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Linear Circuit Analysis Lab Page 1

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Linear Circuit Analysis Lab Page 1


Parallel and Combinational Circuit.

TITLE : Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL).

: 16th April 2015


INSTRUCTOR : Muneeb Abrar

: Umair Altaf, Sheharyar Ahmed, Hamza Iqbal Shiekh


Task 1: Parallel Circuits

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The objective of this experiment is to analyze simple resistive circuits in DC. The
circuits considered here are: resistors in parallel, resistors in Combinational. This
experiment will allow the experimental verification of the theoretical analysis.

Ohm’s law:
The voltage V (in volts, V) across a resistor is directly proportional to the current I
(in amperes, A) flowing through it. The constant of proportionality is the resistance
R (in ohms).

Resistors in parallel:
An example of resistors connected in parallel is shown in figure3.2.
 The voltage across N elements in parallel is the same for all of them.

 The current through the ith element is Ii=Vi/Ri.The sum of the currents
through each element is equal to the current provided to the entire parallel

 The reciprocal of the equivalent resistance of the parallel combination is the

sum of the reciprocal of the individual resistances.

Current divider rule (CDR):

In electronics, a current divider is a simple linear circuit that produces an
output current (IX) that is a fraction of its input current (IT). Current division refers
to the splitting of current between the branches of the divider. The currents in the

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various branches of such a circuit will always divide in such a way as to minimize the
total energy expended.

Figure: 3-1
Calculate the percentage error between the measured and theoretical data and
complete all the entries in Tables 3-1. The percentage error is given by:

Where dth and dm are the theoretical and measured data respectively.

Circuit Diagram:

Observations and Calculations:

Parameters R1 R2 R3 Req. VS IR1 IR2 IR3 IS or IT

Units KΩ Volts mA

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Theoretical 3 0.33 0.22 0.13 5 4.99 15.15 22.72 42.88

Experimental 2.99 0.32 0.21 0.12 5 5.11 15.4 23.24 39.93
Error % 0.33 3.12 4.76 8.33 0 -2.34 -1.62 -2.23 7.38

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Task 2: Combinational Circuits

With series and parallel circuit configurations, we have specific sets of rules
describing voltage, current, and resistance relationships.

Series Circuits:

 Voltage drops add to equal total voltage.

 All components share the same (equal) current.
 Resistances add to equal total resistance.

Parallel Circuits:

 All components share the same (equal) voltage.

 Branch currents add to equal total current.
 Resistances diminish to equal total resistance.
However, if circuit components are series-connected in some parts and parallel in
others, we won't be able to apply a single set of rules to every part of that circuit.
Instead, we will have to identify which parts of that circuit are series and which
parts are parallel, and then selectively apply series and parallel rules as necessary to
determine what is happening. Find the total resistance of the circuit given below in
figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3

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Figure: 3-4

This circuit is neither simple series nor simple parallel. Rather, it contains elements
of both. Because the circuit is a combination of both series and parallel, we cannot
apply the rules for voltage, current, and resistance to begin analysis like we could
when the circuits were one way or the other.

If we are able to identify which parts of the circuit are series and which parts are
parallel, we can analyze it in stages, approaching each part one at a time, using the
appropriate rules to determine the relationships of voltage, current, and resistance.

Observations and Calculations:

Serial Parameters Units Theoretical Experimental %Error

No. value value
1. R1 KΩ 1 1 0
2. R2 Ω 560 560 0
3. R3 Ω 330 330 0
4. R4 Ω 220 220 0
5. REQ Ω 490 491 -0.2
6. Vab V 3.65 3.66 -0.2
7. Vbc V 1.34 1.36 -1.4
8. IR1 mA 3.66 3.73 -1.9
9. IR2 mA 6.53 6.8 -4.13
10. IR3 mA 4.12 4.15 -0.72
11. IR4 mA 6.18 6.28 -1.62
12. IS mA 10.34 10.43 0.86

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Task 3: Kirchhoff’s Current Law


Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) states that the sum of the currents entering into any
node/point/junction is equal to the sum of the currents leaving that
node/point/junction. In the figure 3-5, if KCL is applied then the equation is

IT = I1+I2+I3 or IT-I1-I2-I3=0

Observations and Calculations:

Vin I1(mA) I2(mA) I3(mA) IT=I1+I2+I3

(V) Theoretical Practical Theoretical Practical Theoretical Practical Theoretical Practical
1 5V 4.99 5.11 15.15 15.4 22.72 23.24 42.878 39.33
2 8V 8 8.03 24.24 24.93 36.36 36.90 68 69.86
3 10V 10 10.12 30.30 31.01 45.45 45.78 85.75 86.91

In this experiment we verify that the voltage drop across each resistance N resistors
connected in parallel combination is same.
The current in each resistance is different depending upon its resistance.
By Kirchhoff’s current law we verified that the sum of current in each resistance is equal to
the current in series circuit.

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