
moscedasticity. An examination of skewness, kurtosis, and bivariate scatter plots
can help verify the latter assumptions. Another assumption, unique to ANCOVA,
is the assumption of homogeneity of regressions. This assumption requires that
the regression coefficient between the covariate and DV is the same at each level
of the IV. Some think this assumption requires that the means on the covariate be
the same at each level of the IV. This is not what is addressed with this assumption,
though certainly it would be helpful to have all groups equal before starting a study.
Because ANCOVA takes covariates into account in the ANOVA between the IV(s)
and DV, it is important that the degree of relationship between the covariate(s) and
DV be similar across groups so that the statistical correction is evenly made for
each group.

With a sufficient-sized sample that is randomly drawn from a relevant pop-

ulation, random assignment of participants to manipulated groups, reliable and
well-chosen variables, and a reasonable degree of met assumptions, inferences
may be generalized to the larger population of interest. Of course, meeting all
these ideals is very difficult to accomplish in most research studies. The best ad-
vice is to proceed with caution using the best design that resources allow.


The theoretical model of ANCOVA is similar to the model for ANOVA. The
ANOVA model can be written as:


where 7 is a continuous outcome variable, y is the grand mean of all Y scores

across all groups of the IV(s), r is a treatment effect, and E indicates error.
The ANCOVA model adds the weighted effect of the covariate(s):


where , represents an unstandardized regression coefficient (similar to that for

MR) corresponding to the ith covariate, Ci Mci is the mean of the ith covariate,
and E is error variance.
The similarity with and difference between the ANOVA and ANCOVA models
can be seen even more readily by noting that ANCOVA is simply an ANOVA on
Y scores that have been adjusted for the effects of the covariates, C:


Equation 5.3 shows that, when the DV is adjusted for the effects of the covariate,
this adjusted F-score can be modeled just like the unadjusted Y in the ANOVA
model (though we use up an extra df for each covariate that is added). Thus,
ANCOVA can be viewed as an ANOVA on Y scores in which the relationships
between the covariates and the DV are partialed out of the DV.
Similar to what is done with MR, we examine a regression line between two
continuous variables. Whereas in MR the regression is between an IV and the
DV, in ANCOVA the regression is between a covariate, C, and the DV. Of course
a covariate is an IV, much like an IV in MR, though it is not usually the main
focus in an ANCOVA where one or more categorical IVs are often examined as
the main focus for explaining the variance in an outcome variable, 7. Another
distinction is that in MR we think of adding extra continuous variables to improve

prediction, whereas we often add continuous covariates in ANCOVA to reduce the

within-groups error term. Thus, in ANCOVA, we often think of identifying and
partialing out unwanted variance that otherwise would be delegated to the within-
groups error variance. When the error term (used in the denominator of an F-test)
is smaller, the overall F-ratio generally will be larger with ANCOVA making it
easier to reach macro-level significance.


Just as with ANOVA, in ANCOVA we are very interested in the ratio of between-
groups variance over within-groups variance. To reject a hypothesis that there are
no significant differences across groups, we would expect that the variance be-
tween the group means on the DV would be substantially larger than the average
variance of the DV within each of the groups. We also would like to see a signifi-
cant covariance between the covariate and the DV, thereby allowing us to subtract
this systematic variance from the error term. The linear combination that is exam-
ined in ANCOVA is the Y score that is adjusted for the effects of the covariates
(see Equation 5.3 above). Just as MR allows an examination of shared variance
between the IV(s) and DV (i.e., R2), in ANCOVA we can examine the proportion
of shared variance between the adjusted Y score and the IV(s). In ANCOVA, as
with ANOVA, this is often referred to as Eta-squared (i.e., 2), which is a ratio
of the sum of squares (i.e., numerator of a variance term or the sum of squared
differences between a score and a mean) due to a specific effect (e.g., between
groups or interaction effect), over the total sum of squares:

= (SSeffect)/(SStotal) (5-4)

Like R2, 2 is a proportion ranging from 0 to 1. We will find out more about
in the next section, which examines macro-level interpretation of ANCOVA


When conducting ANCOVA, it is important to evaluate results at the omnibus
or macro-level before examining more specific, micro-level aspects. Macro-level
assessment for ANCOVA involves a significance test and an effect size, 2 is often

calculated to get an effect size or percentage of variance in the DV that is explained

by the IVs.

Significance Test
As with ANOVA and MR, the main overall index of fit in ANCOVA is the
F-test. If the F-test is significant in ANCOVA (e.g., p < 0.05), we can conclude
that there are significant mean differences between at least two groups, after taking
into account one or more covariates.

Effect Size (ES)

In ANCOVA, as with ANOVA, we would like to examine the magnitude of the
relationship between the IV(s) and the DV. This can be done with 2, which was
just described as the ratio of the sum of squares for an effect over the total sum
of squares (SS), where both SS are adjusted for the effects of the covariates. As
with R2, we can interpret 2 values for ANCOVA with multivariate guidelines for
a small effect size when equal to about 0.02, a medium effect size when equal to
about 0.13, and a large effect size when greater than or equal to about 0.26.1 have
also seen researchers adopt univariate guidelines for ES with ANCOVA, especially
when using only one grouping IV and one covariate. It is probably best to leave the
choice up to the researcher depending on whether a more conservative approach is
needed (calling for the larger multivariate ESs) in a well-known area of research,
or a more statistically powerful approach (using 0.01, 0.06, and 0.13 univariate
ESs) when conducting an exploratory study in an area that is not well researched.


If the macro-level F-test is significant in ANCOVA, we can then feel free to
examine where the significance lies. Just as with ANOVA, this most likely involves
significance tests of specific group differences and effect sizes for group means.

a. Follow-up planned comparisons (e.g., post hoc, simple effects, etc.) pro-
vide a specific examination of which groups are showing differences. Tukey
(1953) tests of an honestly significant difference (HSD) between a pair of
means provide some protection for overall error rate. Though I tend to con-
duct Tukey tests using a stringent alpha level of 0.01, this may be too conser-
vative. As with the choice of ES guidelines, I leave the selection of a p-value
size to the researcher's good judgment, something we have to rely on more
often than we would like to think in science.

b. Cohen's d can provide an ES for the difference between a pair of means

(Cohen, 1988, 1992). This is easily calculated as:

d = (M1 — M2)/pooled standard deviation (5.5)

where d is the standardized difference between means, M, is the mean of

group i, and the denominator in Equation 5.5 is the average standard deviation
of Y across all the IV groups. A value of 0.20 for Cohen's (1988) d is
interpreted as a small ES, a value of 0.50 represents a medium ES, and a
value of 0.80 or larger indicates a large ES.
c. Graphs of means for each group also provide a qualitative examination of
specific differences between groups. Plotting the mean values for Y along a
vertical axis and plotting the various groups for the IV along a horizontal axis
easily accomplish this. Visual trends can be examined by noting the pattern of
the means. If a horizontal line can be drawn to link the mean values between
groups, the means are not different. If a line drawn between the group means
is sloped, there is some evidence that the group means differ.


After conducting an ANCOVA, it would be useful to evaluate how well the design
could support causal inferences as well as generalizations beyond the immediate
sample. Both of these considerations would be strengthened if an experimental
design were implemented on a large and random sample, with random assignment
to groups. Results should be replicated on an independent sample and variables
should be carefully reevaluated as to their appropriateness and reliability for use
in ANCOVA. If a covariate does not seem to be sufficiently related to the DV of
interest, or if it is demonstrating some correlation with a grouping IV (resulting
in heterogeneity of regression), then other more well-behaved covariates should
be considered for future study. To the extent that selected covariates worked well
in ANCOVA conducted within an experimental design, control of background
variables can be reasonably achieved allowing for some isolation of the main
effects and possible causal interpretation.


Here is an example of ANCOVA where the initial time 1 (rl) Stage (STAGEA) of
condom use is the IV (with 5 ordinal levels: 1, precontemplation; 2, contemplation;

3, preparation; 4, action; and 5, maintenance), the cons of condom use at tl

(CONSA) serve as the covariate, and the cons of condom use at t2, 6 months
later (CONSB) serve as the DV. With respect to multiplicity, we can note that the
continuous variable, cons, is measured over multiple time points and that there are
multiple IVs (i.e., the categorical IV of STAGEA, and the continuous covariate
IV of CONSA), though little else about the design draws on the theme of mul-
tiplicity. Both measures of the cons of condom use are average scores of 5 or 6
quasi-continuous items assessed on a 5-point Likert scale. Items list several reasons
why someone might not use a condom (e.g., "sex is not exciting") and ask how
important each reason would be when thinking about whether to use a condom
(ranging from 1 = not at all important to 5 = very important). Thus, higher scores
for either CONSA or CONSB indicate greater importance attached to a reason not
to use condoms.
As with the MR example, this ANCOVA example draws on the theory of the
transtheoretical model specifically as it relates to decisional balance and the stages
of change (Prochaska et al, 1994). We should realize that our example is one of
the more controversial applications of ANCOVA because we use intact groups of
participants who naturally fall into one of the five stages of condom use. Thus, we
present an application that should be interpreted cautiously at a descriptive rather
than an inferential level.
Remember that throughout these and other analyses, variables from the initial
time point are labeled with "A" at the end, whereas variables measured 6 months
later have "B" at the end. Because the IV: STAGEA, and covariate: CONSA, are
measured at the initial time point, whereas the DV: CONSB, is measured 6 months
later, we can assess whether individuals at the varying stages of condom use differ
on their perceived disadvantages to condom use, after controlling for or taking into
account initial perceptions of the disadvantages to condom use, 6 months earlier.
Analyses are conducted with the SAS (1999) computer program. For all macro-
level significance tests (i.e., ANOVA and ANCOVA F-tests), the alpha level is set
at a conventional p < 0.05. For micro-level analyses (e.g., Tukey tests), I adopt a
more stringent alpha level of p < 0.01 to provide some protection for Type I error
rate. If a major goal were to decrease Type II errors (i.e., protect against holding
on to the null hypothesis when it should be rejected), it would be reasonable to
consider an alpha level of 0.05 that would provide greater power. Output is provided
and discussed for several sets of analyses: A, descriptive statistics; B, correlations;
C, test of homogeneity of regressions; D, ANOVA; and E, ANCOVA.

Descriptive Statistics
Table 5.1 presents descriptive statistics for the variables used in this analysis of
covariance example. From the frequencies presented for the IV, STAGEA, we see
that there are 527 participants who contributed data for these analyses. Individuals

ANCOVA Example Descriptive Statistics

Cumulative Cumulative
STAGEA Frequency Percent Frequency Percent

1 = Precontemplation 151 28.65 151 28.65

2 = Contemplation 204 38.71 355 67.36
3 = Preparation 70 13.28 425 80.65
4 = Action 20 3.80 445 84.44
5 = Maintenance 82 15.56 527 100.00
Variable Mean S.D. Min. Max. Skewness Kurtosis
STAGEA 2.39 1.35 1.00 5.00 0.89 -0.40
CONSA 2.14 0.90 1.00 5.00 0.71 0.08
CONSB 2.05 0.84 1.00 5.00 0.89 0.49

are unevenly distributed across the five stages of condom use, with most in the con-
templation stage where they are considering possible condom use. The next most
endorsed category is the precontemplation stage where 151 of the 527 individuals
are not even considering the use of condoms. The least endorsed category is the
action stage where only 20 individuals (i.e., 4%) report that they have consistently
used condoms for the last 6 months or less. Having unequal cell sizes for the five
stages is not optimal for ANCOVA, nor is it preferable to have naturally occur-
ring, intact stages where participants are not randomly assigned. Still, the analysis
can provide descriptive information on whether perceived disadvantages to using
condoms differ after 6 months for individuals at various stages of readiness to use
condoms, while controlling for initial perceived cons of condom use.
From the means, standard deviations, skewness, and kurtosis values, it appears
that all variables are relatively normally distributed, with low levels of endorsement
on the one to five point scales. All three variables exhibit slight skewness (i.e., see
values close to 1.0). Still, the means do not reach ceiling or floor levels and are
all greater than their standard deviations, suggesting reasonably even distributions
for the variables.

As shown in Table 5.2, there is a relatively strong correlation (r = 0.61) between
the covariate (i.e., CONSA) and the DV (CONSB), as is needed. The size of
this correlation indicates reasonable test-retest reliability over 6 months on the
perceived disadvantages to using condoms. The ordinal variables, STAGEA and
STAGER correlate moderately high (i.e., r = 0.67), also suggesting fairly stable
test-retest reliability over a 6-month period and relatively static stages of change
in this naturalistic study.

Pearson Correlation Coefficients (N = 527)

Prob > \r\ under HO: Rho = 0


CONSA 1.000 0.613 -0.300 -0.246

<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSB 0.613 1.000 0.293 -0.316
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
STAGEA -0.300 -0.293 1.000 0.670
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
STAGED -0.246 -0.316 0.670 1.000
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

Finally, there is also a relatively small, though not zero, significant correla-
tion (i.e., r = -0.30) between the IV (STAGEA) and the covariate (CONSA).
Remember that the assumption of homogeneity of regressions assumes that the
slopes between the covariate and DV are similar across all levels of the IV. This as-
sumption implies that the covariate and IV are not correlated. Even the relatively
small correlation (i.e., r = —0.30) found here could lead to possible problems
with heterogeneity of regressions when conducting an ANCOVA on these data
later on. A possible violation of the assumption of homogeneity of regressions
will be examined more closely in the next section.

Test of Homogeneity of Regressions

Note in Table 5.3 that the interaction between the covariate, CONSA, and the IV,
STAGEA, is not significant. The lack of significance suggests that the assumption
of homogeneity of regressions holds for this analysis, allowing us to proceed with
ANCOVA on these data. Before doing so, however, it is helpful to first conduct
an ANOVA on these data, allowing a basis for comparing subsequent results from

ANOVA and Follow-up Tukey Tests

When a simple one-way ANOVA is conducted on these data, Table 5.4 reveals that
it shows a significant macro-effect for STAGEA, F(4,522) = 12.49, p < 0.0001,
R2 = n2 = SSEffect/SSTotal = 0.09, which represents a medium, univariate effect
size or a small to medium multivariate ES (Cohen, 1988, 1992). This suggests
that 9% of the variance in the perceived disadvantages to condom use can be
explained by an individual's readiness to use condoms 6 months earlier. It is
not a very large ES, and we certainly cannot establish a causal link given the
nonexperimental data. Still, it is worthwhile to examine micro-results of means and

Testing for Homogeneity of Regressions

The GLM Procedure: Class Level Information

Class Levels Values
STAGEA 5 12345
Number of observations 527
Dependent Variable: CONSB

Sum of Mean
Source df Squares Square F -Value Prob. > F

Model 9 146.7026427 16.3002936 37.17 <0.0001

Error 517 226.7024807 0.4384961
Corrected total 526 373.4051233
Root MSE 0.662190 R-Square 0.392878
Dependent Mean 2.051550
Coeff Var 32.27757
Source df Type HISS Mean Square F -Value Prob. > F
CONSA 1 58.96091371 58.96091371 134.46 <0.0001
STAGEA 4 1.01389539 0.25347385 0.58 0.6787
STAGEA 4 0.89363979 0.22340995 0.51 0.7288

ANOVA Macro-Level Results
The GLM Procedure: Class Level Information
Class Levels Values
STAGEA 5 12345
Number of observations 527
Dependent Variable: CONSB

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F -Value Prob. > F

Model 4 32.6189479 8.1547370 12.49 <0.0001

Error 522 340.7861755 0.6528471
Corrected total 526 373.4051233
Root MSE 0.807990 R-Square 0.087355
Dependent Mean 2.051550
Coeff Var 39.38435
Source df Type III SS Mean Square F -Value Prob. > F
STAGEA 4 32.61894788 8.15473697 12.49 <0.0001

Micro-Level Tukey Tests for ANOVA

The GLM Procedure: Least Squares Means

Adjustment for Multiple Comparisons: Tukey-Kramer
STAGEA CONSB LSMEAN 99% Confidence Limits

1 = Precontemplation 2.279249 2.109259 2.449240

2 = Contemplation 2.136438 1.990187 2.282689
3 = Preparation 2.002381 1.752712 2.252050
4 = Action 1.691667 1.224579 2.158754
5 = Maintenance 1.550813 1.320135 1.781491
Least Squares Means for effect STAGEA Pr > |t| for HO:
LSMean(i) = LSMeanQ) Dependent Variable: CONSB
i/j 1 2 3 4 5
1 0.4684 0.1253 0.0199 <0.0001
2 0.4684 0.7527 0.1313 <0.0001
3 0.1253 0.7527 0.5520 0.0058
4 0.0199 0.1313 0.5520 0.9567
5 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0058 0.9567
Least Squares Means for Effect STAGEA
Difference Between Simultaneous 99% Confidence
i j Means Limits for LSMean(i)-LSMean(j)
1 2 0.142812 -0.140971 0.426594
1 3 0.276868 -0.105369 0.659106
1 4 0.587583 -0.041444 1.216609
1 5 0.728436 0.365812 1.091061*
2 3 0.134057 -0.232115 0.500229
2 4 0.444771 -0.174625 1.064167
2 5 0.585625 0.239976 0.931274*
3 4 0.310714 -0.359528 0.980956
3 5 0.451568 0.021398 0.881738*
4 5 0.140854 -0.518400 0.800107

*Mean differences that are indicated with an asterisk are significant. Thus, STAGE 5 is significantly
different from STAGES 1, 2 & 3.

Tukey planned comparison tests to assess whether there are any significant differ-
ences in perceived disadvantages to condom use, across the five stages of condom
Table 5.5 presents the micro-level Tukey tests for the significant macro-level
F-test in the ANOVA just conducted. Notice that there are significant mean differ-
ences between STAGE 5, and stages 1, 2, and 3. Thus, individuals in the mainte-
nance stage of condom use (i.e., regularly using a condom for 6 months or longer)
report having significantly fewer perceived disadvantages to using condoms than

ANCOVA Macro-Level Results
The GLM Procedure: Class Level Information
Class Levels Values
STAGEA 5 12 34 5
Number of observations 527
Dependent Variable: CONSB

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F -Value Prob. > F

Model 5 145.8090029 29.1618006 66.76 <0.0001

Error 521 227.5961205 0.4368448
Corrected total 526 373.4051233
Root MSE 0.660942 R-Square 0.390485
Dependent Mean 2.051550
Coeff Var 32.21674
Source df Type III SS Mean Square F-Value Prob. > F
CONSA 1 113.1900550 113.1900550 259.11 <0.0001
STAGEA 4 5.2795469 1.3198867 3.02 0.0176

individuals in either precontemplation (i.e., never thinking about using condoms),

contemplation (i.e., starting to think about using condoms), or preparation (i.e.,
beginning to take steps to using condoms) stages.
It is now useful to conduct an ANCOVA on these same data that controls
for the effects of initial perceived disadvantages of condom use (i.e., CONSA).
In an ideal experimental design, where individuals are randomly assigned to
groups thereby naturally controlling for any confounds, ANCOVA should reveal
more precise results (i.e., a smaller error term and thus a larger, more signifi-
cant F-test). Keeping in mind that the data we are analyzing are nonperimen-
tal, and with unequal sample sizes across groups, the ANCOVA results may
not be as promising as we would like. In fact, due to the lack of experimental
rigor in the design (i.e., no random assignment to groups or manipulation of the
IV), results from both the ANOVA and the ANCOVA should both be viewed

ANCOVA and Follow-up Tukey Tests

As shown in Table 5.6, the macro-level results for the ANCOVA are initially
promising with F(4,521) = 3.02, p = 0.0176 for the main effect of STAGEA on
CONSB, 6 months later. The ES for STAGEA can be calculated by the ratio of
SSSTAGEA/SSTotal = 5-280/373.405 = 0.014, representing a small, univariate (or an
unacceptably small multivariate) proportion of shared variance between stage of

FIG. 5.1. ANCOVA with IV = STAGEA, covariate = CONSA, and


condom use and perceived cons of condom use 6 months later. The proportion
of shared variance between cons at t1 and cons at t2 is equal to R2 = 2 =
SSCONSA/SSTotal = 113.19/373.405 = 0.30, which indicates a very large univariate
or multivariate ES for the covariate. Another way of assessing the ES for the
covariate is to subtract the R2 values between this ANCOVA that includes STAGEA
and the covariate, CONSA, and the R2 value from the ANOVA that included
only the IV, STAGEA. This also reveals that 2STAGEA+CONSA - 2STAGEA = 0-39 —
0.09 = 0.30 is the unique ES for CONSA.
Figure 5.1 depicts the covariate, CONSA, predicting the DV, CONSB, with the
IV, STAGEA, as the predictor to the adjusted CONSB that has removed the effects
of the covariate.
It is now instructive to view the micro-results (i.e., means and Tukey tests) for
the ANCOVA in Table 5.7. In Table 5.7, we see that the means and confidence
intervals on CONSA across the 5 stages of condom use reveal relatively low values
(i.e., close to 2 on a 5-point scale) with fairly small confidence intervals around
the mean for individuals within stages 1 and 2 and moderately large confidence
intervals for those in stages 3 to 5. This suggests that there is wider variation for
those moving toward using condoms.
In contrast to the ANOVA micro-results, however, no significant differences
are revealed with Tukey tests on CONSB, after controlling for levels of CONSA
6 months earlier. This can be seen in Table 5.7, where none of the p values for

Micro-Level Follow-up Tukey Tests for ANCOVA

The GLM Procedure: Least Squares Means

Adjustment for Multiple Comparisons: Tukey-Kramer LSMEAN
STAGEA CONSB LSMEAN 99% Confidence Limits

1 = Precontemplation 2.171493 2.031365 2.311620

2 = Contemplation 2.056038 1.935708 2.176369
3 = Preparation 2.051618 1.847232 2.256004
4 = Action 1.873120 1.489926 2.256314
5 = Maintenance 1.862973 1.667728 2.058218
Least Squares Means for effect STAGEA Pr > |t| for HO:
LSMean(i)=LSMean(j) Dependent Variable: CONSB
i/j 1 2 3 4 5
1 0.4809 0.7232 0.3267 0.0101
2 0.4809 1.0000 0.7659 0.2007
3 0.7232 1.0000 0.8250 0.4139
4 0.3267 0.7659 0.8250 1.0000
5 0.0101 0.2007 0.4139 1.0000
Least Squares Means for Effect STAGEA
Difference Simultaneous 99% Confidence
i 7 Between Means Limits for LSMean(i)-LSMean(j)
1 2 0.115454 -0.116751 0.347659
1 3 0.119875 -0.194426 0.434175
1 4 0.298372 -0.219529 0.816273
1 5 0.308520 -0.000147 0.617187
2 3 0.004420 -0.296271 0.305112
2 4 0.182918 -0.326546 0.692382
2 5 0.193066 -0.100723 0.486854
3 4 0.178498 -0.370430 0.727425
3 5 0.188645 -0.167276 0.544566
4 5 0.010147 -0.529787 0.550082

the least squares means is less than our stringent alpha level of 0.01, although the
difference between stages 1 and 5 comes close (i.e.,p = 0.0101).
Because this is not an experimental design, it is difficult to come to definitive
conclusions regarding the findings. It may be that the initial ANOVA findings of
a (small to) medium ES (i.e., 0.09) was spurious and largely due to other con-
founds. Alternatively, it may be that there is truly a modest ES between STAGEA
and CONSB, although the degree of correlation between the IV and covariate
(i.e., r = —0.30: see correlation matrix presented earlier) was enough to cause
some slight instability in the findings. These findings should be followed up in fu-
ture work to understand better the nature of the links between the stages of condom
use and the perceived disadvantages of condom use.

Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation Themes Applied to ANCOVA


Multiplicity Themes +Theory, hypotheses & empirical research

Note: + means multiplicity +Controls: With experimental design & covariate(s)
of theme pertains +Time Points: Repeated measures
+Samples: + Groups for IV(s)
+Measurements'. + IVs, 1 DV, & + Covariates
Background Themes Sample Data: Random selection & assignment is best
Measures: Grouping IVs, continuous covariate(s), continuous DV
Assumptions: Normality, linearity, homoscedasticity, homogeneity of
Methods: Inferential with experimental design & assumptions
Central Themes Variance: in DV
Covariance: between DV & covariate(s)
Ratio: Between groups/ within groups
Interpretation Themes Macro: F-test, ES - 2
(Questions to Ask) Micro: Tukey test of means, group comparisons
Do groups differ after controlling for covariate?
All variables reliable?
Low-no correlation between IV & covariates?
Correlation between DV & covariates?
Are means significantly different, i.e., high between-group variance?
Are groups sufficiently homogeneous, i.e., low within-group variance?
Have possible confounds been considered?


A summary of the multiplicity, background, central, and interpretation themes is

presented in Table 5.8 as they apply to ANCOVA. Note that some of the information
applies to the best use of ANCOVA (i.e., an experimental design with random
assignment to groups). Thus, the nonexperimental application of ANCOVA that
was just presented most likely would not exhibit some of the virtues that could be
obtained in a more rigorous design.

Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. San Diego, CA: Academic
Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 155-159.
Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. C. (2004). Multivariate data analysis (6th ed.).
Prentice Hall.
Pedhazur, E. J. (1997). Multiple regression in behavioral research: Explanation and prediction (3rded.).
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.

Prochaska, J. 0., Velicer, W. R, Rossi, J. S., Goldstein, M. G., Marcus, B. H., Rakowski, W., Fiore,
C., Harlow, L. L., Redding, C. A., Rosenbloom, D., & Rossi, S. R. (1994). Stages of change and
decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors. Health Psychology, 13, 39-46.
Rutherford, A. (2001). Introducing ANOVA and ANCOVA: A GLM approach. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage Publications.
SAS (1999). The SAS system for windows. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
Tabachnick, B.G., & Fidell, L.S. (2001). Using multivariate statistics (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn and
Tukey, J.W. (1953). The problem of multiple comparisons. Unpublished manuscript, Princeton Univer-
sity (mimeo).
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Matrices and Multivariate

Themes Applied to Matrices

This chapter focuses on matrices and how they relate to multivariate methods.
As such, it is not a chapter on a specific method, but rather foundational infor-
mation to help in understanding the calculations involved in many multivariate
methods [e.g., multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), discriminant func-
tion analysis (DFA), canonical correlation (CC)]. Although a great deal could be
written about matrices as is evident in several excellent sources (Harville, 1997;
Namboordiri, 1984; Schott, 1997; Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001; Tatsuoka, 1971),
in this chapter we focus on very basic information and calculations. The initial
framework of presenting material within the 10 questions outlined at the end of
the chapter on background themes will be modified somewhat to accommodate
the topic of matrices.


A matrix is a way of organizing and manipulating information in a grid system
consisting of rows and columns. Row and column numbers label cells of a matrix
(e.g., position 4-3 is located in the 4th row, 3rd column). Knowledge of matrix
calculations helps us to understand the complexity of multivariate statistics. This
is particularly true because most multivariate methods cannot be fully described
or analyzed with single variables or equations. Matrices provide a mechanism for
handling multiple variables and equations. Computer programs use matrices for
space allocation as well as computation.

Matrices can be viewed as cartons for carrying the many numbers involved
in multivariate analyses. Just as scalar equations (e.g., Y = mx + b) organize
numerical information into organized symbolic units, matrices serve this role for
multivariate methods. There are similarities between single numbers and matrices,
some of which are touched on later in this chapter. For example, the concept of
adding or subtracting numbers has a direct parallel with matrices. We can always
add or subtract matrices, as long as they have the same size (i.e., the same number
of rows and the same number of columns). And, just as with individual numbers,
the order of the numbers or matrices does not matter for addition, although it does
matter for subtraction. Thus, when adding two numbers or two matrices, it does not
matter which one comes first, whereas when subtracting two numbers or matrices
the order is important. Another similarity between single numbers and matrices
is the concept of dividing a number or matrix by itself. When dividing a single
number by itself, the number 1 results. When dividing a matrix by itself, a matrix
with Is along the diagonal and 0s everywhere else (labeled an identity matrix) is
the result. We will see more about this when discussing matrix division.
There are also clear differences between calculations involving single numbers
and those involving matrices. Matrix multiplication and division are two kinds
of calculations that are more complex and seemingly very different than when
performing these operations on single numbers. Calculations with matrices also
allow for concepts not even considered when using scalars. For example, we can
calculate values such as a determinant, a trace, and eigenvalues of a matrix, all of
which provide some indication of the variance of a matrix. These matrix concepts
are discussed in more detail shortly.



There are several different types of matrices, each with different properties that
are often seen in statistics. For each one, I mention the size and the physical
characteristics. This includes making note of the number of rows and columns in
a specific matrix, the shape (e.g., rectangular or square), and whether the matrix
is symmetric (i.e., having the same elements in the upper right triangular portion
as in the lower left triangular portion of a square matrix).

a. Scalar. This is the smallest matrix. It has one row and one column and is
a single (1 x 1) number. Several examples of important scalars used in statistics
include the mean, the number of variables (p), the sample size (N), and the sample
size minus one (N — 1).
b. Data matrix. X is a (N x p) rectangular and nonsymmetrical matrix. A data
matrix is used to store the information collected from N participants in the rows

and on p variables stored in the columns. Thus, a data matrix with information from
100 participants and 20 variables would be a rectangular, nonsymmetric matrix
with 100 rows and 20 columns.
c. Vector. A vector is usually a column (p x 1) or row (1 x p) from a larger
matrix. For example, one column of a data matrix would provide values on one
variable from all the N participants. On the other hand, one row of a data matrix
would yield information on all the variables from one participant. A mean (M)
vector can be created that contains the means of the p variables across all N
participants (or across participants within a group). Mean vectors can then be used
to create deviation scores if subtracted from original X scores (i.e., X — M).
d. Sum of squares and cross-products matrix. SSCP is a (p x p) square,
symmetrical matrix and contains the numerators of the variance-covariance, E,
matrix. Sums of squares (SS) are listed along the diagonal of the SSCP matrix
and give the squared distance each score is from its mean. In the off-diagonals
of the SSCP matrix, the cross products of the distances for pairs of variables are
provided. We could create a SSCP matrix from calculating the squared deviations
and cross products of an X matrix. In matrix format,

D' x D = SSCP, (6.1)

where D = a deviation score matrix, X — M, and D' is the transpose of this deviation
score matrix. A transpose of a matrix is formed by converting each column of a
matrix to a corresponding row of the transposed matrix. Thus, the first column
would become the first row; the second column would become the second row,
and so on in a transposed matrix. This also could be visualized by toppling over
a matrix on its right side (with the first row becoming the first column with the
numbers in reverse order) and then flipping this from front to back (thus shifting
the numbers to their correct position). The resulting SSCP matrix would have the
SS for each variable along the diagonal and the cross products for each pair of
variables in the corresponding off-diagonal cell (e.g., the cross product between
variable 4 and variable 3 would be in the 4th row and the 3rd column). Though
the concept of a SSCP matrix may sound a bit foreign, recognize that SS show
up in other areas that examine the numerator of a variance term [e.g., analysis
of variance (ANOVA) source table, where SS are divided by degrees of freedom
to yield between-groups or within-groups variance]. The reason we do not see
the cross product (i.e., CP) portion as often as SS is probably due to less use of
multivariate methods that examine several continuous variables that may covary
together as they predict one or more outcome variables. Let's turn to another matrix
that builds on SS and CP values in multivariate methods.
e. Variance-covariance matrix. E is a (p x p) square and symmetric matrix
from the population that has the variances of the p variables along the diagonal and
covariances in the off-diagonals. In a sample, the variance-covariance matrix is
referred to as S. and S are sometimes called unstandardized correlation matrices

and show how much two variables vary together using the original metric of the
variables. Thus, values can range from zero to infinity for the variances along
the diagonal, and from minus infinity to plus infinity for the covariances in the
off-diagonals. A variance-covariance matrix can also be viewed as one step up
from a SSCP matrix. That is, a sample S matrix is formed by placing the sum of
squares divided by N — I along the diagonal for each variable, and placing the
cross-products, (i.e., the sum of X minus the mean of X times 7 minus the mean of
Y), divided by TV — 1 in the off-diagonals. Thus, the sample variance-covariance
matrix equals:

S = (1)/(N - 1) x SSCP (6.2)

The SSCP and S matrices are used in calculations for MANOVA and DFA (see
Chapters 7 and 8), just as the SS and variances (between and within groups) are
important for calculating ANOVA.
f. Correlation matrix. R is a (p x p) square and symmetrical matrix. Ones
are placed along the diagonal, with the off-diagonals showing the magnitude and
direction of relationship between pairs of variables, using a standardized metric
ranging from —1 to 1. Values close to the absolute value of 1 indicate strong
relationships (i.e., variables vary together, rising and falling in similar patterns), and
values close to zero indicate little to no relationship. A correlation, r, is calculated
by: the covariance of X and Y, divided by the square root of the product of the
variances of X and Y:

r = [(X- MX)(Y - My)]/J[(X - Mx))2(Y - My)2] (6.3)

When there are more than 2 variables, it is helpful to store correlations (as in
equation 6.3) in an R matrix, where each cell represents the correlation between
the corresponding variables [e.g., r(2, 1) is the correlation between variable 1 and
variable 2]. There is a distinction between a correlation and covariance matrix. The
correlation matrix tells us about the interpretable nature of the relationship between
two variables whereas the covariance matrix tells us about how two variables vary
using their original metric (e.g., inches, IQ points, etc.). Covariances are not easily
interpretable as to the size or magnitude of the relationship. A correlation matrix
is often used in multiple regression (see Chapter 4), CC (see Chapter 10), factor
analysis and principal components analysis (see Chapter 11).
g. Diagonal matrix. A diagonal matrix is a square, symmetric matrix with
values on the diagonal and zeros on the off-diagonals. A common diagonal matrix
is an identity matrix, I, which is the matrix parallel of the scalar, 1.0. As we will see
later, I is also useful in verifying that we have found the inverse (i.e., divisor) of a
matrix used in matrix division (i.e., A-1 A = A A-1 = I, where A-1 is the inverse
of the matrix A). Thus, if we divide a matrix by itself (i.e., multiply a matrix by its

inverse), we will get an identity matrix, much like dividing a scalar by itself yields
the number, 1.


Multiplicity themes do no directly apply to matrices since a matrix is just something
that is involved when performing calculations with multivariate methods. The main
point to remember regarding multiplicity and matrices is that matrices are capable
of handling multiple pieces of information in easily summarized and manipulated


Similar to multiplicity themes, the notion of background themes does not directly
apply to matrices, except to note that data considerations that pertain to individual
variables can also apply to a set of variables within a matrix. We will get an
introduction of how to analyze variables within a matrix in the next section.


Matrices can be manipulated by simple mathematical operations like addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division:

a. Adding and multiplying a matrix by a constant is very simple, and the

order is not important. Add (or multiply) the constant to (or by) each matrix
element to form a new matrix with the same size but with different elements.
Any mathematical operation done with a constant involves each value in the
matrix. Using a small (2 x 2) matrix and a constant, 10, we can calculate the

Example of Multiplying a Matrix by a Constant

p 4] = 2(10) 4(10)] [20 40]

3 5 10 [3(10) 5(10) 30 50
b. Subtracting or dividing a matrix by a constant is also straightforward,
though the order is important. Subtract (or divide) a constant from (or into) each

element in a matrix. The resulting matrix has the same size but changed elements:

Example of Dividing a Matrix by a Constant

c. Adding matrices requires that each matrix be the same size, that is, con-
formable. We can add two (2 x 2) matrices or two (4 x 3) matrices, but we cannot
add a (2 x 2) matrix to a (4 x 3) matrix. Although the size is important, the
order of operations is not important in adding matrices; that is, adding matrices
A + B = B + A. To add matrices, simply add corresponding elements in the two

Example of Adding Two Matrices of the Same Size

d. Subtracting matrices involves subtracting corresponding elements from

two matrices of the same size. We can subtract two (2 x 2) matrices or two (4 x 3)
matrices, but we cannot subtract a (2 x 2) matrix from a (4 x 3) matrix. Order is
important when subtracting matrices. With matrices A and B, A — B B — A:

Example of Subtracting Two Matrices of the Same Size

e. Multiplying matrices involves summing the products of corresponding el-

ements in a row of the first matrix with those from a column of the second matrix.
This requires that the number of columns in the 1st matrix equal the number of
rows in the 2nd matrix. In other words, to multiply two matrices, the inside num-
bers must be the same. The size of the new matrix is given by the dimensions of
the outside numbers, or the number of rows in the 1st matrix and the number of
columns in the 2nd matrix. For example, a matrix of size (3 x 2) can be multiplied
by a matrix of size (2 x 2) because the two inside numbers (i.e., 2 and 2) are the
same. The dimensions of the resulting matrix will be (3 x 2) because these are
the outside numbers (i.e., the number of rows in the 1st matrix by the number or
columns in the 2nd matrix). When performing multiplication of matrices, use the
row of the 1st matrix that corresponds with the desired row number of the element
in the final product matrix. Also use the column of the 2nd matrix that corresponds
with the column number for the relevant element of the final product matrix. Thus,
when finding the (1,2) element of a final product matrix, sum the products of each

element in the 1st row of the first matrix times each element from the 2nd column
of the second matrix.

Example of Multiplication of a (3 x 2) Matrix by a (2 x 2) Matrix,

Yielding a (3 x 2) Matrix

f. Dividing matrices is similar to dividing scalars (e.g., B/A) in logic, though

the calculations are more complex with matrices. When dividing two matrices, we
multiply the first matrix (e.g., B) by the inverse of the second matrix (e.g., A). If
A, the matrix for which we need an inverse, is a (2 x 2) matrix, we can calculate
the inverse by dividing the adjoint of matrix (see below) by the determinant (see
i. A determinant is a single number that provides an index of the generalized
variance of a matrix. It shows how much the variables of the matrix dif-
fer. For a correlation matrix, a determinant can range from 0 to 1.0. When
variables are highly related, the determinant is close to zero, indicating that
there is not much variation between the variables (i.e., the information is
nearly redundant). For example, when examining two completely redundant
variables (e.g., degrees in Fahrenheit and degrees in Centigrade) then the
determinant would equal zero. When examining variables that are very dif-
ferent, the determinant is larger, reflecting the fact that the variables within
the matrix are widely variant. For example, the determinant of a matrix
with completely unrelated or orthogonal variables is 1.0 for a correlation
The determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix equals the product of the main diagonal
elements minus the product of the off-diagonals. When the 2 x 2 matrix is
symmetric and the off-diagonals are less than or equal to the values along
the diagonal, as with SSCP, S, and R matrices, the determinant should be
a positive value indicating how much the variables differ in the kind of in-
formation they provide. If all the variables are completely orthogonal (i.e.,
unrelated), the determinant will be large. Conversely, if all the variables are
perfectly collinear (i.e., redundant), the determinant will equal zero, indicat-
ing that there is no difference in the variance information provided by the
separate variables. An unusual phenomenon occurs when a matrix is not pos-
itive definite (i.e., the matrix may not be symmetric and/or the off-diagonals
may be larger than the diagonals). In the latter case, the determinant may
be negative, which is difficult to interpret using the concept of a generalized
variance because variance terms theoretically should be positive. Nonethe-
less, this is sometimes the case (see below), although hopefully not with the

kinds of symmetric and positive definite (e.g., SSCP) matrices we often see
in statistics.

Example of Calculating a Determinant

Then, the determinant of A = |A| = (2 x 5) - (4 x 3) = 10 - 12 = -2.

ii. We need to calculate the inverse of the divisor matrix whenever we need to
divide matrices. The inverse is formed from dividing the Adjoint of a matrix
by the determinant. To find an adjoint of a (2 x 2) matrix, switch the main
diagonal elements, and keep off-diagonal elements in their original place,
but multiply them by — 1:

Example of Calculating an Adjoint

g. To find the inverse of a matrix, multiply the adjoint of a matrix (switch

the main diagonal elements, and multiply the off-diagonal elements by —1) by
(I/determinant of the matrix):

Example of Calculating an Inverse (multiply adjoint matrix

by one over determinant)

To verify that we have calculated the correct Inverse of a matrix, we need to

show that the original matrix multiplied by the inverse matrix, equals an identity
matrix (I: a square matrix with Is on the diagonal and zeroes elsewhere):

Example of Multiplying an Original Matrix by its Inverse,

Yielding an Identity Matrix

Having verified that we have the correct inverse for the divisor matrix, A, we
can now proceed to perform the division B/A = (B) A-1:



The central themes of variance, covariance and linear combinations most certainly
apply to matrices. First, the most central matrices used in multivariate methods
involve some form of variances and covariances. For example, the SSCP matrix has
the numerators of the variances (i.e., the sums of squares) along the diagonal and the
numerators of the covariances (i.e., the cross products) along the off-diagonals. As
shown previously, the variance-covariance matrix, S, holds the variances along the
diagonal and covariances in the off-diagonal. These matrices are directly analyzed
in MANOVA and DFA (see Chapters 7 and 8, respectively) where we are interested
in the ratio of between- over within-groups' variance-covariance matrices, just as
we are interested in this ratio at a scalar level in ANOVA.
Linear combinations are also centrally linked to matrices in that we often need
to combine multiple variables that are housed in matrices. These new (linear)
combinations, which are simply composites of the original variables, often become
the focal point in several multivariate methods [e.g., MANOVA, DFA, CC, and
principal components analysis (PCA)]. As with many multivariate statistics, we
are interested in analyzing the variance in a set of variables or linear combinations
(see Chapter 2 regarding linear combinations).
The variances of linear combinations are called eigenvalues, which are actu-
ally just a redistribution of the original variances of the variables. There are usually
p eigenvalues for each p x p matrix, where the sum of the eigenvalues is equal to
the sum of the variances of the original matrix. Often we choose to examine only a
portion of the original variance. This portion usually corresponds to the variances
of the biggest linear combinations of the original variables. Thus, we would want
to identify the largest eigenvalues, indicating that the corresponding linear com-
binations were retaining a good bit of the variance of the original variables. The
linear combinations are formed to maximize the amount of information or variance
that is taken from each of the individual variables to form a composite variable.
The specific amount of variance that is taken from each variable is called an
eigenvector weight. It is somewhat similar to an unstandardized multiple regres-
sion weight in telling us how much of a variable corresponds to the overall linear
combination, allowing calculation of a determinant for any pxp matrix.

We can use an analogy with sandboxes to help describe the process with eigen-
values and eigenvector weights. Imagine that the variance for each variable is
contained in its own separate sandbox. We may want to form combinations of
several variables to examine relationships between sets of variables. To do this,
we can visualize a whole row of distinct sandboxes representing the variances for
each of the variables with a whole row of empty and separate sandboxes behind
them waiting to hold the variances of the new linear combinations that will be
formed. Using information from eigenvector weights, we take a large (eigenvector
weight) portion of sand from each of the first row of sandboxes and place it in the
first back-row linear combination sandbox. The amount of sand in the first linear
combination sandbox is indicated by its eigenvalue (i.e., the amount of variance
in a linear combination). The process continues with more sand being drawn from
the first row of sandboxes (i.e., the original variables' variance), which is placed in
subsequent independent (i.e., orthogonal) back-row linear combination sandboxes.
Remaining linear combination sandboxes contain less and less of the original sand
because most of the information is placed in the first few linear combinations.
Knowing that an eigenvalue is a variance for a linear combination, it is helpful to
mention a single number that summarizes both eigenvalues and the variances in a
matrix. This value is called a trace and is discussed next.
The sum of the variances or the sum of the eigenvalues is labeled a trace of a
matrix. Thus, a trace tells us something about how much variance we have to ana-
lyze in a matrix, just as with the set of eigenvalues of a matrix. We can write this as:

trace(A) = sum of diagonal elements of A = tr(A). (6.4)

If the matrix is a variance-covariance matrix, the trace provides a sum of all

the variance in the set of variables. If the matrix is a correlation matrix, the
trace is equal to the number of variables because each of the values along the
diagonal is equal to 1.0. In both types of matrices, the trace gives us one way
to summarize the amount of variance available in the set of variables, ignoring
the (off-diagonal) covariance or correlation among the variables. Thus, the trace
may not provide enough information about a set of variables if there is significant
covariance among them, although it may be helpful when the variables are
relatively orthogonal. Another index that may provide more information about
the variance in a matrix than a trace does is discussed next.
Another useful operation is to calculate the determinant of a matrix by
the product of the eigenvalues. Thus, if we knew all the p eigenvalues of a
p x p matrix, we could multiply all of them and find the determinant. This would
provide useful information about how much the set of variables provided relatively
separate, nonredundant information (as with a large determinant), or whether we
just had a set of highly redundant variables (yielding a small determinant that
approached zero in value). Although it is beyond the scope of this chapter to go
into the calculations for eigenvalues, they can easily be obtained from most factor
analysis programs, allowing calculation of a determinant for any p x p matrix.


When analyzing several variables, it is necessary to summarize results in terms of
matrices instead of single numbers. At a macro-level, we would like to be able to
examine some ratio of between over within information and assess whether it is
significant. For example, in MANOVA (discussed in Chapter 7), we can look at the
ratio of between-group over within-group SSCP matrices, just as with ANOVA
we examine the ratio of between-group over within-group sums of squares. A
problem with forming a ratio of matrices is that it yields another matrix that is
not as easily summarized as a single number, such as the F-ratio in ANOVA.
To address this, several suggestions have been offered to summarize matrices and
ratios of matrices. In Chapter 7, we discuss indices that involve traces, eigenvalues,
or determinants to summarize the variance in MANOVA.
For the time being, it is useful to realize that conceptually we are examining
very similar ratios, whether using simple scalars (as with SS and MS in ANOVA)
or larger matrices (as with the SSCP and S in MANOVA). When we ascertain that
the ratio of between over within variance-covariance matrices indicates significant
differences on some linear combinations of the variables, we can then proceed to
examine where the specific differences lie.


Much as with multiple regression (MR) and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), we
often examine either weights or means to assess the micro-aspects of an analysis.
When analyzing weights in several multivariate methods (e.g., see DFA, CC, PCA
in Chapters 8, 10, and 11, respectively), we are often analyzing some function of
what are called eigenvectors of a matrix. Eigenvectors are simply vectors of weights
that inform us how much of a variable is used in forming new linear combinations
of the original variables. As with eigenvalues, we will not be working directly
with calculations that form eigenvectors. When discussing DFA, CC, and PCA we
will have occasion to see eigenvector weights, which are somewhat analogous to
unstandardized regression weights in MR.
The main thing to take from this discussion is that one way to manage a large set
of variables is to store them in a matrix. Then, to try and summarize the essence
of a matrix, we can form linear combinations of the variables by scooping out
eigenvector weight portions of the original variables and putting them into new
composite variables. The variances of these new linear combination variables, as
we have just mentioned, are called eigenvalues, which are simply redistributed
variances from the original matrix of variables.


a. Under what circumstances would we subtract a constant from a matrix
(especially in social sciences)?
One example is when we have data and want to remove an error in measurement.
Another example is when we want to subtract the mean from each score.
b. What is the interrelationship of SSCP, covariance, and correlation ma-
trices, i.e., how do we proceed from one matrix to the next.
To begin calculating any of the (p x p) symmetric matrices that provide infor-
mation on how variables vary and covary, begin with a data matrix. From a data
matrix, calculate the mean of each (column) variable and insert the means into
a row vector that is duplicated N times, so that there is the same row of means
for each of the N participants. From the matrix of means, M, create a deviation
score matrix, D, of X minus M; then calculate a matrix of sums of squares and
cross products by multiplying the transpose of the deviation score matrix, D', by
the original deviation score matrix, D (i.e., D' D = SSCP). Divide the elements
in the SSCP matrix by N — 1 (sample size minus 1), which results in a sample
variance-covariance matrix, S. Divide the elements in S by the square root of the
products of the individual variances of X and Y to get a correlation matrix, R.
Given the above steps, it is still important to reiterate the relationship among
these matrices. The S matrix is a square, symmetric matrix with variances on
the diagonal, where a variance equals the sum of squares divided by N — I, and
covariances on the off-diagonals, where a covariance equals the cross-product
of the deviation scores for two variables divided by N — 1. If we already have
the S matrix and know N — 1, we can find the SSCP matrix by multiplying S
by N - 1.
We can always calculate R from the S matrix, remembering that we are essen-
tially standardizing the unstandardized S matrix by doing so. Take each element
of S, and divide it by the square root of the respective variances. This results in
a matrix with ones on the diagonal (i.e., the variance, divided by the square root
of the squared variance for a variable) and correlations on the off-diagonals (i.e.,
the covariance divided by the square root of the product of the variance of the first
variable by the variance of the second variable).
c. Why and when would we divide the between groups variance matrix by
the within groups variance matrix?
A ratio of between-group to within-group variance is central to ANOVA, AN-
COVA, MANOVA, and MANCOVA. With the former two methods, this ratio
involves a single number (i.e., the F-test). In the latter two procedures, the ratio
forms a matrix that still needs to be summarized further (e.g., by using traces, deter-
minants, or eigenvalues). Thus, this ratio is a common theme in group-difference
statistics, allowing us to see if the means on one or more dependent variables across
groups vary more than the individual scores within each group for the dependent

variable. We would want this to be true, i.e., have greater variance between means
than scores, in a study in which the groups are expected to reveal very different
scores on the dependent variables.
d. How is the concept of orthogonality related to the concept of a determi-
Orthogonality plays a role in the discussion of matrices. Total orthogonality
in a correlational matrix would result in the largest possible attainable matrix
determinant (i.e., 1.0). Total collinearity in a correlation matrix would result in
the smallest possible correlational determinant (i.e., 0). The former would indicate
that each of the variables provides very different information. In contrast, the later
matrix has completely redundant information and thus a determinant of zero.
Knowledge of the degree of relatedness among variables, as indicated by a deter-
minant, often is used in behavioral science to understand the underlying structure
of a data matrix. When a matrix has a determinant of zero, we cannot find an
inverse for this matrix because anything divided by zero is undefined mathemati-
cally. Thus, it would not be useful to study variables that are completely redundant
because they would result in a determinant of zero.
e. What is the relationship of generalized variance to orthogonality?
Generalized variance is a general estimate of how unique each measure is.
Orthogonality occurs when measures are completely independent or unrelated.
When measures are orthogonal, there will be huge generalized variance because
the variables are completely unrelated.


The topic of matrices and multivariate methods can become very tedious and
abstract if it is not anchored in a clear application. To illuminate some of the
ideas discussed here, we now turn to a very simplified example of examining the
relationship between two variables, stage of readiness for condom use (STAGE)
and the self-efficacy for condom use (CONSEFF). Though an actual study probably
would include several other variables, and most likely a fairly large sample size,
we limit our example to the two variables with data from only five participants.
Though it is somewhat artificial, it is instructive for highlighting several of the
concepts and calculations already discussed regarding matrices. As with previous
examples, the theory that informs this example is drawn from the transtheoretical
model of change, particularly as it applies to sexual risk taking and HIV prevention
(e.g., Prochaska, Redding, et al., 1994; Prochaska, & Velicer, 1997; Prochaska,
Velicer, et al, 1994).
We could begin by featuring two important scalars in this example: N =5, and
p = 2. We could then provide a data matrix, X, which would provide data from five
participants in each of the five rows on two variables in each of the two columns:

Example of a (5 x 2) Data Matrix for Stage of Condom Use and

Condom Self-Efficacy with N = 5

We could then calculate the means for STAGE and CONSEFF and insert them
into a row mean vector that we duplicate for each participant. Then, a matrix of
means would be formed from concatenating the N identical rows of means for
the p variables. The mean for STAGE is formed by finding the average of the first
column of X [i.e., (4 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 2)/5 = 15/5 = 3]; the mean for CONSEFF
is the average of the second column of X, and is equal to 2.

Example of an (N x p) Mean Matrix for STAGE and CONSEFF:

We might now want to calculate a deviation score matrix, D, to form the SSCP
matrix, (i.e., D' D = SSCP).

Example of Calculating a Deviation Score Matrix, D

Example of Calculating a SSCP matrix from D' D


Thus, the above matrix shows the sum of squares for STAGE is 10 and the sum
of squares for CONSEFF is 2. The off-diagonals are identical and indicate the
cross-product between STAGE and CONSEFF.
We can now form a variance-covariance matrix, S, by multiplying the SSCP
matrix by l/(N — 1). Remember that it does not matter whether we multiply the
constant, l/(N — 1), before or after the SSCP matrix because it will yield the same
matrix. Notice, below, that the variances for STAGE and CONSEFF (i.e., 2.5 and
0.5, respectively) are along the diagonal, and the covariance between STAGE and
CONSEFF (i.e., 0.75) is in the off-diagonal. Remember further that we cannot
interpret the magnitude of the relationship between STAGE and CONSEFF by
examining the covariance, although we can interpret the standardized covariance,
or correlation, shortly when we calculate the correlation matrix, R.

Example of Calculating an S Matrix by Multiplying SSCP by l/(N - 1)

We can now calculate the correlation matrix, R, by dividing the elements in the
S matrix by the square root of the product of respective variances.

Example of Calculating an R Matrix from an S Matrix

From the correlation matrix, we are free to interpret the magnitude and direction
of the relationship between STAGE and CONSEFF as a moderately strong and
positive correlation (i.e., r = 0.67).
Having calculated a number of important matrices with these data, it is instruc-
tive to perform several additional calculations to highlight some of the other matrix
concepts. For example, we could calculate the determinant or generalized variance
of the R matrix by the following:
determinant of R = (1.0)(1.0) - (0.67)(0.67) = 1 - 0.4489 = 0.5511.
This suggests that there is some moderately sized generalized variance between
the variable STAGE and the variable CONSEFF. Remember that if the two variables
were completely redundant, the determinant would be zero. If the two variables
were completely orthogonal, the determinant would equal 1.0. Thus, the value 0.55
indicates that the two variables in the current R matrix are approximately midway
between completely redundant and completely orthogonal.

It also would be a good exercise to calculate the inverse of our R matrix, remem-
bering that this is formed from dividing the adjoint of R by the determinant of R.

Example of Calculating an Inverse for R

We can verify that this is indeed the inverse of R by multiplying R -1 by R to

yield an Identity matrix, I.

Finally, it would be helpful to also know the eigenvalues for the R matrix and
verify that the sum of the eigenvalues is equal to the trace of R, and also show that
the product of the eigenvalues is equal to the determinant of R. Using the PROC
FACTOR routine in the SAS computer program, the two eigenvalues for the R
matrix are 1.67 and 0.33. We can now show that the sum of the eigenvalues is
equal to the trace of R.

Example of Calculating the Sum of the Eigenvalues = Trace of R

sum of the eigenvalues = (1.67 + 0.33) = trace R = (1.0 + 1.0) = 2.0

We can conclude by showing that the product of the eigenvalues equals the
determinant of the matrix.

Example of Calculating the Product of the Eigenvalues =

the Determinant of R

product of the eigenvalues = (1.67)(0.33) = determinant of R = 0.5511.


In conclusion, we have outlined a number of matrices that are commonly used

in multivariate methods, along with some basic calculations involving matrices.
Examples of matrices include a simple ( 1 x 1 ) scalar matrix, such as N or p,
Summary of Matrix Concepts

Concepts Description

Scalar ( 1 x 1 ) matrix or number (e.g., N, p, M)

Data matrix (N x p) X matrix with N rows and p columns
Vector (p x 1) column or (1 x p) row of a matrix
SSCP matrix (p x p) square, symmetric matrix with sums of squares on the diagonal
and cross-products on the off-diagonals
S matrix (p x p) square, symmetric matrix with variances on the diagonal and
covariances on the off-diagonals
R matrix (p x p) square, symmetric matrix with Is on the diagonal and
correlations ranging from — 1 to +1 on the off-diagonals
I matrix Square, Symmetric matrix with Is on the diagonal and 0s on the
off-diagonals. It is the matrix parallel of the scalar "1"
Transpose Matrix formed by exchanging rows (for A) for columns (in A')
Eigenvalue Variance of a linear combination; the sum of the eigenvalues = the
trace of the original matrix
Eigenvector weights Coefficients that indicate how much variance to extract from a variable
when forming a linear combination
Adjoint Matrix formed by exchanging the diagonal elements and multiplying
off-diagonals by — 1 in a (2 x 2) matrix
Determinant Generalized variance of a matrix (ranging from 0 to 1 for R) equal to
the product of the eigenvalues of a matrix
Inverse A "divisor" matrix used in dividing a matrix. In a (2 x 2) matrix, this
equals the adjoint divided by the determinant of a matrix
Trace Sum of the diagonal elements of a matrix

Summary of Matrix Calculations

Calculation Description

Adding a constant Adding a single number to each element of a matrix (e.g., adding
10 points to all students' exam score ©)
Subtracting a constant Subtracting a single number from each element of a matrix (e.g.,
subtracting the mean to form deviation scores)
Multiplying by a constant Multiplying each element in a matrix by a single number (e.g.,
multiplying an S matrix by "N— 1" to yield a SSCP matrix)
Dividing by a constant Dividing each element of a matrix by a single number (e.g., dividing
the SSCP matrix by "N— 1" to yield an S matrix)
Adding matrices Adding each element in one matrix to the corresponding element in
another matrix of the same size (e.g., adding matrices of exam scores
from 2 portions of a test to yield total scores)
Subtracting matrices Subtracting each element in one matrix from the corresponding
element in another matrix of the same size (e.g., subtracting a matrix
of means from an X matrix to yield a deviation matrix, D)
Multiplying matrices Summing the products of the elements of one row with the elements of
a column (e.g., multiplying D' by D to yield SSCP)
Dividing matrices Multiplying a matrix by the inverse of the divisor matrix (e.g., dividing
a matrix by its inverse to yield an I matrix)

an (N x p) data matrix, X, and a vector that is simply a row or column from a

larger matrix. We also looked at the progression from the SSCP, S, and R matrices
each depicting the relationship between variables in increasingly standardized and
interpretable form.
We also showed how to calculate various matrix concepts such as the determi-
nant, the adjoint, the inverse, the trace, and the identity matrix. Finally, we found
that we can have a computer calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix, which are useful
in calculating the determinant and verifying the trace of a matrix.
A summary of matrix concepts is provided in Table 6.1, with a summary of
matrix calculations in Table 6.2. In subsequent chapters, we return to some of
these concepts and calculations when discussing various multivariate methods
that make use of them.

Harville, D. A. (1997). Matrix algebra from a statistician's perspective. New York: Springer.
Namboordiri, K. (1984). Matrix algebra: An introduction. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Prochaska, J. O., Redding, C. A., Harlow, L. L., Rossi, J. S., & Velicer, W. F. (1994). The transtheoretical
model and HIV prevention: A review. Health Education Quarterly, 21, 45-60.
Prochaska, J. O., & Velicer, W. F. (1997). The transtheoretical model of health behavior change (invited
paper). American Journal of Health Promotion, 12, 38-48.
Prochaska, J. O., Velicer, W. F., Rossi, J. S., Goldstein, M. G., Marcus, B. H., Rakowski, W., Fiore,
C., Harlow, L. L., Redding, C. A., Rosenbloom, D., & Rossi, S. R. (1994). Stages of change and
decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors. Health Psychology, 13, 39-46.
Schott, J. R. (1997). Matrix analysis for statistics. New York: Wiley.
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2001). Using multivariate statistics (4th ed.: Appendix A,
pp. 908-917). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Tatsuoka, M. (1971). Multivariate analysis: Techniques for educational and psychology research. New
York: Wiley.
Multivariate Group
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Multivariate Analysis
of Variance
Themes Applied to Multivariate
Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)

MANOVA is the first multivariate method we cover that allows for multiple de-
pendent variables. The previous presentation on intermediate methods as well as
the topic of matrices discussed in Chapter 6 help in forming a base from which
to discuss the rigorous capabilities of MANOVA. As we shall see shortly, back-
ground, central, and multiplicity themes also apply to MANOVA, similar to yet
extending from what we saw with the methods of multiple regression (MR) and
analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).


MANOVA is a group difference method (e.g., Grimm & Yarnold, 1995; Maxwell
& Delaney, 2003; Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001), extending analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to allow for several continuous dependent variable (DVs). In MANOVA,
we ask whether there are significant group differences on the best linear combi-
nations of our continuous DVs. As with ANOVA and ANCOVA, MANOVA is a
useful procedure whenever we have limited resources and want to identify which
groups may need specific treatments or interventions. MANOVA can be used to
identify which and how groups differ as well as on which DVs.
In ANOVA, we allow one or more categorical independent variables (IVs), each
with two or more groups, and one continuous DV. With MANOVA, we allow the
same structure of IVs and two or more DVs. Thus, MANOVA allows for a much


more realistic appraisal of group differences than does ANOVA. MANOVA also
can be extended to incorporate one or more covariates, essentially becoming an
ANCOVA that allows for two or more (continuous) DVs [i.e., multivariate analy-
sis of covariance (MANCOVA)]. MANOVA is somewhat similar to discriminant
function analysis (DFA) and logistic regression (LR), which will be discussed in
upcoming chapters (8 and 9, respectively), in that all three methods include at least
one major categorical variable. In MANOVA, the major categorical variable is on
the independent side, whereas with DFA and LR, the DV is categorical.
MANOVA differs from purely correlational methods such as MR and other
correlational methods discussed later [i.e., canonical correlation (CC), principal
components analysis (PCA), and factor analysis (FA)] in that with MANOVA we
are very interested in assessing the differing means between groups, whereas with
the other methods the focus is not on the means but on correlations or weights
between variables (see Chapters 10 and 11, respectively).


There are three main uses of MANOVA, which are presented below:
a. MANOVA can be used in an experimental design to assess group differ-
ences on a set of DVs that are usually conceptually related. For example, at the
beginning of an experimental design assessing reading, we could examine whether
there are any significant differences between treatment and control groups (i.e.,
IV = treatment condition with two levels) on several (dependent) background vari-
ables (e.g., age, education, income, pretest scores). In this case, we would hope
that there were not any significant differences because we would like to have com-
parable groups before applying the treatment. At the end of the study, we would
want to conduct another MANOVA, also using the same IV (i.e., treatment condi-
tion), and with two or more DVs (e.g., reading comprehension, vocabulary). In the
latter MANOVA, if we found there were significant differences between groups
on the best linear combination of the DVs, we could conclude that they were
due to the treatment (given a large, random sample with random assignment to
b. MANOVA can be used to analyze repeated measures designs where there
may be several time points collected on one or more DVs (e.g., examine group
differences on smoking levels at three different time points). In this example, time
is the IV with levels representing the separate time points, and the set of DVs is
the single DV that is measured k (i.e., the number of levels or groups in the IV)
times. This is also called a within-groups design as the analysis is assessed within
a single group, across time. It also could be referred to as a dependent MANOVA

because the scores at each time point depend on the previous time point with the
same (within-group) sample providing repeated measures across time.
c. MANOVA can be used in a nonexperimental design to assess differences
between two or more intact groups, on two or more DVs (e.g., examine differences
between men and women on several substance use variables). In this example, the
IV would be gender with several DVs (e.g., alcohol use, marijuana use, hard drug
use). Even if we found significant differences between gender groups, it would
be impossible to attribute causality, especially because we did not manipulate the
IV and most likely did not build in adequate control for confounding variables.
Nonetheless, this form of MANOVA is often used with results interpreted more
descriptively than inferentially.


There are a number of ways multiplicity themes apply to MANOVA. As with all the
methods we address here, it is important to consider multiple theories and empirical
studies before embarking on a study using MANOVA. These would inform our
study of group differences, hopefully suggesting several relevant DVs with which
to test meaningful hypotheses. When at all possible, it would be preferable to
experimentally manipulate the categorical IV and randomly assign participants
to a few, well-selected groups with a few relevant DVs. If too many groups or
variables are included, it becomes difficult to find significance for any of them.
This could be due to the reduced degrees of freedom in the error term as well
as the possibility of less actual difference between too many groups or variables.
For example, if a sports psychologist wanted to examine the effect of levels of
exercise on relevant outcome variables it probably would be best to limit to only
a few distinct levels of the IV (e.g., no exercise, 2 hours, or 5 or more hours per
week) and a few outcomes (e.g., well-being, weight, stress levels). If more groups
were added (e.g., 1 hour, 3 hours, 4 hours) to these other three groups, it would
become very difficult to find group differences because there would not be very
much separation between groups. Likewise, if more DVs were added (e.g., self-
esteem, body mass, relaxation), the set of variables most likely would become
redundant, causing instability in the findings and less significance than with fewer,
more distinct variables.
A good guideline is to strive for little overlap among groups or continuous vari-
ables within a side (e.g., independent or dependent) and strive for moderate overlap
across sides (from independent to dependent). This would prevent collinearity and
maximize effect sizes.
Another multiplicity theme is to consider adding covariates, thus creating a
MANCOVA that statistically controls for possible confounds. This is especially
preferable in designs that do not build in experimental control. If groups can be

statistically equated on several relevant variables, there is better opportunity to

isolate an effect, separate from other background variables (i.e., covariates).
Although this is not always possible, it is a good idea to consider collecting
data over multiple time points, perhaps assessing an independent grouping variable
initially, along with several potential covariates and pretest scores and then assess
dependent outcomes at a follow-up time period. If clear effect sizes emerge across
time, there is greater evidence as to the temporal ordering of the variables.
Another way to build multiplicity is to test hypotheses on more than one sam-
ple. If comparable findings occur across different samples, this would extend the
generalizability of the study. Even if findings are not completely replicated across
samples, information can be gleaned on which sample characteristics might lead
to specific findings. This could be done by randomly splitting a large sample in
half and comparing group differences across samples.
Finally, there may well be a curvilinear relationship between multiplicity and
scientific rigor. Adding more than one theory, study, IV, DV, or method, for exam-
ple, is advisable to fully tap the phenomenon under study, although including too
many may muddy the findings.


As with all statistical methods, it is useful to consider several background themes
for MANOVA. First, we would want to ensure that we have a fairly large (N x p)
data matrix that includes at least one categorical grouping IV, several continuous
outcome variables, and possibly several continuous covariates. When covariates
are added, this procedure is labeled as MANCOVA. Similar to ANCOVA, we
would want to be sure that any covariate was reliable and essential to the study
(i.e., significantly correlated with one or more of the dependent variables). To
make findings more robust, we would want to attempt to have approximately
equal numbers of participants for each group. It also would be useful to consider a
power analysis (e.g., Cohen, 1988) to make sure enough participants were included
for each group to find the desired effect size.
Kraemer and Thiemann (1987) provide an overview of power calculations for
several simple designs. Using their guidelines, we could extrapolate how to conduct
power calculations for a simple MANOVA design based on suggestions for a two-
group independent design. This would involve the following steps:

a. Estimate the desired standardized difference between groups. This is

sometimes referred to as either Cohen's d or Glass's effect size. In either
case, it is calculated as follows:

D = MI - M2/pooled s (7.1)

where Af, is the mean of a DV in group i, and S is the average or pooled

standard deviation across groups,
b. Calculate the critical effect size:


where d = Cohen's d as in equation 1, q = proportion of participants in

group 1, and r = proportion of participants in group 2.
c. Estimate the sample size needed per DV:


where v is an estimate of sample size found in power tables (e.g., Cohen,

1988; Kraemer & Thiemann, 1987), given a specific power (e.g., 80%), alpha
level (e.g., 0.05), and critical effect size.
As an example, if we expected a medium Cohen's d effect size of 0.5,
with an equal proportion of participants per group (i.e., q — r = 0.5), 80%
power, alpha = 0.05, and a two-tailed test, we would calculate:

Looking in the master table of Kraemer and Thiemann (1987), we find that
v = 133. Thus, we would need an approximate sample size of:

With two groups, we should try to have at least 68 participants per group
to detect a medium effect size with 80% power (i.e., that would correctly
reject the null hypothesis of no effects 80% of the time), and with only a 5%
chance of making a Type I error. With more than one outcome variable used
in MANOVA, it would be advisable to include even more than the minimum
suggested sample size per group.

After estimating sample size and collecting data to test hypotheses of group dif-
ferences on two or more DVs, it also would be helpful to calculate basic descriptive
statistics to show the means and standard deviations for the variables involved. It
also would be helpful to calculate reliability coefficients for all variables and to
check whether assumptions were met. These are the same as those for MR and
include normality, linearity, and homoscedasticity. These assumptions could be at
least preliminarily, assessed with an examination of skewness, kurtosis, and bi-
variate scatter plots. If covariates are included (i.e., a MANCOVA is conducted),
then, similar to ANCOVA, the assumption of homogeneity of regressions must be
met; that is, there should be no interaction between a covariate and a grouping


The theoretical model of MANOVA is similar to the ANOVA theoretical model


where Yi is a continuous DV, yi is the grand mean of the ith DV, is the treatment
effect, and E is error variance.
For MANOVA, we also have to include the following to recognize that we are
forming linear combinations of the dependent variables:


where V, is the ith linear combination, bi is the z'th eigenvector weight, and Yi is
the ith DV.
For a MANOVA, we can form one or more linear combinations, where the
number is determined by:


where p is the number of DVs, and k is the number of groups or levels of the IV.
With only two groups, we will form only one (i.e., 2—1 = 1) linear combination
no matter how many DVs we have in our design.
In MANOVA, even though we are forming one or more linear combinations,
each with a specific set of eigenvector weights (i.e., the b values in equation 7.5),
we do not tend to focus on these combinations scores or weights until we get to
DFA in the next chapter. For now, we also need to know how we are modeling
group differences in MANOVA. Similar to ANOVA, we form a ratio of between-
group variance over within-group variance except that, with MANOVA, we are
now forming a ratio of variance-covariance (i.e., S) matrices. The between-group
variance-covariance matrix could be labeled B, but to distinguish it from the un-
standardized B regression weight in MR, this matrix is often labeled as H for the
"hypothesis" matrix; the within-group variance-covariance matrix is often labeled
E to represent error variance (Harris, 2001).
A ratio of variance matrices is then formed that is analogous to that found with
the ratio of variance scalars in ANOVA:

Between groups S matrix over error S matrix = H/E = E-1H (7.7)

Remembering our matrix operations from Chapter 6, equation 7.7 is forming

the familiar ratio of between or within groups variance. With MANOVA, however,

the ratio involves matrices, and we need to form an inverse of the divisor (E)
matrix and then multiply this inverse by the dividend (H) matrix. As we see later
in the chapter, one of the challenges in conducting a MANOVA is summarizing
the essence of this ratio of matrices with a single number that can be assessed
for significance with an F-test. Several methods are suggested to summarize this
matrix, including determinants, traces, and eigenvalues, all of which focus on
variance information (see Chapter 6).



As with ANOVA, in MANOVA we focus on the ratio of the variance between

means over the variance within scores. If this ratio is large, we can reject the null
hypothesis of no significant differences between means. In addition to the variance
of a single DV, as with ANOVA, in MANOVA we need to focus on p variances,
one for each DV, as well as p (p — l)/2 covariances among the p DVs. We store
the variances and covariances in matrices.
Linear combinations are actually found for the matrix formed from the ratio of
E"1 H. With MANOVA, we are also interested in the eigenvalues of these linear
combinations because they are used in forming some of the summary values of the
E-1 H matrix before calculating an F-test. Remember that we can find as many
linear combinations and eigenvalues as the minimum number of DVs or number of
groups minus one. We see this more clearly in our example at the end of the chapter.
For now, it is important to realize that the concepts of variance and covariance are
essential to an understanding of MANOVA, with the concept of linear combinations
being relevant, although less central.



As with ANOVA and ANCOVA, MANOVA results should be interpreted first at the
macro-level. Similar to ANOVA and ANCOVA, we are first interested in whether
there is a significant macro-level effect and the size of the effect, and second
whether there are significant micro-level differences between pairs of groups. In
addition, MANOVA is concerned about which DVs are showing significant differ-
ences across groups, adding a third, mid-level layer to the interpretation of results.
Several macro-assessment summary indices have been offered to summarize
results for MANOVA. Probably the most widely used macro-assessment summary
1 12 CHAPTER 7

index is Wilks's (1932) lambda, which uses determinants to summarize the variance
in the ratio of matrices formed in MANOVA. Wilks suggested that the determinant
of the within-groups variance-covariance matrix over the determinant of the total
(i.e., within plus between) variance-covariance matrix indicates how much of the
variation and covariation between the grouping variable(s) and the continuous vari-
ables was unexplained. Thus, one minus the ratio of Wilks's lambda is a measure
of the shared or explained variance between grouping and continuous variables.
Two other macro-assessment summary indices incorporate the trace of a variance-
covariance matrix to summarize group difference matrices. Hotelling's trace is
simply the sum of the diagonal elements of the matrix formed from the ratio of the
between-groups over the within-groups-variance-covariance matrix (i.e., E-1 H).
Pillai's trace is the sum of the diagonal elements of the between-groups variance-
covariance matrix over the total (i.e., between plus within) variance-covariance
matrix (i.e., [H + E]-1 H). A fourth macro-assessment summary is Roy's greatest
characteristic root (OCR) (Harris, 2001). The GCR is actually the largest eigen-
value from the E-1 H matrix, providing a single number that gives the variance of
the largest linear combination from this matrix.
Below, I delineate further how to summarize macro-level information from

Significance Test
Each of the four main macro summary indices just described has an associated F-
test for assessing whether group differences are significantly different from chance:

i. The most common macro summary index is Wilks's (1932) lambda, and
its associated F-test. Wilks's lambda shows the amount of variance in the
linear combination of DVs that is not explained by the IVs. Therefore, it is
preferable to get low values for Wilk's lambda (closer to zero than 1). If the
associated F-statistic is significant, we can conclude that there are significant
differences between at least two groups on the linear combination of DVs.
Wilks's lambda can be calculated as follows:

A = |E|/|H + E| (7.8)

where | | stands for the determinant of the matrix inside the parallel lines,
ii. The second macro summary index is the Hotelling-Lawley trace and the
associated F-test. This is formed by summing up the diagonal elements in
the E"1 H matrix (see equation 7.7):

tr[E -1l H]
Hotelling-Lawley trace = tr[E~
E-11 H
= sum of eigenvalues of E" (7.9)

iii. A third macro-summary index is Pillai's trace and it's associated F-test.
Pillai's trace is the sum of the diagonal values of the matrix formed from
the ratio of the H over the E + H matrices:

Pillai's trace = tr [H/(H + E)]

= sum of eigenvalues for H/(H + E) (7.10)

Pillai's trace has the advantage of being the most robust of the four summary
indices when there are less-than-ideal conditions, such as unequal sample
size or heterogeneity of variances. Pillai's trace also can be interpreted as
the proportion of variance in the linear combination of DVs that is explained
by the IV(s). Thus, it is intuitively meaningful.
iv. A fourth macro-summary index is called Roy's largest root or the GCR.
Thus, this can be simply represented as follows:

GCR = the largest eigenvalue of E-1 H (7.11)

Effect Size
A common multivariate effect size for MANOVA is eta-squared:
( )= (l- A), (7.12)

where 2 represents the proportion of variance in the best linear combination of

DVs that is explained by the grouping IVs, and A represents Wilks's lambda. Eta-
squared ( 2) can be interpreted with the multivariate guidelines of Cohen (e.g.,
1992). Thus, a small effect size would be equal to about 0.02, a medium effect size
would equal 0.13 or better, and a large effect size would be greater than or equal
to about 0.26 (Cohen, 1992).


If the macro-level F-test is significant in MANOVA and there is a reasonable
effect size, there are at least two more layers to interpret. Just as with ANOVA, this
most likely involves micro-level significance tests of specific group differences
and effect sizes for group means. But first, it is important to conduct a mid-level
evaluation of the dependent variables.

a. Follow-up analyses on the dependent variables are conducted after finding

a significant macro-level F-test. This can take several forms:
1 14 CHAPTER 7

i. Probably the most common follow-up to a significant MANOVA is to con-

duct a separate ANOVA for each DV. Researchers would hope to find a
significant F-test for each DV, indicating that these variables each show
significant differences across two or more groups.
ii. As introduced in Chapter 5, another follow-up, sometimes conducted in lieu
of a set of ANOVAs, is to perform a separate ANCOVA for each DV, using
the remaining DVs as covariates in each analysis. This has been suggested
by Bock (1966; Bock & Haggard, 1968) and is considered a step-down
procedure. If these analyses revealed significant F-tests, it would suggest
that there were significant group differences on a DV after partialing out
any overlapping variance among the remaining continuous DVs used in
the MANOVA. Thus, we could examine group differences for the unique
portion of each DV that is purged of any relationship with other DVs. This
provides a fairly rigorous assessment of group differences and is not often
seen in the literature, possibly because of its difficulty in finding significant
differences on such small, unique portions of the DVs.
iii. Still another possible follow-up procedure after a significant macro-level
F-test with MANOVA, is to conduct a single DFA with the same vari-
ables that were used in the MANOVA except that the roles (independent
or dependent) are reversed. Thus, a DFA would use each of the con-
tinuous (dependent) variables from a MANOVA as the continuous IVs.
The categorical (independent) grouping variable from MANOVA would
now become the categorical DV in DFA. The goal would be to assess
how each of the continuous variables discriminated among the groups of
the DFA outcome variable. The standardized weights would be the focus
in DFA, so that the continuous variable with the largest standardized weight
would also be the variable that has the largest group differences on the cat-
egorical variable. In this way, we could assess which of the continuous
variables are showing the clearest differences across groups without having
to conduct separate (ANOVA or ANCOVA) analyses for each DV. Thus,
the overall error rate is most likely smaller with a single DFA follow-up
than with p follow-up ANOVAs or ANCOVAs, especially if the error rate
was not adjusted (as with a Bonferroni approach).
b. Follow-up planned comparisons (e.g., post hoc, simple effects, etc.) would
be important micro-level assessment if there were more than two groups. These
would provide a specific examination of which groups are showing differences on
each of the DVs. Tukey (1953) honestly significant difference (HSD) tests between
pairs of means would provide some protection for overall Type I error (i.e., rejecting
Ho when it is true). Alternatively, a Bonferroni approach could be adopted whereby
the total alpha was split among the number of pair-wise group tests. Still another
possibility is to increase statistical power and reduce the probability of a Type II
error (i.e., retaining Ho when it is false) by using an alpha level of 0.05. Researchers
need to choose which error to protect, Type I or Type II.

c. As with significance tests, two levels (mid- and micro-level) of effect sizes
can be examined after finding a significant macro-level effect in MANOVA:
i. A shared variance midlevel effect size (e.g., r2 = sum of squares between
groups divided by sum of squares within groups) could be calculated for each
DV to assess the proportion of variance in common between that specific
continuous variable and the grouping variable(s). Cohen's (1992) guidelines
for univariate effects would apply here: 0.01 for a small effect, 0.06 for a
medium effect, and about 0.13 or more for a large effect,
ii. For MANOVA, Cohen's d can provide a micro-level effect size for the differ-
ence between a pair of means (e.g., Cohen, 1988,1992), just as with ANOVA
and ANCOVA. This is easily calculated with the formula in equation 7.1.
The same values suggested for ANCOVA also apply for follow-up ANOVAs
on each DV. Thus, a standardized difference of 0.20 is a small effect, a d of
0.50 is a medium effect, and 0.80 represents a large effect.
d. Just as with univariate ANOVAs, or with intermediate ANCOVAs, we can
graph the means in MANOVA for each group to provide a qualitative examina-
tion of specific differences between groups. Many computer programs allow this
to be easily accomplished.


As with most analyses, it is important to ask whether a MANOVA design could
allow for causal inferences. This would depend on the extent to which experimental
design procedures were followed. Was the IV manipulated? Were participants from
a large and representative sample randomly assigned to groups? Were possible
confounds controlled for, either with an experimental design or with the inclusion
of relevant covariates? If the answer is yes to each of these questions, a researcher
is in a much better position to ascribe causality to the IV and to generalize beyond
the specific sample. As with all research, results would be strengthened if the study
were replicated in an independent sample. Variables also should be evaluated as
to their reliability and validity as well as their relatively unique and nonredundant
nature when compared with the full set of DVs.


Here I present an example of MANOVA where the initial STAGEA of condom use
is the IV (with five levels: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action,
and maintenance of condom use), and there are several DVs: pros of condom use
1 16 CHAPTER 7

MANOVA Example Descriptive Frequencies

Cumulative Cumulative
STAGEA Frequency Percent Frequency Percent

1 = Precontemplation 151 28.65 151 28.65

2 = Contemplation 204 38.71 355 67.36
3 = Preparation 70 13.28 425 80.65
4 = Action 20 3.80 445 84.44
5 = Maintenance 82 15.56 527 100.00

(PROSB), cons of condom use (CONSB), self-efficacy for condom use (CON-
SEFFB), and psychosexual functioning (PSYSXB) assessed 6 months later. As
with the MR and ANCOVA examples, this application draws on the theories of the
transtheoretical model (e.g., Prochaska et al., 1994) and the multifaceted model of
HIV risk (Harlow et al., 1993).
A caution before beginning analyses is that this application of MANOVA is
not ideal as the levels of the IV are not manipulated but are intact stages in which
people fall depending on the length of time for which they have used or considered
using condoms. Still, it is worthwhile to examine the steps needed for a MANOVA
as well as provide a brief interpretation of the output.
Output is provided below for several sets of analyses: A, descriptive statistics; B,
correlations; C, MANOVA; D, ANOVAs; E, Tukey tests of HSDs between groups.

Descriptive Statistics
Table 7.1 presents the frequencies of participants at each of the five levels of the IV,
STAGEA. Note that there is an imbalance in the number of participants per group.
Most participants are in STAGEA 2 (contemplating condom use) or STAGEA 1
(precontemplation: not even considering condom use). Such unequal samples sizes
across groups can reduce the power of a MANOVA (e.g., Kraemer & Thiemann,
1987). Still, we proceed with caution, as this is a worthwhile, real-world research
area where results would be important, if only used descriptively.
Table 7.2 provides means, standard deviations, ranges, skewness, and kurtoses
for the DVs. Notice that the means for PSYSXB and PROSB are fairly high,
MANOVA Example Descriptive Means, SDs, Range, Skewness, and Kurtosis

Variable Mean SD Min. Max. Skewness Kurtosis

PSYSXB 4.01 0.75 1.67 5.00 -0.6592 -0.1283

PROSB 4.07 0.81 1.00 5.00 -1.0510 0.9266
CONSB 2.05 0.84 1.00 5.00 0.8899 0.4868
CONSEFFB 3.51 1.15 1.00 5.00 -0.4459 -0.8194

Note: SD = Standard Deviation.


Test-Retest Correlations for PSYSX (N = 527)

Pearson Correlation Coefficients,

Prob > | r | under HO: Rho = 0

PSYSXA 1.000 0.660

PSYSXB 0.660 1.000

indicating positive psychosexual functioning and high perceived advantages to

using condoms in this sample of women. CONSB has a relatively low mean, and
CONSEFFB is somewhere in the middle. Standard deviations are all lower than the
means, which provides some reassurance that there is relative homogeneity within
groups. Skewness values are within the normal range, except for PROSB, which
is slightly negatively skewed, indicating a preponderance of positive responses to
the perceived advantages of condom use. Kurtosis values are all within the range
of normality.

Tables 7.3-7.6 provide the test-retest correlations for the four DVs. Note that the
6-month (A to B) test-retest reliability (correlation) coefficient is acceptable (i.e.,
0.66) for psychosexual functioning (see Table 7.3).
In Table 7.4, we see that similar to what we found for PSYSX, the 6-month
test-retest reliability (correlation) coefficient for pros of condom use is reasonable
(i.e., r = 0.60).
The 6-month test-retest reliability coefficient for the cons of condom use, pre-
sented in Table 7.5, is also adequate (i.e., 0.61).
Similar to the other variables' reliability coefficients, CONSEFF shows suffi-
cient test-retest correlation (i.e., 0.62) over 6 months (see Table 7.6).

Test-Retest Correlations for PROS (N = 527)

Pearson Correlation Coefficients,

Prob > | r | under HO: Rho = 0

PROSA 1.000 0.604

PROSB 0.604 1.000
1 18 CHAPTER 7

Test-Retest Correlations for CONS (N = 527)

Pearson Correlation Coefficients,

Prob > | r | under HO: Rho = 0

CONSA 1.000 0.613

< 0.0001
CONSB 0.613 1.000
< 1.000

Table 7.7 presents the test-rest reliability (correlation) coefficient for STAGE,
the IV. Stage of condom use shows moderate to high test-retest reliability (i.e.,
0.67), suggesting fairly stable measurement over six months.
Table 7.8 provides the correlations among the IVs and DV. An examination
of the correlations among the variables does not indicate collinearity (i.e., rs <
0.70 - 0.90).

Table 7.9 gives the macro-level results from the MANOVA. The F-tests for all four
MANOVA summary indices are significant, indicating that there is evidence for
group differences on a linear combination of the DVs. One minus Wilks's lambda,
which is equal to )2, a multivariate effect size, is moderately large (i.e., 0.24).

After finding significant macro-level results with MANOVA, we can proceed to
conduct follow-up analyses at the micro level. Four ANOVAs are conducted, one
for each DV, with results given in Tables 7.10 to 7.13.
From Table 7.10, we see that the F-test for the follow-up ANOVA on the DV,
PSYSXB, is not significant, nor is the R2 value very high (i.e., 0.01). Thus, it
appears that psychosocial functioning is not significantly different across the five
stages of condom use.

Test-Retest Correlations for CONSEFF (N = 527)

Pearson Correlation Coefficients,

Prob > | r | under HO: Rho = 0

CONSEFFA 1.000 0.616

CONSEFFB 0.616 1.000

Test-Retest Correlations for STAGE (N = 527)

Pearson Correlation Coefficients,

Prob > | r | under HO: Rho = 0

STAGEA 1.000 0.670

STAGEB 0.670 1.000

Correlations Among DVs and IV (N = 527)

Pearson Correlation Coefficients, Prob > | r | under HO: Rho = 0


PSYSXB 1.000 0.058 -0.320 0.239 -.085

0.1806 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0499
PROSB 0.058 1.000 -0.169 0.361 0.226
0.1806 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSB -0.320 -0.169 1.000 -0.489 -.293
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 < 0.0001
CONSEFFB 0.239 0.361 -0.489 1.000 0.383
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
STAGEA -.085 0.226 -.293 0.383 1.000
0.0499 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

Macro-Level Results for MANOVA
MANOVA Test Criteria and F Approximations for
the Hypothesis of No Overall STAGEA Effect
H = Type III SSCP Matrix for STAGEA
E = Error SSCP Matrix
Statistic Value F-Value df Num Den Pr>F

Wilks' Lambda 0.76442 9.11 16 1586.2 <0.0001

Pillai's Trace 0.23880 8.29 16 2088 <0.0001
Hotteling-Lawley Trace 0.30396 9.84 16 1032 <0.0001
Roy's GCR 0.28967 37.80 4 522 <0.0001

TABLE 7.10
Micro-Level ANOVA Results for Psychosexual Functioning

Class Levels Values

STAGEA 5 12 3 4 5
Number of observations 527

Dependent Variable: PSYSXB

Sum of Mean
Source df Squares Square F -Value Prob > F

Model 4 3.78105 0.94526 1.69 0.1502

Error 522 291.42429 0.55828
Corrected total 526 295.20534

Root MSE 0.747184 R-Square 0.012808

Dependent Mean 4.005655
Coeff Var 18.65323
Source df Type I SS Square F -Value Prob > F

STAGEA 4 3.78105855 0.94526464 1.69 0.1502

TABLE 7.11
Micro-Level ANOVA Results for Pros of Condom Use
Class Levels Values
STAGEA 5 12 3 4 5
Number of observations 527

Dependent Variable: PROSB

Sum of Mean
Source df Squares Square F -Value Prob > F

Model 4 18.41366 4.60341 7.42 <0.0001

Error 522 324.06939 0.62082
Corrected total 526 342.48305
Root MSE 0.787923 R-Square 0.053765
Dependent Mean 4.069667
Coeff Var 19.36087
Source df Type I SS Square F -Value Prob > F

STAGEA 4 18.41366397 4.60341599 7.42 <0.0001


TABLE 7.12
Micro-Level ANOVA Results for Cons of Condom Use
Class Levels Values
STAGEA 5 12 3 4 5
Number of observations 527
Dependent Variable: CONSB
Sum of Mean
Source df Squares Square F -Value Prob > F

Model 4 32.61894 8.15473 12.49 <0.0001

Error 522 340.78617 0.65284
Corrected total 526 373.40512
Root MSE 0.807990 R-Square 0.087355
Dependent Mean 2.051550
Coeff Var 39.38435
Source df Type I SS Square F-Value Prob > F
STAGEA 4 32.618947 8.154736 12.49 <0.0001

TABLE 7.13
Micro-Level ANOVA Results for Condom Self-Efficacy

Class Levels Values

STAGEA 5 12 34 5
Number of observations 527
Dependent Variable: CONSEFFB
Sum of Mean
Source df Squares Square F -Value Prob > F

Model 4 107.47610 26.86902 23.78 <0.0001

Error 522 589.72271 1.12973
Corrected total 526 697.19881

Root MSE 1.062891 R-Square 0.154154

Dependent Mean 3.514231
Coeff Var 30.24533

Source df Type I SS Square F -Value Prob > F
STAGEA 4 107.47610 26.86902 23.78 <0.0001
FIG. 7. l. Depiction of Follow-up ANOVA Results in the MANOVA
Example with IV = STAGEA and DVs = PSYSXB, PROSB, CONSB,
and CONSEFFB NS = No Significant Differences; *** p < 0 . 0 0 l .

TABLE 7.14
Micro-Level Tukey Tests for ANOVA on Psychosexual Functioning

Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for PSYSXB

NOTE: This test controls the Type I experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.01
Error Degrees of Freedom 522
Error Mean Square 0.558284
Critical Value of Studentized Range 4.62683

Comparisons significant at the 0.01 level are indicated by ***.

Difference Simultaneous 99% Sig.
STAGEA Comparison Between Means Confidence Limits at 0.01

1 3 0.11408 -0.23939 0.46755

1 2 0.15376 -0.10867 0.41618
1 5 0.19680 -0.13853 0.53214
1 4 0.33101 -0.25068 0.91270
3 1 -0.11408 -0.46755 0.23939
3 2 0.03967 -0.29894 0.37829
3 5 0.08272 -0.31508 0.48052
3 4 0.21693 -0.40287 0.83673
2 1 -0.15376 -0.41618 0.10867
2 3 -0.03967 -0.37829 0.29894
2 5 0.04305 -0.27659 0.36268
2 4 0.17725 -0.39553 0.75004
5 1 -0.19680 -0.53214 0.13853
5 3 -0.08272 -0.48052 0.31508
5 2 -0.04305 -0.36268 0.27659
5 4 0.13421 -0.47543 0.74385
4 1 -0.33101 -0.91270 0.25068
4 3 -0.21693 -0.83673 0.40287
4 2 -0.17725 -0.75004 0.39553
4 5 -0.13421 -0.74385 0.47543

TABLE 7.15
Micro-Level Tukey Tests for ANOVA on Pros of Condom Use

Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for PROSB

NOTE: This test controls the Type I experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.01
Error Degrees of Freedom 522
Error Mean Square 0.620823
Critical Value of Studentized Range 4.62683

Comparisons significant at the 0.01 level are indicated by **

Difference Simultaneous 99% Sig.
STAGEA Comparison Between Means Confidence Limits at 0. 01

5 3 0.26381 -0.15567 0.68330

5 4 0.33014 -0.31274 0.97302
5 2 0.40367 0.06660 0.74073 ***
5 1 0.57162 0.21801 0.92524
3 5 -0.26381 -0.68330 0.15567
3 4 0.06633 -0.58727 0.71992
3 2 0.13986 -0.21722 0.49693
3 1 0.30781 -0.06493 0.68056
4 5 -0.33014 -0.97302 0.31274
4 3 -0.06633 -0.71992 0.58727
4 2 0.07353 -0.53048 0.67754
4 1 0.24149 -0.37192 0.85489
2 5 -0.40367 -0.74073 -0.06660
2 3 -0.13986 -0.49693 0.21722
2 4 -0.07353 -0.67754 0.53048
2 1 0.16796 -0.10878 0.44469
1 5 -0.57162 -0.92524 -0.21801
1 3 -0.30781 -0.68056 0.06493
1 4 -0.24149 -0.85489 0.37192
1 2 -0.16796 -0.44469 0.10878

Table 7.11 reveals that the F-test for the follow-up ANOVA on the DV, PROSB,
is significant [F(4, 522) = 7.42, p < 0.0001], with a small to moderate effect size
(i.e., R2 = 0.05). Following the presentation of the ANOVAs, it will be worthwhile
to examine Tukey tests between pairs of groups to assess which stages are showing
significant differences for PROSB.
Table 7.12 shows that, as with the previous variable, the F-test for the follow-
up ANOVA on CONSB is significant [F(4, 522) = 12.49, p < .0001), with a
moderate effect size (i.e., R2 = 0.09). Thus, it will be worth investigating follow-up
Tukey tests to assess which stages are showing significant differences in CONSB.
The follow-up ANOVA for CONSEFFB (see Table 7.13) reveals a significant
F-test[F(4, 522) = 23.78, p < 0.0001)], with a large effect size (i.e., R2 = 0.15).
We will be interested in determining which stages show significant differences on
CONSEFFB when conducting Tukey tests on pairs of means, which we turn to

TABLE 7.16
Micro-Level Tukey Tests for ANOVA on Cons of Condom Use

Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for CONSB

NOTE: This test controls the Type I experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.01
Error Degrees of Freedom 522
Error Mean Square 0.652847
Critical Value of Studentized Range 4.62683
Comparisons significant at the 0.01 level are indicated by ***.
Difference Simultaneous 99% Sig.
STAGEA Comparison Between Means Confidence Limits at 0.01

1 2 0.14281 -0.14097 0.42659

1 3 0.27687 -0.10537 0.65911
1 4 0.58758 -0.04144 1.21661
1 5 0.72844 0.36581 1.09106 ***
2 1 -0.14281 -0.42659 0.14097
2 3 0.13406 -0.23212 0.50023
2 4 0.44477 -0.17462 1.06417
2 5 0.58562 0.23998 0.93127 ***
3 1 -0.27687 -0.65911 0.10537
3 2 -0.13406 -0.50023 0.23212
3 4 0.31071 -0.35953 0.98096
3 5 0.45157 0.02140 0.88174 ***
4 1 -0.58758 -1.21661 0.04144
4 2 -0.44477 -1.06417 0.17462
4 3 -0.31071 -0.98096 0.35953
4 5 0.14085 -0.51840 0.80011
5 1 -0.72844 -1.09106 -0.36581 ***
5 2 -0.58562 -0.93127 -0.23998 ***
5 3 -0.45157 -0.88174 -0.02140 ***
5 4 -0.14085 . -0.80011 0.51840

Figure 7.1 depicts the overall ANOVA results with the stages of the categorical
IV preceding (by 6 months) the four continuous DVs for this MANOVA example.
In the micro-level results that follow, we examine whether there are significant
differences across the stages for each of the DVs.

Tukey's Tests of Honestly Significant

Differences Between Groups
Tables 7.14-7.17 provide micro-level Tukey tests for each of the DVs. These results
show whether there were significant differences between pairs of groups across the
five stages of condom use. From Table 7.14, we see that none of the Tukey tests is
significant for PSYSXB, consistent with the nonsignificant ANOVA for this DV.

TABLE 7.17
Micro-Level Tukey Tests for ANOVA on Condom Self-Efficacy

Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for CONSEFFB

NOTE: This test controls the Type I experimentwise error rate.
Alpha 0.01
Error Degrees of Freedom 522
Error Mean Square 1.129737
Critical Value of Studentized Range 4.62683

Comparisons significant at the 0.01 level are indicated by ***.

Difference Simultaneous 99% Sig.

STAGEA Comparison Between Means Confidence Limits at 0.01

5 4 0.4242 -0.4430 1.2914

5 3 0.7659 0.2000 1.3317 ***
5 2 0.8667 0.4120 1.3214 ***
5 1 1.3901 0.9131 1.8672 ***
4 5 -0.4242 -1.2914 0.4430
4 3 0.3417 -0.5400 1.2234
4 2 0.4425 -0.3723 1.2573
4 1 0.9659 0.1385 1.7934 ***
3 5 -0.7659 -1.3317 -0.2000 ***
3 4 -0.3417 -1.2234 0.5400
3 2 0.1008 -0.3809 0.5825
3 1 0.6243 0.1215 1.1271 ***
2 5 -0.8667 -1.3214 -0.4120 ***
2 4 -0.4425 -1.2573 0.3723
2 3 -0.1008 -0.5825 0.3809
2 1 0.5235 0.1502 0.8968 **
1 5 -1.3901 -1.8672 -0.9131 **
1 4 -0.9659 -1.7934 -0.1385 **
1 3 -0.6243 -1.1271 -0.1215 **
1 2 -0.5235 -0.8968 -0.1502 **

Table 7.15 delineates the Tukey tests conducted on pairs of means for the DV
PROSB, showing that individuals in STAGEA 5 (maintaining condom use for 6
months or longer) perceive significantly (p < 0.01) more advantages or PROS to
using condoms than individuals in either STAGEA 2 (contemplating condom use)
or STAGEA 1 (precontemplation, or not even considering condoms).
In Table 7.16, Tukey tests between pairs of groups indicate three significant dif-
ferences for CONS (p < 0.01). Individuals in STAGEA 5 (maintenance) perceive
significantly less disadvantages or CONS to using condoms than individuals in
either STAGEA 1 (precontemplation), STAGEA 2 (contemplation), or STAGEA
3 (preparation).
Table 7.17 shows that Tukey tests for CONSEFFB reveal significant differences
(p < 0.01) between six pairs of groups. Individuals in STAGEA 5 (maintenance)

TABLE 7.18
Least-Squares Means for the Four DVs over the Five Stages of the IV

Least Squares Means


1 4.12350993 3.86565752 2.27924945 2.97571744

2 3.96975490 4.03361345 2.13643791 3.49918301
3 4.00942857 4.17346939 2.00238095 3.60000000
4 3.79250000 4.10714286 1.69166667 3.94166667
5 3.92670732 4.43728223 1.55081301 4.36585366
Note: For STAGEA, 1 = Precontemplation; 2 = Contemplation; 3 = Preparation; 4 = Action; and
5 = Maintenance

TABLE 7.19
Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation Themes Applied


Multiplicity themes -\-Theory, hypotheses, and empirical research

Note: + means +Controls: experimental design
multiplicity of +Time points: Repeated measures
theme pertains +Samples: + groups for IV(s)
+Measurements: +IVs, +DVs
Background themes Sample data: Ideally use random selection and assignment
Measures: Grouping IV(s) (may use covariate(s), making this
MANCOVA), 2+ Continuous DVs
Assumptions: Normality, linearity, homoscedasticity
Methods: Inferential with experimental design and assumptions met
Central themes Variance: in DVs
Covariance: among DVs
Ratio: Between groups/within groups matrices
Interpretation themes Macro: F-test and summary indices (Wilks's lambda, Hotelling-Lawley
trace, GCR, and Pillai's trace),
ES = cohen's d or 2
Micro: Follow-up on DV means and on groups
(Questions to ask) Do groups differ overall & for each DV?
Are DVs all needed?
Low-no correlation between groups of IV(s)?
Low correlations among DVs?
Are means significantly different, i.e., high between-group variance?
Are groups sufficiently homogeneous, i.e., low within-group variance?
Can design support causal inference?

report significantly greater self-efficacy for using condoms than individuals in ei-
ther STAGEA 3 (preparation), STAGEA 2 (contemplation), or STAGEA1 (precon-
templation). Further, individuals in STAGEA 1 (precontemplation) show signifi-
cantly less condom self-efficacy than individuals in STAGEA 2 (contemplation),
STAGEA 3 (preparation), and STAGEA 4 (action).
Least-squares means across the five stages of condom use, for each of the four
DVs are presented in Table 7.18. For the first DV, there is a decreasing (but non-
significant) pattern of psychosexual functioning when moving from STAGEA 1 to
STAGEA 4, although psychosexual functioning increases slightly in STAGEA 5.
With the DV, PROSB, there is generally an increasing trend across the stages, al-
though it dips slightly during the action STAGEA 4. CONSB shows a clear linear
decrease in scores when moving from STAGEA 1 to STAGEA 5, suggesting that the
disadvantages to using condoms become much less salient the longer an individual
uses condoms. Finally, there is a linearly increasing trend in condom self-efficacy as
one moves through the stages of condom use from precontemplation (STAGEA 1)
to maintenance (STAGEA 5). This indicates that individuals feel much more ef-
ficacious about their likelihood of using condoms in the future the longer they
actually use condoms.


A summary of the multiplicity, background, central and interpretation themes for

MANOVA is presented in Table 7.19.


Bock, R. D. (1966). Contributions of multivariate experimental designs to educational research. In

Cattell, R. B. (Ed.), Handbook of multivariate experimental psychology. Chicago: Rand McNally.
Bock, R. D., & Haggard, E. A. (1968). The use of multivariate analysis of variance in behavioral
research. In D. K. Whitla (Ed.), Handbook of measurement and assessment in behavioral sciences.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. San Diego, CA: Academic
Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 155-159.
Grimm, L. G., & Yarnold, P. R. (1995). Reading and understanding multivariate statistics. Washington,
Harlow, L. L., Quina, K., Morokoff, P. J., Rose, J. S., & Grimley, D. (1993). HIV risk in women: A
multifaceted model. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 1, 3-38.
Harris, R. J. (2001). A primer of multivariate statistics (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Kraemer, H. C, & Thiemann, S. (1987). How many subjects? Statistical power analysis in research.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Maxwell, S. E., & Delaney, H. D. (2003). Designing experiments and analyzing data: A model com-
parison perspective (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Prochaska, J. O., Velicer, W. R, Rossi, J. S., Goldstein, M. G., Marcus, B. H., Rakowski, W., Fiore,
C., Harlow, L. L., Redding, C. A., Rosenbloom, D., & Rossi, S. R. (1994). Stages of change and
decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors. Health Psychology, 13, 39-46.
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2001). Using multivariate statistics (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn and
Tukey, J. W. (1953). The problem of multiple comparisons. Unpublished manuscript, Princeton Uni-
versity (mimeo).
Wilks, S. S. (1932). Certain generalizations in the analysis of variance. Biometrika, 24,471-94.
Discriminant Function
Themes Applied to Discriminant
Function Analysis (DFA)

DFA is the first method we discuss that uses a categorical outcome or de-
pendent variable (DV). It is a rigorous multivariate method and shares much
in common with multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) (Chapter 7), in
terms of its mathematics, though the focus for research questions and interpre-
tation may be more similar to multiple regression (MR) (see Chapter 4) and to
some extent logistic regression (LR) (see Chapter 9). Interested readers can in-
vestigate other descriptions of DFA in several excellent texts (e.g., Grimm, &
Yarnold, 1995; Huberty, 1994; Johnson & Wichern, 2002; Tabachnick, & Fidell,
2001). We approach DFA with the same 10 questions we used for other methods
thus far.



DFA is a multivariate method that uses several usually continuous independent vari-
ables (IVs) and one categorical DV. It is mathematically equivalent to MANOVA
in that there are one or more categorical variables on one side and two or more
continuous variables on the other side. The main difference is that DFA uses
the continuous (discriminating) variables as predictors of the categorical group
membership DV. So, the focus in DFA is reversed between "independent" and
"dependent" variables compared with MANOVA. DFA can be classified as either
a group-difference, or a prediction, statistical analysis. It is mainly used in exam-
ining what variables differentiate between groups most clearly. In this sense, the

focus is on the groups. However, it is also analogous to a MR analysis except that

the dependent or outcome variable is categorical (with several levels or groups)
with DFA, instead of continuous (as with MR). Similar to MR, DFA focuses on the
weights, often the standardized ones, associated with each of the predictor vari-
ables. The variable(s) with the highest standardized discriminant weights are those
that will also show the strongest group differences, so that these variables discrimi-
nate most clearly among the groups. DFA is also similar to LR except that LR often
uses categorical, as well as continuous IVs, and it does not require the traditional
general linear model assumptions (i.e., normality, linearity, and homoscedasticity)
needed with DFA, MANOVA, MR, and other linear methods. DFA is also similar
to canonical correlation (CC) and principal components analysis-factor analysis
(PCA-FA) in that all three methods tend to focus on loadings that are correlations
between variables and linear combinations or dimensions. We hear more about LR
in Chapter 9, CC in Chapter 10, and PCA-FA in Chapter 11.


DFA is usually used in one of the three ways suggested below:

a. DFA can be used as a follow-up procedure to a significant MANOVA. In

this case, the DFA would use the continuous DVs from MANOVA as predictors
with the groups from MANOVA used as levels of a categorical DV for DFA. The
question would be which continuous, discriminating variables were differentiating
among the groups most strongly? These would be indicated by a high absolute
value for either the standardized discriminant weights, or the discriminant loadings
(weights analogous to factor loadings) for those variables. For example, using the
reading example mentioned in the last chapter, it would be of interest to know
whether reading comprehension or vocabulary was differentiating between the
control and treatment groups most strongly. This would provide information about
whether the treatment affected reading comprehension or vocabulary or some
combination of these.
b. DFA may be used as a stand-alone prediction analysis for independent
predictor variables that are usually continuous and an outcome variable that has
two or more categorical groups. For example, we could predict who would use
versus who would not use condoms from several behavioral, interpersonal, and
attitudinal predictor variables.
c. DFA is sometimes used as a classification tool to assess the degree to which
individuals can be correctly classified into groups, based on a number of continuous
predictor variables. For example, we could examine the percentage of correct

classifications into several diagnostic groups (e.g., depressives, schizophrenics,

borderlines) based on several background characteristics and symptoms.



The multiplicity themes for DFA are very similar to those for MANOVA because
the two methods are mathematically the same. Thus, it is important to evaluate
multiple theories and previous empirical studies when considering a study using
DFA. It is also important to carefully consider multiple continuous predictor vari-
ables as well as a relevant categorical outcome variable that has clear categories.
Ideally, a researcher should plan to have approximately equal numbers of partici-
pants across each of the categories of the DV, although this is not always possible.
Using equal category sizes ensures greater robustness of the results. As with most
statistical methods, it would be helpful to minimize any redundancy, either in the
choice of IVs or in the nature of the categories for the DV. This would help avoid
collinearity problems and help ensure clear discrimination among the groups or
categories of the DV.
When possible, it is also a good idea to use longitudinal data, possibly collect-
ing both the predictor variables and the DV at an initial time point and again at
one or more follow-up time points. This would allow examination of direction of
prediction between the IVs and DV to help determine which come first. If a re-
searcher is also able to collect data on multiple samples, this allows an opportunity
to investigate cross-validation and the generalizability of one's findings.


Background themes for DFA are very similar to those for MANOVA. We would
start by examining a reasonably large (N x p) data matrix that has several (probably
continuous) IVs and a categorical DV with two or more groups. When possible,
the number of participants in each of the DV groups should be approximately
equal. As we did with MANOVA, it would be useful to conduct power analyses
to determine the number of participants needed per group to find the expected
effect size(s). In the last chapter, we found that if a medium effect size is expected,
we would like to have about 68 participants per group to detect our finding with
80% power and alpha = 0.05. All the stage groups we have been examining have
at least 68 participants except for the action stage in which only 20 or so people
(depending on the time point) are involved. This low group size, coupled with the

highly uneven sample sizes across all the groups (i.e., N = 151, 204, 70, 20, and
82, for STAGEA 1-5, respectively) could serve to lower the power and robustness
of a study with these categories.
We also would want to examine descriptive statistics (e.g., means or frequencies,
standard deviations, skewness, and kurtosis) as well as correlations among all the
variables. The reliability of the variables also should be checked, most likely
using either internal consistency or test-retest coefficients. Lastly, we would want
to check the assumptions of normality, homoscedasticity, and linearity. As with
other methods, a cursory assessment of assumptions could be accomplished by
examining skewness, kurtosis, and scatter plots.


With DFA, the main model of interest focuses on linear combinations of the pre-
dictor variables, which are usually continuous variables serving as IVs and thus
are labeled as Xs for this method:

Vi = blXl + b2X2 + ... + bpXp (8.1)

where Vi is a linear combination, b is an (unstandardized) eigenvector weight, X

is a predictor IV, and p is the number of predictor IVs.
In DFA, just as with MANOVA, we can form one or more linear combinations,
where the number is determined by:

number of Vis = minimum (p, k — 1), (8.2)

where for DFA, p is now the number of independent or predictor variables, and
k is the number of groups or levels of the categorical dependent variable. For
example, when using an outcome with five categories or groups (e.g., stage of
readiness to use condoms) and six predictor variables, we could form four linear
combination variables (i.e., the minimum of [6, 5—1] = 4). Each of the linear
combinations would be orthogonal to each other and would weight the variables
slightly differently. Further, not all the linear combinations would be equally effec-
tive in differentiating among the groups. We see this more clearly when discussing
macro- and micro-assessment later in the chapter.
In contrast to MANOVA that did not focus on these linear combinations, but
rather on the means, DFA is very much focused on the weighted combinations,
labeled discriminant functions or discriminant scores. Some computer programs
also label these as canonical variates.
Just as with MANOVA, for DFA we focus on the ratio of between-group vari-
ance over within-group variance matrices: E - 1 H, where, again, E-1 represents

the inverse of the error or within-group matrix and H represents the hypothesis or
between-group matrix.
Later we discuss how we evaluate this ratio of matrices at a macro-level and
then follow this up with micro-level assessment.


With DFA, as with MANOVA, we are very interested in the ratio of the variance
between groups over the variance within groups. We would like this ratio to be
large, indicating that there is a significant relationship between the categorical
grouping variable and the best linear combination(s) of the predictor variables.
Similar to MR, we are also very interested in the covariances among the predictor
variables because they are most likely correlated (i.e., not orthogonal) and DFA
takes this into account.
A possible cause of confusion in DFA, or at least a source of complexity, is
that we sometimes have to interpret several linear combinations or discriminant
functions (i.e., see equation 8.2). A good way to think about this is that DFA
allows us to consider several dimensions in which the predictor variables could
distinguish among the categories of the grouping variable. This is very similar
to examining multiple dimensions or factors in a factor or principal component
analysis, methods that we become more familiar with later in Chapter 11. For now,
view the possibility of multiple linear combinations as a source of rich grounds
for interpreting differences among the groups. There may not be just one way in
which the groups differ but multiple ways (i.e., the number of ways is equal to the
minimum of k — 1 or p as given in equation 8.2).
We also see how the variance of a linear combination, which is an eigenvalue
and is labeled a discriminant criterion in DFA, will tell us something about the
importance of a discriminant function. This becomes clearer when we discuss
interpretation themes, which we turn to in the next section.


DFA and MANOVA are mathematically the same and can be assessed with the same
macro-level indices (e.g., Wilks's lambda and F-test). However, with DFA, we are
much more interested in the linear combinations of variables that are formed with
both DFA and MANOVA. So, with DFA, it is worthwhile to describe how these
linear combinations or discriminant functions are evaluated. These are evaluated

with a single macro-level F-test, followed by one or more midlevel F-tests, one
for each linear combination.

Significance Test
For DFA, just as with MANOVA, we can summarize the variance in the E-1H
matrix by either of the four macro-summary indices presented previously (see
Chapter 7):

i. Wilks's lambda, and its associated F-test;

ii. The Hotelling-Lawley trace, and its associated F-test;
iii. Pillai's trace, along with its F-test; and
iv. Roy's greatest characteristic root (GCR), and the accompanying F-test.

If the overall macro-level F-test is significant, this indicates there is significant

association between the grouping variable and the linear combinations of predictor
variables. We also would want to evaluate a macro-level effect size, just as we did
with MANOVA.

Effect Size (ES)

With DFA, as with MANOVA, we can examine eta-squared (i.e., 2 = 1 — A),
which indicates how much shared variance there is between the grouping variable
and the best linear combination(s) of the predictor variables. We also can use
Cohen's (1992) guidelines for small (i.e., 0.02), medium (i.e., 0.13), and large
(i.e., 0.26) multivariate effect sizes.
In DFA, we not only want to look at macro-level or big picture results and micro-
level or specific findings, we also want to look at midlevel results that describe
something about the linear combinations, before getting to the specific, variable
level weights we will be discussing shortly.

Significance F-Tests
After examining and finding a significant macro-level F-test in DFA, we would
want to examine the mid-level F-tests, where there will be as many of these F-tests
as there are linear combinations. When the first mid-level F-test is significant,
this indicates that at least the first linear combination is significantly related to the
grouping variable. If a second mid-level F-test is significant, this indicates that there
is a second linear combination score or discriminant function that significantly
differentiates the groups of the categorical outcome variable, and so on until all
the F-tests have been examined. Notice that the first mid-level F-test is actually
the same as the macro-level F-test. This is because, with DFA, the whole set of
linear combinations is examined in the first F-test; if it is significant, we conclude

that at least the first linear combination is significant, although literally it is all the
discriminant functions that are being tested in the first step.

Effect Size
A second point of assessment at the mid-level has to do with the eigenvalues (i.e.,
discriminant criteria) for each of the linear combinations or discriminant functions.
We would like to take note of the size of each eigenvalue, remembering that this
tells us about the variance of a discriminant function. The mid-level F-tests inform
us about the statistical significance of these eigenvalues or discriminant criteria.
We also can form a ratio of discriminant function variance over total variance to
find how much of the available discriminatory power is attributed to a specific
discriminant function. Thus, we can calculate:


where A.,- refers to the ith eigenvalue or discriminant criterion, and refers to
the sum of all the discriminant criteria. The sum of all the DDP values adds up to
1.0 and thus cannot be interpreted as a proportion of shared variance such as with
an ES. We could, however, convert this index to a shared-variance effect size by
multiplying each IDP by the macro-level 2 (i.e., 1 — A). I would like to label
this new, mid-level effect size-ratio as the "Bowker index" (BI) because a former
graduate student, Diane Bowker, first suggested this to me in a multivariate class
that I teach (D. Bowker, personal communication, March 22, 1994). Thus,


where BI, indicates the proportion of shared variance between the categorical
outcome and the ith specific linear combination of the continuous predictors, IDP,
refers to the index of discriminatory power for a specific ith eigenvalue, and 2
refers to the macro-level effect size, 1 — A. The sum of the BIs will equal the total
, with the first BI most likely being much larger than the remaining values:



For each significant discriminant function, we can also examine the weights
for each of the predictors. Similar to MR, weights can be unstandardized or

standardized, with the latter used for interpreting the relative contribution of each
of the continuous variables in separating the groups. In contrast to other methods
we have discussed so far, however, there is a third set of weights for DFA. This
third set, called discriminant or canonical loadings, is the most interpretable and
shows the correlation between a predictor variable and the linear combination or
discriminant function. These loadings can be interpreted like part-whole correla-
tions with high absolute values indicating greater discriminatory power. Although
significance tests are not usually provided for standardized discriminant weights
or loadings, we can interpret them as we would do with correlations with those
greater than | 0.30 | being worthwhile to interpret.

Effect Size
Although not always calculated, we could square discriminant loadings (or
standardized discriminant weights) to get the proportion of shared variance be-
tween a variable and the underlying linear combination (i.e., discriminant func-
tion). These effect sizes could be interpreted with univariate, micro-level guide-
lines of 0.01,0.06, and 0.13 for small, medium, and large ESs, respectively (Cohen,


When conducting a DFA, similar to most analyses, we can make only causal
inferences to the extent that participants were randomly assigned to groups in
which the categorical variable was manipulated. This situation is highly unlikely
with DFA because we often are just measuring intact groups. Thus, interpretation
should be cautious.
When possible, it would be helpful to follow up a DFA with an experimental
design that explored the nature of the relationships between the grouping and
discriminating variables in a more rigorous way.
Another consideration is whether sufficient controls were included in a DFA
study. Controls could take the form of statistical covariates that may be related
to the outcome but that are not the main focus of the study. Another control is to
include longitudinal data that provide some evidence of the temporal ordering of
the variables.
Still another consideration is whether the results could be affected by the par-
ticular sample that is selected. For example, in the data set that we have been
analyzing, there are only women from a small New England community. Results
could be replicated in a sample of men and also in samples of both men and women
from different geographic areas.

Finally, measures should be evaluated about their psychometric integrity. Were

the items adequately tapping the construct under study? Was the reliability suf-
ficiently large (e.g., at least 0.70)? If the answer is "no" to either question, more
attention should be addressed to improving the nature of the measures in a future


For DFA, we present two examples. The first is a follow-up to a significant
MANOVA, where we build on the MANOVA findings from the previous chapter.
In this follow-up form, DFA uses the four continuous variables (i.e., PROSB, pros
of condom use; CONSB, cons of condom use; CONSEFFB, self-efficacy for con-
dom use; and PSYSXB, psychosexual functioning) measured at time 2 or B as IVs,
with the categorical STAGEA of condom use variable as an outcome. Although
this does not make intuitive sense to have predictors at time 2 and an outcome at
time 1, we will ignore the timing because we are not attributing causal direction.
Instead, we are simply following up a significant MANOVA to assess which con-
tinuous variables most likely are showing the largest (i.e., discriminating) group
differences. Remember that these discriminating variables will be the ones that
have the largest standardized weights or discriminant loadings.
We also present a second, stand-alone DFA, where four continuous predictors
are examined at the initial (A) time point, and the categorical outcome, STAGEB
of condom use, is examined 6 months later (at time 2 or B). Similar to the ex-
amples from previous chapters, the current DFA analyses are based on both the
transtheoretical model (e.g., Prochaska et al., 1994) and the multifaceted model of
HIV risk (Harlow et al., 1993).
Results are provided in Tables 8.1 to 8.17 for several sets of analyses: DFA
follow-up after a significant MANOVA including classification assessment, de-
scriptive statistics for stand-alone DFA with tl predictor variables and a t2 cat-
egorical variable, correlations for stand-alone DFA, and DFA stand-alone analy-
sis that also examines classification information. Note that we do not repeat the
descriptive statistics for the initial DFA follow-up analyses because we already
examined these in the MANOVA chapter.

DFA Follow-up Results

In Table 8.1, notice that the macro-level DFA findings are identical to what we
found when conducting a MANOVA on these same data. This is expected because
the two methods examine the same variables and relationships among the variables
at this omnibus level. Thus, we see again that the macro-level F-test, F(16,1586) =
9.11, p < 0.0001, Wilks's lambda is 0.76442, and we could calculate r]2 as

Macro-Level Results for the Follow-up DFA


Observations 527 DF Total 526

Variables 4 DF Within Classes 522
Classes 5 DF Between Classes 4
Class Level Information

STAGEA Freq. Weight Proportion Prior Prob.

1 = Precontemplation 151 151.0000 0.286528 0.200000

2 = Contemplation 204 204.0000 0.387097 0.200000
3 = Preparation 70 70.0000 0.132827 0.200000
4 = Action 20 20.0000 0.037951 0.200000
5 = Maintenance 82 82.0000 0.155598 0.200000

Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations for Follow-up DFA

Statistic Value F- Value Num. Den. Pr. >F
Wilks' Lambda 0.76442 9.11 16 1586.2 <0.0001
Pillai's Trace 0.23880 8.29 16 2088 <0.0001
Hotelling-Lawley Trace 0.30396 9.84 16 1032 <0.0001
Roy's GCR 0.28967 37.80 4 522 <0.0001

1 — A = 0.23558 0.24. As before, this indicates a moderately high effect size

showing that 24% of the variance in the categorical grouping variable is shared
with the best linear combination(s) of the continuous (discriminating) variables.
We would now want to examine the magnitude and significance of the discriminant
criteria (i.e., eigenvalues) and their associated midlevel F-tests. Subsequently, we
will examine micro-level information only for those discriminant functions that
are significant.
At the midlevel (see Table 8.2) note that there are four [i.e., min (k — 1, p)] linear
combinations or discriminant functions formed, generating four eigenvalues (i.e.,
discriminant criteria), one for each function. The first eigenvalue is much larger
than the remaining three, suggesting that most of the shared variance between the
categorical and continuous variables involves only the first discriminant function.
In the far right column of the middle of Table 8.2,1 calculated the BI values (see
equation 8.5). These values sum to the total 1 value (i.e., 0.24), so that the indi-
vidual BI values can be seen as midlevel effect sizes for the discriminant functions.
Only the first BI value is noteworthy, indicating a moderately large multivariate ES
for the first discriminant function. The importance of only one linear combination
is also evident when examining the F-tests for each discriminant function. The
first F-test is significant, indicating that at least the first discriminant function is
significant. Notice, however, that none of the other discriminant functions has a

Mid-Level Results for the Follow-up DFA

(Canonical) Discriminant Analysis for Follow-up DFA

Canonical Adj. Canonical Approximate Canonical
[discriminant] [discriminant] Standard [discriminant]
V Correlation Correlation Error Correlation

1 0.473931 0.464792 0.033809 0.224611

2 0.093495 0.043221 0.008741
3 0.071264 0.043381 0.005079
4 0.019277 0.043586 0.000372
[Eigenvalues of Inv(E) *H] = CanRsq/(l-CanRsq)

V Eigenvalue Proportion = IDP values Cumulative BI

1 0.289675 0.952972 0.952972 0.2245

2 0.008818 0.029009 0.981981 0.0068
3 0.005105 0.016794 0.998775 0.0040
4 0.000372 0.001224 0.999999 0.003

V Likelihood Ratio Approximate F-Value Num. df Den. df Pr. > F

1 0.76442373 9.11 16 1586.2 <0.0001

2 0.98585807 0.83 9 1265.7 0.5927
3 0.99455177 0.71 4 1042 0.5834
4 0.99962838 0.19 1 522 0.6597

significant associated F-test. Thus, we would want to interpret the discriminant

weights only for the first discriminant function.
Table 8.3 gives the pooled within canonical structure, which yields the dis-
criminant loadings that are the most interpretable weights to examine in DFA.
These loadings can be interpreted as correlations between the specific discrimi-
nating variable (on the independent or left side) and the overall linear combination
(i.e., discriminant function). Because significance tests are not readily available for
these loadings, we use a guideline that loadings, like correlations, can be interpreted
Micro-Level Discriminant Loadings for the Follow-up DFA

Pooled Within Canonical Structure [i.e., Discriminant Loadings] for Follow-up DFA
Variable vl v2 v3 v4

PSYSXB -0.178186 -0.563405 0.394348 0.703785

PROSB 0.428439 -0.336544 0.710217 -0.445836
CONSB -0.559740 0.702903 0.334776 -0.283801
CONSEFFB 0.791755 0.078818 0.314175 0.517886

Micro-Level Unstandardized Discriminant Weights for the Follow-up DFA

Raw Canonical Coefficients [i.e., Unstandardized Discriminant Weights]

Variable vl v2 v3 v4

PSYSXB -0.762850 -0.603109 0.698234 0.834467

PROSB 0.263050 -0.533358 0.850278 -0.836804
CONSB -0.541600 0.970289 0.878886 0.147165
CONSEFFB 0.671011 0.639986 0.241716 0.546780

as meaningful when greater than or equal to | 0.30 |. With this criterion, three of
the four variables have loadings on the first discriminant function (i.e., VI) that
are worth examining. As with the follow-up ANOVAs in the MANOVA chap-
ter, the continuous variable that shows the biggest differences across the STAGE
groups is also the variable (i.e., condom self-efficacy B) that has the highest dis-
criminant loading (i.e., 0.79). The next highest loading is associated with the cons
(i.e., —0.56), followed by the pros of condom use (i.e., 0.43). Thus, this first
discriminant function is largely focused on condom self-efficacy and, to a lesser
degree, the pros and cons of condom use. [Note that we do not have to examine
loadings for the other three functions (i.e., V2 to V4) as these were not signifi-
cant in the midlevel assessment.] If we checked back to the MANOVA chapter, we
would realize that these same three variables (CONSEFFB, CONSB, and PROSB)
were the measures that showed significant differences across the stages of condom
use, showing a link between high (absolute value) discriminant loadings and group
Given the Unstandardized discriminant weights (i.e., raw canonical coefficients)
in Table 8.4, we could form a discriminant function score from the first column:

V1 = -0.76(PSYSXB) + 0.26(PROSB) - 0.54(CONSB) + 0.67(CONSEFFB).

This could be useful in a future prediction study if we knew the scores for the four
continuous variables. Remember, however, that we cannot interpret the importance
or magnitude of the relationship between a continuous variable and its discriminant
function with Unstandardized weights. This is best handled with discriminant load-
ings (see above) or, when not available, with standardized discriminant weights.
It is also sometimes informative to examine the group centroids (see Table 8.5),
which are listed as the class means of the canonical variables (i.e., discrim-
inant functions). These are simply the means of the Vi- scores for each of
the five STAGE A groups. For the first discriminant function (labeled as VI in
Table 8.5), which is the only function we would want to interpret given the pattern
of significance, there is more separation between the stages than with the other
three discriminant functions. This is because the analyses revealed that the sec-
ond, third, and fourth discriminant functions were not significantly separating the

Group Centroids for the Follow-up DFA Discriminant Functions

Class Means (i.e., Group Centroids) on Canonical Variables (i.e., Discriminant Functions)

STAGEA vl v2 v3 v4

1 = Precontemplation -0.628 -0.086 -0.021 0.008

2 — Contemplation -0.038 0.114 0.015 0.004
3 = Preparation 0.109 -0.050 0.068 -0.044
4 = Action 0.654 0.033 -0.329 -0.028
5 = Maintenance 0.999 -0.089 0.023 0.018

groups. Later in the stand-alone example of DFA, we present a graph of the class
means or centroids for the first two canonical variates, in which, similar to this
example, only the first one is significant.
It is sometimes useful to examine the pattern of predicted to actual group (i.e.,
STAGE) designation. In Table 8.6, participants are numbered from 1 to N, al-
though only the first seven cases are presented here to conserve space. Both the
actual and predicted STAGE classifications are given, and when these are disparate
it is indicated by an asterisk. We can see that there is considerable misclassification
(i.e., 5 of the first 7 cases), although we know that classification is at least signifi-
cantly greater than chance because the F-test associated with Wilks's lambda was
Next, we examine the percentages of correct classification for each stage and
also overall presented along the diagonal of the classification table. These provide
the percentage of correct classification for each stage, which ideally should be
greater than (prior) chance (i.e., 1/5 = 0.20 or 20%: see bottom values of 0.20).
We can see from the classification grid in Table 8.7 that the discriminant func-
tions were reasonably accurate in classifying individuals into Stages 1, 4, and 5

Individual Classification Results for the Follow-up DFA

Posterior Probability of Membership in STAGEA (for Follow-up DFA)

Classified into
Obs. from STAGEA STAGEA 1 2 3 4 5

1 1 5* 0.1227 0.2022 0.2188 0.2036 0.2528

2 5 4* 0.0616 0.1548 0.1575 0.3835 0.2426
3 1 5* 0.1067 0.1880 0.2432 0.1600 0.3021
4 2 4* 0.1290 0.1798 0.1976 0.2900 0.2036
5 5 5 0.1240 0.1934 0.2279 0.2146 0.2401
6 3 1* 0.2726 0.2525 0.2564 0.1146 0.1038
7 1 1 0.2797 0.2490 0.2253 0.1508 0.0952

* Misclassified observation

Classification Table for Actual and Predicted Stages in the Follow-up DFA

# of Observations and % Classified into STAGEA (for Follow-up DFA)

STAGEA 1 2 3 4 5 Total

1 84 20 18 11 18 151
55.63 13.25 11.92 7.28 11.92 100%
2 70 27 31 35 41 204
34.31 13.24 15.20 17.16 20.10 100%
3 23 13 10 9 15 70
32.86 18.57 14.29 12.86 21.43 100%
4 2 1 1 9 7 20
10.00 5.00 5.00 45.00 35.00 100%
5 4 4 8 21 45 82
4.88 4.88 9.76 25.61 54.88 100%
Total 183 65 68 85 126 527
34.72 12.33 12.90 16.13 23.91 100%
Priors 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Error Count Estimates for STAGEA (for Follow-up DFA)
1 2 3 4 5 Total

Rate 0.4437 0.8676 0.8571 0.5500 0.4512 0.6339

Priors 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000

(i.e., 56%, 45%, and 55%, correct classification for these respective stages). The
contemplation and action stages show much less accuracy, in fact less than chance
(i.e., < 0.20%). The overall percentage of correct classification is found by sub-
tracting the proportion of total error count estimates from 1 and multiplying by
100. Thus, the current discriminant function resulted in 37% correct classification
into STAGES, which is greater than a 20% chance classification.
We now turn to an example of a stand-alone DFA with the continuous variables
(i.e., psychosexual functioning, pros of condom use, cons of condom use, and
condom self-efficacy) at time 1 serving as predictors or discriminating variables,
and the stage of condom use, measured 6 months later, serving as the categorical
outcome. The interpretation of results is similar to the follow-up form of DFA,
although the focus is now more on a predictive model than a follow-up to a group-
difference model.

Descriptive Statistics for Stand-Alone DFA

Tables 8.8 and 8.9 provide descriptive statistics for the stand-alone DFA, which
uses the same four IVs at time A (i.e., PSYSXA, PROSA, CONSA, and

Descriptive Frequencies for Stand-Alone DFA Example

Cumulative Cumulative
STAGES Freq. % Frequency Percent

1 = Precontemplation 154 29.22 154 29.22

2 = Contemplation 185 35.10 339 64.33
3 = Preparation 79 14.99 418 79.32
4 = Action 22 4.17 440 83.49
5 = Maintenance 87 16.51 527 100.00

CONSEFFA), and a categorical outcome, STAGEB, measured 6 months later.

Frequencies (see Table 8.8) for the stages of condom use B are similar to those
from time A, 6 months earlier (see MANOVA Chapter). At both time points, the
largest proportion of individuals is at the contemplation stage, followed by those
in precontemplation, maintenance, preparation, and the smallest proportion occur-
ring in the action stage. Notice that the means (see Table 8.9) for psychosexual
functioning and the pros of condom use are relatively large at this initial time point,
similar to what we found for these same variables when measured 6 months later
in the MANOVA example from the last chapter. Likewise, the mean for the cons of
condom use is relatively low, with the mean for condom self-efficacy falling some-
where in between. Thus, this sample of 527 women at risk for HIV are responding
fairly consistently, at least when viewed as a group, over a 6-month period.

Correlations for Stand-Alone DFA

Table 8.10 presents correlations among the variables used in the stand-alone DFA.
Correlations among the variables appear reasonable, with none of them even com-
ing close to collinearity levels (i.e., all correlations are < |0.70|).

Stand-Alone DFA Results

Even though we are examining different time points for the variables than
with the initial DFA, we still find a significant macro-level relationship. The
F-test associated with Wilks's lambda is significant (F = 13.52, p < .0001 in

Descriptive Means, SDs, Range, Skewness, and Kurtosis for Stand-Alone DFA

Variable Mean S.D. Min. Max. Skewness Kurtosis

PSYSXA 3.99 0.76 1.00 5.00 -0.854 0.794

PROSA 3.86 0.95 1.00 5.00 -1.006 0.588
CONSA 2.14 0.90 1.00 5.00 0.710 0.078
CONSEFFA 3.29 1.30 1.00 5.00 -0.306 -1.189

TABLE 8.10
Pearson Correlation Coefficients (N = 527) Prob > | r | under HO: Rho = 0


PSYSXA 1.0000 -0.0189 -0.2240 0.0862 -0.1564

0.6660 <0.0001 0.0477 0.0003
PROSA -0.0189 1.0000 -0.0634 0.3150 0.2557
0.6636 0.1456 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSA -0.2240 -0.0634 1.0000 -0.4020 -0.2458
<0.0001 0.1456 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSEFFA 0.0862 0.3150 -0.4020 1.0000 0.4840
0.0477 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
STAGEB -0.1564 0.2557 -0.2458 0.4840 1.0000
0.0003 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

Table 8.11), with 2 equal to 0.32, indicating a large multivariate ES. We would
now want to examine which of the individual discriminant functions had significant
discriminant criteria or eigenvalues.
Similar to the MANOVA example, there are four discriminant functions, each
with their respective eigenvalues and significance tests (see Table 8.12). From
the macro-level results presented here, we can see that only the first discriminant
TABLE 8.11
Macro-Level Results for Stand-Alone DFA
The DISCRIM Procedure for the Stand- Alone DFA
Observations 527 DF Total 526
Variables 4 DF Within Classes 522
Classes 5 DF Between Classes 4
Class Level Information
STAGEA Freq. Weight Proportion Prior Prob.
1 = Precontemplation 154 154.000 0.292 0.200
2 = Contemplation 185 185.000 0.351 0.200
3 = Preparation 79 79.000 0.150 0.200
4 = Action 22 22.000 0.042 0.200
5 = Maintenance 87 87.000 0.165 0.200

Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations (for the Stand-Alone DFA)


Statistics Value F-Value Num. Den. Pr.>F

Wilks' Lambda 0.67668 13.52 16 1586.2 <0.0001
Pillai's Trace 0.33205 11.81 16 2088 <0.0001
Hotelling-Lawley Trace 0.46494 15.05 16 1032 <0.0001
Roy's GCR 0.43577 56.87 4 522 <0.0001

TABLE 8.12
Mid-Level Results for Stand-Alone DFA
Canonical Discriminant Analysis (for Stand-Alone DFA)
Canonical Adj. Canonical Approximate Canonical
[discriminant] [discriminant] Standard [discriminant]
V Correlation Correlation Error Correlation

1 0.550920 0.543905 0.030368 0.303513

2 0.156317 0.131127 0.042537 0.024435
3 0.063770 0.043425 0.004067
4 0.005953 0.043601 0.000035
[Eigenvalues of Inv (E)*H] / = CanRsq/(l - CanRsq)
V Eigenvalues =
Discriminant Proportion
Criteria = IDPs Cumulative Bowker Index
1 0.4358 0.9373 0.9373 0.3030
2 0.0250 0.0539 0.9911 0.0174
3 0.0041 0.0088 0.9999 0.0028
4 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000

Likelihood Approximate F
Ratio Value NumDF Den DF Pr>F
1 0.67668094 13.52 16 1586.2 <0.0001
2 0.97156341 1.68 9 1265.7 0.0897
3 0.99589808 0.54 4 1042 0.7094
4 0.99996457 0.02 1 522 0.8919

Test of HO: The canonical correlations in the current row and all that follow are zero (for Stand-alone

function is significant (see the likelihood ratio and F tests in Table 8.12), though the
second one approached significance. Consistent with this result, the first eigenvalue
is capturing the bulk of the available variance, with the remaining ones being fairly
small. The predominance of the first discriminant function is also evident by its
large ES (see BI = 0.30), whereas the ESs for the remaining functions are trivial.
Notice also that the first F-test is actually the same as the macro-level test we saw
initially. This is because it includes information on all of the eigenvalues, although
it is interpreted as providing information on just the first discriminant function.
We would now want to examine the weights for this first function.
Table 8.13 presents the micro-level results for the stand-alone DFA. As in the
previous example, the variable with the highest discriminant loading (i.e., see
pooled within canonical structure) is CONSEFFA, which correlates 0.84 with
the first discriminant function. In contrast to the findings with the follow-up

TABLE 8.13
Micro-Level Discriminant Loadings for the Stand-Alone DFA

Pooled Within Canonical Structure [i.e., Discriminant Loadings] for Stand-alone DFA

Variable VI V2 V3 V4

PSYSXA -0.267171 0.544737 0.646691 -0.462245

PROSA 0.424869 -0.647438 0.519540 -0.361094
CONSA -0.380507 -0.416079 0.313287 0.764163
CONSEFFA 0.836638 0.425562 0.336664 0.074771

DFA, here PROSA has the next highest loading (i.e., 0.42), followed by CONS
(i.e., —0.38). As before, PSYSXA does not contribute very much to this discrimi-
nant function (i.e., the loading is < | 0.30 |). These findings would tell us that the
best predictor of STAGE at time 2 is an individual's level of condom self-efficacy
6 months earlier. Knowing both the perceived pros and cons of condom use would
also contribute to the prediction of stage of condom use 6 months later. In both the
follow-up and stand-alone DFA, knowing an individual's level of psychosexual
functioning does not help in predicting which stage of condom use the person will
be in after six months.
Figure 8.1 depicts the stand-alone DFA results with loadings attached to each
predictor for the first discriminant function, VI.
Table 8.14 presents the unstandardized discriminant weights for all four discrim-
inant functions (i.e., VI to V4), although only the first column of weights should

FIG. 8.1. DFA with 4 IVs and l DV showing significant R2 (= O.3O)

shared variance, F(16, 1586) = 13.52, p< 0 . 0 0 0 l , with discrimi-
nant loadings for l st function (VI).

TABLE 8.14
Micro-Level Unstandardized Results
Raw Canonical Coefficients [i.e., Unstandardized Discriminant Weights]

Variable VI V2 V3 V4

PSYSXA -0.66242430 0.59127098 0.99074467 -0.41408549

PROSA 0.28684962 -0.84359422 0.46624882 -0.50764419
CONSA -0.29064190 -0.16210037 0.71128384 0.97205961
CONSEFFA 0.69161979 0.41196589 0.26697501 0.45924274

be used because only VI was significant at the midlevel. If we were interested,

we could create a discriminant score for the first function by applying the raw
(Unstandardized) discriminant weights to the individual variables:

Vi = -0.66(PSYSXB) + 0.29(PROSB) - 0.29(CONSB) + 0.69 (CONSEFFB).

Table 8.15 gives the group centroids for the four discriminant functions. As
with the other results, we would interpret those just for the only significant (first)
function. Notice that the function means for VI are more spread apart than those
for the other (nonsignificant) functions (i.e., V2 to V4). This is consistent with the
F-test results that showed that only the first function significantly discriminated
across the stage groups.
Figure 8.2 visually depicts the discriminating power of the first function by
comparing the group centroids for the first discriminant function, VI, with those
for the second discriminant function, V2. Notice that the bars representing the
centroids for VI are more spread apart than those for V2.
Table 8.16 presents the individual classification results (labeled: posterior prob-
ability of membership into stageB from the stand-alone DFA) for the first seven par-
ticipants. This lists the stages of condom use from which they started, the stages at
which the DFA predicted them, and the probabilities of being classified into each of
the five stages. As we did with the follow-up DFA, we can scan the first few columns
to see how well the first discriminant function did in classifying individuals

TABLE 8.15
Group Centroids for Stand-Alone DFA Discriminant Functions

Class Means [i.e., Group Centroids] on Discriminant Functions for Stand-alone DFA

1 = Precontemplation -0.763 0.126 -0.027 -0.003

2 = Contemplation -0.130 -0.089 0.033 0.007
3 = Preparation 0.401 -0.264 -0.069 -0.007
4 = Action 0.372 0.006 0.252 -0.016
5 = Maintenance 1.169 0.206 -0.023 0.001

FIG. 8.2. Plot of group centroids for first two discriminant functions.

into the correct stage group. We can see by the number of asterisks, indicating
an incorrect classification, that there are many individuals who were not correctly
classified into their initial stage category.
Table 8.17 provides the summary classification table for the stand-alone DFA.
The stage with the highest percentage of correct classification is maintenance (i.e.,
68% of the individuals who were initially listed as in Stage 5 were subsequently
classified as Stage 5 based on the discriminant function results). Stage 1 (precon-
templation) also fares well with 56% correct classification. In contrast to the DFA

TABLE 8.16
Individual Classification Results for Stand-Alone DFA
Posterior Probability of Membership in STAGEB (for Stand-alone DFA)
Classified into
Obs. from STAGEB STAGEB 1 2 3 4 5

1 1 1 0.6894 0.1851 0.0564 0.0558 0.0132

2 5 5 0.0140 0.0698 0.2238 0.1389 0.5535
3 1 4* 0.1395 0.2201 0.1671 0.3464 0.1269
4 2 3* 0.1165 0.2194 0.3226 0.1744 0.1671
5 1 5* 0.1056 0.1854 0.2256 0.2245 0.2589
6 2 3* 0.0670 0.1787 0.2804 0.2515 0.2223
7 1 1 0.4653 0.2755 0.1137 0.1314 0.0141

Misclassified observation

TABLE 8.17
Classification Table for Actual and Predicted Stages in Stand-Alone DFA

# of Observations and % Classified into STAGEB

Classification Summary for Stand-Alone DFA
Number of Observations and Percent Classified into STAGEB

STAGEB 1 2 3 4 5 Total

1 86 13 15 27 13 154
55.84 8.44 9.74 17.53 8.44 100%
2 67 26 29 28 35 185
36.22 14.05 15.68 15.14 18.92 100%
3 12 8 23 11 25 79
15.19 10.13 29.11 13.92 31.65 100%
4 3 3 4 3 9 22
13.64 13.64 18.18 13.64 40.91 100%
5 3 1 10 14 59 87
3.45 1.15 11.49 16.09 67.82 100%
Total 171 51 81 83 141 527
32.45 9.68 15.37 15.75 26.76 100%
Priors 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Error Count Estimates for STAGEB (for Stand-Alone DFA)

1 2 3 4 5 Total

Rate 0.4416 0.8595 0.7089 0.8636 0.3218 0.6391

Priors 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000

results with the follow-up to the MANOVA example from the previous chapter,
individuals in the preparation stage were classified better than chance (i.e., 29%
is > 20%). However, the action stage did not do well at all for the current analysis,
nor did contemplation, both of which had only 14% correct classification. Thus, if
an individual started out in either of these stages there would be only a chance pos-
sibility of them being correctly classified into their original stage for both action
and contemplation.
From the error count estimates at the bottom of Table 8.17 we see that overall,
there was 36% correct classification (i.e., 100 — 64) for this discriminant function
predicting membership in STAGEB. This is very similar to what we found earlier
(i.e., 37%) with STAGEA in the follow-up DFA results. Thus, we can conclude that
the discriminant function did reasonably well in predicting stage of condom use
6 months later, although the variable psychosexual functioning did not contribute
very much and probably could be dropped from future research.

TABLE 8.18
Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation Themes Applied to DFA

Themes Discriminant Function Analysis

Multiplicity themes +Theory, hypotheses and empirical research

Note: + means +Controls: Experimental design, covariates, select sample
multiplicity of theme +Time Points: IVs and/or DV
pertains +Samples: + DV Groups, Cross validate if possible
+Measurements: +IVs, +Groups for DV(s)
Background themes Sample Data: Random selection (and assignment)
Measures: Grouping DV,
[Continuous covariate(s),]
Multiple continuous IVs
Assumptions: Normality, linearity, homoscedasticity
Methods: Inferential with assumptions met
Central themes Variance: in DV shared by discriminant function(s)
Covariance: between DV and IVs and among IVs
Ratio: Between groups/within groups variance matrices
Interpretation themes Macro: Omnibus x2 or F-test, ES = 2
(Questions to ask) Mid: F-tests for each eigenvalue (discriminant criteria), and
IDP and BI for each discriminant function; and % of correct
Micro: Discriminant weights (standardized or loadings)
Do IVs discriminate among DV groups?
Are all variables reliable & needed?
Low correlations among IVs (i.e., no collinearity)?
Significant 2or shared variance between IVs and DV?
Correct classification into DV groups by set of IVs?
Which IVs significantly discriminate among DV groups?
Assumptions met?
Can design support causal inference?


A summary of the multiplicity, background, central, and interpretation themes for

DFA is presented in Table 8.18.

Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 155-159.
Grimm, L. G., & Yarnold, P. R. (1995). Reading and understanding multivariate statistics. Washington,
Harlow, L. L., Quina, K., Morokoff, P. J., Rose, J. S., & Grimley, D. (1993). HIV risk in women: A
multifaceted model. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 7, 3-38.
Huberty, C. (1994). Applied discriminant analyses. New York: Wiley & Sons.

Johnson, R. A., & Wichern, D. W. (2002). Applied multivariate statistical analysis (5th ed.). Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Prochaska, J. O., Velicer, W. K, Rossi, J. S., Goldstein, M. G., Marcus, B. H., Rakowski, W., Fiore,
C, Harlow, L. L., Redding, C. A., Rosenbloom, D., & Rossi, S. R. (1994). Stages of change and
decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors. Health Psychology, 13, 39-46.
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2001). Using multivariate statistics (4th ed.) (Chapter 11: pp.
456-516). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Logistic Regression

Themes Applied to Logistic

Regression (LR)

LR is a multivariate prediction method that is most likely to use all or some cate-
gorical predictors to explain a categorical, usually dichotomous, outcome. As we
will see, it bears similarities and differences to other prediction methods such as
multiple regression (MR) and discriminant function anlalysis (DFA) (see Chap-
ters 4 and 8, respectively). Several excellent sources can be consulted regarding
logistic regression. Hosmer and Lemeshow (1989) have written what is commonly
believed to be the definitive text on LR. Other well-written manuscripts explain
the essentials of LR in easy to understand language (e.g., Menard, 1995; Rose,
Chassin, Presson & Sherman, 2000; Tabachnick & Fidell [Ch. 12], 2001; Wright,
1995). We now turn to a delineation of how the set of 10 questions and themes
pertain to the method of LR.


LR is a multivariate method that allows several independent variables (IVs), either
categorical or continuous, and a categorical dependent variable (DV). The goal
is to assess the likelihood of falling into one of the DV categories, given a set
of predictor IVs. Similar to MR, LR allows multiple IVs and a single DV. A
distinction, however, is that in MR the outcome is continuous, whereas with LR the
outcome is categorical. LR is also similar to DFA in that they both allow multiple
predictor IVs and a single categorical DV. LR and DFA differ in the nature of
their assumptions, goals, and their output. Traditional assumptions of linearity,

homoscedasticity, and normality are usually required for DFA. LR, in contrast,
does not require these assumptions, and outcome categories must be exclusive and
exhaustive so that each participant must be classified into one, and only one, of the
outcome categories. As for objectives and output, DFA usually is focused on the
correlational weights for prediction, and the percentage of correct classification of
individuals, into group membership. LR is used, particularly in health research, to
assess the odds or likelihood of disease given certain characteristics or symptoms.
Further, LR usually requires larger samples due to using maximum-likelihood
estimation (Wright, 1995).


LR is often used in one of the three ways suggested below:

a. LR can be used as a prediction method whenever there are several IVs

(either categorical or continuous), and a single dichotomous outcome. This is the
simplest and probably the most commonly used form of LR. The goal would be
to test whether the set of IVs is significantly related to falling into one of the two
outcome categories. For example (Rose et al., 2000), we could predict quitting
smoking (1 = successful, 0 = not successful) with predictors such as gender,
amount smoked, onset of smoking, and a set of conceptual variables (e.g., smoking
environment, smoking beliefs, smoking motives, reasons for quitting, and social
reasons for smoking). If the overall set of predictors is significantly related to the
outcome of quitting smoking, we could then examine which predictors are most
strongly linked with the outcome.
b. LR also can be used when there are multiple outcome categories and a
set of predictor IVs (either categorical or continuous). The goal, similar to the di-
chotomous LR, is to assess whether the set of IVs is significantly related to falling
into one of the set of outcome categories. Tabachnick and Fidell (2001) present
an example to investigate whether a set of demographic and attitudinal IVs can
significantly predict group membership into one of three outcome categories (wife
employed outside home, satisfied nonemployed housewife, dissatisfied nonem-
ployed housewife).
c. LR can be used as an exploratory model-building method in which a
number of nested models (models that are subsets of a larger model) are compared
to determine the most parsimonious set of predictors needed to adequately predict
the likelihood of falling into one of two or more outcome categories. This method
is used quite often, but it is the most controversial because it capitalizes on chance
variation and often overfits a model to the data. Although it is sometimes advanta-
geous to explore the data to test a variety of models, the problem with this form of
LR is that researchers may treat the results with greater generalizability and validity

than may be warranted. As with any method, it is always best to cross-validate

results on independent samples before generalizing beyond a specific sample and
set of variables.



LR is very similar to DFA in the multiplicity themes entailed. As with most multi-
variate methods, we would like to consider multiple theories and empirical studies
before conducting a LR analysis. As with DFA, LR requires the use of a categorical
outcome with two or more response categories. We also want to include multiple,
reliable IVs to adequately predict membership into one of the outcome categories.
Unlike DFA, LR is more likely to include a set of interactions between some of
the IVs to enhance prediction. This practice makes it even more important to try
and limit collinearity among the IVs because interactions with variables that are
already highly related can exacerbate problems with estimation. We also would
want to have a large sample to ensure stability and power in our findings. If it
were feasible, it would be helpful to collect data from multiple time points to pro-
vide some evidence of the direction of causation between IVs and the categorical



Background themes for LR are somewhat similar to those for MR and DFA. We
would start by examining a reasonably large (N x p) data matrix that has several IVs
and a single (categorical) DV (with two or more groups). To enhance the power of
the results, Aldrich and Nelson (1984) recommend a ratio of 50 participants per IV,
probably requiring a larger sample size than either MR or DFA. Our LR example
(presented later in the chapter) exceeds these guidelines because we use the same
sample (i.e., N = 527 women at risk for HIV) and variables (i.e., five-category
outcome: stage of condom use; and four predictors: psychosexual functioning, pros
of condom use, cons of condom use, and self-efficacy of condom use) as with DFA
and MR. Thus, our sample appears sufficiently large (i.e., N > 200) to use LR.
We also would want to begin a LR analysis by first examining descriptive
statistics (e.g., means or frequencies, standard deviations, skewness, and kurtosis),
reliability, and correlations among all the variables. Because we are using the same
variables as in the stand-alone DFA example presented in Chapter 8, we do not
repeat these background analyses in this chapter. Note that the same variables were

used in the MR example presented in Chapter 4, although for MR, all the variables
were measured at time B, whereas for DFA and LR the IVs are measured at time
A and the DV is measured 6 months later at time B.


With LR, the model is more complex than it was for DFA or MR, though each
of these methods involves some function of weighted predictor variables. In LR,
we examine an exponential function for a predicted score, X', but Y is initially
modeled as it is with MR:

Y = X' + E (9.1)

where Y is a categorical outcome variable, E is prediction error, and X' is a ratio

of exponential functions of the linear equation we saw in MR:

X' = A + DA + B2X2 + B3X3 + ••• + BPXP, (9.2)


With a dichotomous outcome, Y (where Y

7 = 1 or 0), and 4 predictor X vari-
ables, we would have:

X' _ reA+B\Xl+B2X2+B3X3+B4X4-i /rj , eA+B!Xl+B2X2+B3X3+B4X4-> /g 3)


where X' is a probability value ranging from 0 and 1.

With LR, as with MR, the values for the A (i.e., constant) and B weights are
the unstandardized coefficients associated with each predictor variable.
In contrast to MR and DFA, the weights that we usually interpret with LR are
called odds ratios. These indicate the chance of being in an outcome category
given a one-unit change in a predictor variable, after taking into account the other
predictor variables in the model. Odds ratios that are greater than one indicate
that there is a greater likelihood of falling into the baseline outcome category (i.e.,
precontemplation in our examples) given an increase of one point in the specific
predictor variable associated with the odds ratio. Odds ratios that are less than one
indicate that there is less likelihood of falling into the baseline outcome category
when the value for a specific predictor variable is increased by one point. In contrast
to both MR and DFA, then, larger (odds ratio) values are associated with predictors
that are more strongly linked with the lower stages (e.g., precontemplation) than
predictors with smaller values that are associated with higher level stages (e.g.,
maintenance). To make interpretation similar across the different methods, we re-
verse the ordering of the stage categories to make the baseline or reference category

be the highest stage of maintenance in our example near the end of this chapter
(see section on What Is an Example of Applying LR to a Research Question?).


Although LR still focuses to some degree on a linear combination similar to MR
(e.g., see equations 4.1 and 4.2 in the MR Chapter 4), the function that is modeled
with LR is nonlinear (i.e., see equations 9.1 and 9.3, above). LR is also concerned
with shared variance between the IVs and the DV, though a traditional R2 value
is not always standard output with LR, whereas it is regularly given for MR and
even analysis of variance (ANOVA). Similarly, we are concerned with covariances
among IVs with LR, especially when considering possible collinearity. However,
we do not conventionally focus on or provide correlations (i.e., standardized Co-
variances) among variables in LR output.
In contrast to multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) or DFA, LR, like
MR and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), does not involve eigenvalues or eigen-
vector weights. Still, the central themes of variance, covariance and linear com-
binations play a part in LR as we will see below with macro- and micro-level


At a macro-level, LR is no different than other methods we have considered pre-
viously (e.g., MR, ANCOVA, MANOVA, and DFA). We would always want to
begin with examining a macro-level significance test and effect size. As a prelimi-
nary step, however, LR should begin with a test of a proportional odds assumption
whenever the DV has more than two categories. This assumption assesses whether
the odds ratios, the weights examined at the micro-level for LR (see section on
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret LR Results at a Micro-Level?), are
proportional over different pairs of categories. Loosely similar to the homogeneity
of regression assumption in ANCOVA, we would like the odds ratio weights to be
similar regardless of the different pairs of categories. When this assumption does
not hold, as we will see shortly in our example, we know that the logistic regression
weights differ depending on the category groupings of the outcome. To explore this
further, it is a good idea to conduct follow-up LR analyses with pairwise categories
of the outcome variable. We see an application of this in the example presented
later in section What Is an Example of Applying LR to a Research Question?

Significance test
For LR, we calculate the log-likelihood (LL) by:

LL = sum of [Y{ x LN (Xj) + (1 - 7,-) x LN (1 - jQ], (9.4)


where /i = 1 to N, and Y7,i, is the actual outcome score (i.e., 1 or 0) that is multiplied
by the natural log of X[
X as defined in equation 9.3, which is then added to 1 — 7, Yi
times the natural log of 1 minus a predicted X'{ score. The LL is usually calculated
for a specific model, M, with a set of "p" predictors and an intercept, and is
compared with the LL for a model (I) that includes only an intercept parameter (I)
and no predictors. A chi-square significance test can then be calculated as:

X2 = 2 [ L L ( M ) - L L ( I ) ] (9.5)

If the chi-square for this difference in log-likelihoods is significant, we can con-

clude that the model with the set of p predictors is significantly better than the
model that includes just an intercept constant.

Effect size
For LR, we do not usually get a traditional R2 value accompanying a macro-
level significance test. Several indices (e.g., Somer's D, gamma, tau-a, and c;
and McFadden's p2) are provided with some computer packages (e.g., SAS, and
SPSS, respectively). The values differ in how they deal with pairs of outcome
categories, and the range of values for the index, with McFadden's p2 being the
most conservative, and c usually having the largest values (i.e., a range of 0.5 to
1.0). To calculate an effect size (ES) that can be interpreted as the proportion of
shared variance between a set of predictors and a categorical outcome, it may be
best to average several indices. This maintains the spirit of multiplicity, recognizing
that we often need multiple measures or methods to estimate a single underlying
concept (e.g., shared variance). This average shared variance index can be evaluated
with Cohen's (1992) guidelines for a multivariate ES (i.e., 0.02,0.13, and 0.26 for
small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively). A formula for one of the
/?2-like indices is given below:

McFadden's p2 = 1 - [LL (M)/LL (I)], (9.6)


where LL(M) is the log-likelihood for a specific model with p predictors, and LL
(I) is the log-likelihood for a model that only includes an intercept parameter or
When we get a significant x2 test and a reasonable ES, it is worthwhile to
examine specific micro-level findings to assess which variables are significant in
predicting membership in the outcome.


Predictor variables can be evaluated in at least two ways with LR:

a. Logistic regression weights and significance tests. The initial weights that
come out of an LR analysis can be evaluated for significance much like what is
done in MR. The significance test for these weights is a Wald test that is inter-
preted as a z- or f-test and is simply the ratio of the LR coefficient divided by its
standard error. Some computer programs use ax2 test to assess the significance of
b. Odds ratios. It is useful to examine the odds of falling into an outcome
category given a one-unit change in a specific predictor. These odds ratios are
calculated for each predictor and are helpful when interpreting which IVs provide
relevant information in predicting membership in the outcome variable. Larger
values for an odds ratio associated with an IV indicate that participants with high
scores on that IV have greater odds of falling into the baseline reference category.
The reference category is usually the highest category (i.e., the one coded with a
1 versus a 0 in a dichotomous outcome). Because some computer routines (e.g.,
SAS, 1999) use the smallest category as a reference, it is useful to flip the valence
to a descending order to be consistent with other programs and interpretation (e.g.,
focus on the likelihood of falling into the fifth stage of condom use, maintenance,
instead of the first stage, precontemplation). To aid in interpretation, we use this
reversed, descending order of the outcome categories in the example presented


After conducting an LR analysis, caution should be applied, especially if the
exploratory model-building format was adopted. Results are more reliable when
they have been confirmed on an independent sample from which a model was
initially explored. As always, without random assignment to groups, manipulation
of variables, and longitudinal designs, none of which is common with LR, it is
difficult to impossible to ascribe causality.
With LR, as with many other methods, we also want to evaluate the reliability
of our measures and whether we had included adequate covariates or confounding
variables. The latter variables would help in ruling out alternative explanations for
the findings. Finally, the nature of the sample should be evaluated as to its size,

its relevance to the phenomenon under study, and its ability to provide relatively
generalizable results.



Output is provided below for LR using the same variables and time points as in
the DFA stand-alone example (and the same variables, though different time point
for the IVs in the standard MR example). As before, the four predictor IVs are
psychosexual functioning, pros of condom use, cons of condom use, and con-
dom self-efficacy. The outcome is stage of condom use. To include a longitudinal
aspect, the IVs are measured at the first time point (i.e., indicated by the letter
A at the end of each variable name), and the outcome is measured 6 months
later (i.e., indicated by the letter B at the end of the outcome name, STAGEB).
There is no need to repeat the preliminary descriptives and correlations that were
presented earlier (see stand-alone example in the DFA chapter). As with previ-
ous examples, the LR analysis draws on both the transtheoretical model (e.g.,
Prochaska et al., 1994) and the multifaceted model of HIV risk (Harlow et al.,
Several LR analyses were conducted where the nature of the categorical DV
changed for each analysis. In the first analysis, the outcome has five levels (i.e., the
five stages of condom use). For the last four analyses, four dichotomous outcome
variables are created to compare stages 2 to 5, respectively, with the first stage,
precontemplation (coded 0 in each dichotomy). Because there are varying num-
bers of participants in each of the five stages, the sample sizes vary for the four
analyses with a dichotomous outcome (see calculations, below). These four LRs
with dichotomous outcomes can be viewed as follow-up analyses to the initial LR
to determine with which stage levels the predictors were most significantly related.
Given the multiple analyses, it is probably wise to use a more conservative alpha
level such as 0.01 for the four follow-up analyses, with the conventional 0.05 alpha
level for the initial analysis.

a. The first LR analysis uses the same five-level (stage of condom use at time
B: STAGEB) DV as was used in MR and in DFA.
b. The second LR analysis uses a dichotomous STAGE2B DV, with precontem-
plators coded 0 and individuals in the second stage, contemplators, coded 1.
c. The third analysis uses a dichotomous STAGE3B DV, with precontemplation
coded as 0 and individuals in the third stage, preparation, coded as 1.
d. The fourth LR analysis again codes a dichotomous STAGE4B DV as 0 for
precontemplation, but a 1 is now given for those in the fourth action stage
of condom use.

Frequencies for STAGEB for LR Example

The LOGISTIC Procedure Response Profile

Ordered Value STAGEB Frequency

1 = Maintenance 5 87
2 = Action 4 22
3 = Preparation 3 79
4 = Contemplation 2 185
5 = Precontemplation 1 154

e. Finally, the last LR analysis uses a dichotomous STAGE5B DV with those

in the fifth stage, maintenance, coded as 1, with the same baseline of pre-
contemplators coded as 0.

LR Results for 5-Stage DV

The first part of the output for the LR example provides the frequencies for the
five response categories for the outcome, STAGEB. As we have noticed from
previous chapters, there are highly discrepant sample sizes per group, which is not
optimal. Notice also that we reordered the Stages in "descending" order so that
our odds ratios can be interpreted with respect to the highest stage (i.e., Stage 5 =
maintenance for the first analysis).
From the list of frequencies for each stage (see Table 9.1), we can ascertain the
sample sizes for each LR analysis. For the first LR analysis with the five-category
outcome, N = 527 because data from all participants are used. For the second LR
comparing contemplators and precontemplators, we have N = 185 + 154 = 339.
For the third LR, comparing those in preparation with precontemplators, TV =
79 + 154 = 233. For the fourth LR (including those in Stage 4, action, and Stage
1, precontemplation) we have N = 154 + 22 = 176; for the fifth LR (comparing
those in Stage 5, maintenance, and Stage 1, precontemplation) our sample size is
N = 87 + 154 = 241.
Table 9.2 provides results for a test of an initial assumption needed when
conducting LR on an outcome with more than two categories. Findings for the
proportional odds assumption (labeled a "score test" in SAS, 1999) indicate that
the odds ratios between similar stage categories are significantly different. This is
not ideal and suggests that the likelihood of falling in one of the stage categories,
given the set of four predictors, is not proportional. This could be due to the
disproportionate sample sizes for the stage categories and/or to the fact that the
four IVs may not be as effective in predicting membership into some of the stages.
We saw this with DFA classification results, where membership in the extreme

Initial Test of Odds Assumption for Five-Stage DV

Score Test for the Proportional Odds Assumption

Chi-Square DF Pr > ChiSq

26.6002 12 0.0088

stages (i.e., precontemplation and maintenance) was more easily predicted than
for, say, the second (i.e., contemplation) stage of condom use. Although the lack
of proportionality is not optimal, we will proceed cautiously with interpreting the
output from this LR analysis.
In Table 9.3, notice that the likelihood ratio is significant [x2(4) =
183.2448, p < 0.0001], indicating that the model with both the intercept and four
predictors (i.e., Model M) is better than the model with the intercept only (i.e.,
Model I).
Table 9.4 presents four macro-level indices that can be interpreted as a correla-
tion between the set of IVs and the DV. A macro-level effect size can be calculated
by squaring any of the indices in the far right column of Table 9.4. Because these
produce discrepant values (i.e., 0.24,0.25,0.13, and 0.56, respectively for squared
values of Somer's D, gamma, tau-a, and c), it is also useful to calculate McFadden's
p2 (see equation 9.4):

McFadden's p2 = 1 - [LL (M)/LL (I)] = 1 - (1336.025/1519.270)

= 1-0.879386 = 0.12

Using Cohen's (1992) guidelines, this represents approximately a medium mul-

tivariate effect size (similar to the value obtained by squaring tau-a, above). This

Macro-Level LR Results for Five-Stage DV

Model Fit Statistics

Intercept Only Intercept and TVs
Criterion [Model I] [Model M]

AIC 1527.270 1352.025

SC 1544.338 1386.163
-2 Log L 1519.270 1336.025
Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA = 0
Test Chi-Square DF Pr > Chi-Sq.
Likelihood Ratio 183.2448 4 <0.0001
Score 154.4480 4 <0.0001
Wald 155.4034 4 <0.0001

Macro-Level Indices for LR with Five-Stage DV

Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses with 4 LR Indices

Percent Concordant 74.4 Somers' D 0.493

Percent Discordant 25.1 Gamma 0.495
Percent Tied 0.5 Tau-a 0.365
Pairs 102747 c 0.746

is substantially smaller than the multivariate effect size found with a DFA (i.e.,
= 1 - A = 0.32) or MR (i.e., R2 = 0.29) of these same data (see DFA and MR
chapters). This is probably because LR is not as powerful as either DFA or MR.
Given the range of values for the macro-level effect sizes from Somer's D, gamma,
tau-a, c, and McFadden's p2, as suggested earlier it might be useful to average
these to arrive at a more balanced assessment of the proportion of shared variance
between the linear combination of predictors and the outcome. The average of
these five indices provides a moderately large ES, a value that is more in line with
that found from DFA and MR:

(0.24 + 0.25 + 0.13 + 0.56 + 0.12)/5 = 0.25.

Thus, we could conclude that the four predictors for this LR analysis explain
approximately 25% of the variance in stage of condom use.
An inspection of the significance tests (i.e., chi-square) and probabilities for
the LR parameter estimates (see Table 9.5) reveals that all four of the predictors
are significantly predicting membership in the outcome variable, StageB (at the
conservative alpha level of .01 or better). Thus, it is helpful to examine the odds
ratios for each predictor.
The pattern of odds ratios in Table 9.6 indicates that individuals who score high
in psychosexual functioning are only half as likely to fall in the maintenance stage

Micro-Level LR Results for Five-Stage DV

Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates

Parameter DF Estimate Standard Error Chi-Square Pr > Chi-Sq.

Intercept 1 -2.3209 0.6906 11.2942 0.0008

Intercept2 1 -1.9812 0.6892 8.2629 0.0040
Intercept3 1 -1.0361 0.6869 2.2753 0.1315
Intercept4 1 0.8601 0.6838 1.5818 0.2085
PSYSXA 1 -0.6721 0.1139 34.8353 <0.0001
PROSA 1 0.3474 0.0939 13.6820 0.0002
CONSA 1 -0.2842 0.1038 7.5020 0.0062
CONSEFFA 1 0.6876 0.0781 77.4682 <0.0001

Micro-Level Odds Ratio Estimates for LR with Five-Stage DV

Odds Ratio Estimates

95% Wald
Effect Point Estimate Confidence Limits

PSYSXA 0.511 0.408 0.638

PROSA 1.415 1.177 1.701
CONSA 0.753 0.614 0.922
CONSEFFA 1.989 1.707 2.318

of condom use (than in earlier stages). Similarly, but to a slightly larger degree,
individuals who score high on the cons of condom use are about three-quarters as
likely to be staged in maintenance (and thus are more likely to be classified into
an earlier stage). Conversely, individuals who score high in condom self-efficacy
are almost twice as likely to be in the maintenance stage of condom use, and
those scoring high on the pros of condom use are 1.4 times more likely to fall in
the maintenance category as in one of the earlier stages. Although the nature of
these values is not the same as that of the loadings in DFA or the standardized
regression coefficients in MR, the interpretation of the findings is similar. Condom
self-efficacy appears to be the most salient predictor of who will have a high stage
(i.e., maintenance) of condom use. Figure 9.1 depicts the LR prediction model for
this five-stage DV with odds ratios provided for each IV.
We now turn to the first follow-up LR analysis that explores whether the
same four IVs (psychosexual functioning, pros, cons, and condom self-efficacy)
can predict a dichotomous outcome comparing contemplators (score = 1) to

FIG. 9. l. LR predicting five-stage DV with odds ratios provided.


Frequencies for STAGE2B for LR Example (DV: 1 = Contemplation
vs. 0 = Precontemplation)

The LOGISTIC Procedure Response Profile

Code for Total

Variable Name STAGE2B Frequency

Contemplation 1 185
Precontemplation 0 154

precontemplators (i.e., score = 0). Given the initial significance of the propor-
tional odds (i.e., score) test earlier, it is likely that LR results will vary for the
four follow-up analyses, depending on the stages compared in the dichotomous

LR Results for Dichotomous STAGE2B DV

(Stage 2 Versus l)
Table 9.7 gives the frequencies for individuals in Stages 2 and 1 of the dichotomous
DV, STAGE2B analyzed here. Note that the frequencies are approximately equal
across the two stage categories, but only a total of 339 participants (i.e., those in
Stages 2 and 1) were analyzed.
Table 9.8 provides the macro-level test results for this follow-up LR with
STAGE2B as a dichotomous DV. As with the five-level DV, we conclude that
the model (M) with predictors and intercept provides a better fit than the model (I)
with only the intercept.
Table 9.9 presents four macro-level indices for the model with STAGE2B. Re-
membering that these indices use a correlational scale, we can obtain estimates of
a macro-level effect size by squaring any of the indices. These calculations would
yield squared (proportion of shared variance) values of 0.11, 0.11, 0.03, and 0.44
for Somer's D, gamma, tau-a, and c, respectively. These are much smaller than
the values found for the five-level stage DV used in the first LR analysis. This is
probably because there is not very much difference between the stages of precon-
templation and contemplation and predicting membership in these categories is
not as precise with the four predictors analyzed (i.e., psychosexual functioning,
pros of condom use, cons of condom use, and condom self-efficacy). We can also
calculate McFadden's p2 as:

McFadden's p2 = 1 - [LL (M)/LL (C)] = 1 - 435.751/467.115 = 0.07

As noted earlier, this value tends to be more conservative than the four previous
ES estimates, making it worthwhile to compute an average of all five indices (i.e.,
Somer's D, gamma, tau-a, c, and McFadden's p2) to get a more robust estimate

Macro-Level LR Results for STAGE2B Example
(DV: 1 = Contemplation vs. 0 = Precontemplation)

Model Fit Statistics

Intercept Only Intercept and IVs

Criterion [Model I] [Model M]

AIC 469.115 445.751

SC 472.941 464.881
-2 Log L 467.115 435.751

Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA = 0

Test Chi-Square DF Pr > Chi-Sq.

Likelihood Ratio 31.3638 4 <0.0001

Score 30.1529 4 <0.0001
Wald 27.9613 4 <0.0001

(i.e., the average of 0.11, 0.11, 0.03, 0.44, and 0.07 = 0.15). This represents a
medium multivariate effect size by Cohen's (1992) standards and indicates that it
would be worthwhile to further explore the nature of prediction by examining the
micro-level weights (both unstandardized and odds ratios).
Table 9.10 gives the micro-level results for the parameter estimates for predict-
ing STAGE2B. Note that the predictor, CONS A, is not significant, and the pre-
dictor, PROS A, is not significant at the conservative 0.01 level set for follow-up
analyses. The other two predictors, psychosexual functioning and condom self-
efficacy are significant. Thus, we would interpret only the odds ratio estimates for
these latter two predictors (see Figure 9.2). The findings with this dichotomous
DV contrasting contemplators with precontemplators are similar in nature, if not
the exact magnitude, as those from the five-level stage DV. In the current analysis,
an individual with high condom self-efficacy is 1.36 times more likely to fall in
a higher stage of condom use. Conversely, those with a high psychosexual func-
tioning score are just a little more than half as likely to fall into a higher stage of

Macro-Level LR Indices for STAGE2B Example
(DV: 1 = Contemplation vs. 0 = Precontemplation)

Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses with 4 LR Indices

Percent Concordant 66.4 Somers'D 0.331

Percent Discordant 33.3 Gamma 0.332
Percent Tied 0.3 Tau-a 0.165
Pairs 28490 c 0.666

TABLE 9.10
Micro-Level LR Results for STAGE2B Example (DV: 1 = Contemplation vs.
0 = Precontemplation)

Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates

Parameter DF Estimate Standard Error Chi-Square Pr >Chi-Sq.

Intercept 1 0.6467 0.9488 0.4646 0.4955

PSYSXA 1 -0.5193 0.1685 9.4933 0.0021
PROSA 1 0.2923 0.1185 6.0851 0.0136
CONSA 1 -0.1289 0.1462 0.7783 0.3777
CONSEFFA 1 0.3058 0.1027 8.8673 0.0029

condom use. It is also interesting to note that the values for the two nonsignifi-
cant odds ratios (i.e., for PROSA and CONSA) are similar across the LR analyses
conducted with the five-level and two-level DVs, respectively. Because PROSA
and CONSA were significant predictors in the initial analysis that included the
full sample of individuals at all five stages, we could surmise that there was most
likely not enough power to find significance for these two predictors in the current
analysis that included less than two-thirds of the original sample. This lack of
power is apt to be even more of a concern for subsequent analyses that include
even smaller proportions of the full sample. Of course, we cannot rule out the pos-
sibility that PROSA and CONSA simply do not do well in differentiating between
precontemplators and contemplators of condom use. Thus, although macro- and
micro-level decisions are somewhat similar across the two ways of scoring the
categorical DV, there is much less shared variance and fewer significant predictors

FIG. 9.2. LR predicting contemplation versus precontemplation

with odds ratios provided.

TABLE 9.11
Frequencies for STAGE3B for LR Example (DV: 1 = Preparation vs.
0 = Precontemplation)

Response Profile

Code for Total

Variable Name STAGE3B Frequency

Preparation 1 79
Precontemplation 0 154

with this follow-up comparing those who are thinking about using condoms versus
those who are not even considering condoms.
We now explore the nature of prediction when using the same four IVs (psy-
chosocial functioning, pros, cons, and condom self-efficacy) to predict membership
in a dichotomous DV where individuals in Stage 3 (preparation) are coded "1" and
individuals in Stage 1 (precontemplation) are coded "0".

LR Results for Dichotomous STAGE3B DV

(Stages Versus 1)
Table 9.11 presents the frequencies for the two categories for the dichotomous DV,
STAGE3B. Note that there are only a total of 233 participants analyzed, with the
preparation stage being almost half the size of the precontemplation stage. Thus,
this follow-up LR may not yield very robust results given the uneven sample sizes.
Table 9.12 presents the macro-level results for the LR model with STAGE3B as
the dichotomous DV. Because the likelihood ratio chi-square statistic is significant,

TABLE 9.12
Macro-Level LR Results for STAGE3B Example (DV: 1 = Preparation vs.
0 = Precontemplation)

Model Fit Statistics

Intercept Only Intercept and IVs

Criterion [Model I] [Model M]

AIC 300.430 247.973

SC 303.881 265.228
-2 Log L 298.430 237.973
Testing Global Null Hypothesis:BETA = 0
Test Chi-Square DF Pr > Chi-Sq.
Likelihood Ratio 60.4571 4 <0.0001
Score 53.3190 4 <0.0001
Wald 41.6045 4 <0.0001

TABLE 9.13
Macro-Level LR Indices for STAGE3B Example (DV: 1 = Preparation vs.
0 = Precontemplation)

Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses with 4 LR Indices

Percent Concordant 79.0 Somers' D 0.582

Percent Discordant 20.8 Gamma 0.584
Percent Tied 0.2 Tau-a 0.262
Pairs 12166 c 0.791

we can conclude that a model (M) with the four predictors and the intercept
is better than a model (I) with only the intercept for this analysis comparing
those in the preparation stage of condom use with those in the precontemplation
stage. From the values in this table, we can also calculate McFadden's p2 = 1 —
237.973/298.430 = 0.20, which represents a medium-large multivariate ES.
Table 9.13 gives the values for the other four macro-level indices for this LR.
As in previous LR analyses, we can calculate an estimate of the macro-level ES
by squaring the values for Somer's D, gamma, tau-a, and c and averaging them
with the value for McFadden's p2. This average ES can be calculated as:

(0.582 + 0.582 + 0.262 + 0.792 + 0.20)/5 = 1.5645/5 = 0.31.

This represents a large ES for predicting membership in preparation versus

precontemplation, in contrast to the previous follow-up LR analysis (i.e., ES = 0.15
when contrasting contemplators and precontemplators). It is also slightly larger
than what was found when analyzing all five stages with the full sample (i.e., ES =
0.25). Thus, it appears that the four IVs do a better job at predicting membership
in either preparation or precontemplation than when predicting membership in the
five-level stage DV or the contemplation versus precontemplation DV. It would
now be helpful to assess which predictors were most clearly related to predicting
membership into either preparation or precontemplation.
Figure 9.3 summarizes the micro-level results for this LR analysis with
STAGE3B by providing the odds ratios for the four predictors and their corre-
sponding levels of significance. A slightly different pattern emerges than what
we saw from the earlier LR analyses. Here, the individuals who are high in per-
ceiving the pros of condom use and in condom self-efficacy are about one and
three-quarters as likely to be staged in preparation versus precontemplation. Thus,
pros takes a much more predominant role in this middle Stage 3 category. As with
earlier analyses, individuals high in psychosexual functioning are not very likely
to be in a high stage of condom use, even though the value for the odds ratio is
even smaller (i.e., 0.39) than what was found previously (i.e., 0.60 and 0.51 for the

FIG. 9.3. LR predicting preparation versus precontemplation with

odds ratios provided.

five-level DV and the dichotomy of contemplation and precontemplation stages).

Finally, cons is not a significant predictor, as was the case in the previous follow-up
LR analysis.
Next, we present the highlights for the LR analysis contrasting those in action
with those in precontemplation for condom use.

LR Results for Dichotomous STAGE4B DV

(Stage 4 Versus l)
In this follow-up LR analysis, the same four predictors (i.e., psychosexual func-
tioning, pros of condom use, cons of condom use, and condom self-efficacy) are
used to predict the likelihood of falling in either the fourth stage, action, versus
the first stage of precontemplation. The sample sizes are highly discrepant for this
analysis with only 22 participants in action contrasted with the group of precon-
templators that is a full 7 times the size (i.e., nl = 154). Results should be viewed
cautiously for at least two reasons: (1) the total sample size is 176, which is not
quite 50 times the number of IVs (i.e., N > 200 is preferred with this LR); and (2)
the stark difference in sample sizes may well yield results that are neither stable
nor robust. Still, it is worth exploring this follow-up LR analysis to see whether
any insight can be gained as to how to differentiate those in action versus those in
precontemplation for condom use in a sample of at-risk women.
For convenience, tabular results are avoided with the main highlights presented
in the text and in a figure. As with previous analyses, the likelihood chi-square
for the model (M) that included predictors and an intercept was significantly bet-
ter than the model (I) with only the intercept (i.e, likelihood x 2 (4) = 20.8150,

FIG. 9.4. LR predicting action versus precontemplation with

odds ratios provided.

p = 0.0003). The estimates of shared variance between the four predictors and
the outcome dichotomy (i.e., action versus precontemplation) produced a large ES
when averaging values from (Somer's D)2, (gamma)2, (tau-a)2, (c)2, and McFad-
den's p2 =, respectively:

(0.5622 + 0.5652 + 0.1242 + 0.7812 + 0.16)/5 = 1.4215/5 « 0.28.

The substantial proportion of shared variance merits an examination of the

micro-level findings (i.e., odds ratios and significance levels) presented in Figure
9.4. Notice that only one of the predictors, condom self-efficacy, meets the stringent
0.01 level of significance. This is most likely due to the incredibly small sample size
for the action stage (i.e., n4 — 22) providing too little power to detect significance.
This speculation bears true, particularly for the IV pros of condom use, which has a
larger odds ratio in this analysis (i.e., 1.58) than in the initial LR on the full sample
size when the odds ratio was 1.42, which was significant at p < 0.001 previously.
Still, the best that we can conclude from the current LR analysis is that individuals
who are high in condom self-efficacy are just about two times as likely to be in the
action stage of condom use, as those in precontemplation.
We now turn to the final LR, presenting the main findings when comparing
those in Stage 5, maintenance (n5 = 87), with those in Stage 1, precontemplation
(n 1 = 154). As with all the earlier analyses, the same four predictors are used (i.e.,
psychosexual functioning, pros of condom use, cons of condom use, and condom
self-efficacy). Similarly, we adhere to an alpha level of 0.05 for the macro-level
results and an alpha level of 0.01 for micro-level findings.

FIG. 9.5. LR predicting maintenance versus precontemplation

with odds ratios provided.

LR Results for Dichotomous STAGE5B DV

(Stage 5 Versus 1)
As with the previous LR follow-up analysis, tabled results are avoided in favor of
a brief summary in the text and in a figure. Macro-level findings reveal, similar to
before, that the likelihood chi-square for the full model (M: with predictors and
intercept) fits significantly better than a model (I) that includes only the intercept
[i.e., likelihood x2 (4) = 153.7367, p < 0.0001]. A macro-level ES can be calcu-
lated, as before, by squaring the four values provided in the SAS (1999) output
(i.e., Somer's D, gamma, tau-a, and c) and averaging them with the value for
McFadden's p2(i.e., 1 - 161.486/315.223 = 0.49):

ES = (0.8472 + 0.8482 + 0.3922 + 0.9242 + 0.49)/5 0.59.

This represents a very large effect size, with more than half of the variance in
STAGE5B membership (i.e., maintenance versus precontemplation) shared with
the set of four predictors. It is certainly appropriate to examine micro-level findings.
Figure 9.5 shows only two significant predictors at the 0.01 level. The odds
ratio for condom self-efficacy indicates that an individual who scores high on
this predictor is more than five times as likely to be in the maintenance stage
of condom use as in the precontemplation stage. Similar to what was found in
previous analyses, those who score high in psychosexual functioning are highly
unlikely to be staged in maintenance.
Extrapolating from all five of the LR analyses, it appears that individuals who
are high in condom self-efficacy are most likely to be in the maintenance stage

TABLE 9.14
Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation Themes Applied to LR

Themes Logistic Regression

Multiplicity themes +Theory, hypotheses and empirical Research

(Note: + means multiplicity of theme +Controls: covariate(s)
pertains) +Time Points: IVs and/or DV
+Samples: Cross validate
+Measurements: +IVs, 1 categorical DV, (+covariates)
Background themes Sample data: random selection
Measures: grouping DV, grouping or continuous IVs and
Assumptions: linear model assumptions not needed for
descriptive use
Large samples needed for greater power with maximum
Exclusive and exhaustive DV categories required
Methods: inferential with assumptions met
Central themes Variance: in DV
Covariance: among DVs and covariate(s)
Ratio: likelihood
Interpretation themes Macro: log-likelihood significance, ES = average of
(Somer's D)2, gamma2, (tau-a)2, c2, and McFadden's p2
Micro: coefficients, Wald tests, odds ratios
(Questions to ask) What is probability of DV given set of IVs and covariates?
Are all variables reliable and needed?
Low correlations among IVs (i.e., no collinearity)?
Significant p2or shared variance between IVs and DV?
Compare different models to predict DV?
Which IVs significantly increase probability of DV?
Generalizability of results?

of condom use. In contrast, individuals who are high in psychosexual functioning

are much more likely to not even be considering condom use (i.e., be in Stage
1, precontemplation). This suggests that those with a more positive sense of their
sexuality are less likely to think they need to use condoms, possibly because they
believe they are in long-term relationships with monogamous and low-risk part-
ners. Perceiving the advantages of using condoms (i.e., pros) is most important in
differentiating those in preparation versus those in precontemplation, whereas per-
ceiving the disadvantages of condom use (i.e., cons) does not appear as important
as any of the other predictors in differentiating across the stages of condom use.

A summary of the various themes for LR is presented in Table 9.14.


Aldrich, J. H., & Nelson, F. D. (1984). Linear probability, logit, and probit models. Beverly Hills, CA:
Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 155-159.
Harlow, L. L., Quina, K., Morokoff, P. J., Rose, J. S., & Grimley, D. (1993). HIV risk in women:
A multifaceted model. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 1, 3-38.
Hosmer, D. W., & Lemeshow, S. (1989). Applied logistic regression. New York: Wiley.
Menard, S. (1995). Applied logistic regression analysis (Sage University Paper 106 in the Series:
Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Prochaska, J. O., Velicer, W. R, Rossi, J. S., Goldstein, M. G., Marcus, B. H., Rakowski, W., Fiore,
C., Harlow, L. L., Redding, C. A., Rosenbloom, D., & Rossi, S. R. (1994). Stages of change and
decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors. Health Psychology, 13, 39-46.
Rose, J. S., Chassin, L., Presson, C. C., & Sherman, S. J. (2000) Prospective predictors of smoking
cessation: A logistic regression application. In J. S. Rose, L. Chassin, C. C. Presson, & S. J. Sherman
(Eds.), Multivariate applications in substance use research (Chapter 10: pp. 289-317). Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
SAS (1999). Statistical Analysis Software, Release 8.1. Gary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2001). Using multivariate statistics (4th ed.) (Chapter 12: pp. 517-
581). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Wright, R. E. (1995). Logistic regression. In L. G. Grimm & P. R. Yarnold (Eds.), Reading and
understanding multivariate statistics (pp. 217-244). Washington, DC: American Psychological
This page intentionally left blank
Multivariate Correlation
Methods with Continuous
This page intentionally left blank
Canonical Correlation

Themes Applied to canonical

Correlation (CC)

Canonical correlation is a very general multivariate method that allows multiple

independent and multiple dependent variables. In this sense, CC subsumes other
methods discussed so far and at one time was considered the penultimate multi-
variate method. With the development of even more encompassing multivariate
methods, such as structural equation modeling, CC has been superceded in its sta-
tus. Still, CC is an excellent exploratory method when investigating whether two
sets of variables are related. It is also a good procedure for highlighting many of
the statistical features we see in most multivariate methods. If we understand CC,
we are much closer to having an overarching understanding of all the multivariate
methods discussed in this book. More description of CC is presented in a num-
ber of excellent references (e.g., Campbell & Taylor, 1996; Cohen, Cohen, West,
& Aiken, 2003; Fan, 1997; Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001; Takane & Hwang, 2002;
Thompson, 2000; Thorndike, 2000).
Next, we approach CC with the same set of 10 questions that address how the
themes apply to this multivariate method.


CC is an extension of bivariate correlation that allows two or more usually continu-
ous independent variables (IVs) (i.e., referred to as variables on the left) and two or
more (usually continuous) dependent variables (DVs) (i.e., referred to as variables

178 CHAPTER 10

on the right). The focus is on correlations and weights, as opposed to group means
or classification. The main question is how are the best linear combinations of the
IVs related to the best linear combinations of the DVs? In CC, there are several
layers of analysis:

a. We would like to explore whether pairs of linear combinations (i.e., labeled

as canonical variates in CC) are significantly related;
b. We are interested in how the variables on the left (i.e., IVs) relate to their
respective canonical variates, and how the variables on the right (i.e., DVs)
relate to their respective canonical variates;
c. We would like to see how the variables on each side relate to the canon-
ical variates on the other side (i.e., this is somewhat misleadingly labeled
"redundancy analysis").
d. We can conduct follow-up multiple regressions (MRs), one for each DV,
using the full set of IVs from CC as the IVs in each MR. This will provide
insight about specific relationships among the IVs and each DV. To protect
Type I error rate, it may be preferred to use a conservative alpha level, 0.01,
or a Bonferroni approach that divides the desired alpha level (e.g., 0.05) by
the number of follow-up analyses (e.g., p = 0.05/2 = 0.025). Researchers
instead may choose the more traditional alpha level, 0.05.

If the number of IVs is equal to p and the number of DVs is equal to q, then
the number of canonical variates (i.e., linear combinations) on each side, and
hence the number of cross-side correlations (i.e., canonical correlations), is equal
to the minimum of p or q. For example, with three substance use variables on
the left and two personality variables on the right, there would be two canonical
variates to explain the variance on each side. The first step would be to explore
whether canonical correlations between the two pairs of canonical variates were
significantly different from zero. Next, the correlations (i.e., canonical loadings)
between the three substance use variables and their two canonical variates would be
examined, followed by a similar examination of the canonical loadings for the two
personality variables on their two canonical variates. Finally, it would be helpful
to see how the three substance use variables related to each of the two personality
canonical variates and how the two personality variables related to each of the
two substance use canonical variates. Figure 10.1 depicts the first two layers of
analysis for this example. To examine redundancy, add lines from each X to each
W, and from each Y to each V.
Follow-up MRs, one for each DV, are depicted in Figure 10.2 for this example.
Notice that all three predictors (i.e., alcohol, marijuana, and hard drug use) are
used to predict the first DV, distress, and then the second DV, self-esteem. These
follow-up analyses could be conducted with a more conservative alpha level (e.g.,
p < 0.01) to help control the overall Type I error rate when conducting multiple
analyses. However, researchers interested in increasing the power of their study

FIG. 10.1. CC with 3 Xs and 2 Ys, with each X linked to the 2

canonical variates, VI and V2; and each Y linked to the 2 Ws. Con-
nected lines for Xs and Ys represent possible correlation. Arrows
between Vs and Ws indicate canonical correlations.

(and controlling Type II error) may choose the more conventional alpha level of
p < 0.05 for both the CC and follow-up MRs.
CC is similar to MR in that multiple IVs are allowed. CC differs from MR in
that MR allows only a single DV, whereas CC allows two or more DVs. CC is
similar to discriminant function analysis (DFA) and logistic regression (LR) in
that multiple IVs are allowed with all three methods. CC is different from both
DFA and LR in that the latter two methods usually have only a single categorical

FIG. 10.2. Two follow-up MRs to further assess which Xs are

linked with which Y. Connected lines for Xs represent possible
correlation. The single arrow to Y represents prediction error.
180 CHAPTER 10

outcome, whereas CC allows two or more usually continuous outcomes. CC is

similar to analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and multivariate analysis of variance
(MANOVA) in requiring the general linear model assumptions (i.e., normality,
linearity, and homoscedasticity) when making inferences to the population. CC
differs from ANCOVA and MANOVA in that CC is a correlational method that
does not have to include any categorical variables and is not focused on mean
differences between groups. Finally, CC is similar to MR, DFA, and LR in its
focus on weighted functions of the variables, where the most interpretable weights
are correlational (ranging from —1.0 to +1.0).
As is probably obvious by this brief introduction, it is often difficult to interpret
results with CC. The method is unstructured in nature, useful for exploring how
two sets of variables are loosely related. Thus, CC is particularly helpful in newly
emerging fields. It is sometimes preferable to use more focused methods (e.g.,
structural equation modeling), especially with more theoretically grounded areas,
but that topic will be saved for another book.


CC has several main uses:

a. CC can be used as an exploratory tool to see if two sets of continuous

variables are related (e.g., is alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use related to a set
of psychosocial variables, such as distress and self-esteem)? If there is significant
overall shared variance (i.e., by 1 — A ]2 and F-test, described further in section
What Are the Main Themes Needed to Interpret CC Results at a Macro-Level?),
several layers of analysis (see Figure 10.1) can show what variables are involved
and the underlying dimensions or canonical variates that summarize the essence
of these variables.
b. CC can be used as a precursor to several MR analyses whenever we have
a number of DVs and several correlational predictors. If the macro-level CC is
significant and has a meaningful effect size (see section on What Are the Main
Themes Needed to Interpret CC Results at a Macro-Level?), then we can go on and
conduct separate mid-level MR analyses, one for each DV on the right to assess
which is better predicted by the set of IVs on the left (see Figure 10.2).
c. CC can be used to assess how a single set of two or more variables is
longitudinally related across two time points. The variables collected at the
initial time point serve as the IVs with the same variables collected at a second
time point serving as the DVs. An examination of the various layers of analysis
could provide some tentative evidence for causal ordering of the variables. An
example of this is presented later in the chapter in section What Is an Example of
Applying CC to a Research Question?


CC makes use of a number of multiplicity themes. Similar to the other methods we
have examined, it is helpful to examine multiple theories and previous empirical
studies before embarking on even the most exploratory CC. A researcher also
would have to consider multiple IV constructs and multiple DV constructs, with
reliable measures for each. The usual cautions about minimizing collinearity within
sides (i.e., within IVs and within DVs) are even more important for CC given the
multitude of variables involved. If the variables are too highly correlated within
sides, the results could become unstable. It is also apparent that because there are
several IVs and several DVs in a CC, a fairly large sample size is usually needed.
A possible guideline is to double the amount of participants needed for a MR on
only one set of the variables. As with any study, longitudinal data would extend
the rigor of the conclusions, possibly allowing a researcher to begin disentangling
the causal ordering of the variables. Of course, without an experimental design, it
is difficult to have definitive causal evidence.


CC has background themes similar to, but more extensive than, MR. We would
likely need a fairly large (N x p) data matrix with multiple (usually continuous)
IVs and multiple (usually continuous) DVs. If possible, conduct a power analysis
(see Cohen, 1988) to assess the number of participants that would be needed to
detect the expected effects. As with all the methods examined so far, we should also
calculate preliminary descriptive statistics and correlations among the variables.
This should also include an assessment of the reliability of all variables. Finally,
when wanting to make inferences beyond the sample used, it would be important
to verify whether assumptions of normality, homoscedasticity, and linearity are
met with the data.


For CC, we are interested in the matrices of correlation among the X (IV) and
Y (DV) variables. The model can be written as follows:

182 CHAPTER 10

The four submatrices needed for this analysis (i.e., Ryy - 1 , Ryx, Rxx -1 , and
Rxy) derive from partitioning the original larger matrix of correlations among the
DVs and IVs into four sections. The first includes the inverse of the q by q matrix
of correlations among the DVs. Second, we examine the correlations among the q
DVs and the p IVs. Third, we take the inverse of the matrix of correlations among
the p IVs. Finally, we multiply the three previous matrices by the p by q matrix of
correlations among the IVs and DVs.
The nature of this model is further explained, below, when discussing ratios of


The central themes of variance, covariance, and linear combinations apply to CC
in surprisingly comparable ways as for other methods with which we have some
familiarity. An examination of equation 10.1 should reveal some similarity with
the ratios examined for a simple bivariate correlation or even the F-test in analysis
of variance (ANOVA). That is, we are focusing on the nature of the (standard-
ized) covariance between two (sets of) variables divided by the (standardized)
(co-)variation within a variable (set). That is, equation 10.1 is analogous to what
we see in many statistical ratios:

(Co)variance between (groups or variables)/

(the product of the) variance within (groups or variables) (10.2)

Thus, this is not too different from the formula for a correlation that examines
the ratio of covariance of X and Y over the square root of the product of the
variance of X and the variance of Y:

r — covariance (X and F)/ [Variance(X)] x [variance(Y)] (10.3)

Similarly, it is not too far afield from the ratio of between-group variance over
within-group variance that is examined with group difference methods such as

F = variance between groups/variance within groups (10.4)

The main difference between the ratio examined in CC and those with the other
methods is that CC includes information on p multiple independent variables and
q multiple dependent variables. As mentioned earlier, we can examine several

linear combinations of the IVs and DVs, equal to whichever is smaller, p or q. This
is not too different from what we found in MANOVA or DFA, with a couple of
exceptions. First, we do not often have grouping variables in CC that necessitate
forming dummy variables for k — 1 of the categories. Thus, we can form linear
combinations for the smaller of the subset of vectors of data from the p IVs and from
the q DVs. Second, because there are two full sets of variables, we want to have
two sets of linear combinations, summarizing the IVs and the DVs, respectively.
Thus, the total number of linear combinations in CC is equal to:

[2] x [minimum (p, q)] (10.5)

The total number of eigenvalues is equal to just the minimum of p or q be-

cause these represent the shared variance between pairs of linear combinations or
canonical variates.


At a macro-level, CC (rc) shows the degree of association between linear combi-
nations of the variables on the left (IVs) and on the right (DVs). We have already
seen that there is always more than one CC in a single analysis because several
linear combinations may be formed on each side. That is, the number of CCs is
equal to the minimum of p or q, the number of IVs and DVs, respectively. Because
we always have at least two IVs and two DVs, there will always be at least two
linear combinations per side and at least two CCs. Here is what is involved in
macro- and mid-level steps:

a. Is there a significant degree of relationship between sets of variables?

Check the overall F-test and summary criteria (i.e., Wilks's lambda, Pillai's trace,
Hotelling-Lawley trace, and Roy's greatest characteristic root: GCR), as well as
1— A . If there is significance and a meaningful effect size (ES), move to
next layer of analysis to see which pairs of canonical variates are significantly
related. If this first overall relationship is significant, the first pair of canonical
variates is also significantly related (i.e., this is the same test, similar to testing with
b. Are the pairs of canonical variates significantly related and how much
information in the variables is explained by each canonical variate? Check (r?)
and associated F-tests. For each pair of canonical variates, there is an eigenvalue
associated with it. One indication of the importance of each pair of variates is to
calculate a proportion formed from an eigenvalue divided by the sum of all the
eigenvalues. The sum of these proportions will necessarily add up to 1.0. Hence,
184 CHAPTER 10

they cannot be interpreted as proportion of variance terms but rather the proportion
of available canonical variance attributable to that specific pair of variates. Most
often, the first proportion reveals that the bulk of the variable information is in the
first pair of canonical variates so that the others may not be worth examining. If a
pair of canonical variates are significantly related and explain a large proportion
of the variance in the variables, move to the next layer to see which variables are
substantially related to each canonical variate.


a. Are the variables related to underlying canonical variates? In CC, as with
DFA, there are three kinds of weights that could be examined. The first kind is an
unstandardized eigenvector weight that is used when comparing weights across
different samples. The second is a standardized weight, somewhat analogous to a
standardized beta weight in MR. It differs from the beta weight, however, in that
it may possibly extend past the range of —1 to +1 due to having multiple, and
possibly an unequal number of, variables on each side. Thus, just as with DFA,
the most interpretable weight is the third form, which is a canonical loading. A
structure coefficient (i.e., canonical loading) ranges from —1 to +1 and shows
how correlated each variable is with the respective canonical variate. This is like
a part-whole relationship. Just as with DFA, variables with loadings of |0.30| or
greater are interpreted as having a meaningful part on the whole dimension. Try to
interpret the nature of each dimension by what loads highly on it. The higher the
absolute value of the loading, the more a variable is involved in the essence of
the linear combination or canonical variate. Also take note of the sign attached to
the loading: a negative loading indicates that a high score on the variable relates to
a low score on the variate.
b. Are variables on one side related to variates on the other side? After
examining loadings of variables on their respective variates, check redundancy
indices (RIs) for each canonical variate. RIs tell us how related the variables on
one side are to a canonical variate from the other side. As with loadings and other
interpretable weights and correlations, we would like RI values of |0.30| or greater.
Still, it is rare to have RI values that are as high as loadings because the former
relates variables on one side with variates on the other, whereas the latter relates
variables and variates on the same side.
c. Which DVs are significantly predicted from the set of IVs? A good follow-
up procedure after finding significant and meaningful results in CC is to conduct
q MRs, one for each DV. This allows an assessment of how much of the variance
in each DV can be explained by the set of IVs. If protecting the Type I error rate

is important, it may be preferred to use a protected alpha level (e.g., a Bonferroni

approach of alpha divided by q or a strict 0.01 alpha level) both for the overall
F-test of the R2 as well as the individual weights. Alternatively, a researcher could
opt to increase power and reduce Type II error rate by maintaining an alpha level
of 0.05, even for follow-up MRs.


After conducting a CC, it is important to consider whether the design allows infer-
ences beyond the specific sample involved. Because CC analyses are often used in
exploratory or descriptive studies, it is unlikely that many inferences can be made.
Still, with careful consideration of possible confounds, attention to assumptions,
and use of longitudinal data, it may be possible to make some tentative inferences.
If results from a CC analysis seem promising, it would be useful to plan more
rigorous investigations. This could involve a structural equation model of the data
that tests theoretically justified hypotheses about the nature of the relationships. For
example, we could posit several latent variables (e.g., factors), each with several
variables that are related. We would then make predictions, anchored in theory
and empirical research, among the latent factors. We would not be limited to the
restricted pattern and number of relationships that are allowed only in CC. We
could also consider conducting one or more experimental designs on some or all
of the variables to investigate the nature of causality. This would be especially
fruitful with variables that loaded highly on their respective variates as well as
loading highly on variates on the opposite side.


For CC, we focus on the same five variables (psychosexual functioning, pros, cons,
condom self-efficacy, and stage of condom use) we examined in previous chapter
examples. To include two sets of variables, and allow a possible test of the causal
ordering of the variables, longitudinal data will be examined. Data for the five
variables collected at the onset of the study (i.e., at t1) will constitute the IVs,
whereas data from the five variables collected 6 months later (i.e., at t2) will make
up the DVs.
We rely on the same theory as previously, drawing on the transtheoretical
model (e.g., Prochaska et al., 1994) and multifaceted model of HIV risk (Harlow
et al., 1993). To provide a more thorough exploration of the data, several layers of
186 CHAPTER 10

analysis will be conducted, with output provided for each: A, correlations among
the p IVs and q DVs; B, a macro-level assessment of CC; C, midlevel assessment
of the canonical correlations among the pairs of canonical variates; D, micro-level
assessment of canonical loadings for both IVs and DVs; E, micro-level assess-
ment of the (redundancy) relationships among variables on one side and canonical
variates on the other side; and F, follow-up MRs, one for each DV, to attempt to
examine the directional ordering of the variables.

Correlations Among the p IVs and q DVs

Correlations among the p IVs (i.e., psychosexual functioning, pros, cons, condom
self-efficacy, and stage, all at the first time point) are given in Table 10.1. This set
makes up the portion of the matrix called RXX used in CC calculations. None of the
correlations is indicative of collinearity among the IVs because all are less than
|0.70 - 0.90|.
In Table 10.2 we present the portion of the matrix referred to as Ryx in CC
analyses. Notice that all the t2 (indicated by B at the end of variable names)
variables (i.e., the DVs) are listed down the rows and the tl (A) variables (i.e.,
IVs) are listed across the columns at the top.
In Table 10.3 we present the Rxy portion of the matrix used in CC analyses.
This is simply the transpose of the previous matrix, where now we have the t1
(A) IVs listed down the rows, and the 12 (B) DVs listed across the columns. Thus,
each row of the Rxy matrix is the same as a column of the Ryx matrix presented
above. Note that values along the diagonals of Ryx and Rxy, which are the same,
give 6-month test-retest reliability correlation coefficients. All of these reveal that
there is reasonable stability over the relatively long span of 6 months, for each of
the five variables (i.e., values are > 0.60). If a shorter time span had been used

TABLE 10.1
(Rxx) Pearson Correlations (Among Xs) (TV — 527)

Prob > \r\ under HO: Rho - 0


PSYSXA 1.000 -0.018 -0.224 0.086 -0.162

0.663 <0.0001 0.047 0.0002
PROSA -0.018 1.000 -0.063 0.315 0.234
0.6636 0.145 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSA -0.224 -0.063 1.000 -0.402 -0.299
<0.0001 0.145 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSEFFA 0.086 0.315 -0.402 1.000 0.503
0.0477 < 0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
STAGEA -0.162 0.234 -0.299 0.503 1.000
0.0002 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

TABLE 10.2
(Ryx) Pearson Correlations (Among Ys and Xs) (N = 527)

Prob > \r\ under HO: Rho = 0


PSYSXB 0.660 -0.019 -0.225 0.119 -0.085

<0.0001 0.6621 <0.0001 0.0059 0.0499
PROSB 0.024 0.603 -0.101 0.259 0.226
0.5736 <0.0001 0.0193 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSB -0.279 -0.119 0.613 -0.368 -0.293
<0.0001 0.0059 <0.0001 < 0.0001 <0.0001
CONSEFFB 0.182 0.253 -0.399 0.615 0.383
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
STAGEB -0.156 0.255 -0.245 0.484 0.670
0.0003 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

(e.g., 2 weeks), these values may well have been even larger and more in line with
conventional standards for reliability (i.e., values > 0.70).
In Table 10.4 we present the Ryy portion of the matrix for use in CC analyses.
This provides the intercorrelations among all of the Y or DVs, which are the same
as the X or IVs except that the Ys are measured 6 months later. As with the RXX
portion of the matrix presented earlier, we would want to scan the correlations in
the Ryy portion to check for collinearity within these variables (on the right, i.e.,
DVs). Because none of the values is > |0.70 — 0.90|, there is no reason to suspect

TABLE 10.3
(Rxy) Pearson Correlations (Among Xs and Ys) (TV = 527)

Prob > \r\ under HO: Rho = 0


PSYSXA 0.660 0.024 -0.279 0.182 -0.156

<0.0001 0.573 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0003
PROSA -0.019 0.603 -0.119 0.253 0.255
0.6621 <0.0001 0.0059 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSA -0.225 -0.101 0.613 -0.399 -0.245
< 0.0001 0.0193 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSEFFA 0.119 0.259 -0.368 0.615 0.484
0.0059 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
STAGEA -.085 0.226 -0.293 0.383 0.670
0.0499 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
188 CHAPTER 10

TABLE 10.4
(Ryy) Pearson Correlations (Among Ys) (N = 527)

Prob > \r\ under HO: Rho = 0


PSYSXB 1.000 0.058 -0.320 0.239 -0.103

0.1806 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0177
PROSB 0.058 1.000 -0.169 0.361 0.263
0.1806 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSB -0.320 -0.169 1.000 -0.489 -0.315
<0.0001 <0.0001 < 0.0001 <0.0001
CONSEFFB 0.239 0.361 -0.489 1.000 0.447
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
STAGES -0.103 0.263 -0.315 0.447 1.000
0.0177 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

Each of these four portions of the larger Rcc matrix is thus ready to be used in
CC analyses, applying equation 1 where:

RCC = Ryy -1 Ryx Rxx-1Rxy

A Macro-Level Assessment of CC
The macro-level assessment in Table 10.5 reveals a small Wilks's lambda (0.11)
and a large F(25, 1922) = 63.23, p < 0.0001. A multivariate effect size can easily
be calculated by subtracting Wilks's lambda from 1 to yield 2 = 1 — 0.11 = 0.89.
This is very large by most standards, although in this case it represents a form of
reliability coefficient for the whole set of linear combinations across a 6-month
period. This indicates an impressive degree of stability from the initial time period
to a follow-up assessment 6 months later.

TABLE 10.5
Macro-Level Assessment of Canonical Correlation Example

The CANCORR Procedure Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations

S = 5 M = -0.5 N = 257.5
Statistic Value F-Value NumDF Den DF Prob. > F

Wilks' Lambda 0.10757 63.23 25 1922.1 <0.0001

Pillai's Trace 1.66440 51.99 25 2605 <0.0001
Hotteling-Lawley Trace 3.15812 65.16 25 1259.6 <0.0001
Roy's GCR 1.39731 145.60 5 521 <0.0001

Mid-Level Assessment of the CCs Among

the Pairs of Canonical Variates
Table 10.6 provides macro-level results from our CC example. Given that there
are five variables on each side, there are five pairs of linear combinations formed,
with five corresponding canonical correlations. The canonical correlations range
from 0.33 to 0.76, and all are significantly different from zero (see test of HO in
Table 10.6).
The values in the fourth column of the eigenvalues table give the proportion
of the total shared variance (i.e., 1 — Wilks's lambda = 2) attributed to each pair
of canonical variates. As expected, the first pair is associated with the largest
proportion (i.e., 0.44), whereas the fifth and last pair has a much smaller proportion
(i.e., 0.04). These proportion values should add up to approximately 1.0. Thus,
they are not interpreted as R2-like values, but rather what proportion of the global
shared variance between sides (i.e., 2 = 0.89) can be attributed to each canonical
correlation between pairs of canonical variates.

TABLE 10.6
Mid-Level Assessment of Canonical Correlation Example

Canonical Correlation Analysis

Canonical Adjusted Canonical Approximate Squared Canonical
Correlation Correlation Standard Error Correlation

1 0.763457 0.756248 0.018188 0.582866

2 0.707045 0.705164 0.021805 0.499913
3 0.549183 0.544409 0.030452 0.301602
4 0.417480 0.414530 0.036003 0.174290
5 0.325161 0.038992 0.105730
Eigenvalues of Inv(E)*H = CanRsq/(l-CanRsq)
Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative
1 1.3973 0.3977 0.4425 0.4425
2 0.9997 0.5678 0.3165 0.7590
3 0.4318 0.2208 0.1367 0.8957
4 0.2111 0.0928 0.0668 0.9626
5 0.1182 0.0374 1.0000
Test of HO: The canonical correlations in the current row and all that follow are zero
Likelihood Approximate
Ratio F-Value Num. DF Den. DF Prob. > F
1 0.10757 63.23 25 1922.1 <0.0001
2 0.25789 55.24 16 1583.2 <0.0001
3 0.51570 43.89 9 1263.3 <0.0001
4 0.73840 42.57 4 1040 <0.0001
5 0.89427 61.60 1 521 <0.0001

FIG. 10.3. Depiction of canonical correlation with PsySx, Pros,

Cons, ConSeff, and Stage measured at times A and B, 6 months
apart. The circles, labeled VI and W1, respectively, represent
the linear combinations or canonical variates for the variables
on the left and the variables on the right. Lines connecting the Xs
to the Vs and the Ys to the ws represent loadings for the first two
main pairs of canonical variates. Two-way arrows linking the Vs
and Ws indicate canonical correlations between pairs of canonical

Though all pairs are significant, we may only want to interpret the first one
or two pairs that explain the bulk of the shared variance. Figure 10.3 depicts our
canonical correlation example with lines for the loadings shown for only the first
two pairs of canonical variates.

Micro-Level Assessment: Canonical

Loadings for Both the IVs and DVs
Table 10.7 presents micro-level results for our CC example. Canonical loadings
for each variable on their respective canonical variates (i.e., IVSi or DVSi) are
interpreted as correlations. Values > | 0.30 | reveal variables that are closely
linked with the underlying canonical variate or dimension. For the first canonical
variate for the Xs (i.e., IVSI), the variable that correlates most strongly is condom
self-efficacy (0.82), followed closely by stage (0.78). Cons correlated —0.64 with
the IVS 1 and pros has a loading of 0.47. Thus, this first IV variate is associated with
condom self-efficacy and a high (e.g., action or maintenance) stage of condom use.
It also has something to do with perceiving relatively few cons or disadvantages
to condom use and somewhat high levels of pros or advantages to using condoms.
The second canonical variate is mainly concerned with psychosexual functioning
(0.91), with some inverse relationship with stage (—0.38) and cons (—0.37) of
condom use. Loadings for time 2 (see values for DVSi in the lower portion of

TABLE 10.7
Micro-Level Assessment of Canonical Correlation Example

Canonical Structure Correlations Between the Time 1 TTM & MMOHR

Variables and Their Canonical Variables
IVS1 (VI) IVS2 (V2) IVS3 (V3) IVS4 (V4) IVS5 (V5)

PSYSXA 0.1608 0.9099 0.2212 0.2588 0.1740

PROSA 0.4695 -0.2714 0.8333 -0.0668 -0.0841
CONSA -0.6379 -0.3745 0.2162 0.6360 0.0392
CONSEFFA 0.8228 -0.0028 -0.1150 0.2609 -0.4916
STAGEA 0.7813 -0.3806 -0.2297 0.1411 0.4147
Correlations Between the Time 2 TTM & MMOHR Variables and
Their Canonical Variables
DVS1 (Wl) DVS2 (W2) DVS3 (W3) DVS4 (W4) DVS5 (W5)
PSYSXB 0.2124 0.8770 0.1920 0.3195 0.2165
PROSB 0.4901 -0.1990 0.8439 -0.0573 -0.0688
CONSB -0.6910 -0.4176 0.1347 0.5699 -0.0728
CONSEFFB 0.8093 0.1542 -0.0373 0.1757 -0.5375
STAGEB 0.7972 -0.4178 -0.2091 0.1975 0.3273

Table 10.7) parallel those for time 1 in terms of which variables are associated
with which canonical variates.

Micro-Level Assessment of Redundancy:

Variables on One Side and Canonical
Variates on the Other Side
Table 10.8 provides redundancy coefficients, which entail correlations between a
variable on one side with a canonical variate on the other side. These values are not
as large as the original canonical loadings because they link time 1 variables with
time 2 variates. Still, these include some relatively large values, in many cases
paralleling those found within a side but with slightly smaller values. Because
redundancy indices can be cumbersome to interpret, it is helpful to consider follow-
up MRs to further investigate the pattern of relationships among the time 1 and
time 2 variables.

Follow-Up MRs, One for Each DV,

to Attempt to Examine the Directional
Ordering of the Variables
Table 10.9 presents results from the first follow-up MR. This first MR reveals that
psychosexual functioning, pros, cons, and condom self-efficacy are significantly
related to stage of condom use 6 months later: R2 = 0.30, F(4,522) = 54.59,
p < 0.0001.
192 CHAPTER 10

TABLE 10.8
Redundancy Assessment for Canonical Correlation Example

Correlations Between the Time 1 TTM & MMOHR Variables and

the Canonical Variates of the Time 2 TTM & MMOHR Variables
DVS1 (Wl) DVS2 (W2) DVS3 (W3) DVS4 (W4) DVS5 (W5)

PSYSXA 0.1228 0.6434 0.1215 0.1080 0.0566

PROSA 0.3584 -0.1919 0.4576 -0.0279 -0.0273
CONSA -0.4870 -0.2648 0.1187 0.2655 0.0128
CONSEFFA 0.6282 -0.0020 -0.0632 0.1089 -0.1599
STAGEA 0.5965 -0.2691 -0.1262 0.0589 0.1349
Correlations Between the Time 2 TTM & MMOHR Variables and
the Canonical Variates of the Time 1 TTM & MMOHR Variables
IVS1 (VI) IVS2 (V2) IVS3 (V3) IVS4 (V4) IVS5 (V5)
PSYSXB 0.1622 0.6201 0.1054 0.1334 0.0704
PROSB 0.3742 -0.1407 0.4634 -0.0239 -0.0224
CONSB -0.5275 -0.2952 0.0740 0.2379 -0.0237
CONSEFFB 0.6179 0.1090 -0.0205 0.0734 -0.1748
STAGEB 0.6087 -0.2954 -0.1148 0.0825 0.1064

Table 10.10 provides micro-level results for the MR with STAGEB as the DE
All variables significantly predict stage (see t-values and associated p-values,
all < 0.01). Findings suggest that stage may well be a relevant outcome variable,
with other variables as potential predictors or causal agents.
Tables 10.11 and 10.12, respectively, present macro-level and micro-level re-
sults for the second follow-up MR with PSYSXB as the DV. Notice that relatively
little variance is shared (i.e., R2 = 0.09) between psychosexual functioning and

TABLE 10.9
Macro-Level Results for First Follow-Up MR: DV = STAGEB

The REG Procedure: Dependent Variable: STAGEB

Analysis of Variance

Sum of Mean
Source df Squares Square F -Value Prob. > F

Model 4 296.0212 74.0053 54.59 <0.0001

Error 522 707.5992 1.3555
Corrected total 526 1003.6204

Root MSB 1.16428 R-Square 0.2950

Dep. Mean 2.43643 Adjusted R2 0.2896
CoeffVar 47.78637

TABLE 10.10
Micro-Level Results for First Follow-Up MR: DV = STAGEB

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Standardized

Variable DF Estimate Error t-Value Prob. > \t\ Estimate ( )

Intercept 1 2.299 0.417 5.50 <0.0001 0

PSYSXA 1 -0.393 0.068 -5.76 <0.0001 -0.217
PROSA 1 0.162 0.056 2.88 0.0042 0.111
CONSA 1 -0.182 0.063 -2.88 0.0041 -0.118
CONSEFFA 0.446 0.045 9.92 <0.0001 0.419

TABLE 10.11
Macro-Level Results for Second Follow-Up MR: DV = PSYSXB

The REG Procedure: Dependent Variable: PSYSXB

Analysis of Variance

Sum of Mean
Source df Squares Square F -Value Prob. > F

Model 4 26.586 6.646 12.92 < 0.0001

Error 522 268.618 0.514
Corrected total 526 295.20535
Root MSE 0.71735 R -Square 0.0901
Dep. Mean 4.00565 Adjusted R2 0.0831
Coeff Var 17.90850

TABLE 10.12
Micro-Level Results for Second Follow-Up MR: DV = PSYSXB

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Standardized

Variable DF Estimate Error t-Value Prob. > \t\ Estimate ( )

Intercept 1 4.527 0.176 25.68 <0.0001 0.000

PROSA 1 -0.021 0.034 -0.63 0.5302 -0.027
CONSA 1 -0.195 0.038 -5.10 <0.0001 -0.235
CONSEFFA 1 0.084 0.030 2.79 0.0054 0.146
STAGEA 1 -0.123 0.027 -4.56 <0.0001 -0.222
194 CHAPTER 10

TABLE 10.13
Macro-Level Results for Third Follow-Up MR: DV = PROSB

The REG Procedure: Dependent Variable: PROSB

Analysis of Variance

Sum of Mean
Source df Squares Square F -Value Prob. > F

Model 4 27.849 6.962 11.55 <0.0001

Error 522 314.633 0.602
Corrected total 526 342.483
Root MSE 0.77637 0.0813
Dep. Mean 4.06967 Adjusted R2 0.0743
Coeff Var 19.07693

the other four variables across six months. Further, one of the predictors, pros,
does not significantly predict psychosexual functioning. These findings suggest
that psychosexual functioning most likely is not an outcome variable, but if re-
gression coefficients going from psychosexual functioning at time 1 to other vari-
ables at time 2 are significant, it may be a good predictor or potentially causal
Macro-level and micro-level results from the third follow-up MR, with PROSB
as the outcome, are presented in Tables 10.13 and 10.14, respectively. These MR
results are not impressive with only 8% shared variance between the set of predic-
tors and PROSB 6 months later. Further, there are two nonsignificant predictors
(i.e., psychosexual functioning and cons are not significantly related to pros). As
with the previous MR, this suggests that pros is most likely not a meaningful out-
come or at least that there is no evidence that psychosexual functioning and cons
precede pros.

TABLE 10.14
Micro-Level Results for Third Follow-Up MR: DV = PROSB

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Standardized

Variable DF Estimate Error t-Value Prob. > \t\ Estimate (ft)

Intercept 1 3.255 0.270 12.02 <.0001 0.000

PSYSXA 1 0.039 0.047 0.83 0.4070 0.037
CONSA 1 0.025 0.042 0.59 0.5576 0.027
CONSEFFA 1 0.121 0.031 3.82 0.0002 0.196
STAGEA 1 0.085 0.030 2.80 0.0052 0.142

TABLE 10.15
Macro-Level Results for Fourth Follow-Up MR: DV = CONSB

The REG Procedure: Dependent Variable: CONSB

Analysis of Variance

Sum of Mean
Source df Squares Square F-Value Prob. > F

Model 4 87.168 21.792 39.74 <0.0001

Error 522 286.237 0.548
Corrected total 526 373.405
Root MSE 0.74050 R-Square 0.2334
Dep. Mean 2.05155 Adjusted R2 0.2276
Coeff Var 36.09488

Tables 10.15 and 10.16 present macro-level and micro-level results, respec-
tively, for the fourth follow-up MR, with CONSB as the DV. There is a reasonable
proportion of shared variance (i.e., R2 = 0.23: F(4,522) = 39.74, p < 0.0001) be-
tween cons at t2 and the other variables at t1, but pros is not a significant predictor.
These results suggest that cons may serve as an outcome, with psychosexual func-
tioning, condom self-efficacy, and stage potentially serving as causal predictors of
cons measured 6 months later.
Still, it is worth holding back on this speculation until viewing the results from
the last MR where condom self-efficacy is hypothesized as an outcome and the
other variables are posited as predictors.
Tables 10.17 and 10.18 present the follow-up MR results for the fifth DV,
CONSEFFB. The macro-level MR results reveal substantial shared variance
(i.e., R2 = 0.29: F(4,522) = 53.98, p < 0.0001 between the IVs and condom

TABLE 10.16
Micro-Level Results for Fourth Follow-Up MR: DV = CONSB

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Standardized

Variable DF Estimate Error t-Value Prob. > \t\ Estimate ( )

Intercept 1 4.184 0.225 18.60 <.0001 0.000

PSYSXA 1 -0.327 0.043 -7.49 <.0001 -0.296
PROSA 1 -0.000 0.035 -0.01 0.9918 -0.000
CONSEFFA 1 -0.148 0.032 -4.91 <.0001 -0.228
STAGEA 1 -0.141 0.028 -4.94 <.0001 -0.226
196 CHAPTER 10

TABLE 10.17
Macro-Level Results for Fifth Follow-Up MR: DV = CONSEFFB

The REG Procedure: Dependent Variable: CONSEFFB

Analysis of Variance

Sum of Mean
Source df Squares Square F -Value Prob. > F

Model 4 204.005 51.001 53.98 <.0001

Error 522 493.193 0.944
Corrected total 526 697.198

Root MSE 0.97202 0.2926

Dep. Mean 3.51423 Adjusted R2 0.2872
Coeff Var 27.65943

TABLE 10.18
Micro-Level Results for Fifth Follow-Up MR: DV = CONSEFFB

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard Standardized

Variable DF Estimate Error t-Value Prob. > \t\ Estimate ( )

Intercept 1 1.779 0.359 4.95 <0.0001 0.000

PSYSXA 1 0.264 0.058 4.49 <0.0001 0.175
PROSA 1 0.207 0.045 4.52 <0.0001 0.171
CONSA 1 -0.334 0.051 -6.48 <0.0001 -0.261
STAGEA 1 0.250 0.034 7.19 <0.0001 0.293

self-efficacy, with all predictors significantly related to the outcome. This provides
some evidence that condom self-efficacy may well serve as an outcome variable
with the remaining variables (i.e., psychosexual functioning, pros, cons, and stage)
serving as potentially causal predictors.
Given all the MR results, it is conceivable that both condom self-efficacy and
stage are mediators or outcomes with the other variables serving as potential causal

A summary of the multiplicity, background, central and interpretation themes for
CC is presented in Table 10.19.

TABLE 10.19
Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation Themes Applied
to Canonical Correlation
Themes Canonical Correlation

Multiplicity themes +Theory, hypotheses, and empirical research

(Note: + means multiplicity +Controls: experimental design, select sample
of theme pertains) +Time points: IVs and/or DV
+Samples: cross-validate if possible
+Measurements: +IVs, + DVs
Background themes Sample data: random selection is preferred
Measures: multiple (continuous) IVs and DVs
Assumptions: normality, linearity, homoscedasticity
Methods: inferential with assumptions met
Central themes Variance: in DVs shared by IVs
Covariance: between DV and IVs and within IVs and DVs
Ratio: covariance between X and Y / covariance within Xs and Ys
Interpretation themes Macro: omnibus X2 or F-test, ES = 2
Mid: F-tests for canonical correlation
Micro: canonical weights (standardized or loadings),
(Questions to ask) Redundancy analyses, and follow-up MRs
Is there significant shared variance between IVs and DVs?
Do pairs of canonical variates significantly correlate?
Do variables correlate with their canonical variates?
Do variables correlate with variates on the other side?
Which DVs are significantly predicted with set of IVs?
Is there little/no collinearity among variables within a side?
All variables reliable?
Assumptions met?
Can results be generalized beyond study?


Campbell, K. T, & Taylor, D. L. (1996). Canonical correlation analysis as a general linear model: A
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analysis for behavioral sciences (3rd ed.: Chapter 16, pp. 608-628). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Fan, X. (1997). Canonical correlation analysis and structural equation modeling: What do they have
in common? Structural Equation Modeling, 4, 65-79.
Harlow, L. L., Quina, K., Morokoff, P. J., Rose, J. S., & Grimley, D. (1993). HIV risk in women: A
multifaceted model. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 1, 3-38.
Prochaska, J. O., Velicer, W. R, Rossi, J. S., Goldstein, M. G., Marcus, B. H., Rakowski, W, Fiore, C,
Harlow, L. L., Redding, C. A., Rosenbloom, D., & Rossi, S. R. (1994). Stages of change and
decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors. Health Psychology, 13, 39-16.
198 CHAPTER 10

Tabachnick,B.G.,& Fidell,L.S.(2001). Usingmultivariatestatistics (4th ed.:Chapter6,pp. 177-218).

Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Takane, Y., & Hwang, H. (2002). Generalized constrained canonical correlation analysis. Multivariate
Behavioral Research, 37, 163-195.
Thompson, B. (2000). Canonical correlation analysis. In L. G. Grimm & P. R. Yarnold (Eds.), Read-
ing and understanding more multivariate statistics (pp. 285-316). Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association.
Thorndike, R. M. (2000). Canonical correlation analysis. In H. E. A. Tinsley, & S. D. Brown (Eds.).
Handbook of applied multivariate statistics and mathematical modeling (pp. 237-263). San Diego,
CA: Academic Press, Inc.
Principal Components
and Factor Analysis
Themes Applied to Principal
Components and Factor Analysis

PCA and FA are exploratory multivariate methods that delineate the underlying
dimensions in a large set of variables or individuals. Although we consider them
multivariate methods, as they indeed handle multiple variables, both methods an-
alyze only a single set of variables. Unlike the other methods discussed in this
book, there is not the usual distinction between independent and dependent vari-
ables. Still, one of our central themes in multivariate methods is that of explaining
the variance and covariance within and across sets of variables. To maintain this
pervasive theme, we can consider the dimensions as a set of underlying indepen-
dent variables (IVs) from which the actual measured (dependent) variables (DVs)
emanate. We now elucidate how the 10 questions and themes relate to both PCA
and FA.


PCA and FA are similar in the kinds of data that are analyzed and the conclusions
drawn from these analyses. They differ somewhat in the nature of the research
questions that are asked and in how they address the variance in the variables.
When the goal is to redistribute the variance in a large set of correlated variables
to a smaller set of orthogonal dimensions, then PCA is appropriate (Velicer &
Jackson, 1990). When the focus is on identifying a set of theoretical dimensions
that explain the shared common variance in a set of variables, FA can be used
(e.g., Gorsuch, 1983; McDonald, 1985). Both PCA and FA allow us to examine

a single set of continuous variables and determine the number and nature of the
underlying dimensions that organize these variables. We are, in essence, trying
to find a few cogent dimensions that pull together the nature of the variables.
PCA and FA locate these dimensions by noting which variables are interrelated.
A main difference is that PCA uses all the variance in the variables and treats
it as true variance when finding the underlying dimensions or components. FA
recognizes that there is measurement error or unique variance in the variables
that should be separated from the true variance or factor variance, before finding
the underlying dimensions or factors. PCA is more mathematically precise. FA is
more conceptually realistic. Both PCA and FA solutions can be rotated to increase
interpretability. As we see later in the chapter, the two major rotation methods are
Varimax (orthogonal uncorrelated) and oblique (correlated; e.g., Promax).
PCA and FA differ from most multivariate methods in that only a single set
of measured variables is analyzed. PCA and FA are similar to other correlation
methods that focus on the nature of the relationship among variables [e.g., multi-
ple regression (MR), canonical correlation (CC)]. In contrast to group-difference
methods [e.g., analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), multivariate analysis of vari-
ance (MANOVA)], PCA and FA do not focus on the means for a set of variables.
With PCA and FA, as with several other methods [e.g., MR, discriminant function
analysis (DFA), logistic regression (LR), CC], we are much more interested in

FIG. l l . l . PCA-FA with two correlated dimensions, each with

three main (boldfaced) loadings and each with three inconsequen-
tial (dashed-line) loadings.

interpretable weights that link variables to underlying dimensions or linear com-

Figure 11.1 depicts an example of PCA-FA with two correlated dimensions:
substance use and psychosocial functioning. Variables load highly on their re-
spective dimensions, with minor loadings on the other dimension. Thus, alcohol,
marijuana, and hard drug use would have high loadings on the substance use dimen-
sions, whereas distress, self-esteem, and powerlessness would have high loadings
on the psychosocial functioning dimension.


Three main uses are offered for PCA and FA. Although both PCA and FA can be
applied to all three uses, it is probably true that the ordering forms a continuum from
PCA being most preferable for the first use up through FA as the best choice for
the third use. That is, PCA, which is mathematically elegant, is often selected for
simple orthogonal transformations of the original variables. In contrast, FA, which
is conceptually oriented, is usually the method of choice for assessing the nature
of the common factor variance while acknowledging the presence of uniqueness
or error variance within the variables. The three basic uses are:

a. PCA (or to some degree FA) can be used to transform a set of corre-
lated variables into the same number of uncorrelated linear combinations or
components. These newly formed components include all the original variance
in the variables, with the first component claiming most of the variance, and the
remaining ones taking less and less of the variance. In effect, PCA retains all the
information from the original variables while making the new components com-
pletely orthogonal, and thus more mathematically viable. There is no guarantee,
however, that these mathematically elegant and orthogonal components will be
conceptually interpretable. Still, these components can be used in other analyses
such as MR or MANOVA to avoid possible collinearity problems.
b. PCA or FA can be used to reduce a large set of correlated variables to
a few orthogonal underlying dimensions. These dimensions can then be rotated
further, either orthogonally or obliquely (discussed later), to improve interpreta-
tion. For example, a researcher may be interested in reducing information from a
100-item inventory to a set of 10 underlying dimensions that explain much of the
variance in the original variables. FA would recognize that there was most likely
some measurement error or uniqueness in each item that is not analyzed when
forming the dimensions or factors. The factors would involve only the variance in
each item that overlaps with the other items.

c. FA (and PCA, potentially) can be used for theory testing to assess the
conceptual nature of underlying dimensions in a set of variables. This usually
involves having strong theory to suggest the nature of the variables and underlying
dimensions. For example, the 12 subscales of the Wechsler intelligence tests are
often delineated into verbal and performance dimensions.


There are several multiplicity themes that apply to PCA and FA. Even though
these methods are often used in an exploratory manner, it is important to consider
multiple previous theories or empirical studies that could inform the analysis.
For example, theories abound today on the number and nature of dimensions
underlying intelligence. Whereas initial theories (e.g., Spearman, 1904) suggested
that intelligence could be described by a single, general factor, others suggest there
are at least two (e.g., verbal and performance: Wechsler, 1975) or even multiple
dimensions (e.g., Gardner, 1999; Matthews, 1988).
Another multiplicity theme concerns the variables. In both PCA and FA, we
begin with multiple continuous measures, often viewed as DVs, and posit a smaller
set of one or more (often) latent, independent dimensions that explain the corre-
lation among the variables. We also most likely would want a large sample size,
although guidelines vary on how large. Some (e.g., Comrey & Lee, 1992) focus
on the recommended total size needed to achieve stability of results, with samples
of at least 200 to 300 being preferred. Other methods focus on the ratio of partici-
pants to number of variables (e.g., MR), though this does not have much evidence
with PCA or FA (Guadagnoli & Velicer, 1988). Finally, recent researchers (e.g.,
Guadagnoli & Velicer, 1988) suggest that a smaller sample size (e.g., 100 to 200)
may be adequate if the dimensions are highly saturated. This would occur if the
three to six variables that marked each factor had rather high loadings (e.g., at least
| 0.50 | or even | 0.70 | or higher).


With both PCA and FA, background themes would include an examination of
correlations, but not necessarily the means for a set of variables. Correlations
should be greater than | 0.30 | among variables within a dimension. Correlations
among variables from different dimensions should be close to zero if dimensions
are expected to be orthogonal (i.e., uncorrelated), though some nonzero correla-
tions are acceptable, particularly with dimensions that are expected to be oblique
(i.e., correlated). The issue of collinearity, although not as much of a problem as

with other methods, should still be investigated. Variables within a dimension are
often viewed as similar ways of expressing the same dimension and thus can ex-
hibit substantial correlation (e.g., 10.30 to 0.70 |). However, if correlation exceeds
| 0.90 |, there could be problems associated with collinearity (e.g., instability of
the weights or loadings). If collinearity is suspected, consider collapsing the two
variables involved into an averaged or summed composite or even dropping one
of the variables.
As with most multivariate methods, we would like to have access to a large
(N x p) data matrix with multiple continuous variables. Unlike many methods,
there would be less emphasis on meeting statistical assumptions, particularly when
making only descriptive summaries of the data. Certainly, inferences beyond a
specific sample would be strengthened when meeting linear model assumptions
(i.e., normality, linearity, and homoscedasticity) in a large and relevant sample.
Finally, the reliability of each variable is also a concern. Ideally, we would like
internal consistency coefficients to be 0.70 or higher, but test—retest reliability,
especially over long time periods (e.g., 6 to 12 months) may not be quite as high.


For PCA, we model the underlying linear combination or component, V, as a
function of the original X variables and eigenvector weights:

V=XB (11.1)

where V is a linear combination or component, X is a continuous variable, and B

is a matrix of eigenvector weights. The variance covariance matrix of the compo-
nents would be a diagonal matrix with eigenvalues (i.e., variances) of the linear
combinations along the diagonals and zeroes elsewhere due to orthogonality of
the components. This diagonal matrix can be described in matrix form as:

SC=B'SXB (11.2)

where Sc is a (q by q) matrix of variances and covariances among the q compo-

nents, B is a (p by q} matrix of eigenvector weights, B' is the transpose of the B
matrix of eigenvector weights, and Sx is a (p by p) matrix of variances and covari-
ances among the p original X variables. Equation 11.2 highlights the relationship
among the eigenvalues and eigenvectors and the original variables. It states that
when we pre- and post-multiply the original variance-covariance matrix for the X
variables by the matrix of eigenvector weights, we will get a diagonal matrix with
the variances of the new components along the diagonal. The goal in PCA is to
choose the eigenvector weights so that much of the variance from the variables is

preserved in the first few components. Note that all the variance in the variables is
retained and redistributed in PCA.
For FA, the underlying dimension is not modeled, but rather the original X
variable is modeled as a function of the underlying dimension times a (factor
loading) weight plus some uniqueness:

X = LF+E (11.3)

where X is a (p by 1) vector of variables, L is a (p by q) matrix of factor loadings

for the p continuous variables and the q underlying factors, F is a (q by 1) vector of
factors, and E is a (p by 1) vector of uniquenesses for the p continuous X variables.
The variance covariance matrix of the X variables is modeled as:

Sx=L L' + ® (11.4)

where Sx is a (p by p) matrix of variances and covariances among the original

X variables, L is the (p by q) matrix of factor loadings, is a (q by q) matrix
of variances and covariances among the factors, and 0 is a (p by p) matrix of
variances and covariances among the p uniquenesses (or measurement errors) for
the original variables. The goal in FA is to find the parameters (i.e., factor loadings,
factor variances and covariances, and uniquenesses) that will reproduce the original
variance-covariance matrix for the original X variables as closely as possible.



As we saw with the descriptions of the equations for PCA and FA, variance is
examined differently for the two methods. In PCA, we examine all the variance
and do not even consider the possibility of error variance in the variables. Thus,
PCA uses the matrix of correlations among the variables as the initial starting
point for analysis. The p standardized variances (i.e., 1s) along the diagonal are
redistributed among the new components. This method assumes that the variables
are perfectly reliable and that all the variance in the variables is worth retaining.
In FA, we recognize that each variable has a portion of true-score variance (e.g.,
Lord & Novick, 1968) as well as some portion that is not shared with the other
variables loading on a factor. The focus of FA is on the portion of the variance
in a variable that is shared in common with the other variables and thus is called
common factor variance. In FA, then, we use a matrix of correlations as the start-
ing point, except that instead of Is along the diagonal, we insert communalities,
which are estimates of the shared variance between a specific variable and all the
remaining variables. Remembering back to MR, we see that a squared multiple

correlation (SMC or R2) between a variable and the remaining variables provides
a measure of shared variance. Another estimate of communality is the absolute
value of the largest correlation within a factor (Gorsuch, 1983). These estimates
values are often inserted along the diagonal in FA to reflect the fact that we are
analyzing only the portion of variance in the original variables that is held in com-
mon among the variables. The diagonal matrix of unique or error variance holds
the remaining variance so that when adding this matrix to the correlation matrix
with SMCs along the diagonal we get the full R matrix of correlations among the
variables (i.e., with Is along the diagonals).
Covariance plays a central role in that variables must have some covariance if
there are underlying dimensions that explain the relatedness among the variables.
One rule of thumb is to make sure there are at least several correlations of at least
10.301 or more to ensure the presence of one or more dimensions. If all the variables
were completely orthogonal (i.e., correlations were equal to zero), it would not be
possible to describe the set of p variables with a smaller set of q dimensions.
Finally, linear combinations are viewed differently between PCA and FA. In
PCA, the linear combination of interest is the new component score that is a
function of the original variables and a set of eigenvector weights. In FA, the
linear combination that we focus on is the original X variable, which is seen as a
weighted function of an underlying factor plus some uniqueness or measurement


In contrast to the other multivariate methods we discussed, PCA does not usually
have a significance test associated with it. When using FA, a maximum likelihood
test is occasionally used to test for the number of factors (see below). However,
the test is often too sensitive, suggesting too many factors to retain. Thus, it is not
often used for exploratory FA. It is used with confirmatory FA and other structural
equation modeling methods, but it is a topic not addressed here.
PCA and FA usually focus on one or more of the following to address macro-
level assessment:

a. The percentage of variance in the variables that is accounted for by

the factors is a useful index for assessing the viability of the factors. While the
dimensions may not be expected to explain all the variation and covariation among
the variables, it would be reasonable to explain at least 50% or more. We get an
indication of the proportion of variance explained by a dimension by forming a
ratio of an eigenvalue over the sum of all the eigenvalues.
206 CHAPTER 1 1

b. The number of eigenvalues greater than 1.0 is often used as an upper-

bound estimate on the number of underlying components in PCA. Guttman (1954)
and Kaiser (1970) advocated the method to help in deciding on the correct number
of dimensions, but the true number may well be less than this. The rationale was
that the variance of a single, standardized variable would be 1.0 (e.g., consider the
diagonals of a correlation matrix). If an underlying dimension were to be worth
examining, it would have to have at least the same amount of variance as a single
variable, but ideally it should have much more variance.
c. Another method for assessing the number of dimensions (either components
or factors) is to examine when the eigenvalues appear to be dropping off to a trivial,
inconsequential size. The scree plot (Cattell, 1966) involves a plot of the number
of factors on the X axis by the values of the eigenvalues on the Y axis. The point
at or before the elbow in a scree plot provides another estimation as to the number
of underlying dimensions. Cattell reasoned that this plot would drop off much like
the scree or rubble at the bottom of a hillside after most of the variance in a set of
variables has been explained by the set of factors.
d. Two other methods have been suggested to help identify the correct number
of dimensions to retain. Velicer's (1976) minimum average partials (MAP)
method, as well as Horn's (1965) parallel analysis method, have been found to
be fairly accurate with estimating the number of dimensions in a set of variables
(e.g., Zwick & Velicer, 1986).
e. It is often important to make a qualitative assessment of the interpretability
of the factors and relevance to theory as another indication of the usefulness of a
f. Finally, it is possible to have a x2 test of significance when using maximum-
likelihood factor analysis to assess whether the correct number of factors is re-
tained; this is not commonly used.


The main question to ask at the micro-level for both PCA and FA is this: Are the
variables related to underlying dimensions?

a. Similar to several other methods (e.g., MR, DFA, LR, CC), PCA and FA
focus on weights attached to specific variables to get a microperspective. Just as
with DFA and CC, the most interpretable weight is a (component or factor) loading
or structure coefficient. Unlike most applications of DFA and CC, the loadings are
often rotated in PCA and FA to increase the interpretability of the dimensions.
There are several kinds of rotation procedures, but the most common are Varimax,

which rotates dimensions orthogonally, and oblique (e.g., Promax), which allows
dimensions to be correlated. While most computer programs use the Varimax
orthogonal rotation as a default option, it is often useful to consider an oblique
rotation. This is especially true if we expect the dimensions to be related. In either
case, we usually strive to rotate the weights so that each dimension has several
variables that load highly with the remaining variables loading close to zero. This
pattern is labeled a "simple structure" (Thurstone, 1935), which is strived for but
not always achieved. In any structure, whether simple or not, loadings range from
— 1 to +1 and show how correlated a variable is with an underlying dimension
(i.e., component or factor). For both PC A and FA, we use the same criterion as
with other methods that rely on loadings; variables with loadings of |0.30| or
greater are interpreted as having a meaningful part on the whole dimension. We
also would like to try to describe the nature of each dimension by noting the kind
of variables that highly load on the components and factors. As with other methods
that focus on weights, the sign attached to a loading informs us about the nature
of the relationship. A positive value indicates that a variable is very similar to the
underlying dimension. A negative loading suggests that the higher the score on
the respective variable, the lower the score on the dimension on which the variable
loads. Thus, variables could be evaluated with several guidelines (see below).
b. Those with loadings >| 0.301 would be retained as marker variables for a
dimension, with ideally three or more marker variables per dimension.
c. Variables with loadings <| 0.30 on all dimensions could be discarded.
This would not necessarily mean the variables are unreliable. It could be the
variables do not have enough in common with the other variables. If this is the
case, more variables addressing the same content could be included in a future
study to help anchor the additional dimension.
d. Those with loadings >|0.30| on more than one dimension would be
labeled as complex variables. Complex variables most likely would be discarded
because it would not be clear to which dimension the variable was describing.
e. Variables that had positive and high loadings would be most consistent
with the direction and nature of a dimension.
f. Those with negative and high loadings would indicate variables that are
inversely related to an underlying dimension.


PCA and FA, like CC, are exploratory procedures that usually lend themselves to
descriptive conclusions, though not necessarily inferences to the larger population.
After conducting a PCA or FA on a sample of data, it would be wise to consider
several follow-ups.

If statistical assumptions are met and a large, representative, and ideally random
sample is analyzed, then generalizations beyond the immediate sample become
more credible. Lykken's (1968) emphasis on constructive replication is relevant
here. Lykken argues that results from a single study are much more convincing
when replicated with separate, independent samples, different items to anchor each
of the major dimensions, and different methods. Thus, exploratory PCA or FA
results would be more compelling if replicated in a separate sample or if the same
factor structure were found using different items for each of the main constructs.
Further, confirmatory methods such as confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) should
be considered. CFA is a subset of structural equation modeling in which several
latent factors are posited, with each of them having hypothesized loadings on
several salient variables. In CFA, the number and nature of the factors is known
at the beginning of the study. The goal is to assess how well the hypothesized
structure fits the data. Though the topic of CFA is beyond the scope of this book,
several excellent sources describe this useful methodology and the larger method
of structural equation modeling (e.g., Rentier, 2000; Byrne, 2001; Loehlin, 2004;
Raykov & Marcoulides, 2000; Schumacker & Lomax, 2004).
If follow-up results appear encouraging, there would be greater verisimilitude
for the underlying dimensions that could be used to summarize scores on a measur-
ing instrument or even used in a predictive framework, such as structural equation


For this example, we examine the set of three condom use variables (i.e., pros,
cons, and self-efficacy) from the transtheoretical model (e.g., Prochaska et al.,
1994), as well as five MMOHR (Harlow et al., 1993) variables (psychosexual
functioning, meaninglessness, stress, demoralization, and powerlessness) repre-
senting psychosocial distress. All eight variables are measured at the initial time
point, t1. Several sets of analyses are presented: a, descriptive statistics for the
p variables; b, correlations among the p variables; c, a macro- and micro-level
assessment of PCA; and d, a macro- and micro-level assessment of FA.

Descriptive Statistics for the Variables

Table 11.1 presents descriptive statistics for the variables used in the PCA and
FA application. Note that the three positively focused variables (i.e., pros, self-
efficacy, and psychosexual functioning) all have rather high means (i.e., 3.85,
3.29, and 3.99, respectively) relative to the remaining negatively focused variables.
Most of the variables are relatively normally distributed. Two slight exceptions

TABLE 11.1
Descriptive Statistics on the Variables in the PCA and FA Example

The MEANS Procedure

Variable Mean S.D. Min. Max. Skewness Kurtosis

PROSA 3.86 0.95 .00 5.00 -1.000 0.587

CONSA 2.14 0.90 .00 5.00 0.709 0.077
CONSEFFA 3.29 1.30 .00 5.00 -0.305 -1.189
PSYSXA 3.99 0.76 .00 5.00 -0.853 0.793
MELESSA 2.24 0.79 .00 5.00 0.544 -0.187
STRESSA 2.55 0.60 .00 4.50 0.209 -0.011
DEMORA 2.23 0.56 ] .00 4.08 0.479 0.029
PWRLSSA 2.18 0.68 ] .00 4.60 0.632 0.223

involve pros with some negative skewness (i.e., most people report a high level
of perceived advantages of condom use), and condom self-efficacy (CONSEFFA)
that has some negative kurtosis (i.e., there is a platykurtic distribution, so that
there are approximately an equal number of people who report low, medium, and
high levels of condom self efficacy). Still, there does not appear to be enough
nonnormality to warrant making transformations of the data.

Correlations Among the p Variables

We would now want to examine a matrix of correlations among the eight variables
to ensure that there were some correlations of at least 10.30 | or more, as well as to
make sure there was not high collinearity (i.e., r > \ 0.70 to 0.90 |). The correlation
matrix shown in Table 11.2 suggests that these variables would be reasonable for
both PCA and FA.

Macro- and Micro-Level Assessment of PCA

We have seen that the macro-level PCA or FA does not usually involve a signifi-
cance test but rather an examination of the number and nature of the dimensions.
Table 11.3 presents information on the eigenvalues for our example.
Several criteria indicate two components for the set of variables. First, there are
two eigenvalues greater than 1.0. This guideline provides an approximate estimate
as to the number of components underlying a set of variables (e.g., Guttman, 1954;
Kaiser, 1970; Preacher & MacCallum, 2003). Second, the percentage of variance
in the variables that is extracted by two dimensions is greater than 50% (i.e., 61%:
see cumulative column in Table 11.3). With more than half the information in the
variables explained by the two components, we have assurance that the dimensions
are adequately describing the variables.
210 CHAPTER 1 1

TABLE 11.2
Pearson Correlation Coefficients
Prob > | r | under HO :Rho = 0

PROSA 1.00000 -0.06348 0.31509 -0.01899

0.1456 <0.0001 0.6636
CONSA -0.06348 1.00000 -0.40206 -0.22409
0.1456 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSEFFA 0.31509 -0.40206 1.00000 0.08629
<0.0001 <0.0001 0.0477
PSYSXA -0.01899 -0.22409 0.08629 1.00000
0.6636 <0.0001 0.0477
MELESSA -0.07058 0.13682 -0.08182 -0.38522
0.1056 0.0016 0.0605 <0.0001
STRESSA -0.03748 0.13492 -0.08081 -0.37505
0.3906 0.0019 0.0638 <0.0001
DEMORA -0.03119 0.20517 -0.11410 -0.41345
0.4749 <0.0001 0.0087 <0.0001
PWRLSSA -0.08547 0.18307 -0.11526 -0.41353
0.0499 <0.0001 0.0081 <0.0001
PROSA -0.07058 -0.03748 -0.03119 -0.08547
0.1056 0.3906 0.4749 0.0499
CONSA 0.13682 0.13492 0.20517 0.18307
0.0016 0.0019 <0.0001 <0.0001
CONSEFFA -0.08182 -0.08081 -0.11410 -0.11526
0.0605 0.0638 0.0087 0.0081
PSYSXA -0.38522 -0.37505 -0.41345 -0.41353
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
MELESSA 1.00000 0.62807 0.74492 0.67889
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
STRESSA 0.62807 1.00000 0.74902 0.64129
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
DEMORA 0.74492 0.74902 1.00000 0.70569
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
PWRLSSA 0.67889 0.64129 0.70569 1.00000
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

Figure 11.2 presents the plot of the eigenvalues (i.e., scree plot: Cattell, 1966)
for these data. The eigenvalues from Table 11.3 are plotted along the vertical axis
and the dimensions (up to the number of variables analyzed) are listed along the
horizontal axis. The steep drop in the plot of the first two eigenvalues, followed by
a shallower slope in the plot for the remaining eigenvalues also suggests that two
dimensions would adequately represent the data.
TABLE 11.3
Principal Component Loadings for the Example

The FACTOR Procedure.

Initial Factor Method: Principal Components
Prior Communality Estimates: ONE
Eigenvalues of the Correlation Matrix:
Total = 8 Average — 1
Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative

1 3.44689334 1.98527664 0.4309 0.4309

2 1.46161670 0.48347860 0.1827 0.6136
3 0.97813810 0.29155964 0.1223 0.7358
4 0.68657846 0.17400935 0.0858 0.8217
5 0.51256911 0.13143969 0.0641 0.8857
6 0.38112942 0.05566134 0.0476 0.9334
7 0.32546808 0.11786128 0.0407 0.9740
8 0.20760680 0.0260 1.0000
2 factors will be retained by the NFACTOR criterion.

Number of Variables (and Dimensions)

FIG. 11.2. Scree Plot of Eigenvalues for the Example with Eight Variables.
212 CHAPTER 1 1

TABLE 11.4
Micro-Assessment of PCA with Orthogonal, Varimax Rotation

Principal Components, Rotation Method: Varimax

Rotated Factor Pattern
Factor 1 Factor 2

PROSA 0.01731 0.59637

CONSA 0.18740 -0.66556
CONSEFFA -0.04438 0.85159
PSYSXA -0.58151 0.11248
MELESSA 0.85518 -0.04023
STRESSA 0.84651 -0.02091
DEMORA 0.90166 -0.06988
PWRLSSA 0.84789 -0.09858

Another consideration is that the two dimensions should have theoretical rele-
vance to justify retaining them. This is best evaluated by examining the pattern of
loadings on the two retained dimensions. Table 11.4 presents component loadings
that have been rotated orthogonally, assuming that the two components are uncor-
related. Table 11.5 presents component loadings that have been rotated obliquely,
also providing the degree of correlation between the two dimensions. Both the
orthogonal (Varimax) and oblique (Promax) solutions indicate two relatively un-
correlated (i.e., r = —0.16) components with near simple structure. Factor 1 has
high loadings for psychosocial variables hypothesized in the MMOHR (Harlow
et al., 1993). Factor 2 has high loadings for condom use variables from the

TABLE 11.5
Micro-Assessment of PCA with Oblique, Promax Rotation

Inter-Factor Correlations
Factor 1 Factor 2

Factor 1 1.00000 -0.16024

Factor 2 -0.16024 1.00000
Principal Components, Rotation Method: Promax
Factor Structure (Correlations: loadings)
Factor 1 Factor 2

PROSA -0.03010 0.59298

CONSA 0.23966 -0.67860
CONSEFFA -0.11186 0.85238
PSYSXA -0.58861 0.15942
MELESSA 0.85568 -0.10967
STRESSA 0.84549 -0.08971
DEMORA 0.90437 -0.14300
PWRLSSA 0.85304 -0.16723
TABLE 11.6
Macro-Level Assessment of FA for the Eight-Variable Example

The FACTOR Procedure

Initial Factor Method: Principal Factors
Prior Estimates: SMC

0.11567833 0.21306340 0.24691142 0.22988046

0.60872477 0.59204055 0.71379320 0.58129199
Eigenvalues of the Reduced Correlation Matrix:
Total = 3.30138412 Average = 0.41267302
Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative

1 3.02161613 2.33134886 0.9153 0.9153

2 0.69026727 0.52423147 0.2091 1.1243
3 0.16603580 0.16993609 0.0503 1.1746
4 -.00390029 0.04850678 -.0012 1.1735
5 -.05240707 0.05349322 -.0159 1.1576
6 -.10590029 0.03200424 -.0321 1.1255
7 -.13790453 0.13851836 -.0418 1.0837
8 -.27642289 -.0837 1.0000

Scree Plot of Eigenvalues

FIG. 11.3. Scree Plot for the Eight-Variable FA Example.

214 CHAPTER 1 1

TABLE 11.7
Micro-Assessment of FA with Orthogonal Rotation

Rotation Method: Varimax

Rotated Factor Pattern
Factor 1 Factor 2

PROSA -0.01264 0.35053

CONSA 0.16242 -0.49090
CONSEFFA -0.05429 0.60983
PSYSXA -0.47306 0.13533
MELESSA 0.80569 -0.06856
STRESSA 0.79321 -0.05118
DEMORA 0.87755 -0.10085
PWRLSSA 0.78839 -0.13072

transtheoretical model (Prochaska et al., 1994). Thus, we could conclude that the
two components have both theoretical and empirical support.
Macro- and Micro-Level Assessment of FA
While it is not as clear-cut as with PC A, there appears to be evidence for two factors
with a FA of these same eight variables. Eigenvalues are not easily interpreted with
FA (see Table 11.6), but the scree plot (see Figure 11.3) starts to form an elbow
after the second factor. This suggests that the remaining factors would not be worth
examining. Thus, similar to PCA, we move forward and examine two dimensions
at a micro-level after the scree plot.
As with the PCA micro-results, loadings for the orthogonal and oblique solu-
tions are similar (see Tables 11.7 & 11.8, respectively). This is most likely due to the
relatively small correlation between the dimensions (i.e., r = —0.23). Compared

TABLE 11.8
Micro-Assessment of FA with Oblique, Promax Rotation

Inter-Factor Correlations
Factor 1 Factor 2

Factor 1 1.00000 -0.23088

Factor 2 -0.23088 1.00000
The FACTOR Procedure: Rotation Method: Promax
Factor Structure (Correlations)
Factor 1 Factor 2
PROSA -0.05438 0.34971
CONSA 0.21984 -0.50612
CONSEFFA -0.12667 0.61206
PSYSXA -0.48583 0.18798
MELESSA 0.80812 -0.15927
STRESSA 0.79365 -0.14059
DEMORA 0.88331 -0.19948
PWRLSSA 0.79835 -0.21908
FIG. 11.4. FA with two correlated (r = -O.23) dimensions, each
with 3+ main (boldfaced) loadings >| O.3O | and 3+ inconsequential
(dashed-lined) loadings <|0.30|
TABLE 11.9
Multiplicity, Background, Central, and Interpretation Themes Applied to PCA-FA

Themes Principal Components-Factor Analysis

Multiplicity themes +Theory, hypotheses and empirical research

(Note: + means Controls: (few)
multiplicity of theme Time points: Replicate?
pertains) Samples: cross-validate
+Measurements: +DVs, +Dimensions
Background themes Sample data: random selection
Measures: multiple continuous DVs, 1+ latent (IV)
Assumptions: (normality, linearity, homoscedasticity)
Methods: descriptive or inferential with theory, random
sample, and assumptions met
Central themes Variance: in DVs explained by dimensions
Covariance: among DVs and dimensions (i.e., loadings)
Ratio: Proportion of variance for dimensions
Interpretation themes Macro: number of dimensions
(questions to ask) Micro: dimension loadings
Do dimensions explain enough variance?
Are all variables reliable and needed?
High correlation within dimensions?
Low correlations across dimensions?
3+ marker variables per dimension?
Which variables load on each dimension?
Assumptions met?
Can design support causal inference?
216 CHAPTER 1 1

with PCA loadings, however, FA loadings are slightly lower in magnitude for the
marker variables and somewhat higher otherwise. Still, results appear comparable
across PCA and FA (e.g., Velicer & Jackson, 1990), probably due to fairly reliable
variables and relatively uncorrelated dimensions. Figure 11.4 depicts the loadings
and factor correlation for the oblique FA solution. Note that factor loadings are
given only for marker variables on their respective factors.


A summary of the multiplicity, background, central, and interpretation themes for

PCA and FA is presented in Table 11.9.


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Erlbaum Associates.
Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. New York: Basic
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Guadagnoli, E., & Velicer, W. F. (1988). Relation of sample size to the stability of component patterns.
Psychological Bulletin, 10, 265-275.
Guttman, L. (1954). Some necessary conditions for common factor analysis. Psychometrika, 19, 149-
Horn, J. L. (1965). A rationale and test for the number of factors in factor analysis. Psychometrika, 30,
Harlow, L. L., Quina, K., Morokoff, P. J., Rose, J. S., & Grimley, D. (1993). HIV risk in women: A
multifaceted model. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 1, 3-38.
Kaiser, H. F. (1970). A second generation Little Jiffy. Psychometrika, 35, 401-15.
Loehlin, J. C. (2004). Latent variable models: An introduction to factor, path, and structural equation
analysis (4th ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence, Erlbaum Associates.
Lord, F. M., & Novick, M. R. (1968). Statistical theories of mental test scores. Reading, MA: Addison-
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Lykken, D. T. (1968). Statistical significance in psychological research. Psychological Bulletin, 70,
Matthews, D. J. (1988). Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theory: An evaluation of relevant research
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McDonald, R. P. (1985). Factor analysis and related methods. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Preacher, K. J., & MacCallum, R. C. (2003). Repairing Tom Swift's electric factor analysis machine.
Understanding Statistics, 2, 13-43.

Prochaska, J. O., Velicer, W. F., Rossi, J. S., Goldstein, M. G., Marcus, B. H., Rakowski, W., Fiore,
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Thurstone, L. L. (1935). The vectors of the mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Velicer, W. F. (1976). Determining the number of components from the matrix of partial correlations.
Psychometrika, 41, 321-327.
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Wechsler, D. (1975). Intelligence defined and undefined: A relativistic appraisal. American Psycholo-
gist, 30, 135-139.
Zwick, W. R., & Velicer, W. F. (1986). Factor influencing five rules for determining the number of
components to retain. Psychological Bulletin, 99, 432-442.
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Integration of Multivariate

Themes Applied to Multivariate


Consider each of the 10 themes, below, for the multivariate methods covered.


All seven of the multivariate methods [i.e., multiple regression (MR), analysis of
covariance (ANCOVA), multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), discrimi-
nant function analysis (DFA), logistic regression (LR), canonical correlation (CC),
principal components analysis and factor analysis (PCA-FA)] covered in this book
can analyze multiple variables, taking into account other variables in the analysis.
All the methods involve some form of linear combination, with some methods
(e.g., DFA, CC, PCA, FA) having more than one of these. Most of the methods
(i.e., MANOVA, DFA, CC, PCA, and FA) involve eigenvalues that are variances
of the linear combinations.
For all seven of the methods, inferences beyond the sample analyzed are im-
proved to the extent that assumptions (e.g., normality, linearity, and homoscedas-
ticity) are met, but LR, PCA, and FA do not always require assumptions. The
methods differ based on the nature of the variables and the focus of the research
questions addressed (more discussion is presented later on research questions in
section When are Multivariate Methods used and What Research Questions Can
They Address? and on the nature of the variables in section What Are the Main
Background Themes Applied to Methods?).
222 CHAPTER 12

Correlational methods include MR, CC, PCA-FA, and to some degree DFA, with
each of these methods focusing on weights that can be interpreted in a correlational
metric. These methods focus little, if at all, on mean differences, although DFA may
involve group centroids that are means of the linear combinations (i.e., discriminant
functions). MR, CC, PCA, and FA use predominantly continuous variables, with
DFA also including a categorical outcome in addition to continuous independent
variables (IVs) with categorical IVs allowed.
Methods with one or more major categorical variables include ANCOVA,
MANOVA, DFA, and LR. Whereas ANCOVA and MANOVA have one or
more categorical IVs, DFA and LR have a single categorical outcome. LR also
allows categorical IVs, whereas in DFA the IVs are usually continuous. There
is a single continuous outcome variable in ANCOVA, with MANOVA allowing
two or more continuous outcomes. The last two methods focus on mean differ-
ences between groups, whereas DFA and LR focus more on interpreting weights
between a set of IVs and a single categorical outcome. These four methods (AN-
COVA, MANOVA, DFA, and LR), involving one or more categorical variables,
each relates one or more IVs to one or more dependent variables (DVs).
All the methods covered allow both macro- and micro-assessment of the effect
(i.e., shared variance) between IVs and DVs, but the IVs in PCA and FA are
underlying dimensions.
We now turn to a discussion of multivariate methods and research questions.


Research questions that involve prediction can use multivariate methods of MR,
DFA, LR, or CC. All these methods involve multiple predictors, with the first three
methods including a single DV and the latter involving two or more DVs. For all
four prediction methods, the focus is on examining the degree of relationship
between the IVs and DV(s) and then interpreting weights at the micro-level.
Research questions involving group differences would most likely draw on the
multivariate methods of ANCOVA or MANOVA and possibly DFA. For the former
two methods, analyses focus on whether the means of the DV(s) differ between
two or more groups, relative to within-group differences. DFA may focus on group
centroids, but the emphasis is more likely to be on classification or weights.
PCA and FA are multivariate methods that involve a single set of measured
variables plus one or more underlying dimensions (labeled components for PCA
and factors for FA). The goal of these methods is to describe the correlational
structure among a set of variables with a few central components or factors. PCA
and FA differ in the variance that is analyzed and whether measurement error is
recognized. PCA analyzes all the variance in the measures, ignoring any mention

of measurement error. FA analyzes only the common variance among the variables,
separating out the unique or measurement error variance.
We turn now to a discussion of the multivariate themes across the methods.


Table 12.1 presents an overview of the multiplicity themes for the multivariate
methods addressed in this book. MR, ANCOVA, MANOVA, and DFA would
most likely draw on multiple theories and empirical studies to motivate one or
more hypotheses. LR, CC, PCA, and FA may or may not emphasize theories,
empirical studies, or hypotheses, depending on whether there was a more rigorous
inferential or, conversely, a more exploratory descriptive focus, respectively.
Most of the methods (MR, ANCOVA, MANOVA, DFA, LR, and CC) could
involve multiple time points and controls, but this is less likely to be true of PCA
and FA.
Four of the methods involve grouping variables, with ANCOVA and MANOVA
each having IV(s) with two or more groups, and DFA and LR each having a single
DV with two or more groups or categories. All the methods involve IVs, with MR,
DFA, LR, and CC having two or more IVs. ANCOVA and MANOVA can have one
or more categorical IVs. For both PCA and FA, the underlying dimensions (i.e.,
components or factors) can be viewed as IVs that predict the measured variables.
A distinction is sometimes made that for FA the factors are latent IVs, whereas
for PCA the IVs are linear combinations of the measured variables. ANCOVA
is the only method that will always involve one or more covariates, but MR,
MAN(C)OVA, DFA, and LR also may include covariates. CC, PCA, and FA are
less likely to include covariates. All the methods involve one or more DVs, with
four of them (MR, ANCOVA, DFA, and LR) usually allowing only a single DV.
MANOVA and CC allow two or more continuous DVs, and with both PCA and
FA we can view the set of two or more measured variables as DVs emanating from
the underlying IV dimensions (i.e., components or factors, respectively).
All the methods involve one or more linear combinations. MR forms a linear
combination of the IVs, X', that is related to a single, continuous DV. ANCOVA
describes the outcome variable, Y, as a linear combination of the grand mean plus a
treatment effect and error. MANOVA and DFA each form p or k — I (whichever is
smaller) linear combinations of the continuous variables before examining groups
differences. LR forms a single linear combination of the IVs that is related to a sin-
gle categorical DV. CC forms either p or q (whichever is less) linear combinations
on both the IV and DV sides. PCA forms linear combinations of the components
(i.e., Vs), whereas FA forms linear combinations of the measured X variables.
Finally, all the methods could involve practical applications based on the results
of the analyses. This is especially true for LR that is often applied in medical
contexts when the outcome is the presence or absence of a disease, or even death
TABLE 12.1
Multiplicity Themes Applied to Multivariate Methods


+Theories Yes Yes Yes Yes May May May May

+Hypotheses Yes May Yes Yes Yes May May May
+Empirical Research Yes Yes Yes Yes May May May May
+Time Points May May May May May May Not Likely Not Likely
+Controls May Yes May May May May Not Likely Not Likely
+Groups Not Likely For IV For IV ForDV ForDV Not Likely Not Likely Not Likely
+IVs 2+ 1+ 1+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 1+ 1 + (Latent)
Covariate(s) May 1+ May May May Not Likely Not Likely Not Likely
+DVs 1 1 2+ 1 1 2+ 2+ 2+
+Dimensions No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
+Linear Combos. 1 1 Min(p,k-l) Min(p, k-1) 1 Min (p, q) 1 + Comps. 2 + Variables
+Pract. Applications May May May May Usually May May May

Note: + = multiple, MR = multiple regression, ANCOVA = analysis of covariance, MANOVA = multivariate analysis of variance,
DFA = discriminant function analysis, LR = logistic regression, CC = canonical correlation, PCA — principal components analysis,
FA = factor analysis, IV = independent variable, DV = dependent variable, Linear Combos = linear combinations, Min = minimum,
Comps. = components, Pract. Applications = practical applications.

versus survival of an illness. In these cases, results are sometimes used to assist
practitioners with diagnosis or risk assessment for certain diseases.
We now consider background themes for each of the multivariate methods
discussed in this book.


Table 12.2 presents an overview of the background themes applied to the multi-
variate methods we have covered.
Sample size is not always clear cut but some guidelines can be offered. For
prediction methods (e.g., MR, DFA, LR, and CC), we often like to have at least 5
and up to 50 participants per variable with at least 100 or more overall, depending
on the nature of the data and the analyses (Green, 1991). With violations of as-
sumptions or stepwise procedures that capitalize on chance variation in the data,
more participants are required. For group difference methods (e.g., ANCOVA and
MANOVA), a reasonable guideline is to have at least 20 participants per group
for each DV. For PCA and FA, a sample size of at least 200 to 400 is usually re-
quired (Comrey & Lee, 1992), with larger samples needed (e.g., 400 or more) when
many variables are analyzed or when the size of the loadings is only moderate (e.g.,
10.30 to 0.40 |). When loadings are large (e.g., | 0.70 | or higher) and/or there are
relatively few measured variables (e.g., 6 to 12), smaller sample sizes (e.g., 100 to
200) may be acceptable to define a stable structure for the underlying dimensions
(Guadagnoli & Velicer, 1988).
All the methods tend to involve one or more continuous variables, but LR
may be conducted with all categorical variables. Four of the methods (ANCOVA,
MANOVA, DFA, and LR) involve one or more categorical variables. All the meth-
ods except PCA and FA can include moderator variables that are interactions of
two IVs, whereas only three of the methods (MR, ANCVOA, and LR) are likely
to include mediators that intervene between IVs and DVs.
The four methods that involve categorical variables (ANCOVA, MANOVA,
DFA, and LR) may include descriptive frequencies for the categories or groups.
Descriptive means and standard deviations are usually presented for both
ANCOVA and MANOVA, but they also may be presented for other methods
(MR, DFA, LR, and CC).
The three main assumptions of normality, linearity, and homoscedasticity are
usually required for these multivariate methods, except when using a purely de-
scriptive approach (e.g., with some uses of LR, PCA, and FA). The assumption of
homogeneity of regression (i.e., equal regressions between the covariate and DV
across all levels of the IV) is also required for ANCOVA.
Finally, we often delineate the type of method as prediction (MR, DFA, LR,
and sometimes CC), group difference (ANCOVA and MANOVA), or exploratory
correlational structure (PCA and FA).
TABLE 12.2
Background Themes Applied to Multivariate Methods


Sample Size 5-50 per IV 20+ per group (fc)20+ per DV 5-50 per IV 5-50 per IV 5-50 per vble 100-200+ 100-200+
Cont Vbles Usually All DV & Cov DVs IVs IVs OK Usually All Usually All Usually All
Categ Vbles Not Likely Yes for IV(s) Yes for IV(s) Yes for DV(s) Yes for DV Not Likely Not Likely Not Likely
Moderator(s) May May May May May May Not Likely Not Likely
Mediator(s) May May Not Likely Not Likely May Not Likely Not Likely Not Likely
Descr Freqs Not Likely Yes Yes Yes Yes Not Likely Not Likely Not Likely
Means & SDs May Yes Yes May May May Not Likely Not Likely
Linearity Yes Yes Yes Yes May Yes Yes Yes
Normality Yes Yes Yes Yes May Yes May May
Homoscedas. Yes Yes Yes Yes May Yes May May
Homog. Regr No Yes May No No No No No
Method Type Prediction Group Diff. Group Diff. Prediction Prediction Correlation Corr Structure Corr Structure

Note: MR = multiple regression, ANCOVA = analysis of covariance, MANOVA = multivariate analysis of variance, DFA = discrimi-
nant function analysis, LR = logistic regression, CC = canonical correlation, PCA = principal components analysis, FA = factor analysis,
IV = independent variable, k = number of groups, DV = dependent variable, Vble = variable, Cont = continuous, Categ — categorical, Descr
Freqs = descriptive frequencies, SDs = standard deviations, Homoscedas. = homoscedasticity, Homog. Regr = homogeneity of regressions,
Diff. = differences, Corr Structure = correlational structure.


The statistical models for each multivariate method are presented at the top of
Table 12.3. The models, discussed in the chapters, parallel the type of method,
whether prediction (MR, DFA, LR), group difference (ANCOVA and MANOVA),
correlational (CC), or correlational structure (PCA and FA). Note that most of the
methods model the measured (outcome) variables (either 7s, Vs, orXs) as functions
of other variables (e.g., Xs), factors (e.g., F), means, treatment effects, and/or error
(i.e., E1). CC is unique in modeling the ratio of correlations between variables over
the correlations within IVs and DVs.


The central themes of variance, covariance, and ratios are outlined in the bottom
portion of Table 12.3. In five of the methods (MR, ANCOVA, MANOVA, DFA,
and LR), we are interested in the proportion of variance in the DV that is explained
by the IVs. For CC, we are interested in the shared variance between pairs of
canonical variates, labeled as Vs and Ws that are linear combinations for IVs and
DVs, respectively. In both PCA and FA, we are concerned with the variance in the
measured variables that is explained by the set of dimensions, labeled components
or factors, respectively. For all the methods, we are interested in the covariances
among the measures. For both PCA and FA, we may also examine the covariation
among dimensions when we use an oblique rotation procedure.
Finally, we are always interested in some ratio of between over within infor-
mation for the multivariate methods discussed here. The correlational methods of
CC, PCA, and FA involve the ratio of covariance between two variables divided
by the square root of the product of the respective variances within each variable.
For MR, the numerator of the ratio is this same covariance between an X and Y,
whereas the denominator is simply the variance within X when forming a regres-
sion coefficient. For ANCOVA, we focus on the ratio of between-group variance
over within-group variance when performing an F-test. For both MANOVA and
DFA, we focus on this same between-group over within-group information, except
that the ratio involves matrices and not just single numbers. In LR, we examine
odds ratios that give the probability of falling in a reference category (e.g., main-
tenance stage) with an increase of one point in the IV after taking into account the
other variables in the equation.
TABLE 12.3
Models and Central Themes Applied to Multivariate Methods


Model Y = A + BX Y = Grand Y = Grand V= Y = X'+ E Rcc = V= bx+ +bx X = LF + E

+ --- + E M+ +E M + + E and bX + • • • + bX See X' below Ryy - 1 Ryx
V = bX+ +bX Rxx - 1 Rxy
Variance In DV In DV In DVs InDV In DVs InWs In measures In measures
explained explained explained by explained by explained by explained explained by explained
by IVs by IVs IVs IVs IVs by Vs components by factors
Covariance Among Between DV Among Among Among Among Among Among
IVs & DV & Covariate DVs IVs Measures Measures Measures & Measures
Components & Factors
Ratio Cov(x,y)/ BG/WG E-1H E-1H Odds Ratio Cov(x,y)/ Cov(x,y)/ Cov(x,y)/

Note: MR = multiple regression, ANCOVA = analysis of covariance, MANOVA = multivariate analysis of variance, DFA = discriminant function analysis,
LR = logistic regression, CC = canonical correlation, PCA = principal components analysis, FA = factor analysis, IV = X = independent variable, DV — Y =
dependent variable, V = linear combination for X's, W = linear combination for F's, Cov. — covariance, [cr2(x)] = variance of x, BG = between groups, WG — within
groups, E-1 H = BG variance-covariance hypothesis matrix over WG variance-covariance error matrix, A = intercept, B & b = unstandardized weight, M = mean,
= treatment effect, E = error, R — correlation matrix, R = inverse of a correlation matrix, F = factor, L = factor loading, X' = [e
M + e A+B1Xl+B2X2+B3X3+B4X4-]for LR

In the next two sections, we summarize macro- and micro-level assessment for
the multivariate methods discussed in this book.


Table 12.4 presents an overview of macro-, mid-, and micro-levels of assessment.
All the methods, with the usual exception of PCA and FA, rely on a macro-
level significance test. Although PCA and FA can use a chi-square-based test
of significance to identify the correct number of factors, this test is rarely used
(Gorsuch, 1983). Most of the methods (i.e., MR, ANCOVA, MANOVA, DFA, and
CC) use an F-test to assess macro-level significance. LR uses a chi-square-based
significance test at the macro-level. At the macro-level, all the methods look at
some form of shared variance. For MR, ANCOVA, LR, and CC R2 provides an
indication of the macro-level effect size between IVs and DVs. For MANOVA and
DFA, the macro-level ES is usually 2, which is formed from subtracting Wilks's
lambda from 1.0. In both PCA and FA, we usually strive to explain at least 50%
of the variance in the variables with the set of dimensions that is retained.
Several of the methods involve a mid-level of assessment when interpreting
results. With MANOVA, we usually assess which DVs are important by conducting
p follow-up ANOVAs (but p ANCOVAs or one DFA could be conducted instead)
at the mid-level. In DFA, we examine the significance of the discriminant functions
at the mid-level, whereas with CC we examine the squared canonical correlations
(i.e., 2) between pairs of canonical variates. For PCA and FA, we verify the
number of underlying dimensions at the mid-level, before going on to examine
micro-level assessment, discussed next.


Some of the methods (MR, ANCOVA, MANOVA, and LR) provide micro-level
significance tests (i.e., f-tests, Tukey tests, or Wald tests). All the methods, however,
provide some form of micro-level effect size information. For MR, we can examine
standardized beta weights [e.g., 0.1,0.3, and 0.5 for small, medium, and large effect
sizes (ESs): Cohen, 1992], or we can square them to interpret as univariate ESs
(i.e., 0.01, 0.06, and 0.13 for small, medium, and large ESs). For both ANCOVA
and MANOVA, we can calculate Cohen's (1988) d to assess the importance of the
mean differences (with values of 0.2,0.5, and 0.8 representing small, medium, and
large univariate ESs). DFA, CC, PCA, and FA focus on loadings that are at least
TABLE 12.4
Interpretation Themes Applied to Multivariate Methods
Macro-Fit F F F F x F (Usually none) (Usually none)
Macro-Fit R2 with .02, R2 with .02, .13 2
with .02, .13 with .02, .13 R2 with .02,. 13 R2 with .02, .13 >50%ofX's >50%ofX's
Effect Size .13&.26for & .26 for & .26 for & .26 for & .26 for & .26 for explained explained
small to large small to large small to large small to large small to large small to large variance variance
Mid-Level ANOVAs Discriminant r2 between Number of Number of
Assessment functions canonical factors components
variate pairs
Micro-Level t-test p < .05 Tukey tests Tukey tests Wald tests
Significance or p < .01 p < .05 or p < .05 or p < .05 or
Test p<.01 p<.01 p<.01
Micro-Level Beta weights Cohen's d .2, Cohen's d .2, Discriminant Odds ratios Canonical Loadings Loadings
Effect Size .l,.3&.5for .5 & .8 for .5 & .8 for loadings > 1 or < 1 loadings >|.30| >|.30|
small to large small to large small to large >|.30| are preferred >|.30|

Note: IV = independent variable, DV = dependent variable, Cov. = covariance, MR = multiple regression, ANCOVA = analysis of covariance, MANOVA =
multivariate analysis of variance, DFA = discriminant function analysis, LR = logistic regression, CC = canonical correlation, PCA = principal components
analysis, FA = factor analysis, ANOVAs, analyses of variance, R2 = 2 — percent of shared variance between Xs and Ys.

10.30 | at the micro-level, also allowing squared values that can be interpreted as
small, medium, and large ESs for values of 0.01, 0.06, and 0.13, respectively.



After conducting any multivariate method, it is important to consider possible

future steps that would illuminate or verify the current findings. The ultimate goal
is to be able to find reliable and valid results that generalize beyond a specific
sample. Often it is useful to replicate findings, possibly with different kinds of
samples, measures, or methods. If similar results occur, there is much greater
verisimilitude in the findings.



Throughout this book, we have examined applications on a single data set (see
accompanying CD) collected from 527 women at risk for HIV. Each of the exam-
ples relied on the theoretical frameworks of the transtheoretical model (Prochaska
et al., 1994a, 1994b) and the multifaceted model of HIV risk (Harlow et al., 1993,
1998). In most of the examples (for MR, MANOVA, DFA, and LR), we analyzed
the relationships between psychosexual functioning, the pros and cons of condom
use, and condom self-efficacy, on the one hand, and stages of condom use on the
other hand. For ANCOVA, we examined the cons of condom use at the initial
time point as a covariate, with the second time point providing data for the DV. As
with the MANOVA example, the five stages of condom use (1, precontemplation;
2, contemplation; 3, preparation; 4, action; and 5, maintenance) served as levels
of the IV. For CC, we analyzed the relationship among all five variables (psycho-
sexual functioning, pros, cons, condom self-efficacy, and stage of condom use) at
two different time points, collected 6 months apart.
Analyses from each of these applications showed that there was significant
shared variance among the variables, particularly with condom self-efficacy and
stages of condom use, with psychosexual functioning having less in common with
stages, and the pros and cons falling somewhere in between.
For PCA and FA, we analyzed three transtheoretical model variables (pros,
cons, and condom self-efficacy) with five multifaceted model of HIV risk vari-
ables (psychosexual functioning, meaninglessness, stress, demoralization, and
232 CHAPTER 12

powerlessness). These analyses resulted in two dimensions (i.e., for the trans-
theoretical model and multifaceted model of HIV risk variables, respectively) to
explain the pattern of correlations among the variables.
It is hoped that the presentation of various themes that cut across all the meth-
ods, with theoretically anchored applications for each method, provided a useful
framework for understanding the essence of multivariate methods. It is up to the
imagination and energy of the reader to further explore how to apply these methods
to a wide range of phenomena, generating far-reaching implications and a strong
knowledge base in the fields in which the multivariate methods are applied.

Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. San Diego, CA: Academic
Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 155-159.
Comrey, A. L., & Lee, H. B. (1992). A first course in factor analysis (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Gorsuch, R. L. (1983). Factor Analysis (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Green, S. B. (1991). How many subjects does it take to do aregression analysis? Multivariate Behavioral
Research, 26, 449-510.
Guadagnoli, E., & Velicer, W. F. (1988). Relation of sample size to the stability of component patterns.
Psychological Bulletin, 10, 265-275.
Harlow, L. L., Quina, K., Morokoff, P. J., Rose, J. S., & Grimley, D. (1993). HIV risk in women: A
multifaceted model. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 1, 3-38.
Harlow, L., Rose, J., Morokoff, P., Quina, K., Mayer, K., Mitchell, K., & Schnoll, R. (1998). Women HIV
sexual risk takers: Related behaviors, interpersonal issues & attitudes. Women's Health: Research
on Gender, Behavior and Policy, 4, 407-439.
Prochaska, J. O., Redding, C. A., Harlow, L. L., Rossi, J. S., & Velicer, W. F. (1994a). The Transtheo-
retical model and HIV prevention: A review. Health Education Quarterly, 21, 45-60.
Prochaska, J. O., Velicer, W. F, Rossi, J. S., Goldstein, M. G., Marcus, B. H., Rakowski, W., Fiore,
C., Harlow, L. L., Redding, C. A., Rosenbloom, D., & Rossi, S. R. (1994b). Stages of change and
decisional balance for 12 problem behaviors. Health Psychology, 13, 39-46.
Author Index

Note: Numbers in italics indicate pages with complete bibliographic information.

A c
Abelson, R. P., 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 25 Campbell, D. T., 14, 27
Aiken, L. S., 4, 9, 16, 23, 24, 26, 33, 35, 39, 44, Campbell, K. T., 177, 797
45, 46, 47, 59, 61, 177, 797 Carmer, S. G., 24, 25
Aldrich, J. H., 154,173 Cattell,R.B.,206,210,276
Allison, P. D., 33, 39 Chassin, L., 152, 775
Alsup, R., 30, 39 Cohen, J., 4, 6, 9, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33,
Alwin, D. R, 15, 25 35, 39, 44, 45,46, 47, 48, 59, 67, 67, 71,
Anastasi, A., 12, 25 74, 80, 108, 109, 113, 115, 727, 134, 136,
Anderson, R. E., 65, 80 750, 157, 161, 165, 773, 177, 181, 797,
APA Task Force on Statistical Inference, 6, 9, 229, 230,232
21,22,27 Cohen, P., 4, 9, 16, 23, 24, 26, 33, 35, 39,
44, 45, 46, 47, 59, 67, 177, 797
Collins, L. M., 13, 26, 30, 33, 39
B Collyer, C. E., 14, 26
Comrey, A. L., 7, 9, 202, 276, 225,
Baron, R. M., 30, 39 232
Bentler, P. M., 6, 8, 15, 25, 208, 276 Cook, T. D., 14, 27
Berkson, J., 5, 8 Cudeck, R., 14, 26
Black, W. C, 65, 80
Bock, R. D., 114, 727
Boomsma, A., 6, 8 D
Brandt, U., 30, 40
Britt, D. W., 37, 39 Delaney, H. D., 15,26
Browne, M. W., 14, 26 Devlin, K., 28, 37, 39
Bullock, H. E., 13, 25 Diener, E., 15,26
Byrne, B. M., 30, 39, 208, 276 Dwyer, J. H., 30,40


E Henkel, R. E., 6, 9
Hershberger, S. L., 4, 13, 15, 26, 27
Eaton, C. A., 51,67 Horn, J. L., 13,26, 206,276
Embretson, S. E., 12, 26 Hosmer, D. W., 16,26, 36,39, 152, 773
Enders, C. K., 33, 39 Huberty, C., 129, 750
Hunter, J. E., 12, 27
Hwang, H., 177,198

Fan, X., 177, 797 J

Fava, J. L., 27
Fidell, L. S., 4, 6, 9, 15, 27, 33, 35,40,46, 59, Jackson, D. J., 12, 15, 16,25
62, 65, 87, 85, 702, 105, 725, 129, 757, Jackson, D. N., 27, 199, 216, 277
152, 153, 773, 177, 798 Jessor, R., 23,26
Fiore, C., 62, 81,102,128, 757, 773, 797, Jessor, S. L., 23,26
277, 232 Johnson, R. A., 35,40, 129, 757
Fisher, R. A., 13, 14, 26 Joreskog, K. G., 14, 15, 26
Fitts, S. N., 32, 39
Flaherty, B. P., 30, 39

G Kaiser, H. E, 206, 209,276

Kam, C. M., 33, 39
Gardner, H., 202,276 Kenny, D. A., 30, 39
Gillespie, D. F., 30, 39 Kirk, R. E., 6, 9, 22, 26, 48, 67
Gogineni, A., 30, 39 Kline, R. B., 6, 9, 21,26
Goldman, J. A., 51,67 Kraemer, H. C., 108, 109, 116, 727
Goldstein, M. G., 62, 57, 702, 725, 757, 773, Kuhn, H. W., 27
Gorsuch, R. L., 4, 9, 12, 16, 26, 199, 205, 276,
229, 232 L
Graham, J. W., 30, 33, 39
Green, S. B., 7, 9, 46, 67, 225, 232 Laforge, R. G., 27
Grimley, D., 51, 67, 727, 750, 773, 797,276,232 Lakoff, G., 10, 26
Grimm, L. G., 15, 26, 59, 67, 105, 727, 129, Lee, H. B., 7, 9
750 Lee, S.-Y, 15,25
Guadagnoli, E., 7, 9, 202,276, 225,232 Lemeshow, S., 16,26, 36, 39, 152, 773
Guttman, L., 206, 209,276 Little, R. J. A., 33, 40
Loehlin, J. C., 208, 276
H Lord, F. M., 12, 26, 204, 276
Lykken, D. T., 208, 276
Haggard, E. A., 114, 727
Hair, J. F., 65, 80
Harlow, L. L., 6, 9, 13,21,25,26,29, 30, 32,39, M
40, 51, 67, 62, 57, 702, 116, 727, 725, 137,
750, 757, 159, 773, 185, 797, 208, 212, MacCallum, R. C., 209, 276
276,277,231,232 MacKinnon, D. P., 30,40
Harris, R. J., 4, 9, 110, 112, 727 Marcoulides, G. A., 4, 9, 15, 26, 208, 277
Harshman, R. A., 5, 6, 9, 21, 27 Marcus, B. H., 51, 67, 62, 57, 702, 725, 757,
Harville, D. A., 55, 702 773,797,277,232

Matthews, D. J., 202, 216 Raykov, T., 208, 277

Maxwell, S. E., 15, 26, 105, 727 Redding, C. A., 27, 67, 62, 81, 102, 128, 151,
Mayer, K., 51,67,252 773, 797, 277, 232
McCullagh, P., 6, 9, 35, 38,40 Reise, S. P., 12, 26
McDonald, R. P., 12, 16, 22, 26, 27, 199, Robbins, M. L., 27,
276 Rose, J. S., 51, 67, 727, 750, 152, 153, 773, 797,
Meehl, P. E., 6, 9, 11,27 276, 232
Menard, S., 152, 773 Rosenbaum, P. R., 14, 27, 62
Mitchell, K., 32, 39, 51, 67, 232 Rosenbloom, D., 81, 102, 128, 151, 173, 197,
Morokoff, P. J., 29, 39, 51, 67, 727, 750, 773, 217, 232
797, 276, 232 Rossi, J. S., 27, 51, 67, 62, 81, 102, 128, 151,
Morrison, D. E., 6, 9 773, 797, 277, 232
Moskowitz, D. S., 13, 27 Rossi, S. R., 62, 81, 102, 128, 151, 173, 197,
Mulaik, S. A., 5, 6, 9, 13, 21, 25, 26,27 277, 232
Rubin, D. B., 33, 39, 40
Russell, D., 33, 40
N Rutherford, A., 65, 81

Namboordiri, K., 85, 702

Nasar, S., 27 s
Nash, J., 15, 27
Nelder, J. A., 6, 35, 38, 40 SAS, 51, 62, 81, 158, 160, 171, 773
Nelson, F. D., 154,773 Saxon, S. E., 32, 39
Novick, M. R., 12, 26, 204, 276 Sayer,A. G., 13, 26
Nunez, R. E., 10, 26 Schafer, J., 33, 40
Schafer, J. L., 33, 39, 40
Schmelkin, L. P., 12, 27
p Schmidt, F. L., 6, 9, 12, 27
Schnoll, R., 30, 31, 40, 51, 67, 232
Pearl, J., 13, 27 Schott, J. R., 85, 702
Pedhazur, E. J., 12, 27, 67, 65, 80 Schumacker, R. E., 208, 277
Preacher, K. J., 209, 276 Shadish, W. R., 14, 27
Presson, C. C., Sherman, S. J., 152, 773
Prochaska, J. O., 15, 27, 51, 67, 62, 72, Sijtsma, K., 33, 40
81, 97, 102, 116, 725, 137, 757, 159, Simon, H. A., 3, 9
773, 185, 797, 208, 214, 277, 231, Sinharay, S., 33, 40
232 Sorbom, D., 14, 27
Spearman, C., 202, 277
Steiger, J. H., 6, 9, 21, 26
Stern, H. S., 33, 40
Q Stolbach, L. L., 30, 40
Suh,E. M., 15, 26
Quina, K., 29, 39, 51, 67, 727, 750, 773, 797, Swanson, M. R., 24, 25
276, 232

Tabachnick, B. G., 4, 6, 9, 15, 27, 33, 35, 40, 46,
Raju, N. S., 5, 6, 9, 21,27 59, 62, 65, 81, 85, 102, 105, 725, 129, 757,
Rakowski, W., 62, 87, 702, 128, 151, 173, 797, 152, 153, 773, 177, 795
277, 232 Takane, Y., 177, 798

Tatham, R. L., 65, 80 W

Tatsuoka, M., 16, 27, 85, 702
Taylor, D. L., 177, 797 Wechsler.D., 202, 277
Thiemann, S., 108, 109, 116, 727 Weng, L.-J., 15, 25
Thompson, B., 6, 9, 177, 798 West, S. G., 4, 9, 16, 23, 24, 26, 33, 35 39, 44,
Thorndike, R. M., 177, 798 45, 46, 47, 59, 67, 177, 797
Thurstone, L. L., 207, 277 Wheatley, M. J., 3,9, 11, 27
Tukey, J. W., 15, 24, 27, 70, 87, 114, Wichern, D. W., 35, 40, 129, 757
728 Wilkinson, L., 6, 9, 21, 22, 27
Wilks, S. S., 23, 27, 112, 728
Wilson, E.G., 11, 12, 27
U Wright, R.E., 152, 153, 173

Urbina, S., 12, 25

V Yarnold, P. R., 15, 26, 59, 67, 105, 727, 129, 750

van der Ark, L. A., 33, 40

Velicer, W. R, 7, 9, 12, 15, 16, 27, 51, 67, 62, 87, z
97, 702, 728, 757, 773, 797, 199, 202, 206,
276, 277, 232 Zwick,W.R., 206, 277
Subject Index

A background themes, 181, 197

central themes, 182-183, 197
Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), 15, 35, 63-81 effect sizes, 183, 188
ANOVA, 63 example, 185-196
assumptions, 64, 67-68, 74, 80 macro- and mid-level assessment, 183-184,
homogeneity of regression assumption, 64, 188-190, 197
67, 74-75, 109 micro-assessment, 184-185, 190- 196, 197
background themes, 67 - 68 model, 181-182
central themes, 69 multiplicity themes, 181, 197
covariates, 63- 64 next steps, 185
effect size, 69-70 redundancy analysis, 178, 184, 186, 191-192,
example, 71-81 197
macro-assessment, 69-70 significance test, 182-185,
micro-assessment, 70- 71 similarities and differences, 177- 180
model, 68- 69 what is CC, 177-180
multiplicity themes, 66- 67 when to use CC, 180
next steps, 71 Causal inference, 13-14
significance test, 64, 69-70 Central themes, 17-21, 227-228
similarities and differences, 63 - 65 See also specific methods
what is ANCOVA, 63 Cohen's d, 5, 22, 24, 71, 108-109, 115, 126,
when to use ANCOVA, 65 - 66 229-230
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 35, 47, 63, 87, Comparisons between means
105, 182 Bonferroni, 24, 49, 114, 178,
Assumptions, 34-35, 221, 225-226 185
See also specific methods Fisher's protected tests, 24
planned, Tukey, 24 See also Tukey tests
Components, 19-20
B See also Principal components
Background themes, 28-40 Confirmatory factor analysis, 208
See also specific methods Covariance, 18-19
Benefits, 4 - 6, 8

Data, 28-29
Canonical correlation (CC), 16, 177-198 Analysis from 527 women, 29, 51, 72-73, 154,
assumptions, 197 160, 231-232


Descriptive statistics, 33-34 H

Determinant, 23, 86, 95, 97
See also Matrices, calculations Hotelling-Lawley trace
Discriminant function analysis (DFA), 16, 35, See Trace
129-151 Hypotheses, 11-12
assumptions, 132, 150
background themes, 131, 150
Bowker index, 135 I
central themes, 133, 150
centroids, 147-148 Identity matrix
classification, 130- 131,148-149 See Matrices
discriminant functions, 133 Inferential statistics, 34-35
effect size, 131, 134-136 Integration of multivariate methods, 221-232
example, 137-149 Interpretation themes, 17, 21-25, 229-231
index of discriminatory power, 135 See also macro- and micro-assessment in
macro-assessment, 133-134, 150 specific methods
MANOVA follow-up, 130, 137-142
micro-assessment, 135-136, 150
weights, 135-136 L
mid-level assessment, 134-135,
150 Latent variable modeling
model, 132-133 See Structural equation modeling
multiplicity themes, 131, 150 Learning tools, xxiii
next steps, 136- 137 Linear combinations, 19-20
significance test, 134-135 Logistic regression (LR), 16, 35, 43, 106, 129,
similarities and differences, 152-173
129-130 assumptions, 16, 35, 130, 152-153, 225-226
what is DFA, 129-130 proportional odds, 156, 160- 161, 172,
when to use DFA, 130- 131 221
Drawbacks, 6-8 background themes, 154
central themes, 156
effect size, 156- 157
E example, 159-172
macro-assessment, 156
Effect sizes, 5-7, 20- 22, 48 - 49, 229-230 log-likelihood test, 157
See also specific methods McFadden's rho-squared, 157, 161
Eigenvalue, 23, 86, 93-94 micro-assessment
Eigenvector weight, 93-94 odds ratios, 158
Empirical research, 10, 12 model, 155-156
multiplicity themes, 154
next steps, 158-159
significance test, 156-158, 172
similarities and differences, 152-153
what is DFA, 152-153
Factor analysis (FA) when to use DFA, 153-154
See Principal Components Analysis Longitudinal, 31-32, 50, 131, 136, 158-159,
Factors, 19 180- 181, 185


Generalized variance, 91-92, 97, 99, Macro-assessment, 21-23, 222, 229-231

101 See also specific methods

Matrices, 85-102 Multiplicity, 10- 17, 37-39

calculations, 89-93 See also specific methods
adding and multiplying by a constant, 89 Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA),
adding matrices, 90 22, 96, 106- 109, 112, 126
adjoint, 92 Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), 16,
determinant, 91-92 22, 35, 105-128, 222-230
dividing matrices, 91-93 ANCOVA follow-ups, 114
multiplying matrices, 90- 91 ANOVA follow-ups, 114
subtracting matrices, 90 assumptions, 109
subtracting or dividing by a constant, 89-90 background themes, 108
trace, See separate entry for Trace central themes, 111
kinds of matrices DFA follow-up, 114
correlation matrix, 88 effect size, 107-109, 113, 115
data matrix, 86- 87 E-' H matrix, 110- 113
diagonal matrix, 88 Eta-squared, 5, 69, 113, 134
identity matrix, 88-89 example, 115-127
scalar, 86 macro-assessment, 111-113
SSCP (sum of squares and cross products), Hotelling-Lawley trace, 112
87 Pillai's trace, 113
variance-covariance matrix, 87-88 Roy's greatest characteristic root, 113
vector, 87 Wilks's lambda, 112
Means, 17, 19, 22-25 micro-assessment, 113-115
Measurement, 12- 13 mid-level assessment, 113-115
scales, 29-30 model, 110
Micro-assessment, 8, 17, 21, 23-25, 222, 229-231 multiplicity themes, 107-108
See also specific methods next steps, 115
Mid-level assessment power, 108-109
See specific methods significance test, 107, 111-114
Missing data, 32-33 similarities and differences, 105-106
Multiple correlation, 22, 47 variance-covariance matrices
Multiple regression (MR), 43 - 62 between- and within-, 110- 111
adjusted R2, 48 what is MANOVA, 105-106
background themes, 45-46 when to use MANOVA, 1 - 6
central themes, 47 Multivariate methods, 3-8, 15, 17, 221-232
effect sizes, 48, 50, 55 See also specific methods
example, 51-60 benefits, 4 - 6, 8
macro-assessment drawbacks, 4, 6-8
significance F-test, 47 Multivariate thinking, 3-8, 10, 13, 18, 37
significance f-test, 49
weights, standardized and unstandardized, O
model, 46- 47 Odds ratios
multiplicity themes, 45 See Logistic regression, micro-assessment
next steps, 50 Orthogonality, 5, 16, 18, 91, 94, 97, 99, 132-133,
similarities and differences, 43-44 199-203, 205, 207
squared semipartials, 50
what is MR, 43-44
when to use MR
hierarchical MR, 44, 54-56
standard MR, 44, 52-54
Pillai's trace
stepwise MR, 45, 56- 59
See Trace
X', 46-47
Power analysis, 108-109

Principal components analysis (PCA) and Factor Significance test, 21-22, 229-230
Analysis (FA), 16, 19-20, 24, 36, 93, 95, See also specific methods
130, 199-217, 221-231 Debate, 5 - 6, 21
assumptions, 208 Similarities and differences
background themes, 202-203 See specific methods
central themes, 204-205 Statistical tables
example, 208-215 webpage address, 48
macro-assessment, 205-206 Structural equation modeling, 180, 185,
eigenvalues, number of, 206 205, 208
interpretability of factors, 206 Sum of squares and cross products matrix (SSCP)
number of dimensions, 206 See Matrices
percentage of variance, 205
scree plot, 206
micro-assessment, 206- 207 T
loadings, 206- 207
model, 203-204 Themes, 10-25
multiplicity themes, 202 Theory, 10- 11
next steps, 207-208 Trace, 23, 86, 94-96, 100- 102, 111- 112
significance test, 205-206 Hotelling-Lawley trace, 112, 119, 126, 134,
similarities and differences, 199-201 138, 144, 183, 188
simple structure, 207 Pillai's trace, 112-113, 119, 126, 134, 138, 144,
SMC (squared multiple correlation), 183, 188
204-205 Tukey tests, 5, 24, 70, 72, 74, 114, 116,
what is PCA and FA, 199-201 229-230
when to use PCA and FA, 201-202 See also Comparisons between means
Type I error, 5, 21, 24, 72, 109, 114,
178, 184
Type II error, 5, 21, 72, 114, 185
Questions to ask for multivariate methods, 37-39 V

R covariate, 31
dependent, 30- 31
Ratios, 228 endogenous, 30
of covariances, 18-20, 22, 96 exogenous, 30- 31
of variances, 18-20, 22, 96 independent, 30- 31
Roy's greatest characteristic root (GCR), 112- 113, mediating, or intervening, 30- 31
134, 183 moderator, 30- 31
See also MANOVA, macro-assessment Variance, 18
Variance-covariance matrix
See Matrices
Sample W
multiple samples, 14-15, 17
sample size, 7-8, 45-46, 48, 86, 109, 132, 154, Weights, 17, 19, 23-25, 35-36, 38, 47-50, 94-95,
160, 181, 202, 225 - 226 101, 106, 110, 114, 130, 135-137, 153,
SAS, 51,72, 100, 157, 155-156, 158, 178, 180, 184-185, 197,
Shared variance, 19-20, 22-23, 25, 47-48, 60, 69, 201, 203, 205-207, 222, 229-230
115, 134-136, 156-157, 162, 180, 183, Wilks's lambda, 23, 112-113, 118, 133-134, 183,
189, 204-205, 222, 227, 229-231 229

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