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Humanizing Calculus

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Calculus Michelle Cirillo

I know how to use the power rule to [find] deriva-

tives, but I don’t know where it came from or who
made it up or why we have to use it—except that
this is what the book and teacher wants us to do.
—Calculus student, spring 2005

he student quoted above raises a con-
cern about the way in which some
mathematics topics are still being
presented today. As teachers, we
sometimes present formulas and rules
but do not take the time to talk about the evolu-
tion of the mathematics as a human invention.
The history of mathematics can supply the why,
where, and how for many concepts that are stud-
ied (Swetz 1995).
Classroom teachers can help their students
develop an appreciation of the invention of calcu-
lus in many ways. To address the concerns raised
by the student in the opening quotation, I sprinkle
quotations and anecdotes throughout a calculus
course, some of which I have included in this
article. Stories about the invention of calculus by
Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) and Gottfried Leib-
niz (1646–1716) can add a zesty backdrop to your
calculus lessons and thus help students come to see
mathematics as a body of knowledge developed by
human beings.

Vol. 101, No. 1 • August 2007 | Mathematics Teacher 23

Copyright © 2007 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. All rights reserved.
This material may not be copied or distributed electronically or in any other format without written permission from NCTM.
On the first day of class, I give this homework
assignment: Find out who invented calculus. A
basic Internet search will turn up the names of
Newton and Leibniz. Students who investigate
further may realize that a long line of mathemati-
cians contributed to the development of calculus.
Beginning with the work of Eudoxus in the fourth
century BCE and spanning about 2000 years, the
Newton Leibniz
groundwork was laid for the invention of calculus.
As Hellman (1998) states, neither Newton nor
Leibniz created calculus “out of the thin air” (p. THE PRIORITY DISPUTE
42). Rather, because of the contributions made by The term priority dispute refers to the debate over
other mathematicians, such as Archimedes, Kepler, who invented calculus. Historians of mathematics
Descartes, Fermat, Pascal, and Barrow, the basic today generally agree that Newton and Leibniz both
components of their versions of calculus were invented calculus. Newton is credited as being the
already in existence. Any number of mathemati- first inventor of calculus (1665–1666), and Leibniz
cians (if they were alive today) might argue, based is recognized as having independently invented
on their accomplishments, that they invented calcu- calculus (1675) and as being responsible for its dis-
lus. A possible research project for students would semination and for developing the notation that is
be to determine the contributions made by the most similar to that used in modern calculus texts.
predecessors of Newton and Leibniz. Students may According to Katz (1993), Newton and Leibniz (not
even stage a debate among themselves as an activity Fermat, Barrow, or their predecessors) are both con-
or project in the month that follows the Advanced sidered the inventors of calculus for four reasons:
Placement exam.
1. They each developed general concepts. Newton
CONTEMPORARY GENIUSES utilized the fluxion (velocity or rate of change)
Both Newton and Leibniz are today considered to and fluent (flowing quantity), while Leibniz
be among the greatest geniuses ever to have lived. used the differential and integral. These ideas
Students are usually interested to learn that they are related to the two basic problems of calculus:
came from vastly different backgrounds. Their extrema and area.
fathers died while Newton and Leibniz were very 2. They developed notation and algorithms.
young, but the similarities between them end 3. They took their respective concepts and applied
there. Newton grew up on a farm, and his father the inverse relationship.
was illiterate, signing his name with an X. Leib- 4. They used these two concepts and applied them
niz came from an educated family (Bardi 2006). to previously unsolvable problems.
His father was a professor of moral philosophy.
Leibniz proudly claimed that he was self-taught, The most compelling piece of evidence that clears
reading from his father’s library and attending Leibniz from an accusation of plagiarism actually
college at age 14. He earned his bachelor’s and came from Newton himself. In his first edition of
master’s degrees in only three years and completed Principia (1687), Newton wrote:
a doctorate in law by the age of 20. Newton, on
the other hand, was less than a shining star as a In letters which went between me and that most
youngster, and his mother took him out of school excellent geometer, G.W. Leibniz, 10 years ago,
at age 16 to work on the family farm. He eventu- when I signified I was in the knowledge of a method
ally returned to school and attended Cambridge of determining maxima and minima, of drawing
University. It was during the Great Plague, while tangents, and the like . . . that most distinguished
the university was closed, that Newton, working man wrote back that he had also fallen on a method
in isolation, laid the groundwork for his work in of the same kind, and communicated his method
physics, optics, astronomy, and mathematics. Leib- which hardly differed from mine, except in his form
niz, on the other hand, whom Frederick the Great and words and symbols. (Gjertsen 1986, p. 469)
of Prussia dubbed “a whole academy unto him-
self,” did not begin his serious study of mathemat- Clearly, Leibniz did not steal his method from New-
ics until he was on a diplomatic mission in Paris ton, but by the third edition of Principia (1726), ten
in 1672 (Dunham 1991). It is no surprise that two years after Leibniz’s death, Newton had removed
contemporary geniuses of this magnitude might any reference to Leibniz or his work. Perhaps Leib-
have had an intellectual spat or two. niz would have avoided these accusations had he

24 Mathematics Teacher | Vol. 101, No. 1 • August 2007

d d d
d d d  fg =  f g
 ( f ± g) = f± g  ,dx  dx   dx 
 dx dx dx 

d  d  d  d  f  f
acknowledged the correspondence between himself fg = is perfectly
bar sign), Leibniz’s example f gaccessible
 = dx .
and Newton, as Newton had done in the first edi-
dx  dx   dx 
to calculus students. What is surprising about this dx  g  d
tion of the Principia. example is Leibniz’s next statement: dx
Although Newton developed his calculus six d
  f
years before Leibniz even began his serious study d f
But you get the same thing
  = if you. work out d xy
of mathematics, Newton failed to publish his work. dx manner
in a straightforward g d. . . and it is the
Newton, however, believed that a scientist’s prior- same thing in the case of divisors.
dx (Child 1920, x
ity derives from having done the work and not from p. 100) d ;
the publication of the discovery (Hellman 1998). d xy
This belief produced much conflict and was the Leibniz did not work out the details of this claim.
source of consternation for many years to come. Instead, he considered results from the “inverse dy = 2 z + bβ .
There are various opportunities throughout a x
method of tangents”dand; discovered his error
calculus course to bring in Leibniz and Newton. In y
(Cupillari 2004). The mathematics involved here is = 2 z + bcβ 2 .
dx dy
the next section, I will provide examples that can be not as accessible to beginning calculus students, but
used when teaching the product and quotient rules through that investigation,
dy = 2 z Leibniz
+ bβ . realized:
and implicit differentiation. dv v
=d ;
Hence it appears that it is incorrect d
to say thatψ ψ
dx dy = 2 z + bcβ 2 .
CALCULUS HISTORY FOR SPECIFIC TOPICS dv dy is the same thing as dvy, or that
Derivatives in Early Calculus—The Product and
Quotient Rules dv v
=d ;
After students learn the basic formulas for differen- dψ ψ
tiation of sums and differences
although just above I stated that this was the
d d d  case, and it appeared to be proved. This is a dif-
 ( f ± g) = f± g ,
 dx dx dx  ficult point. (Child 1920, p. 101)

they should be asked to think about what a product Rather than going back to his original example,
d  d  d 
or quotient rule fg d =  look
might f like d (Cupillari
g d  2004). It Leibniz provided a counterexample, using v = x
is likely that students  (df dx ±
willg ) suggest
= dx d f ±product gd , and
 quo- and y = x. Ten days later, in a manuscript dated
  ( f ± g) = dx f dx
±  g ,
tient rules of the forms:  dx dx dx  November 21, 1675, Leibniz provided the correct
d product and quotient rules. After stating the correct
d d f fg  dx  df   d  product rule, Leibniz wrote, “Now this is a really
=  d f g
dx  dxd g  fgd=dx . d f dx dd g 
d =
noteworthy theorem and a general one for
( f ± g ) 
=g f
  dx gd ,

 dx  ddx d  all curves” (Child 1920, p. 107).
 dd dx dx dd dx(f ± d gd)dx=  f ± g ,
and ( f ±
 ( f ± g ) = dx g ) = ff± ± g ,
, dx  Child (1920) points out that, as a logician, Leib-
 dx d
dx f dx  dx
d  f  dx d f  niz should have known better than to believe he
dd xy d
d f  = .d proved the product rule by providing a single exam-
dxfg g= d=df dx  dx. gd   d 
dd dx    
dx ddg f dx   
 fgdd=  f
g g ple. A discussion about what counts as “proof”
x fg ==  dx
fg f   ggdx   dx  could follow, and students could use the correct
dx 
d ;  dx   dx 
dx dx   d
dx x 
y d product rule to determine that the true value of
d xy
Leibniz, himself,  dx f made dthis assumption
d incorrectly
df xy
d(xy) in Leibniz’s original problem should have
d f
before correctly   =β
discovering d df  the .
. df f  =product dx . and quo- been (3cz2 + 2(bc + d)z + bd)dz. Correcting Leibniz’s
d =ff2zg+ bdx
tient rules (Cupillari x = 2004). dx g 
. In a manuscript dated mistake is a fun way to involve students in the
dx  gg; x= dd dx
dx 1675, dx . g  d
November 11, yd Leibniz g wrote: human invention. This example shows students
dx dy = y2 z;dx + bcgβ 2 .
that “calculus was not created in one sequential,
Let us nowdexamine xy whether dx dy is the same correct, and ordered way, as it is presented in text-
thing as dddv dy + dbβxy
= 2 z whether .
xy, and
xy dy = 2; z + bβ . dx/dy is the same
v books” and that “even a mathematician as brilliant
thing as dψ x ψ = d as Leibniz made mistakes when he did not check
d ;
xxdx y dy = 2 zd+xbc ;
β2. 2 his work correctly” (Cupillari 2004, p. 195).
dd ;; dx dy = 2yz + bcβ .
When does (fg)′ = f′g′?
dydv = 2=z d+ vbβ;. 2
it may be seen that dv ifdy yv= z + bz, and x = cz + d; While there are an infinite number of counterex-
d ψ ψ =; 2 z + bβ .
then . . . dy + bbβ=β..dIn ψ the same way dx = + cb, amples to the equation ( fg)′ = f ′g′, there are also an
and hence dx dy = 2 z + bcβ 2 . (Child 1920, p. 100) infinite number of pairs of functions f and g that
2 = 2 z + bcβ .
dx dy satisfy the equation. For the trivial cases where f or
dxdy dy==22zz ++ bc bcββ 2..
With an explanation dv ofv the notation (we would g is the zero function, or if both f and g are con-
use dz in place of b= and d ;parentheses
dv v in place of the stants, then, of course, ( fg)′ = f ′g + fg′ = f ′g′. As
dv vψ
== dd v ;; dψ
=d ;
ddψψ ψψ Vol. 101, No. 1 • August 2007 | Mathematics Teacher 25
f ( x ) = Ce k−1
f ( x ) = Ce k−1
 x 
f (x) = K 
Maharam and Shaughnessy (1976) pointed out, When learning  x − n ximplicit 
differentiation, students
f (x) = K 
( fg)′ = f ′g′ is true for any functions f and g, when can implicitly − n 
 xdifferentiate a problem that was actu-
f(x) = C(n – x)–n and g(x) = xn, where C is an arbi- ally posed  xand  solved by Newton: the problem
trary nonzero constant and n ≠ 0. One example of ( x)= 5
fcalculating the tangent to the cubic curve x3 – ax2 +
 x − 2 x  2
two such functions is f(x) = 3(2 – x)–2 and g(x) = x2. axyf (–xy)3==5 0. In a tract known as the Methodus flux-
Maharam and Shaughnessy (1976) provide a list ionum et serierum  x − 2  infinitorum (The Method of
of other, more interesting pairs of functions for xFluxions and Infinite Series), which was written
which the “incorrect product rule” produces cor- in 1671
x but not published until 1736, Newton pre-
rect answers. Cupillarie (2004) csc x extends this work, sented this equation simply as an example, ascrib-
showing that an infinite e x csc x
number of function pairs ing no significant meaning to this particular curve.
can be found to satisfy the incorrect quotient rule y
However, a curve can be thought of as a path traced
xby a moving point; and, in this case, the curve New-
 f ′ f ′ tonxpresented contains the factors (x – y)(x2 + xy –
′ =
 fg fg′′ yax + y ), a line and an ellipse. Surely, Newton’s

 g  =
g′ interests in cubic curves of this nature stemmed
by letting  from his interest in science. For example, Newton
x xo
f ( x ) = Cekk2−1 showed that a planet orbits the sun under an
f ( x ) = Ce k−1
 square law of attraction moving, not in a cir-
n yocle, but in an ellipse (Hellman 1998). Additionally,
 x 
with k ≠ 1 and g(x) =f (ekx x.) Students
= K can n generate hisyo work on the tangent line problem stemmed
 xx− n
pairs of functions and f ( xcheck
) = K that they satisfy both x from
+ 
xo his interest in optics and light refraction
the correct and the incorrectproduct x − n  and quotient (Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards 1998).
x + xo 
rules. The fact that these are recent 2publications To differentiate x3 – ax2 + axy – y3 = 0, Newton
 x  y + 
also demonstrates that )= 5
f ( xmathematics 2 is an evolving, substituted x + ẋo for x and y + ẏo for y to get
 xx− 2
( x)= 5
rather than a static, factivity. y + yo 
 x − 2 
( x + xo  )3 − a( x + xo  )2 + a( x + xo  )( y + yo  ) − ( y + yo  )3 = 0.
Differing Approaches x and Implicit ( x + xo  )3 − a( x + xo  )2 + a( x + xo  )( y + yo  ) − ( y + yo  )3 = 0.

Differentiation in xEarly Calculus The expansion
  2of2 this3equation
 2 gives us
 
x + 3x xo + 3xx o + x o − ax − 2axxo − ax o
3 2 3 2 2

Newton’s fluxional calculus and Leibniz’s differen-

y x+3 +axy3x+2 xo axyo+ 3xx 2  2 + axyo
+ axyoo + x 3o3− ax
− 2y−3 −2a3xyxo 2
− ax 2o2
 yo
tial calculus had different goals. Leibniz’s interests
y − 3 yy+axy o −+ yaxyo o =+0axyo
2 2 3 3
were more philosophical, and his approach was geo- .  + axyo   − y − 3 y 2 yo
2 3

metric. Newton’s interest in calculus was primarily − 3 yy o − y o = 0.
2 2 3 3

based on motion and x the more physical aspects of

quantities varying with y time. Newton adopted “a Since x3 – ax2 + axy – y3 = 0, then, by substitution,
new approach in which y variables are regarded as we are left with
flowing quantities generated by the continuous

xo 3x 2 xo  + 3xx 2o2 + x 3o3 − 2axxo  − ax 2o2
motions of points, lines, etc.” (Hollingdale 1989, p.
xo  + axyo  + axyo   2 − 3 y 2 yo 
186). Newton called the variable (e.g., x or y) the + axyo
fluent and its rate of change or velocity the fluxion, 3x xo 2
−+ 3 yy 3xxo o− +y xo o =−0.2axxo − ax 2o2
2  2
2 2 3 33 3

using a dot (e.g., ẋ oryo  ẏ) to denote the fluxion. New-  + axyo  + axyo   2 − 3 y 2 yo 
+ axyo
ton realized that thexfluxions themselves can be Since o is an2 infinitely 2 2 small 3 quantity,  we  cast out  2 2
=0.− 3 y y = 0o. − 2axxo − ax o
+ +
2 2 2 3 3
+ xo  o+ −axy 3 x3 xo
y o+ axy 3 xx o x
3x x −− 32yy axx 2
considered fluent quantities,
x + xo  thus having fluxions these terms, leaving 3x xo 2
 + 3xx o+ a+xxyo
2 2
 o+ −axyo
3 3
2 axxo+ axyo
− ax −
22 2 2

o 3 y yo
themselves. These second fluxions of x and y he   + −axyo
3yx 2 x − 2axx++axaxy 3 yy−+o3axyo  
y−2 yy=o−03.=y0.yo

2 2 23 3 2

y +Gjersten
yo yo + axy
denoted by ẍ and ÿ. As (1986) explains

y + yo to tackle the problems , 
− 3 yy o − y o = 0.
2 2
 3 3
in The Newton Handbook, x
involving the inverse 
( xrelationship
+ xo ) − a( x between

+ xo ) + afluents
 
( x + xo )( y +Newton
yo ) − ( yended 
y yo ) here,
+ 3
= 0. but 3the x 2 xmethod
− 2axx will + axy  +more
be  − 3 y 2 y = 0.
and fluxions, Newton  )3 − a( x the
( x +introduced  notion
)2 + a( xof+ axo  )( y +familiar
 ) − ( yto +yxus, )if3 =
xo + xo yo yo 3xwe 32 x0−2.continue
x2 ax
− 2+axx ay +a axy
bit further.
+ axy  −Solving
3 y 2 y = for0.
moment: 2 2
=  .
x + 3x xo
3 2
 + 3xx o + x o − ax − 2axxo
2 2 3 3 2
 − ax xo 3 y − ax ,
2 y
x 3 + 3+x axy 2
 ++3axyo
xo xx2o+2
x 3o3+−axyo
+axyo   2−−2a
ax 2
x 
3 xo − 2  2 o2
ax  y 3 x y − 2ax +xay
This was the “indefinitely small” part by which 2 y3 − 3 y2 yo = ,
+−axy       x3 y 2 − ax .
fluents grew in “indefinitely 3 yy+small”
2 2
− y +periods
oaxyo 3
= 0.+ of axyo − y we − 3get y yo x
time, and was represented − 3 yyby 2 2
o the − ysign
o =o.0The
3 3
. y 3x 2 − 2ax + ay
2 
= .
moment of the fluent x would therefore be ẋo, y 3x −x 2ax +3ay y 2 − ax
= .
and of the fluent y, ẏo. In this way, it follows that x 3 y 2 − ax
quantities x and y will become in an indefinitely
small interval x + ẋo and y + ẏo. (Gjertsen 1986, Note that if we were to use modern methods to dif-
p. 214) ferentiate implicitly, differentiating the third term

26 Mathematics Teacher | Vol. 101, No. 1 • August 2007

would require use of the product rule. The product Cooke, Robert. The History of Mathematics: A Brief
rule is implied with Newton’s method, however. Course. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1997.
In contrast, Leibniz was interested in finding an Cupillari, Antonella. “Another Look at the Rules of Dif-
appropriate notation to represent thoughts and ways ferentiation.” Primus: Problems, Resources, and Issues in
of combining these—a process of computation or Mathematics Undergraduate Studies 14 (2004): 193–200.
reasoning using symbols. As mentioned earlier, Leib- Dunham, William. Journey through Genius: The Great
niz developed a product rule and a quotient rule. He Theorems of Mathematics. New York: Penguin
derived other differentiation rules that look similar Books, 1991.
to the notation we use today, for example, d(ax) = a ———. The Calculus Gallery. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
dx (Eves 1983). In addition, Leibniz used the expres- University Press, 2005.
sions dx and dy to indicate the difference of two Eves, Howard. Great Moments in Mathematics (after
infinitely close values of x and y, respectively, and 1650). Vol. 7. Washington DC: Mathematical Asso-
dy/dx to indicate the ratio of these two values (Cooke ciation of America, 1983.
1997). He also used the symbol ∫ to represent the Gjertsen, Derek. The Newton Handbook. New York:
idea of sum (Katz 1993) as well as the term function Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986.
(Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards 1998). Had Leibniz Hellman, Hal. Great Feuds in Science: Ten of the Liveliest
used his rules on the problem presented by Newton, Disputes Ever. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
his solution would have looked more like our modern Hollingdale, Stuart. Makers of Mathematics. New
implicit differentiation. Students can use modern York: Penguin Books, 1989.
notation to verify Newton’s solution. Because Leib- Katz, Victor J. A History of Mathematics: An Introduction.
niz’s notation was considered superior and because New York: Harper Collins College Publishers, 1993.
he published his work in 1684, it is his notation, Larson, Roland E., Robert P. Hostetler, and Bruce H.
rather than Newton’s, that is found in today’s mod- Edwards. Calculus with Analytic Geometry. New
ern calculus books. York: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.
Lemke, Jay. Talking Science. Westport, CT: Ablex Pub-
CONCLUSION lishing, 1990.
Many examples from history demonstrate that cal- Maharam, Lewis G., and Edward P. Shaughnessy.
culus was the creation of human beings. I encourage “When Does ( fg)′ = f ′g′?” College Mathematics
you to explore even further. Other topics that can be Journal 7(1976): 38–39.
visited include the history behind L’Hôpital’s Rule Newton, Isaac. The Method of Fluxions and Infinite
or the controversy over lack of rigor in Newton’s Series. 1740. Translated by J. Colson. 2nd ed. Ann
and Leibniz’s calculus. This lack of rigor (later filled Arbor, MI: Xerox University Microforms, 1976.
in by Cauchy’s delta-epsilon process) was considered Swetz, Frank. “Some Not So Random Thoughts about
a major problem by eighteenth-century mathemati- the History of Mathematics—Its Teaching, Learn-
cians. The contributions and rivalry of the Bernoulli ing, and Textbooks.” Primus 5 (June 1995): 97–107.
brothers add more fun and humorous stories to the
colorful history of calculus. The two brothers were OTHER RESOURCES
contemporaries of Newton and Leibniz and stout
defenders of Leibniz in the priority dispute (Dun- NEWTON/newton.htm
ham 1991). Multicultural connections can be made
to the Islamic and Indian mathematicians in a dis- Mathematicians/Newton.html
cussion about sine and cosine power series.
By including facts and anecdotes about the Mathematicians/Leibniz.html ∞
mathematicians who created mathematics, teach-
ers can help calculus and mathematics come alive.
Jay Lemke (1990), author of Talking Science, claims
that students are three to four times as likely to
be “highly attentive to ‘humanized’ science talk as
they would be to ‘normal’ science talk in the class-
room” (1990, p. 136). Surely the same can be said MICHELLE CIRILLO, mcirillo@iastate.
for “humanized” calculus. edu, is a former secondary classroom
teacher who is now pursuing her PhD in
BIBLIOGRAPHY mathematics education at Iowa State
Bardi, Jason Socrates. The Calculus Wars. New York: University, Ames, IA 50011. Her research interests
Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2006. include classroom discourse, proof, and the history
Child, J. M. The Early Mathematical Manuscripts of of mathematics. Photograph by Lisa Shainker; all rights reserved
Leibniz. Chicago: Open Court, 1920.

Vol. 101, No. 1 • August 2007 | Mathematics Teacher 27

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