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Spouses Juan Chuy Tan and Mary Tan v. China Bankdocx

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Spouses Juan Chuy Tan and Mary Tan v.

China Banking Corporation

G.R. No. 200299 August 17, 2016

Lorenze Realty and Development Corporation is a domestic corporation engaged in real estate
business. On several occasions in 1997, Lorenze Realty obtained from China Bank various amounts of
loans and credit accommodations. It was expressly stipulated in the Promissory Notes that Lorenze
Realty agreed to pay the additional amount of 1/10 of 1% per day of the total amount of obligation
due as penalty to be computed from the day default was incurred up to the time that the loan
obligations are fully paid. Lorenze Realty also undertook to pay an additional 10% of the total amount
due including interests, surcharges and penalties as attorney’s fees. As security for the said
obligations, Lorenze Realty executed real estate mortgages over 11 parcels of land. Subsequently,
Lorenze Realty incurred in default in the payment of its amortization prompting China Bank to cause
the extrajudicial foreclosure of the mortgage constituted on the securities after Lorenze Realty failed
to heed to the demand to settle the obligation. China Bank emerged as the highest bidder at the public
auction, evidenced by a certificate of sale. As shown by the Statement of Account, the indebtedness
of Lorenze Realty already reached the amount of P114,258,179.81 inclusive of the principal, interest,
penalties, registration expenses, filing fee, publication fee, sheriff’s fee, and posting fee. After
deducting the total amount of loan obligation the proceeds of the public sale, there remained a
balance in the amount of P29,258,179.81. China Bank then demanded Lorenze Realty for payment of
the remaining loan but such demand just went to naught. China Bank initiated an action for the
collection of sum of money against Lorenze Realty and its officers, including spouses Juan Chuy Tan
and Mary Tan now substituted by their heirs in this action. While conceding that they have voluntarily
signed the promissory notes, defendants in the action disclaimed liability by alleging that the surety
agreements did not express the true intention of the parties. The officers of Lorenze Realty claimed
that they just signed the surety contracts without reading the fine terms as they were made to believe
by the bank manager that the collaterals they offered to obtain the loans were already sufficient to
cover the entire obligation should they incur in default. They averred that the penalty in the amount
of 1/10 of 1% per day of the total amount due is usurious and shocking to the conscience and should
be nullified. They also prayed that the RTC declare the obligation fully settled on account of the sale
of securities. The RTC found for China Bank and declared defendants jointly and severally liable for the
amount of the deficiency judgment. The CA affirmed with modification the judgment of the RTC by
reducing the rate of the penalty surcharge.

Whether Lorenze Realty’s obligation is fully settled when the real properties constituted as securities
for the loan were sold at the public auction for P85,000,000.00?

No. Obligations are extinguished, among others, by payment or performance. Under Article 1232 of
the Civil Code, payment means not only the delivery of money but also the performance, in any other
manner, of an obligation. Article 1233 of the Civil Code states that a debt shall not be understood to
have been paid unless the thing or service in which the obligation consists has been completely
delivered or rendered, as the case may be. In contracts of loan, the 54 debtor is expected to deliver
the sum of money due the creditor. These provisions must be read in relation with other rules on
payment under the Civil Code, such as the application of payment. Article 1252 provides that he who
has various debts of the same kind in favor of one and the same creditor may declare at the time of
making the payment, to which of them the same must be applied. Unless the parties so stipulate, or
when the application of payment is made by the party for whose benefit the term has been
constituted, application shall not be made as to debts which are not yet due. If the debtor accepts
from the creditor a receipt in which an application of the payment is made, the former cannot
complain of the same, unless there is a cause for invalidating the contract. In Premiere Development
Bank v. Central Surety & Insurance Company Inc., the Court held that the right of the debtor to apply
payment is merely directory in nature and must be promptly exercised, lest, such right passes to the
creditor. It is noteworthy that after the sale of the foreclosed properties at the public auction, Lorenze
Realty failed to manifest its preference as to which among the obligations that were all due the
proceeds of the sale should be applied. Its silence can be construed as acquiescence to China Bank’s
application of the payment first to the interest and penalties and the remainder to the principal which
is sanctioned by Article 1253 of the Civil Code, which provides that if the debt produces interest,
payment of the principal shall not be deemed to have been made until the interests have been

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