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The Search For: Better Health Chapter 1 Health and Disease

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Chapter 1 Health and disease

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Assumed Knowledge ). &/#53

This information is drawn from pages 187–192 of the Biology in Focus: Preliminary
Course textbook. Linked to
page 240
The role of mitosis
If cell division occurs in unicellular organisms, it results in asexual
reproduction—one organism becomes two, but no sex cells or gametes
are involved. (This will be dealt with in more detail in the last module.) In
multicellular organisms, cell division is a process that leads to the formation of
new cells that form part of the organism and, as a result, contribute to the growth
of the organism or the repair of damaged tissue.
The role of mitosis in multicellular organisms can be summarised as follows:
■ growth
■ repair of damaged tissue and replacement of worn out cells
■ genetic stability : mitosis ensures the precise and equal distribution of
chromosomes to each daughter nucleus, so that all resulting cells contain the
same number and kind of chromosomes as each other and as the original
parent cell
■ asexual reproduction: e.g. growing plants from cuttings (more detail in the
last module) and cloning—an artificially-induced form of asexual reproduction
in multicellular organisms that relies on human intervention and genetic
modification (more detail in the HSC course).

The process of mitosis

The growth or repair of tissue begins with the formation of new, identical cells by
the process of cell division. Cell division occurs in a cycle and involves two main
1. mitosis—the division of the nucleus
2. cytokinesis—the division of the cytoplasm.
The cell cycle
Cell division and enlargement occur in a repetitive sequence called the cell cycle,
with one complete cell cycle taking about 18 to 22 hours in many species (see
Fig. 5.3). Mitosis is only one part of this cell cycle and usually takes about an
hour or two. Before a cell divides, it undergoes preparation for division and this
preparation phase, called interphase, takes much longer.
Interphase is subdivided into three stages, G1, S and G2:
■ G1 is a gap phase during which cell enlargement takes place before the DNA

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interphase (G1, S, G2 phases)

cytokinesis (C)



telophase prophase
anaphase metaphase

Figure 5.3 The cell cycle: each wedge represents 1 hour of the 22-hour
cycle in human liver cells growing in culture

■ S phase is a synthesis period when DNA replicates—that is, the DNA in the
cell makes an identical copy of itself, so that each dividing cell has two copies
at the start of mitosis. When the cell divides, one full copy ends up in each
resulting daughter cell
■ G2 is a second gap phase after replication, when the cell prepares for division.
Mitosis (division of the nucleus) then occurs, followed by cytokinesis (division
of the cytoplasm).
Mitosis is a highly co-ordinated process, ensuring that the replicated
chromosomes separate and are equally distributed to the daughter cells. Mitosis is
a gradual and continuous process, but is usually described in four phases to make
it easier to understand. (It is not necessary for students to know the names of these
phases, but learning them may make it easier to remember the process.)
Mitosis: introduction to terminology
■ Chromosomes (see page 90) contain linear sequences of genes, the units of
heredity that code for the inherited characteristics of an organism; for example,
in humans chromosomes code for our eye colour, hair colour and height.
■ Each organism has a set number of chromosomes (e.g. humans have
46 chromsomes, a platypus has 52 and a lettuce has 18).
■ In a non-dividing cell, the DNA and protein occurs as chromatin material, but
once the DNA has replicated the chromatin material separates into short, thick
individual rod-shaped structures called chromosomes.
■ Each chromosome consists of two identical copies of a DNA sequence.
■ Each chromosome splits longitudinally and the duplicated arms of the
chromosome are held together by a structure called a centromere. These

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two identical arms are termed daughter chromatids (see Fig. 5.4) and
their segregation to opposite poles occurs during mitosis. Following this,
the cytoplasm divides, separating the two daughter nuclei from each other.

Mitosis: stages
Although mitosis is a continuous process, it is easier to understand it if we analyse
the process and name identifiable stages within the process. There are four
main stages of nuclear division in mitosis: following on from interphase are the
stages prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. The late stages of nuclear
division are accompanied by the start of cytokinesis. The process of cell division
is summarised in Table 5.1 on page 4–6.



within chromosome


chromatin fibre
central nucleosome


DNA DNA double helix (duplex)

Figure 5.4 Diagram representing the changes to chromatin material in dividing cells

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Table 5.1 Mitosis in an animal cell

Stage Description: Mitosis Diagram

This is the S phase of the cell cycle, where DNA synthesis occurs: nucleolus
cell parent
■ DNA replicates (makes an identical copy of itself). cell
■ It appears to diffuse (spread out) and is termed chromatin material.
■ It is not yet recognisable as individual chromosomes.

membrane centrioles

(a) G2, late interphase: cell completes

DNA replication

■ Chromatin material shortens and thickens by spiralling and separates daughter chromosome splits
out into individual chromosomes. chromatids longitudinally
■ Each chromosome contains two copies of the DNA.
■ The chromosomes split longitudinally into two arms, the daughter
chromatids, held together by a centromere. Each chromatid contains
one copy of the DNA.
■ The nuclear membrane begins to break down and is no longer visible;

a spindle begins to form from the broken down material and extends
across the cell (like the imaginary lines of longitude that are drawn on
a globe of the world). nuclear
breaks down
spindle fibres
centromere begin to form

(b) Prophase: chromosomes condense,


become visible and spindle apparatus


■ The chromosomes line up across the centre or the ‘equator’ of the spindle fibres
cell, each attached to the spindle fibres by a centromere.
■ The centromere divides horizontally.

centromere chromatid
(c) Metaphase: chromosomes align along
the equator of the cell

continued . . .

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Stage Description: Mitosis Diagram

■ The spindle fibres contract, and as the daughter chromatids begin centromere
to separate, they are now termed daughter chromosomes. They
are pulled towards opposite poles of the cell and their movement is
assisted by the centromere.

fibres daughter
contract chromosome
(d) Anaphase: sister chromatids separate
to opposite poles of cell

■ The daughter chromatids gather at opposite poles of the cell.

■ The spindle breaks down.
■ The nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappear. nucleolus
■ Nuclear division or mitosis is now complete. The result is two nuclei
that have the identical chromosomes to each other and to the original
nucleus in the parent cell. daughter



(e) Telophase: nuclear membranes

assemble around two nuclei

continued . . .

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Stage Description: Cytokinesis Diagram

■ Division of the cytoplasm, separating the two

daughter nuclei so that each is in its own

Cytokinesis differs in plant and animal cells:

—animal cells: the cytoplasm constricts in
the centre of the cell, between the two
daughter nuclei and it ‘pinches off’ (similar cell
to squeezing a round balloon in the centre nuclei
until the edges meet and then giving it a constricts daughter
twist to separate it into two bubbles!) cells

(f) Cytokinesis: division of cytoplasm into two; G1, early interphase

of daughter cells

—plant cells: cytokinesis involves the nucleus cell plate nucleus chromatin
formation of a cell plate while the nucleus forms material
is still in telophase; thickenings appear
on the spindle fibres in the region of the
equator and they join up to form a cell cell wall
plate made of pectin compounds. Cellulose
is then deposited on either side, forming
a cell wall to separate the two daughter

(g) Cytokinesis in plant cells

Note: As we already know, the number of chromosomes varies from one species to another. To keep the diagrams
simple, they show a progressive sequence of events in a cell with two pairs of chromosomes.

■ explain the need for cytokinesis in cell division
Cytokinesis is the final step in cell division. It is the division of the cytoplasm and
begins while the nucleus is completing its division. Cytokinesis is important to
separate the newly formed daughter nuclei, to ensure that each cell has only one
nucleus. The outcome at the end of mitosis and cytokinesis is two daughter cells
that have the identical chromosomes to each other and to the original parent cell.
The daughter cells will then enlarge until they are the same size as the original
adult cell (assimilation as well as cell enlargement occurs). The nucleus of each
cell controls all the cell activities; it is interesting to note that the ratio between the
proportion of nucleus and cytoplasm is kept constant. If the cytoplasm exceeds a
certain proportion of the cell, the ability of the nucleus to control it decreases and
this may be involved in triggering the cell to divide.

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(a) Late interphase (b) Early prophase (c) Prophase (d) Metaphase

(e) Anaphase (f) Telophase (g) Cytokinesis (h) Early interphase of

daughter cells

Figure 5.5 Images of a living cultured newt lung cell dividing, showing
nuclear division followed by cytokinesis

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