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Wood River Land Trust Newsletter Summer 2007

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The document discusses how lawn care practices can impact local water quality and fish habitat, and how homeowners can certify their lawn as Trout Friendly through Wood River Land Trust.

A Trout Friendly Lawn helps protect the Big Wood River by using water-wise lawn care practices. This keeps fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides out of the water supply, helping keep it clean for fish.

Some practices of a Trout Friendly Lawn include watering only at night, avoiding over-watering, and allowing lawns to develop deep roots which protects water supply during summer.

perspectives on

Wood River Land Trust
Family time along the Big Wood River at the Howard Preserve in Bellevue

Trout Friendly Lawns Protect

Our Water and Fish
O ur lawn care practices influence the
health of the Big Wood River, its
world-class fishing, and the quality of our
Residents with Trout Friendly Lawns
protect the Big Wood River by:
drinking water. As our communities grow, so n Practicing water-wise lawn care
do the demands on our water supply. More You can have a green lawn and save water
residences and the associated lawns also too! Watering only at night and avoiding
mean there is greater potential for fertilizers, over-watering protect our water supply. At
pesticides and herbicides to enter the water night, less water is lost to the atmosphere
supply. This summer, as part of the Healthy and plants are able to drink more efficient-
Waters, Healthy Future project, you can cer- ly and sink deep roots. Over-watering in
tify your lawn Trout Friendly through Wood summer depletes our limited water supply
© 2005 Kim Cabrera

River Land Trust. and leaves less water in the river for fish
Trout Friendly Lawns help keep our when they are vulnerable to warmer water
water clean and protect fish in the Big Wood temperatures.
River—they can also help you save money Continued on page 5
on water bills. Whether you own a home on
the river or live in town, you can be more
Trout Friendly.
Protecting the heart
of the and
for the future.

A publication of Wood River Land Trust
A Decade of
S cott describes his love of the
West as an immediate connec-
tion to the area’s landscape and way
of life. That connection brought
him to the Wood River Valley in
January 1997 to become Wood River
Land Trust’s first Executive Director.
Having grown up in a farming family
in southeastern Pennsylvania that
went back generations, he appreci-
ates the values and benefits offered
to us by the land on which we live.
He believes that conservation shapes
community—that we are all the
inheritors of the land and water and
wildlife and that being good stewards
of the land brings us together.

“Education about the

importance of agricultural,
recreational, and wildlife Borah Peak and The Big Lost River are inspiring views that stir our love of the land

resources along with a supply

his watch Wood River Land Trust
of alternatives to development has now protected over 6,000 acres.
can give the landowner From a staff of one—himself—Scott
shaped the fledgling organization
options they might not have into a staff of 9 with a budget of
thought possible.” almost $700,000. In addition, his
efforts (both administrative and
Prior to joining Wood River physical) to save and restore the
Land Trust ten years ago, Scott spent historic home in Hailey that now
eight years with the Brandywine serves as our office were recognized
Conservancy in Chadds Ford, by the Idaho Historic Preservation
Pennsylvania, which was formed Council. Scott believes the restora-
in 1967 and is one of the nation’s tion serves as an example of what
premier conservation organiza- can be done to save historic struc-
tions. He became senior planner at tures in this valley.
Brandywine, a position that enabled One of Scott’s goals is to help
him to facilitate conservation of nat- people explore options for protec-
ural and historic resources for com- tion of the natural resources they
munities and private landowners. value and still accomplish their
Scott secured our first conserva- financial goals. He offers effective
tion easement in 1997, and under Scott put in many late hours restoring
Continued on page 6 the house that now serves as our office

Meet Our Board of Directors
Trish Klahr

Finding the perfect door at the Building Material Thrift Store

Taking Recycling to the Trish Klahr and husband, Lee Melly

Next Level W hat I really appreciate about Wood River Land Trust
is how it fosters community in our Valley. We spon-
sor many activities that bring people together to enjoy nature,

T he Building Material Thrift Store (BMTS) entered

uncharted territory on March 31, 2000 when it accept-
ed the first house donation in the Wood River Valley and,
wildlife and each other. Events like the annual picnic at the
Howard Preserve, kids’ fishing day at Riverside Pond or the
many nature walks throughout the summer are gifts the Land
possibly, the whole country. Trust brings to us all,” says Board Member, Trish Klahr.
Since then, the BMTS has received donations of more Trish grew up in a family of sailors along the shores of
than 25 structures that were then sold, moved, and used Lake Erie during the 1960’s. “This was a tough era for the
again by grateful new homeowners. environment when rivers burned and Lake Erie died,” she
Due to escalating land values and a relative scarcity of says. “This experience had a profound effect on me and I
bare land, many existing structures have been displaced to knew then that water would be a significant resource crisis
make way for new development. The BMTS forecasts at and a focus for my career.”
least 5 to 7 houses per year will be moved or demolished in Trish majored in water resources science and limnology
the coming years. (the study of lakes) and moved to Idaho in 1983. She worked
Thanks to the Building Material Thrift Store, there for the State of Idaho, the Idaho Conservation League and
are more options for getting rid of unwanted homes than the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Boise before taking a
just demolition. Owners may donate a home that will then job with The Nature Conservancy and moving to Ketchum
be auctioned and transported to the site chosen by its new in 1995. “I have traveled and worked all over Idaho, a truly
owner. A structure that gets moved provides the donor a tax magnificent state, and the Wood River Valley stands out for
deduction and saves on demolition costs. It also saves land- its beauty, wildlife, rivers and streams, and proximity to wild
fill space, saves energy by reusing an existing structure, and country,” she says.
may provide low-cost housing. In contrast, every demolished “I especially value that the Land Trust is working beyond
building must be trucked to a landfill near Burley with no the borders of the Wood River Valley and assisting landowners
reuse of its components. In addition, proceeds from all house along the Pahsimeroi, Salmon and Big Lost Rivers to protect
sales are donated to Wood River Land Trust! their lands and waters. This work, combined with the Healthy
In a time when people are becoming more conscious Waters, Healthy Future project is educating us all on how to be
about recycling cans and bottles, imagine the impacts of recy- better stewards of our precious water resources,” says Trish.
cling an entire house! For more information about donating Trish and her husband, Lee Melly, are very grateful to
a home or purchasing one by auction, contact Bruce Tidwell be living in the Wood River Valley and can often be found
at the BMTS at 788-0014 or enjoying backcountry and trail skiing, backpacking, hiking,
mountain biking and gardening.

Caddis Capers in June!
T he trout are out, and we’re excited to play on the river!
Silver Creek Outfitters and Wood River Land Trust are
teaming up to host Caddis Capers, a kids’ fly-fishing day. On
Kids’ Fishing Day
Tuesday, June 26, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., we will be looking
under rocks, in the trees, and at our backcasts as we learn about
fly casting, conservation, and bugs near the Big Wood River.
For ages 8-12, this fun and informative event will provide
B ring the kids to a fun day of free
fishing sponsored by Sawtooth Auto at
our restored pond. Parents must accompany
the skills necessary to stalk trout on the Big Wood and an under- children. Fishing rods are available for use.
standing of the importance of keeping our river healthy. Bring Saturday, June 9, 9:00 a.m. - Noon
your own brown bag lunch and we will bring the fun! Plan on Where: Riverside Pond at Heagle Park, Hailey
getting wet and dirty as we explore the great fishing the Big
Wood offers! Spaces are limited. For more information about
the event and for registration, please contact Morgan Buckert at
788-3947 or Registration fee
is $15 per child.

Fly rods and spin rods are welcome

4 Kids’ Fishing Day: A beautiful morning at Riverside Pond in Hailey

Trout Friendly Lawns Protect
Our Water and Fish Continued from page 1
n Using Organic Fertilizers and Limiting Pesticides
and Herbicides
Certain organic fertilizers, like lawn clippings and com-
post, promote plant growth and nurture organisms that
prevent pests. Some fertilizers can leach into streams and
rivers, degrading water quality and stressing trout.
n Vegetating Stream Banks and Lawns with
Native Plants
Planting or maintaining native vegetation adapted to our
dry climate conserves water and protects river banks from
erosion. Along stream banks, native vegetation helps pre-
vent erosion, reduces flood impacts, and shades the water
to keep stream temperatures cool for fish during the sum-
We have volunteer opportunities for everyone! mer. Natural vegetation also filters runoff from lawns.

Trout Friendly Lawns Benefit You. They:

Volunteer Opportunities! n Are safer for children and pets
n Save money on water bills

S ummer’s here and we need your help! We

have lots of projects going on this summer
and need a little extra help to make sure they are
Are easier to maintain, once established
Attract more birds and wildlife
great. Whether inside or out, an hour or a week,
There are a range of Trout Friendly practices to choose
we are looking for volunteers to help throughout
from to help protect the Big Wood and its exceptional
the year. From weed-outs to mailings, we have
fishery. Program participants can also proudly post a sign
something for everyone to help us protect the
proclaiming their lawn is Trout Friendly!
heart of our valley. If you are interested in
volunteering, please contact Morgan Buckert at
To learn more or to certify your lawn
788-3947 or
Trout Friendly, contact:
Kathryn Goldman
Wood River Land Trust
(208) 788-3947

Trout Friendly Lawns is a public education partnership

between Wood River Land Trust, Webb, Clearwater
Landscaping, Organic Solutions, Hailey Nursery, Eggers
Associates, Branching Out, Alpine Aquatics and Clemens

A Decade of Commitment
Donations were generously Continued from page 2

made to Wood River Land and creative development alternatives—that

is, possibilities. “Education about the impor-
Trust between March 1, tance of agricultural, recreational, and wildlife
resources along with a supply of alternatives to
2006 and February 28, development can give the landowner options
they might not have thought possible,” he says.
2007 in memory of: Scott is looking forward to another ten
years of conservation successes and is commit-
Clark Biedebach ted to the Wood River Valley community. An
impetus to his work is his family—his wife Sally
Pam Bowen and children Emily and Gunner—who, like all
David R. Copley families in the Valley, reap the benefits of Wood
Joan Duggan River Land Trust’s restoration and conservation
Thelma Eileen Geiger And then, there is that fishing commit-
William F. Gillespie III ment. A handwritten postscript on a letter by
Walter F. Haemmerle Scott sent to past president Kent Pressman in
October, 1996, reads, “p.s. I caught the big-
Terri Higdon gest trout of my life last Saturday afternoon on
Carl Kappes the Big Wood!!” He’s been on the river ever
Mae Kintisch since….
Because of his dedication and accomplish-
Ellen LaFleur ments over these ten years, we have created the
Roy Lansing Scott Boettger Stewardship Fund to support per-
Merabella petual and intelligent stewardship of the lands
in our care. Donations in his honor are grate-
Jack Miller fully appreciated.
Jean Olsen
Marilyn Polverari
Ruth Purdy
Art Richards
Mrs. Sengelmann Topee
H. Witcomb, M.D.
Jack S. Young

Condo Donation Look For Our PSA
on Channel 13
Provides Staff Housing Generously Sponsored by
Opportunities Hall & Hall

L yn and David Anderson of Sun Valley and

Santa Barbara, California have donated a fur-
nished condominium in Sun Valley to Wood River Great News
Land Trust to be used for staff housing.
This gift helps address the Valley’s shortage of For Conservation
affordable housing and provides an additional means
of recruiting and retaining excellent staff. The con-
dominium has been sold and the proceeds will be
used to provide housing assistance for our current A new law provides added
and future employees. We thank the Andersons for
their commitment to Wood River Land Trust and incentives for conservation
its current and future staff members, and we hope donations of land.
their example opens new opportunities for us and for
other organizations to address the Valley’s shortage
of affordable workforce housing.
• Increases the tax deduction
for donations of conservation
agreements from 30% of
landowners’ income in any
year to 50%;

• Allows qualifying farmers and

ranchers to deduct up to 100%
of their income; and

• Increases the number of years

over which a donor can take
deductions from 6 to 16 years.

These new rules only apply to

conservation agreements and land
donations made in 2007. For more
information, contact Kate Giese
at (208) 788-3947 or

Lyn and David Anderson


$25,000 and above $2,500 - $4999 Wolf, Feli and Fynn Funke-Riehle Frank and Lynn Whittelsey
Anonymous (2) Julia and George Argyros Mark and Betsy Gates Latham and Suzanne Williams
Building Material Thrift Store and the Argyros Foundation Gregory George Paul Willis
Draper Family Foundation Fund Bank of America Foundation Deana and Morley Golden Woody and Priscilla Woods
John and Elaine French Brett and Trish Bashaw John K. Greene Benjamin & Theresa Wood
Family Foundation Gerald and Audrey Bashaw Daniel and Sue Guggenheim & The Works of Grace Foundation
The Lennox Foundation Tsunami Foundation - Anson M. Hall and Hall Partners Lark and Gary Young
Macauley and Helen Dow Beard, Jr. and Family Tod and Barbara Hamachek
Whiting Foundation Millard and Peggy Drexler Len and Carol Harlig $500 - $999
Peter and Betty Gray George and Paula Hauer Roger and Holly Anderson Fund
$10,000-$24,999 Hare Family Foundation Michael and Irene Healy Chip Bailey
Croul Family Foundation Ali Long Mike Howard Mark Benjamin
Edward and Susan Cutter Don and Candy Miller Hull Family Foundation Scott and Sally Boettger
Robert Disbrow and Kim Kawaguchi Michael and Esther Ochsman Kip and Marsha Ingham Peter and Toni Breck
Clark and Maria Gerhardt Page Foundation Benjamin Jacobson Stoney Burke
Harry and Shirley Hagey Shafran Family Foundation Glenn Janss Burns Family Foundation
Hemingway Foundation Phillip and Edina Jennison Lawrence Goelman and Virginia Cirica
Jack and Marie Kueneman $1,000 - $2,499 Charlie and Kathy Johnson Cynthia Green Colin/Jaloc Associates
Colin and Anne Lind Anonymous (2) Steve and Courtney Kapp Robert Colman
James and Alison Luckman Lyn Anderson Gerald and Kathy Kavka Bob Corker and Liz Schwerdtle
Osberg Family Trust Babcock & Brown LP, San Francisco City of Ketchum Dr. and Mrs. Ronald I. Dozoretz
Silver Creek Outfitters Richard C. Barker Wade and Heather King Chuck and Nancy Ferries
Steve and Diana Strandberg Bill Barrett Garrett and Clay Kirk George and Sandra Froley
Tom and Joan Swift Brain and Kathleen Bean Margot Larsen Ritz/Larsen Fund Bill and Gay Fruehling
Barbara Thrasher and Rick Koffey Steven Beck Jack Latrobe and Laura Clarke Robin and Lee Garwood
Doris Tunney Robert and Catherine Beyer John and Ann Leonardo Gary Gigot
Gerald and Maryanne Whitcomb Blaine County Commissioners Jack and Debra Levin Bart and Nancy Green
R. Buzz Woolley Blue Grouse Georgie Lindquist and David Ron and Susan Green
John Brezzo Friedenberg Fred and Bobby Haemisegger
$5,000 - $9,999 Steve Brown The Matthias Foundation, Inc. Hailey Rotary
David Anderson Dr. Christine Brozowski Anthony and Audrey Mattos Bill and Anke Hall
Charlie and Courtni Billow William and Lindy Buchanan Ken and Molly McCain Marge and Dick Hay
Jamie Lee Curtis and Stoney Burke and Candy Forstmann John and Janet McCann Lawrence and Rebekah Helzel
Christopher Guest Bill and Kaye Burnham Camille McCray Dave Hill
Tom and Sue Ellison Deer Creek Fund of the Idaho David and Rebecca Meyers Greg and Wendy Hosman
John and Sandra Flattery Community Foundation Mark C. Miller Philip Huss
Roy A. Hunt Foundation/ Capital Group Companies Larry Monkarsh and Family Don and Beverly Jefferson
Dan & Jodie Hunt Charitable Foundation Kingsley and Cynthia Murphy Mark and Kathryn Kieckbusch
Bill and Jeanne Landreth Richard Carr and Jeanne Meyers George Ohrstrom Trish Klahr
David and Lana Latchford Jay Cassell and Gay Weake Susan Parkinson Deborah Law, Wood River Women’s
The Lightfoot Foundation Christi Clark Kent and Karen Pressman Charitable Foundation Member’s Fund in
Scott Lucas Charles Conn and Beverley Steve and Victoria Riccabona the Idaho Community Foundation
Michael and Sarah Mars Robertson Marie Rohnert Bill and Marlene Lehman
James O. Moore Peter and Bonni Curran H. Jon and Judy Runstad John and Elizabeth Lewis
Bill and Sally Neukom Jim and Wendy Daverman Graham Smith Ignacio and Marta Lozano
R. Thomas Goodrich and Peter and Pat Dinkelspiel Chris and Caroline Spain George and Ann Macomber
Rebecca Patton Ann Down Fred Sprenger John Maine and Kim Baltzell
E & H Humbly Bumbly Foundation Mary Bachman and William John and Elizabeth Stevenson Bill and Jane McConnell
Lois Rosen Downing Fund Larry and Nan Stone George and Karen McCown
Springcreek Foundation/ Cecil and Sally Drinkward Louise and Trent Stumph Wilson and Lisa McElhinny
Maud-Alison Long Bob and Linda Edwards Sandor and Terri Szombathy Mr. and Mrs. Charles McNamee
Pepper Walker Kevin and Jennifer Embree Charles and Cynthia Tillinghast Hal and Sharon McNee
Jim and Sandy Figge Dr. Lucy Tompkins and John Milner
Timothy and Tracy Flaherty Dr. Stanley Falkow Carmen and Jim Moore
Michael Flinn Barry and Marjorie Traub Ed and Carmen Northen
Peter and Ginny Foreman Valley Paving/Lakeside Industries Ryan Ose and Andrea Perrin Ose
Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B. Fuller Willy and Mary Vanbragt Thomas and Mary Rees/Rees Family Fund
Robert and Betsy Reniers Wendy S. Goffe Crispin and Mary Thiessen Edward and Nancy Clement
Robert and Beth Rohe Rita and George Golleher Ted and Penny Thomas David and Courtney Cline
Roger and Kathy Sanger Charlie and Linda Goodyear William and Diane Tingue Penelope and Harold Coe
Russell Satake and Anita Lusebrink Larry and Diedre Gordon Michael and Marlene Tom Kenneth and Pamela Collins
Natalie Shuttleworth Gordon and Sally Granston Lois Ukropina Mr. and Mrs. Drury W. Cooper III
Greg and Hanna Skjonsby Fred Gray and Linda Parker Robert and Mary Van Fossan Elizabeth Copley
Stephen and Lee Ann Snyder Ed Grubb Felisa Vanoff Bill Corlett and Faus Geiger-Corlett
Dick Springs Linda Hackett Wick and Liz Warrick Cindy Ward and Clients/
Starbucks “Make Your Mark” Beatrice Ott Haemmerle Kenneth and Lynne Weakley Cornerstone Realty
Volunteer Program Hailey Park Foundate Webb Landscape, Inc. Bob and Wendy Crosby
Jen Steele and Jon Hoekstra Alice and Tom Hennessey Jaci Wilkins, Wood River Women’s Steve Crosser
Mike Stevens and Liz Mitchell Spencer Hosie and Diane Rice Charitable Foundation Member’s Donald C. Dahlgren
Bob and Carol Stevens George and Leslie Hume Fund in the Idaho Community Ted and Crystal
Todd and Georgia Stewart Illinois Tool Works Foundation Foundation Paul Dalzell
Carl and Frann Stremmel Jim and Wendy Jaquet Wood River Resource Conservation Elaine Daniel
Bill and Ginny Swigert Sandy Johnston & Development Anonymous
Dave Theobald Jim and Mary Jones Wood River Insurance Richard L. Davie
Parry Thomas Trent and Cecile Jones Richard J. and Esther E. Wooley Trust Peggy Dean
Chris Thompson John and Diane Kahm Dave Dederer
Jeffrey and Julia Ward Mattie Kling, Wood River Women’s $100 - $249 Ross Dinkelspiel
Liz Warrick Charitable Foundation Member’s Fund Anonymous (2) Jonathan and Susan Dolgen
Macauley Whiting in the Idaho Community Foundation Jon Anderson Jim and Jamie Dutcher
Jared R. Williams Bliss Knowles Richard and Barbara Angle Kirk and Pam Ebertz
Gordon M. Younger John and Andrea Laporte Bruce Augustus Kurt and Kelly Eggers
Bob and Patience Ziebarth Robert and Deborah Law Dan and Annelle Ballbach Laird and Joy Erman
Jan Lowen Bank of America Matching Siouxze Essence
$250-$499 Caroline Macomber Gift Program Bill and Helen Evans
Anonymous Robert and Jan Main George and Julee Barber Gregg and Janet Falcone
Mark and Barb Acker Jon and Margie Masterson Bill and Betty Barnes Steve and Norma Farmer
Graham and Christie Anderson Marie and Edward Matthews John and Janet Barton Pamela Feld
Kirk and Hillary Anderson Chris and Penny Mazzola Roy and Marjorie Bathum Richard Fenton, Jr.
Lynn and Claire Bailey Cynthia Miley/Wood River Women’s John Beaupre Fred M. Filoon
Bill and Sara Barrett Charitable Foundation Member’s Fund Peter and Ruby Becker John and Daralene Finnell
Victor Bernstein and Gail Landis in the Idaho Community Foundation Jim and Peggy Berman Jack and Suzie Finney
Blaine Co. Soil Conservation District Dr. Robert Mitchell Robert and Joan Bernhard Ed Forman and Jan Swanberg
Hugh Blue Marion Monsen John and Kay Besteman Janis Fulton
Doug and Gail Boettger Mark and Patsy Nickum William Beye Brian and Julie Gallagher
Elizabeth and Frank Breen Mike and Jane Nicolais Thomas and Lorna Bigsby Julian and Jo Ann Ganz
Jefferson and Michelle Bruner Oliphant Family Donor Advised Fund at James and Jean Biondi Stephen Gerrish
Malcolm and Teresa Campbell the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation Gary and Heather Black Robert and Deborah Gilbert
City of Bellevue Pete and Barrie O’Neill Jacob and Ruth Bloom David Giles
City of Hailey John Orb Jack and Sarah Blumenstein Cherry Gillespie
City of Sun Valley Alex and Suzanne Orb Lisa and Paul Bodor Ed and Penny Glassmeyer
Lisa Cortese David and Lindsay Ormsby Bill Boeger and Lisa Stelck Bill and Mary Jane Godejohn
Polly Cronin Steve and Marylyn Pauley Patricia Bolding Linda Goodman
Joe Crosson W. Jeffers Pickard Mr. and Mrs. Greg Brakovich Molly! Goodyear and Mike Wolter
Dan and Sandy Dahl Jack Powell David Bray Jim and Mary Goodyear
Thomas Dawson and Jerre Tom and Michelle Praggastis Marvin and Alice Brown Dan and Sara Gorham
Coyne-Dawson Duane Reed and Suzanne Strom-Reed David F. Brown Charles and Elaine Gould
Tom and Candace Dee Bill and Joanne Reynolds Amy Browning Baird and Michelle Gourlay
Steve and Mary Kim Deffe’ Nils Ribi and Patti Brolin-Ribi Barry and Sylvia Bunshoft Maureen Groper
Lyman and Debra Drake Richard K. Robbins Bill Bunting Bob and Beth Gunton
Bob and Ken Dreyer Lee D. Rowe, MD Robert and Jeannine Burns Douglas and Lorelli Hackler
Chris and Holley duPont Michael and Laura Shannon Vern and Connie Buwalda Thomas F. Haensly
Steve Durels John and Nancy Shepherd Bill and Eltiena Campbell Charles Hall
Andy and Stephanie Evans Linda Sisson Elliot and Elaine Caplow Dennis and Pat Hanggi
Kenneth A. Fox Mark and Debby Slonim Page Chapman III Paul Hansen
Anthony and Carol Frank Chuck and Barbara Snow Joe Chlebowski Scott Hanson
Mack and Ann Gasaway Doug and Beth Stagg Ann and Doug Christensen/Christensen Jeffrey Hanson
Dan Gilmore Michael and Lynne Sweeney Family Foundation Ellen Harris

Craig and Carol Hartman Sue Petersen Henry and Valerie Warden Dale and Jeanne Ewersen
Ronald and Sylvia Hartman Kristy Pigeon Liza and Parker Weekes Frank and Claudia Fiaschetti
Joseph Haviv and Wendy Moss-Haviv Priscilla Pittiglio Myron A. Weiss and Victoria Hunt Sarah Finely
Mike and Francie Hawkey Arthur and Paulette Posch Catherine Willard Renoir Lee Finizio
Tom and Roberta Heinrich Hope Hughes-Pressman Jared and Cheryl Williams Julie Firestone
Tom Henderson Nick and Sharon Purdy Scott and Shirley Wilson Joan B. Firman
John and Geri Herbert Phyllis Quinn Jeremy Wintersteen Ann Francis
Wayne Herman Leigh and Louise Rabel Richard and Rebecca Worst Woody and Margery Friedlander
Alex Higgins Patricia Radeke Bud Yorkin Ann Fuller
John Hill Greg Rawlings Peter and Cheryl Ziegler Ralph Fullerton and Myra Friedman
Harvey and Margaret Hinman Rawlings Family Dennis and Gail Galanter
Gary and Sally Hirst Steve and Karen Reid Under $100 D. K. and Louise Gallagher
Jeff and Virginia Holloway Peggy Richards Anonymous Joe and Gail Gallagher
J.K. and D.L. Holman Tom and Linda Richmond John Ackerman James Geier
Carolyn Housman Lyle and Mary Ann Rivera Thomas and Jane Acomb Susan Giannettino
Jeri Howland and Jerry Edelbrock Buffalo and Katherin Rixon Milt Adam Mike and Ann Giese
Susanne F. Hubbach Richard and Nancy Robbins Dan and Susan Alban Glenna Glover
Klaus and Ginetta Huschke Donn and Patricia Roberts Peter and Kristin Anderson Kathryn Goldman and Carl Evenson
Stan Joseph Brent and Beverly Robinson Kim Anderson Kathy Grotto
Eileen and Bob Judell Robert Romano Joe and Ann Armstrong Martha M. Hale
Richard Katz Family Foundation Pete Rothschild Bill and Marty Arvey Pam Hammond
Cindy and Bob Kesting/River Run Realty Patricia G. Rothwell Ken and Susana Ashcom Gordon and Elaine Harfst
Dick Kolbrener Penfield Stroh and Arne Ryason Alvis and Nancy Auseklis Ginger Harmon
Robert and Susie Kopf Calame and Dianne Sammons Larry Barnes David and Judy Harrison
Lex and Celia Kunau Lyle and Gloriana Saylor Nyle and Galen Barnes David and Barbara Hart
Diana Landis Norman and Lisa Schlachter Daniel and Mariann Begovich John and Margund Haskell
Latimer Family James and Julie Schultz Barbara Behling Craig and Donna Hintze
Rebecca Lee Peter Segal Carl and Gloria Bianchi Polly and Bob Holland
John and Carol Lowe Timothy Semones and Susan Desko Mr. and Mrs. Gene Biedebach David and Toni Holmes
Elise G.B. Lufkin Irwin and Ann Sentilles Carol Blackburn Karen Mott and Laura Hubbard
Elise B. Lufkin James and Natalie Service Donald and Gay Boecker Denise Jackson Ford
Tom and Annalee Luhman George Shapiro Rudy and Susan Boesch Mary Ann Jenkins
Robert Lynch Sandy Shaw JoAnn Boswell Page and Maureen Jenner
David Mackenzie and Patricia Garrett David and Nancy Sheffner Dick and Bobbie Boyer Martha L. Jennings
Edward and Mikel Magee Gary Slette Kenneth and Leisa Brait Lia Johnson
Jim and Kay Marron Jill Smiekel-George Broschofsky Galleries Thaddeus and Virginia Johnson
Mike and Anita McCann Don Smith Alan and Barbara Bruffey Bernie and Michele Johnson
Murray and Mary Sue McClain Richard and Judy Smooke Martha Burke Bob Jonas
Arthur McIntosh III David and Barbara Speer Steve Butler Anne Kalik
Rich McIntyre and Karen Greene Jeffrey Steinberg and Sherry David Caldwell John and Jean Kearney
Walt and Sandy McKew Warner-Steinberg Paula Caputo Steve and Becki Keefer
Jim and Willa McLaughlin Clint and Michelle Stennett Tim and Calista Carter Michael and Naomi Kennedy
Doug and Thelma McTavish Brett Stevenson Maurice and Elaine Charlat Patrick and Cheryl Kennedy
Jerry and Sheila Mells Nancy A. Streeter John Charney James and Linda Kennedy
Bob and Betty Meltzer Sun Valley Long Term Holdings Sherri Chessen Kim Kerr
Joe Miczulski and Angie Raybom Eddy and Anna Svidgal David and Lyn Christensen Heather Kimmel
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mildren, Jr. Peter Taylor Don and Marty Coats Kintera Charity Gift Program
Charles and Jeannette Miller Doug and Ann Taylor David and Mary Jane Conger David Knutson
Steve and Jane Mitchell Martial Thirsk Jean Cooper Debra Kronenberg
Sally and Jack Morbeck Nancy Thomas Jerry Costacos Archie Levitan
Gerry Morrison and Julie Weston Conrad and Jeremy Thomas Jeff Coupe Ray and Sheila Liermann
Marr and Nancy Mullen William and Reva Tooley Roger Crist Beatrice Longley
Roy and Judith Murdock William B. Travers Jim and Kristine Curran Robert Lonning and Elizabeth Jeffrey
Richard and Carol Nelson William and Joanne Travers Melanie Dahl Kate Lopez
William E. and Adrian Norris Richard and Pamela Tucker Arthur and Barbara Dahl Tony and Jean Mabbatt
Bixie and Bill O’Connell Scott and Sue Ulbrich Robert and Claire Dana Paul and Jan MacGregor
William and Priscilla Panzer Gary and Linda Vinagre Joan Danzinger Jack MacPherson
Flat Top Sheep Company/John Karl and Diana Wadsack Tanner and Jill Davis John and Carol Matkins
& Diane Peavey Dr. and Mrs. Max Walker Rick, Anne, and Chelsea Dressell Ron and Joan Mendelsohn
Keith and Paula Perry Suzanne Walsh Scott and Barbara Earle C. M. Merz

Edith Middleton Mark and Roxanna Parker Michael and Julianne roos Talent Focused Consulting/Will Northrup
Helen Miller Michael and Lyndell Paul Jack and Miriam Rose William and Patricia Targett
Bob and Melinda Mobley Jim Payne and Carol Goodridge Bob and Kate Rosso Sergio and Denise Tavares
John and Nancy Mohr Richard Peay Jonathan and Karen Roth Maria Terrazas
Jennifer Montgomery Karen Pederson John Scherer Denis and Pam Thomas
John Morbeck James Perkins Maggie and Brian Schilling Bruce Tidwell and Char Roth
Leslie, David and Riley Mummert Charles Pomeroy and Jude Hawkes Len and Phyllis Schlessinger Frank Tornello
Janet Kellam and Andy Munter William Pryor Roy and Thelma Schwarz Robert E. Vestal
David and Sharron Murray Sara Ratekin Larry and Nancy Shipley Robert and Susan Vosskuhler
Craig and Katherine Nalen Don and Barbara Rau Charles and Barbara Smith Tommy and Judith Wells
Francis and Ruthe Norton Karen Reinheimer D. William and Annette Smith Bob and Dee Wilkins
John and Elaine O’Connor Elwood and Helen Rich Allen and Barbara Spafford Nancy Winton
Jerry and Rebecca Olson Theresa Richards Curt Spalding Charles Wood
The Organizers David and Kathy Richmond Craig Spiller Kathy Wygle
Nancy and James Osborn Alain and Karla Rinckwald Mark and Margaret Stewart Michelle Zimmerman
Janet and Harold Oyen Ronald F. Robbins Tricia Swartling
John and Elizabeth Parish Scott and Kelly Robbins John Sweek and Bege Reynolds
Nick Parish and Sandra Bowman Vern and Cheryl Rollin John and Genie Swyers

We facilitate the reuse or recycling of homes,

building materials, and larger household items.
Proceeds from the sale of materials are
dedicated to Wood River Land Trust’s
preservation of natural areas and healthy
waters throughout the Wood River Valley.
(208) 788-0014
“Prairie Smoke” flowers
bloom in spring and then
turn “smoky” in summer

Board of Directors WRLT Staff Advisory Committee

Clark Gerhardt, President Scott Boettger David Anderson
Ed Cutter, Vice President Executive Director Peter Becker
Ranney Draper
Jack Kueneman, Treasurer Morgan Buckert
Rebekah Helzel
Robin Garwood, Secretary Membership Assistant
Dave Parrish
Jerry Bashaw Melanie Dahl Larry Schoen
William Burnham Executive Assistant John Seiller
John Flattery Kate Giese Bruce Tidwell
Trent Jones Director of Conservation
Heather King This newsletter is published by:
Kathryn Goldman
Patricia Klahr Project Coordinator Wood River Land Trust
Bill Lehman
Diane Kahm 119 East Bullion Street
Liz Mitchell Development Assistant Hailey, Idaho 83333
John Fell Stevenson 208-788-3947 (telephone)
Heather Kimmel
Steve Strandberg Program & Membership
208-788-5991 (fax)
Joan Swift Coordinator
Tom Swift
Robyn Watson Tax ID# 82-0474191
Chris Thompson Major Gifts Officer
Barbara Thrasher
Nathan Welch
Doris Tunney Planning Coordinator
Liz Warrick


119 East Bullion Street

Hailey, Idaho 83333


Printed on recycled paper

SUMMER 2007 Acres Permanently Protected With Your Support: 6,090

Trout Friendly Lawns
Protect Our Water
and Fish
...Page 1

Taking Recycling to
the Next Level
...Page 4

Caddis Capers
in June!
...Page 6
Don’t miss our
summer 2007 events!
see inside for details

“Walk in the Park” by Joshua Wells,

2nd Place Photography winner, 2007
Heart of the Valley Contest

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