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Answer The Following Questions by Choosing A, B, C, or D For The Best Answer On The Answer Sheet

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Answer the following questions by choosing A,B,C, or D for the best

answer on the answer sheet. a sudden descent from the impresssive to the trivial ,especially at the end

of an ascending series for ludicrous effect.

a.climax b.exposition

c. denoument d. anticlimax

2. The delineation of a real person or the creation of an imaginary one . In drama it creates a
lasting identity for an imagined person, sometimes , paradoxically . making the fictional
character more real than people who have lived is............

a.theme b. plot

c. setting d. characterization

3. A person in a work of drama is........

a. setting b. plot

c. theme d. character

4. A big idea of character, ideas, values, or ways of life is...............................

a. dialogue b. resolution

c. conflict d. theme

5. A form of fiction by being acted in front of an audience is................

a. story order b. poetry

c. drama d. prose

6. A character that is in two dimensional without the depth and complexity of a living person is

a. heroic character b. round character

c. flat character d. complex character

7. an overstatement to make a point,either direct or ironical

a. metaphor b. antithesis

c.hyperbole d. paradox

8. The forces that move a character to actio,including the character’s own nature and

the circumstances are...............

a. plot b. conflict

c. theme d. motivation

9. A comedy which exaggerates or distorts the prominentnfeatures of style or content in

a work is.........

a.parody b. soliloquy

c. scene d. act

10. ………………is the set including costumes, music, and scenery where actors perform for

a play

a. characterization b. stage

c. plot d. properties

11. …….is a figurative language of the attribution of lifelike or human attributes

to inanimate objects or ideas .


12. Word for literary type such as fiction, poetry, drama is.......................It also refers to

the variety of types of plays : tragedy, comedy etc

a.form b. script

c. genre d. Content a term used in discussing play /drama structure,to denote that portion

of the play(normally act I) in which the playwright sets forth the information needed by the
audience to understand the play and the situation . It is sometimes called introduction.

a.climax b. denouement

c. resolution d. exposition

14. Term used in discussion of play / drama structure to indicate the period in the play

after the crisis or turning point has been reached and the action is flowing to its destined

end is called.......................

a. falling action b. exposition

c. climax d. rising action

15. A final solo speech by an actor or actress summing up the play / drama for the audience is

a. epilogue b. soliloquy

c. dialogue d. monologue

16. A synonym for a play is.........................

a. drama b. poetry

c. prose d. Sonnet

17. The word choice in the language of play / drama is...........................

a. lexicon b. term

c. diction d. Jargon the words spoken by the characters in a play /drama, normally in exchange
with each other.

a. aside b. monologue

c. dialogue d. epilogue

19. the moment when all the mysteries of the plot are revealed .

a. exposition b. exposition

c. denouement d. climax the main divisions of the play ,usually marked by intervals in the stage
performance.It is conceived as a substantial unified segment of the whole play that materially
advance the total


a.text b. scene

c. script d. act

21. ……………… a distinctive and identifiable form in an artistic medium such as literature.

a. plot b. theme

c. style d. setting

22. …………is a serious play with a tragic theme,often involing a heroic struggle and the
downfall of the main character.

a. parody b. comedy

c. episode d. tragedy

23 ……………….is a play in which the main character ends in a happy way.

a. opera b. tragedy

c. comedy d. operette

24. . the written text of a play, which includes the dialogue between
characters, stage directions, and often other expository information.
a. stage b. plot
c. theme d. script
25. . a playwright’s written instructions about how the actors are to
move and behave in a play. They explain in which direction characters should move, what facial
expressions they should assume, and so on.
a. act b. scene
c.stage directions d. setting

26. the anxious anticipation of a reader or an audience as to the outcome of

a story, especially concerning the character or characters with whom sympathetic attachments
are formed.It helps to secure and sustain the interest of the reader or audience throughout a work.
a. theme b. suspense d.characterization

27. Plays which are basically designed for reading are referred to as..................

a. interlude b. farce

c. closet drama d.morality drama

28.That a man learns through suffering is the basic idea behind......

a. Indonesian drama b. Arabic drama

c.Roman Drama d. Greek tragedy

29. Aristotle explained that a tragedy should have a purging effect;the audience should be purged by both
pity and fear by the time the tragedy comes to an end: Then the audience can get a moral awareness and a
keener self knowledge. This purging effect is called...............................

a. catharsis b. hubris

c. flaw d. pride

30. Manners, customs of a very synthetic artificial highgrow society,revealed hypocrisy, exposed absurd

incongruities are characteristics of...................

a. farce b.mystery play

c. interlude d. Comedy of manners

31. Rising action, climax( turning point ), falling action,catastrophe are....................

a. style b.plot

c.classic tragic structure d.characterization

32. The entire first part of the plays in which the forces creating conflict are delineated .enlarged and
prepared for some disaster is.......................

a.climax b.falling action

c. rising action d. catrastrophe

33.A major turning point in the play is......................................

a. catastrophe b. climax

c.rising action d. Falling action

34. Presenting the ways in which the hero is slowly overpowered and becomes increasingly helpless is
found in....................

a. catastrophe b. falling action

c.katharsis d. turning point the desirable emotional cleansing to be experienced on viewing the

tragic drama.

a. climax b. anticlimax
c. catharsis d.resolution

36. the playwright’s arrangement of the dramatic action in a cohesive design and it
involves cause and effect .

a. theme b. setting
c. plot d. characterization

37. a lengthy speech by one character who stands alone on stage and
reveals his private thoughts aloud.

a. dialogue b. interview
c. soliloquy d. epilogue
38..The main action of the play and is often a death of the hero can be found in.....

a. setting b.characterization
c. aside d.catastrophe

39.Devices of characterization are as follows , EXCEPT , .....

a. the appearance of the character and hidden narration

b. aside and soliloquies
c.dialogue between characters , language, and character in action
d. setting

40. the person who coordinates all aspects of a play production. b. director
c. writer d. lighting man

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