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The Current State of Cognitive Therapy: A 40-Year Retrospective

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The Current State of Cognitive Therapy

A 40-Year Retrospective
Aaron T. Beck, MD

he basic framework of the cognitive theory of psychopathology and cognitive therapy
of specific psychiatric disorders was developed more than 40 years ago. Since that time,
there has been continuing progress in the development of cognitive theory and therapy
and in the empirical testing of both. A substantial body of research supports the cog-
nitive model of depression and, to a somewhat lesser extent, the various anxiety disorders. Cognitive
therapy (CT), often labeled as the generic term cognitive behavior therapy, has been shown to be ef-
fective in reducing symptoms and relapse rates, with or without medication, in a wide variety of psy-
chiatric disorders. Suggestions for future research and applications are presented.
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005;62:953-959
Recent evaluations of the cognitive ap- tic approach; (2) to investigate empirical
proach have characterized it as “the fastest support for the theory; and (3) to conduct
growing and most heavily researched ori- empirical studies that tested the efficacy of
entation on the contemporary scene.”1(p369) the therapy.4 This theoretical and therapeu-
Approximately 40 years after the initial pub- tic set of principles was systematically ap-
lication in Archives of General Psychiatry of plied to a sequence of disorders starting with
the formulation of the role of cognition in depression,5,6 suicide,7 then anxiety disor-
depression2 and in therapy,3 it is appropri- ders and phobias,8 panic disorder,9 fol-
ate to review the evolution of the cognitive lowed by personality disorders,10 and sub-
models of psychopathology and CT from stance abuse.11 I also made brief forays into
their earliest description to their current the areas of interpersonal problems12 and an-
status. ger, hostility, and violence.13 More re-
From the beginning, the formulation of cently, this approach was used to clarify the
a coherent conceptual framework pre- psychological structure and CT of schizo-
ceded the development of therapeutic strat- phrenia.14,15
egies. Although my original focus was on
depression, I considered that this ap- EVOLUTION OF
proach could also clarify other disorders.3 THE COGNITIVE MODEL
My research strategy thus involved several
stages: to try to identify the idiosyncratic My formulation of the theoretical struc-
cognitive elements derived from clinical data ture of CT was influenced in part by the
in various disorders, to develop and test cognitive revolution in psychology in the
measures to systematize these clinical ob- 1950s and 1960s, especially the writings
servations, and to formulate guidelines for of George Kelly, PhD,16 and Albert Ellis,
therapy. My guidelines for developing and PhD.17 The original cognitive approach to
evaluating a novel system of psychopathol- psychopathology was based on an infor-
ogy and psychotherapy consisted of the fol- mation-processing model. Simply stated,
lowing plan: (1) to construct a comprehen- the cognitive model of psychopathology
sive theory of psychopathology that stipulates that the processing of external
articulated well with the psychotherapeu- events or internal stimuli is biased and
therefore systematically distorts the indi-
Author Affiliations: Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, vidual’s construction of his or her expe-
Philadelphia. riences, leading to a variety of cognitive


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errors (eg, overgeneralization, selective abstraction, and COGNITIVE SPECIFICITY
personalization).3 Underlying these distorted interpre-
tations are dysfunctional beliefs incorporated into rela- The cognitive specificity hypothesis4,24 proposes a dis-
tively enduring cognitive structures or schemas. When tinct cognitive profile for each psychiatric disorder. Much
these schemas are activated by external events, drugs, or research has been devoted to differentiating the cogni-
endocrine factors, they tend to bias the information pro- tive themes in depression (loss and self-devaluation) and
cessing and produce the typical cognitive content of a anxiety (threat and vulnerability). When relatively pure
specific disorder. samples of depression and anxiety have been studied, a
The cognitive model was initially constructed to ex- clear differentiation has been obtained. Depressed pa-
plain the psychological processes in depression. On the tients, for example, scored higher than anxious patients
basis of systematic clinical observations, I proposed that on the loss-defeat subscales of the Cognitive Checklist
the symptoms of depression could be explained in cog- for Depression and Anxiety, whereas the reverse was true
nitive terms as follows: the biased interpretations of events for anxious patients.25 Moreover, depressed patients con-
are attributed to the activation of negative representa- sistently received higher scores on the Hopelessness Scale
tions of the self, the personal world, and the future (the than anxious patients in a broad range of studies21,26; com-
negative cognitive triad). A variety of dysfunctional be- pared with anxious patients, they attached a much higher
liefs that make individuals prone to depression make them probability of a negative outcome and lower probability
vulnerable to specific life events that impinge on this vul- of a positive outcome to their specific problems (A.T.B.,
nerability. For example, depression-prone individuals have Amy Wenzel, PhD, Marjan Ghahramanlou-Holloway,
beliefs such as “If I can’t succeed at what’s important, I’m PhD, John H. Riskind, PhD, Gary Brown, PhD, and Rob-
a failure.” The individual’s perception of a major failure ert A. Steer, EdD, unpublished data, 2005).
or a series of failures can activate the negative cognitive Specific cognitive profiles have been demonstrated in
triad: the negative representations of the self, personal a wide variety of disorders, including anorexia ner-
world, and future.5 Underlying the cognitive triad is a clus- vosa,27 obsessive-compulsive disorder,28,29 panic disor-
ter of dysfunctional beliefs and assumptions.18 der,30,31 and body dysmorphic disorder.32 The cognitive
specificity hypothesis was validated in a study that dif-
ferentiated 4 disorders on the basis of their content-
specific selective attention effect: depression, anxiety, bu-
limia, and type A personality.33 Moreover, each of the
A considerable body of research testing the cognitive personality disorders has been differentiated on the ba-
model of depression has accumulated since its initial for- sis of its distinctive set of dysfunctional core beliefs.34,35
mulation in 1967.5 A 1985 review of 180 articles, which
incorporated 220 studies of this model,19 reported that STUDIES OF SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR
91% of the research studies supported the model, whereas
9% were nonsupportive or contradictory. The survey ad- Although not a standard psychiatric disorder in itself, sui-
dressed 3 components of the cognitive theory: the nega- cidal behaviors are related to the psychiatric disorders. My
tive cognitive triad in depression (150 supportive and 14 group has studied suicidal behavior continuously since
nonsupportive), negatively biased cognitive processing 1969, starting initially with a new classification of suicidal
of stimuli (19 supportive and 0 nonsupportive), and iden- behavior: suicide ideation, attempted suicide, and com-
tifiable dysfunctional beliefs (31 supportive and 6 non- pleted suicide,36 with qualifying variables of suicidal in-
supportive). Negatively biased interpretations have been tent and degree of lethality of attempt. Assessments of in-
found universally in all forms and subtypes of depres- tent for each group, as well as lethality for attempters, were
sion: unipolar and bipolar, reactive and endogenous.20 found to be reliable7 and had construct validity.37,38 Analy-
A critical evaluation of these studies21 cited methodologi- ses of prediction of ultimate suicide among suicidal ide-
cal problems in several of them. A subsequent analysis ators demonstrated the key psychological variables that in-
of several hundred later studies showed that more meth- dependently predicted ultimate suicide: hopelessness39
odologically adequate studies yielded findings similar to suicidal intent, especially at the worst point in the pa-
those in the original study by Ernst (Donald Ernst, PhD, tient’s history,40 and an index of wish to die vs wish to live.41
unpublished data, 1985). Key predictors of ultimate suicide among suicide attempt-
A crucial hypothesis of the cognitive model has been ers included regret due to the failure to succeed42 and ac-
the notion that certain beliefs constitute a vulnerability curacy of expectation of the degree of lethality for the un-
to depression (stress diathesis model). A refined model successful attempt.43 In addition, we found that if the
of depression proposed that the predisposing beliefs could patients were accurate in their expectations regarding the
be differentiated according to whether the patient’s per- degree of lethality of their index (unsuccessful) attempt,
sonality was primarily autonomous or sociotropic. Al- they were more likely to kill themselves at a later date than
though the findings were mixed, the predominant evi- if they were inaccurate. A short-term 10-session CT inter-
dence indicated that autonomous individuals were more vention and prevention trial reduced the rate of reattempt
likely to become depressed following an autonomous by approximately 50% during an 18-month observation pe-
event (eg, a failure) than following a sociotropic event riod.44 It is now feasible to select the highest-risk suicidal
(eg, loss of a relationship), and the reverse was true of patients among ideators and attempters and to provide ad-
sociotropic individuals.22 At least 1 prospective study23 equate monitoring and interventions to reduce the likeli-
supported the stress diathesis hypothesis. hood of further suicide attempts.


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The development of therapeutic packages was initially
The basic cognitive model of the anxiety disorders drawn from my own experience in conducting psychoana-
stipulates that danger-oriented beliefs (embedded in cog- lytic therapy. The therapeutic strategies and concepts of
nitive schemas) predispose individuals to narrow their CT included exploring the meaning (albeit conscious rather
attention to threat, engage in dysfunctional “safety than unconscious) of the individuals’ experiences, iden-
behaviors,” and make catastrophic interpretations of tifying consistent themes across their verbal reports and
ambiguous stimuli.8 The danger-oriented bias is present behavior, and connecting present and past experiences (es-
in every phase of information processing (perception, pecially with the personality disorders). The concepts of
interpretation, and recall)45 and is present across all transference and early childhood experiences turned out
anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, post- to be crucial in understanding the personality disorders.
traumatic stress disorder [PTSD], social anxiety, social The focus on present problems as opposed to uncov-
phobia, and simple phobias). We have found a memory ering hidden traumas from the past and on analyzing
bias toward threat stimuli in generalized anxiety disor- accessible (rather than unconscious) psychological ex-
der,25 and others found similar memory biases in panic periences differentiated the cognitive from the psycho-
disorder and PTSD.46 Selective attention to threat words analytic approach. My introduction of the cognitive model
and pictures47 and to masked stimuli48 confirms that the in place of the psychoanalytic motivational model pro-
biases occur automatically and are not necessarily un- vided an explanation of dreams as reflections of cogni-
der conscious control. tions rather than wish fulfillment.55 The behavior therapy
The cognitive model applied to panic disorder pro- movement also made a solid impact on the structure of
poses that panic-prone individuals have exaggerated CT: greater activity by the therapist, operationalizing the
beliefs regarding the significance of ambiguous subjec- specific procedures, setting goals for each session as well
tive experiences, which predispose them to make cata- as for the long term, assigning homework, and espe-
strophic interpretations of these sensations and to fix- cially measuring mediational variables and outcomes. Cog-
ate their attention on their presumed pathological nitive theory with its focus on intrapsychic processes
meaning.30 Research has confirmed the presence of an rather than overt behavior was more akin to psychoana-
array of dysfunctional beliefs regarding the presumed lytic theory, but the therapeutic procedures were more
danger of these sensations,49 the triggering of fearful like behavior therapy.
cognitions during a panic attack,8,31 and the total pre- The terms CT and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)
occupation with the symptoms and their catastrophic are frequently used as synonyms to describe CT based
meaning to the exclusion of accessing corrective infor- on the cognitive model. However, the term CBT is also
mation (Amy Wenzel, PhD, Ian R. Sharp, PhD, Leslie used to designate a package of techniques in which a CT
Sokol, PhD, and A.T.B., unpublished data, 2005). The module is used in combination with a set of behavioral
absorption with frightening visual imagery (eg, having modules. In addition, CBT has been used as an um-
a heart attack, dying, losing control, or going crazy) brella term to include both standard CT and the atheo-
further consolidates the panic experience and blocks retical combination of cognitive and behavioral strate-
realistic appraisal of the event.50 gies. Because the literature reviews generally combine
The cognitive model applied to social anxiety and so- studies labeled CBT and CT under the CBT label, I will
cial phobia8,51 proposes that patients focus their atten- present the findings of these reviews and, where pos-
tion on the image they believe that others have of them sible, summarize the more obvious CT studies.
and their performance and on their subjective sensa-
tions in socially evaluative situations. As a result, they META-ANALYSES OF CT/CBT STUDIES
become oblivious to objective social cues. Research has
confirmed that these patients negatively distort their ac- Butler et al56 reviewed the meta-analyses of treatment
tual evaluation by others52 and that their recollection of outcomes of CBT/CT for a wide range of psychiatric dis-
social experiences is also negatively biased.53 Further- orders. A search of the literature from 1967 to 2003 ascer-
more, the patients’ anxiety increases and their objective tained a total of 15 methodologically rigorous meta-
performance decreases when they perceive negative, as analyses that covered 9138 subjects and 332 studies. The
opposed to neutral, images during exposure to socially review focused on effect sizes that contrasted outcomes of
threatening situations. CBT with the outcomes for control groups for each disor-
The cognitive model applied to PTSD by Clark and der, providing an overview of the efficacy of CBT/CT. Large
Ehlers54 consists of 2 components: first, negative ap- effect sizes (grand mean=0.90) were found for unipolar de-
praisal of the event itself and exaggerated negative ap- pression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder with
praisals of the symptoms produced by the traumatic event, or without agoraphobia, social phobia, and childhood de-
and second, inadequate integration of the traumatic ex- pressive and anxiety disorders. Moderate effect sizes (grand
perience into the patient’s autobiographical memory. The mean=0.62) were found for CBT of marital distress, an-
negative appraisal leads to beliefs such as “Nowhere is ger, childhood somatic disorders, and chronic pain. Rela-
safe,” “The next disaster will strike soon,” “I’m dead in- tively small effect sizes (grand mean=0.32) were found for
side,” or “I’m going mad.” In essence, the traumatic ex- sexual offenders. Large uncontrolled effect sizes were also
perience threatens patients’ view of themselves and their found for adjunctive CBT for schizophrenia from pretreat-
personal world. ment to posttreatment (grand mean=1.23) and for bu-


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limia nervosa (mean=1.27). Among the limitations of the ous anxiety disorders who were followed up for 4 years
meta-analytic approach are the assumptions of unifor- showed significantly lower levels of symptom severity and
mity across the studies in the samples, in the content of negative affect than the randomized treatment control
therapy, and in therapists. groups (behavior therapy or psychodynamic therapy).81
Several challenges have been made to the CT and CBT Theory-driven CT for PTSD was shown to be effica-
studies57,58: overstating the findings, the allegiance effect, cious in several studies.82,83 An effectiveness study com-
and the presumed lack of bona fide control. The bona fide pared patients who developed PTSD following a car bomb
control issue was addressed by the comparison of CBT with that exploded in the center of Omagh, Northern Ireland,
the gold standard for treatment of depression, specifically in August 1998.84 Significant improvement in PTSD was
antidepressant medication (ADM). Seventeen studies59 observed in the pretreatment-to-posttreatment effect sizes.
found that CT had a minimal superiority to ADM (effect
size=0.38). A more recent study by DeRubeis et al60 found OTHER APPLICATIONS
that CT and ADM had equivalent efficacy but that CT per-
formed better in terms of relapse.61 Severely depressed pa- It appears that CT/CBT offers a promising addition to the
tients fared as well with CT as with ADM in an analysis of standard treatment of severe mental disorders. Besides the
4 studies.62 In addition, CT was found to be effective in interesting results of CT/CBT as an adjunctive treatment
the treatment of atypical depression; CT performed as well for schizophrenia, a promising lead to the prevention of
as phenelzine sulfate, and both were superior to placebo.63 schizophrenia was reported in a randomized controlled
For a comprehensive analysis of research on process, mod- study of CT with very high risk groups.85 The application
erator, mediator, alliance, and other variables, as well as of CT as an adjunctive treatment in the prevention of re-
dismantling research studies, see Lambert.64 lapse in bipolar disorder as well as its cost-effectiveness has
also been reported.86,87 Some other empirically supported
PREVENTION OF RELAPSE applications of CT/CBT include anorexia nervosa,88 body
dysmorphic disorder,32 pathological hoarding,89 pathologi-
Eight studies59 reported that the relapse rate 1 year fol- cal gambling,90 Gulf War syndrome,91 PTSD in abused chil-
lowing the end of treatment was 29.5% for CT/CBT vs dren,92 obsessive-compulsive disorder in children,93 and sea-
60% for ADM. Other studies have found that CT added sonal affective disorder.94
to ADM after partial response to the ADM had a lower Randomized controlled trials have provided strong em-
relapse rate at 6 weeks (29%) than ADM alone (47%).65 pirical support for the efficacy of cognitive interven-
A similar prevention of relapse and recurrence by CT was tions, often as an adjunct to therapy as usual, in the treat-
found in the highest-risk patients with recurrent major ment of a broad range of medical conditions including
depression.66 A recent study by Hollon et al61 found a sig- heart disease, 95 hypertension, 96 cancer, 97,98 head-
nificant difference in relapse rate for responders who en- aches,99,100 chronic pain,101 chronic low back pain,102
tered the continuation phase of CT (31%) vs the pla- chronic fatigue syndrome,103 rheumatoid arthritis,104 pre-
cebo withdrawal group (76%). The ADM continuation menstrual syndrome, 105 and irritable bowel syn-
group had a relapse rate of 47%. Furthermore, 6-year fol- drome.106,107 Additional outcome studies have docu-
low-up67 of short-term CBT after successful ADM showed mented the beneficial role of CT in reducing depression
a significant reduction in the recurrence of depression. and improving overall quality of life in patients diag-
nosed as having various medical disorders.108
Both CT and CBT are effective in reducing anxiety symp- TO REAL-LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES
toms for each of the DSM-IV anxiety disorders.68 Al-
though CT and CBT protocols for anxiety may empha- Only a few effectiveness studies of CT/CBT have been con-
size specific cognitive and behavioral techniques to ducted. Persons et al109 reviewed outcomes for a series of
different degrees, their structure and procedures are simi- unselected patients treated at a clinic and found improve-
lar, and both approaches to treatment are associated with ments comparable to those reported in randomized con-
substantial reductions in psychiatric symptoms, avoid- trolled trials. Stirman et al110 similarly found that clinical
ance of feared stimuli, and dysfunctional cognitions.69 characteristics of participants in randomized controlled trials
Meta-analyses indicate that CT/CBT protocols are more matched those of patients presenting for treatment in clini-
effective in reducing panic and anxiety symptoms than cal settings. Morrison et al85 demonstrated improvements
pharmacological treatments.70 The efficacy of specific CT in the symptoms of schizophrenia with adjunctive CT with
for panic disorder has been supported by several stud- pharmacotherapy in a National Health Service clinic.
ies.71-74 Meta-analyses of CT and CBT for social phobia A comprehensive evaluation analyzed the utility and
have demonstrated the efficacy of these approaches.75,76 cost-effectiveness of CBT in community settings.111-113 Evi-
D. M. Clark et al77 found that a “pure” CT approach was dence-based care consisting of either CBT or ADM re-
more effective than fluoxetine. Standard CT for gener- sulted in a significantly greater improvement in depres-
alized anxiety disorder (ie, based on Beck and Emery8) sion for minority and nonminority patients than for those
has been shown to have a clear advantage to behavior receiving usual care. Improvement in employment, how-
therapy at follow-up.78,79 In addition, CT was more ef- ever, was found only in the nonminority group. A 5-year
fective than psychodynamic psychotherapy at posttreat- follow-up of patients who received evidence-based CT
ment.80 Of special note, patients who received CT for vari- or ADM revealed a significant reduction in the percent-


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age of participants with probable depressive disorder, as orders. To meet these needs will, of course, require a sig-
compared with usual care.113 nificant expansion of training programs in the evidence-
Several studies have demonstrated interesting neuro- based therapies as well as appropriate modifications for
psychological correlates of the dysfunctional thinking and various demographic groups. An integrated plan for the
beliefs in depression114,115 as well as the neurophysiologi- dissemination of the evidence-based therapies has been
cal changes associated with CT for depression.116 Of em- proposed125 and would enhance their acceptability to both
pirical interest is the severely dysfunctional negative be- health care professionals and the consumers of mental
liefs related to severe loss of extracellular serotonin; studies health services. These suggestions may seem visionary
of this nature can greatly expand our understanding of at this time given the economic restraints and limita-
the mind-brain relationship.115 tions in training, but the enormous strides made in de-
Ways of decreasing the cost of therapy are being ex- veloping and refining both pharmacotherapy and psy-
plored. Wright et al,117 for example, found that computer- chotherapy during the past 4 decades provide hope that
assisted CT significantly reduced therapy time and was similar progress can be made in optimizing the delivery
as effective as standard CT for depression. of these treatments in a cost-effective way.

Accepted for Publication: March 21, 2005.
Several official reports in the United Kingdom and the Correspondence: Aaron T. Beck, MD, 3535 Market St,
United States have recommended the use of CT/CBT for a Room 2032, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (
variety of the common psychiatric disorders. In the guide-
lines of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) Additional Information: Dr Beck is the recipient of the
of the British Health Service, CBT has been recommended 2003 Bernard and Rhoda Sarnat International Prize in Men-
as a treatment of choice for mild depression, as an option tal Health from the Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC.
for moderate depression, and in combination with ADM
for severe depression.118 The NICE guidelines also recom- REFERENCES
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