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Life Lessons

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How to be alive in 21st century (Shiva)

One can be alive in 2 ways


Wag abound lifestyle without knowledge


One has to read since childhood without taking a break

Reading comics and continuing in teenage with hardy boys should be the time pass

Always associate with books books and books

Never watch anything or convert all the knowledge into writing

Read political books only after attaining 30 years plus

Till then spend time in management books after completing MBA

Philosophy books should be read in teenage to gain insight into how would you manage political lifespan

If at all you don’t read books or study books since childhood and take up books mid-way you would lose
your aura to death as it isn't gradual growth but abnormal study of wealth of knowledge

Those who are wise take it up since childhood and groom up aura based upon age and read according to
age limits of reading books to their advantage

Taking reading according to age and grooming up by parents through facilitation of books through them
without disturbing their reading and facilitating growth of reading and money management techniques
life span of humans can be increased
Suppose your parents didn’t allowed or gave you insight into books as source of inspiration to live by
expanding the books zone of operation beyond genres with coming of age then try this life style to live
longer life span

Once you disassociate with books you can never return back as you would make a mess in reading
abnormal books in your life span based upon age thinking it to be wise whereas insight of knowledge of
books is gradual growth of aura spread over a number of decades of hard and smart work

If this aura is disturbed death can happen as excess knowledge of insight into life can lead to hatred
towards life as your friends would discard knowledge and you being unwise to take it during childhood
would frame unnecessary junkyard knowledge because of lack of gradual growth making mess and leave
the body out of hatred towards mankind as has been seen and written by many seers including books
written by Sadh guru have highlighted it without fear

Waga bound lifestyle

These people to be alive need huge amount of cash to survive

Normally vihari type of nomads

They get vexed up of a place and like to shift from one place to another so that they dont lose life

Foreign travel that’s why become part and parcel of their activity

Books they take up but spiritualism to be associated with those institutions which are global in origin

They are scared to be left alone and need company to keep them intact

They should marry otherwise they have no purpose as travelling partners they look out for

They have limited desires but very huge desire, desire to live in them is much more ferocious in their
nature as their chances of survival as per their perception is limited in jurisdiction

They talk and keep it secretive life style so that people don’t manipulate them to their advantage so that
through hurt and insult they may lose their life is their belief
Group travelling, they prefer to maximum extent as they expect life expectancy to be more but are
scared of attachment through which they extend their lifespan would be known to the group and may
take advantage of their weakness so they travel by speaking less and limited interaction

They keep philosophy and philosophical books to talk about which is lighter and widely popular authors
names they keep in their minds so that they are not insulted when they are approached for advice

Thought of the day

If you are wise groom up knowledge otherwise look for vihari if you are unstable mindset


Do animals possess third eye (INDIAN SPIRITUALISM RESEARCH PAPER)

I am reading mystic third eye of Sadh guru where he talks about cobra biting him on his body

As I stated early birds, animals know what human beings talk to each other

They just don’t respond to their talk as they used to do early

Sadh guru created Dhyana Iinga and lingam is associated with pashupati

Does Dhyana Inga opens third eye in both human beings and animals

Many animals gained insight and behaved as if they understood the meaning of my existence

Existence of pashupati being they're but this knowledge is not seen wide spread else

They know something which I or humans haven't gauged through their insight

Something in nature is getting destroyed by humans

Is it trees which is food and shelter for animals

I can only guess because pigeons haven't told me about it but was excited about Tirupati because it has
lots of trees

Third eye if is opened in animals what happens through Dhyana lingas

I raised it to see whether future researchers take it up and see from their view point

I am not a scientist but through observation has predicted that something has eaten away braincells
tension of animals in and around outskirts of Hyderabad

Thought of the day

Animals third eye opening is a boon or destruction of human beings


Does Shiva believe in warfare (INDIA)

21st century Shiva believes in books as gospel to look at history with viewpoint of self

Warfare according to books was taken up to manage finance and wellbeing of citizens welfare not to get
them back to poverty or famine

So, warfare which generates hatred and destroys mankind by creating famine and deaths is always
discarded by Shiva as human life whatever it is is god's gift to live fully

Even then diseases plague humans and destroy their complete life span through diabetes or cancer

Solution for these is always asked for because to evolve further and gain further knowledge to be an
asset to public should be the goal of human beings

Shiva if uses commonsense can't decide which human being is an asset and which is drawback but if
applied right principles of nature anyone can become asset at any given point of time so why die
unnecessarily and destroy mankind

In life what Shiva understood is one mistake on the part of humans can destroy humanity from the face
of earth but one good thing to take place takes centuries to ingrain in the mind of humans

To do injustice towards others is easy but to do one good thing takes hours of practice
Warfare which destroys humanity and changes done from the past to keep all humans intact is the goal
of humans and also of Shiva for families to survive and have good education and value system instead of
tussling for spiritual growth tusslement for family welfare should be the goal of all good citizens

Warfare is not the solution for destroying over population but to manage families properly should be
the ideal goal which warfare of 21st century only destroys it but not constructs it

Family values family ethics family system of governance and family knowledge passed out from
generation to generation should be kept intact for citizens of countries to be wise

In the name plate of money or national patriotism of few many should not be destroyed because
families which want to settle in country of their choice would deport to that country which should be
facilitated instead of annexation

Read and follow books of your countries heritage and prosper along with others by understanding
sociology of country you belong to to be wise and knowledgeable to express gratitude towards olden
generation ideas and values and be part of prosperous decisions and be critic for your nations welfare

In coming decades to come

Thought of the day

Family tree is to be kept intact for futuristic growth of humans should be the accepted norm of


Never give tension Never take tension is philosophy of Shiva

Tension kabhi lena nahi tension kabhi dena nahi

Never teach timidity to students

I am about to get 1 lakh crores from government of India

Minimum 80,000 crores


Because I follow the above quotation of never giving tension to second party nor take tension from

I solve the problem if it is going out of your hands within 5 minutes

Trick of the trade is

If you possess knowledge it requires only 5 minutes to solve it whereas if you don’t possess knowledge
even a decade you would not be able to solve it because commitment to knowledge is every day
perseverance and dedication

If it is seen in student you can solve the problems without giving tension to the opposite party within 5
minutes else forget it that you ever had knowledge to negotiate, you would only make a mess and die
without a fight and famine would struck the family and lineage everything disappears without notice

Thought of the day

Every action in this world is recorded, draft your biography bravely and stick to ethics and fight for
ethics till you are alive


What rewards you pay to others you are eligible for the same (Shiva)

Jaisi karni waisi Bharani

There was a beautiful case finance minister of India gave a beautiful answer, it was so beautiful that
governance became easy for prime minister and from that day finance minister became consultant to

Alas he couldn’t become rich


He pays less to citizens and sometimes never pays to citizens which is their due for fear of having too
many people eligible for asking

So he got ashamed to ask money even though he was responsible for the smooth functioning of the

He used to get 50000 rs per month for which he was due 50 lakhs per month

Prime minister said only one thing

If you had paid your due respect and respected the consultation as genuine of public as real and been
brave to pay you wouldn’t have suffered the fate you are suffering even though you have child who has
cancer under her belt

Finance minister said

I am losing my child and cant cater to her just because even though I am public servant to citizens , I
treated them like slaves instead of children who needed guidance from me , now feeling ashamed I have
to forego my child

If I treated my citizens as children and taken care of them during recession and paid them due credit for
what they had contributed, instead of me looking at my child, child would have felt obliged to take care
of me

Kanjoos makheechoos who main, aur bhugta bhi waise hi, ghar main na anaz hain na khane ke liye na

Prime minister said sorry and left , next breed would be wise to pay due respects for their contribution
Thought of the day

Jaisi karni waisi Bharani


Why a person should do a job in INDIA and have family support (SHIVA)

Without doing a job a person can't spend money in the society because it is recurring income which he
has to earn to be safe from society poverty

If at all he earns more money he should have a family to spend otherwise huge money accumulation
brings friends into picture

Elders require minimum 40 lakh or insurance of 5 lakhs during old age and having no job or depending
upon father's pension would lead only to having no house in bargain for which father spent his lifetime
under job when they have to extend their lifespan beyond hospital charges

Rules of governance change every year and having economic man under the family head gives courage
for family members and especially to wife that expenditure of house is spended in accordance with rules
designed by existing government and any changes is intimated to them through company

In foreign job is compulsory for protection from sociology or society behavior patterns to gauge within
their own neighborhood so that family doesn’t go into turmoil and remain within law permits of
protection from law enforcers

A person who earns if has family can live peacefully and be in job because money is spent on children's
welfare and he has information from society books which he implements because family gives him
opportunity to spend money on them to continue earning and be wise and knowledgeable so that
children get better half's than what they were capable off if they lose finance without father being

Thought of the day

Bachelors don’t know how much is enough only family setup people can gauge through

Why warfare is not compulsory in INDIAN context

I have heard many times that warfare become compulsory arsenal once they increase the wealth to a
proportion beyond their capability to manage

I got a doubt how is it possible

When I used economics principle

I came to realize because USA doesn’t write it off as bad debts or debts written off against citizens they
wage wars to divert the attention to other countries amassing wealth

They must have taken wealth from the public to wage wars as their economy is hegemony and without
support coming out of citizens they don’t wage wars

They called it Keynes theory also which I need to verify

So for comfort zone let's take India which I am comfortable and leave aside USA issue

Suppose India is stuck up with too much money coming from railways and there are not enough
economic men to share wealth and sharing wealth in the form of pensions is lesser than retired
economic men , the only alternative seen by honorable prime minister narendra damodar modi sir is to
wage war with china or Pakistan to smash out the wealth and distribute the wealth evenly after war and
to do economic miracle to get it back on track

Will china and Pakistan be stupid as Indians if such scenario arises?

Interest rates in India will fall down because there is too much of inflow of cash in the financial market,
because there is too much of cash interest rates if are high would further on increase the capital flow
making utilities which are rare much more costly
The only alternative which is seen by me is to increase the interest rates and keep it within the range
accepted by retirees is to reduce the capital which is in the pass books of public

In order to do that and not asking donations from the public to reduce their pass books amount for
national war which is never compulsory but is being waged to keep the economy safe from collapsing

Such stupid regime also exists and is seen by me


To reduce the capital flow of public in their pass books they have to do certain activities by which money
is distributed evenly to all people else to be written off in such manner that it should affect the pass
books without resentment from the pass book holders

One solution is creation of recreation and transfer of money into the hands of service industry

By which money in the pass book decreases drastically and money is distributed to contributors of

Recreation hubs reduce wealth of pass book holders, gives them satisfaction of earnings being used for
the welfare of their tiresome energy renewal in the form of cultural programs and activities facilitated
by the state to remove wealth diplomatically so that interest rates remain intact

Wealth distributing to new creation of pass books

How to reduce pass book money which is in the hands of bank customer holders

Money returning back to government

If there are ways by which government takes back the money from the pass book holders other than
voluntary distribution of wealth in the name plate of warfare this problem of over dependence on
principal amount decreasing interest rates can be sorted out

Direct taxation

Property tax

Wealth tax

Indirect tax

Taxation going into governments account and getting removed through written off is the only solution
till now I could think off

The motto is how can government get back the money which it distributed to the public through banks
and how through banks pass books government gets back the money is the key to remove wars which
are made to look mandatory in the eyes of public as if there is no solution to it making interest rates fall

As if interest rates can't be brought up, it can be done if pass book holders and money in circulation is
curtailed back into the account of government

Thought of the day

Think on these lines and give solution to government and save your lives from famine


Why didn’t prime minister and Sonia Gandhi didn’t die when they initiated war against other nation

As everybody knows honorable prime minister narendra damodar modi wanted to initiate war against
other nations and was called as war monger by congress I leader digvijay singh

He didn’t die because there was no war enacted on mass scale

Army wasn’t defeated so he is alive

You readers also know that Sonia Gandhi was the leader of opposition party at the time war was being
discussed and gave her ascent as kshatriya leader of congress I to initiate war against opposition country
to see the strength of armed forces

She should have died veer gati but didn’t die as army didn’t lose battleship between nations

If the opposite party country wins the battle and takes over the Delhi before army can enact all Lok
Sabha members who initiated the move of war against country would die or be hanged to death as was
seen in world war I and world war ii

Commonsense is no warfare to be alive

But stupidity to die initiated a movement to die in the form of armed forces strength

Forces of the opposite party took warfare lightly so our chaeta's

Prime minister and Sonia Gandhi are alive to this date

Lok Sabha is chosen by only those politicians who don’t like to wage warfare against other nation or
intelligently have the knowledge to negotiate intelligently for warfare to be postponed

If they fail nation asks for their death and explanation

Which wasn’t seen in this case so Lok Sabha having initiated war were meant to die on behalf of public
as they are public representatives of nation who instead of showing commonsense have asked war to be


Whatever consequences would happen after the war would be born by them who are representing
public so they came prepared to die on behalf of nation and taken oath under constitution to do
enactment that their decisions are final and appropriate for nations welfare and die ruling the nation
This is how I interpret the constitution

Those who stay in power and those who initiate war against other nation have taken oath that incase
they lose the war they would die on the battlefield and work among themselves to win the war but
never to lose the war

Incase they lose the war public else opposition country would ask for explanation failing which they
would be electrocuted or hanged to death either by agitated public which had no role or opposition
country which doesn’t like to lose by keeping them alive

Thought of the day

Supreme court interpretation and public response (war or peace)


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