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Proforma C: Enroute Habitations Name / Chainage

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Proforma C


( For Indvidual Road Works )
To be filled by PIU.

1. Location :- State: District : :

2. Package No:-

3. Name of the Road: From To

4. Total Length (Km) - In Built up area - Km In Open Area - Km

5. Estimated Cost Rs : Average Cost :

Item Total Cost in Cost per Km.
Rs. Lakhs
Flexible Pavement
Rigid Pavement
6. Type of proposal:- New connectivity / Up gradation
-If the proposed road is a New connectivity
- Is the road a part of core network YES / NO
If Yes Through Route/ Link Route No. T- or L-
- Name of the unconnected Target Habitation (s) (to be
crosschecked with CN-6)
- Population sub served by the proposed road.
- Does the Proposed Road lead up to the Habitation for which
it is supposed to provide connectivity (In other words are you YES / NO
sure that the road is not being made partially?)

- Does the proposed Road connect the unconnected

Habitation to
-a) Another habitation having All- weather road. (A) (B)
-b) Directly to an All weather road.
If ( b) indicate the nature of road to which the proposed road
- If the proposal is for up gradation YES / NO
- is the road a part of the core network YES / NO
- is it associated Through Route or Not YES / NO
- PCI value
- Age of the road
- Is it certified that there are no other unconnected
Eligible Habitations in the district.
7. a) Whether the Proposed Road has the
desired carriage way width,Roadway width and YES / NO
Road Land Width (RLW )
b) Indicates the actual widths of the In the Built Up Area (m) In the Open Area
following for the proposed road (m)
a) Carriageway -
b) Roadway -
c) Road Land Width -

INDEX MAP (not to scale ) : Attached

Enroute Habitations Name / Chainage
Target Habitation

H1 H2 H2


Name of Road :
Cross Section details

a) Cross Section of The Existing road showing different component layers.

b) Cross Section of The Proposed road showing different component layers

(Should be as per Actual Provisions of DPR)

8. Base year & volume
traffic Year of Traffic Volume Count
Motorised Traffic Non Motorised Traffic
Days Cars,Jeep, Motori Light Trucks Agricultural Buses Cycles Cycle Animal Drawn
Vans,Three sed Commer Tractors Ricksha Vechicle
Wheelers two cial wa
Wheel Vehicle
ers L U OL L U OL L U OL SWC Num.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
ADT in the year of Traffic Count =
Growth rate adopted (%) = Base Year Traffic AADT (T) =
Design Life = Years
Number of Harvesting Seasons =
No. of Days in Each Harvesting Season (t) =
Value of (n) assumed = Cumulative ESAL =
Traffic Category =
9 Subgrade CBR ( for Different Sections ) =

10. Cost Details Cost Rs. Cost /km (Rs)

A. General Costs
Cost of Preparation of DPR
B. Pavement Components
Description of layer Thickness in Quantity Cost Rs. Cost/ km (Rs)
Earth Work - in Excavation/ Cutting
Earthwork- in Filling (Embankment)
Subgrade (if provided seperately)
Shoulders (If not considered in the Earthwork)

Granular Sub base

Soil + Aggregate Mix



C.Bituminous Layers

Prime Coat

Tack Coat


Seal Coat


Surface Dressing

D. Cement Concrete Road

Pavement Quality Concrete (M30 )

E: C D Works
No. of Existing CD Works
Do they require any improvement- specify the
nature of improvement proposed
If yes, their Number and Cost of improvement
Location - Chainage ( Similar Type of CD's may be Type of CD & Total Length of Cost in Rs.
grouped together) their Nos Bridge/ Culvert

Total Cost of Proposed CD works

Cost /Km
Cost in Rs (Rs)
F. Protection works

G. Pucca Side Drains (if Provided)

H. Road Logo, other Road Furniture

I. Any other Provisions (Please Specify)

Total Cost of the Project (Rs)

Name of the road

J. Five Year Routine Maintenance

Year Cost in lakhs % Cost Cost /km
Total Maintenance Cost
11. Whether the road has Geometrics as per Rural Roads Mannual RRM /
Latest Circulars of NRRDA.

12.Whether / Protection works are provided as per RRM /

Latest Circulars of NRRDA/ Respective Codes.

13. Whether the Cost etimates are as per standerd data analysis and S.S.R.

14. Sources and the Lead distances of Materials are as under

Material Source Lead Material Source Lead Distance
Earth Cement
Murrum Emulsion
Aggregate Bitumen
Sand Steel

Certified that information provided is true

Prepared By Checked By Scrutinized By


Counter Signatures of
Co-ordinator STA :
To be filled by State Technical Agency
Name of the STA:
Name of Road :
15 Is the Proposed Road entered on the OMMS : Yes/ No
(Data entries to be verified by STA before Clicking the Propopsal)
16 If the Proposal is for new connectivity
Yes / No
Have you satisfied yourself that the proposed road is a part of Core Network
Is the unconnected habitation (s) part of list of unconnected Habitations as per
CN-6 Yes / No

Does the Proposal ensure full connectivity to Target Habitation

a) If No, the name of Unconected Habitation up to which it is connected Yes / No

b) If such Unconnected Habitation eligble Under PMGSY Yes/ No

17 Are you satisfied with the following
Engineering Surveys (L section, X section must be verified) Yes / No
Soil/ Material Investigation ( CBR, Density, LL, PI, Gradation to be verified) Yes / No
Traffic Surveys / Estimation Yes / No
Hydraulic Studies. Yes / No
( Catchment for structures with more than 2 Vents to be verified from topo
sheet. Location and requirement of all CD structures to be verified from L
section )
18 In case , Traffic is projected beyond T 4 Category are you satisfied with the
reason given by PIU Yes / No

19 In case, sub grade CBR is less than 3; has Soil Stabilisation etc. been
proposed Yes / No
( If not , specific Reasons given by PIU)

20 Is the design of the following elements as per Rural Roads Manul / Circulars
Alignment & Geometrics Yes / No
Location and type of CD works and Yes / No
Side drains Yes / No
Integration for Cross and longitudinal Drainage Yes / No
Protection Works Yes / No
21 Is the design of flexible Pavement as per IRC SP: 72- 2007 and design of
Rigid Pavement as per IRC SP:62- 2004 . Yes / No

22 Does the Estimation Conform to Standard Rate Analysis and SSR Yes / No
generated for the current Phase

23 Does the proposal have provisions for

PMGSY Logo Sign Boards and Information Board
Km/Hm Stones Yes / No
Guard Stones (where necessary ) Yes / No
Traffic Sign Boards (as necessary) Yes / No

24 Secific Remarks, if any, by STA

( Specific remarks of STA about the overall project are necessary on each DPR)

Certified that the Design and Estimation for the Proposed Road work are based on the data
and SSR provided by PIU Engineers . The Proposal after final Correction is entered on the
OMMS.The Propasal may be considered for clearance.

Technical Scrutiny at STA done by:

Signature Co-ordinator STA:
Name Signature
Date Name

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