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Prediction of Early Age Shrinkage of Reinforced Cement Concrete

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Ashok Kattimani Ashwini Shanbhag
Assistant Professor, Thakur College of Assistant Professor, Thakur College of
Engineering and Technology, India Engineering and Technology, India

Abstract— Shrinkage is the time-dependant change resulting from removal of moisture called as
decrease in concrete volume compared with the shrinkage of cement base material is due to the change
in volume of unrestrained hydrated cement paste by
original placement volume of concrete. Shrinkage the removal of adsorbed water from the surface of gel
results from physical and chemical changes that pores. The durability of concrete structures will be
occur in the paste fraction of concrete. Shrinkage is negatively affected by cracks due to shrinkage of
conveniently expressed as a dimensionless strain. concrete. Shrinkage of concrete is the one of the most
This paper presents an experimental study on important is one of the most important limitations in
prediction of early age shrinkage of Normal the usage of concrete. Due to the low tensile strength
of concrete shrinkage loads to crack which may leads
strength concrete and self-compacting concrete.
to an acceleration of the deterioration process of
Experimental were carried out under a concrete? The stress produced by difference in
temperature of 300c and a Relative Humidity (RH) shrinkage among various parts of the structure are due
of 65%. Percentage of steel is 0.62%. Tests were to a change of structural system during construction
carried out on 3 self-compacting reinforced can cause deleterious cracking accompanied by
concrete (SCC) beams and 3 Normal reinforced degradation of structural stiffness. This may further
concrete beams. Comparisons are made between facilitate ingress of water and promote corrosion of
reinforcement which may cause spacing of concrete
different shrinkage prediction models (ACI-209R-
and ultimately the loss of serviceability of the
92 MODEL, B3 MODEL, GL2000 MODEL AND structure. Shrinkage is defined as the volumetric
CEB-FIP 1990 MODEL) and an experimental deformation that concrete undergoes when not
value up to 60 days. By using shrinkage values of subjected to load or restrained. The shrinkage
experimental and different shrinkage prediction characteristics of any structural material are
models we find out the shrinkage deflection of represented by its free shrinkage age by measuring
different codal provision (IS 456-2000, ACI CODE linear strains and specimen under constant ambient
temperature. Concrete is subjected to changes in
AND EUROCODE 2). Finally draw the graphs for volume either autogenously or induced. Volume
shrinkage deflection v/s days. From this graphs change is one of the most detrimental properties of
predict the shrinkage constant for different code . concrete, which affects the long-term strength and
Keywords: short term behavior, shrinkage durability. To the practical engineer, the aspect of
deflection, normal strength concrete beams, self- volume change in concrete is important from the point
compacting concrete beams of view that it causes unsightly cracks in concrete. We
have discussed elsewhere the effect of volume change
due to thermal properties of aggregate and concrete,
I. INTRODUCTION due to alkali/aggregate reaction, due to sulphate action
etc. Presently we shall discuss the volume change on
practice of designing for the effect of concrete
change is one of the often neglected items account of inherent properties of concrete “shrinkage”.
of today’s design practice. The importance of One of the most objectionable defects in concrete is
knowing the volume change effects in structural the presence of cracks, particularly in floors and
concrete members has been increased due to the recent pavements. One of the important factors that
technological advancement, architectural contribute to the cracks in floors and pavements is that
requirements, aesthetic appearance and requirement of due to shrinkage. It is difficult to make concrete which
slender cross sections for long and short span does not shrink and crack. It is only a question of
structural concrete structure etcetera. The volume magnitude. Now the question is how to reduce the
Prediction of early age shrinkage of reinforced cement concrete
shrinkage and shrinkage cracks in concrete structures. Crushed stone, passing 12.5mm IS sieve and retained
The term shrinkage is loosely used to describe the on 4.75mm sieve having specific gravity 2.5 and bulk
various aspects of volume changes in concrete due to density 1.401kg/lit.
loss of moisture at different stages due to different
(d) Fly Ash:
Fly ash obtained from Raichur thermal power station
II. LITERATURE SURVEY Karnataka India. The properties of fly ash confirmed
The lightweight synthetic particles increases free to IS: 3812-2003.
shrinkage decreases tensile strength, decreases elastic (e) Silica Fume:
modulus, and increases stress relaxation, these It consists primarily of amorphous (non-crystalline)
particles can be beneficial in reducing the stress that silicon dioxide (sio2). The individual particles are
develops when shrinkage is restrained. This can result extremely small, approximately 1/100th the size of an
in a delay or possible prevention of restrained average cement particle. Because its fine particles,
shrinkage cracking[1].Increasing the volume of
large surface area, and the high sio2 content, silica
ultrafine fly ash and decreasing the ratio of water-
cementitious materials resulted in further increase in fume is a very reactive pozzolan when used in
the age of restrained shrinkage cracking and a concrete. The quality silica fume is specified from
significant increase in the compressive strength[2]. The ASTMC 1240 and AASTHO M 307.
cracking pattern varies with the length of the elastic (f) Super-Plasticizer:
bar of an analytical model (i.e., the spacing between High range super plasticizing admixture is used for the
the two possible cracks), from which the minimum present mix design of brand Fosroc complast SP430.
and maximum crack spacing’s are obtained[3]. For a
foam concrete with 50% foam volume, the shrinkage (g) Viscosity Modifying Admixture:
was observed to be about 36% lower than that of a A premier ready-to-use, liquid, organic, viscosity-
base mix. Shrinkage increases greatly in the range of modifying admixture (VMA) of GLENIUM STREAM
low moisture content[4]. Natural pozzolan addition 2 is used.
affects concrete drying shrinkage and leads to a slower
strength development, which makes a longer curing B. Graphs obtained from analytical models
time necessary. The partial ordinary Portland cement
(OPC) replacement by natural pozzolan may be
considered beneficial under normal curing conditions
20-25°C, and high relative humidity[5]. The shrinkage
strain rate factors of the SFSCC (semi-flow able self-
consolidating concrete) mixes are significantly higher.
A clay addition further increases the strain rate
factor[6]. The properties of concrete which is partially
replaced by recycled concrete aggregate differ from
those of ordinary concrete, including considerable
increases in shrinkage. These increases correspond to
the high porosity and permeability of the RCA
(recycled concrete aggregate) [7].
A. Materials used for the present investigation
(a) Cement:
Ordinary Portland cement was used conforming to IS:
12269-1987. The cement used was under the brand Fig 1: Graphs obtained from analytical models
name BIRLA SUPER-53 grade from a single source
having specific gravity 3.15.
(b) Fine Aggregate:
Local sand was used in the present mix design. The
size of the sand used for present investigation was
passing through 4.75mm having specific gravity 2.61
and bulk density 1.361kg/lit.
(c) Course Aggregate:

The effect of shrinkage on reinforced cement

concrete plays a vital role in the properties like
strength. Thus we have to consider the effect of
shrinkage (cracks in floors and pavements) in
designing structural elements.
I. We can use different grade of cement like M40,
M50 with same experimental setup to study the
shrinkage behavior.
II. We can use other materials in spite of steels bars
like fibers or geo-polymers to study the shrinkage
III. By providing different exposure conditions like
water sprinkle method we can study shrinkage
Fig 2: Graphs obtained from experimental values behavior under different conditions
IV. We can add correction factor for the curves of
practical values to match it with the curves of
analytical models.
V. The observation of shrinkage strain values can be
continued to study the long term shrinkage behavior.

[1] Kyung-Joon Shin1; Brooks Bucher2; and
Jason Weiss, M.ACSE3 [MAY 2011] “Role of
Lightweight Synthetic Particles on the
Restrained Shrinkage Cracking Behavior of
[2] Kolluru V. Subramaniam; Roman Gromotka;
Surendra P. Shah; Karthik Obla; and Russell
Fig 3: Experimental values with Analytical models
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Prediction of early age shrinkage of reinforced cement concrete
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