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SpeakOut Upper Students Book

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>> LEAD-IN PaKes=en ‘TA Work in pairs and complete the questionnaire 1 It's useful to know grammatical terminology. 2) because i's imuch easier to tak about grammar rues. 2) to read and understand grammar books *better. 6) «actualy, | don’ think t's useful, 2 When I meet 2 new word: 2) Mook it up, then write itin my notebook with a translation. ) write Sa phrase or sentence with the word init. 6) think about it, but don’t write anything down, 3 |enjoy using English outside the class 2) 10 communicate on socal networking sites b) when Im ‘watching ims and Iaanrg to machen «) -..1?don't use English outside clas. 4 Inaddition to !°doing homework, | study English a) "every day. b) two or three times a week. 6) not atall~| don'thave time! 5 | thinkit’s important "to speak English in the lesson a) 100% of the time. b) whenever we ean, «) only when we're “told to B Match the grammatical terms with words 1=14 In bold above. a) dependent preposition ) past particple 6) present participle 4) gerund 6) infinitive with © 1) acjectve in comparative form £8) gradable adjective 1) adverbial phrase ) quantifier | 1 auliary verb 19 define atte 1) indefinite article )modal verb 1) multiword ver ‘VERB PATTERN 2A Correct the sentences. workin 1 Lean't stand with music on. 2 learned driving last year 3 want that the teacher corrects everything | say. Vd rather to eat out than at home. \' ke traveling abroad ths year | enjoy be alone ike it when the teacher tells to repeat words, 8 better to spend more ime studying or I'l never make progress in Englsh. B Find two examples above for each pattern: | verb + gerund / 2 verb + infinitive 3. verb + infinitive with to 4 verb + object + infinitive with to © Work in pairs, Which sentences are true for you? How would you change the other sentences to make them true? PRONUNCIATION, 3A Workin pairs. Complete the table with words from the box. completely extremely guarantee future minutes push public system reach thorough took absolutely Ar yaks | 7i7 [these leave 3] 7a’ [again pronunciation 4 | Zae/ | acwally angry S| 7a? [fan money 6 | or [beak pull B 0.1 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. C Work in pairs. How can phonemic symbols help you learn new words? ‘COLLOCATIONS: A Cross out the noun or noun phrase that does not collocate with the verb in the word web. nothing your homework N problem cesar your best “ ames the housework a mistake 0) aprotic a choice 2 & a chance anoise 0) your time fun aring 0 aul instructions | directions adam 14 g00d time a break trouble 0 B Work in pairs and take turns. ‘Student A: say a noun or noun Phrase. Student B: say the verb that collocates with it. res Perry Oo certs Er Oy aa aC} eee te » Talk about the kind of Pesce) epee en NC eer Se Aatmating SS ce ene caus Seed eects Int eeu pCR aie Cea pee eS PUL (d Recor) Sugg Ethos Cee aid penetrated bere ea ee’ IDEAL FLATMATES GRAMMAR | direct indirect questions | > VOCABULARY | personality | > HOWTO | ask questions poltaly 1 Workin pairs and discuss the questions. |) Who do you live with? 2 Do you thnk t's easier to lve with family, fiends or on your own? 2 Read the programme listing ‘and look at the photo. ‘What do you think Speed flatmating dating ~ those events for the happens at a ‘speed Just too busy to find the love flatmating’ event? of their lives ~ but what about 3A ®uisten applying the same principle inding a lodger for your tothetratpertot to finding a lodger for yo the programme and answer the questions. | What happens during the evening? 2. What two things are given to you when you arrive? Natalie Steed experiences “speed flatmating’ B B)12 Listen to the rest of the programme. Match each person with the way they feel about speed flatmating. 1 First man 2)’ important to be hones. ») I's easy, ©) Confused 2 Second man 3 First woman 4 Second woman @) He/she doesn't say. € Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. || A white badge means you areteokingfora-room. F have got a room to re 2 The fist man wants someone who will be there most of the 3. Apink badge means you are prepared to "buddy up! (share a bedroom) 4. The second man started looking fora room a fortnight ago, 5. The first woman thinks you can tel alot at first sight 6 However, she thinks speed fatmating is embarrassing 7 The second woman asks quite personal questions 8. She hasn't found anyone at the speed fatmating event 4. Work in pairs and discuss the questions. | Would you use speed fatmating to find or rent out 2 room? 2 yeu were looking fora ltmate, which of the topics inthe box below would you ask about? What sort of questions would youase You might have heard of speed young, free and single who are spare room? In today's You and Yours on BBC Radio 4, reporter relationships werk daly habits finances poles, farure plans muse references weekends diet a . EAM direct and indirect questions 5A Look at the conversation from a speed flatmating event and complete the questions. So where You staying atthe moment? B:Quite near here A:Oh, who are you lving?__? B:Some friends from college. I'm just staying there on a temporary bass unt I fing a flat ArRight. And what? ___ you decide to come to the city in the ist place? B:1 work for abig sportswear company and they've just relocated here. ‘AcAnd have you any ea how 4 here? you want to stay B:Atleast a year, | hope. | suppose it depends how it ‘A:Do you mind me asking youreina B:No, that’s OK. No, I'm single at the moment. ‘A: One more question. E%, what are you ® _in the ‘mornings? It's just that I'm ot at my best eary in te day, Bi Me neither. | con't usualy tak to anyone til after my first coffee at work! B (B)13 Listen and check your answers. GA Check what you know. Look atthe questions in Exercise 5A and find 2) two indirect questions 2) a subject question (one where the {question word s the subject) 6) aquestion witha preposition at the end 4) anaiternative 0 how B Underline the correct alternative to complete the rules. Rules: |) Direct / direct questions are used to make a question more polite or when ‘the question is personal 2 The word order in indirect questions Is the same a / diferent for direct questions. 3 Inindiect questions, use / don't use the auiaries do or did. 4 Inindirect questions ad¢ ifor whether for ayes/no / Wh question, C @)1.4 Put the underlined words in the correct order to make indirect questions. Then listen and check. |) wondering was |if | could see the fiat 2. you tell me could how much the depos't 3 mind do me you asking how old you are? 4 interestec be I'd know te how you ‘organise the cooking. 5 Lean ask you how noisy itis? know you de how soon the room will be avaliable! 7A Listen again. What are the main stressed words in each sentence? B Does the inton: start high or low? limp page 128 LANGUAGEBANK B Make sentences with the prompts. 1 Could / tel / how much / earn / each Could you tell me how much you earn leach month? 2 mind / asking / how much time / spend / fon the phone and internet each cay? 3 think / will / usually spend weekends here / oF / will/ often / go away? 4 What / be / last Fatmates / Uke? 5 What / annoy / you / most / about / sharing a fav 6 What kind / music / lke / listen to? STAEUEANA personality 9A Read the descriptions from a flatmate finder site. Which person would be the best flatmate for you? Why? Vm a post graduate student studying geology. I'd be a goad ‘atmate because tend to keep myself to myself. I'm not Lunfrendly but my idea of a perfect evening Isto spend the night In order a takeaway and watch 2 DVD of maybe play computer games. 'mnota computer geek, though. Like any student, I'm ‘often short of cash, but I'm not tight-fisted, | don't mind paying af ‘my share. I can be quite messy - I often bring rocks home to work on, I'm usually up and out before 7.30 in the morning. ''m a professional cook in an italian restaurant. | work lace 01 don't like being disturbed in the morning. I'm a people pperson and love inviting friends round and cooking for them. Fam very particular about order, especially inthe kitchen =F there's ane thing | hate, its a messy kitchen. | also get annoyed if'm the only one cleaning up or peonle don't pull their weight around the house. My friends say 'm very, sensible and practical, really down-to-earth Vm a lawyer and sing with a band in my spare time. I've got ‘good job and a decent salary, but at the moment 'm being Careful with my money as I'm saving up for a new sound system for the group. I'm often out until the early hours because of late night gigs with the band. People say I'm a good laugh but can be pretty serious too - I sometimes bring the band back after 2 gig and I can really get into talking about politics - | love a good ¢iscussion B Workin pairs. Match meanings 1~10 with the phrases in bold from the descriptions in Exercise 8A. | feel this is important am particular about 2 away from home very late be introverted someone who is sociable someone who is obsessive and boring (about a topic) enjoy (a topic ar activity) someone who is fun to realistic about things 9 mean with money with 10 co one's share of work im» page 148 VOCABULARYBANK 1A Work in pairs and discuss the questions. | Which of the people in Exercise BA would you enjoy meeting 2. Who do you think you would get on with least well 3. Which phrases would you use to descrize yourself? B Write six questions to find someone you would get on with socially. Use indirect questions where appropriate. Look at Exercises 5A and 8 tohelp. Ask other students your questions. In what way would each person be ‘8 good match for you? AAT UENTE an informal email 1A Work in pairs and answer the questions. | How often do you write informal emails in your own language? Who do you write them to? 2 Doyou ever write emails in English? 3 What kind of things do you write about? B Read the email and answer the questions. | What do you think the relationship is between the writer and the recioient? 2. Where is Jorge living and who with? 3 How did he find the flat? Jo J wnvgmateenccom Hii, ‘Thanks fr the email. Great to hear the news about your Job — ane that you'e fecing much better now. Hope you're ‘emoying your summer. | gotto London a couple of weeks ago and Im staying ina place called Swss Cottage. Do you know i? It's very handy forthe underground — only takes twenty minutes or $910 ‘getta schoo! every cay My fltmate, Winston, is great He's cxginally fom Jamaica ‘anc dvorced wth Wo Kes, who ae often around, He's ‘good laugh and he's nappy to chat wih me anytime so can practise my Englsh, which Is great Youll never guess how I found the fl. found this hing called ‘speed flatmating'on the interes. You goto a kind of party and you chat to a lot of people who've got rooms to ‘ert. I met Winston there and we just cickea! | maves in the ext day "Must go now as it's ime fr cass, Be in touch soon Alle best, Jorge © Work in pairs and complete the guidelines for writing informal emails. Use the email in Exercise 108 to give you ideas. |. For the salutation, use Dear /__ + name. 2 Forthe ending, use Al]_ bes, wishes, or Love 3. Paragraphing! try to stick to_topie(s) per paragraph, though waiters con't always follow this guideline 4 To convey an informal style Use informal punctuation such as ané 5) use informal language, such as _meaning convenient, meaning liked each other straightaway, ane ‘meaning in contact. 6) use contracted forme, fr instance. or 4) leave out some words, for example in these phrases in the frst and last paragraphs: TSNENEION check for accuracy 11 Read the email and correct the mistakes . Use the ‘teacher's correction code at the beginning of each sentence. Correction code: sp = speling v= verb form p= punctuation gr= grammar ‘ww = wrong word ie Hi Jorge, “Thanks forthe ema," Sounes lke you're having gooe ‘ume. 21 never hear of speed atmating betore butt seems tke a great idea, °°! The job is stil fantastic an ike very ‘much te poople there. “40910ne of my coleagues, Paolo, comes tra Haly and so we often practice English iogether at lunchtime Steve's avery sympathetic person and great fun. Last weekend I ook him fo a party ata ends’ parm ‘we okt get home til five ocock te next morning! The photos of us dancing Tiel Have to go now as is geting late and tomorow’ a work ay. lok forward to hearing rom you again soon Best wishes, kin 12A Write an email (120180 words) to another student in the class describing your current living situation. Include information about + the place + who you live with + how you found it + how you feel about ‘After you have fished any piec and check for ac of writing, go through acy, Remember to check grammar verb forms, vocabulary, word order, speling ane punetuation. Also check thatthe style i sitad person you are witing to, Cheek your ermal now. forthe B Work in pairs. Exchange your emails and write a reply. VOCABULARY [ASRS 1 Work in pairs and look atthe photos. Which of the activities have you done? 2A (1.5 Listen. Which speakers can you see in the photos. What do the other two speakers talk about? B Work in pairs and complete sentences 1-10 with an adjective from the box. Then listen again and check. embarrassed exhausted satisfied thrilled awkward relieves anxious fascinated frustrated impressed Fora start, | was very _and I thnk animals can sense it when you're nervous and worried ‘Actually, was extremely ___when the lesson finished | came second so | was realy Iwas absolutely to see how different people behaved when they got in front of the microphone. 5. Ittook me ages to do and | got really annoyed anc at one point because | couldn't make t straight elt really _when finished because it was the first fone I'd ever aut up on my own, 7 Most people were therefor the fist time and I was really by now quick'y they learnt the steps. 8 Lwas very | suggested caling the repair compary. fet very about it but | thought we'd never get home. 10 I didn't ge to bec tlltwe in the morning and | was completely because | kept treading on her toes © 16 Underine the stress in each adjective in the box in Exercise 28. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. ‘GRAMMAR | present perfect & past simple | > VOCABULARY | feelings (I) | » HOWTO | discuss experiences A 3A Workin pars and answer the questions. I Inthe sentences below, which acjectve in bole is used for feelings and which for something that causes the feelings? 23) Putting up a shelf was a realy satisfying thing to do. ®) was eallysatsfied when I frished 2. Which adjective in each pair below is gradable (G) and whichis extreme /ungradable (U)? 2) tred/exhausted ®) excited/thriles 6) interested/fascnated 3. Which modifiers in the box canbe used with gradable acjctves (G), with ungradabe (U) acjectves and with oth (8) fairly G very really absolutely completely B Work in pairs and cross out the incorrect alternative in ‘each sentence. Explain the reason for your choices. | A:T'm verydabsohotly intereste in languages. B: Yeah, I'm very/completely fascinated by them too. 2 Acl'm really/very exhausted. B: Yes, 'm (ary /absolutelytred too. 3. A: felt really embarrassed/embarrassing because | keot forgetting people's names, B: How embarrassed /embarrasing! 4. A: What was the most frustrated frustrating thing about it? Bi got very frustrated/frstrating when | forgot the steps. AA Choose fve adjectives from Exercise 28 and think of times you felt these emotions. Write notes to help you. B Work in pairs and take turns. Tell your partner about the experiences. I’ve Never Seen Star Wars [1 Neer Seen ta Wass 3 88 programe asd [on a simple idea: Take a celebrity and persuade them to try five experiences they've never done belore; not ‘extraordinary things but mundane and (irl trivial {activities that they've either always avoided or have never etunity to do. The prograrnme’s prodacer thought ofthe name afew years ago because, amazingly ‘enough, he'd never seen the flim Star Wars very week, the host, comedian Marcus Br ‘encourages his guests to undertake challenges such as ‘constucting flat-pack furniture, changing the olin a car, having a tap-dancing lesson, wearing extremely high heels, ing toa punk album. The show has receetly moved from radio to TV and, sofa, one guest has ad a piano lesson, another has tried online social networking andl a third has built a wall (in the studio!) No one has refused 3 challenge yet. Afr each experience, Brigstocke interviews his guest to find out how they rated the experience from one to ten and whether they would lice to try it again. The programme's appeal hes in Brigslocke’s charm and humour and his interaction with the guests, but aso inthe normality of the ‘experiences. We, the viewers, can relate to the guess reactions because we know the frustration of tying to put tether flat pack furniture o the pain of tottering around in bigh heels. Guests’ reactions vary from genuine enthusiasm, as when Barry Cryer a grandfather of seven tried changing a baby's nappy and awarded the experience a maximum ten out often, to absolute loathing couldn't ear it. Everybody is jolly o ‘cooking o: laughing or making music with not a genuine emotion inthe whole thing said Joan Bakewell, after watching the film Marina Mia, Another guest, when asked to change the oll a ‘ar admitted, ‘ve never tried to fix anything in a car, I've maybe ‘opened the bonnet a couple of times’ Taree weels ago, comedian 5A Read the review. Overall ist positive or negative? Read the review again and answer the questions. Which activities ae comected to making something? How do the guests g've feecback on their experiences? Why do people lke the programme! Give two reasons. What was the most negative reaction from a guest? Why does the presenter like the dea of the show? How might viewers benefit from watching the show! C Work in pairs. Match meanings 1-7 with the words in bold from the review. | not serious or important trivial 2 hating repeating ‘ordinary and boring the front part of a car over t makes use of ‘walking but almost faling over D_ Work in pairs and discuss the questions. || How many of the activities in the review azove haven't you done! Ave there any you woul like to try? 2 What oth ‘ordinary’ activities have you never done but would lke to try? Ask your partner if they have tried them, Arthur Sith gawe his piano lesson nine out of ten,“ was quite excited, actually, genuinely Very quickly, it sounded lke a tune Brgstocke, who hosted the programme on radio for two seasons before it moved to television, says, ve just discovered the quickest way to get to know a person is o Fave a ist of tings that ‘most people have done, and then ask therm if they have or havent done the things on the ist. I’ really simple, but fr example, Paul Daniels the magician has owned an orginal Beatles Revolver album since the sities and nt only has he never played it but he has never listened to any album of any kind, ever! als thing the show taps into something that has teen a reeureing theme is my life the need to explore new things, have new experiences, tur ‘cits best, the shaw lets us se the very familiar through fresh eyes. ts entertaining, amusing and can even, on occasions, be inspiring. Who knows, it ight give us all the motivation to try something new! FERAVINEAM present perfect and past simple 6 Check what you know. Match examples 1-5 with rules a)-e). || Brigstocke hosted the programme on racio before it moved to television, 2 lve just dlscovered the quickest way to get to know a person is to have a list of things 3. Paul Daniels has owned an original Beatles Revalver album since the sites. 4 Ve never seen Star Wars 5. The programme's producer thought of the name a few years ago. Rules: 4) Use the past simale fora single completed action in the past where the time is specified or understood. ») Use the past simale fora longer state or series of actions which began and finshed in the past. ) Use the present perfect for a completed action or ‘experience ina period of time up to now, often in one’s lifetime, The time is not specified {¢) Use the present perfect for a recent completed action in the past that i relevant to or has a result in the present. The time is not specified «) Use the present perfect for a state or series of actions which began in the past and continue to now. 7A Underline the time phrases inthe sentences. |. and, so far one guest has hada piano lesson 2 Noone nas refused lenge yet. 3 I've already seen Marnmna Mia, so let’ get another Dyo. 4 Three weeks ago, comecian Arthur Smith gave hs piano lesson nine out of ten, 5 lve put up five shelves this morning and it's only loam. 6 | put up five shelves this moraing before lunch. 7 We've watches the programme for five weeks now. 8 We watched the programme for six weeks. B Which verb form is used with each time phrase above? Why? C Look at the time phrases in the box. Which are usually used with the present perfect? Which with the past simple? Which can be used with both? sofar ago uptonow thistime last wees last month yet since for alreacy last night lately earlertocay in the summer lover te las fortnight 8 B17 Listen to the examples of fast connected speech. Write past simple (PS) or present perfect (PP) for each sentence. ' 3 5 7 9 246 8 10 lm page 128 LANGUAGEBANK 9A Complete the sentences with the correct form ‘of the verbs in the box. do gve be go live play try learn buy get What would you like to try on 've never seen Star Wars? + 1|__ (always) afraid of water, but finaly 2 to swim last year. Now I'd lice to swim in the sea. + 1?___ just) a video camera; my sister4___itto ime for my birthday. So’ keto learn how to ecita fil, + Hove music and |5___the piano for many years now, but there’ one instrument |___(not yet): the gutar a7 (never) anything online - I'm paranoid about giving my creditcard deal, but | know i's cheaper, so that would be my chovee. + Hiking inthe Alps. 1®___ in Austria since | was born, and everyone in my family °_to the ‘ps hiking loads of times. But somehow | (ever) aproper hike. B Work in pairs and discuss. Which activity in Exercise 9A would you most like to try? ele NENG word formation 0A 5)1.8 Work in pairs and complete the table with the noun form of the adjectives in the box. Then listen and check. feusteated awkward satisfied nervous embarrassed similar cisappointed generous exhausted anxous Aion B ment frustration Cuiylety | D ness B Underline the stressed syllable in each of the nouns in your table, Usea dictionary to help. Then listen again and check Match the noun suffixes (endings) in the table with the rules below. ‘The stress ison the sylable before the suffix 2. The stress is on the same sylabie asin the adjective. 11A Complete the sentences in the personality quiz with the correct noun ot adjective form. B Read the quiz again. For each sentence decide if you strongly agree (7), agree (/), disagree (X) or strongly disagree (XA). © Work in pai ‘and compare your answers. personality EI | often hesitate to speak in groups because | get embarassed easily, People often comment on how gen lam. oa EE] I notice sim, between myself and ‘other people more than differences. gu 8 My greatest fru___are related to my relationships rather than money. When I was younger, | was often awk in social situations, but not any more. | got allot of sat ‘rom helping people, | often fee! quite dis in my tends, for example when they don’t have time for me. 1E For mo, the best cure for xh. 's exercise, 1 gether Hil] | often feel intense anx iniits. in large groups. > page 148 VOCABULARYBANK 13) I'D LIKE TO ENQUIRE VOCABULARY FRX 1A Lookat the adverts A-E. Which two would Interest you most? Se) Bio dees Pee ey FUNCTION [ 2A B19 Listen to the phone conversation and answer the questions. enquiries ar | Who lithe woman phon! eee 2. Why is she phoning? TREE INTRODUCTORY OFFER. free har on the igh fll in your] | _3 Whatdct the med > dt deta and presen a the gmt sig up fort REE ng seson sree iode with a certified trainer, worth €30. Offer ends 30th January. 4 What does th 8 Compete the sentences. Then listen againand check : Renee emncnn 11 tate ata acoe wonéerrg Aescel ous in basse Englsk ironing Re sienna ening pron =o Eee eos sen een eer See 8 is deposit (non-refundable). Phone 0472 981634 to enrol ace Doe 4 Would beany of doing the vet on he Pore? 5 Doyou me what iG on D involves? (me Bengal Tiger )} “Keira Knightley“ | 6 Febereaiy you —_ Sawin oles pace Torre W Seanday nome Restaurant era a ee eee | 42 The tah street. | ro bosk on on ote om email for me! Tet octaber ah re: 0472 777421 [/ 8 ‘you tell me the ‘Group discount for mating performances, mje ren March 160 a | Twotor-one deal.| Come anv weekday \ [tens 2m, hone reserve sale. L__ Phone 0100 900 200, for tickets. $< SnipSnip Hair Salon (WEST GREEN ROAD Fre hang by diploma students working under the supervision ofatnince Come to SeipSnip thi Sound fon 102 Spring il be ole ona first come Bis served bass B Work in pairs and match mea bold from the adverts. | Ifyou go, your friend can come for freet Two for-one deal 185 1-8 with the words/phrases in 2 Anafternoon show 3. You need to pay part of the cost now, but this money can't be returned. 4 You can't book a place, just get there early! 5 Putyour name on alist for a course 6 Is only on fora short time 7 Write your name, etc. ona form 8 There's a maximurm number for this course. a Which of the words/phrases can be used to talk about a concert, @ cookery course, a sale in a shop and @ hotel booking? school opens? © B)1.10 Listen and mark the intonation at the end of each enquiry. Does it go down and up \7*or ust down? ‘Then listen again and repeat. ~y I'd like ta enquire about a course. 1m page 128 LANGUAGEBANK 3A Make the enquiries more polite using the words in brackets. | Which one do I need to catch to get by noon? (Could / tel) 2 Can use your two-for-one deal on a Friday night! (wondering / possibie) 3. Tell me about your poly for returned tickets. (ke / enquire) 4 | want a window seat, (Would / chance) 5 Tell me about withdrawal charges (Wouid / ming) 6 How much experience do your student hairdressers have? (ming / asking) 7. Explain that again from the bt about downloading the software, (I/ gratefl) 8 Where exactly would the cheaper apartment be! (Can / tell) B Workin pairs. In which situations could you make the enquiries above? TE SINGTON manage enquiries 4A Work in pairs. Read phrases 1~6 from the phone conversation. Who do you think is speaking, the receptionist (R) or the caller (C)? 1 Bearwith me a minute 2 Sorry to keep you. 3. Somy to be difficult, t's just that 4 Vd really appreciate your help 5 Can you hold on a minute? Il just see 6 ve got one more question, if 'm not keeping you. B Look at the audio script on page 164 and check your answers. © Work in pairs and find: | two parases showing the caller thinks she may be causing a 2. one polite ahrase from the receptionist meaning please be patient, 5 Work in pairs and role-play @ phone conversation to a sports centre, Use the flow chart to help. Sports Centre Receptionist aller Olympia Centre / help your} Tee Zena /avertsement/ {ree gym session. / some / Bear / me / minute. /acall/ questions /if / that / okay? the other line. (pause) Sory /, -— keep you. | /wondering / possible / two of us /| ¥ have / training session together? Can / hold / minute? | / just / see. (pause) Afraid / not. / training v session one perren. on: ‘OK. / Could / tell / how much / CL tile membersip / cost spends /Tevel of membership, 7 Information / our / website. [ry Thank /help. 7 Goodbye. GA Workin pairs. Student A: look at Situation 1, Student B: turn to page 158. Stuation | — Student A (Customer) You booked a fight online, but you entered the wrong date forthe return fight by mistake. Complete your information From to on Returning on you p by mistake), Phone customer service and try to change the booking. To prepare, make notes on two or three enquiries you will make and predict ‘what the customer service person might say. B Workin paits. Student A: Look at Situation 2. Student B: turn to page 158. Stuation 2 ~ Student A (Service person) ‘You work at the front desk of a hote and hancle reservations. Comy information Name of hotel Cost of upgrading to a better room Accustomer calls to check a booking an possibly upgrace to a better room. When the customer calls make sure you: + ask what the customer's name i. + don't find the booking immediately ony after a delay [| speakout Before making a phone enquiry, nate What you want to say and what the other person might ask you. This can help your Confidence, especially in formal stations. 1 Workin pairs and discuss the statements. Which ‘ones do you agree with? 1 IF go into anew situation, prefer iif no one know is there 2 | sometimes try to reinvent myself when | move into ‘anew situation, 3 find it hard to be open with people 've just met. 4 enjoy social situations where | don't know anyone. 2A Lookat the photos. What do you think the programme is about? B Read the programme information and check. Z Pal AA Watch the DVD. Who does these things? Write D (Danny), M (Danny's mum), B (Becky) or S (Shane). Sometimes there is more than one answer. Who 1 asks fora kiss? M 2 says'llove you"? 3. makes ajoke? 4 embarrasses Danny? 5 intoduces themseives? 6 Introduces someone else? B Watch the DVD again and complete the sentences. ‘Mum: Why don't you just let me come up and make Danny: And maybe you should just stay forthe first night and make 2 Becky: Inhaler boy. Danny:Oh, you saw that. Good, Iwas 3___ that not everyone had seen it Becky: | thought you were 4. | would let my 5 within a mile of the place. ‘Shane: | made it, man. Can you 6 __ it? There was one. 7___ left on moral philosophy with comparative philology | don't know what tis man, but it’s only four hours of 8 week! maybe go to the back? Sane: Chill cut, Granddad. What are you 10__Ike that for, charity or something? (C Work in pairs and discuss the questions. | What do you think will make itffcut for Danny to rake anew start? 2. What do you think will happen to the characters in speakout a first encounter 5A (5) 1.1 Listen to someone talk about a fist day at ‘work. Why did he Feel embarrassed? B Listen again and tick the key phrases you hear. Keyphrases (One of my [worst / funniest] memories is when | Ive had some very [embarrassing / awkward / strange] [experiences / dates / first encounters] in my life Vl always remember / never forget] the time | iestarted asa (typical / classi] [frst day / first date] was feeling [excited / embarrassed / nervous / shy / worried / out of my depth] spent the whole time [wondering / looking at] By [now / this time] | was feeling... 0 (suppose) | was [surprised /relieved / amazed] when 6A Think about your frst time in one of the following situations: + starting new job + saringa school or universiy + meeting ahose fay + movinginto anew fat + going for an interview + moung to anew country + sartng anew course or cass B Make notes about what happened, your first impressions and how you felt. C Work in pairs and take turns. Tell each other about your situation. Try to use some of the key phrases in your story. ae writeback a summary 7A. Read the summary ofthe story. What two facts are different from the recording? Dave's story was abouthis fist day ata new jab. He was twenty-three and a trainee inalaw firm, He described it as a typical first day, wth everyone feeling very nervous and trying to make a good impression Dave was at his desk reading a report and his new shoes were hurting, so he took mn of. He had been sitting there for over an hour when the head partner called him in to his office, Dave jumped up forgetting to put on his shoes, Th looked at him, and Dave felt increcily ‘embarrassed. When the partner asked him why he didn’t have shoes on, he couldn't think of anything to say, so he told the truth and said he had forgotten to put them on. ‘The partner simply smiled, and that was the end of i rushed in, B Write a summary of your partner's story. Exchange stories with your partner and check the facts, 1.5 << LOOKBACK PEaN ENE CWE 3A Complete the conversations ‘TA Choose atopic from the box with adjectives from the box. ‘and complete the questions. satisfied thrilled awkward transport family travel embarrassed exhausted shopping study fashion anxious frustrated relieved | Do you lice ..? Conversation 2 What's. ke? ‘Act had a terble right lastnight. | 3 How often do you ..? ees B:You must be ! 4 Have you ever 2 5 Would you ike to ..? 6 Why do you? B Make your questions indirect using the phrases below. Can |ask Could you tel me Do you mind me asking | was wondering Vd be interested to know C Work in pairs and take turns to ask and answer your questions. PERSONALITY 2A Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets so thatthe ‘meaningis he same. 1 He's quite reserved. keep) He keeps himself to himself 2. He docs ike working alone (person) 3 She never lets herself become Unfit, (particular) 4 She's so uncomplicated and easy totakto. (arth) 5 He's fun to be with. (aug) 6 ‘She's quite short of cash but she oten buys everyone coffee (ft) 7. He does his share ofthe work (weigh) 8 Ido my best work afer midnight. (ous) B Work in pairs and discuss. ‘What combination of personal qualities above would make a good colleague, a good friend and a good accountant?’ door in my pyjamas. It was my boss B:l betyouwere?_? Al certainly was! Conversation 2 A got the job! Congratulations! You must be 3 A:Yes,t'm4__because I shought 1d done badly atthe imerview. B: We were all sure you'd gett B Workin pairs and add very, really, absolutely, fairly or completely before adjectives 1-4 in Exercise 3A. Then practise the conversations. eae) PAST SIMPLE 4A Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple form ofthe verbs in brackets. 1 Since I starte this cours, | ny speaking (prove) 2 1 tothe United Stats yt, bit ike to. (ot go) 3 1 areal altri (never 7) 4. When was young |__ina band, ad ly again, (phy / san) 5] cto geod angio rath month (8), 6 1__brealse tis morning and is wo o'dlock now. (not eat) B Workin pairs and discuss. Are any of the sentences in Exercise 4A true for you? EMEC w NE 5A Rewrite the sentences to make ‘them more polite. Use the phrases In brackets | I need some information about train times to Vienna. (like t0 enquire) 2. Which rain de I need to take to get to Vienna by 3pm? (Can you tel me) 23 How far ist from the Western to the Southern train station? (Can | ak) 4, Where can I get information on local transport in Vienna? (Do you mind me asking) 5. Do Ineed to book a seat on the train? (Iwas wondering) 6 Can! book on the phone? (Could you tell me) 7. Could you bookit forme? (Iwas wondering if) 8 Could you send me an ema confirmation? (Ud be grateful if) B Workin pairs and take turns. Role-play a phone conversation between a tourist information officer and a customer. Use the sentences in Exercise 5A to help you. A: Iid like to enquire about train times to Glasgow. B: Certainly. What would you lke to kaow? ‘A: Gan you tell me what tain I need to take to get to Glasgow by bpm. please? B: Let me just check EIB VIDEO PODCAST Peek Pomerening oad the question: eee] Cree) interviews UNIT 2 aC} » Talk about big issues 5 eee ac aed pee Pes er erg rT rere aoe els pean ord Ace uu eg CUI} Ee ug Cg tas STU} Nae aed Ae as Ts ed EL ThX ue eho De Oem oad Conny RS [ern Oe ec ee ee yA 1 Look at the photos and discuss. What are the people doing and why are they wearing red noses? 2A Read the articles and answer the questions. | What's Comic Relief? Who participates in Comic Relief events? 2 3 What happens on Red Nose Day? 4. How often does it happen? 5 Which of the activities described in the second article involve: ) looking sly? ®) not taking? 6) net sleeping? B Work in pairs and discuss the ‘questions. | Would you be willing to do any of the activities in the artice? 2 Doyou think Red Nose Day would be essful in your country? C Guess the meaning of the words in bold in the second article. Use. ‘questions 1-3 below to help you. ‘Then work in pairs and compare your || Which part of speeciis each word? 2 Is there anything in the surrounding context to help you work out the ‘meaning? 3 Do you recognise any parts of the word, or t simla to another word you know in English or in your language? Eye opening: 1) It’s an adjective 2) She may be surprised or happy 13} I's made of eye and open probably means surprising When you are reading, try to guess meanings of new words so that you don't stop reading in order to look them up. Ask yourself about the part of speech, context and similarity to other words COMIC RELIEF SCM TC Lome ULL aU Pe ° ia cry fats adn 185. aso See teeet eer reese tel ne Ux nace wiles peso ‘oe ews Or kes mney roa Ys oN snarling sang aa be ery ao Ta ee Day es tang bes ara eK hg she rune gee wea ef ed ats Cay pane al ere coat parole coog unis igs tata te case nd ay nh eee BE ca tn ce Cartes card sts x alas overs abe ops Cr Refit supports in the UK and around the world. fs Toate Cri be cas has Pree ey eee es ee (rt sont dn aren ae fo asa sors oo Dy ae a eee Finland, loeland, Nonway and Germany. mann ‘cording to is website, Coc Relies ages tol ‘is the ably to inspire people crocs te whole country ~ especially those who dont pormally do charity = to do tanty’ Red Nose Day seems to bing out the best an craziest in people, and tis faterncon we were out and about asking people what they were doing "We came to work this moming in our pyjamas and took a bucket round to colect snonoy fom aur cleaques sai Maia D'Angelo outside the ofc where she wars ‘re boon eye-opening actualy. ve been working here fora year and ts the fist time ve spoken to some of my clleaque. Traum the set, ouside a shoe shop, manger Chris Bayley was sting in a bath ful af something gran. ‘'ve dosed the shop and 'm spending the day in this ely, he txplaned, "Do you want to ty some? tastes good! How cide fee? Tm reezng! Ive Toon siting here forfour hours now. But people waking by ave been very generous safc contol officer, Sonia Gold, was taking a break from directing traffic ve hag this red nose on since eight o'lck his moming and ve had a great ime, Everyone Magood mood. Altof te cies have been waving at me of heating ard ite aot the cars are ‘wearing’ red nses to. rand at Oakfed Junior School everyone had ther red noses on butt was strangely stontin the corridors. One student, Wesley, wrote fr us in his notebook: Wee having ‘sponsored silence. | havent opened my mouth al day, excepto eat Only one ore row now The teachers, noted, semis tobe enjoying the unaccustomed quiet. crore was msi, tough, coming from the school hal where about fry people were taking patina twenty four-hour dance marathon. Pau Yee looked wom out. totaly evtaustd Woe been dancing for ele hous, andt'm not sue can survive Ht then Wis partner, Yasmin Mckay, was bursting with energy. "Only twelve ours t2 90! ssid Yasmin, My friends have sald they't double their donations it we finish’ Everyone was getting involve: wih cake sales, pub quizzes, sponsored swims You name itand someone Was doing this town is anything to goby, it looks as f Red Nose Day is sat to break all records this year CEIVAUIVIAGM present perfect simple and continuous 3A Werkin ps and heck what you ow. Complete the seteces with the present perfect simple or continuous. Then chec wih te pres Then check your answers re here for a year (work) 2h money for over twenty years. (raise) overhatabllion pounds (as) 6 the shop. (close) B Match rules 1-3 with the sentences in Exercise 3A. Rules: | Use either the present perfect th : simple or the present perfect continuous (both are correct) for an activity or state which started in the past and continues ua to now. /, 2 2 Use the present pevfect simple: 3) witha state vero, ) fora completed action, 6) for a completed result, in answer to How much /emany? 3 Use the present perfect continuous! a) for a rexeated or continuous activity bb) when there s present evidence of a recent actvity 4A © 2.1 Listen and write the sentences. B Underline the main stresses and mark any weak forms (/a/ or //)in the auxlary verbs. Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat. How lang have you been working here? mp page 130 LANGUAGEBANK 5 Complete the text withthe present perfect simple or continuous form ofthe verbs inthe box. If both are possible, use the continuous form. werk follow become visit meet live (recently) recrut know couble grow " ve beea waking _ wit Fairtrade organisations to help ceveloping markets tet air prices for goods since | fished University, and 1? lover thity countries in connection with my work. Thisyear a cone of my favourite counties, Ghana, 4 so many wonde-fal peoaie here and been imaressed by their strength and optimism, One of my closes fends Ku, wh coming here. since | started cocoa al lis Fairtrade guidelines for producing cocoa for several years now. He ® ‘ore than thirty other farmers into our ‘group and they? the volume of cocoa exported. As a rest, Faintrade '@ i. fone ofthe most important movements in this region, GA Complete the questions with the present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets. f both are possible, use the continuous form. i hare recent? (you/wor) 2 How long, your dosest frend? (you/know) 3 You look well What 2 (yous 0) 4 How many times you fayourte film! (you7see) 5 the same name? ( (your country/always/have) 6 How ong to this class? (you 7 How many coffees ay! today (yourering) 8 How long. on this exercise? (you/work) B Workin paits and take turns. Askand answer the questions in Exercise 6A.

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