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AJF Eat Clean Meal Plan

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Eat Clean


30-Day Jumpstart Meal Plan

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This E-Book (Eat Clean 30-Day Jumpstart Meal Plan) and its associated content are for in-
formational purposes only. Before performing any suggested testing and/or exercise as-
sessments and practices, you should consult with a qualified professional who is familiar
with such exercise assessment techniques and may properly interpret the results.

By using this E-Book (Eat Clean 30-Day Jumpstart Meal Plan) you agree to hold harmless
Alexa Brown, Alexa Jean Fitness, and Lex Brown LLC from any
liability or personal injury associated with any content on this E-Book (Eat Clean 30-Day
Jumpstart Meal Plan).

We do not guarantee you will lose any weight just from reading this document. Your re-
sults are completely dependent on what you do with this knowledge.

If you're unsure if you should follow any of the guidelines mentioned within any of the con-
tent of this E-Book or site related to this content, contact a qualified professional.

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On making the commitment to make health a priority in your life! Way to go! I am SO
excited for you to get started and I CANNOT wait to see your results at the end of the
next 30-days! I’m sure you’re asking yourself, “Where do I even start?”. The first thing
you need to do is start tracking your journey. At first it can be intimidating but let it be
invigorating! Keeping track of your progress via photos will be an essential tool for you
to see how far you’ve come (sometimes we can be extra critical on ourselves and it’s
so much more real when you can SEE the proof in the photos), it’s also a great way to
maintain your motivation. Nothing screams, KEEP GOING like before and after photos.
So get to it!

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Take a before picture and at the end of each

week take a progress picture.

Post your progress and transformation photos


and #alexajeanfitness

Make sure to tag @alexajeanfitness so I

can connect with you and follow your

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Guide Instructions
Inside this guide you will find a 30-Day Meal Plan as well as clean eating recipes that will get
you on track to a lifelong healthy you. The purpose of this meal plan is to follow the full 30
days of structured meals and then once completed, move on to the healthy recipes to main-
tain a healthy lifestyle. If you choose not to follow the 30-Day Meal Plan and want to go
straight to the recipes follow the below formula to build your own meal plan.

Meal 1 - choose a breakfast recipe

Meal 2 - choose a snack recipe

Meal 3 - choose a lunch recipe

Meal 4 - choose a snack recipe

Meal 5 - choose a dinner recipe

Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

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Tools For Success
It’s important to understand the roles that each type of food play in order to effectively
complete this lifestyle transition and ultimately lose weight.

Here is an overview of each food type and how and when to incorporate them into your diet:

Proteins are made up of tiny building

blocks called amino acids which are
used to build almost every tissue in
your body, including muscle. There are
20 different amino acids and 9 of them
are considered essential amino acids.

Essential amino acids cannot be made by your body and must be supplemented through the food you in-
take. Essential amino acids are...essential! Missing just one essential amino acid can interfere with your
results. It’s important to consume a variety of protein sources to ensure your body is getting all the neces-
sary amino acids.

Rule of Thumb - intake 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.

Example: 300 lbs + 300 grams of protein

Good Sources of Protein:

eggs, fish, lean red meats, poultry, low-fat, fat free or raw milk, whey, casein

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Tools For Success
The body uses carbs as a source of energy. Consume too
little and your body will steal the protein instead of using
it to repair and build your muscles. You will want to con-
sume 1.5-2 grams of carbs per pound of body weight.

*It’s important to consume carbohydrates after exer-

cise—up to 6 hours later.

Good Carbohydrate Sources:

Whole grains, Oats, Fruits, Fibrous vegetables, Starchy

Fatty acids are an essential nutrient in the body and play a key in weight loss. Polyunsaturated and
mono- saturated are good fat sources. Try to shoot for 20-30% of calories from fats.

*Avoid fats 1 hour before and after exercise

Good Fat Sources:

Fish oil, Flax seeds & oil, Olive oil, Fish,

Nuts, Coconut oil, Avocados

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Tools For Success
Nutrient & Meal Timing
Carbs are vital after exercise and fats are beset used before exercise.

Although protein is important throughout the entire day, there is a greater need for it post- workout.

Before Bed Nutrition

When trying to build muscle your body must maintain a good anabolic state (the state in which your body
re- pairs your muscles). It’s important to eat this meal at least 2 hours before bed and that the meal
consists of lean protein and low glycemic carbs.

Low glycemic foods include: Oatmeal, Beans, Vegetables

Fruits &
Fruits and vegetables are a great low calo-
rie snack. Certain fruits such as oranges,
grapefruit, watermelon, strawberries,
blueberries, and carrots are highly
thermogenic (the number of calories your
body burns to digest it) Some even have
less calories than it actually takes the body to digest them! This is known as the "negative-calorie" effect.

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Water Intake
When burning calories your body creates toxins and your body requires water to flush them out. Your muscles
cannot properly grow and maintain volume without sufficient amounts of water. Dehydration can also
significantly reduce your metabolism which can get in the way of your weight loss results.

If you aren’t a big fan of water, try making some fruit infused water. It’s really easy, just take your favorite fruit
and slice it into small to medium
sized pieces and add them into
your water. Let it sit overnight or
muddle the fruit for more flavor
and immediate enjoyment.

My favorite fruits to make in-

fused water with are strawber-
ries, lemons, oranges and black-

A healthy amount of water is 8-

12 glasses per day and it’s a good idea to drink water before, during and after you exercise.

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Goal setting is my absolute favorite! You get to dream and think outside of your usual. I’m a dreamer so it
comes easy for me, but some people have a hard time goal setting. Think big, what do you want at the end
of this? Is there a swimsuit you want to fit into? Pin that swimsuit up on your goal board! Do you have a
wedding coming up and you want to look your absolute best? Pin up a photo of your wedding dress or your
honeymoon destination. And when I say ‘pin it up’, I don’t mean on your Pinterest board, I’m talking about
a physical board. It can be a white poster board, or a cork board. Anything works as long as it’s visual, it’s
specific, and it’s relevant. Goals can change all the time. Periodically when I’m going through my desk, I’ll
find an old goal list I had made and I realize how different my goals and dreams are now. And that’s okay,
we’re always changing. Visit your goal board at least twice a week. Post your own progress photos on your
goal board so you have a constant reminder of how far you have come. Another important key for your goal
board is to put it in a place that you will see frequently. In your bathroom, or inside your closet are great
places. I know it may feel a little silly but I promise, promise, promise this will help. Statistics show that
when goals are physically written down that people were 92% more likely to achieve them.

> Create a vision

> Make it Measurable


> Set Mini Goals building up to your end goal

> Share your goals with someone important to you

> Celebrate your success

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Jump Start Plan
New to clean eating? This is a GREAT place to start. This 30-day
meal planner will help you jumpstart your journey to your best
body and keep you on track. When we feed our body unhealthy
things for a while, we have to reprogram our bodies. At first it
will be tough, which is why it’s good to have a meal plan to
follow. After a couple days you are going to feel so great and
energized that the choice will no longer linger in your mind.
Stick with it, the results will be so rewarding.

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Trust the System

The purpose of this plan is to drastically increase fat burn in your resting metabolic rate (increased fat
burn while you’re resting). The second focus of this plan is to aid in raising your anabolic state, (anabolic
state is the process of feeding your body helpful nutrients which in turn will allow your muscles to
absorb the nutrients properly. This balance is essential for your body to achieve your fitness

Your body won’t be used to this type of diet so it would be ideal to incorporate a good multivitamin, a
probiotic and fish oil into your daily routine to aid in digesting the high levels of protein you’ll be

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Day 1-10
The calorie intake is approximately 2000. Follow the below outline for 10
days. Meal prepping ahead of time will make this easiest to stick to the plan.
Whichever day you start your week, plan the day before and pack them in
the fridge. Having these meals made ahead of time will reduce the chances
of getting off track.

*Pro Tip - Meal timing is key, to ensure you stay on track, plan on spacing
your meals 2 hours apart. It is crucial to consume all meals listed below for

Meal 1 3 hard boiled eggs + ground turkey (5oz.) + 2 cups of spring salad mix or baby spinach topped with 1 TBS olive
oil + 1 TBS vinaigrette
Meal 2 1 TBS almond butter with celery + broccoli (optional)

Meal 3 lean white meat (5oz) + 8-10 asparagus or broccoli or cabbage or cauliflower

Meal 4 protein powder mixed with almond milk (4oz)+ 10 almonds

Meal 5 serloin (5oz) + 5 walnuts + 5 almonds

Meal 6 1 scoop protein powder + almond milk (4oz) + 1 TBS coconut oil = mix well

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Day 11-13

You’ve made it to phase two! Stay focused and remind yourself why
you started this journey. P.S. you’re half way through!

Meal 1 1 cup oatmeal + 5 almonds + ground turkey (3oz)

Meal 2 1 TBS almond butter with celery + broccoli (optional)

Meal 3 lean white meat (5oz) + 8-10 asparagus or broccoli or cabbage or cauliflower + protein powder mixed

with almond milk

Meal 4 lean white meat or salmon (5oz) lightly basted in olive oil

Meal 5 red meat (5oz) + 5 walnuts + 5 almonds

Meal 6 1 scoop protein powder + 1 glass almond milk + 1 TBS coconut oil = mix well

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Day 14
Enjoy that tasty sweet potato, it’s only on today’s

Meal 1 1 cup oatmeal + 5 almonds + ground turkey (3oz)

Meal 2 1 TBS almond butter with celery + broccoli (optional)

Meal 3 lean white meat (5oz) + 8-10 asparagus or broccoli or cabbage or cauliflower + protein powder mixed

with almond milk

Meal 4 lean white meat or salmon (5oz) lightly basted in olive oil

Meal 5 turkey burger + half sweet potato with cinnamon + 2 brown rice cakes + 300-400 calories of fruit or whole
grain cereal

Meal 6 1 scoop protein powder + 1 glass almond milk + 1 TBS coconut oil = mix well

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Day 15-30
You’ve made it to your final phase of the meal plan.
You are so much closer to your goals!

Meal 1 3 hard boiled eggs + ground turkey (5oz.) + 2 cups of spring salad mix or baby spinach topped with 1 TBS olive
oil + 1 TBS vinaigrette
Meal 2 1 TBS almond butter with celery + broccoli (optional)

Meal 3 lean white meat (5oz) + 8-10 asparagus or broccoli or cabbage or cauliflower

Meal 4 protein powder mixed with almond milk + 10 almonds

Meal 5 red meat (5oz) + 5 walnuts + 5 almonds

Meal 6 1 scoop protein powder + 1 glass almond milk + 1 TBS coconut oil = mix well

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I know you’ve probably heard that breakfast
is the most important meal of the day, and
it is! Whether you’re trying to lose weight,
tone up, or just get healthy, breakfast is the
best place to start. Starting your day with a
healthy breakfast is the key to jump
starting your metabolism. Simply eating a
breakfast containing protein, fat and carbs,
can boost your metabolism 60-100%! Need
I say more!? So take these deliciously
healthy breakfast recipes and put them to
work. Enjoy!

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Pita Breakfast
You’ll Need:
• 2 large eggs

•2 large egg whites

•1 tablespoon milk

•1 cup baby spinach torn into small pieces

•4 grape tomatoes sliced in half lengthwise

•2 green onions, diced

Let’s Cook!
•Sea salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
•¼ cup Feta cheese crumbles
In a medium sized bowl whisk together, eggs, egg whites, milk,
•1 whole wheat pita pocket, cut in half spinach, tomatoes, green onions, and salt and pepper to taste. In a
medium sized, non-stick skillet, pour in egg mixture and place in oven
•2 teaspoons olive oil
on the center rack. In the final 2 minutes of cooking time, brush both
sides of the pita bread with olive oil, place inside foil and warm in the
oven. Allow eggs to cook for approximately 15-18 minutes. Sprinkle
feta cheese on top of eggs and place back in the oven for one addi-
tional minute.

Take skillet out of the oven, cut eggs in half and place inside warm

Makes: 2 Servings | Serving Size: 1/2 pita sandwich | Calories: 297 | Total Fat: 12g | Saturated Fats: 3g | Trans Fat: 0g |
Cholesterol: 22mg | Sodium: 484 mg | Carbs: 21g | Sugars: 2g | Protein: 21g
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Yogurt Parfait
You’ll Need:
•1 cup mixed berries

•1/2 banana, sliced

•1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut

•1/2 cup granola

•1/2 cup nonfat Greek-style yogurt

Let’s Cook!
Place a layer of berries in the bottom of a glass or container, layer
your parfait starting with yougurt, topping with a layer of granola
and fruit and repeat. Sprinkle shredded coconut on top and enjoy!

Makes: 3 servings | Serving Size: 1 cup | Calories: 184 | Total Fat: 8g Saturated Fat: 4g Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium:
35mg | Carbs: 23g | Sugars: 1g | Protein: 6g
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Cinnamon Roll
You’ll Need:
• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

•4 teaspoons stevia or brown sugar

•1.5 cups organic rolled oats

•¼ cup chopped walnuts

•¼ cup dried cranberries

•Low fat milk or soy milk

Let’s Cook!
In a tiny bowl mix cinnamon and sugar then set aside. Cook oats according to package instructions. Top with
cinnamon-sugar mixture, walnuts, cranberries and stir in milk. Add freshly chopped apple, if desired.

Makes: 5 servings | Serving Size: 1 cup | Calories: 327 | Total Fat: 9g Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium: 4mg |
Carbs: 56g | Sugars: 10g | Protein: 10g
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You’ll Need:
•2 whole grain tortillas (6 inch diameter)

•2 eggs

•10 medium sized basil leaves

•2 tsp olive oil

•1 avocado, peeled and seeded

•1 tsp lemon juice

•salt and pepper, to taste

Let’s Cook!
Warm tortillas in the microwave for about 30 seconds to heat and set aside. In a small sized bowl, mix chopped
avocado and lemon juice until fully incorporated into a paste-like consistency. Season with salt and pepper to
taste. Spread avocado and lemon mix over both tortillas and set aside. Drizzle olive oil in medium sized skillet
and warm skillet on medium heat until the skillet is hot enough to sizzle a drip of water. Gently crack egg over
the skillet and reduce to low heat. Slowly cook eggs until the yolk begins to set but don’t cook until the yolks
are hard. Place warm eggs on top of each tortilla and top with fresh basil leaves. Enjoy!

Makes: 2 servings | Serving Size: 1 breakfast pizza | Calories: 252 | Total Fat: 24.8g Saturated Fat: 4.2g | Cholesterol: 164mg |
Sodium: 149mg | Carbs: 23g | Protein: 10.6g
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Overnight Oats
You’ll Need: Let’s Cook!
•1/4 cup uncooked organic rolled oats In a medium sized, resealable container combine dried oats, milk, yogurt,
chia seeds, almond extract and agave nectar. Seal with the lid and shake
•1/3 cup almond or soy milk
until well incorporated. Add mango and stir until well mixed. Reseal with
•1/4 cup low-fat Greek yogurt the lid and refrigerate overnight, up to 2 days. Enjoy cold!

•1-1/2 teaspoons dried chia seeds

Makes: 1 serving | Serving Size: 1 jar | Calories: 207 | Total Fat: 4g | Carbs: 47g |
•1/8 teaspoon almond extract Protein: 12g

•1 teaspoon agave nectar or honey

•1/4 cup diced mango (about half a sliced mango)

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You’ll Need:
•8 large egg whites

•1 whole egg

•1 cup fresh baby spinach, torn or chopped

•1/2 cup chopped veggies (pick your faves!)

•1/4 cup feta cheese, fat-free

•1/2 teaspoon black pepper

•sea salt to taste Let’s Cook!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium or large bowl mix all ingredients together until fully incorporated.
Lightly spray fat-free cooking spray in muffin tin or 9” round cake pan and pour in mixture. If using muffin tin
bake for approximately 22 minutes or until tops start to brown. If using round cake pan, bake for approximately
30 minutes or until top starts to brown. Allow 5 minutes to cool and enjoy!

Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1 mini quiche | Calories: 84 | Total Fat: 2g Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 57mg | Sodium:
335mg | Carbs: 6g | Protein: 11g
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Blueberry Banana
You’ll Need:
•1 cup oat flour

•1 cup white whole-wheat flour

•2 1/4 teaspoons baking powder

•1/2 teaspoon baking soda

•1/4 teaspoon sea salt

•2 eggs, slightly beaten

•1/4 cup canola oil Let’s Cook!

In a large mixing bowl, whisk all dry ingredients together until fully
•1 banana, mashed
incorporated. In a separate mixing bowl combine the rest of the ingredients,
•2 tablespoons agave nectar except blueberries. Combine wet mixture with the dry mixture and stir well.

•1 cup almond milk Fold in blueberries. Heat skillet enough to sizzle a drip of water. Lightly spray
fat-free cooking spray on skillet and pour on 1/4 cup of pancake mix. Gently
•1/2 cup low-fat milk
flip pancakes when center begins to bubble and the bottom is golden brown.
•1/2 cup fresh blueberries Enjoy with additional blueberries and banana and drizzle with agave nectar or
100% pure maple syrup.

Makes: 6 servings | Serving Size: 2 pancakes | Calories: 274 | Total Fat: 12g Saturated Fat: 2g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol:
0mg | Sodium: 38mg | Carbs: 34g | Sugar: 8g | Protein: 8g
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Quinoa Berry
Bowl You’ll Need:
•1 cup quinoa

•2 cups water

•1 tablespoon vanilla

•2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries

•1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted

•1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

•Sea salt, to taste

Let’s Cook!
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a medium sauce pan, mix quinoa, water, vanilla and a pinch of salt. Bring water to a
boil, cover and reduce to heat to a simmer for 15 minutes. At this point, the liquid should be absorbed. In a separate
bowl mix blueberries, melted coconut oil and cinnamon. Spread this mixture on a parchment paper lined baking sheet
and roast in the oven for 15 minutes or until soft and bubbly. Serve quinoa topped with the roasted blueberry mix adn
top with fresh blueberries and slivered almonds, if desired. Enjoy this tasty treat!

Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1/2 cup | Calories: 228 | Total Fat: 6g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg |
Sodium: 65mg | Carbs: 36g | Sugar: 7g | Protein: 6g
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Oatmeal Power
You’ll Need:
•1 ripe banana, mashed

•2 tablespoons chia seeds

•heaping 1/3 cup organic rolled oats

•1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

•2/3 cup almond milk

Let’s Cook! •1/3 cup water

In a medium bowl, mash banana until smooth. Stir in chia seeds, •Optional toppings: slivered almonds, sunflower seeds,

milk, oats, cinnamon and water until fully incorporated. Cover and cinnamon, dried cranberries. toasted coconut, nut
butter, cinnamon, all spice
refrigerate overnight. In the morning scoop oatmeal mixture into a
medium pan and heat to a simmer then reduce heat immediately to
medium-low stirring occasionally until heated throughout and
mixture has thickened. Pour oatmeal into a bowl and top with your
favorite toppings.

Makes: 1 servings | Serving Size: 1 bowl | Calories: 326 | Total Fat: 8g | Saturated Fat: 0g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg |
Sodium: 150mg | Carbs: 58g | Sugar: 9g | Protein: 10g
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Omelette Wraps
You’ll Need:
• 2 large eggs

• sea salt, just a pinch

• 3 chopped chives

• 1 TBS pesto

• 1/4 cup feta cheese

• small handful of mixed salad greens

Let’s Cook!
In a small bowl, combine eggs and sea salt and whisk well. Heat a large, non-stick skillet and pour
in the egg mixture evenly and sprinkle in some of the chopped chives. Allow eggs to set up, any-
where from 15 seconds to 1-minute. Using a spatula, gently separate the eggs from the skillet and
slide the omelette onto a flat surface. Spread pesto over the omelette and then sprinkle in the
cheese. Add salad greens and roll up the omelette away from you. Enjoy warm.

Makes: 1 servings | Serving Size: 1 Omelette Wrap | Calories: 122 | Total Fat: 8g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 140mg | So-
dium: 200mg | Carbs: 2g | Protein: 13g
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Apple Mug Muffin
You’ll Need:

• 1 TBS coconut oil

• 2 TBS unsweetened apple sauce

• 1 egg

• 1/4 tsp vanilla

• 1 tsp agave nectar

• 2 TBS almond flour

• 1/2 tsp cinnamon

• 1/8 tsp baking powder

• pinch of salt

Streusel Topping

• 1 TBS apple, finely chopped

Let’s Cook!
Muffin - Melt coconut oil in microwave safe mug. Whisk in applesauce, egg,
• pinch of crumbled walnuts vanilla and agave nectar until completely incorporated. Add cinnamon, al-
mond flour, baking powder and salt. Stir well. Microwave for 1 minute and 10
• pinch of cold coconut oil

Streusel Topping - In a small dish combine apple, walnuts and coconut oil
using a small rubber spatula and top muffin after microwaving.
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These deliciously snacky recipes will be
great between breakfast and lunch and
lunch and dinner. Having well-rounded
snacks throughout your day and in between
your meals will help keep your body from
storing fat, instead it will use it as fuel to
burn fat and build muscle.

Some days, none of these snacks will

sound appealing, so it’s okay to make it
simple and just grab some watermelon, an
apple or a handful of blueberries. Fruit is a
great snack choice!

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Zucchini Bites
You’ll Need:
•1 medium zucchini, grated

•1 teaspoon sea salt

•1/2 small onion, finely chopped

•1/2 cup wheat flour

•1/2 teaspoon baking powder

•1 tablespoon skim milk

•1 egg

•Fresh ground pepper, to taste

Let’s Cook!
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lay grated zucchini on a sheet of paper towels and sprinkle with salt.
Allow to sit for at least 5 minutes then put zucchini into a strainer. With a spatula, press out the liquid.
In a medium bowl, put in the strained zucchini and the remaining ingredients and stir until well mixed.
Add spoonfuls of the mixture onto a baking sheet covered in parchment paper. Bake for 10 minutes on
each side or until golden brown. YUM!

Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 3 zucchini bites | Calories: 87 | Total Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 41mg |
Sodium: 540mg | Carbs: 15g | Protein: 4g
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Green Tea Mango

You’ll Need: Let’s Cook!

•1 cup raw spinach Add all ingredients into a blender,
blend until smooth.
•1 large mango, peeled and sliced

•1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice

•1 medium banana Makes: 2 servings | Serving Size: 1.5 cups | Calories:

212 | Total Fat: 4g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 0mg
•1/2 cup cooked quinoa | Sodium: 23mg | Carbs: 41g | Protein: 8g

•1 cup brewed green tea

•1/2 inch slice of fresh ginger, peeled (optional)

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Mellow Mellon
Smoothie You’ll Need:
•1 cup fresh kale leaves

•1 cup baby spinach

•1 frozen banana (pre-sliced)

•10-12 pieces of honeydew melon, cubed

•½ almond milk

•½ cup plain Greek Yogurt

Let’s Cook!
Add all ingredients into a blender, blend until smooth.

Makes: 2 servings | Serving Size: 1.5 cups | Calories: 165 | Total Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 5mg
| Sodium: 100mg | Carbs: 30g | Protein: 4g
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Zucchini Hummus
You’ll Need:
•2 zucchini, peeled and chopped

•½ cup tahini

•⅓ cup lemon juice

•⅓ cup olive oil

•3 garlic cloves

•1½ tsp cumin

•Pepper to taste

Let’s Cook!
Add all ingredients into a food processor or blender and
blend until smooth. Enjoy with raw veggies like cucum-
ber, celery, carrots, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, etc.

Makes: 10 servings | Serving Size: 2 TBS | Calories: 140 | Total Fat:13.4g | Saturated Fat: 1.9g | Cholesterol:
0mg | Sodium: 20mg | Carbs: 4g | Protein: 3g
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Lex’s Smoothie
You’ll Need:
•1 cup fresh baby spinach or kale

•1 frozen banana, pre-sliced

•1 cup frozen berries, I love blueberries and


•Fresh ginger root (1/2″ slice)

•1/2 cup plain Greek Yogurt

•1 cup chilled green tea, unsweetened

•1/2 cup pure pomegranate juice

•1 cup crushed ice

• 1 TBS agave nectar

Let’s Cook!
Add all ingredients into a blender, blend until smooth.

Makes: 3 servings | Serving Size: 1 glass | Calories: 130 | Total Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 2mg |
Sodium: 287mg | Carbs: 26g | Protein: 7g
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Spinach Artichoke
You’ll Need:
•1 small onion

•4 garlic cloves

•1 (10-ounce) package frozen chopped

spinach, thawed

•1 (6-ounce) can of quartered artichoke

hearts Let’s Cook!
•1 TBS freshly squeezed lemon juice Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place chopped onion and garlic
in aluminum foil and bake for 25 minutes. Drain spinach. In a
•1 1/2 tsp sea salt
food processor or blender add spinach, onion, garlic and
•1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper artichokes, blend until well chopped. Add remaining
ingredients and blend until slightly chunky. Serve with fresh
•pinch of cayenne pepper
veggies or whole wheat crackers.
•1 - 12oz package of tofu

Makes: 5 servings | Serving Size: 3 TBS | Calories: 70 | Total Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg |
Sodium: 658mg | Carbs: 8g | Protein: 6g
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You made it to lunch! A healthy lunch
doesn’t mean that it has to be tasteless.
These lunch recipes are designed to
boost your nutrition intake and allow for
easy make-ahead-of-time meals that also
taste great!

Pro Tip!

Did you know that a good lunch can mean getting you through your 2pm crash.
After a week with these clean recipes, you’ll be saying, “What 2pm crash!?”.

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Zesty Pesto
Sammy You’ll Need:
•8 ounces white mushrooms, sliced

•1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil

•4 slices red bell peppers, cored, seeded, roasted

•8 pieces whole grain bread

•¼ cup low-fat shredded mozzarella cheese

•2 Roma tomatoes, thinly sliced

•1 cup packed arugula

•¼ cup Pesto

Let’s Cook!
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Drizzle bell peppers with 2 tsp of olive oil and roast in the oven for 20 min.
Allow bell peppers to cool before removing the skin. In a small skillet, sauté mushrooms in 1 TBS of olive
oil for 8 minutes. Lightly toast bread while mushrooms are sautéing then add 1 TBS of mozzarella and
continue to toast until cheese is melted. Top the bread with pesto, mushrooms, bell peppers, arugula and

Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1 sandwich | Calories: 260 | Total Fat: 5g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 8mg |
Sodium: 516mg | Carbs: 43g | Protein: 13g
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Chicken Salad
You’ll Need:
• 2 cooked skinless, boneless chicken
breasts, cubed

•2 celery stalks, chopped

•`1/4 bell pepper, chopped

•1/4 red onion, chopped

•1/2 cup red seedless grapes, quartered

•1/2 cup Greek yogurt

•1 tsp garlic powder

•1 tsp freshly ground black pepper

•Sea salt to taste

•2 whole-wheat pita pockets, halved

•4 romaine lettuce leaves

Let’s Cook!
In a large bowl mix all of the ingredients together until well incorporated. Eat alone or in a pita pocket.

Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1/2 pita pocket | Calories: 240 | Total Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 43mg
| Sodium: 683mg | Carbs: 32g | Protein: 24g
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Greek Pita
You’ll Need:
•2 boneless skinless chicken breasts, sliced into
thick strips

•1 medium sweet onion, chopped

•1 tablespoon Greek seasoning

•salt & pepper to taste

•1 package whole wheat pita bread

•Six leaves of Romaine lettuce, shredded

•1 cup grape tomatoes, halved

Let’s Cook!
•1/2 cup Kalamata olives, pitted and sliced in In a large skillet, saute onions in 1 TBS of olive oil until clear
half (or substitute black olives) in color then add in chicken strips. Cook on medium heat for
7-10 minutes or until fully cooked. Add Greek seasoning and
•1/2 cup low fat Feta Cheese
stir well. Cover and let simmer for 10 additional minutes,
stirring occasionally to avoid burning. Slice pita bread into
half and stuff with a handful of lettuce. Add in chicken and
onion mix, top with olives, tomatoes, and Feta.

Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1/2 pita pocket | Calories: 244 | Total Fat: 11g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Cholesterol: 35mg
| Sodium: 382mg | Carbs: 23g | Protein: 15g
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Kale Caesar You’ll Need:
•2 cups cooked quinoa

•2 cups baby kale leaves

•2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds

•1 teaspoon olive oil

•4 cups Romaine Heart lettuce, sliced into pieces

Caesar Dressing Ingredients

•1/2 cup non-fat Greek Yogurt

•1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, freshly grated

•2 TBS lemon juice

•1 TBS white balsamic vinegar

•2 tsp whole-grain Dijon mustard

Let’s Cook! •1 tsp agave nectar

Follow quinoa cooking instructions. In a small skillet

•2 cloves garlic, finely minced
heat pumpkin seeds and olive oil on medium heat for 5
•2 teaspoons Anchovy paste
minutes, allow to cool. In a large salad bowl, mix kale,
romaine lettuce, chilled quinoa and pumpkin seeds. •1/4 teaspoon celery seeds

Add all dressing ingredients into a food processor or •1/4 teaspoon kosher or sea salt
blender and pulse until smooth. Drizzle over salad mix
•1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
and enjoy!
•1 TBS Extra-Virgin olive oil
Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1.5 cups | Calories: 217 | Total Fat: 4g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 35mg |
Copyright 122mg | Carbs: 43g | Protein:
2015 8g
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Chicken Wrap

You’ll Need:
• 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts,

• 1 TBS Dijon mustard

Let’s Cook!
Spread mustard evenly onto spinach tortilla. Add chicken,
• 1 cup sliced vegetables, (bell peppers,
veggies and chives and roll tightly.
cucumbers, carrots, mushrooms)

• 12 chives, chopped (optional)

• 2 spinach tortillas wraps

Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1.5 cups | Calories: 217 | Total Fat: 4g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 35mg |
Sodium: 122mg | Carbs: 43g | Protein: 8g
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Quinoa Stir-Fry
You’ll Need:
• 2 cups cooked in vegetable broth

• 1 TBS olive oil

• 1 tsp sesame seed oil

• 1 cup finely diced carrots

• 1/2 cup minced green onions

• 2 cloves garlic, minced

• 1/2 cup frozen peas (thawed)

• 2 eggs, beaten• 2 TBS low sodium soy sauce

Let’s Cook!
Cook quinoa following package instructions using vegetable broth. Once cooked, refrigerate until cold. In
a large skillet, heat oils up to medium/low heatm add green onion, carrots, cook 8 minutes. Add in garlic,
quinoa and peas, cook an additional 6 minutes. In a separate skillet scramble eggs, then add in quinoa
mixture. Add soy sauce and cook 1 additional minute, just to heat.

Makes: 5 servings | Serving Size: 1 cup | Calories: 250 | Total Fat: 13g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 0mg | So-
dium: 182mg | Carbs: 28g | Protein: 9g
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more Snacks
We need to change our mindset to start thinking that snacks are good. Our body needs
fuel throughout the day and believe it or not, having 3 meals a day just isn’t enough fuel
for our bodies to burn fat and build muscle appropriately. At first having 6 meals per day
can seem like A LOT! If you find that you’re having trouble finishing your 6 meals or you’re
just too full, try cutting down on your portion sizes but don’t skip meals!

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Lentil Spread
You’ll Need:
• 1 (15-ounce) can lentils, rinsed and drained

• 1 TBS lemon juice

• 1/4 tsp salt

• 1/4 tsp pepper

• 2 TBS sunflower seeds

• 1 celery stalk, finely chopped

• 1 scallion, finely chopped

• 2 TBS chopped fresh parsley

Let’s Cook! • 2 pitas, halved
Using a blender or a food processor, pulse lentils, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Transfer to a small bowl
and stir in sunflower seeds, celery and parsley. Heat pita in microwave for 30 seconds and serve with

Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1/2 pita | Calories: 180 | Total Fat: 3g | Saturated Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg |
Sodium: 430mg | Carbs: 29g | Protein: 10g
Copyright 2015 44
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Edamame Dip
You’ll Need:
• 1 small whole head of garlic

• 2 cups water

• 2.5 cups edamame

• 1/2 tsp ground cumin

• 1/2 tsp salt

• 1 TBS extra-virgin olive oil

• 5 TBS lemon juice

• 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt

•3 tablespoons water

• 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro

Let’s Cook!
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Chop the top of the garlic head off so that the cloves inside are slightly
showing, do not peel the garlic. Loosely wrap the garlic in foil and place in oven for 45 minutes. Allow to
cool then squeeze the cloves out of the skin. In a medium sauce pan bring 2 cups of water to a boil and
cook edamame for 5 minutes, drain. Using a blender or a food processor, pulse edamame, cumin, salt,
olive oil, lemon juice, Greek yogurt, and water, until smooth. Top with freshly chopped cilantro and enjoy
with fresh veggies or whole wheat pita bread.

Makes: 16 servings | Serving Size: 2 TBS | Calories: 54 | Total Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 1mg
| Sodium:
Copyright 2015 50mg
| Carbs:
5g | Protein:
Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 141371
Green Tea
Power Smoothie
You’ll Need:
•3/4 cup freshly brewed green

•1/8 tsp cayenne pepper

•3 TBS lemon juice

•2 tsp agave nectar

•1 chopped pear

•2 TBS plain, Greek yogurt

• 6-8 ice cubes

Let’s Cook!

Blend all ingredients in the blender until smooth and

enjoy immediately!

Serving Size: 1/2 cup | Calories: 82

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Fruit for dinner!? Yes! Okay, sort of. Did you know that red peppers, green beans
and cucumbers are all actually fruit? Yep, because these foods hold seeds, they are
considered to be in the fruit family. Don’t worry though, you won’t be eating any
OTHER fruits for dinner.

The recipes you’re about to encounter are going to be great for either, day before prep so you
can come home from work and whip it together, slow cooker so you can literally put it in the
crockpot and leave it or quick cook recipes that are super simple to follow. Enjoy!

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Chicken Fajitas
You’ll Need:
•1.5 pounds boneless, skinless chicken
breasts, cut into 1-inch strips

•1 cup salsa

•1/2 TBS dried oregano

•1 TBS ground cumin

•1 TBS chili powder

•2 cloves garlic, minced

•1/2 tsp salt

•1 whole white onion, peeled, chopped

•3 bell peppers,seeded, cored, and cut into


•1 package whole wheat tortillas

Let’s Cook!
Toss all ingredients together in a large bowl until chicken is completely coated. Pour mixture into
crockpot and heat on low for 6-7 hours or on high heat for 3-4 hours. Serve on warm tortillas and top
with guacamole and plain Greek yogurt if desired.

Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1 fajita with filling and topping | Calories: 121 | Total Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 0g
| Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium: 173mg | Carbs: 12g | Protein: 15g
Copyright 2015 48
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Bell Pepper Pizza
You’ll Need:
• 1 TBS extra-virgin olive oil

• 2 garlic cloves, minced

• 1 small red onion, thinly sliced

• 1 cup bell peppers, sliced

• 1 zucchini, sliced

• 1/2 cup pasta sauce

• 1/2 cup tomatoes, diced

• 8 green olives, diced

• 1 TBS chopped fresh basil

• 1/2 cup shredded skim mozzarella cheese

• 1 (12-inch) whole-wheat thin pizza crust

Let’s Cook!
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Using a large skillet, on medium/low heat, sauté garlic, onion, zucchini and bell
peppers in olive oil for 1-minute. Spread sauce over whole pizza crust, minus 1-inch around the edges. Evenly
sprinkle garlic, onion, bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, olives, basil and mozzarella cheese. Place pizza directly
onto the middle oven rack and bake for 10-minutes.

Makes: 6 servings | Serving Size: 1 slice | Calories: 91 | Total Fat: 5g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 6mg |
Sodium: 137mg | Carbs: 7g | Protein: 4g
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You’ll Need:
•6 chicken breast fillets

•2 TBS olive oil

•2 tspdried oregano

•1/2 tsp black pepper

•sea salt to taste

•2/3 cups wing sauce

Let’s Cook!
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut chicken breast into small/medium sized cubes. In a medium
sized bowl, mix pepper, salt, oregano, and olive oil. Toss chicken until evenly coated. String
chicken onto skewers, place on a foil covered baking sheet and bake for 8 minutes. Remove from
oven and evenly coat chicken with wing sauce. Continue cooking until chicken is cooked
throughout. Allow to cool before eating.

Makes: 7 servings | Serving Size: 1 skewer (approx. 5 pieces) | Calories: 188 | Total Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 0g |
Cholesterol: 64mg | Sodium: 1951mg | Carbs: 13g | Protein: 30g
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Herb Salmon &
Broccoli Pilaf
You’ll Need:
•1 TBS olive oil

•1 tsp Italian seasoning

•1/2 tsp sea salt

•1/4 tsp black pepper

•1 lemon, squeezed

•4 6-ounce salmon filets

•1 1/2 cups vegetable broth

•1 cup long grain rice

•1/2 cup broccoli florets, finely chopped

•Goat cheese and chopped cherry tomatoes

as garnish

Let’s Cook!
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a small bowl, mix olive oil, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper and lemon juice.
Evenly coat salmon and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake 12-15 minutes or until thor-
oughly cooked. In a medium sauce pan bring vegetable broth to a boil, add in rice and simmer, covered for 10
minutes. Add in broccoli florets and simmer for an additional 5 minutes, remove from heat and allow it to sit for
5 minutes or until liquid is absorbed. Top pilaf with salmon, goat cheese and tomatoes.
Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1 salmon and 1/2 cup pilaf | Calories: 308 | Total Fat: 10g | Saturated Fat: 1g |
Cholesterol: 69mg | Sodium: 327mg | Carbs: 28g | Protein: 29g
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You’ll Need:
Beef Tacos
•2 lb chuck roast

•3 cloves garlic, minced

•1 jalapeño, seeded and finely chopped

•1/2 cup onion, finely chopped

•1 (8 oz) can tomato sauce

•¼ cup lime juice

•1 TBS chili powder

•½ tsp cumin

•¼ tsp cayenne pepper

•Salt and pepper

Let’s Cook!
In a medium sized crock pot add onions, jalapeño and garlic. Place roast on top of the onion. In a
medium bowl; whisk tomato sauce, lime juice, chili powder, cumin and cayenne until completely
mixed. Pour mixture over the top of the beef. Covered with the crockpot lid, cook on low for 8-10
hours or on high for 4-5 hours. Once beef is fully cooked, use a fork to shred and stir in the beef
with the juices from cooking. Dish shredded beef onto whole wheat tortillas or over a piece of ro-
maine lettuce. Enjoy with guacamole, plain greek yogurt, salsa.

Makes: 7 servings | Serving Size: 1 cup | Calories: 264 | Total Fat: 10g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Cholesterol: 115mg |
Sodium: 233mg | Carbs: 4g | Protein: 38g
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Asian Meatballs You’ll Need:
• 1lb ground chicken

• 1 egg

• 1/2 cup almond flour

• 1 TBS powdered red pepper

• 1/2 cup green onions, finely chopped

• 2 tsp garlic powder

• 2 tsp powdered ginger

• ¾ tsp fine grain sea salt

Let’s Cook! • 3 TBS agave nectar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large mixing bowl, mix chicken, egg, • 3 TBS cider vinegar
almond flour, red pepper, green onion, garlic powder and salt. Allow to settle
• 3 TBS low-sodium soy sauce
and slightly thicken for 15 minutes. Using your hands, roll into small, 1 inch
balls and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 20-22 • 1 TBS sesame seeds
minutes. In a small mixing bowl, whisk vinegar, agave nectar and soy sauce.
• 2 TBS fresh cilantro, chopped
Carefully move meatballs to a large skillet, drizzle the mixture over the meat-
balls. Heat skillet to medium and cover with foil, stirring only as needed to
keep the sauce and meatballs from burning and sticking to the pan. Cook just
long enough for the sauce to begin to steam then remove from heat and serve.
Garnish with sesame seeds and cilantro.
Makes: 6 servings | Serving Size: 3 meatballs | Calories: 220 | Total Fat: 9g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol:
92mg | Sodium: 220mg | Carbs: 20g | Protein: 17g
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Stuffed Chicken
You’ll Need:
•4 boneless, chicken breasts

•1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese

•1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes

•1/4 cup pitted green olives, chopped

•1 TBS fresh dill, chopped

•1 TBS chopped parsley

•2 green onions, chopped

•1 TBS olive oil

•Black pepper and garlic powder, to taste

Let’s Cook!
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Season chicken with pepper and garlic powder. Cut a medium sized opening in
the sides of the chicken to create a pocket. In a small mixing bowl combine feta cheese, tomato, olives, dill.
parsley, green onion and olive oil. Gently fill the chicken with the mixture careful not to overfill. Bake for 15-20
minutes or until chicken is thoroughly cooked. Allow chicken to cool for 10 minutes before serving.

Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1 stuffed chicken | Calories: 320 | Total Fat: 18g | Saturated Fat: 4g |
Cholesterol: 109mg | Sodium: 280mg | Carbs: 3g | Protein: 35g
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Tilapia &
Mango Salsa You’ll Need:
•4 tilapia filets

•2 TBS olive oil

•2 mangos, peeled and diced

•1 small red onion, chopped

•1 tomato, seeded and chopped

•1 tsp chili powder

•1 tsp smoked paprika

•1 lime, juiced

•cilantro, chopped for garnish

•pepper and garlic powder, to taste

Let’s Cook!
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Drizzle olive oil on fish and season with pepper and garlic powder to taste, (garlic
powder goes a long way). Bake for 10-14 minutes or until thoroughly cooked. For the salsa: in a medium mixing
bowl, mix mango, red onion, tomato, chili powder, paprika, and lime. Enjoy with fresh romaine lettuce or whole
wheat tortillas.
Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1 filet and 2 TBS salsa | Calories: 340 | Total Fat: 14g | Saturated Fat: 5g
| Cholesterol: 135mg | Sodium: 245mg | Carbs: 47g | Protein: 11g
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You’ll Need:
2 cups cooked quinoa

1 - 10oz can mild enchilada sauce

1 - 4.5 ounce can chopped green chiles,


1/2 cup corn

1/2 cup canned black beans, drained

2 TBS cilantro, chopped Let’s Cook!

1/2 tsp cumin Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Using a large mixing bowl, mix cooked

1/2 tsp chili powder quinoa, enchilada sauce, green chiles, corn, black beans, cilantro,
cumin and chili powder. Mix in ONLY 1/2 cup of cheddar and 1/2 cup
1/4 cup cheddar cheese of mozzarella, (the remaining will be used to top). Evenly spread the

1/4 cup mozzarella cheese mixture into a 8x8 baking dish and top with remaining cheese. Bake
for 15 minutes. Top with fresh tomato and avocado.
1 avocado, seeded, peeled and chopped

1 tomato, finely chopped

Makes: 6 servings | Calories: 285 | Total Fat: 13 | Saturated Fat: 5g | Cholesterol: 23mg | Sodium: 289mg
| Carbs: 29g | Protein: 13g
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You’ll Need:
4 boneless chicken breasts

5 small tomatoes, chopped

1 clove of garlic, minced

1/2 small red onion, finely chopped

1 tsp olive oil

1 tsp balsamic vinegar

1/8 tsp sea salt

1/3 cup basil, chopped

Let’s Cook!
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Drizzle 2 TBS of olive oil over chicken,
cover with foil and bake for 35-40 minutes or until thoroughly cooked.
While chicken is cooking, mix tomato, garlic, onion, olive oil, balsamic
vinegar, sea salt and basil in a medium mixing bowl. Place in the refrig-
erator until chicken is done. Top with mixture and enjoy!

Makes: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1 chicken breast with 1/3 cup bruschetta | Calories: 176 | Total Fat: 4 |
Saturated Fat: 0g | Carbs: 8 | Protein: 28g
Copyright 2015 57
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