Cattle Drive Narrative Project
Cattle Drive Narrative Project
Cattle Drive Narrative Project
Introduction – Introduce your character and the situation. Describe the setting, the goal of
your journey, and the beginning of your story.
Three challenges – Describe some of the challenges you face in detail. Each of these
challenges should take up at least a paragraph of information and descriptions.
Conclusion – Describe the end of your journey and what you learned from it.
Information to include
All of the information below should be incorporated into your narrative:
Where your cattle drive began and ended
Why cattle drives were necessary
The year during which you are going on the cattle drive
At least three challenges you faced on cattle drive
Details about cowboy life on the frontier
On Tuesday, January 30th and Wednesday, January 31st, you will create an outline and write a hand-
written rough draft of the narrative. These will be due at the end of class on Wednesday,
January 31.
On Thursday, February 1st, one of your peers will help you edit your paper and give you suggestions
on how to improve it. You will begin working on your final draft on that day.
On Friday, February 2nd, you will create your final draft in class. The final draft will be due on
Wednesday, February 7th.
Be creative! It’s okay to write something weird, different, strange, odd, funny, goofy, scary,
action-packed, or even all of those things!
Use your senses to write. How do you think things would feel, taste, sound, smell, and
look on a cattle drive?
Read your rough draft out loud to someone before writing your final draft. You will be
surprised what you hear when you do this. You will notice all sorts of little things you can
________ Pre-write (20 points)
Did you create an outline for your narrative? Did your rough draft basically follow the outline?
I. Introduction
A. Who are you? Describe yourself (physical appearance, personal history, etc.)
C. Where were you going, and how did you plan to get there?
V. Conclusion